Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 30, 1872, Image 2

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Volum° LIXIL
Gen. Lomuel Todd, of Cumberland
Gen. Harry White, of Indiana.
Wm. M. Meredith, Philadelphia ;
J. Gillingham Foil, Philadelphia ;
Gen. Harry White, Indiana ;
Gen. Wm. Lilly, Carbon ;
Linn lirtholonlow, Schuylkill ;
H. N. M'Callistor, Centre ; ll
William 11. Armstrong, Lycoining ;
William Davis, Monroe ;
James L. Reynolds, Lancaster ;
Samuel E. Dimmick, Wayne ;
Geo. V. Lawrence, Washington ;
David. N. White, Allegheny ;
W. H. Aiuoy, Lehigh ;
John IL Walker, Erie.
BIG BATs BuowN is Brick Pomeroy's
corruption of the name of the Dolly
Vardon Candidate for Vico President.
IT is now said that Horace Greeley
will not withdraw if ho is not nominated
at Baltimore. Well, suppose lie doe,sn't ;
Grant can stand it, if lie can. .
FxrTY Democratic memhers of Con
gress are reported to have signed a letter
protesting against the nomination of
Greeley and Brown at Baltimore. The
Dolly Vardons evidently will have trou-.
Me to carry out their plans.
d'ENNsYLvArtiA will have an additional
Congressman by the provisions of a bill
Which has recently. passed, and conse-
Auently another name will be pitt npon
the State ticket. • What a tremendous
time there will be hurrahing for the
whole ticket when the campaign opens.
A DEMOCRATIC paper says that twen
ty-two hundred Democrats in Clearfield
county halie decided to iroto for Grant
instead of Greeley, if the Baltimore con
volition doesn't nominate a straight out
ticket. low does this suit the Dolly
Vardens 2 0
BRICK Pommtoy says that Boss Tweed
gave $lO,OOO toward effecting the nomi
nation of Mr. Greeley, and that the other
Tammany people added to this until
$50,000 were raised. We don't know
whether or not this is true, but Brick
used to be pretty good authority on the
doings of the Democratic leaders.
WE have received the first copy of a
1/0 , 7i , weekly journal published at Greens
burg, Pa., called Frank. Coiean's Paper.'
It is Denthemtici politically and hoists
the names of Greeley and Brown. It
presents an excellent appearance, and
gives evidence of ability , and enterprise
on the part of its editor.
11DAN VOORHEES is still 011 the war
path against the Cincimmti nominations.
Ho addressed an immense meeting at
Terre Haute recently, in which he went
for the Philosopher even more vigorously
than ho Oki in his speech in Congress.
If 'Horace should be elected , Voorhees
won't come in very strongly for the
flonAcE GREELEY is i2ctionisti
and B. Gratz Brown a free trader. Ono
is conscientiously a temperance man, and
the other conscientiously is the other
way,. Both however, lire what used to
be called abolitionists, who expect to be
elected by Democratic and rebel votes.
The man who called this set up Dolly
VaNen wasn't much wrong.
THE minority report of the celebrated
McClure - Gray contest is just published.
It controverts the position taken by the
majority of the committee in throrting
out which yMeCiann was given
the seat. But for the throwing out of
the returns in ilnumber of the wards,
the contestant, could not have succeeded
in ousting (Jul. Gray.
THE Illinois Republican State Conven
tion which met last week, was a very
large and enthusiastic gathering of the
Republicans of that State. lion. Richard
J. Oglesby. was unanimously nominated
for Governor, mni' r i•psolutions passed in
favor• of the nomination of Gen. Grant
by thO Philadelphia Convention. Tlli•
nois proposeslo give one of her old-Oine
majorities for Republicanism next Pall.
EON. JAMES S. Rirrix•has been nomi-,,
nated by the Republicans 9f Beaver
county for aflsecond term in the Senate.
A strong effort. was made to defeat him
for the nomination, but ho carried his
county triumphantly, beating his oP
ponent. by more than a thousand ma
jority. -Washington comity is favorable
to Mr. Rutan, and this makes hisinond
nation in the district certain., -
The Pittsburg' Moining lfazd- says : It
is- singular with what persistency the
'Democratic newspapers of this State
continue 'tlMir abuse of Gen. Ilareranft,
. the Republican nominee for Governor.
'lf it is an evidence of anything, it is that
. ! ,A,hey fear him, and that he is too strong
a candidate Tor them to successfully con
' lend against: All fair-minded men, o
whatever political opinion, admit that
den.,llartranft has proved as faithful in
.his 'Oficial capacity as he was suecesful
in llis military'Oareer, hind that in no re:
sped is he, laelOnk hf . :llliiess foi: the
gubernatorial chair. , IBS 'opponents .
.comprise that part of the Democracy
known : as the rebel Democracy,. and
which regretted the success of the Uniop
arms ; also, a class of. political malcon
tents, wlio, while they claim to bo Re=
publicans, are soured because of removal
from office, or, are influenced by merce
nary motives and want "to be seen" in
45rder that they may play another tune
. on their personal organs. N o man van
',prove . nught against the integrity of
• ^• General ilitrti;auft, and all tini malicious
insinuations'agninat him in at r...._Thot,
. are libels for whioh the pr tiard law is
_ inadequate to proVi4 a penalty.
To day the Democratic State Conven
tion meets' at Reading, to .nominate
candidates for — Straro offices, and tiro
expression •to the sentiments of the
Pennsylvania DomoCracy, on the ques
tion of the PresidSucy. It will be aii"
occasion of much perplexity-'to the
leaders 'of that ancient and 'somow.h
dilapidated' political structure. 'For
many years they have seen' the nominees
of their 'conventions . spurned by. the
people, and their beat. laid plans for
political ascendency come to naught.,
Hope long , deferred inakoth the heart
sick, as most of the managers can attest
from personal experience. This heart.
sickness long since produced desperation,'
and it is ,uselifss to speculate on tlio
Probable action of desperato‘..mniv • Last
year they , insanely adopted the "now
departure," doubtless, on the principle
that any change must bo an improve
ment. Their folly was demonstrated by
the result of the campaign, bringing the
worst defeat they.. had experienced for
_years. Whether or. not they will be'
guilty of a similar folly this year, by
declaring for Greeley remains to beeeen.
' As to their candidates, there is noth
ing yet 'clear exceptthe nemination for
Supreme Judge which willydoubtless be
conferred on Chief Justice Thompson by
acclamation. Ho is old, able and a suf
ficiently bitter partizan, to makeThim a
favorite with the Democracy.
For Governor there will be a deter
mined effort to nominate Senator. Backe
low, in the hope, that his character,
long public service and-ability, may help
them in the State canvass. Buckalow's
nomination will be resisted. doubtless, by
the corporate interests; and also, by the
strong partizans in the bOnvention on the
grounds that he, is not a rabid enough
Politician and from those sources there
may ho opposition enough to prevent his
nomination. '
No. 22
It is intimated in many places that
the nomination fur Auditor General will
be tendered to Senator Billiugfelt, of
Lancasf6i4. Wo doubt this-very much,
and we would be greatly disappointed if
he should accei;t - it it it wore tendered.
It will more likely fall on some regular
old-fashioned Democrat, especially if
Mr. Buckalew be fiorninated for Gover
nor. It would . never do to nominate a
State ticket that .hadn't at least two
straight out uncompromising party men
on it. There is a fine chance to dispose
of surplus politicians this time, there
being fourteen delegates at large to the
Constitutional Convention, and three.
Congressmen At large to elect. It is
therefore possible for the State Conven
tion to fix up a largo number of gentle
men permanently this time. _
Tits Democratic journals throughout
the State delight in disparaging General
llartranft on every occasion, and often
make charges against him in connection
with his official duties as Auditor Gen
eral. The simple answer to all these'
allegations is the vote of the Senate on
the question of continuing General Ilart
ranft as Auditor Genefiel after the expi
ration of his term. This measure,
although entirely out of the usual prac
tice in similar cases, was supported by
the entire Democratic side of the Sen
ate and very many Democratic Senators
took occasion to speak in the , highest
tbrms of the personal worth and integ
rity of • General Hartranft, and to com
mend, in the strongest language, the
manner in which the financial af
fairs of the State had been con
ducted during his term of office.
These encomiums coming from gentle
men who wore politically opposed to
our candidate for Governor, many of
whom had been for years in a:position
which enabled them to scrutinize his
official . acts closely, are the best
evidence . ability and in
tegrity, and should at once silence
all clamor about any official shortcom
ings. FrOm the criticisms of the Demo
cratic papers, General liartranft may
turn to the endorsement he received
from the leaders of their party in the
Legislaturb, and on that and the splendid
record of his 'administration -of the
finances, may confidently count on the
hearty support of the people of this
No one who has read the political
speeches of Wendell Phillips, delivered
within the last year or two, will charge
him with being very warmly attached to
President Grant. Therefore it will not
ho said that his opinions are biased by
any influence from the White House.
lie has been interviewed recently by it
representative of the New York World,
and In the conversation °which ensued
ex pressed himself as follows
" You know that I am neither a Re
publican nor a Grant man ; whom I shall
vote for, or whether I will vote at all,
do not know ; but .cortainly as against
Greeley I ant for Grant. We halm had
ono _lndy .Tohnson—l will not• run the
risk of getting another in, and Horace
Greeley is
,sucti. I want a man
with some decided .princiPles. Greeley
foyer had any. Besides, I consider
Gteeley a secession candidate. The
plot to nominato hioL. was hatched by
Southern white rebels morn than a year
ago, and has boon mainly nursed by
them. I advise any ono who moans to
vote for him to find out first what agree
mentbuhavo been made by Mr.`Grooloy',B
friends with .Toff. tlavis and' his staff as
to ollico and patronage. lam perfectly
certain — that there - is allistincti- mutual
understanding, if not a positive contract,
between them. If Horace Greeley enters
the, White Douse, Jeff. Davis will be as
truly a part of the Administration as-
Seward was in Lincoln's day. No negro
can vote for Greeley who values his lifo
or..proporty or cares for his race. If by
a frown of Providence he Is elected, I shall
advise every Southern loyalist to load the
revolvers: that Grant's arrest of North
Catalina Ku Klux has - allowed to be laid
asido. If he is elected let the' negroes
live in squads of fifty, whom no coward
will dare shoot down,and show no prop
erty after sunsqt. Lonely loon' will be
shot down, and no black man will own a
forty-eight hours if •any rebel
knotvs tho fact. For a loyal administra
tion to protect the nogro„ awe the rebel,
and ' v ivo the Workingmen a chance,
.Grants little finger is worth a baker's
dozen of Greeloys." ,
This opinion, very candidly expressed,
shows that Wendell had road Horace
tlirqughly. It exhibitd the "Liberal"
candidate as ho is. The 'picture Is per
JUDGE 13bAcx has recently boon &lin
ing his position on tho.grooloy quostfua.
Ho very • forcibly .omirossos a 'clinically
which will maim itself felt as soon,as the
Philosopher gots the Baltimore, noniin,.-
tion, if he gets it at all. The Judge
'While I am about it I may as v”II
say another word. The -aggressive 11. A,
violent temper of, the Cincinnati mo'
meet is breaking the Dopmerrioyoto
pieces. There are many thousands of
neon in the party who, will refuse to be
dragooned or bullied into the ,support of
that ticket. -The °racy men had Vet
ter suspend their plan of operation lin
modiately. • The longer they aoptim. ,,
it the less likely they ere, to sueeded,
either lu July or November. • We the
peoplo ? '„the rank mid fliti, - the yeomanry
of the country, cannot be 'driven to the
polls as negroes are driven in the South
by filo oarpet-baggers add ocalawgile."
GRANT' had no opposition in tho.con
vention of 1808, end ho will 'have none
speaks more potently in his favor, than
all the studied iitterane,es of the sore
heads at Cincinnati jail do against him.
• Tun Reading Gazettil evidently tikes
no \ stock in the Cincinnati nominees.. In
a leading article in the last issue it' thus
disoluiseh the Situation : -
* 4 Beifar as.our section of the Btate is
concerned wi) feel confident 41 asserting
that an endorsement of the - Cincinnati
nonimatihn by the DeMocracy -would
cost us more Democratic. Votes, by far;
than could be made up - by Liberal Re
publicans. We hear the declaration
every day from, reliable and consistent
Democrats, thatlunder no circumstances
would they vote for Greeley, no matter
who nominated-him. They could neVer
vote for Grant ; but they look upon Gree
ley as a poor exchange. In some re
spects Gree a 3 may be better than Grant,
but in callers he iswors9. Starting. with
Fourierism and other impracticable so
-Btalistic theories, he has for the last
thirty years b - ecii identified with all the
isms of the day, and advocated them with
a blindes,l which, -in spite of his un
doubted abilities-and honesty of purpose,
stamped him as a monomaniac unfit 4)
be the ruler of a great nation. Bub
more objectionable oven than this is the
fact that he has over been the advocate
of the interests of the monopolists and
privileged classes, of sumptuary laws,
and of a strong government generally.
,Personally ho is possessed of many esti
mable qualities and intellectual acquire
ments of a high order, but ho is known
to be extremely weak in his vanity. In
many points he' resembles Mr. Thiers,
the present head of the .French republic;
ho has all his glittering frailties and is
certainly net hie-superior in intellectual
ity and statesmanship, and What a sorry
president of a republic Thiers does make I
The difference. bet:Wenn Greeley . and
Grant may be sunned up thus : Grant
is a mere cypher in the hands of design
ing politicians Firceloy is a designing
politician-under the influence Of wcalc , .
minded Men and.stretig-minded women,
who, as to statesmanship, are worse than
mere cyphers." .
Tuesday of last week the:Senate held
an all night session. After a tedious
and at times acrimonious debate, the
habeas corpus suspension bill (Ku ]flux)
Was passed by a vote of 28 to t.i. A
supplemental civil rights bill offered by
Mr•. Carpenter—the same as Mr. Sum
ner's, only omitting the part inclUding
schools, churches, juries and cemeteries
—was passed by a vote of 27 to 14. The
last House amnesty bill was also passed
by a vote of 38 to 2 ; Messrs. Nye and
Sumner voting in the negative. At 10:20
Wednesday morning, the Senate ad
joui•nod until 3 p. •
passed by the Senate, provides that if
the owners or persans in charge of any
public inn, or any place of public enter
tainment, for which a license is required,
and tho owners or persons in Charge of
any stage coach, railroad, or other meitils
of public carriage; for passengers or
freight, make any distinction. as to the
admission or accommodation on account
of race, color, or previous condition of
servitufle, they shall be
,punishable for
each offence by a lino of not Ws than
$5OO nor more than $5,000, and shall be
liable.tO suits, for damages in any of the
United States courts.
provides that all political disabilities im
posed by thi3 third section of the four
teenth article of amendments to the Con
stitution of the United States arb hereby
removed from all persons whomsoever
except Senators of the Thirty-sixth and
Thirty-seyenty Congresses, officers in the
Judicial, military and naval service of
the United States, heads of chtpartmehts,
and foreign ministers of the United
In . the course of Judge Kelley's recent
able and interesting speech, in the United
States Congress, on the pending tariff
and tax bill, he guoted a full tabular
statement of the 'United States census of
the gross production of manufacturorsof
the States and Territories, that is quite
important, as showing the enormous pro
gress we have made in the last decade.
In 1850 the aggregate was $1,019,10(1,-
616 ; in 1800 it had risen to $1,885,861,-
600, and in 1870 it was $1,000,152,016,
au increase of 128 per cent in a decade of
war and devastation ! Nor does this tell
the whole story, for in the census of 1870
the products of mines and fisheries arc
excluded from the statement, while in
the two previous censuses they are in
cluded, so that the actual increase is
much greater than even this table shows.
(hie result of this exclusion of mining
from the table is to change the relative
rank of the St rtes. Pennsylvania, which
ought to stand at the head of the list,
gives nlace to New York, and t',ilifurnia,
which ought to have high rank, falls be
hind Rhode Island. We subjoin a state
ment of the principal Slates :
Is7o. 1 , 30.
Nr•w York, Z 17 01 1 ,11 00 . 11. 0 .307 , 57”, , .ri9
I . ..nosylsania 1.10.,101,15i • I , '. 014,911
31 in• u , t l tle, 1,10 107,74.; 00
10.10, 0-10 00.1,7111 121.01/1,104 11.1.'11,;'
II iio
1111 u li
It will be observed that in 1850 Penn
sylvania was below both New York 'and
'Massachusetts; that in 18(10 she had
passed Massachusetts Vilna, in 1870 we
leave Massachusetts far in the ;rear, and
that wo tako rank with New'York with
out our mining statistics, and if we in
clude them we eclipse her completely,
,and stand at--the head of the list, with
no rivals at all. The growth of indus
trial pursuits in these three States heti
been so vast as to leave a great
gulf between them and all the other
States. 'This arises from the influence
of the vast capital concentrated In-the
cities of Boston, Now York and Phila
delphia. But in the West wo see a
similar phenomenon arisin in the Qom=
ing future-of the States of Ailo, Illinois
and Missouri, under the influ nee of the
-capital concentrated m the three groat
cities ef Cincinnati St. Louis and Chi
cago. Of these iVreo - States Ohio still
holds the lead by sharing so laroly in
Om influence of Pittsburg and the min
ing intents of Western Pennsylvania,
and will probably continuo to do so, ns
Cleveland is becoming a large industrial
But the most Kurprhiing feature in this
statement is thh increase uf manufactures
In the south, as will ho seen by the follow
ling statement of three extreme south
western States :
1870.. 186.), ' 1850.
£45,000,9011 $15,897,476 $6,779.417
15,369 721 6.577,202 1,168,639
7,600,676 2,880,676 537,008
foal lana,
'The Southern Atlantic States aro not
behind these in progress, as will be seen
by the following figures :
• '1870., .1800, 1850,
Maryland, $75,024,101 511,735,157 733,043,802
o, 60,022,161 20,602.507
North Caroling, 20,701,332 -. 113,078,000 0,111.020
South Carolina, 13,438,226 8,010,105 7,045,477
Noorpla, . 32,004,207 10,925,501 7,082,075
It will be seen that •these States really
have made. more progress in manufac,
tures in this decade of war and recon
struction than in the boasted era 011810-
00, to which the south rOfers as ono of
rare prosperity:. This is fully borne out
by the census ~of the other southern
States, viz.: • .„
1870. 1860 L IWO
1011504,513,220,650 $10688,600 584,628,856
111h8lidlpf7T 11,208, iO2 6,000.087 2012,008
FIB rldn, 4,707 004 2,417,008 008,03`,
Yon nuesee, 38,087,051 17,087.226 0,720,604
guntu ky,_ 64,140,048' 37,011,240 21,718,212
Diti.,of Cul 00114; 0,204,489 6,412 152 ' 2,09
Mamma, 10,343,818 5,812,552 4 019,296
New there can be no doubt that in the
- region the war,' the whole
- uf•this *matte has been, achieved by
reconstruction, and results directly from
it, including tho much. despised efforts
of the " Mirpet-baggers." Wo 800 the
practieal working of the-groat railway
system, in which they embarked, all over
the seat', In the industries that lune ma.
lipped in these States. • The Industries of
the south aro no longer few and feeble.
They are many and varied,. cud tliey•dis
play vigor and enterprise, It ie Misery.
able that the greatest progress of all is
in Louisinnn, where tiro ",carpot
kern". have Indisputna sway in
South Carolina, under "carpet-bag"'.
.rule, manufactures have made more than
sway,than undotten years of plantation
statesmanship. The only ono of the old
slave:)Sta f tes that comes up into the front
rank , as a' manufaCturing State is Xis
send, the-progress •of which surpasses I
anything- onlcoord. -There can be little
&Mut that she is- destined to take rank
as the third industrial State, after Penn
sylvania and Now York, ahead of Dias:
sactrusetts, Ohio and Illinois. The fol
lowing northern States show remarkable
1870. • 180 1. ' 1810.
Connect 'vit. $1 , 10,974 175 Vil 921,511 $47,114,583
slichigan, 118,778,833 32,051:318. 11,189 002
Rhode Idlar.d, 11)1,4611,1160 40,71.1,21.91 22,117,388
Indiana, 1119,1211,684 42 803,4. 8 . 8,7:35,423
Miti no, 79,822,005 30,1111.51 24,061.017
Wisconmin, 78,006,308 '7,640,0.7 9,293,063
Now II of 71,078,013 37, 631,453 23,164,603
If the south should, in the current de;
cads, exhibit such progresq ag this, it
will change the whole aspect of society
hr that section, and raise it from its
present slough to poverty—North Ameri
KANSAS.—Just - as a traveller was writ
ing his 'name on the register of a Leaven
worth hotel, a bedbug 'appeared,_ and
took its way across the page The man
. paused and remarked :—" I've been bled
by St. Joe fleas, bitten by Kansas City
spiders, and interviewed by Fort Scott
grey backs, but I'll be if I was over
in a place before where the bedbugs
looked over the hotel register to fled out
where your room was I"
MANY Tennessee farmers are emigrat
ing to Texas.
FIFTY Two THOUSAND segars per day
are made in Key West the year round. .
0000 wheat crop is expected
Delaware, Pennsylvania and Eastern
" ARE rattans necessary in schools ?"
is a question that worries the Indiana
ONE . hundred and fifty recruits are
ordered to Galveston, Texas, for assign
ment, to the. Fourth.cavalry.
FARMERS say thiS' lads fair to be the
best fruit -year in North Carolina for
thirty years past.
Tonticco plants in Virginia aro said
to be later and fewer this year than was
'6V( r ii iown before.
A CONVENTION of capitalists inter
ested in narrow gauge railroads is to be
held in St. Louis on the seventeenth of
Till: second track through the Mount
owns tunnel has been laid and opened,
and the double track is now in actual
RICHMOND, Va., furnished to the mar
ket in. the six months ending March 31,
7,22;,502 pounds of chewing tobacco
and 501,050 pounds of smoking tobacco.
Fitom 00 to 100 deaths per week by
smallpox in London is not considered a
matter of especial note, and the wale re
mark applies to Paris and Berlin.
CONNECTICUT has ninety-four tire in
eniCance companies, and forty life insur
ance companies, the former having' $70,-
000,000 in assets, and tbp latter $230,000,-
000. •
THE royal family of England costs
the people to support over 7 0 0,0 0 0 per
annum, or the sum of §;;3,500,000. It, is
paying pretty clear for the sort of
"whistle" they get.
o,llFat 10,000 immigrants arrived at
Castle Garden, "New. York, Monday, the
largest number that overhanded in one
day since the establishment of the insti
A CUBAN correspondent after witness
ing the manufacturing 'of cigars at
Havana writes that he is "glad he early
formed the habit of cutting off the tip
of tlto cigar instead of biting it."
THEY have their financial irregulari
ties on the other side of the Atlantic as
well as here. A cashier at HorWich,
England, has just been tried and sen
tenced to five years' penal servitude.
TILE latest theory upon which ,the
prbvalonco of spotted fever is accounted
for is that it is caused by eating 'meat of
hogs that fed on, locusts last summer.
THE tobacco crop of Wisconsin for the
year 1872 is placed at 10,000,000 pounds
by the Janesville Gazette. The larger
portion will be produced in Rock county.
'FRP. Primo Minister of Spain was once
a lottery dealer.
Sr. Louis is to have a $200,000 "pau
per palace."
FRANKLIN, Kansas, is the only place
in America where velvet is made,
STRABLIOIMO is ' to have of
eighteen German forts.
THE palisittles of the lludsotLare to ho
blasted for building purposes.
()NIA' one of the forty judges in lowa
is a Democrat. -
AN Indiana centenarian counts six
generations of progeny.
A R . ElsZT[irliN solionlmaker.lately ma
Lied one of his pupils; a niaiden of 12.
TnE morMI remains of 117 steamboats
/it) on the_bu awn of the Arkansas river.
IT has gone as far as " Dolly Varden
chills" in Georgia. The sufferer turns
all sorts of colors.
YN Ll' 1,000 men will bo permitted 'to.
take inut, in the Englinb inanwnverti next
I _l4ll
A. itislloo coniedian, named I)aveo
Carson Sahib 1(a Pucka Tatnuslia, iH in
SHARHI . E.IIIIf44. "3uliilN Czusay" has
Leon translated into Labia iambics by a
clasgic Gorman.
TRE father of Lowery, the North Caro
lina outlaw, purchased his mother in
1835 for an old nuisket!
Brum fell in Pittsburg
,on Sunday.—
[Boston Poi.] What Sunday ?—[ MO
bui.g Post.] The Sunday the SLIOW fall.
A. POCKET bootjack haS been iuvonted.
Yon Pitt your foot- M your pocket, give
a spring icto the air, and off comes your
boot, •
Ix Whitley county, lod., there is a
new-fangled corn-dropper. It drops two
rowsitud hupts ground' squirrels at the
same time.
. . . .
A. YOUNG married woman in Titus
'dile, Pa., has publicly horsewhipper
her own brother for circulating scan
dalons roports.mbout her.
DE TROIT has a venerable citizen who_
has completed his ninety-first year„ynt'
obstinately refuses •to out four cords of
wood a day with or with Out crutches.
AN aged gentleman, at Charlton, Pa.,
attempted suicide by hanging, but his
family cut him down ; Nyhoroupon he
took the rope and administered a gen
eral flagellation.
. A COUNTY official who Insisted on Ash.
ing within the demesne of an Illinois
farmer, was lately ducked in the river by
the farmer's vigorous wife.
Home and County_
Coo L—tho weather. ,
" DOLLY VARDEN" COi , creams aro a
do go.
Mn. SCIMAUDENI3ACII, balcor, has a
now broad wagon. '
. .
Trill measles and whooping cough aro
on the increase hi this plitco.
is predicted by tho "knowing ones
that llourzwill advanoo to s'l.6 por boa()
We trust not. ,
Ant:sots. UA\SPn3hr & lIENIVOOD haVO,
rocciiitly introduced gas into tho Catholic
clitiroli in this iiinoo,
.1311!n , CnEnnuils.—Phii first of till) son'
son wore nifcreit in market yostord4,
morning. "'Only conts per quart—
Atoms inohidod.
PUBLIC 'School exsninetlone - kVill soon
be, In &del'. And of ;.,cointe Yonne`
Atherieit,is partieulary oxeraided'ovor ita
near npproncii "
OILENOWETII, has opent3d a hoop
skirt man4aBforY on West Main atrecit,
in tile roOni lately occupied by Miss
Zinn'q millinory osfablishment
MESSRS. RanTErourrlpßurr, tinners;
on North Hanover street, have recently •
made large additions to their„stook of
tinware, &c. They have lately received
o large assortment of table cutlery.
would . call attention to the 'adver
tisement of Messrs. Miller & Bottorff,
at the old Central corner. For bargains
in dry goods Pay them a visit. '
MESSRS. "H. R. RITTER 5G..130N, mer
chant tailors, have recently made large
additions to their immense stock of fine
French goods. Viaitthem.
WHERE aro You going on the " Day.
we celebrate ?" Let Carlisle have an
old-fashioned celebration Who, will - be
the first to move in the matter?
TO-DAY will be observed as a holiday
by all the Banking 'houses bf this.
borough. But in order to accommodate
persons who may be • ignorant of this
fact, they will be open from 9 to 11 a. m.
TnE Forty hours devotion will be cele
brated in St. Patrick's (Catholic) chnithi
on Sabbath next. A. large numbet of
Persons, doubtless, wilhbe present on the
THE practice of throwing ashes, garb
age and other description of filth in the
streets and alleys should be stopped.
The authorities should make a note of
this, and give the matter their prompt
SAI2I3ATII last WaS a lovely day. Large
audiences „being in attendance at the
different places of worship. The W,,liit
suntidu prediction, with reference to
rainy Sabbaths, proved a failure on this
Tim; paint mine recontly discovered on
the farm of Michael Severs, near%Tack
sonville has been leased •to a party from
Carlislo who will commence operations
at once. They pay a royalty of sl. co
per ton.—Echo.
Tits schools Will be closed to-day at 11
a. m., to allow the teachers and scholars
an opportunity-of taking part in the
ceremony of decorating the soldiers
YouNo AMERICA has invented a sub
stitute for the old-fashioned wooden
stilts, in the shape of two ordinAry tin
cans with strings attached to them. Ho
perches- himself on the " tinware" and
struts around in a noisy manner,
LOST.—Ou last Saturday evening a lit
tle daughter of one of our citizens lost a
handsome new gold chain, in the neigh .
borhood of North and Hanover street-
The finder will receive a liberal reward
upon returning the same to rum OFFICE.
Mn. 1114NRY EINNERMIL, barber, un
der Kramer's new building, has recently
had his establishment renovated, re
papered" and otherwise improved. If
you want a nice clean shave, hair cut,
or toilet otherwise " fixed, up, " go to
WE have been visited with copious
rains during the past week, which have
been' vastly beneficial to the growing
crops. Although we have heard of sev
eral instances in which the farmers have
ploughed up their wheat fields and
planted corn in the same land.
Ma. A. H. BLAIA, ice merchant, will
accept thanks for ice received during the
past week. The wagon makes its rcunds
daily, and our citizens can 'purchase the
delectable article, in largo or small quan
tities at one-half cent per pound.
TILE Fhilhm•monio Musical Associa
tion gave their last concert of the season,
in the Court House, on Friday evening
last. Although the audience was not
very large, the entertainment was one of
the finest of the seasons
Hanover street, a few doors south of the
Cumberland and Perry Exchange, has
opened a confectionary store. His stock
is large and complete, whilb his prices
are reasonable. A soda fountain in full
TnE scholars of the different schools,
on several occasions, during the 'past ten
days, formed themselves into impromptu
May day parties and " Went Mkying."
This mults owing to the fact that the
School Directors did not grant the,,senol
ars a May Day as had been customary in
fgrmer years.
PAINTING.—Mr. Henry Crabbe gives
notice tin ough our advertising columns
that he is prepared to execute painting,
graining, Cc., in the latest styles and at
reasonable figures. Having had several
years experience in the business, and
employing none but competent workmen,
he feels confident of giving satisfaction.
A SUGOESTIO x.—As the: evenings are
getting pleasant, we would suggest the
propriety of the Carlisle Brass Band re
galing the citizens with "music's sweet
est strains." What say you, .gentle
men? It would be delightful to have
a Publicseienade these pleasant Suter_
day - v7o
Mu. FRYSINGER, of the Gazettti, Lewis
town, Pa., and, father of Rev. W. M.
Frysingor, of- this place, paid t us a visit
on Friday lest. Mr. F. although quits
advanced in years, is thoroughly con
yersant the "art preservative,"
and gives an encouraging rejort of busi
ness " up lb° rjvor•"
CAIATkiS C. D. HOCHARELI...OIY, - of the
jouiviut,'Mechanieshurg, paid us a flying
visit on -last Saturday. W.e, are - pleased
to note the fact that the Captain 'has
been successful in getthig up hotel reg
isters for different landlords throughout
the Valley.
THE Fro Proas,(Stratibuvg;) Lanoaster
county, Pa., edited by George B. Eager,
esq., roadies us enlarged and greatly im•
proved in typographical appearance.
ThO,Pro Press is a spicy sheet and re
pletO with local news. Wo congratulate
Mr. 'E. upon the success whit& .has at
tended his efforts.
Wn would call attention to the ad.
vortising column of A. L. Spoilsler, Real
Estate Agent, in another part of our
paper, wherein are offered for sale a
valuable agricultural and fruit farm, and
'a number of Valuable town properties,
and building lots. n ,
• Tunas Carlisle bricklayers put dowu
7,000, bricks in _ five hours and ton min
utes at Price's furnace the other day.
Who can match them ?-.-Harrisburg
Patriot, ; .
Bully for that. ' Afways thought Car
oould surpass any Other town of its
size for rapid and skillful workmen.
GILOOEItIES.—Our citizens should not
lose sight of the tact that although
Messrs. Blair & Son have entered. into
:the wholesale trade exclusively siu6o,the
first of April last, that there is still Wintail
grocery in the " Sciuthfxd.” Wo would
disabuse their minds with reforeuee . ,to
this, and , inform the public generally,
that Mr. John A. Monne, late a (Aerie in
Lofdiah & dry goods store, has
purchased tho stoclF'of Mr. John Meek
-78 South Ilatioydr street,
Nvlnyo criu be obtained fresh groceries in
itbiindtineo, at reasonable •Pricciio3o
oxalic° bins;
CONFICIIIiNCE.—The Philadelphia Con
ference of the A. M. E. Church:Will
convene in this place next Wednesday,
to continue, iiisessi6n
is eipected•thafa great. many strangers
will be in attendance.
ARNESTIID.-i" Dutch Gus," alias the
" Chandler," well-known in police. Mr
eles, was arrested on last Saturday morn
ing, under very suspicious circumstances,
and, lodged in jail until the August
Quarter - Sessions. • Ho has frequently
been incarcerated in this institution, and
it seems as if determined to end
his days within its walls. Corn was the
cause of the trouble.
OBITUARY.—Aftor a'protracted illness
of eight NS' eeks, Mr. Martin ,Herman, re
siding in Bilier Spring tOWiiiihip, a short
distance North - bc New , Kingston,- an
aged and respected citizen, died on Wed
nesday- evening,. the twenty-second in
stant. The 4 deceased was, perhaps, the
eldest resident of the township, hav
ing been born in in which ho
died. The " Iltimeitead" has been in
possession of the family for more than
100 years. Mr. Herman was advanced
in years, and was well known' through
out the county, and universally respected
and-esteemed by all with whom he came
in contact. Ho left a widow and. six
children to mourn his death. The re
mains were interred in the Lutheran
gra;ieyard, sotitb s of Now Kingston, on
Saturday morning, attended to their silent
resting-place by a vast assemblage of rela
tions and sympathizing friends. Thus
one by one are the aged citizens of our
county passing. away. Peace to 'Us
committee of the Empire look and
Ladder Company of this horough, wrote
to the Philadelphia Fire Extinguishing
Company for information, relative to
this wonderful invention. Tho corn
nuncdia tel forwarded one of then
his place, and on Tuesday even
a trial took pinto in ono-of tho
yards at the edge of town. A. number of
empty barrels, shavings and other com
bustible materials were saturated with
coal oil and thou a match put to it. The
lire was extinguished: in a very short
space of tune.
The extinguisher is endorsed by the
chiefs of thehre departments of all the
principal cities of the country. It has
been approved by the Secretary of the
Treasury for use on Steafu Vessels, and
adopted by the government for the army
and navy.
The committee contemplate giving a
public 'trial on the square to-morrow
evening; provided the authorities will
grant them permission. We trust that
the trial will prove satisfactory, and that
our citizens will contribute towards the
purchase of at least three of the ex
LIST Or PATIZNTS.—The following pat
ents wero issued from the 'U. S. Patent
Office to citizens of Pennsylvania, for the
week. ending May 21, 1872. ,•
Reported for THE HERALD by Ali
ander & Mason, Solicitors of Patents,
005 Seventh street, Washington, D. C.
Washing maclime, N. F. Mclntyre,
Girard ; field thrashing machine, Jos. G.
Jr. Ephrata, coupling- for rope
bands, H. Babcock; Pittsburg ; process
and apparatus for' reducing the ores from
iron, Thos. B. Blair, Pittsburg; manu
facture of wrought iron and steel from
iron sponge, Thos. S. Blair, Pittsburg ;
iron sponge, Thos. S. Blair, Pittsburg ;
end gate for wagons, Chas. W. Faille,
Beaver Falls ; plow, Jno. S. Hall, Pitts
burg ; sand and gravel' separating ma
chine, N. J. Keller, East Birmingham ;
sheave for wire rope, It. - Long, Scott
township ; manufacture of hydraulic
samaras, D. 0. Saylbr, Allentown ; rotary
cutter: molding stone, &c., R. Ardray,
Frankford ; turn table for rivot bridges,
A. Bouzano, Phoenixville ; wrought iron
column, A. Bonzano, Phoenixville ; pis
ton rod for steam engines, J. F: Carll,
Pleasantville ; caruretcr, J. B. Fish,
Providence; corn shriller and separator,
B. 'Tarnish, Lancaster . ; Loorae, J. Hill
say, \Vest Manayunk ; sarrepump reel,
11. T. Stunt, Titusville ; horse power,
H. B. Lazellere,Doylestown ; sash holder
Wm. Patton, Towanda ; bag holder, J.
Vance, Pittsburg.
I 1
Machine for upsetting metal bar, A
Rlothan, Pittsburg.
It seems inevitable that every impor
tant enterprise must encounter in its
beginning not only tho natural ditlioub
ties of railroad, building, but also the
delays and vexatious confSequent up.n
the factious opposition of those' who
faincy their own interests injuriously
affected. Such opposition is equally
foolish and futile"; futile because no
really sound and well conceived project
was ever so cinched ; and foolish, be
cause it needs 'tut a glance at our brief
railroad history to see that every now
road' develops now and encourages old
industries, and creates for itself the
business which improves its neighbor
hood and enriches itself.
The Harrisburg and Potomac railroad
has encountered such opposition and-has
lived it down. Already fifteen miles of
the road - havo boon graded, and tho
officers in charge expect to have their
trains running from Harrisburg to Cloy
ersburg by the end 'Of the year. An
extraordinary impetus has been *given to
the road this year by the strompdemand
for iron ores to meet the increased and
increasing caltfor cheap•ored•to-feedtho
furnaces upon the Susquehanna and
Schuylkill.. A party of gentlemen, who
may be termed the Susquehanna interest,
consisting,of Messrs. Dawson Coleman,
W. Wister, W.• Watts, of Marietta,
Jones Wister, Col. •11. APCormick,
Mr. Dull, Superintendent of Lochici Iron
Works, Mr. Jacob Eny,'Mr. Chas. Atkins,
of Pottsville, and others, recently visited
the line of the road •for:the special Pur
pose of examining the iron ore show at
the property of tip Carlisle Iron-Works,
at Boiling Sprints furnace. After- a
thorough and oxh ustivo; 'and from the
great extent of the ore development an
exhausting examination, the party do.
parted, satisfied that this road could fur
nish the ores so mitr'needed on the Sas
..Closo to this largo mass of South
Mountain ore, and immediately on the
road, lie the great and almost undevel
oped limestone hematites se needful for
mining, while the branch roads running.
into York and Adams counties toueh s in
n few miles the rich_magnetio
Such a - combination,„ of , ores renders cer
tain the estithlisinnahref,furuaces along ,
the line of?the roadrfUnralready several
'aro projected.,
No enterprise has been recently started
in which Harrisbing has so in
terest as in the completion of .this road
With good and cheap ores lying on the
South Mountain only twenty.m ilea away,
there is nothing to prevent the city from
becoming the grand iron centre,. of the
east. . But there should be no delay,. and
it should be semi to that everrencourage
moot and assistance be given, so _that at
the close of tho year, whealhe now fur
naces need vre, the Itarrisbnrg and Po,
tonnic railroad shall be fully completed
and able to furnish thorn.',
. With view to' a .eomphato• develop
ment of the mineral wealth ,nlong the
line of their road, the company is •now
having prepared by Professor J. P.,Les
ley, of Philadelphia, a thorough geologi
cal report of tho °roe; of, the -country
711101 must find their way to market by
this route: The report wilt ho publiShod
iu no3hort tinio.=-Tetbgrap74.
Tllll PEMETERpiB.—Many of our citi
zoos Visited the Ashland and public
cemetery on last Sabbath. These quiet
- resting:places - of- the-dear,-departod,-are
visited daily by many of our citizens.
The busy lands of tho friends of the
doad, are, now at work, puttink in order
tho graves,
, fencos and lots. Monuments
and tombstones are. being erected„while
the foliage of the tails, grass and flowers,
still farther develop, beautify and add
charm to tho place. We trust that there
is no one in our borough that will 'be
guilty of trespassing upon, or in any
'mannor ruthleSilpdestroying the flowers
or shrubbery placed on any of the graves.
MORE Rau:Roam pi . loitt, COUNTY.—
The. Pirectors ,of the Frederick Arid
Pennsylvania 'Line Railroad appeared
befOre the alithorities of Washington a
few days ago asking for certain favors.
To, enforce" their claim they presented
the following*stateM;ent us to how a now
and independenV road could be secured
'between Washington and Now York :
"The Baltimore and Potomac Roadie
part 'and parcel of the. Pennsylvania
Central, and so will the proposed
"National Maryland Railroad" become,
if it shall over be built. Both run into
the Northern Central, h tributary of the
Peansylvapia. Central, and neither can
over get Aboyend that controlling in
fluence. I The Metropolitan Road, and
the Washington Branch of the , Balti
more and Ohio railroad are in the Same
category, as belonging to another cor
poration. But that an independent out
let was now presented to them via the
Frederick and Peniisylvania Line Rail
road, the Hanover Branch, Railroad, And
the proposed road,fro , wllanover Junction ,
to Columbia, (which the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad Company aro pre
pared to complete, as soon as a disposi
tion is shown by any parties whatever to
build the connection between this city
and Washington,) tg Philadelphia and
by the Allentown amt.° to Now York,
thus placing Washington, with a con
trolling influence, at the , Bouthern ter,.
of the long sought and much
:1 inland Air Line between the
Lai Metropolis and New York
there is something in this scheme
is confirmed by tho following notice
which we clip from the Columbia Cour-
"The Directors of the Hanover Junc
tion anti Susquehanna , Railroad
Company, 44,- T. Ryon ' of this place,
President, have resotied to open books
for subscription to the Capital Stock of
said Company, at the public house of
henry Ilautz,in the borough of Wrights
ville, on the fourth, fifth and sixth of
June next.
TRIBUTE OF ItEiPEU'T.—At a 'stated
locating of Holly Gap Lodge, No. 277, li.
of P., held at Mount Holly Springs,
Thursday evening, May 16, 1872, the fol
lowing preamble and resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty
God in his mysteriOns Providence to re
move from us one of our charter mem
bers, Brothcr.Samuel G. Givin ; there
fore be it
Rewired, That while we huilsbly bow
fo Him who doeth all things well, we
feel that iu the death of Brother :Sorel
G. Givin, we have lost a true and faith
ful friend and the order an earnest _and
active member.
Tesoiseti, 'That we extend-our most
heartfelt sympathies to the afflicted
widow and parents of the deceased, feel
ing that when we offer this sympathy we
do so with a full realization of the loss,.
bpeause of the warm intimacy existing
between us and the deceased—being as
it were—a-loss to our family as it was to
,Resolved, That in remembrance of the
happy past spent with us, and as a spec
ial mark of respect towards the departed
Brother ' we drape our charter in mourn
ing for thirty days. •
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be submitted to the widow and
parents of the deceased, and that they lie
published in the CARLISLE HERALD, Vol
unteer and Mountain Edw.
TRIaJTE OF RESPECT.-At a meeting
of Cumberland Circle, No. 38 B. U.
111. F.) of Pennsylvania, held on Thurs
day e‘ cuing, May 23, 1872, the following
preamble and resolutions were adopted :
NYBEngAs, A light has been Main
gnished in our Circle, by the band of
death. Bro. S. G. Givin, who often met
with us around our holy altar, has now
lighted his. torch at the holy flame of
eternity ; and while this Circle deeply
feels his Ipss, he forms one in that
Grand Circle, whose center and circum
ference is the all paterdal God. Though
our• Circle has been invaded by death,
o e feel that time is hut, another jewel
added to that Cithle where death never
enters, and whose dames are never dim
med, but burns -brightly to light us on
our jomney of toil. Thelefore, be it
Resolved, That in this onr bereave
ment, we bow to the N‘lll of him who
controls all tltirigN. That in the death
of Bro. Qivin, WO Circle has lost aSaith
fpl and true'brother, whose 1194, Was
i ' 3"er open to the best and purest'sympa
tides of humanity.
Resolved, That the .rife of our deceased
Brother has our sincere sympathies in
this dispensation of Providence, which
has shrouded her life in gloom and sor
Resolved, That our hall be draped in
mourning for the sPaco of sixty day,s,
that a copy of these resolutions be sent
to the wife of our departed Brother; and
be published in trio papers of our town,
as well as iu the Scroll keeper. .
D. M. C. Grim°,
DECORATION DAY.—To-day (Trihrs
day) May 80, has beep sot apart for the
- itaiiiiiiitiii — Ortho — graves of .the Union
soldiers that fell in the late Rebellion.
From sonic: cause or other we were not
furnished with a copy of the proceedings
for our last issue, brit `have obtained a
programme of. the - exercises Which we
publish :
The Military, different Societies and
the public generally, will assemble :at
the - College Campui, at .2 o'cloolt p.
where an address will be delivered- by .
,Prof. S. D. 'Hillman, after wilich the , :
'procession Will be • formed, move to the
ditlbrent cemeteries, decorate this graves,
and return to the Court House to be
dismissed with the benedietiem
A. committee will be in attendance at'
the Court House . and at the College
Campus for the reception of flowers.
Committee to decorate the Soldiers'
Monument : Isaac Elliott, Sain'l
William A. Monyer and William A.
Committee to decorate the Courtllousd
and distribute flowers : John I. Faller,.
Sainuel Moßoth, Jacob 'Cart, J. T. Zug,.
R. P. liondorson, William Corinnan,..
William II oa!,ty . and Lute A. Line.
At' a late mooting it vas unanimously
resolved that the merchants of this bor
ough be reriitestcd to close their places of
business to-day; at 12,o'clock m,, and re
main closed until the proceedings of the
day are ended. WO trust that" aid tho
'merchants will cheerfully comply with
this resolution, and that there will ho no
"lido issues," as has boon customary on
former occasions, while tho exorcises are
in progress. It is sincerely hoped that
all of Our)citlzons tho cere
mony of Decorating filo graves of the do
parted heroes, by contributing . fle yore,-
t 34. . - •
FrsuY.—Tbo following piscatorial
itoresanay bo intorestaeto Waltonyes :
On Hatardaylast, a son pi Mr. Shraud
'enbaeb,,pf-thia-plage,--aaught er-i;Cattio'- 1 -
at the creek, with a rod and line:that
weighed two and one-half powida.
After the rain on Menday last, a gen
tleman of this place caught an eel at the
Conodogninet that weighed three pounds
and measured three' feet hflength.
Massie. Atusbu & Low receive large
quantities of shad, Fock,,rnackerel and
other 'fresh fish tiiiea a ,wee
- l { .
A. _BrrEs and Berry Harkness,
hucksters, receive fresh fish and all
kinds of -vegetables, &o.
OA Thursday last,. 7,000 living eels
.passed the ugh this place on the express
train, destined for Hagerstown, Mary
"SmarrEns" sell in inaihet at 15 and
25 cents each.
A MELAlicnoLv BREMC Dow - R.—There
aro lively break-downs that make 'an
audience laugh, and there are sad and
sorrowful break-downs that mike the,
kind4Marted grieve. To the latiCf class
belongs the enervation of body and mind
which is usually called general debil
ity," or "nervous weakness," and which,
When neglected, too aften•terminates in
atrophy and death. A wholesome medi-
cated stimulant is the one thing needed
in cases of this description, and science
and experience .unite in pointing to
Plantation Bitters as the tine specific.
The ° fact that it combines the properties
of an iuvigorant with those of a rug'ula
tor and alterative in'exactly the propor ;
tines necessary• to produce a radical
change in the tole .of the system, and
the action of the diestive and secretive
organs, is au unanswerable argument in
its s a general restorative.
—The Pittsburg,' , •(Pa.,) Leader has the
following:: ,„
One of the anomalies and curiosity of
•our-existing financial system is the fact
that • the notes of the broken national
banks' of :the United States aro worth
fouqper cent more than the \ notes
sound one's. The explanation 'is easily
found. - The government guarantees- the
circulation of all the national banks.
That keeps the notes of the poordst of
them, and oven of those which have
failed, up to par. The total circulation
of the' national banks of the United
States is limited to a fixed amount. But
whcn'a national hanic breaks, if another
bank can buy up its notes and offer the
same guarantees, it is allowed to succeed
to its privileges and franchises. OF if a
banking corporation buys up, sufficient
notes of various broken national. banks
to establish a now bank, the government
allows it to do 4his too. There are
numbers of peoPtil who would like to go
into the national banking business if
they had a chance. This gives them a
chance. If they watch the market and
buy . up enough of broken bank notes
'they have an opening to start a new
national bank in. It is the pressuro of
these outsiders who want to get in that
creates the demand for thes'e "busted"
bank notes which has raised them to the
premium we have alluded to, 'and made
the paradox that the notes of our rdtton
banks are better than those of our good
ones a sober truth.
• ADJOURNED MEETlNG.—Agreeably to
an adjournment, there was a meeting of
the old soldiers, in the Arbitration
Chamber, for pu s hioses stated in the re
port of former proceedings.
Capt. E. Beatty presided. Tho min
utes of former meeting read.
On motion of Thomas Reily, the General
Executive committee was instructed to
engage tho services of the Shiremanstown
On motion of J. L. Meloy, the College
Campus was selected as the place for de
livering the yration and making arrange
ments preliminary to the parade, pro
viding the day is favorable to holding
the meeting out of doors and the College
duthdrities agree to the meeting being
held thereon.
On motion of R. P. Henderson it was
uhaninigusly resolved that A. B. Sharpe,
esq., be luviteil to preside at.the meeting
on Decoration D'ay. ,
Gen. R. M. Renderson was appointed
,Marshal, with authority to select his
assistants, and arrange the progrinMe.
John I. Faller was appointed Marsha[
of returned soldiers:,
Persons contributing flowers aro re
spectfully requested to send them to the
College Campus, if the weather is favor
able, otherwise due notice will be given
of the place fa making Keliminiiry ar
rangements. The committee will be
ready to receive all contributions of
flowers any time during the thirtieth
On motion adjourned to meet ou Wed
nesday evening, twenty-ninth instant, at
71 o'clock. GEo., S. ESLIQ,
- Secretary. -
many as fifty throe illustrations, those
accompanying Mr. Richard's " Travel-,
iug by Telegraph" (second article) being
of extraordinary richness and beauty.
There are pictures of Harrisburg,
glimpses of the Susquehanna, Havana
and.• Watkins 'Glens, Seneca Lake, etc.
Another interesting illustrated article is,
on the " City of Warwick," England.
ProfessbOligard, of the U. S. Coast
Survey, explains withinaps, tables, etc.,'
his curious and important theory of the
center of gravity of population ; Mr.
Whitelaw Reid, managing editor of the
Tribune, ably, discusses " Schools ,of
Journalism ;" Mr. Wilkinson continues,
his criticism ofMr. Lowell's probe ; Mr.
. .
Warner van us another charming chap=
tor' of "Back-L'o' Studios ;" Mr.'" W. J.
Stillman presents an interesting. sketch
of an "English , Art Reformer';" Mrs.-
oliphant's "At his gates" is, as 'mule',
strong • and masterly ; Saxe Holm's
" Draxy Miller's Dowry" base singular
rush and breeziuess—this *aliment
contains an exquiSito little hymn by
Draxy herself. Then there is .- a power
ful story in the Lancashire dialect, by
Fannie E. Hodgson. The separate
poems are by Harriet McEWen
Elizabeth Akers Allen, and• Mary L
Ritter:, Dr. Ifolland, in "Topics of the
"Time," ,writes of "Theatres , and Thee
tra="goin"g," and "The' Loneliness of
Farming Life „in Amerloa."_ The •Old
Cabinet' tallis- , about -"Cousin Bertha,"
" Our Standing =mtg our Priends,"
" Talking about the AbSeut," Human
Sympathy," ~ ‘ The Afterglow," " Imita
tion," 'and " Tha Big . picture." The,
Deplhament is well • filled
,Homo and Society, among other timely
papers,' has •an • excellent little article
(With illustrations) on croquet. Culture'
and Progress hatl - critiques on Church's
"Parthenon,'; Thomas Moran's," Brand
ertuon of , the Yellowstone ," inusto t ilew
books, etc., and the etchings, are very
graceful and suggestive. . The .dontri
hutedrand 'editorial
_papers altogether
cover a remarkably itii4rango.
SCiIfNCE OF intALTll : — r o firstnumber of this now Hoalth,Journal
published. It is devoied ,to an eXPosi
lated to health andlo the treatment of
disease, such as air, light, temPerature i ,`
diet, clothing, bathing, exercise, EIICOP,
electricity; and all — normal agents and
hygienic materials. It is an independ
ent journal, published in the interests of
the people,, which is certainly a strong
commendation. This first number con
tains- many articles of general internat.
The senses of sight r hearing, taste,smell;
eto„ are illustrated and explained. The
cause and cure of backache; the proper
position on hoiie-back ; water treatment
of fevers; sprains and bruises; pneu 7
Jnonia ; elergYmen's sore throat ; chronies
catarrh ; how to sleep, etc. The depart
ment of talks with OM:respondents con
tains valuable infOrination. The new '
magazine is issued from the office of
.The Phrenological Jouragand published
at the low price of in a year, or 20 cents
a number. "Try it," and save • many
times its cost in doctor's bills. Address
the publisher, B. R. Wells, 889 Broad
way, N: Y.
WASHINGTON, D. C., May 24, 1872
DEAR HERALD i—To-day closed the
most interesting meeting of the Ameri
can Institute‘zaf Hommopathy ever hold.
Several huudred phytiiciaus were in at
tendance from all seetnids of the United
States. The meethlg was inaugurated
on Monday evening, May 20, by.a recep
tion given by Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Verdi,
at their residence, to the members and
their ladies, for the formation and
renewal of fraternal relations.
On Tuesday the general business ses—
sions of the society commenced in Lin
coln Ilan. -
On Wednesday morning the membeis
assembled in the parlors of the Arling
ton Hotel (which was the head-quarters
of the society,) and proceeded to the
White House, where, by special appoint
ment, they were received by his' Excel-,
lency, the President of the United States,
and cordially welconied to the Nation's
Capital. 'Under the administration of
President Grant the Honimpathic Low
of Cdre received its first National recog
nition;- by his, according to its practition
ears equal professional rights, which will
be, accepted as a step in the right direc
tion by all fair-minded people, as it is
claimed by a large class of citizens,
that this law of eureio a great advance in
the healing art ; aic ' d with considerable
show of right, as the report of Edwin
M. Kellogg, an eminent statistician,' will ,
show. Ho has spent several morithe4n
Classifying the deaths in Now York city,
for the years of 1870 and 1871, showing
that, the practitioners of the Hommo
pathie school of medicine, lose but 50
where the- " regular" or 'Allopathic
schoollose 100 cases by . death, these are
facts which the people can ponder, if
they cannot understand how medicines
act on the human system. As a fitting
7. tributo to the success of Homaiopathy, a
telegram was received on the third' day
of the session, from New Yiirk, stating
that Governor Hoffman bad just
signed the bill passed by„.the Legis
lature' of that - State for the endow
ment and establishment of a University,
in which the Homcoopatbic law of cure
is to be taught. And from Massachu
setts wo hear" that nearly ono hundred,
thousand dollars wore raised for a now
HHoniceopathic Hospital, by moans of a
fair held in Boston, within the short
space of a few weeks,. owing, to per
secutions meted out to Honiceop:thists
by the Allopathic branch of the profes
sion, and from all parts of the world we
hear of the same cheering progress.
The American Institute has taken ac
tion to invite and hold a world's Congress
of Homcoopathic Physicians in Philadel
phia, during tho Centennial Anniversary
of Independence in 187 G.
Many acts of courtesy and kindly
greeting were tendered' the members of
ttle Institute during their stay in Wash
ington. His Excellency Governor Cooke,
and his kind and accomplished lady,
gave a grand reception, and extended
the hospitalities OT their elegant mansion
on Georgetown Heights, to the members'
and the ladie,s accompanying them.
The'next meeting will be held in June,
1873, in the city. of Cleveland, Ohio.
We keep constantly on hand a large and
choice assortment of BABY CAR
RIAGES of every, desorption. Our
stock of carriages is by far the largest in
thit place, while they are unequalled for
durability or stylo: We also keep on
hand a largo stock of furniture of every
description. Prices reasonable. We
take pride in showing persons through
our ware rooms, whether 'they .desire to
purchase or not. Give us a call.
30ma72tf SECAPI,EY
. 'USE Pain Curs Oil rtse Pain Cur©
Oil 1 Is the popular phrase of everybody
. meets a suiferhig friend. Try, it
and yogi. won't regret it. Our druggisti
and merchants' sell" it for 50 cents pos
^^-DRY GOODB`' 1,3)17 GOODS 1 .
Cheaper than over at Duke.& Bin •k
-holder's. . We have juste,ponedthis wo,ek,
an elegant stock of_ dress g;iiods, of all
kinds, shawls, lace points, &e. Th ese
goods have just been purchased w'nen
prices touched' bottom. We aro both
able and willing to sell cheaper than
ever. We have no•hig stock on hand,
about whiCh so much pufling has heen.
done of fate, but just kit the market.
Nices aro much lower now than any
time this peason. We have purchased
our goods at the lowest prices, and aro
determined to sell them off at astonish
ingly lew prices. Come to the right
Place and you will buy your goods at the
right prim:
' THOSE of out l 4eadera wbo are Suffer
ing from a ieverChttack of Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, or any pain, should at once
apply Pain Cure Oil. It is a sum bum
' NOTIOIL-D. A. Sawyer has just
opened a splendid assortment of black
hornauis, r • from 25 cents . to $l,OO per
yard. •
• . Also, the latest styles of linen suitinge
and whito.goods, swisses, Victoria lawns,
Piques, &o. ,
Also, a choice lot of parasols, from GO
cents upwntile.
`Also, the cheapest antibat
of shaw,ls, lace points and:lace sacinos in
the town. • . •
We are offering'groat bargains in dress •
goods of every description to close,orit
our Stimm . or stook. Do not ,fail to call
and get some of the bargains.
Van the Dollar ReWard ~9eap" with
soonving'briek, in cleaning iron or steel,
it' eaves' ono half the litheir...nati givggt,
bettor appoaatica. . • '