FARM AND HOUSEHOLD HORSE--IVATERING. It has' been stated that a horse wat ered bu three timesitty would not sweats much as thosS watered oftener, which wa. herefol t o used as an argu ment in favor of that practice. Admit ting the truth of the above assertion, it tiod i not follow that his comfort is pro :/moted, nor.„,yot,. his power increased thrOby. No' - good driver would think of SPeeding his , horsewithout first sweat ing .him thoroughly. Nor does a man fool comfortable ip the harvest til his garments become foist with per spiratioo, which carries• Off the Surplus heat, thus'controling the tompoTture of the body, and to a groat extent neutral izing the effects of the sun. Men . Working at furnaces drink freely and perspire profuselii without which the skin would actually burn off them ; and those who do not perspire Cannot endure the heat, and aro obliged to seek other employment. If, therefore, a horse ceases to sweat from absence of moisture in the system, it is the most positive proof ho needs water ; that ho is in a suffering and dangerous condition, and every moment it is kept from him is only adding ftiel to the llama, which would in a short timo of continued exertion ter:. minate his existence. As often said, a horse may-Irk well,and appear to do with such .. treatment ; nevertheless, his life, like that of many mon, shortened and rendered miserable by irregularities. In the absence of other'proof, we think the following facts sufficient to prove our position, namely, that iu the long days of summer, farm horses should have water at least five times a day : When a horse has worked two or three hours, and sees water, or hears its pecu liar sound so grateful to the thirsty ank ho will look and often call for in a way quite as intelligible to the human, and those familiar with his habits, as if ho were to'express his desire in plain English. And again, give him his lib erty after having worked three hours, and ho will go directly to his trough and,, supply the demands of nature: Now when his thirst is so great in moderato weather, with three hours' exertion, what must be his condition, in six' or seven hours, ono of those sultry, oppres, sive days wo frequently experience in the latter part a the Summer It is true horses aro sometimes injured by water, but it is when they have been too long without it, and when their pers piration is very rapid. Nor is it strange ander such circumstances ho would drink too much, when a man endowed With reason will do the same. It is no uncommon thing in harvest to hear men say, 1 don't feel well, I worked too long without water, and when I got it, drank too much. Our practice when traveling has been to ride or drive slowly a short timelm fore watering, which wo would do as soon as wo thought the horse was thirsty and in the evening we would go vorY leisurely after watering within a mile or two of ourdestination, thus bringing the horse into his night's quarters in good coudition.—Prafrie Farmer. PISCICULTURE.—The New York Com missioners of Fisheries have made their fourth annual report to . the Legislature for the year ending December 31, 1871. Wo take from the report the following two items of interest : The operations on the Hudson river by the Commissioners, for the purpose of in creasing the supply of shad, were more successfal•than heretofore. Theso have steadily 'improved, and, although still suffering on account of the difficulty of soot ining• mature ; fish, will undoubtedly produce entirely satisfactory results in a few years, if they aro continued. Shad wele far more abundant and far more cheaper than they had been for years, both on the Connecticut and the Hudson ; especially so on the former river, the yield from which actually glutted the markets, and reduced the wholesale price from $lB a hundred down to p. The total number of shad eggs taken this year was 8,915,000, of which 8,295;000 were. hatched and turned loose in the river. Although far fromeiZugii, it was a great improvement on.the preceding years, and it will inevitably affect the yield, which -is not more, 'in all, than a million mature shad yearly. And the Commissioners hope that iu a, few years the fisheries will be to iinprtil that 500,090,000 of fry will 'be artificially hatched, when the yield will defy diminu tion, li"y all the enginek of destruction that the wit of man can devise. The causes of the destruction of certain kinds of fish in our waters is discuss4l in the reliort, and interesting details given of the difilirent fisheries and the yields at present as compared with those of former times. In conclusion the Commissioners say : Fish are wonderfully productive ; with care the waters can be made to supply the wants of mankind to as great cn extent as the land, but,„ the same common 'sense must be used in one case as in the other. Migratory fish must he allowed tOreach their appropriated spawning beds, and must he protected from duiturhance when spawning ; they oust not be orer-pursued . until their ranks are once more replenished, and their artificial propagation must be con , ducted at general expense in rivers or lakes that are . not private property, and which no single individual owns or can protect. ire \V SMALIZEXPENDITyItES COUNT.- Five cents each morning—a mere trifle. Thirty-Ave cents per week is not much, yet . it would buy coffee and sugar for a whole family—s4.o.27 a yearand this amount invested in a savings bank at the end of the year, and the interest thereon at six per cent computed annually, would in twelve years amount to more- than ,soo9—Enough to buy a good farm in the West.' Five cents before breakfast and dinnei and supper—you'd hardly Miss it, yet it isllfteen cents a day—sl.os per week. Enough to buy a small library of books. Invest this as before, and in twenty years you have over $3,000. Quitejmough to buy a good house; mitt lot. Ten cents each morning—hardly worth second thought, yet with it you can buy a paper of pins or a spool of thread. Seventy conts . a week.--4t . would buy soy .oral yards of muslin, $3O 40 in one year —deposit this amount as before, and you bavo $2,840 in ,twouty years—Unite snug little fortune. Ten cents before breakfast,', dinner and suppor=thirty cents a day. 'lt would buy a book Air the children. $2 10 per week, enough to pay for a year's subscription to a good newspaper. pm) 80 per year—with it Sou could buy a good molodeon, „ from which you could procure , sweet musiO, to pleasantly- while ,away the evening hours. And - thin amount invested as before'would in forty years pi:educe the desirable amount of $lB,OOO. • ...notnow•SoUts.—lt Is with narrow- Honied' people na with narrow-nocke4 bottlou—tho loss thuy have in them, PIO more hoiao they analcci ln pouring It out. - -• ' -• .•• • • CAII,LIST,E, - '•MAY 29, 1872. • 46• c.% w 9 U'v e t r -P • CeLrazvir •..4.1, • ) . . ••. A NEW INVOICE OF • . FINE FRENCH CASSIMEREs; - '"' - ' -; FRENCH GRENADINE VESTING; • FRENCH' MARSEILLES 'VESTING; -Wulford's Striped Li - ne - ns,- . ••:•:•Y • , •• ,Barnsley s-Striped Luiens;_ • ,:! • - Taylor, 5.,. Duck.. • S.-Ritter 64 - E,7 , 50n..--. Don't fail to see our •NEW and FULL lino of Furnishing Goods.—the latest of every description. BRUM a specialEi. , • We have Shirtsin Stock of every va4iety, Wide ,er,lsTarro%Vi , Milts, open backr front, for,studs or eyelets... ;,• ; -• , . 30mn72 EMP 0 R'l U M OF.. FASHION. TISLTSE - 111 1 . _ 4 EAST MAIN STR EET, CARLISLE, PA. '1- • Manufacturer of and Dealer in Ladies', Gentlemea'Annd Children's Jr • FINE BOOTS AN.®-. SHOES. He announces to his friends and the public generally, that ho has on hand, at prices which defy Coinpetition, a complete and carefully selected assortment of City and Custom work of all kinds, among which ate allytyles of '1 LADIES', GENT'S AND MISSES' BOOTS AND SHOES. . REPAIRING PROMP7L 1' A 1 TENDED 10. Tharikfal for past favors, I assure njy friends that my stock is carefully selected, and that none but the best workmen ltre employed by me. My aim is, as it ever has been, to please and satisfy my numerous patrons, and request a continuance of the same patronage, AD. DYSERT, , 25ja72tf • No. 4. East Main Street, CARLISLE, TA. I. LIVING-Sr - TON, NO.. 22 NORTH HANQVER STREET, — AND e., I , „ • litzm v P s ti ..... • 0 cl . la -' ::0 4, w i...1,-- I sP e 4 , , , k . . Has just opened for the inspection of his Customers and Public, one of the finest and choicest lots of goods for Custom Trade ever presented to this Public. Call and examine his goods and prices,' and judge fur yourself. , L. j,,..D. - ' NEVER ANY TROUBLE TO SHOW GOO DS. Also a complete stock of Shirts, -:' L , Drawers, , Ties, - _ Trunks, • Valises, Portmanteaus, &c., and iiiierything belonging to a.'Gent's furnishing and Traveler's department,. 25ap721y- _ L. J. L. NEW S CK B.P. R, I N G- JD BUMMER at extremely Low Prices, to which daily additions will be made, and POPULAR PRICES MAINTAINED. Black Silks, Alpacas.z.and • AVlohairs, of superior lustre and durability, on which I defy compotition an to Quality aild Prices. M.C3olCTPLNarqcr in great variety. Superior Stock of White Goods embracing all the novelties of the Season. CLOTHS AND C-A.SSI - 1%/1S Boys' wear a Specialty. COTTONAD ES APID -FARMERS' DRILLS. An examination is only neeceseary to convince that for Variety, Quality,'Durn bility and Cheapness, our Stoelc is second to none in town. " T. A. HARPER, 25a 1 ,72 ^ South Hanover Street, CAIWISIE. NEW! NEW! ! NEW !! ! AT TILE OLD CENTRAL CNN i,R EXTRAOHDINIItY BAIB \INS New Summer Dress Goods, • at vready trdoced prices.. SPLENDID. BARGAINS IN BLACK SILKS, Great bargainS in Grenadines. • Special bargains in Ilernannies. dap: LICSe SILK'S at redise,wl i,rjf:eh. , ' . Summer Poplins id uvluced prices, . i ~'i 1 n Dawns Very k.22i ( 1 ap. ~., A SPLENDID .i.k.,SBORTMENIT OF White Dress Goods, ' Swine Mileillie Frenith Muslins, - ' Victoria Lawns, ' ltishop%: Lawtifc Piques and Marseilles, • , We have the best assm talent of the above named WHITE DRESS GOODS in town, and aro selling them at low prices. Odi stook of Parasols and Suit Umbrellas is complete in all the newest and handsomest styles. Lace : Points and Lace Sacks at unprecedented low prices. Linens of all kinds for Ladies' Dresses and Suitings. , MEN'S" AND BOYS' WEAR . Elegant sock of 0 4 1..JOTTIS A.N327 . CLASSIM Plain and Fancy Linens for-Mon'S and Voys' auitx. Cottonades hi great variety, at low prices. Table Linens, Towels, Naplcins, Quilts, Counterpanes, in great variety. Dress Trimmings; • Dress Buttons, .. Handsome Silk Fringes, Elegant Laces, • Silks and Satins, cut bias, ' f ' ~. DariihurdEdgings and Lisertings, The Celobrated HARRIS'S. -SEAMLESS KW . GLOVE, Only to pc had at the CENTRAE. '.. Do not fail to-give no a call, as we can show you the 'best -nissOrtnient of Dry Goods in , town, and will give you good bargains in all kinds of goods. 