"GEN. TAYLOR .NEVER SURRENDERS!" James H. Hunter's ITASIIMNAIILt ANTI CUE.I.I. HAT, CAP, BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, ' AV. 40 Front st., Cottonbilt, Sign of the Big Hat and Cap, directly opposite the Bridge, and adjoining Black's Hotel. The subscriber begs leave to return r his thanks to his friends and the pub lie generally, for the very liberal pat ronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes by strict attention to busi ness, to receive a continuation of their favors; he goes upon the principle nimble six pence is better than a slow shilling," and to carry out the principle, makes quick sales at small ad vances. His place of business is not a brick front, or of great splendor, but he flatters himself that Ile can suit customers better, and sell cheaper, than persons who do business in big brick houses, arid make a great fuss about selling goods at cost, he dues not sell gcods at cost, but sells at a small ad vance, and by so doing expects to please all that may favor him with their patronage. He requests all persons, after visiting some of the showy es tablishments along Front street, to drop in at No. 40, (sign of the Big Hat and Cap) and compare the goods and prices of the ditTerent establish ment. and he is satisfied he can sell them a better article, and at a lower price than any other store in the borough. Hats and Caps, Of the latest style and Cashion always on hand, at very low prices, and warranted equal to any man ufactured in this State Also—Gentlemen's, La dies and Cbililren.rs Fashionable Moots, Shoes awl Slippers. which have been selected with great care, in re gard to quality and make, and will be sold at the lowest rotes. Just satisfy yourselrby calling at No. 40 Fron t stree:, Columbia, opposite the Bridge. JAS. IL HUNTER, Agent. May 1 , ]847 Notice to Builders. THE undersigned is appointed agent for the Peach Bottom SLATE QUARRY, and is prepared to Slate any Roof, either of a house or Barn that may be wanted in the County, he having on hand at his yard in Co lumbia, at all times, the best article of Slate and can furnish workmen of thirty years ex perience. All roofs warranted riot to leak if the Building does not sink or give way. Char ges moderate to suit the times. JEREMIAH BROWN, Agent, for the Hon. Jeremiah Brown Sr. Company. Columbia, June 12, 1847. Grn JON ES' Coral Hair• Restorative. Its positive and real qualities are to force the human hair to grow on any port where nature in tended hair to grow, to stop it failing off; to free and cure the scalp of scurf or dandruff; arid to make light, red or grey hair grow dark. naturally, from the roots. For dressing the hair, :t make harsh, rough or dry hair by one application, soft, fine, cloan, silky and beautiful, thrice as beg as any other preparation. Fur sale by Sep 19 It. WILLI A.MS. 1Z0U2,0)1. 9 .0 AN application will be made at the next Session of the General Assembly of the State of Pennsyl• vaniu, for the incorporation of a Company under the name and style, or intended name and style of "The Columbia Savings Institution," and design ed us an office of discount and deposit, with a cap ital not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. to be located in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster County. Pennsylvania. Columbia, June 10.1847. Cm jarbruare ! i)arbuntre ± ! COOThe snbscrihers respectfully cull the attention of the citizens gener ally, to th,ir assortment of Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils, Cedar-Ware. We Lave just received in addition to our stack, lIIRD VVA RE, CUTLERY and Building ;Lite rial-t of all description, suds as LOCKS, fIINGES, SCRE ITS, NAILS and SPIKES. CD 30 0 af. PAINTS, Linseed, Sperm and Whale OILS, Bar, Rod and 'loop Iron, of all sizes, ANVILS, VICES and BELLOWS, of the best quility, all of which we oiler at the lowest prtees. Persons wishing to pur,base will find it to their advantage to call at RUMPLE Sr. HESS'S, Col umbia, April 7, 1847 —tf. Locust St To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Com mon Pleas of the County of Lancaster, now hold ing a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for said County, at the August Term, 1847. The Petition of Christian Neff of the Township of Conoy, and county aforesaid, respectfully rep resents, that he is desirous of continuing to keep a house of public entertainment, at the well estab lished old stand, recently kept by George H. Horn ing in said township ,and County aforesaid, and that he is well provided with houseroom and Cull.. veniences for the accommodation of Strangers and Travellers. Your Petitioner therefore, humbly pr.iys your Honors to grant him a transfer of the License of the said George H. Horning, to keep a public house at the place aSose mentioned. And he will ever pray, &c. CHRISTIAN NEFF. We, the undersigned citizens of the township Conoy, where the Raid Inn or Tavern is propo sed to be kept, Do Certify, that the said Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are well acquainted with the said Christian Neff, and that he is ui good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with houee•room and conveniences for the accommodation of Strangers and Travellers. Jacob lbs.lsecker, Lewis Filbert, Benj. Hippie, John Bachman, Jacob Strickler, Abraham Collins, W. W. May, G. H. Horning, Philip Oldweilcr jr, John Flakieman,J. B. Hamilton, Wm. Wormley, George Suigt, George Ceppeess, Henry Grerer. July 17111, 1847.-3 t• PAPER UANGEVG. T UST received. a splendid assortment of Parlor, it) Hall and Chamber PAPERS & BORDERS, comprising over 800 different styles, many of Which are of the newest and most beautiful patterns, al- ways on hand at Manufactures price at .1. D. & J. WRIGHT'S. Columbia, April 7, 1847.--sf TIN PLATE and SHEET IRON, of the best brands, for sale by WCIAPLF, Sr. HESS Columbia. April 7, 1847.—tf ELGEINCV OF MIZE GRAEFENBERG VEGETABI.E PILLS Xtlll E subscriber is regularl y appointed agent for the sale of the Graefenburg Veeetahle 1. These pills are compounded upon the pos itive and iSzed laws of nature, end the foundation of which is in perfect accordance with the °pin. ions of the most eminent medical men. They will cleanse and invigorate the stomach, freely puree the bowels. open the pores, nice a plenslnt tern. poraturo and tone to the skin, end no all this in the gentlest rwriner, without doing violence to the system. Price 25 eta. per Ler. . C. "Vt' ESTERO OR. Agent for Caumbis. Columbia, May 116, 1817. CHEAP WATCHES:* 'AIVELRY, AT TnE "PHILADELPHIA 4. 416 - - ) WATCH & JEWELYSTORE," 96.N08TH SECOND ST., ON RAT/ corner of Quarry. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 carat eases. $45.00 Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 23,00 Silver Lever Watches, seven jewels, 18,00 Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, finest quality, 13,00 Superior Quartier' Watches, 10,00 Imitation Quartier Watches, 5,00 Gold Spectacles, - 8,00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1,75 Gold Bracelets wills topaz stones, 3,50 Ladies Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2,00 Gold Finger Rings 371 cents to es—Watch Glasses, plain 121 cents, patent 184, Lunet 25. Other articles in proportion. All goods warrant ed to be what they are sold for O. CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and Silver 'lovers, Lepines and Quartiers lower than the above prices. Philadelphia, April, 10, 1847. ly , CHEAP/ WATCHES. cirs,, g ..... .- - - • The Cheapest Cold and Silver , c. • i ~;;,,,,, (ti. „. ~. WATCHES 1 im -81-S, IN PHILADELPHIA— ,..s.•7I.... _N6:-.•;;1 , :;=". 1 LEWIS LAD 011 US, Offers For Sale, Cold Lever, fulljewelled $45 00 Silver do do 23.00 Cold Lepinea do 30 00 Silver do do 15.00 Slyer Quariiers. tine quality 10.00 Cold Watches, pla In 45.00 Silver Spectacle. 1.75 Gold Pencils 2.00 Cold Bracelets— 4,00 ALSO On hand a large assortment of flair Bracelets, Finger Itings,Breast Pins, Hoop Ear logs. Gold Pena, Sliver Spoons, Sugar Tr/III:A. Thimbles, Gold Neck. Curb and Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Jewelry of eve ry description, thermally low prices. All kinds of Watches and Clocks repaired and warranted In keep good time for one year. Old Gold and Silver bought or taken in evcharice. For sale eight day and thirty hour brass Clocks at LADOMMS' Watch, Cinch and Jewelry Store, No. -IlaL Market street. above 11th, North side, Philadelphia. N. 11. I have some Gold and Silver Levers still much cheaper than the above prices. A liberal discount made to dealers. Call and see for yourselves. Philadelphia, :September 12, 18 IS. 551-af COLU3IBIA AIICA.D.E, By B. CILIASTON. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he is now ready to supply them at his NEW" ESTAB LISHMENT, the three-story building in Front street, Columbia, on the lot formerly occupied by John Enney, as a ropewalk. He intends keeping on hand a select assortment of fashionably made CLOTHING. He has just returned from Philadelphia and Newyork with a new and splendid assortment of all kinds of clothing, made of the best ma terials, and in the latest style—consisting in part of superfine blue and black cloth COATS, Frock and Sack Coats, Pelisse Cloth and Tweeds of every color and quality. Also—a large assortment of plain and fancy Cassimere, Cloth, and all other PANTS, suit able for Spring, Summer and Winter, of every size and description. VESTS—Figured, Silk, Satin, Merino and Marseilles, suitable for all seasons and of every size, style and quality; to which is added a beautiful assortment of fine Linen bosom SHIRTS, Muslin, Check and Plain do.; 13o soms and Collars, Drawers and Undershirts. Also, a large lot of Cravats Suspenders, half Hose, &c. An endless quantity of Boots and Shoes of all sizes, Hilts and Caps, TrarellingTrunks, Carpet Bags and Valises a variety of notions too tedious to mention which will be kept in Thos. Beatings Front Room, three doors east of my N. 13. Clothing made to order at the Store. fle has a large supply of goods on hand by the piece and a first rate Tailor in attendance.— Do not mistake the place, three story building on the lot formerly occupied as a Rope Walk. Persons will find it to their advantage to give him a call as lie is determined to sell as low as any other establishment in the county and war rants all goods. Ile sells as he represents them when sold or the money will be refunded. Columbia, June 5,1547. tf STEAM IRON RAILING FACTORY ) RIDGE ROAD, .above IGJltonevood Street, PIIILADELPI - 11A T this establishment may be found the tll.. greatest variety of Plans and beautiful Patters for 220-M 1 aca2z..twez in the United States, to which the attention o those in want of any description, and especial ly for Cemeteries, is particularly invited. The principal part of all the handsome Rail ings at Laurel Dill, Monument, and other eel• ebrated Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extoll ed by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large Ware-Room is connected "with the establishment, where is kept constantly on hand a large stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Settees, iron Chairs, new style plain and ornamental Iron Gates, with an ex tensive assortment of Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, Fie. Also, in great variety, Wrought arid Cast iron Ornaments, suitable for Railings, and other purposes. The subscriber would also state that in his Pattern and Designing Department lie has em ployed some of the best talent In the country, whose whole attention is devoted to the busi ness—forming altogether one of the most com plete and systematic establishments of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood Street Jan. 30, 1847. Gm NEW LIGHTS. FAIRBANKS' BURNING FLUID. ALL you who have been sitting in the DARKNESS and shadow of the, greasy filthy, black fish oil, that is now being sold throughout thecountry for sperm oil, arc invit ed to call at Wright's, and purchase a pair of LAMPS and make use of one quart of the fluid sold by them, and if you are not entirely satisfied with the article, you have only to re turn the Lamps, and have your money refund ed. Oil Lamps of every discription altered to born the Fluid. J.D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia. May 27, 1847.—tf WANTED, TWO APP ENTICES, about 15 or IG years of age, to learn the Cabinet Making 113u.i -nes..--Apily to VAIN W sHumari. Colombia, Ip•il7, 1847.—tf WHEELER'S Tea Berry Tooth. I,V abh, A cure for tLe To th Ache, arrester of de cay., cleanser and preserver of the Teeth and Gams.—For rule by R. 'WILLIAMS. HEALTH MADE-EASY FOE THE PEOPLE, Or Physkai Training,to make their Lieu in this World Long and Happy, by the author of "Edu cation As It Is, Ought To Be, andllfight Be," First American Edition, with Additions.: Being an elementary and interesting treatise on Self Knowledge. Containing short and entertain ing articles on Food, Heart, Glands, Strength, Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations, Digestion, Liver; Brains, Old Age, Blood, Lungs, Mind, Man, Secretions, Arteries. Senses, Woman, Head, Veins, Health, Disease, &c. Szc. Ztc. Scc. 8:c. Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life bow attained—How to do Good—Causes and Effects of Error—Habits—Passions—Woman de scribed—Man described—Man's Errors—Rich and Poor—Sexes—Virtue and Vice—Youthful Errors--Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues, Ambition, &c., &c. The whole designed for the noble purpose of improving and extending educating amongst the people, imparting valuable knowledge on the phy siology of the human frame, and the laws which govern mental and bodily health, &c., &c., &c. azyAny person sending 25 cents enclosed in a letter shall receive one copy by mail, or five copies will lie sent for $l, Address, postaae paid, G. B. ZEIBER & Co., May 22d, 1847. Philadelphia. aaThis valuable work contains (in duodecimo form) 177 pages. DR. LE Roy's Vegetable 'Universal Pills Are a strengthening purgative and a purifyinn THE hopes of the American agents are far more than realised by the success of Dr. Le Roy's Vegetable Universal Pills on this side of the Atlantic. Never did a medicine spring into such immediate popularity. In less than three months eighty thousand boxes have been disposed of; and cett.ficates of cures performed by them received from upwards of four hundredliersons. The cures embraced a great number of diseases? but those which predominated were Billions Fe ver, Colic, habitual Costiveness, Dysentery, Loss of Appetite, Flatulence. Worms and Low ness of Spirits. All persons who take them agree that they arc ar superior to every other medicine 1 they had used, in the mildness the energy, and the efficacy of their action; for though they pro• duce neither gripe nor nausea, they act upon the secretions with great directness, force and rapid ity; and as a purgative lea'.., .io;',.iirg, to he desired. , But their greet peculiar excellence, and that which i distinguishes them from all other purgatives is, that their operation is followed by no reaction.— 1 Their unrivalled purifying and purgative proper ties. for which they are indebted to the essence of Sarsaparilla, and other ineredients,beingcontroll ed by their highly tonic virtues derived from the extract of Wild Cherry, they do not strain the digestive organs into action, as is the mode of I operation with other cathartics, but on the contra• ry strengthen them into action. Thus all other purgative medicines produce store or less subse- 1 quent costiveness, ai.d sluggishness of the gastric juice, while Dr. Le Roy's Pills leave all the ma chinery of the system full of life activity, and the bowels open and natural. acj''Price 25 cents per boy. Agents for Columbia—R. WILLIAMS, Wm. A LEASES. Feb G.'47-ly HOVER'S First Premium Writing Ink. From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Professor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. "Philadelphia, Oct. 11,1843. "Dear Sir—Having, tried your Ink, I will thank you to send me another bottle, as I find it to be excellent. 1 am yours, truly, "ROBERT HARE.' From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguish ed fur his numerous scientific researches. "Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati. January 17,1894. "Having used Mr. Borer's Writing Ink, am satisfied that it is the BEST which has ever come to my knowledge, and especially is it EXCELLENT for the use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode thorn, even in long use. "JOHN LOCKT, Prof. Chemistry." Hover's Adamantine Cement From a well known scientific gentlemen. "Philadelphia, Feb. 27,1816. "Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Cement, and some practical tests of superiori ty, has induced me to recommend it to others as an invaluable article for mending China, Glass or Cabinet Ware. "CAMPBELL MORFITT, "Analytic Chemist." For Sale, Wholesale and Retail,at the Man ufactory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia. by JOSEPH E. 1101 7 E11, Philadelphia May 8,1848. HARPER'S CELEHR.ATED RAZOR POWDER, brut article ever invented titr gime a fine keen edge to a Razor, or any fine ii.trument. To shave, or not to shave, that's the question; Whether 'tis better, on the whole, to suffer Th' outrageous scrapings of an etlgele,s razor; Or, buy a box of HARPER'S RAZOR PownEn, Wherewith to set the edge?—to buy, --to use, No more;—for in its use we surely have A sovereign taint for all the barber-ens shocks The face is heir to,—tis a consummation Devoutly to he wished. To shave t—to scrape;— 'l'o scrape ! perchance to scream ;—ay, there's the rub; For in that horrid scrape what screams may come, (Particularly if the face he tender,) Must give us pause. " • Who would their faces tear, And grunt. and sweat, with a villanous dull razor, When the remedy, that renders shaving pastime, May now be had at Westbrook's? For want of this, Men sometimes rather wear the beards they have Than underg o the grubbing operation. Harper's Razor Powder is warranted to give a keen sharp edge to any razor (that has not been used for quart, ing static or sharpening crowbars) in a shorter space of time than would be required with the best hone. It supercedes the use of the hone altogether. Sold by C. WESTBROOK, Locust Street. Co lumbia, where may be scen numerous certificates testifying to its excellence. Price 25 cents a box. Columbia, April 7, :817.—if CLOTHING, CLOTHING ! JOSEPH J. MOORE, 254 :MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA. THE SU BSC RIDE R of the late firm of Duck & Moore, takes this method of inform ing his friends and the public in general, that lie has bought out the interest of S. L. Bork, at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No. 254 Market street, Philadelphia, and is now prepared to furnish all kinds of READY_ MADE clothing, at prices which cannot but secure to him the patronage of all who wish to purchase CHEAP Clothing. I have splendid French Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, front $5.50 to $lB, do. Pants, from 75 cents to 46; Vests, from 62; cents to ; suit of Summer Clothing for $2,25. Also all kinds of Gentle men's Furnishing Goods at extremely low pri ces. taWhelesale dealers in Clothing would do well to call at the store of JOSEPH 3. MOO.RE, May22-tse26.l 254 Market st,Pbil REMOVAL, 1 rrtHE subscriber inform! the citizens or. Co lumbia, and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his Drug and Medicine Store, two doors East or his uld• stand, to the build ing lately.occuoied by W m. Wiggins as a Shoe Sore, which he has fitted up entirely new, where be will be happy to wait on all those who may favor him with a call. He has received within a few days a general assort ment of nrugo, rattitirms, Vatvat Orairine o, CIIEDLICALS, PAINTS, DYE-STUFFS, and a splendid assortment of Perfumery, Brushes, of a very superior quality. which he will sell wholesale and Retail at greatly reduced prices. The subscriber holds himself responsible for the purity and genuineness of every article he sells, which will be a guarantee to all against the purchase of counterfeit or worthless medi cines. In conclusion, the subscriber returns his most sincere thanks for the very liberal en couragement be has received, and flatters him self by strict attention to business, he will merit a continuance of public patronage. It. WILLIAMS. Columbia, April, 7, 1847.—tf SIVIEB° VEGETABLE PILLS. THIS extraordinary medicine is founded upon the principle that Inc human frame is subject to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz: corrupt humors, which, when floating in the general mass of cir culation, are the cause of all kinds et Fevers,,but when lodged in the various parts of th'i body, give rise to every malady incident to man. Let it be remembered that the human body and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are mutually adapted one to the other, and that by them all morbid and corrupt humors (the cause of disease) can be entirely eradicated, and this in so easy and natural a manner, that while they every day give ease and pleasure. Disease of every noose is Literally Driven from the Body. The following highly respectable storekeepers have been duly appointed agents for the sale of this Celebrated Medicine, in Lancaster county. Ashville, Taylor & Pierce. 'Jeanine, Iteuhen Weidler. Bainbridge, J. F. needier. BIC cersville, Samuel H. Miller. Bird-in-Hand, Jacob Bruner. Bethania, John Allen. Ban Township, W. W. Passmore. Belieview, Buyers & timbals. Bowmanville. Samuel Bowman. Bethesda, James Patton Brownstown, Samuel Hahn Buck Tavel!' P 0, Geu T Clark Belmont, F Brimon Collins Ferry, Abraham Collins. Chestnut Level, MeSparrant & Housekeeper Carnhridge, Irwin & Black Conestoga Centre, John 1.1. Harman. Centreville, John Pusey. Church Town, L. fit E. Rogers. Coopersville, E. Lewis. Concord, Geo W. Himes. Columbia, F'ry & Spangler. do Joseph Al Watts Cherry Hill, Isatie S Webster Dolmen., John A, Boyd. Earl Township, Geotge Buchman. do do Weaver Sr. Witmer. do do Davis Wallace. Earlville West, Samuel Hull. Elizabethtown, John Lynch. Ephrata, John Gross. Ephrata, New, L. S. Hacker. do West, Martin Weidman. Fairfield, Hutton & M'Sparran. Fulton House Township, L. P. Wilkinson. Georgetown, Nl'Canna & Buyer Goshen, S E Fairlarnb Hemplield, Ringwalt & Martin. Hanstown, Z Killian Hinkletown, John Wickle Intercourse, Thomas filmes. Landisville, John C. Landis. Leacoric township, Frederick Swope. Lampeter Square, J. F. & D. H. Herr. Linz, Nathaniel S. %Volley. Lancaster, John Zimmerman. Mount Joy, Witmer & Cassel. ]Montville, John Devlin. Marietta. W. A & IS. Spangler. Mechanicsville, Jacob troll. Mount Joy Township, H. G. Clark & Co. MaS town, John Reinhold. do Slaymaker & CO. Millersville, Henry Funk. IVlarticvalle, Stock & Fell. Manic Iron Works, 11. Coleman. Alennt Pleasant, Isaac M'Comant Mill Creek, Henry Stauffer ISlastersonvill,• Joseph Masterson Martie Township, Hugh More Mechanic's Grove, N II Wells New Holland, Brubaker & Co. New Providence, Hildcbrandt & Meyer. New Berlin, Levi Mentzer & Co New Texas, Carter & Lewis. Noblesville, J. B. Thompson. Oak Shade Milner Si Pierce, Oak Run, John P Harlan. Oregon, Abraham Shenk. Petersburg. John Stauffer. Poplar Grove, E. H. Paxson. do S. W. P. Boyd. Pleasant Grove, Haines & . 51. Cullough. Penn Hill, Alexander Johnson. Penn Township, Jacob Singer. do G. & L. Lewis. ' Paradise, A. R. &A. L. Witmer. Pusey's I11:11s, Mahlon Pusey. • Prqua. Jas C Skiles & Co Peach Bottom, Wm. Arnold Quarryville, Haines & Red House, David Lee. Rawlinsville, John Rawlins. Ream,town, J, M. Sal ida. Springville, Sam'l Hinny Safe Harbor, John Herr & Son, Sadsbury Meeting House, S•arn'l Sellers. Sandersburg. Chew & Strushurg. Wm Spencer. Sporting Hill, John Metzler. Salsbury, H Freeland Turkey Hill, Peter Manning Washington, John A. Brush. Willow Street, Benj. Bower. Waterloo, Baldwin & Overholtzer White Rock Forge, John Alexander. Williamstown, A C Buyers ir...olßces devoted exelusisely to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Race street, Philadelphia; 288 Green wich Street, New York ; and 198 Tremont Street, Boston. April 2:1-1y. Notice. THE Columbia Bank and Bridge Company intend to make application to the Legisla ture orate Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at their newt session, for the renewal of the Banking, Dis counting, and other privileges they poesess under extst:ng laws. The Company to be ecit,linued by the name, style and title of the Columbia Bank and Bridge Company, at the Boron 4 h o f c o b i mbb i , in the County of Lancaster, and State of Pansy Iva- By order of the Board, SAMUEL SEIOCH, Ca-hicr Coltimhia, 1 ,, n0 24.1,, 1847 —em. Unite tear., Gallo, Vents a:lb ©ti's. WETHERELL & BROTHER'S Pure White Lead, Paints, Linseed and Sperm Oil. Var- I nishes, Glass &c. For sale at low prices, at the i Hardware Store of J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, May 26, 1847-4 f Health, Health, Health. THOMPSONS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPTHA. THE ONLY CERTAIN REMEDY FOR Tire CURE 0 Pulmonary Consumption; Chronic Branchitie.and Sore' Throat, .fisthma. Chronic Catarrh, SPfittaloff of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, DttA catty of Breathing, if Cough, Croup. Weak Nerves and Nervous Tremours, Palpitation of the Heart ; also Liver Com plaint and Affection of the .Kuloeys OF all the diseases incident to our climate there [Boone so universal and at tht, same time so inghluous and fatal as &iaoeumptlnn. In thi- country nionitry Consumption is emphatically a scourge and in its resistless career sweeps o'er the laud age destroying Angel, laving low with relentless hand the strongest rind fairest of our race! Hitherto all efforts to arrest this dread disease have proved yelp, and all that seemed within our power was at best the alleviation ofsuffering rendering somewhat smoother the certain progress to the tomb: The proprietor in offering this preparati:u to the public would embrace the opportunity to state upon what grounds it puts forth its merits, and the reasons upon which it founds its superior clams to the attention of the afflicted. thao re wit usesartou sot its tiny repose full confidence in its curative powers. Since its first prepa ration he has had the pleasure of witnessing its happv re• suits in numerous but he was determined not to offer it to the public until lie had become thoroughly convinced of 114 efficacy. Ile now corifielesillV offers it as a remedy without n parill;rl for the rare &TIM:Mt/N -ARY CONSUMPTION and its kindred diseases. Consumption of a tuberculous character fermi time im memorial has been deemed 'lleum hie and considering its frequency and fatality, it is not surprising that new rem edies and new systems of treatment should 1,0111 time to time be brought under the notice of the profession and the public. Almost every nrs.anle and inorganic sub stance. in an endless round of combination, has been used with the hope of checking this scourge of our race. I many doubtless believing that in the progress of medical knowledge we should at last obtain the mastery aver Consumption, and. in the use of the Compound Syr up of Tor and. Wood Airoptha., this object is hap pily attained. The therapeutic agents employed In the cotnposition of this remedy, are such as enable it to prevent tile Seere lion of tuberculous matter in the lungs and to cause its resolution and absorption after deposit has commenced, an object achieved by no other medicine. and the Import ance of which the professional man will at once perceive. since it beings this form of disease, hitherto pronoaneed hopeless, entirely within control. The success sv hicli line attended the administration of this preparation is unpin ailelled in the records of medical science, in confirma tion of which, tile proprietor would ask a careful peru sal of the statements of a few of those who have been restored to health by its powerful agency. Let the (blowing speak far itself— .'l have used Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptlid for some time in toy practice. and have found it the most efficient remedy I have ever used in Consumptive eases, chronic catarrh. &e., when great ir ritability, with wenline9s of the pillmonnry organs. ex isted. The rapidity with which it acts in greatly :ft its , favor where ilyspiirea or oppression exiats, which is im mediately relieved by it. '9n Pulmonary Consumption it eon he used with con fidence, being applicable to every form of that dmease„ and I cotouler it a medicine well worthy the attention of physicians, and exempt from the 'mourn tines of mold }l. CHAMBERS. N. D. Plointlelphia, October Si, IS4 I.'' In'Tlie above medicine prepared 'only by ANGNEY & DICKSON. at N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. AGENTS--R. W ANIS. Columbia; Sonia GISIT, Lancaster; Ross, Elizabethtown, D. Gnoss, Harrisburg; R. AtiGiszy, Carlisle. Price .50 Ms.. or 6 bottles for $2,50.2,50. March 6. 1847. 876 IVhtie Teeth, Sweet Breath, Healthy Gums, ..5.0 219 be had by using a poi of JONEs' AMBEIR. TOCTE PASTE- Reader, you have only to use this once, to be delighted, and to pronounce it the most beautiful article ever made for the purpose. Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after being once or twice cleaned with the Amber Tooth Paste, have he appearance of the most beautilul ivory; and at the same time, it is so perfectly innocent a. d ex quisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and pre venting a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse ; it also fastens such as are loose, and ny perseverence it will rem der the foulest teeth delicately white, and make the breath deliciously sweet. For sale at Sept 19 R. W CHESNUT STREET HOUSE No. 121 CHESNUT STREET, A FEW DOORS BELOW FOURTH, NORTH SIDE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, that he still continues to keep the above establishment. Every pains is at all times tatzan to render this one of the best, and, from its central situ ation. it is one of the most convenient Hotels in the city. His TABLE is furnished, at all times, with the choicest delicacies of the season. His WINES and Liquors are not surpassed by any other establishment in this city. His Servants are carefti I. honest and obliging Terms of Boarding to suit the times. Country Merchants and business men will find the location of the CIiF.SNUT Sr. Elouss, in the most business part of Philadelphia. The subscriber pledges himself that every thing in his power shall he done to give satis faction to those who favor him will. their pa tronage. SAMUEL ItIILLEft, Philad., Sept. 27.—1 y Proprietor. New Book-Bindery, IN THE BOROUGH OF YORK, PF.NN'A. The sub4rribers respectfully inform their friends and the public that they have opened a Book-Bindery & Blank Bookalanufactoy on Morn street, next door to the Post Office, in the Borough 4 , f Yore, whore they will be happy :o receive orders for every description of work in their line. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of every description of Blank Books, for Banks, County Offices, Mel chants and others. and every variety of full arid hatf bound Blanks, New and old Books, Periodicals, Law Beoks Music, Newspapers, &c., bound to arty pattern, and in any style required. Paper ruled to pattern, CO'All work warranted. CORBEL' & WYANT. York, May 12, 18.17. TO PRINTERS. The subscriber is now manulacturtng Printing Ink of superior quality, and offers it fur sale in large or small quantities. upon accommodating terms, in any instance where the ink sent shall not answer the description, it will be exchanged or the prire refunded. A liberal discount will be made upon large pur chases for cash. The News Ink is put up in kegs of 12, 15, 20, 16, 30, 50 and 100 lbs. Book Inks in small kegs and in lb. canisters. Colored Inks also in lb. canisters. iltrA 20 lb. keg of the best news ink will be sent to any point of the Penn'a Improvements et my risk free of charge. upon receipt of $5. COPAL. VARNISH in barrels, kegs, and can sters. J. H. MIFFLIN. Columbia, Slay 20, 1847. Jones' Italian Chemical Soap Is called by the Medical Society of Paris, •'a blessing, a miracle and a wonder," to cure eruption, disfigurement or dtscoloratten of the skin. It cures pimples, blotches, freckles, salt-rheum, scurvy, sore-beards. sore-heads. tan, sun-burn. morphew, and it changes the color of dark, yellow or sun burnt skin to a fine, beclttly cleontioss. Fot safe at Sep 19 R. %WILLIAMS. Fish I Fish Just received at Young & Cassel's Cheep Store, Front street Columbia, Pa., Mackerel of all numbers qualities and prices, Herring, Codfish, &c., which have been bought at first hands, and being of the very finest quality, of fer inducements to the public to come and give them a trial. Mar. 27 Morning Train _Again ia-F g EQ .5,91.0m1.2 gat BETWEEN YORK, WRIGHTSVILLE AND • COLUMBIA.' HE President and Directors of the T more.and Susquehanna Rail Road CoMpa ny having consented to continue the Mor : niog Train between the above, places. 53The Car will leave Columbia Dirt.v . , (.Sundays excepted] at 6; o'clock A. M.: and the Train will leave Wrightsville at 6f o'clock. Returning, the Train will leave York, at 8 o'clock, A. M. • D. C. H. BORDLEY, April 17, 1847. Sup't.- SUNDAY TRAIN.. t4O . • BALI 13.10 RE & StsiviEBANNA THE MORNING PASSENGER TRAM will run from Baltimore regularly, hereafter, on Sun• ay, at 9 o'clock., A. M., and -RETURNING 4111 tart from COlumbia at 14 P. M., Wrightsville 2 P. M., and from York'at 3 o'clock. P. M., as on other days of the week. The mail be tween Baltimore and Yora wi:: ba carrici by this train., No other train will run on Sunday. D. C. H. BORDLEY, . Superintendent of Transportation. Oct 27, 1896. . . Baltimore and. Susquehanna RAIL ROAD. Pare Reduced. THE Passenger Train runs daily as follows below • Leaves Baltimoreat 9 o'clock A. M. and arrives at 6 o'clock P, M. Arrives at York at 12 o'clock P. Wand loaves for Columbia at 13- o'clock, P. M. ' Leaves Columbia at 2 o'clock, P. M. and leaves York for Baltimore at 3 o'clock P.M. rare from Baltimore to York, ea so Wrightsville, 2 00 Columbia, 2 l 2& The Train connects at York with Stages for Harrisburg, Gettysburg, Chambersburg, Pittsburg and Toil Springs. FA RE TO GETTYSBURG & HARRISBURG The company is authorised by the proprietors of the Stage Lines to receive the fare through from Baltimore to Gettysburg; and klarri , borg. RA LTIMORE TO GETTYSBURG AND HAR RISHURG, Fare through to either place, 63 D. C. H. BORDLEY, Supeet, Ticket Office, 63 North st May 9—tf DRUGS, DRUGS, W. A. LEADER, Would most respectfully announce to his nu merous friends in Cohnn bia arid vicinity„that he ha% again commenced the Wholesale and Retail Drug business, at his old stand. He has jest returned from the city with afull and gen eral assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES,. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PALMS., OILS, Glass and Dye-SitutfUg, Together with a most magnificent and une quaffed assortment of choice PERFUMERY, Such as Cologne, Lavender, Flora Portugal and Daynum Waters, all sizes put up in glass stopper Bottles; extracts for Handkerchiefs of every kind. Beefs Marrow, Circassian Oil, Fancy Soaps, Ladies Motto Wafers take' from Shakespeare—Glass Letter Stamps,Scent Bags; Perfumery put up very handsomely in Boxes and a large assortment of Hair; Teeth, Shaving and other brushes of various kinds. W. A. L. begs leave to inform the public generally that he has procured the services of two young men who will give general satisfac tion both as respects their knowledge of the business and attention to all persons who may favor them with their patronage. One of them has been at the business five years, with one of the first Druggists in this county. April 2.1 th, 1847. tf BEE :tie4; HIVE! SPICE% G Sha SUMMER, 184'. REAL CASHMERE SHAWLS--Superb quality and designs, just received and for sale SU per et. lower than ever offered in this city, at the BEE HIVE, North Queen street, Lancaster. ' RICII CALIFORNIA PLAID CHlNT ZES—warranted fast colors, on'; 32a cents; together with the largest assortment of Cali coes iu Lancaster, at the BEE HIVE. North Queen street, Lancaster. Fresh Groceries. Just received by the subscribers, a full as sortment of Groceries, such as Coffees, Teas, Sugars. Molasses, Salt, Cheese, &c.,whichare warranted fresh and will be sold cheap. March 27, 1847. YOUNG & CASSEL. SPLENDID LAWNS.—Another supply or splendid Lawns—pink, blue and buff—war ranted real madder colors, at very reduced prices. just received and for sale at the BEE HIVE, N. Queen st.. Lancaster. HOSIF:BY, GLOVES, and lIDKFS.—Near Bonnet Ribbons &c.. just recd, very cheap at the BEE HIVE, N. Queen at.. Oils, Oils, Sperm, Whale, Fish and Pine Oil or the very best quality, always kept on hand Yourto & Cass:4.'B Cheap Cash Store, Mar 27