'',,•••...__.) Ii 1111 t ',O - - VOLUME LXXII. THE CARLISLE 'HERALD, rublfethod every Thumlay morning WE - A.KLEY & HADDOCK . , •,.a.r.m . "'EIIITORS AND PROPRIETORS. dfficeln:Uheenes fall, in rear of the catud 11,lte 'Terms-42 00 per annum:in advapee lIATiIS 'OF AtiVERTIRINci 1 gq , 2 toil 3 iq c 4.11 1 4 cll4 01 1, ol e j , Ico . 2 0 ,, 3 O 2114 o 7 06112 MI 22. 00 ISO.. 3 00 1 MI 5 131 0 00114 00' 211 00 2054 00 5 00i 0 11 600 tl4 Obi -30 . 00 4 60 .4 70 5 75, t 75 12 50118 00 32 5 ,, 3 m 5 50 0 601 7 50 14 00120 1.0 35 00 3 50 051 7 601 8 .21115 50122 5037 00 4 031 7 00 4 50 u 50 , 17 50 , 25 001,12 50 5 o°l 4 50 0 00 10 5 11 1 10 0 0 1:: , 00! 50 00 7 50110 06112 50 i 10 0,020 00140 001 70 GO 10 00116 00.20 00,25 00140 00;75 00110() 00 Mdfl El= 111:2 • fititaut a eqpnre• • nud Ailintnistraione Nollooo f 4 00 2 00 a . and ,Intilior NoLiers, 3 00 aide, not orientating six limo, , 7 00 . iemonts , .07 cent, per Zino, nnlcoi eon. by the pint, • . anti Special Notlcea, 10 cants per line. on adrerticeincnti extra. • _ 12 Iluee cout kor Executors' or Auditors' For Assignors' V(ln narty Car For riniftmei t glad for I For ti!lnge] Don le oolunit Notices of Mat rrin . gen mll . ll De%th4 publialled freo. Election Proclamation: GOD SAVE THE CO9.VOXIMALT.II. SFIERIFF'S PROCLAMATION, -1, .IKMES FOItr3.IAN, High/Sherif'', f the Conn. ty of Cuotbrrinnkl, it" 11, rely notlo. 6n,hcn end give thin prabito notion to the of the County of Cumber thnt onTiiesday the hih 11.1 y .11 October next nn .I.l o othm evil ho hell! nt the twoor.,l eh., hot, du,trirte in gala comity, at which 0m... they toll sow bypnllot for One poreon for the onto of Oro ornot or til” Com. mofoooklth of.r.onnxylvannt Ono penult for the office of ,Sopt,.., tho COT.IOn W Math of Yan n erlrnnin. . • -•• • • • Ono person for the oniu• 0/ I/1J itur Uonrr.l of llin Oomnionwonith of Veil nepi am., • • • Tlnoo poroono • fr the. or of ca n ~, . .to. n-n: Lorgo to ropronont Con, kon Contvalth otl'onosylvaj • 11 in in tho Congresh Stroo.. Twenty-night porloon for do) othrtk. of ti lognt. - ft-Largo to the CoretrturionoltConf•ention of the Crornoonwnalth of Pen0..51...0k. 'Ono portion for the 00101' of Congreistnnh to repre sent. Oumburl,nd, Volk 41,1 Perry- conotlif, in the congreof of life l'nitra firmer. Two persons for the olltees.of ifelegotes to ths 001.titlIti0111110011 ,, I'gt). to 1,1,014.111 th.•rounf lob oi%'inniforland nod Fre.uKho, of rh Commono youth of P01111.134,11i.M. ' • • One person to represent the iot.: tr orCntnlterlatV tin linnen of Repossotott% es of thO tenrn of Poongylvnnio. • Ono . p,rnon for Ap,.sl inn .lmLo• ..1 ttir 000nty of Cumborhool. j _.I!!I.I!PT.W!tIIWUTfIDI Our porhnn jro Pr.th.motat) ~tarty MIE=IMEIi • • One perfion floe 11,4140, ~1 On.A•utlnty of number /and. pent.o for Lli nit• 4, ..t Ili° Po, ootlily of M2IMMMEMI The tralil 1,111 lin brad thiiiiighout 1114.1 , 110- t/. r The Moot!. in the olio two t borough of Curloile Ind ilin too Noi Ili Mid dint., Month nod LlworUu'kmw lio hold of the I' ill, t II /11///• I/1 thehiwoogh cil The olui lion io wk hur , n dist. I ',wont 1V04 . t linnonlii?iingli tow will he 1,/11 at thn North iinhool llonow in 11:11/1/11.1/1. • . Thn election in the conipriscil of Bilrot• Spring township, will ho held nt the public hints° of thio. K. Dilly, In flogninitown w said township. Tho election In the olcction dial of Hampden township, will I. • avid ii ii., pirlilte hown• occupied by .101111 lireit7.ol, in SIC.II li,Cllllllipa .moo chiction in the cleellon district ...posts] of the township of I!liper Allon, will be tichl hull, of .1041. Clap , 1.1 :- . . 11.t.1. oril.itwn Tin. i d, thin in Inc iiiiniposcil of Miiliifoccs township, will be bold 01 In, School 11.1. n. • The hle , tion in the election littrlet eninponed of the tuwnehip of Lower Allen, will he lo•lil maker chop of Jon, Ihinehliargei, in, tillife Hill, • The eltietion In the folllpm..l of End Penneleirough t iwnsitip, will lie hell at Ih , • 1011,10 of I. P. Ilnitiold in Went ce. The APction in Ihe 'election thstriet combitecil of Veer Cumberland, will be held ut the honer now kept Ey - William 8011. In the borough of New Cumberland The election in the election oettrii t combo!, il .0 the North hi urn of the boreitalrof hie. hanieriburg, lit tho North-weA coruer.v4 the Minket lloure m until bet The election in the ‘•lnet citron ifintrict 4.0111ton:tell of tho South Wnril of the hoe ogle of Mechanicsburg,. nt the Sontli-writ corner of the M.:lel:et Home, in tniticl borough. The election in t h e eked. districtcomposen of Mormon township , will ho held at t h e public house kept by A. I. Hurili, in rhurelWol , ll. in unlit township. The election in the el action distiviCromposoil of Penn township, will be hold at the 10 , 11110 lately occluded by do, oh Ited,,,t. i lsor, now ' t re envied by Mr. IShonk, in sidd toweship 'rho election in the el, t composed of Upper liickwhoo, mil, be kohl at t h e lamtie Thou occupied !t David Mort,, isu w, tie. Tritium. The election in the elortlon diet) it i rittuposittll.f thd borough N.•wvill^, cud toe u.diiit or Wll,lin, rPlu r Frankford upper l'entuoiro. girl not th Nett tor, hold at the toddle in the horohgh of 'Newrille. The election in literMl..ll h.lri. l composed of the boreugh olNewburg rind llopewell township will be held in the public School Iluti4u, in the borough c Newburg. . . Thaolvetion I el, thin dist, ict con/punt:a of the ,litriinich nlairpeualito Tearncilip that pal t. Sandia:ninon lutt ...Lip nut ino holol the Lronburg t, ill Lc V at the Council Homo in Ora Borough of Sltippi'icilincg. Tho I,IOCUOiII in the oleolion dmiriot etoopiniod ni Lovrtir Bouthemptou towimhip, of II ho held at the Immo formerly ommpled by Willutin Baughman, in Loeoi i iira; how °maimed by James Clark. .Tho election in the elootion dimitmt computed of Booth Newton township, will Ire hold et the School Boum In Jackonm The election In the electMo dlntnet compoood of Coo ), townobip, glll lio hold el limo h i eel Bono, at Vino Green kurnaCe. Leery portion, excepting Just e•rin of the Pence, who thrall hold rin ' ofbcy or oppetriterrint ot profit or tenet under the governoyint of the U basil Sloes, or of thie z aterte, or of any , of blew pirated whether a VOIXIDIIheiOIIO,I othcoror other% inn. annber. dinato officer Or agora, 00 ho in nr shell be eta under the Legislative 1.0-Yetrie ar troller/try It • partment of the Slaty or the United Shelve, or 0: :ley cite or Incorporated dirt, ictrind nieo It cry nesillor of .ongriess, or of the Iltoto ',pi/Ant:ire, 001.01 the Doled. nod COl.lllOll C 011,114 nl any cliy t :cum Dialler of any ineorpor. tent dietii,t, Ir byihiff Incapi bin of holding or ext releing et tier - 811,110 time the officio or ripPointniont of Juttrii, inspocter of clerk r. any election og this Cmdwrntn II 111,01..1 110 11111.ttol Judge or other ullitior o f en) cacti °billion 8111111, I' [eligible there to by Voted for. The inspectors noir Judge at 11,orivetious moot, at tire iciepoot Iva places iippoitripl for NI din the elections in the dint riot to who it they.respyor Ively belong., borer, seven o ' clock in the DO. ',log and each of 114{4 i.ll , llloetrlrg appoint one cirri. .. . ~ who deall be a qualiffed voter of such district. In cave the person who shall haforecelved the gee end' highest number of votes forittspectur shall nut attend on the day of isby election then the person , 5,,, wh shall'have rxolvod the hecond highotit 'numb, of V for Judge at the nelaprecelling election shall net co pector in his pines. dad In (•ago the person lota oh fl live received the Ugh( st nu tub, °rya. fur inspector shall not attend, lite I,..raen eluateilJudy shall appoint an teapot:mein hit piece—and in COlOl tile person dentist Judge shall not attend, t hen inspoctor Who received tine highest number of town •Imil appoint n judge In Me pince—or it any ♦orenc y shall continuo In the bond fir the apace of ono limit after the time fixed by law for the °potting of the election the qualified velure of the township, word or dietriet for which. Bitch officers !thrill 'IMO been . elected, present at such election, shall alert ono of their number to till each vacancy. . • It elmil ha the duty of the sort/rot essoneors of each district to attend at the place of holding every gon• oral, spinial or township election during the whole time said election Is open, fur the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and Judges, whim called on, in relation to the right of any corms 011.01116 , i by them to vote at such election, or smelt other nuttier. in relit lots to the aulessments °rioters an the meld.' (nape/dont or, either of theta the II limn time to time require. No person Shall hi permitted to vole at any der. Mon no aforeaeld,uther, than u I've men of) he ago of . twenty one yenta or antra who obeli hero resided in tho State at least one year, and In the election die trict whorl, Ito offers his rote at letiat too days ihfino dintely preceding. such election, within too pans paid •-illate or county tax, which shall Miro been vowed at least ton"clays befog the. election. Bat a" Mixon of the United Slates wino has previously • been aqualined voter of this Efate arid removed thorofrom and returned, and who shall have rosidoil In the elution district and paid taxes, an aforesaid, ehall be antlllod to votn after residing In this Plato six mouths; PrOtriaLti, That tho (recount, citizens of the the United States, Itotwoon twouty-ono and twenty-two yams, Who hero resided hi on election district no aforearild shall be entitled to vote itithough -they shall not have paid taxes. ' No person Shall be permitted to vote whose naino in uotcontalaed in the lint of taxablo iehabitantsfuri nished by the Cominissinuors, unleas, Find, ho - Prit • duces, receipt for tit° payment within two years of a Staten, county tax rimmed agraeably to the Com stitution, aodgive satisfactory evident° °Misr on his oath or anlrmatlon, or the oath or affirmation of anothok, that ho hie paid snob, a Ins, or ou 'ultimo to produce a receipt email make oath to tho payment thereof. Second, if Ito claim tho right to vote by . being an elector between the ago of twenty-one nail twenty-two years, 11914°111 dolman 011 oath or antrum, Lion that he hoe remitted In State at lewd one year next before his aril - Mention and wake each proof of residancicin the district as is roquirod by this net, and that lie duce verily believe from the account given Lim, that ho is or ago nforesaid, and each other otb deacons Is required by this act, whereupon the name _of the parson thnsialmittod to vote shall-to 'aborted In' tho olphitbotipal Het by tho inspostorn and a nofir lootlo oppositetheretoihywritiodthe , Word " Lo!rit he shall be admit‘tal to tote by sown n g paid, fa; or the wen' ^ ngo," if he *hall Ito admitted to Veto by roasonuf en 'II ago, shell he oallod not to the o Markt! who MIMI make the like notos on Om lint of tutors kept by them. • Usti cases whirs tho name of the person claiming , to-rotate found on the liatlurniehod by tho commis• stoners and asaessor, or lila light, to vote, whether found thereon qr not, in otdoOted to by any qualified citizen, it Minn ho the duty of lint inepuctur to mt.' amineanch portion on oath es to his qiislificatlonti and if ho aloha to horn rankled - wlthiu the Plato for ono year or move, his oath Khali • not be sufficient procdthoreof, but shall make proof by at least ono . competent witness, 11 , 110 shall On a quitlifimi elector " that be has realtbd 1p the illutriet for inure titan tun days next lannedhitoly pretiooding moth election, and Llansolf swear that Ma bookilde residence, In narrations of hie lawful calling, in in maid district, ' fgad thel it its did act remove halo sold district for the • parpoSel f Toting (borate, - . . . . , . •• • .;. . .. . , .. . , , • . ~ • ' . . • ~ . . . . . . . ~, . , , r, „ . . •Ir ..0 . . , . . . . . . . . • . 74 c,, , ,, ' ' . • . ~. ' . . . ' ". ...._ . --____ . - i . • . I . ~. .. • I.a . . . .--—. L . P . ''- 4 ---- -..;• . _ .. • .J','" ,' . i , • . • , • • • • • . • ' •1:.• , . k i .... .., ,- ..... , . ~. . . . . • ... , .•.... . • .. .......... y 4..; .... -f. , , , . - • ~ • ~ ~ ' .'::'4l • - , • • . .. T • - . 4., . ~ . . - . . _ 111 • . . . . , . . . . . V -,,, a . .1., . . . •,' • . ..: i ~ .. • .- ' ....... Ki ('`'' • l. i',s;.• - ~, A L ,e 4 5.. . ' . ~ .r' :' tl• ~' Ti •. t 4 , . 0 . • itti . . • •,-.; ',.:,. , . . . . . . • ....,• - - . . • . . . , lEEE ~_~. ~~~ Elect lOn, Proct4m:fit,f,On . . Itvery person qualifledalettforosald'ond who shall Mahe Milo proof, If requiltial, a ills resident° and Paylnent'nf tuxes pa aforesaid, shall be admitted lo Vol:15'10o township, ward or district in which Lo flash rehido. • lj allt,p,Or.raw shall provost attadpt t r. prevont, any ollle4 of this Ideation/II dor this act fro:Ian:Id log stleh,blectiotifor ilse or threaten any viulonce to nay Sarlronhaor, or shall latormilit.or Improperly In ' t erre": with Ittru'in tho °scallion of his dutY or Anil block up the window or avenue to any win dow whom thu sono luny be holding, or shall tiot ously disturb the pease at such election, or 01,611 sae any intimidating threats, force or liolence;with debisti to mil:Iona: unduly or evoraiva any elector, or to prelont him from voting, or to rohtrain the fie: I°, of choir°, siveli pennon 01111,111V1C11 4 /11shall 11011111 . a ill ally Ea= not exceeding lit o build:ea dol lar°, sad haplisolici/ fire any lila., 1/01 lota, ellah thine lire more than twelve mouthy, :viol if it shalt ho ghost It to rum t, where the teal of xllOll shall be had, that V, poison :or offending was not.° mud of the district ur tea uship, where the °Tens° wits etunmitied, and not entitled to. vote thbrein, thou; On -conviction. he shvil sentenced t o fps'', so tin° of vial 1,0 than on , hundrorl our morolhou 9,0 thousand &Mats, and ho I:uprise:led not loss than nix U11113:1,1) nor more than two yearn. If !my personotol by law qualified shall nail:ln. lontly vote at .any election of this Cominonrsoaltili of being othorwire qualitiod shall veto out of Lis 3:repor dist: id., if, any person knowing the want of hod, iqualitication, shall ai I or.proeuto sllgh Pomona to rote, the person offending shall, .011 conviction, he fined in any spm not est:be:ding two huntirod dollars. and be in:prism:ma in any ;arm not exceeding three months. • • . If any pelPoll aim 11 vote at mare than one election district, or otherwise fraudulent!y vote morn than Mire on the enmo day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to thy impnetor two tickets together with the intont ineptly to vete, or 'wall procuro another to do so, he or they offfordlng shall, on •renviction, ho fund in nny mu not Iran than fifty T i er more than five hotoll efl and be llnpri-oued for a tern, not inso than titan nor noire than tunic. noluths If any potson not quelltind to vote in.this COnl- MOnnenllll alp eeably to law, (ecerpt the sons of fpialified citiz , ne) bind] eppeet et oily pia, of nine. 1t,,,, for the ',Woof, or Intltibuoing tin citl,, an qnlrlll - to vote, tic shot! on forfeit end lay dny faro not extending one Ltindnel d-linpf for oi . y eilenfe, Awl he .1111.1 isnle , d fit .5.3 di -not exoeii,fline the, p ?nnuths (h.ilinal I.le i ton in “nlin. NS anis. Tem:ships. Worn lo az..l ft h.. fentlfy In t... ,'-sled Eq . ", Ititou li..L rrupt: , .t, . in =EI !oh tho 01.11 th. r• loot rouutj that, by to Art ontObol An A. r popploneutal to the act re:allvo t.. tho elveto.n: Of thiaCtoonutwvaltb," artrot . ..l A Intl 17 A. I) 18,1 n, it IR pr.. id4,l an ti lloww: Frt . 1 /1 , efrd by ebr mrel I (crop,. Rep. r,,trfahr. s n) 'o eva Co, 171,11411,1;' , I of 1 , t 1111011 a , ort• e o'hot'i r t .I,at I ha 1 ha .tol - V 111, of tit. S 1k ilk ' • ,kt , •' 1 .,ta.0att..1 , 41. on 1,•• aryl In 011110 0, ~ 00 1 1 tatr.,t , lob , 111 th ra,ta itpt 11.• has ,11,10,11 float tlo• 1.1111, tr.),,0.. 1.14, I,lli • f Illt,ofh of .S 1 ttt. otlttr i en hanitrthi tool thirtsr r, - aeri pi 4- C• I inttne . llsto toshion it t nto, by ortk log therlifoini the nolo. , of et my poison who known by 1,1111 to Ito doll or rontoted pho t o I Ito hot pro yt,,os oqt nt front the il t ditri,l ofwhich he 1* ho rwisisio mitt death or r oval it - rottt the stint rint'l Ito tnnilo snown to hint, nod add to the iinme the 11,110 of soy irtolifleit voter wlt 01,11 Ito kit on by blot to have mood Into the district sin., tint 'het ~rot loon assessment, or Omee removal into the 'same Shell hoer shall have Steen marlo known to hint, and ai-it the nowt, of till who shall mare claim to him to 1, ,, vit ors therein. A 8 soon as titlerev i•ton is i ontilorohhe shalt riot' e,tn .I‘,ll I itiz lionr . in ale district Olllllllllkorisrefol in IttlrY if . nnY ho r s' , v hose nettle is on tilt Hot 1111.1 illeil or ream . , ed from the Illy- 1,1111 ft.,. to V , Ow AMU,' , 13,111 - 0111, Or 101,thilr nee clunlinec. vett, tleeweln whoa name Is not , Inuit HO., a ti. 3 if nn. Cr. al,l rf to;nkle nil ..ocee nohow n noun.; In added In the net ate. 051,11 fortloilth atownsed open the panne: awl the nenvoicci shni I in all canon coo:art:on by inn ui ro,open what ground Clio pornonannessell chains to bee Wt.'. Upon the romplolinn of thin work It ehati bo the duty of each tuinestior as atorecald to proceed to matte out a lint, in alphabetical tinier, c I the white treeicien isl., twenty one yearn c•f Age,' lailelog be clnnliflo.l eyters In ward, lowounli, ton ;Alio ,-r bleb he In the toip-nor,,, col oppoeite catch of the oil nein. whether Hold treeinan tool is net 0 lonew.i.eciper. nail if ho Is. the tolailwr of 1 i r. ni do, e.initowno where tint Mule numbo, ;I, with Line Mr.. , al,h3 In which situated: met II in n town where there L uro no tilanilwit, lice niece of the CERIM===EMMEMI , roi , it aim of the perm; ; and wiiiiroli+ la not alio.° kerpor iirenvntion, place of boarding, nod with wli m, and If working fur woollier, iln , name of or. knit Writo oppodtr of maid annum 0110. woni coven: ' wittvo any perm.. liming In VOID hV 1,1115011 or I:llltllrailZatil,b Ito ohnll exhibit hid rortifientes thereof to the noseraior, unless do hax brow for five coloierutiou yonin rhot lacerating, a VOUT It dratrira; and in ,ell earara where the parrot haii been naturahrral, the num& shall be marked with the ••bore the prason Itos merely declared bin Inteettlon in bacende and &Riled' to be h.tur.lizna before the next oleo. then, the name ehelllm marked U I.;' nbmo the Clllllll We by roan.. 01 being betwoon t.llO OKOP onty•one and t wonty-twri, as provabai by inW. Ilia sword mill la.. entared ; and ll' the porno/. Ic e mooed Into the olontloti Ilintrlet to ro stile sotto the lost gonopil I'IPCI.IOII the letter It" 81111111111, 1.141 . f'd oppoll to tho nano. It .hall to the MEM= ootobletion of Ow boroln lloproted, to 1110,,11 out n F. Pallt ' 11.1 of all new Avoirs4nooth wad.. by 1111.011DIA ii upon RIO b ALA • :Imo ttnoualintbly to the ..ontity loon miAsionars, a lin shall Inonsdhaoly iota ths namea th the lan iti,;•ilrati• at the Ward, I,thaugh, Cos ashlp or 111/.tilst t., whlsh OP) liana Lora as.eased. S 2On Ills list being conftlol.al amt ths lononents bring math , as alrrsrahl t the arc., •I._lll I r hall, ILI , reins:led In the r I?•tn rs,' Who shot' NMne du pileate of veld "the obnervati,ne and explarvltione reqUired to bo note an nforeenid to be made out an FOOD nF praeti-. . . . oblu. and plotted In the krnde of the tute'tii4or, hell prior to the first of Angunt In each year, put tor r. 1 ,1 o ' , the door of or on tho boon. , rhoro ,ho rhto rot oftP.rot-pretier tir tet rthitth et! I , h. tor! rehtio the oilier in hie feff,en.tote. .in lira In. ppmt, tree of eller , " of ato, hernen d.h'l i. tool eleethm Illxtrict who 101 l &Are to nee the snot,. , nod It xholl he tho dot) , anxiantor to odd, front Limo to Ilion, na !Ito 110111011 M 01 totsrroe chlbninir tldht tie yotn, tin mono Jr elsiturnit, and mark 011,04k0 Lt. V." and liontiallotoly 851080 1.1,0 vdth t i tt In oil nth, e , lOl, 11t8 tt1.001.11. , 11, residence, whether a he t edcr Cr untiet , II n Iniarter, woh when] ho boards, or whothdr ntitprnlised 0r thisigolhx; to be, .narking at all 1;11500 tho luttels ritposite 010 11211 i,, N." "Li. I." an llto cone !nay ,lin; If the pore.. eiailoing to in a oill he ntitoralhted. Ito c3loblt to rho aasexpor 111 n cortlfitiatu of natoralistittoo, rad if lie claattoi that Ito thsliton to be litifono the coat mooting VI.OIOII, 119 shall erlifblt pertinent,' of las ‘101,111,11110.1 ito L•u tom; iii else, wherea ot any or!, lorigh, too holm , or eh et u, I N lot 1,111 WWI IL tO two or o.nre one:atoll, the assexxor Atoll note In till Ids the elution precintd lci•itill each 010 i tor I °aide:l:and Khali melte a utility:lto return of 01011 otionty cononisitionere In tilt 01.3,n in o Welt a relarn ix roollreit from 111 no by the provi sions of that act ; .and Ilea county 01111111641;0110,1 , , otaktior 4,11;'', to copltin of 311 etolt rota; to, xhall 111,31. e do plwate To% xtotte of rotor} ,1,11 1,1 , 41•1tr1y, and 118111 tot to.li xiino in the ; toil toe ,1111, .1.1,1 by thin 011 to he pre od tot 110111.. 13 of ot tot oh ,'thin places on or before tho first of Anitust in eat li rear, 111.111 1.3 plan II ,•0 the door of pr on (110 Ull'etloll , 1,1000 of eane elt of soul pleeltn •xhi a After the asset memo have been ,ono i • . . . . . - , platod on On, tenth day, lye( coding tho h ,t){11 Tneaday in October of cacti year, the in.'s:ice iliiiii on the Monday tiouniihatidy t i ab,wi ti ff, i,,,,,k, MM==el==l till persons loomed by lino eine° the return re. q aired to to outdo by din by the errand section of tidy net, noting opposite clash noise the oloorratlons aunt 0‘ . 14/11.1191111 1,111111,110 ba 110t. , 01 nn aforietild ; null rho stonily craninissionera shall thorelipon 1,1115 e 11. ieouo to be gilded to the return tennited by the around teethe] of told act, and a Dili and cotes et copy thereof In he ,111.10, 'c /taming. the 00n,.n of nil pe.OllN NO returned oe resid , •nt to raid, of Pahl ;•111,1, hnrnngh, lowitehiP or precinct, 01111. 11111001 the slime together with the necessary elec tion blanks, to tho unicorn of-the election In said ward, borough, township or precinct, ou or !Afore nix o'clock in the morning of the second Turhilay hi October; and no nine shell be pertnittinf to rote lit the election 011 that day whose 'thins° le not jut the mild list, 11111.11. shall nitiko proof of hie right to vote, as hereinafter required, Per.. 4. On the day of election any pixaen whole Immo in uqt on the sold lint awl claiming the tight to vulA tit odd 0104100, elicit prodttee et least ono qualified voter of the district to a witness to the red• donee of the claimant to too district in which ha dolma to he ie voter, for the period of at boort ton days next proceeding said election, which witness shall take 11101 Alitaleritle a written or pertly written and pal Vriaterillinlial it Wilk/1011M 1101110 vicarly whore the ceitio4ce Is of the pet/tone° claiming to ha u rotor; and Ito person as clainangthe right to vote shall also take and pube.lritui A written or rartly written and portly printed affidavit elating to the host Ifl hie lotowledge nod holier, where mil when he WA , burn; and that ha it 0 cltlgen of the common wealth cf Pennsylvania and of the United fittitflt I that tie lout realeird within the ~,K errionwoaltit line year; or if formerly a citizen therein, and hike ;rived therefrom, that he 111N,renkted therein six months next precouillog paid , oluotion ; that ho ban not moved into the dlatrlet for the , pawn° of voting therein; that he ban pall a Mato end county tax w Rhin two yearn, Which wee tumefied at leant ten days hoforo ooid eloctlon ; and, if a naturalized citi zen, Anil also state when, where nail by, ivitat court he was naturalized, and than nine produce a cortifl. oath of naturalization for oxamination; the hold affi davit alkali also [tato when and where tho tax claimed tcshoistlit by the wan aaseafied and whoa, whore, and to n hom paid, and tho tax receipt (here. fur ahnll ho produced for uxamination,unlese the dal ant ahall atnto in his affidavit that It hoe boon lust or dettroyud, or, that he Hover resolved any. but if the immix no claiming the right to vote eLell take and aubscrlboon affidavit that ho' In n native born citizen of the United Staten (or If born elawhereahall state that flit in Me affidavit, ngdehatl produco evi dence that tin has born' man, al Izod, or that ho In un titled to citizenship, by reason of tile bailee), natur alization); and Khali forthor tuako affidavit that ho to, at the thou of Wang the affidavit betwthe the ago of twontymzo nod twonty two years; that ho has 141 7 aided In the Stele, ono year end by tho• oh idden Ella plot tan daya next prethotllng. ainiti eltFtlob;lltin th ailliventillea ter , vtito;•althanglite ,tot have Nell' , Mall; the mid afflfiali toot ail pampa melting claim, and the affidavits the whim% to their reablemo owl l o prolleived by the elootlnn board, audat, the clove of the election they 011411.10 e on cloned with the lilt of valeta, tally Ilut and other papers roqultid bylaw to be tiled by the return Judge with tb'e prothonotary and shall roMainon die tharewith tho prothonotary'asinge, subject examination, as other election papers pro; If Om election ufficern shall and that the appiletpt or Pr. , Idirnnla (10.1*.till the logid mmillicallinie of colors to, to they uhnd hu ptt init,thi to vote, mat tint nano or names nimll•lio adds* the ol taxable. by Wu eir ideation oilienre,the • tax' being added. whore the claimant elation to vote on tax, nod the word ••• age" silicon 110 alultun to NOlO .011 ago; ,tho Hume werita Laing addd by situ clerk, In each raw ra. apentivoly on Om lists of persuiti toting at such elec tion. . fhte..6 7 , t ehell,hellawftll for any qualified citizen of the diulrlct, Itot•4llalnutllng the naffiu of the • ' Elect2onf Prociantation 'avowed' voter i'lciiitltititned.sio the Hot of reoldent, to sables, • to challenge .. the fetwicf Foch poreoli ; whereupon the 8000000 , f of r I tof suffrage nn to now relT • igq" l / 3 " pro' shell he pit math. natl. acted on b leetlpn tho vote not- In Med or rejected, noVeallni, to the evl. - ea vl r.V person olitlining to bun p.• tin e booed citizen shell be requtnot to produce hie 11,tui.iti/ottion pertlfluate nt tin , oleetlon ontien, crept where no lino been for ton years, vonstently n inter In the Wm triet In which hit offers Ills vote; nod 011 11.0 veto of tooh portion being rlweltiol,.it shall I" the duty of the °hellion oflieern to Wrli.) or Ml6lllll eln ^ nach onto the word '• voted ." lilt the mouth awl 7011 and if any tile.itlon ~itflic 61001 rt. elvii a. lieroll.l Veto tile kW: virtue of p.e nertifleetii, wireri r oorua ere by vie tee of the natio lee of t . tet::v;n, they nail the personal.+lle niter suchoi evd tote, upon co elTertilloc i iiiio.l 1,, guilty of a n high oiloih •- bleatior, and on eel, thereof, be 0, - 41 or in mil once], or I..itit, lit the el k.° of ilie court ;tat tlis Ciro shall not f.leeed Wit. luuolnel 'dollars in u.ielt awe; nor the iniptioininent nue putt ; the lion olielkho inflietoil, or conviction, on the OfillOrli 01 Virltioll N 730 Ileg.ett or t prime to 110, C • 8811011 to be n.O • 1., it . • iadcr..rla nut oeuictO. to algal:said on said on , e •e'.rrti tin e. 0. If oily ' elect on Ohio s * .toll la nolo or neglect to r.quire su • 11 pre .• of ;1 o ri g ht Cl Mirr,ge Ito 1n preOCTII. O .I leis tee laws to which thin in u suppleniei.t, he any;. ,• oo ,0 l'ffel log to vole whose onion In tint on the Est '0 :tkAotOCli whew right or wh° right to vote .. Lt.,.) • voter present, coil ehoil .1/ ;eirsiip to 01,10' without reyvi ring Oil perocin co o_Tootl ing ripen en e; • Ity of a ).;gll tnicilennio nor, owl s'er.l v• -,. for eve r snob ofro,oo, to pay Tot • •- .1 in; on,litire• (trod 1 o'lgro, or to OWL, "r ;01 , ,i1 , 12 . 1m,1 not 1110 T ,, than eda 0110 YegO, ei .. , r ; • II! :hi 11111• prolioll el tlic cent. Sri., 7. Too I. olveltorn of Proti , loll , ~.l I'. s.: 1:10 llnit...lll4ltites, It -14.1 , 1.. 1 o r, to attend tit, ihe foi ....• in, .0, 114111 ' 411g election in oriel, 0,, .oritb,l /leo thelo et: 0.1•01., 41,e bean oullll, IL ; ` • • 1 • . .! who 01a.oi le .•. t r lino erbi-01, , ed 'Hee 1r. , -. ..1 tOl , l vaitire 0f ../ 1.10.0 1. 1 , , i• ✓ stic.ll ilieutet, n, ' 1' • • 1 • ,,, claimant ~ /1e.,. 111 vrs Ai ter IV' • I onp, 1,14, ;hi. 1:1 ,! •1;f1 Fatur , 11,1 , Khali rly .. • , It, ttt : • , t , :or, ri • Liz( • r. • CO, onl 1.7 ti ~ 1 .1., I . .1 r ,tinly .01.11.11 I •. r•,l t. :! rµ h` ' • :41 t. • t 1 tom+ DI brr. I-, 8 T:1 sh”li e‘bly •Ix1 oh% tt /11...1111, Br.. The indgo f tho • 1,11, ,, 1 o,o'o ote Coo , 100 to.l o 000t . 00 , to x 1,1 • I r L.. P••• 01 n any vl , lllllll . an tu /toy O tt 41,411 1,1,1..1111, hi silt' %old I=2 e'ri • 10. rt. 111,./1/9 - 1 ph: t 1 . htive tb, • t.. . I/ p. forming tht. dnllell hr, ri,y 110'.11.//a prnt lib 1 by 1., rpr thn of thotr dutlra, to paid by I .11,1i\ IV in oilier 111 iit I. .11 /I I' ///,', ./ .1.• . t.! pror't crllw tic. I.: .11 ro '• l'ur,tlny o.: Oric io • c • y vo tc, ky. wx11,4,,,c any c t And VI, 1 . ..1 1 ,111.1t1: uny In of tlll4 pros • r -1,1 4 ',,r, , , 41 El .r• Elf 0011t.7 I • ti•.l., no k.n. anon, not t.olnltE , E Iprn-unoinot not osi etEl, Th..- ).11,1 0 h4, or 14th. t tho diocrotton the SI, 11. On the paut„:;... ; tit:eons n' the county. wtatior tlodu- ottl; thee cu rrty ;alio,: that trands.o...; ,:o ,- 11. at the r , o011;ot 1.-ot I.• he hr Id o.••rf,t, • ti. hn lit flat!. the Court ‘.l';`nt.i.o.., h.,- if in ,onott, at i 1 Tat; 01.., cp ~,int - !!J,• nit ha conn'o In t nl i , le.• • r JO VOlOl . ll 1 . 10 1. c 1.1.01 t'o4 041 . 4,, /1.111011, anti w1t0.... clot. L 1 ICOIIIIIO be sn.m. ..f Ile c Ter.nork. th I.koll 1111111 1 1 11• I+o/1114 1100111u' party: sold vet eenrs aka!! lievn t In. ~,1,1 he . 'llll. llllt.t.rs of it.. e1...1.0n, 1111: llto 1 1 01111 • '01..011 11.11 OM color., Inntle out .tn.l .r. • " it lioll of soterv, Ifol . lto eltahun,, oy perdon offering to rota. ;Lad tutu, totutte Itint and nut ttneratitubn oat!., Imm le,;:.1,1 .t. Lot 14;Ist of tolf.. trege at Mel It n “ (r, 1,1,011 , • 1113 1,1110.4 1/1 . ..11111Vd; 1111.1 lit,....dll•Otkill are re quired to utfard 10 'All,tk sule, ydWel vi)-• putt.text every ..otivetioneu nief rho ol go et th eir ; mut II tent et altall ref.° to porno; to,rv. flit to be pret.t.fnt porfortn tltiot ,totl at aforevaltl. Or f eio!y shall ho [rhea nway outs tat by 01 o 1,;;,/, of an Ilu• • .11q/1 0,1 , 1 [ham. t May ho telt, u d R. atot: llama! ti, Ina a ronleot aaid 1•1,o,uol Prur on en;toug IL. , rerIII, u Lm t.ver • IL If any pr , del,- y of ultlior, or 01 111•1 • pl,-110,,n1l “tpix •.; 'of o 1./. 100 L'0.•1 • 1 t1.11..r, or 1.t.• It' ,111 1 to I' • !till i. 1 ••• 101 t, or tJto t vame to 1.x . v11;.1 ,ktt, wli.sr4lpy it fluty Lc F..t•niul .r1:13 tow.hnathemj,,tho. conttirato to ally lee : ahaq not hot el duly olhainthl Lt 01 4., a.. 11 • ••• 10.111, to One llrn 91:0111...a rte oranl . g . ,fo 140 net of Congetne r el;a1,1 it: .0, ri ne way perttlit Cut, h... 303 . ,••••tilrel , l4t. [tort cortific,ito. bi-r.. 110 ofn fir: , or 0.1,0 .1,111 It • t.•• inch certificate of natiir.ll7.iii h Oita it win fratidoilevti : a..f.::01 . 1 • vot. fiimieri: or lli ..r 1 •.." to r. 111111, IL • I • 1 : rott• • 111 0 01,0 0,1, tali nu : • ••11v:• • 11•••• he 3 . 11 , eqt, 1 ... I n.;...n0 It • ••1••0111,1 (1011:t1 Mid a • pew, e t; tooar3 (or a 1,11%4 oot P. Ure. (0.• or, ot, In or I;efore ur r mrt rod to r•lut; O.•• , la, fact, 'atiowlot, —ll • =IIM 1.11,1,41;1, h/ 1, LAP! , 011111,tr• of whir.. is ..If , it I Fill.iLirr 1,1..03 0,11 '•01. 4i .0 " • Z.Ol , 111.1t1011 LO .1611 day it hut 1•1,01[111.111 Intl„ 1,1•1014. it • •. I ~ i 3 10 111,0 1•11.tt• 111. ir i • / an,l p..r, • U vote .ur a I..topt Id'o or Lilly 01.1:111 lor wi.o ithy Irny 0111 in. vol 0- nny 3,/ , ‘ 11 - LA..v., In I lir r hy ...,1- Wlut 11,111,1ir . `I 1 .• 1' g 11111) 01 I )14;11 11. . naJ ilp. glirtil 1111 d/ 1,1,4 fe um 41,1- t. t , log 1.,,y I ...(11, J. 6 for,ovory d•ogi Lgti.. or - ogiou Or 111/1/0114..• 4:1( 1,0 to tint li till all) 4hrlrtrl 101 AI. it, r • or I Jiii 1 ., 0 . ly eonhund..e.l ,lolliti I, arbrif any auleumor ehell a'l •ti at.) .1. 1,1.•• uld 11.. NV 11 ref. • to , uno who to loilliflod he ,toll Ito goqty of a tee.-I.ou,toor In other, nod on n.olyirtlon Ito puniehed by rill" or imprisonment, nod !xnto st - Ilklept tnanartren r.r dmong, by the pat ty ug , :rierfel; nod it I a.ms. per,,on ehgll froudttlottily, niter, add to, dr Ltcr or Fieiti 07 any lint 01 001001 made out undo, end I y_ 01,11 uct , or tear down or to 11104 ti frtint whero It tun I,ott fixed, ,rich frot(.lulet., 0 letu ,- .l:l.youe intent, 01 ter till) itoproror nurp.e.. eon no offetutiteg lo t guilty 111:01 ntooler t.. 1111,11, and e. 4 xhall ha puntelled 1 ,y r 11.1 e not et etouliog li Vt. Inur died doll:try, or inipiluolunuot not oAvueding two pion., or both, lit the dpemition of the court. O , ^ Eir.c.'l6. All the 01, - ,tionu for oily, word, borough, .towneltip antlederi oill; oru rthrill be horrufttir ho,r on the urn - I Tuesday !a October, unliject to nil proylnione of the lowa te;;ull.ltog the election,' of much Alcorn riot leuxutuletrid, with this art; tho.per , eons elected ttPianch offireu at that thnn shall tato their plncen ntihe expiration or the turinu,of the poroons bottling the limo rat Ulu tloin of .011 rlee• lion; but on Mention 10' the aueuusor or nests Ant nusoeuor to held, undo thin ru.t, until the one thottuotiti 011,3111 hohdred uoyohtY• Per. 11. 4t all ell etene: held lint,tifter undo Imes of thie Common ricui th, the tin ilu uholl to cPritoii between the !inure, of via sod eoion 0160, it. in , and cloeuti 01 p. tn. per. 17. IL wintli Ito the duty of the Beyrolnry of the enuottonwrulth to proparo fermi for nll the blanks made once:94.y by limbn t and furultdi colUve of tho Fame to till, (.01011.). C11111:111,11,11iddi of the den end coluitleunf thle Conononwo .1011 nod the r0 ,,,,y roonntkuionetli ..11 nllOll noulity phut!, ay soon no 'tiny ha nopewunry akftyr receipt or the 1 ,11 1 0 , At Ibn proper oxpenueoJ (h, county, proctor] owl furnlehlo :01 the of action 001001, of On election dilarletr of their re. uportive Novak. ',pit, of 'au th blunt,, in onoiy~ tinottiltlesuu may I, tend. roll Ilfli`iihiii`y 11. d. lihßtgo of their dtitlo4 hide' Ulla not, 4 4, •• ' • Sod. lit. Thot oiti..l.tin of thin Steteetotuporuttly In the tuition of the Pinto or 'Of the United ,htuted floyornotonts, au elyrlesi 4n °filor ditty; and do not' vow whew that employed, ultull not hu• loprlvod of the rigid to 011(0 In their unvorul °loot ion ilutrleto, if ytherwltto ClIANOI: IN ileit M 0145 or Vtll'lNO, • An not reg tattling the mode of voting at all elet, ' Cone in the nevoral collation of this Commonwealth approved March 80,1006: nee, 1. ,De it enacted by the Ssnate and thus of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Jimmie. nits and Genera Are-nal!, art, dad if is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, 'Vint thu qualilled votora Of the retread counting of (lam Commonwehltfi at Cho general, towinhlp, borough or speelqu'ontloret, aro : homily, ltormater, nttattn Avon govt rounprl to rote, by tlekute, lghnlyd ua'•riam", iogtly piluttal w 1 1 1 1 0 11 1'1 0,110 n , :Mt. urea!, e WON,' row, 0,4 . Flrbu 1041110,1 or ullvla...(111181,0 voted for; n(1 1.1. i.iirtlAllo44 n 'ol , lalkl,icyT' 0180 e nave shalt embrace nave of a`l Male 011100r11 votol for, anll.l l 6,,lnbelled " tante I" ono , ticket shall, clubmen 110 nature, of nitro uotc 61110000 . votott for, and ha labelled 11 0ontact" onn,tliket Anal dabraeo Cho names of all tow n ogle 01'8 voted' for, and he labelled s' lownehip;" ono tio`not Khali' (Mamma the' manse of hll loroupt pincers'-voted thr, and be labollod „" borough.... and ado, ,1,k,../ 011311;1,0 11111101, 110 d In eeparAto ballot boxen. ' • '• AMENDMENT TO MB toNs.muTioN OY 'mu • ,• UNWED , ! HIXTION ). Thn rlchl or. t i. Eitettt,; to tor" br tk,icra oLoo) by tta. V oltenl pi; cutitlit lon or VIIIST AND 1.31 , t1:0[4.1) riii TIO lO' n(:'1: Q' CON. (111.Ltiti OF . IIAItIItI 3I ItCt " 4 1 . BECTItIN I. LiSarfrq t o ; V, 114.(e thol..llOuni of IttpreAc ritaii”es qf the Unite,' Nl,ltet,tl' A rittrica e a Cangren asgenaded, Tlarat CARLISLE, THURSDAY niORNING;SEPTEMBER le, 4.87 p. , Ili .Election Proctamatiii4.l States, who. are, or shall be otherwlso quallif • by . law ta vote at any election by are people, in •it • y 2.1.... e, Territory, distract, county, city, pariah town -01111i..c hoot district, lartniblidity, or other territorial subdir.sion, shall be ontitiod and allowed nt"ioto at all such elections!, without distinction of Taco, color, or provioua condition of servitude; any Con. .stitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any State or Territory, or by, or under its authority, to tho contrary notwithstanding. Sec'. 2. -.lad be it farther enacted, That if by or ,' miller the authority of tho constitution or laws of I any State, or laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to dm done on a prorequalto or ti , tr:hflention for voting, and by such ConstitoSion or I law pet anr+ 00 ollkers nra or shell 1/0 charged with the pet Minionn 0 of duties of furnishing to citizen. ‘p opportunity to perform ouch prerequeite, or to Irecouls qualified to vote, It ahall lingo. day of ovary 1 each poreon•notPolllcer to glee to all eitieGno of the Unified r.t Oen lit' Willett and oqual opportunity to pm I.•. al aunt 1013 . .1111W L.ll, MA to become qualtdod to rob, a about distinction of roe e, - color, or preylotek condition of cervlttale—and if any such poreoti cif officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to glen full r Ifei t this treed., he shell, for et ory :melt offence, toiteit and pay 0 emu of tiro hundred d °lima to the person aggrieved tlmreby, to ha recovered by enac tion eu tint cane, with fall cooto. and finch allowance for voalawl teen fie the t oust thrall deem Joe!, and nhell also, for every °lnnen,, be deemed guilty of a ittliclemeanor, and shall on conviction . thoreof, be fined not lerithen tiro hundred dollars, or be troprio hoed not leas than onnaroath and not more than one year, or both,at the riteorotton of the court._ Saction 10 or AN ACT OP Tan PENiibtit'llite. Ls meta. Tenn or APRIL 6, 04 1.a870. Sve. 10, That no much of every net of Assembly as providt s that einly white freemen are entitleeto veto or bo registered no voters, or an claiming to vote at any general or special Orel!en of big Commonwealth, Ito and the came to hereby repealed; and that hilt nf tor al l'freemon, without distinction of color, shall to f around nod registored according to the proof,- lons of the section of the net approved +. 4 .rprll 17, 1800, entitled" .11. Art Pother, supplemental to the act railwag to the Morino - fa of this Commonwealth, and v. lion otherwise qualified midi, the oxieting lasil, 1;0 i.'o•tt to vela at all general and, special elections a I env COMll , olll,nlllt. 00 . .. Y.I'I7'LTTIONALCONVENTION ..-- , A t the 5,,1e iipla 11011 plarrs, also, an election rill C., g.. ,:: for dnleentee to the convention to amend the 1 C., ,unit hat oftio. Stale, in C3llfOrlllity With the. ct, • c,.10h '4 '. P ai Act t." pine hle fur calling a coeiven'ten I , act ei.•' ''.• CO11,0'011 , 44 4 " applovcd Aprll 11,1572. Alt ti,,,:tila I 10 - sell 1 , 1,111 , following rules tfull t' ''' ' '‘ ,l r a =l,ll apply to said t•lectlonotral the co-, ~`,, rf Al the gettet al election to beheld tho second Tuelditt 01 Oct shoe "rat, there shall he elected by the qualided el. et.. of this Orr normottlijolegatee to n coo: ran,.:, to 1, , ,:, and, amend till ca,ktitiltirlts of ' this , i - '4:. • ;11 , 4....1 roar. iCo s Atoll coit.lnt'ot one .111:1'iSMILI. 111. I) -MI to M , •1111,ele, to b,, elected in the It otter foiloalug : Twenfy-eight mointerit thewoof ha'l ho olecturl in the State at large, AR folio 00 -, , ..i voter of the Plato shall' vote for not -,,, •.11,,,,, fo., ~. n , is 11•111 , a. to t the IwonLy F ollptit .' ((. WI lie direllieod e . ortod ; nittotyl.nlne d 'll.gal t.. 1,1,e 1414.• 14[6.1;410cl to and elected front the a aim ent rirnat,aran ,0.10101, of . ..lento, State . , titre,: :tele •, .1 e: 1“1 , , , ell'o l Bll ......t 0.4 , .14 Sot ~tor 11,44r."4 oath ; turd In 01,noroi p, - all diotridt ololvgalv f. each voter tili.tifit. lo .141111, rl to 1, voLe for not mete III;,, two of lira illealleys 1.. '.•• cho, , e , Ilia !lir 113 . .1.11c1 , and the three 0n11..1.1. highest in veto shall lon del-lurid elretnd„ wo ~pt lit tit. comity of Atlegliony, forming the ri,,,,y•thir d Slnatofial • The' het, whore no voter shah 4 4 • :, rdi., I liAll s.t....airrildatvs, and the ulna 11,,te I 1 : oi , :e Oil, II it • loctorl, and in the countien of 1, , ,,,,e, Ma• . or .a I Pp,,,,f,:t ming the Thirtnenth •00tt0r...; Di.o a 4, a hoot no voter shall vote fir mare lt , n four candid:a., end the six highest In rote .It-II be elected, and six additional del ' egattee 411.11 hull sea frau: the city of Philadelphill, by a v 'lO, ato .ge In, viid 4 dy, and in the it oloctivii nu sl.. U,. '0 101 loci 0 than titre,' candidate/1,...,1 at..., 0 hfclort. I. voteW.iall la. Inelar , al elected. 'O,l. ', . r; :4s, Awl I, e 1 ~rto n 1... re 0h eleotiott t tetra: 010; pros :de: wonaql.hin 1,0%1-1 tot eschpall, one in A. hlvh 0 d: nel.t the t1.:41.,,, voted fur Del.:- 10104 a: la,,te. mu i lia• oth, r Ist witicl to deponit the , twk..le yard for Instt 01 Itelegotr,:, which boxes' ‘lll,ll I . let,' led 'Opt ettv,lv, "Dolsgatos at large" sod " I.:. i. 13)0.. , ltatea ;" ;is , I la u„,'ll district in the city ot If, ilAttelphia, an additional box shall ho prnyldlol formelt poll,ln which to deposit the tickets vole , ' tor '' tat,' bolotirtios ..” nod said last mentioned i,,,,, ntoer e,,,t, iu, labelled "City I.l"cates." 1 Au .4"f h.. •le, Oen • el.al I,' hold and ran ,i,,, teat r ~,o I Tr: . ttl. , rttn . ,Illerrs -..f the noverul evil in tn..' dr:. I the G.- lloa , v(a.th and clout la ,:ot 1., ono and ogitlttral 11. all s a:lieut. by' 11:0 fra. , rot el: , :0:: en of the CoaliannWeilltli, No for ''•'" ' ' l l" 'd,, ri 1• , ,. , , , , , 1i ,,,,, ! , , ~,—,„, coi l „„, 1 „. ~„.,•,..,„,. „,,,, ~,, ~, .11.100, of tool sot. A• N 'pi e 11..1.1t% C'. be t atoll fax larmbera at N.,: . ot ace r0nr , ..01 - :r. .11:U hay. on the outside the o n , ltt '' llol• witee At burg.. ; ' and on the Inside the W.,. t.: . h o' eatotirlot 04 to Ito voted for, not noel ed• int , fe itu•on in itornhec. .P• fl 'I to Itch. IC to he, Note,: rut LI:ell:et man:hors al 111,,, , .1 , m . ball 100 .3 on the outside:o2d .. , vat, p_. "1..11 , r I. o '. i.. 1 11 - and on the tualdr , thill nam or newer of tho mt , atat cc voted for, 110 exouod ug ll the prop... :Aunts, limited an aforesaid t but any tiot,..t 0 Itieu shall contain A grouter numbei . of 0.10.10 '1 an Ito II , :alter for whiolt 1110 Not.' .0411. to entitbd to e.e., 'hell ho rat, eted ;'and in eltee , of the dt :', ..:0%!. , :t; 14 be alt. 4:: t at large in thliadolphla, tho %void, •' City tblegarra," kiiall too nn Ole outside of the th.o.t. .C..5'74. In ths sit of Philadelphia the return uniges vholl tricot at tho Sta.° lino., at ton o'clock on the roursdny nevi following the election, and tram s out the rotor WI for nald citte,•of Shp vote. cant thno , ::: tor .1-ingo P nt at large and city and dintrlct de notes, t, 1., tato/here of the cunt notion; the re ran, oeige. of tho se, 'el election dixtricta within ex.+, ( All Q. ef Ihe State, .., cludin, l'lnlarinlphia, eh I'l no ~. It P. luny nest lollowine the election, at rte',;,, I. l w '' fur the air , 11[1)4'01 Ili, return ra Igo, ,i 1 tit.,. county. acil make ont. roll nod accurate re am., iCr the e. NI, fy, e 4 the •oten cast thdrein for monitors of the convention and furdlotriet tuumbaro . of t ;,•, enure; and the proceedings or the roturu lodges of the 0144 , 1 city of Philadelphia, and of the mnr v.:. ..laliri a the t`c•wnronwoaltb,lo the natking of Ito relic., shall he tho Farosus those prosirrlbill for 404.4.11 nolgr 4 to tho'caso, of an oloccon Or llirier lt,, et. opt that rot.ns tstactuittod to the Socrolary - or ow Ce4otrum.wcaltli, obeli be addressed to that dll. or /111. Jan and nut to the Speaker of thpereate. • I. JORDAN, Secrelary of the Commonwealth. Param - nr- 1,, rho pot-hoot. contained in the .10,1,1y-bid:l, section of WO art first at:non:o , l, the hula.. of tar alaretaid districts shell respectively Inky ..1.1r1,s or the rorollcatert of return of the ok,. ' 1101111 ~ l , I 1.41 t r. spoctito district/rand produce thorn at a In retiog ot toteludoe from tech ' district, at the borough of Carludo, on the third day after the sloe. lion, being' for the present year ON IIIIDAY, Till: ELM" ENTII DAY Ott OurOkttilt NEY'f, thou and , here ti, do and pt.rforru the iturioe rcituiroid lip law of cell i lid grii. . ' .1 h,,—'Fo u l whop ty Naga try alchnera at: unavold• hI" 3 ' .. " 0 '0 ,, I. allahleta attend ouch a mooting of Judges, then the, certltleate or return aforesaid shall Ire tekee otarge of by ono of tho latepectura or Clock. of the Ourtion at aid :Extra t, who shall do and per. term the dun, ' eqttlawl of said Judge unable to It: te oil. In leotimony whereof I' 11.10 herattato sat my hand :MA S.,MI;, MMM JAMES K. 1101tII1IAN, [h. S.l 3I riff. etaltmlii, Supt 6, I (72. ,i- A. L. SPONSLER',Y COLUMN.. A . L. BP ONSLIMI, 147111 A uttll, 6qtivo.or t e4nruynneur, luuar Al.! 0/ OW Agunt.. Oftice - MAIn Btreot mar equaro. Av A LU.N.BLE FARM AT PRIVATE SA LA —Situated on the Baltimore Turnpike, Oro mile: 8,..th of Carlisle," near the Tillago of Papertown, (Anil.,land County, containing no knoeo es thu " HUI CIWON PARNI.". Ti,, Improvements art n largo Stone Mansion Bonne, with convoniont out - Unthlinge—a large Bank Barn, two 'tenant lionala Of water and claterna. halt farm it cannot ,be 0: celled In Oho county. alarge apple and poach wellard, together with port., rharror, rrraro,: and atrawberrlea in ahandanoe, and a good utneket tar the mine. The 11110 location of rho ladidinge, delightful Aare and I , lerleant aurroundinge ' render it ouu of the moat tioelrable hoinua in thoCumborland Talley. • - The propertrivlll be diepumd of upon faroraLle tortes. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, gonte72 Acathitate Agent. IOYSTN. PROPERTY AT PRIVATE HALE—Situated on South rut street, Qtr. .1,11,1,,c0n ao feet In front &int 110 In depth to an ntley. TI Improvements RT•• •^ • TWO-STORY BRICK lIOUSFy ith.n briek hark Wilding, containing parlor, hall,, dining room and kitchen on the gru t dom., and roar rooms on the second, with balcony and garrot— wanh libule, bake oxen, smoke house Rod tither con. reolent colt butildinga nod's good cbtarn,' halt Imes and grape dues. roupdro of A 1. SPONSLItIt, dthntad Real &tato Agent, MOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.- liltnaleil on Weat Perot etruet, above PM efrnnl. Ca:il.lo. .910+ lot la h: loptl t our of thn moot e 33 l4;g fr ila building 'ilfontm le ol le ' l 4 u o the loecu . The Improvements are a TWO-STORY FRAME "SWELLING. The tonne will be rondo Irony. Enquire of 7< A. L. SPONBLER, ' 30tnn73 goal Entate Agent T OUSE AND' LOT OF GROUND Air a F , PRIVATE 13ALS3-21tuted on Went South ntrent. Lot 30 by Otto font, a two otnry brink build. lug net Ott feet back from thn street, 16 by 113 foot rontalning 3 mute on each floor and ono oa lino tic. Convonlont out buildiugn, hydrant In the yard, abundance of fruit, notteloting of applon. Imam ,plunnt and thorn no. The property Is Ito good ordq/ and will be di/11,0,1°4.pr upon-roarionable forty. Apply to' voNwit, 3ittan73 If t aal pinto AgotA. 21 14. • VW43SI.ODIOUS TWO—STORY 1111104 PW.E.I.LINO. ON NOItT/I PITT POR SAl.E...Cahtaltaiug donblo prior's, Lail, dining ro and kitchen, on the' first floor, 9 eitianhors on the Second story swillnlithed rooms In Iho *Ws, conycnisiit out•Lulidiuga, and hydrant' In the yet t, an to A. L. eroistan; . Anal Estate Agent. 30nIta.. ' ..... vi III:10K EBIDENOE AT PRIVATIT JILJ SALE. Ituatud on South Pitt street, near Pomfret, aTW STORY ROWAN BRICK 110138 E, containing ratd is, NAIL Dining Room Ind 11,110 R in on the drat floor and fauy_comfarteki WW 911‘ the toond story . , li. 90- tiTif in ' tedilitiit nil convenient out b Wage, T 9 propos), 1 41.1 1 0 1. repair, and till be dispose Of . OIOU i 0 9 , 100 i riaumnublu totimt. Aypiy to . :t k - A. L. SPONSLTIII, : noupog ' : • • Real Ectete Agent. rpWO VALUABLE MIMS, .withlu lIVO MINN ,f Whlrllnla; Havoroh °that houses oodtholhlino lots ip. tho hthroligh, and ak house/ end 14,,‘11 roperiowpovill oleo, be Maimed of upbn rohoonohlojetPli by en 8 .1 C P I e N t e ll " A g l en ; tt EEM THE WAITING NOTHEE. , • Bittibgly bOr favorite wlndod,i :i.• An tho Rumors gulden glow Booms to calif a glory round har k Falling Oil hot lockro i f ;mons, ':; ' • ' Them the mother sits and mum, Till the nun dinte In the west, • - Listening for the tread of spirits, Tram tho lands where dwell the html. Long ago heidarling left her, • L i Fading surely day by day; Till ono eve at golden sanset, On her iOneltshe dying . "Mother pat me near tho window, . Era tho min.'s last glorlos fado, '"' Lot me son thoso shady,Alloys • , Onoo again ln• light arroyo& o. "Mother, when the day has faded, And yon twinkling evening star Mines upon ,your lonely . chamber,: • . Vram that heaven on blue and far.: " Will you Hit Imelda Mail window, When the shadows arelong and And the mints ofevouing gather, Bit and ping our yelper hymn. " I wIU eolne and hover near yon, Tram a fair and shining land, And from heavenly !Amine Of music, Chanted by a eldrat band. " Mother, though you may nor coo me Mover.near you tp the ale, .. Though you cannot hear my tbdtetepe, You will know that I am near." 8o the mother sibt and muses, Waiting tot the shadows dim, Round the mountain brow to gather, Then she sings the 'gasper hymn. Though she cermet boar the footsteps, In tho snail( evening air, She bellows an angel spirit Prom the "bolter land" is there. ON THE RIVER. A Tnimuwel BEET= In the summer of LS—, I was engaged with 4 young man named Lyman in locatifig land lots along the Wabash,. in Indiana. 1. - had gone out, paitly for my health, and partly to accommodate one who had ever been a noble friend to me, Mid who had purchased a great deal of GovernrrieUt land. At Davenport'he was taken sick and after watching with him a week, in hopes that he would soon recover, I found that he had - a settled fever, and, as the physielanssaid that be . would not probably be able to move tin der ammOntli,.l 'determined to push on alone. ' So I ob - .-+itied a good nurse, And having aeon that my fried would.have everything necessary to his C - df..n.lfort that' money could preenre, I left As good fortune would have it, I found a party of Bit mon bound on the very route I was going, and I waited ono day „for the sake of their company. At length we , set out, with three paok horses to carry our luggage, and B00111:found had lost nothing by waiting, for my com panions wore agreeable and ontgrtiin lug. They were going on to St. Josephs, where they had land already locatddi and where they had mills upon the river, 'in-: tending to get out lumber during the re mainder of the season. On' he third day from Logansport we reached Walton's settlement .on the Little River; having loft the Wabash on the morning of that day. It,was well on into the evening when . we reached the little log-built inn of the settlement,' and we were glad though of the shelter,•fOr, ore we wore fairly undercover, the rain began to fall in big drops, and thioltlx too. And more still had'l to berVoankfi.:, for.• My horse began to show a lame ness in ono of his hid logs, and 'when I leaped froth the 4ddle I found that his foot pained him much, : as I could tell by the manner in which ho lifted it from the ground. I ordered the -hostler to bathe it in cold watek and then wont into the house, whore we found agood substantial supper, and comfortable , quarters for the night—that is, comfortable quarters for that section and that` time. About ten o'clock, just aftei I had re- tired, and just as I was• falling into a grateful drowse, I was startled by the shouts of men and barking, of dogs di rectly under my window. ,As. the .noise continued; I arose and threw on my clothes and wont down. "What is it?" I asked of the land lord, who stood in the dorway. "Ah t don't .• you know, stranger ?" said the host, turning. "You've heard of Gustus Karl, perhaps?" Who in the West at that time had not heard of him—the most reckless and mur derous robber that over cursed a country! I told the host I had heard of him often. "Well," he resumed, "the villain was here ovly this afternoon, and murdered a man just up the river. We've bet% out after him, but ho gave us the Slip. We tracked him as far as the upper creek ; there ho came out on the'bank, and fired at us and killed ono of our: liana, and then drove into _the - woods. We sot the dogs on, but they' lost; • "And you had to ootno back bona lose ?" I. said, "Xos," the landlord growled. "But,'' . Ito added, with a knowing' shake of the head, "ho can't run clear much longer. The country is up in- arms, and ho will either leave those buntings or be drop ped." " What sort; of a man is ho ?" 1 asked. "The vory last man in the world ybu would tako for Gus. Karl: He is small —not a bit over five foot, with light, curly hair, a smooth white face, and not very stout. But, love ye, ho is as quit& as lightning, and his eyes have got ilre in thorn. Be dresses In all spades, but generally like a common huntbr. Oh, be is the very devil,, I do Iplieve I" After the tubfulof whiskey and water ' •which the landlord had provided was all drank, the crowd began to Idbiliereo, 'and shortly afte'rwarda I went up again to bed, and this timeslept on Unhatorrupt. edly till morning. • juit eaten my breakfast, and had gOile to the front door, when a, horse man came dashing up' to the-. place. Himself and animal covered, with, mud, I It had been raining all night. '.'ha Bret thing the newcomer did liitsta to inquire for gio:, I answered at once to the nanis.' Be then imgormeitme that Lyman Knapp 941,144 riot live, and he, wished to sou me as soon as possible. • • "The doctor Said ho ruvet die`,7 said . „ the mossongor, 4 1 and the poor fellow now only gooks for IVO , long enough to. see ,yon. n "Poor Lyman,".murmured to any. solf. P' Bo young, so, hopeful, with 'Rd Many friends and relativei•in' his far-off horno,and taken down to die' Wang* , •", ' ' , told the • man I. 'would set out on my 'return as Soon i s possible. • He ate some I breakfisti,mrtho'n reinniedhisjourney,' ,being bound mi far as the'ynttitwatoralo ' '1 settledrmy I.lll',:itri'tinin Sint for My hers° ;but a bitter.„' disappoinirnent awaited me. I found the foot .swollOn very badly, and it pained , him ea that ho °Mild hardly stop been OW, T obould hive beim tempted Id try: him ; but I knew tiiat in some Oxides: the mud Mould - be deep. I went 'to the host, and asked him ,if ho could leadiitie' or; s'ell'ine-s• fierso. , '.He Could do neither. His only spare horie had been shot the night before by the_ Wa bash robber. The re r was not a horse in the phicoici be obtained for any amount of money. . I returned to the stable and led my ;horse out, tirit'he could not even walk with any d!gree of ease. I could not use him. I was in "Look hero," said mine host, its I began to detipond, " caret you 'manage a cauoo' . "'Kea, yory well," I told hits. . " Tlion.that is your best wok. The current ia very sarong this morning, and without a stroke of tho parbile r it would take you along as fast ran a horse could wade through this mud. You shall havo oae of My canoes for just what it is worth, and you ean,lClEit at Logansport' for as _ • . caught at the proposition instantly, for I Bair thai it waa ! a good one. "Af yodarn't shoot tho rapids," added the landlind, "You can easily shoulder the canoe, and back it 'round. 'Tien% far." • ' • I found tho boat to bo a well-fashioned "dug 'out," largo enough to boar. four .men•with ease, and I at once paid the man his 'price -;•ten dollars—and• had my, luggage brought down. I gave directions about the care of my bores, and thinf The, current was quite rapid, say four or five miles an hour, but , not turbulent, and I soon modes up my mind that it' was; far better than 'riding on' horseback. The banks of the river wore thickly Covered with large trees, and I saw plenty of ,game, and more than once was tempted to fire tho contents of my pistols at some of tho holdest " varmints" but I had no time to waste, so I kept'on. But one, thing -stunned wanting, and that was a com panion ; but I, was destined to Iliad one soon enough. -, • It was shortly after noon, and rhea „Ina • eaten'rey dinne : r4 broad_ and cold moat, when I cad; tp a place whero the Made an abrupt bend to the right,- and a blittle further on I cache to an ab rupt Veen N;'hors the currents formed a perfect whirlpt.,, , ol. I did not notice it till my canoe got in.„to it, and I found myself going . round Mete ad of going ahead. I plied my wood p addle with all mipower, and soon sumac +tied in shoot ing out frbin the current ; but in doing so I ran upon a low sandy shore. *he • effort' had- fatigued mo ,not a little, add as I found m yself thus suddenly moored I resolved to rest a few minutes.. • I had boon in this position .some ton minutes whon rwai startled by hearing a footstep close by me, and 'on looking up I saw a man' at the side of the boat. He was; a young looking person, not over two-and-thirty, and-seemed to be a hunter. Ho wore a wolf-akin,, oggings of red leathoi, and a cap of bear-akin. ? Which we.y are you &land, stran ger 2" he asked' in a pleasing-tone. • "Down the river to Logansport," I replied. • "'That's the I wish to go thoro myself," the stranger,resumed. " What say you to my.,taking,your second pad : dlo, and keeping you bornpany ?" - " I should like it," I told him frankly. "I've been wanting company." "So have j," aided the hunter. "And I've been panting some .better mode of oonvoyance than these worn-out legs through the deep forest." "Como on," said I, add as I spokelia leaped into tho eanoo, and having do.. posited his rifle in the bow, ho took ono of the paddles, and told me he was ready when I was.' Bo we pushed off, and wore soon clear of the whirlpool. For an hour we carrell/ed. freely. The stranger told me his name was Adams, .and his .father, lived in Columbus. Ho was now oat on a hunting and prospeot lug expeditlon'ovith some companions, who had gone oxi to Logansport by horse, and ho had got seParatod from them in the night, and lost his into the 'bargain. Ho said he l had sum of money about his person, and that was , one reason why he disliked to travel in the forest. Thus ho opened his affairs to me, and I was fool enough to be equally frank. admitted that I had some money, and I told my badness ; and by a quiet and most unprediming course of remarks he drOw from mo the fact that I had money enough to, purimso forty fall lots. oonversation lagged, and I began ,to , give any companion a closer 'serutiny. -I satin theaterri of the canoe and he wag about, midships, and facing me. Ho was not' a large man, nor was be tall. Ills hair was of a light flaxen hue, aid hhng in long curls about his neck his, features were regular' and handsome, and 'his complexion very light. But the color of his face was not what ono could call fair, It was a cold, bloodless color, like pale marble. And for the . first time, t00,,1 looked •partieu 7 larly at his. eyes. They wore, grey in color,' and had:.ihe William)) , of glaring Their light'was intense, but cold 'and glittering like 'a snake's. • : When I thought,of hifi ago I•set him down as not mit& over thirty. • • Suddenly a sharp cold shudder ran through my frame, and my heart leaped with a wild thrill. As sure as fate—l knew It—there could be no doubt-4144 taken into my rionildenee Gustus Karl, .the Wabash Bobber feareaNmy- Ono Mons would ,betray,, me. I looked earefully over his poison again, and knew I wap not inistakon. . coal look back no and s'oo liow cunningly AO bad lad me on to 11. 'Confession of my: oiroum. stances-11°w ho pp 4. bp*, .411 my tigairso:oveal•tliii Atte iotmy finances. :What& foorlinid tieint Bit it witatott late to think of, the, past. , I had enough to; look out Pk ; 1511440Y to lat . length ,reanaged overebinc itll 'my outward emotions, and then I began Ad watch 'mj acanpanion 'more 'sharply and closely, , afr , ptscois were both and .l. know they, wore in order, for,' bad' loiamined theta' in: the' after. ncion".Wheb I thotight .of Ming at somo ;1 . -They Were in the breast pocket of my , )Mat, ,' which pcedrat bad 'b,cen ,rnade on puipese for 'Orin, and . I could roaoh thorn at any:instant. Another hour had ii 4 B B °4 !'w47, , oPdpt, ) Y q l 4 time 114 4 b,4" . come assured that the robber would make no attempt, upon me - until • after nightfall. He said that it would be oon. verdant that ,Yra were together, for we .could tun all night, as the ono could atoer while the other slept. • " dye," I added with a smile ; " tat is good for me, for every hour is valuable. I would not Miss meeting my friend for the world." "I) I you'll meet him, never fear," said my companiOn. Ah—ho spoke that ith too much 'meaning. I understood oil. I know what tli sly tone and that strange glean:k ing of the eye meant. lie meant ho would put meint-the road to meet poor Knapp in the other world. I only won der now thata had not detected the rob 'her when I first saw him, for the expres aion of his fao, was so heartless, so icy— and his oyes had such a wicked look —that' the most unpracticed physiogno- Odd could not have failed to deteot the villain at once. • • .„ Daring the rest of the afternoon WO conversed some, but not so • freely as be fore. I could ape' that the villain's eyes wore not so frankly bent on me as_he spoke, and that he seemed inclined to avoid my direct glances. - The move ments on his part wore not studied, or even intentional, but they wore instinct ive, as though his- very naturo led thus. Atlength.night came nn. We ate ow, supper and then.smOked our pipes, and finally my • companion propose that I should sleep before ho did At first I thought of objecting; but- few moments' reflection told zoo that I had better be have as though ho were an honest man; so I agreed to his proposition/ Ho took my seat at the store,. and I moved fur ther forward; and having removed the thwart upon which my companion had had bosh sitting, I spread my cloak •in the bottom of the canoe, and then hav ing placed my valise for a pillow, I laid doWn. As soon as possible I drew out 'one of •my,pistols and beneath the cover of a cough Inocked it.• Than I moved my body so, that my arm could boat liberty, and grasping my weapon firmly, with finger on the guard, I drew u. my mantle, sloughing my hat, arid t ..n settled down for my watch. . Fortunately for me the moon was up, and though' the finest throw a shadow upon me, yet the beams fell upon Karl, And I could see his ovary movement. Wo woro wall in the Wabash, having entered it about three •o'clock, You will call me at midnight," said I, drowsily. "Yes," he returned. " Good night." • ,{ : c • "Good night—and pleasant dreams. I'll'have you further on your way than on think ore you wake up,again.": Perhaps sob" I thought to myielf, bs I loweLcdd my head; and pretended to compose mys - elf to sleep. For half an hk qur my companion steer ed the canoe very well, and scented to take no nodes of me ; but at the end of that time I could see he ' became more uneasy.. I commenced to st . ,'ore with a long and regular-drawn breath,',,Snd on the instant, the villain started as istarLts the hunter when he hears the tread of game in the woods But hark 1 Aha—there was before one lingering fear in my mind that I might shpot the wrong man, but it was gone now. As the follow stopped ,the motion of the paddle, I distinctly heard him mutter : "0 hot my 'dear sheep, you little dreained that One Karl was your com panion. But he'll do you a good turn. If your friend is dead - you shall follow Lim, and I'll take your traps tiapay for Your psesage to heaven." I think these were the very words. At any rate' they were their' drift; As he thus spoke Jie noisolossly drew in the paddle and thou rose to his foot. I saw him reach over - hie loft shoulder, add when ho 'brought back his hand ho had a large bowie knife in it. I could see the blade gleam in the pale moonlight, and I saw Karl run hie thumb along the edge, and thou fool the point. My heart boat fearfully and my, breathing was hard. It was with the utmost ex ertion that I could continue snoring, but I managed to do it without , interruption: Slowly and .noiselessly the foul wretch approached 'me. 0 ! his stop would not have awakened a hound—and his long, gloamiog knife was half raised—l could hoar his breathing plainly, and I could hear the grating of his tooth; as ho ,nerved himself for tho stroke. -The villain was by my side and he measured the distance from his hand to my heart with his eye. In his left hand ho held a thick handkerchief all wadded up. That was to, stop my mouth. with. Every nerve in my body was now strung, and my heart stood as still as death. Of bourse my snoring ceased ; and at that instant the huge , tcnifo was raised above - my bosom; Quiok as thought I brought my pistol up—tho muzzle was within a foot of the robbor's heart—ho uttered a quick cry- - -I can tho bright blade glittor in thotpoon light, but it cams not upon me. I pulled the trigger, and" the last, fear lista passed. I had thought that the weapon missed, but it did not. There was a sharp report, and as ,I sprang up and backed I heard a fierce yell, and at the same moment the robber toll for ward ; his head. atruok my knee as it came down. Weak and faint, 1., sank -hack, but a suddenlip of the, canoe brought me to my senses, and I went aft and took the paddle, As soon'as the boat's head was -epee right, I turned my. eyes upon the form in the bottom of the canoe, and I ea* it quiver-=only a •slight spasmoilio movement—and all' z All that night I sat there atmy watch, and steered my; canoe. I bad my second pistol ready, for I knew not surely that the wretch • aqui, dead. He might be . :Waiting to catch me off my' , guard,',,and then shoot me. But the night passed slowly and drearily away, and when the morning brokeL,the form moved pot. Then I stepped forward and 'found that .fiustus Karl was' dead., Ile had fallen 'With hie knife true to hie aim, for it Strut& very near to whammy heart must have been and the point was driven so far into the aolidAvood that had to Work bard to pull it ont, and, harder still to tinoliap the marble fingers:that were eleatsl ,With dying matinees ab4pt the e • ' fiwiftly flowed the tlde, and ero the sun sank again to rest I had reached Logan- port. • The authorities knew thefaeiijof ,(lustus Karl ab once, and when 1 ...la. them, nig' story they pouted a thou. , d thanks upon my heal- 4. Amin ap ialsed,.and tbe•Offored reward Put Rh It, and tendered to me. I took the simple toward from tho generous eitiaens, while the remainder I direntdd should be dis tributed among those who had suffered most from tho Wabash robber's depreda ,tions. I found I.Cnapp sick' and miserable. Ile was binning with fever, and the doctors had shut him up In a room where a well man must soon have suffocated. " Water—water I give mo water I" he gasped. "Haven't you had any?" raskod. Ho told me no. I throw Open the windows--:sent for a pail- of• ice water. And was on the point of 'Administering it when tho old doctor came in. He held up his, hands in horror, and told me it would kill the sick man. But I forced him bank, and Knapp drank tho faithful beverage. Ife,drank deeply and 'slept. The perspiration podred from him like rain, and when ho woke again his akin was moist, and his fever was turned. In three days ho sat in his saddle - by my side, and together we started for Little River. At Walton's 'settlement I found my horse fully recovered;,. and • when I offered to pay for his keeping the host would take nothing. The story of my adventure on the river had reached there ahead of me; and this 'was the landlord's gratitude. • 3.431 HO USTOIf. HOW A ISAONIFICENT VELVET RODE DID THE BUSINESS FOR-LONE STAR. An anecdote of General Houston— " Old Sam Houston" ho used to be . called —shows how little things some times do: ;aided the destiny of nations. It waii at the time when " the Republic of Texas," was in embryo and striving to gain a standing among the nations of the earth.. Hamiltdrrand Earnby bad gone to Eng land and pushed, the claims of the bant ling with very poor success at first. But - lemiltott and Barnby were resci- - and - porseverieg, and ministers so far yielded to their persuasions,as to - send out an agent charged with the re sponsibility of reportiniitpon the countly after a personal examination. The gentleman selected was a fine, dashing young follow named Elliott, the younger son of a nobleman. He had beck. , em ployed in a diplomatic capacity at ono of the interior courts on the Continent, where ho had acquitted himself to the satisfaction of the Government. There was an implied promise of the recogni tion of Texas in case of a favorable re pert from Elliott, and tbo COI= issionem .had encouraging assuritices• Of proritr ing a loan in that contingency. They returned elated at their partial success, and the intelligence thereof was received with great joy in'Texas. General Holliston; President of the Republic, was one rot , the most perfect specimens of many' beauty to be seen in the country. tie was considerably up ward of. six , feet in - height, straight as an arrow, of 'symmetrical proportions and .as graceful In his mtenietnts as a pant ther. He hnd,a fine! turned helici and shoulders, and . theti,, easy play was wonderful to behold. Tie affected a picturesque and rather theatrical Style of costume; but what in an ordinary man would have boon foppishness and affectation, hislreat personal advan tages rendered natural, proper and be coming. —ln the had of the visit of Elliott, ho had ordered a magnificent velvet robe from New York—a sort of regal garment that sot off his Masculine attractions In- a splendid manner, but which would have brought ridicule and derision upon almost any other man. It is well known that Houston, although perfectly temperate in tho latter dayS of his life, was at ono tune addicted to in temperance. Ho was not a habitual drinker, ..but occasionally indulged to fearful excess ; and when Elliott arrived in Houston, thou the Capital of Texas, ho was in the midst of ono of his worst drunken orgies. In fact he ,was lying in the gutter in a state of ' helpless intoxication. But Hamilton and Barnby were equal to the 'emergency. They received the Envoy with becoming respect, conducting him to the hotel with suitable ceremony. Ho was there informed that the President, ' General Houston had been unexpectedly Called to Washington, , about a hundred miles up. the country, on indispensable business, but would be back in a day or two. Awaiting his return they would show the *Envoy what was to be seen at the Capitol, and endeavored .to make him comfortable. Meantime the General was taken to the house of a friend,• bathed, cleansed and fumigated and as he had wonderful powers of recuperation, he appeared renovated and refreshed in loss than twenty-four hours, and, mount. ing his gorgeous velvet robe gave audi ence to the British Envoy, looking like a Monarch of the Lower Empire. The effect was electrical. Elliott was carried away by, the ad's, bility and dignity of the President. He could hardly .express the admiration with. which ho was inspired. " Why, gentle men," said he, addressing the Commis sioners," I have never' ,130011 a man of such commending, majestic presence. Ho puts one at ease at once. Nis de: soription of the country was eloquent and impressite, Aarrying conviction •in every word. I should consider myself faithless to my duty if I did not recom mend the immediate rocognitign df your independence, and I can insure you all the money you,•vrant as soon as my re port is presented." And he Performed all ho had prom ised. Takao .Vrai acknowledged as an independent nation, and.horroweda hali million sterling and, this the Trestle was Bottled adversely to the pretentiou or Plexloo. • : _ . , Ham 114uroY, an -eighteen year.old girl of Tomeschol; Cal., who has .been an idiot all her life, after asleep of sov enty-two hours, a weak' or two since, awoke as intelligent' as others of her agd, to the great Joy of her frionds.. GMsransr , Busim.'s warlorso died, ;tho Other day,' and his bereaved :master had him buried and a funeral oration pro - pounced. belles, the 'theory that animals have uctsouls, for' ho !Snow in Paradise (14.) ThEcoarous youths are .bmndishing pistols in Illinois. ..e.! Bloomington' boy of lino recently *allot his sister! aged mien, and another lad of twelve in Good 'Hope, fatally perforated a bride. , groom of-only 80-hours.---It-Was all in (1,_'i11•)..1 , i. , 11 ;1 Irr ~ , , L „,,,,„ -t, 111 =ONO NTIMBER '3B. 'MIND' YOUR 071r.coNeiyanrs, Yaw, ualnA yndr mRa conoarui,lnyititaidei . Yet thoy Ara Mbn.l3 j • Don't talk about 3 our n,ighbore's Willa' • lint r non to tottnd ynnr a.*lll' • What It' lin doee not always lea 4 A troly'l,, foot Suppoang ILot ho aorractlapos (rota, Or I tool ..19 with lith vita; Don't Inothl.l.—tit him Ikuow,, Monti, , Your bat'ot lantutd sfnaina Tn a% Li:• 4py co hi ra hi , — . So mind your owarCoheorue. • , , rnlttd ydrir'bi•ni eArlft , ill[l, 4 , 15' frit:win nd pro.ntly Ithd • • at yon Rro.fully ocrupiod, Awl 4avn.ennuch !;,? mind. ; yca if/311,1, flr Zpookr. P!k Jo:.' Mgt 1,1:n. • , our • I.4't to' yualf L.C:wycr ! A (,limp ath Ti.nn ouoy not y0m..., my ftloml, • gOltion so..rch ifo °erne: 2n 10 lint it. 111. tocolu.t 13:2 Wealth, But mliud your own co:Icor:lot • • Y. mind your own , ! 911Ct11 - 11f1 . f(14111.1111, wornll..ll,•ttor plan " • ' Than ai tnvv t, hn wy.ug out Th^ d':ott 01 I,rol 11,0 Luau. Ronannthor that por,ont bare • • • ~ Thnur,ll hfildqu front ell ThouglitA•lhat to theta iu I And not at, nil to yen. Alan, banr'ln mind, my frlon4; ' • A gmoroue uutur,., nOvor,wqrmr;, t; .,.. A seem(' from tolothor't ho,t., • Ho taind your own conc,rne I li7T 21.2 P flll2lo.lii TLIE ISi Lhilr, w tiv.ko to in thiblifn id milk ; tho last thlitelfeOurbior. How is it pixriblo'tO'piclr'youiuteethi : when go;; ve to take tlikrit . as. they,, Come? CA 01 , 011 N IA paper begins au editii .: " Let the earth rejoice I Brandy. can ho made of Mtrnzanita A ealLop: who 11s a sear: Which is die" result of a dldputo on shore many' ' - yeark' ago, rotors to it P. 5 an ;Ad lancitnarlr; WnAT was tip , provtirh. that jiing Ltplc heard from danghtors 2" "GO, Tattier, and faro worse.'' -Iran rcaoon school hoyc delight to dig and expioro caves, k because of the re cesses there, S6w an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; saw a character, end yen reap 'a destiny. A WOMAN with a quick temper should not malty a dilatory easy-going man. Such a slow match most lead to h. blow up, in the end. " Weufmc't you him La he a woman when you grow up?" "po," answered youngfour-year old. " Why:?" " Ile cause gi risotto' t tuk surtinacrsots.'' A Goon looking Beafalo girl embaalte herself upon the world with her whole stock in trade conotithig of two thousand ' photographs of herself. was a self-made elophant. He' came to this'\eoutitry' without a dollar in his trunk Wok Greeley'sadvice, wont West and died worth Fi40,000. Pr is iumgested that a young lady, who has biro Icztrriug on - lsoughts and their CM' riots," next discourse on " Whim: and tlmic Wheelbarrows- Two Memphis pspers say that the anemia of a circus cahibiting ir:Mt city evinces the agility of a cat, and the fearlessness of a double headed tiger. - NEWLY married daughtor " flow long does the .himeymoop last, mam ma?" Practical parent—" Until you ask your husband for money, my dear." Tan - people of Worcester, Mass., have eolittle re for the dead...that_ tby -- use one of we, cemeteries as a base Leal grOund, and pasture for goats, hogs, and chickens. A VI:RC:IN/ !, paper says: The Gown.: nor is about to commission 100 colonels of milili.e, that being the number or Virginians•ovur twouty-ono whp have no titles already." AN old lady Who inquired for the "Doßar:Warden hat," wont away ears rowing when the clerk told her they wore just out, but ho had pleutypf "six dollar Vardeus." A. LADY. in Milwaukee has just buried her seventh husband, Shun 24 years. old, and was a rruili And charming widow last week, but, is probably, Mauled again by thip,time. 'Vim Spaniards imic an old 'saying which tell, us'ibil white hands never • offond"---which means that little faults and indiscretiop of ladies Should. alwiys lie quioldy, pardoned. . , Tau follow log little . conversa tioa 4tvly ; took ,place in the city: 4.11,—100k heret, , , Miss "hammy I'lypose ,you:loolc at the pictures, r &,nfi no ink the catalogue! Get through the :job ; itir _half the time', you know • ..'lcLaTnizi poplin clergyman, young. and ummirlicch is . s;,i‘.l to havorpmarked, that if he were a contipede..hc could . not wear One-half tho slippers l'afittliMed lire him by the `fair hands'ot"adiiiitiuk • Par;-' islionors• • . ; ;! meet is heaven , ,husliand dear," is the affectionate epitaph., vOzioh,, an lowa woMan has had each upon the tomb stoats .of 'of throb cYo parted' hiisbands: 'Trouble ' ahead to'r that family certain! ; ••` Picuouommu, in the (keine of .' life, wits talking to hit n.e . i*mv, to 0 1 )//i'.;' reluted . utdries of lila yout4'., imole,." . suddenly exclaimed . the o .y umff i man, Amok 'you inese'dnring 'your'life'7" My ildai 'tidy; 'it WaWytnir i'l2lE,onon,' l • asked, the teacher . Sunday school . clans, ".whoto.,abov,c all , others shall you wish lust to see when you got to E3oavail, • With It'lace brightening tip with 'in-' tioipation,. • tile Cfellow • shouted ,, , ,, ' " •.• • • , TJIAT rit4s h; sly uld Einotchnum on marrying, 0 very yqung.ryife, ,was lied by his friend:3.mi. 'the inequality of ., will be replied; •" tei close niy' remarked' another ofi , the party,t 4 f:l l, ve had, twp wives. find they aponcd my A4 1 . 2,.44,faCYTY ,11111 1.1199' 1 19C"A",,,..i Relied at rewler ! Adams county ; The' Building 'is dogi•ibe r a.' bY eria'llgileialtuiet as 80 'by 74i fibt, fohr ' storlowbosidon the basethent, three evaPw , i orators, and a capacity for drying 400,t0 ,• 60`0„Lushe1s.gf f 411., , •0r .!, 'A day. LriTlati...)ciy and girl a beclm- . ''' l tionod nefei-t0 b ' gatborlog , tho .eggs 1 hue - cino • °mine littlq,!,girl. Foaohod ~thq.,noat Ara; sereil, an egg,, aid etertoq for ,th . ohooee., : „, for die . rppointea brother follorzed,cry ine " *tithe,• treithriri l i,t3rreli ' h4,4 litibit• and got! tho 'egg ' ben melieuree ' b31'."!1 ~ •;, I ; .)II 0 'Ol/ 'lf / !. 1 Teas said , tho fotiowingiworde f0i1ig34 , ,,t46; PQO.OtOA. O ,f ;UP, Vourgtge, pfpit v, S(pi i n, 91f i cint . „Pfi NIA toFy cpno ai 11 Lot bioW' tiatht4tio , ar , tho. ,, vallOp T. l 'l4' the 'Ehigabioado kiiat upori tlloanountnin'ts,brovti;,buti the BRY,Vobu , ,, Ott)qla not, 'g4lltyr " r II En == EMS =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers