Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 07, 1872, Image 1

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    voLtrthE Lxxn.
rnilif;hefl ovary Thur.dALtunrnin ' g ny
O lee ii Lhernt's 7La77. in rear of the'Cortk 17inut.
'Tema-- 00 pen annum; in •avance.
1 eq. 2sql3 a. 4 4q; Vel Ne. 1 col
1 week.l JOISOO 43 tv, 00,,7 0 e , 14 001 22 (Ti
2 " 1 59 300 4 001 5 '!'9 0,1114 00; 211 40
1 " 7064 00 5 00 1 05, ...1 , 41161 001 :1) no
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", 8500 50 7 1.0( tollo 001 . 2,?,1501 37 00
2 .3 40.4 • 4 00 7 50 0 0,, 9 :.,(117 60,25'0Q 42 60
0 1 " 5 CO. 50 9 5910 60,20 (41„S0 orr\y,
6 " 7 60 10 00;12 60;16 0026 00140 00 75,00
1 IMr , 10. 06 15 (>3 . 20 60'25 00' Pi 61375 1,0 1100
13 ulnae entotituts a alunre
For Bluoittoro% land AdmlttistrAt do . Notices, 00
For Auditor.' Notice., t 200
For Asstrnove and similar often, 3 00
Fttribilrly Card., not ,' rend tau oit,lipta.., 7 00
_For Annenneernonto..ob cents por tlltitoortlttle•s con.
tetrtnd for by the ?For.
For Itualnrno a n d Puccini Notioeo.lo conta por line.
Doubt o ouln on n advert ixotnen to extra.
Notices al Morrlnges and Death; p'-itlithethfree.
At tlrn 0 in low,
.11111.1 d nod 11,1k:some may,
:sot 1 , 1411 to• do now.burn xon.w thins
Th, n i',.1, , ,1in,1'e 1 , ,:k ,, 11 way;
Ntt puloi 111 ,, .-Nl- ,, rn ,none dtifL4
,Fl'.nu uoT:113 - taint itndslu,
Thun fll , - '11..”f \llly, I , Lt 1;1)1,,
1t•ba1 ,,,, 1 * . 'A ill, lialli Iwo,
rlithar, ;lie..,
I bay, n thought to tall
nvra- mind t10.,11,3ttr
night drab - 111,154. ma k«❑
Mat ot, can . lh... tell 111
❑os itirtuy 3 eats it is
1110 , . Ilk. T rt • In II ri.l
'ri.t: :q;
. 1 .vo .14 , 4
..11,1•)tiN topl sf,ft'y.
LW: uottcll.ll4 ,otli ...Ai'
nt;II al mei gla•l.
pe.ater ant I. t fetA...,
Than I.•ee , nltt)) a Q.a.tkar 110:
Yet ant for the ',OM/ yo,:x
I chai.g , t hi, p.l mI d.l Lm:
n.:11 ct
NV., h.:lN° Lud our it ml., gu•4
liept 11.1 lungo•r logOLiiCr.
, And I le Luau bvld', piny
That ounr cntacti..g in tin Non‘clatal
- Un cc galclou Arectieling cl y "
Dui QuVeur
31arpis cm Isis knc
The hickory conlk its the lire-plueo
Sleep in theirisickote White,
Dot the loots of the Iris d and truss beasts
teasilly burns tos.niclit.
Grace Fairford,stoodat her chamber
window among her myrtles and gerani
ums, looking forth with eyes which saw
not, so blinded Were tlicy with angry
tears. Behind her be the dressing table,
tossed down,a bitter, contempt, lay her
Christmas gifts—a pair of kid gloves,
marked Coupe :Mu vin, bat stilTand horny
us acobblor's apron ; a lace collar, imi
tation Ilonitont-market value twenty
five-cents, intrinsic valise nothing ; and
a set uf malachit jewelry bearing the un
mistakable imprint of a 'dollar.
"What. a ammo I am to care !" she
exclaimed, as alcaldMg drop fell from
her eyes into the: white cup of a 'Calls
lily. "And I don't, ears fur their trilling
value. It isn't that, Won't I cherish
this as if it were set with diamonds ?"
pressing to her lips a„tiny Silver-mounted
cross of olive wood ; "but it is the
mockery, the shameful mockery of kind
, uess I Thu very .tairrauts have gifts
suited to their use ; but because 1 occupy
a position inlinitely.worse than a servant,
must be loaded with this shame finery!
I wonder if aunt Chatlottm guessed how
contemptible she appeared while stand
ing beside the tree distributing the cs
cuts and mouthing her despicable . non
sense ? Canines for Viva,' sho said,
passing the delicate shell jewels with
their circles of tiny, Pearls tot my fair
(5011 Si r 1 - ;64 for Gracieymalachites. Dear
mmwdpit a,clever old.fellow 'Santa Clans
mat be I .He is ,determined that them
shall be no rivalry . between you. And
here it is again—lace collars for each !
Why the saint is positively numilleout !
How Viva's blue eyes flashed as sho re
ceived, the bit of Poi n td' Alentftin allotted,
tether , share 'BM, alt I they gleamed
with a different light when the little:
.cross—,Kane.,;Ventrior',B gat—fell into
.my peAsession, Viva -has not learned'
her Mother's lesson yet perfectly,. and
=metal appreciate the 'charms of a noble,
manly form and handsome featurds, Ovun'
thotigir their...ownei:_bp' hut fa' climber
upon fortune's 'hailer—not far up at
that. No matter, he is clinibingl and
ono of those dart's, when' lie has gained a
safe round, he will reach down ii strong;
Helping hand, for little me. Lot the read
his dear note again :"
4 ' MY 1 4 1ceya hamt of thlo little - 610:ot
yon, bilk 110 orornmil ,4000 n of. my, heart
Courage dearest I Merry ,Ohrifituum II rid a happy,
INeW. 7 nor nrb coming,. . •
nor 'dlieckalluelmsd Warmer as'ehe read
itlio,olmering. words; , aid agleam of love , '
~, light shone from. tier oyes.! But after' a
~kuortiont lier • diacentented Uoliloquy. was
resumed. ,
~,,r,,t,'..4nd,rooanwhile, I ; must betray all ley
„iself,respeot for: liiing,froin,k - ru:dging, reL f
. ,latives,",,ihe.sahli passhinatolyi P I and
. 41,3, o had ael,Tiyaawl ~ Amit,,Oharlotto",
speenlating ... , twoo iNtho,: fortune. of, that
. myetpriopy - ljnelq palpb.jtheyamfoicjver
,; pcatiog ; RV. I.l,trivo, no , right, to he ,do
,,yeudelittoo thorn . , and .t won't .bo, I. do-,
4 t
~,w , i von't,tl9 7 - 7 , not.a Oay,longerr;
„,,, ge , : ccputopauco ~,grow,,;bright, ..vith ;
:, o m, .4o.iri,tetl resolution; bat, it; suddenly,
.f e liiio. the. moinontpus,.qapstion.of :w,ay,s,
i F 4 pameans rose hoforp,lier. ..,,N9.4.44t 4.
, ninth] ; bo , ,a bravo ,tlAing, to,enni ; Iles,
:7 ,,hxofll.if bnt Iniw to Alol it ?• ,tiiiit,iWii ! ill, P •
lair.oPiemri On"), after ifni'..tbe4', , alko,nine(
i,lover tho list of wroman"a,ayopatione, , ,only,
I Jo dispOso of, each:With a sigh: ,r.,.. , ,
~r.,:;,'.,,‘f-Tenehhig 27 Fi 1i c ,,,, 8.4 ,1d„-,, ' 4 , 1., kno•iti„
I,tinat onough,to be awayo.of ! any . ignor- t
~ienco,.:. ' `Writing?.. I, ietnalk: oven poar ,to
".Write,ti•lotter. , , I'ain,ting?- No". talent.
:,. 13owing ? . Well, she,oonolOod, in a ;Ono
.t iorslogged deteiwinationi„ f!, if • the-worst,
comes to tIxO . worst, I - tbarii; boaven, I
can cook. much for being"the Child
of a minister too pbor to hire' servants.
And revellsing . 'Webster's. en.-
.couragemont to young men, •• there's - al
ways roan up stairs,' there's always
room 'down stairs-for women." '
As she ended this little aphorism, she
noticed a newspaper lying upon the
floOr, and lifting - it, ran her eye over the
advertisements. The one that claimed
her attention was this :—"Wanted,
housekeeper, by an elderly gentleman, a
lads ( ' there ,101 y competent to superin
tend a small cstablighment No ono
need apply unless able to achieve the
miracle. of clear cofreelin a clean tea
gracie laughed. '• I can do, that, at
leasiisho said. " Let ane see. I won
der if rdarc apply? lie is an old man ;
an odd one\tio, I guess, and its honest
employment. -1f I would do my hair'
Plain t - td wear ti little qap, I might pass
for tWO or three ‘ der." Andrun
ning. to Ihe mirror shecbrush'ed her
sunny curls, and laying a 10 , t it handkcir
chief corner-wise over them smiled at
the transformation.
. "I'll do it; !" she said (7C:tidally, with
a little nod at her reflection in the glass.
will be' better Own this contempti.
ble liciug on charity, and—as for Mr.
VeOiler —be will trust me. Fle Must!"
In the early twilight she 'glided out
and posted her letter.: The address was
X-- , Ohio—full Ctvo flays' journey
from her present-110nm . , and while await
ing an answer she had ample time to get
over her Christmas annoyance and re
pent .d'" her hasty action. But. Grace
did not_repent. IL was a deeper feeling
than passing anger which prompted her,
and the reply found her still tiVi her
pm pose.
Wlth 1.01 R pleasant SCCIIO ill her
amit's mot Mug room when Gracie
aimounced lice intention. riot that her
relatives really earod 7 indoed, she felt
that. Viva, at, least, 0 as heartily rejoiced
at the prospect of getting her out of the
way—hut—the looks uC the thing. Even
Mrs. Glumly sometimes becomes the
, gnai Wan of a penniless orphan. But
Gl'ice cut her amt's scolding and Viva's
sneers as short as possible ; and having
mitten a short letter to Kane Ventrior—
uerelir telling hint that she had gone to
seek her fui tune, and bidding him, trust
her and await fuller explanation—she
stained upon her j , urney-as 'friendless,
37t as dete:rminod a girl as ever ventured
upon a similar errand.
71 was night when she arrived at her
destination, and !Ile, could only foitri at
vagite, general idea that fife house was a
pretty villa on the outskirts of the town,
and that her employer—who gave her a
kind reception—was a gentleman. In
lite dining romn, where tea had been
waiting for her,,Ler observations
were more decided. P.,..he fancied the
reason for the peculiar phraseology of
the advertisement as she ate—o}' ittleast
tried—froma soiled table cloth,
sticky dishes, and forks odorously sug
gestive of the last meal.
"I can improve this, anyhow," she
thought, and, taking her cue, she ap
pearetlin the kitchen , bright and early
the nexl, morning, starting the Hibernian
incumbent by inquiring the
,way to the
linen closet.
"An' it is a elesii"tableeloth yu're
wanting?" asked the reigning power.
"Yes, sod napkins. Ten me where I
shall liucl them, if you please."
" Stu - c you will do far a male or two
yet," was indignant reply. "It
Isn't me that eau be murdheriu nieself
wid such washins."
Orrice saw f hat It was time to assert
liar authu. ity, and drawing herself) up
with dignity, she said: "I have come
mole than three hundred miles for the
express purpose of direeitng Brooke's
household. It will be better that you
shall understand this from the first.
And 1 want the table linen at
This had the desired effect. • The
napery was forthcoming, and Graoie
proceeded to spread it neatly Upon the
round table. Then, while the girl
looked on astonished, she subjected
such portion of the glass and china as
might 'be Deeded 'to a sort of Turkish
bath. , That• is, she washed them briskly
through a pan of hot soapsuds, dipped
them quickly into another of pure,
scalding• water, and ended by - rubbing
thorn vigorously with a clean crash
towel. Next, by alb aid of 'the white of
un egg thoroughly mixed •wiith tho
ground Arabian berry, she made coffee,
the cdlor and transparency amber, and
ended preparations by tossing together
an omelette light as yellow form crest.
wh6 novel' objects when hor
office is rendered sinecure, stood by in
sullen admiration. "I am &dug' theso
things to-day to show how I shall erect
them to done 'hi the future," said
Oracle, quietly, as she decanted the
conic into the silver urd, Imat`eil 1,0 re
edive it.
"Nen; you 'can .bring the omelette and
ottiel• and' proceeding to the
dpiiiig robin, she arranged ilia breakfast
tastelulV apori table.'
"Non , ' if I only had a handful of
morning-glories for.the centre, it would.
-.hi?: almost - perfeeV - she Iliciught, step
pingback to Marcy her work as a proud
artist might iasPect his picture.
Ti) (100 y Opened atallloillb
lirecilte,eia . e In. Qraele,blushea like a
detectod thief, ps. : t4o old geatlewan's
smile of atuazeinpi4,laet her oyes. Ile
hastened to relieve her.. '
, ls'•yory, uies, indeed," he said,
; Sao it it pltos as, good as it
looks '?"•• and talcing seat lie bogiiii a '
conversallou„pn 01,1R1.•
•But it,)vas Oride ; nt,that,lio abpreeiated
thp o ,iininoyconent An Ids , !nonage, not
tholeast pleasing ,feature of ,which was
I?p,nratty pgnref ; seilted,at the, head., of
. 1 4iq'tAbl$) — lisp 4 . 9 I ,,y(hqso,
.hands; .
toppeld bY,, , ,suoyy 1114t,orad,; so
,d4iv,t)y,i,,moro: L til9l,o,Fiumi. prooko ;
~and, honse,49 ; opor i gre)y . to bo
lioodfrionds,,. ;.
WJkon • 049 :,had boon ,for •
woolss doniosiicated in his hou
,hold„ofter,ngood , !Ttarod•unizzleal look
•9} 1 Ni..M1 11 ,9 I .ol) ! . °' ' . , l ' lq s aid •: IVPIK7
P'!'D• l) •'9 6 ° tr ;914 ;man's
pprtinenee k „Vut it strilcos i mO,,.. i that ;your,
tho pretty:to lio col/area tai. that,
enylous eap„ theo, not
,uudi4 :
,it vopo,eurls hold. in .unaccustomed i ,iiii,:.,
prisonniqnt,? ;• 'a do not
confine ! , ithent, do. : All g - rn'oefid 'things:
0. 1 90 1 , h, ,,, Y4 3 .ibY4Y., 1 '' . . • •.• ,
Gracie blushed red.ner, n,yrose. 8? lio
i r
~ tt . : , .. t
, 11 yi•.4
. , ...
had panotrated her silly artifloo r and was
laughing at.hor foi it. , ;
"I was Wyoung," sho-faltered,- do
ploringly, dropping her oyes to her plate.
• " Yes,7 1 see" he ,rejoined
"Your little attempt at disguise . was
vely honest and ingenious, but, un-
fortunately, iti,this ease it was entirely,
unnecessary. However, never. trust -ti .
it again, my dear. • It is tdo transparent.
I do not like to think ill of race, but
I thank heaven in yoUr guiltless inno
cence you were directed •here. You
Wore indeed too young." And as he
spoke a sympathetic sigh for , all home
less young creatures breathed from the
old gentleman's lips.-
Grace was touched, and, almost before
she was aware of it," she had„.told tho
whole story of her life—and of her moth
er'ii early death ; of her father's patient' '
toil as a here a missionary ; of the grudg- •
log support given her after he was gone ;
and after a word or tive of questioning
encouragement,. her resolutions-of inde
pendence, her connection 'with 'Kane
Veutnor, and her hopes for the futtire.
The latter part of the story seemed to
possess peculiar interest to the ofdpan.
" What is his piofession—this youth
adiVtvill some day,trike you away from
ino ?" ho asked quietly.
" A lawyer, sir,
with another blush.
"Ah I hut isn't that rather--.exense
nfd—but isn't it considered ratlier a dis
honest avocation ?"
Gracie flushed out in a - littlo burst, of
tamper, which sot Mr. Brooke's merry
eyes . twinkling.
Ci "'How can you ssy so when., you are
ono yOurself?" she exclaimed indig
nantly. "Besides, Mr. Ventuor is. no
pettifogger. It may, require years of
patience, but he ii detlrmined to be
nothing less than a high-miuded Mach
Winer of the law, who will stoop to no
low measures on' trickery, and whose
glory it will he to right the wrongs of
the ,oppressed. Such is his ambition."
Mr. Brooke sinned at her significant
" Thatis right," ho said, rising from
the table "Stand up for your friends.
like you all the better for it ; and
thaplc you •sincerely for your confidence.
lint I must go now—down to my potti-
Ire won tothe door, paused, hesitated,
then came back to the head of the table
where Gracie was still sitting.
"My dear," 4 ho said, just touching the
sunny ripples above her brow, " when I
remarked Vint your innocent disguise
was unnecessary, - 1 alluded to the fact
that 1 am an old man—old enough to be
your grandfather, I dare say—and more
over, one whose yontlkul dreams are all
buried deep in the sepulchre of the past.
lint, upon second thought, I reniciaiber
that we live in a busy, mischief-making
little world, ono that, in all these six
thou Sand years of its existence, has not
learned the siralilo hmson of minding its
own blisinesk—and therefore, if it would
not be unpleasant to you, perhaps it
wonld be as well for you. to call me uncle
while you are here. That ,would effec
tually silence all gossiping tongues, and
be doing a lonely old man a aroatTivon"
Gracie _was deeply touched by his
delicate kindness. She could only reply
by catching the withered hand and
bedewing jt, with grateful tears.
Thus their compact was made. To
snch neighbors and visitors as came to
the house, she was henceforward intro
duced as "141 y niece, who has come
on from the East to keep house for me."
But Gracie soon found that it was not
merely nominal ladoption. Presents,'
beautiful and costly, began to flow in
upon her ; books, music and flowers
leading to, more, substantial things.
Thorn was no lack now of 'soft gloves
and dainty laces, and the mortifying
memory of the coarse green malachites
was over-shadowed by the pure gleam of
lustrous pearls. •
In return for this wonderful, kind
ness, Gracia rendered to her benefaCtor
the care and devotion of a daugher. No
task was too lard for her if it could add
to the comfort or•adornnient of his home.
Yet, owing to hei• excellent. manage-,
went, sho was called upon to perform
but little neunal labor. Bridget, whose.,
chief fault was ignorance, gradually
came to understand the heanty.and
vantage of doing things well at first, and
as the family was' so small, she was.,
abundantly capita° of doing all that was
As the soft spring clays Came on,
Gracie had morn and 1130113 leisure, and
almost any morning she might have
been 80011 out in the garden among her
bulbs and seeds,, working with the zeal
and taste of an accomplished florist.
;Very happy days these wore to thu
orphan girl. But ono thing was. needed
to make her• enjoyment complote,'Kane
Ventnor's presence. ' Yet her trust iu
his constancy WAS as firm .as ever, and'
- though,hor thoughts often turned east
ward iu anxious longing, no.shadow was
over.allowed to dim .her face.
Duringthe chilly rains, of April, Mr:
Broolcitracted a cold, Which 'result_
ing in rheumatic fem., gave, Oracle an
excellent opportunify, - for showing
gratitude,. For week eic, • Was an atten
tive nurse and sympathetic niece in, due,'
and day,by, : dayitlideld, gentleman grew'
more thankful for the impulse *Moll
had prompted him Ao secure to, himself
sb. faithful und loving itifricud.,
Ono. clay, shortly after his recovery,.
when. the, bright, fervid, 'summer .was'
painting Gracie's gladioli •and coaxing'
the perfunie from •hor stookei 'and lilies;
.ho said, carelessly, m .ho left the porch'
whither, she had accompanied lii "By
the way, Cirncie,!l . think I will have
gentleman - 10mo with trio to tea.. • I have
conolhded at last , to take a'.partner Into
my business. feel so spry as I
did beforblni it ieee, and,.:this_ young'
chap can do . the rough: werkthe potti
;fogging you know"it 7 ho.had tinverpossed .
teasing her, for that , unlucky sppeolii'
, Bo p 3 uro, ,and look your, % pretpiest; ',for
Ldp ag t!qmP•ri.ied
qr 4 0. 10 P9 llo dr a nqf AfFP,P P49lp.p4a.
loft with Jnerr,y.
she stood half T ,?nlkily picking to . ti
stray dk'lnineScanLl
lthi, joitiOt'ihe coral
'the PO,kete of
414, tile' flo`or 'at her'
'f oVliy '
man ;this married'
whs . but : nub'
" •
, Q 7kflu tlip,*(tyly
,13 . 0 aWtlus
. • . .
• '... • , •-• , :r ., ,"' i) . . ;"' .'...1 ( ..i, ~ •,',.'; ', ~.....• , .',f,:- :::.:•,-*; :,' . - ... ,
,-' :•,, • ,- ,- . , • • ' '''. ' •
, . ,•4 • .•
r ,t
A . t , , , , „,... ~ , ~. ~,, 1:” .• : ~:. • . --, : .- i. •:.,,,,,•:-..,,-...,3:: : :. i „.......,,,, • -:.......-
, , , ~,•,,,.,..-. •' t" .„. „•,--..: - •• • ':-• .- -' ''. ' '''-
p , .„. .:•;.: •• „,••:•,,, . ~-.,,,': ..A.o , .., , • c - • . . 4.4 p . '..•- ••
. .
. .. .
IttioW 'she''.wOndd !"' ' So
she ;exclaimed;' herielf ;
but nob the -iCsS'for . this did she' her
uncle's bidding. Even 'as a punishinnat
for man's prestemption'. will, a , woman
sometimes make herself temptingly
beautiful. ,
The soft shadows, of , the summer eve
were falling tenderly over the , fragrant
gardens,. and Quiet streets, when she
carne' dOwn stairs, wearing atrailing,
robe, of lustrous gray tissue, elaborately
ruffled; with a loani-like frill of costly
lace circling her throat and wrists, and
with warm, spicy carnations clustering
'among het curls and upon her Bosom.
'Tho gentleman had arrived ; she could
hear the low hum of conversation ; but
it was growing so dusk within the par
lor that she failed to 'recognize the cue
who so„eagerly rose upon .her Mitrauce.
It was only when the words, `f Gracie,
my "darling, my own," fell upon her
ears, and toe strong arms of lidne Vent
nor held her in a cloSe'ernbrdee, that she f
realized the loving little plot which had
been laid for her benefit, and that the
glad, bright tears of gratitude burst
forth unchecked.
Again it is Christmas, aud again Gracie,
io in hor chambor ; but thorn aro smiles
upon her face 'instead of tears h and a
bevy of merry companions aro wreathing
, •
her head with orange flowers.
" auswOPOJl Gracio,
DoWu stairs, whore tho Christmas
holly is mingled with white bridal,
blossoms, the guests are beginning to
assemble, and iu ono short hour she will
have given to another all that love can
give—herself. Presently • there is a
knock upon the bikamber door, and the
busy maidens are interrupted by the
entrance of Mr. Brooke.
" One moment, Gracie," he says,
pausing just within the threshold.
" Some relatives of mine—some you have
never heard of=have seen it fit to pay
me a visit. I.have explained to them
that they have droPped in upon a wed- .
ding, and must content themselves with
the general • entertainment; , but I
thought it better to tell you, that you
might not be disconcerted by the ptes-
once of . strangers."
Gracie wondered who the visitors
could 'be, and °von fretted a little on
their inopportune coming. But when
she went do4n into the .parlor and took
her place before the'diinister, she forgot
thein entirely.
It was not till the ceremony was I , vor,
.and the company thronged up with con
gratulations; that she behold the, hard
gray eyes of Aunt Charlotte and scorn
fully, beautiful ones- of Viva fixed upon
her in bitterest hate.
Like a flash, she understood it all—
that this Mr. Ralph Brooke, 'whose house
keeper she bad become, was the identi
cal 0 Uncle Ralph" of her relatives.
"groat expectations :" and dreading.
she scarcely knew not what from their
angry surprise, she instinotively drove_
closer, to her newly inane husband. •
But Mr. Ventnor, though equally
astonished, had no such fear. In fact,
he 'rather enjoyed the situation, and by
a well bred cage of manner carried the
affair through without open eselandre.
Before - the company broke up, Mr.
Brooke tdpk occasion, in the presence of
some of. his best friends as witnesses, to
bestow upon the bride a deed of gift,
conferring several valuable city lots, to
gether with the pretty vilki 14arie
wherein he reserved, as he said, only a
seat by the chimney corner.
"Spiteful littlo minx 1" said Viim
" An artful, designing girl !'' echoed
her brother, as bitterly refusing the
offered hospitality, they shook, the dust
from their feiit and drove to a hotel.
But Gracie, happy in hoe best gifts—
two loving hearts—raved little for their
malice, rind -could afford to forget the
day that she stood sObbing-over a hand;
ful of sham (Mary.
who flourished in the mountains of
moot, as a horse dealer, was called upon
. the other day by an amateur of equine
who ••was in search of something fast.
The result is told an follows:
" Thera," said uncle Teter, pointing
Lo an animal in the .meadow in front of
the hemp!, ; " time, nir, is an'animal who,
,would trot her mile in two minutes and
seventeen, sdeonda were it not for one
"Yes," continued Unclo Poter, "she
is four years old this spring; is, in good
condition, looks well, is a' ilrst,rato
mare, and she could go a mile in too
seventeen if it were nit forone thing."
"Noll, what is it?"
"That mare," resumed the jockey,
"is in °Very Way' A ,good pieco or .1),:91,-
ortiY. Shi; has a beitry, inane, a switch
tail, trots fair, and yeti bore is onq thing .
only why she Can'l s trbt her uiilo in' two
minutes and seventeen seconds."
-" What, in comeience,_iiiy, theii'?"
cried the amateur; '
"'the groat to' the'
'N'TaN 610 01(1 ' ‘Vag'l3 rOply io .
, A liunLati. letter. says : " The mem
bers of, the Prussian royal family are,in
votorato opera goers. , Every nightsonle,
—and .frequeUtly allm of the members.
of Gm „Emperor's family- are there ; amt
,as for, gaiser • Wilhelm hirosolf,,lie,,is, r
perhaps, the.most reg'nlar opera.visitOr in
'the whole Empire.. Jo the infervalCbo
tureen the nets he invaribly'rotires froth.
1 1121oxandithospublio:givie; to,oonverse
:with sotnowne.of the leading members
of, GM, opera. eompany,.:nt the. littlo svin-
Oow , behind. ;the' 11 ' 0(1 , 40S,, 1111(1- just - (IVor
'the door whiehiculafroM. tbo ; royal box
Jto , the, stage.
~,When wo; last saw Jilin
there-.sot long .agulte vvas,,earrying
on what OPeeared to be o. vory.sperhling i .
,eonvorsatlou,wlth Madomoisollo Grossi—
theModt beautiful •and one.of the most
popular prima donnas hero—and the old
gentleman Boomed tobe as gay and aui
.mated,'Mr• though ..those fifty additional
years had not exiatiad, and ho wasmore&
eparkling Jouth of
.twenty4onr. Of'
aouree,.all,,this, , tete-giiete, is.no4.aoen_ by
A LADY who was -YOryettiniiioalip end,
befoi : e fobeervel i
bj'a'frlbnd " to : tele"
"Th'ere "titts' tiY Unto," ho
Yiffoarliad "eliii6it hiiegtheci
idle 'hit& no tarry o:"' 'said 'the
hilsbaild, with ' ' n, • ei ' kh'" , " hut' it's" very,
prTh.t.) Ili ll' i .)
ltbOOTOB'JOIllr." -
st on ( . 31'
'"A Pootor's fifth
Dr Ilessiria'n, ho ,
jtim'tied' into 4is"carriage,' faking tho
reins front' thO' hands of the 'grinning
Ethioj~ian who for the last twenty:lllin
tit:osllllcl been cherishing the f r ond do..
inSion that 11 . 6 Was 'to dabotnpany his
master on his round of prcifeellnital it
'" , '
"Not this • time; 'Ebony," said the
'doctor•, with ag,ood-natured shrug of his
broad shouldOrs,' "Yeu shall cone to-
TilOrow;' noting the look Of disappoint=
mint in the boy's fnee, 'Dr, John Wag
more tender of his soriMntS 'than dome
tnen'Mo of their WivoS:
" Oh, ilowsi• mind, Massa, never
rard," replied Ebony, liko the average
'human, quite forgetful of • annoyance
when the subjoet of consideration. "I
knows what 'Ws. rjiist knoWs. what
added Ebony, as 1M Watdlied the
.arrhige out of sight. Ile's got, ono of
its spells, and wants to talk to hisself.
I know him of old. If 'twas anybody
but Dr. JPlm, Ishouldjust say, 'Ebony',
that man has got softening of the sicull;'
but no such nonsenso can lie" laid to
Dr. Sohn did want to be alone or as
'Much itlo»o "'as a man cad be in the
streets of a crowded city, and he did
want'to talk to hhnsolf. Most men who
aro in the habit of eminnuning with
their own souls, do it in audible lan
guage ; so in this' respect; whatever ho
might be to others, Dr. John did not
differ from his brethren. A mau l s own
opinion is not unfrequently his best and
safest companion. .It will keep its
'owner's secrets, and when the compan
ionship is frequent, will in all cases
properly guide and admonish. Self
communism in its higheet form is the
avenue which loads directly to the heat t
of God.
Yes,' continued the . doet o r___ ,, yos,
Sir." (Somothnes Dr. JOhn was very re
spectful to himself): . " "A doctor's life is
no joke ! Easy, my beauty, tritsy ! now,
John, look at that horse. You are only
just a lift le more of an animal than he is.
It's fun for him to travel- when there's
another horse close by that ho can ont
run. Exactly the case with you John.
If it hadn't been for another horse in the
of a doctor you wore determined
to got a little the start oF, "here would
you have been to-day? - That's the point.
Worthy ambition, eh? to pass a poor
devil en the road of life ! Upon my word,
I believe I should be a . bettor mail if I
had a wife. I rather like women ; but
it is a. little hard to umb•i-staud how a
follow manages with'a woman tied to
Hint morning, noon and night. Thai's
What takes me. Then,l' em not sure
that anybody'd have mo that was any
ways suitable. Of wurst,..l should want
intelligen6o—and intellectuality, too,. by
George ! and I never ceiii endure a
plain wpan, or ;!'v,on,':ihoiVliii';l:l6tid
voles, sir, that; question is
in order," continued the docter, stroking
Inc tong, silky black heard. "That is
what 'I call driving the' nail in What,
hare you got, John Hossman, to give in
exchange for those royal treasu, es of
mind and body? A good name -yes;
an exceptionable position, unimpeach
able integt : ity--yes, sir. These - ale
something;" and here our M. D. 'clued
up before nu elegant brown-stone man
-slot', whore one of his best (psimniarily
speaking) and most fashionable patients
resided. Here Dr. John was employted
by the year; and although tiro position
was no sinecure, on account of the
amount of patience required to battle
with the nervous fannies of the principal
invalid of the establishment, still, Dr,
John, to use his own telling vernacular,
considered it, "au exceedingly soft
Ihing"—and soft it was in more senses'
that, end.
Dr. John walked right op into the in
walid'a chamber. ,
"Oh, good morning, (biotin.. A little
aren',t, you ? Scorns to 7110 I have
been waiting, an unusual length of time,"
drawled the lady from her luxurious
couch. 'T
"About the mond hour," Toplied 1)1..
John, with do ospdeial show of deference.
" What seems to he the matter this'
1 , !101t111g
" Now, really, doctor, that is too
cruel. Matter this bnerninc• ! Do' you
remember what was the matter. yester
day? Please don't be so biota You
shock my nerves 'terribly."
"Lot Me 'see," said the doctor. "Yes
terday, according to your own admission,
'you were fagged out 'with a fashionable
'party and at late' supper. That, of
course, cannot be the case to-day."
know I slit Mal not haye attempfed
it in my weak Mate, docttir. I know
just Irina you will think of it," sighed
:thit fashionable: woman from her downy
bed. ‘ .. 93ut, then, you men will never
understand what society demands of us
women. Dear Estelle (dear Estello iyas
thottrYalitl!s daughter) had 'quite sot her
.heart' on going to Mrs. reception.
Of courso I , could nut allows the dear
child to go'-unattended, and, bless your
liaart, Dr. Ilcssman, that
.14ri's father'
:woulti not ancompauy her to. a patty
.site folNead at his foot in consequonce.
Oh, Lord, such a time 'I did ha - yo about
iti• trying
.to itiduce,Mr. ,W.aters to' es- .
cort , :her I : Believe that "scone
had more to do with my.sutfering to-day.
than . the party had. ~ Dear...Me, :such
Man' as :Mr. 'Waters is I I fold him—
says I, William, this - May reSaltrin my
death.' . What do you thinklicsaid In
reply,. doctor? Says:4 77 ' When! a wo:
:matt' lets 'ib''bo-Torty -Years ;bid,' and
don't know enough to laic° card of..her'
own health 'arid the luptith 'of her chit=
_bolo • she Wed ; and then,
cloatik,ibe lit his!caTr . :tiatl;puffed out of
hpuseV, you this
waet you tnlcnoyi what.has so unnerved
,mo,,,apd ; ,that ,you may not lay, It ay,. to
thokncGyf 4stolle iy,ttuste'llh tob L dnb.
tobondtylmuymtttve writtim
„. - tycmict Napo :1
into„ the npT.t;toorn andsee
rr pr,,.TßktOcno)y, that ?prantlOng. j y.mst
bertthip t istored,
pittr i ttionwotiOct irretriopbly damaged,
so-wit (Pilet StilifePlayfna round his
mouth+-(Dic,', tinattli was
• really Xit IVO,' 'and; uth coai!mils: us
,t JO had'an" Undet to,
neck; &la theroWe
bly white and . eyeit tooth; and the silken
ellialettimind; glOsSy, and soft its a Wo,
man's hair,. ontirolye:Mdeemed the loWor
part Oldiatith *Om nglitiol'sk:t.the pity.
. .
r , -,_ ip
, .
words, among which agua:seened really
the most conspicious," and then passed
into . the other room. The doctor knew
what awaited, him. This .little gazno
, luid been:tried more than once beforo.
" Good morning,, Miss Estello," said
Dr. John,_ approaching the, sofa, whore
the beauty reclined. "Your
mother tells me you are ill."
Miss Estelle, with an almost impatient
gesture, brushed bank the floating hair
from her temples—carelessly, and really
unintentionally, it would seem, baring
. by the motion ono of the most beautiful
arms that sculpture ever raved about- -
and replied :
" Your manner scorns to say, 'Miss
Estelle, You are illodys ill. Why don't
you behave yourself?' Oh, how happy
1 should be, Dr. John, if you would once
in your life be 'rind . to ine.- I do really
think something is the Matter with my
heart. What if I should die ?"
No 'picture of Watteau's could ever
have been more witching, more charm
inglicoloi:cd; than the little form beforo
Evor3 , accessory oftoilet had been
brought to boar uyon the citadel of his
heart ; and to a handsome woman no
dress is so becoming as the negligee of
liar bond*, with its laoo rind "fantastic
embroidery, slippered feet and graceful
postures. Then the vases filled with
'flowers, the mirrors and jewels, and per
fumes; and enticing 'lolling-chairs.
Heigh° ! many a strong man has bowed
to such a shripe—mado a fool of himself,
for life—when in the glare and glitter of
the drawing room no such nonsense
\mild have been thought of.
Dr. John acknowledged the beauty of
this picture. It was dainty, piquant,
dangerous. It has' been dined up for
bin, on several plakvious occasions, but
never so much to iris mind as now. The
beauty's manner was earnest, and almost
su s pplicating. What man' could fail y
be appreciative under such circumstan
ces Remember, too, that Dr. John
was longing to be loved—had that very
,almost prayed that heaven
would Send him a little bundle of com
fort in shape of a good wife, and it will
mit be strange that, notwithstanding the
efforts previously made to enthrall him,
hp should think only of the present love
" What are you reading, Miss Estelle?"
said Dr. John, after a moment of appro
ciativo scrutiny. "Wilson's Essays,
oh ?" and the doctor'S face showed all
the surfiiiso and pleasure felt by its
owners. " And,upon- my word, if hero
isn't EmerSou ! That is healthy food--_._
rather heavy, though, - I should think,
for a sick girl !"
Miss Estelle drew a long breath ! For
the first time in the twelvo months Of
trial had slip received one singlo,.wqrd
of compliment or commendation from
the man whom her mother had deter
mined she should marry.
" And, as true as I lhe, another b'ook
under the pillow. Really, I have some
curiosity to know the title of that volume
also," continued tho doctor, almost
" Oh, it is nothing," replied the would
be invalid, languidly, "but a stupid that I got from the library.
; '.)[Other depends on me, you see, for our
desserts, and I can tell you that some
times my ingenuity is sorely tested."
Ono little hand tucked the volume
further under the pillow, while the
other, unconsciously, of course, dropped
upon the doctor's. With the white
jeweled 'fingers lying on his, the fair
dazzling face upturned, the words which
wonld have doomed him to misery all
the days of his life wore almost spoken.
llow wonderfully and providentially
little things sometimes appear„ to save
from desolation and death ! The hand
with which she had striven to hide the
plir Li:4ly concealed volumelnut strangely
enough lifted the frill of the.pillow, and
disclosed both title and author. Ono of
the most mischievous and recklessly
written books ever Translated into the
English language:
For a moment the doctor sat' silent
with horror and astonishment. Not so
much that the young woman hefoyCHhim
had developed a taste for such literature
hut that she could so Unblushingly lie to
"1" do not think," said he at last;
" that you' need any medbeine 1 s,o you
have my portnissiiiu to study the cook
book your pillow as diligently as
you.nfay feel disposed. It is pleasant to
know 'that fashionable young ladies are
posse . ssed of such domestic and literary
tastes. Good morning,, Miss Waters:"
Dr. John passiid out of that abode f of
luxury sick at
' heart.
"And yet," ho murmured, "I• came
`very near losing myself in that trap.
What c s onfotuidcd fools mon aro." •
This thought was rather humiliating,
and Di% John was unable' to shako it off
during the day ; and when ho turned his
horse's head homeward, it was with a
feeling of . disgust and !witness !Myer
Amfore experienced • •
"Pretty mut% alJalilte, I ant afraid,"
lie continued softly to himself. '
• .Thst - then'a little figure in the middle
of the street attracted his attention. -A.
child, to all appearance not a day'over
'five 'years, with uplifted arms,
heedlesS'of danger, looking straight into
his' face. • Quicker than I can' toll, Dr.
John' bad jumped 'frOn;i -
, his ;carriage,
seized. -the' creature,' and placed
her'on the seat
. ,
" You were in groat ; danger, my dear,"
said' the doctor down s into the
singtilarly sweet And intelligent 'Yonng.
face:• "What . Mado You stand in I the
Middle of the eroWded street ?" "
"'Are you 4 doetor I"" Wes the; only rii7
ply . imuclisafed.. •' •
.• •
:".B.r-nrofession, , yes,•littlo miss, and
by namo John , HesSom. ff,, yon any
commands for his highness ?n,
0 If you' aro a - doctor, wanfYoU to go,
home with -nm,, and if you are not,- please
toll me whorol can find one. my sister
Kate is stoic—awful' sick, and 'she:talks
aiid•sings'ah'tho.time ; and I haven'ttot
'any monoy—noither has she, but silo will
die if soinebody,don't
I am Wdoetor, and 'will go home with
you, little darling,!? said our friend, in-: .
voluntarily: . drawing the sobbing child
toward' hint.. • . ,oryi I, can help'
horif ..`,!,
Beformthoyarrided at the ICO . idonso,of
tho sick ' girl, Dr! John 'diSoovered,
skillful,- questiuning,' teal tho
name Iva4ll6i - onee'prittop-7-the mister's
Kato 13.rittoit';'.that . Kato wrote stories,
• and Inadoomportis.and sometimes hadito,
. . ... „ .
, .
. .. i - . _,•'• I
. .
. .
.. -
.. . ..
_ . .
_ 1 -.• ',....•.-. ~:.:.;,,'
.•'..- , '-' 1.:,...::: !;:, -;
:,-,-:, •-::,';'.. , •' . . 4
. .., .. . ..
~„: , , •
- c' • , ~ y , , ,.,
~ ~:. -. , .:. • , i, - .. ..„ r ,
ho out late at night taking notes. and
preparing ' articles for tlio - Press that
sho had not boon well during tIM winter,
and for the last three • weeks had boon
unable tctattend' to her litOrary . duties;
and: WiiB now suffering trom brain feveri
The room which the doctor entered ivns
plainly and neatly furnished, and 'bore
unmistakably marks , of refinement and
womanly taste. '
"Kate," said the little' girl, climbing
into the xlied where her 'sister lay ixioan=
ing with pain—" sister Kato, I have
brought a doctor to see you., I 'found
him in the street, and he - says be can
make you well. ...Look at him, Katie—
he is very kind." .
" Cuddle right down beside me, FlOry
'darling. There—that's a gOodjittle girl.
Go to sleep ; don't mind slater Kate=
she's only got a headache. Say your
prayers, Flory—say your prayers," mur
mured the girl, even in delirum, thought
ful of her preciouS charge.
gore was a case to rouse Dr. John's
energies—a ease which appealed to- his
sympathy and respecta ease, Solar as
he was able to judge, of utter loneliness
and - destitution.. So, like.the good man
ho was, ho set himself to work in earn
est. Azood nurse was procureth'neces
sary :articles were brought into the
house, and over all he watched as ten
derly as if the sufferer had been his own
sister' The fourth day the
awoke to consciousness, and looked Dr.
John straight in the face.
" Where am 4 ?" said she, attempting
to rise.
"At home," he' , rep s lieti. "Please be
vary quiot."
" Where is Flory ?" •
,"Asleep by your side. Don't ask any
more questions."
"Who are you ?" she continued, ap
parently oblivious to the comkpand.
"John Newman, at your service, and
at present your self-constituted physician,
who will be obeyed I Now, drink this
beet-tea—tako Flory's little hand in
yours, and go stmig . lit to ~,,
With a sigh of relief, a smile, a mo
mentary attempt to keMp her eyes 'Open
a little longer, and the invalid was sleep.
ing as quietly as an infant. /
- Pour weeks from that day, ➢Liss Kato
Britton rode out in the- doctor's car
riage, almost as well as ever.
Dr. John looked unutterable things,
as ho jumped into that gig and took his
seat beside Vary like the day, a
bath ago, when-hb had something' par
ticular to say to himself—only now ho
evidently had a communication td make
to another.
" It -will be safe for me to 'resume my
writing to-morrow; will it not, doctor?"
inquired Kate, -tho first to break the
silence. "I feel bettor and stronger to
day than I ha a ve for a year."
"No, little girl," replied the doctor.
"It w'fll not ho safe for you to resume
your writing in six months."
" Oh, doctor, yon are joking now
know you are, - " said Kato, noting the
look of amusement in his expressive
"No, Kato, indeed I am not joking.
You shall never go back to that drudg
ery again, if I can help it."
The hot , t blood mounted clear to
Kate's temples. "Dr. Hessman," she
continued, assuming a businessace'
tYurtmer, "but for you I - should've been
in my grave."
"In all probability," broke in her
companion, with more truth than mod
"Well," she continued, „you !lawn
saved niflffe, kept my darling little sis
ter frorn starvation—cared for us both
as though we had been your own kin
dred ! But how can I ever— ?"
"'here, child, stop right whore you
are, Nevor, if you have any regard for
my feat*, allow that word to slip from
your lips. I want to take you and Flory
to my home, and make your happiness
my care. In short, Kate, I want a wife
acid a - sister ; will you be the first?
Perhaps you don't love rue exactly—hut
I can make you I"
"But I do love yon !" said Miss Kate,
under her breath. '
"A II right, then L t aill ionzo?"
Sho ;.Vtint.
Dr. John scarcely over talks tohimselt
!alt. li4Slly AND 018 PRIENDS MEET IN
ISSUES. AND BECOMEip.oonitssivp.
CoxpErntri , a ROADS,
(wick StatO of K604104),'
Wo hed a cousulmshun at the Corners
last week, at - ivicli wiz disoussed the
past, preeent . acrid future uv tlid
i!muarked that it wood
take a long timo to go over the,past uv .
the party, hut from present appbarances
he woe ny the' Opinion thii its fuchuro
ho __fully_ a minnit ,or
tWo. I robookt him for _his_attemptid
The =Min vvozn't - eggsaWy a love
fOast, nor • yit.a reViyal Ant,*
. partook
largely uv the general.appenranee uv'a
funeral. There ;urea on the 'laces uv
all present a sort uv subdood' minis; a
kind desPatrin, hopolistihr fold timed,
resignation, it Avow; wish' I hey ''co,
served on the faCes uv gentleMea who
had bin convtoted'uv - murder in , tho fliSt
dogico, and ivuz, in constikeneo, Stand=
ing:on a trap dobr, iu company
sktirid; ,a clergyman, a doottm or two,
and the committee which hod ' been ap
pointed to soo that .1M wiiz. , prOpeylir
It wuz_deckled that .Fhat ailed the
pomocris,y- wuz close adherence, to
dead ishOoo,,tts general °Engin , ' to the
dead past, and its stubborn ,F o foeal to
accept the inevitable. Lunde that last
remark, and it struck a responsive chord
in all their bosoins.. Deakin '.Pogrrim
boV the faintest idea *,at "the in
avitable'waz, but ho sod he':,ivui ready
accept it,' and : iJatiConi„ who 6'Osed
that it yukiather . iiiipOsed to the Oredit
system, riez it'ivnz *at lib tied biniblam-,
'oi : ing . for . fer years, we: agreed that tius
time had comp when • the' Dinneciisy,
'shood-cutlooso from' the deed past,' no
eePt 'the' ll:Mittel:di:oi' and ',gird u'p' her
doins:foragrapple with '
and the itickin! filcher. 'We •dotormined
that we wood bar 7, in a deep grave' all
the lurabef - thatched impeded our:;on , :,
watd inovornonts, , and throwln ouVeelrs
[F,om tho Tol,do
Jaiwary 29,1872
into the milks uv progreSs, keep close
ups,` etnot a Web ahoad—u.V. , pro.
gressivea.. appointoka meoqn
atWich to enunciate those now vipwil
and anpointed oommitteds to draftrerf
lushoono exp i•eB' sivO uv em.,,_,That mootin
mboroasos,apd resolgshoona';',
adoptod, shows tlio quirOato4
Waives the • necessities' uv the times
demand the amatinuauce in life uv the
Doirideratic naiti; and . ,t
W4reas, it can't be expectid that a
partrkin live forever on ffat it hoz bin;
WarnaS the times doMand progress ;
and WO very livesE uv our jive idoas; and
Waroas the" Dimoklatic party ~
party uv progress, it lun only necossavi
for her to out from'her 'shoulders - the
load which he born" ser down, that'aliii
any bo free and . 4ein,bairased to-run, a
now race uv rejuvenated life -; and
Wrens we des!re, tO"ent loose froM
the dead past and iceept thß,inciiitable;
that we may be ahreasiii-Vmdst'progres
sive, wo therefore adopt the follin ez 'the
platform uv the principles , !IV the pre
gressive . Dimekratic.partin,VlContuoky
Besolvea, That the Dimocrisy uv Ken t
tucky,ibein a party uv progresS and re 7
form, refoosos to turn its face' backivard .
7-refoosesto consider the dead past, or
to deal with any but live,ishoos,doei
hereby declare that the last war with
Great Britian', that irrlBl2, was not
only justifiable but highly rite, and that
while we denounce with inexpreilsible
loathing the Federalists Flio..oppesed it,
we declare the rite, of American vessels
to sail the high seas without :being sub
jected to the' annoyance uv search, and
',pet proudly onto our banners, "Down
with the bloo lite F i ederaliSm—Free
Trade and Sailors' Rites l"
&solved, That the removal uv. de
posits by Andrew Jackson wire not only
constitooshnal but wuz commendable.
I?esolvad, That the charges agin the
&dmiuistrashon nv,,Ma:rtin Van Bureti
were falsehoods uv the most andashus
character, and that the progressive TN
mocracy uv Kentucky do hereby de
nounce the falsifyin scoundrels whb not
only published, but proved, them out
rageous statements.
Resolved, That the annexashun of
Texas and the consequent war with
Mexico wue jestiflable, and we hereby
thank the sojers lir that war for their
I?aselvM, That the conduct of Stephen
A. Douglas' in dividiu the Diriiokratic
party, and tlicroby,olVin A. Linkin to
the Pteliloncy ivas not only roprchnii r
siblb but daintfable..
Resolved, 'Pint we desir&to bury dead
ishoos, but 'Nve do assert that the war
agin thro SoUthern States lungerated by
a Linkin and carried on by the. Ablish
fists., was hconyus and damnable, and
the ptogresslfe Dimocracy of Ken
tucky hereby pledge tLennielves to urge
au undyin war agin all concerned hi it
forever and forever, and to bequeath
this undyin hate to their children and
children's children to the latest genera
Resolved, That turnin our faces to
the Athor, wd ilb asselt that African
Slavery-was not only Bib but was
reely for the best interests of both tbo
African and Caucashun; and that in
emancipating. the slaves, A. Linkiu and
his Ablishen coadjutators not only struck
a blow at reveolod religion, but a stag
grin ono at the material intcrestSuv our
beloved country.
Resolved, That While 'we accept the
inevitable, we declare thd Afrikin to bo
the inferior uv the white man, and - inagt
from Biblikle Anti ethnologitle reasons
alluz be, inferior, and that the given uv
him the ballot after makin uv, him free
is an outrage to which no Illemckrat kin
possibly submit.
Resolved, That the proposishen to not
only permit the nigger to vote, but to
make elikible to joory dooty and to offis,
it one which no progressive Dimokrat
kin entertain for a minit.
Resolved, That the progressive Dim-,
ocracy do licrehy„cnter their solemn Pro
test :gin the payment uv the debt in
curred in the prosekooshon 11V an unholy
war, and do hereby denounce all the
bonds itshood-ez evidence uv that debt,
oz uv no mote bindin force than waste
paper. '
Resolved, That progressive Dinioo
rasy look with alarm upon, the efforts
heir made in Delaware to abolish the
whippin post in that State.
Resolved, Tltat the opprest whites ow
the'Southern states which are compelled
tO live under the rule of niggers'and do :
inoralizin I;foithon whites, have the
.sympathy uv the progrescive Dhnoc
racy uv KCittoclq, and 'while we do udt
approve Thy violence vz a. rule, we still
say Cod-speed to the Ku Klux and kio
dred associashons. and we denouno
Pacsident Grant for his unwarratOahlo
interference with thorn. .
Resolved, Thattbe civil rites bill now
boin urged by thatmiost Milk's . us all
ablifilmits, Charles Aumuur, - ,is an - .on
rage to' - whieli Nye will never
These resolushons• vruz passed , yob-
Wtz ordered to•be
They aint ? Porbaps, cz• radical
az some nv-the dissatisfied riepublikads
whickwo expect to koteli.wood desirif,
but they aro quite ez radical. oz nig ;
Dimocrisy kin sWtilien. Indeed Deolcin,
Po l ar:v:li felt - thoje vruz :alto,dritho jot)
lively foc'Uim ..
13tiethby pi ssed, alai ram happY:/I
'fOot /that: tlio t DimooiTici tw thO • Ci•nti , a
Roadj,'noiv that they hey Out 100E36 from
thb dead 'iniat;finiv that ft in hi 'sonic
naiaguit in eynipittliy With' the pre'rigit,
,i)nasibly get their hands 6iiid la
ttiohet: •
alriziotiti to see - tbat'offooilli'o ' B4; '
•escilaoshons Will frcidube this country.,
' • ' • (wiliclewti P. loi.)!
, ClAltpiricaimi Fop. Linn ~- 11Ta1C0 you
bedtreart,y In .tlo morning instottd orl r
ing:therdon'S amo'buttons on youir
band's shirts; do not rake ' up any gilov / 7 '
Anodes Tirotoot ?Alio ythi,rid tender'
brandheszoryOui faYnjli; p/Fat 'glop&
of good temper lit you* face;'.anti of
fully rooi out all angtryfdelinge ; cutltbate
nil womanly
. gracek"And ~ fixpeot. , goOd
crop or ' •
1:1 --
-A ' nog of ~tho.
largo oltios,hiliahclaoino' forty,
hor pßofaaalan' , of,
',0426000' a: ' Yeßr.: ',. .:Sh'P r . l o,h ) tP cif+
tiontg, 413;pRtiouce;)
A PRE .7"'t olnra
. ,
'Alcoa threo giiii 7 o`rhirbk,
onion shone ripen a..nredding in. thelittle
town .0_ 'Hamilton; Ohio. 'Tlrel.infqiy
pair ; we -e a yOUng man
unblemished. eharacaii,,,•aTid
artistic ituda Ycitig fii4y
froru ono of tho.most respecitahieflinciiiies
in.a neighboring town., ,fliery cnleum-
Oa*• .' of the. nion, .as"
,sp '',e
paeo, ; ;;gave = .Proriiiso. of
happiness for tho.l.i'ves•klied:i„t:iikkg
ibil34 was in a thriving 'busineSS:;lhe
wife, was fair, .deyOt:Ocli arid. an'Cfiruir
able ':housekeelior„ ,a:Rd. the friendii Of
both predated for 'them that, leng'Shbuld
.they :ha . ; : 1414t
with ciontoni, rilisfOrtune,free.
Such,' indeed , might I,iaVelbgen,
b destiny, bet for, 'a, r6tisr - :giifl.
rln the second' yCar of the nial'ulage,
there came to liarnilton ? :4 l parCtitlyln
quest of Orripleyinent,' , oild of tin*:i?eith
tiful, homeless Yeting'natinal'einears
who' eam to drift eltui , wheierabb4'tho
world for the'prefanaticin
Lemnos. She drifted inte the liVes - Oftlie,
two'inaidd ones intrOdneed''S.ljO;ii,anil,
with: no moth efforts 'than_ 'suditieniptais
generally 'seein Make, etiught -- the
husband'S blind and we'vo an inextrica
ble web around it. The 'Tito blinded
herself to the unhappy event' so lontrits
eho.eoufd ; hdping against liepil'for the
man's final strength to break
spell cast over him:; brig ; :at il last,
wounded honor and affectiOn'Ciftiklie
silent rio' longer, and the Wife dp01i...00
he'r husband, as it was her right. — the
accused made- no denial of his infatua
tion; lie said that ha could not help it—
that he must leave the place or beioSt.
Willing to both aid in the resale and
forgive the captivity, the wife propOsed
that they should move to St. LeidS, thus
resisting temptation by
Quick oonsent was given by the b,.M:itched
Litisband, and they removed to the great
city;c .. Soon-after settling there, the wife,
while.on a "shopping"' excursion, saw in
,the street the girl fromNfllolll she hail
once withdrawn, as she hoped, forevdr.
Rendered miserable and su.SpiciouS„ by'
the cdreiustance,;eho followed her .to,
house in a 'side street, where, at ..the
door, stood tho.broicen-hearted hesbitnd
waiting ! Without hesitation the wife
darted to the side of the abashed man,
silently caught his arm, and fairly com
pelled him to gO with her into the build
ing, which the persuccl had jest MitOred.,
FolloWing the ; girl of ITainiltini a..
room, she led her husband .forWa'ril - and
said, "You have inade this 'nian
traitor to himself and his God, you have
broken iiiy heart and - destroyed a happy
home. My husband thinks too - much of
you to care for 1310, and I now silibmply
relinquish to 'you all my claim upon him;
and bid you both
. good bye for ever."
Without another ,word or look she .hur
ried from the house, and before..the
, day
was over had loft the city. Not to seek
the only consolation that—the betrhyed
and wretched. may know in the silent
sympathy of old friend:l and a lifo of
.humble resignation before God ; not to
plunge madly through death's momen
tary darkness'and forgetfulness into an
eternity of divine wrath ; but to • Ily to
another city, and there deliberately en,
ter upon a career as degraded as her
whole former hiPe has beennoblol• Item
she is now, beyond hope, beyond help I
because she still loves her ruined Ins
-band, and believing that his soul -is lost,
cliboses nitherto be with hire hereafter
in perdition that without hirdin Heavell.
'When I was'a qad at home I was. a
very good boy, as boys go; but as
child I had a 'will of my own, dud used
to want a good many. things which worn
not altogether allowable in the family.
I was buoyant as a birdi r and used' to
want to go out of the dooryard, against
the rules; andused'to want togedoivii
to tho village on training days,Nif'Uch
not allowed, and USW to Want to go
With boys that I was not alloW6d to play
with, but that were ama4ingly attracti , vo
to me, aud. because so, very on
that very account. -
"sometimes broke ovc,r:tho,rules .. .in
these respects ; and I hntl nut the cour-
ago to confess atilt tell the truth.' First,
shame hindered me ; acid secund r feat-,of
a whipping hindered me and I was
generally found out, so that I get,)oth
the shame and the whipping. Besides I
had a serious time, with wy conscionce
whenever I,didwrong,,,, had an gurnly
conscience, IN . •11 L was Meddling wlth
nie,night, and. day., And every. now and
then I hail a reckoning (I sepposo •.y;en
what a reckoning !Me:114;1,10J-
qua, alp
thug L al way.:Pfelt
and wanted to 110 101intalling,
and luotluic,,aud eyerybody.' If:anybody
xyauteil, tun to L riin of au orrand, holy
used toclip, it, as
,boy ,saiFiri in
thohe. clays I Thiiiliappiukss coutinupd
for a !lay or reut, ; ,‘Nell
,enough, 41)(1, .by,i,poo:4lltrtlcit
,my prptll9r,
.a4k1.1 1 1,a eairl lip, vouisi
:Lila I cola., likit,wlukt,T...,)rewq• 40.4 c tho
rulq. w l tatyel,,p.mhX . got;
out of ii,planco with mysoy. ,wl l / 2 en
I ot., to going , wrmig,,l_, : wellt ,p,p;gping
. .
W 4 , 04, did,„an ! ivopronen , ihing,•„, or
whou.l hod done ti,dut s y,.nnfi4hrio,, I
was afraid of ; 0111.141 en
I prevaricated a little, and, that made .
the matter worse ;.anri.byi. and by 's crisis
an,11 3 was sent ..eo
4414 lipt,t9 615'46 11,91. stay •
moment, 101(1 . a
Tand'said Ilia t e griit`wini not . , gronid,•
and„that was, reason W
I .is, gone
• dintl
61101t;p9,,r0ti.1(.1 01:it;, and ifOr
father ,
~caipe, home; .woulc Wiitsii",; his
faeo to
s soo t
, r. „Ip - oie d as. ho
an'Ztho} y irnl,e4!?scion, guilt,
and, the an ioty.fliill pain groly 'on ono,
tiil ; by; an by it
t ,
IVoi);44nnt;'-i; in
about ton dairsolOa ccrtihigi 4 , aftV).;. l 3 .the
trantre'sbien, the rectiOninkWinil4
A.iidit VA ill in bd tip of s t riihnl'iiAttin•s*
n g
Clio o. tTIiA " VtP;llli . t,
tiMiebr i Olili:k;'''fOr"it is
.on'both . ; sidiiif-on the .
dren and the',#blo of tife.iirdotiVd..'
! I , ! pld: Irian i:when ditegerously ,
was, .urgimy to 1 take. the advice of
physioiatif buit.olijoeted, , saying,„ 'l.l wish
~ to the lointirral iienth.?l c r.( ,
.. ~..:f
I '