II CARDS. B, 'SHARPE, • ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOII,IT LAW, CARLISLE, PA. oFfica lieritoroa to iro: ts *eat high stroGt fort door to Itorn'a Dios - Etoro, lfb72.BaL J• A.ATWoOD. ItANCK. • ATWOOD, RANOK CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS,. • Wholennlo doolors In nll kinds of PICKLED . Kg]) SALT mu No. 210 Nor,th , Vharvos„ Above' linen ttroot, PHIL &DP:LIMB.. FM a. M. oOpArt w. SCOTT OUPLIi. 1872. SPRING. 1872. • COYLE BROTHERS,' JOBBING AND COMMISSION MIICUANTS, NO. 24. SOUTH LIANOYED ST., cAnmsriE. They have constantl,y„iii-stock a large selection of Notions and Fancy My Goods, ladies' and gent's hosiery, g,oves, suspenders, neck ties and bows, N • it° trimming and ruffling, paper collars a. cuffs, note, cap, business, letter, billet, wrapping paper; envelopes, paper bags, tie yarn, drugs, fancy !soap, hair oil, perfume, and an endless variety of kuick knacks. All orders will receive prompt atten , tion. , COYLE BROTHERS. 7mh72tf DR. J. S. BENDER, FIODICOPATIIIO PIIYSIMAS. Offtoe In tho room formerly occupied oy 001. John Lc*. IOscLID BELTZHOOVEB, o ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Bonth Hanover street, opprsite Bentz's - dry goods stars. Ore7o irLL, AIIiKrATEICK S NV-lIMMIAN Wholegal° denlerg In MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, Coo. Third and Markel sereth, Philadelphia. D. 7. Emu, 21. EIRK7A4IIIO7, I= 6,3an71 0. P. IMMEICII. WM. D. PARKER HUMRIC3II & PARKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Main saoet,ln Marlon Hall, Carl Isle. 10ke70 d. U. GRAISA J. 11. GRAHAM & SON, ATTORNETS AND coulcsniroxts-AT-LAW, No. 14 South 17anoicr street, OA22LIfrI, I'.l' Roe. J. R. nnaharn, Into President Judge of the Math Judicial District. hns resorned the prn-I 'co 01 law, and (I.ROLlnted with him ham son, .1. II Or., Itam, Jr. WIII practise., In the o,lDtles of Cogito,. land, Perot and ,lonlata. Ttlee7l.ar 0011N3IAN, A TTOTIN ITY A'F LAW , Offlna Nn, F , 11.140.m'0. Mall, In renr of tli6 "on lOpoetl 4 ,9111 , r , 11A:NN011, VTIIOI.BiIAT.P. AND Rrrr AIL DPALIIII.I:i TILL" 13EST QUALITY ()F WEVRe A NI ) I;0 /VT, No. 41. South Ilrolocor Stroot, flja72ly • 1 OAP.LISI.II, PA. tTOSEPTI ArfORNI9Y,.Ai LAW AMP Bun:n - 41'0n, Hoolloolosnorg, Pa. °Bic° on nnur..vl otroot, two door. north of 110 Bonk pihniptly ottonainl to. I'v^9'l JOBEPLI O. VALE, ATToANHY AT LAW. Pr:10009e in Dauphin and Cumberland Countios.. .".oertca—ln Certrt Howe Ave.., No 3 lim - wee brtildinr, In the tour of t h e .10z4riry oristhlhhment. CALLA LB; PA 111nnaly 30311P11 P. CULVER. CHAS. , P - ..COLTIIII. LAW, LOAN AND GOLLTICTION OFPICII OF JOSTIPTI A. CC 1.7 fr 11110. PONTI AC, ILIA 110.t13. ~r p„.111, MAI fur planing capltolma g-ut-rla.ta Itnprorod Parton Thies Invoellgalnd, and Aluttrnetat fornt-Atot D. our own oiler. Toe per rent Int. - urea rn.l pr.tnot — l.nyttent goorantnuti. SSe halo enrre.ptotaleittn In over part, of Oho 1'7,1 Irltlett I,tro:ph , o in ct,.ry Inellltv for turd,' OM 1.1 Con, 11.1:PDREINCIISt Hot...honor 11 ID Won. TL Penronn, m]. Win. .1. .-ht,rnr, 11. E. ‘llk gl.vhlln. orti , Cnt lido. Ilnintlton Al lele.. req., llorrlebur.r 11,,n. C. P. Coln, teed Il• n. llotntlo zohlzigt D. C. II 'toot 1, dolphin s 1...b0w1...0r.. A P 00,.„ titT..re city. 27.J07f1tt: lif - O. HERMAN, L-• A'r LASY, CorHslo, PA. No. 0 1110.on'e H tH. 10i,70 A. 11. TeCITJRI4. J. 11. NeiMIIIIIAN MC/I:URE A & ( )1 7,; 'KE . 144 P..31{1.1 :1J ..trert, . 1j07117. p H. 131110113ARG . En. 0 ' .1 wit , : r. icte WI iIIPEAC, l'loluilvld, V.' tpvnn. b o r o' losroohlp, Coulh-Anna county. Pe.ol'o. ' tlitoidteV, ontro..tod to hitn.will recolvo pro•opt attootiou..2ll,,t7o . -w- EADLETI, e ATTortsris AT LAW, onvo, Yl finoth linoover , 60.1 {API Roe° 'Linn,. , tlf) V 3. B. 723 NY:dmit lIA MIME A 7;2.2 7' TLIII: AMERICAN I,VABREI: . PR/OF $5.50 AinniTiidan TVashor &nes Money, • Tirna, and Dr•udpory, The iTatlgua of Wind Curl Day no Longer Dreaded, but Economy, Biricioncy, and Clean Clothing, Sure. In wlliog. patllo n 114.4100 In tAig polio „ 4Io rnoohlnn, a fro' of the la valualato (oat paLo,ool hr any otbor,,toklug yat t,) urn Onto ottemoratud. Ilia tho 1,10,11 portabia, atlialt..toplo to r0,,01, notion, moot ..puratoti A child tom poor. old, with n Pon hoard ra.tian, son tomprobood and olAtknallr no. it. thorn to Ito .4 noting. on enrol*. to annoy, no inlay in 10441;01.41 It in olvnyo rfinfly for noel Is • porfoot 11011. or•irdir I II 14 a mini/lout, ),Inat, anima , moors pork ••4 of • bolt., finality, than tho mart olnhcrritto not onotly.l. 0.. hnlf of t3e laS, In fnlly rayed 1,711 n goo, nod ihs nlf.thon irfll Innt nne-h.flf longer thin by lb. old than of eon ,rnn bnard. It wrothth• lareor. tirran ohlrto af o dyne, washing. theronohly I In n word, oho al , lnt , on *fatly fnhile, hen n Qellt to a 1.,. enrtnln or Otrobrio nondborellrf, aro cfronlly orttblo non ra pacity •f this 1,1TT1.11 ty r:111 It ono no fa , r,..;,ed to any lob and taken nfia.l wlll - aow donp t no/rd a rrajadlon Tony o-abi against frnohlng )fnahloom, tho 171014M1t 0.10 Ilttlo rnnehlan In soon to pnrfnrin 11. onniletn, nlj ,innhto . of it, clans/ling oflor.ey and ntillty ono Honlarzed and fhodonbtor-nntl d•trnel , r on none bee.nno the fast flionds of the mnehlan. Tiro haTo.toottoneninli ',Mont and, rotting forth Ito annaotans adrantagen„_ OTC' nil othor• nnil Role . IttnndrOdlt titre nnn:loniy, loon machines, which hors nlgnally tonal ,to ',acorn pilab tho abloot ,Ilromleed In prominent n r il. i iond tionndlng ndvorittnmon , n, It In tb porfeol fnr iinnhlns no a wringer io fbr orrlolging, Thd rho, nrKthor pnrionnnnt Irvine° onnnt to potroltniorn, hen boon nlnond FO ion (hot it In ofltlan the ronnif of *very honitek.npor; - and thorn la • nu ortlelo of dornestlo noonanny thnt Trill repay th. snail lnitatineitisn'soon. $5.50, All that It larked for Ala ORB AT LABOR SAVFIR to a fall . trial. We vtarantee epoch moohino to do Ito work pialeitly. Bow AOfill2ll TOR ORE Tlaffro STATED. A. 11. PRATICTMOIIB R CO, • 618 111arliot Strrint Ph Iladelp . hll, • The Inrgant and ohoopott 1100D111i,IVA1111 (lOUS. to the, thlted Matra. •. - • . . Life insurance Coni.4)any TIE NORTH AMERICAN DiVrti+L Lin] INIIIIRANCE COMPAttirkt, OP PIIILADELPIIIA AU kinds of pollelov written open the most favor able terms.' Promlumit may bo paid annually, mewl annually or querterfp. All policies nro NON-FOlt- YALTA BLE alter TWO AIINUAI. miymonte. No extra relic far tamales. No charge for policy ,fee or stamps. Polley holders ehnto In the profits. Div,- ) dentin declared annually after two payments on the -'• onatrlbntlon plan. $100.003 deposited with the /minor-General-of Poontrylvarretomenrity—for ' polle . y . baldars. - Omennttalin 00171•ITY TRANOC—Tho o , rtmeny boo appolntad a llonrd of Treater:l. • eornimard of the following well-known ottleenn of Ontn*erland dowdy ' B. M.BIDDLE,. • Oltill•LIM 31ourvi lona M, WAntaan, WILLIAM Itr.:Nnrinra NVl4tmtt Ittrmr.mt pilsotary and Tren.nror. Tin kinder.,nre all policy lioldorei ft, the' Onm. !piny, and their orn rn ntiptrylmn and condone the thin nlnlrlct. with anthnrity rn do vc4l. ~„, f 01',[31)4 proportion or the pmnitiimi In thin dintrwt, hvithio the vante, , thtin Ji emphatically will prncticnily n COMPAIi A. 0, Iltf,l,olk, ' lloneral.nent. 'lflot. - 421 t y . Agorit Lines of Travel SOUTH. MOUNTA N RAILROAD 1 • • TIME T TAKES EFFECT S#1!1:31I1E11, 1,1,6 n. On and after Friday,:Soptomberl,l-871, _ . this Cciinpany will run two 'trains through to Pino Grove daily, "(SUndays excepted). • ' At 3 VOLLOWS : Loaco Junction, 7.00 0. M. *llonnylmook, 7.10, temighead's, 7 20, Mount nay, 7.40, .Upper 7.45, Ilunteen Run, 8.05, Lnurol, 8.40, mind arch,: at flue Crone, 0.00 A. M. ll= . _ Mayo Curlinlo, 3.59 r. xi, Junction, 0.00, *Donny brook, 3.10, , Craig,ltcadia, - 8:21, Mount Ilolly, y;3B *Upper Mill, 3.60, Ilnuter'a Run, 4.00, Lutunt, 4.20, and art Eros at rine 0 rovo, 4.40 r. m. 01 IC T. 1.1 Leave Pine 0r0v0,..0.30 A. tr., 'Laurel, 0.43; Hu.- tcr's Run, 10.05, *Upper Mill, 10.35, Mount Holly, 10.30, ' , Craighead's, 10.00, .11ennybrook, 11 9 00, and arrives ht Junction, 11.15 A.ll. Leave Pine Grove, 5.00 r. 11, Lame!, 5.15, Jinn tot's Ityp, 5.15, ' , Upper 51111, 5.50, Mount 11011y,5,55, .Traighead's 610, ^ Benny brook k 0.25, and arrives at Junction, 6.35 r. Dr. Stations tuarhed thus ( 0 ) are flag stratum only. 11. IV. DA VENPOII.T, Oencral Superintendent. OM, of Oen. Seperintendent, Pine rove, Aug. 25,1571. ftll . ',ER LAN I) .V\i LEY R. R. CHANG M OF 1 , 101:111S. . . WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On nub •ilt,rllllll,irly, ..lAllllAry 15,1572, reasoner Trains will ran dolly, as s.llows,(Fundayecacepied): .5 WEST WAR.DA ACCO3I)IODATION TRAIN leaves ITarrlsbarg 8:00 A. M., 51eullen lest:tug 8;30, Ca; 2:11, Nawrillo D:4B, Shippensbun: 10:22, Chambehburg 10:44, Gruen enstlol.l:ls.avri ni:10 I - lager4sw:: 11:40, A. s[. 511411, 'CHAIN leaves Itarri6barg 1:05, P. 14., TiTa chanicobarg 2:47, earllslo 2:58, Newvillo 2.32 Ship pansburg. 4:02, 011ambornburg 4:35, 0 roencaatio arrivine at Itag,rstown 5:40, P EXPRESS TRAIN leaven Ilaryisburg .4:30, P 14, ochnnienborg 5:02, Carl kin rcr.IVVIII (36:0A, Ship ponsburg Q:33, arrivillT nt Chttrobernburg 7:00, P A N LVID TRAIN lonvon Chnnilmrnintrg 7A5, A It Groyne:lsoc (MS. nrrivirig nt Ilagnrslown 10:05, d It, A 511.VED TRAIN leaves Clinmbersburg at 4:35 P. r., 6:30, Mereotsburg 6:23, London 7:00, arriving at RlCA:nom] nt 7:30 P. .M.A.tqTAVAItD • ACCONWODATII TRAIN leavenelannbersburp, 6:00 A M, Filippengt, rc 5:20, Nowville 0:01, - enrll,,le 13:33, MOChNniCtlhor; 7:02, arriving at Ilarrinhorg . . MAIL TRAIN leaven llngerstown 8:20 A t, Green enstle Chitirthersl‘tirg 906, NhippeneLurg 10:2^_, Neavville 111:53, Carlisle 11,9, ;if ochanicsburg 12;04 r.rrir lag at I larrislntri.i 12,:17, P. at. - EXPItEI:S 'I•IRAIN leaven lingerntowlist2:oo nt, Greeemsotlo hiosbnrit I:07. rhiplic.~bnrg 1:37, Neivville 2:10. C.irlisle alerlion;rs.l.o,l4 3,18, arriving at IlArrlsliarg p A MIXED TRAIN leaves Ilitireritown 8:20 P it, orner.castlr. ric lug at ebotn , ,6rshurtr 7:20,4 , M. .NIIT'S A. SW SIITA n•. A MIXED TIZAIN bare. ItHiaiond at 7:00 A. N., 7:10, 518rern.burg 8:8o, 11:11hiruson 8:15, ar riving at Charmer short-, ¶1.40 A. ti.. Making rhur eniiiii.rtions at PlarriAliarg - Vith trains to sail front l'hilinlolphia,:Neo . York, Washing. ton, tad all hointa ll'ert. I 0. N. LULL, Shpt. Suporintemtent's Oflico, Chtunb'g..lan.os, 1572. _ • - PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD., =I WINTER TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and from Erio - (Sundays excepted). A FTER - 1110NbAY, November 13th, Trains iI the PriAsylvanin Rath,. cenh nay will depart from and arrtv litilladiilphia and Pitt idiom; follows: EASTWARD :',s—Phdloololphra. Express loaves ritt-rliburg fexe•pt Wattlay/ at 2 35 a. 111., and at fir. at NV , : ltd olo'rltin at !l n. m. • 4 t. — . Vox! I'4 ae loner'? llarri roan the piAlcy in Pomo 2 yearn and 3 flays. • Two annual pronthans will con kin° thn polloy`ln him 4 ytare _nod 12 ilnyit. Three rt.. 1111.1 I premium° will continue the pulley in ii;reirn 3 oir, and 27 days. Four :tunnel pro.tilluenewlll continuo the pulley In to er t, yenta, cud tfi dtrs. Tiro /mould premiums will continuo the policy In !nice 10 years and 00 dap, OFFICERS G. llilton Scribner, Prepident George W. - Vico Presi dent. S:tlnny Cropt,Soet•etary Jemuol Ir Watem Actuary Thomas N. Marcy, M. D., .Medi cal Examiner. NM Everett Clapp, Suporintendot o Agencies, TUE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS Tho Enip,ro la a p..pular ladltutlou, numnod by poliahlo mon, on Hound huffiness principles, and Is destined at a vory early day to stand shoulder to shoulder with the oldest commutes of Its character In the country. Ito oflicers and dirootors " mann buolnoso.'r and hart, organized with also view of establishing a modol Institut/mt.—N. Y. Infleimmi cat, jam:writ 20,1570. "Tide Company le a groat moron.; •the result • able, economical, and roliablo management. Th Me plro inui no enverlor in the couutry.n—Bott• Peel. o Munn=o ),41Ioy in this Company. tiro ftn4 n ju prigo'ln the wont auconan It h nohnotlng:,'—Era, "An oxoollent aompapp"—ppn's Tleraid. ME voryertccokul Company"—CWregatic;!;l/Itr3 . "It to with pacolitw pioncore that wo speak of thin now candidata for public, favor. Wo koow many 'yearn since tho Prealtiont of tint anmpany. We know him to bo . a man of enor , gy, of charaoter; of eoperior laistnees ability, and abovo;alrelao, a ',armsful man in whaterer ho undertaken. "the trip:lh la, the Com pany hag adopted tho boot improromenta of the dap in Ito organization."—New 'England insurance G GEO. S. EMIG, CumUerland,'Porry, and Juttiata Pour' OFFIbE Nl= s..nErlukir t Jn 14july70.t1 A. Li'APONSLER'S COLUMN. ,L: SPONSLER, ' • . . - . gaol Itatnto A gont, Scrivonor, Convoyancor, mean `• arm and Claim Agont. Omoo , Mtiln Struot tditar i Centro Swam. . . - ITIESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRI-. VATE SALE.—Thq n owner dortrous of re- . Inorlnr, west, offer, at orivato sale a • LOT OF GROUND,' , ' oltnated on.lledford ntroet, In tbn horongh of Car containing 45 feet front by 100 toot in depth, and bovine thernon erected • TWO STOIC USE, with brick back building. n-inh beam, (with ointom thoreln,) utno , :o Jimmie, bake. oven, and all nerenalry. outbuildings. The propyrly-fronting - oli — nedford etroat,ln-4.1-feet - frollf.7 21 feet le- ye. _Tho hank blending fionllng on Locest alley Iv vi Pert In trent. Tho property ln, nearly e nntainn n sternr.m. non; occupiodns n groreev'el,o In good enodltlon. and 'lli lillmnably taunted for n bnelnnne htarel. - per: men wishing to view flu, property. can do en by call. lug on tho owner, enabling on the .prenthos. -Per terms need further particular,' enquire of OEM A Two-Story Brick . Dwelling ror Bn7o No. 313.titrioth . rate/ford •triie I, co , . tahtlr, t pflelorg, huff, ant kitchen nn Oro ills( floor, and three cham bers on 1110 0 , cond stor•; pith ri A 11 4 ,11.11 attic bark pod frJnt, rialtorsy bolcoriy to toot Initldlng, and trap° Arbn•atn.l . llydrao,t. In the aril. • pply -to El= TllE.subseriber has several other val .llll, omportic, for nnle In nllgiltln pnrhs of Cho town. which tr:11 Ito tonnonAbly tlltposetl or A. SPON:t1.1111, 11-al I:Ft/an Agont. MEM VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley for sale.—A number of valuable, and bight/ Improved farms Irs.2.tlio—Vnilor - ao or ferv7lforna.har—Tdartrtia frrini fla to :the acres. "fir Lad 'is of the hest quality of limestone. fully equal, If not superior, to the land in Timberland Volley, and Win 110 1118110.1 , f at riainifishing.ly low figures. The extension of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Into Virginia, as now surveyed, will ern Immediately through the portion of country In which . those lands are ,Iscrited, which, when.com. ploted, together witli the advantage of the Shennu .llloah river transportation will give them all the ad vantages of Northern and Eastern markets. A splendid opportunity for lucrative investments Is here offered. A full ft nd minute description of the lot:Mtn and character of the War torn tomtit may be bad, by ap plying to ' 'A. L. SPONSLICR, 17m1170 Real Dante Agent, Carlisle: FOR SALE OR RENT.--A commo dichis trap-•tory brink:private rONIIIIIIICO. on titre, t, Carlkle, situated on a lot 30 feet front awl 240 feet In depth, a ith a stable and carriage ltrape, and abundance of fruit flydrant In the yard and gond cintorn. Alm., a two-story brick bourn and bank building on North l'ltt serest. news:dna of tits farmer ml be given immediately, and of the latter on or alter the first of July next. Apply to. WANT. - tritv g i e •N l-'e ct i l .‘ e ll of tl a igl n de t ot f a C) n r d not popular Lire I ',last .° Coolisnsloo in tho 'country.lslooso It Kent, rare of A. L. Floater, Carlisia, F OR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT' In CarllAe. A tine location for n renicivnen on Porn tot olresit, No. 02, before!. Woof and l'it t etrects. TI, „ lid is 3n feet sr hie and 240 foot deop. 4 Thu honor, to brick, 22 foot ti Inchon In front, too stories high, will, roJd two-story bait laillslinga 00 foot lone, and oontisins is hall, pal lore, Isogr dining room, pantry and china siloont, kilolion and wash boos° en firat floor. Fircionl eliambinn and (nab room. Wind collar, 'valor fn the kitchen and bitifi room, and gam In the parlor. There in A Maid, nutlioinintl, ford garden rind bait. Terins eney. Enquire of A. L. FsPONSLER, I Root Estst n Agent. Clothing, Boots owl .Shots. ISAAC LIVINpSTON, =II FINE OLOTHIN = 22 NORTE HANOVER STREET L . LIVINGSTON, MERCHANT T A ILO R, than the linti3lwssortnieht Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &0., In to wh,4l t the lu,t vrlrie 22 NORTH HANOVER STREET IMI:In I LTV I :,.TOSTON, INF, TRAVELING ri 3 C ViDET AND LnATiirit DADS, ti,TCCIDIS,,C3o, NOII.TII 1.1,1.):06.:.lt T., C.A.P,LISI.P. BIipiNVIOLD MONTOUNIERY ROUSE., Timtindereig,e4 roopoetnilly. {When% tho that [brie, ON, leitted this' will hnotrtyhtitol in too h .rougletti Cll.4lllb,rfiburg. It is their intention to hoop It it otylo toldrh tioy hope wilt 000 flletloll to all who um:, furor them with Choir Thu Chambertdirg and flotlynburg OUIICIIOI9 Tull from aud w thin hotel. , lEEE CENTRAL HOTEL, Nos. '621 and 6` - 2 Arch Strad, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, $2.50 per Any, or rooms with out board, $1 per day. J. B. DECIAVEN, 6oprietor. 30101711'y 1 AI2I . IIERS' ANDpDiROVERS' (URI:ISLE P.Y. • ..¶ho nerlersignlql having (Own .and entirely fitted andfaraished tois hotel: is prepared to furolsh good sieeuthmodatlons to all who deslro to malt° it their home. A sh..ro of 'the pittroomo of thn sur rounding country trAvelllnA public: solicited. Rooms large Mal comfortable. •Table always sup plied with tho N. W. WOODS, 5=70 Proprietor: T " "BENTZ, HOUSE,". ' m _____—_ _„ 2 _(For m erly : Co?ran — House NOB. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN STEDET, Tito undersigned having purchasod and entirely re-fitted, and furnished a now throughout, with first oleos furniture, this woll-itnown, and old established hotel, solicits the custom of tho • Comm unity and traveling public. Ile Is well proparod to furnish first-class accommodations to n 11,7110, desire to make a hotel their 11ONII.1, or ploarant tomporary abode. 'nu custom from the surrounding country to respect' fully solicited. Courteous unit attentive unman to two engaged at this populdr hotel,' UEORIJ Z ,BENTZ, Proprietor. N. B. Alflrotelitro livery lo contnectod with tho hotel under the ilinungentout or Jcioeph L. Stonier & Brother. lOsono9ly CHEAPEST COAL 1 undersigned agrees to furnish Coal to all potties, either fur 'Finally or Limehurnors' uso, at Cheap rates, provided they accept Um following: let. To order all Cool In Company cars. 2nd, To churgo mino weight, irrespootivg of any 'loss In shipment by lenity cars, llrd. To &liver your coal nen comes to band, without re-scroening. dirt and all. 4th. That In tho above montionod mode of busi ness you will LOSE TEN PER -CENT: go thst.whon 20 tone aro bought nod paid for, 'I YOU REALLY GET BUT EIGHTEEN TON& To this fact all regular dealers will testify. 6th. To strive to get your coal from anybrookor" you may desk°, but no 10011.0 to resolve - hiptt In, tont, ho It Stummlt Branch, big Lick, or.,Shoktllonn tain from Lykenn Valloy, ootno of thorn bolus" not to dedrablo; tho IMMO applying to the hoed tool broaltcrn also, you' to lake It.nn It In sent to no. qth. At this kind of badness Is done on the Rail road Company's sidings, do not ask to ono a sample °tenni. They do not allow more than 24 hours' pso •of aiding; we therefor° cannot show what WO con furnish yon. Should you wink to purcbaso cool whore It can ho -noes at nil times, kept to tho dry, RESCREENED AHD BEFORE DE. LIVERY, call pird of tho subscilbor, siborn your °Met, hill be promptly tilled, and ;wombat to novo you bon, and voxattou • causxl try using dirty T. proana inferior coal, t40r,2 1 4- giving your supply for len money than autWean do by Runlohlug the inn amino. , 24aulltI A. L. SPONSLEIt. 'teal Eiltatt Agent. A. L. SPONSI,I7II. real 1:-[ate Arent A.Y.. SPONSLER, ' Itettl Ent% to Agont. , lA. kl 1 In AND PACKING VALISES I ; HOTELS =I CARLISLE, PA CW.eaneqt Coal. £,a. iwnia. DRY GOODS THE LIVE STORE. DRY. GOODS, DRY Ct9:ODS,--•--- DRY GOODS, BAI AINB, BARGAINS, BARGAINS CI•m• nt flller and lot Jour e 3 C. 800 nod yen will be n tiring witness of the tact that Ivo nru Belling goods at tho lowest NEW DRESS GOODS 1- - ="filiiroventWar the levet doenne In prince, ,1-1V=r1 1 311:N - S to tho richnnt nhados. BLACK VELVETEENS, the handsomoirt of tho salmon, mnrkoil down in prior Shawls! Shawls! Shawls I Just opened, benntirnl end cheep FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! Iu then° goods wn hare Ills finest t)111 marhrt ran produco. alitfy competition for unality sad lan pricer. nrr willing to linre oar guodn crirepared with any In tlio mnrkot GLOTTIS 41...kNp CASSIMERES I •.6.--- A goo/ =mamma et low prio•Ft BLACK ALPACAS Wo make n raper. laity of than gondm. Wo have tho onlobratoti BUFF Al.O !IRANI): nloo three other high grnitoo, o , welt no loony of the prioolo'brnnar, Kvory - perhon mho old make no ox,nminntion of thou, good.] boforo per riming; It will 'my you coil. CHRISTMAS GOODS in the grcatent variety we have over .1,1 tilted, con tdating nt ll= In Lnee, Embronlcrell, thin and Mourning AhD BOYS' lIANDItInterITHFS, ENTLEMMN'S lIANDE ERCIIIEFs IN LUG A Z• T E.LECY BOXES I. ,\ CR COLLARS, gtyllt, Itl 'vary vorloty of elulpo and I.es, = We requolt an to ez,ll and Ova um the plemolre or «honing oodn, nt d if the quality and o.ive art( not nn object to 300 to punka., w e will n•t lee Ut. Fury yeapnct Inlly J , 81111 k BURK 11OLDIMEI, North Hanoyer street, below ettrli.le Dolmalit Bank ErSI Dr_4ilPr.4' Aver''s Cathartic Pills. = !Perhaps no one medicine lb no universally re qui red by everybody cat hat lir. nor via-ever any helm,' no unlverselly adopted Into Ilea In every country no AIIIMIC nil Hasse, as this mild but efficient putgatlve ' The oh, toss reasso la, that It lan more reliable and far more effectual r h ee dy than any other Those un hare ti led it. boom that it enrol them, 11141 (liner who hang! not know that it cured their Ill , chhors and intends. and nu know iht Co hat It does once It does alWays—that it never fills through any ;nun ci neglect of Its c'ojnprtltion. have thousands upon tbsusande I certificates rf their reu.ritaitle runes k I the fallowing rompinints, but such cures ere known In every nelgitherifnoti,nnd we bead not publish them. Adapted to nil area and conditions in all climates; contenting neither enlamelor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by any holy. Theft sugnt costing pre ernes them over Iresh nod 111BACS1liern pleastati I to tate, w iille hying purely vegetable no harm ran eel, bout their ace In any quantity. They othonte tor their powerful Monne, on th, triter rob vteevra to put Ify the Wood and stitrolate It into health) sett It—remove the t.ltstrortlsos of tee RIC. tell, I uwel•, liver, print other oroans or the hotly, rvetorly.tt tilde Irregular onion health. nod by correcting. olotror:O tlisy estst, soeh dorth,reatent• as ore the tent of I.ll4teoto . . tint ute directions urn given In the yr...toyer on the la,. t.o. the tidlotrir.g' k.0111N31177.1, II tare Pi/ht ropidly cure : Fut Dyspepsiaor 'lnillge•tlon, I.leti mm mm tt, Lan,titnr 'llOll LOPS of Appetite, they thonltt 'he token nuttier/00 , y to stlinulale the stooge. k and rust.... Its healthy toile Ind ndl..n. For Liver Complaint and Its various it ntp Muse, Dilluus ileada,,int.Plrh Jatinttlet or Preen Sickitens. Ithittu.l toliciand of P,tesr,t, they should be Judiciously Calton for ouch ease. to correct tho dhielse.l ...don, rent.ore the olottroc t i•us 101 l enure It For Dynuotery or Plarrhina, hut one mild does 1F generany required. Fur II huumatlFln, Pout, gravel, Pulpit:Ulna ol tho Heart, Fain In the emu. Book and Loins, they should Be routlnuously token ' an regnired, ti, clinhau the diecnscal action of tllO RJ stem. vrit h such chomp those complaint, disappear. For Dropsy nod Propel.] gkeullings they tdould ho token tit largo and frequent ao,. to produce the ulleet of it drastic purge. For Supprosslon it large dote, should he token, as It produces the desired u tfeet - by sympathy. Ass Dinner Pal, take ono or ton 11//, to pro mote di.testlon and rollout, the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, rdstores the appetite, and invigorates the syntem. Hence It,in often advanti.weeue where no serious dmangetnent ex. Ists.wine who feels tolerably well,' eiten finds that a