STATEMENT of the amount of Tolls received on the lines of Canals and Railroads of the Cominon. wealth, as per reports of the several Collectors, for the fiscal year commencing the 30th or November, 1846, to the Ist day of September, 1847. For July, 1847. 17,942 52 1,091 91 2,629 99 OFFICES Easton, New Hope, Bristol, Philadelphia, Paoli, Parkesburg, Lancaster, Columbia, Portsmouth, Harrisburg, Newport, Lawtstown, Huntingdon, Hollidaysburg, Johnstown, Blairsville, Freeport, Pittsburg, Dunnsburg, Williansport, Northumberland, Berwick, 42,519 18 1,378 .52 1,43.173 1,93'J 92 31,726 21 1,420 44 1,885 35 262 84 811 77 535 26 20,842 49 19,G1602 1,609 88 369 36 14,972 33 1,808 61 895 67 4,742 23 20,050 51 Liverpool, =I Portsmouth Outlet Lock, 16 00 Stratum Aqueduct Bridge, 21 41 Duncan's Island Bridge, 195 63 Total, Same period, 184 G, $191,731 11 1;211,373 09 136,314 20 845;201 53 Increase in 1847, 555,425 91 364,171 51 =ISIM2 Dvaar.rsic.—This distressing complaint is a weakness of the digestive organs, nod like every other disease, Is caused by impurity of the blood. The gastric Juice, a fluid peculiar to the stomach, when secreted from bad blood, ft deficient in those wonderful solvent properties which are of such vital importance In digestion. Conse quently. the food. instead of being speedily dissolved, often becomes absolutely spoiled or purified in the stomach; hence, bad breath. sour belching. costiveness, pains in the stomach, color, dysentery, cholera marlins, and other dreadful coniplaints. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ore a certain cure for Dyspepsia, becatise they cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious humors, and purify the blond. Four or five of raid POI?, taken nt night on going to bed, will Cases give some relief, and if continued for a short time, will not only make n perfect cure of Dyspepsia, but will assuredly drive pain or distress of every description front the body. Iletvare of Counterfeits ofall kinds! Some are coated with sugar; others made to resemble in outward ap pearance the original medicine. Tile safest course is. to purchase from the regular agents Only, our or more of whom may be found to every village and town in the State. r,7 The genuine for sale by FRY A. SPANIILER. and Jos. M. Watts, a, ho are the only authorized Agents for Columbia Also, by ace nts ailiPrtised in another column. Principal Office, IGO Rare Street, Philadelphia. The Ladies' Faith in Rad teay's Chinese Medicated Soap. " I knnw ail face is ',illy sprechleil With pimples, tan, sun burn, and freckles Erysipelas, scurvy and salt rheum Erna my cuticle riasurne T. tenon na ulu full authority. These bleinis,hes I suns p 111 cure And !nabe ray skin bath fair end pure, tly el snap of superior quality, The snap I've spoken ef, as here stated. Is Radek ay's Chinese Medicated, rot toilet purposes . (I.3said m be better than any other male So new my friends I will buy A take of Radway's snap and try." The lady (dr she spoke the truth She foetid the sow the friend ,+f youth And beauty once more took its place And shone with futh ups tier face, She ever alter held her hope In Rldway's Medicated Soap. Its wonderful riT.,ts in speedily removing tan, sun burn, pimples, blotches, palates, bites of muwl•nlnec, totter, &c, softening, porifong and cleaning The skin from all imparnies, -mil adding beauty to the complexion of all who use it, place, it beyond the reach of rivalry. It Is chew, e r and narranted butler than any other toilet or medicated snip etcr olTored to the public. Sold for 12; small, and 25 cents fur large cakes, Icy Zlhin & .r.ick•no.Cleurge A. Miller. and John F. Lancaster; Bell & Son, Harrisburg; Morris & Cu. York. R., Williams, Coltinibia. .1. & R. C. RAIM'AY. No. it Camila nil atrert, N. V. NEW FALL GOODS. THE subscribers tespeetfully inform their friends 1 mind customers,thlt they nrc just receiving and opening, a full assortment of met) •'J.S`2:I)S. to winch their attention iq rcancettidly invited. FRY & SP_ NGLER Columbin, Sept. IS, 1817—zr UNRIVALLED PREMIUM EXTRA. FAMILY FLOVR. 11E undersigned nas just received from the j celebrated • Leechburg Mills" e. fresh lot of the above flour, made expressly for family nse, and cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any brands in the Union. Will be kept con stantly on land, and for sate by E. J. SNEEDER, No. 2, Canal Easan. NEW FALL GOODS. SeptlB-4t TAI; subscribers have just received their supply Full and Winter, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention of their friends and the public generally. CLOTZS, CASSIMMELES, ekc. Their stock consists or superior French, and English Black, Blue, Brown, Mixed. and Olive Cloths; plain and Faney Cassirners, Sattinets, Tweeds, Jeans; Velvet and other Vestings. Gry do Rhine, Swiss and Matteona Drcqs Silks. ALPACAS.—PIain, Plaid, and Striped, at 13, 25, 31, 37, 50 cts., &c. English, German, and French Merinocs ; Plain Paris Cashmeres and De Laincs, Lama and Tarter Plaids. French, Earlston and Manchester Ginghams; Prints of every style and price; Plain and Plaid Linseys; Taper Gauze and other White and color ed Flannels. SHIRTINGS.—Three quarters, four quarters, five quarters, six quarters and ten quarters Bleached and Brown Shcetiogs, Blankets, 'rickings, Checks, Doeskins, &c. A splendid assortment of Trimmings, Gimps. Silk and Cotton Fringes; Thread, Victoria and Bobbin Edgings i.nd Inscrtings ; LielC, Victoria and Brussels Lace, Collcrettes, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. Mtn taal23, Loaf, Pulverised, Crushed, Havanna and Brown Sugars; Syrup, L. H. N. 0. Molasses; Honey; Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffees; and the superior Teas of the Canton Ten Company of New Yurk. Oils, Fish, &c. ALSO : China, Glass & Queensware. V"All of which will be sold at; LOW as the LOWEST, for cash or produce. Thankful for the liberal share of patronage heretofore received, they will by strict attention to business endeavor to merit a continuance or the public•e favor. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, Sept. I 847.—tf. ''''''''''' A , •4, 474 F:- • • eir...= -c• - ...I i 4 '-' =" • E.s.":-..:: 1 ` - - Ift - . ' 6, ib •,/. 4 r. , 4 e 1).,. - - _ , .4i.:2,....,,..4„.74a.-.-7.--,Tzr4 , r A1...72-riit4e; Total since 30th Nov., 1840. 92,204 54 5,269 33 15,758 59 251,082 26 11,164 9.1 4 24,038 94 46,498 74 200,074 99 FROM THE OLYMPIAN AMP HITHEA TRE, PHILADELPHIA. lIIS splendid equestrian company composed en tirely of STAR PERFORMERS, will exhibit tinder their splendid Water Proof Perrillion, coin tnedionsly furnished for the comtiJrtable reception of 3000 persons, at Columbia, on Saturday Oocto ber 2ad—afternoon and evening—admission,2s ets. Independent of celebrated Brass Band, the company will be saluted, on their arrival, by Mr. Wallace's String Band, playing airs from the most popular Operas. In the evening the pavilion will he illuminated by the patent sylric Gas, invented by B. F. C ston, Esq. of the United Stiles Navy Department, Wash ington. It is entirely a new method, giving a su perior light; tree from all nauseous efituria, the fault of all other attempts, and casting a light scarcely less brilliant than the nninduy sun. Constituting the company will be found Mr. J. 0. Cadwallader, who will ride his much admired acts of the Russian Enron, the Tcrrois of a Sor cerer of Siam, and the beautiful episode of the Sprite and his lost wing, on 2,3, and 4 horses. Madame Louisa Howard, the great NATIVE FE MALE EQUESTRIAN, Iviloge admirable rersonatiens, on a single horse charm and delight all who behold her, justifying public opinion in awarding to ber. the high position she has so sucessfally held amidst a host of riral stars. 8,215 6 15,930 43 4,044 09 13,155 07 10,919 47 114,446 16 131,513 75 11,084 98 3,415 30 113,069 68 14,281 18 7,980 G 5 33,353 41 72,250 90 7,753 SG 2R6 25 1,223 27 321 93 2,120 41 932. 21) BIM CLowN—Dan Rice, the " mirth-provoking Dan," whose infinite J and FUN unstained by rude ness and vulgarity, places him fur beyond the reach !TATUM Mr. Horace Nirhors, the Prince of Ring Masters. The Rirer's who-c union of talent, is without a parallel in the world. Charles Rivers the most finished artist in his arrcng , ment and ex ecution of scenes and gymnasia; groups. Prederich: Rivers presents every kind of Foreign acts, that can surprise by novelty, and Mister Richard Rivers (the inttable,") will periorm his oct on a angle horse, as performed before the President and Sena tors of the Untied States, and by present declar ed the roost perfect union of WONDER. AND GRACE the world ever knew. 31c.,3ter T. Neville, who has acquired the rare art of ridnic, and executing the must difficult feats backwards, on a single horse. Mr. Wm. Stout will ride his fine classic eels, on 2,3, and 4 horses, forming a pyramid or fire per. sons, whom he will bear above his horses at light ning, sped. Signior Gel aural, the mighty Italian equestrian will ride Ins incredible nici !romantic scents, intro ducing, 'Les batons du diahle,' and his Golden Peirtons, &c., &e. He will ul , o bring Inward his two wonderful dogs, as hose feats are without in the Arena. Mr. W. Howard, the Spanish scenic rider, and great representative of the Red Man of the For est. Mr. Charles rosier, who rides a great dramatic secne, and a Grand illzlitlry art, entilted Or All for our Country, in whit h by the Did of cared costume, he repre , eut the Chid' Pa tri Ireh praying for ho, country, GE N. zAch: TAYLOR, at nOnterey, I/IRAII STIFF, a yankee volunteer, Santa Anna, the commander .1 Mexico, conclud ing with the SOLDIER OF FREEDOM. heal ing the memorable renolre, "GIN. xi.vrat sc. i v rtnxnntts." Mons Derious, of the 'Cirque Glympique,' wit/ introduce the. Arabian Dancing. Marc, whose heaniilui dances for q.irpas4 anything of the kind ever brou•,rht be lore the public. Also the comic pnnien, Romeo and Juliet, will, by their comic dinner scenes, !caps and counter leaps, prove their instinctive bent for drollery. IrParcnts and guardt.oi., runy with confitli,nce bang their families, undt.r the watchful rare of the proprietor, nothing approaching a shade nf vulgarity can tinit ito way among the CilOiCe repro. sentations ni the A rem]. The afternoon and availing performances cntii ely varied. Saint 8-td. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! J. TYNDALE. No. 97, South Second C Street, Philadelphia, wishes to inform Intl trends and the polite ttenerally, that he still u onUnure to MIMI facture and sell the gten• uine Air-Tight Steve, a ith the latest improve ments. After mans' years experience in the mane facture of these Stoves, he is now en a bl e d t o offer to his customers the Air-Tight Stoves with ovens, suitable for dining rooms or nur series. He has also the Air-Tight Stove, on the Ra diator plan, which makes a splendid and economical parlor Stove, to which he would call the particular attention of those w ho want an elegant and useful al ticic for their parlors. Also, a large assortment of Coal, Parlor and Cooking Stoves. All of which lie will Fell at the lowest Cash prices. The public would do well to call [Jame purchasing elsew here. Da•Nlr. T. would Caution the public against Air-Tight Stoves,madc by most Stove makers, as ihey - do not are,wer the pin rno.,e intended. Columbia, Sept. leth, 1847-2 m. arm3eries. FULL supply of Family Groceries at FRI" & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Sept. IS, 1847—tt -{ ESII SII A D received at it YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 separ47-tf Fresh supply of ols ju.t. received St YOUNG & CA.:•.'SEL'S No. SO E.1)111'47-if ANew .rupply of Tat ton and Monterey Plaids for 'mite.' wear, just received at septil'47—ti YOUNG &CASSEL'S' No. 50. riIHE newest and best styles of Gimps and I Fringe., just received at sepal:47—ff YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. F RESII rICEREL at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. SO, _ scptl I'47—tf G OOD CIDER VINEGAR at YOUNG & CIVSSEL'S N 0.50 septll:47—tr TAUPONTS bent Eagle Powder at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. scptl l'47—tf SILK warp, lustre Plaid and striped Alpaceas, 0 just received at septll'47—ti YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. SO. . - septll'47-1f ATTEND TO YOUR COUGH. JUST received a fresh supply of Wister's Bala. of Wild Cherry, Swaync's Syrep of Wild Cherry, Jayne's Expectoraut. Fur sale at septll'47—tf LEADER'S Drug Store. WELCH'S NATIONAL CIRCUS! HONOR TO OUR HEROES ORR'S CELEBRATED Something Nem under the Sun. THE subscriber has just received the Fall and Winter Fashions, which, Mr elegance and taste, surpasses any thing which has ever hitherto been pulthshed. He would invite all those who may wish their garments made up in a durable and fashionable manner, to give him a call at his Tuilor ing Establishment in Locust street, opposite Hal deman & Co.'s Store. As he is well satisfied they will not go away disappointed as lie is determined to spare no pains in making up all work entrusted to his care in such a manner as he is satisfied will render general satisfaction. _ J. J. returns thanks to his customers in general, for their liberal patronav heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to bthincss, to rccdve a continuance of the same. Columbia, Sept. 18, FALL AND WINTER FASHIMS, THEY have come to B. Young, at No. 50. The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1817 & 8, which, for taste, cannot be surpassed by the world—they are the most perfect ever brought before the eyes of the people of this globe. Persons wishing their garments cut and made in the most elegant Foyle, will do well by calling at 13. Young's Talk:wing estab• li , hment, No. 50, Front street. Columbia, where they will have their work executed to perfection and with despatch. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior cloths, cassimeres, yestiims and trimmings, such as cannot he had at tiny other store in Columbia, will do well by calling at Young Cassels Store. No. 50, Front street, where there is one of the best selections of the above goods in the country. They will also warrant the quality, cut make and fit of all the minds ',hey sell and make op. They are thankful for past favors and hope to have a share of pat ronaff... YOUNG & CASSEL Columbia, Sept. 11, 1817.—tf. WOOD AND PAPER TAPERS. morohc Wood and Paper Tapers. For cafe at 1.7 septli'l7—rf LEADER'S. BLACK INK. SUPERIOR. Congress Dlacli, Dicta and 'Red Ink For salt, at LEADER'S. Reptll•47—tr 1113 N'I"S 1.1 :11 ENT IS the only remedy that can Le relied on for the speedy and permanent cure of rheumatism, Epinal nfreetion., pain in the ride, hock, &c , &c. For sale only at W. A. LEADER'S. septli',l7—tf Estate of Samuel Pierson, Deeeasca, LET.ITIZS of Administration on the estate of Samuel Pearson, late of the borough or co. lumbia, Lancaster county, titicta,ed, having been grunted to the sub , eriber, residing in said borough, all persons indebted to the said e cstate,.tre requested to In:11,e iminedi.ite payment, and those having el timq to present them duly authentic eal to the undersigned. ELIZABETH PIEIISON, Sep , . 11, IS.l7.—it Adniinistratrix. AN T umneJt.itely, three or four 1/ Journeymen Tailors. —one but the hcst Workmen need apply. Sept. 11, 1517 —ll 13. YOUNG. AFRESH assortment of all kinds of the best spices just rereivt d at 501.111%17—1f YOCNG & CASSEL'S N 0.50. ATTANTED--Two apprentices to learn the , y Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper bu-iness. Boys from the country preferred. Apply to lumwa, Sept. El, It 47. IT. PFA FILER. TiOURING GLASSES of all kinds, just re I ceivod at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. sepi 11 '47-11 SPLEND/D c,ort tnent or Carpet Chain at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50, - sept t l',l7—tf .It)IINSiJN'N ME )ICATEI) SOAP. FOR removinz pimples, freckels, tan, sun-burn, blotches, rrdness of the shin, and .111 cutaneous atrections, and zives a cleanness to the skin truly beautidii. No lady's toilet should he without it.— Fer Bale at LEADEUrS. sent 1 l'l7—tr A CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD. TT OIT'S IMPROVED CHEMICAL SOAP, la for extracting grease, tar, pitch, 0:1, paint or any other greasy substance, from all kinds of ;Ton tletnen's or ladies' clothing, ratpets, table spread., merino shawl , laatnets, utthout injuring it. For sale only by septll'.l7—tf W. A. LEADER. IT::,'TIC,'; , "?. THE stockholders of the Columbia and Wash ington Turnpike ra.d company are hereby notified that an election for one President and six Dirt ctors of said company will be held at the Franklin Hotel, Columbia, on Friday the 17th of September, 1547. J. BITER, Secy. Sept. -1, 1847. to Lancaster Inttlligeneer please copy and chergo this °lnca. CHARLES STOKES' GLOI3E HALL OF FASHION, No. 29G, illarhet Street, l'hiladciplaia. eILOTHING A nee i ssary arid useful a.tiele ; It well hrcomei c, cry one who buy- it, bolore pnreba=ing. to look and where it can he bought cheap , st, I am i-ati-fled (and reader, }ou will be) if you fa,or Inc m nh a r.,11 af,d look over my stock of good, }on will not only buy yourself but tell your friends %%here CHEAP CLOTHING can be had and they will do the same. If you come to the Globe of Fashion an I do net find roods twents , per r ent cheaper than an% store in the city I thin!: you null say General Tai for never'whiiped the Mexicans! I think he never dune anything else. full stock of clothing suited for the country trade, which mei-eh:ils and others are particularly melted I. cx CHAIII,F,S STOKES, No. 296, Marhet St.. 3rd d , or •low Ninth. Philad, Iphta. Atuvrst 1517.-3 m. Stoves, Sto-tres. 'WOOD, COAL & COOKING STOVES. of the latest and most appr,•vcd pat terns. A Is.n, Radiator and other improved patterns of Parlor Stoves. For sale at reduc ed prices, at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL.. The highest price will he paid for Old Cast ings, Flan seed. Cloy er seed.,Timothy seed, Sc Columbia. aug. 521, 18,17,-3m REMOVAL. m g THE subscriber would inform his friends Ilatalliand the public eenerally, that he has remov ed to No '2, Schreincr's Row, between Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front Street, where he w4l con• tinue to keep an elt , g mt. assortment of Beaver, Otter, Fur. Silk. and Nutria HATS, arid also, n I. rge tuaortment of CAPS. all of which he will take plea...tire iu shotvin,g to thoge who favor him with a call. Don't forgot—Schreiner% Row, No. 2. before purchasing elawher ; as 1 am determined to sell cheap. WM. TEMPLE. Columbia, Aug. 21, 1847.—tt TO TPIOSE THAT Agr. FOND Or SPORT. undersioned have just received the best and most complete assortment of iglish and German stub and twist and pat ent breech 'DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at such prices that will stilt all. Also, six Carreled Revolving and self-cocking Call and examine for yourselves, at the cheap Hardware Store of JOHN JORDAN RUMPLE 6.: HESS Columbia, Aug. 21, 10-17. ALL FRESH. Tlic.onNtilnuFaLn' L c e for or pa p s o t b i l a i c y favors, a r o n i n l a d g e e s T h u e s ( s o u r ba a pc:o3er takes this method ol giving tiolire that h e 11,19 just received a Loge and general supply of treali Drtma and Menteine., Paient &c All of which he a ill dispose of, whaitasale and retail, at very moderate price., with a guarantee to he genuine and of the best quality. Ile has also received a very large stock of 'Per fumery, which, in pinta of assortment, quality alai cl'enpness, is unequalled in 1139 place. Ladies and others. call and ate kir Yourselves. Alan a la:ge assartment of Combs and lirtilies very cheap. . I I .1.1.1 M Front dt. Colombia, August 11. 1317.—if. B. E. MOORE YLOORE & RISDONT, 2.7 T TAILOIVZ, \"o. 70 South 7'hird Street, nea]ly opposite the Exchu Phi lad Iph ia , 1 - )ESPEC'FFULLY announce to their friends ix and the public that they arc constantly pre. pared to make :o order. ot the finest end best ma terials, and at to,derate prices, etc' y srliele nl 1 - ,lslttmau:c CL.iI. ng collarnuting a Gentlotan's Wardrobe. for is Lich then- complete stock of clever and carelolly selected CI ;t1,9. Ca—,lterey, Vestroes c., or lilt: i1 , and most desirable patterns, ate ; iy dedliMPCi. 'Them rr, 0 pi - Jr:veal knowledee of the business and a person ;I attention to every carmen?, enables !Item to sloe cadre ta,to-facilon, aid to both old and new en,romer4 they respectfully tender art Inca:won to give them a call. !laving been tor Fears connected with some of the best and most fasinotiab:e C.3:1111 liebrnents tn tLis ettuttiev, emp;ottirw none but first rate workmen, and bentt 111 the receipt of the latest fashions, and hest styles of eonds, they are fully prepared to ac ettmmoda;e customers in the beet nolnner. Philadelphia, Attaust 14. ISl7.—Gin CHEAP OIL STORE, PHILADELPHIA. RIDGWAY & IiEEMELE, 37 North below Race St OFFER for sale at the lowest prices, all the anti. cles of the Oil Trade. Their stock is varied nisi extensue, and they led ciintident of giving, it-la:non to those why call. Thry have now on tund— Pure Suern. Oil Vi bite trite: and F. a Oils of dim,. Soar Oil . inter-oressod Lard Ott. W niter Cielitiant and Vi; hale Oil-. P. •ftnrd Ruched and Coinninn 11,' hale Oil. Tan orris' Oils Spet in Candle, Guano &c., Philadelohia Alton , ' 11 1°17.—12.11. N. is goods del.% pied in first tatv. order. 11. BULL'S Compouro' Extr,ct of Sara parilla ful sale by R. w ILLIAMS. n014'17 tf poc Ton TOW MDSE V'S Compound Er t I act of Sarsaparilla never Mils to cr..dicar en toe!, the liects of tTICr , III y, infinitely SOOlll , inn other wedieizio, s, cat., nervon. nvre,ms complaintb of all kinds,neurali gin. organ is .tftl , ettous, aill -17.1.1 IL VC I L I,T THOSE INKSTANDS AGAIN !: ar , happy to inform those an want of a Patent Self Supplier that by dint of per , evcrance, we have E.neeeede:: in obtain inr a cmalt I. , surtment. Those in want will hear in mind that there , is a f ow :Tim e left at FRY SPANGLER:S. Columbia. Aug. 7. 1: - 17.—tf LAC; CLASPS, Pta=e and Bag Twkt, Steel ) Beads, Poi's(' and Bag Rin.2s an I 1' For sale by it. WILLI: S OAS% au1.1 . 47 tC FEKIN TEAS of all Int,dc, to he had fresh at YOUNG CASSEL,'S Store, No. LO Colombia, 7. 1817—If !zreat variety vary nig in price from 3.1. i cents and upur.rdq at FRY & SPANGI,I 7 .II'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, IS47—tf 1 FA MS, 11:1115. Jersey cured canenssetl (tams, fur sate :,t FRY& SP ANGLF.II'S. TFIE CRY IS STILL THEY COME. -\\rE are now noemng the best ar,ortrnent 1 f of Dres% Goor.k ever Mrered thiq het The public ere rrcpre.tullv invited to see them at FRY dz. SPANGLER 'S. Columbia. All'. 7, lz-17.—tt SOMETLIENG FOR TIIE LADLES. PEN Sillt, \loin it and Alpa‘ca Plaids, new 0 style fur ladies' dres , e , ; also a splendid as sortment of Gingham , and other dryss gond , . at FRI SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf INFAMOUS P RACT ICE. FE.VDtr. AND AGUE PATIENTS!! 1. S it rot an 'lnfamous Trillbe for Wholcsalo end Retail Druggists, find tither Merchants, to buy tip '1" , , " LIS. Ada i.eraLvd. 11 , ;1‘id d nod Cuuu -Icrtcit and's Torre 11Txturo, at auction, rims from trresponsib!e and swim:llllz nii.dicine venders, for tv, n or ttire_e dollar, ler and 111.-. it to the unorant and unwary. no the er own,. 1{1 , ,V• nd'q T 111111.7. 11 IN lure, for 1 , 01.• dollar the bottle! anti when they well knoo 111,1 this ernimerlcit trash has bc..n m ove , i lly p ro . nottneed worthless and inert, and WILL NOT cunt 'rue nGt:E! I know of no noire tolmman and daeteadis conduct in men laying any claim to re. speciabilry or honesty. Look earent fly tor the "written olgoatur of John R. Rowand," on a paper label (term, the mouth of every totle, without whvL "guard" it never can 'on genuine, however knavish medlcine-venders may falsify and try to deceive.--Agent for Co!um• Ma, %V. A. J.EAI)ER. oulV-17-,1 The snbseriber is prepared to deliver ICE in any quantity every morning.. JOHN H. BROOKS. CCr - N. B. Small Ice for Ice Cream and Min eral Water to be bad at Ins residence in any quantity. J. 11. B. Columbia June 12th. 1947. JUST received a large asortrnent of Patent Breach -.tubb Twist Engli.h Guns, single and double barrel; also Revolving and Com• mon Pistol•. For sale at reduced prices at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL Columbia, May 26. 1847.—er FISTOL%. I. N. ItISDON untmELLAs ICE! ICE! ICE ! ! GUNS AND PISTOLS. REMOVAL. zaux P. 3ELOUSTOINT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JAS REMOVED his LAW OFFICE to the Collector's House. corner of Front sad Gay streets, where he will attend prompt ly to all husinecs in the line of his prolession. Columbia, April 1.1. tS47.—tf PEULILP cOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lan cast' county,Penn'a. AVILL practlce in the several Courts of rj Lancasteran4Yorke , unrics. OFFICE. —ln IVa!nut htrect, adjoining the Washington 1-1 .tel. Mar 6,1E47. BOOT. W3l. S. C ORKLE. elrrlcE—Sontli East corner of Locust and 1,,Y Second street. Boarding flouqe—with Mrs. Swartz, 9 doors below his late r..sidence. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf :NEW STICLU. COMBS. rrrIOSE new style Poi KA COMBS can now I be had at FRY SPANGLER'S. Columbia..‘og. 7, 1847.—tf GIMPS AND FRINGES. DLACK SALK and Mohair Fringes and Gimps, fur sale cheap at FRY & SPANGLER'S Columbia, Auz 7, It4l7.—tf StriDETVLING - "UST received a second stiNalr of WALK -ING CANE UMBRELLAS, a handsome and useful article. which will be -old al the manufacturer's retail [trice.. Call and gee them at J. D. S.: J. WRIGHT'S. au TO HNSON'S Super. E.;:e,,tiall\Mlnut Oil Mili tary Shaviug Soap, suporior to nll other= for shaving. Sold 1.,y IL WILLI \ MS. fm21'17.,f. a1.1:27-13. 1 7 .1.1117GXZW. VARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, NVindotr and Ceihmz Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles., for sale F,y C. W ESTBIZOOK. Columbia, April 7, 1`347. AI 7- RIGHT'S Indian Vegetable Pills or Indian Purgati% e. and Indian Vegeta ble :livrop warranted genuine Fur sale by aur.21 . 47-ti. R. NV I A. MS. \ails ancl Spikes. neilie2q l's; A I LS. SPINES and op, DS.— ev , ./V1 .111 , 1 rece3r ed and for sale at redoced num PLE C ru:ss prices a ndb. stc PuSrS U T at S ! A n \ n ' S t - '4 ° C i t I ; prices by RL PLE HESS Columbia, pril 7. IS IT.— it lax: A zZ.- ii s . Celebrated Lou den Ffih CRATNs, Truces. and short. double and sin- Linlc.Breast,Car:ying and Halter, Chains, all of which u c offer at min nufactures RUMPLE & Columbia, April 7, 18.17.—ti 200 E. rar.anasga. 1)IN DING orders left at the Colombia B O A Store will receive prompt attention. Columbia, litty 19, 1547. T Cait renters UST received a splendid assortment of e PLAIN' BEADS. SAWS. HATcErs. BRACES, BITS and CHISELS, at reduced priers by - 3.UAIPLE L [LESS Columbia. .4prd 7. 1947.—t: ).'jRASOLETTS, &c. A new Supply just opened and fur sale very Olean at. WRIGHT'S. Columbia June ISl7.—tf DRY Star. h Puh , b, for pupal lag, h ilh tn the :.(Li it iO , l •lan v g a") . sub" .r.ce, and lor pr,,du,ng a btilhaat pearly gloss on the linen. s. rd only by au:2117-tf. Crenllerner-N Slimmer Wear! r 10\1P RIF- ING CnshmercitA, Croton and it.....)Summtner Cloths and Casimerb ; sniicriine plain nut fancy white Drillings. S.Lt n, Brocade and :liarscilles Vcbtintts..S.:c. &C.. :it reduced prices. J. D. & WRIGIII Columbi,, June 93. le „ J EST received a lot handsome and Liwns at 11!i cents, lt; cents, ISi cents and 23 cents, with some finer qualities at the tow( st prices. _ _ _ J. D.& J. WRIGIIT Columbia, June V, 1841".—t f F11lEl30A11.1) l'111:\ TS. A;arlelyUfFire bmvd pattern.; for sale cheap at .1. D. & J. N't' RIGHT'S Columbia, May 126, 1847.—ti Gains and Pisiols. Tlou - BLE on l Sint!le 13.1 i rc I GUNS. war- JILY rented Si it bb Twist, and Patent Breech Itevolvint! PISTOLS, Brass t•nd Stec! Barrel Pistols. Fur bale cheap by RUMPLE & 'HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—t To Uo at meta. - 1 0 \717AV Pallere Boat STOVE. Jost receivti cd and t'or sale by. 'RUMPLE& HESS Columbia, April 7, 1d17.--tf D OCTOR ROBEY'S !lair Curling For sale IT R. WI I.l.lA‘is, au 14',17.4.t rxrar. corL. TCST received and for qalo at t'ul ilarritcar Siam of RUMPLE &. HESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—ts ATTANTED.—An Apr,.lice to the T.ll- LORING BUSINES , S. .Tulyl4l-I4 JOHN JORDAN. ItTC P . ;::;'', c!):Ce:: - .170::R . GI. jA MPICO, Madras and Cape Boot SKINS. Dressed and lindrossed Morocco, Kid. Lining and Binding. SEHNS,alsvays on hand at the very lowest prices. .1. D. & J. WRIGHT Columbia. April 7, 1.847.—tf ANTI -AGUE MIXTURE. A warranted cure for lever and a.4ue. For .nle by R. WILLIAMS. N. 13.—There is none genuine but thnt sold by R. Willhrns. au2l'47-tf ooTial. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Mose., Brown, Isle of the Borough of Co. furn` , ia., deep iced, having been granted to the sub. scriber residing in the card borough. all pers.,ru, indebted to said estate are rrquested to make im mediate payment, and those having demands against it will present them for settlement to Aug. 28, 1847 -6 t. 111 AR Y BROWN. FINE SET OF TEETH rOR 25 CENTS. wnITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums, Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Anther Tooth Paste. have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory. and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as are becoming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and makes the breath deliriously sweet. Price 25• or 37.3 i, cents a Box. For sale by Aug. l 7 t,47—Gin. R. %V iradAms. ME .1101-11,1,. P. SC REI I'4: EP. has removed Ins %V ATC.FI and JEWEL- Establishment to the WALNUT FRONT 13t. ck. recently fitted up by him, bets, eeii Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front Street...where the public can be accommodated, as heretofore, with all articles in the Jewel lery line, at the cheape , ,t rates. Columbia. July 17. IS47.—tf. Agency of the Canton TEA COMPANY. The undersigned being the authorized - cents for the sale of the SUPERIOR TEAS, imported by the Canton Ten Company, of the City of New 'Volt, invite a trial of their Green and Black Tees, embrac in. the best selections this side of Chi na . Es ery Paelcafte arrented. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf Thee Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS Should rraJ the following: statements of resprcloble persons, - 1 if R. Abraham Vanderbeck, of -Avenue 58 0. New Var`c, certifies that his head. was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of RESTORATIVE. he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long. thick and luxuriant. Mr. WILLIAM JACKSON, of 89 Liberty street. Pittsburg. certifies: On the 3d of February, 18.17, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the top, was entirely bald far fifteen years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects by using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than lie ever had. To those :chose heir is gray, or falling of and. weak at the roots I beret); certify that my hair was turning gray and fall no , off. and that since I have used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling, is growing fast. and has a fine, dark look. 13efore I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative I comhed nut handruls of hair dai ly. Vl' M TOMPKINS, 92 King st., N. Y. HAVE YOU SCURF OR DANDRUFFT M. Power a grocer. of Felton street. had his hair completely choked up with dandruff, and Jones' Coral flair Restorative culirely and permanently cored it. Do you want to di ess, beautify, and make your HAIR soft and Jinn 7—Read : ITenry F. Cullen, late barber on hoard the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones` Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti cle I ever used for dressing. softening, cleans ing and keeping the hair a long time soft, clean, silky, dark and in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by A rig. 7. 1847—Gin R. 'W I ',LEA MS, Agency of' the PEKIN TEA COMPANY TIM svu , crunEß keeps constantly , on hand an issortment of fresh Teas, im paned hy the Pekin Tea Company. Any Teas sold hy me 'hat does not give intlre satin• lacti , n. cm I e reierned and exchanged, or the money ~111 hr ref,r).:ed. C. EsT Locut: colurffina, Apra 7, 1647 TONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta p, nering liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or Jet black color. Full and copious direc tions enclosed. sold at the of the Amer- Iran Eagle. No. 8 . 1 ('album Street. New York. Price ;Al c0nk..51. or .;.'1,50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1647-64 R. NV ILLIAIVIS. _M 'R Lig3ll. T y A ".TI'S.- Larl and Camp'iino Stnnd J Laa,ps, 11 ing,ng and Side do For salt , by Ia3NIPLE & HESS. Co - wm' April 7. IS ;7.-t I °HO. - 11,7ETHERELT. Sz. BROTHER'S Pure White 1 1 . .. r ad, Peintc, Lins.ed an I Sperm 011, Var. rrshe9, Cams &c. For sale al low priers, at the Hardware St(ye 01 J. %V. co y T RELL. Coium!ria, M 25, I.P37—tf "Men cry peace! peace! ?clan Mere ?s no peace!" r E War has actually begun, hot •' Gen- Taylor never surrenders," neither does the Rev. 11. ilibhlyd•s Ve , etab'e Universal Pills n•hen they mlice a charge pion 1 nternnt tent, I nil imatory, Congestive and Typhus Fevers: Sick Headache. Hispepsia or Indir , estion, Cholera Morbus, Bavrel Com plaints. etc. Dose. from a half to two pills. Price 12h, 25 and 30 cents per tyuc. tom. A. Leader,,iip ply ing :went for Collimhil, who trill supply county merchants and others. Sold by all our agents in this county and stale. n1128'4741' Lnd4es ore Cautioned ‘galtivt. Gring Co.lllllloni Pr: RED CIL% LK rpHEY arc not aware how frightfully injuri aus it is to the shin! how coarse, how rough, how sillow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appear; cftor thing pepated chant! Be .ides it is iniurions. containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vemet able article, which ts c call Jones' Spaxaifih Lily White. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, health•, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Aritterson, Practical Chemist of Nlassachuset s. says : •• After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent ss hite 1 ever saw. I certainly can consctentioubly recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a. Box. For sale by !LW AM& Columbia, August 7,1847-6 m ATOUNT Eagle 'Tripoli. for cleansing and ill burnishing all met.alie and glass surfacer, such 09 Gni.% Silver, Brass Britania, Sam! ware. Window Panes, &c. Sold by au2iAB4S. -- R. wiLLTAMS. persons indebted to the sub. ecribee ere requestad to make pigment, and It ha,ma claims against him wilt please present them for settlement.. CHAS.I. lIMUITTZ Salo 9rd 1847:-L-tf