Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1872, Image 2

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    THE lIERA--41)._
J. M. \Moakley, J. .
irolunzo LX.XII. No. 15
ILIMPT_JI3LICA:I • 7 s'r<vr-s-
On Tuesday morning the Court de
cided the Local Option Law, as passed
for the borough of Shippenstorg, to be
unconstitutional. This decision was
based upon a decision of the Supreme
Court of this State in the case of Parker .
vs. Commonwealth, on an act passed in
authorizing the citizens of Alle
gheny county to vote on the question of
granting license. This judgmeNt was
rendered by three of the
.judges of that
court—tho other two dissenting. The
principle on which it was rendered: was,
04 the Legislature could not delegate
its authority to - any community, and
that an net which sou:dit to make the
granting of-licenses to . depend on the
vote of the people was unconstitutional.
In other words, that the Legislature
might pass a prohibitory act itself but
could not do it through the - intervention
of a popular vote because it could not
delegate itc own powers.
There can ho no doubt that our Court
in this instance announced-the law as it
is_found_in_the boolfs,, Any Tither do,
cision would have been in direct. dis
'regard -of the, authority of that highest
court in the State, and. that . ff the de
eishin had been otherwise, the court
above would have set if aside, or have
reversed their own decision. A judge
of an inferior court is bound to respect
the law of the land; as declared by the
,higher tribunal, and any other action
in this case Would have been un
justifiable, no matters hat his tit,
or the inipreSiMinil of even abat ge ma
jority of thAtimmunity nmy be on the
subject of li.quor
And now with all due deference Lo_
judicial opinions, we seriously quostien
the soundness of the reasoning which
sets aside• the local option law. Of
course the Legislature cannot vest any
power to legislate, either in the com
munity at large, ~or any where else.
That is admitted by all lawyers. lint
we think that it is a rather far-fetched
conclusion that the provisions of the
local' option bill vest any legislative
power in the people. The legislature
has given the courts- power to grant' li
censes, subject to many limitations. No
license can be granted without a peti
tion, signed by twelve citizens certify
ing that the appliant is of *good moral
character, that he has proper accommo
datiOns for hotel keeping, and that
such a house is necessary for the
accommodation of the public. Without
such a certificate the law forbids the
court to grant any license. Why can
lot the legislature require the expres
sion of a majority of the community
that a tavern is necessary, as well as
to require a certificate of twelve
persons to the same purpose, and why
can it not require that expression as
well ' through the ballot box; as
through a signed petition A uthoii zing
a vote which is to jimit the action of a
court under a particular statute, Is in no
fair seaseArlegating _legislatire_pawer
If the Legislature had authorized the
people to pass a prohibitory liquor law,
then certainly it would have transcended
its authority. - It has done no such thing.
IL has, in effect - , simply wide a require
ment that the question of the necessity
of a licensed tavern shall depend upon
the expression of a majority of the votees
of a district, and not upon the petition
of twelve citizens.
We have a hope that the Judges of the
supreme Court will reverse tho decis
ion niade on this subject, twenty-tied years
ago. They hare revelsed their own deck
"' ions in many questions of lesa importance
within that time, awl had it not. been
fur disturbing ve:ded iighls, many oth
ers would have fallen. We all know the
turnings and twislings which were made
on the que,tions growing out of the war,
such as the constitutionality or the con
scription' and legal acts. and . many
others. Doubtless, when this question
again arises before the Supreme. Court,
it will be considered is the light of the
sentiments of tii-day and not of-those of
a quarter or a century ago.
Should the y Stipreme Court, however,
maintain the doctrine held cnneeruing
the act of 1846, those who oppose re
formatory measureil which manifest
themselves; by attacking the evils which
they- content themselves to (17..1,101'0,
mustn't imagine they are through with
this fight. Perhaps the 'new Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania, may define in
terms what restrictions the Legislitture
may 'or may not throw 'round a traffic
which three , fourths of the entire Conl
in unity deplore and condemn. lir even
the Legislature may at nn diNtant (14
Pick up courage enough to pass a law,
cntting off the business at once. We
remember a decision on the Federal
Constitution, Which was intended to
!impanel() a barbarisM, but which was
the means of its speedy overthrow. We
have Jut little fears that any far-fetched
technicality, will long obstruct the de
tern-Vnation of the people to•cure one of
the worst evils Una, ever afflicted the
hod y politic.
THE names of quite a number of
prominent gentlemen In msylVania
arc announced as delegates to the Chi
cfnuati. Coeyention. It is not stated
what constituencies these gentlemen are
presumed to represent or by wham they
have been elected. Perhaps, however,
the Cincinnati concern is to be' a mass,
convention, including constituencies as
well as'delegates. Thi% plan hits_ many
merits for a party—securing
ries Wo remember a number of John
son convention's got. up ie the • same
manner in 1806. They wore successes
decidedly as gatherings, but their „effect
on the grand result waSii!t very percepti.
ble. -
Tnr; Legislature of 1872, in spite of
almost innumerable complications in the
,Senate, growing out of death, sickness
'and contested seata-flnislied itry'work in
three months and adjourned: . The
Legislature of 1871, without any
special required . five
months to coniploto . work.
The appropriations of this year aro by
more than_ $500,C00 loSs than tho - so 'of
lest year. The difference may be .rte.
counted for whoa it ' is remembered that
last year there was a DeMooratic
jority iir the ,Senate.
the Evans trouble ' ,Was started
golely — for ' the -- purpose of involving
Governor 'Geary, was well-known to
almost" every ono.. That ho was coin
.pletely exonerated, all fair men who
read the evidence , certainly know. The
report of the cominittee, however, - has
_dono the Gov-tamer •gross injustice by
reporting the hearsay evidence of a man
named Brawl, Who himself got $O,OOO
of the money, to the 'effect that EvanaH
had once told him that the Governor
Wlls to receive ceikain amounts out of
the commissions. This was contradicted
by the Governor and by Evans himself,
and yet the committee not only received
the testimony but displayed it as facts
in their report. This is an act of gross
injustice, and we' -- a - fe glad to see that it
is so denounced - by leading journals
throughout the State. The Harrisburg
Telegraph, which, by the way, has al
ways been an anti-Geary journal, de
nounces the action of the committee,
and ift a long article shows the unfair
ness and injustice shown toward the
Governor. The Philadelphia Press has
also spoken with great severitty , of-thist ,
attempl to blacken the character of the
Governor through hearsay evidence,
which was fairly contradicted before
%lie committee. .It. says :
" As 'Governor Cleary's term in office,
and opporttinity to dispense patronage,
draws near an end, lie is become a tar
get for all the men whose ambition he
no m vance, 'every molt( scions
journalist„ With no opponent at hand.
The last attack upon'him is in connec
tion with the report of the committee to
investigate the settlement of the war
claims. This report was one which no
really fair-minded man would. ) have
signed his name to, and in the presenta
tion—at the close of the session, when
the Giwernor had no time to make an
inni\M—was cowardly. Governor Geary,
in an atmosphere of corruption, has co
balt-16Th an - honest and faithful public,
servant, and can afford eveq this last
W Hoti the apportionment bill giving
sixteen Republican and ten Democrat
congressmen was before the State
Senate, six Democrats voted Sor it, al
though they knew it would not be sup-.
ported by all the Republicans. Tho
fact. is significant. The Democratic
politicians of the State know full well
that their party It; hopelessly swamped.
They Linde' stand that it, will be defeated
in the coming election and that for its
future there is no hope, They knew
that the ten Democratic districts were
constructed in suclea manner as to
waste voters by 'piling up huge majori r
ties: As it is. now arranged, nothing.
short „a an ea] Unmake could disturb
their districts. I fence, they swallowed
the bill, knowing that there was noth
ing to 'be done, but, to look after their
kwn personal interests.
Arlin, i, 1s r i2
- The Legislature adjourned on the
fourth without day. Its closing clays
were about as those of former Legisla
tures—days of excitement, hard work
and indiscriminate legislation. Calen
dars of private bills were rushed through
unheeded, except as each thember was
interested in the bills on them, and a
large amount of frivolous and unneces
sary legislation will cumber the Pamph
let Laws of 1872. It is just, howdvei•,
to say that there has been greatly less
injurious and improper legislation in the
session just closed, than in any formot•
one within the last ten years.
Pew meaures or public importance
were 'acted upon, but those which were
passed will generally commend- them-,
selves to-the public. The law forbid
ding the sale of liquor on election days,
wilt be hailed with general satisfaction.
Many of the worst features or our eke
, thin' days will vanish, when men have
nothing in th l o shape of intoxicating
liquor to render them less rational - than
nature Ids made them on that day. The
Local Option bill will, doubtless, receive
the sanction of four-lifths of the right
thinking citizens of the State. I.„'he act
providing for the calling of a Constith,
tional Convention, as it will make both
the political parties so nearly equal in
representation as to almost take politics
out of the Convention, demonstrates
that we Lave succeeded in doing much
to eliminate partiZMl proscription and
intolmaniai from the political field.
is one measure, ever, which
will not inure greatly to the credit o r
either party, and it is the Congressional
a•pportionment. This is simply a gerry•
milder; and the best illustration of it is
the reading of the bill itself. It. passed
both branches in the following form an
the night before th9.adjournmmit :
Fil district-3d, 4th, sth, Mk, Ilth,
12th slid Itith wards, Philadelphia.
Seeoml distriel—lst, 2d, 71h and 26 , 11
wards, Philadelphia.
Third district—rith, 9(.11, 101.11, 10th,
11th ;toil ?oth wards,' and all that por
tion of the 17th ward west of Second
street,. -
Po ea.! Aigt ricl-stl). 21st, 2-Itll, 28t,1,
and 2914 wai:ds.
Fifth (Net —lB th , 101.11, 22 4 , 23d and
2:1111" wards, •Lnd the 17 th ward cast 01
Second slrce .
di:arid—Chester and Doi:twin%
counties. - .
di:arid—Lancaster conittyy
IBigh(li,ustrier 2. -13erks, aml that por
tion 'a 'Montgomery northwest orNorris.
town, Whitpain,-41wynecl mar Sttilit
goinery townships.
, Ninth la:drift—nooks find Northam' ,
ion, and balance of Montgomery.
Tenth (lir( rid—lA:high, Carbon, Mon
roe, Pike 1111(1 Wayne.
Eierenth district—Schuylkill, Columbia
and Montour.
Tiroyrt listrii4—Dauphin, Lebanon
and Notthiunberland.
Thirteenth distriet—Emzerno.
Fourteoith district,--Britdrord,'Susque•
stiffivan and Wyoming.
Fifteenth district —Tioga, Potter, Me-
KOati, Cameron and Lycoming.
Sixteenth district —Union, Snyder, Mif
flin, Centre, Clearfield and Elk.
Seventeenth district - Iluutingdou~3la.r,
Cameron and Somereet.
.Bighteciall district-130 ford ; F'ii dclin,
Fulton - , .Tuniata and Adams.
Ninetaentli diltrict--W est morelan ;
Fayette and Greene.
Tired.lieth district—Cumberland, Yorl,
and Perry.
Twentli-,first district—lndians, Arm
strong, Jefferson and Clarion.
Twenty-mond district—Pittsburg, 131 f.
mingliam, East Birmingham, Orr-by,
Smith 'plashing. Monongahela; Mono:
Washington, Tenfperancoville,
Pittsburg; Union, AllontownM - Cl.dr
Verona, Braddock, and tho townslifli,or
Plum, Wilk4n,,,ronn and Potter. -
I'wetyy-etitrtz district—All Allegheny
county-not included in the above.
Twenty-fourth district—Washiugtml,.
Boavor and Butler..
. ,„
Twenty,-Ilfth district —LrVronco, Me
cer and ()LuridOrd. •
7'wenty-sixtli district— z Erio, Vonangr ,
WaVenAnd Forest.
This it is soon gives sixteen .Ropubli.
cans lei ten Democrats/in.:l Stato Lt
which the, highest branch of the Logis
Tatum hasbilen for many years in a con
stant state of tie.' . Tito districts are so
carefully arranged that should some
'calamity befal the State so :Ist° put it.
into the hands of tho pemocracy by 20,-
000 Majority on the Wholoyoto, it-would
hardly change the Congressional repro
sentation—suroly'even then,the Republi
cans would liavo fourteen monibers. It is
bardlmmoossary to say that such Login.
lntion is neither fair nor- oven desirable.
The wonderful - part . .of
_the whole. per=
is teat six -Demonratio Sena
tors should vote for thiS bill - on its final
passage when theyAinew certainly that
four.Republieans would vote againsOt.
The easiest explanation of this is, that'
each of these amiable gentlemen had his
own district fixe - d - to suitlim self.
Tho cloSing hours of the session were
somewhat varied from_their usual style.
The usual crowds.. were in attendance,
- . and things- wept on. regularly until the
Speaker of the Senate pronounced his
valedictory and suggested The election of
his successor. The voting began, with
the Republicans, naming Senator Ander
son, of Pittsburg, for bpcakor, and the
.Democracy, Senator -Davis, of Berks.
When Mr. McClure's name was called,
he astonished all but the initiated by
responding, 11..;1er B. Strang. Trouble
was imminent evidently, and when the
vote was announced, Anderson and
Davis stood tie,„ and there was no elec
tion. The voting, proceeded until the
hour of twelve was reached-14mb vote
pshowing the same result. As soon as
the result of'the,last vote was announced,
9431)110r White called the "orders of the
day" the 'Speaker's gavel fall, and the
session of seventy-two was ended.
This unusual winding up out short all
presentation ceremonies and the usual
complimentary resolutions which aro
spread u pon the-journals-at-ihe-olose-of
the session. In order, therefore, to got
matters into shape, the Senate resolved
itself into a town meeting with Senator
Waddell in the chair, and Senator bucka
low presented to Speaker Rutan an ivory
gavel and expressed in his peculiarly,
forcible and deliberate manner, the senti.
manta of respect and conAdence with
which the whole Senate reArded its pre
siding oflcer. General White and Mr.
Billingfelt paid their tribute of regard
also, and, but for the repetition of the
same sentiment all the,, other Senators
would have followed. Sufficient, how-
CYCir, was done and said to show the re
tiring Speaker how thoroughly his many
excellent qualities were appreciated.
The failure to select a speaker for the
vacation is another of the unlooked for
ethrrgencies which so frequently turn
up In the Pennsylvania :Senate. The
effect of it ista ,, t)Mr. It rtitnains
speaker until election in ()holier
next, when his Senatorial term expires.
The only possible use for a speaker of
the Senate during vacation is to have
some one on hand to become GoveiMor
in caso of a vacancy. If a vacancy in
that office should occur after the next
October election a serious question
might arise on the succession. Alto
gether the present situation, demon
strates what a magnificently clumsy
govermental machine, this grand old
Commonwealth, keeps up for every day
ISLAND has held her annual
election and has sent us
. the news of a
Republican victory. It doesn't seem as
if Grant's star was waning in New
England, perceptibly. We have know
the Democracy to carry New Hampshire,
Connecticut and Rhode Island, at differ
ent, times, and still get beaten badly in
the grand fight. How do they expect
to get along when they can't even carry
one of these little - Commonwealths?
A correspondent of the Louisville
Commdrcial asks, " Was ever mortal
man so abused and villilied as General
Grant?" Certainly, very many of the
best,and.purest men of the country have
been. Can it be forgotten tltat
Lincoln,' for months before his re-nomi.!
nation in 18G4, was everywhere conceded
to be "the best abused man in Ammi
ca ?" And then the war with , the re
whenit would
seem that every consideration of patriot
ism, of duty, and of honor, appealed to
those claiming to be the friends of the
Government, to save the good name of
the representative man of the party
struggling to save the cation. Iltit
there were then, as now, fault-finders,
disappointed office•seekers, and - that
class of politicians rom whose pen vi
tuperation arises as naturally as pois , n
from the tongues'of asps.
And there was Clet;rge Washington :
he that, was " First, in war, limt
and first in the 'watts or his eonntra
men." Even Washington was toot I 1 co
front the " poisoned shads of his waltg=
mint foes." Ilthlroth, ill his hisitel or
the United States, tell.n :
"'Via: Mate of feeling toward Wash
ington, among the more violent part oil
the opposition, may In: judged or by the
following extract front a Contemporane
ous article in the A /lowa : "If ever a
nation was debauched by a tool, the
American nation has been debauched by
Washington. Let his conduct, them be
au exaMple tot Attire ages. Let it set vs
to be a warning, that no loan may be an
idol. ,Let: the history or the "Federal
Governmentlinstruot mankind tlpit !the
'basic of patriotism may 1.):: worn t, con
ceal the foulest designs agents( tho
erJ.ios Of the people."
Again the same authority tells us that
on the day of the inanguiation of the
elder Adams,. Washington's second term
having just expired, the same paper—
•the Aurora —contained a comrimnica
-Lion, believed • to be from the pen of Dr.
Michael Leib, a member of the Pennsyl
vania Assembly, in winch the writer
nap; :
Lord, now latest then thy servant
depart in peace, for mine oyes have seen
thy salvation," was the pious ejacula
tion of a Mall Wilo beheld a flood of hap
piness rushing in upon mankind'. If
ever there' was a time which would
license a reiteration of this exclamation"
—so wrote' this correspondent of the.
Aurora—" that time is now. arrived, fo•
thii man ( Washington, ) who is ,the
source of all ,the misfortunes of our
country, is this day reduced to a level
with his follow-citizens, and is no lobger
possessed of power lo multiply evils' upon
the United States. If ever there was a
period for rejoicing this is the moment,
livery heart in unison with the freedom
'and happiness of the people :ought to
bent high with exultation that the name
of Washington, from this day, ceases to
give a currency tc,i political iniquity and
to legalized corruption. *
When a retrospect is taken of the Wash.
'ugton administration for eight years, it
is ‘a subject 6f the greatest astonishment
04 a single individual should have
conquered the principles of Republican
ism in an enlightened people just
einerged from tho gulf of despotism ;
and should have carried his designs
egatiiiit - the public) liberty so feu• as to
putt in jeopardy its very existence. Such
however, are tho facts, and, 'with - these
staring us in the foot), this clay ought to
be a day ofjubilee ip the United States."
Such was the language used by violent
partisans toward the Father of his
country on his retiring froin tho Presi
dency. All who deplore such assaults
will fled some consolation, we hope, in
dm foot that the good name of Washing:*
ton outlived the calumnies of his enemies
and his groat services to this country
aro'yet, and will be, we trust; in all ages
to come, the-theme of just praise in' ell
landawhere liberty and Christian. civili
zation abide. 'Nor do we' believe that
the salumny_and detraction Sow heaped
upon General Grant will over tarnish or
efface from the minds of the friends of
true RopublicanisM the, recollection of
the groat services tendered his country
in the hour of her direst peril.
_ llon. J. P. Wickersham, Suliorinferr-_
dent a Common Schools, has sent us the
'following,. relative to the eleCtion of
County Superintendents, in litay next :
Qu the first Tuesday of May nekt,- con
ventions of sohool directors will assemble
at the co — iinty seats oetke so'veral coun
ties ot this Commonwelth for the,
pose of electing County Superintendents
of Common' Schools, for the term
throe years, commencing on the first.
Monday of June. At the .same time
there will be held, if thorespeCtivo boards
of directors so decide, in all cities and
boroughs possessing 7,000 inhabitants,
special elections for the' election of pity
and borough Superintendents of schools
for- the same length of term as that for•
which county Superintendents aro to be
There are now. serving In the State 81
county,. .city and borough Superinten
dents, to be increased probably' at the
forthcoming election to 83 or more.
The importance of the interests intrusted
to th - ese - officers can scarcely be over
estimated. Pennsylvania will have 1,2
000,000 children to educate - 1n her public)
schools during the next three years, and
her annual expenditures for school. pm ,
Poses will most likely average full $lO,,
00,000. Whether these children shall
be well taught and trained or etherwise4,
whether this vast 'sum
tusmy •TM "
be judiciously or injudiciously expended
will depend very much upon the men
about to be chosen t'l3 till the office of
SUperintendent, for it will be admitted
hy,all, who reflect upon the subject that
as the Superintendents so the teachers,
as the teachers's° the scholars, and as
the scholars so in good measure the so
cial and political conditimn, of the people.
In view of these' facts, and apprecia
tingthe powerof an intelligent - press •as
an agency in creating a right public
sentiment,-I feel it my ditty to ask you
to impress editorially upon your read
ers, both school directors :tin d citizens, •
the importance of - securing the 'very best
man that can be foundrWilling to accept
the Wilco of Superintendent of schools in
your county. No other office probably ,
has it relation SO vital to the ii,tenists of
the people. Persuade the unimbers of
the convention, if you can, tr) lay aside
all extraneous consideratioos .;.u;1 allow
their choice to be determined by me r it
and merit, a10e,,.
Pennsylvania has within the last, few
years placed herself proudly alongside of
the foremost educational States. She is
taxing herself for educational purposes
as heavily as any other State of the
Union. She is pouring out her money
for the education of her. children most
generously, and it is the high duty of all
who have to do with the ofileial manage
ment of schools to see that every dollar
thus contributed brings back the greatest
possible return of that for which it is
given. Our people are willing to pay for
the best schools, and we must have them.
'Let none but men fully qualified be
•1 deed in the office of Superintendent,
and the test is guaranteed.
April 27, 1791, within sight of Bunker
Hill, Samuel Finley'llt:eose Morse was
born. Ho was the son of Rev. Jedodiah
Morse, D. D., pastor of the First Con
gregational Church, and author of that
many-volumed series of text books from
which the' passing generation studied
geography. His historical works, also,
are numerous". He' was a graduate of
Yale, 1783, and it was to Yale that, he
sent the boy Sainuel,' - who graduated
thence in 1810, in company with Gov.
Ellgworth, of Connecticut, President
_llasbrouck-,-of,-11 u tgers',---ProL—Gluetrticey-
A. Goodrich, Prof. Ebenezer Keßog,and
othet:distinguished men. Ills first bent
was toward engineeting, but immediate
ly after gradedetion he decided upon the
life of an . artist ; so went to England
with Washington Allston 1811, be
coin lug then a pupil of Benjamin West.
In IslB he exhibited at the Royal Acade
my his " Dying Hercules," and iu May
of that year a plaster model of the same
which he had made in preparing for the
picture, won the gold modal or the Lon
[hut Adelphia Society of Arts. This
stmt.. ,s encouraged him to , compete Tor
the pre itun-for historical composition.
The Mew n painted for the purpose was
" The Judgment of Jupiter," between
Marpessa, and lilas ;and West
is authority for saying that it, would
have won the prim had not his depart
ure from hli7gland withdra en it from
competition tinder the rules. - lu 1815. he
teturned, settling hi Boston, afterwards
going to New Hampshire and gelling
$l5 the head for portraits. Thence at..
the smicitation of filet ds in 1822, btu
went to New York. - Th. city gave him
a commission for a full' length portrait
of Lafayette, and orders poured in. It
was in 1829 that the National Academy
of Design was rimed, growing ouVof a
drawing association started in 1824, Mr.
Morse taking an active part in the or
ganization, and being clected its first
president. This' position he held for
sixteen years. The first course of art
lectures, delivered in America' was be
fore the New York Athemuum. One of
his important paintings is a large Pictutl3
oak() flum:u of Representatives of that
I day, with mtmerons portraits,
lii 1835 he completed a rude appara
tus, all made by; himself, with au experi
mental wire of half a mile around a
room, Ipit this , nily transmitted in one
direction. By 1837 he had ready an
improVed apparats, which he exhibited
at one 'of the rooms in the University.
This year he went to Washington, tiled
his caveat,. and asked for a, Congress
ional appropriation for a lino thence to
Baltimore. The session. passed without
action, and ho went abroad. England
refused him a patent, Wheatstone hav
ing in the meantime got to work ; in
Frtnice ho obtained a brevet d'invontiota,.
But he met with little encouragement
abroad,. and came bin* to struggle
through poverty, and ridiculti for tour
long years: bession after SCBSjOII . he
Persevered. His bill was amended by,
Congressional wits 'to include experi
ments in mes crime and ifilleriew, the
chair refusing to .tile out 'Bre absurd
_amendment on, the'',plca that "jt Would .
requirea - sciontiflo amirysis to determine
how far the magnetism of mesmerism,
was analogous to Biala be employed in
the tolegraphs." At last came the close'
of the session of '42. On the evening of
March 8, the Professor davo up' in de
spair, returned to his hotel " t hrolcon in
spirit andqbankrupt in purse,..'!_, to start
for Now York the next day. "At tho
'midnight hour of the expiring„session,"
by a vote of 89 to 88, the bill was passed, morning the inventor, ,, knew
the dawn which'. follows, the darkest hour. But there were) moo difficulties,'
The Brat- Plriiiiatrof`burying the noires
in lead pip s. Ezra Cornell devised a
Inachine v drawn by oxen; Winch opened
the tropik laid the pipe, and blond it
again ; but. the eipenge was great and
the plan failed otherwise: ?a, IS said that
Cornell saved him.Oonfession of failure
by, "accidentally on - imrpose" smashing
up tho machine against a rock. Only
$7,000 of the appropriation then re
mained ;'but Cornell. suggested the use
of poles, and. on the twenty-seventh of
May, 1344, "What bath Cod wrought I"
flashed praise and victory from Balti
more to Washington.
Between 9 and 40 o'clock, on Wednos
day night last, the costly bridge cross
ing-the Busquebanna'at Dauphin, Pa.;
about eight miles west of Harrisburg,
and belonging to the Northern Central
Railway, was discovered to be on tire.
A. dispatch from Dauphin at 9.30 says :
" One-half of the Northern Central Rail
road bridge is in ruins. It was destroyed
by fire this evening. The fire origniated
from a passihg engine, Mid was first dis
covered at nine o'clock, and in tidily
Minutes Unit portion of the structure
which connects Dauphin with 'the iron
span was entirely . , do3troyed. One of
the watchmen was l/11 the Perry county
side and conld not get back to Dan:
. Later informatilM states that the lire
originated 'bbtween the second a n d third
_spans from the Dauphin side, and tha t
the time consume in burning cleyitM the
bridge was neatly an hour. Every
of the structure but the stone piers was
thistroYed froM the,eastero shore to the
large iron span which separated the two
sections. The number of spatts• -con-.
sinned were nine or ten; the latgor por
tion of the bridge. The entire length - of
the structure wawiearly ono mile. The
loss by the lire is estimated at two bun
tired thousand dollars. The scene while
the conflagration was raging cannot be
described with any. .degree of_aceuracy.
It was terribly grand. For miles up and
down the rivet the refit:Won was Visible
on the surtlico of the water, and the
heavens were illuminated in awry dime.
Hon for a long distance. The high moun
tains surrounding the bridge wore in
vested ith act indm , ertbable. grandeur,
and Datiphin was almost as light aotf:at.
noon to-day. The bridge was one orate
fhlest and most substantially constructed
in the State. Nine'or ten years since a
storm blew down flow or live spans of the
old structure on the Dauphin side. The
bridge was then ent4tly re-built and
covered with a slate riMr. The cost of
the entire structure - wds between *400,-
000 and $500,000. There is no insurance
to meet :city portion of the lose. The tire
is supposed to have originated from
sparks from a locomotive. About ten
minutes liefore it.vas discovered a freight
traits passed over, and hero is scarcely
any doubt that the engine attached to it
threw out the'brand whidh started the
conflagration. The watchman having
charge of the burned section. was be
tween the raging element and the iron
span when the fire broke out, and his
treat was effectually cut of. Ho . 4.yas
obliged to flee to the Perry county side
to got out of danger. The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company is doing all in it.
power to facilitate the freight and pap_
senger traffic of its neighbor. Until the
section destroyed is re-built the Northern
.Central will h are the privilege of using
th'd Schuylkill and Susquehanna track
from Dauphin to Rockville and the
Pennsylvania from this latter place to
HoMe and County Items.
, ,
TiiE—Notithern—Lights—wero — "beaut
ful beyientUleiicriptiuti" last night.
Tut?, numerous friends of Rev. 'W. Q.
Leverett, Rector of St.-John's Episcopal
church, will be pleased to' hear"that he
is slowly recovering from his recent dan
gerous illness.
Tnp now Presbyterian church will be
lighted by tho, new proceekrn the occa
sion of Professor Johnson's musical en
tertainment, on to-morrow (Friday)
e veniug.
SUDDEN DEATIL—We are called upon
to record the death of Mr. Parker Moore,
of this place, on the evening of the fourth
instant, after- a very brief illness. Mr.
Moore leaves a widow - and three bright
little boys to mourn his sudden death.
Onrrumtv.—As . we go to press.we
ceive tidings of the death of Es-Deputy ,
Sheriff A. It. Bowman, which occurred
in Mechanicsburg yesterday. Sheriff
Bowman was well-knoivn throughout
the couOty, having served in an official
capacity for six. years., Peace, to his
[Communicated I
Messne. WEAICLEY •-'6.t • I , V AT, LACE :
With pleasure and great interest I at
tended the examination of the classes
1111(10011e tuition of Miss S. Weakley,
in Forest school house, Dickinson town
ship-It was clearly an examination,
and not a showing off. The ,pikpi Is wore
not only allowed but were required to
depend upon their Own ability, and the
result was quite satisfactory—the
est to the largent acquitting themselves
creditably. Tho greater Credit in due
from the fact of its being the young
lady's first experience in teaching. •
The directors and gentlemen present
declared themselves perfectly satisfied,
and said the school stood second to none
in the township, containing pupils of the
same age. C.
forenoon, thiflarge paper mill of
Parker & Co., jformerly Zug's,) about
five miles south of ( Carlisle and mid:half
mile east of Ritner's mill, was totally
destroyed by fire. TIM building'took
lira about 0 a. m., and notwithstanding
every oflbrt was made to stay the flames,
in a short time the large and imposing
building,, with. its , costly machinery 'for
the mamiTacture - of superior' calendered
book papers was a total wreck. TIM
flames communiCaled to the large bank
barn, hojonging tor Peter Ritner,
close by, when it wri.44.also'.destroyed.
The tiro is supposed to have originated
in the dust room on the thild
from a heated journal. Messrs. Mullin,
Parker & Co s., loss is estimated at
f 30,000, on which therd' is-an insurance
or $30,000. Mr. Ritner's loss is aliont
$4,000, partially insured.." Mr.' Wilson
Shupp, Mr Ritner's tenant, lost all : his
fodder and hay.'
• .
•Ort Tuesday morning, on. Motion of
Jolm'R. Miller, esq., JaMos McCurley
was admitted to practice law in the
several court* of thisiounty, ant Lat
siiiicrtimfl, on motion of M. C. Herman,
esq., Edwarl I. Todd add S. M. Loidich
worn also admitted. 'Messrs. Todd and
Lcidioh pursuod their studies under the
dirootiOn;of Hon. Lemuel Todd; and Mr.
MoCurley with M. C. Berman, esq.
It affords us pleasure to welcome these
young gontlelpon to the legal profession.
They all begin their professional career
with 'an excellent preparation and under
circumetancen which will Make their
success entirely within their own Con-,
trol. Their examinations, as wo tire in
formed by their committee's, - wore'
usually creditable, and evinced' a careful
and thorough preparati , on for their pre
fessions. They arn . ,yoUng gentlemen of
admitted ;abilities, 'and good -character,
and ea Such we' 'cordially, commend them
to public favor. -
ADVANCING.—Tho price of 'flour.
.i3unscrant for Tun HERALD.
Go to TPE HERALD offico for job
work of every description.
d DOG in town is said to have the
whOoping cough.. What next?
" DOLLY VARDFN" hats are the latest
style, worn•hy the. ladies.
Mn. H. 7kurs'EL, 319 Walnut street,
Columbia,, will accept thanks for . a keg
of hoer receivediton days since. 0
THANICEL—Mr. Charlie Weaklcy, will
accept thanks for a half bushel of choice
eating apples presented us a few days
sinee. Call again..
spring—were offered in market on Sat
urday morning. Only.Boc'ents per pair
was asked for them.
INV. Dn. WINO will, deliver a sermon
iMxt Sunday morning in First Presby
terian church, on "Drunkevuesbas
Miens() and its Vrealinetiras other Dis
Fon bargains in all kinds of dry and
domestic goods, at reduced prices, go to
Ogilby's, corner .131,ain and Pitt streets.
A largo invoice of new goods just re
ceived: Lolv prices a specialty
WE would direct attention to the eir-
cidur of Prof. Wickersham, State Super
intendent. of Common Schools; also to
the election notice of Superintendent
announcing the .election_talto-,
held on the seventh
Col.'. A. K. 111'CLITuE, will lecture in
Illieem's Tuesday'evening, April
16, at 8 o'clock.' Tickets to, be had itt
Carlisle Deposit, Farmers' and First
National Banks, and at Pi tier's and
Neff's 'stores
MANKS. - -Mr. Obo Loudon, the popu
lar tobacconist in Point House Avenue,
will accept thabks for n bountiful supply
of chewing tobacco and cigars. If you
wish a mild segar or good UM:mil* give
him a call.
THE ST. El3lo.—Mr. Jacob' Hippie,
having leased the large stone dwellipg
on East Main stteet, has opened a lirst
rtlass billiard 55101)11 and leslanrant.
The billiard tables are to arrive to-day
ft mu New York, when t 4 ball will be
HA a-rolling." Ile bespeaks a share of
the publiett!,atronagi.?.
IZU Ala EuLy INILE , hI“: services be
held at St. Paul's Evangelical church on
lialiday, April 21. Preaching morning
and evening, by Roy. A. L. Reeser, P.
of Carlisle DiMriet. Communion Ser
vices at the usui.l hour or morning wor
ship. All are invited to attend.
re fe ren co to the ads. it wlll be ob
served that A. B. Shenk, No. 2, informs
the public that the old and popular es
tablishment of Ad. Senseman, on North
Pitt street, is in full blast. Skilled
workmen are employed Mall tile various
branches, and the best of material - used.
Rbpairing a specialty. Visit him.
IF any of our subscribers have failed
to receive their papers during the past
week, they Will confer a favor upon us
by immediately giving - notice of the non
eceipt of the same, as we wish to make
the limper corrections on the subscrip
_thin list. Prompt attention to this mat
ter will save fut4e inconvenience.
N . F.w Fin.m.-4 reference, to another
column, it will be seen that Mr. C. In
hoff, the veteran groceryman, has. taken,
Mr. John Good into partnership with
This young .gentleman has been
in Mr. 'lnhotrs employ for a number of
years past, and is no stranger to our
citizens: The new firm have leased the
robin lately occupied by Mr. Devenney,
on 'West Main street, better known as
yVashinood's stand, where, thXy liave
opened a large and vitried - assortment of
groceries, which they pimanni elling, r,
cash only. We wish them succeSs.
A Goan CONCERT of sacred music
will be given on Friday evening, April
12, in the new Second Presbyterian
church, by Prof. Wm. Johnson, of Pitts
burg, assisted by Mis'a N. A. Johnson, of
California. This concert will be given
under the auspicesnf our Young ifen'tA
Christian Association, and the proceeds
go for their benefit. The reputation of
the Professor as a sweet singer has been
established by his recent visit to Carlisle.
A flee entertainment may be anticipated,
and we trust ho may be greeted by h
largo audience.
FAT Al. ACCIDENT.-011 Satut,y of . -
noon last, it you . ng Man named .1 tiro
Cuchannuer, aged ;Mout . 25 ypits,
fatally injured by attempting 11, jutoi,
from one freight cat to :mailer it; Ship
pensburg. The injured man atlas hutch
to Ilk IMMO in Scot I;Lud, aceompaided
by Drs. Robert Stoat t and David 11u3 es,
who intended tit perform am:imputation.
But 11-action taking p 1,1 1 .0, he became
worse and died. Col,,nel Lull ordered
special train to rsturn the medical
gentlemen to Shippedsburg in the even
nig. No blapie, - whatever, attaches to
the Railroad company or any of its em
INA]) TILES ACT I—Dote lk Burkhold
er with 'their accustomed activity, have
'IOW opened the finest assortment of
new, desirable, „Spring stock, of dry
goods,- cloths, cassimores, &c., 'ever
brought into the valley. Notwithstand
ing the great advance in cotton,' wool
and linen„they manage somehow, to sell
at the o/d'prlces.- If you want a hand
some dolly Vardoa, they cameertaiiily
give you beauties to select from. A
beautiful shawl, or suit of cassimero,
'they have tho'newest styles and at aston
ishingly low prices. All thomew styles
of trimmings to match - every shade of
dress' goods. Call and see their fine
assortment of all kinds-of dry good(. ,
Dom,V V.:km:mg.—The new style of
Indies' dress known as the Dolly Varden,
and which is becoming so popular in
fashionable circles, had - its origih in,
literature. She was
~the charming
.daughtet: of a. Londha blacksmith, Ga
brieqdrden by . narne, and liveed in the
reigtO of George' 111. She afterwards
became Mrs. Joe. Willet. Dolly Var
den, the loclismith'S daughter in " Bar
naby Budge," is described by DickenS,
„as having the face of a pretty laughing
girl ; dimpled,,,,fresk and beautiful—the
very impersonation of good humor and
blooming beauty." 'Againi.she is 'Molten
of amhaving her "charms increased
hundred-fold by a most becoming,.dre4,
and a'thousand little coquettish ways."
She is also represented as having , been,
attired, on a certain •occasion, "in a
smart,,little, cherry-colored mantle; with .
a hood of the same drawn over bor . /lead,
and upon - the - top of that had a'little
straw hat, trimmed with cherry-colored
Abbut. a year ago': some modisia re
christened what were:thon 'know!' as
"cretonnes," and calk them "Dolly
Vardons." The
,name was at first con
fined to chintzeS, but it spread to other
materials. At a late dry goods exposi
tion "Dolly Vardon" Mika
'bed, and now whole • costumes,' whose
liko wore never seen onland or shore,
are•nameil after the charming :and co
width& little daughter of a London
blacksmith.. •
,VEnsorcer,:-;-Dr. J.. H. Fishburn, of
I:ock Haven; -- was at homO on a brief
vigit'ilorind the p_ast week:
the hooks in the law
library,,have bad the following inscrip
tion printed on the cover : "The Gum
berland County law library, Carlisle,
Virr. wore visited with a thunder
storm, accompanied with- lightning, on
Tuesday - last. This is said to ho a pre
cursor of a late Spring.
To the many kind friends who have
visited us during the 'past week and re
unwed their subscriptions, and dis
charged ether claims against them for
job work and advertising, we would re
turn thanks.
TILE bright light witneahOy many of
our citizens, in a north-eas'..erly direc
tion, on-Wednesday evening of last week,
was occasioned by the burning of a
portion of the large bridge on the North
ern Central, that spans the Susquehanna
river, at Dauphin, Pa. ,
Thsrt of formidable proportions - still
continue to" come through the water
pipes. Might not this low stare of the
water eventually Ohcasion sickness
similiar to that which inflicted Harris
burg duringthe past uter? We
think It deinands an investigation' from
the officers of the Water Company. '
RAIN.—The wiseacres predict seven
rainy Sabbaths in successi'n, because It
rained on,Easter Sabbath. The predic
tion held true cast genday— the day 1
tug vary damp and disagreeable. 'NVe
not give inTzevon Sabbath , : of this de
solution, as it will spoil all the plans of
our young .folks f9r shoWink off their
nice Spring_ snits.._fruel late. I3ut
what, would %No do will nut water.
EANIH6IF.. DIKPLAY:—Wo notice with ,
great pleasure the very elaborate display
of dress goods, in the windows at. Green
field's new store. Ile hasjost returned
from the East with a magnificent, stock,
and is prepared to , oiler smile . rare in
dncements..: Ile has established quite .
reputation on blade silks and dress
goods. to and see his stock, it will pay
you. windows will be illuminated
every night,lthey :toe grand. Mmn De:
morcst pattdrnS. New stock for Spring
just. received.
FLORAL.—Air: Lute A. Line, residing
within the borough limits, I io an un-
usually large snleetiun nI el oica lintrers,
embracing all the latest varieties. 11,3
Las fully 100 varieties of geraniums
alone. Ile has turned its Smile atten
tion to the cultivation of tloweist'aml is
ith rernarl:able.taletths. \V hat
is tLr lot of our citizens away
from home for Unit. ;Hui floe ern that,
eau be ebtai !led souse ptic6 here.
:nut \rilLuut extra charge. 111. in pre
pared to furnish ei,sses, bog-eels, hatig-
ing baskets and flowers on short notice.
AJsihii al ieeltat nit is extruded to uut•
c•ilizens to visit hie residence whether
they wish to purchase or not. Flow•ers
can be obtained at his stall during mar
ket hours
LEFT. - The 'Penn a n al Dickinson
Colony, under thwcharge of Mr. Samuel
Convex, took theirdepartum for Bunker
Hill, Kansas, in the G. ;l0 train last
Thursday Moining:' Many dour citi
zens assembled at the depot to witness
their departure. At Mechanicsburg
their number was still further aug
mented by the addition of several fami
lies. The colony originally - numbered
about. 1;30 families. - A number of them
had already left at different times,tand
others were not prepared to leave,. so
that there were about 75 .families went
on the 1110111ilig in . (plestion. They were
not detained at Harrisburg, but soon
after their arrival left on the way'J'aif ,
senger. It was expected, that shOuld
uo unforeken accident or delay detain
them, their destination would here:wiled
in about three days.
CO., or NEW YORE, through their
affent. Chas. li. Mepburn, esti., have
this week paid Mrs. Mary Jane Woods, -
the sum, of ten thousand one hundred
and eighty dollars and fifteen cents ( 10,
180.15), amount , of policy and dividend
upon the hfe of 'her late husband, Rich
ard Woods, esq. In takin g ou t this
policy of a'ssuranee upon hl.y lilt:, our lain
nown and honored citizen nlfolids
another int,tanee of that Ntime and piu
lent - basiness or
actelized him and gives, at the same
time, another actual result of Life Poll.
cies. We would say to all : Go thou and
ifo likewise.• The prompt payment of
this large amount of money is eviffhnce
of that financial strength,_lptegrity,
honor and care in the 'exercise - of the
trust confided to them by their policy
holders, which have marked the career of
the Equitable Life Assurance Co., 'and
placed •them in so- short iti.time at the
head of the Life Assurance iCo., of the
dlip the following notice of this
wonfferful animal from an exchange :
" P. 'l'. Barnum beats the world in
pTod tieing novelties. The last sensation
we have heard of, is the training and
education, in Cairo, Egypt, of a beSuti
ful Circassian Goat. This animal rides
on horseback, Jumps through hoojis, over
garters mid banners, and otherwise
lot los 'all the most difficult .feats of thin
acei im pitched equestrian.
We always know that Phineds *as
milled in zoology. entomology, ornithol
ogy, anthropology—in fact all thin
" °logics," including that of (the fatuous
Jerome) chronology, but, we had no idea
that lin would ever be able to add to his
,1 rabutary that of yeatology.
I3arnum has done wonders to elevate
the standard of lhe Once beautiful and
liealth-g icing equestrian art—perhaps ho
can succeed better• with the genus eapri
-11177.1111.1 than that of the gen UR he) 7120.
At all events the riding goat belonging
to his great show, which made his debut
at Niblo's last night, is the raCest', nov
elty ever introduced to a New. Nork an
•dienco We congratulate .our' country
cousins on the opportunity they will en
joy this season of watching the "Icapers"
of this distinguished equestrian Caper,
as it constitutes ono of the many leading
features of Barnum's Great Moral Exhi
baron. We don't know which will
crOte the greatest•furore, the Fiji Can
nibals, the' Giraffe, the Sea Lions, the
Automatons, or this Riding Goat."
, This colossal nombinntion is u,w on
a tour through the United States, prior
to taking its departure for Europe. - The
entire estilblishment travel. exclusively
by rail. 'lt will hold forth at The fol
lowing places on the days appended :
Frederick*May 8 ;. Hagerstown, May 9 ;
Chambersburg, May 10 '• ,Carlisle, May
11 ; Harrisburg, May 18 ; and York,
May 14. .
lecture of the course was delivered on
Tuesday evening, by Miss Anna E. nick
inson, to a very largo and' appreciative
audience. The lecture was characterized
by all of the lady'S'admitted ability and
.earnestness, and was listened to with
marked attention. It seemed to be her
aim to demonstrate thatliVerything in
'the political Ver.l4.lwas lying around
loose, and impede:lly the re-nomination
of Gee. Grant would he a most ungeirden
able blunder.. WhoM the fair lecturer„
regarded as the most suitable person for
the succession was probably kept out of
view from motives of modestyr which wo
really fail to appreciate. Wo are pre
pared to admit ,that'if_tho ballot wore,
placed hi the hands of the ladieS they
would mse it with as much diseetion as .
men ordinarily do, dud ;,1,130 two they
would fill offices 'about as acciiOtahly.
If Miss, Dickinson believes Aliat
the present politicians, arc sinners above
all 'Other , men and women, we would
she might have enlightened 'us on the
question of finding more worthy` persons
to take the business Off their hands.. As
, a political speech thollecture was quite a
enemas. It was earnestly delivered;
.. Prepared, and ' abounded . in
tolling hits at many. real and. some• lin
aginary evils: That it was anything .
else than a, politiotal speech . we dora
suppose Miss : Dickinson herself would;
, .9ALL, see, taste and ask the price of
sagnr :it Green's store: •
..T110.9E1 wishing to engagein a profit
able business read the advertisement of
M. B. Dyott, .114 South Second street,
Philadelphia, in this issue, Light equal
to gas—at one-eighth the cost, ,&c., &c.
Rights of counties and States - for sale.
GROCERY. —Mr. John A. Means
haVnurchased the stock of groceries of
Mr. John Heckman, and having, made
large additions'thereto, will keen a num
her one chess of groceries at all times.
Family flour and feed a specialty.
Don't forget the place,.No. 78 South
Hanover street. We wish the .young
gentleman success, financially.
PROMPT. —We have been informed by
Messrs. illiinesmith 'Hupp, whose
horse was burned a short time since, on
which they had an insurance of $lOO in
the Pennsylvania Central 'Thief Detec
tive and Live Stock Insurance Company,
that the full amount of insurance was
paid them,by W. Elder Green, who with
Themlore Cot esq., are the au
thmized agents of the company in this
bill passed the Hoill:e or Representatives
a km days siucc, provillulg for tlic pay
ment, of one hundred dollars Co every
volunteer, non-connuissioned officer,
pri.val,e, musician and :irtilicer called
• I: at LID, "
and commonly knowit— tllO Waco
own. '('lt niustur- in must, have
taken (lap', ill each ease, bcCore thin
sixth of August, 1861.
POPULAR HOUSE.—The curd Of the
White Ilall hotel, Maricz.t stireet, s
burg, will be found in another column.
\V'' would rectinuntind this popular house
to the citizens or the'yalci , :y. Mr. Shelly:
the proprietor, i 0 a ciev ' el'and hnpitable
gentleman, and has kept. hotel l'or
number of years pas). The h.,ifse is
centrally located, directly opposite the
Court, House, while the charges aro
I:rTicoDurroltv • SEumons i IL.
shading Lite inclement, weather on Salt.
lett last, a I,L gu congregation were in
attendance at the loirst English Tattliera
church; In listen to the first sermon IT
the newly-elettled pastor, Rev. Chalk, S.
Albeit. 'rho Its verend gent lent to
leered the Gihlmving It 'it nn t 1111 el`etl,itel
\%13 prvnch ( ' mist el 111/Hied, onto
bile .laws ❑ t,t uttlltlinc; Itlocic, and unto the
(;) (telt 's foolishness: Ist Coritillti,ins, Ist
chattier and t2lit.l ittti se. The discourse
teas attentively liatened f o, , and the new
pastor has, no doubt, created a favorable
urr G. T. Gray, pa , tor of the First,
Metho.nst, church, and Rev. Alexander
S. Wiley, pastor of the •Bethel churcli
each delivered Adininent dismnirSCS, • in
theh'respeetive hinn:es of wor,hi.p.'
FATAL. ArciDEN'r.--Yesterday after
noon, shortly 'herdic live o'clock, a man
named Jacob Wetzell, aged about sixty
live sears, and residing, near Carlisle,
who was walking on the railroad track,
near the new round house, was struck
by engine No. 80, Of the Northern Cen
tral Railway, thrown a considerable dis
tance in the air, and sustained such in
juries on the top of the bend that when
•picked up life was extinct.
who was a carpenter by trade, had just
carried his tools. to the ear shop where
he intenad going to_ work on Monday.
lie had just conic out of the shops, and
was walking on the rehil when the acci
dent occurred. The engineer gave the
usual signal, which the deceased either
did not hear or`pay any'littention to.
Coroner Porter wok' notified, summoned
a jury and proceedol to hold an inquest.
The veidiet rendered was " That,..the_
said .Tacob Wetzell-canie to his death by
being struck by engine No. 1...19, of the
Not t hei ti Central railroad, lust lino
North, „Lilo walking 011 the track 14
t • • • ;.1,4tt__44.-14-t-ti ,
risbui g y.uds , rest king such injuries as
caused his death. No blame is attached
to the Not thern Central railroad nor its
einpblyees.' l —Telekritrh.
The deceased was well-known in this
community, and had fttided for atm
ber of years at Hickorytown, on the
Trindle. Spring Toad. Thu body was .
brought to this place on Saturday'morn
ing. Ile leaves a wife and several chil
dren-to mourn his death.
think one of the most elegant burial
caskets we ever saw was planned and
constructed by Mr. A. It. Ewing, under
taker, of this place, for the emains of
the late Mr. Parker Moore. It was
made of solid *alnutplanks, and lint d
with the Ino:4 elegant white eashmete,
and linished with the itiost costly trim
mings that could he obtained. On the
inside of the lid was a solid silver cross,
on which was engritved the name of the
deceased, with a: similar plate on the
Outside. This piece of workmanship
was viewed by many of our sin i zsais, and
Mr. Ewing certainly deserves great
dtedit, not only fur the style mid finish
of the casket, but for the original and
unique design of the same.'
Ile has informed
. us that the proper
natue Of this bdrial casket is " Sarcoph
agus." Upon referring to Webstor's
'Unabridged, we find the fellowleg defi
nition of the word : " A sin:pies of lime
stone usnd among the Greeks for making,
coffins, which was tso - called because it
consumed the flesh - of bodies delitisited
in it within a few , weeks. It is other
wismcalled lapis Assail, or Assiati stone,
and is said to have been found at ! I.ssos,
a city of Lycia._ Hence, a collie, or tomb
of the kind of stone described above ;
tienerally stone coffin ;a receptacle for
the dead, madmof stout)."
OVAiESPECT..,— AI a alcul lag
of tffii menthol's of the Bar of ' Cumber
land county, hold - in the Law Library
on •Fiidity, the twentieth ultimo, on me-
Gen, W. M. Penrose,
_es , ;., was called to
the• chair, and :F. E. Beltzhoover,•egq.,
was appointed .Secretary.
The chairinan, in a few appropriate
remarks, announced the death of Geo.
11. Goofy., esn., of Nowvillo, and was fol
lowed by F. E. Beltzheover, esq., who,
in a short address eulogistic of the char
acter ,of The deceased, moved the pp=
Toil:lament of a committee to draft
resolutions ercprirsslve of the feelings of
the members of the Bar, at the death of
their young brother,. who was univer
sally esteemed by the members of his
The motion was adopted, and the
Chair appointed'. Messrs. - Boltzhoover,
Ihnurich'and John Cornmeal a commit
tee, who subseqtioutly reported the ffil
lowing, which • were . unanimously
adopted :
Resolved, , That we have learned of the
death of our esteemed brother, Geo. H.
Metz, esq., with profound sorrow ; and
we tender to his family and friends our
sympathies in their bereavement. .
• • Resolved,. That by his death, our pre,
fossion has' lost one of its worthiest
members, and ,the community a practi
tioner, young but of rare quail:
.ties of head,and heart, and a-gentleman,
"of high character and genuine worth.
ReSolned, That it copy of these pro
ceedings,. signed- by' the officers of the
meeting, be sent to the family of the de
coaried, and that they be published in
the county newspapers, and,also entered,
upon tho.minuteri of the court ,, '
M. PErinosr:,' Chairman..,
SAFE.On'FridaY afternotm
a safe arrived in this pladegbethe ,post er '`
office. TlieTincreasiug, businestrof 'the •
office demanded a large'r depository for
Uncle Sam's stamps. It is ono of the
American. Steam Safes, froth the Balti
more agency, and brought hero by
S. B. Gleason., Owing to its immense
weight, 2,200 pounds, considerable dif
ficidty was,experienced in getting it into
position. The Government furnishes
these' safes to th 9, different postorlices.
Our townsman, Mr. Thomas P.-Baird
is connected with Cole & Lambert, No.
300 Broadway, New York, in the manit
facture of these safes. They are pro- '
'flounced, by competent - judges, to be the
'hest in use at the present day.
TnouT ElsrilNo.—The season for trout
fishing opener) on the first instant, and
now, t hese delicious fresl -water spreckled ,
beauties may be taken with hook and
line, according to law—if they aro simple
and lively enough to bite. Many of the
followers of Isaac Walton have been in
quest of trout since, the opening of the
season, and with all sorts of luck. Two
\Valtonites on the first instant, sore ex- -
ceedingly fortunate, the one having 44,
and the other 22 trout , for their day's
spurts. Another party• - that we hea4of,
in order to prevent themselves from be- •
lug blade a laughing stock by :their
friends, purchased a splendid string of
. rt..--14,45--an—olferreei—purrishrble by
fine, to catch trout with nets, of any kind
in any of ,the streams in this county. •
But in spite of this, we have been• in
formed, flint there are persons in this .
place, m . lNi make a practise of fishing in
the Ectort spring with nets. Let the
last be enforced.
Conn.!' PuocEmuNos.—Tho April
session of our county Court, began On
34.11day'111011illg: liis 111,111/I', Judge
.1 cult in, presk:ing„ Judge Montgomery
was the only assoeiatO present. Judge
Cleudenin being unabkt to attend. There
was a more than usually large at
lelidance of spectato:s.
llonclay morning was taken up princi- •
paCy in flu qualification of constables,
and t be censidevation of applications for
taNci n and restaurant license. ']'Lose
Nl•i•ht along in the usual course and were
f until the application fromd.
the brdougli of , tihippensburg was
reached. :r,) the granting of these there
was opposed the irsidf of the election
dheld in 'that borough, under the provis
ions ofdlic local ~ption net ',al.:sell at
the last sessimi of the Legislature, for
that borough. The returns showed
nearly two-thirds of the , voters of that!
borough were opposed to the granting of
any license for tlie sale of liquor. The
counsel fur the appli,cants contended
that this election should be dist egarded
because the notice required by the act .
had not been given, and also that the
law authorizing the election was IltICOll
- Uti011:11. On Tuesday mottling,
Judge Junkin delivered an elaborate -
opinion, declaring the Local Option
law unconstitutional, and forthwith
,granted the licenses.
On 'Tuesday the jury trials in the
Quarter Session beglii, and thus far the
following have been disposed of. The
Court fined some six or eight delinquent
jurors on'Tucsday morning for non-at
Coin vs I3enton till iceman—assault and
battery—guilty—sehtdneed twenty days
imprisonment in ounty jail and aline of
ten dollars and — costs of prosecution.
Sadler 'and Todd for ContmOnwealth,
'Shearer for defendant.'
Corn. vs. Henry A. Wolf, Jameis
Welsh, Charles W. ShcalTer atl l / 4 ,W.
Ilartzell—furnishing liquor to anti-Vox
icated por , son. ,'F Ills was a prosecution
n or Linos nog gum. to nyder finpley,
whose habits aro ;kllegeil to be
Veldiet not guilty. Prosecnt rix to pay
tls costs of prosecution, and eacji.of the
defendants to pay their own costs. Sad
ler and Maglaughlin for Conunonwealrh:
Todd and Penrose for defendants.
CHAPMAN'S Shadow Pictures are liked
CI.OIII ES washed with - the "Dollar
Reward soap," wear twice longer than
if washed with e_ininon soap.
CA LwoHNIA and Rhyne wines at Ilan -
non's liquor store, 41 South ITanove r
,I i , i tt
—a sithNl it ilk. for Castor Oil
veg,elahle preparation containim;
wither MinMsals, Morphine nor Alcohol.
pleasant to take, does not nauseate,
and operates when all other remedies
failed. Dr. Pitcher" hits experimented
fifteen years in producing a preparation
111111 . 0 efficient than Castor Oil, wit)put
its horrid taste. The Casteria regulates
the system.; cures constipation, stomach
ache, croup and flatulency, and kills
worms. It does nut distress or gripe..
By its quieting, soothing effect it pro,
duces natural sleep, led is particularly
adapted to crying and teething children.
We desire physicians to lest this
article, and will forward three bottles
to the address • of• anyone
authenticated.• lusist that ymir drug
gist order it for you. It costs but 60
Cents, and quo bath will savd many
doctor's bills. .. 11ap724t
experitmeed 'woodworker can obtain
steady employment and good wages at
Smelts & Cds., Carriage Btizaar, on
Pitt street, a few doors south of the C.
V. H. H. depot. SN,ELTZ & CO.
1111p721t, _
CHAPMAN takes large pictures
500 bushels ofE caeb Blows and any
other 'OW potatoeS. Also, 200 blishols
of Early Rose wanted by J. Lfoy
if you are troubled with any
kind 6f palm no matter What the cause,
try Pain Cure 'Oil. Only iO cents and
warranted. •
yE'VERINARY snrgootis all ever the
country are recommending Sheridan's
Cavalry. Condition Powders for the:
followihg trouble in horses : , Loss of
appetite, rbyglpess of the hair, stoppage
of bowels or water, thick water, eduklis
and colds, swelling of the glands, worms,
_horse ail;_ thick wind and heaves, - -
VIEWS and. Pictures of .Farm Mane*
Dwellings and objects of interest, photo
paphed with care by H.' C. Chapman.
A FRIEN , D or ours who,is chief clerk in
thmGovernmental Dispensary, says that
no medicine chest is now complete With- -
oui Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. We
, • always supposed it was prescribed by ,
law; if 4 is. not, ought to lie',.for •
certainly there is nothing- in ihe whole
,Inaterf,a medial of so much importance
'to tho soldier and the sailor as Johnson' s
_Anotiya6 Liniment:..
Weeses',.. King of 'the:-
Rose; Goodrich,. Poach 131osVs.,
Albert's always. op, ,band • nod tor sale '
by W. 4. Iliimriol4