was born, and the Marble slab which is laid in the place of the manger. When I saw, throug h out the Country, how the Arabs now use the caves of the hills to bed their goats and cattle; this belief of the friars appeared lesi absurd than it Would with us; bht still, it is so int Probable that the precise spot of theie tiatiaiidtions (whose importance was not known till afterwards) should have been marked and remembered, that I felt little interested in them in comparison with the landscape, outside about whose leading features there could be no mistake. From the bottom of the garden, we ovsvlooked the great valley which expanded to the north-east; and one enclosure there—a green apt now occu. pied by olive trees—was pointed to us tke field where the shepherds were abiding on the night when Christ was born. Behind it, to the east, lay range behind range of hills, stretching off' to the north ; and among these, we knew, lay the Dead Sea, and the Jordan, where it pours its waters into that lifeless and melancholy lake. As we left the convent and village, and descended the rocky road, with terraced vineyards and olive groves on either hand, we knew that Joseph and Mary must have come by this way from Jerusalem when - summoned : to the census; and this was more to us than all the sights the friars had shown us in their zeal and kindness. We looked in at the tomb of Rachael, and at the convent of Elias; but our eyes and thoughts were bent towards Jerusalem. I remem ber, however, that here I first saw the waters of the Dead Sett, lying blue in a little gap between the hills. As soon as I had mounted my ass before the con vent of Elias, I saw from our ridge some buildings on the rising ground which now showed itself be fore us. I was not immediately certain what they were; but the news soon spread among us. That rising ground was Zion, and those buildings be longed to Jerusalem, though they stood ontsidc the wall. Immediately after, the walled city itself came into view, lying along the hills. Most of the party were disappointed. I was not—partly be. cause I knew that we were approaching it from the least favorable side, and partly because my ex pectations had much underrated the size and gran deur of the city. What we now saw was a line of white walls on a bill side, with some square build ings and small white domes rising within. I walked the rest of the way. On our right were hills, the summit of one of which was Acelde ma, bought by the priests with the money which the wretched Judas returned to them, when he found too late what lie had done in his attempt to force his Lord to assert his claim to a temporal sove. reignty. On our left was the plain of Rephaim. When we arrived at the brow of the high ground we were on, we were taken by surprise by the gran deur of the scene. Zion now appeared worthy of her name, and of her place in the hymns of David, and in history. We were now overlooking the valley of Gillol7, more commonly known by the name of Hinnom. From its depth, and its precip itous rocks on our side, I should call it a ravine.— This deep dell contains the Lower Pool,. now dry; and the aqucduet from Soloman's Fools is seen crossing it obliquely.. Its opposite side is Zion,, rising very steeply, still terraced foe tillage in some parts, and crowned by the city wall.. Ma the right,. sweeping away from. the ravine of Gihon„is the deep and grand valley of lehoshcphat, clustered with rocks, relieved by trees, and leading the eye round to the slope of Olivet, which, however,is best seen from the other side of the city.. The black dome of the tomb of David was the next object; and after that, the most conspicuous roof in the city—the great dome of the Mosque of Omarovitich occupies the site of Solomon's Temble... By this time, there was silence among us. I walked behind our cavalcade, as it slowly ascended the beautiful rocky way—glad of the silence per mitted by each to all ; for it was not possible at the moment—nor will it ever be possible—to-speak of the impressions of that hour. Wo entered by the Jaffa gate; and every echo. of our horses' feet in the narrow, stony, picturesque streets, told upon our hearts as we said to ourselves that we were taking up our rest in Jerusalem. =Z: A native of the Emerald Isle was asked the other day how he could tell when a man was drunk. Faith," answered Pat, "Pa never be after saying that a man was drunk at all, without I saw him try to light his pipe at the pumr: POETRY RUN MAD.—The Boston Times -says:— Our correspodent .14' is heartily thanked for his lines on the battle of Buena Vista—but a terrible inequality in their length prevents their insertion. We will, however, give one stanza as a sample:— Did you ever hear of a place they called Buena Vista ! 'Twas there a very brave old Kentucky gentleman gave Santa Anna and his yellow skinned myrmi• dons a confounded twister. The battle was fought in two. days. and though his force was weak, This fine old Kentucky gentleman. who I forgot to mention was named Zachary Taylor, with a force of forty-five handredmen, knocked, at the lowest estimates, twenty thousand Mexicans into the middle of next week. " Waf, wife," said a countryman yesterday, ".1. don't see, for my part, how they send letters on them are wires without tearing 'cm all tew bits." " La me, they don't send the paper, they just send the writin' ICI the fluid state." "Oh that's the way, hey 7" Some difficulty have arisen between the captain and crew of the Chinese Junk, at New York, an examination before one of the Courts has elicited an expose of the meaner in which these unfortu nate men were enticed to leave their native country, Through the medium of an interpreter, it was proven that the captain got them on board on pre. tenet of making a voyage to the Island of Java for a cargo of sugar, which voyage was, by the agreement entered into betwein the crew and the captain, not to last over eight months. Instead of going to Java, the Junk came to New York, and there she remains. The cause of these unfortu nates has been taken in hand by some gentlemen, who are determined that justice shall be done in the case. _ A new mode of dispersing mobs bas been dimes emd out west, whir his said to supercelle the neces sity of military force. It is, to pass round a con tribution box. Uxpsxst9 or GOVEANISENT.—By the official return of the Secretary of the Treasury it appears that the expenses of the army, for the three quarters which ended on the 13th ofJune, were 816,572,694, and the whole expenses for the Government for the same period were 22,475,505. ANSIVIR. TO A CHALLENGE.—Through some mis take, a gentleman in the south of Ireland led off the dance at a country bull out of his turn. The person appointed to the post of honor, challenged the intruder, and received the following reply : I cannot understand why, because I opened a ball at night, a hall should open me in the morning." SHAKSPRAME'S 13iar.. ?Lace ,vas lately offered for sale. In consequence a great meeting took place at Stratford.upon-Avon, to take measures to pre. serve it from destruction, and to erect some worthy memorial of the great dramatist in his native town. A large number of the nobility and gentry were present, and great enthusiasm prevailed. Another meeting took place in London, and subscriptions have been commenced; and it is pretty certain that the old habitation of the bard will soon become the property of the nation. Among the literati active are Jerrold, Ainsworth, Knight and Vandenhoff: BAD Barons, a disagreeable taste In the mouth, and many other unpleasant symptoms. are always the result of Indigestion. When the food, Instead of being properly dissolved, remains in the stomach until It becomes in a manner putrified, a deleterious fluid, called Septic Acid, is generated in the stomach, which, mixing wlth.the fluid of the mouth, Is certain not only to give a bad breath, but Is also the true rause of wasting of the gums, a deposit of tartar, and decayed teeth. Wright•s Indian Vegetable Pills not only cleanse the stomach and bowels of all bil ious and putrid humors, and purify the blood, but they also restore the digestive organs to a healthy tone; and are therefore certain to remove a bad breath,and prevent a premature decay of the teeth. Beware of Counterfeits oral' kinds! Some are coated with sugar; others made to resemble in outward ap pearance the original medicine. The safest course Is, to purchase from the regular agent■ only, one or more of whom may be found In every village and town In the State. E . The genuine for sale•by PRY &, SPA.NCLER, and Joe. M. Watts, who are the only authorized. Agents for Columbia. Also, by agents advertised in aunther column. Principal Office. 169 Race Street, Philadelphia. The Ladies' Faith in Radway's Chinese Medicated Soup. I know my face is sadly spreckled With pimples, tan, sun burn, and freckles. Erysipelas, scurvy and salt rheum Upon my cuticle assume To reign with full authority. These blemishes I soon will cure And make my skin both fair and pure, By a soap of superior quality, The soap I've spoken of, nrlrere stated, Is Radway's Chinese Medicated, For toilet purposes lie said To be better than any other made; So now my friends I will buy A cake of Radway's soap and try." The lady fair she spoke the truth She found the soap the friend of youth And beauty once more took its place And shone with faith upon her face, She ever after helddier hope• Radwny's Medicated. Soap. Ice wonderful effects in speedily removing tan, sun burn, pimples, blotches, pustules, bites of musq alines. teller, &c,:softenlng, purifying and: cleansing the skin from all impurities, andadding beauty to the complexion of all who use it, planes it beyond the reach of rivalry. It Is cheaper and warranted better than any oilier toilet or medicated soap ever offered to the public. Sold for I 2; small, arid 25 gents for lamer cakes. by Zubm & Jackson. George A. Miller, and Jiihn F. Long, Lancaster; Sell & Son, Harrisburg; Morris & Co. York.; It, %Villain's, Columbia. J. & R. G RAT/WAY. N 0.2 Courtlend street. N. Y. DIEM On Wednesday, the Ist inst., (sfer a short lines..) at the residence of bfris.Rachatt Swartz, in Columbia, Mn. MARTII• Wat.xan, in the 75th year of her age. She was born In the county of Donegal in Ireland, and emigrates: to this country when young. She had bean a widow for some thirty years. and being left without children, else has since enjoyed the society and. attention of her friends and relations; she was a member of the Presbyterian Church for many years, and, we trust, front her unoffending disposition and character, she has made a happy exclutrio (roma worldot trouble, to ono of peace and rest. regra-FIRE. FIRE. FIRE. A meeting of tho Good Intent Fire Engine and Hose Company will be held in the Public School House, Second street, this (Saturday) evening, to transact some very important business. W. A. LEADER, Sec'y. Columbia., September 10, 1847. FRESH SHAD knit received at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50, septll'47-1t A Fresh supply of oils just received at YOUNG & CASSEVS No. 50 septll•47—tf ANew supply of Tartan and Monterey Plaids for ladies' wear, just received at sopa P47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. THE newest and best styles of Gimps and Fringes, just received at septll'47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S N0.'50. RESH MACKEREL at -1-. YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. SO, eeptir47—tr GOOD CIDER VINEGAR tut YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septl l'47—tf D upoirrsberit Eagle Powder at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 septl l'47—tf SILK warp, lustre Plaid- and striped Alpaccar, just received at aeptl l'47—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. ORLEANS LUSTRE at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. aepOl'47—tf A'T'TEND TO YOUR COUGH. UST received n fresh supply of Wilder's Bels. J of Wild Cherry, Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherry, Jayne's Expectorant. For sale at ecptll'47—tf LEADERS Drug Store. WOOD AND PAPER TAPERS. SIX months Wood and Paper Tapers. For sale at septll'47-tf LEADER'S. BLACK INK. SUPERIOR Congress Black, Slue and Red Ink For wale at LEADER'S. eeptll`47—tt" HUNT'S LINIMENT Ts the only remedy that can be relied on for the TS speedy and permanent cure of rheumatism, spinal affections, pain. in the aide, back, &c.„ &c. For sale only at W. A. LEADERS. septlF47-tf FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. THEY have come to B. Young, at No. 50. The Fall and Winter Fashions for 1847 dr. 8, which, for taste, cannot be surpassed by the world—they are the most perfect ever brought before the eyes of the people of this globe. Persons wishing their garments cut and made in the most elegant style, will do well by calling at B. Young's Tailoring estab lishment, No. 50, Front street, Colombia, where they will have their work executed to perfection and with despatch. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase superior cloths, cassimeres, vestings and trimmings, such as cannot be had at any other store in Columbia, will do well by calling at Young & Cassel"s Store, No. 50, Front street, where there is one of the best selections of the above goods In the country. They will also warrant the quality, cut. make and fit of all the goods they sell and make up. They are thankful for past farors and hope to have a share of patronage. YOUNG & CASSEL. Columbia, Sept. 11, 1847.—tf. Estate of Samuel Pierson, Deceased. TETTERS of Administration on the estate of A I Samuel Pearson, late of the borough of Co lumbia, Lancaster county, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in said borough, all persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated to the undersigned. ELIZABETH PIERSON, Sept. 11, 1847.-6 t Administrairix. WANTED immediately, three or four Journeymen Tailors. None but the best Workmen need• apply. Sept. 11, 1847.—tf B. YOUNG. AFRESH assortment of all kinds of the best spices just received at septl I '4l'—tf YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50. VWANTED—Two apprentices to learn the Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper business. Boys from the country preferred. Apply to Columbia, Sept. 111 , 1847. H. PFAIILER. TOOKING GLASSES of all kinds, just re ceived at YOUNG S. CASSEL'S No. 50. eccall'l7—tf SPLENDID assortment of Carpet Chain at YOUNG & CASSEL'S No. 50 sopa l'47—tf JOHNSON'S iHEDICA'rED SOAP. FOR removing pimples, freckels, tan, sun-burn, r blotches, redness of the skin, and all cutaneous affections, and gives a cleanness to the skin truly beautiful. No lady's toilet should be without it.-- For sale at LEADER'S. A. CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD. _HOLT'S IMPROVED. CHEMICAL SOAP, for extracting grease, tar, pitch, oil, paint or any other greasy substance,. ikom all. kinds of gen tlemen's or ladies' clothing, carpets, table spreads,, merino shawls, ladies' bonnets, S.c., &c., without injuring it. For sale only by septl. 1 '47-4 f W. A. LEADER. Wanted. uro or THREE Journeymen, HOUSE OAR. T PENTERS,,to.whom fair wages will be given. None bul good Mechanics need. apply. Columbia, Sept. 4th 1847—tf. S. EVANS. IT C mfIE stockholders of the Columbia and Wash ington Turnpike road company are hereby notified that an election. for one President and six Directors of said company will be held at the. Franklin MoteLColusubia, on Friday the 17th of September, 1847. J. BurN ER Sept. 4, 1841.—t0 Lancaster Intclligencer please copy and charge• this office. To Teachers. TflESchool Directors of Columbia borough, will , meet at Thomas Lloyd's office, on Shturday, September 18th, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to examine ap plicants and employ three white and one black malt teachers, dnd three females, to take charge of the schools during the ensuing winter. No person need apply unless they can give the. most satisfactory reference us to character and. competen.cy. J. W. FISHER, Prestt. Columbia, Aug. 28th, 1847-31 N. B. The Schools will commence on the first Monday in October. PUBLIC,' GALL ON Wednesday the 29th of September next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold at public- sale, at the house of Edward Jacobs, a certain two• story frame dwelling house and half lot of ground., situate on Third street, between Locust and Walnut streets, fronting on Third street twenty-thrco feet nine inches, late the property of Ann Welsh, de ceased, where attendance• and. terms of sale will be made known by EVAN GREEN, Admistrator of the estate of Ann Welsh, deceased:. Columbia, August 28, 1847.-6 t. CHARLES STOKES' GLOBE HALL OF FASHION, No. 296, Market Street, Philadelphia,. CLOTHING —A necessary and useful article; it well becomes every one who buys it, before purchasing to look and see where it can be bought cheapest. I am satisfied (anti reader, you will be) if you favor me with a call and look over my stock of goods you will not only buy yourself but tell your friends where CHEAP CLOTHING can be had and they will do the same. If you come to the Globe I fall of Fashion and do not find goods twenty per cent cheaper than at any store in the city I think you will say General Taylor never whipped the Mexicans: I. thick he never done anything else. ErrA full stock of clothing suited for the country trade, which merchants and others arc particularly invited to examine. CHARLES STOKES, No. 296, Market St., 3rd door below Ninth. Philadelphia, August 28, 1847„..._3m, Stoves,. Stoves. 709 D , COAL & COOKING STOVES, of the latest and most approved pat terns. Also, Radiator and other improved patterns of Parlor Stoves. For sale at. reduc ed prices, at the flardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. The highest price will be paid for Old Cast ings, Flax seed, Clover seed,Ti molly seed, &c Columbia, aug.2l, 1847.--3 m REMOVAL. THE subscriber would inform his friends 4 1Mand the public generally, that he has remov ed to N 0.2, Schreiner's Row, between Berr's and Black's Hotel, Front Street, where be will con tinue to keep an elegant assortment of Beaver, Otter, Fur, Silk, and Nutria HATS, and also, a large assortment of CAPS, all of which Ire will take pleabure in showing to those who favor him with a call. Don't forget—Schreiner"! Row, No. 2, before purchasing elswher ; as I am determined to sell cheap. WM. TEMPLE. Columbia, Aug. 21, 1817.—tf I TO THOSE THAT ARE FOND OF SPORT. Xngl HE undersigned have just received the best and most complete assortment of lish and German stub and twist and pat ent breech !DOUBLE BARRELED GUNS, which have ever been offered in this market at such prices that will suit all. ALso,six Barreled Revolving and self-cocking Call and examine far yourselves, at the cheap Hardware Store of ILj4l!rLi:r I ALL FRESH. THANKFUL for past favors, and desirous f.r a continuance of public patronage, the sub scriber takes this method of giving notice that he has just received a large and general supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, &c. All of which he will dispose of, wholesale and retail, at very moderate prices, with a guarantee to be genuine anct of the best quality. He has also received a very large stock of Per fumery, which, in point of assortment,.quality and cheapness, is unequalled in this place. Ladies and others, call and see for yourselves. Also a large assertment of Combs and Brushes, very cheap. Ft.WILLIAMS, Front St. Columbia, August 1.1, 1847.—tf. B. E. IWOORE. MOORE & RISDON, NIZIROHANT TAILORS, No. 70 South Third Street, ?mark opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public that they are constantly pre pared to make to order, of the finest and best ma terials, and at moderate prices, every srticle of Fashionable Clothing, constituting a C.entlman's Wardrobe, for which their complete stock of choice and carefully selected Cloths. Cassameres, Vestings &c., of the latest and most desirable patterns, are particularly desigoet3. Their own practical knowledge of the business and a personal attention to every garment, enables them to give entire satisfaction, and to both old and new customers they respectfully tender an invitation to give them a call: loving been for years connected with some of the best and moat fashionable establishments in this country, employing none but first rate workmen, and being in the receipt of the latest fashions, and best styles of goods, they are fully prepared to ac commodate customers in the best manner. Philadelphia, August 14, 1847.—Gin CHEAP OIL STORE,. septll l -17—tf pmLADELpHIA. RIDGWAY & KEEHLE, 37 North Wharrek. below Race St., OFFER for sale at the lowest prices, all the arti cles of the Oil Trade. Their stock is varied and extensive, and they feel confident of giving satisfaction to those who call. They have now on hand— Pure Sperm Oil. White Winter and Fall Oils oldifferent qualities. Solar Winter-pressecl Lard Oil. Winter Elephant and Whale Oils. Refined. Racked ands Common. W hale Oil. Tanners' Oils. SperraCantiles, Guano &c., &c. Philadelphia. August 14, 1847 —2m. N. 1.1.—A1l goods delivered in first rate order. A 11. BULL'S Compound Extract of Sorsa parilla for sale by R. WILLIAMS. sul4'47•lf DOC TOR TOWNDSEN'SCompouniI Extract; tif Sarsaparilla never tails to eradicate en tirely all the eacts of mercury, infinitely sooner than. any other medicine, night sweats, nervous debility, nervous complaints of all lands,neurali gia, organic ['actions, &c. Sold- by' au1•1'4.74f R. WILLIAMS. THOSE INKSTANDS AGAIN !! AN TEar 'a ch n a rielf Supplier toin that mth by d e in7ainntt of a Patent of perseverance, we have succeeded in obtain- Illg•ft small assortments Those in want will bear, in mind that there is a few more left at FRY & SPANGLER'S Columbia, Aug. 7, 1.847.—tf BAG CLASPS, Purse and Bag Twist, Steel Beads, Purse and Bag Rings and Tassel.— Fur sale by 11. WILLIAMS. au 14'4741 TIEKIN TEAS of all kinds, to be had fresh 17 at YOUNG .sz. CASSEL'S Store, No. 50 Columbia, aug. 7, 1.847—tf Invirs RELY...A S.. I N great variety varying in price from 314 cents and upwards at FRY dr. SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7., 1647-4 f TAMS, I3AMS, Jersey. cured canvassed _La. Hams, for sale at. FRY St. SPANGLER'S. TILE CRY IS STILL THEY COME.. - 111 - TE. are now opening the best arsortment l i t of Dress Gooda ever offered in this mar• ket. The public are respectfully invited• to see them at FRY St. SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf SOMETHING FOR THE. LADIES. SPUN Silk, Mohair and Alpacca Plaids, new style for ladies' dresses ; also a splendid as sortmenl of Giughams and-other dress goods at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf INFAMOUS PRACTICE. FEVER AND AGUE. PATIENTS!! IS it not an Infamous Traffic for Wholesale and Retail Druggists, and other Merchants, to buy up Spurious, Adulterated, Repudiated and Coun terfeit Rowand's Tonic Mixture, at auction, and from irresponsible and swindling medicine venders, fur two or three dollars per dozen. and then sell it to the ignorant and unwary, as the genuine Row• and's " Improved" Tonic Mixture, for one dollar the bottle! and when they well know besides, that this counterfeit trash has been universally pro nouncedworthless and inert, and wir.r. NOT cues TUE Aorta! I know et no more inhuman and dastardly coruhict in man laying nny claim to re. spectability or honesty. Look carefully for the " written signetur or Jahn R. Rowand," on a paper label across the mouth of every bottle, without which "guard" it never can lie genuine, however knavish medicine-venders may falsify and try to deceive.—Agent for Colum bia, W. A.. LEADER, nul4'47-if ICE: ICE! ICE ! ! The subscriber is prepared to deliver ICE in any quantity every morning. JOHN H. BROOKS. 14 ,- N. B. Small Ice for Ice Cream and Min eral Water to be had at his residence in any quantity. J. H. D. Columbia. June 12th, .1947. GUNS AND PISTOLS. ST received a large aaortmont of Patent Breach Stubb Twist English Guns, single and double barrel; also Revolving and Com mas Pistols. For sale at reduced prices at the Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, May 26, 1847.—tf PISTOLS. I. N.. RISDON REMOVAL. Tonn F. 3ECOTISTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ti -AS REMOVED his LAW OFFICE, to the Collector's House, corner of Front and Gay streets, where lie will attend prompt ly to all business in the line of his profession. Columbia, April 14, 1947..—1 f PHILIP GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster eon nty, Penria, lir I" practice in the several Courts of Lancasterand Yorkconnties. OFFICE.—In Walnut street, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Mar 6,1847. DOCT. W.ll. S. 111'CORKLE. OFFICE—South East corner of Locust and Second street. Boarding House—with Mrs. Swartz, .9. doors below his late residence. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf NEW STYLE COMBS. rr HOSE new style POI AA Gowns can now be bad at FRY St SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7,1847.—1 f GIMPS AND FRINGES. FLACK SILK and Mohair Fringes and Gimps, fop sale cheap at FRY Sz SPANGLER'S. Columbia., Aug 7,1847.—1 f SOITIETIIINCr' NEW. TUST received a second supply of WALK tj ING CANE UMBRELLAS,a handsome and useful article, which will be sold. at the manufacturer's retail prices. Call and' see them at J. J. WRIGHT'S.. au12'47.4.f. TOHNSON'S Super. Essential Waltut Oil Mili tary Shaving Soap, anterior to all others for shaving. Sold by R. WILLIAMS. au2P47- t f. PAPER ELANGINGS. VARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, Window and Ceiling Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles, for sale by C. 'W ESTBROOK. Columbia, April 7, 1947. -VT - RIGHT'S Indian Vegetable Pills or Indian Purgative. and Indian Vegeta ble Syrup warranted genuine For sale by auf2l'•l7-ti. R. WILLAMS. Nails and Spikes. 200 Keg s NAILS, SP Ib:ES and RR A.DS.— Just received and for sale at reduced RUMPLE & I]ESS. R S - sale b' at manufactures %V S , f r Allaid'sacibd CROSS r n prices by RUNIPLE & HESS. Columbia, April 7. 1847. tf prices by CHAXNS. H.ERR'S Celebrated Lowden Ffth CHAINS, Traces, lung and short, double and sin gle Link„Breast,Carrying and flulter, Chains, all of which we offer at manufactures prices. RUMPLE St. BESS- Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf BOOK BINDING. JoIN DING orders left at the Columbia Book Store will receive prompt attention. Columbia, May 19, 1847. To Carpenters. TEST' received a splendid assortment of PLAINS, BEADS, SAWS, HATCETS, BRACES, BITS and crnsErs, at reduced prices by RUMPLE HESS. Columbia, April' 7, 1.2.17.—tf PARASOLETTS, &c. A new supply just opened and for salt very, cheap at. Columbia June 23. 1847,-14 T I AUNDRY Starch Polish, for preparing starch without the addition of any greasy substance, and for producing a brilliant pearly gloss on the linen. Said only by R. WILLIAM'S. au2l'47-tf. Gentlemen's Summer Wear! GOMPRISING Caslimeretts, Croton and Summmer Cloths and Cassimers ; superfine plain and fancy white Drillings, Satin, Brocade and Marseilles Vestings, &c. &c.. at reduced prices. 3 . a ,Sr. J. WRIGHT Columbia, Junc9.3, 1817.-1 f LAITAIL JUST received a lot of handsome Ginghams and Lawns at I cents, 16 cents, 18.; cents and 25-cents, with some finer qualities at the lowest prices J. D. dr. J. WRIGHT Columbia, June 23, 1847.—tf T}IREBOARD PRINTS. A variety of Fire -12 board patterns for sale cheap at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, May 26, 1847.—tf Guns and Pistols. TIOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, Jwar rented Stubb Twist, and Patent Breech Revolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel Pistols. For sale cheap by iturvirLE & BESS. Columbia, April' 7,1847.—tf To Boatmen,. ATEW Pattere Boat STOVE. Just rcceivd IN ed and for sale by. RUAIPLESt, lIESS Columbia, April 7, 1847.—t( -- 1 - NOCTOR ROBEYS Brazilian Hair Curling I JI Liquid. For Dale by It WILLIAMS. aul4'47•tf PINE OIL. TUST received and for sale at :lie Itardsvar tf Store of RUNIPLE &. lIESS Colombia, April 7, 1847.—tf WANTED.—An Amuenticc to the TAI LORING BUSINESS. Julylo.tf JOHN JORDAN. SEIG 2INEIND.II. "JrA M PICO. Madras and Cape Boot SKINS, Dressed and Undressed Morocco, Kid. ming and Binding SKINS, always on hand at the very lowest prices. J. a & J. WRICiIIT Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf 117TIA017E MIXTURE. A warranted ±l. cum for fever and ague. For Pale, by R. WILLIAMS. N. IL—There is none genuine but that. sold by R. Williams. au2l'47-tf. ITOTIOE. TiETTERS of administration on the estate of Moses Brown, late of the Borough of Co lumbia, deceased, having been granted to the sub scriber residing in the said borough, all persona iniebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having demands against it will present them for settlement to Aug, 28, 1847.-6 t. MARY BROWS. A. FINE SET OP TEETH FOR 2.5 CENTM WHITE Teeth, foul breath, healthy gums, Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory, and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its. constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also fastens such as arc becoming loose,and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price '2 5 or 37a cents a Box. For sale by Aug. 17,847-6 m. R. WILLIA MS. REMOVAL. P. SCHREINER has removed his WATCH and JEWEL _ ° LERY Establishment to the WA LNUT FRONT Bt. cx, recently fitted up by him, between Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front Street,where the public can be accommodated, as heretofore, with all articles in the Jewel lery line, at the cheapest rates. Columbia, J uly 17, 1847.—tf. Agency of the Canton TEA COMPANY.' ;"4-:•7 - $"--• The undersigned being the authorized pklA gents for the sale of the SUPERIOR TEAS, imported by the Canton Tea Cempany, of the City of New Yok, invite a trial of their Green and Black Teas, embrac ing the best selections this side of China. Every Package Warrented. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, April 7, 1.847.—tf Those Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS Should read the following statements of respectable persons. MR. D A ta i l v i a York, orc e r Vanderbeck,certifies thatof Avenue hi s bead 9 was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of JONES' CORAL CLAIR RESTORATIVE, be has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long, thick and luxuriant. J ACKSON, of 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, certifies : On the 3d of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects tly using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than he ever had. TO those whose hair is gray, or falling off and weak at the roots I hereby certify that my hair was turning gray and falling oil, and that since I have used Junes' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling. is growing fast, and has a fine, dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative I combed nut handfuls of hair dai ly. WM. TOMPKINS, 92. King st., N. Y. HAVE. YOU SCURF OR DANDRUFF? M. Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his hair coinptetely choked up with dandruff, and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and permanently cured it. Do you want to dress, beautify, and make your HAIR soft and fine?—Read: 1, llenry E. Cullen, late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones' Coral flair Restorative is the best arti cle I ever used for dressing, softening, cleans ing and keeping the hair a long time soft,clean, silky, dark and in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by Aug. 7,1847-6 m R. WILLIAMS. Agency of the PEKIN TEA COMPANY. THE SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly ut ion hand nn assortment of Fresh Teas, irn ',44lporled by the Pekin Tea Company. Any Teas sold by me that does not give entire satin• faction, can be returned and exchanged, or the money will be refunded. C. WESTBROOK, Locust street, Columbia, Pa• pril 7, 1E147. TONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta t newts liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious direc tions enclosed. Sold at the sign of the Amer ican Eagle, N 0.82 Catham Street. New York. Price s :Al cents, $1 or $1,50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847—Gm R. W ILLIAMS. More Light. AMPS.—OiI, Lap' and Camphine Stand _LA Lamps, Hanging and Side do. For sale by RUMPLE Sr. HESS. Columbia. April 7, 1847.—t1 Eabi!r Eye), Glatsfs, sub MO. WHETERE S.: LL BROTHER'S Pure White Lead, Paints. Linseed and Sperm Oil, Var nishes, Glass &c. For sale at low prices, at the Ikardware•Store of J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, May 26, 1647-1 f "Men cry peace! peace! when there is 71() peace ."' rrinE War! has actually begun, but " Gen- Taylor never surrenders," neither does the Rev. B. llibbard's Vegetable Universal Pills when they make a charge upon Bilious, Intermittent, I nflamatory, Congestive and Typhus Fevers: Sick Headache, Dispepsia or Indigestion, Cholera Morbus, Bowel Com plaints, etc. Dose. from a half to two pills. Price 124, 25 and 50 cents per box. Wm. A. Leader.supplying agent for Columbia, who will supr'v canntry merchants and others. Sold by tilt our agents in this county and state. ati2B',l7-tf Ladles are Cautioned Against Using CON:TION PREPARED CHALK: TIiEY arc not aware how frightfully injuri ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, bow sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using pepared chalk! Be sides it is injurious, containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lily White. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities ; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massachusetts, says: " After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 25 cents a Box. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, August 7,1847-6 m NEOUNT Eagle Tripoli. for cleansing and burnishing all meulie and glass surfaces. NC as Gold, Silver, Brass, Britania, Steel ware. Window Panes, &e. Sold by au2l'4B-tf. It. WILLIAMS. NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the sub- IN scriber are requested to make payment, and all haying claims against him. will please present them for settlement CHAS. J. BARNITZ July 3rd, 1847.—tf