Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 19, 1872, Image 3

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    Home, and. County Items.
eId'TETVIER 19, 1872•
Mitentmosnuno is to havo a ca 4 r shop /
001 Y aro, permitted to run at Lugo on
our streets.
• Dpreixiibiget that 'We 'aro, to have a
" Goitip,eOf Lectures" this Winter..,
grquty. was Quarterly meeting in.the
African. M. E. Churolaast Sabbath.
- Tun election Treelunation is mighty
interesting reading matter i . nst now.
Perim it.
- -
.ANanauecessful attempt waEinnale to
rob the Waynesboro' post office a few
'nights since.
TIIE BlOOMfiekli Times is ono of the
neatest papers in appearance that comes
to this office.
Honlps from a distance might as well
romaitiat home, unless they can boat a
Mile in 2.40.
A•-COLOrtl:D' military company, num
bering . 35 men, haft been recently organ
ized at Monist Holly.
NEWPONT -*Chaptor, No. 238, Royal
Archtiasona was installed at Newport,
Perry County, a few nights since.
SINCE the twenty-siith ultimo, Chain
bersburgliors roccivo dady:rimils from
New York and,Philadolphia on, ilia oven:•
ifiTALT. commences, properly speaking,
Saturday next, the 21st instant.
The.atmosphere has felt quite fally-like
for scleral day4past. .
Tagil& will be a lap crop of buck
'wheat: So our Perry county friends in
form us. It will Well be a goo winter
for buckwheat cakes and Faiitages.-)
MR. JOHN E.'GrALBAMAN does the lo
cklizing for the T r a Ue,i/ Sentinel: John
is a clever young man, and a faithful
disciple.of•Faust. We wish him success.
How about the rumor afloat a few
Weeks 'Ellice; relativrtirthe yo•occupanoy
of the Car Barracks by•lj,.. troop.
Who can enlighten us un this lunch
mooted qUestion. •
To our lady leadeis tie would say that
an Ironing. , Sul/tinted,-
promisor to do a larlie amount, of work,
in a very short time, and will, no.doubt,
ho an improvemeUt on the hand-iron in
use at this time.
Atalauta-Bas© Ball Club of this
Place having secured the grounds known
as the "Old Amateur," caution all per-
suns against trespassing o❑ the same,
otherwise they will. be dealt with ,ne-
conlifig to last"
Tltts Cumberland County llortieub
tuial oociot.y will be held in Franklin
hall, MeAanicsburg, Pa., on the Itth,
]llth, 20ar and 21st days of September.
It promises to be the best ever held.
tiekets on U. V. U.
Iw - Ir - we an old-fa,hionNF Mass
Meeting demonstration this Fall. What.
say - thp Republicans. Ihroughout, the
county. Show the What is it." party
that we are tznieed and -.wit dirided as.
th dd h the intelligent masses
tbo ear shops has been
rn, alid Mr. James Hood,
the South Mountain
rge of the clune. (lard
upwardsof one
uty-five men in their
—elle, has returned to his
~'• Raving abandoned,the pat
e,— ,d dispensation, find publishes
both sides c Ltlin question. Bight. There
are. a couple .of these patent outsides in
this valley that might be benefited by
a similar change.
TRY IT. —As the season for canning,
fruit is at hand and many persons use
glass jars, it is important that - they should
know, that by setting the jar on a folded
towel or napkin, thoroughly soaked In
cold water, the fruit can be 'poured' In
boiling hut, with no more danger 'of
breaking than in a tin can.
THE Grant, Wilson and llartranft
Club unfurled a largo flag from their
headquarters on Pitt street, a few, days
since.. They occupy the room lately
used by the Grand Army of the Repub
lic. A cordial invitation is' extended to
all to visit dt, as it is open at all hours
of the day and every evening.
1411. T NAME.—So many of ou(Dorno
erotic 'exchanges have headed the
National ticket with difforentleadings,
that we almost thought they had no
name, but wo have boon enlightened.
Mr. Francis C. Dony, the lifelong Demo
crat of Carbon county, in hbi powerful
address on Wednesday evening of last,
week, aptly called it the " What ix it"
party. Cor-rect.
IT has boon argued on previous occa
sions that if the Agricultural Society,
;wore to offer a more liberal promiumlor
fast trotting, a larger number of ' people
would attend the fair. That obstacle
has boon removed bythe oftimirs of the
present year, as the list of premiums wdll
show. A'singlo 'torso of $3OO alone to
the fastest horse, open to the world; is
ono of tho attractions. Como ono, come
all and witness fast trotting.
The publisboro t of this valuablo Agricul
tural Journal offer to send tho remain
ing-numbers of this year free to all new
subscribers for 1873, - Thus giving over
•500 pages of- valuablo readiog matter,
illustrated with numerous engravings,
for $l.OO. Sample espies free. Address,
N. P. Boyer & Co., Paylcosburg, Chester
County, Pa.
- ,
• Am an election for oilleora of the Car-
Halo Building and Loan Association, for
the ensuing 'year, held% Septomber 7,
1872, the following board Was elected :
'President, ;Henry Saxton ; Vico Presi
dent, W. 311eCommons ; Secretary,
C. P; Ilumrich ; Treaeurer,• Then. Com
mon ; Directors, J. W. Smiley, L. T.
.131roOnflold, W. F. Saddler, Brindle,
B. Wetzel, J. 'Plaulc,,G; S. 'Becton - 1 and
J. L. Sterner.
' Tint first' exhibition of the fanners of
the "upper end" will open at Shippe l y_
burg, Thursday, Septimiber 191 h, and
...continuo three days. As this is ',the first,
effort of the people of this section in, this
direction, we trust their efforts may be
, crowned With success, and in a 'short
time successfully compote,• with the
•• ElortMultural Society of the "lower
end. ° Liberal premiums aromfferod.
In glancing, over tho names l oCille coin
mittoo we notice some of .the very best
TOMO have boon eolootod.
'• —The tooth animal ox'hibition of the
'Adiinee`County Agricultural Society will
behold at Gettysburg, on Tuesday; Wed
:„ oefiday and Thursday, the 24th, 25th
andAtli•days of September, With 144-
day, the 211 d, as entrance day. ' The
• grounds, buildings, \stalls, track,
(among the best ,in the Stato,) are in
thoroughly good condition ; and the pro
• mitun list is liberal. , An unusually full
is expected, the Itopublicans organize in each
township in the,,pounty, and prepare 'for
"the tight on the second Tuesday of 04a
bor. .
SOME few offif) farmers have already
coMmenced &king' corn. It promifies
to be a much largei• yield than was
TIIE Cumberland Villoy iroaL
issgo excursion ticlrotsysluring the fair
season, whether tho*ntlior is fair or
not, at reduced faro. .
. ,
. .
THE collars of Mr. Wils, Spotswood
and Mrs. Bonder, on East Pomfret street,
were entered a •few nights since, and
several articles stolen from the same.
A TRAIN numberhig 167 'empty care,
nearly all eight-wheels, lately pased
over the Eastern sliyision of the Penn
sylwriia Central .. The train was over a
DON'T forget the grand rally for GnANT
and HARTNANFT, iu thp Court House,
this (Thursday-) evening at half-past
7. Gen. A. 11. Hancock and other able
speakers will anthems the meeting.
—The house of James Davidson was
toCally destroyed by tire, with its' entire
contents, on the night of Saturday, the
14th instant. The family made a narrow
escape., Origin of tiro unknown.
A FIRE OR Judge Watts' old place,
now owned by Mr. Waggo s nor, destroyed
wash hong° about 10 feet long, on
Wednesday afternoon, the 11th instant.
They were engaged in boiling apple
butter when the tire broke out. But for
a wind form the South, the main build
ings would have taken fire. '
Wotan are the police? A number of
lads, ages ranging, from 12 to 16 ywirs of
ago, are in the habit oft codgregating
nightly along tri i it . "eollege fence facing on
Main street, and insulting every female
that chances to pass by. The police
should give this matter their immediate
attention, or.let the students see td it.
STict:nns.—ill l •. James 11. 'Hopkins,
of Allegheny county, ono of the candi
dates for Congressman-at-largo on the
Democratic ticket, and the individual
that addressed the unt6rrilied" last
Friday .night, should be a little more
guarded in distributing his "stickyis,"
or in other words tickets with Lis name
on and nicely gummed on the fevers()
side. - A friend of ours, and an ardent.
Republican, showed us several hundred
of these slips that lie had, obtained from
the gentleman, Mr. Hopkins supposing
lie was bestowing them upon a Liberal
Republican.. ,
Wr e . present this week An outline of
the and exercises of .the Con
vention"6l thdli'. M. C. A., held here
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
of tryst week. There wore not as litany
delegates in attepdance Its was expected,
about 130 being present. 13a the ses
sions were full, and many earnest voices,
tool: part in the exercises. Many promi
neuhrn in religious work were present
fioni all parts orthe State, and gave' in
terest and made prolitable the discussions
advanced. The work of the Y. M. C. A.
has been placed before our people in a
clear and plain 'light, :fad 'we trust that
the infine.mes: may be felt, in our pwn in
the advncement,of Teligionelkith, and
our young men be strengti*(o4-and en
couraged in their work inintr mißst.
CITY Jots Purrin . —The employing
job and book printers of Now York have
employed ono of their fdimlier to report
upon the state of the trade. Tie thus re
marks upon the successful competition
which such offices as the Carlisle Han:.
ALT) are enabled to offer :
"The eviPfrom which employing hook
printers most sullbr is the war}t of re
munerative work!' There i lice a
book office in the city that has lug mate
rial enough to do thrice the . WTA that is
done. The t)pps and me ro fattnnorit
than half the time. 'r ho «uck that
should be done ht the city goes abroad.
The established rate of the Now York
and Philadelphia printers for composi
tion and stereotyping Is $1.35 per 1.000
ems, but 'malty good houses have reduced
the rate to $1.25, The reduction is not
el:lough to meet.the of publishers.
They get the work chino in interior and
eastern cities and villages for 1.01, for
Art, for 00 cents. Not even at the two
third rates - of boys or gills can New
York and Philadelphia employers cow:
bete with these prices."
A•r a meeting hold in Nowville, Pa.,
on Saturday evening, the 14th instant, a
Giant, , Wilson and Haan - Lull club was
oilkanized with-the following officers :
Peesitlent—John S. flays ; Vice Prosi•
dents—Col. W. H. Woodburn, William
linenle; Wm. 11. Bricker, Edward'Hays,
Jos. B. Huisfi, Joseph Wilt, Christian
Bowman, James Harlan, S. E. Piper and
'Peter Winer ; Secretaries—Stacy G :
Glauser and James H. Woodburn ;
Treasurer—Jas. McKeehan.
• At this meeting 'over two hundred
names were added, to the club. Many
More will be added and those who have
not yet given their names are respect
fully in s y . W4fto do so. A more entbusi
)istie and harmonious meeting than this
has never been held in Nowville, and as
the preliminary meeting of the campaign'
in this district augurs well for,the suc
cess of our cause in Oils county. Among
othdr, business an executive commit
tee was' appointed, consisting - ..;61 three
active wOkers from each township, and
the borough comprising this. election
BURO.—On Friday evening last, about
half-past olght o'Pleck, fire broke out in
the stable of Mr. John Preston; and tho
flames communicated to the , stable of
Mr. Gee. B. Cole, adjoining, both build
ings being destroyed. The lire damaged
the stables of Mrs, Welsh and Stephen
Fagan to a considerable extent. T,ho
fences around the public school huildings
were considerably "damaged. We have
not learned the full extent of the losses,
or - whether the properties were insured.
There liPpears t 6 be a systematic plan
adopted tin reduce our neighboring town
to ashes, hsCscarcely a week elapses that
Fonni building is not destroyed by the
incendiary's torch. Their efforts seem
to be particularly directed to bnrning
the pi:operties of, the promincrit citizens.
Anonymous letters hal%e also bond sent'
to different parties announcing that a
fire would take. place on such a night.
Our citizens will remember that a few
years since our own town was subjected
to the same terrible state of 'affairs, and
that it was an extremelPdiffieult matter
to (rain an insurance 'on real estate.
put!through the untiring efforts of one
'detectives tike - guilty parties 'Were- ar l
rented and-punished; and to-day fires aro.
of rare O'ccurFonee. - • •
We haVe been informed that. Oertalit
parties are stispeated of this firffig, and
it is to be sincerely hoped that they may
bebrought to sppedy justice and receive'
the punishment they so richlyqicsorve.-
, 4
ou Saturday owning ir; frame: Atublo, on
tbo alley west of the tior
ought of Shlpponaburg, waS deiA • rtiyod by
fire. We did not learn who the property
boloppil to. • •
.•. , .
PimusE Ch,,Caii Jchn'S 12 roasons i and
th9V,pay him,a visit.. --Ho is , marching
on.'- ' ~. ~.. , .
, . .
. ' MILLER & BIATORFF'S now ad. ap.
lioars in this. issue.‘. This is ono of our
most onterprising,business firms.
,_., dux esteemed eoriosnondeut, W. U.
1 will continuo an account of his trip
to the Northern lakes. ;Another letter
Evil] appear noweek.
AT, the cat,. mooting in Nickoy's
woods last Sath week, water was
sold at two cents, hot per glafis, but for,
as much as you could drink at once. , •
. .
5' '
id vl 11
BusurEss mon,and others in neeil op
job work during the progress of the
Fair, .can have it executed at any time
during the week. Our office will be open
all the time.
;WE would suggest to the town council
the propriety of introducing water intq
thd Public-Cemetery. This is ono very
serious drawback_ . to beautifying' and:
ornamenting many of the encloshies.
The cost would be trifling, while it would
be highly_appreciatcd by lot owners.° '
day last, officer Wilhelm of Harrisburg,
plm:d a colored . woman in jail bn
charge of larceny froM another colored
individual. She was committed until
the November
DIE parties charged with obtaining
the buggy under false pretences from A.
B. Zeiglor's livery some time since and
arrested at the camp meeting at 'l3 oiling
Springs, last Sabbath weelc, have settled
the suit. Although Eborloy, one of the
parties is still ie jail on a charge of forni
cation and bastardy.
CLUB MEETING.-A. very largo and
enthusiastic meeting of the Grant,
son and Llartranft Club was hold in
their Club 'Room, last Saturday evening.
Business of importaned was transacted,'
after which the meeting was elaVtirately
and eloquently addressed by our young
'townsman, Armstrong Noble, Jr., who
carefully reviewed the issues of the day.
• ON Saturday evening, a man was ar
rested in 'Mechanicsburg, by Officer Zinn,
on a charge of fraud, preferred by a
Ilaltnnore grdcery firm, and in default
of bail was committed by irustiee Leas
for his appearance at the next term of
Court. It being too late in,the evening
to take the prisoner to \ , Carlisle, ho was
put into the Hole in the back Pa7rt of the
Engine Jl,Ru s sa , ,, commonly known as the
lock-up, and 'we have been informed,
kept therdii4VMOnday morning. 'rho.
C they Indeiwndeni speaks of this con
finement as a great outrage ; and if what
is asserted °tithe lock-up be tine, it is
high time the autkirities of Mechanics
but g furnished a butter one. "
Tut.: grading of the Harristarrg and
Potomac railroad ja finiF•bed from tko
Dogwood Hun to Papertown, and work-
men will et:mimetic.: ballasting ir, a
few days We therefore cxl:ert that the
pntion it the road lying, hetween the
Meehanieshitrg - and Dillsh wg railroad,
and the, South Monntain railroad, will be
finished by the first of January. This
will open nut the last beds of ore in the
South MUuntain and give empioymerit to
hundreds of men. Now is the time for
Cumberland and York county Capitalists
to invest in lion manufactories, cithee f in
Ithichaniesburg, or close to the line of
one of the new railroads in the valley.-
1:411e,y Independent.
STAI'ETAIIt AT Emm—ExtenSive pre c .
paratious are bang made for
, the groat
State industrial e*hibition at,,Mur beauti
ful city 06 the Lake, which takes place
this week. This is the first State fair
in that section of Pennsylvania and the
attendance prunii:el! to be immense.
From accounts that have' rcaelitd us
there will be a profuse display of agri
cultural and horticultural products from
the neighboring States of New York and
Ohio, and from the Dominion.' Somo of
the first, blooded horses in the country
have been entered for exhiliition, and
the trial of speed in running and trot
ting will be very interesting.
AsumeroN CAMP No. 171, P. O. S.
-or A, was instituted at Carlisle, Sep
tember 9, 1872, by State Master of
Forms and- Ceremonies, Brother 'W. E.
'Nunnemeeker, assisted by Brothers from
Camps No, 10, 21, 102 and 16-1. The
following officers were duly installed of
'Camp No. 117, for the ensuing term :
I'. A. Green ; B. Hoff
man ; V. G. Speck ; M. of F.
D. llail ;. R. R.—D. M. C.
'Gring ; A. It. 3.—A. E. Monasmith ;
T. S.—T. Rhinehart ; T.—Juo. Good;
J: Amoy ; I.' G.- 7 J.. Oliver;
0. G.—e,'3lorrison ; Chaplain—J. T.
LiggeL; R.. 5.—C. Wetzel ;
Roltsman ; Trustees—C. D. Hall, D. M.
C. Gring and Jaa. A. ,Green. The camp
was started-under very favorable circum
stances', quite a number were initiated;
a number of applications were received
for membership.
their usual prompt, enterprise and. con
'srderation for the wants and necessities
of their patrons our merchants and busi
ness men in all departments are just now
busy in ropOning and afranOing their new
stocks of goods for the fall 'eampaign.'„,
Main street and other business centr
of our village are assuming a deckled
cheerful nud'lihsiness like
, .
It is perhaps too early 'in the scasnifto
indulge "groat expectii:tiOs," and yet
the countenances of our most,. sagacious
loading merchants exhibit a confidence
that the trade of Carlisle during the
present fall and winter will be fully
satisfactory. Of ono thing. we fe'et
assured, and take pleasure in recording
our conviction, that nothing on the part
of our merchants will be loft undone in
point of fair dealing and liberality to
give all consumers ,within ficcosit.of
Carlisle, inducements!to visit as When
ever' they And it necessary to replenish
exhausted supplies Of .trade. '
The meteorological records of thp`Ponn-
Sylvania hospital at 'Philadelphia; Which
go back •to 1790, anew
, that the -summer
which has jnet•closod. with the Month of
August has been thehottest over known
in the history .Of the city. The mean
tonineraturo of Juno; according to the
record kept at the Pennsylvania hospital,
{VAS 78.02 degrees, or less than throe
quarters °Ca dogroe below that of Juno,
1870, the warmest corresponding month.
"iooord.The moan COMPoilituro of;
July way 82,81 dogma, or j a ':degroo and
third above the moan for July, 1798;
1.838,. 1888; the highest previously re:-
corded. • And now we find the mean
teiiineratiirb of Aligurit 'to '1.140, been
80.01 degrees, which :is greater by over
half a dogroo than the ncinii for Auglist,'
1863', the highest known 'previous to the
'liromMt youi. 'hiked together, we find
an Overage moait temporature for the
three ‘sttnutior months of 70:08 degrees,'
Which is three-quarters of e degree above
the ligureo forth° summer Of 1870, which
herototoro onjoyed the distinction of be
ib.g the hottest knowit iu Philadelphia:
Tun FifthAnnual. , Convention of tho
Young Dien's Christian, Association as
sembled in this place on' TueidaY, Sep..
timber 10, at Si o'olook p, m. .
The Conioption"avas called' to order
by Gen. Beavor, of Bellefonte, President
of the last Convention. At the expir—
ation of a half. hour, (which was
. spent
in•derotional exercises) the committee
on -Permanent organization reported as
,follows • .
President; John Wrinamaker, 'Phila
delphia; Vice Presidents—D. E. Small,
York ; ., John T. Green, Carlisle ; If. K.
Porter, Pittsburg ; Socrotaries-Thos.
Marshall, - Philadelphia ; S. G. Butler,
Danville ; Afidtsw Blair, barlioe.
In the evening an open air meeting
was held on the public square, which
was led by Mr. Appenzeler, of Chambers
burg, and addressed by Rev. S. A. Tag
gart, Pittsburg; Gen: Beaver, Bellefonte,
and A. J. Campbell, Philadelphia.
The welcome meeting was field at
o'clock in the Evangolical Lutheran
church. Mr. J. C. Stock, of this place,
klresided, and after devotional service a
siteech of weicotho was made in behalf
of Oto citizens of Carlisle, by Col, R. lg.
Henderson. ,In behalf of the churches
of CarliSle, by Rev. Wm. M. Frysinger.
In behalf of the Carlisle Association, by
'Mr.' J. C. Stock, President. S
Mr. Wanamaker responded in behalf.
of the Convention to the words of wel-
Brief addresses were . also made by
Messrs. Patterson, of Harrisburg ; An
drewcof Ttdionte ; LoganotPittsburg;.
McKnight, of Chambersbiyg, and Beav,
or, of Bellefonte,
On Wednesday morning a Aver meet
ing WaSheld in the Leeture.rdom of the .
Emory Chapel and at 9 o'clock was called
to order by Ihe president, and after
the usual devional, exercises, the regu
lar orderrof business was the hearing of
three minutes reports, first, from the
Association of Beaver Falls, iu which it
N i v•as stated that in their field of labors
they had-about one 4,lfrtdred Chinese em
ployed in the cutler}' ivorks'of that place.
Prayer was offered in . behalf of the
Chinese and their conversion, by the
Convention, two minutes in silence,. and
then led briefly by the President.
Reports were also heard from, Blairs
ville, Bellefonte, Carlisle, Chambers
burg, Dunbar, Danville, Easton, and
Franklin, after which the subject of
cncigLiborbood prayer-meetings was open
ed by I). E. Small, of York, and followed
by Rev: Robt. MoMillan, of Hermon.
At 2 o'clock p. m., the Convention as
sembled and after the devotional exer
cises, Rev. S. A. Taggart, State Scere
tary, presented the report of the execu
tive committee, in which it was stated
that fifty conventions, similar to the one
held in this place last winter, were Ite*
ill the State, and that twenty-four new
organizations had been formed during
the year, that one hundred Association
are organized throughout the State, and
are at work with more, or less efficiency.
The subject ofdistriet conAmtitions ant
Laymen's . Institutes wasroPened by S
Taggart and followed by others. Re
ports were also heard from'Oormantown
I lam isburg, and [lemon.
An invitation was accepted from Presi
dent McCauley 9f Dickinson College, to
visit that Institution at 5 o'clock. Re
ports were' also heard from Johnstown,
Lan,Caster, Lebanon, Mount Joy, Now
Cumberland and Newville. Prayer was
requested for Newville, after 'which re
ports were heard from Pittsburg and
In the evening the Convention met in
the Evangelical Lutheran chtirch, and
after a very impressisUli devotional ser
vice, the topic, " Faith and Works,"
was opened by• Mr. Srutzman, og Harris
burg, and Mr.c — slaylu'iugh, of Shippens
burg, followed by voluntary reMarks
after which Mr. Fruition, of Di krnson
College and H. K. Porter, of Pittsburg,
• - N. -
made tV s efeacluding•addresses.
Conitption assembled at 9f o'clock on
Thursdakiorn jog. .
'Reportii *or heard from- Lafayette
College, Shippensburg, Shrewsbury,
Tidiouto, Union. Cdtnfirii, Waynes
boro', West Fairview, iirilliamsport,
York, Dickinson College, New"Millford.,
Open air meetings in the cohiitry
was diseUssed by Rev. Robt. McMillan,
and open air meetings in the city
by D. Logan and W. K. Jen
nings, of Pittsburg, Leber, of York,-Mc-
Cormick, •Harrisburg and Frew, of
Pittsburk. At the same. tithe a wom
an's meeting was held in the lecture
room' And addressed by John . Wana
maker, .of Philadelphia. A praise, meet
' ink, conducted by Rev.- S. A. Taggart,.
was continued till twenty minutes past
In the afternoon " How to make the
business meetings of Associa4ons profit
able," was discussed by Mr.
_.Cook, of
Bellefonte, John Wanamaker, of Phila
delphia, JOs. McCOrtnick, of Harrisburg,
and Wm. Johnson, of Pittsburg. •'
The best means of. raising money for
Christian work, was discussed' bV A. T.
Campbell, of Philadel:phia,- and'alessrs,
Prow, Shoops, Detrich, An
draws and A. John Sen, and T the now
methods of Association Work was dis
cussed bir W. E. Lincoln and Dully, of
Blairsville, McCormick,, of . Harrisburg,
and Fernley, of Philadelphia.
In the evening session of the Con
vefitlonl..was held in
. tho -, ,..Evangclical
Luilieialichurob; rho subject of " Per
sonal consecration to Chrl i et," was,yeatl.
ed in very impressive, earnest, practical
and• heart-reaching speeches
Small, of York ; Maj. Matthews,
of Foxburg'; Maj. Frew, of Pittsburg ;
Roy. T. A. Fernley, oft Philadelphia
Jas. McCOrmiek, jr., ra - N4rrisburg;
Roll. Dr. Wing, -of. Carlisle, arid "John
Wauainalier, of PhillZdelphis.
TRIIIIITE,-,gt.; a recent
meeting of :016',Carlis1Otodge; No. 91,
I: 0. - of 0. F., thejolloiving resolutions
were unanimously adopted-: • •
Wulinmas, It has plAand
God to remove from our.midst without a -
moments Warning, our osteemea brothers,
Jessie V: Shally and Louis "limb,: and
'while we 7 boWlin 'nimble submission to'
tho decree of an -all wise •Provideriel3, -
knowing that he dooth all things well,
wo desire to poi this last sad tribute-to
'the memory of our departed brothers;
thoreiore • •
Resolveg,. That ,in •those sudden and
awful dispensatiowo are again re
minded .of the uaconainty •of life! and
certainty of death; warning us to bo
always ready to ri3ceivd and answer
t he Accinarri.—On Monday morupg.last,
summons.of our blessed Redeemer'. • Charles Minot, a• brakeman:on , theabc-.
ilisolved, That to' the afilicren famjlies and freight on the C. V. 'R.; 'Wad thd
and friendworour deceased brothers; we
, . thumb and second Anger qof • the , right
tender out„ warmest - and most' sincere
symbathloir in. this their. groat bereave- hand cut off , while engaged in conp ,g .
, , ,
~ ,
wont. - , oars , at the junetion. The young. Man
.. .Resorvell, That the Lodge be draped in was
- imisedied'Of groat fortitude,. as lie
mourning the usual time.
• . Resolved, -That • those resolutions• be walked from the place of the aceident to
inscribed in our journal and ,that,a, Copy Dr. Zitzer's office, notwithstanding the
of the same be sent to the families' of the terrible pain_ho silifered. Be- was •a citi-•
deceased _and for publication irilho .i :
zen of Chamborsinirg,'arbi! wont , home
Carlisle flnairT.V. , -• . ,
. •. .. • . •
- - ' ",,••• ' To R. TURNE.II, m;''. - ''. '-'
. WM. VANCE,. , .-'"
. .
- 7 ' Committee,
' . , STRATIGN. • ' •
Esq.; or - nunuithoN, N. J.
Notwithstanding , the fact that- the
Young Mon's. Christian Atisociation was
in session on Wednesday evening of last
week; and the threatening aspect I th 6
weather, the Court House was filled with
a largo and appreciative audience to
listen to the, issues of the day ably dis
cussed by Messrs. Dony and Smith.
At half -past 7 o'clock prebisoly, Colo
nel I. B. Parker, l Preiident of thS Grant,
Wilson and Hartrauft Club, called the
meeting to ortit by the appoint i rnent of
the following . ° cers President—Capt.
W. M. Porthr .; Vice Presidents—Major
Thomas Paxton, Messrs. Rheum, En
smingor and Senor ; Secretaries—Messrs.
Sterrett and Burkholder.
Thd President of the meihting in a few
appropriate remarks then introduced Mr.
Francis C. Dony, of Carbon .county to
theluulience. Mr. Dony has been a life ,
long, and ono of the loading Democrats
of Carbon county, but to use his own
words he was' unable to eat crow," and
pledged himself to tho support of Grant,
WilsOn and :Hartranft and the lo
'Republidan ttsket. Fle cicisely;fevie ed
the entirei etninistration of General
Grant, sinecis elevatiOn to the Presi
dency in a clear and concise' mariner/
Also,' handled Horace Greeley without,
gloves, mush to.the delight and admir
ation of his hearers. Buckalew, like
wise, received a lion'S shard of the speak
er's attention, while lie ably defended,
and contradicted the many fabrications
afloat relative to the dishonesty Of • the
gallant General Hartranft.
Mr. Dony is a gentleman of preposses
sing appearance, pleasing address, and
Carried away the audience by the
many happy hits he
during the
'evening,. Ile held the audience almost
spell-bound for fully an hour and a
half, and • made a favorable impression
upon every one present. Upon cod
eluding his remarks, he was (Ward
by Mr. Henry C. Smith, of New Jersey,
who dwelt briefly, but in an able manner
upon the great and momentous issues at
stake in the present political contest.
Oun Feat.—This is the last oppor
tunity we Wild-have of calling upon tie
citizens of this and adjoining counties to
turn out en movie at the Fifteenth An
nual Exhibition whichcommenced next
.week, to continue three days.
, We can
assure all that tho officers have worked
untiringly to make it one of the Lost
fairs ever dield„in.Old Mother 'Cumber
land ; nest buildings have been erected ;
the trotting course put in fine condithin,
and several other worthy improve
ments arewisiblm The seats for the ac
commodation of visitors' have all been
erected, and this is a decided feature.
Then, in addition, the premiums have all
been, increased, those fontrotting anu
fast horses alone aggt ting Isev'eral
hundred dollars. II
And now that the nilago s hal,!,d done
so Much, it remains for our people, one
and ail, to turn out, a n d thus show that
they fully appreciat? their efforts. We
do not have any hesitancy in saying that
should the weather prove favorable there
will be more' yeti' ' 'Japed at
this exhibition th -HI S , tiviCius one.
P. S.—By ass Co
d at alThceilied from
C. B. Mullin; the Agricul
tural Somey, as we go to press, we learn
that the Annual Address before the So
eiety'will he delivered by Predessor S. S.
Ilaldemail. Judging from this distin
guished gefitleman's literary attain
ments, our people will be favored with
an oration of rare merit. - '
A NEW MovE..—An important move
was made in the recouttXonvention of
the State Medical Society of Pennsylva
nia, in tho adoption of
.a report covering
'the draft of a bill to be submitted to the
Legislature, providing that in thb future
it shall be the duty of the assessors of
the various wards,,borougim; aid town
ships, to return each year to tlio:cciin
missioners of the county the number. bf
births, Marriages and deaths. These
reports are , to embrace, in the case. of
births, full name of father and mother,
occupation .of father, names of other
members of the fimiliimme of mother
previous to Marl-loge, date and:place of
birth, etc., and of marriages and deaths,
similar information and statistics aro to
be obtained. The,proposed act also pro
vides 'certain
~dompensationsi the'
assessor for pollormilp his duty.
Fakir. ExatniTioN.—The grandebt ex
hibition of Dry Goods that has ever been
displayed in CaHAW — wilt be exhibited
at Duke. & Burkholder's, North }lanOver
street, during the fair and all through
the season,. Mr., Burkholder is rioiv in
New tork and Philadelphia, and will
spare no pains to'bring their stock ui to
the bighents,tandard of perfection. This
stock will be found the largOst and most
attractive that has' over been displayed:
Ladies -fairnot to go and see the elegant
.01k dresegoods, shawls and furs on ex
libition,; and for the gentlemen they
have a largo assortment - of cloths and
cassimeres of the latest and nobiest
styles. 'lt affords,the:Se gontlenfen pleas
ure, to show, you thbir goods, and it ,is
well these times, for-the people to. sea
where they, tan; get goods, And
the most of thern,,,forthe least money.
LOCATED in the midst' , :of the agricul
tural county of Lancaster is' the . - duly
nickel mind now being workqd in the
United States, and which yields the ore
from which all our small coins are made.
This, mine has been deloloped to the
depth of over 200 feet, and Las been
winked for seventeen years. The len th'
'.of the lode is about 3,000 -feet, the re
hearing portions. varying in width_ f om_
1 to 40 feet, :producing from 400 to, 700
I tems perpionth,and - omployhig'l7s , moil:
. .
7'.I s TRAVBEAPER PosvOn.---The new pos
tal . code pr - 'ides that on, newspapers
and other periodicals sent from the office
of pnldidation to - regularsubseribeis post
rige can . he paid'for olio - quarter or one
year; commencing at any date; in ad-
Nance. ' This is a numilitriere reasonable
and advantageous arrangoinone, and will
prevent the mar misunderstandings
which " have occurred heretofore, by the
former plan of onlibeing allowed to pay.
each quarter separately,
WILD pigeons aro said to be plenty'
pore'' , fail:: to wynqs 111 9 ' trot, - for tho
$3OO purso tp : takoplato at * the coluty
fair next week. ,
" IT is amusing to read some of the signs
that have een ; put lip in different parts
Of the tow - Wohavo refereneo to the
orthograplr •„ y.. . ,
kn. avec :Twins,. (if this. place,
n large telngraph pole, itfew,dpis
since, received 'a severe byulsO in his
foot, by the polo Tailing upoMit. '
NTT!: synod of West Pennsylvania met
in the English LutliMan church of thig
place on IWeibiesclay, ;Intl will continuo
in session qottnne week. There area
great many &legates fin attendance as
well ns other visitor's,,l•':'?
Tim open air exercises tUolc place on
the corner of North and .lianevar streets
last Sabbath 'evening, and were well at
tended 'They will beltplclontehe Pnblia
Square and West Pomfret street nest
tabbittli evening. . .
NOTICE. -- Exeentors, administrators
and guardians are notified that all aq
ebitntefor coilfirmation'and alloy:hue° at
the next Orphans' Ootirt,.muet be tiled
in tho Register's office on or before the
twenty-sedond day of September, 1872.
Ofilir It NEELY,
To enable all to Scorer themselves that
the Domestio . ; sotng,iiMkohiir hal, am
"cog whable, , or small rditVcance,tded
in the solid arm (?.53 reported by. agents
,othei machines). Tho agent, Joseph
Ogilby, has received for exhibition -a
‘.'Skeleton" with that iron franle work
cutaway to show the entire :lotion of
the working parts. Don't fail to see it.',
, . -Mn. S'AIIIEL CLAUDVriII Church alley,
a few docira west_ o'f•nur Mlles, liaii re.:
ceived a largo stock of tiuwire, Lc.,
which be Will dispose of at lousoim bio
rates. He ha also received the agency
of the Radia t Home Palitnifitove, which
is prouou ced to Le fully , equiil to
Parlor stove in use at this time, and is
destined to become very popular. Visit
his rooms'.
TIT, demand for.ithe HERALD - is in
creasing weekly. Although we printed
several quires extra last week, the entil'a
edition was soonvxbausted. During the
past week we have-.had the pleasure of
miffing •several new namus to our
and there is still room fur several Min.
dyed more. There is no reason why our•
edition should not :it least-number Hp
qUires : if our friends non tho least'exut ,
tion. •
'last. AVal(ei:
Waldemar, charged %\ ith being
cated in the robbery M'Erncio < t Clever's
store in Jacksonville, in August lash, was
arrested by Daniel Wolf airt Joshua
Black at : Catoctin Fulnaro, Maryland,
1k was brought to Millie mon Monday
evening awl placed in jail on Tuesday, to
await hi a trial at tiro November Quarter
S lIQOTING Asir.. v.—On Sattothiy last,
Scott McFarland, colored, while nyjt
hunting, ashori disttiime above Mi
discharged the contents of his win at
Elizabeth Jones end Tfa cliel ;Waldman,
the women ndrrowly escaping with their
lives. Ifni etion hag been' made
,against Scott, and it is thought he will
not shoot at people in the future.
WE see that Ogilby, 47 West Main
street, is intim , opening a Itirfe stock of
dry goods and_notiirms. As itria (tallier
than usual for our merchants to teceive
their tall stock, on inquiry being made,
we were Informed that it was to enable
all who shall visit yur coming fair,
weekApliava a full new line of
to st,l9ct froth. We would advise in
want of cheap goods to pay them a visit
before; purchasing„ as their prices are
much below. What they have been for
many years.
BUSINESS limn and othOrs should beak.
iu `mind that we are ful i ly preiiiind. to
estiOte every'description ft job wink on
short' notice. - We would atten
tion to the bandsorne . tri-coloruil OIT(`-
sheet poster printi2d for the Ae,riiiiiltural
Society. (Inc work Will compare favor-
ably with that turne , i , out by any ()tiler
bstablishuieut is the,' an.l our
Corms aro n - Oeaper than the cheapest."
Give us - a' call.
Busn M EFriao .—The colored citizens
of Carlisle will hold a three days meot
ing tindeif the auspices of the Bev. H.
M. Dickson and Rev. T., Bid‘ll4, and oth
ers, in Andrew Nickey's grove, Spring
ville, near lioiliug , beginning
September 20, and lasting over Sunday:
Ther,ii will be refreshinents and hor:•ie feed
on• the ground for any one wishing
There Will be no huckstering allowed
within one•milo of the grmid, 11 , ) loud
talking or swearing on the grounds.
The pulpit are invited to attend. Como
one, come all. Rux.ll..M. DICKSON,
Bny. B.
WHILE friontj of ours was hunting
on , the :loath Mountain, one day Ja.4
week, he chanced tt' moot all ' urchin,
with whom 'the following dialogue took
'lace :
. Boy, what is your sumo-^`
I , ‘ John Weshil-, sir." •
That was the name or a good and
wise man, and you ought fp be proud of
Thou fulluwed a tiu•lher c: % ;itninitlion
of tlio boy; during wltieh-tbo followdlg
questions and answers were given :
" Who is the President or the. United
"Did you ever hear of Grant
" Yes, sir." •
"Did you,ever hear of Greeley
• "ph, 'yes) we've got him ill, home."
"tow, got him ?'
" Got his
• ';` now toll us, iy_ho is
ruiTathor going to vote for ?"
going to vote for.lllounisoN."
They do say our candidate .for Cora
"missioner is popular with both political
parties alike. ;
have unintentionally neglected noticing
the following public and private sales of,
trainable real estate,. for which bids haVe
eithei been printed at thil office; or the
adverthieinent appears in Out' cOhimns ,
~../.W.George. Oyster, administrator of D.
May, deceased, in puriumide Of' fin'ordel'
of the Orphans' Court or , . Curbberland
county,. on the promises, 3i miles west of
,Harrisburg, and 1 mile north of Oyster's
Point, the farm of Daniel May . , decoased f
containing Y 33 acres 'of good land, with
improvements. On Saturday, September
29, at 1 o'clock p: m."
' By J: W. Craighead,guardian of Win:
and Edward Moore,a valuable farm sit
uated in Sopth Middleton, township, ad
joining• the. villae of apertouM, con
taining 49 acres of gravel lau'd with im
provements. 'On Saturday, October 6, at
-1 o'clock p.
By Peter and Jtisse Brindle, exocntOrg
of. John BrincllN , in' Monroe township,' ,
ofiemilo .north-west of Churelitov,T, ou
the road- leading 'from ChuriihtoWn ':to
gickorYtOWn',. arvaluablo farm containing
9., acres, of first-rato limestone land,. With
'improvements. Oa Saturday, Septethtbr.
21, at,l o'clock p: •-• .
By Emanuel Stayer and Sohn. E;:iitz„
administrators of sainuol - Kutz, deceased,
in ~Yeat Ponuaboro':towashlo, two miles
,north-esst. of Nowvllle j ;ten cores or lime
stone- land, with - Nixie grist' and mer.
Chant mill, a stone dwelling house, saw
mill and otherimprovements. On TM-us
day.,-Septembey,2o, at 10 old - 90 Iva. m.
By t3ainuel hiohlr, in 11 , iddlosex town
ship, a valuable limestoneXarM, coptrirn.".
ing about 44 acres.. Also Bind:ir k Oritairr
On Friday, September
By libbert thvi4 and Jose& 'Stow-.
art, assigneei of 'Win. Blair, in Saville
township, Perry county, 917 acros of
good land, with improvements: . On .
Thursday, September, 19.
. .
By . George Miller, attornopin fact for
the heirs oruonrad Throne, &ceased, in
Westpounsborq' township, valuable real-.
estate; containingllnews.and another'
'tract of 150 acres with improvements,
On Friday, September 20.
The executors of Magdalena Lehman,
deceased, offer at private Rah) a farm of
BO acres, with improvements.
bavid Corner (Whin at private'' sale, a
valuable will property situated on . the
Yellow „I . 4neelies , creek, and known as
the. Cumberland Mill.
,By Danielell. Baker, administrator of
Henry Balrer,• deceased, in Hopewell
township, 212 acres of slate land, with
improvements. On Saturday, October 12.
C. Yuheti offers, k at. private, sale "that
three-storyh brick hots opposite - t
Market House. "
Jacob'Boas .offers at private sale' his ,
immense stock of goods.
• By the exe6utors of Martin Herman,
deceased, in Silver bfiring township, a
tiro farm witil all necessary improve
menta. On Tuesday, October 15.
4 83411i1ip eigler, farm situated in
Frankford lownshipp containing ~ ,100'
ap;CS, with imptovements. , Also mown.
thirOrind. On Friday, October ••
By 0. I'. 'lluturielt, administrator of
.Ino. Halbert, deceased, a valuable lot
• and house of ground. On Saturday,
September 28, at the Court House.
By Tripner, assignee of Win.-
S. Burkholder, in Silver Spring town
ship, a lot of gtound with improvements.
Also, Variety.of heusehoM and kitchen
funiiture. On Saturday, October 5.
By 04h:trine Waggoner, administra
tri.:,:, iulfewt,oll township, a tract Of 40
cores, with impwrvements. On Satur
dn3:,:tlieMeritlier 21.
t lly 'Satchel', in'Nortli Middle
tnn township, a valuable sand stone
On. Wednesday, October 2.
Three or ft-lots at private salr, by Jon
Ey JJe.:4; : e iletrielz, the property of
Peter Albright. deceased, in Middlesex
township. (hi Thulsolay, Oetober'lo, at
1 q'clocic p. m.
Henderson and Geo. Miller,
ailinintstratms of Levi Trego, deceahed,
at Mona IZc elc,. U desirable , - tracts of
hunt .On 'hlesaa.), Octobsr 15. at, 10 a.
I;\' .1 , 0.111 ..14.01,, in - West pennsboro'
;Ina forty ',defies
of \ ahatile ');111(i. 011 'Thursday, ticl,r
11N" Rachel 13e,;1, in lilavrlle, Adams
county, on 1- I ,iturday, October :1, vain
ablo real cat atesand ItiVEounl froperty.
BS: MI'S. S•irall Aid Royer, adininiq
trator of John Royer, deceased, in South
Middleton township, fivo tracts of vain-,
able land. On Friday . , October 11, at
10 o • clochh a In•
C 1 CCXXI'M oftors for sal° a
small farm of 70 iwrcs, two riiiles cart of
vAli(th xory &Fit - IMo prop
erty void plcaJattt hams. Terms to suit
the purchaser. 125e723V
F.% am ion SAl.E.—Mr..llenry Haeleen
bevry, of Frani:fold t wnO ip, o:fera' a
private sale his vnhtablo fitrin, situated
near IVaggnuor's Gap ;Road, about 5
miles north-west of Cat lisle, containing
about 53 acres. This ia a very desirable
ProiA`ty, and *I hoao sviabing to buy
Would do see it
1 - ;au7'.? it'
' Mns. K.}:ttr,En wilt re-o l t her F‘clecl.
School for the instruction .1 . young chil
dren on :Monday, Septcruber 2. For
particulars and information, address or
call on her at Southeast comer of West
and South streets, C4rhsle, Pa. •
'll'afotArs no real medicine ever gained
tlaidilapid popularity which Castoria has
dem , . tom rclateS their expeii
-O,lC•' (lieOS 10 allrlther, it is
vegetahl, preparation, perfectly harm-
Tess, pleasant to take ; does not disti ess
or L , ripe, lmt. regulates the system, and
sure to opOrjan when ;ill other remedies
have failed. Auy person who has over
used Castoria for stoniabh ache, constipa
tion, croup, ilatuleiiiy, worms, piles, or
deranged liver, wi,)l never again use
nau.,eatiug oil, bitii3r., pills or _narcotic
syrups. The' Castufia contains neitlior
minerals, morphitt44:lo alcohol., By its
soothing, qutaingli!ifect it produces
natural ,Aleicn, and is r particularly
Adapted to'crying . andjeet long children.
It costs but cents; and oun bottle will
save many dollars in doctors' bills.
'tun Domestic has edgrors and earn
sikm cap uu every qtaohine, and is war
ranted for three year::.
.T. hi. 3fAsoxTrinmEn, cmncr•uf Pom
fret and Pitt streets, has the hest quality
of Teas, Coffees, Syrulis,Cm . rants, Rai
sins, Family Flour, &c., that can be had
in the market. , • • I thiep72l
Tut' . . highest. juices paid for Butler,
Eggs ❑ul ill kiudts of produce, at
..11a5ouliehnor's. • I tisep72 I t
A LARGE lot of 'choice eider barrels
!'for sale at reasonable prices. foiluirc: at
1 7 a1ler's grocery, n em63 ,. .Z•forth Hanover
DoN'T fail to sea the Domestic se'rilig
matt4ititi-4Mout , -Fair, noc week, ns•it • is
the 11x:it:time it itaii exhibited• in
..ettinbollniul county: ' •
:h. , fl. of Mims: Allll , ri 4 !111 111,1 SWI . II
OiVl'd 11 I
1 . - 7PLES. potato°, ).0111.Y. lanj, spaw, t”antry
and clap C 05141, htorell LOU wa.king road at Ilannlrlia.
A9T0N1.1115 . 6, Ilir 1,14 e .11 ';ind ei.ld
macken-I at
ULCER': In quito n run f. 1.13nE EItITUPIM 4 E,4f
Gaut rlrh'<. ,
Ol'; IYatoi., and Un Crackdrd at Iltnn
throe aut 3lookorol MO all thus go it
XIVOTII.IIIt lot of titow Sugar Cortal
. 51100111000
at itt i oarkli's.:
11 11.81:1(11(LPE113 look to your intermit, and If
poi yant 11. pilaw Rio eolTee,, go, to llatorich's• and
nyk --- for - ille llrito . rprige -CofTee, -- 'llO - ColTea - 1a
ronetea by anllproyoti iwoceo4la a revolving air
timnt c 'Under, t.lroby, letalning tint aroma w Walt
esealies hi r:aqtilo in tiro' upon pall, - iiiid - aavfog .
111,71.1.1 . ill lierCVll - 1 the very OPINICO of thu COliet•
Warrauied to glVo bat iiitabtinit, or the aloud ro
Nu Lica.. • 29au'l 2
lIA Lit cut antlwhlnketu dyad In thi, bent man uor
ut 1,11.10:00's uncut Slum on North: innover
FOIt 'l. rhoico ham, Or a olive of the 1411110,
down to Meloy CO. , 20ap72
you want a good thorn, go to Linut , ltubl'o Huy
'Blond Barbor,Shoin", tf
J ESTILL Imo'.lot . lot of t but l'rOlnium, 310 E 15 led Go ]
'foe, and nfou . tilo lluent Ilntorwl Toils at • 4loloy'
JUST 'racelvol•jor torah •tho ha1:G . 024, fatteat unl
whiteNt *AlackorOl rt tho 4. 'Clrijko Cleocer . i,' s J. "L,
lelc,vy . :3: Co , proprletoro,
'H1419, Zilti,iiltiors, Fides, Dried Boor, Beer Tooiiito
'wbotn,Pr , ' •
We aro tho 0010 Agents In Corilola for the silo of
Ilto'Oonttlon Boomlimo Kia tl lOVOS. They
rero n1,16,11.113' neknowleditell to bo' the . beet nnll
Irneot Uhl Oloroltnrortod.
k •
tinto7l:tf,) , MILLER tz- IIUTTOItyY.
. •
4, G.titco: .2tock. of Pry Lumbi.r, plaeotl diu
yalln 'Culor,il Eno In for nob of low rigor°...
Hlkl3glon, l'lcketn; e., a1v4413 cu 11110. Onll
at the upper ,r lower yard?,
, nop7i!tf
TIIE beet nssorlmout. of .Hamburg o .dgea and
InserLinko can Lo found
27je72tf J. U. v0ra,"13..
creating daily a grhet excitement by soiling all
kinds of trove goods very cheap; by giving the best
bargains ever heard of jn Lace Segues and lance
Points. All lieu new styles of Sun Umbrellas and
Parasol, ,licancr at the Centf al Dry Goode Store Cum
anywhere else. 'The best bargains iu all kinds of
White Dross Goods can I,e had at the Central Dry
Goode Store. Spring Bustles, the Lent ever made
at the Centtal. Sall Silk Ties, Lace Collars,
11ambtirg Trimmings, Seamless Kid Wows, cap
only be had by ailing at the Old Central Corner, in
Carlisle. . MILLER R BUTTORp.
The ,al...crila,Tr haling mecur,al a barge Meek of thin
n•st gnaflt}• ire, fr. linen nnd.nll Impart'
ttov, oil' of 11101111taill_ faNflfrlA, tx usow preparivl to
t1 , •11 . 6 or it to custotner:3a low _rotes. Ordera lett at
olther ef the Coal ollicel will •ise .1, rout i;L.111
I'IN 1; lot of Lliuuburlitrs, I.lcl Nut Cool out
Itnlt I': it ,s rolurml. Coll Si upper or.,lowor
A. 11, LLAIR.
T., know hum tin. trost. Sd,vre in 11... mar
,lbe Alta lot arrived a nn, aseortmeat, of 14,,q
.11.: r, elad, l'ne l P, ,, e , I:,ath•a The beet
al'A cheapest Fralt Cann and Jamie the market'
aIW an knallena variety of Ilangiug liatiltet,, \Tater
Co)lers,lteranteratere, ate! Howie Farniehing Mande
ttenerali3. Coll incdb;;, at
ThrunaSto‘s.,t4tor..,.ll North Iknover street, Car
liFro, 10. 20jul'21.1'
,l[rn rereivell 11, ' ‘0 '. 1 . 1 - M of tr,onli
Mickertd, fr•un :ts.upir,ol to 10 cts. por pound
DON'T hrgot that Mandell hay Oranges and
Ll'llloll+ altra)s on hand. .••
L. HALBERT iv filo only one wly run lognlly
pme goods at nuetton. roomy On
N. , oth Hanover vlreet. CAll on him
: , tiIiSCRI Al: for ."ro, raYAWS:LITERARY Corn' n
," for nioo year and you 1.111 r , coive an n premium
our e hoi •of fo u r of. 01 , 1110 , i n•3guilicent Sloe.)
ngravinc.. vcr 1:111.1klied lu .I:nerica. 11,
ra‘ln.;, ar.• ann,n , l in l.nntifill Wn!nllt Iranian
to the ei3lhicriberx free of expreer, The.
c irculation of The l'eopt,' Literary Onnpartion
1,6000( 1 0, xhlrh , i. I .tt get ttcln tho uggrgit . lac
circulation of nil papers of Ito Anne published in
Acthiro I. Tio null-cot iption tat, it two dollant per
year. The agent, Icrnm P6ught, will otill . upnu
ho Intoialn cum
NIt, 4 IIW the borcin.h, nod will roc -olio 411i , 11.111itill.
until Octohor let. ,ill °pieta lift at 1114 rt.:4ll,lre,
11 . Foalit :et v. filie , .ii , pooopt mien-
o'ny Ott , !1 , 11111r , , low kplrild, .1. prokkion
0 , j,1001..1 , 04., 1. nr • , .. rO/.0, kpornlntorrho,
..f t. .11/ay 1,01. dd,s nonnnry, 00k
Ihr. ntour.l tot find n 40 0 -
0r ,, ,0, flan ill
5P7d . 1 rIC N.. Tit of 10.
111 dr. , d1 , 1d , d.. mill and pl.l. nt Curntlvon,
otn oor IL.. root 01 ILI.. Inntler loon lip I n,
k3klkm,nrr,t 'Ow ilik.l.lrg,„nrol Impnrt and
o•In Vgy, 111.. nO.l t 1001110 On li,u ont.irn 0000. Tl.y
fi PI I , jor 1001,00
of Lve. 1 .0 k. n SSII which ik vory 11n
-1,01,4110 111 rol.kttrato or .11.1 , 11•1, or ;I Err sinylr
box. link! Ly Drilkkiktk, nn.l molt by flint) on
jorlr.r. A.1.10.kk, MPH-
Cli ii' If ill On , !•ATIJIC )11.:1/Il•rNI; P 0,1,01 Ilron.l.
nay, Niin. York.
For k 01.• C. 010.10. e. A. 11.1vorktrek antl
A , rgulnrl.nit •,f 1, , 1v in nln , oloto ly'nonnntl.ll
of tutnllut t. Nor to
Itnnuty ot pnr,utt n.Louotultit
ounntotal cosolitino Ow how. In t A fr,
thn matt. tho r)stnut through th....•
ontt.rol nonn64ar, to thn It, its' of
th tly it frn., iui4.kofn of 11,0 ollal 01 a (II)
throuch it, •nutu. roo nh.irr to the health hi It,
ItAtilg , etl., 14 the prrnory l'llll, Of nitost ,of 11,,,
eei an .liichartrin, organ, hod of it•
c,niumn dolt.t t ,, n,lll.tton Thin c , m
phin I. limii.k. re
thtn4vnolv In ',SOU. lion 111/110
thslll4roonhl.• r foillnt , --.011 1.4 nu tinitl , an'tnt
h e et ,reetV n e ti . ee-t ho ..lii,.
I.vad.n le nt arid
th•I , I11tv• •
SI“:141 , 11 Illtters ramose nil these
il• by rem_ their i to lilt , . 1 :
awl egulatlng the action et the in
testines. conilimstien of prJpertles tilts
instituted pi imaristem is en iof its chief merit,. It
nwirely a stimulant or tonic, or an RIO
up-int, or le lit o: .1.1)11,•nd iir .
hilt rill 01,16 curative ele PI
nnints Judliiiiinsly blended
o iot, •rlal7 renton, the It It•ntls net, nl and
vigor to, the inert awl en, rated stoma, h• lellel es
tom ntlimintAry ennui nl its olintrortions,
din, hi the tornitirstie n lull lines id generally SIAM.
Oates the liver. lit - aces the nerves, nod
ud spirits. No oil, m lumen) . possie-s,
0371.10 "1 1.1) . 1,11.• It It 111 rnr
tcrimtic dlrtnesilirst it I/Wca its presti p pi as a liens,
•poi tense has preyed ilsit It is as
harmless lei it Is scions, atel timi is a
liir lilt Inn %vest., it. with tile .1111,,,,1
") tu - 23 n
...111 1-111. ,
silly, anti Om trade taarlt Moan la the and
agi.tted oil the lal,l .t. ‘ the to t ge1111111.1.e.,
I'o,l CCO .ND,C 1(1 A KS,
Prices a low ,1,4
Weacill by J. L. 11,:oy. corner
40.elia(e, )1, dr., sday, r IF, I Fl 2
1.-1 RI)
I+ EA'N r
d, snot 'I, D PRA'
ITE aK.t A'S '
R Arc'
111, A el:11 I? 11
• 16, 1672.
Sl' PE E PINE PLO rll .
11 - 1 II E Irl E f 1 t..
11 ED WIT E , 1 11
F 0 It
0.1.0 I'RESEED 5 tt
77.110 Tlf EI. It t
In disgbininato sound Bernd.>
doctrino throughout— county
wo will furnish
0 co .30 rie
frOin this (late until tho,tirst of Jliutittry
MitorB and Proprietors,
I augi2Lf
•Onrils Pn. N.. 0 Rioma's 11011. 10ae70
OFPICt —IN 1T,ItA101311 . 1•1 111/11,1 , 1:$0, IN 101111 OP T
No72t't 'CoyAT 11 001111. • , .
Nice, 22 Mouth Ilimovor dtxvut, noxt. thy Quod. Wlll
Host) Homo. ' - . 100611
•EURE LA urger, ICF
A. 11. BLAIR
n l'hilativlphia or
• 1 ^ 5
h ;
I 1 ,,
(0 ,
O rli~lo, I'a
can r •, rk
New YoPie'Ae?vertis6anents
.. .
JOB "„r„,-,,,,,, Sir- JaMos Clarke's Fe-
invo.r..o-0 male Pills
ore extotsit,Fy cormnarErrsn. Dishonest 4Druggests "
enaravor to 401 the , counterfeits to ',mai, greater "s
-loo!lit, The genuine hare Ih4 name '1 .0.11 MIMES ..,
on each pacfroo& All ollier.4 . are loorthfr.,3 imito.
lio.. 'The OUNIIINC Pills on, unfailing I.i thO Cure ,
01'101 those painful and dangerous Mesases to which
.the female constltutlem is subject. They moderato
all excesses and remove all °helm:liens, from what,.
everitsnee... • - ' . .
particularly culted. They wail in a short
Ilinivansim on the monthly pori4 with regularity
aniflplthoiluh very powerful, contain loothing hurt
ful W tiro In all 00000 orNorvotni and
Fpinal-alfeetione, Patna in tad' Back , :auff Limhr, - t
Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of tho llos t,
llyeterica and, White , i, they will °fleet .1 core when
all oilier Hirano (moo tailed. Tho circularti around •.i
each paclfsge 'give full iliru:tlon-i and advice, or will
e 'eat ire,, n ' ;di writing for theta, sealed from
steer, alien.
N —lll all eaoes whrro tho'nE,lviyn.cannnt
~Rained, Ono Dollar enclosed to the halo Preprie,
tar, Jolt MOSEP., is Certhoolt ht., New York, will
insure a bOttiO Of 1110 •
by return cecurel y hurtled from any
know)etlgo °fits contents.
Cum. CoronA, COMM, ASTII IlooNcourio, Boaz
CoNBII3IPTION NII Insuksr.x. They
no tint, of mudiclol,, and any child , tit tali,
Thou,ndo Nine I can to health thoi hod
Lehr, despaired Tvgthnony giVun in ItitodredA nl
hr DRY A 1 , 1,1,310N1C
Priet . ' 3$ relit!, jvq• /..A JOB MOON*, PropriotOr, 11l
Corrhoott Ott York.,'
The Great French. Remedy.
by J. ORIIANCI1:1111,
No, 211 Root-Inatt hard, forth.
Thrtt'rt plux arotitighly ri•congnentletl by th i In
Med IVO Faculty of 11rance tat t tut very bent rentody 1
in nll etteon of Iliteruottot rice r, or, 0.;! hitt! 1100 k.
nt, t Nightly, Dolly or l'rematurc K 1111.10115
; Wtetknens twining trent
Sec iteL Ilapits and tittvi n 1 lixcestett itte/a.ration of
the llonital tligann; 311. Splue; Ltyw.tts lu tlin
Uriuts and all the ghtint • train of nhoooo arlming
Iroin (Wel tote on 1,..2 , 11. They cure when all •
other rentodion fail. hull hint of Ado icettrr melt
pr h" nen! Frott'to ny uJduixu. -1 1 11,(CE
$I 1 1 11.11 JO /X. Boilt ity runty stiyikal front.
all nba,ration, ~0 receipt of • re.,.4./nhtiNit ti.
)10:41kt, 11i IL:dirtlntolt Street, Negf York, Salo Oen- -
oral Agent for Americo,.
Viwyar Bit4ers
VINE.; .11. 11111 II 11 , m 1 11110 no ••y lartalt,
attple al r tat Ilattl, 11'11111L1 1 1, I gpit th..ttitt
dr.rtarad, vlrtr.l, lwr! 1 1 1 11 1 n,1 trr
lire the tatal, caltral " App. tizatt,'
•• Irott..ta.l o," lead t.lto ttppl.a - t .111 f 11 •
1 1 11111 1 1 1 1 tl.ln, 11. 10111 1111 1 11111111, 11
1110 114111 , att.l I, aco calf!, ..1 trot. Irbil!
nil Alealtalla Stintal tat,. 'flo•) ata. lira ,t
111,0.1 raw., 111111 1.11,1,111 1 11 1 ita.a l'vrit nt
ittaity. 11 , 1 ~, ,I 11011 , I.ll q , -;
“It ,Tict lin, Ili.. Irnml
I. cchi, !111, hind It, 10 , i 1111.4 ,:•li
! ind :114 'l'll ,, y urn 4,y
of nlmio nnnIIOI iqolupt In Ilwir ,rtton In
their •nfi• r •
rtil~J ti,. it I..mes it, hot .1
1 , 1. m t , i ~, k 1,11”,. all I 11, 111,,1114
1.) , .11.1 the It, lot of rt•pnir.
11Y,..1 . 1.:1•,t.\ hlt/11,11 , /N II 01, I Pr,
thu etnnt.trh, lint
1,1 11, Moilh, 11111., V.opitati
Ilo• 11,11.. 11 Iliamoilt ton or tho Ltu,s, Palo It, tho
Ili. /N •, 11.1.1 I 1 hundro thor
-yrof,t,n+, at , tti.• of h og ,
1; I/I, k .1.1, and Ph, I tAllo •••• 111 prat t•
I /.. j• LI 110
..f IL • • :it t td:.”
1.1: C.O.II . I.AINTS,..tit.
t , 1‘ • 1 .1i U 11
, 1 . ,1,1)1
~ 11+1, 1 1Q
1t1..., • 11. ,1 A
tat rt•pt•hlo
INFLAM ii Illy;\'
,Tlff‘i ,111,i 1,014 t, It, epi vein or I tolige.tlon, 1111-.
It , 1,111,111 alai 11,..(11111.11.111. Ineetoo..if
It! i .1, lAL ,It 1.1,1,3, .Littl Inaiht. 1, Ho,. nat.
. hoer)
1111.1,1 ,, ,i 111 ail, w ratty 1 , ,
Ie con V•ri:e 111 of the lilvestivoUrgana
.\1:1: A ol• NTLE EI'EL/.1;.1 E .1S V. l". 1.1.
At, A it'aho, the , pf , rlo,l,,
voted.' .•At it, relIV , 11.,r tlonvial a 0
1 , 11 ‘1011.111 , 01 ,4 the Liter rAI
old in 11tHLat I,oo—.
ttilt elt IN 1 1 1,1 . ..\ Ti Ver . , Salt"
It!, It! 'F pot, I' 111.11
Carlotta Int:oi Sir, Solid !Datil, Sore
lirl . .11 , 011 , , 11l 11, c 0 urn., hie.Di ih the Phi,,,
Hula., and Diseao aof the Ain, w hato, or pate
•tr lotinte, art' ItterAlly dug up rarrt ,. .l vat n ot
tit • "I.e tile. , hurt thno Imp the th,,,esll.t
tei One Latlr i ! hitch eott , lneo the
rn ••t in of •10 w
"fft , t-.
C1.1.\ NOl. 'I II e, 1171 ATEI./ BLAU,!, when°, vi
Sun illtl 141 1:01.1,1111 - 4 I 0,11111; lulr•0Iall 1/.4' r , ,,111
it. Tiniph Eroptitio , ,L I f ot.—: clettnee It Nehru
act iitoi it oh., ir
a1in , ..1,11 in tho
rSthloo , It 1- I. 1.1111,, Wit tell
iertt. lo , ii . It . p the 1 . 111 - I`, 1111,1 the lot,
r:1 iloa in
ttli LI I TllttE NIISi e... lalth
tree iii , . 1,10, 1. , (1 , )(111,1 I it, Li,orant that user rue
ta, il ilo• •11.1,ing at pr
PIN APE, A t1I111:1: IVOIOIS, linking In
ilo , ,tf law y thottottolt, are elhrrt nail) if,
,Irt , yerl (11,11 . 1 , 1zic,, , ,1, 60) ,
,rvely an nolo, 101 l upon the face
it to• a• a too , boa) no , tempt ft oni aioit o
f morn, It hi not. upon the healthy elinat i nta of
It, I .LI watt. exh , t, hut 111,0,1 11, ,, , , Z1,41 , il
11111,0 , 11nd ilepovita that lieetal the'. Hying
panto., ofWean., No eyetein of Muillcitiooto
•Itil ' in,es, uu 011i11,01111illitieS, will four the eyetetu
tint Attai], Ilk,. Ottani, liters.
311:C11.kNICAI, DISEASES. l'oraona In
data /111 d MiOeI . OIR,OOVII tin l'lllinhory, Typo :Act
,. 5111. , ra, no 11.1 11 , 41111R,1n
1,111 hr n.thlerl to of the Ilosvi•la To '
An ,, t. Oil+ take a dont , of Walker'lVinegar
Ice or twice a neck, Pv , reintv,
Uiiir • Varl, MU prevalent in tha , vallti)s of
t ri,er•L
. throttglion , the United Stanie,
of the Allatnitlppl, Ohlii, Miottinri,
Arktinea ,, , Iteitr
. Rio I.lllllde. I'. 111 I, Alalinina, 31i.•
aapith, 1t,,11101.. , ..i,111,, /Ind 1,1,111 y ULIII.I,
~lof lithitiat • it.,Viit. , tittltirut can 1 . 11111 - 0
, 111,1/ thil I: K ilia Sm.', nwl AOOOOO.
t 11004; "I 1.11.01 . 0" I .0"I
it. Invariahly art • i,tnfinniatl, lip
tho atoumn Intl liver, and °eller
aloniln vi,erap There nro aliviL3 morn or ltLa
eti nenonn oi the her r, n Weaklll,A Al/.1 irritahla
ate at th, ttotnach, and print torpor of titelaiv Oa,
'ling Flogged 1111 wllh vitlnted accuinulatlatai. Ilt
trir lii•itiarnt, a piirantlte, axe, ring a puucrful
01. r. 111 . ..11 the , " vAriou, ve , ohtially
oceetto,rv. ' finery in lip rath4rtio fur the fa/rt.:ea
'nal to Jtr..l. )I .'t , Vitl(.;;AL. 1:ito N,.110 3 1,111
im”No eOlnr..ll rltel,l hm Ih r teilh
illdt lito,1•1, -, n o 11,111,a, at the aanto tint, allin•
Vain% thti ~I'' Amin{ the healthy 11,tiottotra of tn. 11,t,i'ativa
_ 1 1 7 ,
liCROFITI.A, OIL wullcuk,+,
; , ‘,11e.1 Nel
Iniluznouttirns, Indolent Inliatorrmtion,,
ALleciloiN, ()IA .`fvres, Eruptions of Old :liiu, Nato
ct , ...1.. In tn , e, n 4 In nll "Hier
Ulsowit.4, Wttikor'n I In.•gttr 1111100.
dlown great In th,
Ktinale 21,11 IntrAtrinble 111001.
1)1t) LI% Int . : , C.II,IIMINIA ° VIS1:0 Alt ICIT.
n,t ~n•all 111,0 V'ilAl,l' In n rdmiinr -
HY hllO Ulu , . tiv-ymud
I. t% 4.1 tlo•' ntlnu
11 . 110 tubercular ileihmito) tll4 aff , cvtl parts FI'eVIVO
/1 , 1101, and a rt.1 . (1./111.1111, 1:111U 1, /I,CIVII.
71117 I'itrwerall!.4 of Dr. Widlror , .. \gang!, Int •
torn Aperknt., pinpiimotiO
N11(1110.1 , 1.,1,t1,6 , . phi 0,11.11.
, Alt, Intivo, and Xnti•Bilioton
1111; 11.1.1tIE1T n i lona toxin op , -, of
Dr. Watt:,- 'n VI no,nor non.thoot.o.l
In nil enre4 of oroption3 nntl toollgonnt I;non4, tholo
I innto
sai, mot nothing ;ttoperticg pi ()tort
billnoron off (Ito fnueoq. Tholr on,lrttivo proportion
allay pain in tho non ...I nyotool, ctoot.ll, on.l
loonols, olthoo (Ohm • loilmonulintt, r 1 nil, roily,
cranipti, etc, Their Con otor-It oll.tut ftitinuncq v.•
took throughout the 11)4telii. Thpir Dint olio ',rip
er tier tol on tllO RichloyA, conx,clolg Mlll.l regnlntlino
thu now of n0b1... in•
111111111 Mo 010 liver, In tin mart - 'or hit °, nod ito
dh . o.nri t , ,, throu g h tit° 1.111; y, tools, and ate onto).
riot to till reintealal agouti, for the Film,, I,IIIOIIN
Fever, Foyer awl Aged, etc.
F6ItTIFY TIM AGAINST 1),161Afil: by
miffyhtioill Its Ihibbi
, 11 14 . , nti0 can' tat:o holdi .of a tlxtern thing fora
rumil. Tbn Iher, tit s Fhol'im-b, the b , ,N•114, the kid.
101, and 11,m!111.1,04 ore rontler , ,l ilbwaso•vroof by'
grunt luvigoratit.
lilltllOTlONll.—Tal, 'of the Bittern on F01 . n3" to
bed at tight trill a half to lilt' mitt oneti t alf Wino
glistrstoll. Eat got;tl not:ribbing food, Burls , beef
siteAk, twatott rittshi, sttulNott, roast Itttvt, told vognta•,
Ides, .141 mitt out doer oxerttivtt. 'rimy tan col,
tail of burly vott.lattlo Ittgrplloitts, and 'C011141411
11 , 1 spirit
Druggin(n not lien, Agth , S3lllFrancinvo nial N.
J. 11, an J. H. Olt WAS!, Jlt
No. 14 South' llintover street,
lion. J. 11. Grnluun, hdo Prom(Iola :1106; or ttio
Ninth .11.tqclo.i District, half rpaulit,l Ilto' ptlictico.of
kw, I old,. nw.malittM with lam hit/ boll, .1. li. Ohl.
lisp, Jr, Will practico Ut h lio counties of 0111'0,0t . .
land, Tarry nud Jnitlatn, 7aec7,l4r
Practices in Dauphin and Clumborland
Orrion—ln Court Homo Avenue, No. 3 .ICranuir i n
building,. In the rear of the Jewelry ninablishine at.
CAAt,l9Lli I'A
nnfloroignod baying boon quali
: Owl UN a Judie.) of tho Peace, is now preparod
to allow' to nit toinlneen entruntotl to hip. 011Ino
In Mr. Ulvln'n 11ollaIng, mar the ltarnione Dank,
and 10 rear of I trot Prenhyterlon Charno. llesldanco
Gil {Void, alroot. .
Myth('P. A. IClllt NIWY:
AVII) SMITH, formerly Jualeo Er
,11111P01V10,,,,,011111 11111101111. to bit, 11111601'0144
Iltialn throughout the county atl/1
L i rpeolnl *ttontton wlil bo roren to the
in 1 ru.tilkmout of nll clunns, 'look Lecounrn, von .
dip noble, ,In., 111111 tO'Sirlllk , g . Or tlvoilti,
[n movr,agort,
Lo 4111, An., ut ohui to the 1111,1
‘,lllug of
1 Ifintrt\r. TerilA moderato. 011ie° In thu Court
Ilowal. •
. .