The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, September 24, 1847, Image 4

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    "C 2 F.N TAYLOR NE'VER crnnr~ ~ ;,,,n '.
James 0. Hunter's
Ab. 40 Front st.. Coinnabite,
Sign of the Big Hat and Cap, directly opposite
the Bridge, and adj , ining Black's Hotel.
The sunbcr.ber begs lease to teturit
his thanks to his friends and. the pub
he generally, for the very libe.,tl pat
ronage he,ctof.,re eNtended to li.m,
and hope., by etriu t attention to bast-
Hess, to receive a cantina loon of th...r
fasors.: he goes upon the principle "a nimble sir
pence is better than a slog shilling," and to e airy
out Viz Tri - I , lple, makes quick sales at 5m. , 1 1
values. ills place of business i. not a br.ed, trout,
or 01 gre,t splendor, but he flatter.. hism.elf tnat
tie can Bun ei.W,otnersbett%r,ai.t. 11 1
cheap;:, th..n
persons who do business in big brick houses, nod
make n great fuss about selling goods at cost, he
does not sell goods at co,t, but. sells at a small
ranee, and by so doing expects t ple.iso ill th in
may favor him with thoir patr.mage. lie 1,1 .ests
all person:, after vismrg some of the •Itoss, es
tablishment: along Fr-tit btre.2t, to drop in :it No
4U, (sign of the Big Fat and Cap) and compare
the goods and I.nces of the ti ff-rent establish
ment, anti he is s ati.aled he can sell then a b Ater
article, and at a loner price thin any other store
in the borough.
fiats and Capps,,,
Of the latest 'IN ie u i 1 fashion al‘,ll, s on h ml, at
very lot' price., arid warrallt,ti eooal to a.) mon.
tdartared in State .1140—Gertleualt t
t.ttot and Children', 'and b 1 e
Hoots, Shoes alifl Slippers.
have been v, •.t•ah grim. c.-e. a re,
prd io qubllty au l 111 a ke, .nct tv ill hv it
lowest rotes.
Just sati-ty lourcelf by calling at \o. 1U 11 tont
9 tree:, Coituttl;ta,,, pour the t;rtdc:,.,
11. HUNTER, .Ig,nt
Ali!, 1, IS-17
Notice to Builders.
THE undersigned is appointed agent for
the Peach Bottom :7.1. E ; A REY .
and is prepared to Slate any hoof, etcher of a
house or Barn that. may be wanted in the
CJunty, he having on hand at his yard in
lumbia, at all tunics, the be ,, t article of Slate
and can furnish worlonen of tho ty %seals es,-
perienee. All roofs warranted rot to leak if
the Building does nut sink or give way. Char
ges moderate to suit the times.
JEB EMI Al 1 BROWN, Agent,
for :he Hon. Jeremiah Brown & Company.
June 12, !547.
A c appl,o-:•1011,..1 1 he the fl ea , :••=l,-,,,,,
of the Green. Aqe• nlbl, rl ti•••• :••••-cel of I'.
walla, for the ineorpora: .1 o: a f:tolop olv u0.,1••r
the rain° and ••ot le. or ito-nd• •1 rarer an; - , vie of
"The Colzreihre 1,PI111(1011, " it ~Ic, ,g •i•
nd ae en (Mice of (1,..c.01:,t )oil !, a r)t , •
tel not excl•cdwrz one hundred tholl:and dollaro,
be located in the bon (•u_lll of C,,,lntn . P.u. 1.311 l (lb t r
Coun:y. Pormay 3!AII:
Colltnbi 1. duo'' 19, 1117 fm
ijctrbtuave t Cjai:olltvcc
Tho silLser Ow; reqp-c11::1) c LI
,1 the attenuot: of the ci.1701, ge`icr-
MI), t, tht•tr a , -ortnv.nt of
Hardware, GE:ass. Paints, Oils,
cedar-Ili arc.
IVe ?I've just rcroive , l in addi•i,,n to onr trslr,
HARD IVA IZE. CUTLERY and IsuilLhnz 11 ,t ,, -
rtalq of oh description, such o , TOCK:S, HINGES,
PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and N% hale 011.:4,
Bar, Rod and Bffoop Ivoo.
of all riz s, ANVILS, VICES J;il
of the I•est quil:ty, all of t% L tin
lowest pricers. Petsf , n-4 wish.ri q to pur.ilL., i%%
find It to thi tr advanta , ro to ea II -t
Coun.b:a, Ipril 7, 1:517—1f
SRPESI • I-; TitA;
n 's A 2 G E
THE b,ttolic.le ever het entetl lor
keened:4e to a Razor. or any tine
To t.have, or not to hare, tht,t's the ones:ton;
Whether 'us De11..21, on the tvitule, to suffer
Th' ..utragertus ,r.itri;7,, of an 0.1.;e1.,. razor;
Or, I , uy a bos of lixttittreett l'ttwol
Wherewith to net tilt. '—t r bus,—to use,—
No more t—lor in is tit“ , ,ve korttiv har..
A ~..overttftvi ' , al n for al: the itqne..--tor 6netZn
Toe ft,. io h•ir ft.—n. 4 a c0a , 1 , :l •,,1
Delomly to he i' Pll To 013, t• c^rar
TO Seftlr p •Lha'.ee to s7t...atrt;-- - rt,eht‘rt-'.. tr.e
uh ;
For in that I.nrr; 1 =•rvre o nny
(Particu , arly if tn•• t lc: . t.
:NI int gtv.
Its • • `ti"!+. their
I • to 1.,
And ai..l ts I's dull razor.
'When the remedy, tot
May lisdic. r
Men', z the thev ha, e
Tim I tin j:
Firri,e; e, warrniled in glee
keen shirp •0 tufty r.v.r nit been
wed h,r quirr:.;n; st )1, nr sh.t .nez err, hais)
in a shorter I tmle t'. m nii!.l be requii,d
with the be!d. ' , cute. It cqicrzedes the usu of the
hone al;ng.ti er
void by C R I:STURM - 1, Lart,t Street
lumbia, where ..tly be ecru numerous certlntate,
teqifyin: to v..= ,xcenerv.e.
Price tti cen'. a b..N•.
nsil 7, I tt 17 --tf
Or Plingiral Training, to male their Liecs in this
World Lonz dad Hippy, by the author of "Edu.
cation As It Is, Ought To Br, and ;Ifurhe fir,"
First Amctison Edition, with Additions:
at a:einem:li) , and inlet, nting treatise on
Set: No,iinderfg,t. Con tillii Ig short and entertain
ing article., on
11.GrarCI. 7 ,' 0r T. .1.1 ZF nal, Heart, Glands, Strength,
GRAEP Eat tact., Stomach, Nerve., Recreations
E,Nri yr:GETABLE TILTS. 1) , , ,,„, ,i ,,, , Liver, Draini, Old Age,
ir r Fie subncr,htlr in raga: l :l,ly ap,iointed ag. , nt Mii a d, I.lllizn. Mind, Man,
for the tale of th• Graccenharg Vezeiaiile St:crewing, Arttiries. Senses, Woman,
'ill, These pill+ arc compounded upon the pe.- 11, ad,
Vt inn. He ilth, Do.ease,
itivo and fixed fain, of na' are, and the fat:n(l.oton , ,cr. &e. &c. &:. &c.
of which is id p•rfc-t liCe , rda.ire with the apin. ' Together unit) the (;,cat Secret— SUCCM in
ions of the most eitiliatt,t mt dicta; m..n, They ii it Life nes sit tined-11,m t. , tit, Good—Cruses and
cleanse and inv,,viraie the stomach, freely pi., Like:, of 1 .: - rar—llabitn—Rts.sians—Wornan do
the bowels, oi. en the pores, gist a plennint tem- scribid—M a n des rihed—Man's Errors—Rich
ovatute and tone to the skin, end do all this in the : and Poor—Sexes—Virit.e. and Vice—Youthful
gentlest manner, v. - I:beet doing violence to the 4- ,Erritis—Widu it low made dd io 3 le — Woman's
sy:tem. Price ti:s cts. per lox. ' Viitues, Amitition, 5.... c., &?.
C. WEs T Ilan oli •The uhole d.Firt,tied for the noble purpose of
AA-rat J,,, eau/ t alc. impaling and rxhriiing etitientinn amongst the
Columbia, Masi 2', 7;17, I enple, imparting V.I o.olp knots ledge on the phy•
' s , ology of the human franc. and the laws which
FLI:E L I .; l ir.4 . A 1 .4 70, . I g overn mental and ii,ddy hi alth, &c., 6.:c., &e.
ON Wednesday the 59th of September next, '
at one o'clock 11l the at tcrnoon. will he r -- ", Any person sendi, g 25 rents enclosed in a
Leiter shall re fo r . el .i nt i e , onza d p r y , l , ,,y wait, or fin e copies
Address, ;testa:to paid.
sold at public sale • at the tra,..r. cf Edward I "111 ' e
t . G. B. ' Z ' E.I ii ER & Co.,
Jacobs. a certain tiro story flame dinellinz I 17 „, 22 a ic4 . 7
house and half lot of on Third j
street. between Locust and tVa:nut st rn .,,,, i G.. j-• - " This . val - uah . le work contains (in duodecimo
fronting on Third street twenty-three feet pia. ,; form) 177 melt
inches, late the property of Ann IX e w. i, d e ,.
ceased, whore artenClance and terms of sale
will be made known by
EV A N GREEN. Admistrator
of the estate of Ann Welsh, deceased
Columbia, August 53. 1.:17--61
removal and permanent cure of all d.gea4e ari
sing from an impure state of the blood, or habit
or the system. For sale et Leader's Drug
Store. WM. A. LEADER, Av.
July 2i, 1847.—tf
41Ai", AT Tilt
corner of Quarry.
