The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, August 21, 1847, Image 3

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    Prevention of infection from Tyhpus Freer.—
Thp London Weekly Despatch, of the 3d May,
'says Dr. J..C. Smith obtained . .£5006 from Parlia
ment fiir the Rillowirig recipe:
"Take six druclievaf . pna dered nitre (saltpetre,)
and six draChin:scif dulphate acid (rill of vitriol,) mix
them in a tea cop. By adding one drachm of the
'oil at a time, a copious discharge of nitrous ucid
gas will take place. The cup to be placrd during
the preparation or. a hot hearth or a plate of heated
iron, and the mixture stirred with a tobacco pipe.
This quantity of gas may be rcgul tied by lessening
•or increasing the quantity of ingredients. The
above is for a moderato sized room; half the (Nit].
'thy would be sufficient flu a small room. Avoid
- as much as possible breathing the gas when it tir.t
rises front the vessel. No injury to the lungs will
-happen when the air is impregnated with the gas,
which is called nitrous acid gas, and it cannot be
too widely known that it possesses the property of
preventing the spread of fever.
would be 'bought of a quadruped whose head, with
the exception of the mouth and places of juncture
with the neck, was covered with two ,itormous
masses of eyes, numering upward+ of 12,000 in
each mass? Yet such is the condition of the or
gans of vison in the dragonfly. In the common
bee the same struetnrc is not less apparent. The
fiery cycs of many gad-flies, Tabyal,) when pre
sent vivid bands of purple and green, are composed
of similar lenses, and each eye contains nearly
seven thousand. The ant ha+ fitly knees; the
Louse fly fonr thousand; while above erventecu thou
sand have been counted in the eye of the butter.
fly, and aioic !hall twenly.five Ilton.and in that of
a Frweics of bectle.—Battei son's Introduction to
SINGULAR GALVANIC E:cruattstF:Nr.—Weinlold the
philosopher, cut offa cat's head, and whets its arte
rial pulsation had ceased, took out thespian' marrow,
and placed in its stead an of mercury,sit.
ver and zinc; iinanediately alter this was done, the
pulsation was recommenced, and the body made
a variety of movements. He took away the brain
and spinal marrow of smother cat, and filled up the
skull and vcrterbral canal wills the metallic, mix
ture. Life appeared to he instantly restored—the
animal filled up its head, opened and shut its eyes,
and looking with fixed stare, endeavored to eeulk,
and Is lienevcr it fell, tried to raise itself upon its
legs. It CUlllillued ill this state 2J stionitcs, when
it lilt down and remained suutionless. During all
the time the animal was in this state, the circula
tion of time blood appeared to go on regularly ; the
secretion al the gastric juice was more than usual,
and the animal heat was re-established.
SPLENDID 31IRAGE IN Pants.—The Journal des
Debats gives the following de,viiption of a mirage
which ..ecurred in farts a short time ago. Be
tween sevetraml cigar in the morning the weather
bang cold and while the sun W 45 ri.t,t.
fra:n the point of the steeple of the Cathedral or
Ulm rase a narrow ray of a d Irk color, al must
vertical, with a shtfht inelin dion to the west.—
:Near this ray the image or the tipper half of the
steeple of the cathedral was designed, with its
towers and all the numerous and dvlicalc Gothic
ornaments whirl, decorated it on all bides. This
image WaS so correct that it might have been
taken for a representation made by the d.ignerreo
type. Eight times this phenomenon wiis repeatet'
Such an optical etrcet is unexampled in the country
EDITORIAL EOURTF.SY.—TLC tditrr or n paper ill
Kentucky says that a brother editor has" cooled
utr in his ardor about going to Mexico since he
learned that the Mexicans were not be rubbed."
Whereupon the " brother editor," rejoins that if it
should lie officially announced that'• the
grog-shops are to be robbed," the editor or the
Kentucky paper would be in Mexica in ten dayo.
Kentucky prisoners in Mt xien arc complaining of
their tretament by the Mexican officers, those who
fell into the hands of the people are treated uith ex
treme kindness. Limn. Whipple, ret-ently captur
ed near Vera Crux, speaks particularly of the at
tention and kindness which have been shown him.
He says :—" All the inhabitants of this village
(Qu a tepee) have extended towards me more than
the elegant civilities of refined life—they have given
me assistance with a delicacy and propriety which
no American community can excel."
Bounons oe InminaslioN.—The Canada papers
are still recording the ravages of disease among
the unfortunate emigrants; % ietims to ems, Jed
ships, badly ventilated and poorly provisioned, in
which the filthy and the clean arc indiscriminately
placed. Among the passengers of one• only of the
hundreds of ships sent to Quebec this season, twee
Britons arc understood to have died already than
there were of Americans slain at Monterey or Buena
Vista both of them bloody affrsys with great ar.
Nsw CALCULATOR. -Mr. %V. M. Mines, of Roch
ester, N. Y. has invented a machine which can add
and subtract eidniiiiis or figures from units to
lion, with the utmost accuracy. In the addition
of decimals it is very valuable, for with a very
limited inactive a chill cm be made to work prob.
'ems that would be very trouble:.eec for any per
son to resolve. The 'nodel is a very neat machine
capable of working Mar columns of figures. Mr.
Mines has taken measures to secure a patent.
most extraordinary trees in the forest of New Zeal
and is the rata, which originating in a parasite,
grows to such a size as to rank among the trees of
the forest. It first makes its appearance in the
form of a tender vine; clasping the trunk of some
large tree with its tendril., and growing I oth
wards and - downwards and increasing 111 hulk at
the same time. After a while the parasite, having
killed the parent trunk, establishes itself upon the
root, sends forth numerous branches aloft which
again sends Pulh terial roots claspitm the neigh
boring trees, and untimely the rota occupies a
I•lrger spare than any tree of the forest. It is
under this tree that the vcgst dimg caterpillar is A. A\ 11 JGCL: .11/XliillE. A 1 , ( 1
found. The rata is the Metro.idoro% rein-ta, a 0.1 leV.f For olc lay
R WiLl.l An;
very handsome plant, and of singular habits by no N. R.—There is none genuine but frit sold by
means satisfactorily explained. R. Willt.u.s. au2l'47-tf.
PRAISEWORTHY.-At a meeting held at the Mon
ongahela House, Pittsburg, on Sttu•day last, reso
lutions were passed providing for the creation of a
fund for the education of the children of Lieut.
Parker. A very handiome sum was subscribed on
the spot, and we trust it will be liberally added to.—
Far the Soy nod CollinOliAn
DEAR SPV:-I noticed in the last number of the
Lancaster County Farmer. a controversy respect.
ing the treatment of Mr. Jacob Garber, who was
struck with lightning. Now, sir, so far as I am able
to judge of the akencrathic system, I would consider
that. Drs. Rohrer and Doc1; - ran's treatment was ad
mirable, and fully in accordance with the old oak°.
dox practice. But as the old system is lust growing
out of date, and Young Physic taking its place,
I to ke the liherty of manifesting to the public the
mode we would pursue in a case of that kind. We
would place the patient near a warm stove and use
dry friction with capsicum, cocculus, 6th dilution,
and two shakes every two hours, alternated with
mmnite,ll dilution, and perlytm. it would be neces
sary to add belladonna; 411 i dilution, enntinue until
COMPLFailleir —lirtspllt's Indian Veretahls Pills are the
110.1 en.+utetic in the world: kern rice they ponds the body
of thaw morbid limners which, if lodged in the citt , cle.
are the chine not only sit ellnw (Sr swarthy complexion
and vim:low-a of the akin, bal of all kinds of erupt ve
dawn-es Wright's Indus. Vegetable Pill. al.n aid and
improve sligeQtinti. MS genii as cleanse alai nor& the
.....i, and therefore. give health:lnd vigor to the whole
frame. whets in torn, will be sure to give a clear and
heali Jig completion.
Ile. are of Connterfelt4 orall kinds! Some are co ilea
with sliaar: Wipers to ide to re-edible in not ...fed op
pii.r "tee the I trorm3l medicine. lire ,trei.l goer's, i., to
purchase Cr the regular agents only. one sir more of
whom may be found to every vtllitge and town in the
Slat e.
1I ii'nnim• for rile by FRY & SPA S(. t.r:re and
IP. M who are Ike only ambit's:led f.or
Cnlautbin Al.a. 311101)1f r
Principal (Mire ICO Mare Street, Philadelphia.
J 0 , 1E9 K PoLK. 1 . 11 OF TM: ST4TF S.
AND ALL OTIII II DisTIVGLisIiED Pl.:mins:v. won ore an a
Toilet e Itsent, Minticaled Sonp,
gave hl the pre iereore over ail Too.let or other Soaps.
hit RadiVa) 'a Chinese Medicated Snail i 44 Ito nnly ar
ticle of the 11.101.,OaserSilig Medicinal Virtues in the corm
of ...In.
2:,41. 1 tit 31 .lor mat prnpern , •. tier e.•lr•rled rm. the
11...1 •alr. rare and ern...floes e‘lr.irl. mei 'Tale.. of
reel•„ •hntbr. and 2r..v.tta. +lnd titre are
wipest dir.Jlp ronibbled 1111)1 The 11111111 :IS lo b .ill. all
.1111 pie tn.rnoh Zr I heel.
31. ^ . the inn..l dell. 10114 T.T3lel Soap
ev. r n.rd. 1P eTedliiiiil.ll. 411112 and
t)1.• rut•rlr. 111 0111, 1111: 1111. ..... evens.nm•d by
The heel. 01 11111•11111101,, 111,111.111 a 110. -ei la
rrto.o nli 11111.11 W iL ~.reildermg r lev -km 5.,11 v...
1.w.•..1 l air:u,,llll,lltily — Spectllly removing
{MOO,. 1111+111i1,; I railtgorliiit.i.:
4.1 red V 1,124. 111 i1...111111i1l I kar 11,:10-.,•11Q
co,llll4,•nise. Curler: 44111 rheum. mt_ ee fere, ety4110,1:1•
en I rae4l.--leeeltheten4 n lel lee stir set plus Wird ..f eeee.ip.
4111. 11.1.1W1 . 8 Soap 0 equ illy v.elteneele,s4 .4 11.4 , 1
o•r; II s.iftoits elm !ward .end render- tier .ii; eitelenetl;
and eolnelele.
Sth. lid aay'R Sr1:111 is entirely free front en‘enti•ll
uu•irurml turpentnie and utiu•r
tree•%; theref , re• unlike all other 150:111S,
hr, trot Irntrue er ilaltie Ike ekni
fah It la warranted to do all that it in rrtnnimrndr•d lo
ilieref.ire, a you %, odt a guest artn.le, ask fur Rail.
V% hen you a.O„, fir It.silway•s Snap do not be pill
~If ,v,ih any other. In all p, in the ad v o n's, ,1
agrtd s. and Ire INIIre yon arc [hat It. G. Itath, ay iSIII.III
P. 11.11 uelle. Said 1.,r 121 scuts eurall cake and 2.5 cent
large. by
R. W 11.1.1 %NIS.
140 h agml for C 01.1161..
On Torsilny ['nothing, the Ibili wsl., by the Rev. Gen
inn gtn CIIA ULF. DI rro% to MIS. LYDIA Cr
TI GRAFF, all 1111.anc...ler Ceti illy.
I.iheni.ter limiters will ideal.. ropy.
TV.. .kl , l %11jimr"...1 1.1.,:01ie nfll.. 1111,11‘11111
CAMS]: C\l) 110-1; 1 'IINI l'A NV. imeill.•l
,‘ ~ 0 .1,4.• 41. vi ~,,, a of ber 1.111;.• mei/11.4g of the •nno•
t• ill 1,.. 1.-I ! 1 . 1118 Evi.:Nl:s;c. at h.• I ~.... 11..11. ,ii h.i
..t ~,,,. ca... 0 isow.r., r4eey,
• •olliiiihin. A ilgunt 21, 1517.
f j sitljniirneil mrr , me of Ihr 1111'13111Pra t'••
f;0111) IN I'EN I lilt I: ENGIN ANL/ Hunt•; ill Ise held In tile l'silitsc Ilmir...
Second street. .41 . I•slosing the I4ucnre ll•m.r, Iles ever,
attend slit" Is req , ll.4iril /1. sill , Wet ::: of
°givers fnr Iha ...ming year is 11l lake plat r•
1:••Inmhm, Aug. 21. Ibl7. Vg A [J.:AI/ER. SeeY.
Stoves, St yes.
of the latest and nnel a ppr red pat
tern.. A ko. RAtator and other impmved
patterns of P. rtor Scores. For sale at reduc
ed prices, at the Hardware ~turc of
The Ilighe.l price will he p•iid for Old east
:,eed.Clover , red.Titnollay geed, &c
o.llunbia. aug. 21. 1847.—:1in
RE.'ll OVAL.
s riber would i,,form f r i r ,,d,
d public ern •ra Ilv, that he his evln
ed .o No 2. S•hreioer's betw, en It .rr's and
Hack s Moe!. Fron• Str,et, whene he w II con•
'inn • to keep stn el g nt ass ill. , nt of Beaver,
Otter, Fur. Dili, and N.,tria HATS, tuul a
I tz, a•so tment of CAPS, all et w 0,11 he will
lute filed...ire in showing to tho..e who 1..v 0 r him
with a otill.
Doa • t forget—S•hr.'inPr's Row•. No. 2. Le6•re
dswhtr ; PS lam Oe'et ~ in' ( I to sell
Uctliumbia. Aug. 21, 1847.—tr
T UST reneired irel)f)(1 supply of WALK
,/ ING CAN F. U Int S. a liandQrame
and article. which will he -old at the
niasior , cturer's retail prices. call and .ee
J.D. Ikr. J. W RIGHT'S.
them at
TOWNSON'S ..ial W..1,1..14)01 MCI.
I .t.Y S":" 1 .g S. , ap, sup •100 10 all other+ fur
shaving. Sol ‘t by R. W 11.1.1 NIS.
4 AUN DRY Star It Polish, for un pari..g s ar.
*sith ti the addition • f ant gr• a-y subs• :ice.
and for a bulliatit pearly g6r..•n the
linen. Sad only by It. WILLI %MS
MOUNT En:le Tripoli. for
rais',lag all al, 1..11, and gi fot .ti
ueh o• Gni . Siher. Btaq. Ilroanla, S rrt w , r ,..
&•. Sold b.
o. 2; 48 tf. R. WI LTA .1 MS.
lArnio;ilT's 1nd.... Ve g etable Pill- or
Indian Pur g ative. arid Indian
S% lop warsallied genuine For gale by
B. %% It I. %NIS.
rrtHE undersigned have just received the
best and most complete assortment or
English and German stub and twist and pat.
gut breech
which have ever been "tiered in this market at
such pieces that will snit all. Also, six Barreled
Revolving and self-cocking
Call and examine for yourselves, at the cheap
Hardware Sture of
Columbia, Aug. 21. 1347.
-- z! ALL FRESH.
r u. A N RITL for past favors, and deoirous feir a
continuance of public patronage, the sub
scriber inkeee this mei Med "I giving es• tic tilde he
leas just received a large mid general supply eel fresh
Dragg and 11 eilmineo. &c A II
01 a bull Ire nil! dispose eel, wlerdesale and renal. at
very moderate preen , . wale a gum amee to lee
ceiling.. need 01 lure lies! quality.
Ile ti a ,, kie received it very laree sneak of Per
fumery, stloot, en point eel qu elav Foul
cl eeriness... Is unequalled in ibis place. Ladles nerd
ushers. cull nerd see leer yours. lees. Also a large
assortment ul Cullebs and Brie-hes, very cheap.
R 1.1,1 A 11:3, Front rlzt.
Columbia, Atratese 14. 1847.—t1.
M .: 13 a TA:LOMA
No. 70 Soitth Third Street, nearly opposite the
Exchange, Philadelphia,
ESPF.CTFULLY announce to their friends
:And the public that they are constantly pre.
1... 1 . 11 to ,tribe of the finest and ota•
...flats. and at in .deraie priers, every 'iris Ii of
Fa-Inoname latch ug. constitutin_ n Gentlinati's
Wastlrnlir..lnr which their complete stock of choler
and carettilly selected ',lts Czntstmere.t. Vestings
&e.. ill the latest told must desirable patterns, are
sir mulnily desitt
Thinr tton practical knowledge of die lateiitteqs
and a per...nal attention to every garment, eita`tle.
mem to give entitle i.atlf•Llet 14/11. and to bath old and
era ematirtiert4 thee rcepecttully tender an itivitatton
to give them a call.
'laving her,, for rears connected with sonic of
the hest and trust fashionable etitabliitlitnents vi tins
country, chap °yin!! 110116 itut first rate workmen.
and being in the receipt of the latest hi.litons. and
best styles 01 goads. they are fully prepared to ac•
commodam CIIS , 0111(1'S In th.. beet manner.
Philadelphia. A %must 14. 1447.—fat
.17 Nor;Sr A.1. - Ilorve, below Itnee St
OFFER thr sale at the lowest p, ices, all the aril.
des of the Oil Trade. Their stock is varied
met .list feel emeitleet of giv we
-4111I.tchuo 11) lko call. They have now on
Pure Sperm Oil.
11 line v, liner and Full Ods of different qualiiics.
:=nlar Oil.
Wuner•presced Lard 011.
W. toter F.:;e1,1).1411 and 1V lisle Oil..
Packed O.onowe N ha 4 0,1.
Oils Su, rni Guam. Zize, &e
rtiOadelphin A he.u.t 14 IS 17.-2 m
N. A II first rate order
jOC TOR TO W.NDSEA"S Compound E.rtract
of Sarlapolitla yet- Luis to eLicheate ri •
ti ell ail the trects or mer•ury, 7ely sooni,
an% other medicine, it gi.t so eat. , , ners,ti•
o. complaint- of kinds, netirdli
nreru,L• i.freet tons, &c. :old by
au] 1'4741 R. WILLIAM:I.
H BULL'S Co "pourul Ev.tnet of Sara
parslla Col sale by R. WILLIAMS.
)AG CLASPS, Put-e and Dag TiA!..c. Steel
II) Heads, Purse and Bag Rind
Fnr sale by R. WILLIAMS.
all 14'47-if
1 ETON TEAS of :I'l lured. . lo he had fresh
at YOUNG L CASSEL'S Store, No. 50
Columbia. aoLt. 7. I H47—tf
IN mat variety varying in price from 31 11
cents and upwards at
Columbia, Aug. 7. 1647—1 f
j ANIS, IiANIS, Jersey cured canvassed
darns, for sale at
E are now opening the best arsorimeni
of Dress Goods ever offered io tlnsmar-
Itet The public are respee.rnil‘ invited to
see them at 111 Y Zs: SPANGLER'S.
Colombia. Auk. 7. 1847.—ti
OP UN Salt, Mohair and ca Pia ids. stew
0 style for dresses; also a splendid .1 , .-
sortment. of Gingletnis amid other drb s:punts at
Columbia. Aug. 7. 1847.—t
LN FA MO lj 6 t I{,A CIE CE.
s it nut an liii..llloUS Truffle for Wholcbale and
Retail Drugg sts, and other Merchmits, to buy
up r..pitilollll, d and COL.,
ItAll . ll stoic .14ucture, at auct am, atilt
Irony irresponsible sad ' , Amanita_ medicine venders.
stir lot) ur three dollars per Mizen, and then bell it
so the I : martini and unwary, as the genuine [tow
atirt's •• Impr veil" 'runic 'more, tar one dollar
'lie Goode! and n hen they well know besides. that
dos Munn crisis iweh tins been lIIIMCIS4I/IV
uouuced worthle-s and inert, and ss if.t. NOT cyst:.
THE Get.! I know at no more ',Manton and
tio , atdiv condom nt men loving Amy C6lllll/ to re
viovoilolloy or tioaesty.
Look cormally I. rho •• written sigtiatur of John
P.• Rom uud. " on a paper tither acre-s ..... MIR Id
mery boil:C. avi hout which •• guard — it never cat
ceintille. Il.iwever knavish mr,fieme-vet.tlers
pray ntlany and try to deceive.--.A gem for Colum
bia, W. A. I,NA DER.
Hanee's Sarsaparilla Vegetable, or Blood Pills.
Fur Purifying the Blood!
liettmwre, July 29, 18.13.
/rill IS is to certify, that I was Afflicted with
a %orient pain in the breast and right aim.
womb I supposed proceeded from the impure
stAte ut my blood. I was recommended to take
Ilance's Saisapariga or Blood Pills, and after
taking. one box, the pain was entirely removed
from my breast and a rut, I found them extreme•
ly gentle in their operation, mid would nee:wo
men I them to every person in wan of a mild iv .:i. I' AT ter: RICH
No. 23 Conway street, between 'lowa d and
,CPlis purchasing these pills. let me add one
tit caution, o irio oodc for II Anne
and purch.ise ./1 none but those advertised as
niginnin, and II convenient, call arid see the pro.
;moor 111:11.elf.
Prepared and sold by SETH S HANCE,
tttn moire.
AGENTS—G. G. Clahorne. H. Wullams.
W. A. Leader. Germano ; .1 F. llemnsh d:.
Sun, 1 4'mica" , em; Ensiniiwer.
; J SIIIIIIIer. Mt. Joy ;4 Hoods; Jos.
Doan, Elizabethtown. 0ct.:24-46
BLACK- •- - - -- -
SILK and Mohair Fringes and
Gimps, for sale cheap at
' Columbia, Aug 7, 1847.—tf
rpnosE new style Put.xs Cowes can now
I be bad at FRY Sz SPANGLER'S.
Columbia, Aug. 7,1847.—ff
INTE are happy to inform those in want of
I a Patent Self Supplier that by dint of
perseverance, we have succeeded in obtain•
mg, a small L.ssortment. Those in want will
bear in mind that there is a few more left at
Columbia. Auo. 7. L-47.—tf
A FIN .4.1` 01."1"fl: ETU. - OR 25 C
Tem., foul breath, healthy gums,
Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once
or twice cleaned with
Jones' Amber Tooth Paste.
have the appearance of the most beautiful
ivory. and, at the same time it is so perfectly
innocent and exquisitely fine, that its corr.tant
daily use is highly :iriviintagColls. even to those
teeth that are in good condition, giving them
a beautiful polish-and preventing a premature
decay. Those already decayed it prevents
from becoming worse—it also fastens such as
are becoming louse, and by perseverance it. will
render the foulest teeth delicately white, and
makes tlic breath deliciously sweet. Price f 2.5
or 311 cents a Box. For sale by
Aug. 17,847-6 m. R. WILLIAMS.
Ladles are Cautioned Against Using
TU EY are not aware how frightfully injuri
ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how
r•ugh, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the
skin appears after using pepared chalk ! Be
sides it is injurious, containing a large quan
tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful
ve. , et hle article, winch we call
Jones' Spanish Lily While.
It is perfectly innocent. tieing purified of all
deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin
a natural, healthy. alabaster, clear, living
white: at ILe same time actin , as a cosmetic
on the slon. malting it soft and smooth.
Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of
llassar:husitl .says: After analyzirm.lones'
Spanish Lily While, I find it possesses the most
beautiful and natural, and at the same tune
innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can
conscientiously recommend its use to all whose
skin requires beautif) mg." Pike 9.5 cents a
Box. Fri' sale Iry R. A ILLI ANIS.
Columbia, August 7, 1847—Gm
ntrvil OVA 1.4.
P ' 1112E1 N ER hay romnred
los W T( •I I and JEW
.„....., 1-7 )';'."`LF.P.Y Establishment to the
r PnoNT 111. ex. recent ly fined tip by
Inn. bet aces Barr's :11111BI:1HO. !lige'. PrOlii
Si reel . where the public can he oceotionodated.
as heretofore. Willi all atbeles 111 the Jewel
lery line. at the etwape.t eases.
Colombia, J oly 17, 1817.—tr.
Agency of the Canton
The undersiened twin , . the a iiihnrized
' , trents for the sale of the SUPEPION
TEAS, ;inputted by the Canton Ten
Cninpant, of the l ity of New Volt, invite a
trial ot their Green and Black Teas, ernbrac-
I n, the best selections this side of China.
Every Pac;,ave IV arretilvd.
Columbia. April 7, IN•l7.—tf
Those Who have been Deceived With
Should ;rad thefollmcing statements of
respectable pel sans.
that, New York. rerti6es of A v i e .i n s u h e ie, 9B l
,t as entirely bald 011 the top, and by the use of
two 3s. bottles of
he has a good e••on of hair, and will soon have
it long. thick and luxuriant.
Mr. WILLI .% J ACK.ON„ Of 89 Liberty street,
Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February,
1847, that Mr. Thomas Jaeltson's head on the
top, was entirely bald for fifteen sears, and
that by using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral
[lair RestorAtive, the hair is growing fast,
thiclr and healthy. lie expects by using tins a
tittle lorwer to have a better head of hair than
lie ever had
To those whose hair is gray, or falling of and
weak at the roots
hereby errlify that my hair was turning
gray arid fallow , oIT. and that since I have used
iiines' Coral Bair Restorative it has entirely
a , eil falling. i. gr0w,,, ,, fast, and has a line.
dark look. Before I ii-ed Jones' Coral Hair
Restor.ii ire I combed mint liand'uls of Irtir dai
ly. WM TONI PKIN S, 92 lima st.. N. Y.
'.l. Power a cr , cer. of Fulton street, had his
hair completely choked up with dandruff, and
Jove,' Coral Bair Restorative entirely and
permanently Cured it.
Do you leant to dress, beautify, and make your
lIA IR soft and fiuel—Read :
rfenry E Cullen late barber on hoard the
gteanitimit South America. do certify that
Jones' Coral flair Restorative is the best arti
cle I e, or used for dressing. softening. cleans
ing and keeping the hair a long time soft ,clean,
silky. dark and in order; all my customers
preferred it to any thing else. For sale by
Aug. 7.1847—Gm R. WILLIAMS.
The subscriber is prepared to deliver ICE
in any quantity every morning.
XrN. B. Small ice fur Ice Cream and Alm
erni Water to be had at his residence in any
Columbia June 12th. 1947
First Premium Writing Ink.
TLis bik Iris for a long while become ecla.
blislicd as a National article, and the following
testimonials 'ruin Wash 11l gton City, prove its
merits to that ilkt inet
Roust of Representatives.
Washington City, February f 24, It+43.
I state that I have u•ed the Ink...luring the
present :ession of Congres.. mann'actured by
.lo , eph E. !lover. E.g.. of Pinholelolna, and
have found i. to be no article of most excellent
JOAN WHITE, Speaker Ho. Rep.
Patrnt Office, IVashinalon, D. C.,
February 24, 1e43
Sir—Y.l , lr Black tV /lima I olc been used
in this Office since October last. and is entire
ly :approved. I :on respectfully.
J. W. II ND. Chief Clerk.
Air. Joseph E. Hover. Plitlad.
Hover's Adaniantine Cement
- .
'he 6.11011111 g Irmn 13telccell's Reporter will
heel IllostrAto. 'la value: !lover m. nn-
tact ores •• /Urn:lntone l'ernent . ' for konin. ,
br01c..., cl.ina, _ll.•t-. Ac.; we 1.111, tried the
a.uck• an d] of to he I.xcellent."
For kale. tvli,ll Ir :ottrl roi 111 the man"-
fact or v„ No. Si Norol. r Street.. toppo•th.
Clicrr Si r„1 Itv
- JOSENI E. Roy kat, M .nurneritrer.
ma, 6,1847-tf.
the Collector's House, corner of Front
and Gay streets, where he will stten I prompt
ly to all business in the line of his protession.
Colombia, April 14, 1947.—tf
Columbia, Lancaster county. Penn'a,
WILL practice in the se‘eral Courts of
and Yorkcouniies.
Orricr...— In Walnut street, adjoining the
‘Voshingt,nl Hotel. Mar 6,1847.
ehFlCE—South East corner of Locust and
Second street.
Boardim , House—with Mrs. Swartz, 9. doors
below his late residence.
Columbia, April 7, 1817.—tf
Nails and Spikes.
Just received and for sale at reduced
prices by RUMPLE S.: HESS.
_\TARIOUS PATTERNS of Wall, Window
and Ceiling Papers and Borders, of the
most elegant modern styles, for sale by
Columbia. April 7, 1947.
.1% JILL and CROSS- BUT SA WS, of Fto
t land's best. For sale at manufactures
prices by RUMPLE & HESS
Columbia, April 7, 1847. tr
H ii: pr l a C T. lc i b rr a a t i e j
Litik.Breast,Tlarryin. , and fialier,Cliains,
all of which we offer at manufactures prices.
Colombia, April 7, 18-17. tf
T) I N DING orders left at the Columbia Book
-tore will receive prompt attention.
Coletnhia, 11ay 19, 1647.
UST received a snlendid assortment of
BRACES, BITS and CHISELS. at reduced
prim c by RU MPLE & HESS
Columbia. April 7. 1847.—1 f
110RASOLETTS, A new Fupply just
r opened and for sale very cheap at.
Columbia Jame 23. 1847.—1 f
Gentlemen's Ca'ummer Wear!
rlO AI PIM- IN G enslancret ts, Croton and
k..../Suirtouner Cloths and Cassone,s; soot-Hine
pl.tio and f tory vtote I.)rtiliTia, Satin. Brocade
and Narscilles Vebtous, &c. 6:c.. at reduced
Columbia, June 23 1817.—t( AST:et 22,
T usT received a lot of handsome Gingham%
04 and L•iwris at. 14i cents, Ili cents, It
cents at,rlr23 cents, with some finer qualities at
the lowest prices. _
Columbia, June 2,3, 1347.—1 f
1: 1 1REBOARD PrilrS TB. A rat irty rt.,—
_u board patterns for sale Cheap at
J. D. & J. NS/ RIGHT'S
Columbia, May 526,
Guns and Pistols.
DOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, war
rented Siubli Twist, and Patent 13reech
ueyolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel
Pistols. Fur sale cheap by
Columbia, April 7.15.17.—tf
To Boat m en.
NEW Pat icre Boat STOVE. .hist receivd
cd and for sale by. IHIMPLE& HESS
Columbia, April 7,1817.—1 f
removal and permanent cure of all disease ari
sing from an impure slate of the blood, or habit
of the system. For sale at Leader's Drug
Store. %VAL A. LEADER, Agt.
July '2l, IS47.—tf
jOCTOR ROBEY'S Brazilmn Hair Curling
Liquid. For bale by R. WILLIAMS.
TUST received and for %ale at the flaratvar
It) Store of RUMPLE & lIESS
Columbia, April 7, IS47.—tf
CA 11 PIIINE Lamp Globes. All sizes of
Lamp Globes, fur sale at
JitlylO•if LEADER'S.
Ur. Jaynes Tonic Veriniinge.
FRESH supply of Jaync's Popular Tonle
Vermifuge. For .ale at LEADER'S.
July 10-tf
Mull's Sarsaparilla.
JUST received, another supply of Bull's Sar
sown,. For sale at LEADER'S.
SulyDl tf
JUST received a la rce asoriment of Patent
Breach Tubb Twist English Guns, single
and double barrel; also Revolving and Corn
,. on Pistols. Forsale at reduced prices at the
Hardware Store of
Columbia, May 26. 18.47.—tf
J. 11. B
THE SUB2‘CRIBER keeps rnnstantly
on hand an essortment of Fresh Teas, im
pori. d Ly tlw l'. kin Tea l'ompany. Any
Tei4 sold I.y me , hat riot give .ntire sails.
c.n be return d and exi.lianged, or the
money tsill be refunded.
Locust street, Columbia, l'a•
April 7, 1847.
Est :ate of Pa et I JOiSC.4 Deceased.
T ETTERS testamentary having been gran
j (.41 to the undersigned. Executors of
Paul Jones, machinest, late of the borough of
Colombia, deceased; all persons having
claims or demands against said decedent arc
requested to Inalte the same known without
delay. and those indebted, to make immediate
payment to
JACOB Ell r,r.n. Lancaster city.
PETER KJ ,%1 I3U RG, Cora. Buru'.
Juty 17,1 et4.7.—Gt.
I ONES' SOLUTION J ET, an instanta
p uc.m. liquid human hair Dye. for them ! !
1, 2 10. rel• e. grey 14.,ar permattentiv a brown
or pi roill and e , Pieete. diree•
flier, marl...oh r'uld at the -i,!ts 01 the
1 . ....21e. No. 8! t ham Street New York.
P• ire 51, ceri;.4 $1 ur $1.5(1 per bottle.. Soh! by
Aug. 7,1847-61 n R. W ILLId3IS.
To Cat penlcrs
Agency of the
At Ike Columbia Nyco Cambia Store
INT S.: S PATT , o l .N .c have just received an
• thio;s consisting of
superfine . u lrlu r e t , na ßla t • k, and o:ive Cloths, Plain,
Striped & Fancy Cas•dmor., Cashmerets, Tweeds,
er4don Codringion and Summer Cloths, Linen and
Corson Drißina, with a variety of A. ticles surtablo
fnr Summer wear. Mar-ei I les. V.iloncia, and Sadn
Vesimcs, Black Sisk, sortable for M Fan
cy, Stitpe.l,, and Plain 410. for (basses.
Merino Mohair. 'Mo.'. de Laisie, and Silk Shawls,
Corebel and Mars , illes Skirt, Lawn and Lawn
Gingh ims, Alpach s &r., Barege-i. Silk and Linen
Pia.iket liandkeichiefs. Cambric, Eatl,t •n, Man
chester and Domeszic GincliarrN. French and Da
mask Table Cloth., Elackaboick, Birdoye, and Rus
sia Towclin2s, Dlr 11, Cambtic, Jaconett, Swiss
Plaid and Striped
Best qua lity Kid Gloves. Silk Mitt., Lisle
thre id, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, P..lm leaf Hats
Sc-., 4c. With a complete assortment of bleach
ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Misslins, Car.
petings frnot 10 cents to $l,OO, Pb in and Flamed
Mattings, Floor and Table Oil Coths, Looking
Glas.t , , Queens wire. Fre-li Gtoeetie.. Ham.,
dried Reef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked
Much care has been taken to secure for custom
er', a choice variety and the stibscrtir rs
piirchiSeil their plods fir Ca-h are d. termined to
sell them on the mo,t reasonable terms.
N. B. Country in ro lLice taken in exchange for
goods at the highest price.
Columbia, July Sri, 1537.—tt
er r
, , L ilt . ,
s c , _; .
~ n
t t i % , y . E . g T h !3 n i a l o a o l i . i.; r j e keeps d con
1 4 r/selected assortment of MISCEL •
discriotions. frem the small pocket memoran
dum to the sulistantialls bound derny. Letter
and Cap PA PrR, by the rrarmcpure, or strigle
sheet. SCHOOL BOORS. Serials, Periodi
cals, Newspapers. &c. Staple and Fancy
STATION A RY, Brushes Combs. Purses,
Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets Mirrors,
Razor Strops, Striving Soaps; Pasteboard.
Ivory. Mambo and Steel Studded FANS, and
nu nerous other articles, all of which will be
sold very low for cash.
N. B. Cash paid for flats.
Columbia. April 7, 1847.
Just received at Yount; & Cassels Cheap
Store, Front street Columbia. Pa., Mackerel
of all numbers qualities and prices, Herring,
Codfish, which have been honalit at first
hands. and bring or the very finest quality, of
fer inducements to the public to CUM e end gis e
them a trial. Mar. 527
The subscriber respect loll• announces to his
friends and the public. that lie has again re
turned to Columbia, after his long illiicss and
resumed Iris station; all custoinci . s will now
always rind him on hand ready at all times to
accommodate them. Ile is thankful f , r the
patrunge lieretolore so liberally bestowed upon
him and hopes by strict attention to merit a
continuance or the settle.
Golden Mortar Druz Store, Front st. Columbia
Columbia, June 12, 1.'2.17.
1111' 61 :Er lEtictql Z...
ryi MPI CO, M.idras and Cape Boot SKINS,
I Dressed and Undressed Morocco, Kid,
Lining and Binding SKINS, always on hand
at the very lowest prices.
J. J.
Columbia, April 7, 1847.-1 f
Tills prep .ration is pronounced 11 eminent mem- ;
Itc•rs of the 31crlical l'to,esbton and at her e.ropetent
ju Iges to be cqu.l, in eery r. spent, to the celci
orated lietity's Magnetia. For .rlo nt
LEADER'S Drug Store.
Columbia, June 5, 3897.
NOTICE.— All per-onq indebted to the sub
aerther aro rerp.ested to mak.. p .rment, and
alll,a,n t z claims agaitiat him Whi pir•aae preach*
them for settlement.
July 3.d, 1847.—1 f
Queensivare 1l• Crockery.
The most splendid assortment of the above
articles ever offered to the Colombia public,
Just opened at the cheap Cash Store of
Alarch 27. YOUNG & CASSEL.
E Y F., NV A'r EH.
For the cure of sore, o oak or inflamed Eyes
1%, arranted ill all cases. For sale at
LEADER'S Drug Store.
Columbia, June 5, 1847.
For the growth, beauty and revoration of the
Hair, Er)ld at LE'ADER'S Drug Store.
Columbia, June 5, 1847.
Zook Mere.
DR. JAYNE'S Carma live Balsam, a cer
tain, safe and effectual remedy for ail
complaints of the Blood, &c.. &c. For sale by
julylo-ti W. A. LEADER, Agt.
DDOCTORJUDK I N S' genuine Patent Spe.
clue Ointment. For sale by
Well's Strengthening 'Pla•ter.
tiR all pains in the Breast. Side and Back.
Warranted in all cases. For sale at
Julylo4l LEADER'S.
WANTED.—A n A pprctil ice to the TAI
Julylo.ll JOHN JORDAN.
Powder Pulls.
SUPERIOR Powder Puff: ;.s Gilt Roves vs ith
highly perfumed Tui!ct Powd..r. For at LEADER'S.
More Light.
LAMPS. -0.1, Lard and Campt,ine Qtand
Lamps, flanging and Si Is do For !Os by
Coiuml•ia. April 7. 1947.—tt
Highly itnpreved Premium Ca4ter Oil Pill..—
The Ca..t..r Oil is coneemrated into Small Pills
without taste or smell. For ssle nt
LEADER'S Drug Store.
C•lumbia, June 5.1847.
A preparation that is hichly recommended for
deotroying Rots, Mice a. d Roaches. For stet
LEADER'S Thus St. re.
Colombi , , June 5. 1847
A tuperior article of Fie-1-, L• m a Svrup.—Feir
'ale at 1.F..1.1)EXS Drug:l_ 4 lmo,-
June 5, 1545.
IE u 'N
lebrated \'+g••ta'dc I..vq.lid Flair Dr. for
ohaorzing d Gr....v. or Fl.,xy Wrriskert. Eye!) owe,
etc., to d Black co'or. For ..00 at
I.DA.DER'S Drug Sto;a
Ceuen'ria, Joao 5, 1847.