CARDSt A B. SIIARRE ATTORNEY .AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, • CARLISLE, PA. OFFICE Rianovod to N. 18 West ll}gL streut; oxt - door to Horn's Drug Storu. it072.8m. A.ATTr6ith! • I:9SAC SS. TIANCF. ATWOOD, RANCK a CO., . _ COMMISSION hIEROHA NTS, Wholesnlo dealers In nll kinds of • PICKLED AND SALT lulu No. 210 North Wharves, Above Itnee street, oiDELPITIA, ECEI N. SCOTT COYIE M. COYLI3. 1871 4 4 SPIIING. .Ir 2 COYLE BROTHERS JOBBING AND COMMISSION N ERCIIANTS, NO. 24 SOUTH HANOVER ST., cmugsLE They have constantly-in—stock a large-' selection of N i otions and Fancy Dry Goods, ladies' and gent's hosiery, gloves, suspenders, neck ties and bows, white trimming and rittlling,, paper collars and cuffs, note, cap, business, letter, billet . , wrapping paper, 'envelopes, paper bags, do yarn, drugs, fancy soap, hair oil, Perfume, and an endless varicfpor knick knacks. All orders will receive prompt attcli tipn CO YLE nnoTHEns 7n 11,2tf DR. .J. S. BENDER, 110MtOVATIlle PHYSI.I.OI. Office in the room formerly occupied ov Col, John Lee. . lemMO - V E. BELTZHOOVER, • Arl'ORN EY AT LAW. Oliko in Shnin Hanover street, I.pposito lion W's dry goods storu. I No7o NARK PATRICK .1: NV 1 1 1 1 131 A N • - {CLuh•e:do dvalms in 3IA.NUFACTUB.ED TOBACCO, N. B r.r. Third and elreets, Philadelphia R. r. IOU" I. KIRK ht RICE, I= El= C. P. lIIIMRICIT. c6l. B. PARKER F I LYMRICH & AI P .Tt I N T I F. , ~BAT OlTleo on Main M ion 1101:"Carlislo. 110oe70 • .1. 11. GRAHAM & SON, ATTORNEYS ANY) COUNSELLORS-AT:LAW, JVA. 11 Small. Hanover street, =I T 11 (;rftlpitu, ht , e Prc.,lolo 111.• ITlnth ITi•at It I lut , the 11,1 ,, 1..• t.I l&w, nue! n•• , .T with Itlttl 11. Nt.t hnln, 'll 111 11.1..1ic” .1 Ihv ttn It, id ( . 11111Ir laud, rot awl .Itttmita. 1.1••••7 jr()IIN CORN)I.VN, • Arrolt, EV LAW Onion No, 7, f 11, out t:ltount. Innot7, jOIIN lEANNO I, WHOLES:ALP: AND Ini Cali. DVALED IN TILE 1319 QUALITY OF WiSES A NI) LIQUOR4', N0..11 South Hanover Street., lljn72ly JOSIWIT lIITNE 4711.; ATFORNIIY AT LAW AND SPIV EYOII Ilerhanlesetirg, PA, Unice mi Itailmotl ertert, Deo doors north of the Bonk Doelneme promptly ottentlati tp, CA IL LF, PA JOSEPH G. YALE, • ATTORNEY A T I, A W. Practices in Da❑phi❑ and Cumberland Counti.s . 011 . 1,7. in Coirt 11,,tiQo A VOllll4, No 3 IClartier'H building, in the rme of tho .l eh eh y e,tublish meta.. I= 12Jar 711 y I= 1= LAw'LOAN A.;io cMLLECTION OFFICE OF JOSEPH F. CULVER k 11110, PONTIAC, 11.1.1 NOIS. Wa hors rho boor faoili• Was for playing unpaid on lirslatuoi lin pravel farms. Tillie investigated, and Alw Oar id On Forhial fono our own links. 'ran par sirht intorrsi end prompt pnyinont guaranteed. Wo liner cot re.ipindenti. livrry port of tin , West, u Welk lurnlshos over, fnellit a for speedy c011....110na, 00111111131 CM: lion Jam., ❑ ilialnon. 31. Pouts..., 1,1., Win. A. l'lriaror, P , 1.. C. 0. vllitOghtiii. roil., liamilion Alt.. lot, raq.. ll:orishorz. lion. C. P. Cid, or and 11. it. Horatio King, II a•hlngton, I) C. C,.,, g,. II ltwo t, Cliainborit 221,11 • M . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carli,l4,, PA. No. 9 1:ho.911•6 I lall. ioAern A. 1.. :1..C1,171t1 , .. .1. 11. M & B Ell AN, )IIN Al I. • 141 8.1,111 Sixth .ttv , q, 1 j 711 p. I- 11. siiAml3.xit(;Eit. • JusTicr: UV rilE PEAC 1.1.61111v1.1, Corob.riand County. 4 All 1,11,1n114, nutlta;t4 I to , v f eisu.pronipt F. SAI)I.E11, Axtr• AT I'ORN 1:1 LAW, 0111.. t., .2 F..nt firm At.r.11...1. ItA•xt t h.. \rill 11011,. 101,69 IITES. 1;. ,n ATroltN EV ' AI I AW, 7'23 altiut Str I,lle Irislrivn u •r• rril 7 , ANIF,UICAN IN I I:ANCE Cl»11`.1N V OP PHIL lIDKLPHLI Init. to: I 41 /Obi, a I %"•t•III gtttirtLtily .? .01 .1., p 11,11.4 ,tro Nt.N•F,Lt. VEIT Ali,. 1 .1 1 1 .{L Ntyplontx. r4l I Itpd.. h trp• laar pill la y hold h. 1.1..11 f. der 1., d appll.4 1 1 .1 p4v1444 , 14L.,.“ the I,IIYII, php .11-pu•itt.4l with 111 , iL•nLi -.1 . 41.411.4 ~upt:ty for h . , 1`..1,01 V 11,n 111ry u, •al [lira 41 TI 11,, 4Goa sal ail Ole I'll) .1414 Ia t ti C' 1111 114 M II 141.14. . 1 i .,11 Is 11 . 1" 4- .11, =MEM 9,11 . 1111. W. n • n.IA Ot r,IVO env 11. M lapLY W 11.1.1151 ICI tort, s.ern l.rr•tte, 'lllll 111;,'1111' 1,01 r) 10111, In the Ctith t • • 3,11 •1111,71N1 , rind rotoltiet 'ln' hoist ht., loi I• I. • ki tn I trith nut Intrity •• se t dt.l,lle, ..1 t”. 1311.111 , 11111,1, 11,1141 ill 1 1 , 111,1110 . 1,S , 1, ~111., 111111 111111,1111: • , 1'111,11,,111.1111, 14... I ...II It tll Ii I'OMPA ti BELLow-: 44111.1 ,100 t. 11ph7217 ! 4 1-ci I Tr*" Prothowilyry's Not ice OrtoTET()NorAitYos follow itig 0•11.4.. Irwe 114.111 hl 11 in Iny ..111,1% t 1 prvnulitril ('lllOl . I Ilintinion 0 11 or Con, bel titity for ro, 0001 hnl, 110 lir'edir•rday, tht• tenth Illy of Allr.l 1 , 71. Flret 11:111 gut of '-1111 111,•.11 Itutl 11. Long mi,lglier, 01.1111111 IV. 11010101110. The- 111,11.1111 0l It. \\*Jr.', onstogeo 11l L. W. Abritnir. • Zl, leir+l 1111111, 111 . 1 . 111111 t, or s ',igloo of 4. Tiro account of .1100 ri D. Rea, c,luwltlgu of IlirliAird 0. Woodx. 5.111 e net:mutt rif_;lll4,A 0, 9 mane.., 0 0 , 11 99 tie, of FOnOIPi W. 0. 11111 111 : C01111i 01, - J:11 . 011 !Sttlllllllll, COl/11111ttel. nt Jacob lltonti, n 111/11111, 7. Flttit and ornmot a W.ll W. P. el olier, Clark W. V. CAVANAU(7II, enrll4l6, Mati'l 6, 1N72. 7611112te Great llturget ins T • undornigned, agent. - for I)av id -1- Ku lz, too thotottorol._winlitog:to retire front Etotlnt , r., vlll null ta trytottlyttrotlotterl eosin ruten Lie largo rtrolt of • IIAV, 041'4, LA DIES' .AN I) 11 ENT ItE,3IEN'B ESItS anti 0 LOV ES; TI:AV111,1,1311 B.II'.2IIELS, IMII ES, RUII BLS N IC EV; MEM U)I111tI mill it largo ,ntioty or tipttoi , ,,. • lo• nutirr ',too: elil Li• A Id not on Ilbnrnl tering lo :L gy on. Atgl,lgg to vanillin. , 1111 Inollgesm. A I, Mai 0' •1110 . 1it01,14/0111 r.w (Kg find G , rn nombor of JACOB BOAS, No A Ntivilk 1111110VIT of toot, oppotito litlionit,Bitult, Carl lilt, , Pornofix knowing Ilititiviolvon lo ho Indebted till lON., mill 11.0‘11101.1, their nl,llllllB . 4.1i1172 -3m• .. • . - /VT A. W. .BENTz & CU's- is tho CL ,ssiv r io..(.. buy rOOl [lOO go,da: RPM D11V111.3 Lncr. Ccoliilll, , ltual Point Imcn CoOrti, • , It, t 1 YalunelPultu face Collarx.: Imitation Lace Collar,. ILL ill l rIQ,:s, from out cinll6 and upwArdn. , Ilrni - and tollatl9ll 1.00 1.110 , WO 1.111011 Full?, all p4rcluould for 111/2 Altlnyx. • , • '•'• • 7i1007 1 • , . . • • , - . • li UST reeelyed another large su p ply of tfi Ilnau lienntlful ;iatleenv in clot h colorN, fu' . hones' Y Idle, nt • A. W. BI NtrY.,t: CO." Llites of Travel SOUTH., MOUNTAIN 11101.110 AD I TIME 'TABLE. TiItrs,EFFECT SEPTEMBER I,IBTI. • On and aftor'Priday, Septomhor 1, 1871, this Company will run two trains through to Pino Grove daily, (Sundays ,excepted). -• • AS FOLLOWS : I=2 ' ,Leave Junction, 7.00 A. at.;- slionnybrook, J.lO, seraiallead'a, 7 20, Mount 7.10, •Upper '5llll, 7 45, hunter's Run, 8.05, Laurel; 8.40, and arrives at Pinu °rove, 0.00 A. Leavu.earlisla, 2 5,4 T. at., .1n netion, 3.00, *nanny broolc, 310, .seraiglicad's, 3.25, 51ount, liolly, 8.45, slipper Mill. 3.50, 11117116 es Run, 4.00, Lam el, 4.20, and arrivau at Pine (trove, 110 7.. M. =EI er's ItOn, 10.00, e Upper Mill, 111.:14, 31noul 0.110, "Cialshesnrs, 10.00, .'l3onnybrook, 11.00, and 111 .1 nnellnn, 01.10 Lenve Plan llrove, 0.00 r. m., Lnurol, 5.15, Ilan- er's Run. 11 Rlll, - .', 50, 31onnt hull., 5 55, Craig 1110, .1 fionn3 6.12:1, and arrives 11 111111t1011, 01/11 I'. 31. Elation~ mat-hod than ( aro flag stations It. W. LAI ENPOILT, liettaral Saporta ionilent - • Office of Ovn. Sepurintendmit, Ftne t; tore. Aur 15, 1171. (11T BERLANn•V ALLEY It. CUA tali OF HOURS. WI NTER ARRANGEMENT I) awl miterl'lmrmlnv,himary 111, 1872, P.lsmiger %% rim &Inv, nbllolvx,(Sundayx osrrl I): W I;: S'l' WA It D ACCOI)IODATION TRAIN „loaves Harrisburg .5:00 A. 31,111,11attit,blIrg Cartale Nowvillu 9,16, Shitipenaburg Chambersteurg 10:44. Green cast le arris ing at Hagerstown 11:15, A. M. NI A7l. 'FBA IN harem Ililrrimbizrg 1:55, MO• chanirlibtm . 2:27, Carlixle 2ITS, Nxraril le 3:32, Ship pensburg 4M2, Chnni bet erturg 4:35, lireencaeltle 6:11, prolVinen I Ilag,mown 5:40, P u. EXPRESS TRAIN lo:nrx Ilarrinburg 4:30 P Merhank4thorg 5,5, (1:m.14;11.52V% N m 1.1111.0.05 Ship =ma A MIN ED TIIA IN I Mal, Chainharaborg 7:45. a M Greencastle arriving at Ilagaratown 10:05. A M. .1 MIX ED TRAIN halves Chain brialairg at . 4:3:1 P. 1), 11 IlhanNon Mercnrsbing 11:33, London :tail tog at Eic.nnoul at 7 , 2 n r. M. EAS'FWA RD ! A (TONI \IODATION Tit AI N iI.IIVPN art A NI, SWI , II , I.IIIIrg 6:20, Nl•Wville II:00, Carlialo 111erlianivAl,nrg 7:2 arriving at llarrillinirg A At. .7%111.1 . 1..1111.11N Davos llngetxtown B:3b A xi, Green eahtit.9:oo, Cliamborsburg 9:46, nippow.t.ort:lo:22, Sr WViTIO ithrl3, Mechattictiburg 12:05 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1 . M. EN PR 1.1 , 14 TRAIN 1P:1,P4 I ingnratown 12:00 at, 0 rronraati Cha: lan alairg 1:03: 1: 1 1tII:jam. aburg Nnwvliir 2:10, Carl 2:30, ale( Itanichborg 3:18, ttrrivittg at Hart ishurg 11:3a,r M. ' A MIN ED TRAIN Ira, town 11:20 PM, artaattr-t 1 o .1:25. arriving at Chatabersbura 5:20. P m. .111% A. AM OITA IV. N. 111,11,61.:, TRAIN 100 i, It 1. Luumd nt 7..00 31., Luudnn 7:11., Mort vr.d.urg S:00, 11 .1, 8:45, Clilinth•thlkurg 9.40 n. rhos. oomini . tions nt Harrisburg with trains to mill Now York. ton , g, iwd oiloints Went. 0. N. LULL. Sort. Sou, OlTice, Citnmi g..lan. In, 1172 pEN'ISVLVANIA 13.AILR()AI). WI N I.: It TIM Ii TAII L U. , Eight Trains (1)aily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two i Trains I)aily to and from Erie (Sundays excepted). zi ,i TElt MON i)A.Y, November Itttli, 1 , 71. 1'.1% o•lip.t . 'I ialliN tit 111, 1;f 11515, hIIIIIII linllloml ,•.tu ~,, 55 , ill ~ 1. 1 ,111 :111 1i,1i.10111/ . (r /.111 /WI .11' Ilt 1'1.11.01 , 11 1 11 .1 all I 1 . 111,d , 11/ ~: IS P. Inme: ^,!k --11,1td.•11 , 1.1.t I • isl.urg, d i , Id , go, at Plol a. in. Wi--I.'‘‘.l I 6.orept la. , il/1.1 a/ I 1 /1: 1 . 111'11.101- 1)111.1ts ))• lain es Ilare eg July (,etipt 114 ))1) )at73o r. Mid 1111, atat I I p, I:iPneilli• leaven thlly at 11 .10 a' t., and arrlva4 at \Neat' Plitlttilelplna at .1 p. • 2 i.O-111,)1111.1 EX PIIIISS leaves Ilaril‘latra dolly it Sunda' i at 2 01 p. in., and arrisi.s at West Philadelphia at icoo p. at. 10 15-I'its. Inunll 11xii1.n!3 Is ,fur II Irrilatr; dallY at 11l .15 I. in., and .0 t ltr lt WO)) Philadelphia at ii 0.1 ni. , . 3 53-11.trrtsborg. Aret.nuno.l3ll,l rt. lintritt burg .13113. (titled, ot 3 3.) it. tl,ud or rl v s ol Phi :oh !phis ur U 40 th to. 11=1 7 :04-1 ,. d0 ant, r Tr4in, VIA 31ouill Joy, Idavee Ilarrdibut g dully (dxedid ,und,ly„), al 7 1,0 Id., and arrirt•a I.t %% Oa Plilladdlphla at 40 a id 4 4.1_1 , 2-,e Pant - Line west, for Farm, leases Itag rfslmrl4 daily (except t4nnifay) at 4 40 p. m., arriving at 'Erie lit 7 Ina. nI 1" 10— E :MAIL tvonl, far Erin. Inures Hurt-M- I.0n; .1101 , at IO IP a. tn., arriving at Erie at 250 lo I{y print learus 111trrlabart.t daily at 10 3a p. m., artivrs nt Altoona nt 3 40 and artiM.S al at s 211 a. In. 4 W.—PACIFIC. 11X1.1111,1 1 I pa,. llarrislpag daily at 14.5., 1:1 .iarris at Alit...nit 35 a. in and arrivpa at, 20, P.... s)—Smicli. I. Ex in Immum Ifartatburg that,' at 1•2 r.;, a m.. are;t....s at Altoona at 30 it. , and arr 14.... at Pittslatr3 at 1. 10 a. 4 50-1'.1 , t Line Ivan , Hurt:A."4; daily ( F.unday lat 1 1.3 p. it., aLris vs at Altoptia at it p. lapin, tava sntoppr .trt it pa It PitIAMIg /It 1 05 a ot, 1 15- 1 -31.31 Train learrs Harr:shut - It 41ally (except, 115 . p na, al lit og it Altoona at 1 715 p. it., take.. Hurl., :mil 1,00 it at 1 1 11t.a.arg at 1 05 a Ti. --Nk Ilstrinlatra.laily (pa ortd. Sand ty..) at .7 30 a. tn., arrives at Alt. ~,,, at 1 .111 11. al and at 1.111•1,.. at S AI I. in. II Mr— ger Tral ; g at 111., art it it., I at I'. 101.0 l rt. at 1 1:3 p '3'‘3 Sopt 5A3114411, A. lILAPIO, 1131.11 p Div. Patina. It. It. liar rlsholi: N‘.l.oll.vr 1.1. 1:171. gEA DING RAIL AUAD. W INTER A Tut ANd ENT :Monday, November 13, 1871 LINE I , ItOM THE North mill North-NV... 1 for Phlittat•lphht, Now Voi L , Itetohog, Ittlttr.‘ T.thot.tha, A‘hhttol, ttiottholtiu, hobtoom, Allontott n, Ei•toh,, I..tltt+ter, Co tumid, .1.., TI fir Yor . r6now, At ~;:43atal 1,10, ta, 4,1 2-00 it 1 , 1111'1 , 11 11 . 111118 1 . 1.1111,'1n/11111 . 1 alai arrINI:O4 at NI.INV io:raq ,‘• m , P.: 11.11 , 1 i.,, p 111, Ctire i. lll,l.l.ll.l. pitro. I:l.'t a in iittiri at ..1:00 it in, 11.!1.1 :P.n. anti :t•tti: it 11,, I latttelpititt, at 7:30 :Pt 111, .4,.10 p.lll. 01."it'itg at•..otitp.o the 5.00 p lap Nit.s. till nit Ili,: MEM Ta: t• 1111, tps,l .t-111.11.1,,11.111/.lc .111t.ttpa 11.1 1 1.1111.111 r /11...::1111 1111'1 .• 111, w 1.1114 1.,1.11..1 pod p.p. 11.1 Ay .1,.• p 111 t . 1 1 11'1111.1.1,•1111111, point 11 , .1.1 C.. 11.111•14, pa. I:.its 8.1.iy11311, 1111 I 5.1.1111 1,11' 1 311.3'k ill laid 5t1..11.11. It 111... pi; :I , Ist. I t 11.1.; . :1111.10 p 111. Pl'a u•yl 11111tH". pt r , ira 1 , ,11. {tenth rt.t tor .U../11 , 1 1:.4.12..1,, N. , w :tt is 1.1, IT a us. p ,2. sl...l:tri its I. otr V. el; at !O. all 3 ....11 p Its, tl a 11,t '1 1 ,1111,111,6 ip.../101,ja nt 7.'1. a NI, tint Our 111.1111 f It 1111...111, I,ll'lllllg' 111,111 lit' 011.6 at k..(4.1k/ at st .111.11,4 :It a I 5ta11.... 1 , 41 , 010 :11.11:::0 a ed G2. l , luJ at 10.111 a til, 111.51111 , It 1 1 H 10 ....I 11:1 , ito, A .• m i . and .2' :11 .1.51,111 (.1.), .1 7:51 .1 ip t 1 . 2.1 1 / p m. Ta r.s. la .1 5. , 5 0-1. L. 1 1 It 1.1.11•1pItta. Nro . llt, 1i.t.11112, 11..1- .. le 1 • I . 11,11 i, S /1. 11. 14 S .11'01111 M ,„,, 1 II Jo:a I : t• and 'trailing,ll,ll Pal 1. , 11 I.• .1 s v p:Ill a ill, at 7:3G Li 771. arming .1 l'IM:alal ;Mil. at I' :2" .1 al. R.. 161111/, 1,01,1 I . •I 111,411i.111) I/ t 11117 a t 7, 4 4 P. 111 71 , 4 at 11111. al 1/,21 , p In. 1, camitma.. 1171 Train 1.1..r0 l'.ll tam at T.Uo a In; a;.; 1a."... •I Lin. utak.. Hail, lad. . is al 'Tr.! and od, p in, ro: moke.t. - . but 'O, He.: Maya 141,011. tarti• i 2t l u la• tapl3 p in 11111 (1011111111 ni 11.15 .1 la and 3.13 p ... P , irk . /1,11.../...1 tralat. h. Ire Ihirkianuat flab 111011 11:1/5 a 111, :L 11 111111 A 15 p Inn 0.1011 uArol 1 . 1 0 r,. 111, 19:::011,1 it, 1.11.1 p 111, ati.titirti.; with al.i.itati 111,1110 I nal/. • tiaittnll4,4. 4t 914 4 In, 4?4.1 le In rerutiollig. nyetn /1 10,1.: 1(1 4 , 11. No. 4 :2, ronlit4 14'f.. , .71 'h Lt.iAlwe Ilallnrn .. t i n 0 11.411r0,01 trains ,o,(.• Jnittstow 11 i1;10 ani 1,10 n sil into pIL, Poi I/1 of ip,l,rypn 11 I P ittil at 7.1510011142 n a rs. 101•1 1,5 li• tit Lunn t•iii7r•prit lilntllnti trains no It i estlint; Ili/1110.rd. • Cliestur Vollow 1111111011.1 .1,1••••1••nrii Prllltisporoit,t 8:30.0 uq trh 0 2:05 soil 5:20 p of ; y 1010.0.14, I:a • Dutenlitaniain to 6:11 a lit.n, 'tad 0.16 pro conntictitnr traloo 011 It"tilitn; lotilrnwl - Ott :.111111.l3,; I Pour Nt•ur Sark at ft ;di p al, s t H.OO sln I , tot :1,15 p (titi• S:10111111, ^i II 111111/ it r only to 1(0..1. ) Irate ;Ott's.] .0 at li, n 1 or; 1 0000 IttrrinLnrg at 2 , 10 a tn. and .0':00 p leave Alltatn•on at 0:35 p to; It•ov•• Hooding nl 7;,1a IL. I:1,111111 11:WI p nt lur 11.41 . 000" g, lit ni IF New 17Gr., and 0,1% 4. Lll, and pto Poi Cuinnatilittion, 1111 tilgo, Heitman. Seili/01 Kati N 1.p.- shop tlcLet, to unit front ail !militia at manta'l ran" Bog - gage 010s:hell 1.1•11•411; 0110.100.1 , "11-pultri tx nlluxrd otwlt g..woorrior Am,l. Supl - a/A.131,1g MuWry. 'Wading, , Nov 13,1871. SirVeles. IMPROVE YOUR swill' Parabola Spectacles ! MANUPACIMIV AT JJTICA, NEWTOItK. DEALER IN OIZUGS} IIEDIOINEB; TOILET AN U I ANOY ARTICI.E3, CiIRLIBLE, PENIV4., iifitA a•grot fur thc Mar or thn ahoy° rper ro • Ur. PERSONS IVEARINO 0.1:488 or thou In lowa of them, W ilI dO wrll to call, torjr rhrry cost, wo GUA IL A NTEt 3tmaily , CANNOT lIUY FOIL SIOIIT IS 1111051. VS" Bnt tt,, IIipIOND.EiI . F.CTACLES will ()retiree. If if you valito your eyexhtlit thotin E E N EB. aron”.l Item inioure aryntrti mulled to {NMI., itrul derive their tointo'`Dirtiono4l"onive. , on• of their hardneloi mut . Thoy will 1..1 mmiy )I'lllll without chungo, awl Ilrlf tonrr totr.l troperlor to 111 Whom hi llxe. ' - MANUFACTURED AY , - E.SPENCEE & CO., 01'1' ICI ANS, • NEW YORK. ' CAuTioN.—Nano gouttlilif union glampod with ~u trail° inE UNEXAMPLED 1 LIFE INS4ANCE COMPANY, Or NEW YORK; In the find Fiftvon Months or It onalatenow has 'ennui OE= su 11.11; OTIT.R $8,000,000.011 and taking in lirnmituna $500,000.00, bolng the Ilki.Aoelt commencement bulan.•..., •• ten.. I+l any company In vhe w. rI,I ! EL= Ordhutry whale-Ilfo pollekx aro nldo:nt•ly heti, f rfoltAble from payment f ❑nho.unal Special limrance tool-forfpf tnlnix after but n ithnunl payments! All pollelee moonlenlal.le for unonl rnuses. null nbeolelely Ineonleetal L• after twounnnal proodnne•v, All vonlrletlons open travel end reelileneeithenyea, null n t pehnlni mandrill „No mitr nit uliilion of - I nt• m.i ot n Lat oi • or 14..Iiirre I Premium., and no lorriaom io ani.lll,l , ayino-thon any ?Irma i f polfeht. . ^... ~,,,,ildro ni ,h 0 pe0,,,1n n I 1i...eil to the party In. mired, if desired, unit no let, emioiaml, on•tho piogretoilvo pion, null II in, 111/011 the guarAll leo interoot pion ltualnoo of the company rnudu•tcd on rho Mntnol Plan. Its Hey simple mut ft,ir Ist Its provistmas. Incontestability of Polities It is ihe purpose of Thu 110fidie to . fulfill all Ito contracts, the evidence of which is that Its policy has uo convenient refugee by menus of which It can escape a Just demand. Proven fraud on the pyrt of the Insured will Always invalidate a policy. Also suicide, If corntultted previous to the payment of the second annual premium; or death caused by eligAling In any specially liaxardotto business within the first two years. itut utter the expiration of two years, the policy will be held Incontestable for all causes except framil. Non-Forfeiture of Life POlioles • NotPolley of Imam.° with eonthiirous p.fvit me fur life will be forfeited or become void by the non payment of thut;you, until the full intying paw erof the premiums InivU paha - tinted The langnege of the policy is: in'rlott It, any prentiont 11110, the Ilret t1"1111RI tillllll .11111 hare `oen raid, eltall non he letitl on the ny when tine, end the raid nWirenl Ith.‘ll, within thirty days thttrenftt r, gino notitio „ in wtiting Ire- Witty to tiny tilt, rt'nnte,Rl.ll or n deeirtt tint mild 110 ~nutted In force wilder the follow• ing cloollti tee, Tit., Ned In such cane title pollee +hell Hot be forfeited or beroloit veld 1,. the now payment of the raid prenUtun due thereon, nntg after the explratlon of a period, to' Im determined an fel low,, to wit: The net value of lid , polic'y aim - it the premium bacon.. due, +boil be datermlned by ft:M arini calcniatinth anti after dedUcting from ouch net rattle the Immo upon mild pnliry uncanceled by dial. cloak, and any Indebted.. to the company, Thor: . fifths of whit remains shall hr ennoldered a 1314 slur- zle retina' of temporary inpurance, and thin policy shall ho continued In fame,' d acing tho:torto for which it trill iii nre, according to tho ago of am party at the time of do lope° of the premium. Example of the Non-Forfeitable Plan c the "Empire." Age of purl? I iwitioul, 35. Or ii.itry ulado pollry Ono annual premium xlll swains. {ha policy lu foroo 2 yen. and 3 days. Two annual proulluson will curs'l sna tile pulley In force 4 years and 12 days. .t.ittittal premiums will nun timlu the policy for., ft yeurr mid . .t7 Your 1.000001 1.0.11110 m+'v ill coutintiu the 1.01107 to. er. 0 700 n nod 40 dive. Fite untittal .11 t.. 0.101.• tl.O pulley forcrt 1111 ears and 56 003 x.• oFFlcle,us G. Hilton SeOhner, Prov;dent aenlgl Vitu Pre, tteut, Sldriey W. Croftt, SecrotaiT IL \Vltten+, Actuary Tloontas.X: Marsey, NI. D., Medi twerett Clapp, fittpurintondent ot. .41goncies , THE TIiSTIMONY„ TkIE 1111.358 The PLOT u • I. it I, pular la llt lhu, nionn.elLy . reliable 111. u, (ns spinal laisitiatot printiplos, nod Is dagintal at very curl. dal' to slant nhnul Sur to tviht elm oldert rompasiba, IT Its chAractur In , ente r. [ss antearc and turret rs " tura a I nanity , del horn at ea .)) 1 7 , " 1 with "" aloe "t is litt.ditatin4,...N. Y. Inelerengl elle, January .20,1na. "Tlik Comp Illy 111 a groat 'llllltee. ; Ono r•eutt or Oblo, aruuoadc•at. xnd tollubin inanagionout. Vim tlaltlao Ilan no oopollor In the oountry."—Bozion Pos2. • p dley In (Lie CD/11041. , ,Y. rap} Nitta tit !hit wont it it ttetttlit . ' Au oominniy."—Z6,ll's Herald — “ - A - Ibty ,, 'isilecodliftzl - Company."—ebnyregatiorinqot "It la with pacisliur plena urn that wu speak ofithla now candidate for nithtla favor, Wu knave minty years tattle the ' , resident of gm tomnany. Wo know him to lie a mon of rnergy, of choiaot.F, of eup , riPr business ability, and allure all p'so, a attr,cesafni man In whatever 119,,undet takes. 'rho trach is, the Cyk Iwo/ ltita adopted tint beat imProVoutold n of the In -Enyhma Iti,turvtue 6 . 11- zelta. GEO. S. EMIT, AGENT V Cumberßaid, Perry, and Juniata. Coprx- Onolt WITH. B. lILPIIIIRN, J►u • . 14july7t)-tc A, L. SPONSLER'S COLUIFFIV.- A L. SPONSLER., ,„ heal . Estate Agent,' Scrivoder . , Convoyanceri Insur ance and Claim Agent. Office Man Street near Contra Square. , - D ESIRA.BLE PROPERTY AT PRI VATE SALE. —The owner do,froult of re pairing weft. offer. at private sale n • 6 LOT OF GROUND; '' • situated on llodlonl grunt, In the. borough of Car- I hdo. ebntalnlng 45 fret front by 106 foot In &Oh, and Inning thereon eructed a , TWO STORY FBA HE HOUSE; with brick baCk 111111,11 hr, w , nh 4nuoo, (with di-torn therein.) emote liosine, halto ~ van, and 401, neeelm.ry . outbuildings. The pm...1 . :v front'. g o. street in 43 fret front y 31 fo • t 'fb. blinding fronting on boil n oil.. I. .31 fent In front• The pi - unary In -.Urr,•vmi. now 0000(404 non griw-ry P.t. •e i• in grand and le m1[1140.11 .Ittmtrd r •tun' Per none Nvishlneto view tilt , prorerty. con A. on 57 till - .Ing on no Owner, melding on the proodeen. P. r terms and further partlenlars enquire of, 16mh71 A Two-Stay thick DwoHick ➢or Sulu. No. 38 Saath Bedford •treed, on. pn.lorP, halt, nod • ttvit.a on. tho ft rut floor, and &bras cham bers on thy •• egind taw., wall a finittl,4 attic Mnck and Iron...doh-wry lattroay to bact ban t nag, grape a.rha and 113 Ora t to than ',tad. . ' • l'lttY to A. L. 00011 Shrlrt. I luovi , Real Fetnte Anoot. rr lIE sn - hseriber loan several other val.. propertirw for sale In eligible parts of the too n which will ho nlnsonsily distr. real of A. L. srowLrm, 1700,10 . Real Estate Agent. • VIRGINIA LANDS in the Slionan .l.lli Valley for silo.—A number of valuable, and 111001 Iwpmvcd farms In "Olio Vallev” are of f°. ed tor side The tracis run from 00 to 300 acre, The I,nl to of Ile- bent qnslltv of limestone. fully iota r., if not imperior, to the land ht i`tunberinnd Valley, and will be disposed .1 at astonlshinglydow ri,rwes. Ire extetislon of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Into Virginia, IV , now 'surveyed, will run Immediately through the o lion rif country in whlrh tlooe. Isola ore locitted,_ which. When cont. pie ern, together aiih the advantage of the SII ellllll. dealt river trarref,rtatlon will give them all the ad vantages of Northern and Eastern znarketa. A splendid opportlmily for lueralive Investments Is here offered. A full and minute description of the 'oration end characteref the en ious ttacts may be had, hy,itp. plying to A. SPONSLEII. 171111170 Ilea! Estate Agent, Carlisle. FOR , SALE OR RENT.—A,,commo dious Urm , tory brick. private rt.sidanca, ml West Pomfret stroot, Carlisle, si talom! on a lgt In fort fr. at and NO feet In ddprh, with a stable and carriage haute, and alanalanci, at fruit hydrant la the yard reed goad cistern. Aim., n two-,tor' brink hods° and bark bolldlng on North Pitt strret. Posseoslon of thu runner will he given !mule !lately, an I of the !tutor on or actor tho first of duly next. ittltly to A L. SPONSLEII. '22Joi I Real Et.t t to Agent. - NST ANT Ell.—A. general agent for Ctitnl,, , rlAml r , urll 0, by .M 0 of the 111.1, , ,,t Awl mord impillor Lilo I , 41,rati to. Cool po Ill,' Inn the Callo( ry Addles. , It WAIL!, t'Art• of A. It!' opootior rlisle, Pa. FOR S.\ LE. A lIOUSE AND I.OT itt enrll•l , . A lin.. nll 111 1 .1.11 1 11W' I 'll 1 . 14111. 1/ . 11 1 1 111 1 1 1 1. N. , Alt, 11 . 1 11 .1 ni .1 fill st pets. Thn lot :10Awl 21. (net *h.... 111. I on, ?:211...•1 II I I I front. Imo high. El txyo-ntory o , oll , ling-n 0 antl rootnios .. n loth, , 1114 11, room, joitllliy nod china 1 1• 13 1 11.1. 6111'111'11 111 11 1,1 1 11 11.111 11 1 1 111 Ord floor, 5.1 . 11111111.11.1 . --14‘ 1. 11.1111 1 0 , 111.11 halt , room. Good r..1hv1,1,1, -In On• knd boil, room. And vno par'or. Tl.ore to n staid... nutlloll4l., rtnnl gat ni. 11 and filth To; no• nag , . Emin A. L. Vl'llNtil.Ell., Ron] Estnt. Agonl. Clothloll, Boots awl Shoes ISAAC LIVIN(ISTON, = FINE CLOTHING I=l 23 Nownt HANOVER. STREET L LIVINGSTON, mc If Air T TAILOR, El=il Cloths, Cassimcres, Vestings, &c., In loyllll, nl 11)., 100001 ',Hera IM:13 Nowni STREET T LTV 1 NGSTON, FINE TRAVELING itr. 3Et, IT ItoT MK. .5S CAS pET A all LEATHER BAGS, SATCHELS, Se 22 Nuirru HANnviot ST., CARLISLE IMO ..1.1.1 TT. Mit NIIIMISVII4,D. MONTGOMERY HOUSE. Thu iliiihie4ll; rooplietrolly infoeto thu public that they lois..le:1o.! thin well known burl in lie 11•1111 Ci IL to their intonlitio to keep It in 11 Viii Xyllll . ll they hope wlll,O V 0 flAtiM• rallll.ll TO 1111 ,11111 ;oily poor thou, with their cos t io Vloatolw - bl , ..rg and Oultyollurg Coached nu tw.lau haul. MEE NTiuL 'HOTEL, C' .Nos. ..021 and 020 Arch -Street, II IL Al)ISLP11.! A. • • $!2..50 per day, or rooms with , . out board, $1 per day. J. 11. DETI.A.VkN, Proprietor. • F ATIMEItS' AND DROVEjtS' HUTH 1,, C 4 111, 1014 : PA, Tn.. having titho•' nod va14.04 FA !Mod and fortilahod t .1.111014. P`Opured to ftipolvio tand aeentnittodations In 01 who doe ru to - toulto heir bow, A oil tin or tiorpatronago of tho aim roand.lig 'co dare public tiodelted, itotane largo rill I 1:111111 . 01111.11i0. Tulin alwayn Pup. plied with tho to-et: • N. W. WOODS. litnaTO , •., Proprietor. • TILE "BENTZ I.l.OtiSE,". •-- • (Formerly Cormftn,lfouse j7-AND 11l EAST 1/AIN•IiTIITLET t O.4I.iIASLE, PA. Thu 1,1;4,4: T.Vrellai.o.l and ootirely re•lltted, and faro Imbed a tiok,:' not, will, find- CillBo fortlit are, Hilt; well•known, and 110(0, 30iii . itel the ,11810111 Of the V011111.111114' Una traveling public 110 ix well prepared . t.n Ilrat-choot aceomolodat lone to all who 41.itre to maka hotel their HOW H, or ulearant tempt:Tory abode. Tun cuotont front th.t xurPnnultiug country I. respect fa II r xoilrt led. Court/owl and nttentdvo aervati la aro pt oozed al nil,' ppidar twat. 1, OE.IIVIE 1. 11ENT7., Proprietor_ =211:11 ti. 4. Alt lf.t . '" , o If very Is connected with tho 1,1,(4,01 44510.•,c [hp uppinp9lo4 i„,rJusupll L. Sturner A Ityot4,lr. . . 10R5605113, • ' .. CHEAPEST COAL I • AtirTite undersigned amt.-to furnish Coal to all parties, either for Fondly or Lintelotraern' uto, .at cheap rotes, provided they necopt the followlog: jot. To order all Coal in Company' oars. 2nd To charge mine jeinight, espenti.p of any lons In nhifonent by leaky care, klub, - • bird. 'ro deliver your coal as 1. omes to hand, withent rasereoning ()bland all. oh. That ill thou above mentioned hiodo of lud -Ipue you will MP VP( PPM CHNT, Bo Pita when 20 i 0 Roo 1 ;9W4 1, 40144 5 1/h AKALLY OIb T pin gpi nom+ '1+;00. Td this fact oil regebir vendors wlll t angry. ot l l,. 'to mtrtve to. gut your CQIIi front any Areal:or you may denim, but as have to receive what in seat, be it Bothnia Ilrano,h, Big Lick, or tort faun Lyhenn Valley. some of them Wog not so desiraltio; cbo Borne applying to the hard soul; ihr,cdups also,iti to lake it am it In sent to un. this 'lnd of bilk/Pens I.ll4onepD tho balk Catwl Coonon• mOdinge, do not eak to toe to eautide pfp.oal f it,, haJP Wore ikon 24 hourenno Prel4logt we therefOro,calii,:ct ehpy, Oat .w+, can punish you, ' shoold yop whin° pprelomo Aop.l wloro ft ppm by niPat at all Wawa, krpt the dry, Ali-pungonsp AND DEFORN. • L/VEItY, - • cal; at wither yard or tho sabcortbir, whom yopp °Mont nl/I lay promptly 11110, and promlno to Cava you the loin' and YOXIaIOII camood by tieing to, and sicrior AKA, thoroby'aiylng Your impply for los ;maid than any non can 4.07 furnialtlng tho,ruo or 10110. • • Voufittf . 4. li PhATA... A. L BpoBLEIL Joel Estate Appu i lEEE AND PACKING VALISES, HO I'ELS WMMA DRX GOODY._ THE LIVE-STORE. DRY GOODS, . . . . DRY-GOODS t • , _ „. DRY GOODS, BARGAINS; BARGAINS, BARGAINS lii11111" y•tir ryes ere and ou will be o lleing wltOrp of Mar Mel that we are ee llinx goode of Ibn 1 , 33.1.5 t. wire, N Esir'' — 1) li, ES_, ,fs\ '0 (11) 8 Juxt .;potivd, 'l,l tilt. I lut a prleon ELVETEEITS I= 13LACK . VELVETEENS, the linistfiminomt,il lhuxonnuu, ilittrked dawn lu price Shawls! Shawls 1 Shaw:s ! .hint FURS! FURS!!FURS ! I I In 16~•xn gimiln Ire have the hur'st 1k- trutrkvt orm N t• oh•fy chtnpo.iiiioll (or rihnhiy tinrll.,v Iltil.lll On• in h , gt.t.dx with rny hi lilt tiltirkol s,. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE!;! Inw IS f, A t' K A T. l' A (.! A S Wr.tlo. 11 %pec Init. ..1 tlnpnt. gtnn iV In e Lan, the • tt Atnol 1111111 ALI, MUNI); alto throe ~thrr Itlitlt 'grad..., tt w ell as itinviy Of thr Every petnon 'Amnia otlnhe iun.i of t• nne In.fore pot chaning : It ill , pny )t.n w•II. CHRISTMAS GOODS In thy great. xt rnriety wo bia,e over exhildtPal, e.,h• nisling of =I In Loco, Aw bionlered, Plain and Mourning =LE =I ANDK eh 11,P , IN ELEG A tsT VA IiCT 80XF.15 I"UUDIfIWIL! 200 hly lee In r. ury eurlet) of elinpu end ptleve, =I Wfi request an to Call and give us the plOorlIr• •f showing our goods. and If Ilse quality and pries are not an °Wort to you to purrhaus, xis o 111 not {midst. l'!ry rewpoclftilly, DUKI: k jll.7ll.Fuounnutt. North Hanover street, bolov.Carhblo Dopniolt Wook Dr. A tiers' Medicines AYER'S Vio VIUOK =I For restoring Gray Hair to its linterul Vitality and Color: A dressing which li at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the - Faded or gray hair is soon re. stored to Us original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hairis thick • ened, letlling i hair checked, and baldness often, thouch not always, cured by its use NOtnirg can restore 1114 . hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and ilecnyCd. 13iit such as re main can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead Of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and Iligorous Its occasional Lire will prevent the hair from turning gray 0., falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from thoso., deleterious SUbStanCl'S NOICh audio same pri'llarAtiOns dangerous and injurious to the hair the Vigor ran only lament but not harm it wantel merely for a HAIR DRESSING nothing el b e cm} bu fnnn , l st, Containing itl u oil or dyu, it doe.: h, Min whiteClittibrie, tool yet lusts long nun UM hair, :living it, it rich glohil :mail gnat:fill perfume. " J. 11. lIAVE'RSTICK. Agont, CAII.LIBLE. PA. 'atches "anti Jettaary, - F_TOLID 4.Y GOrlptil. WILLIAM - BRADY, - ge2 MAIM' ET at BELT. 11.}11111811Untl, HAS in 'dock, and in constantly re e•lvlng novelties In hle line. II It eseuronent connlsto la pat of W-4.4e r110 TT. S of oil the inJuo.p,n4 porplgn end AmerleAn ellem-ahnllng or keilyes w•lglms for hlm? IW von 1101X1011'11 J W I, It ft India Push atone Cumeo,•Pink Coral and Roman Go d tl,rte end Ear-Rings, Neeklaces and Peodenti, Onyx nad'Jot, Jewelry. A I E , W A It R. Solid ellvltr ware pf ntitrllng portly, from the Cote• brew& Gorham Ma:infant nrlog ..Conmeny. IlriJal and Pr,nontainoLol,...,,Kolvan, Yorke and Snonms In Imetheene eases- EI!C0 • P A T 9` . ..“ Tote. leo W•ter eenl, Pratt Stentle, .Cake Ilaskele, Coffee Urge, Furl. and Simone,. double and tpotiv pinta, heat In the market. 7:4.11kE CIITI,PRT. Ivory. Pearl and Natal 11...h.Vi1e In 'M t '. " 6 "`" ' Importiltloll. 1 witirenlod goon. "-' " jSlusical Cuckoo and bronze Clocks. Vienna and Paris Faney,tlllt Goode, Flower Team Card qt‘eolvel.a,.Table Orn.tmente, Therthometere, Jewel Caeltete, Ae 4 Wrltlng Deeke, Olovu B. ox, C/ Imes, Tolleeneta, hy;st Wood, Loather. Ivory aid All 0. 1 ,1414 1 , 71 '1 lalield uc the very-lowest malt liverybod) le obigrank lovik4 1.4 ..11 and uxetnloo ftr themkolvea. WILLIAM Rll%Dy, „ zadoen Illtesut elroot,4larriaburg, pa. Lumbel. and - Building -aterlaL 17J . 111BER 1 --- LUMBER I I DANIEL KENDIG & CO., WIDTH PIND AND lINIAILODIC LUDLUM, AND IRNUFAIITIIHNNA uY BITINOLFS, BIDINO, FLOORING, BRIDeB, BOAT AND BUILDING . TI:MBERS. liiiihliag..llaltrails 1;1310 la: oilliar a! pal'', ?arc?. DULFEQWN, Ilayppi,cp., D ' ANIIIL Immo, V. o.'noot.lsntiqtr, D. 1 1/IND 4 / I .IICSOOI t ' pi:classified 4a:vertiecntents. • o„RA.M . B4qt3;•L.Tilst'recolv . o alarg,o mkjt hmoixt gir qu'illttrgt, St% Nthic per iP " t. OhQ P ('l' Mitt • • N EW 13A§FURIliB9NE3 ' • • • • ANT) Tor Clirlatmna. Now I , CIJ Gloydok out). New Linen OollOrn, oil utyleo. fgr ObriatimOse 7 .1 1 V?”' ' • 4W. Minn 4 00, __StoveiP,,Tlnivare.and_ittntps._ - BOMETIIING NEW UNDER Tin MN! 1111 HE UNDERSIGNED, having just 1 returned from tha cities with a large etoek of goodA, Write tho attention of all who desire satin tiactlnet to call alld , cadmirio their large stock of • Stoves and Tinware /Limn* the stook of Acme may be boned the ANTI-CLINKER BASE BURNER, ANTI-CLINKER FIRE PLAcE lin ATEIt together with alr tfie Intost sty lee of PARLOR, DIXINQ ROOM AND - COOK 8711V1V8 o•hlch they challenge - the trade to or tep.w ert,ti Forks, • .§poons, - - Ladloß, • Lim pig, ! • Di ppors, tngetheir Toil at Sete, Coal Titteketn, Coal Sloven, 81101.1.11 , And Tonor, 7,lne nod vnly variety or Tin were FBI nishing Mods kept inn Ilrrl cli•n more. tilem - prvi,nrol t Wools) Pinnim for Cistern 8 andDeop,Wolls, =9 =3 attended Vronl p' I) an ' tl on no-noon:Op n tnrnir, Iton“nolier ho I la•a. the Otoen front on North [fanny, n trey, 1. tl,l &tore annve (live no n ca I on n • oro dotormlned not in Le under. sold by nny moor portion lu 'hit place " ' Thankful for pot anttoong... no eased°mth] Invitation to nil to pay us n & RUPP, . Nos. 62 and (H, • NORTH HANOVER ;VIIIERT, • b0c1.71. EXCELSIOR. STOVE 0 -an TfNr\ - ?' [3. EM PORIUM The tlll.l.•rtign.4l w-,14 r•.po trolly 1;0.',1 th ,f • nt I,le 1,1 , ellll.y, Ili.ri ho PT yr: A ` 'iVAItII nil , ' IN nll its nrii Ile 111, WWI/ ITI•1 A 1,•1112y to- 1 , k.. t -410,r, 0, .11,11 •tilS 4.0.1 • Parlor and CnlnT :=toveN, .M(.l.niug Moi ning 1,i4;11t. ~~ilkn r 11013 ' •4 )0 :4TOY Combinnti(m Gas Bur 1101) Ijitrohn Healers, Hang." and Firebuard St9ves, Melt he hi prepared in thriitidi tit the liovrtimt imirket tett, Stow ttrimirt•ir promptly ntleotiltol Co. Rut flog, rprottlng. nod Joblong •xountud lu iilo oom+ tortory t 111.11... of or•ry 4 .anytitit igonstoo tly of Lied. or 1.341•1 In order. St rotidnuable ovlu g none but oxpotlonoutl.worktuou Ito hope.. by a elt.tio attoeilott to Uuelu.w• the yuldle pulronurs. Remember th• plug., • NO. f 8 w usT 11 AIN STRUM'. • EEZM Plumbing, Gas Fitting. cec JAVH.I3 CAMPIIIiI.L. W. F. lIIIMWOOD. PLIMIBIN - G, GAS AND, STEAM FITTING At No. 18 North Hanover Streei, CARI,11311:, I.llNN'd. S7 4 ' ' ILI. AT BUSINESS! = Tkalgned are new folly prepnred th attend to Oils hoelnese lg nil U. different brnockes. Ttory nine keep .enetnorly nu 41.1 and for 41e, WATCH CLOSFITS BATH TUIIS WATER. CIA/SIC/Id, BATH TUBS, WA I PIK CIA ISBTS, B %TB TUIlk, WA' Elt ci.herrs lIATH WAS!! BASINB, ?I TI)R 1 NTS, 1.411 nod Fora., I,l3teroll, 1411 and Fordo CIMPro,, arid 1).ot, Well romp., Load, , orro Col.o nod Drop Well Pomp. Lend, Terra Conn nyel Iron CIIIJon•y Tnp nod TN.. GAS PIPE AND IFIXTUREI nna nr flrienn W•rlt fr, 41.-n - lend untrr e.lunteititly nr rrrbot.e..lPr. D‘,rllltrs. Pc.torlse •nd hlel.lrnp. In tt)wn tor cool to nn.rl mok n ..Rena pitch. All • nrk wpw rerl.4l. TLauktal Inr paldhle latroto•v, hy HON./tints NI hll4llllli. H aivrit • •uath.l.unood maw., 74ra. r-rasonabla, It r.i•lrlpi hat a•e N. ilwf Ort• no, row I.lll'. n. .1.11 Ilaorti re- a 4 the !. .n IN. Narik, W/VOO , -r t. P. 1..0. enokt nr frpteg urw b ilott 4.1 okkl•rvo hA a • realrlut,mi - - O •CA .1111:1 le L on II Nil' IVO 4.), ett ciPh•r clop 8.1g1.1:i.111 low pl . 'opt p ntlP, , led to Jams. Catoph.o, All.rtinitt.r s r V. Net Istrrot, , , u II 111.11•1/1111, S. tl. epeut, E!EMBI=MNIMI ES=l ME for 9plll limptypitml oltrr /y1.11..1, At Ito •.a. or .t n dintn pop 1: 1 ., I,`QP , • 1:1 to of Pitond vast or binze J. - - :511110 Y• .FUR2S'ITURE,. - B Utr.S.I.'I'ULE A . B. EWING, OAIII3 KT a Arum AND UNDIMT aIC RR, IVest Alain Street. OVPOSITE LEE'S premwmfgr WPt Ful.ll , iro , worlo,l at nn Uounry • liprp rprnitivenf 41117410[ex ape Forulgo •10 :tom flip filin4 repew.otrand 4liallogielly In Ihn i+tre pliFall iimplo n'4 vino. imnLon, • 1711,4:1111.1rfi, I/' II 11 11' . I T Er It II P.rob•rteing I,vory artlain,nnoirtb , y .Ploon• and 1l oral kocile,n of (hi, tno•t nioprnyed kuit l'ashinanblio deign nod 11•1,11.. Inclo rink itlnn 0.1.6g0 P'ur•ltnre In setts; Iteerptinn and Comp Chnho. klntrceens,lllll - P . btoren etc , to. Part :milky 'lttp,ntlr. qyen Its lints! In At merely ' , or,lern front forrli . nll 1:1•011 it ry prowiltly, and on moderati, intuit; ' .S'prciat attetrtion paid to if, tetedion of 'rem It?. per. A Ineeef _raver', (end 4'ale IVERy, SALE, AND L'XIDH.O_NDE STAII),IC, , J. L. STERXiilit& 'BROTHER; 11011.80. AND VIARNIAOI.IIS TO TURN' DN REABONAIILEJARIIII,.AND AT BROADEST :Intel. CARRIAGES FURNISHER FOR FUNERALS 414- N. B. Btublo roum. fbr 110 hood of borne•n k pup / tPHYP N EX01)". B! I Base. H. KGNiup IKIL_LIA.3I B 1? lff L' • Haring recently porcilased the livery sinide of Cleo. W. Milton, he would lavectlnlly asnonnse ro the oltizens of ;Ids place, iliat he has reenntly purchased a 'mother of new vehicles. In addition, alio,. ho has 'lied pro - entire.: Moir of bugglar, Orirrintres nod eels. • Rp-PAINTEp, RE4IODEJIED, upd 'luletV(l - np Okirloonp 'City 'etyle; Worded and. Corrintoos tto hire tit die short o st . Amy OM ititAsitornpLu .I,`liftl.lB. Vehicles furalabod for all op caeione , lieutopihor • the Place, few doors smith or tho 0.• V. n. de pot. in Cl. I.llltoteit otal4 • - flioll72,tr; ' . IY4f. Ij. D1P47.• - =Ell l'rtl - 1.11. I le;tlet. Parinu Light, rAzitt, nous°, R iagal , Superior, EDIZIE = Sl= DIXINO ROOM, =I 0 PPIrZ = _ ,ffardivare, Cuyery, ESTABI;ISHED.2IB4O CARLISLE ,- - HARDWARE HOU S E ! SA %Toll* o 11L13137 . SA:031111. I J. P. nixt.en I 13„ 13 SAXTON Building, Farming and Mechanics' lardware Tools and Materials. Saila, Iron and Steel of all s ' lzes, shapes and kind,. Railroad and Rlinireg`Plult...Shovels and materials. Wotherill k Ifro. Viral NAtionah Buck, and all other favorite brands of White Load and Calera, with p bill aanortinent of Tube Colors, pure how and itriiled Lln vend liil. , ` ^ COA.CFI . AND FURNITURE VarnisheS, Glass, &c lirnnning nit , l I..ulirisittiag Oils COIIII4II. I.lll,ter littliSilvpr DI:MOT a n.I Minn, 1 kt. Allllllllllllloll. evtlar 11 . 111... Repo, &n. HOUSE FURNISHING --1 HARDWARE, gllveerel'lnt led ttie Fork: wed Ivoryeet Pee te lelleeetelled Table:wed Peet ko C'eer'tery Hodge,' .le. Soy les der's Hew Seekeeeeree we I theeeetree =I Brans Stair Itntls, Wilt,. tont IIIttrl: rodent Ilsir for Mnti rittists null Mnrnitnio. Grttelt !I.& 81°1 , 1/I,r, ttf• n toll tin,, Of I . l l.l79'slorto'n t.lntol`t gurels,nueh Intluut Hue Meet Ungen, I , rlvlng PIIII 1\ ' 11 • 1/14, Si In ,'groin Itw :3111 au '.l Ku let nt hi. 101,, 111 o iiti.•l4l k thillis lin I edit, Plow. 'rho last are or a (Wu thin 11,0 .11, tag, ;111,1'SL., 'Ail. ill, '1 Om hi 11.. ., ',riven y ==l=ll IN= Is couthito•N Lothprourtruy,lot 1 , ft/or t.rrl orpla it.' in II iitler rltJ du:4 r 1.. r Btrimotug an 001 irt houst. 1. tot, t stt,rtl qt. .tig 11, CI tire; It. prow.) tri fot.l, it hilt,, v. ut Leant to, thin' leNs htt, to ninth, C ill " room. ,t tit loth It i, Clot kiP (1.11, . Plalit ttt. lot It h 101110 and ituto,‘ , . n. C 1,,,, it 1 • I I 1 , 0 it) .any Itt;uttr, Our good,. nn. I.l , llght In larg.• titoottil i.s flew tilt. Ivan oho. , 1111,8. RIO with 1111-till air tttlt,y•i..‘t tth thyl ate. mid .tttp,vhttott. 11 1111 18111 18010. all Itt 1.111 hert goo 01.1 tht tit the lo,,o•I rat cm lu Country Inerchants will certainly find it to their advantage to . call or' write' uK for ronytatinns, before Wt. Remain Itespvciftilly, 'H. SAXTON , 2z, CO., Nu. 11. MA -•I M A , N lI'T Pa OE "PO (;‘,,),1N, LS7r. datr -- "14V 41 t„,y). 1 kill oomitiortoe this .(lay 11, - tetlilce • . In .•v•1 r, i n,.rrppl •1117.1••„di wru 17n^1i% FOR CASH, n 1 1.11,-, •11, !• (Al Arty .‘r ..11,..0.4r, Itiay 1.15. t.• I. the llntittly. A full line of' I'l, AI N DRESS (;001)S, la all colors, 11 - 001, II Sr PR, PI,PL , NS, CA Sfl .NINS Pte, Ni , .)o Dl' A N ALPACAS, PLAIS, Th.. I nrgpst 314,1 mon t t.r Ptyl. and Prlces ev, ~Gm] iii Ihr lieroug- CLOTHS. CA 1 NISH ES e'I'ICZ P R• .OFS, K I , NTITCK C.iEANS, TIV1i1:11S, and till varlet ....)••)len :11.1 Bop.' woo, yvhviirpl:NS, • I= QUILTS, N and itt Lu t, evrry arltelt. in Itnr it, the Dry 170.1 g 'Atm. NOTIONS. , • lil,o V 11,1SIKItY, 1100 Di N AS, COM liOltTS. I.ntl NArluty of G 00,61. DONIES'I (mops TICK!! ('lIW•li S. C A 1,11'1)14S, CANTON 3, 01Ni:1101N yi.ANNELs, A fail line of each SPECFAL BARGAINS in +lir ilr.lrnLl• Brantll4 uffilark Alpantw. ui 11, IVILII tIIIIIIV 1111.. 0, Will All 110 .1111.1 .1 .rich price. .111110 t fall t . ,/ 1111111,0 1118 nAle ell ioxy oil In I. et, them. 16..71 ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. .hrt op,ried, Wt. t ,lump •itork of A. W. BENTZ .& CO. ~.11 , 4 4,..1 hest Se'v. le.] ek ;If p.tll ntl.l rrh.e. ter iLo 1:m-1,1e , • 1.1.1.‘11.1 Popl -I.len, lit,tr Ele,ent l n1.1,..1 SC,k elte.lll. 11.,14.,t111• S.ltlveti. , lot built s' ,l o n. hints !'.ll tkottto 111.. .\ 111' atol 1..1 1:(111., At. 4:right Tirtid P ph e. Duhtl ntl.l Corllt.ll Airmcitr NEW 131YACK SILKS! !trot L . /11 ' • 1;1,1s fr.nn 11 55 Co 1.n.11.4' l'ormit I)Ito build,' 61)1t.tp11.1 at yl. • Strnol, Neel. '11.16,t S, ION; .111 nII gr..1t... 41tItt.r.t1 SC it 1.•., (1,061 tlk it w, s. pr, •-,s ur• t•xteli•iTlz ~ i• MOURNING GOODS It. a ,, ing tnt,lau, n I ud .1 ,,, a1 , 1 al , alt. A lull Ana f all tn,• ta , ..t 1 , 1,1111- , i3l a 11111111.04140 Plaam.l.; I.lvrtinkta and 11.1,1,1,10,d •ml null halal/aqua, 1,1•1101,,t1 en, lun y '►l (iar Intr . .b , rk lo fall In tel II,• all gra) (lingo Cr It awl en a dla no illa Conntarranaa, •a. MEN'S A.NI) 13()V'S' WEAR Beal, 1,.11.011,5, l'aottruvr,o, . u i, 111111. .11,1116 front jr, i•rote : elms hotot..ndo vvry gpoil. All 1,1 , 111,1 1,l NIIOIOIII, 11 , ,ery. 11.‘„e li xlit.lto, Ribbons lull Ft•ntio•ri, 111,0, uli or Itlbbolui. Ftolr re. So, WOOLV I N STOCKING Berlin CARPETS I CARPETS !-1 Floor Oil Olollin, 'bountiful pat ter,inn, Yrivet Hog", 11n r Je, New 'or ntork in SO n‘II rod entriplete, that it In Imp,- ailiir to entiniernte t110111..r. Crrdinllr lorito nil le coin, and PSIOIIIII, nn or [like treat Ormolu. in,nhowing our Mir kin.O.,{Wl vita null qr. 1111101 •lirninti than they rt‘ii he finnglit rite, }Flo - To—nod Iva en•fhtinit front tlin long rupetl eaten in 111111 npapiinr good Mille HO PO) , want lintolanion inlets, that W. Eninnnt not in plo•ol • thiltiat Nil flu and snowy con , liargitios, at lliu old ntnoil ou tirtith Hanover ntreet. , A. V.' HENTz 'a^ Co. N. /I —VON rt• II Lind, nut) n 4,) not '-hth :;out o'orl Shoe More. BOOT AND 3'PORE. All kinds of CUSTOM W.ORK 4 pu hapd a n d w ade to grder. Brpgirio9 pro,ouilig (t(lplial t ],l fi? 101A.SQNA1iLE 1. ) 4IQ1!;6. .Ti,Vt.E.NLpEi.i. PH ?LACE, I\ r o . 4 Past Maw streei, in the-4 , 00m lately ocalipied by L. T. Greuniielit) A. DYSERT.. • Cheap Coal. . , COAL! • YOl.lll WINTER COAL. The ivoraNneij proposes to Int,nkit fan olilt Indlvid irlth nt c:xtrelpeq lOrr p'rluii. Ile In prepared to furitlelt all {{ho vni'dolif3 of [ford and toff coatn,'genrnateebig thd'ecuil recoiled to 1;6 the coal ordered, end aocurnto to weight. Farmers and- Idtuopernoto floodtbo line of the euenhorlond Valley' eallroad, wilt be anppdod at moderate rodeo. It will ho to_ the mloantago of purclowtii to cull boforo pmelptelmt . eloowltoro.. 110 retpootllllly oollelto o olmro of Pulitto Potion. egc;. ' °Nora promptly I)null: Van7l4l GEOfLOU ZINN,' Onyl!elpaa "1872. . . I bare' this day marked dmy . ti the prides on my ETk,::l w• 71 -E, • • 7 At) (ll‘ %'w , BLANKETS, SHAWLS, FURS, NEW r G 111 ELD ' S rtyq Icergat , - Do not fail to ca l and secure a cheap bill of . Goods. Beautiful new stock of Calicoes just received. a. Also, full line or Skirtings, Ginghatus, Table Linens, Counterpanes, So., now ready for inspection, at FRP 11 V, V kle 110)72 1872.. GRAND SPRING OPENING! 1872. r U • . -)< • L • English Tapestry BrnsACl Carrel, • Stair and Hall Brussel Carpets. Three I Carpntel, ' - t English Ingrain Carpets, TWO 'Ply Carpets, _ Venetian Carpeta, - - . Wool Dutch Carpets, . • - Linen - Carpets, . • - Vienna Brussele Carpets, English Stair and Drill Carpels, Rag Carpets, &c., &c., &c., . c„ - 71 - We ate the only Carpet Stern in this section et the country, and haying re ceived an the new style's, we offer :is large and good an assortment as can be found in the city. ._ __ OILkI,(IMIS,.IVINDOW SHA.DES; CARPET -CHAIN, CARPET CHAIN, MEE= In Endloh Vauety . . Wall Paper, Wall Paper, Wall Paper. We hare inerensnd our•stoek with 0,000 rolls of all the late stylus of Wall Paper We eahnot fail to please all, as our monk is inp.ense. Call and see the lute styles 10,000 pounds of Co rpnt Itagn (in skeins) wantod. A.i.v.a Wool-in any quantity. 14felti2tr 1872 1872 ig;), 'N • fj . .14. El AP .•.nr - r1(_)1q1°, North east Corner 'Public Square, Carlitil — e, Pa. Wc return our thanks to_llie tiulilie for their generoua patronage during the past year, Hurl ITSplq•iflllly St/Ill:It n further continuance of the sauce, ilt:terniiiied luring the coming year to uffor greater inilnc : crilents than ever. We have just repeived . n large invoice of Ip()7VIEMTIC (Ii4)()DS. 10--I Brimin Slaptinu:s, 10-4 131escheil Pillow Case Ir eei vy V a hle a ched ya l l wide, ' Fine Nltislins, 1 yard. critic, BleiicheiliNluslins, 1 yard %vide, nil prices, • Cohen Table'Ditipor. • - Linen 'raids Diaper, Napkins. All Prices...,,„ A large 'stock-4 . W Bite Quilts, thcchcahcst and most e'en-1(.4.44161u Quit in use. We have the he-t and cheapest assortment of 'Pickings: in tho town. We have opened a cheap lot of Kentucky Jeans at 1 Cotton rules for Spring•Juld mincer w e ar . In the Fall end Winter Dress Goods, rel.!, Shawls, Blankets, yre offer great barg pains, to make way tor,ew gouda..' Eit,;", V F 0 ,91,-- /-*• '47 - p 412‘,, A •Ak Old and :Young, re-want you to examine our stock before pur, chasing elsewhere, as will . find upon examination that you Will he well paid kir your thole find trotthile.. • • Trliose pers.ons v\-1 o !.ate never favored us with their patronage, m id h Ai, ma y wis ;HAL ! ! a chunge in -theit•lrluec of dealilig, wu will he glad tci see von, and eon-eine° yciit that c h ea p-, • INTEATEAN EVERY WORD, D.A SAcl-r . YER • •• JB,ja7:.? • JOHN MILLEN, . ' sfi ' THE • NO; ..2 EAST. MAIN • STREET CARLISLE' 'PA • We qra (101 . 1 , rq6ll • lll4'lacgp . sptipl § O(' NpAy GI oni"f§ o f An kip 4 15 3 . .. iplii are prepared to 'llll. 'them at. tllo yficy ickwest. 'pvietli: . . • - For all kinds of Sheeting's, .• . • . Call at Itiller & 13uttorfrs. For Pillow-Case Muslim, • • - ' . Call at Miller ..t . Bottorff's. For the la;rgest Stook of Table Linens, . . 4 , .•• • Call 'at Miller & Buttorfrs. Fortlia' - elioapestllielcitigs - in - tew.p, . , • _ ' Call at Miller & Bottorff's. For the bost.yallety of Flannels in town, ' . Call 4 Miller'& BlittorfFs. For all kinds of Dry Goods, . Call at Miller Ssllottorlrs. For all kiwis of Mon's Wear, . 7 ,... . Call it Miller & Bottorff's. For all kinds of Bore; Wear, . "•:'.. : :Call at Miller & BiittorfFs. For all kinds of Notions, ~' b. - ' - Call at liiller...t Bottorff's. . . , . 'We - would • cordially invite all persons to call and ex:mill() bur ' lt*ge stock of ' . ~, , . 3 G: !is we: aro f i tilly Trepaiefil tc giN'efall city. etlatp,inprs', ; TLIE , PEST . ,B.lllGellA in all. 4.incia of Pry Grocicia al - al...Notions at tho• Old Contiul Corner, 2viAst Main Stroot, lfab72 REDUarrIPN Velvoteemi, &e—bo make room for 'SFRI NC rent airg-,- ins will be offered at in nll kinds of LI VX L. T. GREEFIELD, No. 18 East CARLISLE -AT FRYSINGER & , Lior - 1 1- 1.1 , -, IPEII._ CEO OLD CENTRAL ST. • :4E STOCK. e t , 0 et%\:‘ L' .- "„k - acies CC'S A. D, .BUTTORFF A _•-• 4 ( 1 1'4 f I V , I --- iit i LVI I e 4 1 O,Vt -0 MB CORNER, MILLER BUTTOIII,IP, 1872.