The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, August 21, 1847, Image 4

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James 11. Hunter's
...11). 40 Front st., Columbia,
Sign of the Big Hat end Cap, directly opposite
the Bridge,_ and adjoining Black's Hotel.
The subscriber begs leave to return
• his thanks to his friends and the pub- ,
lie generally, for the very liberal p t
ronage heretofore extended to him,
and hopes by strict attention to busi
ness, to receive a continuation of their
favors; he goe , upon the principle "ex nimble six.
pence is bettor than a slow chilling ," and to carry
out the principle, makes quick sales at small ad
vances. His place of business not a brick front,
or of great splendor, but lie flatters himself that
he ran suit customersbetter, arid sell cheaper, than
persons who do business in big brick houses, and
make a great fuss about selling goods at cost, he
does not sell gcods at cost, but sells at a small ad
vance, and by so doing expects to please all that
may avor him with their patronage. He requests
all persona, after visiting some of 11:e showy es
tablishments along Front street. to drop in at No. -
40, (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare
the goods and prices of the different establish.
meat, and be is satisfied he can sell them u better
and at a lower price than any other store
in the borough.
Hats and Caps,
Of the latest style and fashion always on hand, at
very low prices. and warranted equal to any man
ufactured in this State Also—Gentlemen's, La
dies and Children's Fashionable
_Boots, Shoes and Slippers.
wbich have been selected with great care. in re,
gard to quality and make, and will be sold at the
lowest rotes.
Just sati.ty yourself by calling at 10.40 iron t
street, Columbia, ommAite the Bridge,
JAS. El. HU NTER, Agent
May I, 1847
Notice to Builders.
THE undersigned is appointed agent for
the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY,
and is prepared to Slate any Roof, either of a
house or Barn that may be wanted in the
County, he haring on hand at his yard in Co
lumbia, at all times, the best article of Slate
and can furnish workmen of thirty scars ex
perience. All roofs warranted not to leak if
the Building does not sink or give way. Char
ges moderate to suit the time,.
for •he Hon. Jeremiah Brown .l•. Company.
Columbia, June .1:2„ 18.17. Gm
L\c:C.: - I' o
A N application will be made a , the next session
of the General Assembly 01 the State of renosvl•
value, for the incorporation of a Company under
the wiaine and sty L., or iwendoil name and style of
C)lunibi3 .!• . ( 11 , 111 , ;$ inztitutinn," and design
ed ris an Ake of discount and deposit, with a cap
ital not one hundred thonstuid dollars. to
be located in the borough of Columbia, L,ancasier
County. Nam,'lN-ante.
Columbia, June 19. 1647. Gm
Coral Hair Restorative.
Its positive and real qualities are to force the
human hair to grow on any part where nature in
tended hair to grow, to slop it falling off; to free
end cure the scalp of scurf or dandruff; and to make
light. red or grey hair grow dark. =rurally, from
the roots. For dressing the hair, :t maks harsh,
rough or dry Hair by one application, soft, fine,
clean, silky and beautth•l, thrice as long as any
-other preparation. in; sale ts.,,
11.1.1 th
ijarowarc ! fjarbwarc ! !
I 5 . I 1 tMI I The snbscribers respectfully call
the attention of the ctrizens , ener.
iy, to thctr assortment of
hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils,
we love just leCelNetl in addition to our stock,
ITARD CUTLERY and Building %Lite.
riali of alt description, suiii as LOCKS,IIINGES,
Mass of a!! gziltO,
PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS,
Bar, Rod and Hoop Iron,
of all sizes, ANVILS, VICES and BELLOWS
of the best quility, all of which we otrer at the
lowest pi ices. Persons Wishoig to purchase
find it to their advantage to call et
Coumbia, April 7, IBl7—tf. Locu-t
THE best article erer invented for prim , a fine
keen edge to a Razor, or any tine tu-trurnent.
o shave, or not to share, that:s the question;
'Whether 'tie hotter. on the whole, to suffer
'Ph' outrageous ,Leraping,s of an edgele-s razor;
Or, buy a box. of H apt Raton Po worm,
NVlterewith to set the edge ?—tu buy,—to
No more ;—for in Its use we eurely have
A sovereign halm for all the barber-ous shocks
The face is heir to.—tis a cerisuinmation
Devoutly to be wished. To shavc;—to scrap e
To scrape ! perchance to scream ;—ay, there's the
For in that horrid serape what screams may come,
(Particularly if the face be tender,)
Must give us pause. • • Who would their
feces tear,
And grunt, and sweat, with a villanous dull razor,
When the remedy, that renders ' , having pn.ttme,
May now be had at We , tbroolt's3 Tor m. ant of 11115,
Men sometimes ra'her wear the beards they have
Thanunr_ 1
ergo the grubbing operation.
Harper's Razor Ponder is warranted to give a
keen sharp edge to any razor (that has not been
used for quarry trig stone or sharpeni ng crmehat”
in a shorter space of time than would be rerpiii , d
with the best It tie. It supercedes the use uf the
hone altogether.
Sold by C. WESTBROOK, Locust Street. Co•
luta h.ia. where may be seen numerous certificates
teStiryillZ to its excellence.
- .
Price :25 cents a box.
Colurnbid. April 7,
THE subscriber is r.gulaily appointed agent
for the sale of the Graefenliurg Veeetatile
Pala. These pills are coaipnutid e d upon the pos
itive and fixed laws of nature, and the foundation
of which is in perfect accordance with the opin
ions or the most eminent medical men. They will
cleanse and invigorate the stomach, freely pur ge ,
the bowels, oven the pores, ei , e 2 pleas2nt tem
peratures and tone to the skin, and do all this in the
gentlest manner, without doing, violence to the
system. Price 25 cts. per box.
Anent for Columbia
Colombia, May 26 1847.
JUST receivrti a splendid riSSOr tment of Parlor,
Hall and chamt.or PAPER* & BORDERS,
comprising rwr EMU different styles, nymy o 1 trh ch
are of the newest and moat beautiful Patterns. al
ways on hand at Manufaemrea price at
J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S.
Colasslga, April 7, 1847.--tf
-,.... 96 NORTH SECOND ST.,
pair v corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, full jcvvelled,lB carat
C3SCS. 545.00
_ .
Silver Lever notches, full jewelled, 23.00
Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18,00
Silver Lepine IVatches, jewelled, finest
quality. 13,00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10,00•
Imitation Quartier Watches, 5,00
Gold Spectacles, 8,00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, 3,50
Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2,00
Gold Finger Rings 377 j cents to sB—Watch
Glasses, plain 123 cents, patent 18i. Ltmet 25.
Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant
, ed to be what they ate sold for
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines
and Quartiers lower than the al•ove prices.
niladelphin, April 10, 1847. ly
.s• 17'5Fee5)77te Cheapest Gold and Silver
WA Tell ES
4 p
Offers For Sale,
Cold Lever, foil jet. riled
Silver do do
Cold Lepines do
Silver do do
surer Quamers.fine quality
Gold Winches Ploin
silver Spectacles
Cold Pencils
Cold Bracelets
On hand a large ansartment of Gilliland Hair Bracelets,
Finger Rings. Breast Bins, Ilnop liar Rings. Gold Penn.
Silver Spoons. Sugar Totes. Thimbles, Gold Neck
Curb and Fob Chains. Guard Keys, and Jewelry of eve.:
r 3 wits:olc low prices.
"Cr A ll kinds of Watches:toil Clocks reps teed and
ivarranted to keep gond time for one year. Old Gold
and Silver bought or taken to eschange•
For sale eight day anti thirty hnnr brass Clocks at
Watch. Ciork and Jewelry Store. No. 4131 Market
emu:Gl:thrive 11th. Noah sole, Philadelphia-
N. B. I have some Gold and Silver Levers still murk
cheaper than the above prices. A liberal discount Made
to dealers. (*all and see for 3 ourselves.
rloludelphta, September 12, 16 IS. f
The subscriber respectfully informs his
(fiends and the public generally that he is now
reo4 to supply them at his NEW ESTALT•
LISIIMENT, the three-story building in
Front street, Columbia,
on the lot formerly occupied by John Euncy,
as a ropewalk. He intends keeping on hand a
select assortment of fashionably made
Ile has just returned from Philadelphia and
NewYoris with a new and splendid assortment
of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma
terials, and in the latest style—consisting in
part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS,
Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and
Tweeds of every color and quality.
A Lso—a large assortment of plain and fancy
Cassimerc, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit
able for Spring, Summer and Winter, of every
size and description.
VESTS—Figured, Silk, Satin, Merino and
Ma rseilles,suitable for all seasons and of every
size. style qu a lity; ra ‘vhiett is added a
beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom
sillaTs, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; I3o
sorns and Collars, Drawers arid Undershirts.
Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half
Ilosc, &c. An endless quantity of
Boots and Shoes of all sizes.
Hats and Caps,
Trundling- TinnA-4,Caual Bags and ralires.
a variety of notions too tedious to mention
which will be Itept in Thus. Kentings Front
Room. three doors east of my building.
N. 13. Clothing made to order at the Store.
lie has a large supply of goods on hand by the
niece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.—
.bo not mistake the place, three story building
on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk.
Persons wilt hind it to their advantage to give
him a call as he is determined to sell as low as
any other establishment ,n theconnly and war
rants all goods. lle sells as lie represents
them when sold or the money will be refunded.
Columbia. June 5. ISI7. tf
L.I. you who have been sitting in the
Astss.tss and shadow of the, greasy
pithy, black fist, oil, that is now being sold
throughout theccuintry for sperm oil, are invit
ed local! at Wright's, and purchase a pair
of I,A MPS and make use of one quart of the
fluid =old by (hero. arid if you are not entirely
satisfied with the article, you have only to re
turn Lie Lamps, and Lace your money refund
Oil Lamps of every discription altered to
burn the Fluid. J. D. Sz. J. WEIGHT.
Columbia, May 27, 1847.—tf
Or Physira! „Tio;n;ng, to make their Liees in this
Wortd Lonz nod Happy, by the author of "Edu.
ent•on As It Is, Ought To Be, and ilbght Be,"
I•irtt Ametican Edition, with Additions:
T?eing, au ek , rnenta.y and 'nu, =ling truati.r on
Selt Kin , wledge. Containing tAlort and entertain
ing .nrocle, nu
Heart, Glands, Strength,
Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations,
Digestion, Liver, Br . rins , Old Age,
Blond, Lung 4. Mind, Man,
Serretions„; :Setices. Woman,
Head, ' Health, Disease,
&c. arc. fir. &r. &e.
Together with the Great Secret—Suecess in
T.& how attuned—How to do Good—Cnises and
Effects of EffOr—Habit,—p,,ssi..ns—Wom an d e _
scribcd--Man dt , teriNti!—Marfs Errors—. R i ch
and Poor—Sexes—Virtue and 'Vice—Youthful
Err,,,wom..n how made delicate—Woman's
ittues, Ambition, kc., :cc.
Th e whole designed f o r the noble purpose of
improving and vending education amongst the
people, imp trting va'urildc knowledge on the phy
siology or the human frame, and the laws which
govern mental and bodily health, &c., &c.
ClAny person sending 25 cent.. enclosed in a
letter shall receive one copy by mail. cr use copies
will he tent for $l, Address, posta ae p a id .
G. B. ZEIBER & Co.,
Mts. 221, 1847. Philadelphia.
CCF'This valuable work contains (in duodecimo
form) 177 paces.
Fresh Groceries.
Just re.:eived by the subscribers, a full as
sortment of Groceries. such as Coffees, Teas,
Sugars., Salt, Cheese. &c.,whichare
warranted fresh and wilt he sold cheap.
!larch 27. 1547. YOUNG & CASSEL.
Sperm, Whale, Fick and Pine Oil of the
very best qua hty, always kept on band
& CAsstz,'s Clacap Cash store, Mar 27
finiE subscriber informs the citi z en s of sof
lumina, and the public generall y.. that he
has REMOVED his 13rug and Medicine Store,
two doors East of his old stand, to the build
ing lately occupied by Wm. Wiggins as a Shoe
Store, which lie has fitted up entirely new,
where he will be happy to wait on all those
who may favor him with a call. He has
received within a few days a genercl assort
ment of
P.reste, „IlSietkinro, 'Vaunt Me:if:int%
and a splendid assortment of
Perfumery, Brushes, &c.
of a very superior quality. which he will sell
wholesale and Retail at greatly reduced prices.
The subscriber holds himself responsible for
the purity and genuineness of every article lie
sells, which will be a guarantee to all against
the purchase of counterfeit or worthless medi
In conclusion, the subscriber returns his
most sincere thanks for the very liberal en
couragement he has received, and flatters him
self by strict attention to business, he will
merit a continuance of public patronarre.
Columbia, April, 7, 1847.—tf
ITA.:( (Mini ILtM A - of
THIS extraordinary m..thcine is founded upon
the principle that the human frame ',subject
to ONLY ONE DISEASE, vii : corrupt humors,
which, when floating, in the geneial mss of ca.
cu lation, arc the cause of all kinds Id Fevers, but
when lodged in the various parts of the body, give
rise to every malady nu-talent to man.
Let it be remember. d that the human body and
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually
adapted one to the other, and that by them all
morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease)
can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easyand
natural a manlier, that while they every day give
ease and pleasure. Disease of every name is
Literally Drieca from the Body.
The hollowing highly respectable storekeepers
have b, en duly appointed agents for the sale of
this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county.
Taylor & Pierce.
Bear.ille,Beuben Weidler.
Bainbridge, J. F. Beectier.
Bic tersvilie, Samuel H. Miller.
Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner.
Bethania, John Allen.
Bart Township, W. W. Faminore.
Bel:et/Jew, Buyers & Umbal. •
Bow rnanville, Samuel Bowman.
Bethesda, James Patton
Brownstown, Samuel llahn
Buck Tavvin P 0, Geo 'l' Clark
Belmont. F Brinion
Coffins Ferry, Abraham Collins.
Chestnut Level, AleSparrant & Housekeeper
Cambridge, Irwin & Black
Conestoga Centre, John H. Harman.
Centreville, John Pusey.
Church Town, L. & E. Rogers.
Coopersvil le, E. Lewis.
Concord, Geo W. Wows.
Columbia, Fry & Spangler.
do Joseph M Watts
Cherry Hill, leas S Webster
Drumore, John A, Boyd.
Bail Tuwnstop, George Duchman.
do du Weaver & Wainer.
do do Davis Wallace.
Barbilte West, Samuel Mull.
Elizabethtown, John Lynch.
Ephrata, John Gros..
Ephrata, New. L. S. Hacker.
do West, Martin Weidman.
Fairfield, Hutton &
Fulton House Townsuip, L. P. Wilkinson.
Georgetown, M'Canna & Buyer
Goshen, S E Fairlamb
Ringwailt & Martin.
Hanstown, Z Killian
Ilinkletown, 3 , 1111 %Vickie
Intercourse, Thomas Mmes.
Landisville, John C. L
Leacoi k township, Fied,rit k Swope.
L ,mpoter Square, J. I'. & D. 11. Herr.
Litiz, Nathaniel S. %Volley.
Lanc.n.tei, John Zimmerman.
Mount Joy, Warner & Cassel.
Mounivine, John Devlin.
Marietta. W. A Sr. B. Spangler.
:Mechanicsville, Jacob Doll.
Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co.
May town, John Reinhold.
do Slaynnaker & Co.
Millersville, Henry Funk.
Martioalle, Steak & Fell.
Martic Iron Works, H. Coleman.
'lNlount Pleasant, hib,c M'Cuniant.
91111 Cieek, Henry Stauffer
91 sb'r•oncdb•, Jce.eph Alard,•rson
11 ai tic Township, Haigh M ore
Mechanic's Grose, N II W,lls
New Holiand, & c o ,
New Providence, Hildebrandt & Meyer.
New Berlin, Les i & Co
New Texas, Carter & Lewis.
Noblesville, J. B. Thompson.
Oslo Shade Milner & Pierce,
Oak Itun, iota) P
Oregon, Abraham Snead:.
Peter..burg. John Stauffer.
Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson.
do S. W. P. Boyd.
Pleasant Grove, Ilaines & ArCullough.
Penn Hill, Alexander Johnson.
Penn Township, Jacob Singer,
do G. & L. Lewis.
Paradi-e, A. R. & A. L. %Varner.
Pu-ey's 51:11s. Mahlon Pusey.
P. qua. Jas C Skiles & Co
P. ach Bolt .m. Wm. . mold
Qat irryville, li..ines &
Red Horse, David Lee.
'nj J.
511 Sal
"i 4
SPn%e;:Sa7: H.
nL7aFao'3' r n '
ab r te,ti 4 sts n , I sell ers ,
Saridersburg. Chew & GI able.
St rusburg. Writ Spencer.
Spiting Hill. lola', 'Metzler.
Sal-bury., II Freeland
Turkel Hill, P, ter Manning
Washingth, John A. Brush.
INW%%' Rillow
ock ae F il Forge, o n° l:n s";e A lh l r e '; x l t a z n e d r er .
rt.v. nic tail, 168 R rn , e ,
d s s ,
c t i ° ,, d; n e v s : n t
,ea A e lrt d e, C tpa e x b R I
P y
wich Street, New York; and 13S Tremont Street,
Bston. April 2S-I y
•15 00
23.0 n
15 00
10 00
'1 00
The subscriber respectfully informs ' his
friends and the public in general., that he still
continues to keep the above establishment.
Every pains is at all times tal.zn to render
this one of the best, and, from its central situ
ation, it is one of the most convenient Hotels
in the city
His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with
the choicest delicacies of the season.
His WINES and Liquons are not surpassed
be any other establishment in this city.
- His Servants are carefu [James, and obliging
Terms of Boarding to suit the limes.
Country Merchants and business men will
find the location of the CHESNUT ST. HOUSE,
in the most business part of Philadelphia.
The subscriber pledges himself that every
thing in his power shall he done to give satis
faction to those who favor him with their pa-
T HE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company
Plolad., Sept. 27.—1 y Proprietor.
.... . .
intend to make app l ication to the Legisla
ture of the Commonwealth of Penns) lvania, at their TO PRINTERS.
next session, for the renewal of the Banking, Dis . subscriber is now manufacturing Printing
coupling, and other privileges they p iuns c o s underlnk of superior quality, and offers it for sale in
existing laws. The Company to be continued by
the name, style nod title of the Columbia Bank laree or small quantities. upon accommodating
terms, in anv HISIRII
sodl.l.ldue Company, at the Borough of Columi•ii, Ce where the ink sent shall not
answer the dcscrimion, it will be exchanged ur the
in the County of Lancaster, and Shoe of l'ens..l4l- Price refunded.
A liberal discottut will be made upon large pnr
nin. By ord. r of the Bo trd,
i chnses For cash.
SAMUEL SHOCH, Ca-hi re . The Ness ink is put up In kegs of 12, 15, 20,
Colurt,' , ia, lon, 24.14 1847 —Urn. 16. 30. 50 nstd 100 lb..
..,...-.----...___,........7._.......___________ I Houk Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters.
Z T...1E,.., L.. -, E5.11, .713E716 I Colored Inks
WETliElt ELT. k 8110 I !MR'S Pure White
Lead, Paints. Linsted and Sperm 0.1. Vat- IbTA 2016, keg el the best nen s ink will be sent
to any point 01 the Pentin Improvements at my
, k
( t3.. u .e. A 1 . i v -h A arite N un receipt tit SS.
:relies, tida-s R:c For sale a , low p Mes. at the
lla.derere Sum] of 1. W. co rTRELL. 1". I Irl in barrels, kegs, and cant ,
eters. 3. 11. AUFFLAN. $
Columbia, May 2% 1847.-tf
Columbia, :day 20, 1847.
Morning Train Again.
HE President and Directors of the Haiti
' more and Susquehanna Rail Road Compa
ny havint consented to continue the Mornin'
Train between the above places.
;o•The Car will leave Columbia DAILY.
(Sundays excepted] at Gi o'clock A. M., and
the Train will leave Wriwiitsville at Gq o'clock.
Returnind. the Train will leave York at F
o'clock, A. M
April 17,1847. • Supt
xs i ga ‘..
from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun
ny, at 9 o'clock A. M., and RETURNING will
tart from Columbia at 14 P. M., Wrightsville
2 P. 51., and from York at 3 o'clock. P. M..
as on other days of the week. The mail be
tween Baltimore and 116 earned by
this train. No other train will ninon Sunday.
Superintendent of Transportation.
Oct 27, 1846.
Baltimore and Susquehanna
Fare Reduced.
T FIE Passenger Train runs daily as follows
Leaves Baltirnorcat 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives
at o'clock P. M.
Arrives at York at 1.2 o'clock P. M.and loaves
for Uolumbia at t,':lncit, P. M.
Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock, I'. M .and leaves
York for Baltimore at 3 •'clock
rare from Baltimore to York, fa 50
Wrightsiille, 2 00
Co.titutia. S. 12i
Tt.e Train connects at York will] Stages for
Ilirristicrg, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Pittsburg
and Yir. spring:,
The is authorised by the proprietor
of the Stage lo receive the fare through iron
Balti.thore to Geelysburg and tinrri-burg.
Fat e through to eitlici place,
1). C. 11. BORDLF.r, Soper't.
'Picket Office. 63 North st
Dlnc 9—tf
Would most respectfully announce to hts nu
merous friends in 001111. bin and icinity that
he has again commenced the IVltrilesale and
Retail Drng business, at his old stanch Ile has
just returned i'roin the city with a full and gen
eral as.or intent of
Glass and Dye-Sniff's,
Together with a most magnificent and tine
quailed assortment of choice
Such as Col o gne. Lavender, Elora Portugal
and Baynurn %Voters, all sizes put up in glass
stopper Bottles; extracts kir Handkerchiefs of
every kind. Beefs Marrow, Circassian Oil,
Fancy Soaps, Ladies Motto Wafers taken
from Shakespeare—C lass Let ter Stamps.Seent
Bags; Perfumery put up very handsomely in
Boxes and a large assortment of flair, Teeth,
Shaving and other brushes of various kinds.
%V. A. L. begs leave to inform the public
generally that he has procured the services of
two young men who will give general satisfac
tion both as respects their knowledge of the
business and attention to all persons who may
favor them with their patronage. One of them
has been at the business five years, wi th one o f
the first Druggists in this county.
April2llll, 1847. tf
PERSONS afflicted with Serotula, Kings' Evil,
Cancer, and Erysipelas, Old Sores. Ulcers.
.1 utter. Mercurial Diseases, or any other com
plaints arising tram impurities of the blood, are re
quested to read the following testimonials. in proof
of the wonderful properties of the above named
We, the undersigned, having visited Mr. Isaac
Brooks, jr., ut the unice ut Messrs. ltuwand and
Walion, 376 Market street. Philadelphia, consider
his case the must remarkable one we have ever
witnessed or heard of.
Il is d.sease was SC It ()FULA. and terrible must
have been fits twelve years' conflict with the des
tits l'a'ath, the entire roof of his Mouth. Nose,
Upper Lit, and Lower Ltd of the Right Eye have
been destioyed, his Face nearly up, and part
it the Jaw Bone carried away. tind vet we can
give BO deSCriplioll 01 hits case.
olr. ti. intorms us that in January last the whole
interior of his mouth, as well as must ut his lace,
was a mass ut deep and paititu: ulcers!
On the 14th ut January lasi. he commenced
Amen checked the disease tit a few days, and Iron
chat time the cure has progressed without cuter,
New flesh has supplied the place of the deep
ulcers, and thuitah badly diAgured, his lace is
sound, and his general health is restored.
e are assured that in ill.. treatment of Mr.
Brooks' case, no Mercurials, Ointments. or Cans
" applications have been used—in tact the Pana
cea alone. has %mug lit this wonderlulchange.
J. tv. Jones, At. D., South 2nd :rime!, ("hula.
E. W Carr, 410 Fourth, above Poplar street
N. Liberues.
S. McCullough, Lancaster. Penn.
C. IV, Appleton, M. 13., 46 South street, Phila.
Win. S , eeling, M. D., Camden. New Jersey.
J. H. Potter, I‘lanulacturer of Mineral Teeth,
109, S. Ninth street. Phila.
L. A. Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat, 277
N. 3d street, Phila.
A. D. Gillette, Pastor of 11th Baptist Church,
John Bell, Erie street. Phila. (North American
John W. Ashinead, GO Fouth 6th st., Phila.
S. i'Vagner, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut at.,
Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native Fatale, Phila.
30. I Bodine, glass inanutucturer, Williamstown,
Q. , w Jersey.
L. ii. Coles. NI. D., Roston. Mass.
12ussel Canfield, Plush, Moist, Phila.
Thnnias P. N. Rohr. M. D.. Harrislmre, Penn.
Win. Uric. PastorBunit Paul's .11 E. Church,
Catarine s,reet, Phila.
.John Chambers, Pusior First Indp. Church,
Broad street. I'lnta•
T. L. Sandals, pi:lA:her of 1' ledge and Standard,
F. P. Sellers, Editor Olive Branch, Doylestown,
Buck? comity.
P. a. Mute.
'l' he above named gentlemen, (constituting hut
a small portion of those who have visited r.
Brooks ut our office in Philadelphia. and aonld
certity to the same facts. tl necessurt ] ore , t ell
known, and their hitt listandine msocietyptecludes
the idea of their lending their names to carry 01/ an
Molecule and Retail, by ROWAN & WAL
TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia;
WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.; J.l'. ANDER
SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza
beth, Pa.
July 31, 18.17.-2 in.
Health, Health, health.
Pulmonary Consumption Chronic Bronchitis and hors
'throat sla ham. CalrelitC COISTrh Split We of
Blood. fain in the .Side and Breast. DO
salty of Breathing. 01 upping Cough,
Croup Weak -Verres and Are , rolll
Trcotours. Palpitation at the
/hart ; also Liver CUM
plain fand.trrelinn of
the lisdoeys
Or ell the diaeases itiLidesil to our climate there hi none
POl 111, 01,01 and Zit liar Sll 100 111110 00 1100111 ..... :1101
fatal H. COll.lllll 1011111. in till country especially Pul
monary Con4omptlnia Is emphatically it srourgt 11111 111
c.treer sweeps o'er the land :is a destro)ing
Angel. la, tug law with 113.41 the strongest r a id
tAiref-i 61 tar race! Hitherto all efrous It, arrest this
dread disease lin t,, proved e.0.m.11 all ilia: seemed
tl lelllll our power *vas at hest the alleviation Of /10111,10 g
rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the
he proprietor to offering the preparation to the public
Week] eillbraee the r•ppor1111111y 10 .talc upon a host
',nun& 11 prod lath 110 liserlre and Ilse ten.olll. 1111011
1c r , trU II (01113.10 lIA eillireresr rltl lllf 111 lie ellelitiorn 01 the
all et in re 1. ke.regisisnie ton) re ~,
I conittve tom, t.. 0. SleCe 11: tire% perils.
ril 11011 11.01111 lOW the pleiloor,•rar‘rlleet.eleg ll* II NI% re.
roll. 111 eillikerolle llerflerer ; 1.111 he War th•trromo•ll slot
In offer 11 to the I , lhllc sushitutu laid lo.Loole 11111 roughly
crruvuuyvl of n+ uthrar)•. Ile now 1 . 11111 - hlenllv It
u,‘ a r , sto.ll ;mr.vtivl for 1111.11 e of I.MON
AR V CONI4UMPTIIiN nod its kindled ohee,"-es.
lon of n iniovrcoloms elm ratter rho. lines- 101-
Ilan linen demoted incurable nail caosulrnug Is
fr.•queoey and (nolo!), a la ant surprising Ilia. new
edit<h et slams nfirasilillerri elm nod tram Tillie 10
Inge lie lorootiglot cutter 1110 nonce of I Ire prolcaosom end
iiinoisc. A lont.t every corgatrie nod inorganic .ah
vnnite. In till eliillrns rallial of tour !mistletoe, has been
o tool a Ills Ilse !lope n 1 elomktoog this source of its,, race.
tiontoviboolit lene believing t last in floe progresm or medical
*vs. at 1.161 !thrall. the nosomicry over
rto.osiiiiolion. and. In lily mot. °folic Cosai 41 NI a -
lap of . or and Wood Noptha, tins Object IS kap
firly cola uu•J.
• I'he I lierall , lll IC agent% ettipinyed in the of
11.1 n remedy • are rem 11 OM erq,blC II In prrvom ua• ceere
nee of ilibeterelon. on liter to the loogs MI In I nn-.• eta
said alosnriolooto miler deposit loom commenced.
nn °Neve a, lucved lay lio iirlier ols•du•uu•. alai pile iiiiiniri
ante al - Which the urnGas ou 1111111111 will at acre per, riv.•
cu ter o brme< 111114 lolle nl cliscane. hNs•rto 50n...1 need
Willii” Ciailreill Tim non. v.. %loch ha.
Witold...l ohm adminitiratml cholas prepioria tom now..
on tile re, owe of meolio at ...mei, in ...fano,
11011 of WIIII . II, promicior wools, usk a ...refill mom of the state men. huh n fete of lion. Wills 11.1C0 been
n•,lnred to her4th It) lie pnwedlil agency.
the spenk fur
1111 V., r • ip Or Till nail
Wood Nnittlin for .0111 r loon in toy prletuN., nod have
found it line soon; Ohs fell! remedy 1 have ever ...ell in
Consumptive C.1..P. t lIIODIC I Plllrfli. St , w iles.llo,ill
nhdrdllv.withwrakier, of the null ~,,, inty sornainb.
lutes!. The rapidity wioi which it nets. a greatly :n tro
f.ivor is loose dyrltin••i or olepreusoon eli3ls, Which Is aill
t.etleatvly relieves! by 11.
•• lu l'silistossary essiseuinplion it can he tined With con.
(hinny... he issF .pl.l. O .IL . form of that dose:sue,
sid 1 rosssiid,r si st tned n •ine w•e11 worth) lilt 1111011i11111 of
and eXessipt from Ilse llPlPllitilean of einnirl-
„ .. rh .. Cl l / I .3ieCRS.:%!. D.
OClOlber 11. Isl 4.
"CrThe above medicine prepared only by
ANON EY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of
Filth and Spruce streets. Philadelphia.
AGENTS--K. Wm/.teats. Colombia; Jo
GISH. Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, D.
Gnoss, Harrisburg; K. A rcapiEr, Carlisle.
Price 50 cts.. or 6 bottles for $3,50.
Illarch 6. 1647. 576
New Book-Bindery,
The subscribes respectfully inform their
friends and the public that they have opened,.
Book-Biodcry & Blank Book Mannfactoy
on Main street, next door to the Post Office, in
I the Borough of Yore, oh. re they will be 11..ppv
:n receive orders for every description of won in
their line. P.trtienlar attention will be paid to
the Ruling and Binding of every description of
Blank Books,
for Bulks. Comity Offices, Met chants and others.
and every variety of full and hatf bor.nd BI n.ks,
New and old Books, Periodicals, Law ija.okS
Newspapers Kcc., hound to any pattern,
:nil in any style r. quired. Paper ruled to pattern,
u ^ j All v.otlr. warranted.
York, May 12. /8.17.
APPRENTI ES. about 15 ••r 16 rears
of •g.•, t • learn th.• Cabinet Making Rusi
nea• —Apply to JOHN W
Columbia, Apoil 7, 1897.--tt
ON the 4th of August, .71 the year 1843, a
singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci•
entific Institute of France. The aged, white
headed President, his head bare, his arm out
stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (for
science was triumphant,) and his voice with
gratulatory tone, delivered the following re
port :
" We are astounded at this singular prepa
ration. Where indeed will science slop !
Here we have a preparation made in the form
of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know
by actual practice. to cure every cutaneous
eruption, every disfigurement of. and even dis
colored skin! Where will its magic and sin
gular power cease? The Negro. the Creole,
the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man
of the Far West, are alike under the influence
of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow
or discolored skin, and making it white and
beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or
black, or brown skin." (Here several persons
were brought forwatd by the President, who
had used it, in proof of his assertion.)
There are probably few persons of intelli
gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt
the qualities of
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap
in curing Pimples, Blotches, Sall Rhenm,
Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads. Old Sures,
Bea rd and Barber's Itch, Chapped and Tender
Flesh. Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing
dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin ho a pure clear
white. as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in
fact every kind of eruption and disfigurement.
Read these certificates:
From he New Osieans Sentinel, October, 1814
One o: our subscribers. M r. 11. Leonard, in
forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly
Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his
heard, fingers. and hands, by a cake of an arti
cle advertised latelt—we speak of Jones' Ital
ian Chemical Soap. He also informs us that
be has tried its effects on his femnleslave Rose,
much marked with sun spots, and he found in
two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter.
James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey C ty.W29,
cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which he
was afflicted with for many years, by part of a
cake of ;ones' Italian Chemical Soap.
Persons in puirchasing this must always ask
for Jonsts CHEMICAL SOAP; and w
imps, as many who have been cheated with
counterfeits, will he too munch discouraged to
try the genuine, we say to such. try this once—
you will not regret it : hut always see that the
name of T. JONES IS on the wrapper. Sold
only in New York at 82 Cailhim Street. Sign
of the American Eagle. Price. 5u Cents a
Cake. For sale by H. ILL! ANIS.
7,1847-6 m
Columbia., Asia
CZ IX years experience has proved that (or
L . the cure of coughs, colds, consumptions,
ashtnta, spitting of blood, pain and oppresston
of the breast: there is notion , ' equal to Hance's
Compound i-y. up of lioarliound.
This medicine has now been in use for six
years, during which time Were has been a con
stant demand fur it, and its popularity instead
of declining, has been always on the increase.
Diming this time many new medicines have
spring up for the cure of the above complaints,
seine of which lasted only a l'ew months, and
others not as long; but fiances' S. rim has
readily gone on gaining favor with all classes
of society until it has now becono identified
by many families as a
To those who have never used the Compound
Syrup of Iluarliound, this notice is particular
ly directed to, as to those who have once ex
perierced its happy effects. ant , praise of its
merits would be superfluous. Price SO cents
per bottle or six bottles for
SETH S. 11ANCE, 108 Baltimore street,
ant curlier of Charlts and Pratt streets, Bal
AGENTS—G. G. Claborne. R. Wlllama,
W. A. Leader, CMurebea; J. F. lieini , hb &
Son, Laneastrr; Sa tote' En , minger Alan
!icon; J.Mn Stonicer. Mt. Joy Roads; James
Bryan. Elmabethtown Oct. 24-'46
Vexciable Universal Pills .
Are a strengthening purgative and a purify i ng
/VHF. hopes of the American agents are far
11 room thin reali•ed b‘ the stores. of Dr. Le
Roy's Veg. table Unbersal Pills On this 3-Ide of
the Atlantic. Ice% er did a medicine ppring into
such iiiwn , iliate papal .city. In less than three
mon hs e ghry thoo-and boxes have been disposed
of; and cert. fie:loc.:o cures performed bi them
received fr , in oink:yd., of four hund.e.l persons.
The cum, cml raced a great number of dts.ases?
but those %%filch prethiminated woe Billion.. Fe
ver, Colic, 11 ibittial Costi‘ene.s, Dysrn ary,
Loss of Appetite. Flatulence. Worms mot Low
ne-s of Spirit... All persons who take them agree
that they 3 , C ar superior to every other medicine
they had us. d, in the mildne-s the energy, and
the efficacy of their action; for though they pro
duce neither gripe nor nausea, they art upon the
secretions with great ithectnes- force and rapid.
ity; and as a pii.gai we leave uothinq t . he desired.
It it the it great pecultar excellence, end ih d which
di-lingti,hes them fom all other puigativee i•,
that Chair oper.tion is followed by t o reaction.—
Their iinrivalled 1 urifyirie and I u - gattve
vddeli they arc indebted to the O.S.MIC, Of
S.. r-aparilla, and other ingredients,beitig con.roll
ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the
extract of Wild Cnerry, they do not strain rho
digestive organs into act on, as is the mode of
operatt .ti with other cathartics, but on the ontra•
.y strengthen them into action. TI/11. all other
mug dive medicines prm'oce more or less idibse
gm tit cosr.veriess, a..d .Inggi-liness of the gastric
10i..e, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma
chinery of the system full of life activity, and the
boi , els open and natural.
CO'Price 25 cent- per box.
Agent.: for Columbia—R. WILLIAMS. WM. A.
Lgancii, F.b 6:47.1y
While Teeth, Street Breath, Healthy Gums, 4-c
To be had by using a pot of
.111//33".R. TOCTE PASTE.
Render, you have only to use this once, to be
deltehted, mid to pronounce it the snow beau ti f u l
article ever !nude fur the purpose.
Yellow nod unhealthy teeth, alter being once or
twieo cleaned with the Amber Tooth Paste, have
the appearance 01 t he most beautiful won; and at
the saute tittle, it is so perfectly innocent a..d ex
quisitely fine, that its constant daily tst.e is 111 2:11y
Mien . even to those teeth that tire in good
„„,,dpl o r t , gn ing them a beautiful polish. and pre
senting a premature decay. Those already demised
it prevents from beco 3333 ng v ruse ; u also lastens
such as are loose, nod by perseverence it will ren
der the !miles. teeth delicately %hue. and make the
breath deliciously sweet. For sale at
Sept 19 R. t.t ILf.JA ms%
Jones' Italian Chemical Soap
Is called by the Medical Novel of Parts, ••a
ble,sine, ft miracle and a wonder." to cure eruption,
dotigarcntent or dinolornflon nt the rain. It comes
pimples. blott•hea, freckles. nal:•rheum. seamy,
sort...beards. enre•headn. tan sun. burn. murphew,
and it changes :he color of dark. yellow• or sun•
burnt phut to a fine. healthy eipannoFp. .ail a at
Sen 19 R. %% 11.1.1 A
rr.N toot :BEET LEON, of the Lest
brando, for sate by
Columbia, April 7,