The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, August 07, 1847, Image 3
'vociferous, accompanied alway by the gong, making altogether such an unearthly din as might have penetrated the ears of a wooden god. When the gongs paused to rest a moment, the prayers would cease, and be resumed when the music struck up. A. shelf was drawn out before the "Sash," on which was placed for his specie/ use, roast beef, pork, ducks, fowls, eggs, lobsters, &e. &c. The royal god dines ale Astor, and is by no means satisfied with plebian fare. Having eaten a sufficient quan tity, he graciously permits Ilia worshipyers to par 'Enke of the remainder. If the god leaves any. of the food, the natives regard it as indication that their sins are all for given. The result, probably, is generally very sat isfactory in regard to the forgiving disposition of "Josh." and so less gratifying to the palates of his worshippers. • The exercises were continued till about sunrise. A pail containing a large piece of pork, Toddened by a peculiar procees of cooking with Josh powder, is suspended from the boom— object 'unknown, probably en offering to the god. The officers allow the natives tnctijoy their religi ons rites unmolested, though frequently at great expense, end much to the destruction of stock on board the vessel when these rites happen at sea.— The public curiosity continues unabated. Yester day twenty-eight hundred visitors were on board.— N. Y. Post. From the New Haven Pallaidum ELECTRICTY—TELEGRAPII WllCES.—Messrs. Edi tors: It is with extreme regret and mortification, that I have seen circulating in the papers, the—arti de alluded to in your last, in which a paragraph published in the New Haven Journal with the sig nsture of "O," is ascribed to me. The idea that we shall have no heavy thunder showers, or light ning striking, as long as we have telegraph wires spread over the earth, could not, I should suppose, be entertained by any one, who reflects how small a proportion such structures of art bear, in extent, to the grand operations of nature. Although a line of telegraph wires sometimes undoubtedly facili tates the passage of electricity from the clouds to the earth (not by attracting the fluid, but by di minishing the resistance always experienced by electricity in passing through the air,) yet nothing appears to me rn.,re improbable, than that structures so limited in extent as these are, and always must be, compared with dimensions of the whole atmos phere, *Amid, to any great degree, prevent tho ac cumulation of electricity in thunder storms. One opinion, however, which I publicly expressed through the medium of this paper, a year or two since, may be worth repeating, namely, that on ac count of the tendency of a thunder cloud, which approaches near to a line of wires, to discharge its electricity through that channel, care ought to be taken, when the poles give warning of the approach of a thunder cloud to some part of the line, to complete the conducting communeation with the I earth, and thns to prevent the charge from explod ing through the person of the operator. Without this precaution, I have for some time believed, that the consequences would sooner or later be fatahis DENSON OLMSTED. YALE COLLEGE, July iB. A RACE WITH AN lairirsx.—On Saturday last a small party, on their return from a pie nic excur sion to the Indian village, happened to meet, about a mile this side the council house, the "last," Indi an, John Stesprock—(he who came near winning the great ten mile race at Hoboken.) As some of the party were on their first visit to an Indian settlement and were desirous of seeing an Indian foot-race, John was bantered for a run, and, by the way of inducement was told that if he would reach the council house (distant one mile and a trifle over) before we could drive there with our two horse team and wagon, containing four persons, he should have a small purse which was made up on the spot. John in a guttural " neliwy" consented, and divesting himself of boots and hat, and tying a handkerchief tightly around his wa.istan,d another around his head, was ready for a start. At the word "go!" and with a crack of the whip, away we went—team and Indian—the latter "loping'. off steadily, after the Indian style, and we crowd ing with our team—a fast one—as swiftly as we dared. The road was undulating, winding, and in some places rough. We thought it would be no 'chore' at all to • distance' him, but very soon discovered our mistake, and commenced paying out.' It was 'eat use.' Mr. Indian now and then glanced back, and whenever we whipped up, he whipped up too,, Sclera! times he crossed and re-crossed the road in order to get the best track—sometimes taking the foot path beside the road and occasionally bounding over a log or bush with a stride that was wonder