The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, July 17, 1847, Image 2

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V. B. PALMER, North West corner of Third and
Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,
Tribune Buildings, (opposite City MHO N. York.
South East corner of Baltimore and Culvert streets,
Baltimore, arid
No. Le State street, Boston.
JACOB M. WESTIIAEFFER, Lancaster city.
WILLIAM A. PIERCE, Travelling Agent.
Type, Press and materials for Sale. A first rate
Iron Imperial Press, three to five hundred weight
of Brevier, such as this paper is is printed on, nearly
as good as new ; brass rules, leads, chases, stands,
cases, black trough, &e , &c., for sale cheap.
Address, Post paid, EDITOR COLUMBIA SPY,
Columbia, Pa.
Getz, of the Reading Gazette, has commenced the
publication of a daily in Reading, Pa. The number
before us presents a neat appearance. It is pub
lished at ten cents a week, or two cents for single
copies. It is an enterprise worthy of support, and
we wish the enterprising publisher the success he
We strolled up to the Basin on Wednesday, and
were agreeably surprised to find business still so
brisk in that neighborhood. The general dullness
complained of elsewhere, and which is the more
sensibly felt from the recent extraordinary activity,
has not yet extended to this place. We suppose,
however, that we must take our turn with the rest,
for a time at least.
Hearing the busy rat-tat of mechanics' tools, we
Crossed over to FRALEY'S BOAT YARD, where we
found a staunch-looking Section Boat in progress,
which promises to be one of 'cm, when completed.
A new and substantial bridge has been thrown over
the canal, where the rickety old affair stood when
we were there last. At SIMPSON'S BOAT Ynan we
also found a Section Boat nearly completed. We
believe these are the only boats of the kind that
have been built here this season; and we are grati
fied to be able to say, on the opinion of better
judges than ourself, that they will compare favora
ble with any that have been built elsewhere.
" WALNUT FaoNr."—We observe that our enter
prising friend, Mr. Philip Schreiner, has completed
the repairs of the property recently purchased by
him on Front street, and the building now presents
a handsome appearance. A row of four shops has
been fitted up with tasteful fronts, one of which Mr.
S. occupies for his Jewelry Store.
12:7 - Speaking of Front street,—whoever passes
along the vicinity of Capt. Pretsman's clothing store,
will be struck with the alteration that has been
made—in the store—not in the Ca pta in—he presents
the same front as of yore. But the store has been
clothed in a new architectural dress, which adds to
the beauty of Front street, and speaks favorably of
the thrift and enterprise of the Captain.
PROGRESSING RAPIDLY.—The large brick building
which is being erected on the north-west corner of
Front and Locust street, by Peter Haldeman, is
progressing rapidly to completion. The appearance
of that part of the town will be vastly benefitted by
this improvement.
D. Reid, the indefatigableSuperintendant of the At
lantic and Ohio Telegraphic Company has invented
an improvement in telegraphing which will prove
to be a great importance. It is known to all who
have business transactions, through the agency of
the Magnetic Telegraph, that when the air is sur
charged with electricity, it has been impossible to
work the instruments, and that the magnets have
been seriously deranged and often destroyed by the
lightning. These occurrences have directed the
attention of Mr. Reid to some remedy. He has
succeeded by means of a lightning rod, which is
connected with the magnet in such a way as to
carry off the superabundance of electricity. It
worked well during the storm of last Tuesday.—
Mr. Reid is about to secure a patent for the im
DREADFUL ACCIDENT.—We learn from the Lan
caster Intelligencer that. on Thursday last a most
distressing casualty happened to Mr. H. G. Guetter,
of Bethlehem, in this state, as he was proceeding in
his carriage, with his wife and daughter, on the road
towards Litiz. By some means the horse taking
fright, the carriage was overturned, and the unfor
tunate inmates bruised and mangled in a most
shocking manner. Mr. Guetter died on Friday
evening, from the wounds received. His daughter
is still living at Mr. Kauffinan's hotel, it being im
possible to remove her on account of the severity
of her injuries. His remains were taken to Beth
lehem on Saturday morning ; his wife, who was
the least injured of the three, accompanied them.
GOT HIS FOOT IN IT. —As some boys were bathing
in the Miami Canal, under the Twelfth at. bridge
recently, one of them got his foot into a nest of
silver and other kinds of watches. Several of them
had been valuable, and one contained a diamond,
though most of them had been stripped of their
cases. One boy got twenty-one watches, another
eighteen, and none less than a watch apiece. The
canal has not been wholly drawn off thr about a
year, on this level, and the watches must have been
dropped in within that time.
preached a Fourth of July Oration, of two days'
length, from liar chamber window in Boston—com.
mencing on Sunday and getting throu g h on Mon
day night. The Mail says "she preached enough
during the two days from her window, to wear out
the lungs of a lion, and make an elephant hoarse.
Her physical powers arc tremendous, and her love
of the freedom of speech stronger than death."
CAP, THE CALCULATOR.—This prodigy is a negro,
and one of the greatest wonders of the age. Ile
can calculate with case, and without the use of a
slate, any amount of numbers. He knows scarcely
anything else; seems almost destitute of every Ac
uity of mind; divides and adds numbers, from one
to a million, apparently without an effort. lie has
been erhibited at Cincinnati lately.
MAGNETIC BALLOON.—The Philadelphia Sun pub
lishes a well twitten communication, entitled, "Brief
account of some novel experiments upon Gravita
tion, and also a narrative of two Voyages into empty
space, by Orrin Lindsay." This Mr. Lindsay pro
fesses to have discovered a. means of ascending into
the air, to any desired height, by intercepting or
destroying the attraction of gravitation. Ile says
"Without following step by step, the course and
order of my experiments, suffice it at present to say:
that I found well prepared steel, being super
ficially amalgamated with quicksilver, and then
strongly magnetized, to possess the quality of an
impervious screen, to the influence of gravitation.
In preparing steel for this purpose, the difficulty
consists in combining it properly with the quick
silver ; the true mode of accomplishing which I do
nut intend to reveal until I shall have properly secu
red my rights as an inventor, in England and
France, as Wallas in my native country, the United
States. He constructed a box, one foot square,
covered with steel plate thus prepared, which he
found to possess buoyancy enough to overcome the
atmospheric pressure. This carried up anythieg
which it would contain.
The first relevant experiment which I made worth
while here to relate, was by confining a young bull
terrier dog, weighing about fifteen pounds, in the
square box before mentioned, attaching a twine to
the box, and allowing it to ascend in the air. The
dog did not seem to relish this compulsory mode of
making him contribute to the cause of science;
but up he went, box, twine and all, near two hun.
dred feet high, to the length of the twine. I pulled
him down and let him ascend slowly for several
times. I had all along kept a tight string upon the
box, so as to moderate the velocity of ascent; but,
wishing to observe the velocity which it might at-.
lain, unimpeded, I gave it at last a slack twine.
Starting slowly at first, it gradually !increased its
rate of ascent (on the same principle as the ascent
of a vertical ash pole, sunk deep in the water and
then let go,) until it carne to the length of the string,
of which I kept hold, by which time, it had aqui- ,I
red such momentum as to snap the twine. It con- I
tinued to ascend with still accelerated velocity, its
course modified a little by the winds, until it finally
entered a. fleecy cloud, and was forever lost to my
Delighted with the success of this experiment,
the inventor set to work to devise the kind of ma
chine, upon this principle, in which he might ven
ture to make an aerial voyage, and to assist him in
earring his plan into execution, lie employed Mr.
Abner Josslin, a skilful philosophical instrument
maker of Cincinnati. The machine was censtrue
cd, and on the 15th of Febuary, Mr. Orrin Lind
say cut loose from the earth near Neches and
" went up" until he attained an altitude of five miles.
" The day was fine, with very few clouds and little
air stirring below, but I preceived that I had got
into an invisible current, bearing me at the rate of
near five miles an hour towards the north-east.—
The prospect was grand, beyond my power to delin
eate. The deep blue sky, as far above me as ever,
still bent over me its hemispherical vault, like an
enormous soap bubble. The surface of the earth
seemed hollowed out into a corresponding hernia.
phrc, in form like the sky, turned bottom side up.
The whole country, with its rivers, lakes, fields, fo
rests, towns, &c. lay spread out before me, like an •
immense concave map. The scenery seemed to
rise in the distance, appearing less endless distinct,
more and more blue, until in my horizon, it shaded
off all around, imperceptibly, into the murky,sinoky
blue of the lower sky. I ventured to ascend still
higher, and the higher I went, the colder it became,
at the rate of about one degree Fain-. for every 352
feet. I could all along, approximate closely to my
height, by observing the volume occupied by a
small portion ofair, confined by mercury, in a grad
uated glass tube, called an air gunge: it being well
understood, that at the height of 3,1 miles, the air
has half its normal density or twice its volume at
the level of the sea ; at 7 miles high, one-fourth the
density, or 4 times the volume, and so in the same
ratio. Indeed if the whole atmosphere were of
the uniform density which it has at the level of the
sea, it would only extend to the height of 26,056,1
feet, almost equal to five miles. The higher I as
cended the deeper became the blue of the sky,
until, at my greatest altitude, it became almost
black ; from which it may be inferred, that the blue
tint elite sky is solely due to the earth's atmos
phere; and had the earth no atmosphere, the sky
would appear black."
After exploring the upper regions to his own
satisfaction, he prepared fur a descent, which was
done by opening one or more of the valves tinder
the balloon so as to allow the attraction of the earth
a chance to exercise its power. Upon descending
below the clouds he found himself in a moderate
current of air, moving to the south, some ten miles
north-cast of Natclics. lie says :—"By judiciously
opening an attraction in a direction of lake Con
6ordia, I soon had the satisfaction of ending the
balloon moving, despite the wind, in the direction
of the Devil's Punch-bowls, at the rate of about 15
miles an hour. Moderating my gait, in due time
I caused the balloon to subside gently, and safely,
into the big Punch-Bowl; landing at 3 P. M., not
ten feet from where I had started five hours before,
to the great joy of Josslin, who, losing sight of me
in the clouds, had given me up for lost."
A second voyage was made on the last day of
February, with two persons in the balloon—Lind
say, and Josslin, the instrument maker,—which
was attended with like results, only this time they
made the circuit of the moon, and were up six
days. The story is told with all the seriousness of
sober truth, yet we must confess that such an alti
tude attained by such means, must be owing in a
great measure to the influence of the moon, or per
haps tho moon story.
Srumous Nores.—We saw yesterday two one
dollar notes of the Merchants' Bank of Baltimore
which had been altered to tens, and so ingeniously
was it done as to require close scrutiny to detect
the fraud. The notes of the denomination of one
and two dollars issued by the Bank are in the form
of certificates of deposite, and all those of a higher
denomination arc In the usual form of hank notes.
A recollection of this fact will be sufficient to detect
the imposition. From the circumstance of two
notes of this false character being offered at the
Bank yesterday it is interred that a number arc in
circulation;—Ball, American.
Before Justice Spear.
Jacob Maurer was arrested on complaint of Jos.
Lundy, charged with abandoning his wifo and
children in March last, and enticing Mary Lundy
to abscond with him. She was only 15 years of age,
and is a niece of complainant. Defendant took the
girl in the night when the parents were from home
visiting some sick friend. It appeared that
Meurer and the girl have been living together in
Pittsburg, she assuming the character of a house
keeper. All parties resided in Bart township,
Lancaster county, and the girl's parents are respec
table people, as appeared by the testimony. The
justice committed Mourcr, and will hand him over
to Judge Lewis for a further hearing.
George Taylor, on complaint made by a number
of citizens, was convicted of vagrancy and sen
tenced to twenty days' imprisonment at hard labor.
Martin Stoner, a boat captain, arrested for
maliciously breaking and injuring Capt. William
Powers boat. Parties settled by defendant pay.
ing damages.
Elizabeth Nailer, charged by Mary Markly with
maliciously breaking the windows of her house
by throwing stones. She stated that her residence
was in Westmoreland county—that she came to
Columbia with some boatmen, and was an inmate
in the family of Mr. Daniel Miller in the day time.
After examining a number of witnesses, she was
committed as a disorderly vagrant, and sentenced
to 30 days' imprisonment at hard labor. Whilst
on her way to Lancaster, she made a violent assault
on the constable, but nix kum roux.
Mary Winebrenner, assaulting and threatening
Cornelia Davis. Held to bail to keep the peace.
Adam Kline, obtaining goods under false pre
tences, with a fraudulent intention, from A. B.
Landis, a merchant in Washington, to the amount
of .8E27.76. Defendant paid part of the money, and
further proceedings were suspended for the present.
John Jolting, attempting to defraud A. Solver out
of $lB, by using artful devices to avoid payment, he
being fully able to pay. After a hearing defendant
paid the amount and was discharged.
CANAL TOLLS.—The subjoined statement of tolls
received on the public works up to the Ist inst.,
shows a handsome increase over last year for the
month of June, being $11,774 06, and a total in
crease up to July Ist, of 85270,261 8.9.,
STATEMENT of the amount of Tolls received on the
lines of Canal and Railroads of the Common-
wealth, as per reports of the several Collectors,
for the fiscal year commencing the 30th of Nor.
1846, to the Ist day of July, 1847.
OFFICES. For Total since
June, 30th Nov.,
1847. 1846.
Easton, 19,624 16 55,567 89
New Hope, 999 05 3,489 44
Bristol, 3,110 21 10,575 11
Philadelphia, 29,552 39 180,311 18
Paoli, 1,209 93 8,668 12
Pa rk esburg, 2,366 95 21,359 61
Lancaster, 4,436 87 42,295 95
Columbia, 33,097 64 137,569 73
Portsmouth, 1,670 34 5,273 15
Harrisburg, 2,507 07 12,100 30
Newport., 774 63 3,375 47
Lewistown, 1,858 79 11,568 14
Huntingdon, 1,812 68 9,319 97
Ilollidaysburg, 20,216 10 74,225 41
Johnstown, 27,240 11 89,850 03
Blairsville, 2,199 94 7,222 56
Freeport, 843 36 2,164 3S
Pittsburg, . 25,849 60 78,422 09
Dunnshurg, 3,400 85 10,368 92
Williamsport, 1,514 63 5,712 40
Northumberland, 5,2-17 97 23,749 68
Berwick, 16,560 30 34,307 83
Liverpool, 1,575 58 5,814 16
Schuylkill Viaduct, 52 13 189 18
Pourtsmouth Outlet Lock, 216 03 1,180 15
Swataru Aqueduct Bridge, 53 10 259 24
Duncan's Island Bridge, 257 82 1,716 25 i
Total, $9.09,327 79 836,688 95
Same period, 1946, 166,553 73 5 66,427 13
841,77.1 OG 270,261 82
Increase in 1847,
A FE3III.E SA I LOR.—A girl of about twenty
years of age, named Julia Bickford, was examined
at the Police Court, this forenoon, on the charge of
being a vagrant, and, at her own request, was sent
to the House of Correction for three months. This
girl had been three or four voyages to sea in male
attire, as a common sailor. According to her own
statement, she first went a voyage with her uncle,
in her proper character and attire, and, liking the
excitement of a sea-faring life, on her return pur
chased mule attire, and shipped for a voyage to
Calcutta, which voyage she performed without her
sex being suspected. Since that time, she has been
to the West Indies and to ports in the Southern
States. She came to this city recently, and donned
her female attire, but having no home, being dis_
carded by her relatives for her misconduct, she
wished to be sent to the House of Correction. Iler
looks are not masculine, other than her lime is em
browned from exposure, and her hands and arms
are tough and hard as though they bad frequently
been dipped in a tar-bucket.—Boston Journal, 81k.
THE LETHEON.—The Vera Cruz Eagle of the 23d
ult., says •• We had the pleasure•of enjoying an
invitation to be present on the occasion of an am
putation of two legs, above the knee, on Saturday
last, where that great asssistant in surgical cases,
the Letheon, was used. The subjects were two
men who had been conveyed to the hospital of San
Francisco, and the success was a triumph over
physical pain. Dr. Barton administered the Lethe.
on, and Dr. Porter and a young physician (whose
name we are sorry we do not recollect) were the
In one case the limb was removed in five minutes
and a half from the commeneemnt of the inhala
tion to the close of the amputation. In the other a
few seconds over that time. Both declared that
they had felt nothing during the operation. One
of them rather playfully observed, on recovering
consciousness, and perceiving that it was done,
"that is the way you do it, is it?" This Is surely a
wonderful agent, and may be regarded as the most
invalua: lc discovery in relieving suffering humani
ty, that has yet been revealed."
The Telegraphic wires were put up through
Steubenville on the 29th ult., and the line is going
ahead to completion to Cincinnati, to be completed,
as is hoped, in the course of thirty or forty days.---
Mr. O'Reilly erects the line from Pittsburgh to
Columbus, and from Columbus to Cincinnati. It
will be extended by himself and others to Louisville.
At Louisville a line will be formed to St. Louis.
ANOTHER BATTLE.—The St. Louis Republican of
July 7 contains Santa Fe news of the 27th May.
Major gdmundson, when about 150 miles south.
east of Santa Fe, with a force of 70 men, met somo
400 Mexicans and Indians.
A batte ensued, and the Americans were com
pelled to retreat with the loss of two killed and three
wounded, besides losing all the horses bejonging to
the party. The cause of this disaster was that the
attack was made in an unfavorable position . for our
troops. Major E. was compelled to leave one
wounded American on the battle field to the mercy
of the Mexican opponents, and his fate is not known.
Another goveinment train has been attacked by
the Indians, and one hundred and fifty head of cat
tle taken. This train was commanded by Capt.
Col. W. I-I. Russell, bearer of despatches from Col
Fremont, at California, has reached St. Louis.
Daily Post publishes the following letter from Gen.
Taylor, addressed to a citizen of Lansingburg.
There is no room to doubt its genuineness, the edi.
tor of the Post having seen the original. It con
firms the genuineness of the "Signal" letter:
Camp near Monterey, May 29, 1847.
Dear Sir—lt is with much pleasure that I ac
knowledged the receipt of your most interesting
letter of the Ist inst., and to which I desire to reply
in terms more expressive of my thanks to you for
your kind consideration for myself, and yet more
so of my high appreciation of the upright and pat
riotic sentiments which are the principal tenor of
your letter; but I am burdened with official duties,
and at this moment with many letters from distant
sources, which require attention, and will necessa
ril oblige me to reply tu you in a few lines.
The Presidential office presents no inducements
to me to seek its honor or resposibilities ; the tran
quillity of private life, on the contrary, is the great
object of my aspiration on the conclusion of the
war—but I am riot insensible to the persuasion that
my services are yet due to the country, as the coun
try shall see fit to command them; if still as a sol
dier, I am satisfied; if in higher and more respon
sible duties, I desire not to oppose the manifest
wish of the people, but I will not he the candidate of
any party or clique, and should the Nation at large
seek to place me in the chair of the Chief Magis
tracy, the good of all parties and National good
would he my great and absorbing aim.
Sentiments such as these have been the burden
of my replies to all who have addressed me on this
subject, expressing the assurance that by the spon
taneous and unanimous voice of the people alone,
and from no agency of my own can I be withdrawn
from the cherished hopes of private retirement and
trarmility when peace shall return.
Please accept, with this, my brief reply, the warm
appreciaton and high consideration of
Yours, most sincerely,
Z. TraLcia, Maj. Gen. U. S. Army:
Orleans Picayune is assured by a gentleman who
came passenger in the New Orleans, and one who
had done good service to his country, that Gen.
Pillow, who left Vera Cruz with a large force to
join Gea. Scott, selected the middle of the day for
marching a part of the toad, which is the dread of
even old soldiers. The sand between Vera Graz
and San Juan is over ankle deep, and the rays of
the sun in mid-day arc terrific. The result of this
experiment upon raw recruits was the death of six
men, who were sun struck, and the disabling of
near a hundred and filly more. At San Juan so
many of the troops were used up that it was pro
posed to send them back to Santa Fe, and establish
a hospital there. After cnnsultation, and there was
adequate force to protect such a hospital, it was de
cided to send the men back to Vera Cruz. The
Vera Cruz Eagle of the 23d ult. says that some
thirty of them had then reached there. In this
encounter with the sun the poor soldiers had less
chance than even Haskell's command at Cero Gordo
LITTLE Plimosornms.—llaying and harvesting
will soon be ready for the scythe and the cradle,
and in a cloudy morning it is a matter of impor
tance to the farmer to know whether it will be sun
shine or showers in the afternoon. If the ants
have cleared their holes out nicely and piled the
dirt up high, it seldom fails to bring a good day
for the farmer, even if it should be cloudy till 10 or
11 o'clock in the forenoon. Spider-webs will be
very numerous about the tops of the grass and grain
some cloudy mornings, and fifty years' observation
has shown the writer of this that these little weath
cr-guessers seldom fail in their prediction of a fair
NARROW ESCAPE. --A few days since Mr. Cyrus
Munson, of Manchester, Vt., having removed a
pump from a barnyard well for the purpose of re
pairing it, placed a flour barrel in the mouth of the
well, bottom up, to secure it against accidents. Soon
after his little son, some three years old, climbed
upon the barrel and there commenced playing,
speech making, &c., when the bottom falling in,
down went the poor fellow through the barrel and
to the bottom of the well, seine sixteen fect, with
three feet water ut the bottom. A man working in
the barn near at hand, hearing a cry and missing
the child, made search, and found the little fellow
clinging to the stones at the bottom of the well, and
thus keeping his head above water. He was im
mediately rescued, and happily without injury, save
a good ducking in the cold water, and a terrible
fright from such an unceremonious termination of
his sport, upon the barrel head.— Trod Post.
At a recent meeting of the Farmer's Club, in
New York, the secretary read from the Belgian
Horticulturist, that an onion found in the hand of
an Egyptian female mummy, which had been en
tombed more than two thousand years, on being
planted in a garden, vegetated with great strength.'
It. did not vary at all in appearance or quality from
a modern onion. So it would appear that in Egypt,
two thousand years ago, (as in America at the pres
ent time,) onions were onions.
It is said if chestnuts arc roasted and ground
with the coffee beans, in the proportion acme part
chestnuts to six of coffee, that an exceeding fine
flavor, iike Mocha, is imparted.
BATHING IN Mexico.7--The following is an extract
from a letter from the'camt; of the Massachusetts
volunteers, published in' the Boston Transcript:
"You would be charmed with our encampment, on
account of the bathing, if nothing else. All the
Matamoros females, high low, bathe at least
once each day—generally in the evening, soon after
sunset—and as the current is too strong for their
delicate limbs to contend against in the river, they
resort to the lakes in the vicinity of the city, our lake
being especially favored by them. Some of them
are splendid swimmers, and I have seen one of them
out-swim at least eight of our officers.
The Mexican men and women bathe all together
and it is laughable to see the women take hold of a
love-sick swain and duck him till he is nearly dead.
I should consider that a perfect cure for the most
obstinate caw imaginable."
One scarcely wonders that the writer of the let.
ter was " charmed with their encampment." That
must have been a rare thing to see eight officers of
the Massachusetts volunteers swimming after one
Mexican woman.
years ago, before the railroad companies between
Albany and Buffalo, d provided the long and com
fortable and Wells' Express, the messenger of the
latter rode in the passenger cars, "just like any
body," and of course encountered all sorts of char
acters. One of the firm, whose love of waggery is
well known, happened to be going to Buffalo, and
was seated quietly in the car when his attention
was directed to the conversation of two individuals
opposite. One of these was, as it appeared, a travel.
ling mesmerizer—a regular "professor" of the
"science." He was dilating upon its rapid develop
ment—the wonderful phenomena it exhibited—its
astonishing eur , tive power for disease—the extra.
ordinary discoveries developed through its agency.
Finally, he got upon his own superiority as a " pro
fessor,"— a congenial theme—and here he was at
home. After narrating a vat iety of experiments—
some of them astounding, of course—he spoke of
the following with a gusto that was irressistible.
Said he:
" Last week I was going through one of the
streets of this very city, (Rochester,) and saw "a
man just ahead to whom I was anxious to speak.
He walked too fast fur me to overtake him without
running, so I just straightened out my arm, con
centrated my will, made a pass at him—thus--and
he stopped quicker than lightning."
" Wit wh.wh-why mister, y-y-you don't call that
m-m-m.'uch of a tr-i-'elc, do yon?"
" Yes, sir, I rather flatter myself sir, that it was
a pretty strong demonstration."
" W-w-w-well it don't b.h-g-in with wh-wh-wh
what I once did."
" Then you are familiar with the science, sir, I
" S.s.s-some."
" Might I enquire what was the case you spoke
" Oh, c-e-c-cer-certainly. Y-y-you see, I li-h-ha
'appened to be up here to B-Batavia once, in tho
winter. G-g-going down to the ears I saw a m. a
'n on t.t-t-top of a building, shoveling off snow ;
pr-'etty soon his f f foot slipped and d-d-d-'own he
came; wh-wh-wh 'en he had got about half way
down, I just made a p p pass at him, and it st-'op
ped him quicker than powder. I c-c-c.'ame. off
with-o-out thinking a-a-nything more about it. If
you arr go-o-oing to Batavia, I wish y-y-you would
justl-let him down, for I hems li-li-h
-anging there yet!"
The Williams county (Ohio,) Northwestern states
that the greatest excitement prevails in that coun
ty, caused by the wanton murder of a child, under
the following circumstances :
On Sunday morning lust a child of Mr. Scamp, a
farmer of Jefferson township, and was scarcely five
years of age, was seen going away from the house
with a young man, (D. Heckerthorn) eighteen years
old. A little brother of the child came back, and
said that his brother, calling him by name, "had
gone to the big woods with Uncle Dan." After
sonic time, the parents feeling uneasy, began to
look for him. The neighbors gathered in to assist
in the search, which was continued until some time
in Wednesday, without avail, when Heckerthorn,
who had been arrested on suspicion, confessed that
he had poisoned the child and hid the body. He
soon found the spot. The body had been thurst
head foremost into a hole cut in the side of a hol
low tree. A Coroner's inquest was culled, at which
Heckerthorn confessed that last week a fortune tel
ler, Andrew Tyler, hired him at fifty cents per day
and his expenses, to accompany him on his travel., li
and to begin, he must poison this child and hide
the body the Sunday following. They would
then leave Williams county for a short time, and
on their return Scamp would give him something
handsome to find his lost child by his magic art.
Tyler gave the child some poison in a stick of' can
dy on Sunday, when he induced it to go to the
woods. In a few minutes the child's face began to
grow black, and in fifteen minutes it died. The
physicians discovered below the right ear a fracture
in the scull ; the neck was dislocated, and it was
very evident that the poor little innocent had receiv
ed a severe blow on the back of the head with a
club. The jury found that the child had come to
its death by theyiolent hands of Heckerthorn and
Tyler, whd, with one Levi Davis, were committed
to jail to await their almost certain doom. It was
with extreme difficulty that the crowd could be re.
strained from laying violent hands on the old " for
tune teller," and tearing him into pieces. Hecker
thorn stated that Tyler said he had previously dis.
posed of several children in the same way.
No less a number of steerage immigrant passen
gers than 84,218 arrived at New York during the
first six months of the present year, and of these
74,428 have been landed since the Ist of April, giv
ing a montly average since the latter date of nearly
derstand that the Telegraph is going forward with an
earnestness that insures its rapid completion. The
Agent, yesterday, ordered the necessary wire, (132,.
300 lbs.) registers, batteries, glass cups, insulations,
&c. for the line from Detroit to Milwaukee. We
also understand that the poles, for the whole line,
will be under contract by the 20th of this month.—
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 3d.
DIAMETER OF TILE STARS.—Great diversity of
opinion now exists among astronomers as to the
' diameter of the stars. Jr, says M. itrago, we
should take for their discs such as they appear to the
naked eye, certain stars would be 90e0 leagues in
, diameter—equal to 27,000 times greater diameter
than the sun; and at the most moderato calculation
would be 1700 millions. Herschel's last calcula
lion was that Arcturus had a diameter of near
ly four millions of leagues, twelve millions °facile&
If the apparent diameter of two seconds and shall;
assigned by Herschel to the Goat, was real, the
mass of that star must be more than fourteen mil
lions times greater than that of our sun. But there
is no certainty in this, nor anything to question that
our sun is a star. The sublime idoa in the Holy
Scriptures that the Creator had made all with num
ber, weight and measure, Is followed by Plato, who
called it the geometry of the heavens. Halley, the
friend of Newton, believed that all stare were ofthe
same magnitude—that of our sun; and that dif
ference of distance only caused the apparent dif
ference of size. The number of stars visible by
means of a teleseve of twenty feet of focal dis
tance may be more than five hundred millions. It
is affirmed by M. _A-:ago that there are certainly
stars in the firmament whose diltancs from the
earth is 344 and even 900 times greater than that
of the stars visible to the naked eye. See what a
conclusion this leads to! It is admitted that light,
with the velocity of 77,000 leagues a second, takes
three years to reach us from the nearest star. And
there are stars 344, and even 900 times more re
mote ! Then there are stars whose light does not
reach as until after two thousand seven hundred
years—an infinity in distance as it is in numbers.
Brooklyn has discovered a plan by which the tem_
perature inside of a dwelling may be reduced twenty
or thirty degrees below that of the outside. He
proposes to construct barracks upon this plan for
the U.S. Army at Vera Cruz; and by having the
soldiers live in a temperature below that in which
the yellow fever and other tropical diseases become
contagious, lie hopes to save hundreds of valuable
lives. From his successful experiments, made du.
ing the warmest day this season, we are favorably
impressed with its utility. The invention can be
applied to new dwellings at a very small expense.
This is another aid to proper ventilation. We are
happy to see attention paid to such important
The inventor is Mr. Thomas G. Boone, and his
method is simple and equally applicable to vessels as
well as buildings.—Sci. American.
With great pleasure that a Railroad for the vicinity
of New Brunswick to Easton (Penn.,) is now in con
templation. It is thought that a grade of less than
twenty feet to the mile can be obtained through the
richest part of the State of New Jersey, opening at
the same time a direct communication with the coal
region of Pennsylvania.
This subject is now in the hands of capitalist,
who appear determined to prosecute it with vigor.
They have the best wishes of the public for the
speedy accomplishment of this great work.—N. Y.
THE Tr.csocitru.—The Telegraph, says the Na
tional of Monday, has been completed up to this
date, seventy miles from Mobile, this way—and
beyond Mobile twenty miles. Also, twenty-eight
miles from Now Orleans to the Rigolets. If wire
can be procured, the line between here and Mobile
will be in operation by the Ist of August.—Delto.
ID" A most singular fish was caught yesterday
at one of the wharves. It was nearly five feet in
length and two and a half feet broad; the mouth,
one foot from corner to corner, with two rows of
small sharp teeth. Under the belly were two claws
shaped something like the human hand. On the
back part of the head were several horns. None
of the large number of persons who saw it, knew
of what species or by what name it was called, and
but two or three persons ever before saw a fish of
the kind. Whatever may be its name it is the ugli
est looking customer we ever saw, and should we
come in contact with such a monster while in the
act of bathing, we should paddle for the shore as
quick as possible. It could swallow a good sized
boy without much inconvenience.—Bristol (R. I.)
0J Mr. Pour travelled through four States on
the .sth as follows :—Maine, New Hampshire, and
passing down the sound was bounded on either side
by two others, viz: New York and Connecticut.
NEW CLUSTER OF STARS. —The Cincinnati Herald
states that Professor Mitchell has discovered a new
cluster of stars, o.le thousand in number, to which
he Ime given the name of Becchoide. Their ap
pearance is singular. They are of a blue tinge,
and emit an unsteady light. They seem to revolve
in a spiral orbit..
BOW EL Commairrrs occur more frequently during
the summer months than at any other period, be
cause at this season of the year, the system being
debilitated, digestion is not sufficiently active to
dispose of the food before it becomes putrified; hence
a peculiar acid is generated in the stomach, which
is the cause of those horrid diseases called dysen,
tery, cholera morbus, inflamation of the bowels,
&c. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a natu
ral remedy, and therefore are a certain cure for all
kinds of bowel complaints; because they cleanse
the stomach and bowels from those putrid humors
which are the cause of the above distressing cow.
plaints. They also aid and improve digestion and
purify the blood, consequently, as they remove the
cause of every disease, it is absolutely impossible
for them to fail in making a perfect cure of dysen.
tery, cholera morbus, inflamation of the bowels, &o.
Beware of Counterfeits of all kinds !, Some are
coated with sugar; others are made to resemble in
outward appearance the original medicine. Tho
safest course is, to purchase from the regular agents
only, one or more of whom may be found in every
village and town in the State.
rrTho genuine for sato by FRY & SPANG
LER, who are the only authorized Agents for Co
lumbia. Also, by agents advertised in another
Principal Office. 169 Race Street Philads.