- -=CABLIBLE, March 10,-1872.-= Horace Greely says, "Go -West and seek your foitune." But we say, buy your dried, canned and green. fruits, , moats, choice vegetables, &c., from W. - A. numrieb, and in course of time you will save a fortune. OWEN'p MARBIA. WOHKS re removed from Wesl gain street to No. 73 South Hanover street,' where anything attainable at n first-class mar bly yard may be had, garble and mar bleized mantels, and encaustic tile n; specialty, Having n heavy and carefully -selected stock on hand, I will sell it at rates which- cannot be-underseld, or ex celled in workmanship. -lap723in RICHARD ➢ln. S. that is a perfect fitting shirt you wear. Who made it? It ,is one of Richardson's make ; one of - the nimg celebrated shirt makers in the city. Wolf, on North Hanover street, takes orders and guarantees a perfect fit• CASII NOTICE ! On and after the first, of •April next, I intend to do a cAsit business with all my customers. By employing none but the best workmen and using the best leather in the mailiet, I.wouid respect fully-solicit a shrine of the piddle patron age. - • AD. D VSF.RT, !loot and Shine Dealer, s t Carlisle Pa. 28inli'72t f. CA urET chain, carpet chain, at, the I owyst, price, at. Frysinger & Co's. carpet MEE You farmers who want a good price for_ produce, go down to,. Meloy:s new store. -TirE largest :xssoettneet of wall papers in the county, :it. Frysinger Co's car- pet t( it GRIIVI' INDUC'hM-ENTS The. undersigned, would respectfully MI1101111(70 t11:1010 will sell at, private sale, his splendid Circulating Library. The library now numbers 5.10 voltpe.S, null the hest fii ,Pttlges pronounce it the finest seleetioll they have ever seen in a circulating Meaty Call at .No. 11 West Main street.. N. Ilk N ESS. llinlit2tr fruits, fortii4ii nibnftrali gii to Ilium PER: , .I.I(IO)N llnl Al' Prince Stalld tlio Old muctit, in the: City “r Hari fu nn April 1, to .1 illy 1, 187'2. Tciutn $l.l. IV NI. ( .01,1)1.1t, I I arrisburg HALE, carpets bOld*l'S, English tapestry, Brussels, oil cloths, &0., at nysinger & Co's. c.trpet. store. VERN' choice lot nom Ju.,t leceived by Melo; & Co. JusT \ I'll oat rnwal, ora Oren nut' iwcoauut., ut 111111111 C W:4. WINDOW ..Lades, window hhades, of every variety, at Frysing' er & car- pet st 2C Sm ALL unbms, butter and eggs wanted by 111e14 C Co. 1-Imll72tf Plc) E eider vinegar, pickles by the jar or dozen, at, lininvieh:s. CuOrug cracker dust and• Pearce's crease crackers always arn B au d at Me- loy S, Co 15'nt'ru seed onions, cabbage, beets, turnip,, onions &c., at Ilunilieb's. Titrries celebrated sugar_ cured dried beet le noi whole or sliced IV it ITEWAsnINo or ) caleinduing promptly attended to. All orders left at No. 13 North West street, corner of Locust alley, will be attended to by 70tb712.2in CilmtLEA AV. CONN. FARMER'S if pm want in i n seed pot a toes, go to SNV EITZER :Ind American cheese, e.tot)ed and fresh oysters, at Mol - ;NT 1101.1,Y, Cr NlnEn- LANI 3 COUNTY, PA. This is to certify that when I was foreman of the Lorey Iron Oa Bank, Wm: pinkly mid ma the extent of thii Lank. I had a drift made and Conn(' it ,list. as he tepretionted. Also, another Mice where f found Silye!' :mai head, he found the ex;tett place, :mil told we .what WaS IlLcrn N% '0124 ;no siwwing him I lii —plce. " JOIIN IYNEII,I— Tint location 111 . Illillerai wins OF Ile -1.111,ir length and breadth can nuts• Ito del nriniticil for it certainty. (Tall int i. itildress t'arlisle, It. Henry litillicr, Itipptln (T.Jell'iirstin Citunt.Y i West, 1ra .22fe721,1 TINE Baldwin and country upplt4 at .11u ich's. $.1,000. This amount is wanted on mortgage. on zk.pril 1, 187 . ; for one year, lir longer. Interust . B per cont. Secur ity iindoubted. Call at THis Oat icis 2t9feb72tl' roMIIINOS made into swift:les, 'eltig nous oorls, '— frF;etts, 0 • at Madame MEE DON"I` BE HUMBUGGED but buy the best stoviortliat have over been in the marklif; and pronounced so by all who halle them in use, the_Aineri moiHasu Burner and Base Heater, the Eadient Fire Place Heater, andilig Cabi net Range with _hot closet. Call at \V Pridlpy'S Stove store on Hanover Mama,. and See tho endless variety of stoves. -.>, VALUAIME Medical Book contain ing the Sympthms, Treatment, 'and desiniption of Afedicina, to cure Ono Ifu-ndred different diseases. Sent, post paid, on receipt of 23 cants. Address, .1: 0. Harrold, 236 North 01,11 street, Philadelphia. . 211'01723in- BEES! BEES !I :For want of room, I will dispose of a number of first-rate stooks of is3cs,'prin- (lipally Italian - add Hybrids, in Lange troth's movable comb hives. TOMIS 11110(10111t0, Apply to " • , TnEo. hl. Illowrz, Wont Fairview, Pa. P. S. Owner of Langntroth's ex tended patent for Cumberland county. 28n111728t,* WA WI) I • $2,000 or $B,OOO wtAutett for, ono or morn yearn. Apply to C. P. Ltunirich, A" O"Z' fcE • Tlrc undersigned would respect fully inform' the eltr,:lens of Car- Wahl Ma sur roundlliga 'country, that he still attends to the xepair= iny :of watei , es and jewelry, in all its various branches.: 1110111448 CONLIN, ,Next door to Farmers' Bank, •Last Main Street, Carlisle, Pa LADJaI' and gent's farninhing and fancy goodo of every description eawbc had' cheaper at J. 11. Wolf's; No. 18 North 'Hanover Area, than at any otho house in town. • —PATENT—GATE. • , At Dinkle's Machine Shop; in this place, can ho seen oribtof the lieSt.pepcti ca/Farm Gates over invented, i t . does tibt'require any bingos. It opens two •ways. It never ricks in the mud, anti can be raised to swing clear over snow. drifts and .other obstructions that not over twenty-foUr inches high. It'is offered:fer sale to all who need-gates at the following low prices. ••• For, each farm right,' $2.00 ; for each township right, $20.00 ; for each county right, $llO.OO. pates spade to .order of any size or style desired, and' satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange terri tory for a good horse. Call on or ad dress. CHAS. F. Disium. Also, 1' Wilson and 1 Wilcox h ibhs Sewing Machines for sale cheap. 2noiltf. TO CHICKEN' It/USERS The undersigned, devoting his time e.Alqgively to the brooding of choieo fowls, is prepared to book orders for the following varietiesi ,of eggs. During the past year I have made largo addi tions to my stock, having recently ob tained sever - al Imported Light Brahmas from P. Williams, Mas'sachu ` sctts. Most or my fowls drew premiums at the late County Fair. All stork, guaranteed to be thorough bred. Chickens and eggs • a-bo_obt tiuod-at---all t imps Tli t - lowing is the prices fixed for the differ tint varieties of eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per doz. $2 Light, Brahma, Imported, " 1 Houdan, Premium, (Bearded and, Muffled,) per doz. 2 Black Cochici, Premium, . 1 Gray Dorking, 1 Bronze Turkey, . 2 .lEssy. 11. trumEn., N. 121 Funl li Pitt, street, IS,jaT2a SPECIAE NOTICES I;I{INGS wiTii Iti;:411.1.• I n . ..nt Sr7 , l.oollP.pint, i, is iipt Ili, di L.. .J.l •...liro , clilped Lc ~ , 11:11 poet 01, Ow. ip,111,.11, .3,t0 3,1.1 of Imo 101 oh.. 1111'1/111 , lliC 1,1111 , , ;11. , and intim...) . it. L.• n. It , 1.:1..1 11111.1111.0 lo It II 1... 11,1,011 g .11 I.F..idt /t.i 1.3 lb: f night, li.pt Ali 14 !. 11 I ../ L. , Zato t • . •1111 3 41,p:!.d. I v., It thi• f :tl. I .n% 4,1.41,:, II •1• It. t••• EIMEII .p..iL. 1+ I .111. IL. • tligt44l, I=l i:s t. 111 111 31,0.1. 4.1 I at tt. nllt. 1, :ll ntOw, 14 111,411 :111 , 1 • 1•11 . 1111 1111 1 ,1 , 01 0,11 , 11 1.1 111' prvral...t (if III.%) 31...tt1y I :11 ,,, r1 n T t I 1.1 . fll,l 1 11,11 T 11• of 11E1111729m I. I ILI t• It Sl,l it I, 1.1.1 1 11... t• 11:i lars la• Inirlr naol tom ollta ara Itl 111 natragill, 1,1•711y.t4:1 , 711/1 N DEBILITY lth ;Is gl ;.110 Intt , •ndant•, +ph Its ”11111111, ,111.11..1.trtmtt.t111,1.1 thrt•alttutttl ~ • tt ittl.. 11111, I: - t III:111'11N It:VS' IlttllEttlt SI'F.CII Ttl ENTY I.:It; 111. ttl 111.• iottt. tAlttitltto 11.11 , 1 and pttput the.). t tt.ttt tit ill, tt...t .r t up tt, ttpttt•tit...rlttti tip.. .1i.t.1...0rt,t, tut', ttt Illt• titol vindity 1•. toe ,1111 . -•• MOO, Tiloy I it0n,t1..6 1 . 1,04 I'l ONCIZ c.f and a I LI, 11., Irn portslol lu ob•I i.:111. or 1 1 1 oo,s, h0....1. 1 I.llx. hold II) 1/1 . 111.V15t,, DlO'l vent by mall on receipt of Alilll,lol, II In/ 1 . 111(In% , C-1-I.4O—H , Pil - EstP - Aq'itte — Ntli - Dittrtiteoft2 - 11r . 1%.r .It. in IQ; S A 113ver9t it lc Cikl 11111.111 N %,1•11111110•11 TO THE I,AI'IES. Dll. 1/1:1.0:" GoLDENIE.:MUD - Rai, PILLS, 'FOR FEMALES. INVAI.I.I111.1 . : IN TIES, ItENIOVING 011STRI:("I'IONS ~IuNTIIYIV PERIODS, I^ItONI IVIIATEVEIt CAUSE, AIN I, ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PIiEVEN'I'IVE. 1111.:III: 11 CIT 1..111Y VINt; Bat ,vitat F. 11, ! tli 'till /Alt' will flllll tlw 1)1.14)N(;l)111)1./.EN PILLS till. 111- . .h11111. iwt• In. V..r vws I .1.111 i). 11, A: I? 1 . 11 . 1,11•t,11 bt /1.• /II g rl,oll.lr "r •/,,, It lila, Nllll 1 , h.. NVlzit.••. ..irr.• tlet 1,1, :old Dmy h.. ilep,tl,ll 1 , 1 • y Ili.. • •d“ . •1111.1 h 1 , 1 TON• I :A,. 11111114 ill,' 1.11.4 ti... lit 11.• , 111/1 , it ti.iiti 111 it. it ti 1411 111. 1 111,., , ittg y • f — .1 , 1. , .p•11 \I/1 1 1 11 ii 1.1 . .111,/ 111 Pr i• ~•• 111•••ri %,•,•••ii I.,llorPt , 1110 Strtaop 1;1 lin I uu. ~,I.l+ n 1 ININCt) 1;111.1tt.N 1•i lIInU~ It' Al. PHA,. in Whitt' 1,11. tthopitt !It wone. tti e ;:,•1111tL:t. 'Olll.lll 1.541 1 , 11 di] / 1 “.1111,1 1 1, 1 /il . lllll, I . lli 1 1 0 XIX 40. s„1,1 I y licgi,t 1 , , t•,•13 Hag., oil) tin,l 11311,1,t %0,111. S , SI l's11),Ir, 1 . ,i , lIvJ 11.1v;•Atirl., Dt ',lit Nil 10 ! .. :.•I . th ii/1.1,1•I Si. lit 1/01 t Mon., r, tilLippisr, I, .I,IES ' thng fl tho CRT I.HIII 9111 c I, run 1,4“. , tiii• nut, hy ',old to ,tio 0, par I of co„"l, y 11, i p••• tit •1.. Ntpt,tt , ,t,t11•111r• risilt,rl the 11,0 I.a S gll , l I). 110 W I , •I • l't•q•ri tor, Nll V.l II to,t. ell ; hettettl y t;tt . I r not I..tstit trolle I Ity „hot . 111ertlltht3. rd. oil,. tee o.ogltt robot loom the hortitt s tyttiolet.; :to ttegh II ttithe 111,11,tr11 • 5 A NTi-DV,DI.I.IIc ttrl/31 tt,tl anti hotioll I t t i3 1,3 , rho et I pot tient. tt lout tilt toted , Otto Mot • ...W.. he- curt II malty Nittlilai etterefe It' ;to ott tel t 1..0;1.11,4kt tt Hod ere r:lui•ht Itelity is - hi% tont tor Int., It thou g•• toot Tel nape olitehl.. Tout 111 1 1111 h, 11111111111,11 illllll/11111111 1 ,1111/111 . 1 . 1,. Wlllllllll/1 1 111.11111 1,11111 . 1'11, liv•illeittl3 toll, wed 1 , 3 tot/I tot /slot I.llooh troll:dole reen its. 1)431‘,11 . 11 Iterri.let ere etiottny hoe htl In lire thilittel telt , dillio nluon oltreciatig Inth guxtinn; ux Bmim sit•th tto.,t3vlllle or Fitet.ll tool Atillh et 11. other Illtiortittra t , rocretling troth 7111.1,MATA, It I• the only ttlittlrle pros ell thee alit' I e.tortly hone,. 611 A IIANI1S0.51]?, MOUSTACHE! moursTAcitE. I , Kr;- ,01101 X'S FRENCH WII E.ltrl. COM I'oUN 11, Thu Groat HAIR 0118TA(:II I. I um) W 1(11, will prolltivt, it luxuriant W 11141( ERS. MOUSTACII It it (l 111 ~I(ItliV uu tilt ntikootltemt Inrr. Mewl:lnt to use: soot It] nuy uOu t OH oil 131CUIlli of Ririe IL T BON D. ell Inll 4 T, 11. TENTII dna on EWE , : UT Stli 1111111.. '2,2611a:21y 31 A R ii'. .7.1 T 13 • 6ARLISLIC I'itoVISION 'MARKET. CQrrectcd. Weekly by .1. Mehl), corner of Pitt and South etreets. ONE.§QUAILIII 01 , AVM. 7114/111n—BON. - I Wide, 1177/nesday, April 10, 144-7 , 2. Jib ITE II ' -1,- • • 0256527 - ECDS .1 lO . LA 1(11 ROOD TA LL 0 W, 07 . .. ILL' ES Ir." r 211 /LA CON H M .1 S 11 do - SHOULDE.I . i I ' do SIDES - ' 8 ... - • WHITE 115 A NS 2' 00 to 2 50 PA RED I 'EA CH ES ~ e - 10427 , .. (INJURED do ..', 1)1(151i )1 I'PL FS CHERRIES PITTED, UNPITTED ONIONS RAC.; =9 M oudoy, April 8,1117:2,. , . _ ..Tho urrlvolo' and sales of 1111111? 0A17 1 ,11 of tho Arena., drove-yard. wero Ilg,lit this dronk, only roachlng about 1,71)0 hood. . Thu markot in conco. (Inoneo woo modoratoly active/Rad prlebs - woro wall mortalnell, Pounsylronla and {Vector') stoop' col Tla No V g fair to good do. at 'Vito, and Coot non 46 - 01, lb gram, an to condition. {Vti tool CALVES worn doll at $300 . 00. ' lti)- 200 hood. " 811111 Pail good quality were) Huard wanted, I.ut inferior grades won neglected, !Won oe clip'. at 000100; i*.ov to good at tt!,:,(t9Uu It lb, and common at 131,00.5 hood; llerenati, 12,000 bond, 1104.,..—Th0rn woo not much activity, and !wires woo weak., Salon' of Mill and corn-fed at $ U WO) 7 20 11 100 BM not. Rim:11)643,2U head. . • MIME =BEBE BP Wl' - ; N --- E W 9: r 3 ... ' . '• , e ke -, a , .< -Or '74t) un - AT L, T, qIREENFIELEi'S W T i 0 H - 1-1.1., No: 1.8 East'Main Street. ° • The Groat Specialty, For Weight, durability, beauty of finiph, and prices, my,stoOk of Black Silks can ' not bo excelled y-any in the enturtry,„ -- lam propared•to guarantee everyyard we Sell. • Beautiful- assortment of Japanese Silks, Japanese Poplins, Japanese Robes, Chaim ➢iokairs, Princess Cloths, Stripe Parisienne, Silk and Wool Pongee, Black Iron Bareges, Alexis Poplinsp Wool Doloins, &c. In a word, everything in DRESS GOODS that is New, Cheap and Desirable. • . • The most complete Stock of Mourning Goods ever offered in this market. In Cashmeres, Bombazines Bombazine Cloths, Silk and Wool Henrietta Cloth, Tamise, Belgean Cords, Batiste, Astra Han Crapes, Crape Veils, &c. Orders for Funerals Promptly. and ratigutorily Filled w rr o D -s An immense stock of the above in all the latest novelties of the season now rea l ly.,. fdr inspeCtion. Choice lot of New Spring Shawls and Scarfs. STACKS OF DOMESTIC GOODS M - ENSWAR - - Having increased my stock and facilities in this branch, I ani now prepared to oiler an assortment second to none in town Black Cloths and Doeskins, French Cassimores and Snitings, English and Scotch Cheviots, Sc , Suits made to order at short notice. The following- artists have been seenred,to...make.u.ii.our-work this season : SAMUEL SWARTZ, T. S. Iq . bIITER, • . JOHN CAROTHERS. ' I would cordially-invite all to in met my Stock, as I will wag.. inducements that cannot fail to please. L. T. GREENFIELb flap% No. 18 East Main St., CARLISLE. .• CIGARS', AND TOBACCO „TA MIES N l-44 NO. 2.:-; WES 7' MA IN - 8 I? E E'T, C.i 1? LIS LE, PA., - 'May be obtained the best brands of Smoking and- Chewing Tobacco:— My Stoek embraeffs the following varieties : Natural Leaf, Clohlen Flake, , Early Bird, Navy. Gravelley, Pancake, Natural Twist, Cavendish, Firp Cut. ,`'nioL 111 0/H1 CC 0 of SUP(' I' lOr UaUli.lies. 2L2 yi IP' ..IF° In endless vatiely. All the L A IESI I ,ti r LES T 1 AND 8011 S. In my large assortment or Paper Collars can be found the ruilbwing styles : Collegian, Grand Duke, Tyuc, Artist, Romantic, Rob Roy, Temptation, Argosy, Military„ All Year Round, and of ()Him Fancy Goods, Cheap fn' Cosh. JAMES P. NEFF, No. West Main Street. Phi Itt,rf „rut Pll I LAI)EI,I'III.4 FLOLTE, GRAIN AND BRKIM4• Apra U. I-72 E.I .1/11.1"1'7.0u E.l"'/'li I ht. ,, t'll re K YLurlr 4 77. =1 ,V Ell" 11'1111 E nvu:.il I 90(.1 9. ,n . F • 11 rho' 121? SEED rolorlll SEE!, CA lILISLE PRODUCE - MARRET. Irdn,arry, AE,II 4. 187_'. .41177, rie fm) SF PER PI E FM , I' I' SUPER FIN ERYEI , LIIUR r 4 50 117/E.l 1./. .1:/:// WHEAT 1 GI RYE I , W N W r 0,1 1 .0 1, I tr1.1...yE El , • I'SEEP FF.,) AWE ED I Cu MILIIPMNVOIWNAIKItittOiI= tirnre Yardq, A' April 1, V 72. t'ATl'l.l!.- Tito terolpto for the ,vrolt amouttirpt to about ;7 PIo tt rttarstlay nottl,to "potty.' at alPiott !, to tol,ttitro tot Ist.t wrolCs itt trot+, 1,11 j t lig. oty light rtin, bat, tho tacit-hitt tot v. ry p.llll 4ltot, lotto!, rtt not trl :hog 'to arootto to 1111. .11i• S. 111•.• 1111.111,111 r/1 /1111./1112 1,1111 /111,/111. e, 15t.041 day wit hoot rho, Ext rotor 11111g1. 1.11.11 i•.l vro. float Ito ft a fmr TV, extra ttt too,( o ot , trot. A:‘, to 7!, 111/115 —TI6. ,upply r 1111111 1/11• 110111111111,111111 11011 11111.1.11 .t. tut Ow! I-, Inty pisol , 100 o t.tir ITt•t 11.tt pros I-10, cunlinue, vi•ry du I ills 'III, e: 11.11 /1,11 111,1 , 1 ly. ill 1 . 1111 , 1 , 1111 , 11C0 1%111111 oqtr 1.111,11.1, tom C to, bsiv t.iily 1'114:11 161 11'1.1 1 11.1116111 11 1- ot 1...1 1 61.. 6:. : otelllll litIlt• 1111.1 16. y sire II 111111;tho Iturha. pi n I, 1,111, /1 . 111 5. 1 ., 141:1 1 , 11.•11, to 5 , 26 t 1... r 1110 1011•101. 1 0,011.. 100 l'xint Sit EP —11111111111• •I 1111 I'nl d , •nmud ‘1 . 4, 1,011 t to f Itl.l 1/11,111• I ,11,11 ,111,.1• Ililll4 10 /11 , ii). HI) h.. 1; r.. I.IN . PO r, .. , , Iwo ln. ntuul I.li II irrl, .1.1..• .1 nt •i, MAO rut . .11111, nn Inqp. or MARRIED El'rl.:;t--(111 tilt. It: F. , Fr filly hut, NI. , E. It. i ICI ily lt , 'A DV- -II A Y—On at Om to-14/01110 . 111 L•I.I, I iVa.t,l.ot .1tot"or i , it) cola. It. I. Mr .1. F. .•r 1 . 1•Flolt P. lb" ol ERE It•— nly. In ill ,3 1.6",np.11, cm OW 0111.1 In. 1:11It . I. year, 3 nionll.4 and I; .1 , 30 1( 11111 , 1 N.-119 lha *lx 11 in. hint In Ilrnlg port, iUi M. 1i.11101,,,11. 12 y, If • It l / 1 1 era) el On Ihp .00. nth Iniboll h.a t ,on by It htrlrr . r1 , 111;lonse, rehillo.rtfrionclr 111111 nrlghhort , 111$ onvi , yol In l'anip 11.01 Conotery for 10.1411110 utol Ihl ovon,ion 11111 , 10% by S. llwring N/ M" i).A A RETAIL 8-ItOCERY STORE 'AIIE ' "S outh En do" 'I hr uud r Igl,lo onl.l ri.pi (.vl'llll3' Inform tho rltizrux of Siduits t hit t h, hit. pur rhu.~d thr Nor It sit • r chtlittol, and 111,111¢ uddcd i/114.1 theroLo, 0.1. at all tunes I.urp a•gootl itiol 11,1 ch. STOOK OR G o tEs on howl, onnl 0111 , •It HtIRI4 \VIII 1'011.1131. Of Stn.!. Ilf nil OW variou4 prn,lrr 1.1.11..0n at lill/I . ll'l, )10• Inti•vd, Oyrlll+ (In , •rnt•\nr,•, Illnsswhre, Sionewino nod Cr. clony, Ititoluix, Inn•krl+. 'I tibs. enn•lnn - 14, Jill hinds, Stun! It nil Honing, Tobnevo tnnl 113AnIn.- Ri l,n avtl•rilnio , .x, 11011 ennl4 nod I,lnein Innonni. I troll lOW p quality nr • 7 7 7 .and Feed of nil hiiolo varloty of Conned mot Dried Fruit, otooti.titm oi Praoh., (lottattut. Lomotot, Tomato., he., together with , a vonoral misortnient of. NOTION tomally kopt hr Stook, COUNTIt PitODUCH of all Math/ taken M1,0111111;0 for goodet t at notritot pt le.. Ilovott that by ttriut attention to burin. on. awl tho wools of nil that may fat or hint with ito Ir tattlont, ho Will I,OOIVO It liborul tilriro of tho pattommo [Ming ormy facll- Itl aaa totratitatm iu the inorloutlug of my t.t.ck lon' will, not ho natter,lll‘l lay nay •Itt tho homla.4. Itommalmr , ton 111 ten...-No 78 8-nth llanover xtreut, corner of Chapel Ilatt7l3f .00IIN A. MEANS. APEOPITABLE hUSINESS 1,111 I.VIJA T.) (IAS, AT ON 1 , •111(111TIL TILE CosT! Liamol be exploded. tVo chimney or wick uerd 4.0 MEN tlotlrlug BUSINESS, can to , cure the EXCLUSIVE r for. Om solo of DYo'l"l".+ PATENT CAIIIION OAS I,IOIIT 111.111 - EltS AND OIL, for COUN fIES ur ST %TES.- Wrlto for Inforoutlon or oil nn ' AI. 11, DYOTT. • No.lli South SecoAll k trout, Pa. N. 11.-011U0 , 11E8 furnixlicil with Oil INDEL. und LAMPS of every description, 26 pur rout cheaper than al 0115 /Our ontabliOunont In. tI3 country. • 2:1 I Illp72Sui DAVID SMITH,. formerly Justice' of _a_l tlm linen, would 1.111.1111V11 tti bin numerous friends thiongliont Om county mot vicinity, that his epochal attention will bo given to the collection tul.,,nd Oolong, t- of ell I.oolt coconnts, %von 'due mites, A null to writing.of deeds, 'mortunges, So., unit also RI the lolling and 'renting of Itualltlnlate, Terms moderato. 011Ico in the Court' Homo, 4up726in • , • /UTE BENSIDIAN SHOP Is sup- WITII TIIII MAT IVOIllf.,llliN 'IN EACH lIIIANCII. WOOD WORK, D M CIMINO and PAINTING done An lip bunt !minor., Gaffing. 1)11141.. /tog aprlni.l ‘vagona tondo to ()ram . . Painting old work n npuolitlly. Coll at A. MUnfin. man's old atloul and umstillow fur ,i . uorselv.. A. 11.1311E1M; No ff, ilapi qf -AND And Table Linens at low prices SALL OF 111 E nta CD ) T-T 90 , Florence Estate \MB A CASH FUND. 707. i J, IL ..I TlO $350,000.00 9 ALL ro BE IHSTRIBLIED AllOl6 SHAREHOLDERS -As a irajot it y ,}lay Deform h.te et 1, elect to he he'd in tiiii I'lly o Y,hk iN Tim EEN 1 EAT OF '(AY, SHARES ONLY Each. One illoltar It has lwen pi opott..l that the Property n Cnob and nhotild Lo di% 0101 into 2,457 PRIZES, uu „,.,,t 1,0 tkchlvd hy I h.. ; 11AILI:IIULPA UB 111)7,,t,r.i.‘ M'ECLIL ATTIAYTION ix rot 1..1 lo the. 141,1 flint ILIn ix um n -.pia FnJtor • I C on.,rt, - nor any lid . rll NHIOIIIII lid' di 11. ,11i g„1 Tivheln, 101 l nn n1,.01n brrna fide 111 I=l Certificate of I)istinguished Gelidmewl ' Ito'alive to Illotiat)Floretieu : W 1• nre familiar trill, Vault Florano) on Ilds Innis .11. 111111 1111, 1111,1,111 . 1. I'l nayl..g lit 41-Is a langs. mid loonftsiol orninots, samondy losentod rioll , nnl and On. (lily .Vow Volk, highly and mddliant hilly Ile ; sd nil, and fonladllshed to s lainis on‘nalind I'll II roontry. )10100 I , loina assas indno,nl by sir II 11. Craig. turn 18: , d and 11 , 61, nod with tin years of natur al .111, ill, 1111111'11 in 1/11• 111111111/ tlll MIMS expnlalsol in I liki Ills ronent, Its in, siatt v dna edi hardly 1/10•1•11111i'll ' l . lll. 11111111111111 r X tteillely lILVOr 1. 111 oorallh rid nr•ni I, and Iho tints ofmono- Lon, tlonr, and It land sdnanry, 1111111 dills:rent parts of slits so' owls air, sat. NI nod benlitiloi at all Hon. Chauncey M. Do'pew, lute Seem tary of State of New York. Bon. Jas. W. Hosted, or Peekskill, N.Y. D. N. Clapm_esry.„ Cashier -Westchester Co. Bank ' Peekskill., Ilugh C. Wilson, es q., Cashier Saving Bail Peeltskill. 0. 11. Shreilier, esq., Cashier Ger. Am. Bank; Equitable InS.. 13ioad way, New York. Owen 'l'. Collin, esq., Surrogitte of Nest e lestur Co. P •of, ChM. A. Lee, M. D Peekskill. J. B. Brown, esq., Secretary Peekskill Plow Works, 91 Beekman 80, N. Y. John McKesson, ens., 11 Fulton Street. P. S. Stewart, M. D., Peekskill. 'l'lio followinti' well-known Gentlemen utve conesnted to ;Let as au ADVI S h' Li OA le D. • - IL CLAY Pit RATON, Now Yors C.ty Y,I . NAS 1.11.1E6T, Utlrn N Y. 111.:0..FRANK GuU..EY, 81. toolm Oltii IN WEI CIL ..41 . 1l1'118(1 Y. ONI CORSON. Trenton N. ,„1 LI, Chun , N Y. 1. GEN. V. M WISE‘ , NI L, Now York Cil . , F. 1. plaSt lilt, N. w rkCity. Ylith MCKELS. I'm York City. • • (UR P.ItT S BRUN Chat lento., Sr. • Liberal Inducements Offered to Agents and Canvassers. C=2 For Shores, Docrlpt Iv. C Irmob er, IleoutHolly II nod noted V 1114.1 of Ideoutt ' , wren.) nod Surround ngs, fir; , ite, A thlrrxm JOHN "A. LEFFERTS, (lonerariManagar,o3s . Broadway, N. Y. P. 0. Boa 3,450. JOHN w. si \to , s. se,,rotory. • .1011 N. ' 0. Treoporoo, Novel Volt, Nor Exebongo, to) notl t•troot 11 tip 7 :At List of unclaimed letters rein:lining In the pestefileo 'at Carlisle, Pa.,fOr the WEER ENDING APRIL 10, 1872: Barton Jane - Plorcfruier Sally ' ill'lkeilol . Mary A , ' Robinson Annie Rol t gel Buckle . . Rhoads Mlunlo A • Conrail Kate B i• Stogie:mut )Ira Carl Valnule ' Sugart Nauey col •I • Darr 'Avila S Sparador Sallie Davis Nary ' • • Wltnor Martha , Flnlcenhlnder Al. 4 . White Jane II Kruger LiAulo - - - - WollAnniolt . - - Lane Nary - • Wlngard'S S Plpor Anti • - Zeigler Mary ' ' , - 011INTIAIMEN'S LIST. - Brannen AndroU , ~......' Markey 1) ' J - • I/Illor p.nuoi -. Itinniel All Art ~ Farber WII _' ' hliootz,Baul • Oraloun Alfred. . ShearnrWtd ' • Gabriel Jacobin Spangler Samuel , Hartman Wm ••• Strop') John II lironare3 II , • 'lilompeon John Mathew .1 ' . • Thurman It ~r •• Idaclu3y . Josi.ph Wood J 0 Miller II K ' Wolf Jacob ' •-- ' =1 =I! E. D L ETIEEM; • " POstmistrosEr. EW TO-DAY._.,: -- SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS.- By virtue of a Nvarrant from under the hand and seal' of the Conuninsionom of Otimbarland County, and to mo directed, the following tracts or lots of unstinted land, situated in Cumborlind county, Pa:, will ho riold nt public salo,,at 10 o'clock a. 01., on Monday, Um lot li day of Jane,..4.1) 1872, at the Court House, in Carlisle, county aforesaid, or as much - of- each tratt .ne will defray the unpaid taxes and costs thereon - --.-- -- F - r - -- GU:CR(3E11013B; - - County Trona uron, Ownora. . Tax due. Chritste, Mot Trilrel; -- Lot ~. ' , Weler, Murgoret. $ P 12E2 BM= - - 84 . Abl, D. Y. and 0. W. 1077 5 Albert, widow 1 47 ,11 Beecher. Jacob lionm, John 8 18 l 1 13 24 ' Bushey, J. Y. . . 15 74 I3,Mar, Joseph 72 10 brongh. Jacob .1 52 0 • 'Brown &Criswell, 1.,D0 7 111teman, Daniel ? •-• ' 18 8 Bitumen, Wesley 2 32 Ii - Ilrough. John 1 23 • 0 Bolan, Johnl .10 94 • Biddle, E. M. 180 21 Craighead. William 1 00 10 • Coniston. F., 1 35* . 6 Crimson .4 Brown, " 156 6 Coon, Joseph .. 3 68 10 ' ' Clapraddl,,, mma• 100 O ' Childs, Vocal 63 15 Coekley,.Noith 32 370 , Diver], S N. on, John 40 12 3 M 2 58, O Dull, J W. 22 3 .. . : Der's, 11.0lw -en 48 7 Fishburn, John . 18 10 Graham, John, holre 2 77 47 Gardner,-John 6 01 H. Glelm, Samuel P 4 'ii 0 mist, .Ineol, 11l 10 Gardner, William ' 1 75 O (laminar, };Bas 88 - Oardner, 11010q0,0 08 ' 0 Ileinrollmor, John 84 20 .' IlepbolD, Semlial, sr., 1 51) • 6 11umniolhoneh, 11. A. 52 10 Marcia, Samuel 26 4 King, Jacob 1 12 30 Kum, Noah.. , .1 81 250 Keller John 22 60 6 , Kah"-, Henry 1 29 7 Lorow, Adam ----- 8 70' 3 Lerew, David P. 32 4 lone),, 1101.1 1 80 O ' . Myers, Charles 5 12 3 61,13•ra, Cornelius 1 23 9 Myers, Cyrus . 1 77 3 61Inton, Nicholas 4 71 4 111atellen, Dr. D. '2. 21 33 111yors, henry 2 02 0 • Myers, John 11. 325 .1 Myers, Ezra 32 12 " 61on tort. Is me 3 77 5 Myers, Amos C. 2 15 4 61eCreary, WM. - 80 16 , 111yera, Felt) , 204 5 Nolishager, Jerry 1 14 13- NOW1,01(0 . , Jelin - 711 4 ' Doss, Oilamn . 03 18 Behan, .10.11, 4 (13 3 Stalsmith, rotor 2 36 6 Srohey, David . 141 15 Sterner, John . .. 4 92 13 Sterner, Jos. 1,,2 02 10 Siiiyn or, Philip - - - - 47 5 Stuart h Hugh 00) , 32 23 Stuart, John 2 57 7 Trost 10, Adam-2 118 15 Trine...John 2 66 3 Tro•tle, J. 11. 70 24 Woods, N. W. 5 20 8s Wlrenotu, lunar , 20 6 Wolf, Jacob 23 4 Yetis, Simon 27, . 17 Zemler, Illionah 1 411 Proakfora. • . Alll, P. A. 111 HOWIIIMI. Samuel Dont 5 r,Jolltt , 1 1:3 Darr, ./:55rplk l'.l entiv. A: lirsvo, 31 l': rht.s. A lioirs, 75 Finicl , sl:ls.ter. A. .. 13 11,115.1-, J:11:1 IJ , tole-iftw'r, ~ , , , ,,,,,,i '.: ` 1% leer, tworgo ho l(ri1101., JOilll 40 LOCkey 0 111 oner, I 1 32 Lon znec ken., Ilt•nfttmln ' 23 Nallor, Itarnott ns Ployer, Jacob 110 0111 der, Ilt•nry 1 52 11 ~II 5 to' I, (.; vorgn IS 71',10,11 , 0ri1, J. 71. 75 11 ,, p0vell. 55 Sharp,.!. )I'll, 2 20 Mifflin. • ~.. Arnold, Samuel. heirs, 15 1:1 '' FLU ton, .lines • 05 13 1141141 o, W. C. • 1 77 211 itic.•, rater ' - 110 10 cile,. 40 Crain, 111: Jos. 75 Egolf, .1441141 4 40 Noe Clielberluml. Lot : 31ny, .1448epli 38 • Penn. ce 26 Al'en; - 111111.01 60 Benen4 lillZlt 32 7 11iincan. 'hold 3u 1d lieglo, J 4.4 ti - 40 , 05 Oen,' Michitel mid brother 4 110 100 Uolbrilith, Thomas, 110110 1 50 Gerd e, Jo, oh ' 24 50 14,11 e, John ' 3 75 14 Lie, David 1 05 20 Sillier, A.G. 3 40 2 McKinney, 'Thos 77 3) Miller..l4l4eph 1 54 6 4 ' 31441 linighliii, Wlll t.O 70 - Puffer, Keller 11f:timid') 12 51,0 Schoch A Bro., , 2 00 20 Thrush, 11. 1 (4) 99 - mayor, Cluirlee, 1 35 130 Woods, boods, Copt ho v, - 1 46 S.th .11iddh4nn =I 30Pear.tart. (leo. W . 2 70 13 111nolt, 411war0 . 33 14. . 11ar4 nor, Ilarnay 1 12' ' 13 11'1 .n w, t .10.4 1 30 - 214 -- dTi L. .'4l. In Ira 1 ~ 4 20, .1. & I'. 1 101 .. II 1.1. n.... D. P. 21 112 Slaa.fer, .1/....1. 3'23 18 II Milt. ly, P. hairs, 45 13 , Wolfor4. Jahn 12 7 W..rt, Mary 11 li'sse .11 anstarroaa/. 11 111.4ci.ruall. Henry 1 50 1 tap72-Dt TO THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS OF CUM lIILA ND COUNTY. UENTLEMEN :-111 !tn.., of the forty-third solliolll Of the Art of ighth of May, 1854, you ere hereby notified to uu•ot, v.mrentlon at tic Court Ilome, in Cri.rthde, on the first Tuesday In May, A. 11. INV.:Aping the seventh day of thu math, et 1 o'clock in the nfturnoon, and usiost. turd rosy, n majority of the whole number of directors present, outs Tatrama of literary and scientific acquirontonts, null nf 911111 and OXIIVri -011, the art of testeltine, no County ttlirotlit tot .lent. fur the three auccreding yoars; deteslifitlO 111 e amount of - vomponsation tor tilts Ramo; and cm tint the result 10 the Mato Soporintentleta:at liurrialturit, as required by the thirty moth amd rot tioth suctions of said Art WILL A. 1,101/551', County Superintendent of‘umberlanti County. 14mhithe Council rlinivber, CarlislD, April D, 1872 ) Tho fin:tool:0 col 41I•ion of 111,. borouoll f Corns]. Is Hoch ilml It NV 1 . 1 not, worront do, 0 of a moo of Omoty solllcloot to vltslo'lho $• sets and tOieys 11l this hills . ; thoiefore he it /ft./mired, That the ownot s and oecuprers of sill property ironting on the 1113 'l.lolllised sirents nod stilnyu of Os borough her etplooted to (lout :too serape the itort and filth f their se, :al pt.. inked u p.m he ge.,10 he rstouvol by tins onion of the S , re..t I otontit,o N..tiet , of this resolution to be gin. it by the Illy , Coustoblo (1101tliF, 1 , 1. 911 EA FEN. l' 1.4 aunt of Council A tt ePt : A. J. WEI z t., S ut Mary IT Co rou rondo 1 Inp74 St A DINIINISTIZATOR'S NOTICE. otters. or admiullitentlon on the votete of hii Faller into of the butungh of Cerliele, deco !Ned, hoeu been lo•Ited be the lie:doter of Cumberland county, to the nul.vcril et, !voiding in !mid bor ough All hormone holidoed to slid votote will gleam! !nuke poyonent, and !lone. 11111VIng 01111 um to tircoont thou, Oink on!itooticated. to tin! under oigned for eettlement. JOAN I. FALLER, lar2ltt Administrator • . r()IIN 'CORYISIAN, ti Aril) NEY AY L .. 114 %, Ofilee'Nu, 11111,0111 . “ unit, to rear of lneefet H. SARITTER . S4 SON • DRAPERS AB.D MIER CH A, DS TAI LORS_ No. 44 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE. , • • • S • P e 11.1. pring • MOTHS CASSIMERES AND VESTING& We have just reeeiyed ai full assortment of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassi mores and Vestings, embracing the latest' noyelties and the best manufacture, which we•aie desirous of exhibiting to the puhlic." Our prices cannot be surpassed. Ur Suits made as low as TEN DOLL ARS,-willt the guarantee of a perfect flt. ; „,m Cassimoros by the, yard at all prices, from 65 cents up. A full lino of 0-00 IDS always on•liand. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. ' Wo would respectfully solicit a call. We.are tho agents for the • Original 13Owe Sewing Machine, Improved. 4 • • 4rij 721 y ;. CARP E,T'S 1 . . . . . . . ' .. ~-7.- . • :, ~,,, ~,r„,„ - ~._••. 4;....• ....,,,, - . ‘ ~..,, • kw ,--, AN • • • 3 F 904 01:1ESTNUTIST,,, PHILADELPHIA. Have now , opened the most' Elegant Variety of Now darpoting6.ovor imported Notwithstanding the groat advance, . . . F. 4 lg.' . ®R 11E, Have dotorminprto 'Offer tlfhir Ontiro Btoolc at old 'prima . ' TAPESTRY. CARPETS, ALL TIM NNW TiIIUSSNLEI • STYLES IN BINOLD AND DOUBLE WIDTHS • J. F. &E. B. ORNE aro closing nut tlio balanco or last SCUM'S hnnortatithis Velvet and English Brussels CarpOts, P.t.a licavyroduction in Price.. - • Also nnrlnvoh3n of Fronoh'AxmiuStOr 00,1 pots nt $2.00 poeyard ' . tilnaP7P:' ' •. , . . , . ._NEW TO-D4Y WHITE HALL HOTEL, DIARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., IR 'rontrally located; oppoolle the Court House. This ltnuso le kept as Moecoral-cleee or Fannon' llotel, at moderato eitarges. GuEsta admitted nt any hour;pf the night. -Corl Stooling att.ichod, MOSES SHELLY, Proprietor. TIR. J. S. BEIWER, .IiOIICCOPATIIIO _ llnu rnmoved hia Office to Foulit'a Corner. Corner of South Hanover and Potnfrot streets,' and oppoulto tho Second Presbyterlau church. 101%60 PROPOSALS. --Proposals for building 1301100 L HOUSE, In Middlosex township. of or near No. 0, known as,Vllnon's, will in reeelvvd on Saturday, the twonty-s,Nenth day of April, 1872, of 3 n'clock. nt Thuditim's Hotel.) , For non of lumen nod foil gpecillentions,inquiro,of IL C. I.aniberion, GE.). W. JACOBS, 11ap723f Secretary; NEW FIRAL—Tho undersigned hay ing procured the Store Boom formerly ocru• pied by 0. L. Devennoy, No. 78 Wont Main Ott opt, and having remoddled nod refittedett with on orifice now stock-of goody, beg leave to Inform the patrons of Me community and the surrounding country, that they are now Toady to dispose of all articlee contained in a first.chia grocoi . y star,, at the lowlier. CABII prices. PleAo rail - vied °amino our stock and satisfy yourselves. llap72lm INIIOFF & GOOD. V .1 V p ..d V - :". 2" —ro 8 ....,1 kg WI 2 O ~: tz l-<1 tLJ '4, - m C 5 ; E t- , r - - QV , '' 4 5 - - r "4 H , i.. 3 k-._ ?• , rn ~•:: z 2 • 5. '"'' 2 al • " 6 rl-, tiJ g.- t 4 p 3 -.',. ........ 0 tli7' e) 0 Q 1-3 t, o 0 5. - w ,-. 1 0 '%; CD t - I {,, - Fl • . • t"-- t .-- - > . , :, ~ zi .....1 V 0 -- P (=> ....1 Legal Not i ces ADMINISTRA.TOR'S NOTICE. Ltott pre of au ntnittration On the estate Nlttrgaret Fteell in, ilettetts.tl, tato of Lower .tlbm to mkt', C11011.0[11.1,1 ronnty. have been trowel by the liegiiter of cumbvri:m I n.nuoy to,,trle nub. nerilwr rvoitling at New Ctintherlarol, Cumberland c , only, 1%.• All persons indebted to said eptitto %yid plea. make Immediate payment, and • atone h tying 111111 me trill ttretoot them, properly pathen llVllten for mq thinent. to 0W EN TAMES, 2811111726 V Atlintaktrator. Al/31INISTIlATOR'S NOTICE.- Lettere of administration on the e••tate 91x11 tlre, itotrottl.tlft. Idle of Silt or Spring intenship • have been lesuothhy the liegletur of (1 , 11111,4,111nd eotinty, to the sol , s• ether reshlieglin Raid t ~ 11-11111. All pereorot Iladehted to Hitt] 0 , 410, will plette• teal, tllllllmltiatt pnythent, and tiro. having elatiox to prooott theta, daly authentivattel, to the ittoter: signed ler settlement . • J. ( S 011'1.1•:, 21In7innt Adialuletratur..• XECUTOIV'SNOTICE.—Letters t.o.doilionlary on tho out Ito •ut Photo Pn Into of tho'borongli of Carllole, clortunntod, hove boon Ixn ell by tho lleglotor ol Conillorlondvounty, to il tbo mo,crihor ',soling In the hor,igh ofC. A Irloo,sons Indebted to sold oeuto hill photon lintoodloto plynlont, /61 those having elultno to torosonr thont duly anatu.tientod, to tho signed tor solthlinont W. II ALLES, haluiltor, or to If. F. 4up72111 0 Attorney. EXECUT'Ort'S NOTICE. Letters te4tatnerk lnry on 1110 en tutu of :tooth Goober. litio of Theibliettni lowitbhip. drei../ISI.II, 11,1• n 111- 1111.'d iy Ihu Ilegixt.•r of Ciiiiiberland c• ilsly to the undersigned re.iiling in meld ton nithip All per. loom Jed. Idol to nalil Witte will undo. Inunedinie payment, and thew, tinting Online agninto sold es. titre to 111,1•11 I qh ,, 1)111 Illlilll.ll 1k1a1.41 for settle. meal to DAVID COOVER, 141,11172 W Executor EX ECUTOIIS' NOTICE. Letters restitinentery on the /Allan Wiiiilllll Shit ghart lute el North M 1,1.110041 tow, ut.tied Ity the Register ut Cum. herht...l roomy 1 , . the Itodertutreed r, oiling in said township. All per,. indebted to said ,utitttr e ill 1111.11.1t.14.1 liuniediutt, ;payment, and thorn on ellllll4 ttgaiest. .vad estate to punnet them duly ad= thew ir.tted for I:01101111.ot. to R, J Itilil•11 eciltvrs amaom TTIN u Tcyl is , NOT i,etterg l,...dmeotary on Iln• etdat a or John Jocolut, late 01 tnohtp dver•nseql, bum Is , uoll by the llvpist ow , of Cumberland roanlN. to V \int.° Oi ,11000 spring lowntilnp, - and John .1.0:111., .111 Samuel—l:lEAm I Wi11i..., low n ,.hip. All pl•re.onenmleblvd to nail (date n ill 1111'1.1 11411,1. 11111111'1111110 paymnat, and t Ilona banal; (C . lllllllllll. them dilly anthers Icale.l, the ander! •Igatil, to, ro-111vment.. WrIJA A NI-JACOB', JOHN JACOCLL SAMUEL JACOB', ExevutorA 13In•i'.v Ter in in lirierminaior.t' _ RATS ! RATS! ! RATS! ! ! TERROR ! MURDER !! DEA.TII. ! I! MmE ItoAcii ES, ANTS, 11101W08, RATS RATS ! ! RATS!! Parmera, secure your Groin, Poultry, etc A 1114n1.1111A l'll EPA RATION, u bleb hall, (ux by magi 4) limn hob. will biding plitti...4 They val. rdi 011.11- ly and 411 di tone/. 414 voituenty Iu thin 0111'11 :lir. yule I. us.. 1.'4111.4.1 BURT'S NEW I \IDItOVEI) V EIL3FIN ExTtnoi IN I'l%, It lined ‘v win:dr./jai suet.... Ili the C 0111111,141 not (sibyl' I .1.g., 4,111 Public I not:oakm in 19111,1 atti Now Yuri: city it toil itoust, llor, bi burg; Depot Iles 1, oittibuttg; Hurdle House Wilburn:qirt, ; in foot, the wily article will 4 , l3"u'f tit 411 peel., loy ill 14 lidvvrtin..tovil , ntt take to •ytitir Druggtit or illoroluint; I lit , Ix el/t1 4111111111.11, 110 0.111 goi It for-you 01 toy witillooilo uggiol. Et ' taro moil got only Out %word E. 1111111' J, , limb !thin, 1',,, rui toolt Jar 'Ed , II I other 2.") jar; five Jord fur $l. wort , . odtally do a Moroni/I. work. MEIIIII A N'TS.—Burf'm New Nunn, ed wlil never Int tion or finned, by ann. Aiwa), In nit until ion. holm on bond el 101'1110r moire viii Ira exclumfrefl f flesfred. Ninefold lififtds,llllO. Arch str..ef, N. E. corner T..th nn,t (1108111 a Ht11.01...,111111 S. IV effe , fer Elgollh and Ihtcu streetn, Philadelphia. S .11 by all Whnlenn/o Doc . gglnt.. ISlvet nll lettern to 1. ItUltT, MintlNfent 'or I. f lEnt Alen, l'o.. 11.10.fiffn _TU,ST recwyed anotlier.eNtra supply Z." 1 , 1,111 ii of Black All BOIL, Puri blue.. At .A. 11. IIBSTZ tO. . .. _ ' • .. .. . r: ,-. :.- 1 ., , --y . „ : _ . „_ ; • r . __ ____ T -_,_, .i ':: ..ry n . , . „r• • . - . k , X .. . , ~ . 3Stacop...spd"-naraci 1 31.g.ita -3E:Dobi"..i:itO3r, CRAMER, CLAZBER, - -&Q. Ir2 — Speciett attention paid to PARER ILIZITGENG-.7,-oi‘ Competent workmen employed, inllthe 12IY - .13 M R., I _Es_ 2.1 that the market affords used Ordorsfrom town and country will receive prompt attention _Hood, Bonbright ce Co. --, co F. ° C- __E°V --4 0 . ...,. o 4;", r..0 . °( -- ) x Z ti.F.Ng g,g P.. 11.4 ,S ; ; ~.1 C Sr- ' LI p.- m - • "• a a, P6 l ..ir co 4 C o "6 - , wll c.. . , ~, ap a , 0H '41...J - QV/ 4 4 eg" inl -I-? 4 . • ,;. F 2:,... tg g g @ l--i ""'" ,,, p.Dt . ..t r; ..., 7 59 , -0 . E. , Pe; .. y P • ..9'' Cr ' CI ~ ,. ., N : .i r:' . !'n 4 ---4 ''W %,_ . ‘ ss'o '• - -.. u.? P . Jo 1 . . c- -- . 7, 81 1 E.F%,;.,P. ,1 4.#;:,;.• gi, pc ` 4.s 'o` : ‘'Ef - JFilill.t .v..M O mHivc) Iol:Pu; `C, ti P. "-3 ~ -, , '-3‘ ll 2. '7, 4 4: cn 0 .." . °P. 0 P. - ...= - 4, A .1.1. 4 '7 , -0 P—l t --1 ~.'- ' 'o..' 4'3 *?? r\f ® t r-- -% H ~,,, o ~.. 0- tj bi t:-.7. 0 0 ••3'.i' : I+l ,111-9d-ri-r—: ~.d P. sT)S7 • P. , CI P . C'. '. 5"1 - 0 0 P . td Oy fa , b .e..1:4'., 0 ',;,'.73,-, MMMI USE •PAIN CTTRE OIL, =1 EIBERII= BUY IT! ! FOR RHEUMATISM, USE PAIN CCM. 011 FOR NEURALIIIA. USE PAIN CORI. OIL FOR FEVER SORE. . USE.PAIN CURL. OIL FOR CHOLERA AIORI.US, -- USE PAIN CUR! OIL FOR SPRAINS, USE PAIN CHILI. OIL =ECU I= lEEE AM! FOIL CORNS and uLNPiNS, USE PAIN CURE 011 FUR ANY SORE, I'SE PAIN OURS 011 FOR ANY LAMENESS, USE PAIN CURE f)11 EvEIIV BOTTLE 111.11 ANTED, And Nre• rhollen re the World to produce it oqunl. Umal Externally and Intortodly Mir y MAN AND BEAST. ,151.1: for PAIN CURE 011.. Tat, t 0 Or .re WARRANT IT TO CURE. It W not addlmterlng preparation, Ind An OIL, made front pore Vngetabin Silo, and Extrnob , , and I.c el..an and rare to i.e' Sold by nl lUenagitan as I lonal, r 4 In Wait n o m. PRICE, F I FIT CEN IS. „ N:u1214. RE E E OS, Proi.rwte,. Evading, SoIJ In Curbsle by J. 11. lin% iohrek. No. 5 • , mU nnuyer street, /Old o. A 115 Y, rstivh, 10 Nord alloy, dlugglst, 2904,721 y Thtmipsmt 4C -Co 7- .F.' § .2. '4 . 0 ; n..` 7_,.: • (6 . 5' :4 0 . , z., 4 ' .Te •°- °-- CT ..'' ,'' ~., F, ',!. , ""- - -1 -`' C:2) ,: Li ' ci 0 . ::- til r, ' 7;'. zzi - Spj z, c - ,. P., ' 4 ti 6....'. -1 rn = ..• t, F-. 4 '''"' r i, .Z .. 1 0 - S' 'EI -L- -?: , -4 ,"-: .f-", I•••e its ... ' n =- . .:.'i—.''_.''.'D',... , u a i r l•t z ? D a • :p4"L ~'o' =:‘tn-; , `t- - . 3,,0z- i ?,„= -- . .D ~ 2 n ..c , ..--3 ' -I_l-3 - \ ; ~, ,,...-.1 1 -1 :-.3. t; a , • ~.: , A\ ____ =I Ir - F . ! ?„ FIRST IN SEASON frlfE ()la Firm have j,,st. reit - H . 11(1d 110111 the ity uitltu V.•l')l.,rgu two:m . o.2la 0 I= IX' Zr • <9 (Co C33_ , among Is Gicit Ma.. Irt• found MI kinds td 1) It E 1-1 13 GOODS, 1.111.110,1Vil ,r lino 11111• Pit matelial ol l% 401tl ttild C.th, inarrulartur.•, irt• Fl,Olllllll t 0n,11111,1 L . ll „.1 C.1,m1.111• rt•M lur =I BLACK SILKS In tint - country ond they nee 'e.ht.nit , thllll,ll lound 01-u•1111 Co•. , ' JAPANESE SILKS. JAPANESE sThi . I. 1• MitIIAIIN VOPLI'S MPERIAL CLOTII, - eritrrEir SATINS. 111:VUltES, OtiFultD suvriNos. N Asl . l PUPLIAS,. Mill it largo lot o f . 111, WI( ALPACAS. MOURNING GOODS f all them at Iluslrablu and popular !dada; such a FuENCHhRI...“)ES ' CASHMERE REPS, TAMIES, ALL WOOL -DEL ALig.ES, • tud evvf) thing el.t , In thla of pricvo thq. wiLko /101110 0, our cootputgors reol badly Incised. Ilur stork or ed...111101T8 trithoildo with tho latest “yh.o •or 94 Ohovlot Sir.p it ato d Lass llrrcrex, Idagonel Couthtgt, try Extundivo 4ttlek MILLINERY GQO) Ribbons, iiet , a;•Sprlng lints n. 1,1 Fundowns, Crapes, Illusions, Linings, MI In large variety of . tics latest styles: Also, Table Linens, Shootings, As Demi kerchiefs, Gloves, Hosiery, kinds of !shako., Trimmings, An„ In greet variety. We hove tile' popular, styles oP.Dolly Varileit, In verlons nniterllls word, we have the largest fowl fittest (I,,lntitied by all inthinsell minds,) sock of Dry ilootla lu the whole length of ' this Cumber. liuul Valley, Cow• and nit us, It la WO know you will t nits" Mod. tur you to be horo." A. W. lIENTZ R CO . • South Hanover Stro • ' Mitreb 1870 41tp72 311.4cellaiieoits AGENT WANTED.-.—Wo want an amniotic and reliable man to Heil and aeliver bruit and Ornamental Trees and general Nursery Kock in this and adJolultig counties. ...ferias liberal. Applicants please state age and previous occu pation, and gine reference. Address • 11. B. 1100Kleit k Into., 4np72A , Itecliester, 'N. Y. FOR SALE OR RENT.—A oommo- Plops Two• Story brick Homo, lip. BB Noiri.h . Iltt etreut—ApAly t0e.314.8. M..1i..L00. - . 810,72,1 • . .. TEOUSE FOR SALL NO. 36 - ISNHT LOUTIFie.NTILIINT b. B. 11.A.V.EllEITION.' . , lgirau7l TINTS, Feathers, Ribbons, '. Co.; just recoil/IAI nt A. W. BENTZ A: co.•. 120r.47.1. . . , • n NEW FALL SIIAWLO., Weal 10v inyto, at, i. •BENTE COIL 112153 Borough _Finances A NNUAL FINANCIAL STATE nivnt. of the borouch of Oftrliple, year en.ll:k6, March 21, 1879, by S. 11. Gould, oo- To amotint reeeiviiii from .los W (igilliy,. Slimier treasurer To interest received:' , Troin Mri. Tihorn's, 1 legacy To diviiiiind•reeeheil from Carlisle Dim it Water Co , To amount received loon his Mrearttie, Street Commissioner, forty rid and stoke sohl To amount received from Cariblu Deposit Drank on note discounted. To amount receivod from Wm Blair, for setting Curb and filling opidde-.all: . Smith stireet To minima reeelved Qom A S 1.,) ue,• mar ket master To smock received from root of market rytalls To amount received from John 14 LOW, Chief Borges.i, exlitiiition license To amount revelviiii from Joshua Fagan, Calle ro for for 1878, On aront of 'his dooll :Ate To am int of chipliesto of ten , mir tirx for "lbil T0m0...0f...a1i0. 11110 U od eoltectors To amount of oo)Ivotor'd feetroo $'3,(N3 12 151 15 To amount 001-loodlug In .2,9:4) 70...3,211 43 To amount reerivtol horn C II Cluohort; collect , r 3,001 17 1151515 . e ,ilO nod 0‘3,151,1 Tte4norer..: 89 51 DISBURSEMENTS AND E.XI'ENDITURES. Outstanding nrders of , i)revious years. Ily amount paid 1211,., Donm • ly, •Irvol , .. 011/111INSIOIVq, for 1870. anti on plo3ova Jor that ,3ear ' • _ ..." , T.1 4 20 It MoUlknoy, jr., clot I: 1.1,1111111 2.', 1,0 Cumborland Pilo Company,appropcalion of 1070 2.25 113 Union Fite Compan), appropriation of ' 1870 75 00 Good 11111 Fire Company, appromaatlon of 107)) . 3110 110 LOOlllllll !Bali:01"Ni, corn torso gray , : 311,1,1 • 115 25 .101)n Ilmnor, i.O/11 1,11..1.4. 20 77 .14 lin IVenvor, Inapevlor of Cleellon .4 3 00 Saml Common, curator of aim. , )al,l, (Sr o 1813 21 115 Sani ' l 'nowt!, Sro %I:1,14 l'S al Ills 1110 !11l 1/,... 'Dui..., ,rillil..l In colinoll 411..11..4.... .11 131 111., ! I' 313 o•rs, poll., hyr kJ.... 4 11) 1511 (Vol It GI egj.•„ c. 1 ,11,. lo`niarlivt, ',TAR nil prop)1011101 ,1........ 111,11/..r, Illgli, 1.111,1.11P11. 21 , 1111 l: I' 1110.11ic Is, :Morin ' ', for s'ollll. , I .-: :I'l 41,1 PAY II liNg'f , AND 1)1 SIII: ItTENIIiN 'I ' S 1 , 01 i TIIE Inti , .sENT Y ' , LAI!. ill L 11.11 111.11 IVIII C0i1...1t, Ingip4g l ll, .. $1 1 .. Ls, eggipl...ll .1, 111.11,...,1, I topitil 1 lig lilt. I.lllgl, . ./01111 it . kol, ~,k oIL hlt•t•Ill 1111.1 Urlt... itld 211 1.1 Pat. ick Fa1...).--,-1k gn . si.rtsg.. 1113 :LI John 1 In), Mot. 1i 011.1 1..11, , °list., Mlikliit It, Ut,ik gn g.treet.- 51 Li.; .1..1,1 1,411. 01 h.., ro, 73 s, .1, Nl,Ol 1.1 y, Pi' , , Wil 1. “ii nir....1, 4. ~.1., t cr , tnS , l.lli, • 42.1 I S 15ati...1..... 4, , I L I, g., .1 ~...1., 1 1 1 . IS Atulroty Przls, IL, 11 ,1 1, ou str•u•(.4 In :1 11 ,, b , lila., cleaning (1 ,,, 1• i.‘,.1 • 1.1 ;II 1V,,, II ~..., Li., 1.. h..1... , ...11.1 ...111 .l :11 0.,,1ni•y 11 , 1100.1 . , 11.. 1.1 litil , t, :mil Ca 11.... :1 ~ 1 \1'•111M , 1:1,, , , us. of 1......... .11111 .:n t..... 11 NIL Cat t 11.., "r, -..11.gg. marl,: •••..;11 ... .1. Ku S 13,1, (,I1 a 11u111.• Il I 0 - .I li Pt 1.11.. 11,114111.14 2 ... , Mr.; It II 1 1 ..1 1.., lor ht. 11, 11; LI. I,NVIn \ 1 1,1111111•1 111,, I 1,1 1,...4.1 .. vllll , l . .lil 7: 13,vi, I,llllllllgini. L . , for ...Ligp on I.olll I 11l ' Thuluos Fuird, ~,(.1(1 1 ugulattri , D 4,1 AL Inst .11117, Igg st r, iv,•. 1t.4 p.n.5..., - •?.: IVlii l'orbett, Clugglog st.:lng itud us, k ..11 . st ',II. K 1, 1111 Ii )le3lillen. Inleiort en 11 1,11111 (11.1 g• ut, 311 Ou Ilrattun K. 1( 111111111 y, IA 15 ing gh . og (Igo Taylor, Ralury as jagitgr . .11/ 0 I Curlisl.• gus .0 11111 , •r C . . 1111 1,4 11 y \ :1.111 go .1 II Ilrgg.r, 1,1111 for market ligusg - :1 00 11 1 r, 11 Gregg, mall,. ing,ll,- . 1 12 Caller 1.;.1 lie, lamplighter 2.1 0 I fiarg'l Stout, 11.11plIghtgr • Fn 68 A %Vorehani. lanti.l wilt., III 117 Carikli. Deposit 111.31 i, Llgte 1:4111 1.11 _ t'at 111.41. Drigoot Bank, Ili,. nut ,11 n0n.... 21 21, earliglo Il.'pn'(l 114.111, elltypon, of burougli , builds . 2,553 141 rarlislo 1/111,11 Bank, 111 , 1q , ...1 'Oll 4,14 ,,, ,1A. 27 .1:1. 1,1(11 l'alu.r, 1 11 nc,tllll I 1 ealaly its high . got,..able 12.12 - . 00 It li•Cartn..3 ,Jr ,st It ice. , nn High 4.. I "MI. • Cil; . l , 0 31,11111 Eh; 1710, Ilepairiug !mini, •1 1111 11:11i K l'ipor, st1(11./1”.1 - y . Ili I,Goltulu.r, pustins: 1 , 111.&(4 , 11(......5. 75 131'111 (7,111(11: tilt:0113111g 1,111,11 2 (111 71 111 11 1.11 1,1, gr. reo.l..nal tog, L. gi ' So Lig A Li Ling, gli.L . k Pa marligt 1711 'lll A S I.) ge, For glasi ,I 41. .1..1.1 Fabgr, sr., lii 1 111 ff . T1.,•11,4 S 1 1 tionl.l, iolory LL.. I...goggh tie:touter— 17:. 1111 Wn. Sslggi . , ‘‘,.l li ..11 gto-ilngs ........... 1:1 lii .I. IL, Fnlipt.st•lllll. - 11111, tor 11 111 MA, :1 1111 1 v11,111 . 111V. villVel 14 - ' , Iq 1i.... 11 11u1r11111 11, 0.1 oil, mirk, g\it. . .1 1 4g NV,. 71.1111•1 o, topgli isg 11.1.1. , 11 :41 ..I..nallit IL 1 /...111/.1....4, 0...1.pigg Nll,lll , ..... SI 4:1 'll' in Itagnitz, frillrid L., Sr ...I :ill Slut. Truisuri•r,ulr(lccuunt 111 SELLIL. tax 1,111 cost , 1 1 1 05 A I legit..., rtiggtor 16 grin .• 3,1 , 1 . 0 23 Jot( )IrCartrr,' 111111111 11:i ht 1 t••• 1 .111 1111s tiU111.1. . t. 111 (II) MEE= lIMMI 1 1 1 I=l To nooo n t reve.‘ r.l from .1. NV • foimer ' 710 Oa To ainotTnt ret,vg.l trove .11•111 m Fagan, I.or 1!•70, on ikremint of iluplt eati. 1%2 13 e-4 'co amount ter.ol,ol nom Carr -10 Deposit Batik, on nrrltrrlnorrunterrl !WO or Amount of bounty tax 110,roo nor IS7 1 7.1 Amount 4.1 tr‘oneratron, =I 31 '0 • Amount ~,11,, i ;itk.1111:f.... 1 7: SI uniollut II t, c,.11,11•1 bil V - I “mmr.t uo.ty pier. po,r , • $4,010 PAYMENTki [AD OUT OF THE 1101 NTY RIND I , OI,LONS, virr By c. 4 h :CO , li•lo Drponit 14an1i.r0np44404 i. 510 tin C• 11,1•111. DClll.it bowl No 2.4 anti in -1,030 on A 144-inn Clan4ly, howl No - .10 And Intel tot. 2,6 00 John S Monro, bowls N4ll. 1111.1 n e,4 1.1 o) Col lion I 40ponlf Bank, note 1400 1,1: S 11 11,11,1.1 dln, nil a 11110 lo 55 Tr.ll , lll,ri' ‘,llll/11,101., 1444 r ct itt. on An, Inc in hon la 1 Trratiorer ' . 7.01 30 us STATEMENT OF THE INDt,IITEDNESS OF Intl BOROLMII OF CARLISLE, ON MAIICII 22, 1872. Carlts'e g is and %\ M., 101111.. ~.$23.0. N 1 00 elt. I Islo hon , ligh lu w, props r... I ni 011 Il'ord. judgment Ovtyr title coul lulls Oil Ca I lire lie ptvill [udt 1,053 00 Ouixt i04111 , g ....der, 01 1 , 102 1 • • • •,• -17 order ,of 1 3.3'1'0 20 • - -$60,30S ro 1551 'l'e 1,104 sl0t: ra 0401141 i, VI. I: wider loan, lotr 1,1110 $ . iS.l OO 00 1,1 , ,11ey of Mr+Tl, ro • 1 lAro 110 Oolvoind hr.; I.tr 2.01:19 70 Nitte SNylg, rt j c = 6TATEMENI , OF BOUNTY INDI7IIITEDNESS A oloont of. loonflly 100011 Any ,lanoaty 1 1,73 • 1 •3000 OA A nomot' of 1 ,, ooty bonds 000 - .10001 try 1,11:74 3,01,0 00 Amount of bounty • boodB ,11/0 . January 1 1 11 , ,75 '12,000 00 ' $8,030" 111 11111.1.11 in Intn.lry nfTre. nrur • . ' ..i7 IS 3) Outstanding ton fur 1010, -. (estlntate) ~ ' 077'25 - Outstandlng ton fqr 11.71.2,(24 70 EXCelig Of 111.1011tOdllelO1 We, tho Mlitor/1 of the .borough of 'Carlisle do certify that we have examined tho foregoing bor ough nett bounty senernits of B. 11. tionid, Borough Treasurer, town herwl lb the rnurhvrx connested . therewith, end blunt twiner. duo said Tressortrr on' the ism engin aceountuf eighty-nine dollars and Mt- One cents, and also, n balance dim the said Nullity neePUlll by /MN TrUlllllllor, 61 seven hundred and thlripthreo dollars and thirty eenbt, and wo nlso certify that the foregoing statement of the Ihninelst condition of sell borough is Correct to the :best of our know lidge and belief. Witness our braids tldo to only.sovonth danof Mareh, A. D. 1872. W, 0.-WOODS; ---- JOHN L.FALLEIt, J. It. Auditors. •414724 t , • e GIUI2IO. • • .SOLUBLE._.PACIFig GUANO. PRICES REDUCED. • ' STANDARD GUARANTEED • . . • . 'Mariners and Orators aro informed that this article contains all the reitnislto °laments as a Fellerlicer that the soil will'iltgest, prat wlitio It Is quick In Its iietioll,,it is yorrnanont to Ita"01Toot.. ._ 'l'll[lAm:roamed Omani' 'for this Guano in the Southern and Itlinlil'e litittin;his a aura critorion of Its taint): '• • ' JIM. 13: REFS .00., tion s eral 'Agents, . 122 Siiittli Pelitivaro Avenue I.lllladelubla. i 'Ali.o•We call thetitteutlon of '2!olraCco. trrilwors Jo this °twn. • ?..yvt • ' LIBERAL DISCOUNT MO DEALIIES.” ' ~ 29fob723ta8ljo3nt • .. 2Smar72-3m lE=! EMI OEM i,40" 00 BEI =EI EIS EilE MEE BIM MEI $6, 2 2, , 1l r 1 ;t1 58 .4 J 5 . I Ao W. BENTZ & CO. ilhs ,just.. •a a• 51 111.. I, , •tta•as: ;15 , 1.1 lal 1.. Lima, i aa. o p, u ,..1 ; ',log IT'. In cant-. 1.1. r 3 .1 - 11 I h.. 1..• .1 al 311.a1., ran Le .1r aa.l I , T . A. 1.1.1,TZ a: ('II. Ai 'II lar. tram 1.1111 tla• , ;5:4:10 :1.511 7.: 7,1'1'71 MMI MIII :49 :10 ;1000 X5,11000$: ME ISM $.1,11, nn :Medical CU.RANTUR aitrEoF'.4llil(J/SPEC.ITj Gs HAVEprover", from, thQ most aniplo experience, nu °nitro Mlll.ohBl rSimpin-- Prutilpt—Elllelent and Itelibtle. Tlitty'arettlio only. Medicines Purfttell'y adapted to poptil.ir 11X1.1-30 plc run not Ito made in utiing them Ito littrinies, IN to lte . fre44 from ileirrrr, and Ho - efficient 11.4 to bo always reliable. 'rite) , Intro rniwd the ItiOttett commendation fliito all and ,111olwaytiren• Jar oallsfarllon. - Not CM . ON Fever; C9IIg4NSILMI,IIIII.IIIIIII/ 1 1 10 r.it 2, Jo NVorolo. lVorm }e ,)Vorio Colic. 3 , ( in 'Cr4ll4l•Colie 111 . 01 Infonto. 4, do Diarrloost, of Clo.lllron do Tlysonterv,l7rlphof, do efiolorn )lorbo=, Vomiting 7, do (loogl., , . 0, do Nettratgia, Toot hice he, 1 , a5,5,510. 25 1/, do 11encliceites,-Sick ileadaelle,Yertigo. 25 10, to Dykpepsict,•Dillitus i'tociateh.i. 25 11, do tiopprupsod, or Painful Periods. 25 12, ill Whilos, too Profuse l'eriodZ— la, do Croup. Cough, Dlllieult Breathing. t 25 71, to Salt. Rheum, Erintipetas, Druptiond ' 25 15, do Rhea Tuatlsab Ilhouncado Pains. -25 15, do Fever 11d Ague, Chill Fever, Ague, 1,0 17, do Piles, blertd or Meowing. sl' IS, do Oplithlau,ty, Ohl icor°, weal: oyes. 50 15, to Catarrh, acutd", r chronic, Intim/sga. 50 2., do Wllolirill4 hillgh, vitt/int( ecoglia. 50 2J, do Astlticat:oppret,sl Ilreathiag, 50 - 22 ' do Ear Dkelanges, Impaired hearlag. - 51/' 0, do Fri {Wahl, enlarged glumly, Sivellidgs. 50 21. do lie/Pr/a Debility, physical iveaknea.c. • 515 25, do Dropsy and scanty tivart.ticaut. 50 1 25, do Sl l ll Sichnecla, nialcuesH /rem Ohm. 50 27, do kidney Dim, Le, liravel. " - 50 i.M do N . ervous Debility. Fealinal EmDairico• . Involuntary Diaclutrgpx, Five - Ito:No.8, with 11111` $2 cwt of Pm( :ter, very necr4B:try in not 11.0.14 cases 500 29, 410 Sor4. 51,0103, Canker. 30, do Urinal.). \Suakur.+ • wotl nil; hod. fil , 31, do Unkind Prrioda, II Rh Spann , . 30 :13, do rnlll•r:uga at chango or lift,. - . 100 3.1, do Epilop.,y. ,11.11.1 H, lit. Vt. Dmoo. 100 31, do 1110111truria, ulcerated Nora throat. 00 F 1.1111; C.ISLS Of 3 - i to 60 largo r ii,H, 111..,, or tioitiiworitl r011i1111111u.: Stivoilli• for livery nary 111.1 . 1CN • lafittly is subject to, and or a . ron, 511) to ;:3.5 Solon, eme.t, t .20 from ifis to SO Sioic.tivii for :ill ivrtt , tioth fir Viitiltig mt.l for l'ro•tielitivi tr~:ttOinc t, C 11,4. EXIttACT =SI har,, INtomtigol, Ithoolo Soro Eye 4, 111 of t h.• Nos°, Strloch, or s of Col IN, lacers. Uhl 1 . 1 . 11 . 4`, ti ia., 50 I..th ; Pint, i;1.5 0 ; Qom 14, $1.71i. tti,-'lltto.o Httntroljot, ext opt Ponc'tt Extract, by tlot ca., to Qiccltt 1 tot, arc t•tott. b. oily ;kart of tilt, riot Itt ry. by omit or oxprot ,, , Ire, r 1 rho; ge, mi ro voila of Etcpri , e. Ahlrer, lltimphreys' Specific 110111vopathic Co. • Dr1,,,1, No. -New For 'I.IIO in Codislo, Iq c A Ilaversticlr and Cklllllll/111 MEG A. IV, Bent. Company \V. BENTZ lias the largest .1; ‘1 arY q to - I V,•,4 I, I 1111-5. fm(; A. AA 1;6:('1'7.1;6:('1'7.&'(:() have just ro -• u,• I, I , ligllt :1111i 1-14.11 A L AIU E lot or Thibet :•• 11, .1.•114:.• .11111 Ji I glo, iOnt E EM M 3 iMI 2k N L iinniensepilcotremnants of lino U'. Z•/.. CO. A T A. %V. 11EN'I'Z CO. can be 11L i • 1,1: -L ilt f axphyr , , .• Gvr 11111141 4,4 \% 04.1, \\ 104; 1 1 Yarna, and p nr , t1,41- ki:ids. A VA m ETA- of bed, enidle and hose A W. I:E r, S: CO. . c! purtE .AN) U:2;A.1)1:1:19';IZATIH) C .11. \VAN", II:: 011TAI N AT ./ 1,. 11.% VI:ItIsTICK',I3 Nu: _ N. 11. Pt - 0 , 0;h ti.oui and acrurate.ly eumpottn.l,l al all tinu, 11-ut.7ltl M=EI NO 5 socTu irAsovEit RENT Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, &c CIA 1112.. ET !CAI tl ' ETFS ! ! dm% 'it:t• \ I 1 , 11 M• k. =MEEEM EEO 6 comPLETE LINE \ 111111 L 1 1 li MZERMIIII EWE VOL can obtain nyn t , tutTs, l'erfu a_ y .Irl At .1. It. MIN,. 1•1)) : .1, caru;uil cool. 1 ., .. .1. It. F.RSTICK, No 5 South Ilauto •ttu2ttt, Carl igto, It 101: 1'1_1j:111)1:CGS, CIIIMICALS, and Plf.fut ha .1. It. Ilavvt. Ntt. ft Soo tli Iltinort r tttrt t„ a ttpleutliti tettetrt etent totney Toilet rtit'ltet. ' "' .1.« 11A1 11,1)! Reward Soap' .._-. rte -., ' •,." ".". -,-1-3 ' , l hd 2 'r."l. :7. , - - ; ...• r _, , t, L- , ..7f'.::= 2- ._, " Y C-- .-i C i?,t ''-- - ,-'.,-- ~ w®2 - % EX ...;.. 1-• 5.,. " 3 2" . - -r " ri ..,. ;:.; 01 -Ei •••:>•-;,---• :7 . itm I . < l • ~ ....7 .- :, ..-,••• - - - , ,--, .-.....-.._ --, - 7 , 2 d IA ;-, ~ 6 i: ... _ ' 2 6 .-• L 0 '. 2. .L " . '-': ti .' M .. f 7: ' ; : . 2 .. z ~.„- ::-.? - 5 - .-. 2 .-:.--," '" , "N .. ( . ..1 1-1 "z 4 't71,..: ',-=‘ ti. , ilt - n" *,-s . P, - '''= ,_l ''7'' -7' l MI / ? '-'- ' i . 6 .= ,...i t :,,,,:."' ‹i ',- -4 ‘ . * : , ...:••-7 , -;-! - , 1 - L 7.1 2:5-sq3 ' • , = 3 .=.1 ' . LL---_-J - ,<., -i . .,-., •:'-' ..• ~,. ilz, ' :,.. .4 . ---i ;3 . : P ,. 2 : . F.•,f. , ., - , - ;• ;.- ,_...1 P., :"- ~.j- .1 -p....) tt s'' :' f•- , - 4. .; 3 --••'• , r - ti..) -•'' r'. , P ;:' ... ,?.: _t•--1 ',•-•• , -10 '..30 '-8 ., 72, —.- -. - ..4 - - c - l . • -, • :.-4•• . , E- 0> E: 0 . • :,. 2 - ~, ..,, • •.--, t...-...._:, c o o 5 tt g'•: 1-1 . c , r ., - cz t , ...-:-.CD •-..tpl-• " e, 5 rt t. .2. kr . P . :-_. ._:- ua F 2, ' 't . . '7l P T :---••• ~; .E.,•E'.' P ..., _ _.........._--- Grocery. NI;IV FIRM 1 'VANES 0'• IV E. GREEN.' NEW FIRM ! Tidy'lll,, intutdi.did, tilt' vii Ire Ft, Cli and 11xturvx or no r, eici., to c r building 4.11 door to Ito Donk, oder Ilto Idll,llr x Inrgn Dud tri 11 % , i ,, to ,tockea Fresh Groceries' SllOlll3 MOIIISFI . H, MVP, S:1)t, I.lollr. Tv., Sn ropy, I , lol,llltur, I una,l.l.l:ols, Catsup, C IV N:-E- 1) - 17 I? U 1 I", Blanch, Tried Fruit, Ittlihetrc,, Cancift . cn, GlicuuTrl°Fc.picucc, Allink, Broome], MIA, Cocclatio,Rocip, Fionacunit, I,reu Sinrch, foil oil, Vinegar, lllnching, Stove Polish, °Wadi?, BrARE, WILLO 11 11 1V-4/?E, 4 queensware, Glassware, Stoneware, &a. Goolx dolHo•ed to oil pai•tx of till, town FREE OF MARCIE. '.l,:irTho highest market prim imbl for country proolcu, /N. * . I.o l w, by tali. •dent tor, strict ntlon• tion..te bo!dorsti. nod a &Mr() to ploole, to inorte.o olotro of tho ioll,llo pot ronogo. .11ospentfolly, . I.& W. E. °REIM 14n11,72tIttp Moth. :Proof: Chest THE &IOTII•P1I00T` CHEST CO Of Philadelphia, Pa • I:n•corpqrateft August, 1871. „ nowthae noliketarigg Air.Tlght, Coeudikr.Llitt OIOWN nod ntititi, of vacloux l'apur Boxiia for ma., 11.128, Caps, Coifs, Coata nod wliolu Salt% 01 ovury lit'llolllOloll. 7.41030 club Ulu folly augured .1.3 , ,,1utt0rg 'Wont of the U. S., and trim bolievoit 10 1.0 oolong Limo molt. duldrablo,of :thythinig 110,v rateltllK tho pliblie favor. Agunt.a...ttud .11).!...1vra winded to 111 , 1 . 0. mule ,, I.ltuth la OVOrr town Jm thin U: S., to whom I.lberaf.ll..c..ant O 11l ho givoo. Addrotn, 1 , 1;AN01.9, P, C. Clo , • . " 130 Walnut MEM Con 21 2 BEI EMI EI i......q ' ' • ' 7 ' 1 t. . . . . . . - I t 7 1 - t : : 1 ,=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers