WRIGHTSVILLE FOUNDRY, THE undersigned having recently established an extensive Iron Foundry at Wrightsville, York county, Pa., are now prepared to furnish Stoves, Hollow-ware, Car and Ma chinery Castings of the best quality of material and workmanship at short notice. Our assortment of STOVES is I.rgc, and of modern and approved patterns, consisting of PLAIN WOOD and BOILER TOP STOVES, of all sizes; NINE PLATE COOK," VIC TORY COOK," "COMPLETE COOK,"—for wood or coal— And other COOKING STOVES. AIso—COAL STOVES, of the latest designs and all sizes, suitable far Parlors, Chambers and Offices. Also, BOAT STOVES, BOX STOVES, CHARCOAL FUR NACES, 4-c., 4-c. HOLLW-WARE. Our assortment of HOLLOW-W ARE consists of Pots, Kettles, Round and Oval Ovens and Lids, Skillets, Spiders and Lids, Cook-Pots, Deep and Shallow Pans, Bread Pans, Griddles, Andirons, Waffleirons, Gridirons, Spittoons, Wagon and Car riage Boxes, &c., &c., &c., together with Water Pipes of all sizes. ALSO, CAR 'WHEELS AND OTHER CAR CASTINGS, THRESHING MACHINE CASTINGS, of the most approved patterns, PLOUGH CASTINGS, MILL GEARING and - MACHINERY CAST INGS, of every description. Our location being favorably situated at the junc tion of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad and Susquehanna. and Tide Water Canal, with the Pennsylvania Improvements, gives us facilities whieli will enable us to manufacture and forward castings to any point with despatch, and at the lowest prevailing rates. Store Dealers and others having patterns of their own and ordering castings from them, are assured that they will be held strictly private in the course of manufacture. E. CONNELLEE & CO. Wrightsville, Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m MORRIS'S PATENT DOOR PLATES. ANEW article tar superior to any thing of the kind ever yet offered to the public, and which for simplicity, durability and cheapness, is not equalled by any of the old ones now in use. The advantages those plates have over the old engraved ones, is, that they will never turn black or tarnish like those made of silver or brass. They need no scouring with chalk every week—they will ahvays retain their fine lustre by simply rubbing them over occasionally with a silk handkerchief or piece of buckskin, and wiping off the dust that may adhere to the surface. The name in these plates may he changed for a trifle,—the letters which compose it, being moveable,—and any other name can be inserted in its stead, by sending the plate to the owner of the patent (Henry Seitz, of Marietta, Lancaster Courtly, l'u.,) which is another great advantage over the old engraved ones,—which cannot be changed. Any person desirous of such a plate, can obtain one by addressing Henry Seitz, Marietta, by letter, giving the name and place of residence correctly. These plates differ in price according to number, as follows: No. 1, price $3.00; No. 2, $3.50; No. 3, $1.00; N0..1, $450; No. 5, $5.00; No. 6, $4.50; No. 7, $5.00. Nelson Maloney is my only authorized travelling agent to exhibit and sell these plates in Lancaster county. He can be seen at John Michael's tavern, in Lancaster, when in the city, or information ob tained, when absent, when he will return. He carries a sample of each hind with him, which en. ables him to give every satisfaction. HENRY SPITZ, of Marietta, Owner of Patent fur Lancaster county. Sept. 1847. TO THE AFFLICTED. you are sick, it makes no difiltrcnee under what disease you may labor, or if you have the FEVER AND AGUE, and have tried a great many things to cure it, and they hive all one idler another failed, and you still continue to have the Chills and Fever, until you have shook nearly all the flesh off of your bones, and have become almost a skeleton, your strength gone, and your spirit low, do not conclude that there is no cure fur you, but come to the r. 2 R. 0 'l' 0 7. at Marietta, two doors west of the Brew House, and get some of his Feuer and Ague Medwine. If you uoe this medicine you may rely upon their efficacy. It is impossible for them to fail. It is astonishing what cures these Indian herb Medi cines are daily performing. Er The medicine is neatly put up with full direc tions for $l. If taken according to the directions and does not effect a cure the money will be refund ed. Henry M irtin, agent for the Herb Doctor's Medicines, Front street, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 21, IS•17---`,3t PUBLIC SALE. WVILL be exposed to public sale, nt the Tan nery of Joseph Baugher, Fountain&le, Adams county, Pa., on :Tuesday, the 16th day of November, SIX 11 ORSES, HORSE GEARS, THREE WAGONS, one of them a Broad Wheel ed Rond Wagon, the others Bark Wagons. Also, two pairs of Ladders. The horses are excellent team horses. Sale to commence et 11 o'clock A. M., when the terms will be made known by Sept.:24, 1847.—ts BAIiGHER & CO. _ rij Er. 41 at The 'Largest and most splen did Stock of Dry Goods 42 0 0 0 .0 1:1 0 NN 0 EdVER. o ff ered in the city of Lancaster, Is now being opened at THE BEE HIVE, North Queen street, wholesale and retail. This stock has just been received direct from Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and comprises some of the rarest bargains of the day, fur F.iil and Winter sales—Shawls, Silks, Merinoes, Ribbons, Glove., Hosiery, &c. Sept. :21—tf OVER lON different styles entire new patterns of Ladies' Dress Good., fur Fall and Winter. High colored plaidg are all the rage. Call at the Sept 24 —tf BEE HIVE North Queen st. Pink Saucers. THE Improved Carmine Saucers for dying silk stockings, gloves. feathers, flowers, gauzes, crapes, cagnbrics, muslins, &c. Fur sale ;.t 5ent.24 . 47-0 LEADER'S. Soaps, Soaps, Soaps. OLD Brown Windsor, the True Fine Palm highly perfumed, English Castile Perfumed Variegated, Sand BAR Crystalline Tailor's, and a superior as4ortment of Shaving Snaps. For sale by sept24'474l W. A. LEADER. IRISH LINENS.-100 pieces just received di. rect from Boston, they are a great bargain, and well worthy the examination of every housekeeper. Tickings, Flannels, Crash and Table Diaper, for T OOKING CLASSES of all kinds, just re sale at remarkably low prices at the ceived at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. Sept.24—tf BEE HIVE, North Queen et. I eept 11 '47—tf PESIBERTON'S COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, fur the re. ATTEND TO YOUR COUGH. muval and permanent cure of all diseases arising. TUST received a fresh supply of Wister's Bale. from an impure state of the blood. Prepared only ,) of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Syrup of Wild by W. A. LEADER. Cherry, Jayne's Expectorant. Fur sale at eept24'47.tf septlV47—tf LEADER'S Drop Store. NEW FALL GOODS. TiiE subscribers respectfully inlbrm 'their friends and customers, that they are just receiving and ' opening, a full assortment of fresh ,'AIL 0002)5. to which their attention is respectfully incited. FRY & SPA.I, , IGLER Columbia, Sept. IS, 1817—if UNRIVALLED PREMIUM EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. HE undersigned has just received from the I celebrated •• Leechburg Mills" a fresh lot of the above flour, made expressly for family use, and cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any brands in the Union. Will be kept con stantly on hand, and for sale by E. J. SNEEDER, SeptlS-4t No. t?., Canal Basin. NEW FALL GOODS. riniu. subscribers have just received their supply j_ Full and Winter, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public, generally. CLOTHS, CASSYSTERES, eke Their stock consists of superior French, and English Black, Blue, Brown, Mixed, and Olive Cloths; plain and Funny Cassimets, &Minas, Tweeds, Jeans; Velvet and other Vestings. Gry de Rhine, Swiss and Matteona Dress Silks. ALPACAS.—PIain, Plaid, and Slripcd, at 18, 25, 31, 37, 50 ms., &c. English, German, and French Mcrinoes ; Plain Paris Cashmeres and De Laines, Lama and Tarier Plaids. French, Earlston and Manchester Ginghoms; Prints of every style and price; Plain and Plaid Linseys; Tuper Gauze and other White and color ed Flannels. SHIRTINGS.—Three quarters, four quarters, five quarters, six quarters and ton quarters Bleached and Brown Shecttngs, Blankets, Tickings, Checks, Doeskins, &c. A splendid assortment of Trimmings, Gimps, Silk and Cotton Fringes; Thread, Victoria and Bobbin Edgings and Inserting.;; Livle, 'Victoria and Brussels Lace, Collerettes, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. 4.1:: - t!;12•:_t:tg3, Loaf, Pulverised, Crushed, Havanna land Brown Sugars; Syrup, L. 11. N. 0. Mulas•es; Haney; Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees; and the superior Teas of :he Canion Tea Company of New York. Oils, Fish, &c. ALSO : China, Glass & Queensware ID — All 01 which will be sold as LOW as the LOWEST', for cash or produce. 'Thankful for the liberal share of patronage heretofore received, they v% ill by strict attention to business endeavor to merit a continuance of the public's favor. J. D. & J. Columbia, Sept. IS 17.—tf Something New under the Sun. rriiE subscriber has just received the Fall and I Winter Fashions, which, ti- elegance and taste, surpaszes any thing which has ever hitherto been published. He would invite all those who may wish their garments 111.1de up in a durable and rishionahte manner, to give ldm a call at his Tail( r ing Estahlkhrnent in Locust street, opposite Hal deman & Co.'s Store. As he is well satisfied they will not go away disappointed as ho is determined to spire no pains in making up all work entrusted to his care in such a manner as he is satisfied will render general satisfaction. - _ _ J. J. returns thanks to his customers in general, for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to hint, and hopes by strict attention to business, to receive a continuance of the same. Columbia, Sept. 18, 1817•tt FALL MID WINTER FASHIDHS, Tll EY have come to B. Voting, at No. 50. The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1847 & 8, which, for taste, cannot he surpassed by the world—they are the most perfect ever brought before the eyes of the people of this globe. Persons wishing their garments cot and made in the most elegant style, will do well by calling at 13. Voting's Tailoring estab lishment, No. 50, Front street, Columbia, where they will have their work executed to perfect ion and with despatch. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior cloths, cassimcres, vestings and trimmings, such as cannot he had at any other store in Columbia, will do well by culling at Yount. Gassers Store. No. 50, Front street. where there is one of the best selections of the above goods in the country. They will also warrant the quality. cut make and fit of all the goods ;ley sell and make up. They arc thankful for past favors and hope to have a share of patronage. YOUNG CASSEL. Columbia. Sept. 11, IS47.—tf. Groceries. A. FULL supply of Fred' Family Groceries at FRY & SPA NGI.F.R'S. Columbia, Sept. IS, 1847—tf F RESH SHAD jilst received nt YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. acptll'47—tf Fresh supply or oil.; just received at YOUNG & CASSEL'S Na. 50 scpar47—tf New supply of Tartnn and Monterey Plaids it for Indies' wear, just received nt septll`47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. rrHE newest and best styles of Gimps and Fringes, just received nt septl F47—ti YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. F RESH MACKEREL at YOUNG & cASSEL'S No. 50 septlr47—tf Cii001) CIDER VINEGAR at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. septll'l7—tf DUPONT'S be-I Melo Powder at YOUNG S. CASSEL'S No. 50 73cpt11'17—tf SILK warp, lustre Plaid and striped Alpaccas, just recei , ed at beptl • YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. SO sepllV47—tr WANTED immediately, three or fuur Journeymen Tailors. None but the be't ‘Vorlcmen need apply . Sept. 11, 1847.—tf AFRESH agsortment of all kinds of the best spire.; just received nt sept I l'47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. W7StTLo apprentices learnto the Tin, )cetondopperisinese.pos from the country preferred. Apply to Columbia, Sept. 11,1847. H. PFAHLER. FROM THE OL YUP /AN AMPHITHEATRE, PHILADELPHIA. THIS splendid equestrian company composed en tirely of STAR PERFORMERS, will exhibit under their splendid Water Proof Pavillion, coin inediously furnished for the comfortable reception of 3000 persons, at Columbia, on Saturday Octo. bar 2 nd —afternoon and evening—admission, 25 ets. Independent of Willis's celebrated Brass Band, the company will be saluted, on their arrival, by Mr. Wallace's String Band, playing airs from the most popular Operas. In the evening the pavilion will be illuminated by the patent sylvic Gas, invented by B. F. Caston, Esq. of the United States Navy Department, Wash ington. It is entirely a new method, giving a su perior light; tree from all nauseous effluvia, the fault of all other attempts, and casting a light scarcely less brilliant than the noonday sun. Constituting the company will be found Sir. J. G. Cadwallader, who will ride his much admired acts of the Russian Envoy, the Terms of a Sor cerer of Siam, and the beautiful episode of the Sprite and his lost wing, on 2,3, and 4 horses. Madame Louisa Howard, the great NATIVE FE MALE EQUESTRIAN, whose admirable personaihms, on a single horse charm and delight all who behold her, justifying public opinion in awarding to her the MO position she has so sucessfillly held amidst a host of rival stars. CLowN—Ban Rice, tho " mirth-provoking Dan," w hone Itifinite JEST and FUN unstanied by rude. ness and vulgarity, places him far beyond the reach Or IMITATION. Mt. Horace Nichols, the Prince of Ring Masters. The River's Family, whose union of talent, is without a parallel in the world. Charles Rivers the most finished artist in his arrangement and ex. ceution of scenes and gymnastic groups. Fiederiek Rivets presents every kind of Foreign acts, that can surpri4e by novelty, and Master Richard Rivers (the immituble,") will perform his act on a single horse, as performed before the President and Scna• tors of the Untied States, and by all present decler. cd the most perfect union of WONDER AND GRACE the world ever knew. Master 7: Neville, who has acquired the rare art of riding,, and executing the must difficult feats backwards, on a single horse. Mr. Wm. Stout will ride his fine classic acts, on 2,3, and 4 horses, forming a pyramid of five per. sons, whom he will bear above his horses at light. sing spend Sigma - Germani, the mighty Italian equestrian will ride his incredible if kliomantic scenes, intro. during, 'Les batons du diable,' rind his Golden Pelrions, &c., &c. lie will also bring Inward his o v•onderrul dogs, in hose feats arc v.itheut equal in the Arena. Mr. W. llowaid, the Spanish scenic rider, and great representative of the Red Man of the For. est. Tr. Charles Foster, who rides a great dramatic cLne, and a Grand Military act, enti;ted Or All for our Country, lti Which by the aid of correct costume, be represent the Chief Patriarch praylng fir his country, (EN. ZACK TAYLOR, at Monterey, [Lam: STIFF, a yanhee volunteer, Santa Anna, the commander of Mexico, conclud• ing with the SOLDIER OF FREEDOM, bearing the memorable re,olve, .` GEN. TAYLOR NEVER see. REVORIIS." JOHN JORDAN Mons Devious, of the 'Cirque Glympique,' will introduce the Arabian Dancing Marc, •Ilsi lane e whose beautiful dances far surpass anything of the kind ever brought before the public. Also the comic ponies, Romeo and Juliet, will, by their comic dinner scenes, leaps and counter leaps, prove their inAnictive bent for drollery. 'LT.Parcnts and guardians may with confidence bring their families. as under the watchful care of the proprietor, nothing approaching a shade of vnlgarity can find Its way among the choice reprc- sentotions of the A rena. The afternoon and evening perf.)rmances cntirrly varied. SeptlS.ld. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! ORR , S CELEBRATE!) .1-.1.?..-Tra'T ZTOVMS. ( - 1 3. TYNDALE. No. 97, Smith Second .„)„, Street, Plia.idelphia, wishes to inform his triends and the public generally, that he still continues to manul acture and sell the gen• nine Air-Tight Stove, with the latest improve ments. After many years experieeee in the manu facture of these Stoves, he is now enabled to oiler to his customers the Air-Tight Stoves with ovens, suitable for dining rooms or nur series. lie has also the Air-Tight Stove, on the Ra diator plan, which makes a splendid and economical parlor Stove, to which he would call the partmulAr attention of 1.1109 C who want an eldgant and useful article for their parlors. Also, a large assortment of Coal, Parlor and Cooking Stoves. All of which he will sell at the lowest Cash prices. The public would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. KTNIr. T. would Caution the public against Air-Tight Stoves,made by must Stove makers, as 'hey do nut answer the purpose intended. Columbia, Sept. ltetli, 1847-`2m. Mstate of Samuel Pierson, Deceased. T4ET'VERS of Administration on the estate of Samuel Pearson, late of the borough of Co lumbia, Lancaster county, deceased, haemg been granted to the sub , criber, residing in said borough, all persons indebted to the said estate, arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authentielted to the undersigned. ELIZABETH PIERSON, Sept. 11, 1847.—Gt Administratrix. A (II A 1.1. EN G 'FO E WI 110,1). HOIT'S IMPROVED CIIE:VIDAL SOAP, kir extracting grease, tar, pitch, oil, point or any other greasy substrince, from all kind.: of gen tlcioen's or ladies' clothing, carpets, table spread., merino t•liawls, ladies' bonnets, &c., &c., without injuring it. For time only by Eeptl I '47—l f W. A. LEADER. JOHNSON'S MEDICATED SOAP. FOR removing pimples, freckels, tan, sun-burn, blotches, redness ol the skin, and all cutaneous affections, and gives a cleanness to the skin truly beautiful. No lady's toilet should be without it.— For sale at LEADER'S. B. YOUNG TSthe only remedy that can ha relied on for the speedy and permanent cure of rheumatism, spinal affections, pain in the bide, back, &c. For Bale only at W. A. LEADER'S. septlr47—tf SPLENDID nfoolriment of Carpet Chain at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septl I.47—tf BLACK INK. SUPERIOR Congress Erick. Blue and Red Ink For sale at LEADER'S. soptll'47—tf W ELCH'S NATIONAL CIRCUS! HONOR TO OUR HEROES 11UNI"S LINIMENT TO THOSE THAT ARE FOND OF SPORT. Tn RE undersigned have just received the best and most complete assortment of ERE and German stub and twist and pat ent breech 'DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at Filch prices that will suit all. Also, six Barreled ' Revolving and self-cocking PISTOLS. Call and examine for yourselves, at tho cheap Hardware Store of RUMPLE ic. HESS Columbia, Aug. 21. 1847. ALL FRESH. lIIIANKFUL for past favors, and desirous for continuance of public patronage, the sub scriber takes tins method of giving notice that he hes just received a lurge and general supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, &c. All of which he will dispose of, wholesale and retail, at very mode rate prices, with a guarantee to be genuine and of the best quality. lie has also received a very large stock of Per fumery, which, in point of assortmeni, quality and cheapness, tv unequalled in :Ins place. Ladies and others. call and see for yourselves. Also a large assortment of Combs and Brushes, very cheap. W I LLI A MS, Prom St. Colombia. August 14, 1817. tl. B. E. MOORE. I. N. RISDON MOORE & RISDON, 1C.5.U.0EJ1.11"2 No. 70 South Third Street, nearly opposite the Exchange, Philadtlpha, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends ;it'd the public that they arc constantly pre pared to make to order, 01 the finest and best ma terials. and nt m iderate prices, every article of F,,shmnaele Clothing consmutmg a Gentltnan's 11'ardrobr, for which their complete stock of choice and cat chilly selected Cloths. Cussimercs, Vesungs &c„ of the latest and must desirable patterns, are paritcularly designed. Twat - ON, n ptactical knowledge of the business and a personal attention to every garment, enables them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and new customers they respectfully tender an invitation to give them a call. Having been fur years connected with some of the best mid most fashionable establishments tit this country, emp'nying none but first rate workmen, and being in the receipt of the l a t e st f a shi o ns, a nd best Si) les oh Bonds, !hey are fully prepared to ac- C ,l n n le tdaie customers in the hest manner. Philadelphia. August 14, 1547.--6 m CHEAP OIL STORE, PHI LADELPHIA. IZIDGWA_Y & KEEHLE, 37 North %VloarveN, below ltnce OFFER for sale at the lowest iwires,all the nrii. cics of the Oil Trade. Their stock is varied nod e~ retisive, and they feel confident of caving '.a•10I tcnun w thooe who call. They halo now un hand— Pure Snerin Oil V. hoe t'• inter and FJII Oils of cliffelent qualities :- , olar Oil. Wimermresaed Lard Oil. W imer Elephant and Whale Oils. - It Linled Racked end Common W kale Oil. Tanners' Oils. Sperm Cnndles, %Immo &c., &c Plchirlclphia August 14 1817.-2 m. N. 14.—A II goods delivered in first rare order. tlitiXßL ES STOKES' GLOBE lIALL OF FASHION, No. 29G, Market Street, Philadelphia. CII.OTHING —A necessary and useful a tide ; . rt %v. II hecomeß eNery on - .t who buys it, beim, purelia , ing to look and see where it call be bou;lit elleap , st. I em satidied (and leader, you will be) if you fasor me wGb a cull and look over my stuck of goods you will not only buy yourself but tell your friends w bore CHEAP CLOTHING can be had and they will do the same. If you come to the Globe I fall of Fashion an I do not linJ t ,oods its ..nt, per rent cheaper than rd. ens store to the city I think you will ,ay General Taylor never si lopped the Mexicans I think he never done anything else. pz:,- A full stock of clothing suited for the country trade, which merchants and Whets are particularly Invited to examine. CEA 11 .ES STOKES, No. 299, Market St.. 3rd door below Ninth. Philadelphia, August THOSE INKSTANDS AGAIN 1: AITE are happy to inform live in want of a Patent Self Supplier that by dint of perseverance, we have succeeded in obtain -111" a small t.siortment. Those in want will bear in mind that there is a few more left at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1:747.—cr IIOC TOR TOWNDSEAVS Compound Extract jJ of Sarsaparilla aver tails to ermlicate en tt.ely all the vireos of mercury, infinitely sooner than any other medicine, night sweat.. nervous &Inlay, nervous complaints of all kinds,neurali gia. organic affections, &c. Sold IT aul4 , I7.tf R. WILLIAMS. Tilt CRY IS STILE THEY COME. W E O f a ruevensoswooeueedtsi everngthe eire b v e e s d t i a n r, s t s t i v i . t bet The public are respectfully invited to see them at FRY d:: SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES. PUN Silk, Mohair and Alparca Plaids, new 171 style for ladies' dresses ; ako a splendid as sortment of Gingliains and other d ress goods at PRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbil, Aug. 7, 1847.—t f GUNS AND PISTOLS, TUST received n lar;:e a,ortment of Patent QJ Breach -tubb Twist English Guns, single and double barrel; also Revolving and Corn ',on Pistols. For sale at reduced prices at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL Columba, May 26, 1847.—tf A 11. BULL'S Compound Extrlet of Sac's, A • paella foi sale by R. W I LLIAMS. nul4`4 BAG CLASPS, Purge and Bag Twist, Steel Heads, Purse and Bag Rings and — Fur sale by R. %V I I.LiAms. au 14'47-1f I - 3EION TEAS of all Iciod4, to be had fresh, at YOUNG C. CASSEL'S Store, No. 50. Colon-ohm, alla. 7, 1847—tf septlr47—tf UMBRELLAS. N great variety varying in price from 314 j_ cents and upwards at FRY S. SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug.. 7, 1847—if }TAMS. li A MS. Jersey cured canvassed I lams, for sale. at FRY" k. SPANGLER'S. WOOD AND PAPER TAPERS. SIR months Wood and Paper Tapers. For sale at septl t'47—tf LEADER'S. REMOVAL. %TOXIN F. 31017STON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - ETAS REMOVED his LAW OFFICE to 11_ the Collector's Douse, corner of Front and Gay streets, where he will attend prompt ly to all business in the line of his profession. Columbia, April 1-1, 19.17.—tf PHILIP GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster county. Penn'a, WILL practice in the several Courts of Lancaster aud York counties. Orrice.—ln Walnut street, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Mar 6, 1847. DOCT. S. M'CORKLE. CiFFICE—South East corner of Locust and Second street. Hoarding H ousc—with Mrs. Swartz, '2 doors below his late residence. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf NEW STYLE COMBS. rpriosE new style POLK A Cones can now I be had at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7,1847.—1 f GIMPS AND FRINGES. BLACK SILK and Mohair Fringes and Gimps, for sale cheat, at PRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia. Aug 7, 1847.—tf SOMETHING NEIV. JUST received a second supply of WALK INC CANE UMBRELLAS, a handsome and useful article, Is' hiCh wilt be sold at the manufacturer's retail prices. Call and see J. D. J.: J. WM Gwrs. auhr47-tf. them at. p onicsoN's Super. E,senrial Walnut Oil Mili tary Shaving Soap, superior to all others for Shaving. Sold by R. WIL L I A MS. • au2l'l7-tf. r AMER EiANGINGS. - XTARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, Window V and Ceiling Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles, for sale by C. W ESTBROOK. Columbia, April 7, 1817. W 131InGd ian Pu rg ative, Vegetable Vegeta bleor Syrup warranted genuine For sale by n1121'47-o'. R. W ILLAAIS. .'ails and Spikes. 900"eas NAILS, SPIKES and BRADS.— Just received and for sale at reduced RUMPLE & HESS prices'by 3 , F ILL and C BOSS- :',UT SAWS, of no -1 land's best. Fur sale at manufactures prices by .111'1%1PLE HESS. Columbia, April 7,1817.—1 f CIIC A. I ZIS runn's Celebrated Lowden Fr:lt CISAINS, arl Traces, I.mg and slim t. double and sin gle Link. Breast, Carrying and Halter, Chains, all of which we offer at manufactures prices. RUMPLE S.: fIE6S. Columbia, April 7, ISl7.—lf MOON. 2:63:ZiaaNG. BINDING orders left at the Columbia Book Store will receive prompt attention. Columbia, May 19, 1847. To Carpenters. UST received a splendid assortment of PP PI, IN BEA DS, SA %VS, HATGETS. nRACES, 131 TS and Cfl ISELS, at reduced prices by IIUAIPLE; S HESS. Columbia, April 7. 1547.—ti T AUNDRY Star h Polish, for preparing starch J t%ithout the ion of any greasy substnnee, and for producing a tnilliant pearly gloss the linen. 8.,1c1 only by R. WILLIAMS. au:ll'47-ff. Guns and Pistols. TAOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, Arai.- / rented &obi" Twist. and Patent Breech Revolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel Pistols. For sale cheat) by RUMPLE & BESS. Columbia, Aprill,lB47.—tf To lloatrnen. EN Pattere Boat STOVE. Just receivd ed and for sale by. RUMPLE&HESS Columbia, April 7,1847.—1 f I'AOCTOR ROBErS 13razilian Hair Curling j Liquid. For role by R. WILLIAMS. aul4'47-t f PINE OIL. TUST received and for sale at the Hardwar 0 Store of RUMPLE & HESS Columbia, April 7, IS47.—tf NTI-AG UE MIXTURE. A war ranted _LA_ cure fur fever and ague. For gale by R. WILLIAMS. N. B.—There is none genuine but that sold by Williams. au2l'47-tf. Stoves, Stoves. IiTTOriD, COAL & COOKING STOVES, y of the latest and most approved pat terns. Also, Radiator and other improved patterns of Parlor Stoves. For sale at reduc ed prices, at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. The highest price will be paid for Old Cast ings. Flax seed, Clover seed.Tanothy seed, gl:c Columbia, aug.2l, 1847.-3 m nEmovAL. al THE subscriber would inform his friends Cs , 4,l'iind the public generally, that he has remov ed to N 0.2, Schreiner's Row, between Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front Street, where he wdl con tinue to keep au eteg.nt assortment of Beaver, Otter, Fur, Silk, and Nutria HATS, and also, a l.rge n:.sortment of CAPS, all of which he will tske pleasure in showing to those who favor him with a call. Don't forget—Sehreiner's Row, No. 2, before purchasing ulswher ; as I am determined to se❑ cheep. WM. TEMPLE. Columbia, Aug. 21, 1847.—tf INFAMOUS PRACTICE. FEVER AND AGUE. PATIENTS!! TS it not an Infamous Traffic for Wholesale and I Retail Drugg , sta, and other Merchants, to buy lip Spurious, Adulterated. Repudiated and Coun terfeit Rowand's Tonic Mixture, at auction. and from irresponsible and swindling medicine venders. for two or three dollars per dozen, and then sell it to the ignorant and unwary. as the genuine Row and's " Improved" Tunic Mixture, for one dollar the bottle! and when they well know besides, that this counterfeit trash has been universally pro nounced worthless and inert, and wiz'. NOT cunE "'us AonE! I know of no more inhuman and dastardly conduct in men laying any drum to re. spentatolny or honesty. Look caretully for the " written signatur of John R. flowand." on a paper label across the mouth of every bottle. without which "guard" it never can Jo genuine, however knavish modmine.vondera may falsify and try to dacetro.—Age LEADnt for-CER.olurn- W. A. auliV47. if A FINE SET OF TEETH FOR 25 CENTS. AN.H TITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums, Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are becoming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 25 or 377 1 cents a Box. For sale by Aug. 17,247-6 m. R. WILLIAMS. REMOVAL. P. SCHREINER has removed A0.. , .^ 7 5" -l ilA r r l 2 " . C tallis a lte j n W t tO E L I L3 - WALIVIJT FRONT Bt. en, recently fitted up by him, between Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front St reel, where the public canbeaccomtnodated, as heretofore, with all articles in the Jewel lery line, at the cheapest rates. Columbia, July 17, 1847.—tf. Agency of the Canton TEA COMPANY.' The undersigned being the authorized Agents for the sale of the SUPERIOR ' , ;_TEAS, imported by the Canton Tea Company, of the City of New Yolc, invite a trial of their Green and Black Teas, embrac ing the best selections this side of China. Every Package Warrented. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, April 7, IS47.—tf Those Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS Should read the following statements of respectable persons. y R. Abraham Vanderbeck, of Avenue 98 D, New York, certifies that his head was mail ely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of JONES' CORAL. HaArt. RESTORATIVE, he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long, thick and luxuriant. Mr. WiLi..r.sai J ACKSON, of 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the top, was entirely bald for fifteen }ears, and that be using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral flair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects by using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than he ever had. To those whose hair is gray, or falling off and weal: at the roots I hereby certify that my hair was turning gray and falling MT, and that since I have used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling, is growing fast, and has a fine, dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative I romhed out handfuls of hair dai ly. WM. TONI PK I NS, 93 King sl., N. Y. HAVE YOU SCURF OR DANDRUFF? M. Power a grreer, of Fulton street, had his hair completely choked up with dandruf, and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and permanently cured it. Do you want to then., beautify, and mar,e your HAM soft and fine7—Read: I, Henry E Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones' Coral !lair Restorative is the best arti cle 1 ever used for dressing, softening, cleans ing and keeping the hair n jpng time soft,elean, silky, dark and in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by Aug. 7,1647-6 m It. WILLIAMS. Agency of the PEKIN TEA COMPANY. THE SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly A, „ AR • on hand an assortment of Fresh Teas,im -11.;n:: ported by the Pekin Tea Company. Any Teas sold by me that does not give entire satin• can be returned and exchanged, or the money will bo refun led. C. WESTBROOK., Locust street, Columbia, Pa April 7, 1547 TONES' SOLUTION OF JET. an instanta e) ncous liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious direc tions enclosed. sold at the sign of the Amer ican Eagle, No. 82 Catham Street, New York. Price 50 cents, $l. or wick per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847—Gin R. WILLIAMS. More Light. T J AMPS.-Oil, Lard and Camphine gtsnd Lamps, Banging and Side do. For sale. by RUNIPLE & HESS. Columbia, April 7, IS47.—tt Mrat, ilPr.azto zzD To. AI - TETHER ELL & BROTHER'S Pure White v y Lead, Paints, Linseed and Sperm Oil, Var nishes, Glass &c. Fur sale at low prices, at the Hardware Store of .1. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, 111sy 26, 1847—tf Ladles aro Cautioned Against Using COMMION PREPARE® CHALK S IV II EY are not aware how frightfully injuri ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using pepared chalk ! Be sides it is injurious, containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call Jones> Spanish Lily White. It is perfectly innocent, being puriSed of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massaclinsett.says: " After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the.most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a Box. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, August 7, 1847—Gm M O n U n r h n — r s h i E n a g a ! n o n T m r i e p t o a l i i i . o for c g lzn s s e in u g ria an d such ai Gold, Silver, Brass, Britania, Steel ware, Window Panes, &c. Sold by 5u21.48.11. N OTICE. -All persona indebted to the Bob.' Fcriber are requested to make payment, and all haying claims against him, will please present them for settlement. CHAS. J. BARNITZ July 3rd, 1847.—tf ANTANTR D. —An Apprentice to the - LORIN G BUSINESS. ulylo-it JOHN JORDAN. ITCTICI -41 . T4ETTERS of administration on the estate of Moses Brown, late of the Borough of Co. deer and, having been granted to the sub. scriber residing in the said borough, all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate, payment, and those having demands against it will present them for settlement to Aug. 28, 1847.-61. MARY BROWN. R. WILLIAMS.