El CARDS. SHARPE El A. ;ATTORNEY AND COUNSEDLOIt AT (dill', CARLISLE, I'A. OFFICN Itutoori;tl to No. 18 Wext•lllgh strout, uo:ct..iloor to llorryx Drug Store. 1f072-3m: r.ii . .ATWOOD: • ISAAC W. RANCH. ATIV;bOD, RANCK tC:; CO., cominuoIi.MIIRCLIANTS, Whoicealo &More In nil Ic Icinde of ' - KLED.AND SALT 14.911 No. 210 Nbrthqparvei3,___, -Above Raco arca, QM N. SCOTT COYLE a. M. COYLE, SPRING 18.2 COYLE BROTHERS, JOBBING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 241300T1T HANOVER ST., cARLISI.E• They have constantly in stock a largo selection of Notions' and Fancy Dry Goods, ladies' and gont'sfflostery, gloves, suspenders, neck tics and bows, whits trimming and ruffling, paper collars and cuffs, note, cap, business, letter, billet,, wrapping paper, envelopes, paper bags,' tie yarn, drugs, fancy soap, ,hair oil, perfume, and amendless variety of knick `knacks. All ordM's will receive prompt Mien- COYLE BROTHERS 7mlA7'2tf DR. J. S. BENDER, 11031tEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Has removed !OS' oinCo to Foolk's Corner... Corner of South Hanover att nd Pearet streets, and mt-stte the Seamd Presbyterian chord , lOst tdi FE. EELTZIIOOVER, . , KITORNEV AT LAW. Oilico in Snail Ihnovor street, upp,ll. 11ry goodsNtOro. INV7O EI • ou. K PATRICK" IV 111 MAN WholesMe dvall.rs in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. E o,r. Third and ifurkci airceis, Philadelphia. - D. F. HOLT., E. SIRETATIIIer =9 Lian7l C. r. UUMRucn. IVLC. r. PS ILKEI HUMBICH PARKER, " IURN E < AT LAw °Moo on I%faln strool.lo I , lat ion 1101'. Oil 10, =MBE . . J. 11. GIIAITAM ,S; SON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS-AT-I,IAV, . 14 So uth. Hitnnycr :Ur, et, I=l Oralmm. .111.1,4 Dfstrici 14a , p..z•.1114. , 1 kw, 1111r1 1,10/ hitt] 111. .1 II I 1.411),:jr. WIII pruelll.l.lll 111- 4 161141, Pero y and ./.I.ata 7 -if _ • JOHN COHNM.AN, Al l'ith.;) NY .1 r L Office No, 7, Ithovto s 111.11,111 ,,, . 1 Ih.• uvn;uo m, MEI JOHN -4I AN NO N, Wllo` ESA LE AND I:ETA I I. DEALER IN _ TILE BEST gem,irry OP 11;\ I 0 I,* No. 'II South I lituovor Street, 11.1a721y JOSEPH HITNER, ,Tit., ATTORNEY At . LAW I , St I; 1.:1'111:1 UecLnnirwnnr~, I'n. 11111 e, tw , door. north 01 Ow hook ..Boolneks 'nooolo.l3' at:01010A Is. OSEPII G. VALE KT TRRl7iti Atir — FrlV. Practices in Danid , dn and Camberland Count ios Orrier.—ln Court limn Aveour, No 2 Ntanwri• in,thr I..ur of Ow droch,t Pitubl i•lni,o t t I= 12Putilly ell As. r. CULVEI El= LAW'LOAN .AN o cOLT.r.C"I'ION opi.ACE ,lOSEPIL I."Ci•I,VEII 11)11). PONTIAC, 11.1.1Niiit. IV. lin,. I ill. .tiOS for placing c.ipitol on Titles In\"csligote:l, anti Ala rode fr. in nor own s not th, DiAmoN FPI.OI'ACIXS will iimerv• ' ' If p then. PEItFEUT tENBES. (hvra: il.olll jtoliblos, Oetlll.l , 1001 t lii r r ition"Ditianond!' on 0, coono of Oit.ii hurl nn,x and 111 , 111lioicy• They will i,iol puu,yy , .ll williout ;bongo, 311(1 , ,(11 . 0 Wary Mll4l rjoi. i 0 /01 ellilyl,l ill 1/Pl/t - 3Al4lJFAcTultin /TY ' • • .1. 11 tll , ,EsclEtt. t CO., OPTICIANS, . • - YORK, . ro• 1.01 IR. -.1..10 11.1 1111100 elomt,ea ivllll Intik D/1 . 21011 l'y l'ellU11„1110 IISOLINV thr011iji1011t• file taell. TIIIONA'S•CONLYN,SowoIei,COr I IfiIo,PO, is ago , t, how wheel 1110 y 011 only 110 01)11tlocEl, No pailleito imililoyytl. •7d0c714y . , I= H II I :0•111..: 1111 Li 1 . 11141.111,' IIL IND T 1 iS:p a. ni , and 111 liVh. at • • MIM Tin; ust: or • PT KE ,Szi SON' i 3 No retflet, iimp doyvJ TILE _k3IPTIZE ,IIUTUAL: ITNEXA.3I.PIJD - IgUTUAI LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP NEW Tong, to tlio first rifttati lilont7in of Its oxistoueo line Wine OVER. POWCY-PINT uusulitn POLICIES r, INSTJUING ovisu $8;000,000.00 and taking in P.ternitinas. $500,000.00 wing tto tn•aont. colroklicoment (10• r don wr,nny company Jn rho world! lit 1, ItNASON FOR IT. orallowy wholo-lifo policinn aro absolntPly [ion fvfloit.l)lo from payment f Brat .tn, owl proinium. Special lutairanco non-forfolinblo after two annual pwymeotx All pollelro Inrontestohlo for Imal ortoftrg, foul 1,601 p 'ply ioroo toot et , .lt. After two spoi on I protoloirov. All roi, rict mos upon intro( vol reelltlouro 01MaNil md no prrtrlll,revaired. "NO Ilcommilation of intormit on LO,llll , or Tgiifcrrml Premium., owl no increase of animal paymoilte on any clogs of pelicieo. Orimtlilril of 1110 proinlivri I.olr 101 10 Om party In aural, If arairetl; and 110 :Coto roguing]. . Ply Wanda on the progrenetro plan, ana Milo upon the Otrantta , Intrnalt pl.in - 11paitami at the campany'enmitiete.lan Mtn Mutual Plan. • iii•p xlmplc niut fair I tlitm provlsfottg. Incontestability of Policies It is the repose of Tho Meld, o to tern!! all Ito con tract, the evident,o of which is that its policy has no convenient ',rages by means of which it con escape a Just demand. Proven frond on the port of the insured sell always invandate a policy. Also suicide, If committed previous io the payment of tho second annual premium; or death canoed by engacing in any spochdly hazardous bllSillehfl Within the first two year'. Ilut attor the expiration of two years, the policy will ho held incontestable for all canoes except fraud. Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies No policy of Ituutranen With enntliiiion4 pAytitcnul for life Irili be forfeited ur dteuione ruid by the non ntymeut of prendutng thorderl, until the full poytuu, power"l the prentinnix havo I—en osholosted 'rho lunguoge of the pour.), "That If and premium alter the not annual pre mium ohall havo eon paid, shall not he pant on the doy when doe, and thv said a•sured shall, within thirty days theticafter, give no-lieo In wailing of Ira -I,llity to pay thn some, and of n dn,iro that xxid policy shall he continued In farce midi, tha ing rondltinna. Than, and In ouch cane this policy shall not be forfeited or became Told by thn nun- RymPnt of the gall premium duo thereon, not il after 110 expiration of it period, to he ileterroilool An fol. lox, to wit: Tho nut value Of thix poiluy when Ile , rnmiuut tf,t,tlloli dor, i.hall ' he iluternined aril:- arlal ealrelatlon, 11114 after t lethetting from Each net setm• the tear Urn. Hi poliey nnrnr.ctlad by flit'le &nth+, tyral any intlebttelnexa to the company, hum, tfillhe of abet remains Rhall be ennattlered a net all, gle preealtmt of toncoratty tolerance, and (file pulley shall let continued in fem. daring the:term for 'Aldo!, jt cc Itt inture,lll . l , llding to thin age of Clue party at the time of the !twee of the premium Example of tho-Non= - ForfeitabloThur cf- tho "Empire." , Ago of part) Innorell, 35, OrAinary wbolo lifu policy Ono annual 1000111111111 will eqr , Inun tLu policy Ii force '2 00010 nod 3 day, Two tumult' premiums will coo,kwio ttio policy IT totem 4 y4ara euk.l 12 days. Three anlinal premium , will continuo Ow policy I, force n years and 27 any, Pour annual premiums will continuo thu policy tome n yearn and .10 days. Five 111111Uld ill-v[lllmm will continuo AO policy forcolo years and 50048. -- OFFICERS G. - Hilton Sct•ilnicr, I)ll.P;dunt George W, Smith . ; Vice Pres dent. , B;4lney \V. Crol'ut, 80cretar) • Lemuel 11. Waters Thontax 'Marcy, N• 1: 1)., 111c(1i cat EXaiiiiner. • 1. - EverettClapp, Superin ooilent THE TEsTrno Ny . OF THE PRESS Tlio Entpae. N /111 4 1111111 r 1,2111111011, 1/1111111 . :0/3 1 I . ollolriO 0010 / 011 MOllOO laleineme priarlploo, eat' c/r.tleoll at a very 9.41.1 r lay In "NO elmul4r rhoettleie reudinalrar r( Its ell+rart In tho o7ontrv. Ile aim!. and 411rect , rx " loran boxlnn , s," ..td haw) .organlzetl with the, Clow of ontabll.lang a 's tnotlol loxtlintlon.—lV Y. ',Oren* eat, January 20.1e1u. C "This Coullisny Is a groat susesse, the tssnilt vconsolleal, and rullablo inunagentaut. T. Fsopire line uu auporior In thin conntry.”.--Bssl. ti CORIpILUV, feel . n ,ts pot lex In vitt° lit Um wont to.toutia It t BEE "Au excelivut dounmu."-2Yoll!'s Hero "A veryntiecOnsful Comptor."—Congregationatise —"lt 10 - witlrifoonlirtr Plodturro" that wo affeh.. ortids now candidata for public favor. Wo Imo* many years aloes tiro ProEddont Of tiro company, We know him In boa man of energy, of obarttoter,'Of superior buslooss ability, and above nil olyo, a ouccensful man in whatever ho undo:takes. Tito trusll,lo, the Com pany ItrsadoPted tho bout Irprovomonts of the day In its orgamisation.”—Ncto r hlnatarld insurance Ga zette. - GEO; 1161 INT FOB Cumberlpq, Pprry, Rna 'Juniata ggun OFFICE WITH S,IIIEPI3URN, Jn 14july70,1i 4. t. Si'ONSLER'S L.-6'PONBLER, - ,heal Icy into Agobt, Scrivonni, ConvoyAncor, Tu.nt , anon al VV eIIAIM Ag - Onieo Street uonr Centro Stlaro. EBIRA.I3:Lt .PROPERTY. i. ) RI-' tiALII—The owner thatroan ro- InovingaVtilt, offnr, nt private gale a' LOT OF GROUND, iduated an Butilord • strata, In Lilo bah - igh or Car aontainlng 15 Put front by 106 foot in doptb, and bavin¢ thorenn ,acted n . _ _ _ TWO STORY FRAME 110 USE, walk brink baelt• Lulldinr. te,sh henno t !(with el•tern therein,)tonoke hon., hal:nTne, and all inwrairy outbuilding - N. The prop'rty fror.th•g Redford idreef to 43 feet front 21 fert The hock building frOnting 0111.00 0 W n II; , y ft 21 rent Isl front- ThoAlropurty in ivattly K(`W roolninn n rtererneln. nmr OC6llllOd no a glaaa ry'ia- no I. in good eendit runt . Is nthnlrubl , •ilnut•tff. r n lund - nr. thin I. Per• nom winhin.y. I, r 4 the pro•nrty. (An d .110 by...P ing on the own,. residing nu the promtnea. Per tenon and further puttleulnrx enquire of . 1. SPONST.F.II. Real Estnte Avnut MEM A _ Two-Story. Brick ,Dwelling=, Por Pith No. 38 South Bedford .trpot, on..tolning t Aso pn-lors, ball, and lotelloi or/ thu 11 , x , 000, toil rhino rhunl hem nn the tocontl o , th n r, II .11.1 . 1 ,mile onek and fro,t, tioloony I,lll.linn.`stott now° 111 tilt• null hydra.t In 111,1 pool. t piny to MEE MIIE sobseriber lots several other vat: pengerttet for sato is num , . et the iit n, trliirli 'IJi too ottennnnly Ned to A.. 1.. 51'0 qs.1.1:11, , It. ttl Agent. lINZEI VIRGINIA LANDS in' tho Shenan doah Vetlley for solo.—A number of velment°, and highly Improved forms In l• hollov” ore of fertl lay onto. The trews run from 90 to 300 enroll, The lipoid is of the hest qn only of Ilmrxlonn. folly won', If not superior, to the hind In e turiberlannl Kelley, and gill he shxpaved .f at. nxlouieh(ngly ley.• figures. 'I he extension if the Curelowlelul Colley will raa Immediately through the Fll , Con of country In winch n 0!,,, hutch ,W,w located, which,corn• fmltsful; together eI th wlrenlnge of the Shen.- doll, river tralwrrtatlOn ell] give them ell the out rentsgres of Northern owl I:Astern . markets. A splendid omportnwlty for lucrative Investments in here offered. A foil OA, rlvnorlption,of tho location And charm+ r of. [be of ionr (loots wily In, lind, by ap• plying to A. L. SPONSLEIL, Real Estoto AueoL CArlble. FOR 'SALE OR RENT.--'-. 4 1 commo -0(44 t wo-iitory Nick, piiivntn residence, 'n 11"o=t Ponuret .trot, nil hutted 011 n lot 1) fort front and NO feet In depth, pith a ntatile 111111 carriage hohnio, nild'olonnilitlico of fruit 'Hydrant In the yt, ,, 11.14 good clotern, Alm, it twou.ory brick hnnnn and hark on North Pitt street. PORIO I I4BIIIII of the former whit be gl,Ol tonied lithely, nod of the littler on or liflor the first of July next, Apply to EMI !: o o [ i most. popular LIP , I. nut an, en.pinnilog In tho contil V. A(l , lrtn.B It. Kent. cArn or A. L. Sporwler, Cm I I4le, Pa. • 111011, s.aLE.• A not!!: AND LOT in l'arll.le. A ring lorntion for n resilenve no Pron. et eAteet, between %Vex( rind Pitt nt rent., 'rho lot is It' re, It nit. noel reet Arrn. Ito. bnllro feet c Irrhr. in front, t.” high, •.,ail t„n-xtory totel;hoil.ltr.g , gee. tom': and rontainx pantry' mei chino riosnt, kOr het. ;trot wash n that Iloor tieet.tel tono•—• , i, nntl barn root.. the Ilnr, t - nter It, Ilnr kitchen mot bath r.. 00 tn.' .In thr. inth , or. Thero. atn1.1... oat houn, I 4•ltteto mot limit enor. 1•:..q...t0 ' .1. I...Fl'oN:q.t.:lt, 3 • 1.71 Bost Est..t” Agent. Dl=M=l=M2 ISAAC LIVINGSTON ?rtaltil 11A 1),..0,111 FINE CL 0 THIN G FOIL BOY'S' AM) YOITUS; WT!AR 22 NOILTII TlAtitNi , .ll STREET I . LIVINGSTON, MERCHANT 'T A_ I 1, 0 Cloths, Cpssimeres, Vestings, &c., ell!:',11E1 22. NORTH HANOVER STREET I . LTV I NOSTON, INL THAVELINO AND PAC kiNe, * - \ ••,, °i ° _. T.T INT Fa.. al . VALISES, Cllll`l :1' AND LEATUEII 11A1*, llANoylin CARLISLE EMI IiONTG(..ATEitY IIi)USE. 101,111 tho 11111.1 that thvyl.o v it.ost..l this ii . i2ll 0 lot ti b 4011411 cc It , / , 1 nlolllll.'lllloll ICITII It in u.tyl, ‘lllll.ll thiry 11,110 will glvii xit In 1111 tt 110 !hay low tin ill with theirel tmn Tim Cluttnl.mBhorg nqd Ocl Ipshurg Co.dne ,, r from and ,o thin hot.•l. El.l.lo'l"E' MBE CENTRAL HOTEL, NOB. 621 and 6213 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA.. - Terms, S2.TiO por day, or rooms wit 'Ont'board, n iiit por day. J. D. 10:1JAVEN, Proiorletm_ 30mbnly FARMERS' , AND „Dnov The tinderskin.ql having tukeu 111111 en tl , ely fitted ,u,a furni‘heol 1,1.3 1.4,4,3. ivi,A,r..l to form good necommodetione to all 'elm des , ro to make their home. Aeh ire -of the patronage .1 the In rounding country tra veil in.c ' , ha Roman largo ant Tliblswa always 1,1 plied with the.h. , el. N. IVO( kI)A. 51nai{1 l'r..priotnr T ILE "BENTZ lIOUSE," (Formerly Carman 17ovse Nos. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST9E/LP, CAItLISLE, P.A. Tho mut, isignod Moving porchit.ed and entirely re-iltted, and itirtilaited a now tin olighout, with first• Clint. furniture, till, wail-known nod ,rl.l hotel, snitrlte the•rustont of the conitnnolly and introit ng public, Ito well prepared to furnish 'lrst-chom ticoonunodations to all rho detilro to milk." n hotel their 11.0 M 9, or ploaunit tuiniu.rary To e s t , , ,,ton, front t surrounding country I. respect fully sot felted. Courtcom ainlattstitive ,orvnum are engaged st this populor hotel. ,(111 MOB Z II ENT/., Proprietor. N. B. Alilrat-chob Berry is I:ownedall witn the hotel under tho inalingent out of Joseph L. Sterner .11 Brother. • lesonll9ly CHEAPEST COAL 11 &en/0 111111011M11011 /WITCH to ownio, Goa to all parties, either for Faintly or I.lnobnruorie ono, at cheap 'rates, prod.leil shay accept tha f 'Bowing: lot. To oilier all Coal in Company care. • To - chnrgn WiTaht, crroveat•c of any -ra,lll teeth)' map, Am :10, To deliver your coal 011 it awes to without re.creent tn.:. dirt null all. tth, That In the ahoy°. mentioned mode or hust twini you whir - .LOSE TEN PER CENT. that when 20 tons ono bought and putt or, TI , II ItHALLY UHT HUT .1210 To tido fact 01l reguhti dealers Oth..To strict, to get your cool 'from ony brookor you may &taro, Lukas co hay° to reeelyo what Is soot, be it Bunitnit ftransit, Plg.l,lck, or ShorCklottn , tofu from Lykeno Volleyy, ovum of thorn Indug not so draftable; 'the cams opplying to the lutrti coil !woollen+ alon, you to folio it no Rio Joist to its. ' tab. As ,thhi Itttul of tatatnetto la done sir tho rood Company's otdlnan, do not molt to nett n oomph, ofcokl. They do tint,ttittw mot,. t h an 24 bourn' lien of siding; we theroforu sonnet elbow what vai ono Shonid Sontwiliti 10 iiiirchtilo cola whore It can be coo.not all (linen, kept hi the dry, ItZßUltlati.till ANU If 1:10.11, 1 103 111a011 . 11. Dli- LlVliltYv, 4' - cell . at Other yard , tlin oolinorlio,,,Miloyo your orders will Ito prOloplly filled, and . pi l oratou to non, the Zoo yektalott •elitimid by 'ORIN; dirty tind iilerlor Choi, therelTy.glvlng your rawly for les monoy thou tidy oue can do by furnlohlug..tho - amine. 24111171 U A. L. , PONSLER., Rrnl 6•tntr A,ont. = == =I Lt tam n, nt the lowest prirex INS BEIM noTELs = IMIZECESZI ffifflNlA A. II BLAIR • Walches giza Jewelry. 0 D A Y: (4-0 0 D•S.I WELLIAIW BRADYi soc bIARKET STREET, HA stock, and - is constantly calving novelties In his lino. Ills assortment consists intPlla• V\r—A. l l l C6 . ± ?'— MS of all the celebrated Foreign and Anterlatiatnakers; ateta.tvitellukor keyless watches for ladies' or gen tlonion's W E R Y India Pearl Sots, Stone Cameo, Pink Cotal and Rennin Gold Sets and Ray-Rings, Necklaces and Pendants, Onyx and Jet Jewelry. SILYRX SAM.] silver WAIT of 'sterling pullty, Rain Ilin,colc. %rated Gorham Thitinfacturing G:n[lmq. llrMal Vusentatton pieces, Knives, Farks and Spoons . . In handsome cases Et MOTU - P I; A. Tl:.' • •, Tea' fiats, Ice Water Sets, Fruit Stands. Cake' Iltultets, Coffee Urns, Forks and Spoons, doable and treble plate, best in the market, • , TAIILFI CUTLERY. Ivory. 'P earl and :Antal Urinal., In Mies, importation, and warranted guar" Musical BUNCS, - Cuckoo and Bronze Clocks. Vienna nal Paris Ifitney 1) 111 (loads, Plower Corti Itwoelvers, 'fable Ornaments, Tliertnometrra, -Jewel Caskets, Boudoir Cl-rltt. n rltlng Dealer, 010,1 I.I4VSYS, NISE:II9Ie Cites, Card ritnes,,iVol let -.am, --Violet W.nottlgniallter. Ivory and Pearl FM., &C. All of which will ben Id at the vet y lowest. ash pricey. Evoiyhod) OM dlidly illsitea vi cell and .211,11110 for 1.110111110 i% 00. WILLIAM MINDY, • 21ilee7I ' iin2 Martet street, Ilarrinliiirg, l's. Jil«leuel SWILIBUS CURANTUR. U P EY S' 11 (1111 - E0 PA THY C sPECIrI US Tl AVE ri proveci, 11:o r pee, nu nutieo most ample nxpn Pronivt=linivient tool 11211011 e. 'finny are the dy Medicines pelf...lly adapted iii ropul er une-d. will ple Om{ Mlttakes van not 20 111,11111 hi using them xo liartudeg , as to he free ft nut dung , ' and so 0193.. 1 us it, ho Ownlys reliable. They have mho! the 11411,44 comnrupdnition from nil, and will always ren der snail:lo.los. •. Nos. Coats 1, Cures Fert , rs, Congestion, 11,11,, munitions 25 2do Worms. Worm Fever. Worn] ' 3, do Crying-Collo ur teething 01 Infant, 25 4-, do Diem Inen, of Children or Adult do Dysentery, Oripitm, Bilious Colic. 20 r, do 'Cholora 31orh, Vomiting. 115 7, do Coughs, colds, A. 11.1,1118. 25 8, do Ittetwalght, Tontharbe, Fnmtchn. 9, do Iletelathes, Sick Ileadnelie ' Vertigo. 21 111, do Py2popoini, Bilious Ishmael', 11, 'do Simprmsat, or Pahtful Periods. 12, do %%lotus, too 'Praline , Periods. 13, do Croup. Cough. Pilllehlt Ihnottlilng, '5 11, do Oalt ithentn, 1.115.5h0. en, Crum ioi 1.1, It, Ithennott din, gloomn le nil.. It., (lo Fr•Vrl • 1,1111 Ad,. Chill Foyer, Ag.„ 17, do I',l•s, blind or !del,' eg. IS, do Cpl,lhlamv, and s ire er wool: eyes. fit 19, do (512,01, smote . , elnihnie, Intim , . 5 1 tsto do {Thomsog t ongl,, eloleht eenglis. IS 21, 2 . . Asthma, oppressed Ilhett blur. 5,1 112, do - Fur hiselinirges. ed in. /ring. 511 . 23, do Serof lila, old urged gland., Swellings. . 5,1 21. do Coneml Uenilit,, plied al ...Nilson's, 25, to Dropsy tool sonody Seer, doom. on • s,,dt oese, siC• ur.o 'nom - 21 dl, It lhsert...., hoist et. Si. is do Neve°, Debility omoinal 121,11..1,e.s voluninhy hiesharg.s. ;1 14, Flee bones. w dts one 92,1.1 of Voodoo very 0 , . rolnt yin:v.lml no. '29, do Sore %tooth, Coulter. 5.1 71', do het nary Wins teething hod. 50 li. dn. Paindol I'. Into. mitt, . 3t, do :milord/go at change 111 line. I on 35, do 11.11.1,-y, St. Tit,l4 letne, I tin 12, do hiplnthe,ls, illeerated 'nine th.t•s4. 51, =I Of 9i to CO Im.go liale. num reo everyn nsd cave,mAnatufluz s Specific for ordi nary iSsease n lantlly to subject to, nod - hooka of directions. from gin to 5A5 Smaller Family nn Traveling easea, n'itit ro 20 to 20,M1.3. from Sh to S , Specific,' fur nil I'll , oo both 1, Curing end for Premmti vo treatment, In yin's nod par tint to SA POND'S ExTmtur, Curia Burns, Itrai.les, Lameness, &rope., Fore Th r ,„,t, &nacho, Fleur:dam, Rheumatism Lumbago, files, Mats, Mingo, Sore Illdnma g of the lAtuga, Nose, Stonntek, or of 'Vint; Comm,' Lleern, OTTSores. Free, II oz., fund cis ; Plots, 51.56; Quar tx, $1.75• JAZ-Flume Remedies, eseord Pond's Ex mart. by the ease or single Los, are sent to any part of the country. by 33.3100 expremi, free or owl., on re ceipt of the price. Addresz. ' llumphreys' SPccific 'Homeopathic 'Medicine Co. 011ico and Depot, No. LO: Itrovtiuty, 'Nero York. Fur Jody In Carlisle, by f 3. A. Ilaverstick and Contrunn S Wolahington I , 32m-filly Dollrn Berm rd Soap .- d ,=._'. C% - - ; 4 -. : 71 : ' F . ,' ; - , 9 :7-3 P -r... 1 -1 PA 2 ' ' 2. "' . 5 5 ~ , ,'", g , E hi 7'...,. :2. r': t. -- ' '' It .5 '. V' ai' )-3 ti , v. tz i,' tZ:, iii `j '-'' !. z CD t, - ,• tt - . _. , b. „, ...-- tzj n - 6 L.._ t:j ~, 5 - 4 2 0 go rn'r ?, F., ,_, ~ r; a- - vE..i ,t-pi iI2,E-,, — PO> i.'4' 22.0-' ,:., H.. 1 p 1--1 c ; ''' a 0......, ...e,. e•- , R . Q rtt 7,, • e.. A...., --- - ‘-,--.‘ 1 7i -- Z, M E , ' , - 1 . ~.......„ ,_ - - --I p=s tii ,sj 1-3 , - 7••• ,: , -..,-..' E. p —• ..: cr, F. , •:•:. r-' • -- -; ;b. •• g . : 31 ' . ''' ' ~. .7 ‘ . % := :' b' n 5 .--, r \s" lxi 'a- l ',_.. < ~. ~... ~ . ~, ~, ~.....7. . . - ~ P,.. p---i ‘;-24 d g Z '- .9 '; • €.. A ''' t , i = -"./..•. ,n /\ .9 1' 7, . ' ~.„.../ r ''• cC A - 0•0 O rj v c ••:. '. P- ''': •,„.., -., •--' •,..," .St c .-. C -- 1> '-' ;•' -., •: a. .; - _ „. \. c.. 0.1 5 1- 0 0 c , ._ n .E' , r ., ' .r- . .- C'D -; - -. -. 71 .., (/ , c <1... c •-•: . . /ra • :...., ..-:- Fi r- -• •si ' ti: •:, .- ' Pc- - . 0 , .1 9 P. - 0 G ror•, l•t1 N EW FIRNI! MR,' 4.. TV. E G It' P. EA purrhnx• , l tht• cud], •hrl; nn.t fixttlril• td . I+nl , n•, t•NEI , tin • r mod. ,I.ur t•• Ih , • Cnrti-1,. I~,•p„eit "am %ht. puhll:: Intl 801..ett.d nn,it U: • Fresh., Groceries mit*. Chet•mo, Colf. Splcex, SAlt Wel 8,41. t. lour, ;ti gars, S. rup... Fix Ni'anirge, C 11' N . ED - FRUI'.I, Starch, Drlra Stott, Buckata, Can'tilex, liras Sartltcht, Cloves, l'eptler, All9Occ [lncase,. 'flu H, Cortlage„ao•p, onarrion, Corn Starch, Cool Oil, Vinegar, Illtichlott, Store Poloth, - 6k6ARIVARE,. WILLOI3 'Mei; gneensware, Glassware, Stoneware, &o tiooth tionyorml to till part m of the town VIVI: OF (MAMIE. • 2311 - -Tho . rligl , ext um hot Nail for Countti Pro.doen. Thry Iloilo, by 11,1 r tloollog,otrlet otton• lion to lottOotol, 010.1 it drxtru (011 . 101140, to merit lt hattlro of tllO lmbhc Ott roliiip • It eximetfolly, J. et W 'On MOT. I Ililli' la i •. • Moth Proof: Chesf. THE 1110TH. ROOF' CHEST .CO. Of Philadolpliia, Pa. Incorporated A Itfill at, 1871.. S 110 W mann 6o:hiring Air-Tlglit, Cular•T,lned ci,,,,,t,, „„,1 T r ni,..B. a variond siren, Vapor , Boson for If 111 N, Halm, Cm.; cord, c.t. and I' Wiwi° Sidle, 01 everydescription. 111000 arti• inlets urnl [illy ilectirod by let tout paten,t4 tht U. ,st., and are hu110.," lo Un amour - tin, tin,at dedfiablu of all thing now seclittnc tho public favor.. ,igenta and Pealora 'irittit..d to Iwo. duce 11,00 in every town in iltel.l. 8 , to whom a liberal ilimcoutit will be given. Atitherp, .1110. P, tAl:l W. FiCl.4, Suey, . „..., . 260 1.7151 ' ~. 436,11 Omit St., Phila., Pa. iiiyYi e; • and Building Material UMBERf - LUMBER II 77 7---- DANIEL, L:EN111/ & CO., '111:41,7:1t11 IN 81N Qhl; W111171;_DINE AND 11.101b0C2 LUMDIM, • • AND BIANVYAOTIIIIEILS dY YLOOKING. MUDGE, 110 AT -ANI)I3UILDIN.G TIMBERS. An Building Naterialsjurnished to ardor at short • • twtice, Address. MIDDIATTOWN, Dauphin Co., Pa. DANIEL. Re4llllo, V. 0.000141}0011 , 'ilk D. 11/111D11.10050/1, '.." it<AII 11. 000010 '70J0741y A. V. C'oinpaitif . . .tl. W, BENTZ' & CO. has just ye- Brock of DWI; V,lvetuolol; Aldo, a hop. Hilo 01. ' tuttle Lum p sln 110 V oiklied; Frio. ranging 11 . . la TO to a coots pol"y4111.., . . ho Lea brioal of Black Alpacas eon lot pin , chased rowlr and botttir from A. W. lIIINTZ a (JO. lorwist Mock of Tlndirollto.,- (tout dim dampest. to thu Ilnoot. oficotolt Gingham "711,1171, •. • • . StoOes, Tinwore,and „Pumps. .NEWL.IINIIEIt_I3I.II.BEN I MITE .UNDERSIGiqED, having gig, 1 returned froth tho cities with a largo stock of. :goods, Invite Um attention of all who (lesiva lottio 'faction. to cal add osanittio their largo stock of Stoves "and Tin*are. Among tho ntoolc of stove, nuty ho found Mu ANTI-CLINKER BASE BURNER, ANTI-CLINICER FIRR.PLACE MATER, together with all An letost etyleo of ANT:,OR, DIMiNCI ROOM 'AND COOK STOT'S deli they oLolk, go tho trail,' t!, 6,mpoto AI i Knives, Forks, Dippers, tngvtlier Nvl th' Toil et SUM, Conl iluekets, Coal Sloven, Shovels and i'ongs k Mao and .very variety of Tin vrnri, and Honed 'Farrnisidnir, Goods in a find- Clukt store. We two nano proporod to furnimil Pumps for Cistermi and Deep WellS, 4 horn for solo 1110 Celebru.ted (bumf. Cuoumber Wood Pump. RoofiNo, SPOUTING, AND JON WONT( MAl:mile!! lb promptly and on ritutonaloin terms. tla Orton. the t.txren front nn North Ilanov, parent. A ftur doom Knorr lionthor. Give end es tr.• are determined nal° ho under cold lir soy other ',redo; in plum. Tliankfol for Vent pntroittig tt e extend n cordial lord tint to till in pity on a visit. RIIII~]SSIiITFi .0 RUPP, Nos. C 2 and 64, NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, Weal PA Exemsion B . rovE ANT) TINWARE EMPOIt I U M The Ithderyignra week rE.epert fully hiChrm th, Inv , . larkhlo nnA \leftlily, thnL In xtlll eArrite) the .T• VI.; ACA r BUSTS E'S, In nil its vat - toot brmrket, Bo hYXPCo , o 4 rho A wlttry,foctho f,tlowfm; popular rdoviA: Parlor and Office' t'tores, (I!‘n•y, Morning Light, tettethey th n vnriety COOK s'rqVDS Combination Gas Burner, Eureka, Heaters, Ranges, and irirebodtd Stores, whkh he la propulat to-hwalmh at the 'await make Store lint.'dog promptly attntolod to. Rooting Spouting, and Jobbing ozeouttol lu tho moat sot. fortory mattopr. TTNIVARII, 'or .•vary denoriptinn onortanttr on hand, or mndo order, nt renennable.prion, none but uxporioncod workman ontployed /1011..4 by tL cloud attention to itueloom to ddcort the. patroodge: Remember 11101duev, NU. Id IVIIST MON STNINT. MEM Plumbing. Gas Pitting, ifn; JAMES CAMPBELL pLumßrNa l. G AND STBA* At No. 18 North Hanover Street, STILL AT BUSINESS-1 The um - foreign.' ilro now folly p-t•pnrod to attond to this h 11611 1 ,6 ill 1,11 i , n difrervut Lrauchea. They also keep .otoloonfly ou haul nod tar nolo, Ei =I ~ A TER CI, , SI.Ti. BATH TUBS W A i NI: Cl, , •S ET S, B t' 1' TUBS, %% A , Elt GI. , , SE l'i BATH 1 UllS, WASH II 151:49, II YDR A NT$, ~ Hft nud Po:uu eib I ur., I,ift I nil Fort* Cisterns. noJ 11.tp I nmpx, Lead.vrra "tsfi and Deep oil I•onipA. I>•a I, Turn. rotto unel Iron Ch and Flan. 1:2 GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES I (7101. tut, und all ut.‘x.of %, k • Allot wtt ter..l,llllsia ..e 11.1‘..1, or tut utudtu.l Du Church°, Valityriutt lit;. In titWtt ur ' , tut littutt sttt .•tuut. pa 'tch. All work utua.r.t.ttud.. El Tboubrut for public t.tbrov-tv, obuutz.lo t , butt/tot,. t.. wurit , sf rulturlitt; but u.o Ir .4i u. 0 . ,/, your Ont.totu. (i.,oy, thu p'lll7e, NO tY.Nor 11..tur tttu_l of F , :pu's 1100 b0i1d..4 U...a u. emu, ........- 0..... ',Noe () C A ..11TB le I, I, ou I I,l'oo c NEW FIRM at it uy .1-.0, yllll, Jay •onigl t . 011 l J,r topt attloolad to Junco Cato t.lool, Alexatolot'a l'ilt atraut, .0 - la Ilao Soott .1. ottl.. ta,N WoVi. 11,111: xpowiltl ntivontahtt•tt ,r• u. prep:v..ll to furn nL 0/l I'ER WORK OY t Lt.IrESI.7It:PTIONS. fo; Still lloorienitiol °Oar %, 111/ .• or u thutalicu COP,litt PI Ph: tile( 11r1.M.11 g or I.rust.i. • 2ronturl. IT URN I T Ul: A B. CA plt ET 1 4 .11{131t ATD UNI7ERI'.I:I!It, 11'ext Hain Street., . OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, l'remittm for ➢mt Furlilturn wartlud n' pll COlinry Irx nluco 1857. Furniture of ell varletleu nod •tp'cr of Forolg • and Domestic m•nufect ore, from the ft no.t. room, o f/ii nod tuatteguoy to tin I•reant priced runi,lo nod Om, PARLOR. acing . every ertlolo mind S.y nouns and kenrnrs or thn mint nriprove.i (04111.4140 ,ItHlgn Invltioluz oleo C-lingo Fi . ..lntro In mutt..; Iturrptlon mot Comp Chnln., IntronfloA, Cllt Frames, Pictures Ar, La. Vnrticulnr !Moak, girl.n AO WWII to fn n( 4 1'411,1; onion from town nn , l rotlntry itttentlod to promptly., 11,0 on nibileratn Nring. ' Special attention petit to the tetertion of Wall Pa. , ' ror. A It. 11.. lrneUa Livery and Sale Stables SALN;q4A.ND EXCIIANgE .1-4 STATILE% J. L. STERI4F.II & BROTTIEp„ In roar of licks Howie: , HOREB , AND CARItIAOR'•TO MUD AN !ItAfIoNADIA TERMS, AND AT lIIIORSr,IiTINOTIC6. CAILTAGES.• . PURNISTIICEI POll • FUNERALSS Stithht room fur 50 head of hot :son koop. 17(01)70 T IVERY AIsTD-EXCIIANGE 'STA ..I3LES.. • IL L / A At 11. BREtZ. Having recently purchased the livery stable of 'pop. vi, itittoit, re.pectfully Renounce to the citizens of this place, that lie bad recently norchato.,l n another of now oohloloo, lit addition, nlro,' La Into hail Cite .onAlro stook of . .bitgglor, carriages and robe. 11E-PAINTED, REMODELED, and ilnikted, Win tho latest city idyl°. uotces and Oarrinves - ii, hirn nt thin elnirteet NOTION, AND' ON REASONABLE TERMS. Vehicles furnished for nil occasions. Remember the placoin: tow doors south of the n. not In G. W, 1111tonh old stand. • Iralf/21f 15'111,1,1,111tE17, Spoons, Lamps, Parlor Heater rneplor Light, Light Bound, Regu4a or, Niagara, GEME2 .4.OIIJiIL It. CLAUD? W. F. TIENWOOD MIME MIMEO = =I O FFYCE URNIT ITlt .E IZita•rlrcaa•c, f'+}rtei•~w_ yCc. "' S . IIE CARLISLE HARDWARE HOUSE,.! 11. 19 AX2' 0 ,111 6- 00 . • ii6RRY SAX , TBN. 1 - J. P. r D. D SAXTON Building, Farming ,and Mechanics' Hardware Tools Mid MaterialS. , Iron nod Steel of all sloes,_nharit and kinds. Railroad and Mining Pleas, Sluivels and materials. Wetharill k. Bro. Fire! National. and all otlier favorite rittals - of IVllito Lead Odors with full rtimortiliont of Tune Colors, purr lta. and Boiled busted oil. COACU -ANDI'URNITURE Varnishes, 'Glass, &c Orrnring and Coilioni, Plaster and Silver hind. .I'l eivtiiis ' Criiiir Wore; Reps, LnutrruC, Se. HOUSE FURNISHING HARDW.ARE, Sllvor-Plated Sprems. Forks and Kilives. Ilory anti P,,rhilippllell Ind Pocket. CaCor Itralgors k Seyavair'sline Stisnarslital Shears ' M!EMMMII=S=I Draw. Stair Hai 551 d. 311111 Itlack r rl6.i !lair In 111aCtraoilviii nod Fifrnit a, n. Mein 1t:p..1141r &n,ai lb a fall lino uf a,o iinoln :to r iol boo WI - 111w,, Iln Bind Ciageii, 1 , ,i ringntul Solo Ageolo for Ola..104'SIllolol; 110 0 nnJ HO'l" Ilk prlotoi Jto Cott. =9 it..m..taitosivii aro of a r•-•, , •1 11,trothtrti Ina this 5,01011, WIOOI list's the mit, aagt.ei hifth , g Its um snot St.st „. 5 1 th,. m In wives as Ilk* , ortthstr) ea.c Is.nl P.oss = 'Sole Agotto mr linrnliuto'it Patent IVeather Strip ping This cm - tibia•s both el'onmay end comfort, thee. °uglily preventing drifts of robd oir in Winter and der! in SIIIIIIII, price for .ctiipping nu 11111111, honer to intire 111,1 . 1.0 . ml during the 1\ intor 010 KOllOlll3 . of Nor,-it tultiog at-least oho third lees toolll prmitire the tame auraith. li ix tn.dn in Willow, Omit and Plain Whitt, Ter both 'nor 01.1 wi0,10,1, so that it et ho allowed to any looms. Our guieht tire bought In large quontilii frtim thy manulactureat, anil with the ithi of our long 00 , pimiento., ate ttllccie.l with the uto mit cure owl superviiiion, 1111/I we WOlO.l inset, Hi/ WiSh to parr 0,001 the beet goods at the loaett each rules to lourove Country merchants will certainly find t to their advantage to call or' write us 'or quotations, before purchasing,. We Remain Respectfully, SAXTON 6 CO., tr. rs r -S • r.E.T. 1 Rja72 Carlisle, Pa Sarcrirm'e et Itd .11,19.(-1,•/1 No. 90`.1 cuEsTN u , r STREET, PITILADNLPIII A. \EV,SF.RFE PA I.DNI A: CIE, DE RE FT •S'it.'AET. ESPACIA I. ATTENTION TO THEIR DEPART,. mEvr OF : 4 11A . W .( RES. .SSESSINn SUPERIOR F.1.11,111E5 TIICY IEII,I, IEII ENABLI.D PLAvE TII CuSTWIEr.S, IN ADVANCO. , E TUC GENERAL NIARKET, All THE NUVELT;I S ANI , IMPEOVE• .151 SILVER Mops As it AS CE.WECEIL YlaIY PARTICI:LA , : A VEEN r BEING I,IVEN T. , THE 'SPEVEALTI ES OF DAL (Nil o,EnElt PRESENTATIoN ST..INIAILD Of , SILL Es lA,NII SINCE AIP , PTED liY 'MEM IS TIE IT OF I(NO.LEiII snnusi;, 915-10 , 0 T, FINE, TUE QrALITY'OF EVERY ARTICLE .SOLI) ❑EIN STRICTLY Vi'AR AN TIED. ATT:NTION IS ItESPEC 'FULLY . ',MEC! ED TO TUE I•NV-ARYINO Pi/LICV i•l' TIIIS HOUSE IN Run }:t. TnE 1111.11. V S• SVSTE , I )4:Wt. S. W men WILL lII' itiolDLy ADIIKIIED To .N ALI, CASES, stCITING TO P1'11(11.%5E1t , , 1%111: 4 1:SS AND EQI•ALITY IN EVI.:? . .Y TICANSAC I lON. AVTENTION - 31 AY RE EXPECTED Er ALL WIIO MAY FAVOR Tutu! ISIT. ORIiERS AND INQUIRIES RV 3IAIb, PROMPT LY ATTENDED To C. E. CALDWELL CO Sfeb72ty dertri ki tiff DE Sll'L•' 61 - , SON, UIVDERTAKER,S; NO, 16 NORTH RANOVEIt STREET,. CARLISLE, PA. ehw largiist, 1i.•.1 nod belt stork o f 11;1'- 4,011,1 'sink !rid ' all in night 'o, I „ day • MIIIICMI ~ 1•:,u low mtyltr. , unit .inalillt•4 Al." rtA.V r”., It m.lO tttut ntka.te t• 1,1•11 16vgm& P..• (••11 • ••1•••••i.k1 •Litc;..ti..:l a. oor xhictz xx ill Li t corr.,. in poi 1.1 t anti Ili) xtiiti. 1 It tn. tiny to lilt 1", lo itn liAnd It i rill Z.. 1 . 1. • 1 . 11' , 1; 1 , 1:.111 1i s, 141:.11' 1( I: )II 'tit 111, tiIIAPES, 1 . 1. , )1/1: C1(1 ° ,1'11:4, \ I'IAITIIS, i I Ixll 11,11.1,1 S, • • .111111.40, , t•I All 1 ,, i( . 1 . :1 O•r•lllt.•.‘tne. • C. rut. itti 11 , 11/" . •4 ,1•.1 l• ol WALL PAPERS Ow 1 ,,1.,` .11101111', I . Mt, • 1.111110. 1 1 1..111) and /or C.lll ..1.•I 1,.10111,1. 1 ).... 1:M1111,11 It NO. .111 Ng Fit STRUI::' IP nt SON P. • --I`, to pu.o.t./1... lob+ A,ll t• oluro rtlllttg t.t S. •N I=llMiiillilSONiiii !'4-1(.1! f 16,11;7c, I;firbei N EW 13:11illEll SIIOL' Pelee liar, recently LlO. Nariot ^alooo, \ 1.a.. 11ain nL. Irvin r 0... LOOl . taLftael .114110.1 111 ;Itg I.in lull 0114•101v11 ar. Loh,' 11,j, 4•1/ Led 10 at, ,, ialr -1 CO, . %I) :.1N 11,1 , 011.ibi,..“ .11) 01 /11l I‘Jolt In 110.1,10 re. I 1,0. 0-0. but te , te,,t jkoltri,e) tnr, ioy 01) m -leo, he 10.1 tia aL iity r.lOO wise a .4.11. .Lti.ja; I lin 1101.11 Ii. :zeo its WE have just received 500 yards of mr.1..1111 :16 . ..i!f; pvr...)drd. - 11E577, 1 CO NEV GOODS •()n. Tun no, !PA SP Volvot•, Poplins, nool ropll.n, En i ffoni A Polsks.s. • A SS . P.E• .t Fancy SPECIAL c L A.IIK B D L.E itexpvetfol y Inform their (demi. Ow hllt.. JEI I MIAg rOIIIIIIIS. • (Into nr thv firm nr nAlloy kC^•) thi. dated hinuult them, under :II" trot nat. oh ROIMINS, ()LARK kV" IITDDLI!). anB will continuo %ft%) WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS tho 41141101 d. 1,124 CIIESTNUT STREET PIIILADELP 111 I, . . . .# . . . They nro 110 W offering, ot..rodoeo prim., a chalee nlack of . - A.Mllale k N AND SIVISA WATC.III.B. tit VIONDS, .111 V% NOY, ' FRLINO S I 1,11 , :1{W It E, TA U 1-'1 "R ): :21 . 1!1)1.0C Ic s ENGLISH, FRENC/I AND VIENNA, LEATHER - AND IANDY , -GDOI.IB VI cies . Flora( Geti tie. VICK'S,, . • F 0 1.1, L 0, U ,p E4l FOR 1672 • Tito first edition of , rtvo 11111)&0 T11011;111111 (lollies Joni pfibllshon. It In elegantly printed on !Inn thileil raper, In two cohort, nod Illostralcd with over Three Iluntlrea Begntvlnge of Floret. and Irvg.tsids., nod • • TM° COLOR E 11,1. 1. A TIi S. ThW tnnat beautiful end It.trbel No - Cetnbireeltr.ll Floral Veldt In' Ihe wi rid-1121110,x, gl,ug tour ()ugh dlrentlone for the collet o of Flowma awl V ego, toblea,oreininuntleg gtolt °do, welting welka. - Chrbdinne prenont for ley eeetomore. bat for warded to any wile oppl.l by mall,. for Don Colas only ono-grderter the cent. Addrenx, • JAMES NICK, itecheater, N. Y. 21dL071 'NEW 9 , 13EAUTIFUL 1 -- Till' sra'snalassed • AT L, GREENFIELp'S , '..Di NV Srro JR F. 4 No. 18.Rast Main Street: . • The Groat Specialty, For weight, durability, heavily of finish, and prices, iny,stock of Black Silks can • : , Ifot. be excelled by any in the country. '- . ram prepared to guarantee every yard we sell. ~. 'tv Beautiful •assortment of Japanese Silks; Japanese Poplins, Japanedul Robes, Chem) Mailers, Princess Cloths, Stripe Parisienno, Silk and Wool Pongee, Black Icon 13aroges, Alexis Poiilins,__WoolDelains, &c. In a word, everything in DRESS GOODS that is New, Cheap and Desirable. . . The'most complete • . Stock of Mourning Goods ever offered in this Market. In Cashmeres, Bornbazines Bombazine Midis, Silk and Wool Ilenr j etta Cloth, Tainise; Belgean Colds, Batiste,. Asttalian Crapes, Crape Veils,"&e. Orders for Funeral Promptly and : , 'alislactorily Filled wH. Err 1. 7 :E & 0.0 I) S . Al, immenSe stock of the above in all the latest novelties of the season now ready . for inspection. , . Choice irit of New Spring Shawls and.Searil. - STACKS OF DOMESTIC GOODS IVIENS' WEAR. increased my stock and facilities in this branch, lam now prepared to " sortment second to none in town Black Cloths and Doeskins, French Cassiineres and Suitlngs,- - English and Scotch Cheviots, &c , Suits made to order at short notice. The following artists have been seenrod t make upmir \yolk - this 501,5011 : SAAJUEL SWARTZ, T. S. RAIGHTER,, .I . OIII , T . CAROTHERS. • I would cordially invite all to inspect my Stork, as I will oiler inducements that cannot fail to please. L. T. GREENFIELD 9 , No. 18 East Main St., CARLISLE. 1872. 1.1.np72 1872, ,(J j•-,11- ~1 [ 3 ~ ,..3e\- c v, ~/ t) 1±. ..- 2) r q ,_- NE OLD CENTRAL CORNER, Fur flreitt bargains in Mack silks, Fur Japanese Silks, in 11;11 :tome styles, • For Ibpss Gaud a Fur Dolly,Vartlen Dre,,s For all kinds or Mourning Goods, For Leant i ful Spi i lig ha tvls, For all the New floods of the Seithon, For bargains in 'fable Linens awl 'rowelings, For cheap llou.se.fornishing Goods, Fur a Ia rgo of Cloths awl Cassinieres, F' of Uall at Miller A; Bottorff's. ~, ,ir bargains in SheellogA. Mosfins, Tiokiwzs, Linens, Calicoes, 4thiglianis, CottoNiulet; , , a:c., call at the . . OL] CENRAL GOILILE - i', ~ Vor Counterpanes, Quilts , Covericts„lllaukets, &c., call at, MILLER & :UTTORFFS. We are the sole agents in Carlisle for the celebrated Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves ; thitse aft the fittest Gloves imported. Call and see them. We will always try to make the Central Corner the most attractive for Dry 0(3(1(114 in Carlisle 4111)72 1872 1872. GR /IND SPRING OPENING! 1872 FRYSiNGER & CO'S n, -J=.-] L-ri rrfl &A\ llnglibh Tapestry .Itrus.el Carpet, . Stair :1111i Ilall Brussel Carpets, , ' - glove Ply Carpets, - .. - , English Ingrain Carpets, , . . o • Two Ply Carpets, Venetian Carpets, • Wool Dutch Carpets, - , Linen I itrpet.s, Vienna Brussels Carpets, English Stair- and Hall Carpets, Hag Carpets, &e. ' &c., &c., C..- - We are the only Carpet. Store in this section or the country, and having re ceived all the now styles, we oiler as large :nut good au as;ortinent as can be found in the city. 0114 I'.I4q.DTS, CARPET CHAIN, CARPET -CHAIN, Wall Paper, Wall _Paper, Wall Paper. Nk r o 6avu iuct•uaso4 our s'Atelc.Witlt 11,00 \Vu cannot fail to please all, as our. ito 1.0911.10 pounds of Ca.)Tet Rags tdcein. ItliebT2t.f Shoe Store BOOT AND SHOE STOR,E All kinds of CUSTOM WORK • on' band And made to .oplp. Repairing promptly (Woolf:rt. tl9-,al RIPASONABLE REMEMBER THE PLACE; No. -4 Eitd Mum Streeli CARLISLE, PA., in theroom lately, ocenbie.l by L. T. Greenfield.) 25in723m A. DY.SEIff. • fik Various Ads. URE AND U NADU LIT it ATE D I /Atuo OtN A LWAY.S 013TA1N1p AT • Ihmmrr eurligl.:, Pa. 'N. 11.—Tio,c1 Iptiona carefully and ,, ,ccurataly .romponntled Ilt all JIM., ISUaI tl AB.Ertsivz & CO have ;just re • ceivrd nuothor iovoloo or bright told alcb colored A°. at A.W. BENTZ Ai CO. - , A LARGE lot of Tllibot and Caah -cv more lilucl,,Slowls.doSO'h . tuid rot el‘iid qy A. W. BENTZ A: CO A N imnlonSo pile of reninhaits of flub Re., very dhonjint W. dlEisr 1 CO.' T A. VT.:. I.IENTZ & CO. can , .be A etheit,,, , ,t tie, 1. 4 ,i a vmUunutof•nook)ts, all nltode.• nod coll.. in let's rtAi t 0 .6.1 to 20 runty per. ounco, Liorniantown 11 0,1, Woolen Stockings, Torus, 4,,N, city, and choninottonn of nil kinds. A VATIETY of bed, cradle and how modwiti, at : A. W. lIHNIZ 4 CO. And Table Linens at, low prlas 1), ( ") . " I p- 11 g : 4 ; It . 1 . ‘-' :P• Cva S.' 4l ,` 41 - BA. 111 E (1r IT; AIILLER & BUrfORYF - vr - f ' 7-4 Witt°4.DOW 41111 ADES, Ti, Endles Variety I rolls of all the late styles of Wall Paper :lc is immense. Call ail see the late styles ‘lvanted. Also \Vool in any quail ity. • j. 'G CALLIO, .so. 11 Wet, NIAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PEi.UNA,, The iTATTER 01 enelslr I • The ii.+Triot of CitrlNlol I the latt , st At; lo,Juot ,orelyed I • G iglltilSt htyloB::th:vnyP On 1111 fill. slur lIXTS from ti beet Mittitaitettiree II I J. O. 0A.1.1.10 ,Tishoa to call utton lion • to bin Jorge MEI HATE (1;111'1 1 Od.PS. 11 .1110.1111flIctill , a 1[21;to, to order, and ban 11to boat arr.goluents for coloring ILds, W .Goode .1 . 6 varctatta, at abort vale° Thu hh7,boat CASIi I'III,OES paid for COUNTRY P.ULS. 11) Boot and Shoe Waretionse. BOOT. AND S.IIOE. wAitEmsesi, . • NO.•111 1‘1.0111,11T 81 . 1111111`, . An llxtoolva Stuck of Find (Nall, B!wtirn oat Plilladollobla tondo' Iloolealml ell co altNit3l on baud. Order's third at riltort natico.• . : N. Bl.—Drown 'a ColtMratail . Army and Navy MOON( ond.rtanch Dramil. p, sl‘olln•t•s7 WA. 1411111723 CW •. $, . , I i .,r,-,- f j . - ,, ,,. , r,= Call at Miller & Buttorfril. Call at, the Pt,ntral Corner. Cal at. Miller & Buttorn's. Cal at, the Central Corner. Cal at Miller & Hattodrs. Cal at. the Central Corner. Cal at Miller & 13utforlrs. Call at the Central Corner Cal at Miller & Buttorirs. Cal at the Central Corner .11A.'TS MIEMEM •alvz HIM A pikkt..7l:o I== E. S.. REEVE, I=