Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 01, 1872, Image 1
FA VOLUME' LXXII THE .CARLISLE H EIiALD, Published every Thumlsy morning by EAK EY"Sz II AD D K EDITORS ANI) PROPRIETORS Office ill Mit .111's Thu!. el Vie Court Hide, Terms--$2 00 per annum, in advance. RATES OF ARVERTISINO MEM I vo•els.! I no; 2 11111 3Llt , .1 4,1, 7 1,.1 (m, 99 0l 2 " 1 5 , , 3 11111 4 pil l 5 01' r. 00 . 24 00 01 I .41 6 I °lli I It; OW :41 0 4 7 701 4 7 I, 77 1 .1 21 1.200 1 31FI 1 3 o.ll''. 701 R 401 775 14 iqo nI, 3., 111 6 1 ',ll I :417 . 1 .11 17. 51 , 22 fal, 'l 7 5. 1 44 , 5 ! ON 7 fo , 11 ;IF :.c?' I 7 y 3 . 1 . 1 1 1 . II 7 0 ;1 , ) od 1 . 2 3 00115 1,, xvl, , lot) uu 01,7 1.1.' 111.111, I'2 Ii neg etolvit hut. it ~110. r r , For Exi , vot,rs',.,o , l A.1, 1 11”1,Cr.t1 t..4' Niail....i. $1 00 1. , ,,, A 0.111.1,0 NOtleo, 2 , Y. For A - , . 1,401.1..' allgi .tlllll3l . Vutife., 3 00 For y..rtrly estrdr, m I ,0,....1.:,, ~..‘ I inp.., 7 00 F., A ttnottnreino:kth, ..., ,ilt- 2, , , Iv.e, 0-1••••+ t,rt• too 1,1 (or Icy 11.• ar. For 1111,n , o, tl 1 , 1 tn. nl , . 1 ,,, r lino. Doul,lo Sul owl nil, ri l isomonn4 Notir, of MlLrlingLS 1111,1 I.llli 111 - 1,1t010 , .1 fr, GA 1 - C i),S, ...A. ATWool, W. It SY,: AT WOOD, RANCH: t% CO., commi:moN munou Ni'S Whotemlit :01 - 11 - 1.1, PICK LED AND SALT FISII No. 210 North Wharves, Mon, Race slreot, 1. 70 PHIL ID ELI'IIIA. W. SCOTT COYLE. SPRING. 1872, COYLE BROTHERS, Eh M. COYLE 1872. = No. 21 sot•r[r HANOVER They have constantly in, stock.a large selection of Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, ladies' and gent's hosiery, gloves, suspenders, neck ties and bows, elite trimming, and ruffling, paper collars and cuffs, note, cap, business, letter, billet, wrapping paper, envelopes, paper bags, tie yarn, drugs, fancy stamp, hair oil, perfume, and an endless variety of linick ltmackn. All orders will cocci ye prom pt att en Om. CmYLE ISIWTHERS imliTaf L) n. .T. S. KNI)E1?, 11011,Ei , l'A I II le 1'111 . .51 , lAN. I hi, r. 1.0,41 1118 1.)111, u 1 , ..11 /It's (%. C, of nov.r nin l P. Infret .1 , 11 irri.kin t;,/ E. BELTzitoovEit, • AIIIOR • EV AT LAI% . Illli. In Swab II ot•••E•1 xtreet. ••it. MEM LIMA, K! ICK PATH. IC6 k`" It IT MIA Nl'loole,de &alert , in MANUFACTURED Toll4cO, X. E rvr. Third on,i'lfaik4 .Philadelphia iMMII C. P. d TIUSIMCIT. \v r. IC PAltli'Eli PARKER. 1 Ii I'ORNI.V, AT CAW' 11= J. 11. GIZ.k. S( =I No. 14 Soo/ 1 .: Haii OLT) . Si '(ti,? I= 114.1. . TI Ornhani, ltvo Pr..sulpul I.ho Ninth .101iiCial Distrkt ri.R.lntit.ltho,,pram IV , ' 01 Itil hill, 1114 ” 4 .11.. 1 I!. NVill I In. 4,f land, I•%•rrj• :11111.11111inin 1.14,71-1.1 \VEANLEV, EMIT =IEEE ()FPICIC, No. 23 sill' rif ,11,1.1.1 P.\ j()IIN No 7, ~. ,r Ott , 1ta,69 joIIN NVIIO'.I;ISALF, AND !CET \II. DEA IN 'Cm: BlisT Q[ALITV OF 11 7 /NE , A Xi), /, lc) I*o RS, .11 rect., 11.1.17213 CARLIHIS, l'A josEr tr it irls;Eit, A 1"rtlItNIll' AL I.Alt* 'lNil ItVEVOIt, Moolotloollurg, 1t.L.1 , .A.1 nit vor, ttr 11:tolt 134.1t00ti promptly tttlt 11.1,11 t ir OS EPH A G :T \ t; 1 1 ( Ll l ', VATI. A W. - PraCUCCA in Dauphin and Cumberland ENE u court N , . building, in the rear the .1.•\f!•'1) eft Willi hil I,lllli I=l 1-juilly lII= JoSEI'I,I F. cur.vri LAW, LOAN AND CI)LLre,L I TION Orr OF F. CULVER 01W. PONTIAC, ILIAN.iI6. We fur placing OR Dint-chit, inn Titles tout ll,ntr.n Is our 'l',•n. Per iistiou.a..ol , l tnipl payinclit bora curro.p..Rilcor., In i.v ry part of 11i onion turn: Awn on is,cr.% IR.:1111v fiii apciuly tiolui It EFF:It t:NC6?t 110...11101PS u. i'0111 . ..1, cliP tior, C. N. tia csti crt.t. Ilitrri,bcrt. 11. m. C. P. either 11Ild ii 11. ii.,rn tip 10,17 Z, d iimhingtlp, .1) C. Ilectito 11. t t, Phila itc10111.!t. Clltttmborti h t`tiorm, Nom city. , 2'2.1071 • i r C. lIERMAN,• ATTOR ' , ET AT LA W, L' 116113 P. N.. p Itlicum'd 11. tI. 10640 A. X. ~\I'CLUItE. MKEEIIAN MT ; LURE ArI'ORNEYB Al I,AW„ 144 South Sixth ntreet, Ph 11411 y. FU. SIIA.IIIIARGEII, . .lU6TICTE OF TIIE PEACE Cumberland Comity, l'oetiCii. All Lnclnune, tint... 1.004 to him will recolvit prompt attoutlinti 2boct7o MEig(lll t ATI() it NEY-Ar, 1, A %V I(ltA,lat'd 14111.01:M, IN, TIII: 1110' L 1 COUIIT P. SADLEn, • Arl'OltNET AT LAW, Otllco, ganith 1110iiivir sArzt , e, next. IA- flood Will 11080 110118. , 10.60 TATES. 13: 11IRONS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR. AT LAW, OFFICE AND RENIDENCE, 2DO Donal alto STREET, 13elow Walnut Strent, . PHILADELPHIA. DANE() . formerly Justice, of the Yearn, would notion nee La Lila minter°us friondi thronglfout the county and vfOnity, thoL Lis special !Monti°n will lie gal,to tho collodion and opttlonteut of all claims, boolCsecountli, duo uot., Ac., and to welting of deeds, utortzugoi, and Oho to the .11.111tuf owl renting of Real Estnto. 'Totals illo 11111' o lu tho Court house. . . 4up72Con . NEW ADVERTIS.EMENT . _ . Boit,inoto, Wraiths, Croerea, liatltatil, C.ittlowo,., and otbor Decortitionx bir l'ariltin, li'vililingii, &a arranged in Ilia bait htyirb r,f art, t bider. •. Orderu by Illitii.prothrtly attiabli•,l la Ailtli.,a,, C. E. YON 11.11.1,121, • 10tha726in - 10 - 01 J. can obtain Dyo Stain, Porfu- A. awl., and Ynticy Artieletynt J. U. 111 , 411. rhyoldnua' 'pretwriptione cirofully cum. pounded at all Witco. 3; 13. 11AVERSTIOIC, N 0.6 South Hanover street, Carlisle. So 1900L70 . . . . . . „:,•1, M . ' I.' - ' ~ . . - .. ' •-, • • • •,' , 1 . , - -l• • . - . • . 1 .. _ !,1 ~ '4 1 .. 4 ' , . ... . • , .. .. •; .. .. 41 ', - 5 . . , .• . ' 1 - - - • .. II • t -- ' -r•,, , , •Ifo i4k. • ..,:? , n., : ...„.„,,. . ) € . ''.: li`` ki'',, ',. '-.., .. ' .., ''i.:;_ ' i;i9 .',...f! '. ' ..• ' ' • t ' . ''. 7 ,,'j, .. . , • ...• • . ' , , '•!,'. .•,,,,' 3, !... - t• •• • - - , 1 .'j ' . ..,' . .). •.. , 44 ' 5 ,:.;! , : - . : ••- ' l '' ; • ; .'-, ri: • ',. ' ' ' l ! ! t.:' ' , ' ~ -• J,' ~!!',... • ' • ) '' .-l' • 9,' ' • 1 . , A rii Zi '- g J... ..-. ,A., ' - 4 , , • ~ ~ * . 4 . ‘ . , 4 '4 4 .0 , •• • •”• •4 41 , .-,1 ', klc, . 4 . • . F.- 'irk r ' V . .; • NI 1 i ' 1 2 , j .4.., A 4,, • - ' ' 9•, q... ,- A - ~$,,.:, A- . a—, qt 74. 0,. w . ..... ,t , . . 0:: ~ . . . ~ ...„.„.„ „ ..1 ..,4.‘. ..: , ~......, O, ..,...„ , 4 ' J4T ..** . • ' i 4, ~, . . AO, 4, ' ..4.4 A 4. ;„ ' ' ";kk.., r. • •. . . . , ------ --7.717-77--.—. , ----- -- . . . .. -"- - ---- ~.____ _ • -------- ,________ _____ L_________ . ..____,. . __„,_._....., ~..„... - _______,.__________. , . . . .. . . . . ~ • , 4 ' • . - • 'CARLISLE,. PENN A ., THURSDAY .MORNING, - AUGUST 1; -1872. . - ' !MI A. L. SPONSLE.IV COL TEM - N. A L. SPO'NSLEit, )t.,.;1 float, A gerM, Scrivener, Conveyancer, ltivor nice and Claim 'Agent. 0111ce i'dziin Street none ,i!.eitro Square. A 7, VALU. i :+.III.,E FARAI A'P PRI VA'I`E L-R. -8 tlityiri,(ittliateil „o-t lie Baltimore 'C urnpjLc, fi~o miles 4mitli of Carlisle, noon the r Binge of town...Ctint holland' County, containing 115 arte•— knoll itui , rot tquenttt Non or.large Stalin 31anrion •ii ono Pair, Bank 11.trn, NO • r • '.V1111 , 1 11 110.1—ii cil it,tt,tr and eitAtti ton.ton. An ' . t, . rtllllll , t I.'011.1,1• and i Nosh logoth, ttlt It at • lo tit.. ',tt `llan i11,1•1111i in 111111i1i 11 111 1/- .1111 /II trlittt her the 1,11/1. Th.. II.: '111.01.111 11111.0 i/1111.111114,• iith" , i I ‘ll ,, I‘llll 11' 0 01111 .11 , r II 010 11i 1111 most 1,“1. ‘,.t; 1..• .3 L. FI' , INF.I,III, lt , 3111:i. tat 0 I 01V .:01 ti)PEICI'I' AT F. A hr: car' .0 133 in riolit 0,1 110 in dri,tli to an , ''10• '0 • ,nrr TW()sTor;\• 1 tiCK lIOUFtE, 1.....1. 1,1111,2111,,. , 11.111 t .11,(1 tour lily 'VO,I, I,ltl. Wlll' I— VII, WI 11,1 , ' ,114 • ..11 . Nt 11.001 .1 Plt.'i 11.1♦ i:11•11.111 A 1, SF,Nl:l',lt, 20:1.7'2 It. Al Agent. IMIESE \VN PROPERTY FUR SALE.— Humtc.i on West 00Infrot t.ttottl, &toyer...llU. Clll . li le. Tht. lot ttt 33 ft • t in iror.t 4 zul 240 'lll - 11(0.1, 01 •if 11, ri t'tt 4.0.0404 10011110:4-10141,1 - 1110 rizc , . 00 oulr , lll,lr, Tv, ( )-STORY FRAME I)NVELLING. Tho ttllns N% ill 110 I.llolt. 1,-1 1i:1001101 Of A. L. ,PONSLI4R, .1004.172 Ro.4ll%titto Attttnto iT OUSE AND LOT OF' GROUND AT J: PI: I 1 ATE LF.A1.1'..--sita tted , en 112. I,llllly . 21 ,, to..t. a two t .t 00, taa, lug 12. , lest ' , ask the hti, et, I:. by 4'! fest con: .11/ '4lO •I 1111' t (.IIN zrro t{,. ranl in 11, yard, nbnlsta, s 01 11 1.1 1 ' TI Is I. gt, , , , ll.rder and v. 111 I , .Ikp , .1 ..f r , n c(01[olot i; A I i • /... i - IIILZlLhIi!) 11l I .tlOl ..111 • 10 , 111• .11 • Ili iill/1 ii.l• I)NICK I{ VS1! ) EN ` AIX - 14.1' 10'1 I'lll „ "RN' 1111 Mi. 11,11. Imiltlg • ..tti nl. I )1 , 15. 11,, .1,1 I. 1111 l .11151.15.00111114 011 r .511.1 ;15, 1.1 .1111 I midi, Th.. pr. 5.11) i u gmitl nt..! 1.42 511.1•11 555.1 0t1.5.:, I 'rill. A L Agent. \vo fAT,C7:IIII - ,E F.%IZ:NIS, within 111111, t I,le. illlerti Othi•l hhusen /11.1.1... end I, ..-o and 1.. ‘‘..! e 1... he .1.-poeed of upou 1-oneele 1112311 A N 0111)INANCE. Itelating, to Contatr,i,m3 Disc.,scs. Sup -141110)1m.y to au oulinance. ,passed )larch 1562. 1 1; 1 1 i;" t•srl• 1,, ut 1.1 rt t • 11.. t's , ttr.,••• ?1I •••(••5 11i : 4 1 1!I 1P..., 'A 11111, 110, th• 1/ LI) •,%14111.,; I,:.1 •• ,•• :I , t• J I • •••) t‘t r•IN“ iti , t• 13111 l 1.• Ihi 1 • 0,11. 111 •• r•• 1!. T•••! IL , 111 !PIS ~ 54, • t• t.. ttl .1 .1. I' I E . E. 1. , 11 . E.1Ft• T•ptk II i'00:41•1/ kl. NV ALI, E, .1..1. NV ?•,I , C 1,,.: Barge. •(.11., t,•C•Jtptl attol. 1 . •111 !.3t VS"I',VIT I , ', [ C E.—T,f.tters testa - -JL-1 tn. ra:tr) ost tbo r•tat, 01 &two,' Cot Into .1i 1.1 ',pot tots twiiito, dot - .0:04 Lin lug' howl graitttql th, Ito:int • r t.f ctotoly. to I 11,, ttitIN0:110r• ~11110 t'oullset land hot ottAlt. All 1110 ~011111. are 'lll V1..111.•NA 1)1 1 . , /1/lilll/11 . 11 10 010 .1110 1 0 111 111 .1 :00 n 11 , 1,1 I. N:)TICE. Lt nt, it th 0:” ' JOHN i Jur p:.:(YTIk)NuTA Itr;; , ot I 1, • .••••11 :• • .1 • i ••• •II • . 1111 . r t.o 11.1 n.• ./ T..i \VIII atn il.. Ilfl II .16..1.1111 AY. O! . I h. , ,t , not of NI ttlllt,n 11. a 1,2,, of 4 l'h.• It. IV and t•it ISMENEIMIEI MSC M=ll==Mil - 7 711.. nv , mut ot Ilvnry o•sigri, f!• rry 11,0,11,1. ..f l'ltil.;. 4,,,••i1it nt u. CI I A. %I',lll, • \ 1 , 7: • . ; A. :r • t,, , (110(.11. TAX ()F. 1'675.., I 'I )..11, s 1t,.. Put t 0., of the I.ornngll awl .10pliz,a4. thereof fol , • t 0.1111,1 11,11 Trtqoul. / lit 11'114 Ilt tl " on \V 1 . and I 111. iid 11.11 , . =9 .511 1. 11 .-' tit xi, HIN in ti and 5 o'clock oi n5lll any', this purpose or l oci, said toNtiti, Hod :Hid p .1 it 11, tiflice ilic Troloiort, Ni 'IN y.1:H1111111g, lii paid rrn Hr lidfiffe iibovo 1 0 1VE'VE1{ C-ENT tt 11l lm mod.. for ji•ootiot pay.nent, owl for all foxod 1,1011 :111g W Li runt Witt t , . cork...tog ,o:lect.on thervorittrotolog to .luiio IT, 167 9IIIE undersigned having been quail ,lnntiro or tho Puaru, iu wre , preparod 1111,, m4lO tt. all hnuin,,,s •en maul to him Olken In Jlr. (loin's Bulhltng . ,,nuir tko Puriauri,' Bank, and in rear of MbarPit•.k.yturl Church. Huultlonvu 66 N1',,,4 !tied. Gogrls. • •• . miLrrnity cLoTHING! GEO. EVANS Sr, CO. Late BVA NS No, 914- Market Street, P1111,11)1c1.011)1 : Fire Companies & Bras-Bands UNIFORMED With ItIiT,IMILE croons, atlow - prices, kingdos of !foods and Photograph, of Uniforms 'serif free oat application. - quantity of Breozin•ll A NO zounvE Uritroams In good condition, for'salo very clieitp. • Ay7.23in MEE= POLITICAL cAIIIP.A.M .- OP 1872. CI RANT - AND .:\VJCIASON . , GREED!: Y 'AND:43IW IVN; .0 nfIiPARC,RI CAPS, CAPES AND TORCHES. Transparen,,cies • and °Banners, • ,,..111,11t1 for Ba nners, 1111,611; (mkt ony or,,ti Yl,ll Oil 'IMO Or '111:1410 to or.L.r. thl• oor Lout , ~ of aft 151.,. loot tityleN; IN. Sat, 10 '• Y.° Clut,i lilted out at Ow ton i nt,ll4ite.l F. SCITEIPJATS CAMPARIN 49 South Third Street', Philadelphia. PEND FOR OIItOUGAII.• tjy7° Tir . . MIS A. h EVON:q.Eit. R. Ehtat.• A 4,q, A. 'Legal Notices I. AV. I BY, 1 t •nu er. GRANT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER 'Dianna than and cannons roar, W hat, what's tim mat tor Walos the gond obi flag onou nun's, What, what'slho matter?' We rally round the brave and true—, Fratoloufn hattlf\y renew, Hurrah for °mat nd Wilson, macs what's the tatter: (Irani's what's th matter now, • . Orant's what's tirmottor, To victory we're marching unW, what'd the matter. Listen to the nennle's What, a hat's iho matter ? and Wiliam is tilt choir.: That's what's the mattor; On to list hound lion; non, Orant ,oarcited awl hurt iteltollion Ag on to Washington Ifsll go, Thai's what's the mat tor; 'lrant's what's them:atm . now, Grant's a tot's the matter, To ticinry we're marching now, That's ulna's the ninth r. 11l 1, Ito buitlr host the drum. Motto, The en., Tliars wliiit's the mutter; rout SVilson Jam Ire pri•tit, Ail toes I,More Mop Most rt•ti triaill Ihat c h. lien) ;dint mattes r; ill lint', what's the milt tre mimes thei 'Antler, vlulory martMhi:; 1100% Tlmt n 011111 TIIE GEOGRAPILY LESSON. Br I . IA.PPY HOPE ' Willie was spending the last few weeks summer vacation with grandoM Smiley, on the fine old farm which Willie's father called the old homestead ; and Willie thought it almost the best place in the whole world—the very best when father and mother, with the little baby brother, and four-year-old Nettie, were there too. And truly the substantial farm house with its comfortable surroundings, ample barns and roomy sheds—the adjacent pond, which dimpled and sparkled in the dancing sunlight ; rushing away over the mimic falls; part of it m however, being enticed to run throughWrace, and over a, wheel, which, when set in motion, did the churning of growl pa's dairy of twenty cows, after which it bubbled al_ng, losing itself in little curves play ing' in and out, than, with a -gurgling laugh, hastened to overtake the swifter current, and all glided away under the bridge across the road in front of the house. All this picture greeted Willie's eyes when he was first awakened in the morning, hy, the noisy clattering and gabble of geese and ducks, as they es corted their several families to their early morning bath in the pretty pond. A grand pid woods, too, added its nu:. morons fascinations to this charming home ; 'and when you shut your .eyes and imagine it all, you will not wonder that Willie loved the plan-, nor that ho sftould surplise aunt May by saying that he cdtddn't bear to think of going back to school. Aunt May was a great lover of boys, and Willie was an especial favorite. Nor had she so far outgio'l'n her school days as not to remember that there wore rough as well as smooth places in the utins of lessons, and by a few judi cious questioasl;he soon discovered tome of Willie's tioubles. He says, " some of the boys fairly hate their arith metic exercise, but "come to geography and grammar recitations with pleasure, they are the very Jessions I dread. There is tic reason in them. Its just all remember ; but the arithmetic example reasons right out. Then when review day comes, and the teacher begins— Masier Willie, bound Prussia and tell its,ll; WhOre is Blackstone h., so all over alike, I never can think Aunt May soon found that Willie's teaching wasloo much in tale abstract, but site said nothing of this, and after a nice little chat, sent him to hunt eggs in the harp, while she attended to other duticK. In the :ifternoon, when the large apple Lace east a iefre,hing shadow over the croquet ground, she called. Willie out for a play, but instead of mallet and ball she (oily handed to him some nicely sharpen t ed :ticks and a tape measure.. " Now, she said, in a ,bright, cheer ful way' "I hare a new game for you, awl if you follow my directions I thiqk you will enjoy it." Willie's Might eyes wore eager with interest, and he measured and marked uut on the green plot of the croquet ground, just exactly as aunt May dic tated. When it was allAjt-lii.ed what do yoti suppose it was ,>'ll9llio didn't recog nize it at first, but when aunt May handed him his geography open at the map of the United States, ho was not long in seeiyg' that he had drawn New York Elta "Now;" said aunt May, "y'ni may take a good look at what countr i y ,yuu would put on the north, east, south, and west." And after he could tell her that, she told him to take a good look at the mountains and rivers. "Tked" , ,vCrial put little heaps of sand for the riyefs.-" Willie was all animation ovet-,fhis new play, and soon Lake Erie and Ontarkk, were done out dn complete miniature, and properly connected by Niagara river with its wonderful falls. , Aunt May-had to go through quite a course of login before she could convince him that ho must make his falls toward the north, because he would persist that in the book it looked the other way. But when - his sand was disposed of prop erly, ant May gavo him an object-lesson in contour and relief, which ffqe a now channel for his thoughts. Papa came round and held 50 adinira tion mooting just as Willie was taking an imaginary trip down the' Hudson. And 'ho told Willie a wonderful story about the "Massaro in Cherry Valley," that did more to awaken a thirst for his tory than weeks of 'study could have d9no. At the tea table grandßa was informed, of the geography lesson, consequently, Um -croquet grounds had a now visitor after tea. Grandpa gave the little boy a short recount of Boyolutionar,7 times around Lake Champlain,' I need hardly tell yOu the consequonceS of these judici ous lemons. ,But aunt May was, in greit demtuld to .play geography, and some time I would like to tell how she showed Willie the way, to tray e out 'railroads and had •olties. Willie does not hate MEMO Tim WAY zoo „Lt}' minutes of weak ripening will - piunge a brave heart into the depths of unhappiness as suddeulY, as a thtbider storm will overcast a clear summer shy. The only way to live into cast 'aviray troubles and edutentions which cannot be ,cured 'by fretting.' A thing that is done belongs to ..the, past. In justice to the requirements of the present, and possibilities of the future,. you cannot look,back my. make your .self wretched over things whiely. , eaunot be undone. ' S.I'ARTI,ING STORY OP HALL ;41'R NET . Lin?. Since the days of young Elotehum's frauds—by the way, whore is young Ketcbunc - now ?—iffall 'street has had nt) really first-class sensation, with the ex ception of the Black FridayLpailid. A few days sinee, however, it transpired' that a young man named' Elmore Davis, a junior partner of the firm of.Davis c it Qunn, ono door from the corner of Nylall street and Broad, had been rogularlY en gaged during several monthspast in rais ing money on securities which did not boloUg to him. As has been said, young Davis held 'a small proprietary interest in the fires of which his father was senior partner. Mr. Davis, senior, is a geritle. man well-known on the street and in Now York social circles, living -in hand. some style in Twenty-seventh street, and keeping his horses • and carriage. lliy family consists of himself, wife, two daug,hters•,(ono of Whom was-to have been married next week). and, one son, the young man syoko of. For the past two years . - young :Davis has led a very, fast life, having, besides two fast horses and the et deters of fashionable frivolity, a share in a private theatre situate up town. In these ways his money—liberally supplied by his fattier—has gone, and. the money of oth-' ere with it. - Tho first intimation had of the crash was some six days ago, when a promi nent Wall street residing in Brook lyn, who bold some V 5,000 worth f:}f securities from young Davis, drew upon the firm in the• ordinary course of busi ness for the money. It so happened-that the real securities, in the possession of another brokery,had that same day been presented to Mr. Gunn, the second mem ber of the firm. An eclaireissement en sued, and it was speedily discovered that the securities were forged., ' Who-did yi'm get them of?' asked old Davis. ' Your son, sir,' replied the broker. 'My son John 1 Impossible I' But It was not only possible but true. John Elmore Davis was on that day cc gaged with a friend out of the city. He had not the remotest idea that his crime was discovered, and did not return home to Twenty-seventh street till late. Ar rived there, he found his poor old father, who had borne an honorable reputation in Wall street for forty years, sitting up for him. The young tpau was slightly intoxicated, but the bitter reproacheof his father brought him to his senses. But the worst was not yet known. Thirty-five thousand dollars was a small drop in the. financial bucket. The next eery flesh frauds were dincovered,amount ing, including the forged securities, to over a quarter of a million dollars. The broker who hail held the original $35,- 000 worth of securities, obtained front young Davis, gave the alarm to ethers, and the moment the whisper went around that they were not good,' the office of Davis and Dunn was besieged. It is stated that nu fewer than thirteen promi ment houses in Wall street were bitten, and every one declares that the reputa tion of the house and not of young Davis himself, led to it. The firm, of course, became responsible for the whole amount °lithe frauds, and to the credit of human nature be it said that Mr: Dunn, the sec ond partner, expressed his willingness that the whole of the losses shall fall upon the house, the partners sharing alikein supplying the deficit. Old Mr. Davis, however, would not hear of it. It is said - when Mr. Dunn made this proposi thin he (lodated that so long as his pri vate fortune would hold out, he would 4 rimy tip himself.' Already - over ;SIOO,OOO of the debt, has been wiped out, and Mr. Davis expresses his willingness to redeem Bib whole of the forged sri unities within three months. The yohng man has liaade full confession, and has, it is reported,_ departed fur Brazil. At all events, he has left New York, leaving behind gins a legacy of fraudulent debts fllld a ruined -home.— New York Star, Afay 3. TIM WEST POINT CADET.—T of a cadet at the United States Military School, West Point, is not a monottinons one by. any means, for he has a daily Tound of changing duties and . recreations, spiced with adventures after "taps," wtten it is officially assumed that every 'ilitlf3Yrt; is In bed. Ile is aroused front a five o'clock by the MOM ing gun,, and the -reveille stainmoning him to early roll-call. .He must. be in thb ranks a - few minutes later. Al half past five he must have his Rion' in order. lie is not allowed a waiter, horse or dog, and must perform all the sweeping, fold— ing of bedding, dusting and work of all that kind himself. This done, ho pro ceeds to study until the drum tape-for breakfast roll-call ak seven o'clock. Then lie 41i:treats with; adulatoon to the mess hall) whore ho is allowed . to remain twenty-five minutes. Then he has half an hour for recreation during, guard mounting, when at eight o'clock the bugle 'calls "to quarters," which ineaus' five hours of recitations, class parades, etc. Front one to two o'clock is the time allo;voil for dinner and recreation. At four o'clock the work of the Academy is over. Drill occupies an hour and a half,' when a season of recreation follows, and the pleasant ° dress-parade takes place at sunset. Supper over, he.has thirty min utes for recrtmtion, When tbq bugle calls Wm to quarters and study. Tattoo beats at half--past, nine, and taps at ten, when tlio.lights are extinguished.. This corn .priseallis daily routine of a cadet's life. . • GRANT;' WEnniNo.—The prepar ations fol. the marriage 'of the yOung Emperor of China are being. cOnducted on a scald of truly Orientalmagnificenco. An Imperial edict requires one of the silk producing prOvinces, to famish' for the 'occasion, 8,850 'pieces of silk goodS, 400. cattios of ' Silk thread and embroidered volvoi,, and 1,800 *cos . of ilno • cotton cloth, 48,000 pieces of brodidedsilic, - '2OO . pieces of plain green silk, and '2,000 . 0r what tiro 'referred to in . the redOril ' silk articles of attire' for the "lioasblioid and 'guard 'of the EmPress-t3lea,''B,ooo silk dreasda and 800 pieces' of plain ,si}lc for the.rekerve wardrobe Of the IMporild chair beareia and escort. These aro to r ,frce 'of cost, and' the -nee-, chants upon whoni` these. oVerwhelmiug lionom.have fMlon, liavo respectfUlly tit:toned; that On •difiqnytion :May' be eharod byothor dietriote of tuti TUE YOUNG ,BUFE E= - 1 !Mimed for n foot-fall, IVben t Ito oilvor moon /Mime bright; - 71 Altt heeded not the apleadoy Of that andlotided right; The littlo sows, Ilko gblilen 'lamps • Hung in the vaillted eky, - But I only know the ono I lorud, , Was quickly - dram - lug nigh 1 - , Tho summer wind sighed mournfully As it whi,poreil to t h e trout, ' • . - Still fresh with the nerfluno of tlowern Was Odd forrealihig - Idaului . But I only full Id., warm atess, ptealiiro I/ I Ill& hand; I .1 1 3 Award Id, drulie video In whilifors bolt 001 Maw'. I had loved him in my virlhood, Ere I knew tint pneglon't! power ; And everything he tlnlimci - A0 limb Wa.t tutored from that Ile novel +old "he too e , l mn," Who ti e r rich and t . 11 4. WOIF, load In urnt,tntt of my mion n ridjitc3-- A Idh, (Old 1101,11 d crowd— - Ile nova' said " ho toyed mry When my hood 0000 n ildty ttnni.o3l vetml Ituarls, whow• 00100 • ftlY clittetlng gold Innteanght ; Lint when my wealth had multthed, And I thitir c4hlntaa nrtqattl. Ile rom;ht'altma to win my hi 111 . t "Twos thin, Ito .11'.‘1 lorea ' HO 801Ight too In my lonelturSS, Inc.° rOmmed gouda volco Proolaimfel Mc worth—and 'proud I war To be hid early choice; • My hen t full long had own, And now my nitti..1.211y,,1 finely IVlVu—the only - 17e1UT I I had at my command. And too at the ovening hour, With all a rnmrou'a pridn. I neon for woleome voice Posido our oviMrseido; The, !moo boon tlioso who Nought mo harm, !tut they lutco mis.sod Unit rod 1 onco <rna lonely on this mirth, Ito! now 1 havo a friend. With Ids deur hand my own, I fool the magic petrel Of the radiant 1310011'fl resplendent light At evening's myotic hour, The perfumed gales, the glittering sin., The Joyd of setnVrAnd right, fpel and Own their influence With n thrill of glad ilidightl Lot these who.• um goosed to 11100,11. Pond., my Amebic stet if— Titer a nuts ho pae,ipTi no tholr butte fint Luau tlt,•a front tun greet; lle ,eint the Calm, si fill , ;tVed rule, The poet tnnn'n lowly home, And thorn, he bids hid Milieu wings, Without II 0 IA to rautn. BaUbrort, duly 187.2. 'TWAS NONE OF NU FUNERAL-A Westurn paper tells a story of a deaf gen tleman's mistalco--It_seems_that-iu-tho procession that followed good Deacon Jones to the grave last summer, the Rev. Mr. Sampler, the now clergyman of East Town, found hiniself.o‹ -the same car riage with an elderly man he had never before met. They rode in grave silence for a few moments, when the clergyman endeavored to improve the occasion -by serious conversation. This is a solemn duty in which we are engaged, my friend,' he said : Hey? What do you say, sir ?' the old mau returned. Can't you:Teak louder? I'm hard of herin' 'I was remarking,' shouted the clergy man; that this is a solemn road we are traveling to-day:' 'Sandy road ! You don't call this 'ere sandy, doyen (loess you ain't bulth down to the South deestrict. There's a stretch of road on the old pike that beats all I ever see for travelin'. Only a week ye fore Deaciin Jones was Ink sick, .1 met him (hi rill' his ox-team along there, and the sand was platy nigh up to the huh; of the wheels. The Deacon used to get dreadful riled 'bout that piece of road and East town does go ahead of all era ation for sand.' The young cle!,,,y-rltil looked Idlink at the unexpected turn given to his remark ; but quickly recovering himself, and rais ing his voice to the highest pitch, he re mimed the conversation flier)d her ha; : rh.oe «ilh •dl the disow,forts of lie said, solc:r.nly. nmali 01 gi%%%11111 %s ill souo cover his selise'.oss clay.' ' Did yult.jmy clay, cried the old man, .eagerly`. t nigh so good to cover sand with tu•iniedder loam. Se'L. to Mr. Brewer, last town-met:tin' day, ' if yi'd cart on a few dozen loads—and there's acids of it do the river Liank,' sea. I---' you'd make a , .pretty piece of road as there is in Tlar'fordcoonty. But we are slow folks in East Towii, sir.' It was, perhaps, fortunate fur the &erg . ) man at that mo , hent that the s.uull of new made hay from a neighboring Gehl suggested a fresh train of thou g ht, ' Look !' said he, with a graceful wave of the hand ; what an emblem of the brevity of human life ! As the grass of he field bf, man llourisheth, awl to-tnor ro-si he is cut down.' don't calcidato . to cut mine till next, week,',. said his companion. ' You musn't cut gnus too 'arly ; and then, again, you must not cut it, too late." My friend,' shrieked the ehlrgyman, ia a last desperAte attempt to make hint sell' understood, ' this is no place for vain eauversation Wu are approaeliingylia. narrow house for all the living.' They.were alto ling the gravcyaid, but the old man stretched his neck-. from trio =Tin& ivimlow in the mposite direc tion. Do you mean Squire Hubbard's over piinder?.- ' Tis 'rather narrer. They band all, them dew-fangled housetilbat way,. now. To my mind they ain't nigh so handsome nor so handy as the old fasbioned 'square ones with a tirdad entry runnin' clear through to the back door. Well, thisis the gettin'out place, ain't it? .Much tiblecched to you for your on ; tartainin' remarks.' How TO ENJOY L1Y11...--It is wonderful to what an extent people believe happi ness depends on not being obliged to labor. Honest, hearty, contented labor is the only source of happiness, as well as the only guarantee of life. The gloom of misadthropy is not only a great de stroyer of happiness wo might have, but it tends to destroy life itself. Idleness and luxury produce premature decay !Twch fruiter than many trades regarded as the meit—exhitustive and fatal to longevity.. Labor, in general, 'instead of 'shortening the term of life, actually in creases it. It is the lack of occupation that annually destroys so many of the Wealthy, Who, having nothing to do, play the part of . drones, and like them 'make a speedy o7it, while the busy bee fills out its day in 'Hiiofuhiosil'apd ''lf I, were to chase among all gifts and (futility that which on the Whole makes lifd ''ploaliarit; 'should select the love Of 'Children. No circumstances, can ron,. iltii this world udielly, a solitude to ono Who' has this possession. , It is free , masonry'.Wherever one 't ()Slither° are ibe . MOO liretbrmi 'Of the thYstie No diversity of race or tongue vial enimelt iiifforenco., 'A smile speaks th • iiivoriatl language. "If 1 'value Myselt n 'any. - thing," 'said the lonely llawtltgrito,"lt having a smile that el;ildron They ore snob vrdnipt little beings, too ; they require no proludc j hearts ace, won in two minutes at that frank period ; and eo fong,au you are true to them thoywili be tote to , yotl, d" " IPRO.3t ThrE'GREAT LAKES. Wo have been perniitted to make the following extracts from the letters of a distinguished -citizen of Carlisle, now sojourning on the shores of Lake Superior. They will prove interesting to our readers, we doubtnot.] ON BOARD STEAMER MEDIA, OF TUE ATI/ANTIC, DULIITII AND PACITIt - L - AIOE - COMPAN - y- - _ Sunday, Jhly 11, 412 . na.) 1872. Wei have the most delightful lttmos phdfo on the Lakes. Thia morning I Was, up before sunrise, but we had a thstur.: storm shortly after, which hoWever not last long. By 12 (now) it,. is quite? clear and beautiful. There is is town, hero just a year old, since the first houso was built. I should estimate noW about 130 well built 'frame houses, and a nuns-, ber more in course of erectien. Thoy are also commencing a railroad. We passed the Sault St. Mario, on Saturday morning, *stint 8 o'Ckelc ; spent an hour or so there. While passing tlirough..tho foal; some of the passes:gm got the Indians to take their over the rapids in canoes. In the mornings and evenings we have to wear overcoats, and the steam is turned on to warm the cabin. Wonder bow the thentipmeter stands ib.Carlisio. DuLTITiI, July 19, 1812 When I last wrote 'you:Wo were on the steamer India, coat hayfield. We got to hayfield on Monday at 12 m., and' re 'mined there until today (Thursday), at 12 m., and then took the steamer Cuya hoga, for Duluth. hayfield is not grow ing, having no commercial advantages; but it IS . 0130 of the most delightful spots, and beautiful situations on the filed of the earth. Ido think the atmosphere is the most delightful I ever breathed ; and the scenery of thir /pestle Islands is per fectly lovely I met ,wlth several who went there 2 and 3 years ago, confirmed consumptives, as they supposed, who are now in robust health. I became ac quainted with .11n Willey, a very ac complished gentleman, who is living there fur his health. Ho had the largest practice in St Paul, though a young mau, but broke down from over exertion ; and is now not able to do anything. lie says he could not have lived any where else a year. 11e has been there now, two yearn, and hdpes to get well. lam afraid his hopes she fallacious ; but if any climate will reAcrc him, that will. No one has any idea how perfectly delightful Ow climate is, who has nut been there. 3111.. Hone and his son of New York stopped over with US. 011 Ti.4l4 4 ay we wok, up the Serie river With two Iddlans, and in about 5 hours caught 163 beauti ful twat—my part, however, was only seven. Yesterday they it was not with them) caught five immense Like trort. Arlived here at 8.30 this evening, tTlinrsday). All well. We bad a view of Duluth tlooltrogithiong,h the glass) for 20 miles. ft, has a beautiful situa tion from the lake, but is, of course, very much scattered. Will tell you more about it when I have soon more of it. lint I know enough to see,, that the i;truggle between Superior City and Du hitt, is a death struggle—one or the other of the cities must subside. Judge Miller, of the Circuit Court, dismissed the application (or an injunction by. the State of Wisconsin, for want of juristile lion, mid turned the applicants over to tho Supremo Cmirt without. giving any intimation as to his opinion on the mer its. Ifluth can maintain the canal WISC/I:he has ell:, awl the break watershe has ejected, t - ;upeiltur can have no har bor, as the Opal has turned the channel of the river, an:ii .the enhance to Supe rior.t6 fling up fur want vt dal current. if Superior, rathrr the Stab of which Ints taknn, C:111.30,) Call compel DU111:11 lu lill up the Callll lie 11: ' 0, Cat, ;11111 which is only 11111.10 yards long, Superior will be one Of the fliirk bat burs in the world. lind this is the view of all the steamboat captains, without exception. Duluth has another source of litiga tion. One butidred and sixty acres, on which the town standti, was granted'hy Congress to an old Indian chier—Buffalo. He died, having made a will granting it, or lather devising a tract of MI antes to his daughter ; but he made mistake in describing it, and did not give the number of the 160 acres, which ho actually pwind. His daughter-maul ied a man Ile 111 Ca , and this son-in-law by some management, . obtained -the pilent of the S. to himself. On this patent, I understand the present owners of Duluth stand. But the sou of iimndo, and his other,aildren, either have, or aro about bringing spit fur the land, declar ing the patent issued to the son-in-liiw ftandulent; and the will of the old Waft nullity. • • I relate tho fauts as' got them from the captain Of the steamboat, and a Superior lawyer, but doubt whether I have heard the correct. story. This is all I have time to write just note. - I-waut to go to Superior tomorrow. • OPIUM Cill:TUnll.—Tllo San Jose .3fcr curl' notices a cluster of opium poppies growing in ono of the ;gardens of that oily : "rho„nlants stand about five feet high, and'are thickly capped with seed balls of the size of an. ordinary tea-cup. Into these balls,. while .yet green,' trans- VOriai incisions are made with, a Irbil°, from whence 'exudes a - white . milky sub sthnco, which upon exposure to,tho 0011 Willa: to a 'dark brown color,' and, drying, farms a pure opium of commeree., Frequent exporhnents have demonstrated that the poppy Will. thrive iu perfection' in our soil and climate. Why May, it, not be turned cp profitable • account? Opium is regarded as' ono ottlio most . ValuablO of medicinal drugs. The species_ of'poPpy from. which it is usually 9 4- tattled is kno*n to botanists as Papavei• Somniferthh; It is cultiVated gonoyally for tliO•salce of the opium in the - inpunL” tainous 'parts of tiro" north of 'Bengal, where the poby fields. are Dr. HOokor,• resombling green lakes' attifirlodavith water lilies.)' It 18 aISOAX.': tensivOli cultivatOd - ,in 'Many, porta . of. India, in the Asiatlo provinces of Turkey' in„Egypt antl'in Persia, although the, district is a large tract on the Ganges, 600 miles long by 200 miles in Width. JO requires along dry stdranor, similar to, Ours, to ,grow in perfection, May WO not' class 'Opitnn halturo aniong ilrerprOliable industries of tho futura. iii • BARBARIC ORNAMEIVTJg. Savages are parigionately fOnd•of .orna meats. In some of tee very lowest races, indeed, the:',7pmen are almost un deborated, but that is only because the mon keen all the ornaments themselves. As a general rule we may say that South erners orhament4homrelvos i ;- Northern ers, who leave much of their skip un covered, delight in'-painting then#6lves in the most brilliant colors they can obtain. — Meek; White, 'Red and Yellow, - nib their favorite or rather, perhaps, the commonest colors. Although perfectly naked; the Australians of Botany 'Bay Were by ino t tneans without ornaments. They paiuted•themsolves with red ochre, white clay, ,and ()hareem] ; the red was laid on in broad patches, the white gen erally in stripes, or on the face in spots, often with ~a circle round each eye ; thibugh the septpm, of the - nose they worn a bone, as thOk as a man's finger; and five or six inches long. This of course, very awkward, as it prevented them from breathing freely through the nose ; hut they submitted cheerfully to the inconvenience for the sake of appear ance. They had also neeklages made of shells, neatly out and strung together ; earrings, bracelets of small cord, and strings of plaited human hair, which they wore round their waists. Some. also had gorgots of large shells hanging from the neck across the breast. On all these things they placed a high val ue The savages also wear necklaces , and rings, bracelets and anklets, armlets and leglots ; even if I may say so, bodylets. Round 'their bodies, round their necks, round their arms and legs, their fingers, and even their toelT,',llley wear ornaments of all kinds. From their number and weight these must sometimes 'be very inconvenient. Lichtenstein saw the {VII() of a Ileltuan chief Taring no less 71. brass rings. Nor are they particular as to the material ; copper, brass, or iron, leather, or ivory, stones, shells, glass, bits of wood, seeds, or teeth, noth ing comes amiss. In South East Island, one of the Louisiade Archipolrige, Me- Gillivary even saw several bracelets made each of a lower human jaw, crossed by a collar hone, and other travelers have seen brass curtain rings, the brass plates foj keyholes, the lids of sardine cases, and dthor such incongruous objects, worn with much gravity and pride. The Felatah ladies isu Central Africa spend 'Several hours in h, day over their toilet. In fact, they begin over night by carefully wrapping their fingers and toes in henna leaves, so that by morning they are a beautiful purple. The teeth are stained alternately blue, yellow, and Purple, ono here and there being left of its natural color, as - a contrast. About the eyes they are very- particular. They pencil themselves withsulphuret of an timony. The hair is colored carefully with indigo. Studs and other jewelry are woirrin great profusion. Not con tent with hanging things round their necks, arms and ankles, ,and in fact wherever nature has enabled them to do so, the savages also cut holes in them selves for the purpose The Esquimaux, Makenzie river westward, Make two openings in their cheeks, one on (yob :.ids, which they gradually enlailfe, 'Ad in which they wear an ornament of stone, resembling, in foam a large stud, and which may therefore be called a clivek stud. Throughout a great partlof Western America, and again in Africa, we also find the custom of wearing.. piece of wood through the central part of the lower lip. A swan hoc. ie MI adO in the lip during infancy, and is 'then ex tended by degrees until it is sometimes ae much as two inches long. Soindraces extend the lobe of the car until it Teaches the shoulder ; others filo the teeth in various manners. Dr. J. C. Davis has a Dyak skull iu which six front teeth have eivh been carefully pierced with a small hole, into which a pin with a spherical brass head has been driven. In this way, the upper lip being raised, tir6 shiningknob on each tooth would be displayed. Sono of the - African tribes also clip their teeth in various manners, each community having a fashion of its own.--Sin JOHN LI) DISOCE'S " Origin of ROD ESPIERR? AND D.e.hYTON. •These two Men possessed very differ ent qualities. Ono was art, anti the othohdeture -; ono was chicane, and the other thought; one was `declamation, and the other olognence ; the ono unfeeling virtue, and the other 'lnman perverse ness ; ,the ono used cruelty as a system, and. the other as a last resort ; the ono .was'partizanship with all its narrowrames, the other humanity with all its vices and, its virtues; the ono the gachiavelism, the Other'the frankness of revolution ; tho ono was censpiracy, l and the other war ; the one selfish in his most humane impulses, the other generous in his most' , abominable crimes; the ono anxiMes Tor power and glory foirtimsolf, the -other for the grandeur oais,country ; the cinie astute and chlmilating, the other strong and passionate; the ono the disciple of Rousseau, as meu of common talents aro always diSciplos, the other personal and original, as - profound talents always are. In his cold, pallid, holey Countenance Robespierre revealed the desolation of his soul ; while in his giankface, scarred by small poi, Danton revealed ti ojuto= riot flash of his genius,. Tho head ,Of Dante!), who was the brain of the French revolution fell into the basket - of the' guillotine through the implaCalile hate of his life long: ; .bufivlion Robe spierre, harassed, accused, driVon to the, brink' o the abysS byline men of Thor-, midor, 'wished to speak in the , Conven 7 time, 'and they 'refused, to • hear'imppliCate,;ana tho'3 laughed. at.h im, tried to silence them, - and they ,rose: against him as hofloaped from handle to bench in th'6 hostile' and Atimultubus Convention, seeing no place of safety, a terrible 'voice- uttered! tho 'Mese:dad of the whole tragody “Robe- Spi l erro, the n Whoa of Denton oholteif IN. IL 11 Rebosplerre - has-in:gained . the greriten natherity: among„the men of-the revolu-_ tion , from tivonanses—flrst, heotieSemly his friends survived and preserVed the ;spitit of 'the revolution ; and second, beeaanto on the death of Robespierre followed immediately the real:don - of Thermider, which at last, from one Deccan to . another, led to the eighteenth Biumaire 'and. , the Alettitorshin of . the empire,—Unttmo' aAtiTIMAIf,, • , „ 'lttarialtne for July. - • • ,- ....,,,,T CIIARGE rode to town the other day with Bath Stewor. lie was ill a "deuce of a hurry.' , 4le had sold a tub of butter to be delivered at the station that day, and ho had a field ready.. to sow with wheat. Ho didn't know how ti:yipare . the time, but ho " needed the money," and -so harnessed his team to dedNer 'the butter. This ho did, got his cash; Suld ; returning from the station, stopped at a store to get two' pounds of tea, a pound of oOffee, it pound of all. spice, live pounds of sugar, and a gallon of molasses. Ile hustled them into Um wagon, and, ns he was 'untying the tie strap, ho shouted to the merchant,. " Charge It." After we had started home, I said, " Why 'did you not pay that, hill? You had the money in your pocket.'' " Yes ; but you see I had got to boy some clover iced of peter Juniper, who only d'eal's iniensh—dou't give credit. Then I have got a bill to pay at the milliner's. My wife wants anew bonnet, so does daughter Sally, and last year's bilbiis not paid ; and the woincii folks said they -would not ask for any mom credit there until it was, So gut the fifteen or twenty dollars to _pay up last year's bill, so they can get their head gear. The fadt-is, Garrulous, :I'm be hind time all the while. Those middle men - do take the life-blood out of us farmers." ° a " nab !" said I. " That is all nr sense:" There are two words, IltoWor, that yon 'should never speak to a man or woman of whom You malfo . a piirehase, ; poi should you allow any ono to say them for you. If you will agree to do 0), I will warrant that within two years you ~Nrill be Out of 'debt, a flee, happy and inc:pen/dent man ; and that what you buy wi I cost you from seven to fifteen por cetr des than it does now 1 , 4- What words ?" " Never say "charge it Never allow any one to say " charge it." The man who does it has to pay a good round per fur the lige of the money he thus bprrowS—more than any farmer can af ford to pay. rye tried it Stewer, and I know. You have often wondered how I alwaiys manage to have ready money. It is because I dovzoLsay "charge it." It is because I will not say " charge it." It is because I will not buy What I can not' pay cash for. And it is because when I do buy, lean get it cheaper than you can, because I do pay cash fur it, and you say "charge It " That's, Wilat ails you, Stewer. And you'll always be 'a Stewer, and in m stew, as long as von say to anybody, ' charge it."--lt , rttl New Yorker. fromE Gums.—" how did that homely woman contrive to get married !" is not frequently remarked of some good, domestic creature whom her husband regards as the apple 'of his eye, and in whose_ plain face he sees something better than beauty. Pretty girls who are vain of their charms are rather prone to maim observation - s oNttrYirkinfl ; and consciousness of the fact that flowers of loveliness are often left to pine on the stem, while weeds of homeliness go off readily, is no doubt in many cases at the bottom of the question. The truth is, most 11100 purer homeliness out amia bility to beauty and capriee. Handsome women are apt to over-value themselves, and in waiting for an immense bid °cell: sionally over-step the market. Their , plain sisters, nu the contrary, aware of their per!sonal deficiencies, generally lay themselvnis,out to produce ari' agreeable impression, alid iu most instances sue coed. They don't aspire to capture paragons with princely fortunes, but arc willing to Lake anything respectable mid loveworthy that Providence may throw in their way. The ruck ahead of our haughty Janos and coquettish Belies-- is fastidiousness. They reject, and reject, until nobody cares to woo - tatem. Men don't like to be subduedorfo be trilled witty—a lesson that thousands ofiipretty , women learn too late. Miss Hannah Moore, a very excellent and pious person, who know whereof she wrote, recom mends every unmarried sister to accept the first good, sensible lover who fills in her way. But ladies whose mirror, aided by the glamour of vanity, assures them that they were -born for conquekt, 'pay 110 heal to such advice. It. is a noteworthy fact hit In:fluidly girls generally get betkr' husbands thadfall to the lot of their beautiful sisters. Men who are caught marbly by - a - Vretty face and figure do not, as a rule, amount to much. The practical, useful, -thought ful Portion of mankind is wisely content witlittupretendidg excellence. • SCENERY ON THE RED RIVIM.—The editorial correspondent of For 'ley' s --.l24ess forcibly describes the scenery #2 . u.g the banks of the Red River " Wonderful, moot wonilerful, is the foliage along the banks of Red River— wild, 'luxuriant, and dense 11 A farm house. or log cabiMis rarely' seem The tortuous current, the crumbling banks, 'a soil fertile, had without a single boul der or rock for a thousand miles, aro ob jects of interest to geologists. 'Now the river spreads out its red waters as broad as the Delaware-at its widest, and now again 'it is condensed_ into such 'narrow, limits that a bok , can hardly push its way thrtiiigfc Great tall cotton-wood, oak, red willow trees shdot up on either side, and the finest cattle. are seen tp:azl lug in the shade. • "rhe scenes that take place when the boat stops to receive hor firewood are full of interest. Negroes dart out, from the lower hold stripped to the waist; ;each shoulders three or four mticics,, , While, the passengers amuse ,themsolres by fir ing at marks or walking along the Mossy bai&S. This fuel sells at '52.50 a cord, and is ono of the chief' expenses 'of the boat. ' Tho first ono hundred and fifty miles of Red River aro almost entirely devoid of interest: The banks are ragged, and 'the course of the stream Clumps almost, every yoar,'.-I,t lti-ait ani imcomMon thing to see;-giont groups of trees which have sunk'inte the 'w t tor;nnel tho low, marshy grounds eeqm to extend back a long distanCo. The gunpowclMYwillow grows most luxuriantly, and the Anierle 'can trumpet flower, with its scarlet blossoms and graceful foliage, twines around the thick undeitrowth. Very seldom orb the magnolia 'Mut palm seen , hicahty, although the erapo myr tio'appears 'in nearly every - little garden attached to the humblest negro hut." • NUTV.CaTiIt..I 3 JILVKINS GOES TO A PTCNTC. Macia.Ann reconqy dotcriniuca to go to a picnic. Maria Aim is my w.ifo—unfortunately. She had plimned it to go alone, so far as I was concerned, on that picnic - (ix:cur sion ;-but when I heard it I determined to assist. She pretended she was very glad, but I don't believe she MIS. " It v, ill do ~uu good to gm. :ma:, from ovorl; a day," slio "a,cl wil •,) nolo enjoy a Cut,' 1.310111: 7 :;: I tlm Ctrs, :01(1 - f:in:a!1 in tlni v,uods On theLig of shat day ..I.un got up at Ilitt Aboutpree :ninute, later t;:ie bad reirooo, and told me to , :acne out in - bre:dd . :la. I told liar I wal,n't Inuigry, but it didn't tc‘al..... a bit of liflereoate, had to up. sun ire, uf.; i 11:01 no I.lea Oft: . the but.lll( Le Le .„ a,: =MI:IMMM lly arourol, Inc the cars :ILI intlf-paEr EiX. Eat all the brpalifatt you ur.u, for you won't get anything before noon." 1 could not cat anything at tha,. time in the morning, And it'was just will 'that 1 could not, for I had all . ifac 1 could do. There was ice 1...) pueuded to go around the pail of ice ustia, i , and the sandwiches to be cut, and 1 thought I never should the legs of the chicken Cu that Pt uuhl get tii cover on the big' basket. Maria Ann dew mound and piled up gioccries for tie to pack, and gave directions to the girl about taking care of the house; and wee puttiog on her (Im's all at once. Thc:e is a great deal of energy in that woman—pea:lps. a trifle tot ; At twenty minute:, r , :d.t the stop; with a basket, on cr,c 411 . •1., lLuia A.111t 2 t3 Watellh'o,l . Coll tilt , utiir and a pail iu each Laud, a! - ,1 a b.ttlo,uf ~ :ino,4ai in my coat skirt poclLt. I hole was a Ca chair Lung on_ i11e.,441i0- whore, Luo, Lab L furgeLju,, haid . . - litria Ann, " - \ _M , r ., 11.11, or we shall uot eatdi the ear IJ.-,JIJIjI," idea. Hot d yo c::peet i can m'ith all this " Yon nkust - , you brute try to tease mu. If you don't want a scene on the street you will start, too." So 1 ran. I had one conlrt, at 'least. - That Ann fell down and .brute her paraol She called me a brute again fur laugh ing at her. Maria Ann drc - , c vie all tit. 2 way to the depot on a Lri.,l: - troy, and we gut on the cars ; could gut a seat, anti. 1 c. , t11,1 not a place. wlw:a I could : , ct the i;::2), down, so I stood there and tittl.l Maria," I said, '"httw cool morning z Faid sin , "you arc br4te, aid T, "my loi . e,y,m 1..1N m:,t!c that Oba:1 "::aOl.l ben)re." kept my courage . „1. 301 7 know thi;re would be an hour of wai.ntl4wllen we got home. WhilLi we were r uLtin g Out of tha cars the bottle in litY :.uokot got - brako, and eane-equently E haa my boot full of vinegar ell day. That ke ,, t me pratty quiet ; snit Maria Ann inn MI with a hig whiskered mitian 1,, and lost her fan, and got licr fent v,,ct, and likir ;tiler tine •iiic Elul Mari:. wonted to oitqm ou: rest of the bitsk.ct-, w AC tat dinmq dm: C.:: dintrtm the woml,„" ion kmyx. three re‘i ant ;_mt into our (nutlet . , and tlky were nut 1 to kick Out than M.,11 Imin,L The k; meani had meitod, anti thm 110 V for the cold mmit m(eL M my boot, and of e nu,e, that vm... im- '..y , ~~~~~ mediate mln. Th , rau,ic a cup of. coffee on Ilea I, :c.d. pulled all the frimdei out try iu t. , ull* the collet W ith his handltmellief. Then I sat un a ra,pbcrr; pin and . my white pants, and co. eluded I Shln't want anything more I lutd to stool np against a in't, the I CM. of 'the aft.i runon: The day afforded consider:ple compared with everyday. life, but thbre were so many little drawbacks that I did nut enjoy it as much as I might have &Site. YEARs ago into r-Sale y storo'in Boston, walkisrl a tall, must,par looking, raw-boned man, ecidenlly fresh canner from some back town in Mains, or New Hampshire. Accosting the first persolPhe met, who i:11)(11_1Ni to'bb the merchant himself, he asked : Yon don't want to biro o 111 all An youi storo, do you?' Raid the merellard, ' I don't Irnow,\lrliitt can you . do 'Do,' said tho man, ' I.lather goes:: I can turn my hand to anything. What do you want dolls' ' Well,' if I was to NI e,a. man iN6uld be one .that could lift well, strong, wiry fellow ; out; fur lust:MC° ' t : ilat . :7ol,llti shoulder a sack of coins.) like that yond or, and carry it across the 'story and never lay it, down.' • There now, captin,' said, cinr country man, 'that's just me. I can any thing I hitch WI. you can't see mo. What will you give a man that can suit you" I tell you,' said the merchant, ' if yox will shoulder that sack of coike and carry it across the store twice. and never lay it down, hire you fur a' year at $lOO per Month.' ' Done,' said the stranger, and-by this time every clerk in the stoa hal lath-, eyed around and word waitirg to join in the laugltagainst the men, whowalking up to the sack, threw, it across hisstioul 51er.yidth perfect ease, as it was not ex tremely heavy, and' Walking with it twice across the store, went quietly to a largo hook which widt. fastened, to the wall, 'rand hanging, tho sack upon the merchant and said :. There now,' iL May hang7there . till doom's day, I shan't never lay it down. What shall I go ahout, mister„ Just Fir me plenty to do and, $lOO a month, autl • right.' . "The ,ulerlis broke into a' laugh, lint it was out of the other sideS of their mouths, 'and tho merehant,, discomfited yet-satis fied, Icept`to his agretimeq; and to-da..y the gre.on:vonutryman is the sonioe put "nol. in the firt!i :ma 'worth v, 1 . THE fa.ghlon of throwing an ohl,slippot after tho carriage of a newly' married couple is supposed 11 to; mean that thcf chabed7 of matrimony pro slini,el;3• 111 E MEM s ou Ll•• t I