AGRICULTURAL. COLUMN. WITEAT STRAIV. If the straw is bright, free from tist, is cut at the proper time, carefully cured and stored; it will make a large quantity of excellent fodder, especially for sheep. Eiret7 shook of Wheat,' as` 80011 4 aS,tho last sheaf is set up, sitostld be covered. with a hay-cap, ex coM in cloudy weath er. As the ears of the mew grain arc nearly all exposed to -the burning sun, hay-caps should' be provided to prevent too rapid drying of the grain, as well as to'protpot it from rain. Besides this, if " it is catching weathdr" (weather when showers „... .and sunshine follow each other .... 1 ), in rapids recession) a farmer Who em ploys. ha -caps, can work at his wheat between ewers, keep the grain always dry, and the straw bright. AS soon as a heavy s over is passed, let the caps be rob:toyed, and lot the sheaves ho re shocked, which Avili greatly facilitate tile curing of both the grain and the straw. A great many farmers lose, in one sea. sou, more than enough in grain, ,straw, hay, and ill - labor, to pay for all the hay caps they might need for many years. If the grain is to be thrashed in a few days or weeks after harvest, instead of storing the crop in the barn, th'en run ningVl the straw out ofdoors, stack the grain' near the barn doors, and run as mueli Of theAtt r aw into the barn as can be stored. When straw is stacked, let the base be madq.parrow, and the top carried up frOm a-Vidight bilge, slim and tall, rather than so broad and lint that it will retain nearly all the rain - that ma r t' fall on it. ~..j Good straw is so vahaable for fodder, that it will pay well to stack it with un usual taro. It is always better to make a long and narrow stack, than a: broad circular, or square one. The straw. Should bo run on, or pitched on at one end, rather than,on ono side, as the stack will settle more uniformly. The summit should be finished with a little long hay, or long straw, with a great many of the straight bunches placed up and down the slope, Which an export stacker will do with great rapidity. Then, after the top is finished and a few small hangers put on, let the sides be raked down carefully, when the straw is wet, so that the surface of thu top will be covered with straws and leaves lying up and down the slope. If a stack be topped off in the foregoing imanner, it will require a heavy and pro tr,mted storm to wet more than two or tl lye inches deep. If ono has at hand a ft -,. hundred feet of sound fence-boards, siztaon feet in length, the top of the stark may be built to slope olio way, and .. the boards laid directly on the surface, with narrow ones over the cracks. Scarcely an hundred pounds of straw would 'be damaged in a largo stack, if the top were covered in this manner.— Nrae York Observer. NEW ENGLAND'S GRAIN PRODUCT.-- Of the six States east of the Hudson, Vermont comes nearest to raising its own bread, producing 454,000 bushels of wheat in 1809, or about a bushel and a peck to each inhabitant. Taking the army ration of 22 ounces of fit:Mr per day as a basis for computing the consump tion of bread, it follows that Vermont raises biead enough to supply the people of the State 37 days, and that tc make up the deficiency they aro obliged to purchase 3,830,000 bushels per annum. Maine makes the next best showing in the cultivation of wheat, producing in 1869. 278,000 bushels, sufficient to last elev, a days, and purchasing 8,500,000 bushels. Now Hampshire, with a de creasing population, was a trifle behind Mai producing 103,000 IffishelE—a more than a half bushel to each it—and purchasing 1,250,000 bush Is, or ten days' supply. Con ner Miff makes a much poorer showing than New Hampshire, producing 38,000 bud, Is—enough to supply the people Wit], 'tread for ton days—and purchasing 7,518000 bushels. Massachusetts, though Ithein4 a larger area than Connecticut, raise 1 only 34,000 bushels, which, ground to ' ,mar, was suflicfent to give the in habitants of the State bread enough for breakfast and dinner, but not enough for supper! The people of this common purchase 20,300,000 bushels of wheat. 'Rhode Island raised 781 bushels' of •••• heat in 1869, and purchases about 3,0c0,000 bushels per aom,ln. The six Na w England States t,o,kinier purchase in nuund 'numbers from 10 to ,i 0,000,000 bush, Is of wheat, and quite as much of otl r grains ; or, in round numbers, 100,000,000 bushels of grain.-11,,5t0, Ad certisar. . THE CUIMANT WORM.—WO ;no in formed by Dr. E. Worcester, of 'Walt ham, that the currant worm, swdesti ac tive to a favorite fruit, may• be fully and almost inmie,diatoly destroyed by the use of earbolate tit' - lime. The doctor tried the powder in many insrunces during- the past summer, and found that while it was fullY effective as helloboie, it was Je..s disagreeable, less costly, and perfein safe. The method of using it is to sprlG kle it over the vines as soon as the worm makes its appearance, bringing it well 18poitact with the leaves, and soon tile d post is destipPed. It needs but two or three applications. In this way, for a few cents, largo quantities of currant Leslie:4 may be saved • and the fruit al low e l to mature, and no danger what evei incurred. Neither the foliage noi the fruit is in any ytty injured by the =Lige of limo. It will be well for our near! s 'to - remember this now, as the fruit season is returniug.-- 7 Boston Jour nal f Chondalfy. A CIIIAINNY TIIAT WILL NOT SMOKE,— :scientific American gives the follow ing Lintz to those who would 'build a chin.ney which will not smoke.' fhe pointis to make the throat not loss than four inches broad and tivelve ; then die chimney should"be abruptly en larg t• I, to double the size, and so con: tin,,e,l for . one foot or more ; then it ma: ,o` gradually tapered oil as desired. he inside of .the chimney, through out ~s whole length to the top, should be pls 'vet] very smooth with good Mortar, wli;,,n will hardon . witli ago. The area of :.. L'hinufeY - shoUld be at least half a squllro foot, and no flues legs than shay squAru inches. The best shape for a circular, or many-sided; as givl less friction (brick is the best rna.eoial, :is it is a non-conduotor), find the above the roof the bettor. IiVALICB , —The Western, Rural he following directions for •inak "tug ,ng previously graded and' rolled the crum', heat coal or gas tar very hot, and with a long-handled dipper be gin al ,no end of a pile of quito coarse gray.,:. pinning on the tar,quicklyshovel ling I r And over so as to mix thellifighly4 , Cover the ground two and ono-haltAr thre.,:jilehes deep with the tarred gravel;' and t:en roll. Olean rho roller .with broo as you proCeed. Then pit on a layer of fine tarred gravel ono and a half inches thick, .and roll. Then sprinkle the burritce. with hot tar, spreading the _ samo with a brooi ; finally, cover the surface with !rt coat - of fine sand, and . your walk is complete,. ready for uso, "Itelvill improve In hardness by, age. . . . . _ . .' • • ', \ . ' I Fr .. ...1. I. .- i ! . 1 .',.: 1 ' 4 , . :: ' , • . AND 81} , # ER SPRING L. GRtENFIELErS, REDUCED 1 will offor, — from rills day, groat bargain■ in 1 7§1- 74 L ) LACE SACQUES, PARASOLS &C„ w FIL I rr o-o 0 I) S. The above reduction in prices aro real. The Goods the best in the Market. am determined to make a clean sweep of all tho odds and ands, without regard to cost, to make room for the Fall Trade. . E \AI C Calicoes, ,Mu9ns, Summer Pants StuffS, &c., Just received, and will be sold at very low prices. Men's and Boy's,' Suits Made_to Order at Short Notice. The public are respectfully invited to Call and examine the abore bargains at L.T. GREENFIELD'S, 11ju72 111V11 44, 4 T 0r - S , TON - , NO. 22 NORTH HANOVER SHEET, U NEECTIAbT i g4 1.. :.--- 1 L :_ • -',.-.. ' . .. 4 0;g1 i , ... , , i ' 1 ' `..6 ,g° • tJ ~,..-,.' g ' Has just. upertad for the inspection of his customers and Public, ono of the finest and choicest lots of goods for Custom Trade ever presented to this Pu,Mic.' Call and examino his Rids and prices . , and jadge for yourself. L.J.L. NEVIR ANY TROUBLE TO SHOW, COOL'S. Shirt Ties, VllliNeht, • Portmanteaus, &c., and everything belonginff to a Gent's furnishing and Traveler's department. 2.Thi.721y _ • - - ARLISI.E. M-AY • v Ts C , tiT c - let) tir qs) A NEW INVOICE OF :FINE FRENCH CASSIMERES, FRENCH GRENADINE VESTING, - FRENCH MARSEILLES VESTING, • • Wufford's Striped, Linens, Barnsley's Striped Linens, , Taylor's' Duck. ...• • lA° 8 Ritter & Son: _Don't fail to see our NEW and FULL line of Furnishing Goods.—the latest of revery description. SHIRTS a specialty: We have Shirts to Stock of every variety, Wide or Narrow. Plaits, open back or front, rar stud's or eyelets. 80=172 • - • • 'u • C a 9 MUSE q • AND ORNAMENTAL: PAINTER, GRAINER AND' SANDE training executed in the best city style, Attul finished in oil or varnish Work. clone promptly and in the neatest manner by experienced workmen. All kinds of sandstone correctly imitated. I use the best material, and am prepared to except° the.latest style colors. ' I am prepared to compote in pried with any other mechanic of the county. Place of residence, • WaSOL" 3E:licxnaleireqt *Retrfeere Shop, 27, Loud= Street, between Hanover and Bedford. . 23mar2tf THE . . 'DOLLAR. REWARD‘:'SOAP• .. . ' ,',, , . Thu ~nly Soap in , the' world -that washes Fla:owls without shrinking thorn. Washe: . with hot, cold; hard, soft, or salt water. Rinnovea 'Pitch, Tar, Paint, 'Grease, Printers' Ink, Sweat, Loattir,or Prdit Btains.• Superior to - Cnatilo Soap for Toilet purposes.' Agents wanted. Send, three cont stamp for Circular, and Price List. * . . - ' ' • • , , RAPPLEYE .•& KNIG"' HT,Mtinufacturers ft . •,. • • 1,01 And 1,533 Ridge 'Avenue, Philat)elphia, Pa." , . . • .' • THE .DpriLA:ll,-,REWARD SOAP " . '• , . ••• .' is foraale by C. INIIOFPatid J. L._llltl4oY, • 7mh72(inl* .... . CARIAIRLO, ... . . . . . -0 F - N 6. 18 East Main St., CARLISLE TAILOR A N - D Also a complete stock of. TI'Ll 11 , . Dry Goodii," - A)e. VERY 4. -. .T - TTR.ACITIVE.-. nad tkmpl ' ing Oro 04 pllcol or ; NICE -GO OD . . . ~ • -- i . now opening nt tho wog known' eetablielgoont of tlid stiPteriburo,l.l.l6, being 11.0 , • • • GOODS! ShCoNh'I;It.EAT ARRIVAL Pure Blac_k_ Sil.ks, tll4 erlOblyttqd LYON " •• pi v4.ry lOW o'l.llo. at., 'loll lin, MOURfiIIIGMIDS 9 such. mt. the wry 1.1 erAmisE cboTit, pima Warp BLACK itERN Nl, 1.4 , 1111 WOW ELA IN ES. twat BOMBAZINES, I.;.st BL ‘i U bI'ACAS, lllack nod Black and Whit.. 01 , 11. k 11S, CALI. CUES, CHINTZESnud I'EaCALES. WHITE GOODS FOR DRESSES, ~m,ll us FRENCH. MUSLINS, NAINBOOKS, 1LISI101! AND VICTORIA LAWNS. TARLETOTS, GRENADINES, WHITE FRENCH MEICINOES AND EASIIWERES, LINENS, AC STAPLE AND DOMESTIC GOODS übe found In thls county. Anil when you come pore and esmolno our !ergs sleek yon need go no mther, es Met x onll.V bu a este of 111110 end in lose f money. We beet , a mriny new ALPACAS AND POPLINS varloga gra.o+ uud pricarjrhogp). acork EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS. GLOVES, lIA N LIE KBE 111 ETS, TRIMMING', OATS FOIL LADIES, MEN AND BOYS, . ISKTItTB AND SKIRTING, SHAWLS, TABU , . LINENS, CLOTHS AND CASSIIHERES COTTON AND LINEN GOODS for Mon and Boys. and a very large a.xorltnenl mall Ware. and witlch we cannot Ideation for want of room perFone In want of bargainit Cell get them calling at tide well•knowo lion., that bait et•ui the atom it of two force patties in the World, and noeoped unhurt. Please come, and bring the chive along a lilt you A, W. BENTZ & CO May 20 , 1872 tnnin72tf ESTABLISHED 1890 HARDWARE HOUSE ! Ilexar SAXTON. I J. P. 11lat,r, I 1). II 9 Building, Farming and Mechanics' Hardware Tools and Materials. ' NUII4, Iran and Stoel of all nitro., elap,x idol kind+. Railroad and 111nlug Pioks, our iVotherill Ilro Find Natioal, Ihvk, nd oil o tho r faroriio 01 WWI a full naeurtmuut of Tula. oloolura Raw and Boiled I Insetal Oil. - C ell AND FURNITI:iIIr, Varnishes, Glass, &c G1...1N; mill I.lthrlmti,,,l Oils Canton I. P 1 wit, I Silver r t• Ow nl'iev , ln nod A tt . l .. S . l:::l t t w• • CeiliarAVtkro, Rope, Lanterns, .te. HARDWARE, f•ury nod Prarl-Itoutolled Table not Pork. Cut!. ry R„ igoraS Buytuattr 4 a Ilna St.laxurs awl SAtt..ti Ft,„. Gilt Curtain Coral, x owl Handel D r ", Stall. l4odm, Whitt. and Mork curios! I Emir for `amour uud Flll,lllO, llrovu 11010 Sont- k,. , welt m full 11. of UplitdArrer'n g00d,4 la good*, muck nes r u n it s NVrlngo... Bi r d Cn g rw , Driving mud 111411Win,p, kc Solo Agonin for i'lanien Shilling lit ,Mud plow., 0, hi, inn +con Par Cosh. r.”l.rial listen. Tholastlard al a r.ann t introdarll tutu tale mrction, %%din% l u cre Ow nava , ~.Idffing Omani and Bteo, 1311nar, mt colonel lino Aaron price. 4.liltu ordinary Ca. Iron oar Polo Agoutis fur ['Minor's N told Iron Plant.s. Hole Agobta our IllarolkaaN ?atm) Wettlbur Strip This g enmhigru both economy rind comfort, thor• onglily preventing drafts.of cold air Mater and demi in .Yaninirr Chu price for stripping on entire house is more than saved during Om Winter by the economy of fuel, It taking at least ono third less' fuel to produce the same warmth. It is made in Walnut, link, and Plain White, for both door and wiudoVis, no Chet It can be adapted to'any loniser Our goods aro rbought 14 large nualititirs from The munufacturea, nod with Mesh! of our !hog ex perience, aro ,eleeted with 11,0 111'1110aq , I'llre owl supervision, and we would invite ull xllO wish to purchase the boot goods ut the losant cash rates to patronize us. • t-. Country merchants will certainly And it to their advantage to .call Or write us for quotations, before purchasing., Wo Rornsiu Respectfully, Et SAXTON & CO:, N 0.15 EMIT MAIN STREIIT, 1E4.0,72 Carlisle, Pa "DOMESTIC" Family and Manufacturing SEWING MACHINES Leading polofii of ov:elle:ice combined An tfie Domestic : I.:`.EAtra, Size and room under arm. • 2. Simplicity and direct action. 8.. Ease of operation. , 4. , 'Quietness—no cams or gear wheels. b.' Cylindrical hardened oast, steel shuttle • 100 bobilin in- use ; will car* yards'aotton or silk. (1., Saperior,automatio take up; 7:,141f-adjue4pg tensions. • pan not bo put out of time or ad justment 'Phis is a quality pos seeded by no iittlor headline in the world. B,Great'range of.wark. • . JO. DUrablilty•Af working parts. Every mar.hino warranted to be all we ' olaim for it. . Please calt'UMP cavofdlly 'examine the ""Domestio" as it will give me pleasure to shoW 'the *irking, of the Machine to all, whether they have or -have not any otherinake in use. • Oirculare with styles: and prices sent to any [Wilms:son ropiest. • 11p17211ei Ijft . * • MING = A 101 l lino of .1 Alba, the largest stock of fillE) rINON ME FANCY GOODS, Hardware, Cutlery, cec CARLISLE H. SAXTON A., CO 110 USE FUI(NISUING Donzestie .Setving Machine. THE NEW JOS. W. OGILBY, • . Carlisle. "Agent for Otaberiand Canty. Dry Goods, &c. READ READ ! ! DUE •de, BMIETioLDER have now open, ono of the finest Stocks of new and desnable Goods ever shown to the Their immense stoelc•of iilss ur (PVC ILY 'comprises all the novelties of the Sea 'son. DOLLY YARDEN'.S livid) kinds •of Go'ods I=l IMMIEME =I WWTE GOODS in evar , .gythie, among which can be found. - - =I I=! and everything in the white goods line SHAWLS! SHAIVLS ! We have the MAY QUEEN ROSMAN! , and all the different makes of Shawk which we have the reputation of selling cheaper than the cheapestl CLOTHS AND CASSIIHRES We offer n special inducement to every one needing a :;'PRINO SUIT, having a line assortment, and having the befit Tailors in -town to tualco thorn up to order. Call and see the line assortment of ail (rinds of - ID:P., - Y . -GOOD S We have added a full line of TRIMMINGS to suit all kinds of I) 1? E 8 G- 00 D 8 When you wish to examine a fine Stock of C4oods, we would urge you to call at our store to ascertain our prices before you commit yourself. We will give every attention, and if not, successful in selling even a small bill, shall be glad cur the call. New invoices A' late styles added every week. Don't forget.' I)UKE North Ilanover Street, • Below Carlisle I)eposit Bank 18:11).72 llerlical SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CUIIANTUR II UM P E S' H E 0 PA I'lll Sl - ',E3C.I 1% CS I T T AV E provetl, from the must ample all virtire LL.LII4: :11111 lr•— rr, i 111 , it.ot awl Itrliabli. Thvy nie )14 , 1114 . int . 3 po, 4.1:41,te.1 to . popolir ItHL•—tiLL 1.1. that ILll•takes Alt loot I , it 1111.1t,1u .1111..; them 1$ Ilikrollt . • , US ILL I.4.!rra I,lti .11411.4. r, itis.lmo itL I L 111,LIS. I PilLlbiLL.rl.rllll,l 1 . 1i•ILLI r9minvodittloti fr 4 ,111 It MO ,t 111 always ren. der .11,41:iction. ' O 4 CVOS L. Cal F.,01 Cc Ttgvntlot, lollitinnottion, 25 2, 111 11 ornixorni IVorni .1, ('lint t0.1.11111.g 1, I lll,lri I. ..1 (711• tlr• or .I.lllli .5, Dyni.nth:ry, 5. do Choler,. Nlorlio., Thinning. 7, .In % /51 N,tli nigh, T00th...1.v, 1 , :kc1•ac11, 110 11., 1 ,k ht.o, S•ch Vorti,,,, 10, 11 . 1 11)•114•15l1.1. 1',11.11+ I I, d o 111.1,1 q ‘ . r Pitinllll Prr10n..25 12, do Itllo., I`t •111. elto otilo C01,p,11.,1411ir1d og, 25 11, do • NI t llt 111/1. 1.11 ., +.151'11, 15 ,u.tiL.n. 50 17, do I' I :o? , li, 44 1 / 1 4101044 , , 4.0 d ...•;” 4 r :5•441, 4y• r. 20 10, 4144 Callur li. null[ , -. r r 1040.0 1141104. za 5.1 ,1 , t‘ . 1 1 ,.,,pi n , , ..1. , h, %.,.1. lit l . 'ii4ll,l idi 21, .1. A• 411404.., tippre,,. d 1tr....i102g. 50 I 22, In rar 100100 04-2 linrdted h..-tog. to, 23, Ib Sri Orllin, elil 0ig...1 g1a1.11., S‘,.. Hinge, 20 21, 410 114000411 12•1•1111 v, phy.d al 4 , raLllOl4. 20 22, do 10-4414.4 Y and 44ronty Sr,. 1.14.0. 20 4,4...., 41 4 1. 1 4•44 1 1 .4,1, 4.0,5, bit -, io—n.r.4ol ,!ding. 20 do lii 10014 10.04,4•,114441e1. bl) 2,1 do Not 1.., IniYiIIPTS ' , Milian gilli,.111•114 11/11;;•u 14 Oil Wtlll tom , ',du( . v. ty t• c.i u.lO o'Ll Solp 5U :40. .1.3 NViliki.o.A. welling 1..1 fio al. ~rlir Pa1. , 101 50 010 al 1 . )13 ,, ,, 111 I (1U :13, do Si Vltu. hille•. 1 00 :11, do 1,1p1.11J,.11,, ...t. 50 = yea?. to 00 lor,ut tte o et toot. eV cote, cottiolotog Sereifle for on t • !Ri ngo tlttotorot n mm 1) tt, molder! to nott bouktkof olrootiono Irni iIU tos2s Smaller Fouttly xn Troveling cases with 21 ro 2$ vlold. from $5 to Bp,ciflo. ro• b! h Coring Anti for reovuoll‘o trentownt, lo via a Rai pocket GLUM.. $2 to 15 p IN-b's EXTRACT, Curve Burns, Broken. Iraniene,el, Serpi...lei, Fore Ttstoost, Tootbooho,lorlio, Neuralgia, !them. thou, hanileige: Plies. Bella, Slings, Sore Fyes, bleeding of the Liregs, St. mach, or of plea; Cores, Ulcers. Old Sore, Price, 6 oz., ha clx ; n t 0,51.50 ; Qihu In. 81.75. ArarTheNO itelordiee, except Pontl'li EXtraCt, nY tllo.l.tie or single hex, are sent to tiny port of the country, by mall or express, Ina of charge, on re. celpt of the price. liddress. Humphreys' Specific Homeopathio'litediciue Co. Oates and Depot. No. 562 Broadway, Now York. For solo in Carlisle, by 8. Ilaversticic nusl Common ,t.lYertlilugton., Undertaking 1873 D. StPE & BON, UNDERTAKERS,-: - -- NO. la NORTH' HANOVER sL E 1 CARLISLE, PA. We lowa Um !argent, finest and best stock of eto durtalter's materials on hand in the colny. We exectito the beat workmanship, !taro gentle horst% and splenditbglass hearses, Prompt attention paid tn all tills, whether mad& in the night or day. COFFINS AND CASKETS 4:11' ell tho dllisront q tylox and qudlillos.' Also Lean• till Notailla Caeltuts, Shrouds, ready mob lid made to order, no Wu loop (ha goods fl op.t.ntly;on bond. %Vo would call especial attontlon to nor Patent Preserver, which will keep a corpse Id a lon-feet anti dry Mato of preservation nod vialbla, without any pressure, front day to day. IV° Ictep constantly on band a beautiful !hock of rlcTuicu FIIAIIhS, IIItAOKETB, MIRRORS, SHADES, PI,OOi ()LOTUS, ..'TAI - 11,1 , 1 CLOTHS, ENULISII lIOLLANDB, nod all .Icludo of Moo ; All ordord for tho mime I:a:routed with peatoogs and qivatet.:., Qur block of WALL PAPERS I. Om largest In the Valls), and imeoli all others In varlutY, Leanly, quality and' elteagnoss for, cash. call and etnandpo fur yoursulvosat,. our establish ment, NO. 111 NOIITII HANOVER STRENT. P. B.—Pofsons wishing to purebaao lota to Ash. land Cemetery, can be accommodated by calling on dlndadly , HILT .4 SON. FOR PURE DRUGS, CIIEMICALS, and Patent Mills:Mos, go to J. U. 11 nvorstlek, No. s,Bouth Hanover sireet. Also, B,lloo'old assort ment or Toilet , kiaps, Perfumeries, end Fancy TOO' Articles. . . . J. B. lIAVERSTIOIi, N 0.5 South Hanover otroot, Quitolo, El= , " • • StOVCR; 1711 , 76C1/1.0 and SOMBTIIINCr.N.OII7 UNDER T S gUN I • MIIE" UNDERSIGNED aving just' rntuniod from the cities with 'Orb stoclehf goods, invite the attention of all w dosiro Hails. faCtilM to Call !old oxamino their lamb stuck of Sioves and ‘Tin;ware Among the titodlt of estords rt 4. 3, ha found thu ANTI-CONKER BASE BURNER, AFITI 7 CLINKEa F 1111: PLACE together wilt 11.11 the 11;teet.etyloo or • L--". PARLOR, DININO ROOM. AND COON STOVES Ithich Ihcy challenV the trmio to compote with Knives, Foils, Spoons, Dh)pqr4, together with 'foil Hot, 0,,h1 B uc k e t., Shovls And Toc.v, Zinc I.v«ry vnrlnty of Tin 111111 . 3111 i hcpt Its a first. claw Hume. tYn lutt Lo fundsh Pumps fet Cisterns and Deep Wells, Coeumbor . =I sittotislusl Ist promptly awl uts tuns.. howdah, ilio plane. the green front on North Hanover htretit. A Bourn above Loonier. it n 119 a van an try or determined liAt to bo itndur unt,l•l soy tither pirtien in thin Thanitiol for isnot liatronago we extond a cordini hivLation to ell to pay tie n visit. MI3 MUNI:SMITH & RUPP, Nos. 6`2 arid 64, sTaLET, CARLISLE, PA EKE ME E xci,]Liuß B'I'OVE ‘N 1 UNWARE E•M I olt U \ I: An U T 1 , 11 A III; 4: •.S. In .111 11 , 1 . 11: 1 1 1 : 111. 111 1 11.1.1 a.! lit Agiqn v Ln • • Parlor ant! . (,llieo t'tt,ves, Mornirq: (11ory :114,rning Light I= Combination (Las Burner, P. 111( 1 q Heaters, Jiitnget:, and Fireboard Stoves, hi. IL In Id • pal ,t 1 to foroinlL at the Ima. , lt mot ket 141. pr aptly n tlon.leol to. Itor.fing n...' .1..1 ectite.l 10 Elio most nat. Gtr t. , ry 01 of I ~.r‘ ~1,11........10401.t1y 00 10001. 00 00010 to 1 11 r. lg., 0 .00 1.0: 10000.1 orkmon otnplalyo.l. he hop., lov o 01.0, an, titlou to 100.1nurn to mocure 11.0 00110' I. 110 151. k. NO. 18 WEST MAIN STALEST. SAIIUEL It. CLAUDY. Plumbl»g,,Gas Eating, eLsc JAMES CAMPBELL. W. R. LIEN WOOD. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTINU -V No. 13 North Hanover Street, CARLISI.B. STILL AT BUSINESS! tmw fully pi upat ell to at tuittl to 1..111 , • :11 I'4 14.1111110, Till•) 111, ki , ms'antl) halt.] itn4l I'll.Mnll 41 AT ER I. CS, BATH 'FURS, NV AI ER CU ,+ETS, 111TH "rune, WAIER CLt , surs: BATH lints, m'Asu.nAniNe, HYDRANTS, I 111 anillstp•Cl.tortin, Litt ~1,11.. Th Cistern.. ft ,: I D. p 11 . .01 l'unip..l, I,w], erra rolln I It I. ‘l Tt.,3l`,,tt:t .tt..l 11,3 Cl.illlllhy (:AS PIPE AND FIXTURES (. ( 0` al„r .4, .11.1 .61i1.•1...1 1:1 - tos t1 , 1: 4 :(14,1ti-; val.; ; ••;;.; ;;.; 11.1.11 44 . 1 - 1.1,11;t1 ; ;;. I't; tI. 55 .55, I In t;;ts rt; !;;;• tip ty.t.; . 1 .;;; ..;; .114- pn ' s'''' Throd,kil att..•1111. , t. rt , Ow 011 . f ~•• 1,1 inor.l t.I ',II , I. 'I rli CA - --- - 0 (Li mr.pEt, or) , nt any twit, el. hor glav or weld, m :II I.t, 1t.., Soot t. ;Vest. Ihvin; spotiol :ulll,ll C. 4 )1 . 1 . E1t IVi) .1(. or ALI. IMSCII{P'IIONB, for Still Ituileux nod other s, •t limo" nr nt covvEß fmtn,ho,l Lo urdm, eitlierdnoA or bravv.i. v FURNITURE, 1' URN IT UWE. AB. EIMING, • CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, ' ll'eat lbt(il1 Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAIIMIOVSE, Premium fur Boit Furniture ~worded at till County latira Flnru 11157,' Purniturn of all varieties and Ftylew of Foreign and DOllletaitt 111111111filet on , , from the ILw.t rotteuanal nud ntaltognoy to the I..weat juiced tuapla and pi no . PA Rh() le, DINING ROOM, 1" UIC NIT U B • • • • t 0.011,4 ovory arllolo maul I,j• Homy and nolo! kuopto 8 oTstt . (olll,o4 approved end N 10 end 01101110 dosign and linixh. Incluolug 'Moo Canoga Furnlinro in colts ; Itumption. sod Camp Chairs, Itlatrodoud, Framed, Pict ureo, 44: Particular attention given as 110111,1 to futrillo; orders from town dud conntry at tonllod to promptly, awl oil modurato t01:1118. paid to the scUction of Ma/ IN. A. 11. E.. I,ooroll 18,2 Livery and Sale Stables., SALE, AND EXCHANGE kunui,i, STERNER BROTHER, 110E9E:4 AND CARRIAO43 T 9,111114 (;.ON 0000 TUOOO, AND AT FELIOUTEBT NOME. CARRIAGES FORNIBUED 1 0 0 R, FUNERALS v 4- N. IL Stabb, rOdth (Or 00 bond 'of hot-won keep. 17teb70 j.VERY' AND pXCHANGIII--.ST yi- L'PLEB: WIL IA If- H. BRETZ, / IL:tying 'recently purchased the livery stable of Goo:W..1111Po°, ho would reqieCtfttliy announce to the citicano of title plitce;that ho hits recently plirellased it number of now vehicles. In addition, torn, ho has had the entire stock of buggies, carriages and Nabs, • • Itt•PA.INTE'D, 1-0.1-MODELED, =ll and iihtnilea 01)10 tba latent city 'Htylo; nom,. and Clarilnumi to biro at the phOrtOst NOTD)kI, 'AND ON,IIIIASONADIJD THltble. VoldclOn furnlslit.d for all oconslone. Itotnombor time pine°, 0 fInV duo's mouth of thu .f.h , V. It. It. do. put. In G. IV. lllltmea old stand. Inlb72lf . Ladles, MEE 1 I i Mani t., Hitt 11.. t:tition Heater Parlor Light, Light Ilouso, It ‘!,til tILI Niagara Supehor, 1111E11111 I= =I I= N .1 . 3111 1 , 1,11,11/1•11 L. =1 VIEMZi = Lines .Traoel ‘7IIJ.SII3ERLAND VALLEY It. It CHANOL•"OF HOURS. WINTER ARRAINGEMENT 'nd after Thuredny, January 18.1872, Paamenger. Trains will ring daily, BO followo,(Bunditya excepted): =MEM ACCOMMODATION TRAO lower Iliirrirburg 9:00 /C. a!, Meelmulettburg 8:35, Cry Mile 9:11, Nowvlllo 11:10,.81111)1).141,14 . g Clltitleberaburg 10:41, Green entitle 11:16, iirrlvllig At IlagerrtolVn 11:45, A. At. • MAIL leAres r. M., Nle ellaplerbuig eiwllrle Neu4ille 3):1•2 51111, .11,31,1111; 1:02, Cliandiersllorg (Irouillude 5:11, It 11ago,14,1v1) 5,10, v 01. lIX PR ItiiB TRAIN lealw Inirrklairg 4:30 r Op2,CArlisles:39, Netvvillernos,sl4• pialalitirg 0:33, arrivlng at*Chomberatirg 7:00, r A 311 NED TRAlN'll,:kveg Chtualairsburg 7:45, A tt drertntiatio 0:18. arriving at liageratown 10:05, A )) A 31IXED TRAIN leavot Chninnerrbailt at 4:35 P. , nuasna 5:30: 311 , n, aburg 0:20, Loadron 7:00, arriving at Itioltmouti x17:90 P. AI; ASU.' W A It D ! ACCOMMODATION TEAIN lama: A Chen7a.rallntg G:PO A MI Sllipponsliarr 5:20, Nawville ,010, Carlisle 533, MecliauirNburg 7:02. :writing at Harrlslairg 7:50,A M. TRAIT, TRAIN leave n Rage, atown 9:90 AM, rnen cithtle 9:00, Cliataltertßurg 11,16, Sliimainsburg 10:22, Nem,llle 10:03, Carlisle 11:10, Itleclataleniturg 12,05, nrriving nt II arrltilatrg 12::l7, P. N. " ' I.ESS_ZlTAlLUen.y.De—lingurntoivr. 19.n0_24 Cl reont astln 12:20. Chatilliel 1:07, 1:37, Norville 2:ltt, Carllitle 2:50, itletillitrti , statrW:l:lB, tril ring at Ilan 1 . 24004; 1:00,e M. .1 A 7,11. x on TRAIN I vllviN P M, (irouncostl.l rrivi tut at oh inberßlAlll, 5:2a. r m. 4 m!xi: I) TRAIN lisivt.s roN:) ; tat 7. ,, P A. 3, 7:113, Al. 6:00, IVRliitrair•ii RAS, ar tit ,02 .11 Clialtll.4.l,l,arg U. 11l .r. 31. 1t,161n, Itrol %, LI tralnq to ktrot Now lint It, I.t'j,:hin ton, Italtintort, zthtl nil point- IVettt. r). N. LULL. Supt r; Chatob'g 1157'2 soUTII MOUNTAIN • ItAILR,OAI) 'l'l ]llf' 'l' ADI, le =I On and after Monday, July 1, 1872, this Company will run two'trains through :to Pine Grove, and three to Mount Holly daily, (Sundays exe.pted). AB FOIALONV'S : 110115.. 5.45 I m....` , Cra1...41“.311.4.1,4 - 5 , 1,111,11.... k. I 2.5 .1,1,11..1, .P.l A.. ft.. 7,.10 !I . .`",t•rt vim 0 . In. ,'• I ..1. • 11 1 ,i 1,111 N.l , Vll ll GP, '.1.1 1111 ; tl -11 4 II Hut' N.H. 1 ‘ll.lllll 11,01 y t'.. it .1 t. t tod . 'hip vel , PI I P i ;:! r, ISO I= )1:,13, ) - , liay 6. 1P712, 0, • ::4‘1! , •. 11,1,11, sin,l •.t `,l/, I. Co CIS1,,,•••• 110,1,1•11r1. fnr N.•O, r.• .I.° : h d • In, 11,. •0.0 t. ,•,,,,,,,. th ug u y,•ll •01•1•111 r 10, n, „,,,i 'n :10 tint .1 .• n. , Ihl,:t 1.1.1 It. Int tttr•r• I.tnt.•• N•• 1•0tk It, ..01n ?It, 12 30 anti •••4 •T• 7.311 30 a nt and 11.T1T,1 , 11r4 Inr 1 1 •41', Ille, Tanta •lol. ' , I, 4,01 , •TIT., 41,1,1, Ail. 111-,ll.ttt 1 Iplttn. at to a . 01 nod tnloll pill, 111 II 111,11 111..! ti 4 p rn tr tl:t •.•101. , tut:. 1.0 Pott•tvlllT• 11,1 l'nluttll•ia, 4'nt - 1 1 ,01 , 10110, 6410141 h 1 AT:t , „.„l t t,ll,ll TItt••• Tuto4l/11t 11,1 1 ,411. I lit. t•lmrg tit 3 In p tn. 1.1 to IN ttn•ty , •. !IA it PI I I H1...111,: ft•t• .111t•Ittny .1, Ft•luand N.., V.P.•• I 'l, 1...1' Pt, nS p It.-1 art...TT Itatxt, `Tv, , T T 4 , n. , - ,15 ni 3,1 Alltnt lo' nt 7:20 an, 12,25 4::15 Ind OTITt p 1 1 n --,014 , •t• n 1 , 4 T •••• 1 'ol, , ivplPllitl „t i n In 111/ , It 1111..1, ' , tutu', itnttt 1 1 .• .It 2. pnt T4•01•;•111,t ttl all 11... 1 , 01,111. at 'I , 111.111.0 111 T. rn,11•011.1•0t at PI. ell, 111 tit I I II 111 AAP .. ..WI .1 rt •ftpl 11',.tt „; .rIT,L9I , 1.1 119.; .(I 7 4". /4 rl' it P141,.1.•!1.1 , 14 9:i49 in. 1Z , 11419, • I't,i!;l- •141r:ila 111 .1:144 p • p. 4 3 ,11,, Ito .1111,t t 7.4 ,, p to, lir- Inv 4t 1 . .4i, ill.. it 9 p I . l , I4LtAlt it At volutn..lati,3) Train 10. n% vs Pit nt ; k‘intkt awl 3t Phly 0.111111 , n RA11...1114,14.1,1, 1: , /,'11 , ;; 111 7:20 1. I 1 p Fplitat.t. I ;17 , 11,1i, .t.. ; r3l lit T•ii;;;nt it 111. 11114 p 111 al,l t .111110.1it.. ' 1,,., 111,11 a I. 111 I . • rl: two., It .iirn;t•l .1.1, • ti , r, at 7:13. 3 ," r. I' r""rni"g• lis,111;•• .;,.. ~t 1,,,.1, • ,„. 1 1., ~„,; ; }, n,, c.• 11111 ctlitr; "Et It rtttli nt, Plok.•riug 1..1‘.• Ph.,tl!, ‘ll , O .t .t 1 , , 5 . , 1111111, tt. /.. 110 le •,41$111 . •fli tl , ll, Itaitte, I • .• .! i p ,tllrnl _,I , at, NII , • •- It., itt .+• 1. 11. rC li l ii"." in - ..10 II 111, 1 , 11 , i•i.iln/ . 4 11 It ,nll , ii; 11 11m Ini -11,1 1 .I‘. ..••••, 1 , t i IS P Tit. MAIO rut p r.1,1t11.• A. 1.1 It I.; ..llh Pot:, W.,• at 111 0 WAN , ..t mil 11.1 p in; A . 1..1° , 11 111 4 . ... awl p , i1.,1,•• It. nllinti nt 7.1 h npt.nn.t P'. 1.. LI 1, nt 1 n 1.1 I, 7:2. , it to, Allyn nit , 1. lid I p tor =IEEE \ j ,•; ttl .111(i 11;'s.t 1 ‘ 111::l a': i TV,II l:rio It'll,. =I ; S.l I '.):\ .Liar to Li lho i. 1.1/1, y ,. 1 1 1 1 1. }J•ur: ...1. pi =I arrt‘,•., 1.1111/L4I, /11 • .1i 1 .11. . • :1111iIii.11/111.‘ 111 11 1 -Li.' 1,1 11 ..,•••• thtli ' • t ).tt- • /11 1. rll., lit VI 1:14 PL11.1 0 .'1;•111111t 11 . 1 1/ 111. , 1.1 r'10 , 10.1, 1..1./4 llriro,oore dal!), ‘t 70';, p ltotl rj V.,3 Ni III:11.01,.11.100 ul 2 1. 1 11. 111 s:.—llarrl-ilotri; I'B,os Harris ,lally. Burol.y.loset.pted, hr B 6,5 p. in., and ikr• 1.11 ullt I.lllookrlplillt iit,.l) .11) p In. 7 i'6-I,moloitor Trop via Mount Joy,' lonvex Ilmrrollorg (01.cen , untlay)lli 7 10 11. nl., and arrives nt \Vest Plifladolphilt at 12 .10 n HI =ME 41-1114, Express ll•avt, for Erin, leaven ribtang daily (except Sunday) at 4 10 p. gr., tirrtvitat at Itrla at 7 40 n. m 15.— ERIN MAIL mart, for Kriu. leavesjiards• burg daily at •1 15 a. m., arid vlnst nt Erio at 7 < L IO p.m. 10 30--Cinainnati Eiprea4 leavra ilardslatrg nally eXt. , pl Satinday. at 10 30 p. m., tkrriVt, 41. AllOOllll at 3 45 a. to.. and atrivre at Pittqlnire. at 8 20 11. in. 1 00— l'Arll l lo 1:471'4138 1. liven llnd rmliorg daily at 4 05 0. m , arrives at Altoona 0 00 pt. and arrives ai Pitt.ltarg at 2 0 5 p. ut, . • ' 12 55—Southern it‘pretrt lentrn ILu risbnot daily at 12 fib n II v. , at Altmmq nl 5 24 0 , and urn' , 1.21 nl 1'illb1111r1:ta 10 a 7 4 00—Post Lino loaves liarrialatrg daily (rnript Sunday) at 400 p. 10, atriveu at Altoona at 05 p. m.,11111.1 nupprn 11111111,1erl , nt I'itlshwgnt I :IS 1 20—Mall Train leaved Ilarrlaburg_dally (except Sunday) att 1 2U p Altoonnat 714 p. topes Hopper 01/11 111 . 1 . 1Vg 1 0511 In.. 7 3o—NVay I'asnrngvr Train loaves Ihrrisintra daily (except Sundays) lit 7 10 n. In., arrives at. Altnotut At 1 30 p.' m., and at rittslairt: at H 20 p. 00-oThrod,it Pantatt gar Train leaven Harrisburg daily r'xl•ept Monday, 11l S 00 it all, arrivt•.v Altoona at 0 10 a lll,nud ardrw Xt I'lrtvhttrch at 1 35 p • 2-t4A3IUI4L A. BLACK, • . Supt.: Middle liiv. ron it.. it. It. .11arrialourd innoll. 1872• Bibbons, MlU'tncvy, It 13 110 N RI AND 1E3'72 ALso White Goods, Embroideries, &e. • ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers nona,a, Trimming, Neck owl Sash Itihhow, VELVET 1011110 M, NECE., TIES, . Bourret Bilks; - '•Satins, •. VolvotA and Cyapcs, FLOWERS.' • . . •• • ' ViATILED3, ', • • • • , OItNA)IENTS, . , • . VDAMES, SA' Stritiv ilunnets niol Lull.' and Clllltlren'a llotsr, liummr.n Aro UNTRIAIMP.D. AND IN CONNECTIN9MAItEItOOSIS • ''. WIIITE GqOPl3, LINI;l1f3, E, t rirp,oibuit Ips; . . • • 4, Collans, • 1- 1' '',,. .. . . ' Fat m, , i) ' ' ,'-' .. . .. - . Ilandkerelnlefo, / Veiling, • ' Ifinikl , Nni . s, &a. ~ , 10. ~,... , \ N 0,., 2:17 until t.'39 liultionlre 141 . P1.E, Ilitltiloori , , 1181? Tlic,o good,. on, notoothctun'til by us tir bonglit. fur ClOl directly troll thin Eurtpilean ond 'Annerlenin Manufacturers, enibineing.lll tlto intent novelties, unelloitlled In vEttivty 111fd elkUltptio,lll In any inarlcet: Orions illleil ivitltcnro, in.,,noplitess nnol tllniniteli. . 2.3nin72i1t0' , . . . :•••P;' ' ' - I . . . - .6- -4 " 1-an ..- (1_ lii§pdaH . y , . - 0 F .. , . . -Goods for .Spring - Supartier .-., ...-Y-'I7S•., . ... 47 WES,T.. ALAI •STREET. ~ - Iva roeoll Ina from NEW YOll4llO PIIILADELPI the:4lllmi 01.1mdat complete a °el( ofdvery article If tint DRY GOODS, Normfls, FANCY GOODS, 0 . au., over offered in CA R.DISLII. , . DRESS tIOODS,--Dcantlll.l Black and Colored tz.l i 5,.., . ' ~. „ . Ilrecndo and P u Japan... SILKS, , • . . i i , . flray Stripe SomniarßlLlLS, ' _ Light Weight POPLINS, , A PANESE and Orono adda In all coloro„ ' • Dolly Vardett Plaid Dross Quadri, Great Variety. ._ FPECIALTY —Aa usual, we offer onaurpassed Black Alpanafrand_ Mobutu', also all enlora of same goods I Special Bargains. Boot makes of . .. , • 1 •• • . - • l ack cloths and .e( i Fairy COSAlnleres, Tweeds, Kent in Icy lions and Cotton Chatting and Pant Stuffs at Old Paces, altho the WOOl.l and Cat. 11111111 Pt h. 1111,1111,1,11 f01181,11 , r111/11, AUCTION .11ARGA INS. Whit o Quilts, Spting . Shawls, Son Umbrellas a n d Parasols, Table Linens, Towels and Tooling, Napkins, Lama Points and Sacks ' i Plain Ribbons, all colors, and widths extralvichclor Sashos, clegiutt stalks Plain and Plaid, Ladies' Simon Ilatalke,ohlers,llent's Ilanlourhlen.. All 11.. :thorn at' lOwcst prices eV, offered in Carlisle. i . . . 'VT — HIT - RI - JDOMSTIO GOODS. .._ Pli' o tos In great variety, Shined Victoria Loans, (entlrelji new .1.1i111SV11)100,) Plain Swine Vie Lawne, N'ainanoltarbincne; - I t laid - NninnordprOileachil-and-lirown-lliiliner=rieltingagtikeving-Ittriprd-Sirtrtin ~ Magnin., Dian Drills and Donhas, fnll will'h thee thitt, 111811,1Pil and Unbleached. All at prices toliult sarchaker. 200 Packager Calkers, all ^Sow Styles. 1,1:11 nand Dark. 6. 0, 10, 12V, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS.-Ladiree-Now tityle ilir '11)14,1)10V., II nslary,'Lruie and Linen Collar., Uncial' Sleeree, Cuthi,Sprlng Veiling, in Orenadinio, Perigee, and figured Netts, and sycrY iirtlelo lu h fleet rinse Notion Unin:, at lowest prices . Dill VES.-Istewging Cobra Ladle,' 11,1.1 Wove, on'y 6 1. .1100 Iwo button Uhig,thilteil, Scallnprl, \ iiii Sinles,sl. :16 oll• e' all lion Vorded and Ile:anted ilandlterchiela, 12 , ,ite worth 25. Clarlea O. N. T., 2:11 yank, Spool 'atone, all volore, Sc. Ileit. Spool Collo. 2 0 ).rode, Wail r tanker, 4r. Port Skirt 'hold, S cents Humid to Hell Goods at 0611.11 Y'S CA SIT STOII.II et Pricer to 10111 the Ulnae. . - ECM EMPORIUM OF FASHION. DV - S - EULT - 17,' NO_ 4AT /I.AM 'Sr-1112:=T, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's FiNE Ile announces to his friends and the public generally , ,,,that he has on hand, at prices Nshich defy competition, a complete and careh`t ~selected assortment of City and Custom work of all kinds, among which arc all sfyles of - MIsSES' BOOTS AND SHOES. LAMES', GENT'S AN!) REPAIRING I'llo,lll'7J, I' A 'I TENTDED 70 . _ Thankful for past favors, 1 assure my friends that my stock IS carefully solecti4l, and that none but the best workmen are employed by me. My aim is, as :it ti‘itr has been, It) please and satisfy my munerous patrons, and request a contiriuddee of tLo carte patronage. .2 )1 - - _ • tl) • ,„„ SPRING AND s TT M. J-V-r- C l / 4 "Ns at extremely Low Prices, to which daily additions will be made, and • POPULAR PRICES MAINTAINED. Black Silks, Alpacas and Mohairs, of superior lustre and durability, on wl ,i I defy competition as to Quality and Prices. MC)IE.T Dalt in gri; t variety. g li tiperior Stock of White Goods embracing all the novelties of the Season. CILJOrTiIiA_ND OA SSIM H Boys' wear a Specialty. COTTONAD ES AN* FARMERS' DRILLS. An examination is only neccessary to convince that for Variety, Quality, Duni. hility and Cheapness, our Stock is second to none in town. T. A. HARPER, 2.iap72 SOuth Hanover Street, CARLISLE. NEW ! NEW !! NEW !!! AT l'ilE OLD CENTRAL CORNER E\TRAORDIN \RI" BARGAINS. New Summer Dress Goods, at greatly , reduced prices. SPLENDID BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS Great bargains in Grenadines. • Special bargains in riernannies. Japanese SILKS at reduced prices. Summer Poplars at ieduced prices Dawns Very Cheap. A sPLENDID AssORTmE-NIT OF white Dregs - Goods, Swiss Muslius French Musing, Victoria Lawns, Bishop's Lawns, Piques and Marseilles.. We have the best assortment of the above named WHITE DRESS GOODS in town, and are selling (Item at low prices. - Om.. stock of Parasols and Sun limbiellas is complete in all the newest and handsonie , t syles. Lace Points and Lace Sacks at unprecedented low prices. • Linens of all kinds for Ladies' Dresses and Suitings.' . ME IVIE\PS AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOTHS .A.NI) C_A_SST:M=IRS Plain and Pitney Linens for Men's and - Boys' suits, U. duty p 1 ices. Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, Quilts; Counterpanes,. &c., in great vnriety, Dress Trimmincrs' • Dress Buttons, Handsome Silk Fringes, - Elegant Laces, Silks and Satins; cut bias, Itamburg Edgings and Insertings, The Celebrated . ealats9s SEAMLESS '1(111 • 'GLOVE . o„, to be had at the CENTRA.L. Do mit Mil to give us a all, as we -can show you the best assortthent of Dry Goods in town, and will give you good bargains in all hinds of goo d s . 30ina72 . , MILLER &13 U 171' 0 RFF . 1872. , A.,.: , :i ..,`...'. ~.:.;-, ...L , : 'r.. .L.,: , .::: :,... ,T. 4IMS. ,4„. „1 , „ ~,„, !, ~ , ,,..:r j. . - . :k 14, .Z . , , , „...%. Black, Japanese and Fancy-Silks, Black. liernanies, ,:. . . , .. Grenadines, 5 .. ' - . r Linen Stißings, ' ' • . . ' • And all kinds of Summer wear • White G-oods, OUR .STY'''.;.lE Great Bargain ki in Cheap Cassimeres, Linen and botton Pants. Stuffs, Stripes, Musiins, 'Pickings, &o. , Evorybody call and got some of tho,Bargains.; Store RQOM NOrth-eilst Corner .ol,Square..: .'Six great and•convincing reasons why you shotild buy frpm U, ; '• „• , th We'llaVo a resident buyer lupe City' to',pieleup bargaing for: us, ; . We buy for cash—Vo aro thus enabled to buy blimp and dell - Cheau. • IS; We have no old goods purchased at high prices. ' • • Our expenses aro low -We do not encumber oursch'os with large quantities of goods tip carry over from,one season to another, but keep our Stock trek' by receiving now good's daily. We receive ,great many auption lots of goods, which wo can Man. below the regular rates. D I O B 'Until yot{ have examined oar legant Stock:, We .Want you ,to Utke a look, whether you wish to huy , for neon; WO tiro 'hot afraid to have our duo& or 7 ~.Pricps compared with any house in•thatown, 11,16.2" CARL ISLE, PA BOOTS AND SHOES. AD. DYSERT, No, 4. East Main Street, CARLISLE, PA Elegant stock of UMBER, I-AM NOW OFFERING N- IN ORDER TO CLOSE. OUT Shawls, Lab° Points, `Laco Saclca, Laco collars, Einbroidoriei3; Ma . • OCkILBY'S, Vet Street , CARLISLE, PA N ti nsook s, Cottonados in great variety, 1872. STOCK. Parasols, .A. SAWYER
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