CALIFORNIA and Rhynn,wines akHan- Bdath Hanovo-ri, t)ou's lkfuOr storo, strut. • CAsTonti"-"—a substilaite for Castor Oil —a 11 , 1/getable pieparation containing neither Minerals, Morphine -nor. 'Alcohol. It,itrpleasant; to take, does nail:innate, and opei•ato; when all other remedies failed. Dr. Pitcher haS experimented fifteen years in producing a preparldion more efficient than Castor 011, without its horrid t4sotc. The Castoriayegulates the system ; mints constipation, stomach ache, et + and flatulency, and worms. It does not distress or By .fis,igdeting, soothing effect it pro duces na tural, sleep, and is particularly adapted to crying andteetliing children. We desire physicians to, test' this article, and will forward three bottles gratis to the address of any' ne so au thenticated. Insist that your druggists order it for yon. It costs hilt rit cents, and ono bottle will say. many doctor's .1. il,;, Co., rill Broadway, N. V. • I 1 ap:Nt -.. fl'lt'l Iflldi'l%tirfp“ 71, , , (ad pespeel - Hp. the s (,1* (fur d awl hi still ,t." I visas lu !11. r cpair -111(/ of' vto ,ti , tl w• 1.-y; in rimts b 'l'n A.' CO L IY, .Nr.ri floor fu learnt, I Eft,' .11 edit et , i VW. (I.\ rE I>nin „ i's .nannine Nlurp, in this I.l,tee„ ean,be seen unc ..r the best Pal Gates e cur 111VCLINI. It does not require any hinges. . li. opens two ways. It never rides in the final, and ean be raised to swing• clear to.'or snow drifts and other üb::tnuetiuns that are not over twenty-four inches high.' It is offered for sale to all who need dates at the following low prices. For each faun right, $2.00 ; for each 'township right, $20.00 ; Air each county tight, $150.00. Gales nnadr. to older of any size or style desk,: I, and satisinetion guaran ..ed in all es,es. Will exchange terri iory r.,, hip .Sc. C,lll MI or ad- liteSs P. I ' Ms.., 1 al,tl I Gibbs F•ttwin'g Mm;11113 , ;:; rm• 12n071 t 1. O\C..N'. ,vi Air „•,, 1, , „, \\,.\.••,~ t„ N.,. 7:I I, I 1. , . • I ~,t•,•lass mar 1,10 pm:, rnar tile a hc icy and Carefully leered Silwk nn hale', I c.i I SCII it at e 1,111:111i 11,111,11111, or ex 1;.1( . 11.\ i:D cA2 . 11 .tn.i .tin• pi it next, I int,•l:ii t.. dt) ❑ I'AHI 1.11,1.1 , S With ull 110110 but MIMI iti t i hin7 a “I . ljit• j•,11,1i1.1 1111)1011 .% • I)ealer;' ';., P.t. pi. a geed price it ii g,) It) 31C/1/3 neW TUT la' Incizt of wall paper iu lorp.ingor Cos Car- pct stoic GREAT INDUCEMENTS 'rho undersigned- would respectfully announce that he will sell at, private sale, Itis splendid Circulating Library. The lifirary now numbers 550 volumes, and the hest of judges; prononneo it the finest selection they hare ever seen,in viteulating library.. Call at No. 11 West N. HARI:NESS Bfuiu streur. 1.1i111172tr PERSEICRON IICHSE Prince Imperial, will stand at the Old Government stables, in tho City of llarrisburg, from April 1, to .1 illy 1, 1572. • Terms NV NI. COLDER, Harrisburg 211n11721m 'HALL carpets with borders, English tapestry, Brussels, oil cloths, &c.,. at Erysinger 6:: go's. carpet store. 14111117213 m/ " VERY ChOiCO lot of flour just received by Alvloy &:Co. 'WIND() shades, window shades, of every variety, at Frysinger & Co's. car- Cllowtt, cracker dust Pearce's cream crackers always on hand at Me loy & Co. pet stoi e WurrE seed onions, cabbage, beets, urnips, onions•akc., at Iluniriell'sr ' Wtti'rEtvAsulNa or calcimining promptly attended to. All 'orders left nt No. G 3 North West street, corner of Locust alley, will be attended to by 711111722 in 1 1 .!naitLizs W, CONK. MOUNT HOLLY, CUMBER- 1 LAND COUNTY, PA. This is to certify that' when I was foreman of the Lorcy Iron Oro Bank, Wm. binkle told me r the extent of 'the L inuta drift made and fotuallt just us ho represented. Also, at another place where I fonnd Silver and Lead, he found the exact place, and told mo what • was thero - willioul; me showing him the place. Jonx O'NEILL. • The "lowitidit of mineral veins or do posits and their length and breadth can now be determingil for a certainty. Cull on or address • Wm. Drisurm, Carlisle, Pa. Henry Holum', Rippen P. 0. Jefferson County, West Va. • 221b72t1 $l,OOO. This amount is wanted on mortgage on April 1, 1872, for onmyear, or longer. ,Interest 8 per cent. Secur ity undoubted. Call at Tim OFFICE. 22feb72tf CoNruNos )made Into stv'ltchea, chig nons,- cols, ftgzetts, &c., at Madnino HEE DQN'T IHE HUMBHOGBD but buy the best stoves thatillavo.hvor been in tho market, and pronounced so by all who have them in use, the Ameri can Buse Burner and Base Heater, the Hadient Fire Place Heater, and the Cabi net Range With -hot closet. Calk at W Stevef store on Hanover street, and sue the enclhisti -vatioty of stoves. A. VA LOA i'ux Medical Buok contain ing iho SpiTtoinB, Trcataunt, and description, or . 4 ihateines, Go ecru oda Hundred difforent diSOLISCH. Emit, post paid, on receipt or 25 cents. Address, U. 11111131 d, North Uth street, • Philadelphia. - BEES! PI!TP I I lOur yant of room, I will dispose of a minibur of first-rats stooks of bees, prin cipally Italian and Hybrids, in Langs troth's - movable comb hives. 'refine, moderate.- Apply to • sxs Turco. AIM.TZ; • Wost Fairview, Fa. . • P.' H. Owner of. Langstroth's ex ' tended patent for CnniligrlandeountY. 28mler2a* . ( , , f •„ our — attentio ou 'Want - dried; canned, or green fruits,, dried meats, vegetables, American, sweitzer or lirn bolter cheese, pickles, purO eider. vine gar, cocoanuts, min . be moat, buckwheat or cornmeal; hominy, shaker corndirmy, crackers, soap; starch, 'Cranberries, call on W, A.. • WANTD E ! • 52,1)00' or $3,0130 wli'nted foi? ;Olio or Moro years. Apply to C. P. Ilumrich, esti. TO CB 1 (MEN RAISERS The undersigned, devoting his -time, exclusively to the breeding of choice fowls, is prepared tolook orders for the following varieties of eggs. During the past year I. have made large addi= tions to my stock, having recently oh tained several Imported Light Brahmas from P. Williams, Massachusetts. Most_ of my fowls drew premiumiat the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to be thorough bred. Cinch - MIS and eggs can be obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices fixed for the differ ent varieties or eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per doz. $2 Light Brahma, Imported, " Houdan, Premium, (Bearded and Muftled,) prmdoz. 2 Black Cochin, Premium, " 1 Gray Dor " 1 Bronze-Turkey, 2 .TEsst: B. liumnu, No. 121 South Pitt area, IS.jto2ll . carlioo, Pa. srECIAL NOTICES IVIIAT SPRING BRINGS WIT! IT 14• an dot from n nonliral rbuolpolnt, Spring' 18 got tho :npl• oloscrilaal hy vernal pock. tht the cantroy, it ; kid of Intermlttrut fevers, I 11.14 nit ,cl(4, rhoomails !talus, alaortler of the at. mach, in r. nu. romplaint•, 31141 pulmonary air 'roar iS ologl :14 larro as i crop Of ViolOlS:stlow d,ips and rborry , 1,10.h0m4. 'lliasoodAf Innamorablo malaaio: rho oath tin! Innruhlg mlata, 4 antl aro +carton,' hrotideant by '" ll'ho van res tt there tosphitie 1nn..,.,,, , ,...":15111,1. ilot I'6/l itistlc:labors, or thust. v. 110,1 Yet orvissltave horn t0:1,1.1,d by Ittentsl be &tyska] oohs they toos and Ittrlgornitt their s)s -t1.1114 :11111 ihns 1.11/11/11.1111:;1 . 1 1 • , .I.e \vllll thy 111, 1111111,111 . 1. i let 1%11101 they Ire .l 'l'l s on], agent by 'mhich ?Jun intuit 1 . 11.1 I/I• r .1,1.11 y ss1;.!) topllsh...l is 11. , grt . ..t ‘1.,21.1tt rsto.vartt, nn,lloylgorint. 11. 5t.•11.1 Th, °per ;it ol list ss/..1.1..0.11 41/I is blur II sin... Whom tht. vglll ttss tbs MO, II VI 1114111'1, t ,I... 11), and tbsr s i r IL/I 11,1 ily t.. 11.0 Ilh 11.111 i, rt si I...i•ifiltr, the sviisti nI ths v.ll. vhl. I. 1 10 stol..ilihss.• it ul t. t.. —ass xt,•• I.llprsg;sttl..l tel,, it en, is stsl 'lllllO tiro di- , ..1.••1 pt. 1,1.111 st this s 1,01 (If thue 11:11, nits:sly 1.1 , 1,101 up.,n , r,t•di!yuli I 11, , ,11011, h. II :o••tiit 111 V tki ( ~ 11, 1 •111,, pOl Ilit•ti 1 . . 41.'1 114 ,kii I , V, iy, I'lll t , I 11.,i t. I,p s iwisr4 ,t 11111 . y to. tl/1) bald Mal thvy ultt•l t n col.• ,5 . 111,11 outtag,l4 iv•lr , qr.ll-1. op, t:1 , I I 1).1. NERVOUS DI-.:13ILITI \ .1t; gl .. , thy its, ol lary clinks t.,.1,•1ttt u, qiwrloalorl or //y 11.:14.1. I in-fnutorri—rm - prrtone-e• --n-n4—frl , oei I —n--w. • nre III:MI . 11n firs• 110)11,:01 , A•rfife SPECII , f , ` Tw EN . ; I,* 1 , ;(11111'. L 5,1,11.44.11 of tho o,t and potent Contilye , tney , niril., Vt doe , . ot ot omit, too , . op 11,e 1111111111 arre,,t ,11 1 1 iinl,ol ,ffot 111111 11111.1.1ZS', Ito nn , ll. talify 'no , have c 11,11 11111111,11111,i1 i. 1 1 ,11,1 1 1 ,1111 ,51', p ,oloffo of I , vo I,,,xtr• nod n Int ~••• n vioy l.:1.1ot olo , fi no• ,1,1 $1 ler 411 , g1.• 1 , 1.11 uwi sent lion, 111 1 , 0 1,1,114 of f•ri,, , 111;511.1111EV,' Sl'- 110 , 562 Mond. w New Yor,. 211,-711 MEE Notil. in Chi by S. A. II ,vvl,tl,k And Curnsms kS,orthillgt. A CARD co TUE LADIES. J , DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, • FOR !;!:MALES.. •• INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTINOIRREGULARI - TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE MONTHLY PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PREVENTIVE. ' 'MERE IS NOT A LARY LIVINO Bul what ni ili.ll , l Of Ilnl Lion.. ill find Ihn DUPONCihtIOkIIEN just the" nonllnlon xhe needs. Fur Nervoun D.Liliq. Dealing down Pause, l'alidtation or [ht. Il cart, Retained, ,regular nr MV11,11./11:Iti011, ninth of Blood to the Inooltives, he he There are the onl3 NUN ever known that will cure the Whites. (they will cure In ery ease.) They never toll, and inny 1,0 depended noon in everytux° n here the mthly flow liar Leon olpd ructed thrinigh cmo old or ditivase. DU PON. CO'S GOLDEN kliddt uin ass pit o I,no o ltatr viler b. lvi'vopeelo ly preparedlor nun led ladles A holy it cuter • 00111011 Ihllx relieved tun In too thty, without inconvenienve. linc lough:. ciENI:INE non- poi op lu Largo (111,1 t ,•) Itiottic c double f foul upon box, you tinil ,ln let pyour Stamp, printed fowl my Pris viito Upon %V 14101 L,lglicitris: Of the Nntilip pun will lint wools Iit:I.ONCO'S GOLDEN P,EII.IOD -ICALI.II,L,. l 0 White L , ltrrn u about Il,gt Dunn hl.l. I'llll .111,11 kit 111101'1.111M 111 1 1 1 111111/Ill.) 1 1 111,11 110 X. 11 . 14,11i . 1.141111 . 1 . 1.11 N., nix 111/X1 4'5.00. y Draggb,l In etury town, I 'Hag, city awl 11.1tabq IltroughSut the a a Id. Sold la Carlin IV, Pa ,by S, A. Ilauq,:kb. 6,13 t. No. 10'Not lla , 01,r St. Sulclll/11111 by Srtrgh a .111,,d. r, Mot:, Pa. awl r. Altick, Shipp,itsLkirg. L hinrl lo lho I.nt 0111,t, call I v Inv Poi:. Muhl by Mai/ to (//lyinlrt 0/. thr country. li ro of po-ta •tt. Num! Avnitit” milt,. the tt. n's;tt..,l D. H0w1.% 0. le Proprt, tor, No, BE WIS wietiont wily benefit. yen . o nut ..tay).• on troll.. 'by sour ineledulily, 1111 u,lrolx 11..0:rt....gi1t relief hunt 11.1 horrors 0? Dysiteptinl through the meditun of the ANTI-DIIII,PTICSTo3I,IOI BITTLIttI and round It. Why shrill! 1 you du11 . .. when this nl rnhlo llm cured many similar (.11P0(1-W11) (10 onl doliht while other Intlinveititd ed ? Delay In lid... Tiller l n 1,11111 (11111g010112 01111 unit; oil Imbl e . Your 01111 !mannish nitilert., while cor.nan negleer Ix h witterilly 101 l wed by serl....a and ...teent trollable reintitx. Dahternia Ilirreini are ..tinnily 11001111 In file tininerent. d fittrfulivq, Imll gutition ; Iw Ilmteitto.r. 0, CoitatittArkna, .FO., a Idle or FEVER mud Mme 111111 other tlitiortlera . pr. entitling Iron. 1100MAT1, It in tlit: ullly 1 . 0111.111.• ikroventive tun! r i edietly Icw.w... 21.1..69 A. LIANI)SOME MOUSTACHE! mffifsTAcilE. I I'llol.. FRENCH. %1 ISO Mt:. 0)3114,11ND, Thu Great lISIII )lOUSTACII will role a Inxnriunt I NIOUSTM:II/: r 11111,10EItS un dunoothent PlUrtlatli to rent loan). itodrl or on receipt of rifo , Conn , BOND. CIII:11I 4 T. N. If . Cur. TEN:1111 nud OUESVNUT Sir Philo. 22101,721 y M. A T S . CARLISLE PROVISION TURES:T. Uorrected IVeekly by J. L. ilfeloyi corns of Pitt and South streets. ONE SQUARE ' VTIO3T OP WM., BLAIR A SON. . Garl 1.01.,, Wednesday, Apra 17, 1872. 11 Ci TTIM . "50028 EGGS _ _ - • -.8 • L.I RP '869 'IA LLO W., 11 , . . ILEEX IVA V 30 BACON II A :V 8 13 do .SOUL I, EP V . . 8 do SIDES i 8 11911 TE BEA NS 2 t 0 to 2 00 . 'PA 171 , ;11 P A C EI IE S 19022 UN PA RED do 9 I)SVEO ,I I'l7. ES 07 CHE It 1711125- PITT.E 11 23 do UNNT.77:7I/ . 'PA DNIONS.I 00 03 RA (.8 ......: - CAIILIBLE - 111.0DI7CE• 31A1t16IVP: ~ '...-- - -. (lirli ale. _llillyiezaay, April 4. 1871 ' FA AMY. FLOUR ' , . .1.7 60 SUPER FINE FLOUR 8 5(1 SUPER FINE R l'E FLOUR. 4 50 11711 'PE IVII EA T 1 65 . RED II'HEA T . 166 .. Rl7 , ' CORN.. . .; • 70 ' ' NRIV OA 1(0 52 ' 45 01.0 VER SEE° . • 4' 75 T1,110'171 }WEED '.XSEP" ' • a IKI FLA iD , 1 60 • 1 I Prom. the Philadelphia .A . arth Amer-wand PIIMADEI f I'IIIA 11L1RKICTS. 1 , 1,0D11, GRAIN AND arcithe. Philadelphia. Apr il PI, th 72 - EaYlbl . PA,ll/1:1' PL owe 2 , 1 7ti ' EX7'll.l - 1 , 1201111 7 GO v ). , 'h' 11.01111 Con • •I°,/air WESTERN RED '- 1 0450 107 R, IV WHIM IVII BA 2'l NO 1 05 in, . ° 90 CORN A. • , 08 OA rd ' . 00 0%0 irEIINEEn .. 0(411.0a ptir lb - 71 71 .1/071NEED • _ 2 75 Fi...t.ra:ED . . . '2 00 • rittaburg pispoich, of Wodnoaday, wo Obtain tlio following: .i1t0051C0Itti : 1-5alea at t 1690 119 r lb, ao to qualify AEAD:t.._ : '_RIAD!t _. _ READ_II-1 Look to your inforost! Stivo your 'money r By buytng4Rio...- G • .T PE DR IF . ot , - /4 v - rya ,p, TN _ _-_. • / i t A, „,-,..) 45 :, , 1 , , e -....; ' 7 j . ),9 41.4 v a • . R. 1.0 •=0 A; E. CORNER. PUBLIC S'Q,qA.RE; ( 64 . 11 ... e,. (11 1.5 1:1 1,L 1,4 Spring and Summer Vrk EP S P 0 0--D Bla ft) ) SILKS. Elegant 111:lek Silks, Cohired Silks, . Striped Silks, Black and Colored Japanese Silks. We have special drives in Black - DRESS GOODS. All the latest styles in'endless varieties. Wash Poplins, Percales, . Chintzes, atb. WHITE GOODS. Piques, Yosemite Stripes, Swiss Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Embroideries., Laces, &o. Shllll , iB Sh Shawls ./ rhavo the cheapest and boat acsortment of Spring and Summer Shawls in the Town. • - _ CL 0 I /Of ). eiI.VID CaSSIMER.ES, Nutre a choice select inn of cloths and cassimeres for men and boys, of French; English and American manufacture, purchaSed front the largest Cloth House in America, and will be Sold at low figures. „, , DOMESTIC C;OODS. ' - . .. You Will find our Stock of Muslins, Cingbams, 'Pickings, Calicoes, 'S'tripes, • Jeans, Cotionades,complete and low in price. Six great and convluchig reasons why you should buy from is : 1. We have a FR - Mi . :lit buyer imt,he City, to pick up bargains for us. 2. We'buy for cash. - --.we are thus enabled; to buy cheap and sell cheap. 5. We have no old goods purchased at high - prices. 4. Our expenses aro low 5. We do not encumber ourselves with large quantities of goods - 'to carry over from one season to another, but keep our stock fresh by receiving now goods daily. receive a great many auction lots of goods, which we can sell far below the regular rates. -l a 0 _l3 U — NI 7- • _ Until you have examined our elegant Stock. Wo want you,to , take a look, whether you wish . to buy or not, as we aro not afraid to have our Goods or Prices compared with any house in the town. ci . , 15:11,72 1) A. SAWYER. , - ' • Goods for Spring and Summer. • ' _.l 0 , sk.._.A ~_. .., _ , .17 WES'r MAIN STREET. 9 N..t , 1.• t is ott. ittkik NENN:,,1"... , li nod ri. 1 and v.' o )10'. s_ock of ovtry article it. 11. , I , lt I' Gut/ r., NM PINS, o ANC% ti .111,... A. , la , 1,, °flit r il in U.l It 1 111.56 1.001,..—11k,11.101 11 ~ok a.. 1 Gil 1, .1 - MKS. . 1,1, .Z.lO .111.1 I'l.llll .1...1......1.1 . SI '', .. 1111 Q :41111w : 4 11111111 r SILKS. Light Waight 00 I' LI N S., 1/../13 . V.lllll li .1 1 I. A A I.:SE, to.l klootls in all 00'0.r, Plaid 1 , t0 , s G 0 , .,, Gran: Vari.“) . t.. l' ECI A I.TY —A A umial. iii• nil. r t::,.0:1 , .. , 1.1 Mac!. A Iptt,ns an I '.11..`i .i.,, ikiA , all .--1.0 A 0f * sato., goothi at t.p....1.41 0 t;.01.5. Pert - malt. A 0f„ , .; , r Blet("le Cl()ilig 'and -- Ui.sgiatiere q IL 9, r '''' ' .' c. "itnt ,.. ', Tw.vil,,J:ltutin•hy .1..t1 AAt tl Co•Il•tti Cott i... • and I`..nt St 1 - .!1• at Old Priv., all liougii tii o , 0..10n awl Cotton mat 1,1 Int , ad x anct..l A errioN” 11511115 INS Whit. tblilt, Sp lot: .. SI. IN, 14 Fl,l 1 - 1111.11'11:111.111:1 Par:llo,lH, T.l.itt Linens, To A el, ...t lint:. ,, ii,. Naphit.. I..tni.t Painta and -ark,. It tt•tl ,• j. 1..41,, 01 ~,t..,..., 111111 M. , ,.111 . 1. I, Ira mj.lo lot -,00,4,01..11ah1 4horl.t. Non and I'hd.l, 1.a.10.8' Libon I 11.0011torrhittkflonl , lia 0 100. , it... A'l tl. .tart , . at 1,0...0P0,...,4 •evt•r 0tr.."0 , it, ruHki.. WHIT H ! alArl_CM IDOM-PIS C7-GODS: 1 , ..p.,, ~, ~,,, ~r o,oy, SIT Ipel I I...tarry I. L ~ 1 14. (,t 11 , 11 , 1 , 1. ,,, . 1 11 4 5.' , 14 4, .., / . 1.1111 AOO, Si,' Lawns, Nuns ..A A , 1,,,,,,,,, 1.1,,,1,1 Na n....0k5, IthAkelto I .0.1 lir.lAtt 3lti4litkA. 'r1.1,,,.. kr, s SI rived Slllrtlngtt, (lido , al:., 111, lii ilk t0..1 lioninvt, lull tool It slto.. ling, 111.,. 1101 and 1:L11,100 10,1 All at prict,t 10 nail l.lo , l, , er 2.n o.koht.g. • Pali. tn... all Now Sty.) 4 I.l!ht and !Lurk. I'. SlO , In , • It' A CC,Y tliTiolltritcCin'A till t CS - = - Izt - ttt...' .. w•-,t,in-Si-tit- , 14,,,-04-10....-ti.....t00. , ,1.40.-.0/-I.oittrt-enlittrs,. 1 1 n.lor A 1...,.,.. Car: Spring ('riling, ill (.1,11:01111e, 14.1 . .,:1•4 dad iii: l 4 l, ' ,l Nt•titt, and vv., y artit.lo ,n a 10. t I la, Not on 11tn...., at 11,... , 1 to ..... . nun ES —A 0, Sp, ing l'oli r 4 Lott , ' Ei•l Cdovt , on ).. ;I.__ Pert t 0 o but . . K;tl•,Cutlial, Skallopall, ''A ..0 . SI. 01.0. il 35 1.a.1i A' all I.notik . oiAlo.l and 11. ,•,•„`.I 11.001kt.relkikita, 12 I 0.. woltli) 25. Clark's 0. N. 0,2: o ..1.1.., Col ttols, ail ...:10, 7.. It. At 5it....1 t . itttos 2 A yards, otkor makes, 4, I:'est Skirt M ,aid. • ,•11,1 14 MA lii ~.i 01.1.114 at 1)1111.1,r; : 4 l ' 1 SII 57,.11 I: ,at 10 et, lo Full' 1110 times OGILBY..LS, .. 47 IVe.O. 3la in l'treot, CA It LISLE, PA. Int•ln.ry, tind IME NE IF T D List of unclaimed letters, retnainine: iu the postolliee at CarlisW, l'a., fin. the WEEK ENDING APRIL 17, 1872 : 'l..ry 11,1, • rt . Nt-tr.•..s aril ury"F; l'atrunt Dritilloll 31 try Dlll 111.3v1:111 121Ininl . . _ illrelo f.-1 Il ,tnlill Itachet 11,kler Maggio , 1't.01,,,..11 Jaw. 0 I,y uur E .1 Wol 1”.• t Nal y I: Mlllur Kiln (11:NTI.}:NIEN'S LIST. S leowe ❑.,ker IL .1:111109 )1 (1 Charles 31 , 1111 Pn•l - o. Clevor Co (iltio..o, Choy lhar ll..nry ow., \V IL I/.1,r I,lwat .1 ' Itt,:gle• 11.1. j Dow la 311, Shasl.l.ll:il Jolin 1811.,r1y SIIIII'I E SI, it it !ill 1:. A iillll.loll ll,ltir,ll 51111. , 11 I , : Ilarlivt 11,1 NI ^ Siert .%1•1,.ni llll4l,llFutmlul 11 . 555.11'15ti , lists , ArBl,w S , %lig:8 - .8, l' Koch Dan Vator II Vat;:,l Lehman lhonl, tt 7,,n41er Al.rant E. D. JOIEE3fr Postrnistrdss. ALII,Fdd G,Z\ D.E".2\,"\VEd.l. TILL TAPPIM: PIIEVEVIT,II. EVERY DRAWER WARRANTED. I.VERY MERCHANT SHOULD I SE T. EM FAIRBANKS' SCALE WAREHOUSE. FAIRBANKS & EWING, 715 cirsTicuT\TmET, • 1.8ap723m Philadelphia. N ""' lcy: is "hereby given that an ap- -,,a, math. thy our, or Com mon P,114 01 Vomiter riliiiity, torn titorlrr ol hoot., oration for "the bore. of God, ut Shiro iinostoo ' + , ii that 1111 /mid Choi tit. will graiit,il at thv .1 loilo , l 11 , 72, by oa' Court, tosoiir to It, rotatory la, Blom.. PENROSE it 1111_11,g, Allot hi,• for Petit howls Pio iv: (Is 16 111 : gIiNSENINN SHOP IS SUP 1.1.11,1) %V I'lll Tit I; 111.:ST EN IS EACII BRANCH. 11'001) rum), .17,1t11%1111N , 1 and Pll NTING [lO, In Iho lon4 ono ner. riapot Ilogit.rn 1111 I owing' n 11111%1u to opt,: • • - Paniting hpo Jolty fall at A. Santo , . man's old MAIIIIIIIIII 1 s.tniloo n.r pot 1/. 1 11 SMIRK No 1. 1101172 - 2 pli.ol'()SAl,S.—l'rp i msals for building Otr•E, 111 MI•1 ..1••1 X •11Vr 1.11111. lit ler ar Ni,, 3, known ari I odo 's, treolvtd 00 Saturday, tiro twenty .I.ty Aoll, In% at 3 o'.doelc at I tool 11110^ iilllol. For • •ol housa nod until speellentodur, iugun o ..f It 11. 1111111...rt0 , ., VW ] . ll' JAC , I I , 100 NEW FALL SHAWLS, latest nt ) lo. at " buct7l A. W. BENTz & CO'S. MINNIOII-41 tKI4II..LOtt , tho olovonitt• Illy of by.R. r W. 0 CoYlon .11 tlr 11.1traita it In• oleh to M Baker. both of (toil lu. 10U1.1:.—. , it thu un 6 iu¢ of th o x.rceuth 1,4,146 4 C 31.. 14117.4the111 F 011414, 1,10 . 1 4.1 11144 13114441e° ‘l' 111 . 11g1.11 101 y. is / 4 , 0 0144011,4 4001114 41:43,4 { E 1. 1 .11.1 A CA'rr I.E MA K ET. Mot, lay, .1811 16, 1812, BEEP ton - epf tl.' Ittarkot fur titi dearrildfuti of ~thee was n uin tiLdlu flu in In day 14.11-r thu Iffild• itcog . the co•unarutivikly light is. u• d an locr used drm.ud Paull &medial:mug Wei cliulo, ox Irs gnu. nt 63 . lit •c IV lb, I Or 11dn, 1 - 41041,i.f %Odell Flli) ou pro firuni 111 Wont, xud 1.10 I if 111 • . • ' (.70W8 mid VA ru nth, ' n ow t , !ovo pale 7 were For ills, part numiu d; .1., of Sisrfisgssrd it I 13:44.45 tot! fr.roh Cusits sir $101Jt1:s. Ilecel. Its. SW 111'111i. -• • Sitl , 0004 a • lively demand 1001..4011 figurrx uLt ; ralt.3 of 61 (4 Imtveror a fe , v I, ' ,tot nt 'V IF. and 000000 at sl,trs jt kle•ltli ReViliia-, 14,000 bend • ' none Kti - ; ine , ,d tt!tki.oloirolikl — prirrs - wer• vury firm; eat. id £6.75(9795 lot 51.11 I st..d corn fed. 1.,t.4,10R, 2 552 11.1.11. [Reported fitr the HERALI: by A. .17.11,ek0r gt, (11.] BALTIMOIEL LIVE wrocit 3IAItEET. CA (.11.11—Tho arrivals for tho wools 1111101114 t OUtd.loll hind. •{l'vilni.vdny'x mat hot .15011114 t 5 gLodal out out hod weoleir uotations. null sales at tho maimed rain wornquito brisk. ktvitig only tt,filOrover for to.ulay, which wero ' all sold at abunt tho .1110 rates. Estrento rango or prices IVOII. to 714, and snot mhos WOlO 1110,10 from CO . ; In 6!)., 1J11(19.—T110 supply ;continuos (Stir and with n moderato automat prices loin,, remal,,q 1011,111 t as lost iCok. •Wu belltrvo limo Markat 114, somewhat firmer. Wu quote porn lingo front, 1 ,1 4,- , to 1.% nUtt, and $5.00, to fa 40 gross Not many hogs now int thu market, and prospects aro morn favoi rano to rhippuro. Ollli lit'.—Ara corning In , mourn troulY no.d , pdtus urn beginning-to droop a intl..' qutth, ~lipped •sheop Irma sy, tom;,, oxtr.t 7, wool ahroli front It to 11!.4. Loins for $3llO to • 5.004 per head, nod g6orl Lambs JolTemand. °Mao No, 7, Rlitom'a Bull, to rear of thoCourtillouno ' last% =p F err an d _ 0 le--" OEM= HI I p So ,11 ;tuum:a IN 1 MUM t mtt•tt NV )Inn,.M I NOT - I I MEM MARRIED DIED Mame rarele, Baltimore, Mtl , April 4, NE IV TO-DA 3". READ ! • READ I ! ( -)c rjal-I.lrs,',HOLlla'.4l-11 have now open oho of the fineSt Stocks of new and desirable Goods over shown to the public. Their immense Stock of 1H GOOD;: comprises all the novelties of the Sea- DOLLY VARDEN'S • in all kinds of Goods I= I= CIIENE AN t), PUI:111 MOHAIR POPLINS CM GOODS in eve' y grade, among Aich can be found. - I= =I _.•. and eveivtiting in Lilo a6liito goods lino SIIA'4LSI SIIAWLSII We have 'the MAY QUEEN, ItOS 11 NE, and all the different makes of 3hawls, whibli we have the reputation of 'selling cheaper than the clnsapest. CLOTHS AND CANSIIIERES. 'We °MC' d steichil inducement to every one neeil SPRING in . iying a lino atismtinent, and having the bent 'failins in town to make. them up to order.. . . , Calf and see the line misortment -"of all it Inds of 2) - 2" . GOODS. We have added a:full line of 'TR=MMZN'GS to suit all Rinds ofl D.ll .L 7 S•S GOODS. When you wish to examine 'a fine Stock of Goods, we would urge you to call at our, stole to 'ascertain our prices before you commit yourself. . N I We will give ov ry attention, and if' not successful in Ding • even a small bill, sliall bo'glad for e^ call, ' Now invoices of Tto styles added, every week. Don't for'get..-----..„ .., . DUKE . & 'BURKHOLDER, North Hanover Strad, . . Belot. Carlisle Depohit_Bauk Hap7g A DICIINISTRATORS' NOTICE.= Letto, of' atiniltilotralon on tin! •eotuto of Jacob - Weitzel, lido of South Middleton 101511ahlp, demised ; have Leon hound by lila Register of• Cam hoplond county, to tho onliscriliors residing In Beaux tod•nehip. All porsoni Indebted to wild estate Will plonoo woke JtmooAlnte payment, and thoro hav ing elalnoi to tiresont dhow, duly nalliontionbid, to the midi:valved for settlement, . • JOLIN WEITZEL, • ELIAS BRENNEMAN, ' • 11341101.* , Adminletratops of Jacob Yiltgol, Florence Estate Eunct SALE OF TilE ME CI) IE7 Florence Est Ate CASH FUND. TOTAL VALUATION $3,50Q.0.00, I)ISTRIl1UT1;D AlloNtail-AIIEIIOLDERS . As a M o . May Determine nt /L ',looting to be hod in the City of Now - York UN THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1172 SHARES ONLY One Jollar Each. It hen been propp=ed that the Property and Crt.,th Fond ehoold be (IP:ldea into 2 457 PRIZES; not this lilo>t bo decided by tits M4,liFitiOltDERS THEMSFAVES. . . ,SP Eohl L A `I'M OJV Iv vat led to the 'flirt tint this 14'not it 'Gift Et,ler !who" ••t }tartly G•me•rrt, nor any mere sehonm for di=p slog of Tmlieta, lint 311 ithsolu to - L.4 fide and I , EIZE3IPTOItY 9 %LE OF YALUABLE PIOPEfTY. • Certifiento or — Distinguished Gentlemen Relative to ➢fount Florence We 'are intolliai with Mount Blorenee on the 11.130 n, laid Ittke,pleamurit in toying that it , lr: large and beautiful property, conmdently locattld 00 to the railroad and the City of New York, highly and` onlmtantinlly in:prose:l, and einbellialted to a du •roa rarely emeilled in Mts.:tan:try. 311:11111 Flotenee SVII4 improve:ll:y 4o it 11. Cmig, Imtworn 185 d and ISlIt, end with ten yearn of notnr nl eildlal to the inintOPYL! sinus expended hi I mplao :anent, Its pretient, :lug Itartliso. hu hvermmintaled. slination Is extrig7ll),vor able :or at.d r fort, and the vrew •• liVer, f loprigiljtr AlUt•inuits of ilia g aodx, ore mal 111 all Hon. - Cltanneey - M. - -Depew, late Seere - -tary of State of New York. lion. Jas. W. 11ust'ed, of Peekskill, D. T. Clapp, esq., Cashier Westchester Cp. Bank 'Peekskill. Hugh C. Wilson, esq . ., Cashier Saying. Book, Peekskill. O. 11. Shreiner, esq., Cashier Ger. Am. Banlc, Equitable Ins. Building, Broadway, New York. Owen T. Collin,,,esq.., Swrogate of West chester Co. Prof. Chas. A. Lee, M. D aeekskill. J. B. Brown, esq., Seeretaist Peekskill Plow Works, 51 Beckman St., N. Y. - ,Tolm McKesson - esq., fll Fulton Street. I'. S. Stewart, 3 ' l. 1)., Peekskill. . The - followinwell-known Gentlemen have conesnted Co act as'an ::211)1 7 .1,SO1? BOARD. A 11. CLAY rnEsTos. Now York City u IS Ms I IarS'1;1•11 - trk - N Y. 1..4.1. FIt.ANK uoULEY, St. I.okln 510. ORRIN Syrarogo, N. Y. THOM AS .1. CORSON, Trenton N. J. . F. 1.. S rowELL. Oloan, N. Y. GEN. N. 31. WISE WELL, New Yoplt City. • F. li. PA LAI ER, Now YurkCity. nArn Et, SICK ELS, Nosy York City. ROBERT S. lIRUNS, Charlebtou, S. C. Liberal Inducements Offered to Agents and Canvassers. =I roe Shores, Dn=crlptive Cirenlars, Beautifully II 'undiluted Views or ISlount Florenco and Surround Inns, Sc., &A.., Address JOHN A. LEFFERTS, Utaleral Mausgor, 615 Broadway, N. V. P. 0. Box JOHN W. SIMON'S Serretary .101 IN 0., SMI.III, Tie:Ail:ft, Now York, Nor chnotte,Ext•lninge, II) and 62 Pow :trek 11tkp7261.. -Er A RETAIL GROCERY STORE IN TILE "South End.' 'rho undersigned would respectfully the eitireas of Carlisle and vicinity that he has pin Huhn d the stork of Mr John Heckman, and basin:: added largely thereto, will at nil times keep a•ggnd 111111 Ilr.ttrinss• 87'OCK OF GROCERIES on hand, nod wldelr Ileremsell at n eery :0111111 ad vnnrt MI first cost. Ills stock will Sandia tof Sugar of all the maim. grades, flattens at all price., Mo. lassta, Syrups, Tea, Spires,..Queensware, Glasswaro, Stoneware and CNoliory, Baskets, Burnet ohs, CEyeliors, all Muds, hi/whet-al, Stool and Harping, tTolateoo awl Fagan, lirtoftes of 011 desertpt iota, Ned Cords nod Ulothett lines, Brooms. I will alto keit constant ly on hand IL flue quallty of _ Fanbily Fl l / 2 167 , and Feed of all hinds; also, a lnrgn •varlety of Canned mid Dried Fruit, consiiitttig et reaelies, Apples, Orange, 1,111.15, T011111.t0., kl`., together with a ;client] lit of NOTIONS usually 'kept In Stock. COUNTRY I . ItOIIUCE ofalt lambi tithen In limit...lige for good. at, market pikes. flop'tut that tide( iittentlviii to bind neat, ntid the 'want , of oa>fu or him ith Ir. cuitont, lie will riiiiiifeea Chesil shore the patroltgipi Hay ng et y Lroll itf and advautsge Ito Iptireliaiiug my tek her ()ASIA!, 1...wi1l not ha nutter/old tiy tiny In the Ituainess. Re:manlier too pliditi—(l 711 11 elI Hanover street, corner of Chapel A I ley, I hip7Str :TWIN .A. niela erVitavert iwn,»lt7l • A PROFITABLE 11 US INESS 1.10 UT EQUAL T.) 0 AS, ON 1. -0 0 lITII 'CUE CUM': Cannot is c.i.plodol. Vo c.ithtney ut wick Trol • MEN_ deArlng . a PROFIT ' 101. S IN ESS, can sornro tho EXCLIMIVB It 111 hlr fku the ado of MOTT'S PATENt'CAIOION GAS LIMN RU..N- EitS AND OIL, for COLIN LIES or ST VfliS. Writu for information or call toll M. IL DYoTT. EMEM Mil No. 114 Stafth Sentind', Pbii ..I.lpltla. l'o 1 . 111711.111` , 1 Cll k NDEL. I I.ltS 1.11.1 LAMPS of cagy de.ription 2. law cent cheaper than nt any °thin. lII.Iin In tho coantry. • 11.1.72:1In A COIPLET.E'LT.NE OF MI LINIIRY 'Velvet hate, for Jodi, and 111 - 1,141,, Feather., nl ahades-111b6..•.,410 nagea, V.ll Vvlvuto, and V.l votern , ;:alla.dvre, cat Has: 'NeaIA,.IV. AV. BEN k CIL T A. W.. BENTZ CO'S, is tho bnly rln. to boy loaf lw o Itg,ol Duclied Loco Collars, =I Meal Vnlrpct• nue - have (•.Earn • imitation Lace Cellars at all prices, Irani ti'll•et• tit and upwards. llnat•aud fulfil:km 1611.1 chiefs, Laco and Laical eu,tm, all purchased f r the Itolldayta` 'idea! A• 1/V. BENTZ CO., has tho 'taigas • etock of W..ter•pri.f Cloaking Vo.voitien with bilk 1 , 011•11. kcal. CARPETS 1 CARPETS) CARPETS Soil Ing (i rent burg: it In pets, %V hi d6w t-Itadus,.Volviat ituge itniol*.r %cal A. %V. I;ENTZ 3: CO. DAVID SMITH', formerly Justice of 1.101 I'lll.o, WOll . ll 1111111411100 10 1,18 numeroua frioude thtungliuut the con lOg find I ieluity, that !ll.lrpeelal fit mall,a will be wren to the collet:dun runt'autllennult of ntl chtinni, rook recounts,. goo dno notes, ed.e., ntld tit writing of deeds, rncrt.mgea, Fonda. and Mem, thttNll ... i:g and renting 01 .r Real Estate. ,'ferns Ino hi rate. 'l.llll. e in the Court num,. 4,L1,72Gm • . • FOR PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and Patent Medi-Ines, g. to J. B. flavored.lea No. 1, South Hanover ntreut. - Also, asploudid itssort first of Tolluc ,sintpu, Pt rf wineries, and Fancy Tolle Articles. .1. 11. lIAVERSTI , Ii, N 0.5 South linnov,r otreot,thulielo, BEM TATS, Feathers, Ribbons, &e. , just rocolvutl nt A. W. lIENTZ & CO. 1200t7L j' B. DAVERSTIOK, - • NOG SOUTH ILAITY,ER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Dealer in JUBT received 'another largo supply of ..thoso beautiful dattoom In .oloth colors, for Lull& sulls;,sc • A. W. LENTZ 4 co. NE• FIR,3l.—Tho undorsieued, hay ing prociteet tlic• Store, Room formerly occu pied by (1.-1, .flaimittfoy,No;7B: and Lnving remoddied ail rellited It with-nn entire, now stock of goods. beg leave to infohn tin patrons of UM; community and tim surrounding country, thaftboy nro now ready to,disposo of nil. articles containod in a first-etas grocery store, nt mho lowest OAI3II prices. Eleaso call and esamluo our stock and,slitisfy yourselves,' llap72lmo YOU can obtain Dye stuffs, Perla morlatqattd Nancy Articles, qt J. B. 14ivoti . .. stink's. l'llyeleltuoti prescriptions corpfully cons. pootlelcil at nll Limos... m _ J. ATE STION; N 0.5 Bouts HPII9VOr utropt, Cayll2ll, .10oot70 : , WITI_I A ALL TO BE Grocery eGOOD *Sale of - Mtzeated .Lantbt QArlit %OF uNsBAITD_ IT Ity virtue of a warrant from under no hand and seal 'of--the" Commissioners of Cumberland c o unty, ann.° mo directed. tlio following tmcts or lots of unseated land, situated in Oumborland county, Pa.. will be sold nt public sale, at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, the 10th day.of June, A D. 1972, at tho. Court 'louse, to Carl islo, county aforevald..or as much of each, tract as will defray the unpaid taxes and costs thereion: GEORGE COBB, Conn ty Treasurer. Owners. Tax duo ME . . thrliste, 1114 IVard. • Lot , Natchor, MargaKet • $ 83 • . Piclaw.. ," 81' Ahl, L. V, amie. W. . . 10 77 6 , Albert. miaow . 117 11 . • ' Beecher, Jacob • . 818 Benin, John Bushey, .T. Y. Bono!, Joseph =MU - - . Brown A: Crib.>ll, liftman. Daniel llitonta, Wesley 2 32 lirciiigh. John 1 23 Bolen, John 1 40 Biddle, E. 11. - i 180 Craighead. Will'ani 1 OG Cualstai, F. 35 Criswell 1 Blown, 1 56 Cool, Joseph 3 08 Claiirailillii,i'David 1 60 Chi. , lll, JilCOll l3 Cod:ley, Noah 370 '1) nn, S N. 0 Dixon, Joh tP.'"' 9 Unll, J Davi% Robot,. 7 Fishhorn. John 10 (Itaham, John, hem 2 77 Gordnor, John 6 67 i 4 nnruel Orolwt, jncob Gardner, Wlllipta 1 75 Garhuer, Elias 88 Gatihnef, Rebecca ' 86 Homminger, John 84 Hepburn, Samuel, sr. ''' 150 Iluininelboitelt. 11. A. 52 Harris, Samuel ' 25. King, Jacob. 1 12 . Kurtz, Noah 1 81 Keller Jl)lin' 22 50 Kenton, theory 1 20 Leriiw, Adam .13 70 Lerew, David P. • ' 32 1..14 John 1 80 alyen, Charles 5 12 :dyers, Cornelius 1 23 alyem, Cyr. 1 77 al in WU, Nicholas 4 71 alarsilen; Dr. D. 2 21 aly ers, henry 2 02 illyem, John 11. 3 25 Al yam, Ezra 32 Monti.. Is we 3 77 Illyterti;Antut G. . • . - 2 45 Illcercary: Wm. t 80 Myom, 5 elty - 2 04 Nolrshigur, Jerry 1 14 Newcomer, John 76 11.8, Gibson...._ 6..1 Hebert, Jacob 4 03 , .84alsinith, Peter ' . 236 SbolierGbirld • 141 Sterner, John . ''. • 492 SteriMr, .1.. L. 2 02 slslysor, Philip 47 , Stuart, Hugh tom , 32 Sloan, John Trostle, Adam Trine. John TroAle, J. B. St IVooti, N. W. Wirenun, Isanv fi Wolr, Jacob • 1 Porte, Simon Zeigler, Ilrinuall ' 146 Prank/ord. A hl, I'. A. - 41, it OWIIIIIII , Eituitiel 25 limit ar, John 1 02 Derr, Joseph 24 15082 .1" Groye, 24 Ft•ti/O,IA. bent . , 75 Dirilieolrin.lar. A. 13 Driller, John 110 0 I iesinger, 8.1.111 out 60 It hear, Derirreo " 00 I('Hirer, Jelin 40 I.ualiay .2 Illoner, 1 2 2 Lutioevkar, Benjamin 23 Nailer, Barnett 38 Ployer, .Irivob 25 611) der, Henry 1 02 %V ashintroll, liaergo 48 Woodburn, .1. N 75 • IlopeTtiell. S. Sliori., J. 3I'D., 2 20 Difitin. • 5 • • - A rtild, SIIIIIIIII. heirs, 13 1.1 Fulton, .11inion 65 43 31eCiii• o, IV C. 1 77 211 Biro, tour SO 1 3 • .t Middlesex. . • ! ,' 10 Crain Dr. Jos. 75 ~, ~ golf, l- 3oh- -- - 10U NEM' ConibcrionlL Lot ' May, Joseph . 33 FPS Allen, Wlllirga : -,50 Ileern•, Film - - 25, David 30 Engle, Jesse 40 65 Grove. Mirhael and brother 4 00 100 Galbraith, Thom., heirs 1 00 B=MEI b.} 4., JAM I inr David ' 20 - . 31iller, A.G. 3 40 ,25 • SIeK/nnoy, Thos.. , 75 3. . 91iller, dostph 154 8 3lalllaughllu, SVnl. CO 70 . Puffer, Keller lleojands 1 25 ISO School. A Bro., 2 JO 20 ° . Thrush, 11, 1...00 99 Vs eaves, Charles 1 35 130 . Woods, Copt heirs, 105 • pp(th Ali.Ulan', . '' Albright, Jacob 1 50 bennlorf. Om W. 2 70 ' Ernest, 170warti 33 'Gardner, Bitroey . 1 12 Orient, Joel 1 30 I.sruer, D. heirs, ' 1 04 Lotirk, J. & 1 00 Le I). I'. 25 Sl rriv ander, Jaeoli 3 23 It ondorly, D. heirs, 15 Wal tail. John 52 t, 21orj ,s IPrI 11 on sborough. 75 ( Henry 1 litp72(te - !Legal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of adinntistrotion on the PAM.° of John Faller. Into of the boreogh of Carlisle, deeessed, hose beim by the [register or Cumberlond comity, to tom submit (her, residing In sold bor ough. All persons indebted to sold °sten) will please make pnylnenl.•)nd thole having claims to pre,ent them, duly tonliontieated, to the nude, olgood for settle Moot. JOHN I. FALLER, Adminibtrittor 1 I p7211t ADJIINISTI2AT N I'S Letters or ndm inch noon on the estate of heenion, duee,upd, late of Lower Allen to% unlilp, Cumberland founty, have boon bsueil by the lb:gaiter. of Cumberlami 0111/I . Y to t , •o ,enb scrile r re,iding at Nue: Clunbvrland , Cumberland y linty; All invons indebted to luild °stab:, not 11111k0 i..,1.4110u payment, And those hieing claims vial present them properly Ititllien; treated fur nuttleinent, to- OWEN JAMES, Admi nistintor ESIBMI AIYAIINISTIIA'faR'S NOTICE.— Lotto. nit whin R 001,011,11 on the onntate of .Inn. ceni , eil Imo of Silvor Spring nownnhili. have bent, inunrtl by the Witt:dee of Cumberland county, to thu on' s• riper reSitling In sill t..111•11ill. All pecnon a inilebleil to /lad 0-11110 Will pl,OOlO unite Immediate pad nienn, nwl thinnii buying clnitnn to preinint tl OM, thinly iannennlented, to thu tinder signed tar 11011. J. 0. 8 %MPLE, Administrator _tm .L6c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters t.o.ounentary on the estato of Sarah Coon, r, 'lnto of Dit,llldoll tow 11111 p. decreased, boy° been la talni by tho Register of cmtibeiland c linty to Iho tlnderslgned re•itlinc In ti MI township All,pup Bann Ind e bted to said rotate will motto' lmmediatg, payment, and tho c having claims against said ea tate•to prescilt, them dilly 1111(11011,1111U.] for settlw meet to DAVID COOyER, Executor MIMI . . EX ECUTORS' Letters testamentary on the eatnio of 'AVlllialn Slot ghost sr.. late of Ntn th 311.1,P0t0n 'teen ship, de• eensed,llavo , lieen to nod by the:, Itegint• r of Corn berbt .0 etln ty to thu undernianisl th siding In /mill township. All penions !wielded to maid et•tate will picture ludie - inanediate say /omit, nll.llllOBO 111,1$ g rinimx ngliilltg said estate to present thew duly nu tliouticnted for set tlelne• t to , • 01'0E0E. W. SWIGER, /9El'll SIIIJOIIART, E, ecutoni ME= VXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters 1:4 testainonlary on tho• Nimbi of John Jacobs, lido of 3litidletox. township. decossed, have been In•tied by the Itepiotit nt Cninhorlhod county. to IVilliant Jacubs, of rumor Fpriug township, and John Jivots and Samuel .Ineobs,of H iddlesox town; Alp. 'All persons indebted to said eshoo Will please 1111,u bonted•oto payment. and !hoes Itsv•ng coitus to present lbwu duly. antllon icatod, to tho under. signed, for inithmunt. • WILLTAS! JACOB?, JOHN JACOO 4 , 8 %MUM. J ACOII , , , Executors 4. 1 ,72 a "VXECUTOR'S • NOTICE. —Letters testamentary on thu .tito of Phoebo Paint; Into of the borough of Carlislo,^deceased, have boon issued by tho Register of Cumberland county, to tbo subneribur residing In the borough of Carlisle. AN persons Indebted to said entato will ploasu tank° immediate paymout,pal those having claim to present theta drily amthetalooted, to tho under ,Sigued fur settlement ' W. II ALLEN, - _ i‘xectitor, or to W. F. SADLER, 00260 Attorney. rritO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CUBIBMRLAND COUNTY. Oserrikumi t—lu• pu nance' of .tho forty-third settion of the Act of olg th of May, 1851, you aro hereby notified, to meet in coniention at the Court •Iletteo, in (Initial°, on the lint-Tuesday-At bby, A..D. 1872„Iteing. Aim soventh . day of lb. month, at 1 o'clock In tiroiifittroOoit, and nolort. viva rata, by U majority of. the whole ' n umbel• of.difectOrs present, ono, parson of literary and scientific Roma remote, and of skill and °kiwi-. once 'ln tho art of teachimr, as County Supotitt ,tordept, for tho throe succectlingryears; determine the runofint of compensation tor this same; and codify the. result to the Btate fluperintendent,.at Harrisburg, as required liy the thirty-ninth .aud fortioth'sectionsur said Act. .. . ' • ' WILL A. LIpiDBISY: County Nuperintentient of Cumberland County. . 'l4mh72to NOT/QE• ' - • • Council Chamber, 1 Carlisle, April 5, 1872. f ThaEltats; Tim financial condition of the borough, of Carlisle Is Ouch that It _will not warrant the ox pendant° of a suns of money sufficient to 0101111 the 'ascots and alleys at this OM; therefore Ito it ltesolvol, That the owners and ocoupleranf all property fronting on tho maeadrunized atreete and alleys of the borough be .requesterl to ClO4ll and acme the dirt And filth in hunt or their several promises upon bOflpe, to he removed by the order of the Street Committer). Notice* of this resolution to bo given by the High Constable. • ' GAOIIOII President of Council. • Ititoet : A. J. Wi.`igtti; E3ocrotary of Corporation 11tip72.3t OGA RA N TOBAGO 0 JALINIIRS P. N I-A: P—F O 9B 9 . • „No. 23' WEST MAIN STRE I.'T, CARLLSLE, -PA., . - May be obtained the best brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. My Stock embraces NM following varieties : Natural' Leaf, Golden Flake, . • , Early Bird, - Navy, _ Gravellcy, •• • Pancake, • ' Natural Twist, Cavendish, "Fifie Cut. Smohiag Tobacco of "Superior () Ict -a- la (51 (G 4 TY N -lE„u In endless variety. All the LA TEST .STYLES T. MN AND BOWS. In my largo assortment of Paper Collars can be found the following styles : Collegian, Grand Duke, Tyne, Artist, Romantic, Rob Roy, Temptation,Argosy, Military, All Year Round, and a host of ater Fancy GoOds, Cheap for Cash. JAMES P. NEFF, 4.ap723m • No. 2:1 West Main Street. 1 13 15 "I 11111 32 42 12 •2 69 -H. , S. RITTER & SON , DRAPERSAN B . iIiIIIERC-WANT TAILORS,. NO. 44 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. . • Spring Opening • • —0 F— • • CLOTHS .CASSIMERES AND VESTING& We have just received a full assortment of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassi mores and Vostings; embracing the latest' novelties and the best .manufacture. which we aro desirous of exhibiting tb,the public. Our prices cannot be surpassed. Par Suits made as tow its TEN DOLLARS, with the guarantee of a perfect jit„ta Cassinaeres by the yard at all prldes, from 65 cents up. A full line of HIT_TIZNISHING- GOODS alwayS on band. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. Wo would respectfully solicit a call. . Wo aro the agents for the • Original Howe Sewing Machine, Improved. • 4ap72ly CARPETS! - • . — 7" • A v __3' OatlV 904 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. Have now opened the most Elegant Variety of New Carpetings ever imported. Notwithstanding the great advance, • J. F. & x. R I\l E• • Have determined to offer their entire Stock at oil prices. TAPESTRY CARPETS ,. ALL TILE NM CS SfV.ES I N SIN IA AND DOUBLE nI DTII J. F. & E. B. ORE are closifor out the balance of last Season's Importations, Velvet and English Brussels Carpets, at a heavy reduction in Price. Also an Invoice of French Axminster Carpets at $2.50 per yard 3ap72m r 4-- • ep—" 3C-3E crtai.s.oa etulaci Ma 3P ) ear CRAINt.R, CLAZOL.II, &C. M'Special attention paid to PAPER .11ANG.ING., Competent workmen employed, and the VERY BEST MAT H;± lAI - that the market affords Orders from town and country will receive prompt ntten'ion. 28mar;2-3m 707 TYNDALE (t WOW L, 707 CHINA, CLASS AND CROCKERY , WARE. _,..AVE,II*VE• NOT INCRESSED OUR PRICES. THE WHOLE OF OUR STOCK WAS PURCHASED DEFO'E TrtE EXTRAORDINAIEY ADVANCE IN EUROPE. 'PEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES. 707 CHESTNUT STREET, PHYLA, 707 1 lap722m 1 ) hiladelphi Spring 1872, FE TO N> THO PSON ' 617 CHIL'SI'iV UT SI .R.B; 1..; 7', 11... no, to Stool, and upeo'ng daily a IlLrge Stvek, I,i , oght 'mainly dm, I from NlTionfaii.m.l.• at 11 0 ALE ii ND A B ROA]) • . —OF— FOREIGN AND 'DOMESTIC , DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, SHAWLS and SCARFS, WIITTIi; -GOODS, LINENS, EJIBROIDERIE,S AND LACES. , • 1 Embracing all Om NoWtion of On. Sow on, olThred to theTraTradeby the E, 1.. ta. l'ag sago a '"" t dm I.m git market in!. g. - ~=I. I.7gtat Pain Cum•e Oil PAIN CURE OIL, nor. IS NOTHING LIKE IT FOR PAINS, SORES, WOUNDS AND LAME\ ESS BUY IT! TRY IT! FOR RIIIIIIMATISR, - USII PAIN CURL•' OH FOR NEURAIAJIA, USE PAIN ( UR E 011 PIK FEVER SORE. USE PAIN CURE OH FOR CIIOLEItA 1110111,113, • USE PAIN CURE 011 FOIL SPRAINS, . USE l'A IN CURE OIL FOR HEAD t CIIIE, ll' P PAIN CURE 1111 FOR BRUISES, USE cA IN CURE 011 NOR. CORNS nn,l BUNIONS; USE PAIN CUBE OIL FOR ANY BONE, .• USE PAIN 0111tE FOR ANN LA BEMIS.% USE PAIN CURE 0111 EVERY BOTTLE IS 'WARRANTED, • • • Aud wo CI thin %Vt..ld to produce Its equal Used Externally and Internaliy for MAN AND BEAST. Ask for PAIN CURB OIL: Mho t o minor, r r WARRANT IT TO CURE. It is not .a Will...ring preparation, bit an 011, mods from pdro — Vegutabio Oda, Herbs, tLval' Esti aets, and is clean sad oars twa. • Bold by all DrAgglsta cold Dualeo4l:l Hoes. PRICE, FIFTY ORNTB. tilcClUltli 1 EATON, Prof ristors, Reading, 10. • . Sold in Col lisl p by J. B. linveldek. NO. • s`Suuth 111tnovollitreet, Ad d. A. Hoyt:nth:lt, No. 10 North Hanover street, druggists. • • , 29fola1ly Bart's Vermin t.'xterl .a4nato!! RATS•! .:RATS I . RATS ! TERROR ! I.IURDER !I DEATII !I! MICE, ROACIIES, ANTS, BEDBUGS, An RATS I. ' RATS.! ! RATS I I 1 Farmers, Bocuro . your Grain, Poultry, etc.. A REMARKADLE PREPARATION, which drawaßate,- (ax-by-tnettle)-from-tholcifola and hiding places They eat rallooottely and all die to a dead' certainly In the open 'air. Sofa to nee. Called __ _ _ BURT'S NEW IMPROVED 'VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. titled 'with wonderful succeee nt the Dentition WI npd other largo Bohan and Public Institution° ip dolphin and New York city; Ilolton lion., Ilarria. .burg; Unioa Dopot Hotel, Pitbliturgt Iterate Ilona°, Williamsport, P 11.; to, In foot, tho only artlclo that will rid you of thoeo poets. Cut this advertisement out and take to your Druggist or Merchant. If ho is not supplied, ho Coll got. It for yoti of any wholesale Druggist.. Bo aura awl got only,tirat signed E. BURT, Jr., Philadelphia; Pm, on eafttjar. Take no other. II cents ajar I MID Jare for ft. $1 worth will usually do a thorough work • TO MEROLIANTB.4IIurVe Now Improved, will never harden or, change by age. .Alwaye Taco condition. Lola •on band of (Griner make will-be exchanged, if desired. Principal Depute, GO2 Arch attract, N. E. corner Tenth and'elientnut atreote,and S.W. corner. Eighth Ind,Raco etroots, Philadelphia. 801 l by all Wholeenlo Druggisten Direct all Ettore to •B. BURT, Manulltcturer of 'Rat Exterminator, Weot Philadelphia, Pa. . 141726 m . JUST meowed another extra sapply of suporlor litaud of Illack..Alpticen, troll, rum Wolcott . - A. W. MINTZ & 00.1 a =1 USE FIRST IN SEASON. •- . THE Old .Fihm, Immo_ riattnied Irmo Ow City ooh a V I') 11..,1111ti1v.a of (•-• ‘za , , Coll , llofiel of Om tout...lA I Linen and 1111.•til. Of:tiitibi men. 11.., Li 4, Cil-11,1 In tho country, and mhut ate ,Ihenp r than can ho !coda or , utrlt re. c 1,11, • JAPANESE SILKS JAPANESE E .IND , 1011 AIRS,' PLAID POPLI•S, IMPERIAL CLOTH, STRIPED SATINS PRIACESS Mlxrunu., OXFORD SDITINOS6 DAnII YOPLIAS, • and n larku lot of 131, ,ALPACAS. of all tho Inuit dosiruhlu mut popul , r khuli; such as .1 , 10:1•401.1 Al bAII..NOES, • CASHMERE: 11.1,11'..5, ALL WOOL DELAINES, and everything oho In this line. and uL prlce3 tlutt make 'nno of our colnpoL'tma foul 16tily indeed.. -- bur iitoo4 of CRINIIIIereII Is largely I Ppl.lllsiini with 00 Intent F.tyi.o of 0-1 Cheviot thou! Itibbrd Cusshneres, Diagonal Contlnge, A very Extunolve Stook of Ribbons; Laces, spring Ilats and Hindowns, Cripus, Illusions, Linings all in' large variety of thu latent stylus. Also, Tatho Mons, dhoutoupt, to Mind- EmeltWe, Gloves, notary, all kinds of Notio. Trimmings, &c., in great variety. Wo huvo Um popular styles of Dully Vatdon, In various materials. 'ln it 'word, Ivo .le.vo thu largest and finest. (admitted, by all upbiatied taints,) at, et of Dry floods in• thu who's lungth of Il is Cumbur , land Valley. • Come and sou us, and wu know you will a.y that it was" Good for you tu ha hero." • A. W. BENTZ &'CO, , South l hmuv. r 8u u. I. • March 90.1870. - 4%42 • WHITE MILL MOTEL, - • . MAIIICET STARR.; 11A1111I81111110, To centrally located, oppoelte the Court thnise. Vide :hone° In kept on a NrCalal data/ ftr Farlactn' Hotel, at, moderate °bottom. Oureht thitiattlud 'at any hour of thu night. Cloud St ling attarlied: 1405E.3" Protirlotor. llni 72ank C 0 • , Dry