Home and County Items ; 111131U3DAY, JUNE 18, 1872 JUNE bugs • 'FIRE ffys.. - , DELIGIVITUIi weather BurrEi 7 plonty and °Loan. STRA*33ERRIES as 'Cheap as ton cents per box. , 47 ,- % TimfostiV,al in Good Will flan oopens. STRAITTIERRIEB and cream at Good Will. Hall tonight. . 7. Within the pad few days hay has sold at $25,00 per ton in this place. D. G. Kirinlo, of Conestoga, paid a short visit to town last week. Dan looks well. Come again. 4 1 . Thompson, of this .place, is the editor of the Chi Phi' Chakell referred to in our last. WE aro indebted to A, H. Blair& Son, through their ice merchant, Mr. M. 11. Zeigler, for ice received daily. Cam" The Public School examinations will commence on Monday morning next. The children are considerably elated over its rapid appre:di.—: - The "Hamilton Alumni Associa tion" will meet in this place, on the twenty-seventh instant. A grand enter tainment comes olf in Rheem's Hall on the evening of that day. REMEMBER that the strawberry festi val of the Senior Order of American Me chanics commences in Good Will 'Hall this evening, to continue two evenings. 'rickets 20 cents, _to be obtained of any of the membaA. -0" Wo 'are compelled to forego' the publication of several locals, owing to the crowded state of our columns, conse quent upon the publishing of tho pro ceedings entiro of the Tlepuldican Con vention. • HAvF, you inflammatory sore throat, stiffjoints, or lameness from any cause whatever? Have you rheumatic or other pains in any part of the body? Of so, use Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. 'Our word for it, it is the best pain killer in this country. tar News has reached us of a nameless crime having been committed on a little dalighta of a well to-do Lrmer in North Middleton township, by a monster in the' shape of a human being, a few days sin?. The little girl was not yet in her teems. We suppress the names. - SAI.F. OF UNSEATED'LAI•iIIS.—Tho sale of unseated lands advertised in the col umns of TOE HERALD for the past two months, took' place at the Court House on idoriday last. The attendance was largo and the bidd i. 4 spirited. But .12 tracts were sold, the taxes on the remain der having been paid. The parties that arc in the habit of congregating on East - Li:ruttier street and creating a disturbance on Saturday nights, had ..better make themselves scarce,..ks thq are known and will be arrested. ' ET - The juveniles of this place are cautioned by the' Chief Burgess, against discharging fireworks of any ddscription off the street. Any boy detected in the act will be arrested and a fine imposed. The third, fourth and fifth days of ,Yuly are exceptions to this order. Cgi" Mn. F. C. Kit ran, jeweler, on the corner of West 'Main street and Court House Avenue, has litul a hand some iron railing, from the Franklin Iron Works, Ilartisburg, Pa., 'placed around the verandah of his residence. Is is - a decided•improvement to his al ready handsome building. - Wit were very agreeably surprised by a visit from D. B. Herman, esq, of the firm of Herman:A Bosler, Russel county, Kansas. Mr. Herman looks well, and speaks of the far W• , st in glowing terms. He proposes .to return on Friday next. We wish him success io any undertaking he may, elm. • - :lir W. A. Ilummett, the friend of the printer; has placed the employees of THIS OFFICE under obligations to him for a bountiful supply of large luscious strawberries, fresh from the farm of Mr. DemiMil having purchased his entire crop is prepared to furnish them to tiro - citizens of this place, in largo or small (panties, fresh every day. Dirt cheap. rlri" Picnic season is with us. Soon, if we are not. a false prophet, Sunday school, .family, atur all other picnics will be in full bloom. 'WO know of no town that possesses the adquitages of easy access to romantic picnic grounds, as for instance the following ; Ilunteifs Run via ~South Mountain ; Meeting House Springs ; Carlisle Sulphur Springs ; Ster rott's Gap, Warm Springs and Hanging Rock, Perry county, and a host of other places. -. , • Ur A disgraceful tight took place on Monday evening last, near the corner of Louther and. Pitt streets, during the trial of the Union steamer. Tho light was caused by a white and a colored boy getting - into a quarrel relative to the merits of the machine. Tub melee soon beciqini geperal, and clubs, stones and missiles were freely used on the craniums of citizens regardless of "color, ago or previous condition Of `soliVitudo." 'rho atithOrlties soon appearaon the ground and the riot was stopped, although there is a bitter feeling existing between the participants. Tno Lxvi STORE !—We were amused at the novel style of advertising by the enterprising firm of Duke & Burkholder: Those mon have just added 'a monster stockof Dross Goods, which in point of beauty and low prices wore never equaled, Bargains in all kind's of dry goods are offered by these men, and to those of our citizens needing i bandsome dress; him) point,sacque or. bill of gocids, • we would recommend you to * g9 and,ex amino their largo stook. All the novel ties of the latest importations can be ' found on their counters. White ;'goods they make a speeialtyy and are , selling at greatly reduced prices. RemembeAhose arc all late styles and saleable goods. lal" The . Philadelphia Annual den ferenoe of the A. M. E. •churbh; as noticed in our last, convened in this place on Wednesday, the fifth indent. • Upwards of 150 ministers and delegates were in attendance.. The • presiding bishop, Rev. Shorter, assisted by Bishops Campbell and Quinn, were in attendance. Avast amount of important 'hui3iness was transacted, while there • wa,Lt.,divine service . every evening, upon which • occasions many of our white eitiftns .were present. Their house of worship boing lx dOomad toe. timall for holding ssrvl . - Os on - Sabbath,. Rhoom's hall was• f diOred, ediß•itmas crowded - tit the throe services hold.oWthat . day: . . The ordina • .on of doaoolii grid alders took OpWog , 7 To ;make the best soft soap ig the world, dissolve the . Dollar Reward Beal)" in boiling water. Among tho . .faskions of Now York,, now making a sensation 'that" ilirows Dolly Varden in the shade, is the-" Glove Fitting Corset," patented. and -sold by the flrm of ThompsOn, Langdon & C0. :4 No. 391 .: Broadway. Its peculiarity is explained, by ita name, and its attrac tion to the fair sex oonsistA m.the feet that it gives to the female form an out line of beauty and a grace that is unex ceptionable: These 'corsets have been generally introduced and bid fair to eclipse everything else of the kind. They aro said to bo economical in price, will wear long and aro very adjustible to the form: .N, 4 " Mr. M. B. Dusinberre,. of the firm of M, B. & J. H. Dusinberre, wholesale dealers in all kinds of fruit trees, vines, ,shrubs, flowers and plants, from their celebrated nurseries at Rochester, N. V., has arrived iu town and is stopping at the Cumberland Valley hotel. , Their 'facilities for fuAiishing fruit trees and shrubdery are vastly_ superior to those of last season. Orders taken during the presek Summer will be filled iu the Fall. This firm is well and favorably known throughout the Valley, this being the third season they have Vislied us, and persons wishing to procure anything in their lino, will not go amiss by. patron izing them. LIST. of , PATENTS.,—The following pat ants were issued from the - U.A.,,P it atent - Office to citizens of Penusylvaniaofor the week' ending June 4, 1872. Reported for TnE lirmAto by Alex ander .45' Mason, Solicitors of Patents, 001 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Manufacture of bricks, T. C. Kier; Pittsburg ; cover for magazine stoves, J. A. 13uckwalter, Royor's Ford ; gauge cock, W. 11. Downing, Shamburg ; pump piston, A. Griffin, Shamliurg ; stop cock, G. C. Bailey, Pittsburg ; railway tie, D. B. Days, Ridgeway ;. removeable handle fur saddrons, C. 'Graham, Kings ton ; urinal pan and pipe, M. S. Law rence, Pittsburg ; wash board, J. K. Bashoro, Shamokin ; rein holder, C. 13. Neff, Dallastown ; manufacture of steel, C. Mortior, York ; sand pump, J. Smith, Franklin ; cultivator, J. Stiber, Cogan Station ; rotary engine, G. It. W inkier, Williamsport. Tnn Pennsylrania School Journal for June, the last number of the current volume, is upon. our table. The index which is found in the present number shows the volume just closed to be rich in matter of educhtional interest. The present issue contains 30 royal octave, pages, the twelve issues of the ychr making over 400 pages. Among the leading, articles in the June numbeeis one from Mr. W. V. Davis, upon ' School Affairs in Utah." The' edito rial and official departments are full and varied ; the department of "Miscellany" of special interest ; 'and on the. music page this month, which it a permanent foaturo of the Jouqtal, wo find The Na tional .17.0nn in clear open type, antici pating the fourth of July. The twenty-. first volume begins with the July No. Every teacher and director would be benefitted by the monthly visits of this lieriodical. Subscription price, $1 ; to clubs of five or onore;sl 25. Begin with the volhme, take it ono year and you will order it again. Address, J. P. Wickersham Co., Lancaster, Pa. , FIREMEN'S MEETING. —A large and enthusiastic meeting of the fire depart ment was held in the vilio. rho Com pany's hall ou last Saturday evening, to make arrangements for a parade on the "day we celebrate." All the companies were largely represented, and the utmost good feeling and harmony prevailed. After the meeting had been called to older, Mr. Samuel Claudy was called to the clthir, when the object of the Meet ing was stated. It was finally agreed upon that the coMpanies should oath hold a meeting during the Week, and that an adjourned meeting would be held in the thiion ball, this (Thursday) evening: There appears to bo a very general (le she among the firemen to-have a first-class parade, but not on the fourth of July.' In the first place, the time to make neces sary arrangements' is too short, and then Shippensburg has 11?!Qunced a grand de monstration on that day All the bands in the Valley have been secured by their committee. We think it would be per fectly right to have a general parade of the department, inviting neighboring companies, but do not think it would be advisable to get mi any demonstration That would conflict with Shipponsburg. Name a day later, and then work with a will. REBOLUTIONVN THE DEATH OF JUDOE CLE'NDENIN.-A. meeting of the members of the Bar of this county was held in the room of the Law Library, in the Court House, in Carlisle, on Tuesday, Juno- 4, for the purpose of taking measures ex pressive of their- feelings on the occasioh of the death of Hon, John Clendenin. . Hon. James IL Graham was called to the chair, and F. E. Beltzhoover, °sq.,' appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting having been stated by the chair man, on motion, a conimittee consisting of A. IL Slnirpe, Henderson, W. M. Pi:racist), M. C. Herman2,and G. S. Emig, esqs.; was appointed to draft r,oso lutions. This committee, through its chairman, A. B. Sharps, esq., reported tlifollawin # , which, _on_motion of W. D. Miller, esq., were unanimously adopted : WIIERLAB, It has pleased an all-wise PTvidence to call home to Himself the Hon. John Clendonin, an Associate Judge of the Court of this county ; the Members of the ,Bar convened for the purpose of giving expression to their feelings on this sad event, and of tender ing n sincere and merited tribute to the memory of the deceased ; therefore Resolved, That in the death of Judge Clendonin we are impressed with feel ings of profOund sorrow for the joss sus. tamed by the Bar, to whom ho was an object of regard from his'high personal E itanamg, equanimity of bearing in the transactin of business, and profound re effiracter.. Although but a short tuna on the Bench, he was there long enough to give his name a conspicuous place in the list with his father and other worthies whO have presided "in our Courts. Resolved, That-, not only the Bar; but" to the community in. which he lived, Judge Clendenin endeared himself b,y kindly, industrious and exemplary con , duct ; evincing in his life a love for his fellow-men, of justice and the right; and combining works of benevolence and „ hu manity with the profession of faith - in his Divine Master. Resolved, That, we tender our lfeart: felt, s3impathy to 'the 'family of the deceased ; and•we sincerely 'believe that in the midst of their grief thereat' ling' consolation in the conviction that what to them is a groat .loss, is' to hida great gain. liesolved, That; these proceedings be entered on the Records of the Court, published ill the papers of ' the County, and .dammunibated tothe family of'thie , deceased: . • . . J. II: Gnetrhur, Chairman. `F. E: Bmiazuoinrrat,Hoorotary. .Tim markets are - well- puppliod with vegetables and meat." • .egir There are but six prisoners affi rmed in the . jail at this time. Qom' About 35 members of St. John's Commandery No. 8, loft for Reading ,on this morning's early-train, to taWpart in the Knight Tempters parade which ,comes off in that city. ' 1/0 - Messrs. Andrew Blair and W. D. Sponsler are in attendance at-the .T.nter national Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association whichmot. in.LOw ell, Massachusetts, on the twelfth. fi:ff . The Open Air exercises were largely attended an Sabbaths evening. Remarks were made by Reverends Hal bert, Fox and Wiley. They will be held next Sabbath &ening o n the corner of East Pomfret and Bedford streets. MESSRS ABNEY d SON, have just fin, ished "touching up" the parlors, offices,. halls and stairways of the county prison. This was a much needed improvement, and the interior of the building presents a fine appearance, although it, is. not mach coveted as a permanent residence by any of our eitizons. Trir, Empire Hook and Ladder Com-. puny, at , a meeting recently hold, deter mined to purchase ono or two Fire Ex tinguishers. A committee is at present canvassing the town, soliciting the neces sary "wherewith." Wo trust they will be liberally patronized. You no longer have any reason to . wear a troubled look about "that pain iu your side," or your awful lame back, or your bin:sting headache, for. Pain Cure ' Oil is now the Standard Remedy for all painful complaints. Use nothing else, for " there is nothing like it." i Persons desiringjob work of any description, should pay this establish ment a visit. lire have recently pur chased several fonts of new type, and. made additions to our stock of line pa per, cards, envelopes, &e., so that wo are fully prepared to'fill all orders, received. - Work from a distance solicited. Terms moderato. SOMETHING interesting to pick nickers, fishermen, and the public generally. If you want smoked hallibut, scotch her ring, bloaters, spiced or canned oysters, sardines, chow chow, dried beef, beef' tongue, bologna, swedzer, limberger or American cheese, crackers, piekcls, lemons, &c., call on Humrich, and get a good article at a•low rate. ' THIC GIRARDHouse PHILADELPHI A . During the session of the National Con vention, in Philadelphia, the great hotels wore crowded to their utmost capacity. The Girard House alone received over three thousand five hundred guests. Even for this great crowd, ample preparation• had been made, and all who were there speak in the highest terms of the atten tion and accommodation they. received. Col. Kauaga is a veteran in the howl busi ness, and under his management the Girard will always remain ono of the most Popular hotels in Philadelphia. To THOSE ''N`i'EItESTED. For the benefltrbf a certain class, who think that -the composing room of a printing office is general "loafing grounds;" we sub mit the following rules, 13711itIxo have no objections to being lived up to the fullest extent : 1. Enter softly. 2: Sit down quietly. 3. Subscribe for the paper, or pay your subscription, if in arrears. 4. Pay for it in advance. 5. Don't touch the type. "6. Keep 9 feet'from the devil. 7. Don't talk to the compositors, their minds are engaged. S. II:Mils off of manuscript, copy or proofs. Gentlemen observing these rules will greatly oblige the.editor and need i fear the devil. Ladies, who sometimes bless us with their fair presence for a short time, aro not expected to keep these rules. Boys unaccompanied by their fathers are requested to keep their pockets and mouths shut. Girls are exempt from this rule. PERSONAI,—On Thursday last, we were favored with a visit from Mr. Somerville, of Haveurta; Ohio. Mr. S. is a native of this place, andin lA youth acquired a knowledge of the " art pre servatiVe," in Tule oPrwE. le passed several days in our town, being present at the exercises of the Sophomore Class of Dickinson College, on Friday evening last, his son, Mr. George 11. Somerville, having been one of the orators. ON Friday last, vi•ei'eceived a visit from Mr. James B. Scott, 'editor of the Journal, published-,at Delphi, Indiana. This was Mr. Scott's first visit to Carlisle, after an absence of more than `,O yeat•s. He was yeti favorably impressed with the town 'and that portion of the Cum berland Valley lying between this place and Bridgeport. How. FU N: WATTS, -Commissioner of Agriculture, at Washington is on a u visit to our town at the present time, The Judge is looking reniarkably BREVT DRIOADIER GENET AI; W I LLI A m N. GRIER, of the. U. S. .1.„ has been stopping in' town for a few days. The General is well-known in this community, having boon in cbmmaud at Carlisle Barracks some years since. MR. DAVIDSON ECEELS, a clerk in`-the postotlice department at Washington, is m.a visit ,to our town at this time, ac companied by , his lady. Mu. 1 GiconoN C. -SIMMER, Cleric of the Courts of this county,. accompanied by , his lady, left for ' WOoster, Ohio, on Monday last. Ile expects to be absent about, two weeks. JACOB THUDIUNI, proprietor of the Cumberland and Perry Exchange hotel,, loft for Europe to-day, in coin pony with several other Ponniiylvanians, Mr. -Thudium will sail filkim New York, on:' the steamship Wossor, on Saturday. It is 82 years since Mr. T. • arrived in this country, and'lns" expects to make, an extepided tour through the German provindes, returning beim about three months. • Sorno:lonr. Par 2E CONTEST.—MO oratortical prize contest of the Sophomore Class of the Union Philosophical Society enano off at Emory Chapel, on' Friday evening, with the following Programme : Utility of the Study of Language— GdooH. Somerville, Ravenna, Ohio: " Why Cherish Freedom--Win. C. Gross, Sehnecksvillo, Pa. ;, • • ' Decide Quickly—J.. R. Parkinson, Eeistertown, Md. • Higher • Types of Htimanity—.J Thomas Zeigler Philadelphia, P. • Paith—Josepli M.. Russell,' Chambers burg, Pa. 'lt is duo to these gentlemen to say that they allacquitted themselves very well. Their speeches all evinced careful thought and, preparation , and their •de. liVery Was gencially creditable. There was quite a largo audience in attendance, and from • the bouquets' so • profusely 'bestowed on the orators, there is little doubt that their efforts wore fully ripple elated. The music fol.: the occasion Was furnished by the string band, under the clirpition of.*r.llVicluer, and was very creditable: . • 1 , Trim Oaks_Scliool; under the charge of Professor J. Zeamer and lady, will give an. entertainment on the afternoon of Friday, June 21, and also an exhihition on the ravening of the same day. Fiera the high tation of Mr. and Mrs. Zea rner, as teadil rs, we have no doubt Alm exercises will.l3p of an interesting char a4or. There should be a large attend anhe of all who are interested in schools. Mirmem. SOIREE.—The annual Soiree Musicale of the Mary,lnstitute, was given on Tuesday evening, at the Good Will Hall. There was a very largo attend ance of ladies and gentlemen, who 'ap preciated the very excellent performances by the - young ladies... , The, entertair-, ment reflected great credit on both pupili and instructress, and demonstrated that the musical department of the Institute . is fully equal to its high reputation. The following is the pilv me: Galen Misses P. and E. Henderson. DOLT—Le Juif Errant, Miasos Blair and Booth. VOCAL DUET. —ln the Starlight, TlTsses Enders and Blair: L' ECLAIR NOCTURI4R, Miss Annie Booth: JEUNESSE DORRE.—Misses Annie Mar edith and Helen Beatty. Bolo.—'Tis Evening Brings my Heart to Thee, Miss Lavinia Enders. Tmo.—Wedding March, Misses P. Henderson, L; Henderson and Mary Bratton. (Grand Yalso do Concert,) Misses Meredith and Booth. Vocal, DU ET.—YpiCeS of the Night, Missek L. Enders and E. Blair. DuET.—Galop Brilliante, missesAlary Bratton and E. Henderson. . . LA CARESSANTE.—CapriCO, MISS Annie Meredith. VoCAL ,90.1.0,->Von't You Tell Me Why, Robin ? Mks Enders. Duim-Grand VAke de Concert, Misses Beatty and Meredith. Talo.—Fra Mar°lo, Misses Bnotlir Moreditli and I3eatty. [A - SIiOIINCEMENTS. WANTED. A situation desired by a young man of fair education in some family in or near Oarlisle, for his boarding or low wages. For further particulars apply at THIS OinwE. 1:1je722t. NEW MACKEREL! Just received a large lot of line new mackerel, at HolYnian's, Nos. -11 and 88 East Pomfret street. lIA persons stifle' . with sick head ache and nei cons headache, usually in duced by costinlncss, indigestion, &c. 'Such persons Will find relief if not cure, by keeping, the bowels open with small doses of Parsons' Ps rgative Pills. CANNED GOODS ! Selling low at Hoffman's cheap grocery Nos. 4-1 and 88 East Pomfret street. Tomatoes, 3 pound vans at twenty cents. Winslow's corn at twenty-tivo cents. Peaches, 3 pound cans at twenty-eight cents. Pine applo thirty-live cents. Oysters, 2 pound cans at twenty-five cents, 1 pound tans at fifteen. cents. Extraordinary reduction prices. It' is not unusual at this season of the year for merchants to announeneu,reduc tion in the prices of their goods. But it is rare indeed that any business firm makes ,such a sweeping. reduction in prices along the whole line as is now be ing made by the well-knoWn house of Charles Ogilby, 47 West Main street. Sueh an opportunity to secure real bar gains in silks, dress goods, parasols, white goods, Muslins, tickings, handker chiefs,4 and eycry article in the dry goods line, together with trunks, ladies' and child re u's 'Stoes an 4 gaiters, hss never been offered in Carlisle. They aro positively selling off many goods regardless er cost. Pura:rel.!: will do well to call immediately and take their friends. We are conferring a substantial benefit iu urging this upon our readers. 5,000 IU,11S! I am now in posses,ion of two tons and a half of the very finest brands of canvassed sugar cured hams, which I offer for sale cheap for cash. Every ham guaranteed to he as represented. Also, dried beef and' bologna constantly on hand at 41offman's, Nos. tt ,m(1. S 8 East Pomfret street. N. B.—l la ms weighed when sold. YE:4.S AND NP,DIIIS.,L* horses could make themselves uoderstood in human language, the would lily by a univer sal " Yea," their assent, o the statement that the I\l istang Lini lent is the best remedy extant for all these external ail ments, and by a Most emphatic " Neigh" show their displeasure at every attempt to use any other preparation in its stead. liver since its introduction at tit. Louis, at the close of •the Mexican war in18: 1 9, it has proved a signal blessing to horse and man—curing, with absolute certainty and wontle'rful despatch, such equine I ,t, diseases as iipavin, ringbon ~ poll evil, scratches, hoofale, ..k:c„ ;um I relieving and finally removing the tn'inful Aim tient which attack the muscles, sinews, and externa glands of human beings. It is a fact beyond contradiction that fur all ; ,injui;ies or complaints of man or quad mica's tomhich an external remedy is applicable„ the 'Mustang Liniment is preferablii to every other.- NO) ter, As Auk Looks closed on the lirst.Of June, all vemons indebted are requested to make early settlements ,or their accounts. The books will remain in the offices fur . a limited time. A. 11. Bx,Atn. 12je723t JOIINBOWS - A-NODYN-E-1.1 N VINT W give more relief in cases of chronic rheu matism, no matter how severe, thaii any other article known to - )nfinlical men. IT is often remarked by strangers vis iting, ousStae, that wo' show a larger proportion of gond hprses than any other State in the Union. This, we tell thorn, is owing to two principal reasons; in the first place, We breed from the very best. stock ; and in the second place, our people use .s'heridan's' Caw dry Condition, Powders, wlnob hi our judgment are of incalculable advantage. JOHNSON'S ANODYNH lININIHNT may be used to ridvtintago ,whore any Paitt Killer is desirable. In oases of severe cramps' and pains in the stonutch, it is undoubtedly the best article that can be • used. • • Ham Tom.: constipation leads to trio following results, : filllammation of the kidneys, :sick and nervous headatiiii; biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion, piles, loss 9f. ; appetito aid strength;'all of which may bo avoided by being regular in your - habits,,and—tbking,say ono of Parsons' PargeOpo Pills nilitTlY-;for four or six weeks. , • QAtivoloan. and Rhyno Nvindeitit Ilan borea liquor etoro, South Ilanovok street.,, A writ; 'lot" of Ihnohurnoro, poi andk. nut coal on' hand. Prices reduced. Call at upi)or or lowol4ards.:. BLAin STRAWBERRIES! STRAWBERRIES! If you Want strawberries go to Him rich's, he receives fresh ones every morn in_ from the farm of Amos Miller. j3jer,tf • • IF you aro fond of harp, and•.want it reliable,' step down to Moloy & Co.. Oje72 - BEST "A" wbite sugar 1.4 . 1 eltnts , per pound at Green's store: • -. Gj0720 5,000.: dozen oggs wanted by a: L Co. ajo72 NOTICE.. The undersigned would respect fully inform the citizens of Car lisle awl SUrrattliaing country, that he still attends to the repair iny of ?catches dud jewelry, in all its various branches. 'THo MA S CONLYN, Next door to Farmets',Bank, East. Main Street, Car iste,:Pa. A VALUABLE Medical . Book contain ing , the Symptoms, Treatment, and description of Medicines, to cure ono i[nndrod different diseases. Sept, post paid, on receipt of 25 cents. Address, .T. 'C. Harrold, 230 -North oth street, Philadelphia. 21mh723m „ INTERESTIIM-If you want anything nice kept in a nice olean place at a nice cheap price, stop down to the nice new store of Meloy & Co. CoMnINCS mad() int switches, chig nons, curie, frizetts, &c.,, at Madame ]totes. FACTS \YOUTH I,c,,IsIOWING. n' - No. 1. Where 40; buy good goods cheap. No . Where to find tlth Titest novelties of the season. :0, M - No. In fans, parasols, umbrOtifs, corsets, bustles, skirts, hosiery, gloves, chignons, switches and fancy jewelry, our stock is com plete. C2rNo. 4. Como to our house for all your trimmings, notions and fancy goods if you wish to save money. J. 11. WOLF, ',No. IS North Hanover street. STILL another lot of very choice Southern flour that is succeeding all oth ers, give it a trial. Sold only by J. L. Meloy 6; Co. fije72 CAsTolun--a substitute for Castor Oil —a family physic whi - Pli As pleasant ttake and does not distress or gripe, but is sure to operate when all other remedies have failed. It is a vurely vegetable preparation, containing neither minerals, morphine nor alcohol, the result of fif teen years experimenting by Dr. Samuel Pitcher. ' It is perfectly harmless and far more effective thau'lills, 'Narcotic Syrups or Castor Oil. By soothing the system it produces natural sleep, and, is particularly adapter Nq crying or teeth ing children. It kals worms, cures stomach ache, constipation, flatulency and derangement of the liver.' • No family can afford tobe without this article. IL costs but 30 cents—ask your druggist to get, lb for you, and lie will always keep it. J. 13. Hosea & Co., Jul Broadway, N. Y. 131e79-2.1t Ai'LARGE assortment of vocal and in strumental music for guitar, and piano for sale at Ogi lby's. A SAFE INVESTMENT l . We keep constantly on hand a largo and choice assortment of lIABY CAR RIAGES of every description. Our stdck of carriages is by far the largest in this place, while they are unequalled for duraliVity or style. We also keep on hand a hirge stock of furniture of every description. Prices reasonable. We take pride in shOwing persons. th.t.nigh our ware rooms, whether they desire tc purchase or not. Give us a call. 30nta7211 SHAT LEY & HALBERT ANIEILICAN, Sweitzer and Litnberg cheese a specialty at Ilurnricli's. Saloons and eating houses supplied at the lowest rates. PURE LAUItEL ICE 'he subscriber having secured a largo stock of the best quality ice, free from' snow and all impurities, oil' or nun main streams, is now prepared to deliver it to customer?, at low rates. Orders left at either of the coal ollices will receive prompt, attention. A. H. I.:Lmit. 2tiapT2tf - ---- L PINE a As, , oranges, lemons, figs, dates : , Fr mcyul Titrkish prunes, loose Museale V. I mtia and Layer raisins, at Iltuntich's. L. GOOD ENGINE he lire organizations of any or the neighboring towns wishing to Irui•cl u tso a splendid hiel (tire) engine-, can ob tain one at, a sacrifice by calling on or addressing .byes W. :intr.nr, 16Lna72if e, Pa. B !ATCHLEY ti CIICT BElt Noon Pu P is TILE BE:ST.—For sale by the hardware trade, (lenient in agricultural implements,. &C. If there is no agent in your town, send for descriptive circular. C. an3latchley, 306 Commerce street . , Philadelphia. 21;ap7t3:lin 1 and gents' 5010100 r cloth ing, go to J. 11. WoLv's. PATEN; GATE. At pinkie's Machine Shop, in. this place, can be seen ono of the best practi cal Farm Gates ever invented. It does not require any hinges, It opens two ways. It never rides in the mild, and can be raised to swing clear over, snow drifts and other obstructitins that are not over twenty-four inches , high. It is offered for sale to all who need gates at the ftSlloWing low prices. For each farm right,,, $2.00.; for each township right, $20.00 ;"for,eitith county right, $lOO.OO. • Clates made to order f any size or style desired, . satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange terri tory fore gootl horse. Call on or ad dress CHAS. F. DINICLE.. S; _Gibbs Sewing Machines for sale cheap. • 2no7ltf. "' Iv you are out of meat when your friends call on you, just drop iutoltum rich'ii and get a slice of Troth's Sugar Cured Ham, of seine of his extra Dried Beef. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Just opening at the Central ay goods store, a full assortment of plain black hernannies and gretadines of all widths and qualities. Splendid striped brillian .tee.grenadines, pure mobairS in all colors, plain and fancy Japanese silks, the beat, stock of all:kinds of ..dross goods in . the town will be found , at the Central, :ill the now styles and novelties in parasols and min shade's. Shawls, made up skirts, bustles, all kinds of white dresetoods in the markets, cloths and cassuneres,. Clothing made up to order . by the most skillfull tailors hi the country.. One Word of advice to all, do 'not purchase your spring and summer goods out of a small stock, until' Sion pay 'this Central dry n ! goods,store a visit and see the largest and lila stock in the country. MILLER 85 BETTORFIr. N;B.—The.genuine Rarrisl:Soamless ! kid glove are. only sold in Carlisle at "11ma722t MiLLan & BUTTORRIed. /I:ROTRER lot of Troth's celebrated - RitgarCured Rams at Humrieh's DON'T BE HUMBIJOCED I but buy the best stoves that have over been in the market, and pro - nouneed so by all who have them in use; the Ameri ean.,Baso Burner and Base Heater, the Radient Fire Place Heater, and the Cabi. 'net Range with Wet •Call at, W: Eridley!s Stove store. on Hurffever street; and see the endless veriety'osc stoves.; • • Cnow-cnow,,C uliflower, French Olives, Mushroon and Tomato Catsup, and pure Table Oil, at Humrich's. • ' MOUNT HOLLY, CUMEER ' • LAND COUNTY, PA. - This is to cort)fy that when I was foreman of -the Leroy Iron Oro Bank, Wm. Dinklo told me the extent of the , bank., I had a drift made and found it just as ho represented. Also,-at another place whore I found Silver. and Load, he found' the exact'place, and told me what wasittpro without-me -showing him the place/ JOUN O'NEILZ 7 • - ho location 'of mineral veins or de 'posits and their longth'aud breadth can now be determined for a cortaiiity. Call on or address W s. DINKLE, ' Carlisle,Pa. Henry Rohrer, Rippen P. 0. forson County, West Va 22f072tf We are the sole agents in Carlisle for the sale of the Gepumo Harris' seamless kid gloves. They are universally ac kn owled to-be the best and finest kid glove im orted. 9111117 9 f 'MILLER & BIII7OIII O F. - - r- 2- .. a.. . t, FOR RENT. . A. neap brick dwelling. Price small. Apply to Wm. BLAIR. Oma72tf , ST. ELMO 13ILLIAlID SALOON.—Mr. Jacob Hippie having leased the. build ing of Mr. Ernest Crouse, on East Main street, has fitted up'a splendid bil liard saloon. Ile has just received two first-class tables from New York, and Mr. Win. Poulton, has charge of the same. Oysters min all the delicaciek of the season served up in a style to suit the most fastidious epicure... , Give him a call 2ma72tf LION RESTAURANT ! Beck's Baltimore lager Beer, Gray's Philadelphia ale and porter, Rhine, Port, Catawaba and Currant Wines, Turkish Wine' bitters, Fresh Imported Seltzer water. Refreshments : Limberg cheese, Holland herring,. Beading bologna ; Eggs, fresh, raw, and boiled, oysters in the'can, and a match to -light your pipe. Periodicals: Daily Patriot, Daily Inquirer, Carlisle Herald, Pen nsp /ea 11 ia State &dung, 0. S. Zei tang, and . _ _ C. C. FABER, To attend to you all at one call. OWEN'S MARBLE. WORKS. ~ Are removed from West Main street to No. 73 South ll:mover street, where anything attainable at a first-class mar ble yard may be had. M„achle and mar blehted mantels, and encaustic tilt a specially. ,IlaVing a heavy and carefully selected stock on hand, I will sell it at rates which cannot be undersold, or ex celled in workmanship. Then Ann OwEN. CASH NOTICE On and after the first of April next, I intend to do a CASH business with all my customers. By employing none but the best workmen and using- the 116 st leather in the market, I would respect fully solicit a share of the public patron age. An. Di - sEnT, BMA, and Shoe Dealer, , "No. 4 EaCt Main street, Carlisle, Pa. 28mh72tf. A LARGE Frocw of dry lumber, placed in the yards before rise in prices, for sale at low figures. ' Lath, shingles, pickets, &c., always on hand. Call at upper or lower yards. A. 11. 131,Ain. 6je72 it 35ap7i3tf TO CLIIUKEN RAISERS The unditrsigned, devoting his time exelisively to the breeding of choice fowls, is prepared to book orders for the following varieties of eggs. During the past year ,I have made large addi tions to my stock, having 'recently ob tained several Imported Light Brahma from P. Williams, Massathusetts. Most of my fowls drew premiums at the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to be thorouglis bred. Chickens and eggs can be obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices fixed for the differ ent varieties of eggs: lark Ifrahma, Premium, per doz. •' Light Brahma, Imported, " lioutimi, Premium, (Bearded and pled,) per doz. o Black Cochin, Premium, 1 Gray Dorking, II 1 i. Bronze Turkey," 2 . .I,ritsh B. llummt, N. 121 South Pitt :divot, • 18.ja72tr ' Carlisiv, Pa. JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wllo[ ESALE T 0t; A C C 0 .1 ND CIGARS, NO. '2i NfficTli JI NOV Elt STREET, CARLISLE, PA luNv ;Is in ..Phila(llphia Pill i more. Tiai)72:ly - - MAR ii:ETS. • • - CAR 1,1 SLI: PROVISION MAID: NT. Corrected Week•ly by .1. L. Aletoy, corner of Pitt and Solith streets. ONE SQUARE w EsT 01 , WM. 111,A1U 4; SON Can'i.d• , dne,,hly, June 1'2,1872 B1'171:11 El:11X I. A 1111 T-11.1. , ) BA 11 .1 11 , do SllO I' I. D LES do Sio ee rE I'.lll En rEA culls.. 11 E 1 do D 1 1 .150 .I}'PLE5' 61141111 LES l' ,171 UNPITTED, ONIONS BA GS [Repo'led for• 11A 'Ilk:Onto by , Red.:ed:er & (b.] lIALTINIORE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Drove ritr . dg, 1 Italrii.re. , Jun.: fi,lh72. J lIO.IS. This rytoittly quptinites to bit to OXVer. Of 111611111111111, vitiating is °fallout slur. our Lust tritort. gout° cOrit hogs at from 6to 64 twit, SI hit to 05 U 6 gram, Stilton+, ,10. 01141. 1111111ot tool o • dr Itllltill rowfh, -- itravy hog,. tiro fury howl to duos of, mint mots o. tho kiwi our rontouturn urn tout wanting. It 1,4 to nay wluul 11,t work'. priers will It, hot say 1111111, tho tot:Mitts w.ll fall 011 nil comparnil wlth, the past two wri , k4 tool Elan present priers itutititainuti. Sit Voir notioly . on the murluit, itrionnil ottitirrikle, prlren ruogit from 5 to 6 for Mr to good to exttit, very Ono unities lorlott Lmnlw nlill srliitig troll, $5 00 to , r.S . ,`• to tier head, only inrgr, fat - onorlirinstittx-thulattiv - priris. cAT nal. Thu recelitbi amounted to about :WO howl. 15'40110.1113'n tourktit optowil ttosily tit about !„,', dualwr from butt stork. 'flown wore nom. tottio Intl trawl lost treelc, which mad,, lito number on toutket [shoot 1,075 louti,l ),:: put thin welt the innrktit in entirely drown! nit, l ll no bong motor 1:,(Isolii to ,Witithingtoit butchers, , std 7 hinds .hipped cant. llxtroinit rung° "r [nitwit, worn Irmo del to ittol must fulvs wore outdo from filt,l to 7, [Prom the Philadelphia .North Anirrican.j . PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. rLOOIt, ClltAitt AND SEEDS. Philadelphia, .lanc 11, 1572 FLOUlt—Tliu toonet continues very dull, mud Prlevo ',too wink. !rho delimit in confined to nu otoodlot° wnulx, of the Immo consumers, whoxo pun:batn, foot up 700 loarrolog, including nupertlou ut $(10 , 0 I); extra, 00 sno 75. Who:outdo nod ht Inner to extra tinnily at $8 :10 50; l'ono,ylvo• nlu, 1 tullutut and Ohio do do ot.s9 (Walt); and Edney brand...at $lO )0 to In quollty. llyu Flour to hold lit , ?s 011.. , (11tAIN—Tho {Phan! 'withal, yon(lnon vory doll, and thu trodottry of nob tql IS ill Tar, of boyars. Pales of 1,500 bushels arkterit tv.l at .t 050a2 10, and obi bar at 02 1:1(.1:!..16. ' ltyo Is quoted at dl OS for I'm'onylvattjarrrfirWredorn Corn morel. rlowly. bolos of yellow2U OUtrAio', on tf amo io.hos Wed ,•• ern mixed at Oilattio. Oats are doll Salon of 4,00 honbol., at 630i511 f,i• white, and 6255530 for snixrd. 1. Thu rarololn to• r urn no follow., 1,572 harems 110ur,13,800 bunk la is boot, 115,10.1 basholn corn :11,- • 401:fladwIn 0nt,,,.. U(.-barrels whirhy. • ' , 81I14H8—TIon•oln Iv. doing. In Clover; small Hales .at Wino re lb. liaxernd sold nt 02 16, and Timo thyat dl II bushel. • V11181(.81(-100 bin of Westrro Iron-bound sold at 0260:111 galltni. . ~ • PHILAI7I7LI . IIIA OATTI,II , BIAILICHT. . Philndolullin, June 10,1872 0.1111.1.1.—The Cottle market was very doll this wool:. and prices were !:;:eb%e*B.ll) lower; Moon 2500 howl arrived nod mold of 73..A8a for kern Penneylvnolo , and Wf atern steers; il!ey)7e for fair to good, mot '6(edle,"-0.-16 groan, for I'ollllllollnecord log do quality: Thu market closed dull within th'u Oahe range of pricoa, OOWS—Cows and colvea worn In 'apply and dull of sales. Wo 'quota nt 24140, n decline, Itoeopts 550 head.... Billehll'—filmor ore nt trading morn attention nt wonadvanuo Fah. of fair and dollen clipped s at 0607ell'Ih; stock nt $2 6003 (0 is hood and wow It 100120 'pt lb for good and $2(th.113 head for coin. mon. Itocolptti 10,000 both 1100P,--.Tloga.wero' in Mostly nest,req at $d 15 6.0 76 It 1001130 u9t, ruy.corn•Tua;, recoluts 31.52 hood. ItirdtoW ys. Reddy Rell(if RADWAY'S READY - RELIEF OURES.T.IIE WORST PAINS in from One to'Twenty Mihutes. NOT ONE HOUR, after reading this advertisement need nay ono S.UNNER WITH PAIN. • RADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE. FOIL EVERY, PAIN. It wan thq first and la, The Only P ain Remedy • that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays „Inflammations, sod cures Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or nue., by one application, IN eltOM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, HO matter 'Me violent or excruciating the pain the ItiIIiUMATIO, Bed-ridden, - Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or probtrated with disease may auger,. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. • INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS., CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE'IIEART HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, MEI NEURALGIA, IHIEUMATISM. .COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. The opplleatlon Of 1110 READVI3.I:I.IIIF to the part or portA whore the pain or difficulty oxiste will allord moo awl comfort. ' Twenty_ilrnpA In half a tumbler of water will In n few moments euro CRAMPS. SPASMS, :wat' STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLHJ, WIND IN TOE BOWELS. and nll INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers - shonld lawful; eairy It bottle of RA DWAI"S READY RELIEF with them A few drum In water will prevent deloiess or mina from Cilllllge of water. It is hello' than French Brandy or Bittern ue 0 stimulant. = FEVER AND AGUE clued far fifty colds. There Is net a.reluedial agent hi this world that will rare Fever and Ague. and all other Malruiooe. Scarlet. Typhoid. fell uw, sod nile Fe‘ers (aided by ItADWA VS PILLS) ).o gale); as RAI/WAS - 5 READY RELIEF. Fifty ruble per bottle. Soil by Druggists. HEALTH! BEA UTY ! ! ST ONO AND PURE RICH BLOOD-INCREASE OF FLESH AND AV EIIIIIT-CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RAD W AY'S SA.I& I / 4 .PARILLIAN MiSOLVENT HAS tOADE TILE 310sr AsToNisunsiu cuitEs: So QUICK.. 1,0 RAPID AltE THE CHANGES ° THE BODY UNDERGOES. UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF Tins "mu IN WONDERFUL, EDICINE, TII AT Feely Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and.„Felt. • 'PIE ORE AT Bio.ro PURIFIER. Ev'ory drop of the hAftII4I'AIIII.I.IAN It H•OI.V -ENT coati:nowt:Mem through the Blood S went, Urine, and other tlolds sod Mires of the system the vigor of Illy, tie it repairs the waffle, 01 'the holy with now and shond material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Comump tion,littiodula disease, Ulcers in the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Nodes In the Glands and oilier parts of the ell wen, Sore Eyes, Stannous Di.charges from tho Ears, Mill tho worst l'urine if Skin (111,,,, Erup tions, Fever Sores, Scald Ifead, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum. Sosfpclas, Acne, ItlsclS Spot., Worms in the Flesh, 'Tamers, Courers in the Womb, and all eal:offing and pait.ro Nt, t ht Lusx 01 Sperm, and all wastes of the life principle, are within the eurative range of till. monder of Modern elionfistry, and a few flays' mn will prove to any per Sou using It for either or •these Nomad of abloom Its potent power to core If the patient, daily imeotolog reduced by tho feast's and decomposition that Is conttnually pro greNsing.sof-reeds in nrmiling the, ninteitiiii, 411 , 1 rupairni oth new outt,lal 1,10 htiiiithy blood—and this the SAKSAPAIULLIAN will, and does semi,. Not nutty o ,iittilLl.l,N 11FSOLVENT exert all known remedial agents of the cure of Chronic, Scrodalous, Constitutional Rind akin illmonst, but it Is the only po•itlvii rare for 9ina72tf. =I Urinary, anti Womb disuasez, Uunrl, Inslietes, Drointy, :=toppage of Ind,ditinenee of Uriai., Disease, Allonainut la sodin all i.e.es where the, Cr in Irldliw deposits, or the water is thh It, cloud), mixed it ith sithstaie r. like the whits of an egg or threads like Midi. or there Is a mot 1.1,1, liar+, Whiny., nitiesirange, zend lame dust deposits. and it hen i her, ri. king, horning whelk !Uhl in line of the Back and along the Loins. Prige, 0101 F.—The only knonn and or Remedy fn ll'orot4—rio, Top, rk. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured hy Radway's Resolvent. sLv, tss., July IS, 180: Dn. It tn. •-1 hate had tin arum Tumor In the 01.11"te4 and hound, " All lion Dorton mad there Ivan no help for it " I tried es ery Ihing tin l wan n:mended; but nothing helped /11e. I saw your itnernivent. and than. ht I would try it: Lot hind no faith in it, because I had null-red for (nein, years. I took nit Inotlies uf duke Itenolvent, and one loot of Atadway's Pills, nod two; bottles of poor Ready Relief; and there la riot a nigh of tumor to be .11.1.11 tr felt, nod I feel better, moat-ter, and happier thou I hone for twelv” yearn. Tne world tumor Wine in the 101 l side of tine howe , s, evyr the groin. I write thin to you for non Inenetit of ethers. You ran publish it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. I) 11. It A. I) 11' A)7 '6 PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, porfeetly tasteless, iilegnotly ef aliri with hweet gum, uurze, regulate. purify, cleanse, lord stretigthen. ILolway's fur the cure of oil of the Swum li, Liver, Bowels, Kidney.., Bladder, Nervous. fthiesse+, Headache. CoustiPution, In digestion, I) bpepsin, Itd ~,,, swiss, Bilious Finer, Inflammation of the Bou els, riles, :11111 all Derauge owritg lot-iroal Viscera to tiflei-t II posit!, , ' Purely Purely l'egetali . e, or, no.r4 or r e tutueralt., or deli-lei-foil. drugs. te.r)- )I,u,.rvis die following symptom% re-nllltig u, Ithorr-lor. of the . 111.1r,f1 Orgatoi : hat, Inn nr.l Fill, Yonne,. of the Mood ihii ail, 'Aridity iil Ni 111.1.4, II ur. born. Intignkt In Ilw SW/11111'11. Sour Emu lations, Sinking .•r Iloilo, In g nt the Fit cif lii' Shona, h, Swimming i the Head, Iluri and li,iii, nit Ilreinthing, liltithit mg of thg Itgort., Chokin, 11, Sullynoting O . no it tit.lien in rwilturv, Dining.. of nll Dot or IV. 1.0 lIIP Fever gm! 0011 Pain In t !lead, Doi itingy of Perlpirtlion, Yellow rivks of the Skin Vain in the Sldr, Chest of lira . . Burning 1.. ill.' 11. A lesi iir ItA11IVAI": 4 I'll.l.ii will free the , t,•rii 11,.111T11 the aißtve +. Price, vehie cola) BY lift 1.1 l IST,. It •• FALSE AND TRUE " 11 , 1 on , . ivtter H l l , It' E I), VA r A I N ), N. , 31sodill L.lne, Nun' Yl,l, 1111 , rnuttlim storth tliktuAttuds Xllll l,e slut rvt.72ly • .I.IA CAP 6 T G CALLIO, . CARLISLE, PENNA., The II Arr Ell uI Car islr ! The It AT II of C. Hilo! I V.. latest ey It, just turvlvi,l I The latafnt a alxityrst!,l 'laud I=ll J. CI. CA I,LIO tt• lIVAOltil.l/ to his largt, MEM If A T D OAPS ustitultvittr x liAtx cn ;1 - 11.•r, d L.r. IL.. loost rralsgotnent.l ft, coloring lints, W.. , Olk GllOB =Sri =I hightoxt CASII f/uld fur COUNI ny FU. S iiIVA my A 4Y.ki1:,5.1/ k 11,1,70 • Ilii.vrrll(lUSow,. - 7 H . Ol, nO . FARMERS' BE YOUR OWN . JUDGES.. TRY. VIE • • CAYUGA MIT IiOWI ll AND READER, nod we I.nim you_ !it'll • It perr,et Self ylel, up null ell I: max. of grain In good xlinpo. We mono ju.t whet tre 'mar. If you went. to MOWER owl eEt.l.' It REA l!- Rlt, - go to the o lli Volle W3E OM, nail 0.1111. t 110 CAYUGA CEEIEF .1 9 fuen puichnsing. W; T. BRANDON, Corllele, Ile., • Agent fur Clialberlnnd end Athol. ronntliel. 25epT2114 PURE AND - UNApULTERATED DRUCH CAN ALWAYS - BE oirrAlNAw AT J. IL, lIAVERSTICK'S .No. 6 Knuth Hanover Street. Cnrllnlo, Po,. , - N. It.—Prokimlptions carefully , end accuNtely compounded at 'rip times. • 16,1071t1 T HAVE this day associated with tali lu 111111111.11tny boll, AIIIIM, Blair, the wlllllO of tholirta to ho A. It. Itt Ailt k BUN. CarHeil°, June A. 11, BLAIR. With thanks to Zhu Walt: for their encourage. Meat and lohltonege lu tticimxt, the now lino trust that by dose ettenti.ot to I , llnillelii—Wllll Just and Inn . &Aug . towardm ell, they will merit it continu ance of the public favor, and receive a share of their ratrotonti, OJeThl,f , A. U. MAT. • - 'rho untletnittneti buying purchaFtul Mid entirely re-littntl, and furninhed it new throughout, with first chum furniture, thin wall-known mud old enlablinhed hotel, nelielln the enetoin of the , connounily ottoi traveling public. 110 In rroil prepnrant to furninh• occoluniotinttonn to 01l whoulrire to undo 'it hotel their 110 M E, or plenront tenitternry nhotio. The mutton' friar the rurrouthling country is renport fully nolieltell, Courteoun aluluttentivenervnuta ero engaged rat thin popular Lolal. ' BENTZ, Proprietor, —N. It. • itillrit.alittx livery In etonnechni witn"llto hotel under the 11101ingemvIlt of Joneph 1,, Sterner L Brother. CAPS, CAPES & • TORCIIES 01 soPORY CAMPAIGN CAPES AND CAPS. 41 PRESIDENTIAL CANIPAIGN. Send for Illustrated Cilcular and Price . • List, CUNNINGHAId & HILL, IIIAITUFACTUREIIB ) No. 201 Church Btreot, 6J4172111i'. PHILADELPHIA. W'` A. LINDSAY, • . . . • • .., • 7 i i.T.TOI I .N.IIY-A1:-LAW, . Oielet—lx 41111Amu . ek /111161 NO, .IN RRAR Or. ThE tiJu72ll . CUIAIS /0).7.114, , • 4 ,CAnusta, PA, , . . R. R 111113=MEIZEIM =I A. 'L. SPONSLER'S A. L. SPONSLER, • Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, Timor. ance-antl. Claim Agent. OthiFo - Hula Street neat Centro Square. .. AVALUABLE i'ARM AT PRIVATI; SALE—Situated on tho Baltimore Turnpike, five ulnae South of Carlisle, near the village 9( rapertown,• Quo County, entangling 11h norm—lately known us the " lIISTCHItON FAR tl.", The improvementestra n large Stone Mansion them, gith convenient out buildings—a !ergo Bank Born, two Tenant Mos.—welt of water and cisterns: As u fruit farm it cannot...be excelled In the county. Miring a largo apple and Tench orchard. together with pentil,,therries, grapes and etraw berries in utundanait, and n good market ter the S.W. 310 lino location of the bulldogs, delightful view MO 1161.1111 t eurroundings, render it one of ilia me tat desirable hofnes In the Cumberland valley. • Thu property' will be diepottel of upon fatierablo terms. Apply to A. idsroNsLE'n, 30=72 Thed 'Estate Agent. MOWN PROPERTY "AV PRIVATE SALE.—Situated nn South Alt street, Car lisle, cord-dining 20 foot in front and 1111, In depth to all:01(T. The improvements me a TWO•STORY BRICK ROUSE, with a brick back building. I . ontotning, parlor, hall? dining room and kitchenom the first floor, and four rooms on the second,. with balcony and garret— wash house, hake ovon, smoke house and other eon. venient - out buildings and a good cistern, fruit trees and pup° slues. Enquiro of A L. SPONSLF,R, Real I:nutte Ageut 201.17- MOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.— Fitnnh•duu lest riontrrt strtml, Efrect, enrlide. Thu lot Id :13 feut Iu front and 210 In depth, one of the most elettilde building lulu in 1101 town. The improvemenk urn TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING The to;volot wilt,lll.. 111:01. rap. Etitiotirto tot' A. I. tool'ONto'l,llt, 30m.072 Beal',tout. A •o.ott. FJOUSE AND LOT OF GIi()UN I) AT I'ItIVATE SA LE.- 4;11 nal oil oti Soin•lo street. lint ;111 by . 2-10 ;net, a in. ntecC Imre; Ing net 1 2.11 fent back Irene the i4it V. I h by 4., Vet containing :1 vnicnic; on viols floor:old ono 11.1. at. Cloivenlent out nnllill tie Ii i , trn tit In the nlonolanne of fruit, onsisting oi applon, Flukes and cliorrie, The - prnpoliy In inrad, nncl 5. ill licilinlic.notl nl ninti rieve/i.nlill. ben,. Apply to A. I. SPONSI,IIIt, rininA72 licA4l•lstion ACOIMODIOUS TWO --1 4 'r011Y Biticii I/NV II 1 . 11"I' STItEEP FORlll,llldi p hall, diniul; ~111 ZUld 1:iteln•11, lent fI nn.:l rhaTiihrti on till• x, rand story :inol the attie, hydr.nlit in it yard. Apply to n e 1. 51'0N: 4 1.1.:;', - ~ BRICK , AT Pi rIVATE SALE—Situated oti a ntlL Pitt Or.r.t. Pomfret, a 115'0 STUR 11,117,E, Parlors, Milt. Malta: TO am :net Kitchen, on the first floor, and lone iaiall,tablelOn Ili.. nd story. _Emit .1111 thwe, V,ltq,nil 011Ulmil.Iin,:z. Th. , pr. pla 0,,.1 I lii• reasonable Apply to A . L . 1.1,1\ TWO \ - AT.ITAI3LE FAItNIS, ru hill nt ti g IPPts Itl I..ttotgi), nn,l n lot In I , tp. ',own. 111:1 Ai," p.,1 pp; upon reason:Aid A. 1, SI'“NSI,EIt Ite.ll r.Lto• Aw•nt Lefful Notices AII)IINISTItATI2IX'S Ici()'l'lC E. - - 1.,1 tots "1 .lini,Ntrm”,.l,.,, th.• Pa k, \ looro, lat.. of Ow hot oiv z ll f - 1141 e, Cmulwrlnn.l vo,oily, havr bevn I:egister (70:11.011"ml onnty :le Il,r Aut., tit', ~,,1•11ng In maid bor;7o g I1 A II(.1 said malo• olitn,linto vmvol, slug visit is t,l 1 4 11 , 1•11 t 1.111.,11, prop rlp nllth••nticnn .l, Is. 1111 nt 11-. A M 1111 .IYl`, P 5171,1 .1,15111111-h Or, ,r ,),.• Stnott.l Boa Ins , of 41 ottl.aAd loa tlt•• lonvo Looon IS•rto.l Ity I r • Itt,s-to of' land violoty Io ho ~1 11., 111. r rtoitlit r tg lII~N t rc tiora•lott, All ptoNtaata 1,001...1 to sail! Win 11't.,1.40 lII.ILo Intattalotto payittont, and Cl 115511,4 clam, 'sill prtoilait Iltent, Cr parlyttutlittatitattod i . stoll , -111..11t, 11, 44 M, ill, kr 110nta7261.' Ad:alai:4r slur. A - I)3llNisTrlAroies I...tlt,;orntlnttni.trnii.ll nz: tin. 4.,tato• of Catluttl t• Hollinger, 111 . 1 . 1 . 11. 4 1'11. l.ktl' Ot Pelt. tOWII- All . ll, C0011.,11111./ county, hale lirgistor of Cut:Worland county, to the 111.0. tzlor in .111 town,lilp, 'All porholta in.lebnol In .taid tplate o ill plows, inntotdion. ttylonnt, :HO tito+e haring , lititos to pr,sont 1111.19,1nonvrly notlnottuntted, c.r.enlottnott to 111 1.1,15./IM, Admini,lrAlor MIMI 171 X E'e 1;F()It'S NOT IC Letters h.•••tant -Italy on the •••tote of' If., 'Walton, Info of North Nlitltlloton town..lop. d00,0,f01, havo Legit Isstfoll hy the Itegistf•r of 1;oo t horli t o,1 to the nulfgoriber roxiollfiv in Sonth 311111144 mi township. All pot's°. indebted to sit I/ I•4tate 01.1 , W tnohc Inintfolhao payment. fool f I„, tog vhfitnet to pa,ent thorn flily floe untlethlgnoa, Po soffloof, of. .. • II EN R r \V II.LETT. :5,1111 OEM XECUT( )IV, NOl I C E. T.ettvrs .1 te4t.imvritary . onk I h. , to of .latn ,, Init. a ,ilvor 1.31,),,hip I r.•,. Insut..l L. tint! Ilt.0“.1 .3i to the tiher re,111114 in tin kid y,i In "I Cni All 111. 1 .11 1 11 , Itl• in 111 ilinn..••• IMltiocii ''l 1,9 111,11, )Insi, thoe“ to in TO tkvln ti ted, to tile Motor lor It. M, lIENPEItS.rN, Tr i i xEct - •l'oirs -:,-,( rricti:. Letters .A . _...1 1.•••..ini.•10.t, 011 II e. 4....t•tt.• .0 Mr...l'll:ll..rino 611, ',ln, Int. , 4d 11:iinpil., I. lop. d , • , ',.• I. lin, .• Iwou i-.,1. d I.y'llit. Itt,-t.er ~r ' . 11,11 1,.1,1 I 1, 111(y. In thy .4(1((..• 1111nr ri..13,,a In • Ltd t', tt., t t ,11 pt.: ttu , ... i ,dI.II. d 1,1 ..,d c...1n t• %,I , LI 1•1".1 • ,1'..• (1111111•01.1, 1 pa, un•ld. :111 I Ow. , 1,s1;•,, . l ,iu , • I. pr,.. , •10 Ili. ;II duly .t.:11,111 , .0.1. ~• C,,•• ~, I . 1- ~Igut..l 1.0 seillt-Inent ~ : , ,t `I l I:1. 1 1 ..I;lt LEV, 111u.t72 , t -, f ‘1... a' / N ()1,,. , i t (_ : 1...1._ : iN- . _ .. , : ,ic.,: ,i : 11.,,...„,:: ~. i . , ipp.•„ ~,,:,, by 111., Ph . .. tole. of t , .t. ' ull.or luild Valley Mutual,' 'r I' 41' •11 l ' ' :I,p . nr•w 1.... p 1, •' Fr, 11.y., e ,11 , -,. .0 I :11,1, 1., tll uotk.. 1,,.1.141., 11,. l''. iu; ~ • ..t• d in I 1..• ” the 11, t ,1.1, 4,1 .1 .10rIQ . X. I). 1 , 7. , . iti.d, 1,,, (4.1 Ilt 11.. ,1 •,.../ 11// 1111 11. 1 k • ( IL,. •11.1 0 , 11 ' 0 .1. l• .1111 11 11.1 1. 1 , 111 , 111'n .111 y I.i Ain I .% II 172 1 , , • l'l r.05; ,, .11.. .4'l. 1, , •• t 1.4... .11, , .-1 I t..1..t ?., Ila•Id .1 Ill , • 1.111... rd 'aid ( ' 1'4`1•11%\,11••• I 1 Ni i, 1, I '7'2 • T ( ~ twr %!r1:11 =I Sl'.\ Vtil: F. Itt i a Eli , . DI • 1' 1 1!1,'1' In the ',trifler of - J,ic,l,l7i.cler, a : NT, tYI'ICI 7 ., is hereby ,rFivvii LEI vl-31 11,,,1:11, I D 1 4.4 ., 1 l l,it.ttll,lo l 1,,t1 I It Ili , t 4',41 1.1 . 441 . 1 . 1,111441141), :I at ID t.•ttl, , tt. Cllttm. A. M 111 1 ,11. 1 ,1 lt,t , gi..tttr ton tit, purr..., vita:10111Di; 111.. 11, t , I Ott. A••142;4141•, , (1,4 4 1 it tarty Itt. nn , 11144,l trial 1,, risch,trgt.,l ittitittittatttry t,,:t ,Its 1 . , all It; ttitt, nantittl itt t traitt),,t•lntl, llt 111 hitttt is ..tt 11,44 A, lof tl ott , it t t . i ., tttititltttl t' Any .tt 1.11.1,,tm hyst.ttit 4.1 1111 . 44144411,1, 11144 Clllll4ll proNitti 31,tttit 2. I Vll.l. I. LINDSEY, initeitltil . At—tip,ttor •I J,1,,,.mak!" Tuntlersgned having been quail- Ilvd as a Juntte.. of the P., IS non prvistrod rn to attend to ail Imsinshs entst are ed 10 lion Unice In Mr. tilrltia Indlihng, noir tilt' Fsrmens' Uank, and In rear of l'lret Prt,hyterl sr, ChnrehAanHat t e., street. , trtat.7'2ll F. Ito FARMERS' F D I ROV E RS' = The uallorol.m . ,l having tolcan 111111 nuthrly re• fitt,l fartdoltiol this howl. lo otatrt..l to furnish it,orol'acrotntliollations to all NO., il7.Airt. to znalto rt. 1144.11 . Immo. A kluiro tho troaago the our. too:piing ottotktry . . tr tvolllog public volieltotl. Romu largo an I control lair.. THhlo olwa,s Hop. oplivil with Thu loot. GM ro A. 11MM Milo,. 411118 BiIINEPILI.P. MONTGOM4RY HOWSE. The tinder/Oriel' retipectfully luht^m olio palate lied they have leaned thhi well known hotel4n_the b,irough of Chlitaberilliory,. It in thole Intention to keep It in a n4•lo which they hope will give satis faction to nil who niay favor them with their ens , tont. 'rho Chamian °burg and Gettysburg Coaches ran from and to tido hotel. °' • ELLIOI.7 60ct71-13 THE "BENTZ HOUSE;" (Formerly, CO1'711(171 House NOS. 17 AND 1.)1 EAST AWN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. wHITE HALL HOTEL, I,IARkET sTitimr, ILkItILISISTJItO, PA., In rentially located, opposite rho Court noose. This :home in kept an a necrouf eNsa or nuouarn . G r otol, at moderato charges', Guesto admitted at any hoar 9f tho night. Good Mooting attache.r. AIOSES l'oprletur 011=1 = HOUSE FOR 1.3201 NO. b VA3 ; r',l OIfT 11 I.llt fi I.` It 11,11 V J. D. ITATERSTIOR MEM rzia PrOprie r