fuL At one time we came upon a smooth, 'straight stretch' of thirty or forty rods, and by a little extra effort, shot ahead; but it wouldn't do—we were sold'— for at. the next hill John respecti fully raised his coatflaps and bid us good bye. Ile won the race by about six rods and ran it in four minutes and forty seconds ! It did not appear to fatigne him in the least. On Thursday of this week, the 29th instant, John proposes to be in [his village, and will run five miles against time, for a purse then to be made up. He is to run a ten mile race at ButThlo some time during the autumn. —. Batavia Times. JANES K rot.x. PREAIDENT OP TUN UNITED STATEN. AND ALL 0711E11 DIATINOVIMIED PEnnONs. wnn mot n• Toilet emollient. Radway's Chinese Medicated Soap, give It the preference over all Toilet or other soaps. Ist Ilsdwny■ Chinese Medicated Snap is the only ar ticle of the todet po leg medicinal virtues in the form of soap. 2nd. The 'Medicinal properties are selected from the most info, rare and efficacious extracts and holm• of fowls, shrubs and plants oforiental growth, and they are so scientifically combined with the soup as to borne all attempts to analyze them. 3d. 'leeway's Soap le the most delicious Toilet Snap ever used. its soothing, healing and purifying 'Meets upon the cuticle. in allaying tho Irritation occasioned by the bites of eolith., cleansing the secretary vessels from ell Impueities.rendering the skin soft, smooth. pit re. sweet. fair and healthy—speedily removing tan, sunburn, pimples. blotches. pustules: transforming dark, sallow ■nd discolored visa:, to beoutlful clear and prepnsessing complexion. Curing Pallrheum, rine worni.eryilpelas and rash—proclaims It to be the we pita a:true( soap. 4th. Radway's Soap is equally valcanic as a SMITING SOAP; it anftens the beard and renders the skirt smooth and pliable. sth. Itadway's Soap is entirely free from essential oils, mercurial preparations. turpentine and other dele terious admixtures ; therefore, unlike all other soaps, it doer not irritate or inflame the skin 6th It is warranted to dont! that his recommended to do , therefore, if you Wish 4 good article, ask for Rad way'■ Soap. 7th. When you ask for Radway's Soap, do not be put our with any other. In all caeca go in the advertised agents, and be sure you see that R. O. Itadway is upon seek coke. sold fur 121 cents email cakes. and 25 cents large, by R. WILLIAMS, Bole agent for Columbia. Cutts AND Faveas.—Weight's burial: Vegetable Pills are one of the best, If not the very best medicine In the world, for the cure of Intermittent Fever, because they excel all others In ridding the body of thole morbid humors which are the cause, not only clan kinds of fe vers, but of every malady incident to man. Four or five of said /radian Vegetable Pills, taken every night on going to bed, will inn short time make a perfect cure of the most obstinate case of the chills and fever, at the same time the digestive organs will be restored to a healthy tone, and the blood so completely purified that the fever and ague, or diseases In any form, will be absolutely im possible. Beware of Counterfeits of all kinds! Some are coated with sugar; others made to resemble in outward ap pearance the original medicine. The safest course is, to purchase from the regular agents only, one or more of whom may be found in every village and town in the State. The genuine for sale by FRY & SPANGLER, and Jos. M. Watts, who are the only authorized Agents for Columbia. Also. byagents advertised in another COMM. Principal Office, 169 Race Street, Philadelphia. THE MARKETS. Pezit...,Dhyrim, Aug. 4, 1847 The flour market continues quiet and the demand for export very limited Fresh ground Penn'a is held firmly at $6, and sound Western at $5.671, bet only a few hundred !Jarrett; were sold. Rye flour Is inactive and nominally held at $3.50. Corn meal is dull. and Penn'a Is offered at $3.25, and Brandywine at $3.75, without finding purchasers. Wheat continues scarce and prices are finally sustained. SOO bushels Pewee red form store, sold at $1.27, and 1200 bushels good Western and South ern afloat. $1.25. part for stuech making. Corn Is dull and has further declined. 1500 bushels prime Penn'a round yellow, afloat, sold at '7O cm. weight. Oats con tinue scarce. Small sales of prime Northern at 55 cts, NEW YORK, August 4, 1347 Flour continues to Increase In firmness, and 85.75 Is offered freely to-day for Genesee, whilst $5.87,1 is asked. Corn la selling at 85 to 70 ms. Wheat commands, better offers, but there is none of the best sort In market. There is an Increasing demand for flour, and sales are reported at $425 to $4 SD. Pennsylvania red Wheat brings 85 ; white Corn 55; Oats 22 to 24; Rye 51; the price of Whiskey Is unaltered. Provisions are kel— t-Jason, sides 9, shoulders 7. hams 9. The Cotton market exhibts more animation to-day. The river Is still (idl ing, and we have but 3 feet In the channel to-day. AALTItIoBs, Aug. 4, r• M The supply of Flour Is so very light that no operations to any extent has been made, besides which the Hiber nian's news has had a very depressed effect. There were sales of 1000 bbis Howard street at $5 75. Nn sales of City mills holders asked $6. Sales white Wheat at 121 to 127 eta and red at 11G to 110 eta. Sales yellow Corn at 71 to 74 cis. Sales Oats 50 eta. Sales ltye Flour $4. Sales Whiskey In bbls at 27 as. ; de mand limited. Provisions are in Bottled request, at former quotations Beef Is held at GIO to 15 frir prime and mess, and Pork nt $l4 in IG 25. Keg lord b worth 10e. Bacon is more active titan other meats, Hems% to 104 shoulders 7 to 71, and sides 01 to 10. lIIARRIED. On Tuesday morning, August 3, 1517, by the 'Rev. It. Owen, Mr. THOMAS A. SCOTT. of Loudon. Franklin co., Pa., to Mi.; MARGARET illtaxisont, of Columbia. With the above notice vrc received a delicious cake. Our best wishes are, that the bride and groom may be as happy through life as the cake was palatable. UMBRELLA S. IN great variety varying in price from 314 cents and upwards at FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847—tf - r_TAMS, HAMS, Jersey cured canvassed j_AL name, for sale at FRY S.: SPANGLER'S. THE CRY IS STILL THEY COME WE or a r r e ) re n s o 6 w o o o p o e d n s l e n v g e r tt o ie ire b r e: d t i a n rs t o h ri this m m e a i r i t Itci The public are respectfully invited to see them at 'FRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia. Aug. 7 - , 1847.—ff SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES. Cjl PUN Silk - , Mohair and Alpaca Plaids, new ►7 style for ladies' dresses; also a splendid as sortment of Ginghams and other dress goods at FRY & SFANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7 1847.—1 f JONES' SOLUTION OF JET, an instanta neous liquid human hair Dye, for dyeing light, red, or grey hair permanently a brown or jet black color. Full and copious direc tions enclosed. Sold at the sign of the Amer ican Eagle, No. 82 Cat barn Street. New York. Price 50 - cents, $1 or $1,50 per bottle. Sold by Aug. 7,1847-6 in R. '‘V ILLIA MS. GIN PS AND FRINGES. BLACK SILK and :Mohair Fringes and Gimps, for sale cheap at FRY k. SPANGLER'S. Columbia, AIM 7, 1847.—tf NEW STYLE COMBS. rpHOSE new style POI.KA Comns can now I be had at PRY & SPANGLER'S. Columbia, Aug. 7, 1847.—tf THOSE INKSTANDS AGAIN!! WE are happy to inform those in want of a Patent Self SuppAier that by dint of perseverance, we have succeeded in obtain ing a small Lssortmont. Those in want will bear in mind that there is a few more left at FRY & SPANGLER'S Columbia, Aug. 7, 1547.—tf Ladies are Cautioned Against Using COHYION PREPARED CHALK: frIIEY arc not aware how frightfully injuri- J_ ous it is to the skin! how coarse, how rough, how sallow, yellow, and unhealthy the skin appears after using pepared chalk ! Be sides it is injurious, containing a large quan tity of Lead ! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which we call Jones' Spanish Lily White. It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleterious qualities; and it imparts to the skin a natural, healthy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a cosmetic on the skin, makino• it soft and smooth. Dr. James Anderson, Practical Chemist of Massachusetts. says: " After analyzing Jones' Spanish Lily White, I find it possesses the most beautiful and natural, and at the same time innocent white I ever saw. I certainly can conscientiously recommend its use to all whose skin requires beautifying." Price 2.5 cents a Box. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, August 7, 1847—Gin A FINESET OF' TEETH F'011. 25 CENTS. WMTE Teeth, font breath, healthy gums, Yellow and unhealthy teeth, after once or twice cleaned with Jones' Amber Tooth Paste. have the appearance of the most beautiful ivory. and, at the same time it is so perfectly innocent and exquisitely fine, that its constant daily use is highly advantageous, even to those teeth that are in good condition, giving them a beautiful polish, and preventing a premature decay. Those already decayed it prevents from becoming worse—it also faster.: :Itch as are becoming loose, and by perseverance it will render the foulest teeth delicately white, and makes the breath deliciously sweet. Price 2.5 or 37& cents a Box. For sale b_ . y Aug. 7, 1847-6 m. R. WILLIAMS. MIRACLE OF MIRACLES!: oN the 4th of August, in the year 1843, a singular scene occurred in the Royal Sci entific Institute of France. The aged, white headed President, his head bare, his arm out stretched, his face radiant with smiles, (for science was triumphant,) and his voice with gratulatory tone, delivered the following re port : " We are astounded at this singular prepa ration. Where indeed will science stop!— Here we have a preparation made in the form of a beautiful piece of soap, which we know by actual practice. to cure every cutaneous eruption, every disfigurement of and even dis colored skin ! Where will its magic and sin gular power cease? The Negro, the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man of the Far West, are alike under the influence of its extraordinary powers of clearing yellow or discolored skin, and making it white and beautiful and of changing the color of dark, or black, or brown skin." (Here several persons were brought forward by the President, who had used it, in proor of his assertion.) There are probably few persons of intelli gence, who, after reading the above, will doubt the qualities of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap in curing Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sore Heads, Old Sores, Beard and Barber's itch, Chapped and Tender Flesh. Freckles, Tan, Sunburn and changing dark Sunburn or Yellow Skin to a pure clear white, as smooth and soft as an Infants, and in fact every kind of eruption and disfigurement. Read these certificates: Frets the New Otienns Sentinel. October, ISM One o: our subscribers,Mr. H. Leonard, in forms us that he has been cured of old, scaly Salt Rheum, of eighteen years standing, on his beard, fingers, and hands, by a cake of an arti cle advertised lately—we speak of Jones' Ital ian Chemical Soap. He also informs us that lie has tried its effects on his femaleslave Rose, much marked with sun spots, and he found in two weeks her skin much clearer and whiter. PITTSBURG, August S. James Eltham, a painter, in Jersey City, was cured of carbuncles, and pimples, which lie was afflicted with for many years, by part of a cake of Jones' Italian Chemical Soap. . Persons in purchasing this must always ask for JONES ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP; and per haps, as many who have been cheated with counterfeits, will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, try this once— you will not regret it: but always see that the name of T. JONES is on the wrapper. Sold only in New York at 82 Catham Street, Sign of the American Eagle. Price. 50 Cents a Cake. For sale by R. WILLIAMS. Columbia, Aug. 7,1847-6 m. Those Who have been Deceived With MOCK PRETENDED HAIR PREPARATIONS m R D . A N k r e a , l 9. la y m o N r r i r d e e e r r t b i e fi c e ic of s , that Avenue his he a 9l was entirely bald on the top, and by the use of two 3s. bottles of JONES' CORAL HAM RESTORATIVE, he has a good crop of hair, and will soon have it long, thick and luxuriant. Mr. WILLIAZO J ACKSON, Of 89 Liberty street, Pittsburg, certifies: On the 3d of February, 1847, that Mr. Thomas Jackson's head on the top, was entirely bald for fifteen years, and that 1)V using two 3s. bottles of Jones' Coral Hair Restorative, the hair is growing fast, thick and healthy. He expects by using this a little longer to have a better head of hair than tie ever had. To those whose hair is gray, or, failing di' and I hereby certify that my hair was turning oray and falling Mr, and that since I have used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative it has entirely ceased falling, ie growing fast, and has a fine. dark look. Before I used Jones' Coral Hair Restorative I combed out handfuls of hair dai ly. WM TOMPKINS, 92 King st., N. Y. lIAYE YOU SCURF OR DANDRUFF'? Power a grocer, of Fulton street, had his hair completely choked up with dandruff, and Jones' Coral Hair Restorative entirely and permanently cured it. Do y-;: want to dress, beautify, and make your HAIR soft and jine . 7—Read : I, Henry E Cullen. late barber on board the steamboat South America, do certify that Jones' Coral Hair Restorative is the best arti cle I ever used for dressing, softening, cleans ing cud keeping the hair a long time soft, clean, silky, dark end in order; all my customers preferred it to any thing else. For sale by Aug. 7,1847—Gm R. WILLIAMS. SKIN TEAS of all kinds, to be had fresh P at YOUNG it CASSEL'S Store, No. 50 Columbia, aug. 7, 1847—tf RIEMO'VAL. P. SCHREINER has removed 1 / 4 a his WATCH and JEWEL LERY'-2S Establishment to the WAL.N FRONT Br, en - , recently fitted up by him, hetween Barr's and Black's Hotel, Front Streetorhere the public cao be accommodated, as heretofore, with all articles io the Jewel lery line, at the cheapest rates. Columbia. July 17, 1847.—tf. Estn tv of Paul JOHICS Deceased. LETTERS testamentary having been gran ted to the undersigned, Executors of Paul Jones, machincst, late of the borough of Columbia, deceased; all persons having claim 9 or demands against said decedent are requested to make the same known without delay, and those indebted, to make immediate payment to JACOI3 EHLER. Lancaster ciLy. PETER KIM BURG, Cola. Boro'. July 17, 1847.—Gt. Agency of the Canton TEA COMPANY. The undersigned being the authorized .11,; Agents for the sale of the SUPERIOR TEAS, imported by the Canton Tea Company, of the City of New Yok, invite a trial of their Green and Black Teas, embrac ing the best selections this side of China. Every Package Warrented. J. D. & J. WRIGHT. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf Hanee's Sarsaparilla Vegetable, or Blood Pills. For Purifying the Blood! Baltimore, July 29,1843. rrtH IS is to certify, that I was afflicted with _IL a violent pain in the breast and right arm, I which 1 supposed proceeded from the impure state of my blood. .1 was recommended to take Hance's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box, the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm,l found them extreme ly gentle in their operation, and would recom mend them to every person in want of a mild purgativo.. PATRICK ROCHE, No. 23 Conway street, between Howard and Eutaw. lain purchasing these pills, let me add one word of caution, always ask for Ilance's Pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents, and if convenient, call and see the pro prietor himself. Prepared and sold by SETH S HANCE, 108 Baltimore. AGENTS—G. G. Claborne. R. Willams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J F. Heinitsh Soo, Lancaster; Samuel Ensininger. Man i beim; Jacob Stouffer, Mt. Joy 04 Roads; Jas. Bryan, Elizabethtown. 0ct.24-46 A BLESSED, BLESSE3 AND HEAVENLY Should read the following statements of respectable persons. weak at the roots IT -NEVER FAILS!!! DR. CULLEN'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PANACEA. PERSONS afflicted with Scrofula, Kings' Evil, Cancer. and Erysipelas, Old Sores. Ulcers, 'fetter, Mercurial Diseases, or any other com• plaints arising from impurities of the blood. are ro• quested to read the following testimonials. tit proof of •he wonderful properties of the above named medicine. READ: READS! REAM!: We. the undersigned, having visited ',Mr. Isaac Brooks, jr., at the office of Messrs.atowand and Walton, 376 Market street, Philadelphia, consider his case the most remarkable one we have ever witnessed or heard of. His disease was SCROFULA, and terrible ma have been his twelve years' conflict with the des trayer ! His Palate, the entire roof of his Mouth, Nose, Upper Lip, and Lower Lid of the Right Eye have been destroyed, his Face nearly eaten up, and part of the Jaw Hone carried away. iktid yet we can give no description of his case. Mr. B. informs us Mat in January last the whole interior of his mouth, as well as most of his face, was a mass of deep and painful ulcers! On [lie 14th of January last, he commenced taking Dr. CULLEN'S laDiAN VEG'ETAELE PANACEA, which checked the disease in a few days, and Irom that lime the cure has progressed without inter• mission. New flesh has supplied the place or the deep ulcers, and though badly disfigured, his face is bound, and his general health is restored e are assured that in the treatment of Mr. Brooks' case, no illercurials, Ointments, or Caus tic applications have been used—in tact the Pana cea alone, has wrought this wonderful change. J. W. Jones, NI. U., South 2nd street, Phila. E. %V Carr, 440 N „Fourth, above Poplar street, N. Liberties. S. McCullough, Lancaster. Penn. C. W, Appleton, M. D., 46 South street, Phila Wm. Sieeling, M. D., Camden. New Jersey. 3. IL Potter, Man Illacturer of Mineral Teeth 109, S. Ninth street, Phila. L. A. IVollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat, 27 N. 3d weer, Phila. A. D. Gillette, Pastor of 11th Baptist Church Phila. Jahn 13c1!, Erie street, Phila. (North American office.) John W. Ashram', GO South Gth sr., Philp T. SI Wagner, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut et Phila. Peter Siren Smith, Editor Native Eagle, Piffle Joel Bodine, glass manufacturer, Williamstown Qew Jersey. L. B. Coles, M. D., Boston, Mass. Russel Canfield, Physiolof, , ist, Thomas I'. S. Roby. M. D., Harrisburg, Penn JVm. Urie, Pastor saint Paul's M. E. Church Catarina street, Pit la. John Chambers, Pastor First Indp. Church Broad street. Phila• T. L. Sanders, publisher of Pledge and Standard Phila. F. P. Sellers, Editor Olive Branch, Doylestown Bucks county. GIMMM The above named gentlemen, (constituting but a small portion of those who have visited Air. Brooks ut our office in Philadelphia. and would certify to the seine 'acts. if necessary] are well known, and 'heir high standii.g to society precludes the idea of their lending their names to carry on en townsmen. Wholesale and Retail, by ROWAN & VIAL TON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia WM. A. LEADER, Columbia, Pa.; J. T. ANDER SON, Marietta, Pa., and GEORGE ROSE, Eliza both, Pd. July 31, 18.17.-2 m. raiRLTSTEE , S SALE OF VALUABLE X FA RAI S. IN BA LTIMO REG() UN Y.— By virtue of a decree of the High Court of Chan cery of Maryland, the undersigned, Trustees, will offer at public sale. at Forney's Tavern ; in Reis terstown, on SATURDAY, the seventh day of August at 12 o'clock, M., the following valuable FA RAIS— A Farm, containing 130 acres, more or less, lying about nineteen miles from the city of Baltimore, and a mile and a half from the filannver 'rurnatke. Upon thin Farm is a mill seat and an old GRIST AND SA W MILL, which if repair "' ed, would command an extensive country cus tom. Nearly one hall is in valuable timber and a large proportion of meadow. It adjoins the lands of S. T. Worthington. Esq., and the land recently purchased by Messrs. Barr and Ktndig. Limestone in abundance is in the immediate vicinitv.— There are upon it two small DWELLING HOUSES arid a Lime liila• Alsu, a Farm, containing 320 acres, more or less, lying about eighteen notes from the city of Valti• more, fronting on the tranover Turnpike, and run• tong down to the Limestone valley, well known as one of the richest tracts in Maryland. More than one third of it is heavily covered with the finest timber. The amble Land is very productive and more than 30,000 bushels of Lime have been put upon it within tho last few years. There are more the:112001mo Trees, of choicest kind. apple, peach, &c.. young,and just coming into full bearing. The Legislature lies passed an act for the continuation of the Westminster branch of the Susquehanna Railroad, which, by surveys heretofore made, with tali passing through this Farm will almost touch it; and which, when made, will, besides other advan tages. give great value to the large quantity of fine wood and timber upon the place. There is up. aon the Farm a small Dwelling House, Barn, "' Lime Kiln, &c. The terms of sale are one fifth cash, and the balance in four equal annual in stalments, with security to be approved by the Trustees, and bearing interest from the day of sale. J. J. SPEED, t Trustees. J. C. DUCKER, Immediately after the above sale, and upon the same terms, will be offered two Lots adjacent to the last Farm above described. Tie one contains thirty acres. fronting on the Hanover Turnpike. with about five acres of Wood Land. and adjoining the village of Woodeneburgh. The second tract contains fifty acres, fronting on the County Road lending to Woodensburgh and about one half tittle from the Turnotke. J. J. S. July 17, 1847 —ts .1s 4 t. 53,75. J. C. D. HANCE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF H OR EHO UN D. FOR the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Spilling of blood, Pain in the side and breast. Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the lungs or neglected cold. ouThe following sonnet was addressed to the proprietor, by a young lady who was cured of consumption: Ho! ye who pant with failing breath, And pine away and die, Hance shall put away your death, And light anew your eye. How sweet it melts upon the tongue, How grateful to the breast! A glorious theme fer poet's song, Soothing his cough to rest. Hance! favored of the gods art thou .! A blessing to thy race, Let laurels flourish on thy brow, And wealth those laurels grace. When heroes are foreotten—kings Defunct—or ceased to reign— Glory for thee shall flay her wings— Thou conquerer of pain. SETH S. HANCE, 108 Baltimore street, and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Bal timore. AGENTS—G. G. Claborne. R. Willams, W. A. Leader, Columbia; J. F. Ileinirab & Son. Lancaster; Samuel Ensminger Man heim ; John Stouffer, Mt. Joy ye Roads ; Jam& Bryan, Elizabethtown. Oct. 21-'46 HUSBAND'S CALCINED MAGNESIA This preparation is pronounced by eminent mem bers of the 111.•dical Profession and otbereonapetent friges t., be equ ri, in every respect, to the cele brated Henry's Magnesia. For sale at LEADER'S Drrg Store. Columbia, Jana 5,1547. REMOVAL. .70311 N P. HOUSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAS REMOVED his - LAW OFFICE to the Collector's House. corner of Front and Gay streets, where he will attend prompt ly to all business in the line of his profession. Columbia, April 14, 1847.—tf Samuel A. Black, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. 55, &mat 7th street, Philadelphia, Pa. May kh, - 1847.--"3mo. • PHILIP GOSSLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Columbia, Lancaster county, Peniz'a, WILL practice in the several Courts of Lancasterand York counties. Orptcx.-,ln Walnut street, adjoining the Washington Hotel. Mar 6,1897. DOCT. WM. S. M'CORKLE. (IF FICE--Sonth East corner of Locust and Ilk_f Second street. Boarding House—kith Mrs. Swartz, 4 2 doors below his late residence. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf Nails and Spikes. 200 Kegs NAILS, SPIKES and BRADS.— Just received and for sale at reduced RUMPLE Si HESS. prices by PEIR ATARI 01; S PATTERNS or Wall, Window V and Ceiling Papers and Borders, of the most elegant modern styles, for sale by C. WESTBROOK. Columbia, April 7,1847. ta L n L d c s a nd best.C R p o S r S - C a F e T a SA m n ' S u , ra o c f ußreos- prices by RUMPLES HESS Columbia, A pril 7, 1847.—tf CHAINS. lIERR'S Celebrated Lowden nth CnAms, Traces, hail!, and short, double and sin gle Link, Breast, Carrying and Halter, Chains, all of which we offer al manufactures prices. RUMPLE dt HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf DOOR SINDXNII. DINDING orders left at the Columbia Book ) More will receive prompt attention. Columbia, May 19, 1847. To Carpenters. UST received a splendid assortment of II PLAINS, BEADS, SAWS. HATCETS. BRACES, BITS and CHISELS, at reduced prices by RUMPLES HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf TjARASOLETTS, &c. A new supply just opened and fur sale very cheap at. WRIGHT'S. Columbia June O. 1847.—tf Gentlemen's Summer Wear! COMPRISING Castimeretts, Croton and Summmer Cloths and Cassimers; superfine plain and fancy white Drillings, Satin, Brocade and Marseilles Vcstings, &c. &c., at reduced prices. J. D. &. J. IVRIGHT Columbia, June 23, 1847.—tf ,T.,11•6743, Sa'WWl, TUST received a lot of handsome Ginghams el and Lawns at 12i cents, 16 cents, ISi cents and 25 cents, with some finer qualities at the lowest prices. J. D. Sr. J. 'WRIGHT• Columbia., June '23, 1847.—tf IIIREBOARD PRINTS. A variety of Fire hoard patterns for sale cheap at J. D. & J. WRIGHT'S Columbia, May 2G, 1647.—tf WRIGIIT'S Indian Vegetable Pills or Indian Purgative, and Indian Vegeta- Syrud warrented genuine. For sale by R. W ILLAMS. Columbia, May, 19, 1847.—ti Guns and Pistols. TIOUBLE and Single Barrel GUNS, war- JO rented Stubb Twist, and Patent Breech Revolving PISTOLS, Brass and Steel Barrel Pistols. For sale cheap by RUMPLE & HESS. Columbia, April 7, 1847.—tf To Boatmen. NEW Pattere Boat STOVE. Just receira ed and for sale by. RUMPLE & HESS Colombia, April 7, 1847.—tf More Light. LAM Ps.—Oil, Lard and Camphine Stand Lamps, Flanging and Sid.* do. For sale by RUMPLE & HESS. Columbia. April 7. 134.7.—tf DR. TOW.% SEND'S COMPOUND EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, for the removal and permanent cure of all disease ari sing from an impure state of the blood, or habit of the system. For sale at Leader's Drug _ Store. WM. A. LEADER, Agt. PINE OIL. TUST received and for sale at the Hardwar j Store of 'RUMPLE & HESS Columbia, April 7, 1897.—tf riAMPIIINE Lamp Globes. All sizes of Lamp Globes. fur sale at lylo-tf LEADER'S. Dr. Jaynes Tonic Ircraniingc. A FRESH supply of Jayne's Popular Tonic 23,_ Verwifuge. For sale at LEADER'S. July tOrtf Mutt's Sarsaparilla. TUST received, another supply of Bull's Sar t) sepal ills. For sale at LEADER'S. Julylo•tf GUNS AND PISTOLS. JUST received a large asortment of Patent Breach :qui:. Twist English Guns, single and double barrel; also Revolving and Corn mon Pistols. For sale at reduced prices at the Hardware Store-of J. W. COTTRELL. Columbia, May 26. 1847.—tf Agency of the PEKIN TEA COMPANY. ri; THE SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly lit.jklei on band an assortment of Fresh Teas, im wilt., ported by the Pekin Tea Company. Any eas sold by me that does not give entire satia. faction, cnn be returned and exchanged, or the mow will bo refunded. C. WESTBROOK, —-- Locust street, Colum111;7 April 7, 1847. ICE ! ICE : ICE!! The subscriber is prepared to deliver ICE in any quantity every morning. JOHN 11. BROOKS. r'N. B. Small Ice for Ice Cream and Min eral Water to be had at his residence in any quantity. J. H. B. Columbia, Jude 12th, 1947. MORE -NEW GOODS At C the olumbia New Cash Store -w S. PATTON have just received an assortment of New Goors consisting of superfine Blue, Black, and Olive Cloths, Plain, Striped & Fancy Cassimera, Cashmerets. Tweeds, Croton Codrington and Summer Cloths, Linen and Cotton Drilling, with a 'CM rietyof Articles sui table for Summer wear, Marseilles, Valencia, and Satin Vestings, Black Silk, suitable for Mantillas, Fan cy, Striped, Plaid, and Plain do. for dresses. FRINGES, GIMPS, BUTTONS. &c. Merino. Mohair, Mous de Laine, and Silk - Shawls, Corebel and Marseilles Skirts, Lawn and Lawn Ginghams, Alpachos &c., Bareges, Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs. Cambric, Earlst 'n, Man chester and Domestic Gingharna, French and Da mask Table Cloths, Mel:aback, Birdeyc, and Hos ' sia Towelings, Mull, Cambric, laconctt, Swiss Plaid and Striped Mashes. Best quality Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts, Lislo thread, Fancy and Cotton Gloves, Palm leat. Hats &c., kc. With a complete assortment of bleach ed and brown Sheeting, and Shirting Mashes, Car petings from 10 cents to 51,00, Pk in and Figured Mattings, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Looking Glasses, Queens ware, Fresh Groceries, Hama, dried Beef, &c., Mackerel, Pickled and Smoked Herring. Much care has been taken to secure for costum ers a choice variety and the subsCribers having purchased their goods for Cash are determined to sell them on the most reasonable terms. N. B. Country produce taken in exchange Tor goods at the highest price. IV. & S. P.ITTON: Columbia, July 3rd, 1847.—tf Notice. ALL persons having claims against the I.l.tate of James Low, deceased, late of the Bor ough of Marietta, Pa., will please to present them properly authenticated for settlement. And lbw.° that are indebted to the same, are requested to make immediate payment to the subscriber at Co lumbia. WM. WHIPPER, Adm . r. June 24th, 1847.-6 t Queensware ir Crockery. The most splendid assortment of the above articles ever offered to the Columbia public, just opened at the cheap Cash Store of March 27. YOUNG & C ASSET,. EYE WATER: For the core of sore, weak or inflamed F.y rs warranted in all cases. For sale at LEADER'S Drug Store. Columbia, Stine 5, 1847. LEADER'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE. For the growth, beauty and restoration of the Hair, sold at LEADER'S Drug St, re. Columbia, June 5. 1847. . 7 rotice. Is hereby given, to all persons indebted to the estate of Ann Welsh late of the borough of Columbia, deceased, to call upon the under signed for settlement, and those having de :nand against said estate, to present ti,eir ac counts duly au thenticated. EVAN GREEN, Administrator, of the estate of Ann Welsh, deed. Columhia„ June, 19,1847, Look Mere. DR. JAYNE'S Carmative Balsam, s cer tain, safe and effectua: remedy for a 3 complaints of the Blood, Sze._, Sze. For sale by julylo-tf %V. A. LEADER, Agt. OCTOR JUDKINS' genuine Patent Spe. Mile Ointment. For sale by julylo-tf WILLAAI A.-LEADER. Weirs Strengthening Plaster. T - ,1 OR all pains the Ereast,Side and Back. ..12 Warranted in all cases. Fur sale at julylo-tf - LEADER'S. WANTED.—An to the TAT IINGSI4sr JOHN JORDAN. Powder Puffs. SUPERIOR Powder Puffs in Gilt Bores s, iih highly perfumed Toilet Powder. For sale, at lylo-tf LEADER'S. NrireNctlroili3orDy'fraandaeP. p r i ;n o t e i ce rr t o o m l e a t r e t c li o e u 1. 0 3 7 preferred. Apply to JOHN McLAUGHLIN. Confectioner, Locust street, opposite lialdemail'a Rtore. Columbia, July 17, 1647.-4 t. Dividend.. IHE' President and Directors of the Co lumbia and Washington Turnpike Road mpany have this day declared a dividend of Eighty Cents per Share, on the Capital Stock of the Company, since the opening of the Road, payable to the Stock holders or their le • gal. representatives upon or after the 20th of July inst. J. W. COTTRELL, Treasurer. Columbia, July sth, 1847. persona indebted to rho sub- IN scriber are requested to make payment, and all having claims against him will please present them for settlement , CHAS. J. BARNITZ July 3rd, 1847.—tf Notice. LETTERS of Administration de bons non, having been granted to the undersigned. upon the Estate of Ann Barber, laic of the Borough of Columbia. deceased, all persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and tilos* having claims will present them for settlement. PHILIP GOBBLER. Columbia, June 2Gth, 1847.—Gt. A CARD. The subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public, that he has again re turned to Columbia, after his long illness and resumed his station: all oustomers will now always find him on hand ready at all times to accommodate them. He is thankful frr the patronge heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him and hopes by strict attention to merit a continuance of the same. _ _ W..A. LEADER, Gorden Mortar Drug Store, Front at. Columbia. Columbia, June 12, 1847. cox:mama. 11001 C AND STATIONERY STORE. 1 , 7 C. WESTBROOK keeps con -0/../ scantly on hand a large and well vwf selected assortment of MISCEL. LAN EOUS BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, of all discriptions, from the small pocket memoran dum to the substantialls bound demy. Letter and Cap PAPER, by the ream, quire, or single sheet. SCHOOL. BOOKS. Serials, Periodi cals, Newspapers. Stc. Staple and Fancy ST ATI O.N A RI, Brushes Combs. Purses, Pocket Books, Toilet and Pockets 'Mirrors, Razor Strops, Shaving Soaps; Pasteboard. Ivory, Marabo and Steel Studded FANS. and nu serous other articles, all of which will be sold very low for cash. N. B. Cash paid for Rags. Columbia. April 7, 1547. 311b3 =masa, IA MPICO, Madras and Cape Boot SKINS, Dressed and Undressed Morceeo, Kid, ng and Binding SKINS, always on hand at the very lowest prices. J. D. & J. WRIGItr, Columbia, April 7, 1847.-1 f