. . HoMe . and County Items. , • \\\ THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1872. lita ;,%liii . ff ' o4 llll/ . ll galaiisei ,Importiiint .71rotice. rThe &in of ViEAKLEy ..t *ALLKCE having been dissolved mutual consent, notice is hereby given to -all those pa,. trolls of TOE HERALD who aro in• arrears either for subscription, advortisingor job work, that prompt sottloment will -4 be necessary. At 910 expiration of 30 days, all accounts remaining unsettled will be . colleeted according laiv. The books of thedato firm willlbe kept at THE HERALD OFFICE, where settlements can be made. / • FULL—the moon, and some of tlio b'hoys last Saturday night. A. I',I , ITY fromtown seining in the -.Yellow—Breeches on Monday, obtained • 260 fish. A good day's work. Ws"notice teams aro engaged in haul ing stone for the First. Presbyterian church. The masons will resume work in a'rew ditys. • .1 r , Pr is a remarkable fact that Pain Cure Oil is driving all other "Oils" and Liniments from the market. Why is it? Because it will.certainly do all that is claimed for it, and is warranted. - TICE officers of the Cumberland County Agriculttiral Society, at a recent meet ing', changed the date of holding the Annual Fall Exhibition to the last week in September, instead of the second week of October . as heretofore. WE havo been enjoying delightfu weather the past few days. We noticed a number of persons wearing overcoats on Saturday morning at market, and wouldn't bo angry in the least if wo should •be permitted to enjoy this pleasant weather the remainder of the dog days. RECOVERINO.—TIio numerous friends of our respected townsman. A. L. Spoilsler, esq., will be gratified to learn that he - is recovering from the'recent surgical operation which he underwent about ten days since. tie will not he able to transact business for some time yet ; persons interested will make a note_of-this. PAPER manufacturers will kakci•lifoti6 that proposals will be received by Mr. John McCurdy, Superintendent of Pub lic Printing, at his office in , Harrisburg, I'a., for supplying the State with Print ing Taper ; book paper and double flat cap paper. Said proposals will be opened on next Thursday, August 1. The edn tract to continuo one yeai. TIIR Monitor, Huntingdon, Pa., pub lished by Joseph ti. Cornman, came to band last week enlarged to an - eight col umn sheet, and printed on au Acme power press. We congratulate the Monitor man on hie grind hick, .and wish him success, although his politics aro wretchedly bad. We also see that E. Cornman, jr., son ,rsf our townsman, E. Cornman, esq., intends doing the local izing for this paper. MURSDAY next will be Emancipation Day, and the colored citizens 'are de termined upon celebrating the day in good style, should the weather prove favorable. Several bands of music will be in attendance ; Costley's brass band of jlarrisburg; without fail. • Eminent speakers will bo in attendance. P. S.—Since the above has been written we have been informed by the Chairman, that the dinner will by prepared at the Carlisle Barracks instead of Mr. Woods' grove, as announced. RILLICUOUS.—The open air services on Sabbath evening, were more largely at tended than on any previous occasion, since-the opening evening. Addresses were:delivered by Reverends Frysinger and Halbert. The services on Sabbath noxt•will 'be held at the corner of Pitt and Louther streets. , TRE Rev. Charles 8. Albert, pastor of the First Lutheran church, of this borough, with his bride, returned from . their wedding tour yesterday. WE arc requested to announce that services will be held in, the Lutheran church ou Sabbath flat, at the usual hour. ' - Tun Sabina' ionneeted with' tliis cougrfigati lEZ= groveri, in ash( l'll E PENNSYLVANIA .11E5IpWES.—The --ad : int:n . it general dechlos that'all men of the Pennsylvania reserve vrps'irlio en listed in the State service prief'to July 22, 1801, for throe years as coming under the act of April 22, 187 g, and soldiers of such organization can now apply to the second auditor of the treasury'qepart ment for their . bounty, proVlded they had not served long enough and did not receive one hundred dollars for such service. This act does not take cogniz 'neemf widows or heirs of deceased soh. die's. It applies only to those who are yet living and were discharged' before having served two years. The number to be thus benofitted will probably ag gimgato 8,000. A. large number of these men were killed before their regiments .wore mudtered into thg United States service. I=lll ASHLAND CE,AIETERY.—On dabbath last, we visited this quiet city of the dead, and were much surprised at the improved appearance of the grounds. During the past year, several splendid monuments and tombstones have been erected, and many noticeable improve . ments made in this beautiful plot of ground. The shade trees and shrubbery planted a few years since have 'grown , miFely; and already visitors seek sheltOr, &Ohl the melting rays of the sun, be neath their cool and eltadrbranches. The lots have bean nearly all disposed of, and to those who contemplate investing, 'we would advise them not to delay too long. It is the history of all cemeteries that the prices of the lots advance rapidly, and in many places' they cannot ho pro cured ,under any, consideration. This, too, will ho truo respeetingAsbland, and that day is mit far distant. . Parsons purchasing lots need havo no fear of molestation to plants, shrubbery or anything planted thoroin, as the man,, agora have a superintendent in charge of the grounds. No children aro permitted thero unless accompanied by their par rents, and no later than last Sabbath a week two young mon of this borough were naosted for unbecoming conduct and tined . ss eadh. will also ,be borne ' in mind that this Cemetery, is the place , of interment for a large ecopo of country, and the grounds are not .very largo. Persons desiring lots or, wishing to see a c . liagNam 'of the Cemetery, should, call at D. Sipo Son's house fUrnishing depot 'on North Eranoyor Shoot Tin: oats crop in this locality has been nearly all :cut and Aloried. Tho crop turned out better than harb r een IS • - pocted. . . . W.F. hear iumors ou the street, that ef forts are under, foot toNiraihs the estab lisliment 'Ora Presbyterian Papal° Semi nary in this place. — Hopo the report may i k prove truo. OPPICIAL VISIT.—Mr. James L/Small wood, of York, Pa:, D. D. G. M., of this district paid Cai•lisloStar Lodge, No. 18, A. Y. M., au official visit on Thursday 'night last. ANY person wishing to embark in a lucrative business, -should read the card of Mr. Jacob Boas, which appears in the Present issue. Very liberal inducements - are..offeredto any pus wishing to invest. Bee ad. ' Tnr; first Cumberland county poaches of tht; present season were offered in market on Saturday morning; at 50c per peck. Mr. David Widders, of South Middleton, had them for sale. 44 MERE' aro a number of persons liv ing in Carlisle, who attend church in the morning, and pic-nlc at Holly in the af ternoon. Wicked people. Mountain Echo." Give us the natnes,,Mr. Editor. a Wo didn't suppose there were any poisons in our town guilty of Lilo above Conduct. I have entirely recovered from small pox, and as my loss was great and as I am in needy circumstances, I purpose Canvassing Carlisle for a very popular book, called "Our Father's House, or Tho Unwritten Md.'' 'Phis book is so popular that it has boon printed in both German and Dollish, and furnished at the same plies, ;43.7, and $O.OO. I ask for the natronage of the people of Car lisle. T. J. l'nErrymAN NOV CE.--M•member that I). \V yer is opening great bargains in all kinds of Summer wear, in order to make - way for Fall stock. We have no bad stock, thl accumulation of years to offer you, but desirable goods at such prices as will pay you to buy. Do not be hurrilmg * zed wilAse stock 41f okLgoods. guarantee everybody in seareh'of genuine bargains their mo ney's north at our .cheap stove. Loos APPLE.—A writer :in an ex ,change,_ 'says : " Who would have thought twenty years ago, that tho des pised.' love apple' would have been con verted into the useful tomato. This reminds us of the time when our people were doing- their best to acquire a taste for annatnes, then just coming into use ; but it was much more Oleo 20 years ago. If the writer's memory is not at fault, people were„engacied in to nato eating.lo years , ago. Previous to this tomatoes were known as 'love apples,' and were not looked upon as of any real value." EDITORS HEIALD As the Republican County Convention shortly be held to select a county o:het, per the voters of the Upper End, to mesent the name of llEsity B. Moen, of Soulliampton, as a proper candidaie for Commissioner. Mr. 11. has excellent bird toss Mons, and his thixotig,h acquaintance 01/61' the county, maces him altogether available for the po,irion. We feel cer tain that if nominated, he will use all Ininorable means to secure his election. MANe VOTERS. • • A FAMILIAR FACE.--While laboring over a six-lino local, we ;,earl a footstep enter the door, and upon turning around we met the (mkt gaze of an old familiar countenance. It none other than Old Harry Sheet, "typo," and one well-known to ll,' cditmi al fraternity throughout the Stale. flurry, although almost three score and NM, still looks ale and party, and as young as he did wo years since, when he passed ihrough this place. Ho is the father of 15 children, 13 of whom are living at this time ; his, wife having presented him with twins at three sneees&ve This individual is unlike the majority of "tramps," and is known everywhere for honesty: indAi y zunl F.nbrFety. We recommend him to our editorial brethren, as one worthy of assistance. Long may ho wave. JN .11,1 - —A gentleman friend of ones aid the jail 'a visit recently, and w Idle there was admit led to the prison aitrt meld. Any one \vim has visited this in stitution lemombeis that there is a gong to call the blibrilior any of his sta when ever flick presence is TIOCO:% et y. Wil liam Smith, in painting the prison love the gong, a thick coat of black paint, which olcourcoleadons the soond. , to FCSIlme 'the thread of our narrat 'Um friend having viowed — and " in all,tho prisoners, .wished to retire, and had access to the tgong. But .all efforts, at obtaining a "hearing" proved abuitive, and be was obliged to wait patiently for tit' least lin minutes, Mimi:mum one of the officials Was/Ad-. miffing , visitors. tic says the Alext time "ho darkons those prison walls ho Will got a lion on the front door." Cor rect.. of " pictileing" timeroils shady 'lrma C . —According to an nomrce ment made in our last, - ,the tiles" opened in ltheem's Hall, on Mon day evening last, for a short season. A large, brilliant, and_ intelligent audience were seated in the hall long before the lieur had arrived for the entertainment to commence. Tito 'groat moral drama, entitled"' East 'Llynne, or. the Elope ment," was preseidedvon this occasion. 'Pilo young: and beautiful HELEN D'EsTE, in her dual character of Lady Isabel and Madam Vise, sustained her high reputation, and the interest manifested by the audience throughout the entire play remained unabated , . She is-rt yery . pleasant and agreeable actress, and the manner of her address • charmed her hearers. The young tragedian, Mu. J. G. STuris,. in the obaradter of Sir Francis LOViBOI3, acted his part in -a masterly manner, and from his first appearance on the stage was greeted with rounds of applause.' n P. ,J. Wildman, as Archi bald Carlyle, Simcoo Leo as Lord Mount Severn, H. C. Ilagy as RiChard Hare, Zoo Isola, as Cornoy Carlyle, Clara Wildman as Barbra Hare and Emily Stuttz, as Joyce, rendered their parts to' perfection and fafrly carried the audience away: The members of Obi troujin are perfect ladies and gentlemen, and have made many friends Since their, arrival. , Our citizens need have no fear that•they will hear.anYthing offensive to the thr. On Tuesday evening, •• !‘ Cynthia or the Queen of the Gypsies," was playtzd to a littp ' audience. This (Wednestlay) evening will be presented by spoolare quest of severallifilies'Of our town Shalc-• spearo's. Romeo and Jitliet: We are au thorised sa say that ili4roupe will make their last appearance on Saturday night, ,whieh ocoasictu a splendid bill will bo presented. . SMNLL rOx D. A. RA I I Colll.llllll' l l.!nrrat balloons; arc sent tlaily, the _ groat cleli,ibt of the boys. ✓ Tin band _gonna:end • with the " Old Roliablos" givlghn,"street seranafie daily. Good music. , - MESSRS. GARDNER •C CO., have re /hived a contrast fot building 200 cars fora Western road.. Tim latest sang exprssion in vogue among our Young America at this time is, " don't have to." It matto4 not what request is made of him, the above is the ready reply. TUE Sabbath School of the Second English—Lutheran congregation of Har risburg will picnic near Mechanicsburg on Friday. The report hi circulation last week that th'e - Lutheran Sabbath school of this place, intended picnicing at the same time and place was incorrect. GEORGE L. GOIICIIRR O the knight of the paste pot and brush, wishes to re mind our business men and the public generally that ho is "willing at all times and under all circumstances" to execute work. He has just purchase tl-p bran new brush, and will not post bi3l4 upside down, as heretofore.. The rumor that he had retired tc4be.shades of private life was without foundation. ACCIDENT.—Ono clay last week Jain Collins, about 10 years of age, grandson of Mr. Clnistian Staymau of this place, while on a visit to his uncle's, near Me chanicsburg, fell from the hay mow and sustained • a serious injury by striking ou the edge of a barrel. The lad was confined to the house for several tftlYs, but is rapidly recovering. I=llE BAPTNNI IN THF, LETORT.-011 Sab bath morning last, an unusual stir Nt'as noticeable among Se colored folks of this plate, tile occasion being a 'baptism in the Letort, under the direction of the Shyloli ?colored) Baptist congregation. The ceremony performed, by the Rev. Bell, 0f..-Wasugton city, D. C., took place at an early hour in the forenoon, and was witnessed by _several hundred persons. , WANT of space in this number of ouir paper, prii'vedts the publication of the letter of Dr. Thomas Duncan Stiles, the Democratic member from Dark() 'county, in this Legislature of Ohio. We know that the sentiments expressed by Dr. Stiles, will be in accordance with the views of..many __honest and consistent Democrats in this county, who cannot be traded for rMif they were old horses. It, will appear in our next issue, and we bespeak fur it, by our Democratic friends, a careful pernSal. Pic ?Tic —Qn Thursday morning last, an eXClArsibn train Left the CuMberland Valley depot having on board the Metho dist Sabbath School, which intended pass ing the day at llunter's Run. Between 200 and 200 persons took part in the pleasures of the day, which consisted of music, addresses, playing and eating. We are glad to say that, with the excep tion of the shower about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, everything passed off smoothly, and the school returned to town about S p. in., delighted with the day passed in the country. ; For the ekI:LISLY. 11 eneu. ; MT. 110 1.1. Y COIFIIESPONDICA ft; MT. HOLLY SPRINGS, July 22, '72.' Ma. Eurroit :—With your permission I shall again endeavor to give to your readels some of the doings, ins andouts of," Holly." The " Holly correspondence" column ( of the 11 ERALD takes very well with your readers in this vicinity. No ,T) difficult to swallow as what Greeley i with some , of your correspondent's Democratic friends. It is very amusing o see with what good grace some of the unterrified take thb Baltimore pill ;,while oAlers, with a great effort, manage to ger the nasty 4, ,,bittor thing down ; these and the . fellows that would swallow a bull-pup, or "anything to beat Giant.'' The nomination of the Chopp: - 0a farmer has swelled the . ranks of the Grant rtkon, and when the polls close in Novi:1110r, South Middleton will give a goml roport in favor of the hero of Appomattox. The iron viorks, or which I informed you in my last, still hang fire. Nothing has .13Ce11 (10!113 iii the matter further than the geutlemun who have the matter in• .charge, have informed the officers of the CUmberlmid Valley . Railroad' of their intedions, but upon which there has been no action taken. Notwithstanding thy uncertainty of the erection' if a Furnace at this goint, our citizens arc still busily engaged placing improvements - upon Use mil occupied lots scattered throughout our little village. Quito a number of houses have been completed this season, while a. great many aro intruirse or construction. Your ancient borough bad be 4, be up and cluing, or by and by we shall bring her into our suburbs. Real estate commands very good prices hole, for instance—a lot of ground having a front of"folly feet, on Carlisle and Ilainnier cugnpilce, and - being' two hun (Wed and fifty-two Met in depth, changed lanais a few days ago, for a consideration of six hundred dollars. Tho gentloinvi to whom „it.now belongs, intends erecting a private resislenco on the same, for occupancy hi the Spring. The Odd Fellowii a*e thinking very seriously over the building of a town hall—the only difficulty appears . to ho in the way is the - location. The znemberg are about equally divided on the North and South End. There is no reason why onrrvillago should not prOser and grow rapidly. Tho amounts jraid, monthly for labor alone, by the maunfatetur , ng and mining companies of this place, present a very handsome aggregate, reaching nearly the suns ofslo,ooo ; of Which amount tile Mount Holly . Paper Company pays $4,100; Mullin, Parker & Co., about $1,809, and the ore banks, of which there are three, about $3,00. . The trains of tho South Mountain rahl road continue to bring visitors to our dr • lightful Summer resort, Thich is as a place for those who admire mountain • scenery to spend a few weeks us can bo found iu the . State.' We have not only the line firives and walks, in vigorating air, delightful bathing and such like, but wo have men in the busi ness who know how to run a hotel. , BUt then you know." how that is yourself." Some of our b-hays "slid off* on their oars" ono evening last week and landed" themselves at Hunter's• Run, for tho pur pose of having a "little time" to them solyes, • It_ was a caution to see with what acouraeytilo ".village blacksmith" kept time to this musk) furnished by Bob and Horner . ; and rotor does'nt shako such 'all ugly foot either, Tho boys acted gently, behaved themselves elo ,gantly and returned shortly afar tho turn of the night. • With your porMission, Mr. Editor, you shall hoar, from this corner again. • . . The location of mineral veins dr de posits and their length and breadth can now be determined for a certainty'. Call on or address . ' Holum; Carlisle, Pa. Henry Raker, Hippos P. O. Jefferson County, West VB-- • • /NCOONTTA; " 22f072tf Tymyrrn ltmenship, Pony coruuty, has a salt excitement. VIIOLEII.III , II O ANTI.I3I and summer cum, plaint phivail to a consideral# extent.. BLACICIIERWICS woro sold at .011 and .02 cents per quart,. on Wednesday morn ing. Apples - were sold at 10 cents a bushel the same morning. IF you wish to obtain good cigars, smoking or chowing tobacco, go to Obo Loudon's, in Court House Avenue. Piped, Smokers, ,tc., a specialty. Givo him a call—his prices correspond with the times. S. D. - Ixon.A.m, Esq., of Harrisburg, has been appointed Superintendent of Dauphin county ctimmou schObls, iu place of Mr. Laßosa, who was elected but declined au examination as provided for by laiy. THE Oakville Enterprise says that there aro now 274 tents ou the grounds of the Cumberland Valley Campmooting Association, near that place, ready for occupandy. All tbe tents are numbeld in regular order, and the work of beau tifying and improving the ground still continues under the suporvison of Mr. J, C. Streali ==l CORNER STONE LAYING.—On Mon day, the fifteenth instant; the ceremony of laying the cornet stone of the now A. M. 11: -, church of Chamborsburg took place. A great many colored folks i•rom this place were present. From the Na-, tional Progress we 'clip the following : " The procession, headed by the Col ored Excelsior Cornet Band of Cham bersburg,, presented a fine appearance, and during their march through tie main streets of the tow'', were highly com plimented by the citizens. Arrived at the foundation of the new church, D. E4l. 111,. Smallwood, assisted by Messrs. Welch, Able, Brock and others, performed the interesting monies, notwithstanding a heavy shower of rain fell to dampen the ardor of the occasion. Great praise is due Mr. Small wood aml his officers for the omonor in Which the ceremmiies were performed." 4rD. - [ANNOUNCEMENTS.] lii yo'n want prime fresh Sweitzer, Limberger or 'American cheese, go to To remove paint or tar from your clothing, use the " Dollar ltew:u•d Soap." SPRINO chickens and;:eincks at Hum rich's. Ttir telaxihg powernf Arp,dyne L intt 1;,( is Mlly wondorfat Cases are already numerous where bent and stiffened limbs have been limbered and straightened by IL. When used for this purpose, the. part should be washed and rubbed thoroughly. Apply the liniment roll, and rub it in with the hard. A cnotcE l'ot of canvassed Lams and , extra dried beef at I luntrich's. A cnown of " horse MOD," and others, daily throng the stores in country and town for Sheridan's Chivalry Co million, Powers. They understand that horses cannot be kept in good conditibn without them, and with them can be on a much less quantity of grain Dity, salted, Scotch and Burlington herring, smoked Jinni but mackerel at Huturich's. r THE HISTORY OF A NATION AI. REMEDY. - HOW is the history of the most celebrated tonic of the ago in a nutshell. In 1860 it was announced that a certain combination of vegetable in gredients, with a pure diffusive stimu km*, was working wonderwin the cure of cVonic, dyspepsia, nervous debility, liver complaint, periodical fevers, rheumatism and, constitutional weakness The on pretending name given to the specific was Plantation Bitters. The statement attracted the attention of invalids every-. where. The new remedy received a fair trial, and the results snore than con firmed all that had been said in its praise. Thenceforward it was a grand success. The business columns of the press spread the glorious news far and wide, and the martyrs to indigestion, billiousness, physical prostration, and premature decay, ;is if by common con sent, sought relief from the new vegeta ble restorative. ...They found what they sought. From that time to the present the increase in thb demand for Planta tion, Bitters has been- one of the most striking events in this age. V A LEN TIA, )OSO noisome 11, London ayer raisins, Pr nch and TerkiSh prunes, ice, pea its, oapq, &e., at :nin72tf Fo_ll SALE The undersigned intending to retire at priv . ate sale, tho property on the eot ner of Soot), Ilanoven street and‘ Liberty alley, known as " Inhon's corner." ho Maim stork 01 . goods and good will, will be disposed of to any person de,i,:ag to enter into the grocery business. Ifer iirirticul.trs call on Or address, • C. In floe's', 18juraf Carlisle, Pu. t' L'A i );NEI), piCkil;(l and spiced oysters, sardines, spiced salmon at llumrich's: A LARGE STOCK of dry lumber, placed iu the yards before rise in prices, for sale at low kit 3. :Lath, shingles, pickets, sc., always on halal. Call at upper or lower yards. A. 11. BLAIR. 35ap7i2tf ()ABB:AGE, -•otatocs and apples at Ilum tell's. A. PINE lot of limeburnere;' pea and nut coal on hand. Prices reduced. Call at upper or lower,yards. A. B. BLAIR. NO I'ICE Notice is hereby given that , Bridget Kelly, commonly known as Lizzie Kelly, a girl indentured to me by the," North ern Some for Friendless Children," has run away. All persons. are 'cautioned against harboring her, as I will nor be responsible for her in any - way. GEOROE D. CRAIGIIEAD. July 10, 1.872. Ten , best amoittnent of Hamburg edges Met insortinio; can be found at " nje72 S BILLIALD SALOON.—Mr Jaco Hippie having leased the build ing of Mr. , Ernest Grouse, 'on East Main street, has fitted up a spioniad bil liard saloon.. Ho has just received two first-class tables from NoW York, and Mr. "Win. Poulton, has ebargli .of the same. Oysters anti alf the, delicacies of the season. served up fu a style to suit the most fastidious epicure, Give - him a 2ma720 S. .11. W om's NEW ..V.A.CKE'REL I • Just 6e:olved a larglY lot of lino noNV mackerel, at Hoffman's, Nos. 14 and 88 East Pomfret street. • Mouwi Itor.Ly, Cummit- LAND COUNTY, PA. This is to certify that when I was foreman of the Loroy Iron Ore. Bank, Wm, ,Dinkle told , rne the extent of the batik. had a drift • made and found it just as he tooresented. , Also, atnnothei place. Where I found Savor and Lead, ho found the' exaet'place, and told me what was there without mo' showing, him th'o place. dem.; O'Mara.. IE T r ,TQN RESTAURANT!• L'ock's Baltimore lager Beer, Gray's: Phil-delphia Mastoid porter, Rhino, Po2t, Catawaba and Currant Wines, Turkish Wino bitters, Fresh -Imported Seltzer water. Refreshments : Limberg cheese, Holland herring, *Beading bologna, Eggs, fresh, raw, and boiled, oysters in the can, and a match to light your pipe.' Periodicals : Daily Patriot, Dail, Inquirer, Carlisle , Herald, Volunteer, Pennsylvania Slate &Quay, 0. S. Zei tung, and _ _ C. C. 9m Pe a n n E t i f t . , To attend to you all at ono call. TO CRlOlO.ll‘l RAISERS. The undersigned, devoting his timo exclusively to the breeding of choice fowls, is prepared to book orders for the following varieties of eggs. • During the past year I have made largo addi tions to my stock, having recently ob tained sevoual Imported Light Brahmas from P. Williams, Massachusetts. Most of thy fowls drew premiums at the late County Fair, , All stook guaranteed to bo thorough bred. Chickens and eggs can bo obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices fixed for the differ ent varieties of eggs : • ' Dark T3riihma, Premium, per doz. $2 Light Bfahma, Imported, " 1 Iloudan Premium, (Bearded and Muffled,), per doz. 2 Black CoObin, Premium, " 1 Gray' Dorking, fl Bronze Turkey, 2 USSR. 13. Ilirsrra, No. 121 South Pitt street, 1 Bja72tf Carlisle, Pa. IMPORTANT. To know where to get the best stoves in the market. Also just arrived a nice assortment of brass and porcelain lined preserving kettles. The best and cheapest. fruit cans and jars in the market, and an ent4eas vari ety of hang'ig baskets, water coolers, tafrigerators and home furnishing goods generOy. Call before purchasing ,at IV3I. FRIDLEY'S Tin and Stove store, 21 North Fanover street, Carlisle, Pa. 20j072tf 13LATCHLEYS PUCIMBEIC NV OOD IN ZAP Is 'mu; BEST.—FOr sale by the hardware trade, dealers. ill agricultural implenienLS, Cc. It there is no agent in your town, send for descriptive circular. C. G. Blatchley, 500 Commerce street, Philadelphia. - 25ap723m PURE LAUREL ICE The subscriber having secured a largo stock,.of the best quality ice, free from snow and all impurities, off of mountain streams; is now prepared to deliver it to customers at low rates. OrderB left at either of the coal of will receive prompt attention. A. H. BLAIR. 211ap72tf .-„ • RGArlig creating daily a great excitement by all kinds of dress goods very cheap, by giving the best bargains evorlioaid of in lace saquos apd lace„point4,lP , tbe new styles of son umbrellas and parasols cheaper at the Central Dry Goods Store than any where else, the best bargains in all kinds of white dress goods can be had at the Central Dry Goods Store. Spring. bustles, the best ever made, at the Cen tral. Splendid silk ties, -.lacer collars, Hamburg trimmings,seamless kid gloves, can only be had by calling at the old Central Corner, in Carlisle. I am now in possession of two tons and a half of the very finest brands of canvassed sugar cored hams, which I offer for sale cheap for cash. Every ham guaranteed to be as represented. Also, dried beef and bologna constantly on hand at Hoffman's, Nos. 44 and td East - Pomfret street. N. 1.i.-2lams weighed wheu sold At Dinklo's Machine Shop, in this place, can be seen ono of the best practi cal Farm Gates ever invented. It does not require any hinges. It opens two ways. It never rides in the mud, and can be raised to swing clear over snow drifts and other obstructions that are not over twenty-four inches high. It is offered for sale to all who need_ gates at the following low prices. For each farm right, $2.00 ; for each township right, $20.00; for each county right, $150.00. Gates made to order of any size or style desired, and satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange torri tory fur a good horse. Call on or ad dress ()RAIL F. DINKLE. Also, 1 Wilson and 1 Wilcox & Gibbs SOwing Mack:nos for sale cheap,— 2no7ltf. An adjourned meeting of the stock holders of the Banishing and Potomac Bellew(' Company, Will be held ht the Office of the Company, at Newville, Pa., Menday, August 5, 1872, at 11 o'clock a.• m. Asnunv DItIILA ND, ll,jn7°td Secretary. Win. 'Blair Son would respectfully represent, that having met with heavy los.: in the shrinkage of prices since the war, and not having sufficient cash capital to meet the demands of so ex tended a business, have appointed Ibibt. Givin and his. A.. Stuart, esqs., their assigneesc With a view to closing? out their entire stock of goods, and selling as much property as will pay all indebted ness. It is their desire that the large and extensive business that they have labored for years to establish, shall i ho success felly Carried on by seine one have ailequitt e, Capital. The ,undersigned, assignees of Min. =l= trade exclusively for a shorytime, the above mentioned extensive Lock of gen eral storryt supplies, all of which is 'fresh and .iu good. order, and hope that the trade will see it to be "to their interest to buy out said stock on the favorable terms upon which it is offered, Tho business of the store will be conducted for a time as usual. Please address all business communications to RQIIT. GIVEN, JOB, A. STUAItT, July 10, 1872. " Assignees. 11ju724t ONE-1-lArx OM people cannot take 018- h» . pit from its terrible nauseating taste, and recoil in the throat. The Castoria prepared by Dr. Pritcher is purely vege table, and harmless, pleasant to take, and more, effective .than castor oil. It does not distress or gripe, but regulates the systmil, amUmerates when all other remedies.have failed. It acts like magic for' StoMach' Ache, Constipation, Fla. tilancy, Croup and Wort'is. It contains neither Minerals, MorPhimi nor Alcohol. Its soothing, quieting effect, produCes natural .sleep, and particularly adapts it to crying and teething• children.• No article has over, met such unqualilled endorsement by the Physicians. Take no more bitter pills, Nar6otio syrups, Griping Purgatives or Sickening Oils. The Castoria costs but 35 cents, and.• when once tried you will never be with out itr, For sale by J. B. Rose 53 Broadway, New York. 9 jul*.24t. • IMMINEIEMI Comninovinaclo into switches, gift none, curls, frizetts, 4t0., at Madame Rotes. ' • 18jo72tf 04.0 ED GOODS Selling low at Hoffman's cheap grocery Nos. 44 and 88 East Pomfret street.. Tomatoes, 3 pound 'cans at tAN;iity cents. W . lnslew's corn . at twenty-five cents. Peaches, 13 pound cans at twenty-eight cents. Pine apple thirty-five Cents. Oysters, 2 ,pound cans at twenty-five ents; 1 Pound coils at, fifteen cents.. I.Etio72tf SPECIAL NOTICE. - , • We are the solo agents .in Carlisle fop• the `sale of the Genuine Harris' seamless kid gloVes. Thdy are universally ac knowledged to be the best and finest kid glove imported. • 9ma72tf lanzun & BUTTORIPP. BUTTORFF rOOO LIALIS ! ME 11ji372tf PATENT SATE NOTICE To TILE TRADE ' 'lO Tali: We unii,Crsignei loot respect fully infor)ii, the citizens of Car lisle an - d;;qirrounlling. country, that he-still iittewls to the repair ing Watehei and jewelry; in. alt its various branches. . • 17.1210.11fAS Next doorta 'Ziarytt East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. WANTED. • A respectable white girl, "to do the general housecork of a small family. A good home awl, permanent, employmans to a suitable .persou.c Address. bok 400, Carlisle, postoffice. 4ju72tf ' D TJT,CHtR' 2, L IGHTNING LY , KILLER sweepS the n off and clears the house speedily—Try' it.sold by dealers everywhere. 4ju72lin. PARASOLS, falyetUßtio,l3, 1.109p' skitte' and corsets are Sold cheaper at S. 11. Wolf's than at any other house ip town. Fon' kid gloves, hosiery and summer underclothing, go to No. 18 North Ban over street. Go' to. J. H. Wolf's, for the best as sortment of ladies' and gents' ties and fancy bows. JACOB LIVINGSTON; W HOLESA LE TODACCO AND CIG ARS. NO. 27 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, EA Prices as loNi , as in Philadelphia or Baltimore. 2,1a.p721y MARKETS CARLISLR PROVISION MARKET: Corrected .11rockly hy .1. L. McJoy, corner of Pitt and Soulli ONE SQUARE WEST OF WY. BLAIR tz SON. Clugiste. ,csday, Jul . , 21,1872. IJG rrEn 14@17 . LARD TALLOW SIO RE ES IVA RI 11A CON II A MS - - do SHOULDERS 7V do SIDES 7/ 4 WHITE JIIJA .VS 2 00 to 2 bU PARED PEACH ES . ' 10®22 UN PA hi) do DR I1:0 A PPI.ES 07 CH ER RIES PIT I'EP 22 to UNPITTE 4 ON/ONS 1 00 IjS 03 CA MAPLE' PRODUCE MARKET. Woulriesaay, July 24. 1872. PA Of ILI* FLOOR 00 SUPER FINE FLOUR. 0,50 SUPER FIFE RYE FLOUR 4 50 11717 TE wirp-rr RED ITN EA T 1 40 R 65 CORN 50 NEW OA TS 25 OVERSEED 4 75 TIMOTHYSEED 3 00 FLA ARE ED 1 60 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR, GIiAIN AND SEEDS• Philudrlphia. Jrd y 57. 1872 The Flour market continuos Tory doll. There lw no eli i pplug demand, and the home cousuinetra buy only In n email wily. Salts of COO barrels. Including :toped on. at 2511 - 1.50; Fat raw at $5.755h6,25; lowa Exit a Foully el $701.7.25 ; Minnositta dn. do. at :7.750t 0.25; Pon 11 . 11. and Ohio do. do. at 0.250C' 15. tool fancy brands et Ilys Flour Is Moody 01.1.4 45. Prices Of Corn Neal ton nominal. There 19 1101 much wheat corning forward, and the within. buy opariogly, Salve of 2,000 bun. Pounoyl- Tait and Western Mod at $1H0; 12,000 bus. West.' ern for. August on ma rot terms; No. 1 Sprhig no $l.O ; Author at sl.s', and White at :2.00 In Ilyo nothing doing Corn inshill and price, hardly mains tallied. Salon of Yellow at 611,1 C2r., and 8,00 bus. Wowtorn Mixed part at 600 and part p t. Onttorn lc. hose, - Sales at 2,00 e bus. Wontorn White at '42c. Whiskey hiiteliF firmly at 93e. fur Western trot - bound, and 10 buts. Ilatodatille nose Nye lu bond •t $l.OO. I=l Philadelphia, July 22, 1872 The rattle mu. kot was dull this weok, but Weiss were without material change. 2,100 head sidled and rold at 7 , ,,:,(4 , ...;c• for extra Pennsylvania and Western Meer., tiftuie for fair to good do and 6(M15%c pmr lb groom for common an to quality. CON 8 were dull; 200 hood sold at 130i?15 tier head. SHEEP were In fair demand; 13,000 bead sold at 501.,te per lb gruel. w, to condition. 110' were 1,10.,e; 3,100 bowl eold at lh differ ent yttrtle et 07 200e7 00 per 100 The net. t Itp .rled fi' the HERALD by Jobb Russell.) BALTIMORE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Wah, Ines Drury limb, J . Bold more, ,Ild .y 18. I 87!. J Numb, Cattle received during the week..... 1 :109 •.• .1,233 " " • " 3,5.14 PRICES OF OATTI.H. . . . . . 111.4 idi w 0.., !.., lh gr 04.4 Goml s•6:ii Sl.,llin h ~ ' ' 5 Oral vary ' •• 4 Inh•rior - - al ( A vt•razt• - '• ',A Marlti t clost, fair. • . 11..48 ,tlhug ht, nett ' WM' S •N hod Market more naive. Sht eh, phr lh g•r(ho 414..5!4 . and 31arket moderate ..• ST'ECIAL NOTICES A CARD TO THE LADIES.] J - 01. DUPONCOS GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, Fun FEMALES. INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTING IRREGULARI TIES, REMOVING 0 SSTRUCTIONS OF TUE MONTIII,y PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, Als,'D ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL. AS A DREI ENTINE. • DEUE IS ' , DT A LADY LI VIN(I li at 111.1 . 10 ti pf tier Life will find the 1/tlliiiNPo PILLS Just the medicine Ow ride. Per Nervous Pubility. Bearing down Paine, tie. art, Retained, •rregular or Painful lilmmtrmition, ltnelt of Moodie the ;lead; hizvinens. Sr, hr. Timm are the only - Pills ever I, n o on that will clam. the \Tidies, (they will run, in our) 0.m0.) They never fall, and may ill, depended up,in every (MO Whorl, the monthly fle y w hue, boon oli.treeted through roll or disease. DUPOSI- C.IPS GOLDEN PILLS always give Immediate relief being ',titularly prepared fur married ladiee. A hely Iniponreitt Golden Pills relieved mu in one dio „without inconvenience. Ilto magic. 44 THE OENCIINFO IA put up 410 Lurge (Whito) - Oxes coutahling 41.4111,1 0 quatalty 4.f Pill% and upon each box, you 4.441111.U11 tho Revenim Ramp, printed from toy Pit. r4,t1,4. DIo, upon wuich I,,tytinuist of Om Slump you u 111 11,441 (ho woofs DOPONCO'fi GOLDEN PERIOD ICAL PILLS, In While Letteti. without OW Uouo nto goutliuo Tull l'explicit directutun nerturipati) each box. Pike s.l.tin per box, nie box. $6.00. Bold by . one iirugntat in every town. village, city atol 'hainiat throughout the world. Bold In Curlier to, Pa ,by B, A. Haver:oleic, Druxciat, No. 10 North 'llitnover Bt. Pohl uleio by Brughlt Nloolur, Moolnuitesburg, Pa., moo .1. C. Mitch, Shlppenaburg. lil6Sl by mauling Lin, bl to the Carlbilo peat oiliro. can have the Pill, next by mail to any port if the country. tree of po,ta, a. Nona genuine mile,. thu box is 0110.1 • Sul.. Proprietor, Nireirtirr, 16,1,371-1) NERVOUS DEBILITY Withlts gloomy at tend!. la low opt Ito, deprtollott, in vol Mato y nr ,, .llollll.o,upurtooturriorn, I. re of poseur, dizzy head, lose of 11101130ri, Wait 113 re.lSltllvil 111111 , 0W11,11 sod imbecility, 11,11.1. ■ soy core in tI tnl Pli ti NYS . 110 M COI C A'ClilifY SPCCIFIC No. TIVENTY Elli HT. Computed or Om -1:loot %skiable mild mai potent . Curatives, , ;;.ey o ilk° at amt.! at the root of thoyilittur tone up t.he, tem, urn.! the illitottargeg, owl import 'Igo! pith energy, Illu and vitality to toe entire now. They boot. cori;l1 thotimends of canoe. Price ts per package of five havoc and n large lSs Viol. with:ll4 very tm. portant to obsticitto or old Lux. t•olti Icy brogghti6;., and emit Gy !Alia]) on receipt pikoi 4 1 4px. CHIC 11031E0iATITIO 7INDICINE 00, 5d3 , way, Now York. . 2097117„, Nov '.teifit ."Carliellit; by 41: Carnman & WP3E. , • Ns'lsdon benefit you: bo not' atirayehLll . trolled by your Incrodufity, hundreds haM:go . tiibt rollor from the Mirrors of Dyspepsia throne( modlom or DlDltl4ll'il AnybDitMErtio&totiso and found. It. NV,lty should yoy etitterNildnithlit rable stomachic luiti cured many Winner* dnSl'ci = u y. do you doubt whllo other believe and nroaurad this manor le both dangerousandunproatiitle: hoolth, happinons not bnalneel mirrors caltllo'cite oegloct la frequently &lb *e'dso'rione. and it . nbtm trollublo results. thIiTAS usoful In tho minierona tilletitiftiff!lndf gostlon; u Yfrizotnutzes, EXVXII. and •4laum 'and Other . dkordota Man blitettaile, it to t h e only fellable romody , ~'• • ... r KElt$TONE..'' SHAVING SALOON.-: The nuderolkiled baying retnoved his barber ahon from, Kramer's building to North Ilansyee street. betweon NI ll'o, hotel and ithlntounlth & Rupp's tin ware extabllobtnent, Rooming? that .the room lung boon greatly enlarged amid ren and ho le now pruparud to atletel.to the we, aof all who may ,retroulto 111111. If you want a .clo n alm, or .your half out and armed . ' ea, the lateat c ylo of topeortal Mt, aye hlm a call. • / HENRY LIN 11,100U . 1 Propslutoi. , JJiic.. iir,lgtGAß BITTERS P ETABLE.;.• 04.0 VEd • . . iLvonoL'r DR. WALKER'S 6.4LlFoltriu . VINEGAR BIT MIS ..: . ! ,o , , l'. i • 17777 , ' ' 4 4 TINEGAIt lIITTiIItS 'are not a vile Panel brink, made of Poor Mtn, Whiskoy, Proof Spirits, ; aid Its. luso Liquors, doctorejl, ',Aced, and sweet. sled to Please the taste, called . 4 Tonics," 0 Appetizers," •• Halloran," &0., that lei 'tiro tippler on to drunk• sinless and ruin; but aro true Medicine, toad a front the native roots and herbs of California, free - front all Alcoholic,,Stitnulants. They are tiro Great Blood Portant' nal a Life-giving Principle, a P affect Renovator and Invigorator of. the Systora, ear •ying off. all poisonous -matter -trill restoring tho blood ton healthy condition, enriching It, refreshing and. invigorating both mind and. hotly. Thoy.nro easy. of administration, prompt - in their I,ctlon, cereal It in their results, , safe and roliablu in all forms of din , 1. NO ,PESSON GAN . TAKE - I%IEBEI BITTERS no. Cording to directloop, and remain long uowcli, pro vidcd their bones, are not :destrilyeil by minertil po on or other memo, and, the vital — organ; wasted lelyond the point.''f repair. c' DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. Ileaddeinc, Pain in, im houlders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Die:flouts, SErtietatione of the Stoinach, 'Taste in •the Md'pth, Bilious Atteeksiyalpitation of the Hi.% Inftemmation of the' Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful Symptoms,, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In Hisao comploints it has no equal, and ono bottle will pro. A hotter gthtrantee of its morits'than a toughy advert , thement. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or old, married or,alugle, At the,dawn of womanhood, or Gm torten( tiro, iv,. Topic , !iitt,,A f avow., decided au inffulmso that It inkrited ltaprovyment to noon , TORY AND ' .,CIiLIONIC RIIEU• ATlSWilid.Goitt g llysimpsitt Bon. Bil ious, Remittent nnd Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys andllituider, the. Bitters have been most successful. Stich Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally modes. by derangement of the Digestive Organs THEY AltE A ,GENTLE PUROATIVE L AS WEL 'AS A TONIC, is ^messing also the' peculiar merit of acting' as a powerful agent in relieving Couge,tlon or Inflammation of the Liver end Visceral Organs, and in Wain, Disease,: . kgm, anf DISEASES,' -11roptIonei:Tetter; Salt. Ithenim. Blotches, spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, Ring Worms, Scald •Iletol. Sore Eyes, Ety olpclns, Itch, Scurfy, Dhcolnrations of the Skin, tininess and DOW.. of skin, of whatever name or nature, aro Melody dug up and carried out or the systenLin short time I.y the use of these &hit tere. - . One heft. to emit. e.t.a will cow - ince the most incredulous of their consul Vt. 017,04. CLEANSE Tile! VITIATED BLOOD whenever you Stint its impuritien Int sting tin 'igh the skin in Pimples, Eruption'', me, E 0 ,05! eicmnso tt when 2, oil Bud blestructed and elttggEdi 1 n the veins; chemise it when it le foul;. your. feelings will toil yon when. limp the blood.pere, midwife health of the sy,te.in will follow. GRATEFUL THOUSANDS proelnial Vinegar Bit ters the treat wonder:al Invigerant' that over sits• Mined the sinking system: -'-- PIN, TAPE, AND OILIER WORMXliirking In the system of qo many tnomintids, etroyed and retdoyStl., -- SnyanAlistlngelanuaLpligshaL ogist There is scarcelynnyndividua wpb t the face of the earthAvhose body is exempt "frouf the *nen. of Weimer , "It is mit `UNA rlll,lleOltlly' . l.l42olente of the betty that WerlDS exist, bat upon the Otteleled humors end shiny deposits that breed these living monsters of diet., Ni) •syste'tif of Medicine, no vOrinifuges, tie atitheingpith., will Tree the 4),teiti from worm,' like these timers. IiIECHANICAI, DISdASES Persitos eneng..d In Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type Set. tors, Gold Hempel, and al iners,. they mit/MVO an Wei pill be subject to paralysis of the Bowels To guardiligainiit this take A 0 . doe 6 Walker's Vinegar BMA's pool or twice a Week, av et Preventive. --- /Iff.IOUVREMITTENT7AND' f NTERMITTENT FE rms.; whirls are so prevalent: in the vslleye of our !great throughohl 'the United States, rough Ay t,lithe,nf the: Atteelsdpj,l, Ohio, Al Cumberland, Arkansas, lied, Celtit'adO, Brazos, Rio Urande,Tearl, Alabama, Ma: bile, Savannah, Roanoke; James, and many others, with their , vast tributaries, throughout . our entire coontry during the Summer and Au.nm, and re markably... during seasoe. of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by exteuelve 'Wrangel:limits cf, the etoutaclu and liver, and other abdioninii,vDcerai; There are' 111Ways'UtOre Or lets ob.troklOns of the liver, a weakness and Irritable stole of the stomach', and great torpor 01 the bowels, being 'treatment, op With vitiated acclunitlationS. In their treatment, purgative, exerting n powerful influence upon these s Pious organ, is cu auntially ueccessary. There Is no cathartic far the purpose equal to Di. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid mat ter with which the bowels aro leaded, at the saute time stim ulating the secretions of the liver, and gene' ally restoring the healthy ihneflues of the Ingestive SCROFULA, Olt KING'S EVIL, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erymps lax, Swelled Neck, Goiter, rurefulouti Inflate mations, I 'idol out Dilleaumationi; Mercurial Affections, Old So 'ea, Eruptions of 'the Skin, Sere Eg es, eta., etc. In these, as In all other comtitu tional . ..Dliwases, Walker's 'Vinegar. Bitters have shown : heir great. curative powers in dm moat oh stleiltiand intractable cases. Dlt. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BIT TERS net on all these cases in a sluillar By cur' ying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resell hag away the effects of the Inflammation (the tubercular deposits) tie affected part, receive health, end a permanent mire is effected. THE PROPERTIES of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit tern are Aperient,--Diaphoretic and C .radnative, Nutritious Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter irritant, Sudo t'c, Alterative, all A our-Ililloos. THE APERIENT mid mild Laxative properties'of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are the best stu'eguard in all cases of emotions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors-of the toucan, Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous. spite .• elonntah, 11101 boWelli, either from Inflemina 'On, wind, colic, cr anits, etc. Their COO ',ter-Irritant influence ex tends throe ghout the etym., Their Diuretic. prop erties act on the Kidneys correcting and ,egulatim, the ilow of urine. Their Anti-Billow' ,roperties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and Its disclose gee through - the billary ducts, awl are sore riOr to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious 'Fever. Fevar and Ague, etc. FORTIFY. THE BODY AOAINST DISEASE by purif) lug alLits guide with YIN INJAIt BITIERS. No epidemic can take hold of a system Dies foto armed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kid neys, and the nerves ors rendered disease-proof by this great Invigorent. DIIOEOTIONS. , --Take of the Bitten! on going to bed at Midst Trout a half td one and-one-half wino glassfull. Eat :mud nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison. roast beef, laid vegeta 'Wes, and take out door exercise. They are rem posed of - purely vegetable ingredients/and - contain no spirit. .1. WALKER, Proprietur. R.'II.IIIcDONALD'S: CO., Ingglata and Gen Ants , San Yruncisco and N. I' ttii-SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTd AND DMA l o EltS. tijanlyled43drih,c, Pamit:Mg Implemmas IMYLEItIENTS FOR HARVEST! tßlj y We oiler to Farmer" for the crnial:NCß/MU th Mowing well- 1 / 4 110,711 told popular Farming triple lent., along . with Ober article. needed by al nrmora. The Sprgue Mower, whhth in nOw genornll:. admitted be the +lini.lest, moat cornpletu and efficient Lingle Mowing fllachinu In tlio county We 00,1 Kuverat, of they niawarr Inut SSOII and they gaol. perfect sat islaotiati. Privy, 0100 el 00. 'l'lll , ', NOVELTY HAY RAKE - of ked, either by hand or on the ar tin); prinpi TIo• rt. rut3t 1:61:e is ,eel I ost.Lilshrd EN ory fns mar wbo is nat. nlre 4bourt boy n Nov..lty ll.ty Hake. 'rho 'Original and linproveil 11,41?1'0011 1 lid ;;:itirimpro,,..i.fillAPPLE, PULLEY, to. Thin limy Fork, in cont., Bon with the a nd full y,,iv tunloalltedly ono of tho most - rtooploto ootchlork in the market for 111.1111111 g hay. TIE. CUMBERLAND VALItk:Y SEPARATOR.. , , . TN , • i InprovolitellitA we hove' 11111110 111 111111N111f11 rue. tits of th e l'ittositer oheat 1+430011, warrant un In offering sit to fanner. no UM , of the very hum! 1111/1• CIIIIII I / 1 In the roaric..E- With the hum ita wts , w ht e ti goes with title limekiln., four horses are, calatilartsi to do the work, who', nix and right are required Its ninny other 11111111111fre1: I utititarett •with °thins the print is el,low that every thritty fernier nisyroadify nevem(' the owner for !demi( of a Cinnberlinni ley tri at tsi a te an t i Separator for perninnent nun on his barn flour. Fanners would thi,"ltell to call and examine ; ' TIIEI, A R LtSit 1 D'E R Ai I LI. made at our estabilkinnent, ban won tin hight , e nTonmiendAtions from nit who have m,l It I both ;plods and CRII.IIOII tli . o upplen It thorefor. mgalrre lighter premium ar.d produces the hirges umnutity of cider from the umount of applon pot In. The Willonibbi Patent GUM. SP4 INti GRAIN DRILL 1.0110 wa l l ki1 , 14111 to farnll,l4 In Mostlunge of Penns that uf , nerd not speak at nay length of Ito nnlrits. now it Willi or without tioono A U..11014:11% tuol'y ith tbu nlove lb to attached no to t. olk lo straight Tank or s.ispeag, which over is pre ferred, The Guns ot en ale also pot on by one fola• patent arrangement, which given them ageator and firmer attaeharat to the Drill. NI) good farmer ran do ~)thoot the WlllottAby ( loin 'Spring . D, 111, %t hero ;deeps on hand a ply of F, ; , . odder gutters. Corn ,Shellers, Iff all sizes and a v.-14y or .q thor Inwletmot.ntkpled by farm., at tho 19weef prices (7 . 7 ' " F. GATIDNER & CO. Ca rl Ju!to, 1812 411., H 1W .06yrD , ;17 G CALLIO, , • NO. '2O Wit.er pram, ‘r7 "! N „ Th 4 Ii ATTER .of r 1 The LlATtalli ottarllelul I The Latlesaty,lettf est Joeslead I ' The latest styles sprays on hsud , ! UATB fel:myth° beet blenufeetureal I t .• F/euvirptuila yA,FIJ It total!! , 4, 0. 0A ... 7tilrirtAcall Olitipop i.co, Ali lArgt (1 4 ... r ; iltoik of , • , 11AT•R ei TD'O'AP .S: e 141 4" 4 ” 0,1 .r1i - caP.. 4 0 mat; 4aq bacthe• beet erratigi;llietitivlbe coloilug nate, titeebeek Ooade, vpvi Overcoats, at short aotico. ,a E 4 ) Thu hhthest OABII tqllo.lpf pad Ns- .1 to to . x 11:y J ii l 44-cava tuic losep7o . , - • • . aweries,• •. EWAI -10 :JAMBS! REEN: 'purobased the entire stneleandflx ewes of Lowid Fabe'r, m.,' in 'Mr. Failler'i 110 W boibutn : nod door to the Carlisle Deposit Bank, offer tho public a large and well solected stock of r Fresh Groceries • CEDAR WARE WILLOW-WARE, • math nn Molasses, Cheese. Coffees, Spices, Rive, Salt, Roof, Soda, Crackers, Flour, Twin, rigors, 6) raps, Fish, Mum lard, Pickels, Colour, Nutawgx, ' 04 Al E U 17, Starch, liried Fruit, linelrel3, Candles, Macho's, Baakets, Cloves, Pepper, Mivpic,o Brooms, Tubs, Cordage, ISolip, Cinnamon, Corn . Siareb,CoaN. Oil, Vinegar, Blacking. Slow, Polish ' 'QUCORRWtire, GlaSSWai)3, Stoneware, 4c. Cowls delivered to off parts of the town FREE .OF CHARGE. ifb—Tliehighost market prim pald for Country Produce. They hope, by fair deal ing r strict atten• — Con to baldness, ands desire to please, to merit a • chore of the public 'patronage Respectfully. I.lmh72tlap .1. W GREEN. A RETAIL GROCERY 'STORE .7. IN THE "South End." Tho n11,1,014[10 wrath' rospentfully Inform 11w oltlonna of Carlisle and elehtity, that Ito h.te put ellOtiod the sto, k of Dlr. Alto Ili—I:non, And Luring ltrldedlargely therant, mill al all. tinted keep al prod au firat.elatel 87 OCK 011' (; le ocEn TES on hand, antl4leldll 11,3 „111 0.11 at 0 o ,, ty stall' ad vanan on first tank. Et. truck , 1,1,0 01 Stioar of nll the various grade-,, )1, 111F1101, Syl ups, Tea, Spites, tltt. t Lb.-ware, Stonewall; and Crockery, limketx, Iltudintst. Tubs, Craekore, all Janda, Tfaelcentl, , Blenl and !leering, Tohneno all Sagan, 11rm,10,1 of all Bad Cords and Clothes Lines, Brom., I alit also kdep constantly on hand 0 tine rontllty of 77 alnit . 1/ Floll,l' awl, Peed Ho& ; also, a tarot , %al ietyCattlool and Dried Fruit, . 1,..,, A opt th o o g " Lotoona, Teloatona, , togetle, 'ant. g tt , t ad tbotoettoOnt of NOIIONS lentally 10 pt nn Stock. cotwrftv PICODVEI3 if'll It Ind. taken in ex.eltanan -for goods, at market tinning, that by bon t attuntion to 11110111.8 and Lhr 011111 , of all Nett °lay favor him r, ith their en‘t , o:l, he AS 111 liberal phone of :t5 . Alfa 'advantage In the plnchttaing lotv trlbe-1, Ibr OAdlf,a will 0011 Ito undereohl by 0.13 to t le , 1.0, urns 'Entoentlor the pia. No • 73 :A , -0 , Lane, er 'Arent, cornor of Chapel Ail , 3 • 1 lap72t. f .I.ELN Boots an (1. Shoes DAIID snuilt:v CARLISLE Boot and Shoe 172(0u.50! Irom 1.111 hael •fll owl 1.1 • p.•• • . I o Io :he fnxprrtirn f the p otol. • W.. to •••••11, oi .•• P.\ :II . P •o coloO.to p BOOTS AgD SHOES for LaMos, Nltrres, }lon, iloyx nod Cloldreo Li clotting even vtylo In the taarket. ' Ledieo Buttoned and Laced Gaiters, in groat c.d. .oty of style, orhish Glove li ii, l'oblde Leather, Ueda Leathoi. and French Kid. LADIES' BALMORAL BOOTS, Sheens' RIO Childron's Bottom:.! mul Laeotl Bootni; Moo's, Boy,' and Louth', Boot, /Intl Shoe- of every dotioription. trim it StO,C) . tO n 8111113 . r. Our Ina moose stork ha, be, Arelolly twit, tt , l, and 'Bargains will be given to Purchasers an„ . Than kfnl ler part lihr.ral palrQuace, oar fracadr and the public walk rally, aro 11.r1h.1 call and °amine (air stork. 13.Cmeenbor the place, No. I:1 South Ilan, el street, ono door sr/nth of 11. M. Sonloy's (Nettling store, nearly opposite the F. etulillu 2t0a721y aTROLDI .h CO. LOOK OUT FOR TETE Al A. MAI 0 T II Il 0 0 Evorybody fs Inrlltvl to it ot .fonotho) Corn man's BOOT AND SLIC)E STORE. on North llnnover street, Carlisle, , Nvlll miinufncturo to ardor the b00t.., shoe.: and noltorti, that min lit'iirt Mona in the mail:rt. J thin very host material, while I component workmen. All Illy I.:110tin 6. un sold nt the lowest cash prices. I Aliiii hove o now sly to to, golillolmin. It in 1110 A,niel-ican Gaiter, and minont bn porelocitel nt auy other Huai Stole, except at .1. Curnnian'a 111:111.1fikklilr11.g ..•n11 , 11,11 meet. It la the fineat le in the market for gentleman. I will glen make to eider all colida of Shea for Luliea, 11iraicit and elitelren, at thy shoreeid notice, nod at low .011 price, I "111 net Le umbirtiold. The prieec will Lenecg)rdfnK in tic. quality of the work. ;Please WV.. men call. Repairing dune neatly arid clo to r .TONA'CIIAN COI NM 2mit7.23m Oral illa Gonna N EW JERSEY CHEMICAL COAr PANY, AMMONIATED Super-phosphate. \. The NEW .1 ERSEY 01 , 11` A NY hol ing porobasod flo. eltentioni %Volt, Ist,. ot Potts & Klett, aro now notunfaFttirlog A ntinonistiql Sops, ilo of Limp Inlly mina! in ~ 11.1,1 so,l con ditlnu CO no, Rhodes qoper.Pliloo.lgte. torn:rly Made by Potts Fe o given such general actb,fsetiot. IY.• ntu now twornrotl to fornixl, t..,,w001 , r,1 nod doolon, Mtn the oho. , Super-P1.. , 41 , 114t0 o I anal! tot gild ~ tpt.l3 000 old ....tome, We LW , g t., " (Inat,t , we 1,, Ili VI 0 I'olo Ow .011114 trlito4l V.'llorvo ror 11., f , 1,11 1,17 r 1 1075111 ed,rl.l ot the t !;11, the 111;01 Itt.t. T1;1)1111:6, I 4: 1 IT South • 1,1111,A1P1A.P111.1. Steamship Li 7,( WRITE STAR LINE 11=M=IME=E NEW VSU 1.111.L.-Pir\VEIZEI , STE.% M:1111 Tlll ;Mk'. I.A.MiI:ST 114 'l'll I: NMI+ Lll. OCEANIC, ANTARCTIC. REPUBLIC, k NTIO, A . 111. till'. .11 . 9111 innn Inlrdeo—n,oo4l p S:111114 furls 'l'Ulll/.1 fium I lvi•rpoul sin 'PIIOIISO O VS, nipl (lurk llso day following Fivui tlin Whit!. :tar Diu k, l'uvonia roa,.lt riey •, • L'assougoe ftccummotla (1.1 sill olltiner) nnrl• TO lnJ, cmn6lnl n 4 Speed and COlllll6 14alol x. state...woo., n0t01..h.4....h.... zitul—loolo roo.us 111 111 itiShill hoc til , ll, 1011.1 . 0 114,1 111103011 i.. felt ,durguous,und btrwarde ees ncenn.oatly the,.o steam ors. s hATEF—Saleon, £BO .101. ISt eerligo, ..Y3.3 currency. Thom wishing to rend for riends from tho' 01.1 Country con tome chtain sreola e prepaid certificate:l, VII currency Pionongers hooked to er li am nil pµriff , 4 1 America, P.a., 11an.1...rg, Not, ay, Sweden, I hEIX, Au I ral ia, Chinn. etc. . Excursion tickets granted at to treat 1 . 4 , (1'b. Drag. front XI upwards. For,leslieetlon el pintm and other inforinution, ap ply to _J. 11. SPA HRS. Agent, . ' .. No. 111 groadwaY, Now York, or to OBE mw=tgss ALIVE. GASH TILL•TPPING PREVENTED EVER VI DRAWER WARRANTED. • Evputy lontoliANT SUOULD USE THEM. FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSE FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 CHESTNUT STREET, 18ap723m rrIHE SENSLMAN SHOP IS SU 3.yoitniNN EACH BRANCH., WOOO WORK, BMITIIING, TRIMMINti anti PAINTINO done In the best. manner. Carrlagtm buggies and sprung wagons made to order. Painting aIA work a Innadakty. tall at A. gen.- old eland and oxtoalno for yoaraolvex. A ('' A. B. SURRK , No 2. Ilap72tf J B. 11AVERS'rI0.1c, • 1,79 v§qtrrtt HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, 1A Doalonitt • . Drugs, Medicines, au • • HAVE this cbi'y nasociated with 'inio T pu4nevt my ROD, Andrew Ilhdr, tOn nettle 01 4.l)firm. to be A t . IIAILOII, a 110 N. - • 11D0thule, .110,0 1, 1872.. A. It. am. IMIII • 1111 thoulNi to the public for thole uncournge 00U and patronnim In tho past, t Ito new lino front tlint by glow nttontlidi to bushoas;--Witit just and fair dealing towardo nil, they will merl6. n contion alien of the public favor, ritid*reivo a share of their patronnge. fJol2i( 1111 t. it in not 0111. , VAR of Dyntairaia. To deserilit• t lien, 11.111(11y !vain,. ply an itnponiiilillity, built to tit,Pir out a Wel hove that Ortpi rain' 1 ,, twill tor the moat uniNerral 01 liuurun iliJorira. T 1.1,41, pliatleally the i In li' til!t,l :•i to.. 1 1 ,4 t filth o'll.ooll rr , ollllvll,ol 1.1 110..10 the c.lolritri4r Om 0001. the no ;left 114 , mann , rluo hi .11 Itmalty v‘vonter.ol, ia ~ o to ouplaiii: The gti, it hot 'viii, tint), It no vall , o ' l . Ji din t hi., • iO .li • nato rnn.ly ...H rh. I, of a x` roan! , nll • &Ain• tn aro!! 4nlve, to 11111 tto! ontjt,lll, ont !! 111,. i! t • I.• o!int! Iher 11111,:pi.L Ol•luto to pt lT rni!•l In: `I rnll fly, •lo I/ .Id. i`l,l tO the of 111" e Illooxotola •••• - n!' intt. 'Li..V, Ill: ..1./ . .1./V• nnn,/1)11,11 . till., ' , MI el •von lil•t - .1' t. 10•0. 011.1ili torm,.:oe. lid, ,yO. 0 •Jpsp.,lo tilii . 111•11i , 11).' t, , t i 12:1.2 • tillovlntor 01 I'll aimi ho 22; .2 it It , . tug. co,,tort .2sttl 2212, ~ 2,, t 'i,. tt.-2 -t2 2.• .1 , r11.1111(.11 , 111e. 'tl4 ...1. , 'lr: it , 1 f., 1 1.1 —ll , 111, t 1 1.•1 1%11..1 Inl I'l' I = fl,Mt VI ail It ':1-1 .1, i• not a 1 . 11,11 I •Int.: ill, fr I rvovrotl lip , 11‘.I ts •.1 el , / 041 •1A,i14:1t.14d1.111., IN -Li.dll'<t•`.l I,art .til.l k 1 111 1•No.11 ..,•• furirtubriArlfur L.: 0c.1.1 • pp.,Altu !ivlr 11, t t :11 nll ea 114 i the I 11. - t 1;1 1 7 /: ft ‘ll p 11,E,olpply114g the •,• •_:! . 0..1 .' 11 111,;n, il• I ft ILI 1 nnd r. thp .3133 111 I 3113.31 133:33 / 3 311333 ,3 .3 3311331 1 . 1 lI'W 1,3, 3 3 N . 33333. THEY H }<Lour) ,it tl 11,t1 at.tl /I. 1% tl Iw:till:mi....l u LI ‘4 , • h I .• 1 . 1 11l /.10•5 . 11,1. ti 1.. II TITEY I•l,:faVi,L N re:14113 • Ntr• 33)3• Ir 31• I r, Mal it rrnr•3 • .11 r• r. 31, ft ; '' • •-313131..11 irk 3 m•rell HE n k 1.1. . ,•!, 11,•• ,p 1 111.• Ils•ru 't ••• tr • I Nut a , .•'s r 1.1.• 1 1 •It '‘•t• i t 1 s ), .! , rt•ditsof .•r ••••,. It, ti: 1,,t, t I. • /A, u. ?•131,14+1, t It ii, 111,:,1111, • . ql,l perrn.l:loll[l, 01(01/111,11 11. 11;µ1, 1, I :` , 011,1C/I, and 11,11 w ! I 11,.. 151:tel, 11 !h.! fit. ,••'• rakt.it 1 . . . n•Jklil it, 11 :Jl , , 11 tt 11 t 1,1 in, 0.1 ni 1.1 . . t. Dr. 11,01:01! aro lk: • I I In- ‘ , I , In ' : , 1, , I II(iOFI;:\N Yr, =MEI =UM VITAL i'l;,N(;11 thi , extra , :t . • t.. ntrirt• , t It, •. t• 1.. 1 - .1: • ',I t ‘,l to .11 Ow, I t ~ • ".: , - ,l ' ll 11 , • . 7 ‘ • • I ' l lyi 1• f, ! i ' ' ' ;;l ' ( • 1t.1.• , I :111.A.1 . 4 1utt..11,1 ~ t /IC 0;1., t.t. 'Tr"' 'l l ll , Otodottlty II it ACTS ZE CT I, 1, I VEit. stitonlatiog Its twn t1..11, 4 . . i i1.,d0• Its tolilaVV secretions 1.. rrgnLvunJ pis' rut. flitantitlrx The.tiojartaudt result.. Much Ito ariql , ly to,jor ihr limo or on•reaty aro colirele ot,i,s: ly th e i. But It 111/011 , 010 Liter 6 , 11.. that their sa o extract The ex cart'az Mataht:Xe mut t,ao .t in than it skillfully comlllooil rod,. oth e r, ots of whilOt (Ifni 11111111 th, the tapper IsStrels, one aeon tht 1 ,, c r hot., ts, so 1 IMO f•rool:Cin , r n pill that liknovin i-e the C:11:11. untl nllliirntntp ,yStl.lll, lit nil vgiiii! . 11.! 11.!! . ,11,11.11, lannno - r, and its actin. erittr. tits. (rota 1, pa ceslithe; or oittios Foill etllolllol, li. ell 01 1111 , • Posaessimt them teach 41c tlat , itzahti• pedaphythli later•tura ',wall, lid • 11., EZENZI Ka hnlnrludd slosh! ho ostiosit ti r o:. Tlitty ills itt.rlttrtly s,II requito but two tot no sitiinto3i.l,llo, tire tostopt stint o:llcirst nVi :01,1 1111 , 11 1.1111 to It...teflon null ttorotrot littfors, - ot Tonto, oily' its :ts cot:silt spsytts•,,ltt itli t 1 aUP !Aver Complitist. Dystottoin, 'lttly or tits disdrtletd to which 1111.21N.1f1 . 0,111 orilltutry tottiltsi Tito itt two. thin MOl.Ol 111111 hoWel, enrrylwi Off ' 11li• prop, obV.lllctitll.ll, W iti;o !Ito nit .•r 'font, ion if)• thin ldund, ttoi.;:thot nzol tochror•ur Ihn framo, Rica tutu nod i ppulilc to tilt, ntuu•;mh, tutu thux 1,11114 NI thin 114 Valid MEM Dr. llooflitokl; Laving lottrmil iong;tift, for Illsetv , H, Lnx o,lp tLr woria one trlnD,ly tor tel . lllll roplicatioft, iu tlu. tvontlo.Dll vl,T,ration „ \ /10 ()FLA.N.IY GRE , OIL. • ~ •• • Tlll4 Oil It, a ?f ovvralgn rotn,:dr. fors pains and itches of all. klntlH. Ithemnatim, Nenmigin, 1 4 ontltsvha," Spra11111; rain In t h u Ittn.lc end Loins, Itlinr worin , i, &v., all yi,1.1 to 114 r , terniti The number or...ciiros,,efleclett by_ It Is astonihin; 'did they are inerenalligovery4lay. ' ' Taken. Internally, it la a c•liro the • Itrart-burnx, gifiney blame - n, Cane, j)3 Chnlyra Marlins CrAnkja,..Pallis in Ow r3toinarb, Coble, Asthma, Tito liraolc, Oil' la composed o`ntiroly game and .cFoontfot ylla. prlnelval lagrfdfont is an oily g‘ii.taMer V1'0 , 111 , 1 hL fhoo S&II hok a port 'of Orem.. It, olfoo.l, 'no it dostroyi.i. of lo,oi In A truly map foal. ThonaandaTtutoktecti — bblwai( s ets,, , ita.uxo, and a trial by thou wilpare .4,1 , 1 i4l - 01'. ehoreughly convin, thotif ihovti. , vii:,;-ill renoolicO ill 1, , t ot appllcatl.. 0 to, fir, I..II!NWPAL. OFFICE, (11:4111AN ,T111111:1N1.; ;.Ati;);;.N . ,o. rNI Al:(111 1•1111,A1)(U,P111;,. A. 11.. I)LAIR .Tioojtana's 173Fec? lei O 1 LIVE 3 BAVB-15 It Vont of tho ronlrhttlik ,of 81,1, ogo, not tn,tely not nmny on - o, virtlnts of dysilepyla or inollk , ,qtion, hill iffl o'rlium7l, Now, wo wonid not, under.+Le..tt Itny ono regardS flyqueiwht f.tvor, 'or dihnonod to rank it among . Ito In:nri Oar from it. Thor who have, would scout such on 11190. dr4.14 It, and i,onid' - ghully dlspen.e with Its unple,ant Mork T/11.10Y, Olin was Jolly nt,l, all Ilto-tryi:, dretunet•tuces In which ho wav glared, 11.16, , r hod :41 atta,k of d4llOOl la, or his Jol 111 Yr 0 11 111 ny 111 . 0000 n his Men and 00111011 1111CMIli:11611111g4, 1,1( whoeter_ln,y, of It pu6on who onjoyad !Imo? . Of- al l . the nudlilarfnnv diso,os to whivit Ilia LO man spdvin 1 lahltl, 111,01 ~ .n` :rut dy,pooda, 'lnure tours a,ot, 1 painful, and v, hich ptrorc t 1 111,1. ktm. hot s‘olo, tb, of Which I'o o Mind Alla 11,10001 y 01 .1 11, tho hod). 11 thew 10 /1 11:.• wol Id It Is A CONFIRMED I)Y6P.EPTIC D 'EPST A PREVAILS I= I= ail 011. I) 1 . liil , ) Cl„'. Ni ; ,3 .. :I. i i ...:.',,,: I , 1'171 . .1.: : J ,., . .'.. • itElm i , .:m t; i...J.6.;;1?, IMEMEM MIT 111112 13 EN EF IL'I LT, ;_' 1•==!•=1 1)1i. 1100PL7AND'; (IEIZIf 1N LIOuFLAND s ToN IC MEM =I c.lEltAl A N _, I l l'olAW111"1, .1.. o•I•11•1,t is FAMILY M;DIC.',I:;I'; poDopu Y LLIN PILLS (..1 M. ' , DAT , A N •+ PiNrietry. ,• Iformtyly C. dL .TACKTOIi Theo Remedies a. fut Halo by le,fwill,ts, Sum , :portiotvOlod no Thytior,,, 0. • 1 t INT t EZI =22 =I L if ,`.;,.~ =TM T i P.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers