The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, September 18, 1847, Image 4

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James H. Hunter's WATCHES 84 JEWELRY,
10. 40 Front st., Coittanbia, - , corner of Quarry.
Sign of the Big Hat find Cap, dirertly opposite . G o ld Lori WTtchee, full jewelled,lB carat
the Bridge, an , ! adidning Black's note!. case.. $85.00
. .
. - The subscriber bees leave to return ' Silver Lever 11 , Itches, full jewelled,
~. his thanks to hie friends and the Pub - Silt, er Lever Watches, se en jewels,
%_, .."' - ' t tic generall y , for the very liberal pat- Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, finest
4-' s- „., roriaec heretofore exten led to him, , quality, 13,00
~.;,..0 , ,,-, and hopes by strict attention to bust- ' Superior Quartier Watches, 10,00
nesa, to recetvea continuation of their t Imitation Quartier Watches, 5,00
favors; he goes upon the principle "a nimble six- ' Gold Spectacles, 8,00
pence is better than a slow shilling," and to carry I Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,75
out the principle, makes quick sales at small ad- Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, 3,50
seines. His place of business Is not a brick flout, Ladies Gold Pencils, le carats, 2,00
or of great splendor, but he flatter. himself that Gold Fincer Rings 3:3 cents to sS—Watch
he can suit customer better, and sell cheaper, thin GI uses, piain 123 cents, patent 183, Lunet 25.
persons who do business in big brick houses, and Oilier articles in proportion. All goods warrant
tnake ri great fuss about telling goods at cost, he ed to be is hat they are sold for
does not sell goods at cost, but sells at a small ad
vance, and by so doing expects to please all that -
may favor him with their patronage. lie regoe,ta
all persona, after visiting sonie of the shoat/ es
tablishments along Front street. to drop in at No
40. (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare
the goods and prices of the ildf , ent etabliah
latent, and he is satisfied lie can sell them a Letter
article, and at z lower price than any other store
in the borough.
ILlatpi alit: Caps,
Of the lat.^,t btyle and fashion ahsats on hriti I. :it
very low price:, arta warranted eitn rl to am roan
afneturvil in this State Also—Gentlemen's, L
dies and Children's Fashionable
Toots, Shoes and Slippers.
which have been selected with great care, in re,
gard to quality and make, and will be sold at the
lowest rotes.
Just sati.dy yourself by calling at N 0.40 Front
street, Columbia, opposite the Brldge.
JAS. 11. HUNTER, Agent.
May 1, 1847.
Notice to Builders.
THE undersigned is appointed agent for
a the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY,
and is prepared to Slate avy Roof, either of a
Muse or Barn that may he wanted in the
Cmitty, he having on hand at his yard in Co
lumbia, at all times, the be-t article of Slate
and can furnish workmen of tidily years ex
perience. All roofs warranted not to leak' if
the Budding does not sink or give way. Char
ges moderate to the tunes.
for the Umn. Jeremiah Brown S.: Company.
Columhia, Jo tic 19, I 9.17.
LZ:Zi I '':,Lk!":;,.:.`2'
AN nevltea4i44, - , tt tl.l `442 made at the next Fccaion
of the Ctnieral As . .iern 4 4 l toe —o. 4 '•-•
rtve ot Penn... 341.
%Panic, for the tncorroration of n Cornitnny ceder
the neroe an.: stt le, or treonded name on/ :0310 of
he Co!zz),2sla Sa yr I..qrtrtion." at,cl d. •ogn
ed as an ofrn, of Li,seovr ?It a ear.
tzal not exeeedt,a2 cane hundred thou.aml (mbar., to
be ,e.:ated in the borough of Columbia, Laneaqter
Cotn:y-, Pennsylvania.
ColurnMa. mtme 19, 1547. Gin
ijarbwarc !ijaxbuictre !
iN t The snbseriberg resp of.lllv cd
the attention of the citizen , geoei
any, tu ihelr assort mint of
Niardvs - are, Glass. Paints, Oils,
We }rive prit received in to our stock
FIARD WARE, CUTLERY and n n it, l i ng
- nalc of all description, T.OOESa,
PAINTS, Liliced, Sperm L.1:1 Whale OILS,
Bar, nod arid Ifilorp Iron,
of all FiZ^S, ANVILS. VICES and
of the best gatl;ty, all of w.1 , 1...1, we otter at the
loweq prices. l'ars , arts wishma :r. pur..hase Twit
f.rd it to their advantage to call at
( 3 ,- ;umbia, April 7, lEl7—tf. Locu.l St
THE best article ever inverre I Tor grog a fine
keen edge too Razor, or any tine in-irutnent.
To shave, or nor to shave, ttp,t',lhe question.
Whether 'tis better, on the whole, to suffer
Th' outrageous ser , pings of an edgele-s razor
Or, buy a box of H,ares'ti 11.zon Pow ion,
Wherewith to eel the edger—to buy,—to -
No mo a ,—for in its u-e we surely hare
A sovereign balm for all the barber-are shocks
The face is heir to,—tis a consutn'nat.on
Devoutly to be wished. To shave:—to serape,
To scrape ! perchance to scream ;---ay, thcrW,
For in that horrid soraie uhmit scrcarn, may come.
(Particularly if the face be tender,)
Must give us pause. ' • Who would their
faces tear,
And grunt, and sweat, with a villaorots dull razor.
When the remedy, that rendPre, .having pntime.
May no v be had at M'ei.tbrooles , For want of this,
Men sometimes ret , her wear the beards they have
han undergo the grubbing operation.
Harper's R 'lot Powder is w.arr 'rued to give
Itemshat, edgeto any razor (that has not been
used for cu irr‘ing stone or sharpening crocchais)
in a shorter space of time titan wou'd be required
with the best hone. It superccde4 the use of the
hone altogether.
Sold by C. WESTBROnIi. Locust t'"trert Co.
lumbiu, where may be Kern numerous certificate.,
testifying to it, t xeellenee.
Price 25 cents a 5,.n.
Columbia, April 7, 184;.—•t
crr HE subscriber is regularly appointed agent
for the sale of the Graefenliurg Vegetable
:11.t. These pills are compounded upon the pos
itive and fixed laws of nature, and the foundation
of which is iii perfect accordance with the °pin
ions of the most eminent medical men. They will
cleanse and invigorate the stomach, freely purge
the bowels. ot,en The pores, give a pleasint tem
perature and tone to the skin, and co all this in the
gentlest mqnner. without doing violence to the
vystem Price 2.5 cis, per box.
C. IVEwn - MOOK,
Agent Jai Cciumbic
Columbia, May 4fi 11,3t7.
QN Wednesday the 29th of September next,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, will be
so d at public sale, at the llus° of Edward
Jacobs. a certain two story frame dwelling
house and half lot of ground. situate on Third
street. between LieetPit and NV alnut street,,
fronting on Third street twenty-three fret nire
inches, late the property of Anti Wel,h,d,
ceased, whare a, teedatice and terms of sale
will be made known by
EVAN GREEN. Admistrator
of the estate of Ann Welsh, deceased.
Columbia, A umist 28. 1e.47.-6t.
removal and permanent cute of a ll disease ari
sing from an impure state of the blood, or habit
of the systoct. For sale at Leader's Drug
Store. WM. A. LEADER, Agt.
July 24, 1847.—tf
0 i hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepineg
and Quartieri lo,er than the above prices.
Philadelphia, April 10, 1847. ly
r , T , , ,,, :. „ 4 . The Cheapest Gold and Silver
I t s. 1"! ,
~;.,% : 4 iN riin,AtLurnlA.
t t Lf - 14g,SP ) LE MS I,,MOMUS,
Offers Fir Sae,
Gold Lever, full Jevi gilled
Silver On do
Enid Lep i ties do
Silver do da
S R ., Quart ler, fine ittiality
Gold iNnteliec, ohm
S 11% er SpectaeleJ
Gold Pencil.;
Gold 13race.I..te
On band n large n sport went of Gold and Hair BraceTeta,
Frover Hoop r Rings. Gold Pens,
Soso, S rents. Sugar Tone, Threoble., Gold Neck
C'tob and rob Chatns, Guard Keys, and Jewelry of eve
n' ric.coption..ll rotten low peter,
lands of W.n.trtles and Clocks repaired and
warranted to keep good tone for one year. Old Gold
and iliVer !Knight nrlnkeit in exchange.
ror bale eight day and thirty hoar hris, Clockn at
Watrb, and Jets dr y Store. No. 413} Market
str, , t. above 1114. Nor' 11 std., PO tladelphirt.
N. B. 1 have non.. Gotd and curer LeVeTs still touch
, h ,,, , 00 r than the Priee, A Wirral dsbconnt ntatie
to de 11.`ret. Call and bee for lonr.elveß.
1'11.1.1(1,1141m, September 12, 12,411.
() IJ 1113 I :1. Alt C L,
The subscriber respectiully informs his
friends and the public generally that he is new
rem'y to supply them at his VEtV EST. , III.
LISIIMENT, the three-story building in
Front street, Columbia,
on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney.
a= a ropewalk. lie intends keeping on hand a
Lei ai.sortment of fashionably inado
Ile has just returned from Philadelphia and
New York with a new and splendid assortment
of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma
terials., and In the latest style—consisting in
part of superfine blur and black cloth COATS,
Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Ciuth and
Tweeds of every color and quality.
A—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit
able for Spring, Summer and \Venter, of every
sine and de.criplion.
V ESTS—Figured. Silk. Satin, Merino and
Marseilles, suitable for all semons and of every
size, style and quality, to which is added a
beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom
Muslin, Check and Plain do.; 130-
SUMS and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts.
Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders.half
[lose, ev.c. An endless quantity of
Boots and Shoes of all sizes,
Hats and Caps,
Travelling Trunks, Ca pc: Bags and Tante...
a rarity of notions ton tedious to mention
which wlllbe kept in Thus. Beatings Front
Room, three doors east of my bonding,.
N. B. Clothing made to order at the Store.
Ile has a large supply of goods on hand by time
niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.—
Do not mistake lhe place, three story budding
or. the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Valk.
Persons will find it to their advantage to give
him a call as be is determined to sell as low as
an} other establishment in the county and war
rants all goods. lie sells as lie represents
them when sold or the money will be refunded.
Columbia, June 5, 1817. tf
1.1. you who have been sitting in the
j - nARI, E4S and shiidiiw of the, greasy
filthy, black fish od, that is now heing sold
throughout thecountry for sperm od, a re invit
ed to call at Wright's, and purchase a pair
of M PS and make uEe of one quart of the
I fluid sod by them, and if you are not entirely
satisfied with the article, you have only to re
turn tae Lamps, and have your money refund
Oil Lamps of every discription altered to
burn the Fluid. .I.D. & J. WRIGHT.
Columbia, May 27. 150.---tf
Or Physical Training, to make their Lices in this
WorN Long and Happy, by the author of "Edu.
cation As It Is, Ought To Be, and ishght Be,"
First AMC] 'jean Edition, with Additions:
Bring an elementary amt interesting treatise on
Sell Knowledge Containing short ani entertain
:ng articles on
Fool, Heart, Glands, Strength,
Eatina, Sternleh, Nerves, Recreations
Dine.tion, Liver, Brain 4, Old Age,
aloud. Lungq, Min,l, Man,
SerretiAnq, Arteries. Senses. Woman,
Head, "Veins, Health, Disease,
&e. &e. &e. Sze. &C.
Together viith the Gcat Secret—SucecFs in
Life how attained—Now to do Good—Cruses and
Effects of Error—Habits—P.,ssions—Woma n de
scrtbcd-- Man descritied—Man's Errors—Rich
and Poor—Sexes—Virtue and Vice—YouthWl
ErrorF—Woman how made delicate—Woman's
Virtues, Ambition, &c., &c.
The whole d.rigned for the noble purpose of
improving and extending education amongst the
people. imparting va l uable knowledge on the phy
,4 0 1,rgy of the human frame, and the laws which
govern mental and bodily health, &c., &c., &c.
co -Any person sending 25 cent.. enclosed in a
letter shall receive one copy maii, or fire copies
will he sent for $l, Address, postage paid.
G. B. ZEIBER & Co.,
;11, 1 , 22,1, 1847. Philadelphia.
c:•This valuable work contains (in duodecimo
form) 177 P 913".•
The subscriber respectfully announces to his
friends and the public, that he has again re
turned to Columbia, after his long illness and
resumed his siation ; all customers will now
always find him on hand ready at all times to
accommodate them He is thankful frr the
patronge heretofore so liberally bestowed upon
him and hopes by htrict attention to merit a
continuance of the same.
W. A. R,
Oordea. Mortar Drag Starr. Front at. EADE Columbia.
Columbia. Jana 12, L 1847.
IBMITI 1101.41 M
THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon
the principle that the human frame is subject
to*ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz : corrupt humors,
which, when floating in the general mass of cir
culation, are the cause of all kinds of Fevers, bet
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady incident to man.
Let it be remembered that the human body and
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and
natural a manner, that while they every day give
ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is
Literally Driven from the Body.
The following highly respectable storekeepers
have been duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Ashville, Taylor & Pierce.
Bearville, Reuben Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beecher.
