Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 08, 1872, Image 3

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Home -- 6iid7County Items.
Importcgut Notice.
liming been (I issellietl by mutual consent,
notice is hereby, given to. all those pa
trons of Tut; limn/am who aro in arrears,
either for subscription, advertising or
job work, that prompt‘Sn&Lleytent will
be necessary. AL the expiration pf 80
days, all accounts remaining unsettled
will be collected according to law. The
books of the late firm will be kept at
TnE IlEanLe OFFICE, where Settlements
can be made. ,
TlAomembers of the Republican County
Committee, are requegted to meet in
Rheem's Hall, at Carlisle, on .Tuesday,
August 18,,1.872, - at 12} o'clock, IL,
Business of importance will be .trans
ac•ed, and a full attendance is desired.
TrIECCIANIC:,IIU ";lltltS Ox roast
Coot,.—The mornings and evenings.
Now FLOUR is offered at $8.50 per
b arol
A. MOBS-EYED terrier is one of the
curiosities of this borough.
day 4 are getting shbrter, and the
nights eorresp.ondingly longer.
" HUMP CLOTII" is a new name for
pannier material. our deli!.
TriE rabbit, family on College street
still keeps up the ex itement fin sight
seers. j
A wine meeting ill be -held near
homing Springs du ing the present
Pr.ouciniNo for next, year's winter
grain is the next bueiness in hand among
our farmers.
'C! OUT fishing closes according to law
on Nugusti- 15— upt,,t o be resumed until
May 1, 1873.
Almost every exchange We receive has
a requiem on the "melancholy days."
Give us a rest
Tim "Weal" - of• the Mechanicsburg
Jort;w.'it, claims to be the chripiou
,jumpist of our sister town.
MERE will 'lv. no c.. rnp meeting hehl .
by the Evangelical Association, On time
grounds ipar New Kingston.
WHAT comfoft there would be in dress
ing, if a person could get along with a
fiair bf slippers and aim umbrella.
A Howe this time look out for startling
disclosures of a short peach crap Somu
of our exchanges are already noticing it.
Oun readers shoal,' be on ',stir guard,
as spurious five 'dollar greenbacks are
said to be in circulation. This is not
applicable to printers.
Oim friend, N. B. Moore, auctioneer
at Mount 'Holly is prepared to call sales
at shoit notice. All orders by mail will
receive prompt attention.
"1117NIMEI:" of the Teutonic persua
sion created considerable merriment on
Saturday , evening by playing on aimouth
" Music hath charms," Ate.
, EADINC4 llartneno.—By referring to
our now inivertisuments, iL will bu seen .
that a change has taken place in thu - 1
schedule of the Beading railroad since
the (list instant.
ib' you wish a job executed iu a hurry
give Us a call. Jobbing in all its various
branclips promptly executed, all reports
to the contrary notwithstanding.
POITRT MATTIIEWS, the young man
Minn d a, few weeks sinee_ei the South
'ern l'ennhylvainafaul, has been
obliged to undergo a beeond amputation,
Ins iiie is despaired of.
" I2ONIPANT A," Captain Porter's com
pany of the h IZegiment Pennsylva
nia, Volimteers, will celebrate the anni
versary or their organization by a picnic
at Noble's Ford, on Saturday. A pleas
ant time is anticipated.
TnE Messrs. Mullin, at the Mount
Holly Springs hotel, have their house
filled with boarders, and have been
obliged to rltfuse several applicants.
This speaks wen for the popularity of
this Wa i l:6°w') house.
TnE Schceppe trial will commence ou
'Wednesday, the tv;enty-eightn instant.
It Lids Mir to he :dmost, as protraCted
and tedious a the first. The District
Attorney will lie assisted by - ,lle:..srry
Maglaughlin and Shearer.
(loon 'sale'of carriages, by
Messrs. Smeltz At Co., was largely at
tended and good prices were realized for
the vehicles disposed of. $lO6 being the
average price obtained for buggies and
spring wagons. .
DEnal : —From our york exchroigq,
iv - e" learn that Mr. C.' C. Hoffer, of \Vs
place, has been traveling about 'through
York and the neighboring towns, mak
ing ad - dresses to , the people on his views
of baptism, the 'Lord's Supper, salaried
ministers, &O.
DLlt SYSTEM.—Monday last the British
International Money Order System went
into operation. MOney orders can now ,
be obtained at the postollico upon pos
aloes in all parts of Great Britain and
Ireland. 'United States Treasury notes,'
or National . Bank notes, only received or
GENTLEMAN on West street is the
possessor of two,. prairie dogs. These
Westb.rn canines have attracted consider
able I!ttention, t but make slow progress
in 'becoming civilized—at least the owner
is obliged to keep them secured, on ac
collut of their biting propensities:
AT an early hour cm . last Thursday
morning, we wore visited with a heavy
rap and hail storm of about 1.5 Minutes
duration. On Friday afternoon hail fell'
in considerable quantities, and 8080 of
our Atizons persist in saying that it
snowed. Wo didn't see it. '§now in
August ! how ,'cool and refreshing it
EfazioANT MoSic.-,-On Thursday after
noon, the Keystone Band of New Ville
'serenaded us. •Sinco their last visit to
this place the members have made rapid
progress id' musical hccomplishmenta,
and Newville can jusq bo proud of her
Valid. The , music discoursed.. was 010 ,
gant, and we tender you our Shanks,
SEVITIIIIIER.-Our town fpromisils to
be Minsinilly lively dri4ing the month of
September. The ,State Convention of
the Young MOEI'S Christian Association
will meet on the tenth, 'to continue in
session several days. The West Penn
sylvania Lutheran Synod will' meet in
this place on the eighteen*, and remain
in session abont si* dais.' It is exPeclo4
that many distinguished personages will
he in attendakce at those meetings.
Then the coith'y fair opens on the
twenty-fifth; which together _ wilp the
fall oanmaign, !will make' our dial old
to n quite livoly. - 'Anything t 6, givo , us .
rol! f fronalho I?roaont monotony.
. .
i. .
• Wu would direct the attention of the
Street Commissioners to the unsafe con
dition of some of tkoci‘OSsimps; •
Vv olu on the First Presbyterian church
has been_resumed. 'We doubt if the
present sear will witness the completion
of this splendid improveriijont.
JACOB LIVINGSTON, agent for Gib sale
of N. Gerbig & Son celebrates Chambers
burg soap and candles by the P'acicage
only, at factory prfces- •
S'ang723t • -
.A ritrworal of citizens of Mechanics
burg are preparing to form a colony to ,
go West, and held a meeting fOr that
.purposo, °: l4 e wnich anurnbcr of addresses
were made, and a committee appointed
to draft 'articles , of association.
Mn J. B. BRANDT, of Mechanicsburg,
is about' organizing the young noon
that place iuto a volunteer military com
pany. We learn that Mr. Brandt is • a
competenk instructor in 'military tactics.
day atol I , a turilay evenings, August 9
and 10, the Shiremanstown Qornot Band
wild bold a harvest, home festival in the
grove one-quarter mile South of that
place. The Xestival will also be in oper
ation duriog Saturday afternoon.
151Essas. ellkitozain 1"-Co are making
an extensive addition to their car shops
at the Eastern side of town. Au engine
will also be placed iu the new building.
In a few days the firm will begin work
on the new contract, itnd furnish employ
ment to a large number of workmen.
We wish them success.
WE would invite a careful perusal of
the letter of lion. Thomas D. Stiles,\(or
metly of this county, talcon from the
Greenville (Ohio) Democrat, and pub
lished on the fourth page of this issue.
Alr,oith an Autobigraphical Sketch of
Cliiineellor Kent, tAlien,,from the South'.
ern 7,a/r
Pennsylvania ;itate Teacher's Associa
tin will hold it 3 Nineteenth Annual
Convention, in the Academy of Music,.
Philadelphia, August 20 ‘ ,21, 22 and 23.
On the tweuty-third, a grand excursion
to long llraneh will take place. 'lt
promises to be One of the largest and
most important Conventi IS of the kind
ever held in the Old Keystone.
" WI rut N the last few yoarA, punting
II FIM - envelopes - has - been - an- - almost- lie—
essary safeguard, in the large increase
ol', postal business and the consequent
d e lays." lif?;,ainercial Advertiser.
To those. of our business men and
others in need 'of envelopes wo would
say, that we hallo a very large stuck on
hand which we will dispose of, with or
without cards printed ou the same, at
lower rates than can be furnished by any
other establisbromit in the Valley. Send
along your orders; wo guarantee satis
PR . :Qrs. The Refonncd Sabbath
School will picnic at the Carlisle Springs
hnnorrow (Friday.) Two Sabbath
Solwols fioni the country , will picnic
With them. It will no doubt be a grand
TILE Sabbath Schools of the two Pres
byterian congregations, and also the
Bethel intend holdi:tg picnics, but we
have out learned the date.
open air services were well at
tended on Sabbath evening, and ad
dresses were delivered by Revs. Albert
and Robinson. On next Sabbath even
ing they will be held on the coiner of
North and Bedford streets. It would
be more becoming if the yonitg "sports"
would refrain from fast, driving, oh the
streets; whey these meetings are in pro
r,—Saumel B. Caldwell, es,p,
Or Srooklytri—Now )(uric, is.fiLtown on a
Inior visit. o
of Washington,
is paying a visit to his family in this
Jr will, no doubt, be gratifying to tlio
friends of Lieut. A D. It. ,mead, to
learn that ho has been promoted to the
rank of First Lieutenantrand assigned
-to duty at Fort McPherson, Nebraska.
Jost:rn Zitinratit, formerly of this
place, and a graduate of Dickinson
College, paid ugi visit a few days
sinyo, sbbscribed` for the fltinikrin.
Mr. Z. is at present a icsident of Inile
ptudence, tlitithern Kalism , , and is en
gaged in the practice of ir tile law. Wo
ate pleased to learn he 4 meeting with
LEW. C. FOSNO r, of the Oakville Ed ID
terprile, dropped in on us the other dny.
Ho represents business unusually brisk,
consequent upon the publication of the
Wiry Camp Journ , 4l.
• - MU. T 110,4 AR• BA UM and lady, of New
York, aro soiqurning in our tou LI during
the d (mated term."
.Tdc Conyention of the Young, Men's
Christian Association, noticed iu olir laSt
issue, will boiliold about September 10,
and coutiXp in session several days.
ItetWeen three and four hundred dole=
gates are expected to in attendance,
which will rea4e this ono of the largest
religious bodies over in session here.)
We are glad to be enabled to 'imnounce
tilt) appointment for this convention.
Interesting more particularly young
men, and being altogether under their
control, it exerts an triffnenoo not held
by our other organizations. Its annual
visits to other vlitees have always been
prodtictivo of Mileh good and we trust a
like result will henxporiencoil . here. A
committee of ladies will aid the young
men in obtaining homes for the delegates
while here, and we would appeal on be
half of our association, to the citizens
and ask them to extend the hospitalities
of their homes to theso 6 l.trangers during
their visit., -Tito t nun - or to be accom
modated is large, but with 'all taking an
interest they can be ircooNed and wel
,carlisle has always aeon spoken
of as a town giVen to hospitality ; lot the
,present test again prove this to lie true.
BlDS.—Pkoposals to - Ttiatish printing
{wirer to the State Were opened at the
office of the Superintendout of Public
Printing, Mr. John MeCti . rdA Harris
burg, on the first instant. The ,ids were
as follows: ' •
IV. H. 1' literaft,' Philadelphia, 14 'ets.
pa r r Potind ;. Miler, Lancaster,
, lp - andthree-fifthii ;. B. M. Mopro, Phi!ILL
( 101 1)Na, 1G ;.W. A. & A.'. F. Mullin, Mt..
Holly le. INV the contact
was awarded to the Messrs Mullin, and
half to Mr. Moore.
Tho oikly bidder for the bill paper was
IMr.C. 11. Mullin,, of the Mount'lly
Springs, ,Paper Company, to whom the
contact was. Cents, poy
pound. The book alm' Must measure
26x40 inches and .weigh respectively 40
and 50 'Mande to the ream. Tho bill pa-,
per (double flat MT) must be 1.7.x20 .
incheic - anpveigh 28 impala to the ream.
We congratulate the Messrs. 'Mullin
upon their good fortuno in securing the .
contracts, and know that the State will
recoivo the quantity of Paper contracted
' for. .
Wac have not been afflicted much with
circuses' and menageries this season. •
THE' Fall term of the Public Schools
will commence on. " :t, the
fifteenth instant.
the market house last Friday evening, to
the delight of a crowd of Young and Old
Nunn' trains have boon very common
the past Month. We should not bo 'sur-
prised if there were some railroad project
under feet that o ceasions' the running of
extra trahn •
WANDER through 'any of the streets in.,
the evening that you pleas - e, and the oar
will ho greeted with the music of the
piano, organ, melodeon, and—we were
going to say chin music.
Tire Board of Directors are having the
school houses scrubbed, and renovated
preparatory to their occupancy to-day
one weak—the ilbleouth instant. AU of
which is right and proper.
:MA:SY of the pavements aro in 4 bad
condition, and property owners should
give this matter their attention. " You
know how it is yolirsolf to be walking
along and step hpon. a loose brick, par
ticularly in wet weather.
Ma. JAlilf.B P. NEFF, 'having returned
from his recent trip . " over the moun
tains," is better prepared than over to
sell' goods at greatly reduced prices.
Choice smoking and chewing tobacco,
paper collars, cuffs and neckties in
IlAuvEsT Bumn.—Our farmers and
others interested, should not forgot that
the Cumberland County Agricultural
Society will hold theit• annual harvest
home on Saturday August 17. By
that date our rural friends will have
entirely finished their liAr'Vest, and they
shephimnt fail to be in attendahce. Let
niect together, compare notes,
partake or a good dinner, listen to an
able address, and-firmly resolve to make
the Fourteenth Exhibition the best one
ever held.
1)F:1,14 P/CNIC. -Oil last Friday
morning- ;it half past 7 o'clock, thc-Etig-
lisp Lutheran Sabbath School, of this
place, left the "jail corner" via C. V.
R. , for Good Hope. The grove of
Mrs. Elliott, about ono mile south of
Plainfield, had been selected by the Com
mittee as the spot on which to while
a.wa_y_thollecting.hours." The day was
spent in various ways : some playing .
croquet, others pitching quoits, while
the lads and lasses prepared such plays
as Copenhagen, Jogging, alp s jg, Button,
etc , interspersed, of course, with eating.
and drinking. Everybody was delighted
with the giounds, the railroad accom
modations and the manner in which the
day was passed. With the exception'or
a shower iu the afternoon the day
all that could have been desired. About
00 persons took - part in 'the festivities.
The committee deserve great credit for
'the succeSs vhich attended their efforts.
—The whole number of postoffices in the
Stabi is two thousand eight hundred and
fifty-three. The two most important,
rated by the salaries of the postmasters,
are the Philadelphia and Pittsburg
offices. The next in importance aro
Allegheny, Easton, Meadville, Titus
ville, Tidcoute, Erie, Heading, Pottsville,
Scranton, Williamsport and Harrisburg.
Of those paying salaries of two thous
and dollarS and over, there are thirty
one, namely : Allentown, Ashland, Beth
lehem, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Chester,
Columbia, Corry, Danville Court House,
Franklin, Honesdale, Johnstown, Leb
anon, Lewisburg,, Lock Haven, Mauch
('hunt:, New Castle, Norristown, Oil
City, Petroleum Centre, Pittston, Pleas
antville, Pottstown, PiAsville, House
i.itaron, Warren, West Chester,
Willms-Barre and York.
AURORA BOREALM—Saturday even
ing, at about eight b'clock, the citizeus
of Carlisle were astonished by the ap
pearance in ,the fikioy of the Northern
Lights or Aurora Borealis. This display
was of wide extent thrbughout the coun
try. These bodies have so often been
witnessed before that they would not
have excited anyllurry by their approach
so'near our latitudes last evening
were it not for the fact that a well known
aria most. stlontifie astronomer named
Plantaramer, about four months since
prophesied that a con ot would strike the
American rCo utinott I, at. about eleven
o'clock hr the 'forctumn of the twelfth of
August, 1879. Science day by day . be
comes more positive and exact, and a
fit at macat which( two hundred
years ago might have been couched in
mysterious - phrases and given us as an,
inspiration direM nom heaven, is now
made certain •by the skill and celebrity
of the scholar, who manifests his theory
On actual study. It is possible to laugh
and be inereduloush and yet - incredlbility
may be a mistake ; therefore all people
in Europe and America—for it is to strike
in Europe at four o'clock the some day,
making the time difforencl.3—shopld pre
pare for the hour• or doom. `.
IllAirKETs.—Our markets are pretty
weltsupplied with meat, vegetables and
the thousatirt and end' rpeteras that sot ve
to supply tho-wauis of the eMlimmity.
Meats. —The meat market of our bor
ough will compare favorably with those
of larger places, as regards quality and
quantity, While the ,price, although sail-,
cieutly high for all practical purposes,
is far beloW those of neighboring towns.
Oar friend, Major A. A. Lino, generally
has his stall supplied with the best veal
and mutton that can be obtained.
MlCkdar3.. Messrs. Allison, Low,
Harkness and Sites have largo quantities
oK,yegetables, melons, &c., on hand every
market day.
,L3drries--:-illacirberries Ivey() sold at four
cents per quart on Saturday, but our
frieAds from the rural districts tell us
that ,the,berry season is nearly over. To
those of our citizens who have, not al
ready laid up this land of fruit,. we Would
advise them to tend at once. '
Buiter 'and first-namodsells
at 16 and 20 cents per Ib., and the latter
at; 18 and 20 'cents .per 'dam. As the .
custom of selling eggs by the pound hes
been adopted in many places, with ad
vantage to the purchaser, we would sug
gest the propriety of disposing of them
in that , manner by our . ,eountry folks:.
Who seconds the suggestion?
Fruit.- Apples aro very abundant,•
. sell) at 10 and 12, 'cents per 'peek
Peaches 4 atArand 40 'cents per .peek..
Our AdaNns amity friends say that the
early peaches will be a largo crop:" Plums
were offered in market at 20 cents p i er
'quart on' Saturday.
' Vegeta!)lea—of kinds aro very plenty:
This is welcome news to all oar citizens
but more especially the laboring man
Corn sells at 12 and 15 Mutts per clomp
potatoes , at 12 and 20 cents por book ;.
tomatoos at '4O and 50 conys pet peek;
lima beaus at 25 cents , pbr quart, and all
other ''gardon truck at Ooiresiiondingly
JUasomiblo figures: ' .
TOull Pobsr.kur..-Llt `should' be
known by everybody that the new po • al
rates aro now iu form; Wo, are, air ,
brought back to the ciiiereent ria*Spaier
•pcistage.. Transient papers, circulars,
samples and such that have been "two
conts per two ounces or less, are,now but
one cent for the same weight.
Whilst wo have made a short vilicat:erop; ;
We are glad to . learn that — the4rOspect
for ry good corn and potato crop is . very
cheering. Although neither of theso
crops are out of danger, the season..thuS
far has / been very favorable. to thdir
growth; the hot Weather and lino showers
of rain pushing them ou with groat
rapidity, so that we have every reason to
hope for a very good yield of each.
With plenty of corn ,and potatoes, we
shall not so seriously miss the wheat crop.
Tim following—oxtract..relative to a
surprise party teuilered the Rev. W. 0.
Cortiman and family, late of this place,
we clip from the Easton Expresß, pf tho
23d ultimo :
"Last Thursday a week, Philipsburg
had quite a sensation in the shape of a
donation and supper. The Rev. W. 0.
Commas), pastor of Grace Lutheran
Church, brought his family to this place
to reside, and thiii was made an occasion
for rejoicing. A carriage met them at
the depot and conveyed them to thtir
temporary boarding place, and at 5
o'closlspy. m., they were qumusoned to
makiPffseir appearance at the house
which ate•cougregation had secured for
them. " They came, they saw. and
were conquered.'' For; lo ! there was a
great supper prepared for them, and the
congregation assembled, to participate
with them in making' away with it.
Everything passed of pleasantly. After
the smoke of the battle had Sufficiently
cleared away to take a survey of - the
situation, they found themselves in Pos-.
session of a large quantity of groceries,
edibles, fruit, &c., lc. The larder wag
well supplied with everything necessary,
and last, though not , least; a purse of
greenbacks was presented to the pastor.
Long nosy the pastor and people be wed
ded together in harmony and peace."
—On Wednesday night of last weer[tlCi
store of Clever & Ernst, of Jacksonville,
iu th is c'Hlnty, u as be rglariously entered,
and alpuititity of clothing, boots, shoes,
and other articles thken,together with
the, sum of $lO in three and five cent
piceeti. TkursdayAree young men,
John Walter Wogaman and
Jas. Blatiy, of Milltown, were ohs:vied
iu Carlisle spending money of the above
-denominations. Suspicion having been
fastened upon them, search warrants
wore issued on Saturday, and Deputy.
Sheriff Goodyear, after a thorough search
of the houses of the suspected youths'
parents, found sevend articles pointing
to the young men as the thieves. Later
in the day, Cullman and \Yogamau were
arrested, and Mr. Goodyear, placing them
iu charge of all assistant, started in pur
suit of Black. In the absence of Mr.
Gocqear, it is supposed his assistant,
overcome with fatigue, fell asleep, when
the prisoners escaped, handcuffed to
gether. As soon as their flight was-dis
covered, they were followed and the pur
-1 suit continued until Sunday afternoon,
but without the -satisfaction of a re
capture. ~ -
A. CROVED of perhaps 1:i0 admirers -of
horse flesh assembled at the Cumberland
county fair grounds last Saturday after
noon, to witness a tiotting raea between
a brown horse, " Congedve," of 'West
Virginia, and a bay toare, "Tempest,"
of Maryland. It proved to be a dreary
affair, the best time made being 2.13,
and was won by Gougedee, in thin out
of four heats. A pacing race was dove
tailed between the trotting heats, and
was won by Allen's bay mare over Hess'
" Cloud," in two out of three
heats, the fastest time being 2.16.. Con
siderable money changed hands on the
grounds, though the idea of fairness in
either race was received by thany with
much distrust. It is certain that the
loVers of an exhilirating sport cannot
fail to be dissatisfied With so flagrant au
exhibition ofjockeyism, and jack of ring
discipline, as was witnessed 'OO last Sat
Immediately before the last heat of
the trotting race, a scull) match was rua
once around the ring, a disitatice'of nearly
000 yards, between a sorrel mare belong
ing to J. W. Hannon, of Nev. rine, and
ridden by R. F\ Myers, and Quigley's
brown horse, ridden by Bun Moudy.
This was the prettiest and most exciting
race the day, and was won by Mr.
liamonis made after a sharp contest..
Cinnberland Valley"l2. 32. Co., has an
nounced its arrangements for the accom
modation of the public during the con
tinuance-of the camp meeting to ho hold
near Oakville, commencing, on Wednes
day, August 7, and closing on Friditiy,
August 16, from which we give the fol
loWing for the. information of the many
readers, of the HERALD, who expect to
attend Cho meeting or visit the great
camp ground at any time during its con
Excursion tickets for the round trip)
will be issued from all stations 6p the
main line c botireen Harrisburg , and Ha
gerstown,, and those on the Southern.
Pennsylvania railroad between "Rich
mond and ObarnboYsburg, which-tickets
will be good fur return passage until the
last train on Saturday, August 17, And
no longer. All, trains
. stop at thit.
camp ground.
During , . the .continuance of the camp
meeting, extra trains will be rti l'ltEl fol
lows : , •
First train b;aves Obambe sburg, op
Saturday, August. 10, at 5:10 p. m. ;
leaves Shippensburg, 6:35 p. m., and ar
rives at Oakville, 6:50 p. m, Returning,
lea • ves Oakville, 9:41 p.
&cowl train loaves . Cliambersburg,
; leaves Shipponsburg, 7:30 p.. •
in., and arrives• at Oakville, 7:45. Re
turning, leaves Oakville, 0:•15 p. In. •
First train leavoe Cliantbersburg and
Nmyville, on Tuesday, August .13', at
5:10 a. in. ; leaves Shippensburg, 8:10-a.
m. ; le:tves Oakville, 8:39,.a. in,, and, ar...
rives at Newville, 8:45 4m. Returning
te aver; Nowvillu, 0:15 ; loaves. Oak
ville, 0:130 a. m., and arrives at Shippons
bard; a: tn. ' • • •
Simone train leaves Chambersburg,
5:50 p. ni. ; loaves Shipponsburg, 6:35 p.
in., and arxiyes at Oakville, 0:50.. Re..
turning, leaves Oakville, 0:45 p.
• Third train leaves Chambersbnrg„7:oo
. m. ; loaves Shipponsburg, 7:30 p. m.,
and arrives at Oakville, 7:45. Returning,
loaves Oakville, 0:45. •
Saturday, the 10th, the. expreari
train leaving Oakville at 0:20 p. m., will
run through to Greencastlo.
.Two extra trains•to Harrisburg.' One
on' Satiardayy, ll,ugnst leaving. Oak
villo lor Harrisburg and, intormodhito
stations, at,'D o'clock, p: m.
Another on Tuesday, August 13, leav
ing Oakvillo for.. Harrisburg and intor
roodiato stations, ht n o'clock, '
. ,
• BALTriton i E Ani On - 0 RanatoAn.—
On. and afth Wednesday, . July 17, the
,Cuinberlap Vedley Railroad train which
arrives ,dt . Hagerstown 441 , 45, a. m.,.
;will maim connection with the noon train
of the Washington oounty branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for Balti
more and all points east. ~,
the'tenth of Augnat, unless the ;macula-
Lions of our 'astronomical sarans fail us,
the earth will pass—through
.n. ring of
met:oo4-41m :of - •t ho.. conpt
1862--on which date those of our readers
who aro wide. awake may expect a me
teoric display of greater alesP N ; brilliancy.
TirE NORMAL ScllooL.—ln answer to
the Chamborsburg Opinion, and numer
ous inquiries from other sources, as to
when the State Normal School at Ship
pensburg will ' commence its sessions,
would say, that we have,'within a day
or two; "interviewed" a Trustee of the
corporation, who gave it as his opinion
that; under existing circumstances, , the
sessions will not commence before April,
1873. The contract for the completion
of the building calls for the first of No
vember, 1872, which agreement will be
coinplied with. The heating, gas and
water pipes aro all in the building,,
the ,plastering and carpenter work 1s
pushed forward vigorously.' We'ean as
sure all interested in the State Normal
School at Shippousburg, that the first
session will not commence later than
April 1, 1873. —Shippsiastittry Ordihs.,
SMALL Pax..—l have entirely recovered
from small pox; there has been no danger
for three weeks, and an liAm anxious to
complete my College education - before
entering fully into the pork ,of the
ministry, and as I have no means, not
•wiilMtanding, my health will scarcely
permit, 1 purpose canvassing the town
of Carlisle with a very popular book, one
. that-has almost a world-Wief6 reputation.
Pricc 3 -413.:713 ands6.oo a copy. I still ask
the pAr
el. /
age of the, Citizens Pf Carlisle,
thauji , lg them for what they dope, for
im-fimee dars I have sold fifty copies.
It is doe.that I should say a word con
cerning Dr. Win. I. Cook, of Carlisle,
as he undoubtedly saved my life. Before
I was moved to the Poor ‘ llouse, h o at
tunded me faithfully three times each
day, and after I was moved, once every
day. He not only gave nu: medical at
tention, but everything else that I re
ceived through the kind, Whole souk&
people of Carlisle, came through him. Ife
almost nursed me; to my mind, lie is the
highest- typo -of;rperfet-ch ristiam-gem
tleman. It is useless to add that lam
very grateful for his kind attention.:
Also, concerning Mr. Snyder, the' ktieiler
of the Poor House. Notwithstanding,
my treatment at first was that of a pauper,
as be only know me as such, but after he
became acquainted with the facts in the
case, ho treated ino as though I had been
his own son. Ile is a perfect gentleman.
I was not put iu the hospital; but iu the
old Poor House, among the sick and in
firm people.
I'. .1. PRETiY3I,I
Last Thursday was a day of rejoicing
and merry-making among our colored
citizens. For several weeks previously it
had been announced that busy prepara
tions were being carried out for a " grand
national celebration in commemoration
of tho ethancipition of slaves ;" and, ac
cordingly, on t daa i_anutiunfral.z pro
gramme, replete with features of inter
est and festivity, was carried out to the
satisfaction of all concerned.
Vile day opened auspiciously,- and
early in the morning the streets 'a ere
thronged with people anxious for the
day's proceedings to commence. On tho
arrival of the morning train going west
ward, the scene was further enlivened by.
tho arrival of several military and oivic
organisations, and many strangers, who
came to participate in the celebration.
Large delegations came during the day
from Harrisburg, Chambersburg and
nearly all the intermediate towns. The
Committee of Reception, consisting' of
Assistant Marshals Thompson, Abel,
Branson, Hodge, Jones and Lewis, re
ceived all visiting- delegations, and es-
I coiled theie'to North street, the place of
o ming
At 101 o'clock, the proeession, tinder
the charge of Chief Marshal l'eter Hodge,
was formed on North Street, right rest
ing on I'VeM, and marched through the
Principal streets of our town, and* after-
ward to the. Barracks. the lino
were several 'companion of infantry from
iibroail, the Cumberland Gum:ds, mem
bers of secret . societies, on foot, and a
Band, of He wvill6, thu Excelsior Baud,
of Harrisburg, and a drum corps, serVed
to keep tho spirits' of the participants in
harmony with filo occasion.
At the Parrack's; - an able and eloquent
addleas was delivered by Prof. John M b
Langston, of Washington, which was
listened to with strict attention, authfa
vorably received by the intelligentassem-,
bine, many of whom were whites. After
Mr. Langston's 'speech, the crowd ad
journed to the soldiers' quarters, where
creature comforts Nvere provided in
abundance. ,Later in the afternoon,
games wore. played, and songs sung in
chorus in the happy style of the African
..In the evening; a grand festival was
held in Itheem's Hall. The building was
densely packed iu every part, and the
audience enthusiastic. Addresses wan°
.by distinguished colored speak
ers, among whom were Wm. D. Porten,
esq., of Philadelphia ; .Prof. Wm. How
ard Day, of tho ;Harrisburg National
PrObTeis, and Major SimpSon, of Phila
delphia. It hi :worthy of notice that
every speaker urged his hearers to vote
for the re-election of .Gen. Grant. The
applause Which uniformly firefited the
delivery of sentinients' favorable to the
present ;Administration,. indicated that
there was little or no sympathy among
the colored people of this section fur the
Greeley faction. The andiencotentinued
to listen to the speaking until. a late .
-hunt . , when it, quietly adjourned... -
A ball also came oft' in the ,eVening, in
the good Will hall, Whicl: was largely
attended, and was . koptAip till daylight,
notified the festive ones that it iias time
to disperse..
it may be well to
,note, recolleeting '
the difficulty of Frederick DOugfits r e;' last
winter,. in. procuring hotel accommoda
tion, that our best hotels wore open for.
the , reception of guests without distinc
tion as' to cOlor,Cand 'that' numbers of
'blacks wore bOardedand lodged at them.
Though all the pioceedings of thfzylay
were characterized by liveliness, per
fectly good 'order was proserVed, and no
disturbance ocouried in connection with
any pf the festivities of the cOlored, pee
' plo. 'The conductor's and ',participants .
eau alike "coegratillato themSolvos on the
success of the celebration; as it has been
the subject of much remark and com 7
mondation. .
log Providence,.the ,corner stone of the
Lotort Spring ghurbh, of Wit Evangelical;
Association, ono mile oast of - the Poor
House, will be laid with proper ceremony
on Sabhath, August at 10 o'cloOlc.
Several ministers will be in attefidarice.
• A.-DIATTIII4IT, Pastor.
TILE funeral of Wm. B. Parker, eSq.,
'late United States Consul to Zante, took
place on Saturday afternoon last. His
remains'woro Ight home on Thurs-:
day by Col. Ise 13: Parker, who had
proceeded to Paris to meet, the wife of
the deceased aid to , take charge of the
body.' 'The' 'funeral was attended by the
members of the Bar, the Union Fire
Company, and other civic societies, to
gether with a largo number of friends
and relatives. After services at St.
John's Episcopal church, the remains
were interred in the old graveyard on
South street:
nr,Tuß:r.a.—A.fter .absence. pf 'lO
dayS the Party of gentlemen fron' this
place, that bad bean oncamPed at lib
son's Rock; Perry county, returne,ll .n
last Saturday evening, about .
One. and all speak in glowing terms
the pleasant time passed on this noted
spot, and regret exceedingly that busi
neSs.oompelled thorn to return. The day
.was•passed, in hooting, fishing and other
qt-door pleasure and the nights in set
ting - "out-lines," &c. Long will the
memories of n Camp Sport" linger in the
minds of those who camped on the ro
mantic spot..
AN affray took place last Thursday
evening, on the street, opposite the south
side of the. market house, between an in
toxicated German named Philip Weirich,
and h negro, named Jackson Scott, in
which the latter received two severe
scalp wounds. from a knife fat the hands
of Weirich. Sheriff Foremairpot au end
to the fight and arrested Weirich. After
thirinegro had been attended by Dr.,
(irhee, and the extent of his injuries as
certained to be not serious, he agreed to
receiVe $2O and decline prosecution,
whereupon the Gernuin was released friiin
WE clip the following froarthe Metho
list Christian .4d vocetle
Rev. Dr. T - tshiell, 'See - fel - dry of our
Missionary Society, has removed his -re
sidence from Carlisle to his family home
inqioseville, Newark, N. J. Previous to
leaviug Carlisle the Trustees of DiCkin
son College at their annual meeting
mnimonsly adopted the following :
Wfirmvas, The Rovl°R. L Dashiell,
D.D., has filled the office of President of
Dickinson College for four 'years, and
acted as President e.r-erio of this board
during the Caine period; and, inhere(v+,
he has tendered his resignation of the
'PreSideney, -- having• the.
ehurch to another department of trust
and responsibility : therefore,
Resolred,l, That in accepting the re
signation of Preskient "DashielT the
Trustees take pleasure in testifying to
the ability and fidelity with which he has
lierformed his duties' as President, and
the uniform Christian courtesy which
has characterized his intercourse with
the Board.
9. Thai wo tender to him our best
wishes for his happiness and usefulness
in the department of Christian work to
which he will in. the future devote hint
3. That the Secretary ho requested to
furnish a copy of th;s minute to Rev. It.
L. DaOdell. CHART, 9 F. HIM -9,
Secretary Board of Trustees
FE oto REscerr.—At a meeting
of the Union Fire Company, hold on the
eveuhrt, 'of Aug '?, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
WHLREA3, Our late Vice President,
Winr It. Parker, csq., has been stricken
down by the dispensation of an all-wise
Providence, in a foreign land, whilst in
the discharge of his official duties as
United States Consul at %ante, in the
vigor of his uMnhodd, and prime of his
life. Theretlac,
Regotrot, That in the. death of Wm.
'B. Parker, esti., the Union Firo Company
has been deprived of one whose presence
always aurmated itainembers, and whose
active zeal iu behalf of the Company
?+u> always been appreciated, and to
whom the Comigany owes a lasting. debt
of gratitude for his untiring efforts to
place het - in the position she ° now occu
pies, and whose counsel and advice was
always good.
Resolved, That the liall and apparatus
hr• ,1 aped in mourning for the period of
thirty days.
Resolved, That a blank page of our
minute book bo inscribed to his memory,
as one whose recut d as a fireman, a eiti,
zen, and a friend, is untarnished, and not
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize
with his . boi caved family, assuring them
the hearts of the members of his Com
pany are as monuments upon which the.
al/10 of the deceased is inscribed
characters indelible, and cherished by
each one as fondly as he.was loved whila
Resolred, Tlnit the Company attend
his tune; al in a body, and each tc tmber
wear the usual badge of mourning for
th:rty days.
U cc.clec ci, That a copy of rGsuliL
tions ho handed to the friends of the de
ceased, all published in the payers of
this borough.
t/nrrt".ll REF•O7-tfld,orts.---At a meet
ing of the Sigma• charge of the Theta
Delta Chi Fraternity, the following wqtre
adopted :
The ICeystolie
WitEnEns, It has pleased God in his
wisdom to remove from us our Brother,
Wm; B. Parker, Csq:, U. S. Consul to
Zanto, Greece, wo desire to placo on re"-
cord some sincere and merited tribute to
the memory of our departbd 'friend and
,brother. .Therefore,
• Resolved, That by the sudden decease
of Brother Parker. wo aro impressed
with findings of profound sorrow,Tor the
great loss Sustained by the Sigida nharge
of Theta Delta Ciii, in this first
on the wall of its founders. Honett and
self-assured in his convictions, he was
fearless in their exprOssion, and immov
able in their maintenance. This marked
decision, this conservative-firmness, this
sober' solidity, joined to great Andifstry
and entire devotion to whatever per
tained to the 'Fraternity, made him the
prominent Theta Dolt be grew to be.
As one Of the founders or the Sigma
Charge, ho was always among ,the fore
most in all movements pertaining to the
:Charge—encouraging with his voice, his
influence and his menus, every project
that seemed likely to iromote the wel
fare of the Fraternity. We shall ever
cherish, with gruteful satisfaction, the
substantial evidence which he has given
Awl,. the establishment of the Charge,
(coverinea period of cloven years) of the
buthusiusm.aud,personal devotion to the
Sigma, w,bieh ,has. been so instrumental
in bringing about the uninterrupted suc
cess of .the•past years.
Reserve, That we tender our profound.
and heartfelt sympathy in their bereave
ment, to 'the young widow and , tender
s r ote, of Our tlepayted birother,,whose MAC
' ward lifo,gave the strongest - .assurance
' that IM cheerfully and well fulfilled the'
Allies of a loving ruler of his own house
hold,the home of hospitrdity,'taste and
relincinctit, , whoso inner Milner was
attraotivo in all that 'constitute ornestic
imit,linoss, hitt which is now so sad and
Sorrowful, And we would further ox
tend to'his other near relatives our sym
pathy for the loss of ono whose deep
seated affation,was of no common order,
iand ; marked , him as Alio most filial of
sons, and the most devoted ancl'dutiful
of brothers • and wo humbly trust that
in.tho midst'of their grief they may hind
Consolation in the conviction that what
Lei' them Is groat' loss, is to bun great
gain: • ,
• Resolved, That we 'atter4l •his
funeral 'in a body, that our hall and
charter bo draped in mourning for the
Chapter period, and that, a copy of, these
resolutions be communicated to the
family orthe deceased, and furnished to
the press of .Carlisle.
. - 4* 1
. , W
, WHILID Chid* Burgess John M. wai.
into was quelling,. a disturbance at the
market house last Friday night, au "ex.
pert thief relieved him of a:revolver,-
wlfich ho pistol pocket.
Don't hurry, *don't fret, and when you
want primo apples, potatoes, cabbage,
onions, am., drop in at numlich's.
IC •
nights of Pythias pin i was picked
up on . the pavement on Thursday last.
The owner can obtain the same by call
at Tine OFTICE, proving property and
paying fur this notice: Bau72lt
JUST received sugar cured- shouldors,
gums, dried . beef, beef tongues, at
THE person who received a sot of
harness in exchange for his own, at the
United States Hotel, Mt. Holly, Pa., on
Friday, July will confer a favor by
addressing me.
741724 t,"
i“ioTnEft lot 0f.......,eh0ice halibut,
mackerel, herring, at Humrich's.
— PERTIAPB no,real medicine over gained
the rapid popularity which Castoria has
done. Cue person relates his experi
ence of 'its good effects to ' another. It
is a vegetable preparation, perfectly
harmless, pleasant to take ; does not
distress or gripe, but regulates the sys
tem; and is sure to operate when all
other remedies have failed. Any person
who has over used Castoria for stomach
ache,, constipation, croup, flatulency,
worms, piles, or deranged liver, will
never again use rfausaating oil, bitter
pills or narcotic syrups. The Castoria
contains neither minerals, morphine nor
alcohol. By its soothing, quieting effect
it modudes natural sleep, and is particu
larly adapted to crying and teething
children. It costs but cents, and one
bottle will save many dollars in doctors'
bills. . fBau724t
Al. the Carlisle Machine and
Works, steady employment will be given,
to good men. Apply to
FOIL to soft up your sets of plain and
gilt band china are, call on J. L. Meloy
tV, Co., who are agents for the sale of
these. goods. We have a full price list ;
a reasonable reduction when bought in
quantities. lnug724t
. .
you want prime' French mustard,
by the quart, pint or half pint, go to
7,42'3 pounds of sugar received, by
JrJ. Meloy S.,- Co. Fruit pieseivers
come and see us. Mouey saved.
TUE .best assortment , of Hamburg
edge.: and insertings call'be found ht "
27j072tf J. 11. WOLF'S.
- W - a - TEItMEU.ON,. -- Itnti l eantelopes - alwaya
on band at Iltuntieh's.
Wt.; have the flour now that makes the
women happy. Sold only by 3. L. Meloy
& Co.
A L nur sTOCK Of dry lumber, placed
in the Yards before rise in prices, fo
sale at low figurq. Lath, shingle, ,
pickets, &c., alwaA_ on hand. Cull t
upper or lower yardA: A. 11. '
always has them—spiced
pickled and fresh oysters, chow chow
cauliflower, olives, lemons, &c.
5,000 HAMS !
I am now in possession of two tons and a
half of the very finest brands of canvassed
sugar cured hams, which I offer for sale
cheap for cash. Every ham guaranteed
to 'he r: presented. Also, dried beef
and bologna ciin , lantly on hand at
notimaa's, Nos. 1.1 and SS East Pomfret
weighed whe❑ sold.
IlumniCn bas it, fresh cheese, and is
selling 100 pounds a week.
Co:Qum:is made into switches, chig
nons, ourls, frizetts, &e., at Madame
SPRING chickens and ducks at
Selling low at Hoffman's cheap grocery
Nos.° 44 and 8l East Pomfret street.
Tomatoes, 3 pound cans at twenty cents.
Wiuslbw's corn •at twenty-five cents.
Peaches, 3 pound cans at twenty-eight
cents. Pine apple thirty-five cents.
Oysters, pound cans at twenty-five
cent., 1 pound cans at fifteen scuts.
Am. the year round, Skeridan' s Cavalry
C'ondi(ioa Po lyric?' s should he given to
horses that are " kept uP . ." lo horses
and cattle that graze in summer they
should only be given in Av . iter. and
Wo are the solo agents in Carlisle for
the sale of the Genuine Harris' seamless
kid gloves. They arc universally ac
knowledged to be the best and finest kid
glove imported,
Pina72tl' & Bui-rouvv.
iluriVEns and soldiers who served in
the army, lillysichuis, surgeons, , and
eminent men . and {sown everywhere,
join in recommending Johnson's Aim
dyad Linivomt to be the best internal
and exterihd family medicine ever in-
vented. That's our experience. .
ONE who has used it say - s, "shore and
it makes the wather awful dirthy, and
that without rubbing, does the "
Reward Soap."
EvEity one that has used Pain Cure
Oil aro loud in their praises of its
nondorfal t effeets. They all say " there
is nuthilig like it." • 'Reader try it.
a happy day, for licifse and his rider
when the Abtslang 'Liniment was intro-
duced as a cure for the external diseases
and injuries of both. In the stable, the
ba tiv and the household this. wonderful
emollient is equally 'useful. If a horse is
spavined, or foundered, or harness
galled, or afflicted with any a 11& of the
many stlperficial ills that equine flesh is
heir to, thb Liniment effects a speedy
cure, and it is equally efficacious when
applied to draught oxen or cows suffer
ing from outward swellings, strains or
hurts of any description. As anappliea
tion for tirtilsos, cuts, burns, rheuma
tism; stiff joipts, sprains, neuralgia,
earache and toothache, it takes piece
deuce- for- all,other-topicaLremedies, and
- is therefore an article of prime necessity
in families.
ust received a largo lot - of lino now
nackerel, at Hoffman's, No 44 and 88
Itst Pomfret street.
Volt kid gloves, hosiery andeummer
underclothing, go to No. 18 North Han
over street.
tb d. 11. IVolf's for the best aS
sortment of ladies' and gents' ties and
Piney bows44'
To knoW whore to get the , best stoves
in the market. Also just arrived a nice
assortment of brass and porcelain lined
preserving kettleS.
The hest and cheapest fruit cans and
jars in the market, and. an endless vari
ety of banging baskets, water coolers,
refrigerators and house furnishing goods
generally. Call 'before purchasing at
Wnr. ey's
Tin and Stove store, 21 North Hanotor
treet, Carlisle, Pa.. • 20j972tf
PARASOLS, fans, bustles, hoop skirts
and corsets are sold cheaper at J.
Wolf's than at any other house in town.
At private sale, 12 head of horse stock,
ages ranging from wearilings, yearlings,
two and three years and .upwards, on
easy Wins. Also, 8,000 locust rails.;
will exchange some WO: for chestnut
posts. ,Addrecis
7 *
1ag723t 4 White House P. O.
A FIND lot of Ihnobarnors, poa and
nut,coal on band. Prices reduced. Car
at nppot; or lower -yards
To A. REILIf t
;form 11. Mmarat,
E. J. •T9nn,
r. Intxty,
\ J. DALE.
T HAVF 0 THIS, DAY assoointo4
Bou ensui,Es WOODWARVilifilr - ihe in
business. The Item will I, R.O. WOODWARD &
SON. •
HowAiit) Rurriti,
A. n. Br;Ain
Car Carh sle Herald
P,ublislied every Thursday morn
ing by.
In rear of tho Court House
Terms--$2 00 per annum in advance
This Paper has the
of any in Cumberland county, and con-
sequentl y presents
Unrivalled Facilities
to parties wishing to reaCh with their
advertisements, the well-to-do popula
tion of this rich Valley.
A limited amount of
cl - v - e rt •al g•
will be insorted in each edition
Our advantages for executing
tr'l) B WORK
were never so good as now. This de
partmont of the business will be under
the personal supervision of Mn HAD
DOCK, whose experience in the Job
Offices of Philadelphia and elsovlffiie, to_gdarantee complete satis
ction to all, who may favor us with
dieir patronage. r
'Me are receiving every week from Lho
No oxpenso will ba spared, and all that
Best Material
Competent Workmanshi
can do to increase the high reputation
,OFFICE for Job j s rinting,
shall be freely given.
We believe we can do
than any other'ofilco in the county
Sale & Show Bills
Fine Book ,Wor!(.
In order to disseminnto.souri Itepub
limn 'doctrine throughout the county
wo will furnish
5; 41:2) 30 , IV
from this data until.tho first of January
Editors. and Proprietors,
Carlisle, Pa..
It Is ono of tha'riltnarkrittlo fa
radii ago, not merely t hat., 0 AM
victims ordysnripsis 'Or Ind Itte.'d
Viet'Mß. Now, WO will id OW lon
that any onit row& fil9ll , •it ,
diHSIOSOd to Malt it formal; the It
from it. , Those who hat rt exp•a
wortlit§cQut Such an idea. Ail r
gladly ,. dle,peaso rt jib its ml+l ,,
Mark Tapl, , y, ohm w i ts Jolly to
circormanneett lu which he sod n
titlark of (13 st.p.,ia. Or his
Ily forralcun hint. hit a and tedw
I tEI Wald,* ontampliriningly,
of a I loan r:
jot . tha mithilarious theta,
Man nyMon, to 111.1 10, :Ina, i-.
generl4ly prevalent: or draper, s
room &ma and painful. And will
prove fat ti hot •rme, the
loltraraslotr to the mind and so p
to tho Irady. If thare li a ri
world t is
rots of Pyspopßia. To thorn
ply /4” hopob811.111t), lot :1 1 , io
monody. \Vo hnro said that 1
tha wont onivernal of humor
plott.olly I in the
hln gt.nentl prAvalenr, li do
ho food, tlio method of :t• 1.1,1
honor In 0 Milt II hi n , nally
rorim•o to osphdo. Tho r,r,tl
.r.,,alltd to dot le. tLn
Imn,t ontvernall).
Nearly I:Nrry other per wit
appatontly 'willing one: I
iilty 041 ninny ,ttiot ell , , li
'VII' 1,11 10 13 1 0 0 101111 111 ' I.
tro 10 tkvAll theaut: IC , s ”t Al
volt not. Illinthq by tho , 11x1
WWI ether OtioN.plikinvol I,:lit
ccot the. relief ptoilor,d till,
Sr to the to ollollnlo at the lii
7 ill! .1. - , 1 , •
ttiulr ruthlvs3 I orloontor. Iln
NVltai Is this
great nllsvlator of lot. :,t
rvnleiy it sh rh,. t.,
yoti Ile 111 , 1111 , of thototPo.l
A{ vont fort 11.11•1 1
you k, o n ,7 , f
.rful mplicine coil I, 0 a
w,.:0 0 'I' Q it ) •: A •
Ilea to r:11fil f
IL , proptiou:r,ll,o 11111t1 , 11.111 I.
font of all, that TICatrLAND' .. !
ia not n ruin bo:orngo.
Tinny urn not olooliolic 1
Ti,,' aro t 0011,0800 Wlll.ll I V 01 t
of tooth. 'lll,
ontrnet, front n blob •n.
Ilrorttrrti by ono it 11% al b.
Unlil.o r io Oitt,
0 holly fret . In 001 11,11Vir111011
oelloll 4 will, 1.10 VII In
pr.poration.: oftlif tinn.,
jutuxienanu Oa
114 , 1 Vi(11.1 in tin o: t lb- It.
from rnronrotrinv ot ui u 1...
bar intobliatlng
- Porl7ol - 211 1 1V ,100,
1. ,1,01.1t0 1111,111,1 n
el - W(1 11 f 1.110 bil.•try
Satt,9.l.tiol t.it1.,,•• ”;+, 11 • ti'
torphlity and rttnat• 11.411tid
p..T.,1;10 r letrionte, or '
1,0) ti. . 1 , •1.
illt; Ira • •1,
11;_,;”. air;;S'ln, 1.;;; '; ;I; • •
pat)ont to to , I
Itito a :IVY, 111...0 01 NI:.
,InV 0, Nit tl fl r. I
hfolvt.. , In a ,1••1, t
In ‘sh,lt the) •
, Int
e;dow ti 1.1.1
Now. thr, •Crl re. -
- tremo 11111.• In an nut on:y
1.1 It imp t L.;. • 114
union. Fot
DR. 11001 LANI
wan irgiare 1.
where a H11.:hl
entngle. ,
ith !hi will It
the I.llre (i4”7,411 , '
the ingrinlignx ol t • hitter
remove %Irene lie, te
ran only palatable lir, vino
all Ilti llt •
exiting. , of tenni. 1,1 Yin
are land in taihitioh I y
t llollilr 1n •ac
Witty, mle Iha , !)1.111
4,h111/,(0.1..f lIR k
1100 FL AN
tinlulette4 thu
vigmitos nu,l porinavniti
put 11,i'vt,
111 t•( tin in tilt.
ahem t ~ tiro I,.se
rItyFI , 11
padfly p• !.•t0
olon of tnitite., aria lion,.
plantn do..
of porf,. : '•
thnorn ,It. , pontloto , the
ntor•l 0b5.,11.1 1,, /1 ,
hot lit lloollana' 1,, I. f. 16
Lot tz,
(;1 , ',1‘;?.1
tt• fax of its ,•it
. , LIN I
4,11.111ry' , ,t1
Ilrun LI,I.:111 ,
1111, 01 , the
L roaa.
that Odd t'Xil ILO
Ole 11111 than I
ciHnr•p Ili till..
rfri-tI) pui
roOr tt l< t I , ltt o i.f Ih
p• It :VII .160, , 1111..1111y.,
tmlint or 0ft,,.,. ”1,1) , ,,t1
,pure , ) 1,3”.511)1Li
xtininlntin:t trip
rncrclinirr to n'l; It
Th.. 11 - dull°. rtsui- wI
up,. Of mercury sty ion
llut it ix WlllllOlll,lO Li
foo extract Thy oxttful
them Is Lk (
I , or videlt srn npon t
pner bow. +4 nnl , tpor,
invents my volittng cll Ilin II • rttli:.
113•10.1.111, Ili all
Ifi action entirel • Irev
griping pniiu, eflorn.ti t.
11,,0 tou,
Podoph3lllo h onwov im
Tin liou,plkold :.!ton) , ll , ‘
prrfedly safe. regoire
art prompt Roil
In col:ow:lion wipt fir:
or Took', may ho.(ognnla
Carl'a of hirer (.7.,h‘plai
dlaorilorn to Which tIIe a.
The , ' -
net upon the P. tniirteh dt
propor obstruutionn, wl
purify _Vie blet.fl, ',fret
frame, Worn . ..tone n u t at,
tbus build up the invali(
Dr.,llo.llmul; booing
for diseases, bull piveu lb
lomat npplication, ht
known us .
Dli, .11:00FL
Thls 011,14 1% sourolgt
hfnll laude.
, •
illitinniaLiem, Neural
Sprains, Burns, PAM in
worms, &a., kn., all yitili
Tito number of tints
and tbuy'are Pa:erasing t
, Taken internally, it
Kidney liiseasus, till It I
Cholera ' Moans Crain
COM, Asthma.
Thu Greek Oil Is riii
vine and aslant lilt ode.
le an oily substance, pro
of Greece. lts
truly utagleml.
its use, and it trial by
tbortinalil) convinuu I Ili
Therm roma lea
- Forzp , ,lly C.
Thclrio nomotllup.nre
' I4eopcira k o,intl Meslldne