30rna72 . , . MILLER & BU` fORFF O!•HO !I ' • ' Silverware. .• • . FARMERS BE YOUR OWN JUDGES. j. , ekrxwELL. CO . , TRY TILE . ' •'• - , • ~. .' • • _ . . CAYUGA' MILEY' MOW WV AND ItEAEEN, ' &ad vs. know you will bo satisfied. IC bli• IV privet . ,Belf Rake, will pick up and &Hear all kinds of • . . ' ~,,., grain lo good shape, We 111.0 Just what wa ea:. ', ~, ,' P111LADFT,Fu.24....; If you leant a 1110WER , aud , HELV RAKILDI Ng kO. .. 1,, : • , i • ' s'' ,', - -, , .:f, s ER, go to -tbo ,Cusuberlaud Talky. .11Lareboxise null, ...,,,,,th. d i g - . , ~:,,,',, :, , s • 'A. fouldari Wok' of 1 . 10 Collii Ileetet!rtiabl: ,' yuatt I li ,i i' ' - s .l . if h.! - ewe ers i verStin_ .1.,..' lead purchasing. ,• ' - W. Ils DNANDON, ' ' ' IMPOETERB OE ~ . --.—..... Agont for Cumberland and Adams co tit, . , 2.sapiglOt . , • S-s • • Watohes),Di(iximi,u4l4,- IICIPOURE /ND 6 1:JNA.DUI;4411,A.'i li: 1 i • .„ , . , ~ , , a. Dumas OAN ALWAYS DE OILITAINED, 4 1 , PINK DIZONZIOS, -.IOANUr GOODS, . . . - 3. 11 ; ix4vpisTipics , 1 ,,.,. , . , ; , •y , • ... : I `••,•-,':•• i;: ,s j i,. . . . Na,6 South lla'novor !Drool. • • ' ,• . .. ` C " 11 " 1 "' I' ' r • EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, . N. 11.— Pra t tunefully . and seem ial ,- .• compounded at nit times. V , .lb Malt/ i NAVE' NOW, IN STDE.E, AND - ARE, CON , . . . .. . . .. ' - • ' STA NTLY ItEdEIVING, AN EXTENSIVE VAAL- If 1 T MANE this day associathd withine ETY OF FINE OODDS AM:IMA vaNa TO MEIN, J 1.., in-boolnens my BIM, Andrew BIOL . , the mow. 0 , .1218LNESS, the firm to ho A. H. BLAIR. it SON. ,••• ' Canlinle, Juno 1,1872. . A. ...IL BLAIR. - . ' ' • , . • ' ' --''alt}:fiP.ECEß WAY IN VilT.ll PBItotiNGI,VI.BYrINO ' With thanks to the public fur thvir tumour... . i mtut and patronage in the past, the pow firm haul a , s ' . e that by albeit attenUon'to burl:less—with just and '''',„,.. o ,I, v . TO px7o, mon 14 , n , ii A rim, '- fair dealing towerl e all. they Will, writ' a caution- .... ante of the Public &v.'', cud c s ‘c 43l "' u cbucc of Weir . IfiglintreS Alt:llOBDBRO BY ITAIL, PROMPWLY patonage. , Altatilf , . ' . .4.11: BLAIR.. ' frYittilflp 9'0.• . . • • . . . • . . . . .. . . „. ' . - 7 ----- _ . . • • •.' .Ory. . Goods, te e: •.- __________ VERY AI'TRACTINET - .: and touptihg aro tho.l!trge piles or NIO;E: uawropculut 1110 won ../p1101,411110111. ; (1T t 110 ..i1Ub00L 1 60 1L 40 ,,. . 10 4Lig tb6 ~ SECOND GitEAT fT A L i TIIY. • NO. / %V.', 14;11.1; 4 Oure JBlack Saks, 'ttr Iltt• LYON utokttn, yttyv Inn hay° itittto f, tallttitt ttr• t OAR 9u" 6g 0 EiR.SS lIrL . ILn vo.s. t TANI (Sit chont, s.l( warp lII,ACIC 11 ERN • N I, Imes all wo, Pv,hA IN MS. bort 'BUM lIA ZIN bc•.t Rl,'t IC 'A I,l'.l('AR, plata 41lark and !Mork and Whit° R I •tS, CA LI COES, CR INT% !JCS. WHITE CA ODDS FOR DRESSES, 8111 . 11 av FRENCH .N A INSOOICS, 11,tp:1101' ANL> VICTORIA LAW NS TARLETONS, 111 NA DINES • WHITE rancil NlF:iti Nil ES AND CASH ERES, LINENS, .t,/. Al4O, the largestlttock 01 STAPLE AND DOMESTIC 000DS to 110 found in Illin comity. And %Own pm 1.00.1 111•audtoil - lAI 01 1 . , 5.... no , I fm thvr, ;ix [hit ~Pithl 1.0 11 wit• of1:11t1 11 hill of nwooy. IV° hilye, ni mapy lily A LPA CAS' AA' I) POPP/N,S. of vari..ll.l cI I :1.• at.,l IV.. lutsell”. Inrgost +1•.1. 1.1 E111,1tOlDEItlE:4 1(11 • 111 , 0:S. 1,1.111 IC 1111 •11:1:Y, HANDS KIWII I I , ' , S • 'l'lll\l\l ING• ',.TtATS Ellll I, IMES, 11115 .IN,L. , SKlrrs AND SIIANI I,S , T. 1111.5 EINE:4:4. =I CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES COTTON AND LINEN GOODS for Mon itiol Rapt. 4,1 a rosy of FANCY 000 ahlrh ire ennui)! trwlilloll for Irani .if rnn All persllllB Wlllit 111 Pl • 010111 Is) otlling at, till, Ill•11.1.11%.,11 ,1 )0,1 th” •1111118 of twis pstsics so ills cosistsn dal world, nod vssaptsl l'lsst so 001111 . , 111111 ug Los s Along oith J ou A W. BENTZ &CO IN;;; 2317211' Ilrurlrrrai.e, Culler!,; ESTABLISIIED 1816 CARLISLE HARDWARE HOUSE! A X 7' 0 . .. V 1' 0 SIXt4IY I .1 1:1X111. I I, Faxming . and Nll•chanies 11;ndwarl. , TnolAanfl laiei \3kl+. 11,111,1 htt .1 .1 1111 , 1 i ,d. 1 . 1. .` • -1.•11-. \1',•11,x•1111•Ilt.•1111 A lig.. Fu.,l Lll 1 11 311 ot:1 t. 1.1 olok.ol ‘‘l.l, 1114 ( oho'. wllli a 101 l /wool moot :.Itom. Rau !i" 1..1 /I (..,O.IC ANn I GUNITCi;b; Gl.tt3s, eze .ktltl • i ifid P.1:1,1i, 1 . 1 I SI, s mu?, 1 , 112 CLalir Val' , !top. 1[01;SE If A D VV , A - R E , em~~ ri~~i,a .4i~ N;i;nsaik~:, • 1 . 1.11 i tillll.llo.ii .1". I lt,, , lgors A 4.3 411'1,II::. S i 11..., • = 11r,144 Sitdr 111111., \Vltitt, ttitil 1110,9. t II dr Ittr t‘latt 111N:1,1111111 Flll . lllllllO. (Irol.ll 11 p., 11.11 S1•al. , IL toll limo of UI I, ‘11,,..ti1,1001is rod. •11 111' %% I •:/1, rx, 11111. Ito 4 4 t14,,,p . 4 4 ~101 0111 Agcl,ll4, fos Ilst ,Shlitltty, % Brom earl Korb, Plus , nt t4i3 -il.d/ 11l fililll/0 P 4 • 4, Tito 1.144 ntett,tlotortlltzst 01 0 to• 11.10 .000, Ham' t.g 11.111/) Btr.vl ',lb. ilk,i(llt, twilled. (1,, Up, P $ l,ll, Agot.lo 1,, 1 1',14,pr's,J!i.tent I o.,1: 6010 Agsontv for 11 111'1111411;;4 ; esonlilloss both ontotonly I• 1441 1. ,1i1444.4, toptltly toovrotlog drafts of cold tilts( 11l price tor It 111.1.111(n. ottl4ro hoots° Inlooro thito staved durlog (lot IVlntor by this °moony of I'll°l,ll tolclott nt hoot 11111. linos full 611 prodnee tho MOM. warmth. It Is 111 Id° In IVoluilt, Unlc, ‘Vltito, lor Loth door wind s t "t t Alosr,t, No ihlit It Cori ho ltarkplotl to ,111 Y llbr Ill' bought, Its largo q'ustollllo from ii i „ mid v. Mt tlostsl.l of perielift., tau /1•110,.4.1.1 n•ttli Iho 11111 Sot rtsto!sinsl 60,41,i 01, 0141, to plactitolo this 1.4( glifOlS 14:0 1 , ,11 1 , to patronize on. Country merchants' w,ill certainly Lind FD to their advantage to call or write. 118 '6;4•4.*,etp.tions, before purchasing,. Wp Pcpu;4ln. Respectfully, . 11. ,SAXTON 'a app, N 0.15 EAST MAIN'STIIIIIy, 18ja.72 • C.arljslo, Ptit Pa 011, PAIN CURE plta, TIIRIIIC AB N caphio /Alp IT FOIt ! AN.II "B ~T,ItY T ! FrIn.R.II.IO,JAIATISAI7 ; " .4.161; irMN I COE OIL, FOE NRURA •• N ei-j4E l . Ol' FOR FINER 8011 USIt PAIN CAME J. FOR 0110L1'IRKM6B1IWI, 1 IRRABIVIN 011101 01/4. I ;FOR BERAINB., • USK PAIN ORB it ()IL .FOR 1111AIRACIIE, 1. USA: PAIN Will OM, ' ÜBE PAIN COll.ll ffill CORNS and Iat , NIONS. Ualt PAIN 01 11 110 10 r vw*tro , 01)11.11," • ' ÜBE PAIN °RUE 01/.. FOR y 14A WltAtgA, ; .08,E PAIN eURW.OII4, . , • I Atlirtv ul'Aftf,4 NTT), And we ehajlengn tfid World to proqueo 41 11101 6..4414 . and 114uv19411y fur MAN AND' .13 EAST. 44, aultu - oti. T. 040 AVARRAVT . 11"1:0 C , f It Iq not nl.lll.tonlng• pulnyratice,i, hnt n MIL, math, fr,nn purl, V . l•gcnnblo Onn; f lai6c, and 14.1.rnqn, and is 01.11/1 4110 Hula lo 1150. gOld by 0.11 brumskln and I)ealein In Ateifj2.lups; • =I a: i EATON, ProprloloN . • . • . • Itnatlhltt, • iStAtil Carllslo by 11. !faradiclc, No; r Itfut•th Iltutityor otrout, unit S. A. Ilayottittek i No. 10 South, iitituneri3lxvut, Drttatt.ltu. 1490142.1), • „- - !lIIIVKSR GOOPS r . II WHITE GOODS MEE= AISi; D:BIll . . 11,,, , 1e111 , 1" , y Dbelidr,., ,, ,s. s $1 I /I) • Pi% I' lit,XeS, \VIM tele $211,1 of PON, ,11.1 . , ~r y eve , esery In .0110. l'3 l'S 5 : 110 . 2V, l'al tti•o, 'lll,gq,‘CMlll,l'. 50 Ate, ‘l,, . 1 1 111,nry In - ,,,,i1i01t:.:. 1, ,, 1111, bed. - be :11," de Psd ; 1 1.1 I , .di,,da s ~ , : d 11.,11'...• r,o 32., do ,dlterd,p, al ell.l, ,to t , l ille. ' 1 Oil vs 'Prir Goodgi READ 1-READMy _ , • tave new open omen tlio finest titoolcs of new arid desirable, 00011 H ever shown, pablie w ,Tbeir ijurnopse•sto,ok of,. • n 'l , l • • : , 111 1.11;! MEM , compriso3 all .tho iroyoltics of.••tho,Boas i son; • ( . 1 • . ,DOLLY YARDEIit•S',- fu i 11 kinds of Goods 3APANESE - SILIC, M=l 13=1 in every grade, among' which bn found. = = and everything 3 in the white goods SHAWLS! SHAWLS I ! We hlvio the MAY tyIiEEN, =I and all the different - mak-ea of Shawls, whiel). we have the reputation of selling cheaper than,the cheapest. ' CI O 1!! AI) (:.ISSIIIEl1I;S, We offer a special itelue , ..ineet to every oaeneetlitp,i, S FLING SUIT, having a tine assortment, nail having the best Tailors in town to make them up to order: . , Call awl see the lino assortment of all kimls of ' DRY GOODS We have added a full line of raL-e..,IMMIN - 0-8 to suit al blinds of 1) le E 8 G 00 'D When you wish, to examine a flue stock of Goods, we would urge you to call at our store to ascertain Our prices before you commit yourself. We will give every attention, and if not, successful in selling even a small bill, shall be glad for the call. New 'invoices of late styles' added eVery week. Don•t forget. DUKE & BURKHOLDER. North Hanover Street, Below Carlisle Deposit Bank 18ap72 - lie (11C((1 SIMILTBUS CURANTUR HtINIPHItEY S' 0 .11F10 IC S. PECIFI CS VI I A yi E , the , , most s ail i iple nl— 111/1i R. 11:t1.1, 'Flory at - 4•11..• ~t 1) 4111,, perl , -tly ailitie, .1 14. ',Till too— tilt at, .411 it, L, , it..1.10 II .01,1,11, , .11 1 ,, 110 fittitt mid k tt i to• t t 'I itt , t• ti Litt. it. tit all. a..ti v.lll alit.,) • rt tit t titott . 04 ,10,1114 , 1 di, • NC, t„... t.t ,rr. 11 .1113 f: 11. 3, , rrthing rol 1011131. .2 I. tl.. 1/ lin a, 01 nr I.l.•rr,Colic 1.. .1./ l'lrCt \*. hig. Y, C , 1 , 1^, 17.111. , X .1.. It ti.• •t•i , . B , t I. IL. 11. :1•1.1.1 . 1 . 11 11 , 11 1,1114 11 1 . 2. 1111 1 1 . 11111111. I:1, 11.. 11, .!.. :wet ,14. 1:114 , 11 iii tl.. 1:11, foll.L T. 16. ‘ . ..1 nziol Agile (;111:. Fovt.r, 3,01, F..) Pf, P I 8. 1.11.14, Id, In, a., (11,1010.1 N,, and 50 1 If,. C. 111111., do .4 ith 1 n Ono. p‘ 5•, .1,, I licon, • ./., pa lc 4kr , lg. • .1.1 1`11i3,1 , 11 g'and , , kv1.1111.145. Si). d,l(;Eoo•riti 1,,b10C,f, pnv.) si "c 0100.44. '25, do Dropsy and scqhly Slq dons. :,1) Sea S llsr. etc., 5 ....te"s bmu rkllng. t,cl • .1,. el. • Si!) .1" Nurvioas,l)ebillty Ina) Vitt. I.anoo, 1 00 31, .10 1/11laLtit1,, uli,•litletl tom. iL Dn la= .., , , e. I/I ,i., ~, „ lo or % 10i11, 010 t. l . oor rc.soxvo d -1 J ed . .: L' , o,tilifiot,,, 3,.10! . ilk for ere , y • rtil not'y d!orto e o tl.tonn,' l e ~,i,;.; : t p), nod loodtv of dirriOitso, - ' rop i i sp) to $.15 soodlor Filially ott ' ryuv.qu i; c 4 , i ,,,,,,, tb ‘.1,1,1..;.2: yhtL, : . rqiil $5 $.1. 4 SpotOActi for 41 pivot';')odlt tdr . quit or On't lot" Vt.l''''fiv" Pi''lti..!th in I' ty,..1 jo;;:ket i:der,,y. $2 to $5 =9 COI( 111161 i, L:110011, 4. Stll - 0111,11, Throat, SDndu Toothael.c., Earache, Notordwa, Itlonorlll4lll, Idoolopo, SlNgs.- Nolo of IS' Ltogg, Nono, Stotodell, or of tilnon, Old 00r1.14. Prl , o, 0 OA., 60 Sion; Qum In; 51.75. 11,4110111e5, prompt Pones Extract, by 00 goo hr t,inz;o 1,T . ; al 0 800 to oily loot or the country, by nun/IT, or clutw,e, Co. culpt tho Nu°. Add, 1 • Itumpliroys' kipenifw • . Homeopathic 111eilicino 011ica awl Depot, No. 1.01 Brouthvity, New York: Nor Kilo in Cni lisle, by B. A. Ilgtvordt,lclt nod Popumut it Wor{libigton. • tY. IrioOar #erparfl X9qp . PF:2 H • rn :4 4 t := ) M •g* C:) 97 b LIJ boo. t"-'1 4 1 1 9 P> `4 „,T 4. 1 . - . 1 • 4 , 4 , 0Ji 9 . - p.42 :r 4 1 . ' 4 . -4s 'Od ri) g kdLd 0 't7. Pt• lz> .1 5 ci) I -d n 4 ., ;. ,2 • 0 - t ri t-t Stoves, Tinware 'awl Pirbips. • . . .. ;-,' SOMEtIlltiG _NEW .1./N.6EII.•TIIE SON! iiiillE 'UNDERSIGNED, having just rdturnoti,front the cillen with a largo Mack of 'goods, invite tho attclit 1111 nr.all who detiire satis faction to call and Killuiljno their largo stock of Stoves and Tinware. Among the stock of stoves may be found the ANTI...BLINKER , BASE BURNER, AETI-CLINKER-FLP:E PLACE 'HEATER, tagatlter with atl 'tbd iuteAtegylei of PARLOR, DINING DOOM' AND COOK STOVES which they challenge the trade to ccmpolo with, Knives, : Forks, . • • Spoons, Ladles, Lamps, Dippers, together Leith Toll et Sots, Coal Buckets, Coal SIOV,, 41100014 41111 Tongs, 7.hia - Mid -e,very variety of- -Tin ware And noose Furnishing Goods kept in store. Wu tiro also rrejkated to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and -Deep Well's, and ha, 41..1e G;nulne Cucumber ILOOVINCI, .91`011T . INO, A NII•JOB WORK 1111011 1 , 1 prompt!): and on ren.nonable EMIIII,I Iteinteni , r Ilse plant. tho green front on North II one • r stivet. A 11.1 V doors Lumina.. Wye os IV, are determined not to Ito motor void 1, env ether psi lie„ in (hit I, lare. filiankfill for pstit patronage we extend a Inviintluti 10 011 In pay us a visit. BERM RIIINESMITH LC' RUPP,. Nos. 62 and 64, NORTH lIAIcOV ER STREET, CARLISLE, PA ME EXCELSIOR STOVE AND TINWARE EMPORIUM Tlio undersigned would ru9lortfully inform Um ultimo/el of Cur.illo and vicinity, that ho still carriea 011 tilll STuVI'. AND TINWARE BU6INE-S, in all itel Varioll4 111,1011, lIV has seewed the Agoney the the follow Liz popular nturexy Parlor and Office toves, Morning qlory, Morning Light togtql..r ‘‘llll.. .f COW( STOW F:9 Combination Oat; Burner, En'Lka, Heaters, Ranges, and Fireboard Stoves, vi -h Lela prepared W furuleh nt the lowett market rates. abra Itettlitlitt; promptly attetubcd to. Hoofing, Sitttuting, And Jobbing executed 10 thu tuo,t matt. ructory tottout, of every it...rtiptlen constantly on Ilona, or made to order, at reasotothle pricer, llnving none but experienced workmen employ...l, 110 )1011, by a dose attention to business to secure the puldle pationare• Itenonta, the place, NO. IS WEST 3IAIN%STIIEET. SAMUEL E. cLAUDY MIIIEM Plumbing, Gas Pitting, ,r`c JAMES 'CAMPBELL. W. P. lIENWOOD. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FITTING AC No. 18 North. Hanover Street, CARLISLE: PESIN . A. STILL AT BUSINESS! 'rho ataltanignal nry wow rally wailrod to attend to tlas laaolatax in all i•Pi Thay •an,antl) on haul and 1,, 1 ...A0, • IV AT I %TII lUDS kt ht. \ill Tune, 1: Cie 'SETS, It ITU TUIIS, %, I' •81.: re TUBS, \VASII II \! kVIS, I 111 xnA For e. of-p nlll, Litt I nd 11..1.1. t 1 .1 L 1 ad. erl a 1)... /. 11,11 1• 111111... rt, Cot. I i. , ) Tops 11111/ OAS PIPE AND FIXTURES 4,1 11 I Ili , 11,11,1, 1%.1,1(.11 .1 I'lll, lir, FA , I"rior "111, bl tr.lvii or , • ,, untry 1.,•d np wrili n .•11 'WI). Ad ss 11,1/11,1 ruldie ' pale unug.. •I. 11/1. 1.% Ale ecl lute 1.1. "I muc• i.I los r-,..1.111110. II inirle,g Iteir f.II /it lu k.i `4ll , nP ;OM. 11 I 1111 I op. 11,1 . 1 1„•g t tlet. iN. !4,111 ; I.; . ;;I S, A residoe ct. t. () 0 CIA?111.117LL Olt ///stilt 00/) 1 ) ) at aoy no., 4.111114 I 4y I r night, 44111 1110 y attended to Jlllll ettlilialm 11, AlnixandeCx (Cow, Pitt nt r., , t, or 4 Vlllll Nllelsauotl,Soutli street, 44644440 Wert . . Itavio.4 rio.dui ntl;'notaps we or . , preparN, to oro'sli COPPER WORK OF AI.. DEB6II.IerRII4B fur Still Tiutisiiit othorporpoii n, at holm, or at a 111111:1111, COPPI:It PIPE, lure iel aJ to ordor, eltltha drawn H'UJ~NI4 UI j 44. p pßAq'4rul . • A• , 0411(NET NI 44 1 :4 ANI) iLINDI:II4'.tig Wed A(aill R6ooi, OPPOSITE LEE'S 'WAREHOUSE, Premium for pant Film Mire oworded •ut all County Fairs since la'a. pnronre °to' curiellex nod atyler of Foreign and inoneatie manoinct tire, from then:leg romorood and inulioanny to the lowest priced inuplu and pion. PA lILOR, CHAMBER, DINI:0 ROOM, IoUItNITURII. Entiou'eliig every nitiale used by House and Ilutul keepers of the inoAt approved i.ud fashionable design and ilulxh. Including also Cottega Furniture in Aiut.„.; 4p7o,tion and ,Camp Chain!, blatresdas. ,IPartleideir'ationf Ind given r.. ps;;:i: to funerals; nrriers frald tow'n elOitrr rrAultpul fO'ri,ololy, and on moderato terms.' t S'peerat Olaf ion paid to If. ,riection of pit Pa- 30 4 ^l9 jia , t3 Ntableg, IVERY, BAT, , AND , EXOII.I.NGE L ' J. L. STER R & RROVIER,. " In rent f Bentz Holum. '• '!" lIORSF:s , AND DARIVIAOK3 TO IIlin? " 4 ii5iPP E 717;11 8 ; AY!' AT BuOurre I r . ittiltlifo.o4ss rtrA/478WV.D ?3.9)0104/t14'131 • 4K4 - • 5. 13.301,00 room forso !load of bol..soon (ORO ' • • EXCIIKNGWSTA !r• "J. . rI; 4.4 - • IT. 4 4.0 /Toying ;woolly purclissed the livery stAblo,of nOo, W: hd woild rokroothilly nn Pounce Io urn ritiAdneor Imo pillf0: Tot ho recf.ntly lir , lionsil is number of nOW Ili:W. In athlltlon, inn, ho hou lint tho outlro stock of bugglos, Caring. And RE-PAINTED, RE-MODELED, end floluhed up In the luteet oily style. ILnvvxnnd •Carrhufes to hire al the sbartuat 'NOIIOEAND ON It IZ ASONAIILS . Val Mules furnished for all OcCAMOTIV. Remember the piece n.few doorp south or the .0. V. It. It. do mt. In O. W. Rena. , • ZAI.'I.I.DR,ETZ. • NV cud rump lleater Parlor Light, Light I louso, 11( gulltor, Niagara, Superior, M 33113 • t. s d I,‘ ) th.• r , 1.4101 N. 1 i 1. .t ,••• 1.1 tt :t1 it, =1 A - ITCIIEN AND t;rr Lines of Travel SOUTH ILULRUAD TIliE TABLE'. TARES 110.:PECT SEPTP,SIII:It 1, 1571. On and alter Friday, September 1, 1871, this Company, will run two trains through to Pino Grove -- . (Sundays excepted). . ) AS FOLLOWS: Leave .7unelton, 7.00 A. M. .11onnybroolall.10, eCraieltemPs, 7 20, Mount Ilolly, 7.40, O Upper•MIII; .745, llontor'e Ruu, B.o3,4aiurel, 8.40, and urrlvee at Pine °rove, 9.00 A. DI. Leave Carlisle,' 68 P. tt., June/lon, 3.00, *Bon ny brook; 310, eQrsighead's, 3.25, Mount Holly, 3.45, •Upper SEII, 3.50, Ilunter'a Run, 4.00, Linirel, 4.20, And arrive!! at Pine arove, 4.40 r. RETURNING. •• •- Leave' Pine drove, 0.30 A. N., Laurel, 0,15, Thin. ter's Ran, 10.05, •Upper Olin, 10.25, Mount holly, 10.10, •Craichead'a, 10.50, •Ronnybrook, 11.00, and arrives at Junction, 11.15 A N. Lenvo Pino Grove, 5.00 1 , . or. Laurel, 5.15, Irtno. ter's Run, 5.35, CUpptr Mill. 5.10, 3looot-liollv, 5 55, *Ci - aighead's 6.10, ,1 1ionnybrook, 6 35, and arrives at Junction, 0.35 not. - . Stations 'narked Dina (9 ere flag eiletions only. 11. IV. DA V ENPORT, ,11 eneral Superintendent. Office of Oen. Seperintendent, 1 .Pine Orr., Aug,. 25, 1871. f • U AIIi,ERLAND VALLEY R. It • CHANGE OF 1100113. WINTER ARRANGEMENT On and after Tlinniday, Jottitary.lti, IS7'2, l'aminger Trdun kill run doily, an fop lows, (Sundays excepted,: • WESTWARD! • ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lonvel • 8:00 A.lll , Car19.9.9:1 I, Nowvillo 9:40, Shippoulburg I0:= Chamberuhurg I0:44. G r.con castle ll:lo,nrriang ll.i er+bmu 11.45, 0. 31. TRAIN 9,1,4 Ilarruilnvra I P. 31 , )le chaniesburg 2r27, CnrlieL. 2:55, N. 9 villtt :4:42, Ship re,ombur,7 4.02, Ullainlarvlara 1 .15, Gruona.l.4lP i.:11, nr'ri rime al Ilager-lon n 5.411, EX PR ESS . TILL IN g 4:30 I" 3111.11311iiShlag Flu!. natistairg arrit irt_t nt t int ,, r+latri, 1.011, A ED TRAIN 1.., Chtlinl.,4l,lirg °rev:v.:l.llr lala. arriving at Ilairar.tnu II 10.115, A 311 XED TitAIN 1,4.1, 111 no hairlittr; at .171 a a. St, ralairgtionlun 7:011, arriving mt at 7 20 a NABTWAItI) ! ACCO3INIODATION 'FRAIN fha:uh••reLurl; •S:UO A )1, tiltippensburg S.•wA 11. 6.00, Cnrlisl, Merlmille,lettrg 7:02. arriving at Ilarrinlmrg 7:30,A Al. 51A 11. TRAIN leaves 11:,,,70m m, GI et... anti 9:00 Chtmebtmelmag 9:46, Sliipp.misliorm Komv(lle )0.63, euriiik 11,9, Met huninnbong 12:05 hrriviug at-llorthamirg 12:37, P. nt .... EX1' TRAIN leave.. Ilfigaratowo' 12:00 Al, 0 reencast 12:28: Chartlallatrg I:o3,hippaaalarg 1:37, Newville 2:10. Carlivl,. 2:50, Aleglianignliiirg 3:18, arriving at .11nrritilat rg 1:50, 0 x. A MINED TRAIN la,: Ilagarntown 3:70 r At, Oreencantla 4:27, arriving at (liana:1,0.110:5:20. P x. A MIX ER TRAIN I.Boe. Itidattan tl at 7:00 A a., I.ntitln Ml•rgarslatrg 3:00, 11'11114nm. 5.15, ar nt Chatataralittrg 9:10 a .I 7 -Sinking a. chat. rataittetions at Ilartisharg with train+t• an.l train Stay Volk. 11:a•liing. ton, BAR:mare, l'iltabfarg, and all 1 , 11.1.. Went . 0. N. 14,', el, Supt. Surerintataltatt's Oilier, Claaal.'g..lati 13,1572 pENNSYLVANIA U M NI E TIME TA II I, E Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and from Erie (Sundays extkApted). - A FTER MONDAY, June ;3 1H72. I.llg, Trams ot 111.• M 1111,41011111) i I .!sparl from Hatt 41 'i arrirs PhiNtldtoliia 111 g s. 1.0.1t.k5. • - • EA,TW A RD Exiiremi daily 6,c.. id I 'nth) ),Lt 2 ;of ,01 Wot Lint. il.trrislm, I 01 3 24 3. ni vv. AI 1•1121.01.1. lean,em Ilarr Almr,l.ll/y S00.1x)) itt • 30 p 01.. :tll.l arrll, II 1 . 101+16..11,11, at I'l 11 n. to tic Expr . .,..4 'ray. e. 'll.O nt 0 In:, Had itrrties nt 11'.•+t I .1. p. In. iJn-1:01111.1 EXPIIES'S ;cm i.. 10 0 -1; 4.1311, nt 2 00 p. tn., nod artoi, at 15:..nt Philadelpllln at I, 10 Ir. Ili. lu Ig , —Clllloll/.11 Expt . F.F. Iv lye, nt 10 25 p. m. , and arriirs nt 11 r•t Inlna nI lIJU n. In 5 . .—11arr14100; Arentn/00,1n1i., 14 4%01 11.0 ris burg dull,. Stol.”...,A•plinl, at p. and at. na tPhi :01.1p10a at A 41) p I A/-I.Aurnster Trtin, via 1111001 Joy, 11'101'8 11:0 - 4,10t, ilailt (oxrept ',Ada) I nt7s. /l. 10.1 arri,As itt %Vent nt 12 40 'n Al MEEMI 4 4 )—Krio Wett, for Ilnr ri.borg daily (nxcopt Sunday) nt 4 11l p. m , arnt.og t Erlo lit 7 1 , , a. To 4 15— ERIE NAIL out, for Frio 10.4‘0.4.s Ilan ir. burg daily at I 11 .t.111,4r0 it Erle at 7 .00 p. 10 300—Cituannati 1151•••••,,I....e.0 11.0,0.00,4 daily Santolay. at 101 aa p. uI , ai 111, at Al. •un at 3 45 a in.. and arrives at ll'ittst•urt at $ 20 a al 4 01-I'ACIFII' EXI°IIII -04 Iraills 1110 ro.urg dart' at 4 05 a In , arrive. nt Altoona 1045 a ni and arrive, at Pltt•burg at 205 p. tn. t ~/ 12 55—Southern Expri.sol It .4,1--Illarrt•bor4 daily at 12 lx a -a, arrive' , at Altoona at 5 !01t tu , and arrives at Pittsburr at 010 a' 111. 51.1—Pant Lino' lea," Harrisburg daily (ex, pt Stllllla, ) at 4 50 p • nn., at rives at Albania at 9 05 1, m., suppor - InitTaeristePat Pittsburg ntl 'l5 n 111. I 20-111.1 'Crain lea, ex Hard:dung daily (exeept Sunday) at 1 20 p m.,arrives at Altoona at 7 15 1.. la , tapes to rrur and arroves Ittl'ilb4bittg at 1 05 a in 7 3”—vs, PaMilalder Trait) loan in Harrisburg daily (.wept SUIld iyA) 720 a. in., tirrit let at Albania at 1.20 p. In , and at Pittsburg at S p. ° 1 OJ-I'hrougit Pas.tet ger 'Clain daily tta..ept Monday, at a est m., strive., alb utt, at lea tn., and arrives at Putsbordlt at 1 p 0.4311101. .1. 1150015, snpt. nubile bit. Penna. It It Harrisburg Annt..l, 1872 READING RAIL ROAD. ••" • • I=l :%Tonilay, November 13, 11371., (i 1, F . e U! LI •I; I'll7\ I Ili 41,./ X . * i I I II islai 11 , 111, N. 1 =1 o .11, .I L, hr a li c u ;: , sitt . It. sit I Is stk. •t It , . , •, tit t :tits t I, t'l..f s i I. I • t .14 I // F. 1 1 t . %.l111.• I 1..1 1,1! .0 P •.ik 11 ;I; X ll l p 111. 11/ ..• ,Ik 111, -:/ 4 2., a .1 1.... 1111::t11. ttiottl.t. • toot ot: I v .• Ai a hon. lit :•i t/.2.0 1110 IV. ..tal Wit, • • k• 1. 41, lilt' .I,li, io a rot ititti 1011 il/, li, rn.ll 111 1011.1 it ,I,:i/.0/1 , . Itl 1i:1 1 1, A./ I Ott o to, ....A .2 I:1 ,11i.:1 1 1 1 , ,, at ain 0111'11 - 2o p Irl, T.111,1 , 111a, it n t to, toll II it !In Phi N. 0 1 rk, Iti titi4l„ rott.... ttit P 11.4v1i1e SI:.1111.1111111 It 101 , 1311, at n:l5 a at, for llorrirlootg, d I In, for Vine 1;14.01. anti tPllllll...illtioll 'Frith) IN, 4 Vtai , Vilil• al 5:1,1 lit, It...piing at 7:30i% lug nt In. Wlllllllll4. I , 116•4 PI iLa lalpitat at 4:-15 p It, Fa . II Reading at 7.3: , p ni, xv!.. firma at Pattn,llle at ItrJai p tn. sl I'n to town A. coannotlia Train 1.3,1 as Pat t•tna, at 7.0 U;; ; ;341,titn.; 3t 1:15 p tn. Colutal , 4 nalito.k.l 100,13 q At , Ittai 511;2a,, in, and 011:/ p 111.6( }:phtntti, Lit./., 1,31, a, ter, Co ; rig ttrnlna 1,503. Lata.3-tar at 1..2n, a at. mai 3.25 p m 04 Galata In 3e,.15 1 ...1 pII I'. r1:1111111111 It alroad t nal n 3 leAva l'arklota Ent J on, tinnott 7:15. 3315 a ni, 3.0 a taal 5.15 p ta; rat Itrnlng, luasa ;Selta33tltris alp at a 15. S.:111a ni; 12:50 ;wan, and 4:45 1, fit ' !: ano FUN; lallt,lmilar It alas ittnallog Railroad. yall.y Itnurnna tralna gale 11111.15V' l ,;.o a in, 0 , 4 H HI,: 051 1, 05 0 5 1 6 . , 9 If 0,1 12.48 'lOll ni, hag avi 0 aliiiiinf trailla 1 1 11 R 7 l ll llllB Itlillf" 1 1 5 • Railroad t ridtei leave Dottidown 01 1040 alit, 1,1501.16,30 p returning, leave Mt. Piens anilll:2s ivio. and 2,511111 i with tral no on Reading Rath mid. Chester Valley Railroad iraltin leave Bridgeport at 8:30 a ni, and 4.05 and 5:20 p Di ; returning, lea,' Downingtown at 0:05 a m, 12:50 noon, *and 515 p in. connecting with ODOM, - Diatom on Reading Railroad. On kininlays : Leave New York at 11:18,i p ni, delplifa, at 11:00 a n1,11,13:15 p el, Olio 8:1010 01, train rutinind only to (leading.) leave Dunnville at 8:00 n ; leave Ilatrial•inig to 2:15 a in. and 2:00 p leave Alit:Mon n ut ,8:35 p in ; learn Rotiling at 5:10 n. m,nnd 11:50 p m lor liarribloirg, at 4:11 a in fur New York, midair 0:40 , 11. 111, and 4:15 p tn. for Plillatielphia. Mneade, 1121 Dial anal Er rip • idoli 0115 Trott; 101 1;61111.1'051 , 1,,1tic•Jd vi deo. Ilewago chuckoil 1111,111411; 'lllllldebd pdmidn allowed each pita:engin. J. N. IVOOTTBN, Atha Supt. and Eng. Mooln'ry. Reading, Pa' Nov 13 1871. • , Uf! .da ?M! .i Yg. 1872 STE 4kr 0V ( UPKR TA .ffEBS,. NO. 10 NORTH lIANOVEN• STREET, CARLISLE, PA. WO hove thn lorgent, finest and Lest 'stock of ilertaker'm tnitteilain on band in tho comity. We executo tlio best viorlitnitnoliip, have gentlo horp'po. anti opiendid gimp, hearses Prompt uttention‘ptild to nil 0.110. whether• tin, night or duty, , COFFINS AN CA - S (tot tb. I.lyUs qmOillesl. 11, , 111. tlful C l isltotg, roady rpm gllPll rondo no to !tee!, the 60tois iy Lund. Wo would call especial attention to our Patent Prexurver, whielewill keep a corium in n pioleet and dry state of preservation and risible, without any ptes9ure, front day to day. tYn krep constantly 011 bond a boontitni steel of IIItACKETP, . inp.oop, 13.11 AVER, TATILF purplQ, Ellpill 11p1.1.4Ntip,' all !.'itch of N0414110k. 411 ord.n.s tar Ilul pinf• executed u'ltlr ueatnebn and ill,nntels. Our hioch'..l .WALL PAPERS- - largeLd tho MOON all tilhel'a In yarloty, beauty, timillty frr rolls. Coll tied oxfuntno for yoursolyosi lit our eittabllNll meld, NO. 10 NANOVER. V. 811 F & EON. B.—Permom klbdittig to purelimat lola in Atilt. laud Cemetery, colt be accommodated by calling op '211106721x L.p1171 St. tiVN• . . . _ . ORNARENTAL: -. , • • PAINTER, GRAINER'iAND SANDER. • • Graining executed in Gmhest city' style, and finished in oil or varnish. Work ' clone promptly and Ili the. neatest miumer by experienced workmen. , All kinds of sandstone correctly imitated. I use the best mathrial, and am prepared to execute the latest style colors. lam pzeparcd to .compete in price with any other mechanic of the county. •Place of residence, 'Vex SSEI We:4st 3E: I / 4 3.3eica. - irreat Sitiseet: . ' Shop, 27 Lou lhbr Street, between Hanover and 'Bedford. 23ma72tf . ---- . a. New, NO 'NW ' e , utit, i f -- la --, I ,—AND— ,K-1," , . . 6, , " 4- ` 4 . ' tallSaleb*ased , , P l . asplak - . . _ -0 I' L.--' ' 1 , • - , ! "L, .T. GREENFIELD'S - W Sl 7 0 .1.-?, ,_, . - ILI 4 No. 18 East Main Street. ." 5 , • The Glieat ,lpecialty, 'l3 I—l .ta 44 1 E- -11. 'faii_23E - K-G ,' For weight, durability, beauty of finish, Sind prices, my stock Of Black Silks can not be excelled by any in the country. - 1 ant prepared to guarantee every yard we sell. B6autiful assertment of Japanese Silks, :lap:mese Poplins, Japanese -.hobos, Chime Monairs, P 6111.055 Cloths, Stripe Parisienne, Silk and Wool Pongee, Black Iron Bareges,Alexis Poplins, Wool Detains, &c. In a word, everything in DRESS GOODS that is.N-ow ' Cheap and Desirable. -.4 - The most complete • _. STOCK OS' M.OTT_L - NING - 0 - CODS . , ever offered in this market.. In Cashnicres, BoMbazines Bombazlne Cloths, Silk and Wool Henrietta Cloths Tam ice, Belgemi'Cords, Batiste, Astralian Crapes, '.iiape Veils, &c.. • . - Orders for Funerals. Promptly' and ','.atisfactorily 'Filled W Tit. 11 17 1-I,l' 0-0 0 P S a Aii immense stock of the above in all the latest,novelties of the season now ready for inspection. ' ' Choice lot of New Spring Shawls and Scarfs. STACKS OF DOMESTIC GOODS . And Table Linens at low prices. Ikhr - IM4 IQ' ' .. ... -- V NAT IPII _EI 2E3_ ' . e Having increased my stuck and facilities in this branch, I am now _prepared to offer an itssort ment second toi none ill town 4 Black Cloths and Doeskins, ,Conich Cassimeres and Suitings, English and Scotch Cheviots, AG , Suits made to order at short notice. .. the best artists have been secured to 'mike up our work this season : - ' , .. I would cordially invite.all to inspect my Stock,, as I will offer inducements that cannot fail to please. L. T.. GAEENFIELD 5, 1 1 iiii - i'2 * - - ~ - - Nm 18 East Main St., CARLISLK - si )1_ a y - Goods for Spring and Summer . 0 C - T • 3 Y 9 S . •17 wE s , .111 A 1 N ET. N. 0 re. I.i, In 2 It,. NEW l'11111; 0101 I'll 11,11 1 E1.1 . 111A the largl.•4 and 1.01.4 tanplete s °CI; orovnry nen , In 111.• DU) . i11111:04, M)1•11INS, P.1\1 . 1" 1101111 , ..5. V. csrr 111111111111 CAIII , /,11.1:. 1 1 111,1 4 , , 1 ; 1 1 1 W:2,-11111111nd IV/11 Is lig .1 COl. 1111. and 13 tlll .1,11•100•., S 1 1 •1•-•, •-• (I'd) Sit tid••sl3...ter LES, • I:401E1'51'010a POPLINIL It.• 11) V. 0.1 ..I IP.I \ ESE, 0.01 :PECI 11.1•1 . 11,131. 111• ~11, in,alll plll. 1 - 11 1"kl , k A 11..51, 111 L 1.•11.111a, al, all ...lon, •11 11111111.1/ 1 / 1 111 al 111, ial Itto,t mak... 01 tioths•• Fan , y C”•••ti . ../0•0, 3'o • • k • lot. y d 1 . 1 ,31111, 1 . 11111 511.11.111, OW PHII,IIIIIIO 1,111 . i , 111,1 111111 1 . 1111 , 11 11..11 k• 1111N1115 o d • - •00.1t11•101•1••• .51 • 1"1 • 10N 11.1111.11 NS 111011e1:1011, $lO5 ti: Slot wls,::001 Unita . ..llns 111111 Pnrastds, T•1•Ir• on, '1•0.•••1- 001 I'ooll4lg, Napkin,. 1,1111111 Plllllll, and rock, n 1 .11 r, and 1111111 , • Mg., ‘,1•1•• fin itlesrant 0..1. a Pin!. and PI , id, Lull. 1,1111.1 11,1 1 11111111111, 1:1 . 111' , 411/./ 1 11 1 1. .1 1 11”..‘100, at 100, nt 1.5.0. 011, ed 111 WHZT H EI3O I ,C9I_ G - 003DS. rO5, S• 1 NI , t 1.1..‘11 , . n• tvly new lid.. , • Plain 53 , Lam N.••04....1... 1.1,01 • V,:.•,- 0., It 11...1 ,1114 Tirl:olr, .x. Striped 51011.1.24, (10,,t00,1, Illurt Drill , 1001 IsettinnL lull 001 It -Ite•11112,111.a• hod And Cnlll.n. Ited MI at pr 1•00, to ,011 t 110••00-er 2 , 0 Pa. litqr e•• 11.... v, all N.'. Styl, I.lzht and 15:01,1,0 1. 10, 12 , F'l\ll' 009118 ip 1•1 ••za -,•• $.•O . rI• le Sdk 11‘...00 - ) • I.ncl. and Linvn C0110:1, I 11 , /1., 1 1 / I ,ll'llll , 111,1'111g Vl l llllll,, In Ilrenadine• • 1, and figloo,l Netlx, and rtrey to 1i• I. in 0 .• .10- N.., tot 11011-, at 100,0 price. 1/1t11•1•:S 001 1(1.1 sol'y3l. 120.1. In° 1 0 0. 0 n K 1,1.•, entr,d, :0,1101001, • ets Zth.tl4, 35 1.0.11 ••• all Liston '50.1401 001 II 010tted 11.0011,00 hitda, As, th2.l. eh, o. N. :1 , 001 ••,•• .11 e.. .. 111x1L•dt.td1N 20 yords, 4011., n 011,0,41, 10• st Skill 11.001,` crios II no 11. , •0011;0/01s a• 1:1 - S C• 5 • 411 at Pr • 111 111 Fllllll. 111/10 1 l) G. I I, 13 Y • S 47 11',..5 5100, ,-I 1,00, •• 1111.121. E. P.l C I A iIS AND 'l l 013 AC C () 11 N 14 1 F0 t v /;'; FL'S!: r )1 n bi 11 the be,t brands of Smoking and ehewing. Tobacco. lilc ,t„ the (1•11tp.% ing I.tHette . Nat'l' al IA Al, • p , ddce flake, Early elhy, Pancake, Nai mai I'‘‘, ('ANctYclish, Fine Cut. ;1111 yoh(tr•-() 0/' 3'2lu/tit tcs. 3E. In (11(11es, Nal lely. All the I /: 'l' 1 . 1 / :N 1'11:7 A N l i/ to my I oge ot lilac (mil be lonnd the fulluwiug qylp , . • gian, ocl lul.l, Tyne, Romantic, Bob Hoy, fula at lon, Ai a 11 All A cal It nonl, and a of °tin Chi' 1p / * M . Co/ AI lit-4 P. 'NEFF, 1a1,72:1in No. 2 West Main Street. ePt ‘ll 5Z5s 5 - 6 ESJ bYLC ) aCEI Ilan J ust returned front-the Nast With a tremendous tfr 7sl. ‘(c o ) rs,',.' ~ , ,ifl ,11 1-* / ••-, u 6 ;) , . p- ' j , 4-Y1 READY MANVE CL•Thit`G. - TH.E LATEST .STYLES FOR • YQuili's, Boys' nod J, olt S ANI SHOES Licats9 GENTLE,MEN'S . ob y ese ' y 1:14 I.lf. f 4iko: it 14 UM flaying boug,bt My goofis at : 1 . ficepnir clit.). iwiges Of• int pot' .ztent, and seili 1 i g be-. flif OR CO per cent cheaper than . any other Worohant; I am now' able to offer you the goods :. . _ 1 . , . 4O PER . OEN: '‘,:C-HEAPER • than you can buy their; at any 'other Place in the Valley,•or out of it. ' • To, my customers who lcuow me, ,1 .need.not,Say,anything elso, and. to others .1 would remark; if:yoiu wish to be treated fair, honestly . and uprightly,,eall at , . Tour humble Servant, CHEAP JOIIN; ' • , No. 5 Court Homo Avenue, 41 . F/11;110in Itouse.:---,---r, pm a721,C Wrr.7,:7747::+17.7"4 .,,, Cr1 4 XTti1Vt.M. , , , r . , .„ 9 0 ) 1 _., - F 7-21 t'. : - „. , ~ ©ilJ!! O iic . I ii .t®r, Rrq),ecifti aftGoirloy, 2)(1;4 *Ol _Coilpetentworkilion eirwloyed, and this • . 13 r 1 7 1 that the "Market afrords used;' • • "-V"T R "Y." 60ors frpin tßiin;p4l coin try wig wzoivo prolilpt qttoutiop O. .7, ( O C/L 0 USE A E 7 0 ! ,k, ~ ~....,, 1 ,, 1 - , 4 acmsisting of FURNISHING NOM (You'.P;Plpt):',.l:',''.7' CRAMER, .CLAVER, &C 0 V i a i c, ''''' 'si ' ' % . iiiiiiiki wßuiduCw~~~u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers