■ _Horn ,e,and _Count MI THURSDAY, _AMR o,_/87P SUMMER. Cookw6thor. ~.Ig.p. t Enotts—Organ grinders. . DECLINING.—The price of butter.' Tun trees hate all their elothes on. Cnxr-ri~ootings will' eon bo all the go. r:r Now. potatoes made their appear ance in market lmt week.' SABBATH last was a lovely day. No rain as had boon predicted: P.I7,IIFECTLYLOVE*'Y"—tho basket of flowers in Green's show window. . , SUBSCRIBE for TIM MICRAY,D, $2 per annum. Invariably in advance. Courvrai peas in market on Satur day Morning, at 60 tents per peck. MT Cholera, .in-the shape of now cu cumbers, has Made its appearance. POLICE. items are 'unusually scarce; which spealtS.,well for the morals of the town., bra Ashland C,omotory is opon every Sabbath afternoon, from Ono till six o'clock. • • • blinsranrew Tyler, of Wisconsin, has been on a visit to our town daring the past week. 10 — We would caution our readers, particularly the young folks, against eating unripe fruit, Flowers moot with a ready sale in market, at 5 and 10. cents per baguet, according to quality.... r" A " DOLLY Vardeu" shave is the latest—any of our barbers can do you up in magnificent style. ALL kinds of - job work executed at THIS OFFICE with neatness and dispatch. Terms reasonable. Give us a call. • J. W. ALLEN, M. D., of Altoona, and son of Mr. Jamcs,Alicn, of this place, was on a visit to bur town about 10 days CUM WILL G. SPOTTSWOOD, a "typo" in the Government Printing Office,' paid a hasty visit to our town during - the pros cut week. Car Considerable damage was done to the windows of the Second Presbyterian church on last Monday, by the explo sion of a blast. IULMt P. ELLIOTT, of the firm of Elliott & Co., 750 Broadway, New York, has been sojourning in out' town the past few days. Tragelers should take notice that au important change in the schedule of the Pennsylvania Railroad went iuto effect on Monday last. Fish aro said to bo unusually scarce in the Conodoguinot and Letort this season ; attributable, uo doubt, to the long continued dry spell. "We have learned, since our last, that the Carlisle Brass Band has become "demoralized," and is now ''.numbered among the thing's that *ere." frr . The Commencement exercises' of Pennsylvania College, , Gettysburg, Pa., *ill take place on Thursday, Juno 27, Preceded by the usual exercises. • THE Pennsylvania mate Agricultural Society will hold its next exhibition at Erie, commencing on the seventeenth of September and to continuo four days. STRAWBERRIES are getting very plenty, and sell at 15 and 20 cents por box. One of our farmers thinks he will be able to gather 300 quarts of berries per day. OLD John Robinson's Museum, Circus and Menagerie, equal to and fully ns ex tensive as the Great Barnum's Combina tion is on s tour qirofigh this State the present season. CLOBED.—The Carlisle Shoe Factory closed on Saturday evening last for ten days, in order to take au inventory of stock before commencing operations on the Fall work. SPRINO chickens, of diminutive pra portions, aro sold in market at 50 cents per pair. Some of the "peoples" when cleaned, - would scarcely make a mouth ful for a child. • • E' County Treasurer Bobb is en gaged in collecting the taxes at this time. By ,reference to our advertisements it will he seen which townships he visits the in,:esent week. - Brox referring to the list of patents which appears in this issue, it ho seen that our townsman, Prof. J. K. Stayman, has obtained a patent for an automatic steam trap. " CHLOE MORIS," is the namo of tYo loin alo cannibal now traveling with Bar num. She was born in Virginia, and a few years sinc,b was a cook in an eatiugi house in Baltimore city. 'l l ruirrvoxit thousand six hundred and •fifty (31,60) tickets wore sold at Easton, nt the three performances of Barnum's groat combination given sometime since. Grunt is Barnum and his surname is "Itumbng.". VW" The Forty Hours Devotion was duly observed by the catholies of this pla De, tho church belng thronged. during the evening servicas. The main build ing proS outs a fine appearance since the int roductioTtiftalt. • • :BAnac.-1.4kg0 quantities of bark aro brought to thisplace every week frdm Perry county, and sold to the proprietors of the, different tanneries. Our tamers ge ncrally lay in,the supply of hark or tin) ensuing year 1t this season. . KIM tho first install Mr. Blair, the well-known -coal and hr elixir merchant, associated with, him In business his son Andrew Blair. SP e bespeak for the now firm a share of Pt tblio patronage. Bee ad. in another oo luinn. 1 • Car Tun Gettysburg Compiler speaks of the fair cos. of this place in the follow. jirig style "Drosses aro much trimmed with flounces and scallops, so that a. woman in full rig looks like u porambulating mvning—M'Carlislo.!, M..r Jack pitos,:httekster, on West P omfrot street, is in receipt of all season. able vegetables, such as potatoes, peas, Cir.cumbers, strawberries, pine " apples, 1 - c. Hams a specialty—either by the .slice or whole. Ho can be found at his tend on market days. MI" D. A. sawyer, is now In UM so* imistqg,soloctions:of goods suitriblo for . the tinitimer. Will open a choice lot of dross goods, lace points, sacks, parasols, lace - collars, • embroideries, &o. his adiertisement and - then giv,o Lira a call and got some ofthmbargalus. ' . r/tr There heti been Coniderable:ln- (ink,* ieerding the County_ Sabbath- School Convention which was postponed last month. Three weeks sinco the nounceinont of tho postponement' sip. reared Juilieso columns, sinCO which wo !lave. heard nothing. ln order to quiet Idle rumors that may by afloat re .atiVo to the convention, we Wotild &aryl) , ask the committee if any dato has an yet been decided upbn? Mr. Alf..H. Addam 8, 1 0f...0.113 place, Items. is a iqel,Ogato to the State Sabbaili Scoool •Convention from Carlisle District, that meets in Pittsburg on, the twelfth. in ., stunt. „ • We would direct attention to the nerd of W. A. Lindsey, attorney-at-law, which appears in our advertising col umns. Office in Kramer's building, in the rear of the Court House. BM "T. IL L."—We keep no account of anonynious communications. If the writer is really sincere in the matter ho has reference to, and' appears personally, we wilftalk the matter over!' ry- The General .Conference of the Afridan Methodist Episcopal "denomina tion convened in • the Bethel 'church, on East Pomfret streot;Lyesterday afternoon. at 8 o'clock. It will .contitate in session about 7 days. Upwards of 100 ministers will be in attendance. BOVETB.—To "Diego of our citizens who may need boquets, wreaths, crosses, - baskets, cut flowers, or other decorations for parties, weddings, &c., can have them arranged in, the best style to order; at reasonable rates, by C. E. Von Hellen. OrderS by mail promptly attended to. ONE of the most charming educational books for children is Mrs. do Fontaines' " Wisdom Teeth for Little People," pub lished by E. J. Halo & Son, 17 Murray street(New Yorlq'and sold at all book stores. It .is , a compendium of history, geography,. and domestic information generally. • n - "*"' The annual public examinations of the Mary Institute will be held in the school. building, during the forenoon of .Thursday, Friday and Monday, the sixth, seventh, and tenth of June, beginning on each day at 9 o'clock. The patrons and friends of the school are invited to be present. ''- • NEFF,.OII West Main street, will leave for Philadelphia in a few days, to lay in an additional stock of goods. He is now fully prepared for the summer campaign, and if any of our citizens, young or old, wish to obtain a Dolly Varden cigar, a Dolly Varden collar or a Polly Varden necktie, visit Neff's and you can obtain the coveted article. Film the Lancaster Impt;rer "of the first instant, we learn that on the previ ous Sabbath, the .Rev. John Hunter, formerly of the West street Bethel church of this place, baptized 12 persons by immersion, in the Conestoga. Among the number was Captain George .Hitzel berger, aged 92 years, and probably the oldestcitizen of Lancaster. Gam' As a word of caution to the boys, we would say that officer Humor has re ceived orders to arrest all boys, detected in the act of jumping on or off the cars while iu motion. There is a law in exist ence in this State relative to this matter, and the authorities aro determined that it shall be enforced, and an example made of some Of the bOys engaged iu the habit. !EU - Open Air exercises will-he held on Sahhath evening mit, at the coyer of North and East streets, in the vicinity of the Mission Chapel. Several clergy men have kindly volunteered their ser vices to conduct these meetings, which are about commencing, for the present summer. Services will commence at 6 o'clock. A corohal invitation is extended to all. JULY 4, 1872.—As there has been con siderable talk of celebrating the ap proaching Fourth in abecoming manner, we would suggest the holding of a pub s lie meeting in the Court louse at an early day, to make necessary arrange- Lents or talk the matter over. De not wait until others do tub best they can, and then find fault. Let us have a fair expression. CIII PIII F. Thomp son, of Omega Chapter of Dickinson Col lege has presented us with a copy of the Chi Phi CllStett, published at Lancaster, by the Pennsylvania Chapters of this secret organization. It is 'a largo 24 column sheet, printed on heavy paper, in large, clear type and devoted exclu sively to the interests and advancement of the chapter. .FESTIVAL. —The Senior' American Me chanics intend holding a strawberry festival in Good Will ball, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, June 11 and 12. The Cbuncil is composed principally pf mechanics and laboring men, and hav ing incurred a heavy debt,. have adopted this plan of relieving themselves of the same The kind cooperation of•all our citizens is solicited. HOUSE AND OhNAmENTAL PAINTING. —lt will be seen by reference to another column, that Mr. Henry Crabbb, 'of this place, is fully prepared to execute house, sign and ornamental painting in the best city style. 110 bus Lad many years ex perience in the business, and ho hopes by employing none but competent work men and a strict attention to business to receive a share bf public patronage. GBAND,'.IIOIITICULTIIIIAL EXHIBITION. —We ackuonledgo the receipt of a com plimentary ticket to the Ninth Semi-An nual exhibition of the Cumberland County Horticultural Society, to be held in Franklin Hall, Mechanicsburg, Juno 13, 'IA and 15. It promises to be a. suc cess, and it is hoped that the - friends of the society such articles as will tend to make it the best exhibition ever given. A. NUMBER of gypseys -- arrived in this place on Friday last. — We understand that a largo band of them haVe been en camped a short (Alamo from Wise's bridge, two miles Marth of town, during 013 past week. . They aro represented as having a splendid outfit ; the horses be ing in'flne condition, while several of the wagons aro of th(Matest style and built a la Pullman palace ear, with dining aid sleeping. apartments. Wo would caution our readers, both. town and coun try to keep a close suirveillance of their premises, "for ways ar .. dark," this' Mass of peoplo aro' said "to be Pe culinr."., • .' • M . P. Gardner i Co. hold out strong inducements to the farming community to patronizo &in. Their stocleiif farm ing _implements is .largo tuid...oo4letO; among which may be found &Bprague Mower, Novelty flay Ratio, Harpoon Hay Rake, Cumberland Valley Thresher and Separator, Carlislo Older kill, Wil-: lougliby Patent gum spring Grail Fodder Cutters, _Corn Shelters, ' , 66(1 . .a variety of otherimpluments riCescreed ingly low prices. .• SATISFACTORY • TRIATA.--Tho public trial of tho Gardner Fire t atingpisber: announced in our last issue, came off on Friday'evening, and warriVitoessed by a groat manyLlersons. ;Two gontlenion. were Theleatedl from. the lookers on .as judgcs,'and - they have 'nc; hesitancy in pronouncing the trial perfectly satis factory. This also appears to be the universal opinion of all whowitnessed it.' We. think it would bo advisitblo for the Tire Ddpartment to have two or.threo of these extinguishers in their possession, and we would nuggekit the propriety of making a mop Wtbati.direotion. ' PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Caps, CiMes and - Torehns;'.'Rad card of Can niugham.& Hill, in, this issue. Mr It devolves upon-us this week to announce the death et our former towns man, William B. Parker, Consul to Zante. We are unable to give any particulars of his death. ; His brother, Colonel Parket, set, sail from New York yesterJ day for Zante, to bring the remains to the United States. Peace to his ashes. PEnsoNA.L.--Major 'Joseph S. OM, civil engineer, paid us a hasty visit on Saturday last. The Major resided in this place several years since, and Pub lished theAmorican Democrat, which he subsequently disposed of .to Mr, -Beyer. Mr. Gitt'resides at Now Oxford, Adams county, and is superintending tho_loca tion 'of several,railroads. LITERAfei TOURNAitENT.—The Om torical Contest for the gold medal, offered by the Union Philosophical Society, of Dickinson College, to that• one of her members from the Sophomore Class, who shall excel in the combined merits of Declamation and. Composition, will take place in Emory Chapel, on next Friday evening, at eight o'clock. Quite an array of talent,. wo understand, enter the lists, and we predict a literal , y treat to those of our citizens who may attend. ALL should be remem bered by every pers . = that wishes to purchase or dispose of property, real or personal, that a small advertisement or announcement in the columns of THE HERALD, stating briefly and comprehen sively what isdesired,.will almost invarl bly meet with responses that Will secure a customer. Farms for sale or rent ; horses, cattle, bogs, 50., for sale ; me chanics, school teachers or tradesmen wanted ; seeds, plants, fruits and vege tables for sale ; anything, in fact, that can find customers by being read by thousands should be advertised in this manner. . GYMNASTIC EXERCISES.—Tho enter= tainment on Monday evening, consisting of gymnastic exercises, given by the young Misses of the Mary Institute un der the direction of Miss Whitman, we understand, was well attended, and passed off very satisfactorily, and has been highly spoken of: by many who were present. The proceeds of the en tertainment aro to be appropriated to the purchase of a library for the benefit of the school. The Mary Institute,,3m der the direction of Mrs. Dunbar, is iu a. flourishing condition, and him quite a largo number of pupils both from town and abroad.• SEVENTEEN YEAH. LOCUSTS.—A. cor respondent of the Lancaster Daily Es. press, of a recent date, announces the al); pearance of these insects in the orchards of Messrs. Engle and Spangler, in Hellam township,' York county. The same writer says : "Ou the slope of the hill facing the Susquehanna there -aro no locusts, but as soon as we pass the' apex and begin to descend into the valley they begin to appear. We have witnessed the advent of this insect at interVals of seventeen years each, four times in Lancaster county, but wo ha - vo never seen them so numerous, nor beard them so vocal as they are now in that part of York county. We have counted forty, fifty, eighty, or more, on small bushes from ono foot to three or four feet high ; and the pigs have bad a jolly time in feasting ou them, before they atsumod the winged state." LITTELL'S LIVING AGE.—The weekly numbers,of the Living Age for May 25 and Juno 1, have the following notable centonts : The British Parliament, its History and Eloquence, from the Quar terly Review; The American Civil War, British Quarterly Review; Letters and Discoverihs of Sir Charles Bell, Edin burgh Review; The Poetry of Matthew Arnold, British Quarterly Review; A Modern French Gnostic, Spectator; Po sition of the English Government, &one- The Bohemian Elections, Econo mist; The Ruins gf Zimbace in South Africa, Acadeniy; the conclusion of "The Story of the Plebiscite," by MM. Erok mann and Chatrian ;,the continuation of "The Strange Adventures of a Phae ton," by William Black,-author of " A Daughter of Beth," etc., of "The Maid of Sker ;" and "Off the Skellogs," by Jean Ingelow, besides poetry and mis cellany. The subscription price of this 64 page weekly magaiine is $8 a year, or for $lO any ono of the American $4 magazines is sent with the Living Age for a year. Littell & Gay, publishers, Boston. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.—At a regular meeting of Mount Holly Lodge, No. GO I. 0. of 0. F., at their Lodge room, der, May 21, 1872, the following preamble' and resolutions wore unanimously adop-, ted : WirEimAs, It has pleased AlMighby God in his all-wise Providence, to re move from our midst our belch ed brother S. G. Givin ; and . WHEREAS, Bowing to the of, the Biller of the Universe, wo deeply regret his loss ; therefore Resolved, That in the death Of brother S. G. Givin, we lose, though a, young, a true and faithful member and ,p warm adherer to the principles of our order. Resolved, That the sympatLies of the members of this Lodge aro with the widoW and relatives of the deceased brother, and that wo will fulfill the teachings of our order by doing all in our power to ameliorate the loss of the same. Resolved, That mir Lodge room be draped in mourning, and that each brother wear a' badge of mourning •for the 'period of thirty days. • Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the Mountain Echo and Car lisle papeni, and that a copy be 'scuba-to the widow of the deceased. • DANIEL RUDY, ^ JOHN WINANDS, C. W. SHEAFFER, Committee. FESTIVAL.—The Strawberry festival held in the Lecture Room of the now Second Presbyterian church, on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday evenings of last, week,, despite the ,cool weather, proved a grand' sucdoss. - The fondest hopes of the Organ Fund Association, from a financial stand, point, were fully realized. • ' • . It was, undoubtedly, the finest enter tainment over offered to 'our ,citizens. Each evoiting the room was upon with a merry crowd, intent "spoil ing" tempting saucers of strawberries and delicious ice cream, actompanied with choice cake and elegant coffee. During the progress of the Festival a line chrome—Sunset—from the distin giiished ,artist,l A. Bicrstadt, was given to Mis's Laura Conlyn, ske having re ceived the highest number of votes. It may not,' , lm, amisa at this time, to Impart some information relative to this organization. Tim Organ' Fund Ass°. elation of the Second Presbyterian Church, of Caiiisle; Was organized in May, 1871; and has succeeded in rais ing ~ainaost . $3,500, by festivals, oyster suyipers, .neck tie fussos,atid "slob like," tphard the purobaso of an organ. It was built by..Mosars. Hook &Hastings, of 'Beaton, and le said to bo a superior instrument. But" of its, merits we will Speak more fully in the future. -' It is ox. pocted to arrive on or about the tenth instant, and, e ready for ehuroh service on the twenty- - second. Tho members of the Organ Fund Certainly deservo groat credit for their untiring' efforts to pro oure the instrument. • • • • oFPLAssrif.—The Cl4ssis'of Zion of. thosßeformlUchureb; 'Mot Littlestown s Adams wady, on the Wen: tylforitth ultimo, and continued in sea sion until the ibllowing Monday.. John 'Ault, of Mechanicsburg, delivered the opening addreis. This Claisie, em braces within its limits the counties :of York, Cumberland, Perry. and Suniata. The pastors of the different congrega tions, with ono layman constitute this ecclesiastical body. Tho new lieSermed _church at Littlestown was consecrated during the mooting. The Classis will meat at Ickesburg, Perry , county, nest , - year: OBITUARY.—It Is our sad duty this week, to again announce the death of ono of our most estimable citizens. We allude to the death of Hon. John Clen denin, which occurred at his residence in Silver SpPing township, oa-. last Sab bath evening, after a lingering illness. The deceased was elected to the office of Associatejudge last October, a position filled by his father a quarter of a century ago. • Owing to the nature of his disease ho was only permitted to be preserit at the January. court. Judge. Olendenin Was well advanced in years, and was oe i ,, gaged in active business during his entire'..: life, having been born, raised and resided in Silver Spring township. The remains were interred On Wed nesday morning, the funeral being at tended by a largo number of relatiVes and friends, and many niembers „ ?f the Cumberland county bar. Thus swiftly are the aged citizens of Silver Spring township' passing away ; several deaths having occurred during the past few' months. 84511 .-- 3ittm—A match game of Base illaYed in the College campus, on Baturddy, between a nine picked from,the players of town, and a nine picked from the College .players,, The result was as follows : TOWN NINE. Apple, '76,r r Hi , 2 5 ompson ' c 2 6 IV ill's, '72, pA 2d b.... 3 2 Barn Etz ,11. 2,1 b..... 1 6 Buttotue, '72, I. f ....6 2 Roller, r. f 7 0 Buitnerioll,'7s,llol b.. 4 3 Hoffer, 3d b 3 2 J0ne5,'73.2,1 betc 2 5 Coble, p 6 1 Avery, '75, c. f....... 2 6 illalr,, I f 4 3 Wright, '72, n. sap... 2 4 Barnitz , J.lst b..... 0 6 Buckingham, `73, a.. ,3 4 Mitchell o. f 0 6 Ilillllllll., '73, 31 b...'.4 -3 Ensmingor, a. a ...... 4 2 COLLEGE NIN - 0. It 2 - J, nta EMI 1 '2 a 4 5 7 S Collegu Ntne - •5 - a 0 5 10 4 5 -1-33 'lowa filne , I 7 5 2 1 6 0 3 0-31 Umpire—Wm. IlleClenahan, '_7s. Scoreir'—J. B. Meredith, '75. Time of came, 2 hours, 55 minutes. Fly catches; College Nine—Bucking ham, 5 ; Emnlerich, 1 ; Willis, 1 ; Bot tome, 1 ; Apple, 1 —9. Town Niue— Thompsou,..2 ; Hafer, 1 ; Barnitz, E: 1 ; Keller, 1 ; Barnitz ; J. 1 ; Eusmingem', 1 ; Fly,knklls mulrea ;, College Nine—Bot tome, 1. Town Nine—Tlnmpson, 1 ; Keller, 1-2. HAMILTON ALU MN I."—This Associ ation, permanently organized in' Juno, 1371, will meet for the transaction of business in Education Hall, on Thurs day, June 27,' at 3 o'clock p. m. This organization is ccunposed 'of the gradu ates, teachers and directors of the' Com mon Schools of Carlisle and their succes sors. • The following persons aro the offi cers : President—Dr. G. W. Neidich ; Vice Presidents—Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Miss Aniiio Lamberton and Miss Mary Bentz ;RoCording Secretary—John Corn man ; Corresponding -Secretary—Miss Martha Steele ; Treasurer—Jesse P. Zeig ler ; Executive Committee—Prof. D. Eckels, Miss M. K. Underwood, E. Corn man,"esq:, M. F. Thompson and Miss Kate Halbert. A public anniversary of the Associa tion will take placo, in Rheem's Hall, at -8 o'clock in the evening of June 27, to which the public are invited. The As sociation starts out under tho most favor able auspices, and we think that ever member should tako part in the.exer; vises, which promise to be unusually interesting. LIST OF PATENTS.—The following pat ents were issued frond U. S. Patent Office to citizens of Pennsylvania, for the week ending May 28, 1872. • Reported for TIM HERALD by Aleic ander' &,Mason,... Solicitors of Patents, Se — viffitli street, Wash ington, D.- C. Air engine, Wm. Alwerth, Scranton ; bed sofa, F. Krater, Pittsburg ; grab for extracting well pools, J. H. ,Luther, Petroleum Centre ; swivel for rock and well boring machines, J. H. Luther, Petroleum Centro ; collapsing core bar rel, R. Lye, Pittsburg; washing ma chine, G. S.,Walker and F. F. Adams, Erie ; hopper for blast furnaces, D. Ban map, Perryville ; grading plow, A. P. Hopkins, Boutleyville ; blend slicing machine, A. 'Like, Lancaster; washing machine, J. P. Packer, Flemington ; Witter worker, Jno. Romans, Homoville ; medical compound, Wm. 11. Wagoner, Hurd,Post Office ; manufacture of hoes," Wm. Acheson, Pittsburg ; governor for steam engines, J. S. Camac, Shickshinny; locic nut, Jno. Dinsmore, Dinsmore ; molders gate or sprite, John" M. Killin, Pittsburg ; combined rake end Udder, R. 11. Russel, Lima : gas retort, T. G. • Springer, Fayette City ; automatic steam trap, Stayman, Carlisle •, apparatus for the manufacture of white lead, Chas. L. Wheeler, Pittsburg. IMIECTEI Swing bridge, C. B. Winkler,Wil liamsport, DECORATION SERVICES .4, , Accordifig to arrangements pipviausly made, Thursday last, the thikieth ultimo, vas the day set apart for decorating the graves of the "'fallen brave" of the late rebellion. }lain 'began toSall at an eally hour, as if Nature were -in tears upon this solemn occasion, and fears were entertained that the r ceiemony would have to be postponed until a future day. But about 2 o'clock the sun shone out brightly and . dispelled all doubts and fears. Business wa suspended, and tho day was better 'observed than on any former occasion, and at this hi:Mr the streets began toiresont a lively appear ance, the, citizens, in holiday attire, gathered ate . / pay the last , sad tribute.' Captain A. R. Sharpe, President of the meeting, in ri. few eloquent and appropri ate remarks,‘ then introduced thq orator, Prof. S. D. Hillman, of DickinSon loge, who .delivered an address peculiarly adapted to the occaSion. ~,[ ITirant of space alone compels us to forego the pleasure of laying this eloquent oration before our readers.] - Upon itsVonolutilou, the pro eeision, under the marshalship of, Gen. .11L.M_Heriderson, moved off in the fol lowing. order : Shiremanstown band ; Returned Soldiers ;' Soldiers from Car lisle Barracks; Junior Mechanics in regalia;" Drum Corps; ',Members of the Union Piro Company and citizens. After visiting the different ;Cemeteries, the procession returned ,to the Court floes°, where, after a few-iromarks by George Si Rlgig, esq., the parade was dismissed. Great difficulty was .experl awed Ili obtaining flowers, owing to the lateness of the season. The Soldiers' MOnunient teas •deeereted with, the Na gotta' emblem and festoons of evergreen :at an early.hoip.. The. Management of affairs devolved entirely upon • the 'Re turned Soldiers; and. the. success Which crowned their efforaisl,tho, best proof of ,the aki,ll.(l4layed.: THE Shiremanstown band discoursed elegantEusiC on their recent visit. 'The members aro rapidly progressing in karning:tho 1. " sweet notes," and wo -predict for, thorn a ,ga-lormus 'future. 'They loft for I.;:ine on Thursday even ing, in an ambulance. .SAIBATII SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, The Anniversary of othe Emory M. E. Sunday School, will be celebrated next Sabbath at'2,i o'clock p. in. 4 sermon will.be preached intlfe nforning, by Riiv. G. W. Miller, Pastor of, Duke street M. E. church . , York, Pa., and addresses to the' children will be delivered in, the afternoon, by the same and Dr. DaShiell. Botli of. these gentlemen. have a wide reputation as talkers to children,. as well as for pulpit oratory, and their presence will Make this occasion ono of unusual 'interest. The school will sing from their now "Song Roll" a nuinbbr of hymns prepared osiiecially for these exorcises. iltr - The committee in charge of 'the arrangements for the groat Camp Meet ing at Landisville, Lancaster.- couutY, have adopted a rule that will tend to prevent much of the disorder-that gener ally prevails on Well occasions. The gates of the camp ground will be closed on Saturday evening and remain closed until Monday morning following.' No person in camp at 10 o'clock on,Saturday night will be permitted to leave until Monday morning, -and no outsiders will bo r perrnitted to enter on Sabbath, The committee hope by this plan to avoid a repUtition of the annoyance and disturb-" afice to which they wore sii Sabbath, by the great influx o; SCITOOII EXAMINATIONB.---7 examinations of the Common Schools of Gar Halo will commence on Monday morn ing, Juno 17, at 8 o'clock, with the pri mary cmpartment and close with the examinations Fit .the Male and Female High Schools, on Friday, Juno 21, The private examinations will take place during the following week. No schohiN- 4 will be transferred who aro not. prosont at-both public and pri vate examinations. TIM "Bandit° fl-Alurrini Association" will have a public anniversary in Rheem's Hall, at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, Jtine 29. A Literary entertainment will be givbu 'by the High Schools on Friday evening; Juno 28, at 7,1 o'clock, after which the schools will be dismissed for vacation. The citizens are invited to attend the public examinations and entertainments. 4.11. -W . The following notice of TM: HER ALD, we clip from the Sherburne .IVms, published at, Elk Hirer, Minnesota, by John M. Thompson. The Noes is h large, 32 column paper, presenting afloat appearance, and bearing evidence of judicious editorial management. It speaks id this manner : "TOE CARLISLE HERALD.—From this paper we imbibed in boyhood, long years ago, our first political lesson. Nearly thirty years have come and gone since we have seen a copy of tire HERALD." "'DOE CARLISLE HERALD," how natural it sounds. We remember it in our boy hood as a strong, trusty, reliable whig paper ; and here it comes to us in the maturity of years. . _ No scan its colunins in vain for Cin cinnati political fodder. It comes to us marked X, and with pride, we place it on the front'page of our X list, with the kindly veneration we would assign to an old and valuable friend, our best arm chair."' APPOINTMENT.—Prof. W. A. Lindsey, late Superintendent .of ComnovA,Vmols of this.county, has received en appoint ment in the School Department at Har rishurg, vice A. 11. Chase, of York, re signed, and entered upon the duties of his nc,)v position on Monday morning last. We cougyatulate Superintendent Wick orsaham upon the selection of Mr. Lind soy, as he was recommended to the Departinent by three-fourths of all the School Directors in the county. • MR. KART, the newly elected County Superintendent, took the oath 'and en tered upon the duties of his office OD Monday last, for the ensuing three years. Prcfassor Lindsey, the retiring Super inteudeut, has filled the office with en tire satisfaction, and has made hosts of friends• by his impartial course during his torn: He carries with him. tho best wishes of the friends of educa tion throughout the county. Ne ox tend our congratulations to the Profesor for his exceedingly good' forttine in ob taining the appointment in the School , Department, noticed above. AN ESCAPED CONVICT RE-ARIZESTED. —At tho November term of Court, 1 1 867, John Burns (colored) was tried'" for. lar ceny. There were three indictments against him. Verdict—on two, guilty not guilty as to the'third. Sentenced to an imprisonment in the Exstern . Peni tentiary for 3 years and 6 months. On the following Sunday niolrt,tho PrisAer succeeded in-esEapitt from tll prison. his cell was located ou the sec ond floor of the corridor, and during the night lie dng a largo hole through the wall. By the aid of- his blanket, coat and 'a plank he successfully scaled the wall, and no tidings of his whevalionts have been obtained until the present week. 'The, following from the llaiTis burg Patna will ex:i:tin itself : "ALLECiAb CONVICT 'CAPTURED. Martha Green, a colored boarding house' keeper in , Tauners' alley, made informa— tion at the 'Mayor's office yesterday. against. John Burns, alias John henry Lewis, negro, charging him with 111;ving broken jail ,at Carlisle, five years ago. The prosecdtrix assorts that when ho made his eselipehe was under sentence for the penitentiary for 'stealing in Cum berland county. Burns has been in Har risburg at intervals for five or six months, boarding. at Mrs. Green's, when hero. A sister-in-law of his lives with the prosecutrix. Of late the 'defendant's conduct has beau such as to excite fears that he might'flo the famalesinjury, and the prosecution,. has been made more particularly to • have, him removed to a place where it will be impossible for him to' reach them. Last evening officer Kautz arrested Burns' in Vorbeketown and brought him before the mayor, who committed him." . - • Upon the receipt of this Intelligence Sheriff Foreman procOode'd to Harris burg; brought the prisoner, to this phied and placed him.in jail on Tuesday noon. A rowara of $lOO is claimed for die • re-arrest'• of th,o 'convict, froin tho flict that an adiertisement appears in the Voiunicar of that year which reads' as follows : . • . , • "$2OO REWAIID.—Ono ,hundred dol lars reward will bo paid by the Commis sioners of Cumberland county, and $lOO by Sheriff Jacobs, for the arrest of John Burns, a convict who lately upped, from tho county prison. < ' • . JAB. AIIMBTRONG, Clerk to Commissioners. . JOAN JACO,I3B, Late Sheriff of Cumberland Co. . , !Them Appeiaro to be - a., - difforence bT opinion. with regard to thiii reward money ; the Commissioners `Minding that:Flo such transaction aiipears on khoir minutes. So that it is impossibly 'to say Whether tho - $lOO, olainied ,from the . county , CoNminfotTsisT EXEROISES.—Wo give below the calendar of-DickinsoiaCollege, for 1872. Vie services of tho Chambersl burg Cornet Band, have. boon sooured for the exercises of Commencement week. .'Sunday, Juno 23, 10} o'clock' Sermon *before the Societicif Boligious Inquiry, 'by Rev. •B. W. Appleton, A.M. 7} o'clock P. :11E—Baccalaureate pennon, by the President. pronday, Jane 24, at 8 o'Cloa; P. pratoricia Contest by the . Junioi Class for the Prizo Medals. • . ... . .. . .. . Tuesday, June 25, at 11 o'clock a. 97 . 2 - .. lass Day. ' ~ At ' 3 'o'clock p. m.—Gonoral meeting of tho 'Alumni in tho Clollegli - D . hapol. At' 8 o'clock p. m.—Oration bofore.the Literary Societies, by flon. J. B. Storm, A. M. ~.,.. Poem by Rev, F. Bottomo. tWeilneaday, Juno 20,,8 o'clock a. m.— Annual' meetings of the General Belles Lettres and Union Philosophical Socie ties. • Wednesday, June 20, B'o'clock49. m.— Oration before the- Alumni Assalation, by M. C. Herman, osq. Thursday; Juno 27—Commencement -exercises at 1.0 o'clock a SABBATti SCHOOL ,INSTITUTE.--'The Eleventh Annual Session of the Carlisle District Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School Institute, will bo hold at. New Cumberland, Pa., next week, commenc ing onquesday, and closing on Thurs day. Tlin following - is the programme for each day : Tuesday, 'June 11.—Devotional ser vices and organization, at 3 o'clock p. m. Address of welcome by Rev. J. M. Clarke, M. D., to be responded to by the Presi dent, Rev. 'Dr. Mitbliel. Reports from delegates as to the condition of the Sun day Schotils in the District. Service of praise and prayer. 'The opening exer cises in the evening will be followed by the Annual Sunday - School sermon by Rev. W. M. Frysinger. Wednesday,' June 11.—Opening Dcvo tlons. Tho Sunday School statistics of the district and their lestious,' Rev. D. S. Toproe. The study of the Old Testa ment, Rev. J. Lloyd. The study of the New Testament, Rev. J. Max Lantz. The Jewish feasts,, viewed as types of Chris tian truth, Prof. W. H. Shelley, A. M. The Teacher's devotional preparation for work, Rev. J. WeAley Buckingham. The study of the lesson, Rev. H. C. Cheston. The illustration of the lesson, Rev. G. T, Gray. The application of the lesson, Rev C., Graham. The ele ments of power in Sabbath School teach ing, Rev. E. A. Deaver. AFTE RN 0 ON. —The opening exercises will ho followed by a sermon to the chil dren by Rev. D. S. Monroe, to be fol loWed by an exhortation by Rev. G. W. Miller. Temperance address by Rev. A. M. Koster. Blackboard exercises by Rev. W. 11. Keith. Object lessons in the Sabbath School, Rev. W. C. Hessen. The geography of Bible lauds, Prof. H. M. HarMan, D. D. EvExixo.—Childhood conversion, Rev T. M. Reese. The Bible in the home, Rev. Dr.. S. Mi . Frost. The Bible in India, Rev. J. D. Bi:own. Thursday, June 13.—Sunday School literature, Rev. W. J. Stevenson, A. N" Sunday School Music, Rev. F.E. Church. In what respects and why does the aver ace Sunday School fail? - Rev. H. M. Ash. The best methods of conducting adult Bible 7 classes. Discussion to be opened by Revs. R. Mallalien and J. S. Camp. How can we promote a more wide-spread and thorough study of the ord of God? Discussion opened by Revs. A. H. Mench and W. W., Reese. The difficulties of the superintendent, 0. P. Weiser and S. M. Shillito. What wo have learned at tuis Institute. To ad journ at 12 o'clock m. [ ANNOIIN Mt ENT s.] S i I'IIAWBERRIESISTRAWBERRIESI If you want strawberries go to Mitn rich's, receiNOccregli ones every morn ing from tho farm of Amos Miller. 6je72tf IF you aro fond of ham, and want it reliable, step down to Meloy & Co. Oje72 THE "Dollar Reward Soap" makes tinware shine like new, and has no equal in cleansing glass or china.. BEST "4." white sugar 121 cents per pound at Green's store. gic72tf The proprtotors of Pain Cure Oil are realizing atitOrnmense sale for that popu lar article, and we do not wonder at it when everybody praises it.so r k ooo dozen eggs wanted by J. L. 6j072 •otlier lot of very ohoig' Sorit c 1 , 1 our that is'succeeding all oth ers, give it a trial. Shld - only by' J. L: Meloy & Co. 6je72 N. DEAD OR DYlyo.—Wboro the hair is' unnaturally dry, you may be sure that it is dying ; and unless artitically vitalized, it will soon be as dead as Ipftves in No vember. Feed the withering fibres and stimulate the torpid scalp With Lyon's Kathairon, and the evil,. which ~ n anst otherwise4soon culminate - hi - baldness f will.be speedily remedied. It is ago lutely necessary .fed the health of tho brain, that it be kept moderately moist with a preparation capable of nourish ing and,invigorating it. Lyon's Kathai ron these conditions, ,and ip the only article that actually pits new life into the capillary tubes, .through which the natural nourisument has ceased to pass. This pure and harmless vegetable preparation is absorbed by the skin of the head to the roots of the hair, and passes into the filaments.by the force of capillary attraction. OASTORIA-a substitute for Castor Oil —a family physic which is pleasant to take and does not distress or. gripe, but is sure to operate when all other remedies have failed. -It is a purely vegetable. preparation, containing neither minerals, morphine nor alcohol, the result of fif teen years elcperirnenting by Dr. Samuel Pitcher. It is perfectly harmless and far more effective than pills, Narcotic. .Syrups or Castor Oil. By soothing the system it produces natural. sleep, and is particularly adapted to erying`or teeth ing children. It kills worms, cures stomach ache, constipation, flatulency and derangement ofthe liver.. No family 'can afford to-be without this article. It costs but GO cents-+--ask your druggist to get it for you, and ho.vvill always keep J. B: Rosa Sc Co., GO Broadway, N.Y. • . _ . 6j0724t A LAMM assortment of vocal:and in", strumontal tuusio for guitar, and piano for sato at Ogilby's:'• • 0j072 A SAFE ,INVES,TMENT ! We keep constantly on hand a largo and choice assortment of BABY 4bAlt .lllAGhd of • every description. Our stook of carriages is by far the . largest in thiaplaeo,•while they are unequalled for durability or style. Wo also . - keep on hand a largo stook of furniture of every Vesdription: Prices reasonable. WQ take "pride in, showing persons time ,1!)2 our-war? rooms, whether they - desire to' purchase or not. 'Give use - 30ma72tf fi}nArLrhy !TAT lima. MINE NOTICE. The undersigned would respect fatly inform the Citizens of Car lisle .and ,surroundiny, -country, that he still attends to the repair ing of watcbes and jewelry; in all its various branches. , • . 11(011148 „ Ne,xt door to.Farmers' Bank, East Main Street, Carlisle, PaT C6,LIFOItnIA•and Rhyno winos at Han non's liquor store, 41 South Hanover street• • A FINE lot o(-11piegurners, pea and nut coal on hand. Prices reduced. Call at upper or lower yards. A. 11. Buda ' A VALUABL Medical Book contain ing the Symptoms, Treatment, and description of Medicines, to cure One Hundred different diseases: Sent, post paid, on receipt of. 25 cents. Address, J. C. Harrold, 236 North 9th street, Philadelphia. 21m1.1723m INTERESTING.--If you want anything nice kept in a nice clean - place at a nice Chea_p pricer stop down to the nice now store of Meloy & Co. OODIBINGS mado into switches, chig nons, curls, frizetts, &c., at Madame FACTS FORTH KNOWING. 1 - *No; 1. Where to buy good goods cheap. CO - No. 2. Where to find the latestr novelties-of the season. - 8 - No. 3. In fans, parasols, umbrellas, •corsets, bustles, skirts, hosiery, gloves, chignons, switches and fancy jewelry, our stook is com plete. fNo. 4. Come to' our house for all ' your trimmings, notions and fancy goods if you wish to Save money. J. H. WoLr, • Ito. 18 North Hanover street. MACKEREL l MACKEREL !I Having'secured my stock of mackerel last fall at low figures, I am now pre pared to offer the same at prices that will defy competition. Those in want of GOOD MACKEREL will do well by calling. at Hoffman's, Nos. 44 and 88 East Pomfret street, end learn prices be fore 'purchasing elsewhere. As I am confident for quality and price, there is nothing in town to be compared with them._ 25ap72 A.-mraticArt, Swoitzer and Lirnberg cheese a specialty at - Humrieti's. Saloons and eating houses supplied at the lowest rates. PURE LAUREL -ICE The subscriber having secured a large stock of the best quality ice, free from snow and all impurities, ow of mountain. streams, is now prepared to deliver it to customers at low rates. Orders loft at either of the coal offices will receive prompt attention. A. H. BLAIR. 26ap72tf PINE apples, oranges, lemons, figs, dates, French and Turkish prunes, loose Muscatel, Valontia and Layer raisins, at Hurnrich's. GOOD ENGINE FOR SALE The fire organizations of any of the neighboring towns wishing to .purchase a splendid hand' (fire) engine, can ob tain ono at a sacrifice by calling on or addressing JOSEPH W. OotinY, l6ma72tf Carlisle, Pa. OAT MEAL, marrow fat beans, dried shaker corn meal,- at Humricies. - -- FOR Dreer's Garden Seeds, go to Hoff man's, No. 88 East Pomfret street. 2Liap72 ANOTHER 200 pound Sweitzor just re cOived at titian-lob's. BLATCULEY'S CUCUMBE R WOOD PUMP IS THE BEST. —For sale by the hardware trade, dealers in agricultural implements, &b. If there is no agent in your town, send for descriptive circular. C. G. Blatchley, 506-. Commerce street, Philadelphia. 25ap723m A FEW morn Early Rose, Pearless and Poach Blow potatoes, at Humrio Pon .queensware, glassware, wood and willow ware,' stone and earthen ware, call at Hoffman's, Nos. 44 and 88 East Pomfret street. Queensware a specialty. IVANTED.-200 bushels of good mar ketable Peach Blow potatoes, at gumrleb's. Pon ladies' and dents' summer Cloth ing, go to T. H. WOLF'S.' Dnor in at Humrich's ann . get some of hisextra double Dried Beef. .None but the best always on baud. PATENT GATE At Della - es Machine Shop, in this place, can be seen one of the best practi cal Farm Gates over invented. It does not require any hinges. It opens two ways. It never rides in Alio mud, and can be raised to swing clear over snow drifts and other obstructions that aro not over twenty-four inches high. It is offered for sale to tall who need gates at the following low, prices. For bath farm right, $2.00 ; for each township right, $20.00 ; for each county right, $150.00. Gates Made to order of any size or style desired, and satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange terri tory for a good Oil • or ad drQss ASo, 1 Wilson and'l Wilcox & Sowing Machines for sale cheap. Iv you are out of meat when your friendx call on you, just drop into Hum rich's and got a shco.of•. Troth's Sugar Cured Ham, or some of his extra Dried Beef. IMPORTANT T,I J`ust opening at the Central dry' goods store,-a-full assortment. of .plain black hernaunies and gronadines of all widths and qualities. Splendid striped brillian tee gronadines, pure muhairs in alicolors, ,plain and fancy Japa'neso silks, the best stock of all-kinds of dross goods in the town will be found at the Central, all the now stylds and novelties in parasols and sun shades. Shawls, made up skirts, bustles, all kinds of white dress goods iii the markets cloths and cassimeres,. Clothing made up to order by the most skillfull tailors in the country. Ono word of advice to all, do not purchase- your spiing and summer goods out of a Small stock, until you pay the Central dry goods store a visit and see the largest and best stock iu the country. MILLER iC BOTTORFF. N. B.—The genuine 'Harris' Seamless kid glove are cMly sold hr Carlisle at Oma722t MILLER & BurrouFF's. AzurrifErt lot of Troth's celebrated Sugar Cured Hams at Humriett's DON'T BE HUMBHGGED • • but buy tlio best stoves that have ever boon in the market, and pronounced so by all who have them in use, the Ameri can Base. Burner and Base Heater, the .Radiant Fire Place Heater, and the Cabi net Range with hot closet.' Call at W. Fridley's Stove store on Hanover 'street, and see the endless variety of stoves. Cuow-oniew ) Cauliflower, Trene4 Olives, Muslnoon and Tomato -Catsup, and puro Table Oil, ab MOUNT 'HOLLY, CUMBER LAND COUNTY, PA. This is, to cortify..that when was foreman Of this: L Lorey Iran Oro Bank, Wm. Dinklo told, mo the extent of the Sanir.. I had'a drift made and found it just as be topresented. Aiso,'at another place where I found Bilirer,and Lead, ho found the exact place, and told me what was there without MP showing him the placo: , JoinsO'NEiLL. The location of mineral veins or de posits and their length aitd breadth can now bo determined for a certainty.' , Call on or address Wor. DrrtamE, • Oaths)°, Pa. - Hairy Ilohre 4llippon P. 0. Jeffer County, West Va. . '• •' 22fe72tf SPECIAL NOTICE Wo are-the sole'agents in Carlisle for the sale of the Genuine Harris' seamless kid -gloves.- -They- ate, universally ac knowledged to be the best and thick kid glove imported. Oma'72tf MlLLyit& Burronif. FORIt>;NT. A.nent brick clwolling.. Price small Apply to W pwam. Oma72tf Pr,oun and feed constantly on hand'at Hoffman's, No. 44 East - Pomfret street. BT. , PLAID BILLIARD SALOON.—Mr. Jacob Hippie having leased the build ing of Mr. Ernest Crouse, on East Main street, has fitted up a splendid bil liard saloon. Ho has just received two" first-elks tables from NeW York, and Mr. W'h. Poulton, luis charge of ; the same. Oysters anu all the delicacies of the season served up in a style to suit the most fastidious epicure. Give him a' call. 2ma72tf LION RESTAURA.NT ! Beck's Baltimore lager -Beer, Gray's Philadelphia ale and porter, Rhine, Port, Catawaba and Currant Winos, Turkish Wine bitters, Fresh Imported Seltzer water. Refreshments : Limberg cheese, Holland herring, Reading bologna, Eggs, fresh, raw, Mid boiled, oysters in the can, and a match to light your pipe. Periodicals : Daily Patrtol,ly Inquirer, Carlisla herald, Voluntedr, Pannsylvania Stale , Zeilung, 0. S. Zoi lung, and _ C. C. FABER, • To attend to .you all at one call. Oma72tf. . OWEN'S .MARBLE WORKS Are removed from West Main street to No. 73 South Hanover street, where anything attainable at a first-class mar : Me yard may be had. Marble and mar bleized mantels, and encaustic tilo specialty. Having a heavy and carefully selected stock on hand, I will - sell it at rates which cannot be undersold, or ex celled in workmanship. 4ap723m Ilimannn OwEN. CASH NOTICE ! On and 'after the firth of April next, I intend to do a cA.srt business with ai/ my customers. By employing none but the best workmen and using the best leather in the market, I would respect fully solicit a share of the public patron age An. DI'BEILT, Boot and Shoe Dealer : , No. 4 East Main street,' Carlisle, Pa .28m117:2tf. A LARGE STOCK of dry lumber, placed in the yards before rise in priees,'lor sale at low figures. Lath, shinglts, pickets, &e., always on hand. Callmq upper or lower yards. A. 11. 13W-it. Fort rose and peach water flavoring extracts of all kinds, mushreme, tomato and walnut ketchup, English pickles, pepper sauce, salad oil, sardines, celery, salad, &a., call at Hoffman's, No. 4 , 4 and 88 East Pomfret street. 25ap7t3 ICE= 1 TO CDII(.3KEN RAISERS. The undersigned, devoting his time ck. or ear: exclusively to the bi- . ' or choice fowls, is prepared to b mrs for the following varieties o eggs. During the past year 1 have :lade large addi tions to my stock, having recently ob tained several Imported Light Brahmas from P. Williams, Massachusetts. Most of my fowlg drew premihms at the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to be thorough bred. Chickens and eggs can be obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices fixed -for the differ ent varieties of eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per doz. $2 Light Brahma, Loported, " 1 liondan, Premium, (Bearded and Muffled,) per doz. 2 Black Cochin, Premium, " 1 Gray Dorking,. 1 " Bronco Turkey, 2 SyssE 13. Ilunmt, . Na. 121 South Pitt street, 18ja72tf Carlisle, Pa. CANNED tomatoes, peaches, Winslow corn, pine apple and oysters, selling very low at Hoffman's, Nos. 44 and 88 East Pomfret street. JACOB LIVINGSTON, wiIoLEsALE -1:013,1C CO AND CIGARS, NO. 27 NORTH lIANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Prices as low as in Philadelphia or Baltimore. ' 2%5ap721y MA.RKZTS CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected. Weekly by J. J. Aleloy, corner of Pitt and South' etrects. ONE SQUARE WEST OP W 7. BLAIR & SON. Irretrusduy, June 7, 1872. 188840 RGTTER EOGS . LA lin TA 1.1.0 Ir /LEES IPA V RA CO S 11 .1 .11.1 do Sllol' TO ERS do 1 , WHITE BEA ...... J'A RED rEANIE.i . I'S RED do DRIED APPLES CHERRIES I'l ITK . (3 . 4 00 .0 USD] TTED RAGO CAILLIfILE I'ItODUCH MARKET. Carlisle, Maw . Aaali, Jun, .5, 157•2 FAMILY FLO ure INIMMIIIINE2 RYE MO UR WHITE n•ur,i T • 11E1) 1171.14.1%; CORN NEW OA . (11.0VE11111:1,1)‘„, V if oTIIIN D4'EE. MC Phattdolvhia Jmmeon: J PHILADELPIIIA MARKE.TS. FLOUIt, -{4RAIN = The Fleur inarnet to yell tont Improve/aunt . demand lading entillned to the Inintedl to nant4 of the 1101/10' 4 , 111/110111111i. \Oil., purchases foot my to 700 latenels, Inneltnl l / 1 0,Sninalhan at $llO , O 7 6 ; EXII'It at 7 26007 6U; IV - 10c/ada and Minnesota Extra Family nit solao 76; Penn, do, In. ntt =lt 101010; /liana and Ohio to. do. within the 1/11.1 range, and funny berdels nit $lO 21001 GO, nts ill tonality. lt)e Flour Is steady./ 10,. . . IVlleat inarlivt 14..qatet, at Saturday's prices, Bales of 2,000 bushels Now York Iled at 52 10. Aye" Is bold at 51 10 for,Ponn'a. Mid WOMOrII. Corti Is In Malted demand, and '2,000 bushels sold at .11go. for Yellow, 72a. for Wllll6, and 07r. for Woklllll rlikOd ; 3,0110 lan.hols of the talon• sold on prtvato Corms, inttr aro o'K:hanged. Bales of 1,000 busl,ols White at 570,1311 e. and Mixed at 67e.`t,S, llarley and Malt no sales. Whiskey In quiet. Sales oe 000 barrels 'Western Iron. bound at 130. Ebnabi—Clovurscuil la In Mulled roqurnt ht `pot lb. Timothy in quoted at $3, and Fluxsoed at $2 IQ. PIIII,A.MI,I`III owl' IIK Philadelphia, June 3,1872. CATTLE —Beef Cattle, were in tn . demand Ohio work, and priers were higher. 1,8 0 head arrived and sold at 8ee8, 3 4e. for extra Pennsylvania and Western steens;l.l%,oo7 l „,jc. for• fair to good do., and KO cents per lb gross for common, undo finality. COWS were without demo; 900 hotel told at $30410.15 per head SHEEP were to fair demand; LIAO send BON at 5(,e7e. per lb gross, MI to 11008 Were dull ; 0,560 head quld at TO 506.11 7.5 per 100 pounds not. [RepOrledfor llm IiEItALD by .1. Redycker ,C Co.) RALTWOMEI • LIVE BT3CK MARKET. IV'li Drove Yards, 1 . Rcarmore, .41d,, Nay 80, /872. f CATTLE —'Vito receipts for the weak amounted to about 1074, head. Wedneaday'e market opotual very dull awl slow, owing to an ovor oupidy bt•ing ou the markett Salmi were outdo front 4% to 73j and very tow at the later price. while most 0 the sales I were made front 0!.1 to 734, the dueilue w en mostly 'On good grados nod sountod to ho, shot t tor% lower than Met wouk. About 75 head we o lust over and 0 footle • shipped coat. • Mold gton Welton bought 150 bead. 1100/3.—The arrivals have bean go much In once. of the &mond as to emu, a decline lit about 26e per 10015, and a considorabto number will mania ovorote moat of our batebote aro supplied for the walk. Wo quoto eorrnfad hogs from oto 6 , ,16 nett, $l,BO to 500 grOas, only very meet, Innooth hogs bringing the out nido flguro. latllbfrd Congo from 04 to 6 not, $1,40 to 4,00 gross. Wo /Adele° you to be criroful, no an Worms° to" tho Imam. -pow on hand, will have a depromalug 0141 the market. .which le now oxtromoly dull. • 611„b1111.I.—Thero• Ir a alight ,deelino since last; einek t Nnontod by a continued 'tierces° In 1110 nopply. Salmi tango from S to 0 fur talr to good. nod 0 to for gosti`c9oitttra. Lambe aro telling from $3.00 to o,ooperload, only good largo 'aloha arola &undid anaallunou are not Wanted.. . . • • . <4.... E. BELTZHOOVER, - -• F. • ATTORNBY AT LAW. . ~ Woo in South .11Auovor Arcot, motto •iientz'o dry goods atom. , . 10800 . . HOofland'i ONE . MILLION OF LIVES 13 - A - 1 7 .61 r 1 It Is ono of tiro rotnarkablo facts of this remark. ablo ago, not merely that so many persons are rho victints„elf dyspepsia or IndlgestiOn, but its wiping Victims. Npw, wo would not be, understood to say that any ono regards dyapopsla• with favor, or Pieta dlsposod to rank It among the luxuries of lifo. Ear from It, Those who have, .oxpt , rieficed Ito temente would scout such an Won. All dread It, and would gladly dispenso with Its unpleasant familiAties. Mork Tapley, who was Jolly under all rho trying circumstances In which ho was placed, never landau attack of dyspepsia, or blsjolllty_would have speed ily forsaken him. Men and lepmeri somutimes,stiffor Its tortures uncomplainingly, but wholiver of a parson who enjoyed them? Of - tall the mrl Ofnrioux diseases to which the jut ; 'non system is liable, thorn Is perhaps no am i" so generally prevalent Os dyspepsia. Then, are diseases more acute and painful, and which more frequently . prove fatal; but none, the effects of which Jorn2o depressing to the tailed and so po , ilivoly tflotrosoing to the body, If there Is a wretched being Ira tiro world it is A CONFIRAIED DI'SPEPTIO Ilutit Is not our intention to deneanf on tin; 11 0;1 . • rors of Dyspepsia. To describe them truthfully to Mtn. ply on impos4ibility, hot it is possible to point out rt remedy. We have paid that dyspepsia is perhaps the must universal of human diseases. This id. em. phatically the ease to the 11111r0t1 States. Wharher this general prevalonee la duo to the character . of the food, the method of its preparation, or MO hasty manner in whidi It in flOllllily,.wallowed, 1,4 not our ',ravine° to explain. Thu great fact with o hick too aro culled to deal Id - DYSPEPSIA „PREVAILS almost universally, Nearly every other person you meet Is n victim, an apparently willing ono; for were title not the ere, why no many sufferers when n certain, speedy and cafe remedy In within the easy ranch of all who &deo to avail then.elved of it 1 But the majority will not. Blinded by the prejudice, or deterred by FOlllO other unexplained influence, they refuse to accept the relief proffnred them. They turn a deaf ear to the testimony of the thousands whose suffer ings hate been alleviated, and with ntrange infatua tion, appear to cling with desperato determination to their rat hi,. tormentor. But f 10.3 N a dyspeptic:: What in this remedy) to whirls e reply: Thin great alleviator of human suffering in almost ex widely known no the English language. It Ms al layed the nannies of thencandn, and Is to•thty carry ing comfort and encouragement to thoumnalt, of otherd. Thin acknowledgett panacea Is none other than lIOOFLAND'S GERNIALNI" BITTERS. - Would you know more of; flit merits of this won clorfuLmoilielnollum can be learned from the esperi• M., of others? 'fry it yourself, and when IC hos tailed to fulfil the assurance of Its efficacy &you by the proprietor, thou abandon faith In it. LET .IT BE REMEMBERED, fast of all, (hat ifOOPLAND'S GEIOIAN LITTI'.IIS is not a ruin beverage". They are not alcoholic in any sew, of Ow torn'. Thee are composed wholly of the pure juin• or vit princlplo of roots. This is not a new 00,ati..1 The ',tracts from 'Odell they are rionponielisi ill prepared by one of the ablest of Gertnait eleani-vs. Unlit.-any other Bitters in the mat 1,1, the, 'Lolly free felon spirituous ingtedients. The vie fections tvldeh hold milli 00 11111cIt fivco prop;lr;ltiou•.of thin class, namely—that it de•aro tor Intoxicating 'hint,' In 110111/ /411`ii 1 , , I ilt4l II in the case of the German Inters. SO ex etteenraging ivr ineul.atina: or deal: II Ito inebriating - btooragis, it ale) ho ',pad' 'illy 0,- rertell that their tetpletiey Is In a diantetricvlly opposite direction. Their offset', con hu BENEFICIAL ONLY In all rearm of the binary system. lioffilat ors I:m -m linters .datid without no opt I, soling Kempf .3 and: vigoronsly seen the Liver; they 1,1111,1 1 its torpidity and eauso healthful secretion cot Id le— that elfy supplying the nidlllllllll with the itent pensable elements of sound digestion pun por 110110. They Ova Woe to the /dolma li-011115,A, 111, its function , f, and enabling. It 11l r 1 1 . 1 . 11r11 1 1 its duties .iff nature designed It /Mould do. They Imp a rts sour an d ;di e ngt l; is 11011111tIre nv•tetti, cau , ing the patient In feel 111, another being—ill font, giving him a 111, lea.) 1.11 Me. THEY PURIFY TIIE BLOOD, cbustrdne the Ohl fluid _Ol nil hurtful Impuritun and nuprlantint: them with the ebudento of genuine , he 111 hfulnern. In a wold, then. Is of urn .dy nII ease in wtuell they i'aunot ho I•alely and beunfleildly . omployed ; but iu - hunt must gen.relly prevalent dietee•edng null dreaded db...., Dy,repslat THEY STAND UNRIVALA',D tlu•rr are certain clay+, ofjo•ro.,, to whom ex fro... Bitters ore not nil unpalatable, but NO, tlnil It illip.Sllllo to take Ilion) 11/.olllllt pusitno .nn fort, For ouch DR. 1100VLAND'S GERMAN has 'leen spmally required. It iv Intruded for lire uhere a slight aleolielle stitunlant is regal! tvl connection with the it ell.knoten Tonic prol.rtiev of the pure Getman Bitters Tilt, TOllir pont:dug all the ingrede4sty of the Bittern, but SO 1111ViirlA no to remove the extreme letter:lees. Thiv pr.parat wn Is trot Only palatable bet combines, in modified form, all the virtues ot, tine fiernian Bitter,. - The solid extesets of some of, Netstredu-eholoest r.Vot-atit, urn hold in solution\ety n spfiltuous agent tlf 'Ow purest quality. Lt eases of languor ..r useetdive Witty, cohere the s)stent appears to hat e become shausted of its energies. lIOOFLAND'S TONIC sty with almost tnarvolnns •efTect. It not nnly ti tulates the 'lagging and wasting energies, but in ignrates and permanently strengthens Its action upon the Liver and Stomach; and though perhaps InO.B prompt than the Bitters, when the earn, , quantity Is taken in none il,he leer certain. Indigestion, Bib !loneness, Physics! or Nervous Prostristlisu, rendlly to Inn potent influence. It gives the a new and stronger hold upon Ilf.• of spirits, and inspires cheerfulness It Imp plants the pain of disease with the ease and comfort of perfect health. It gives strength to ‘veaknese, throws destiondenk• to the winds, and starts the re stored Invalid open a new 11101 gladsome carer, But Dr. lloolland's beneraetions to the !IMMO) are not COO/1100d to Min celebrated GERMAN BITTERS or 1114 valitplile ToNic. Ile bar u»llcin o, ~clJclr fn reifilly NS inning lor K ever li(catine of itri inning° m, 011 x. This to HOOFLAIND'S PODOPHYL LIN PILLS, _0 to• 19( n peg feet sulgntitnto f.r mercury., m Ithntzt any of mercury's °nil gin:ditto., Them , n. 01141.14111 Pills, mhloh gtz. Intnn.liggl to net upon the ',lvor, Ikr u mulDly cognionted of Poglophyl