Gold Les er Watches, fir jewelled, 18 carat
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled,
Silver Lew! . Watches, set en jewels,
Sliver Lepine Watches, jewelled, finest
Su, , erior Quartier Watches,
lout ttion Quartier Watches,
Gold Spectacles,
Fine Biker Spectacles,
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones,
L,dhe• Gold Pericilg, 16 carats,
(.;odd ringer f?.ing , cents to 38—Wetch
14ain cents. p.tent Idj. Lunet 25.
otti,r articles in pr.port.on All goods warrant
ed to be •hat tnty are
0 I and..ozn, G.J'd and Silver lo•vers. I.epineß
and Quartieri ki,er Ilia!, the iil , ove prices.
A prd I J 1547. ly
t , ,
, G l l AV WAT CHES '
. 1 fiz*2-'.,;!.....) T h e CL ea pest Gold and Sit yet-
VW A T C:111 6 ;
/ N-\--1
) 1-1 1:i" . )) IN PIIIIADELPIIIII.
E,E.' IN' IS 1..11)0M US,
Offers , Pm Side
lnl.l Lever. foil Joe ellud
do do
Gold Lepinev
Silvrr do do
Qu.ut tern. tier quality
Gold Watch., n 1 tin
rr t 4 pertat les
Gold Pencil.
Gold Ilroc••lety
Ott in nu o large ntottortntettt ITottl anti Hair Bravoletn t
Foe', It tnn-. Ito Ist Pins. !loop T'nr IT lllg., Gold t'eu• , .
Toot,. ottlitota, (Told Not I:
(2ortt nod Fon (*lt mot. (Zonrti lieett,ttnd Jeu et,
ry ,1 , •., owl°, at e width low prim•.
km,t ,
n•urati tl to keep c„ni tom'' for olio scar. I)!] Gold
nil 'iau•r bought °rink', 111 t,ellance.
For ,a'a2 c.glst day and ilitrtv hour bra....
1.1:W1'.4 I. t1)0N111,1 ,..
11',ttch, .I.lVelry .tnre. No. 11:1! Niarktt
Oho,. 110. Nottlt
N. B. 1 o• 1; 1 1 1 11.1011 Silver Les,. 14011,1nel!
II) In 71^, 11.,,ve prn.a... A liberal II n.e.ount tae
r.s. 1 all and ••••• Cor Soltr,lvex.
~ e p[cwb•r
C 01,17 31 BIA Alt C A 1)F
The subscriber respectfully informs hi,
friend., and the public ~. .enerally he is now
re-I,:y to them at his NEW ESTali-
LI.':II3IEAT, the three-story' building in
scree!, (rot ttuabia,
on the lot formerly occupied by John Ibiney,
as n ro;mwalk.!mends keeping on hand a
select is sot tment of I.lsi.ionably made
Tie has just luta:ma f' en Philadelphia ai.,l
New York with a ndiel assortment
of all kinds of r Intlong, made of the hest ma
termi and ni the late-t. style—cons hating in
partlrlerrine bine and black cloth COATS,
Free!: and Sick Coats, Peli+se Cloth and
Tweeds of eact y color and go ality.
A r. , ;o—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimere, Cloth, and all.otlwr PANTS, suit
able for Spring, Slimmer and Winter, of every
sue and description.
P.STS--rigured, Silk, Satin, Merino and , ..eilleg,,niabie for all , ea-ons and of ca et v
size, civic and quality; to }itch is added a
beam i!al assortment of fine Linen
hit; Muslin, Cheek and Plain do.; 80... n,
...n, and Collar 4, Diatvcrs and Undershirts.
Al , o, a large lot of Cravats Suspender., half
I lose, ,c c. girt endless quantity of
Wtootu and Shoes of ail sizes.
Hats and Caps,
7'rarrl6nig..7'l nks, C,,pd Bags cud Vahrrs
a vpri. ty of notions Or tedious to mention
rill he Tho:. Fr oi ,t
ee door, east of try
It. Ciotnint? made to o:der the Store.
lie a large supply of goods on hand by the
piece and a first taro Tailor in attend:lore.—
Do not inktahe the place, three story building
on the lot formerly oceanic(' as a Rope Walk.
Pt rsons %sill find LL to their ads :Image to give
him a edll as he is determined to sell as low as
any other establishment in the Cf .17 nt y and war
raat, all goods. Ile sills as he represents
rn when sold or the money w:II be refunded.
Colamlwn..illtle 5, 1917.
IL } on trim lie been sitting in the
„ Al \ of ,greasy
fe.h oil, that is now being Rold
theronnill. roe - perm oil, are invit
ed to call Vgright's. and purclinue a pair
f and of one quart of the
flail , o'd by them, and if no are net entirely
.sati;iied xv,th the article. you have only to re
torn Lie L7IM2q, and have our money refund
oil i . ,in nv o f rvory ,:icprlpl inn nPered to
born .1.1). .1. 15 lUGHT.
(W.llinbta, May 1 - ?7, 1•647.-11
The subscriber respectfully announces to his
friends and the public, that he has again re
turned to Columbia, after his long illness and
resumed hi. station; all customers will now
al,as Cod Lim on hand ready at all times to
accommodate them lie is thankful fcr the
patrocige heretofore so liberally bestowed upon
him and hopes strict attention to merit a
continuance of the same.
Goiden Martz' Drug &ore, Frcnt r. Columbia.
Coltambla, .Twis 1647
B - B. CLIAN!,-4TON.
7/21 , 531"3. aniAllf
'PHIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon
the principle that the human frame is subject
to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz: corrupt humors,
which, when floating in the general mass of cir
culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, but
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady incident to man.
Let it be remembered that the human body and
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are ti/wally
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and
natural n manner, that while they every day,give
ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is
Literally Dliren from the Body.
The tollowing hi,ihly respectable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Ashville, Taylor & Pierce.
Bears ille, Iteunen Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher.
Bre tersville., Samuel H. Miller.
Bird-in-Hand, Jaerrh Bruner.
L'ethania, John Allen.
Bart Township, W. W. P.u=srnore.
Belieview, Buyers & Umbalr.
Bowmativille. Samuel Bowman.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brownstown, Samuel Hahn
Buck Tavern P 0, Geo r Clark
Belmont. F Houton
Collins Ferry. Abraham Collins.
Chestnut Lrwel, M. Sparrant & Housekeeper
Cambridge, Irwin &. Black
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman.
Crntrs ville, John Pusey.
Church Town, L. &,E. Rogers.
Coopersville, E. I.a wis.
Concord, Geo W. Mmes.
Columbia, Foy & Spangler.
do Joseph Watts
Cherry Hill, S Webster
Druniore, John A, Boyd.
Earl Township, George Duchman.
do do Weaver & Witmer,
do do Davis Wallace.
Earl , illo West, Samuel Ilull.
Elizabethtown, John Ly rich.
Eplirat 1, John Gros , .
Ephrata, Ni w. L. S. Hacker.
do \Vcci, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparran.
Fulton noose Township, L. P. lrilkinson.
Georgetown, M'Cainia & Buyer
Goshen, S E Fairlanib
Heniptield. ltingwalt & Martin.
Hanstown, Z Killian
Hinkleton 11. J Wickle
I iriere , iirse, Thomas II Imes.
1...11:,5vi11e, John C. Landis
Leaeock township, Fr ederit Swope.
L taperer Square, J. P. & D. II Herr.
Linz, Nathaniel S. %Volley.
Lanci,t, 1, John Zimmerman.
Morin( Joy, Witmer & Cassel.
Mount vine, John Devlin.
1 1 1.trietta, W. A & B. Spangler.
Mechanicsville, Jacob 8011.
Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co.
Maytown, John Reinhold.
do Slayinaker & Co.
Nlinersville, Henry Fool..
Martim.dle, Stock & Fr 11.
Marne Iron Works, 1-1 Coleman.
Metier Pleasant, !vex M'Curriant.
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer
M Ist , r=onvi:le, Joseph Ma‘terson
Ni title Township, Hualr Moore
Mechanic's Grove, N Wells
New Holland, Brulraker & Co.
New Providence, & Meyer.
New Berlin, Levi Mentzer & Co
New Texa'. Carter & Lewis.
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
o,k Shade. Miser & Pierce,
Oak Rum John P Harlan-
Orecon, Abraham Shenk.
Petersburg, John Staufr.r.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
do S. W. P. Boyd.
nt Grove, Haines & M'Cullough.
Penn 11111. Alm:ander Johilon.
Pion Township, Jacob singer.
tin G. & L. Lewis.
Paradr-e, A R. &A. L. Witmer.
p a -ey's M.hlon Posey.
qua. Jas C Skiles N.- Co
P. ach flown - rt. Will. Al flnr Ti
Qat rrryville, Haines & H eiisr t.
Red House, David Lee.
awlin,v ille, John Raw
itelonstown, J.. 11 Sal lila.
spring% dle, Saml I lir.nv
Safe Harbor, JAI. 11. Ti k Son,
Sadsbuly Meeting If nese, S:ont'l Sellers.
Sandersborg. Chew & Grable.
Strasburg, Wm Spencer.
Sporting Hill, John Metzler.
Salsbury, t 3 Freeland
Turl,e Hill, Pt ter Manning
Wasinnat..n. lohn A. Brush.
Willow Street, Benj. Bower.
Waterloo, Baldwin & Oterholtzer
NV !lite R. ck Forge, .lohn Alexander., .1 C Bop rs
81., 00
5 00
1 ,75
$l5 nu
15 , 00
Er..:l,i'•olficec ripen ed eNclu.n.ply to the sale 'f
bidial Vegetable Pilo, ,110ie , ale and
mail. 169 11..ce trcet, Philadelphia; 298 Green
wich Street, New York; and 19S,
A iril
First Premium Writing Ink.
TH.: Ink h- for a long while become mita
as a National article, and the following
testimonials from WaNhington City, prove its
merits to that distinction.
Ilouse of Representatives.
Washington City, February:24, 1843.
I state that I have used the Ink, during the
present session of Congress, manufactured by
Joseph a (lover, Esq., of Philadelphia, and I
have found ii to be an article of most excellent
JOHN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep
Patent Office, lVashington, D. C.,
February 24, 1843.
Sir—Your Black IV rain?, Ink has been used
in this Office since October last. and is entire
ly approved. I am respectfully,
J. W. I-1 AND, Chief Clerk.
Mr. Joseph E. hover, Philad.
iflovetos Adamantine Cement
The following from Bicknell's Reporter will
best illustrate its value: " Mr. !lover manu
tactAres " Admantine Cement" for joining
broke n china, glass, &c.; we hare tried the
article and found it to be excellent."
For sale wholesale and retail at the manu
factory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia. by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, 11l nnuracturer.
inn - , 8.1.917-tr.
Notice. I
IfIIIHE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company , The subscriber is now manutaciuring Printing, ,
intend to mike application to the Lsgisla- ' Ink of superior qual i ty, and offers iv for sole in
lure of the Comtyl trmealth of Pennsyl v ania, at their large or small quaniutes„ upon accommodating
nett session, for the renewal of the Banking, Die. terin•, in ane instance where the ink sent shall not
counting, and ot'ier privileges they prieaega under answer the description, it will be exchanged or the
extsting laws. The Company to be continued b y price refunded.
the name, style and title of the Coluoth i a Bank A liberal dieconut will be made upon large pur
Biidge Comp ate, at the Borough of Ctliim' ti, c h, for cash
in the County ohaneaster, and State of Per.sslld• I T he NetA a Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 15, 20, i
nil. By only,. of the Board,
Book Ink* in small kegs and in lb. canisters
telG 50 arid 100 lb,.
. 30. '
Colored Ink. niPo in lb. en:lfs:ere
Columbia, June 24. h, 1547 —fi m .
..7" A 20 ib. keg of the best nets ink will be sent
to an y pmn• of the Penn's Improvement, at my
risk tree of charge upon rseeipt of 55.
COPAL. VA KNIn if in barrels, kegs, and can- .
Columbia, May 20, 1947.
MIN PLATE and SHEET IRON, of the heat
brands. for sale by
Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf
Morning Train Again.
V mptywit‘v v. S ... vw= Ra t
THE President and Directors of the Balti
more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny having consented to continue the Morning
Train between the above places.
Da''Tlie Car will leave Columbia DAILY,
[Sundays excepted] at 6i o'clock A. M.. and
the Train will leave Wrightsville at o'clock.
Returning, the Train will leave York at 8
o'clock, A. M.
April 17, 1847. Supt.
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ay, at 9 o'clock A. M., and RETURNING will
tart from Columbia at l j P. M.. Wrightsville
2 P. 31., and from York at 3 o'clock .' P. M..
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and 'Vora carried by
this train. No other train will moon Sunday.
D. C. 11. BORDLEY,
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 1846.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
i iVi t tri47l4o:t
rare Reduced.
rinHE Passenger Train runs daily as follows
below •
Leaveb Balti•nnreot 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives
at o'clock P. M.
Arrives at York ut 12 o'clock P. 111 and leaven
for Colo:yawl at l o'clock. P. M.
Loaves at.. 9. o'clock, P. M.norl leave.
York. for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P. M.
lure from Baltimore to York, $1 50
'lie Train connects ft York with St,,ltA for
Ilartisburg,Getlybburg,Chambersburg, Pittsburg
and Yott spling . =
The company is author iced by the proprietor ,
of the Sta_te Lint s to receive the fare through from
Baltimore to Gettysburg and liarrt•burg.
Fare through to eit het place. $3
D. C. 11. BORDLEV, Super's.
May 9—tf Ticket Office, 63 North at
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general, that he still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Ev,ry pains is at all times tal:an to render
this one of the best, and, from its central situ
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city.
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
11 is WINEs and LIQUORS are not surpassed
by any other establishment in this city.
His Servants are carefol.honesi and obliging
Terms of Boarding; to suit the times.
Courtry Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CTITSNUT ST. HOUSE,
in the most business part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in his power shall he. done to give satis
faction to those who favor bun with their pa
tronage. SAMUEL MILLER.,
Philaci., Sept. 27.-1 y Pt opnetor.
ft-tscos conrouNn sYRUP
171:11TnER proofs of the efficacy of
1 cc's Compound Syrup of lloarhound in
relieving afflicted man. Mr. Gem ai _
rington, residing in Yoi It street, Federal 13tH,
Baltimore, was attacked with a violent cough
and sore throat, after trying many remedies.
was induced by a friend to use Fiances Com
pound Syrup of noarhound, and before using
one bottle was entirely cured.
Mrs. Henrietta Merrick . , residing in Monu
ment htreet, boss een CanAl and Eden streets,
was attached with a very severe cough and
pain in the breast, which was so inten-e that
it extended to the shoulders. She was afflicted
also with a pain in the side. After trying mane
remedies she was persuaded hr a friend to use
Hance's Compound Syrup of Hoarhound, after
using three doses she experienced great relief.
and before she had finished the bottle was en
tirely cured.
SETH S. FIANCE, 10S Baltimore street,
and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Bal
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne, R. Williams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. neinpsh &
Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man
beim; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy :..11tri:•ds ; James
Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct. 4-' .16
IiANCE'S Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Fifty Yills
a Box! The cheapen rind hest Medicine in existenre
Every person who is subj..ct to Bilious Fever should
purify then blood and system by icing n box ortho
Itil Cart vent hould try
HAN VC'S hARSAP RILL% OR 111,00111'11.1.3
Young ladies and Con leumn Itooblrd wall Pimples on
the fare Mlntllll Iry the
elegung on the Earn relieved by
Headache and Girldtneka rutted by =lug the
Innta.tens,, a n d cau ,,,a Debdutv rutted by
IDp.p.vp in eno ht. cured In u+l,l
nrrersonn %vim have taken considerable pnrt•ons of
mercury, and in consequence have paths in their bone.,
should use (reply
n" - Petbuns m want of a Put that m Purely Vegetable
and it warranted not to contain a particle of mercury.
should USP
Prepnred and sold by SETH S HANCE,
108 Baltimore.
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne, R. Williams,
%V. A. Leader, Columbia; J F. fieinitsh
Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensinincer, Alan
henn ; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy ;el Roads; Jas.
Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct 24-46
PERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, Kings' Evil,
r Cancer. and Erysipelas, Old Sores. Ulcers,
'1 eller, Mercurial Diseases, or any other com
plaints arising from impurities of the blood, are re
quested to read the following testimonials, in proof
of the wonderful properties of the noose named
We, the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac
Brooks, jr., at the office of Messrs. Rowand and
Walton, 376 Market Street, Philadelphia, consider
his case the roust remarkable sue we have ever
witnessed or heard 01.
ll is disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must
have been his twelve years' conflict with the des
His Palate, the entire roof of his Mouth, Nose,
Upper Lip, and Lower Lid of the Right h:3 e have
been destroyed, his Face neatly eaten up, and part
the Jaw• Boue carried away. And yet sac can
give no description of his case.
air. B. intorms us that in January last the whole
interior of his mou.h, as well as most of his lace,
was a mass of deep and painiu: ulcers!
Oct the 14th of January last, he commenced
nhtch checked the disease in a few days, and trout
that lime the cure has progrtsstd without inter,
New flesh has supplied the place of the deep
ulcers, and though badly disfigured. his Mee is
sound, and his general health is restored.
We are assured that in the treatment of Mr.
Brooks' case, no Memorials, Ointments, or Cmis•
tic applications have been used—in tact the Pans.
ccu alone. has wrought this wonderful change.
J. W. Jones, M. D.. South 2nd street,
E. W Carr, 4111 N. Fourth, above Poplar street
N. I_,:bet hes.
S. McCullough, Lancaster. Penn.
C. kV ' Appleton. M. D., 46 South street, Phila.
rn. Steeling, 11. D., Camden, New Jersey.
J. H. Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth,
S. Ninth street, Phila.
L A. Wollettweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat, 277
N. 3d strre.,
. - -
A. D. Gillette, Pastor of 11111 Baptist Church
John Bell, Erie street, P h:la. (North American
John W. Ashmead, GO F. , outh Gth st., Philo.
'l'. S. Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut st.,
Peter Shcn Smith, Editor Native Eagle, Phila.
Joel Bodine, glass manufacturer, \V flitazustoN%n,
Qew Jersey.
L.:3. Coles, M. D , Poston, `lass.
fitr , :sel Canfield, Physiologist, Phila.
Th,rnas P. S. Roby. M. li.. Hai rislmre. ?enn.
lint. Um, Pastor Saint .11, E. Church,
lainie street, Phila.
2 00
John Chaintierq, Pastor First In 4. Church,
Broad street, I'hna•
T. L. Daudets,pub!talterof P Ndge and Standard,
F. P. Sellers, Editor 011ie Branch, Doylestown,
Bucks empty.
a. Wbvte
The above named gentlemen, (constitaiing but
a small portion of those Milo have visited Alr.
Brooks at our oak° in Plubdelplun, and would
certay to the moms facts. il necessary) ate well
known, and their high standing in society pi ecludes
the idea of their lending their names to curry un an
tinnosition. _
VIlole: al e and Retail, by ROWAN & \WAL
TON, Proprietone, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;
Wll. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pu.; J. T. ANDER
SON, Marietta, Pu., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza
beth, Pu.
July 31, 18.17.--2 m.
Menlth, Health.
Ptantona ru C.111.511,111a10,1 Chronic Brouchitic and •Strc
Throat,-Isthnia. Chronic Catarrh, Spitting of
Blood. Pain in the •Sidc and Breast, Diffi
culty of Breathing. Whopping Cough,
Cron,' Weal. .Verres and Xt rams
Tremoil re. Po fplint,on of the
Reart ; also .1 i•cr Coni
the KlJneta.
OF nil the diseases ito Went to our chorale tilt re is none
so universal and at the Paine tune no insidunos and
fatal as Cot,iimption lii thi country especially Pul
monary Consumption Is etaphalii ally a sconces and la
its resihtles• career PA ceps o'er the land 1161 a aentroylng
Steel. la%wg 1.. a ss nth relentle.s Laid the strongest and
fairest of nor race: Hitherto all efforts to arrest tills
dread dl-ease have moved lam. and all that seemed
t chin our pout er o as at hest the alleviation ofsotrering
rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the
The p...prietor in °tiering the• preparation to the public
embrace the opportillilly to state upon at hat
ereiiiiils It pots forth Its uterus and the Tel - 1..011P Open
it fnnmis its superior clams the attention of the
inflicted. that all who re N U.ri luny repose full
Lootitlei./ r in Its curative pun ei P. :ince its first prep,.
ration he has had the pleasure of wlthePpling sts hippie re
sults in lie furrow , imitance.; but lien i• determined lint
lo oder it to the public Iliad he had become thoronetilf
convince.l of its efficacy. Ile lin, eonfidentlV iiffere it
op it reined) w Ilhout n parallel fat the cure of PIILNION-
A It V LONSiI:NIPTION and its kindred d iii aces.
Consumption of a tuberculous diameter from lime im
memorial been deemed incurable and ciin.ideting Its
freq tie TiC3 and t .tality. It is nit surprising that new reel
edirt quid new n)stenis of treatment should from tune In
Imre be brought under the not 1, o 1 the prote•sion and
the public. Almost every organic end ii,oreattie h.
an studies round it romliimition, loan been
used 151111 the hope lit clip/ king, this scourge of niir race,
many doubt less believing that in the proves, or medical
knowledge we should at last obtain the ronstery es er
Consumption , nod, m the use (it'll.. Csusialur 1 Sy a.
up at ne and Wand rapt Isn't:us object is hap
pily attained.
The therapeutic agents employed in the composition of
tide remedy, lire Each OP rookie It to present the secre
tion of tuberculous matter in the lime. nod to rause its
re•ntint inn nod ateiortiiiiin titter drpriPit hew commenced,
nn t nl lint' vl4l by tio nth, inediellir. and the import
ance 1,1 which the iirofession al man will et once pert. use
5111 , 0 it brings this total of diSetige. hitherto 11,})(1.1tirtql
hopeless, entirety w 'thin coiarol The skirl ass a. herb filet
attended the administration of this preporaltrill w unpa r
ntlelled in the records of 1...die:11 'Choice, In rorldrinii-
Mil of Whiell, the proprietor would no, a rueful
~r the sit attune tits of a few of those as Ito hat's been
roomed In health by It. powerful agency.
Let the foto, utg speak for 11,101 .
.9 have used Tliniliproin'i. t /impound Syrup of Tar and
wood Nnntha for some tune in my practice. nod have
Grand it the. most eti.i tent rent. it. I tins e ever used in
Consumptive cues, Chrontr. catarrh to,, when great ir
ritability. w ith weakness /if the pulmonary orga its, en
iPted. The ram/lite n nth which It acts II greatly :11 its
favor is lucre dlpplionti Of oppression exude, which Is
inediately relieved tiv It.
"Ito Pulmonary Consumption It cnn be ti.ed with con
fidence, being applicable to coery faint of tint
I.'ll con•uler It a lioPrliemp well wort by the anent inn of
physician,. niid exempt from the linoillntlev, of emplri-
N ell li.
Philnrie!phut, October 11, 1614."
4 cr The above medicine prepared only by
ANGN EY &. DICKSON. at N. E. corner of
Fifth and Spruce streets., Philadelphia.
AGENTS—H. WILLIAM 4. Cl/11111AM ; Jot' si
GISIL, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, L.
Gnoss, Harrisburg; R. ANoNi. r„
Price 50 cts.. or 6 bottles for $2,50.
March 6. 1847. 76
New Book-Bindery,
The sub,ribera respertfo fly rune their
friends and the public that they have opet.ed a
Book-Bindery & Blank Book Manufactoy
'on llatn street, next doer to the Post Office, in
,the Borough of Yore. o lore they IA ill lie hippy
:n receive orders for every description of work in
their hoe. Partirillar attention will be paid to
the Ruling and Binding of every description of
Blank Books.
for Banks. County Offices, Alerchanta and others.
and svery variety of full and hair bocnd Blinks,
New and old Books, Periodicals, Law Books
iqnsie, Newspapers. &e., hound to any pattern,
i,nd in any style required. Paper ruled io pattern,
work warranted.
York, ;My 12,1847.
TWO APPRENTICES. about 15 or 16 yrors
of .ge, to learn the Cabinet Makilog Butii
near.—Appip to JOHN W SHUMAN-
Cuumbiat, A poil 7, 1847.-1 f
At the Colombia New Cash Store.
& S. PATTON have just received an
. assortment of New Gooe.s consisting of
superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain,
Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Cashmerets, Tweeds,
Croton Codrington and Summer Cloths, Linen and
Cotton Drilling, with a variety of Articles suitable
for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia, and Satin
Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for Mantillas, Fan
cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses.
Merino Mohair, Mous de Latino, and Silk Shawls,
Corebel and Marseilles Skirts, Lawn and Lawn
Ginghams, Alpachas &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen
Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlston, Man
cheater and Domestic Ginghams, French and Da.
mask Table Cloths, Hackaback, Birdeye, and Rus
sia Towelings, Mull, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss
Plaid and Striped Musliris.
Best quality Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Lisle
titre ,4.1, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, Palm leaf Hats
&e., Sc. Wit h a complete assortment of bleach
ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Muslins, Car.
petings from 10 cents to $l,OO, Plain and Figured
Mattings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking
Glasse., Queens ware, Fresh Groceries, Hams,
dried Beef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked
Much care has been taken to vecure for cuctom
ers a choice variety and the subscribers having
purchased their goods fur Cash are determined to
sell them on the mo=t reasonable terms.
N. B. Country produce taken in exchange for
goods at the highest price
Colurribiri, July 3r.1, 1847 —t.f
C. W ESTI3ROOK keeps con
stantly on hand a large and well
selected assortment of - MISCEL•
discriptions, from the small pocket memoran
dum to the substantialls bound derny. Letter
and Cap PAPER, by the Te;irri,quire, or single
sheet. SCHOOL BOOKS. Serials, Periodi
cals, Newspapers, &c. Staple and Fancy
STATIONARY, Brushes Combs, Purses,
Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Mirrors,
Razor Strops, Shaving Snaps; Pasteboard,
Ivory, Marabo and Steel Studded FANS, and
nu nerous other arliMes, all of which will bo
sold very low for, (Mei).
N. B. Cash paid for Rags.
Columbia, April 7, 1817.
ON the 4th of August, in the year 1893, a
singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci
entific Institute of France. The aged, white
headed President, his Lead bare, his arm out
stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (for
science was triumphant,) and his voice with
gratulatory tone, aelivcred the following re
port :
We are astounded at this singular prepa
ration. Where indeed will science stop !
fere we have a preparation made in the form
of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous
ern ption , every disfigurement of, and even dis
colored skin! Where will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole,.
the Yellow Race of the East. and the Red Man
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and making it white and
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." Mere several persons
were brought forward by the President, who
had used it, in proot of his assertion.)
There are probably few persons of intelli
gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical soap
In CI1r111I! Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads. Old Sores,
Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender
Flesh. Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing
dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear
white. as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in
fact every' kind of eruption and disfigurement.
Read these certificates:
Front the New oHeane Sentinel, October, 1814.
One LI: our. su bserahers. r. H. Leonard, in
forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly
Salt Itheurn, of eighteen years standing, on his
heard. fingers. and hands, by a cake of an arti
cle advertised latch—we speak of Jones' Ital
ian Chemical Soap. Ile also informs us that
lie has tried its effects on his female slave Rose,
much marked with sun spots, and he found in
tan weeks her skin much clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which he
was afflicted with for many years, by part of a
cake of .ones' Italian Chemical Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always ask
haps. as many who have been cheated with
counterfeits, hill he too much discouraged to
try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—
you will not regret It: but always see that the
name of T. JONES is en the wrapper. Sold
only in New York at /33 Cath,,m Street, Sign
of the American Eagle. Price. .50 Cents a
Cake. For sale by R. WILLIAIMS.
Columbia. Atvr. 7. 1847—fm.
Vegetable ITativersal Pills
A; e a strengthenlng purgative and a purifying
THE hopes of the American agents are far
more than realised by the success of Dr. Le
Roy's Veg-table Uni‘ Pills on this side of
the Atlantic. Deter did a medicine spring into
such immtiliate pivot tray. In less than three
months mghly thousand hoses have been disposed
of; and certlicates of cups performed b.• them
received (rem uportids of four hundred persons.
The cures embraced a great number of dist ases?
but those tth eli predominated here Bilious Fe
ver Colic. 11 ilutual Costiseness, Dysi fiery,
f.ros or A ;petite, Flatulence. Worms a n d Low
ne‘ri 5-pint., All persons who take them agree
th,t are an superior to every other medicine
•hey Earl ussd, in the mild, css the energy, and
the. effic icy of their action, for though they pro.
rh • neither gripe nor nausea, they act uton the
serret:or s as ilb great directness, force and rapid
ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to he desired.
But th , it great peculiar excellence, and that which
distinguishes them from all other purgatives i•,
that thair operation is followed by no reaction : —
Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper
ness. tor which they are indebted to the essence of
Sarsaparilla, and abet incredients,beingeon,roll
ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the
extract of Wild Cnerry, they do r i ot scram the
digestive organs into action, as is the mode of
operation Mali other cathartics, but on the contra•
ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other
purgative medicines produce more or less subse
quent costiveness, aid sluggishness of the gastric
juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills lease all the ma
chinery of the system full of life activity, and the
bowel. open and natural.
'Price 25 cents per box.
Agents for Columbia—R. WILLIAMS. War. A
LEA 1e.. 1 • Feb
T LIST ecelved a splendid assortment of Parlor,
t) flail and Chamber PAPERS & BORDERS,
compri‘mg over BUO different styles, many of which
are of the newest and most beautiful patterns, al
ways on hand at Maraufaciures price at
J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S,
Columbia, April 7, 1947.--tf