Bre cersville, Samuel H. Miller.
Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner.
Bethania, John Allen.
Bart Township, %V. W. Passmore.
Belieview, Buyers & Umbels.
Bowmanville, Samuel Bowman.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brownstown, Samuel Hahn
Buck Tavern P 0, Geo T Clark
Belmont. F lirinton
Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins.
Chestnut Level, McSparrant & Housekeeper
Cambridge, Irwin y Black
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harmon.
Centreville, John Pussy.
Church Town, L. & E. Rogers.
Coupersville, E. Lewis.
Concord, Geo W. 'limes.
Columbia, Fry & Spangler.
do Joseph M Watts
Cherry 11111, haw: S Webster
Drumore, Min A, Boyd.
Earl Township, George Buchman.
do do Weaver & Witmer.
do do Davis Wallace.
Earls ille West, Samuel Hull.
Elizabethtown, John Lyaelt.
Ephrata, John Gross.
Ephrata, New. L. S. Hacker.
do West, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparran.
Fulton House Township, L. P. Wilkinson.
Georgetown, M'Canna & Buyer
Goshen, S E Fairl imb
& Martin.
lianstown, Z Killian
Ilinkletown, Julie Wickle
Intel corifSe, Thomas Iltm.s.
Lan lisville, John C. Limit's.
Leaeock tow riship, Frederiek Swop''.
L 9 mpeter Square, J. F. Ar&, D. H. Herr.
Litiz, Nathaniel S. %Verney.
Lancaster , John Zimmerman.
Meant Jay, Witmer & Cassel.
Al nun' vine, John Devlin.
Marietta. W. A & B. Spangler.
Mechanicsville, Jacob lioll.
Moinn Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co.
May town, John Reinhold.
do Slayntaker & Co.
.Millersville, H, nry Funk.
Maraca ille, Stock & Fell.
Alartic Iron Works, H. Coleman.
Mount Pleasant, Isaac Itl . Corriant.
Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer
'Mastersonsille, Joseph Masterson
.Hattie Township, Hogh Moore
Mechanic's Grove, N 11 Wells
New Holland, Brisbaker & Cn.
New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer.
New Berlin, Levi Mentzer & Co
New Texas, Carter & Lewis.
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
Oak Shade, Milner & Pierce,
Oak Run, John P Harlan.
Ore.ixon, Abraham Shenk.
Peter-burg, John Stauffer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
do S. %V. P. Boyd.
Pleasant Grove, Haines & M'Cullough.
Perm 11'11, Alexander Johnson.
Penn Township, Jacob Singer.
do G. & L. Lewis.
Para die, A R. & A. L. Witmer.
Posey 's Mils, Mahlon Plumy.
Pequa, Jos C Skiles & Co
Peach Batten', Wm. Arnn , d
Quarryville, Haines & Hensil.
Red House, David Lee.
Ravi linsville, John Rawlins.
Reamstown, J. M. Salida.
Sam'l Hinny
Safe Harbor, John Herr & Son.
Salsbury Meeting House, Sarn'l Sellers.
Sandersburg. Chew & Gra tile.
Strusliurg. Wm Spencer.
Sporting Hill, John Metzler.
Sal-bury, II Freeland
Turkey Hill, Peter Manning
Washington, John A. Brush.
Willow Street, Benj. Bower,
Waterloo, Baldwin & Oserholtzer
White Rock Forge, John Alexander.
Williamstown, A C Buyers
a....offices decreed exclusisely to the sale of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and
retail. 169 Flee street, Philadelphia; .9.88 Green
s% tell Street. New York ; and lee Tremont Street,
Boston. April 28-Iy.
ft , s 00
10 00
15 00
First Premium Writing Ink.
This Ink his for a long while become esta
blished as a National article, and the following
testimonials from Washington City, prove its
merits to that distinction.
House of Representatives.
Washington City, February :24, 1843.
I state that I have used the Ink, during the
present session of Congress. manufactured by
.lo.eph E. Hover, F.sq., of Philadelphia, and
have found it to be an article of most excellent
JOHN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep
Patent Office, Washington, D. C.,
February 24, 1843.
Sir—Your Black Writing Ink has been used
in this Office since October last, and is entire•
ly approved. I am respectfully,
J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk.
Air. Joseph E. Hover, Philad.
Hoverls Adamantine Cement
The following from Bicknell's Reporter will
best illustrate its value: " Mr. Hover mann
fact wes " Admantine Cement" for joining
broken china, glass, &c.; we have tried the
article and found it to be excellent."
For sale wholesale and retail at the manu
factory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite
Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
ronvA.lFl47-1 r.
THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
intend to make application to the Legisla-
ture of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their
nest session. for the rer wal Of the Banking, Di.-
counting, and other privileges they possess under
existing laws. The Company to be continued by
the name, style and title of the Columbia Bank
and B idge Company, at the Borough of Columbia,
in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pensylva
nia. By order of the Board,
Columbia, June 24th, 3947.-6 m.
TIN PLATE and 1-IF..ET IRON, of the hest
brands, for sale by
Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf
corning drain Again,
77.11 a.
HE President and Directors of the Balti-
Tmore and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny having consented to continue the Morning
Train between the above places.
KTThe Car will leave Columbia DAILY,
LSundays excepted] at 63 o'clock A. M.. and
the Train will leave Wrightsville at f o'clock.
Returning, the Train will leave York at 8
o'clock, A. M.
D. C:1-1. 13ORDLEY,
April 17, 1847. Sup't.
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ay, at 9 o'clock A. M., and RETURNING will
tart from Columbia at 1.1 P. 111., Wrightsville
2 P. M., and from York at 3 o'clock, P. M.,
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and Yorw ba carried by
this train. No other train will run on Sunday.
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 1846.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
pare Reduced.
PrinflE Passenger Train runs daily as follows
below •
Leaves Baltimoreat 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives
at o'clock P. M.
Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. M.and leaves
for Columbia at o'clock, P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2. o'clock, P. M. and leaves
York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock
Pare from Baltimore to York, $1 50
Tbe Train connects at York with Stages for
Harrisburg, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Pittsburg
and Toil' Sp, ing,s.
The. company is authorised by the proprietors
of the Stage Lines to receive the fare through from
Baltimore to Gettysburg and Harrisburg.
Fare through toeither place, $3
D. C. H. DORDLEY, Super't.
May 9—tf Ticket Office, 63 North st
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public in general. that he still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times tal:an to render
this one of the hest, and, from its central situ
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city.
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
His WEVES and Liquoas are not surpassed
by any other establishment in this city.
His Servants are careful, honest and obliging
Terms of Boarding to suit the times.
Country Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CHESNUT ST. House,
in the most business part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in has power shall be done to give satis
faction to those who favor him with their pa
Philad., Sept. 9.7.—1 y Pi opricior.
Take time by the forelock, is a piece of ad
vice which is suitable to all seasons, and appli
cable to all purposes; though there is no
instance in which this piece of advice is more
valuable,than to persons who have a cough or
cold, for if they neglect what may appear to
them very trifling in the beginning, it may lead
to intlamation of the lungs, and finally con
sumption! To all who have a cough, we would
say, procure a bottle of !lances' Compound
Syrup of Hoarhound. The medicine is pleas
ant to take and it may save you years of suffer
SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street,
and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Bal
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne. R. Williams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Heinitsh &
Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man
heim; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy ;4 Roads ; James
Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct. 94-'46
Hance's Sarsaparilla Vegetable, or Blood Pills
For Purifying the Blood !
HANCES' Sarsaparilla, or Blood Pills.
What is the principle which we call the
blood? The blood is that principle by which
the whole system is regulated. Therefore, if
the blood becomes impure, a general derange
ment of the system must ensue ; and give rise
to coughs, colds, influenza, dyspepsia, dropsy,
headace, fullness of blood, bilious, scarlet, ty
phoid and typos fever of all kinds; indigestion,
weakness of stomach, rheumatism and rheu
matic affections, nervous affections, liver com
plaint, asthma, pleurisy. inflamation of the
lungs, low spirits, fits, measles, small pox.
whzsming cough, croup, sore eyes, inward
weakness, worms, quinzy. bronclutus, cholic,
dysentery, gravel, salt rheum, deafness and
other affections of the ear, St. Antony's fire,
scrofula or kings evil, ulcers, white swellings,
turners, kites, suppressed monthly discharges
and female complaints in generel eruptions of
the skin, habitual costiveness and all diseases
depending on a disordered and diseased state
of the blood, or a suspension of the healthy se
Therefore, on the first appearace of any of
these symptoms, Hances' sarsaparilla or blood
pills should be procured and used according to
the directions. Prfce 25 cents a box of Fifty
Pills, or S boxes for one dollar.
Prepared and sold by SETH S HANCE,
108 Baltimore.
AGENTS—G. G. Claiborne, R. Williams,
W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Heinitsh &
Son, Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger, Man
helm; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy y.. 1 Roads; Jas.
Bryan, Elizabethtown. 0ct.24-46
The rubscriber is now manufacturing Printing
Ink of superior quality, and offers it for pale in
large or small quantmes, upon accommodating
terms, in any Instance where the ink sent shall not
answer the description, it will be exchanged or the
price refunded.
A liberal disconut will be made upon large pur.
chasea for cash.
The News Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 15, 20,
16, 30, 50 and 100 lbs.
Book Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters.
Colored Inks also in lb. canisters.
ft:TA 20 lb. keg of the but news ink willbe sent
to any point of the Penn's Improvements at my
rlsk free of charge. upon receipt of $5.
COPAL VARNISH in barrels. kegs. and can
eters. J. H. MIFFLIN.
Columbia, May 20, 1847.
fT PirEIVEIEt iuku,sni
-niERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, Kings' Evil,
Cancer, and Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulcers,
etter, Mercurial Diseases, or any other com
plaints arising from impurities of the blood, are re
quested to read the following testimonials, in proof
of the wonderful properties of the above named
We, the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac
Brooks, jr., at the office of Messrs. Rowand and '
Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, consider
his case the most remarkable one we have ever
witnessed or heard of.
His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible must
have been his twelve years' conflict with the des
troyer !
His Palate, the entire roof of his Mouth, Nose,
Upper Lip, and Lower Lid of the Right Eye have
been destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part
of the Jaw Bone carried away. And yet we can
give no description of his case.
/Vlr. B. Informs us that in January last the whole
interior of his mou'h, as well as most of his face,
was a mass of deep and painlu! ulcers !
On the 14th of January last, he commenced
which checked the disease in a few days, and from
that time the cure has progressed without inter,
Nevr flesh has supplied the place of the deep
ulcers, and though badly disfigured, his lace is
sound, and his general health is restored.
We are assured that in the treatment of Mr.
Brooks' case, no Mercurials, Ointments, or Caus
tic applications have been used—in tact the Pane.
cea alone, has wrought this wonderful change.
J. W. Jones, M. D., South 2nd street, Phila.
E. W. Carr, 440 N. fourth, above Poplar street
N. Liberties.
S. McCullough, Lancaster, Penn.
C. W , Appleton, M. D., 46 South street, Phila.
Wm. Steeling, M. D., Camden. New Jersey.
J. EL Potter, Manufacturer of Mineral Teeth,
109, S. Ninth street, Phila.
L. A. Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat, 277
N. 3d street, Phtla.
A. D. Gillette, Pastor o[ lith Baptist Church,
John Bell, Erie street, Phila. aslorth American
John W. Ashmead, 60 South 6th st., Philo
Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native F.agle, Phila.
Joel Bodine, glass manufacturer, Williamstown,
Qew Jersey.
L. B. Coles, M. D., Boston, Mass.
Russel Canfield, Physiologist, Phila.
Thomas P. S. Roby, M. D., Harrisburg, Penn.
JVm. Uric, Pastor Saint Paul's M. E. Church,
Catarine street, Phila.
John Chambers, Pastor First Indp. Church,
Broad street, Nina.
2 00
2. I2i
T. L. Sanders, publisher of Pledge and Standard,
F. P. Sellers, Editor Olive Branch, Doylestown,
Bucks county.
P. s. White
The above named gentlemen, (constituting but
a small portion of those who have visited Iflr.
Brooks at our office in Philadelphia. and would
certify to the same facts. il necessary] aro well
known, and their high standing in society precludes
the idea of their lending their names to carry on an
Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAN & WAL.
TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;
WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.; J. T. ANDER.
SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza
beth, Pu.
July 31, 1847.-2 m.
Health, Ilealth, llealth.
,Pulmonary Consumption Chronic Bronehitts.and Sore
Throat, .Asthma. Chronic Catarrh, Slatting of
Blood, Pain in the Sade and Breast, Diffi
culty of Breathtne, Whoppanis Colegh
Croop. trial:Nerves cud Nervous
Tremoure, Polpttation of the
heart; also Liver Com
platntanci.ljeetton of
the bed neve.
OF all the dilleases incident to our climate there is none
so universal and at the same time so histamine and
fatal as Consumption. In thi country especially Pul
monary Consumption is emphatically a scourer and in
Its resistless career sweeps o'er the land as a destroying
Angel, laying low with relentless hand the strongest and
fairest of our race I Hitherto all efforts to arrest this
dread disease have proved vain, and all that seemed
within our power was at best the alleviation of - suffering
rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the
The proprietor in offering this preparation to the public
would embrace the opportunity to state upon what
grounds it puts forth Its merits, and the reasons upon
which it founds its superior clams to the attention of the
afflicted, that all who re a us.requtaiie ninny repose full
confidence in its curative powers. Since its first prepa
ration helms bad the pleasure of witnessing its happy re.
Sn i t . in numerous instances; but he was determined not
to offer it to the public until he had become thoroughly
convinced of its efficacy. lie now confidently offers It
as a remedy without a parallel for the ell re of PULMON
ARY CONSUMPTION and its kindred diseases.
Consumption of a tuberculous character from time im
memorial has been deemed incurable and considering the
frequency and fatality, it is not surprising than new rem
edies and new systems of treatment should from time to
lone he brought under the notice of the profession and
the public. Almost every organic and inorganic mutt
stance, in an endless round at combination, has been
need with the hope of checking this scourge of our race,
many doubtless believing that in the progress of medical
knowledge we should at last obtain time mastery over
Consumption, and, hi the use of the Compound Sy r.
up of or and Wood Nuptha,thts object is hap
pily attained.
The therapeutic agents employed in the composition of
this remedy, are such as enable it to prevent the secre
tion of tuberculous Matter in the lungs and to cause its
reenlntion and abeorption after deposit line commenced,
an object achieved by no other medicine, and the Import
ance of which the professional man will at once perceive.
since it brings this torn. of disease. hitherto pronounced
hopeteimentirely within control. The success which has
attended the administration of this preparation is unpar
aliened in the records of medical science, in confirma
tion of which, the proprietor would ask a Careful pei
sal of the statements of a few of those who have been
restored to health by its powerful agency.
Let the folowing speak fur itself—
..lhave meg Thompson'. Compound Syrup ofTar and
Wood Math:l for some time in my practice, and have
found it the most efficient remedy I have ever used in
Consumptive cases, chronic catarrh.dth , when great ir
ritability, with weakness of the pulmonary organs, ex
isted. The rapidity with which It acts is greatly in Its
favor where ilyepncert or oppression exist., which is Im
mediately relieved by it.
.111 Pulmonary Consumption It can be need with con
fidence. being npplieelite to every form of that disease,
and I consider it a medicine well worthy the attention of
physicians, and exempt from the ilnpulalinn of empiri•
Philadelphia. October 11, 1844."
tizrThe above medicine prepared only by
ANGNEY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of
Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
AGENTS—R. WILLIAMS. Columbia; Jou";
Gisn, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, D.
GROSS, Harrisburg; R. ANGNEY, Carlisle.
Price 50 cts.. or 6 bottles for $2,50.
March 6. 1847. 876
New Book-Bindery,
The subscribers respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have opened a
Book-Bindery & Blank nook 1111azinfaetoy
on Main street, next door to the Post Office, in
the Borough of Yore, where they will be happy
to receive orders for every description of work in
their line. Particular attention will be paid to
the Ruling and Binding of every description of
Blank Books,
for Banks, County Offices, Merchants and others.
and every variety of fill and half bound Blanks,
New and old Books, Periodicals, Law B'elks
Mnsie, Newspapers, &c., hound to any patter'',
',nil in any style required. raper ruled to pattern,
n'All work warranted.
York, Mny 12,3847.
TWO APPRENTICES, about 15 or 16 years
of age, to learn the Cabinet Making Busi
nest.—Apply to JOHN W SHUMAN.
Columbia, Apoil 7, 1847.—tf
At the Columbia New Cash Store
Wsc S. PATTON have just received an
assortment of New Goods consisting of
superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain,
Striped & Fancy Cassimers, Cashmerets, Tweeds,
Croton Codrington and Summer Cloths, Linen and
Cotton Drilling, with a variety of Articles suitable
for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia,and Satin.
Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for Mantillas, Fan
cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses.
Merino Mohair, Mous de Leine, and Silk Shawls,
Corebel and Marseilles Skirts, Lawn and Lawn
Ginghams, Alpachas &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen
Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlst .n, Man
chester and Domestic Ginghams, French and Da
mask Table Cloths, Eackaback, Birdeye, and Rus
sia Towclings, Mull, Cambric, Jaconett, Swiss
Plaid and Striped Muslin!.
Best quality Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Lisle
thread, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, Palm leaf Hats
&c., With a complete assortment of bleach
ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Muslins, Car
petings from 10 cents to $l,OO, Pb in and Figured
Mattings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking
Glasses, Queens.ware, Fresh Groceries, Hams.
dried Beef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked
Much care has been taken to secure for custom
ers a choice variety and the subscribers having
purchased their goods for Cash are determined to
sell them on the moat reasonable terms.
N. B. Country produce taken in exchange rot
goods at the highest price.
Colombia, July 3rd, 1847.—er
, C. WESTBROOK keeps con
la tat):: stantly on hand a large and welt
us.usi irk- selected assortment of MISCEL
discriptions, from the small pocket memoran
dum to the substantialls bound demy. Letter
and Cap PAPER, by the ream, quire, orsingle
sheet. SCHOOL BOOKS, Serials, Periodi
cals, Newspapers, Ezc. Staple and Fancy
STATIONARY, Brushes Combs, Purses,
Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Mirrors,
Razor Strops, Shaving Soaps; Pasteboard,
Ivory, Marabo and Steel Studded FANS, and
nu.nerous other articles, all of which will be
sold very low for cash.
N. B. Cash paid for Rags.
Columbia. April 7, 1847.
ON the 4th of August, in the year 1843, a
singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci•
entitle Institute of France. The aged, white
headed President, his head bare, his arm out
stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (for
science was triumphant,) and his voice with
gratulatory tone, aelivered the following re
port :
" We are astounded at this singular prepa
ration. Where indeed will science slop!—
Here we have a preparation made in the form
of a beantifnl piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice, to cure every cutaneous
eruption, every disfigurement of. and even dis
colored skin ! Where will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole,
the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and making it white and.
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." (Here several persons
were brought forward by the President„
had used it, in proof of his assertion.)
There are probably few persons of
Bence, who, after reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap
in curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old Sores,
Beard and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender
Flesh, Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing
dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear
white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in
fact ev.ary kind of eruption and disfigurement.
Read these certificates:
From the New O,!eans Sentinel, October, 1844.
One o: our subscribers, Mr. H. Leonard, in
forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly
Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his
beard, fingers, and hands, by a cake or an arti
cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital
ian Chemical Soap. He also informs us that
lie has tried its effects on his femaleslave Rose,
much marked with sun spots, and he found in
two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which ho
was afflicted with for many years, by part of -a
cake of ;ones' Italian Chemical Soap.
Persons in purchasing this must always asle
haps, as many who have been cheated witis
counterfeits, will be too much discouraged to
try the genuine, we say to such, try this once—
you will not, regret It: but always see that the
name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold
only in New York at 82 Catham Street, Sign
of the American Eagle. Price. So Cents a
Cake. For sale by R. W ILLIAMS.
Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847—Gm.
DR. LE Roirs
Vegetabi‘e Universal Pills
Are a strengthening purgative and a purifying
THE hopes of the American agents are far
more than realised by the success of Dr. Le
Roy's Vegetable Universal Pills on this aide of
the Atlantic. Neer did a medicine spring into
such immediate popularity. In less than three
months eighty thousand boxes have been disposed
of; and certificates of cures performed by them
received from upwards of four hundred persons.
The cures embraced a great number of diseases?
but those which predominated were Bailout. Fe. ver, Colic, Habitual Costiveness, Dysentary,
Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms and Low.
ness of Spirits. All persons who take them agree
that they arc 'tar superior to every other medicine
they had used, in the mildness the energy, and
the efficacy of their action ; for though they pro
duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act upon the
secretions with great directness, force and rapid.
ity; and as a purgative leave nothing to be desired,
But their great peculiar excellence, and that which
distinguishes them from all other purgatives is,
that. their operation is followed by no reaction.—
Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper.
ties, for which they are indebted to the essence of
Sarsaparilla, and other ingredients,being controll
ed by their highly tonic virtues. derived from the.
extract of Wild Cherry, they do not strain the
digestive organs into action, as is the mode of,
operation with other cathartics, buton the contra•
ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other
purgative medicines produce more or less subse
quent costiveness, ai.d sluggishness of the gastric
juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma
chineryof the system full of life activity, and the
bowels open and natural.
rj-Price 25 cents per bni.
Agents for Columbia—R. WILLTAMI. War. A
LEAI,Ets. Feb G:47.1y
TLIST received a splendid assortment of Parlor,
it) Hall and Chamber PAPERS & BORDERS,
comprising over 800 different styles, many of which
are of the newest and most beautiful patterns, al•
ways on hand at Manufactures price at
J. D. & .1. WRIGHT'S,
Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf