Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 25, 1872, Image 1
• 1 4 I I 1 I 1 r -. 1. „ ,A i .. f .1. r 0 Mr Eg li •• . t .•. THE CAH 6 I.lt_F - NERA.L9, • .1 - k - .k , t-• tubllshba ovory tire 43 IVEAKLEI Si WALLACE•; , 3 ; .;,, . IiDITORS''AZ4D PROPtIIETOI6. Offici• iii larcnes p ! !4, in 7:cc, 2j , fhC 910 Lrouse. Torii4L-'0 00 per 'annum, in tillyanoe. ,EATPS! fAAIriCRTIBINO; - r ; q I MCI 9,00 4 00 5 00 1 6 761 fl 00 7 60 200 3 00 4 00 6 1 66 0360/ 1 , 01 1 30 2 00 2 50 3 00 5Q II=1! dallier r4otleas, 8 C For year V Parda. not excaedinity,als linos, , 7 C Varquirionacernatits. - ..05 eenta pat'llee, nillob tot trapped S'..r by the year. • , , FOr BeNnealihd Spend Frokleea. 10 ceata per line, Vouble eolturtu adtertleements, extra, ~ No Or Marriage* Ina "Dentba trrblfilhed free. TIDE BLEYD B.IEI2,PER, her sleep on: 11,•r henri is weary of the ,Ift , be'r ; drettni%-lati&'Nfle 7 inity si6e Bright section Hutt in her waking flee ; So let lice hr. Let liar slOop on Her HO ii patient, part in wife Let %VIVI:n(4A ? sl sight ; noula• It RIEMEIE Lrt ip the air) :\iui tilitsc thou rit•es , iit her 711..16i,` reitti:gattit.ii it limy teem, let her dream. 1n 1 rvt, her hear hot: rur : stn. lov.l tin teridf::: A ti ,1 haply 1.1.1 ~n. And let lire Arnenli !-;, pitying' itwz,...l wult , aloud' II er bolt,le« pain. eyr.s niT dry of loan., Site rood- errr. Qll, twill. Oh, blessed' drhtti I ,1 Barr not ; .\ ttnrd nt'llt.i . side 1 ,laud — .lml ,Inre not ,f:iy Ip 11. who i , . c thr pntit.Lit. 11111111111,1 h itr s,•it it. ti/ittlittiti, i,4. ( . 7 #,i'f9MY , 0 i 5 A WOJIKING GIRII 4 'S, STORY I dtxi reniemb4 the " time when work was "a dull, meaningless word to,. me when fond, dOting , vitvents surrounded me with ovary luxury possible to con ceive, for my fallier was considered wcalthy pope, Mtn the min.inificithit honk, and grounds. costly carriages and nu r merous, sert,ants, (le'rirtinlyiXetokon , tho: assertion " what a careloss:happy , -lite, I' 160," till steldehlY my parents were botli strickOn down by a violent epidemic, and I was left an "Orfthan at the age a' Beventeen. I shudder, .even now, as mentory•rocalls that desolate period, and the bitter feelings that surged over me, when the, full consciousness of my be reavement forced, itself upon me. My father's only , ihrother, was snm:. mooed from New York,•and e ta his tare. and love my father had'con.signed Sae: I cannot say I fancied my • uncle. He was a stern, silent Man, very unlike my father, but there was a look of sadness upon his face that won my pity, and tried to like him for my father's sake. After the funeral, my'unele, by holes= tigation, fotind that Wo had been living far beyond., our ineans end that in 'eon ssquemt we were seriously; involved in debt. This 'wits an unexpected calamitY, to me, and it is 'lto wonder my, face, Itlanbittid•witli; Sadden !liar as I' listened to my uncle, for the knowledge of my Weiiititinaile the thought of living in my uncle's family unbearable. - One:1114'1g I resoNed‘upon would'not be dePondent upon tur nricle, either for . my aupport or . ",flaynaout ,Of my father's O. bts EVery cent Itlotortnined , to , pay Af?qn rip emild ,honorably. Carii it, , The . house everything' of any 'value: ' , ,Ya,13, 'and lafttir distribsding the , proceeds• among the creditors, we departed for NeW 'York: ; ". • ' ,uriOleqiirild'''en. , --4gi'liontie, 'a mua ficonA house;-; elegantly ,:furnished with everything art could devise, or' • wealth prosureoand yet, there was; a lifl 3 / 4 6.spliable eVery 'thing that por,ta,bled 'to My aunt , met us in the hail aS we en tered, and 'lifter Saluting' my uncle,i greeted rnii i 'vitit'a fes,+ .. i:Silite worth!, of welcornd;, yihtdiequite t)M pretty' littl& 'l , ileech I had"'ilfthatAd . ;tio; make on tileloceasion, and. 'bitught hot tears, dtdiSaiiimintment ,t4,miCYCs'; but fobbing, them . inoudly to Meet , 00nsin Mabel. ~ thad • heard my motliate,lift.eii'speak of ,Ir'or'ilißF{ti<y, .hut was wholly, unprepared for thi.aViSion Of fCriiiliileaChliiitore'm e, and Stood gazing • liket'.olCti Nd pen can de4- • eribtrAlres deep violet eyes, the softlY-. Onted-cheeksior .I,ho olden that tAieONViti!fo shoulders. Shs 069 of [podium heigh„ ma could not bRy f tbgan A' 1 1 )1 ;P . Lt l " mipt , ....lha:voC-paemsu , for muo,h younger. If , anything„ she mot in 9a' iathet, inOlcodt‘tnied, , anal itatcil lieterlie'll'9"Plto,-,37?l'm' ' lay auntrank% e hell; aud when the to''n? email hßp;,Vpi4Wita'gpiar.traol . on the third floor. . .W ton,alone I gave ' vent to m?fileliAge, and Wopt long and renieuillotihg appear at difineq.biiiiicVVrtiAtill; fl,4ria alt.,t , raco , §,fl i m . y A tears; l i n} p , Alroyfynof rio7, my eyes were red and 'ewollen,c olnialchgzrrhy„faeni;rhichlt(lP.lntvirtpte 6l" tY, loolvlabablutelf , dgly. Tqe`-mlifrOr s Allaated .t ri app \ I ,Fottnedhp i adv-poyp i relilidlippl' glos,4l.lildr; tutd7 . , i'dP •prAY,Oa,, an..ordniaryJ iooltinr '; ',3 '; tsl, '‘ a •Y! clam,' and hurriedltplMillgVntolletk Acted ) vb.O F , l; 4 2A -,YeAe l l f gehtioniktitWo*ibil'ittroductid tri din . e. iik 9 g.;,ktua mt on e (l, itta . e'itaa something• ao third and genial about him. mi wan a iirk;idifoine -• *,• "• _r. )0.17 I• • :I. la: ;::Pitt ' ,5 1,11 ".'%! ' l ' ) ` tu tt EFL_ ! 7.,11 ;ID ;11;Vi • • • ' , • „•! •., , 1 - ,y. • ikl ;110 C . , ,C 4 )t),E'14. tpl , lsla -1 , r;;fi • •,,'• " • '''"' L' • ' I '•-'•••• ' • •er 1'1", J,Ere, t iv(l '". . • . •j• •r - i . .• . 1 . 1 r. ;•- I ' ' 'l4 • „: rOIT /I ,,, t , t+g • .1 .1 .1 , 1510:1(.Ait ' ?f r i• - "' • 1 •` • " • "" " • • ' • , I: 11: tqr. •,• 4 , ' • ' HT ; , t 1.11.4011,../.. 200 i l uo •11 3••• • Clffi e. 0.1 .„ ,•• thk, 'vl . ' tr;,.‘ " • 9I"'" •10) , I [lo*/ . 1 , '11 , 9 . .EIE„ a Irfr, 1.. Pr:Ali 1 . .1-, tn.) ri t /..1 . ” • " - tr. •..,pt • , I. 117 i I • '" f ", j " " " 1 I bit': solo; ):( 4,, tit 1114;t1 I 'l'f /if 1.5.t1 :a • •• .1‘.111 , 1 r i • , • 1. • ••,1•1' -1: • • r: •• •1, ‘L • ! : q ,• 1 : • 'Poi) • •\.• • .1.1/ •-t- Est r"" , • .. „,, ,• , • • ' • r, , . ii) ~ 1. , , 4 I . • 4(t-- 7 4 .r• .1 rf. hi:lt • ,i• ••-'1 • 14"1 • L „) , „i 31; 33• 3;4 111 3 331/. r• 13331,11! t„ 3 31, 3 3 '• •'' • 3 - 3 3 • ,33 ! ) 3 P 33 )3 .3 1)3 .313. 33 t'i ' 3llll .134)oLgivEtt 01 whiu " 11,41 xv .. n t, . • f' ERE man,too—tall' arid Well prepertionbd, •iviih 'an 'aberidance Wavy 'hair, which clustered about a. brdid,' white forehead. .The :eyes; too, Were' brown and expressive;while the mouth was asingrilar comi:dnation of gentlene" , and power.' ' 'He waa free and easy in his manners, addressing hikremarke first torie and then another, . till even my atint?s proud fate , relaxed and a smile hovered about 'the 'lips ' as. if in fear, 'of being detecited: eveitiii'g Passed pleasantly, and after hisdeparture trodneed the subject of self support. At first my undo opposedit, but Mrs. Gray so' it,, he' Premised ,to eon , 'iridor it and his, opinion in a feW - days. But ~ I— w as- n et - idle: loolted ± among the advertisements in the daily' papersovery morning, but not 'finding anything that reached my ease, I Aeter ,mitisd,to visit several publishing house's and 800 if I could not procure some eopY 7 ,' • lug to do. To, accordingly, ono day 'I started witheenfident hopes of a sittia tion before . night, and, in imagination saw the heavy debt paid with my earn ings:, first place on my' list I erf: tered with a little trepidation, end, made ylio 7 n my errand. , Very kindly my re quest was listened to, and just as kindly I was" informed that thethad ' no-need of my services. I trisdplaP HO. '2 with no better. success ; and, in Jest, none of them gave sue any better oneouragement• than, , if they wanted' my ' Service 'they 4 x41 01 jal 1.0 1 4 007li 12 - 00 22 00 5 00 0 On (4 00 20,00 6 00 11 161 16 00 1(0 00 0 75 13 00 1$ 00 a 2 60 ‘7 50 14 00,110 . 00 33 00 3 60 15 50122 60 37.50 porehoitoo- o Would let' Me Itritny' the'last place Ilia editor me the. address of a gentleman on MI6 !freduelitly'elmilnyd copyists. followed the direction,. and was soon the presence of an elderly gentleman who, when I fold' Ititn what 1 wanted, .suggested that Lshould learn -phonogra phy, adding that, iC I would learn it, lie would give one a situatiOn as soon as - I' was top lutten tto,ll.lllt. MEM He recommehded a teacher whom I engaged on my way home. -1' shall never forget. the first lesson; the alphabet and outlines, curves and hooks, looked like Greek to me, and believe I should have given ur,but .for tIM fear °film ridicule which I, knew would he showered upon me at home ; so, with 'this stimtilative I persevered, and at the mitt of a year I was able to re port, I presented myself before the geu. tleman Who had offered me the situatioii, and my labm•s commenced at once. I received larger wages Wan I es - Peeled, and carefully hoarded every cent with, only one thought of ,ambition—to free my father's name from dishonor. A year had passed away. Dr. Clifford called frequently to see us, making the sombrt; old house bright with his inte:. Bence. Ho always treated mo with a great deal of attention, and when wo Were alone there Irms a tender &formic° in his manner towards me that 1, could not account for. 1 had never tried to define my feelings towards hiin. Tt was sufficient fur me to know lie was my friend, and that in any trouble that might T had one who ) - FolUil support and comfort me. . It may be imagined that .but for Dr. Clifford my sojourn there , would , have been anything but:preasant, My uncle and amkt rarcly ; spolce : to,, ; Mabel never, unless to , ridiculer. and censure, So the days passed on. . _.llly salary, had been increased, and I had economized so closely that already I had discharged a portion of the .debt ; but such close application was fast breaking down my constitution, , ' and though 1 blinded my eyes to the fact, it still ieinaine:d a tormenting reality. At, the close of a week of excessive labor I was suddenly taken ill with ; typhoid fever. Dr. Clifford was immediately sent for, but when he arrived I' was unconscious.. I did not see the anxious. faro that bent over me,:or hem' the soft, cridearilig words ho . 'tittered. I should have been a, happier Wetiiini if I had: For manylveeks my lite Was despaired of, but with constant and skillfutatten tion 1 was scion prononeced out of ger, and. things glided back to their," old routhre, with ono exception., Dr.,Olif-` ford no longer treated the with the shy deference that.. had 'so,loug ,marked his cooduct.„Love allowed, itself •in every' slight caress 'rend lingered In every•look and word, and thongli: be, bad. hover !spoken of asiced he his wife,, I - read "the .song witbont worclii,” and I • its glad niusio filled my 'heart with joy' hajniineSs, 'making My which had been so long dull ,and blOSseun \Vail strange' beailiy and fx3-' , "Mt11)131, T ivant to 'tell' stinletti}g, I think LlttNhSr:dlidihFcl regretted the qucstieni ra•;! al; ltiastr•ths nianr,hii•,, in which At arrivs, wolded, the,n ,ext, Ininut4, when ho saw this lboir. , •npoll.the fair 1 :4°,.. 6 f1 4 4 1 ?010rrtY 1 i`..:' • , ••uertaird,y Harvey,. awl alway,s .listen,te'llou," and the 8 94, musical voice•wat tretnulpup tion, anti the wliito , 4dvvoill3d the di:cop- - ink oyes'as'Sho'ftifswhied ' Y.. " Well Mabel': I ,liave len'rued to love. thhOittle. cousin., of yours, or rather, haVe fovea li&r,sifice,' tioi iiilit:iiiiia ,I:saTi. herr and , ..k.srant -yew , to"tell - Mb" IT* tlie field is oliklil'iir-ii. tioni'd • 11a py man has; already woulimantige I cotatit* .1i i lfi l This, Was said, with all asstmied 'pray fuesl, bit' Ogiq 44 fl, lurking earnest-, noes in the Volae 'aiiii'llarvey Clifforil whited iiiiiiiduAi l foV 411e'. 1 a,AVidit!' "' • • ' 1 cat 4 inel:,‘ ,tole yon,, e garvexi. y fba r i e rci'' ihiTiratO'"OW6iii r ii'.fer 'Me to ino, .1), Ideiinilit''.thieli(444ef iMitnichl. r epine d - , tr, 101 1t,,?Y9Pf"5t9,0,tigt„1,849 , 114 , .,14., sor 1. to see you betrothed to such - a woman. '• ~,It What [do you rimEtanirMabelly. , and' , i.u.his .eagerness lie took lic , r.r , lprdyit . 4 , lliindht .r eki'shed the riiliOle' 'jeweled 11 1 g'ora. l'or a moment Nolo; liesitate ,I. ! f .,, i 'l.6., tr ': fl .l... C ff s 4)o ' ;!Til,',o4. l ollitt i ltilit lest, to; nonestji , aufi'. , there ,, :was. 3 stnti : ., ilillikqh a' 'told . di3llheratW&B6lll4&lslm. - 114Wi l ltr.#!' But agllj!'o kl 4 ;? l ol9Ening, oo icy and crafty -reason she had. given', '3 ' e '4 l d lh 'l4 l , l l l ,.:Ti 6 Rit l MM; l tla di'll j ..acepiniplaMiniit andldayolotteditcny, ' tci t ‘ir4l ;040 :..V4.Fl.',tiiik;,TO:93lWrM'id Of , 1 141,',' his,: great Iregi T 4 f' ' I N integritY.and-truth„..and:the'..temptati if' N eaktir e . g iiiari. , :f .:, , ,i..' , ..! a . ?..1?1, , f,,-, .A\ u , F;;Mi'iwttiliiliot tal, t .ii;i ' li:! , lVl9 " oslld I , '‘ilq,MOM:,'KVsSt;l4l43+;:,„*lla,i,;'nioiWit o, i , do might., 1.! dare tayebifene , tvairt !trill, iv • .fall'AndbillaWiiiiii ' h.4,VOljOsWil l at d Wlth lier',utliiid tfirragain; it picenlii,,t,o . o no good' and mamma has actually for-' .., • bidden , .me to have intereourseiovich :=M =El= e'ifctlicat oyes met ins witlieut:wav erio. IlaOY'Plifford wad vey i 4ale whop she' aaki 'i , 5 0 ng, anti, fora ne 'miiiitalielre4ktOiiiteieliaidoneq- ' ''' 4 6Ocitnli knowsdisPPPpir4nekt ifi and "aiigiiislr your words havo caused me :iS , l4el, there thing, DIA r. revere Moro than another, it is a ,truth 'loiing woman: A. 11.! holy - cRuIA.YOU clO the strong man wept liken chil ' :1 Is there no woman you .e,au . trust, itervey'r , : - And the voice at that. rnomentlad,a. powerful, fascination in it. llar'Y9i Cti ford 'OOO . power, end ioohipg at the' fair girl, beshie him, — ho th~ughtih3w prowl any limn' might `be of hey as his 're " • ltl 'Weald havo trusted' Alice Gray ii'efere proof, !have I that inyjedgernent : prightp , ot err , tiewise s of her . faisbbess you wetild riot condemn t;" And' the gOiered. in her violet eyeti,"adding new beautY'l M il"tendernedS • to, Hie fe 6 'of.,ol9 ' l , 94Prt • • It was a dangerous moment for Har vey "Olifforef--one'Thi • could not resist, 'and Vilien' lie loft' the hbuse, 'an' lour later,lie,.*as the' betrothed hnSband of this Weuntin, who, for Ilia salce;•ba'ci • per : . lilted her Soul. ," •• "'Jane; waS rctriely 'Upon us Before the fanillY had 'Made any definite Mh•aegc. r . ments ifor their' 'srminier trip. • T "had regaitied'my usual' ltdalth and luta re-. shined my. Fork' •My uncle and'aunt had invited' Me to accompany . theM on their' fon te, which' had been decided to be Saratoga, Newport, 'hod the White Mountains. '-.My-heart -quickened at the,. very possibility of such a ideasure, hut pitting 111 k tenfptation fur from the, I htfelide'd'Yffoil 'eve - CEAtoy ' antics. T had Met Dr. 'Clifford, but once since uty recOvery, and the cold' indifference, with' whin he greeted me, sectined to" crush My very soul: 1 - noticed lin; atten tion to Mabel, but - l - wits net awa - i;e'of I their engagement,. till the evening before their, departure fur Saratoga. T -was I sitting fit my room wondering what had, produced the ,change in Dr, Clifford, when Mabel entered soft,l), and draw ing a chair up close to mine, said gaily "i auirtonie for.yOur congratulations, Alice. lam engaged for marriage w ith narvey 'Clifford," holding up her ,fore flour, ,upon which rested a diamond ring which, glowed and sparkled in the _twilight with wondrous I listened like one in a trance,. ; My heart seemedt-to stand still, , mid, any 'tongue refused, to more. She _noticed . my Silence.aud added :v • . "I presume youlre surprided, and I must confess 1 was a little myself. I had-thought all along that he, - fancied you." And through the gathering dark ness her eyes gleaned , kriumphautly, and a malicious laugh, rung out upon It. grated harshly upon my ears and . Or a moment I kilted tim,girl - who had, supplanted me in Harvey Clifford's of--, fection, and I said bitterly " Your observation Must be remarka bly keen to detect shell a slight clever once. Whatever Dr. Cliftoul may have Item tome,- lie- is - nothing have my hearty wishes for'your happi- " I accept them with clue appreciation of their sincerity." .And carelessly hum ming an opera air, she depitrted,leaving me with my 'Misery arid wonnded love, which ulna ! I'coiild iiotOCtuciner. - " The tibia Morning 'the'y started. was to retain the servants and have charge of the botiab until their 'return in October. I Went as iMital to my wcirlc, for the servants were trusty, and I was. not afraid to leave them. :August' cause with its sultry. heat. r had not heard front!the tinnily for soihe time, and' Was .wondering at- their silenee r for'my uncle wrote to-me 'every weak—kind, aßoction ate, letters, they _wore . ; }op, which gave, wo tr greater itasight .inin his character• ,than I ever had before. • Ono evening, 1114 P \s i ns sitting in'tlio parlor reading, tho' bell rang violently, and a servant lidon entered IVith a talc grain 'dddressed 'to nio. A eone opfnre'sced me, and 'my hail& shook , rie cOul , Acarcoly read 'it.'Mabel:, Gray mak lying ' aL. Newport, very and I lutist Como to' fic'z' inireeiliat.'ely::' 1. went,:aeonbe d• foirn (1. r NViirso' foatecl-l-indeOil; 'alfeadytivon her imp:'' , It coineidoded Alia it vat; the }Writ) ititior lvhiob ndirly died' th 'year Vofai.e, , anchtlic , liamo physicidii"attCndlnt 11Cr. She knowldo at' once '1 entered Wed :grinipinginylhand,naeeily • • .Id.kosiceo; l o'''4ll'co • the'llbete'r's live, .14n4 cannot 'die without- malting a confessic4i, 'to'Yon—yon following: the/ dlre6tien"M' her eyeg, inecOised,, Dr, Clifford: • the room,' mid' then 'and: thine I 'fkagnel. the ernel virongivliitli I hadatitfere.iltiiiif. for a moment!' bit-, lerneit'of deft i k tb'forive . me • i teniedy , , the „A ~bayo'. ,causad ? '; and „joining cny ? Mind, slio hdecli,;:;l i r l itnt I')c hioi ti'9.. , , 1 • ,!. 'coptc; not }r pjst t t tlll44)lp;y4l)g , i 491 f, 'and , My : resentment ? ", ;I solemnly 1t.31 - 11-1* 4 111Y: riltil)? , ,rorgiT n. and Tdinenilierod' no more; so' now In like niiiiiiieil!ll6 , liTc;iow..!iii),i, ,7qabo,. : vt , ; 7 •,i 1 ,141 '. 9 '6 0 .1 . ' .1 ib i fully aid ,frooly no) you; , Maboi, AitidrHuilsoy 'Clifford ear . 1 'oh.ilt kitlitif' a It . , • .•. I ,:•.Trlie idays bronghtlint '.'llt l tle ',Mario, of theltryalhilfnriethe'-'itai:"litii" inidili!M 951 ',4YI qi.',9 l .fi,YiirWr.iii!ii , .47itifb6W,i444'4ld , t3Q O p, r rpgp , iiact , a:,,tolorable degree , i iiifl health' '.She , .wasl , ,isr f(dliteientr , ' weirigni ` l / 4 ifteflidr'lVeiii3vOrti. i Ni,''ohci' ''olio''' (t 'o3l;'§' , "'gfCiitfe' 'or r idviille bi . iin ' !,4;,„, r ii . 4/ 1 L 441/4)41'4 a Alinistelvinawooed al (1) woOdier, I was noViiiiriiiioili' ''' "'''''". ~,,, 1. , And , sci,t reader; aribring , lsrott iblisi 010 Q, 7 i , paijwilitititlvov"tni. , ciirtatil :1104e l l i i i;kP l itith4,6l,ool4474,4 l );VAP 4 c c VI. yr 1, 1 9441:1)9.1'0:J4 taqcoptesLaiiiihcartilil ej -lirere , yriuktriedwarceetriliefir , The.ori 'ldii l v i daViioneh'Fodfi l. gyliffg;ty,o . :lAim xi f 611A''i1hg.47,4:431 ' 4 Ps. &Ain , , Ji. .. 4 ~,I .......,1, •ll• • " •'- • - 5, 1 dsh of_lhe receding day, wqp,riokflynur marriage vows, and Moir- up the Old song 'Molt tea been' chanted and Sung' Lrn WaINIM.0.111.1WEIMII•Mill11117Ml pAnE0104647.1 . . 6 ,THURSDAY MORNI ' , f ' -•, I f ;In J11:10,:if I • lip 11111.1W.7 .lill • ' thrOUgii k So pply AnerptiOß tOf Pithrik "1:11141! 3 1 1 .'Y V MJ ° 2M a YYP'PIXtiPY.W IBI:°/ !? L tlifi occasion, ead i Myi,ehojess,hoße4d%tia t gMyt dAaeharg !.9 od , g debt,. ( . :5,q0, 11, tw,Pl99s4ay9,B,tigaL was fir ‘.11141°-11°.!TIP11q1%g e 't at 'supposed,) which" . hed • Sti , eloedsdfahea:!a,riareq. „It f waa -ant il 'iapxyActed 'tfihate,,fForn, pay ‘ Aucka, land; • I listerie, I',llahlic. Tee 4 41.ffica i ient re'W'erd:' for eil Iliad, ;undorgol e r ,in the` da.ik; troubled days, whfcti,e liad dream were .remembered,wlth thank. , fohieee.tbkt they, were no liaager,psfaieat Mt. Morlah has been , fdinad to)be sharp:orag or ridge, witfrecr little stiaSV FlPSHOhp.:tott at uussately;tolatfOrd room .for a:, tamp's,. of , lanialVdtmeriiiibria: Ori fitclP.S r rapidbiraird *cis' .steoply, except fremtliortheveitto'soutli- , oast,,the direction ,ini . which:ithO ran. ~ The,atieli on.....the..auminit. was §1:: lat:geg Uy wallsiUnilt along:the • deellN;ii . tics, the outside walls deep JdoWni tlro yalleys,,from, 100 t0,150t feet . licloid the, area on which the temple building Abod , , , One hundred feet' , Aga this 14 , :the on final bed , of Tho foundations.. bf , the' I:dint - 11 r e, fore,. wore 250 fbotabotre•tlui"dettp'dellieS around;- This !tireti;. 4" Solomon and enlarged by rflit'thl;' still exists, running on the' sthitli'alehg tlio valley of - .llinuoin ;1;000 feet," Mend the. ,Ked red 1 4 500 feet, • ' ; ' ':.! t' .4r This enclosure c titiSred with, splentlid.Jedbletts . ...'..lPirst were "the. porticoes or coverell'willotk'bnilt ,the outer walls, and' .ovAgoolt big the Kedron, and Maori I. • They , were • mag-. niiiceut , structufes, resembling' the nave aisles or. ElOthie 'cathedrals.. The mid-' die walk, or nave., was forty-five-feet' broad, and the tWo aisles .thir6l. feet: The, aisles wore fifty , feet blob, and the nave, rising like anlear story.boty;een the two, was; more then. .100.fent high. • Add .now terraCe. Walls -to the height !of' the porticoes, and wo !hale a. solid utnd continuous 'wall of. t 'masonry' 250 loot But these were only the miter :fogs of the tomple , Larea, Tlie porticoes opened inwardly , upon a court' phyed wikh.iparblo and open to the sky.' Steps ,led up to a second Leourt, ~.Boydrid this again, through beautiful. gateways; was a-thiyd, and rising • above them alfwas fourth, in which stood the temple proper,' ascending story abOve st,My; and said toL have been 100 , 0r.150 feet high, Li • - These liorizental theaSoretnents bait' •been verified: If one 'Mcleod iipoit Mount Moriah from the gtfornit-otOliveS'oppo cite; coining round••the'''bi.oil orOlivet 05 the way from Bet:Natty, / as 'otir Lord' did when beholding' the City; it' must have been a sight - which, for areliitec-: , ttiral beauty and grandean', perlitifis; has, never beetricqualed, certainly 'not. stir= passed. It•mag an 'artificial' Mountain fruit' the, dcop,raVities Col: num, roof, pinnacle, culminating iii the tomple„within and abovo.all, and' proha-1 lily measuring from :iOO :fad 000 feet: The, palace of Solomon, too, added to" improssivondss of the sight. It is ',settled by, ;recent disciiVeries thlit this pile .of buildings was on the Koutheast' corner of the area, joining on the Ifonse• of the Lord above, and. extended below to the King's gardens, 'where- tho two valleys. met and "'the waters SilOah go softly." • , 'All theali buildings, porticoes, columns, pinnaeleti,'altar and temple have peiish: 'ed. "'Not one stone remains upon an other *hi& has not been throvin The area alone remains,' and the massive, .stibestrnatures thki for 3;000 yenrkilmve: been .sleeping in their cofirseS. The preservation has beeri tco the Buildings 'so 'vast ha'Ve 'been ,toppled ddiVn.the slopes of thOltiorinli that the original defiles and vaney's havi;'been, almost obliterated: ' \That' lipOri re garded aS . thei . kurfac'e, has been found 'to be . deb/iiA froth "sei%eiii,jr to nincey,.. feet. ' • " • With pickax, and 'shovel ..131*itiSli ex plorers have bethi , ,tioaiii.'to foundatiOns. , Fallen , columns have bed' met avith, and avoided, or a way blastelb, The .ciudors. of bitiuf Jerusalem :have beds cut thrOugli; tiirned up, Co the posited by the treibuirciworJOVidskiriO, The seal of, 1 laggai, 'in ancient :13.uhror., ,characters,. was picked up out. Of Ike,. - siftings of.tlibi deposit. - The of stones, deposited by- Phrenicittp Crs, have been re:felled, dying: in • tile . . leg rock. • -• , the bollqr of Ake area,; debris 11;14 fccumulatea. to . a d e ptliaf: not: less than 123 fe,et . ,:.-the. ages, ma4eiip , of Jerusaldin 1.,' and • here aome. of Oa tiOst interesting .discoveries. have been niailt): IXero is ilic,:ij•aii l o.yo,...A.,o) . ..o.ll6liiiii;on, shOtsn na4iNo be . an - areb,9lglie,eoo„jeb-:' turf d, by the diSCOVcrY. of-the pier' dp4t mans os;,11,/bridge•••whicir • cixiSt!pd",tli& valley C . :ming:tad Mount' 141Criali '-44111.. the' fukiiintain''OppCialee.4 2 : the. Inodeith' Zion. It is the sleortlnlok abutment that trop - a to receive the-etjd Ti6' stonesnre'l . or feet thick and 20 - to 4 5' fee lon e' s , • , . 1 ~ t):frikee i6y Itis `bii 0 Tde:wide, : luitf thidAdastAluifirl bdedif ith et lb trgtlic tiST tbd ilreldgo 4 ocainter.tihg , 'o6 -trdiriple •ivith the,' .Royrdlphlittevoli ..aoptibpf,•4l4tfeet: pa,voindritAii§", I'odild)triyot,ol.l)) , , , ,f r opt) tambiparieddAhver wept yaw* p0,,i1/081101173 0 ( dr, wddgli-aied‘ eldliipsifbAtngiug4ctholardlroligirdaldi?d pave infln iripd f•th rough 0 •Aeithorviiyiult, •bduentp,9they/foundraiit:ill i id?rtukataniantWay;;altdStating,dpni' Idaystorietoralst,ill3narerioro,le ilFidgo,v3 nit JJ/d bon n ‘'' 3 2 ‘tllntnTAnnittonbcd advoontei 6flNolihi • aonntyolll44,l h aNn'. Olnrn ad sthoir 3bahvakknoll tlitilfifolvoshiA trattlarlasipiiititointolit'inomodStcoifkcit-' •opslrhascuthOi ,litosecutottotherirse.ate rtinigit Itithdrttbthntlndt listsid+tioroduntygloulitill4 Artt !fighting ntin agliittsttho 31ifohind tlioldoorllklitud nbakf34.lthouglat*Oubylinimbors;'a, {population ovistr i oiloo itoftfaa titimlcrtfeltolt tits b cinfocaumit i tdafbc I toPyosrty nand 'the: - tobuitthnitubcnitonlattottOxxfillycOtholit ibusinoss.o4 lo*Erctraigliptinitoforytotal nbstinOnce could not be found than exists in this froodom from crime. 7_ lv i A t-.II*IT ..,:-..t.A.;t:. BREINI (' , i 1 1 .171,176.4!1 7 6.4! HE .BP.Ii.B:JebirTZI, Siiiii6*-"L'isol - tic iltiiieT" l ii:Oin‘ 'this sta ll :!.:" , ''''ilibiild' dr diti'ili , ), " " ''''' '', ''''.",,''' ., , „ 'l;7 (V iildtc f sta' graWir its tlifilA'.4 ViiiirLit's 1 ,0 , v,,, I ~,,,4 ef - i :,,,,. ; ( 11 ~, v._ .4, /01.p.p: 1, iwa 1 , c , . „ allo iii6i4 , ..', t&liiiietti , )iiliNflillniiiti6hYtiii friwst . I "fildepil. Ju'r•i , . , , u it, , ,ti:limtoluli , • I 0•,:i f‘ , 'Vhdfi, , qiii irli'!liaiiiitY,rdeatliN'lfikeli aro -,rmir d 4' , 1:11 fah , ' ..J:!...0 MI, .141.! ,111 I 1,,,.., Well'il n iVitip ! intiikiiilk l itie'h '' 'bllte . i . Intl, ci tii, I ~Rl e t : ji t•.,iiii•, , ,i p a', r,itnai -,ll' i. -- Weary with parting, and never to tfiedt;" 1 Sonic-One tins .d.nid'tii''itie'biltgiit i , go t i,cn ~,,,m.„;i.,,, , .'; ..,.nity'ltn,t ri: •, l , i • . il % , Ititig . tht) .l Vdll'it 'ftlY; ilike'it ' Ottlie'iiii too t LI •. , ;11. , )1 ..;. , , tli 10 111 , 1. 1 '. I il . , lt.) , !:',l:l'ilii ll' . t ,4'. PL: V i i.r7iFt nr.i?,#inifflgi ?,0R,1,.,5),1ite t I9PP ,1 1 1 1 12/ I l Y r tlk a l b 17141.1V t i t P I PAR APR T E°-5 .. ". .Y... i :?*rt1 3,t . r i 3,1 ':; , :11 10 V 1;1, o , ,1,1, dAI .1, 4: f ' T ‘ f 1 .- ?r:flC/..9 1 .1P1 ' .1!!'Y5; 17 44PMPY941. 1 . 0 9A19 Pnii la1 ? ) #,!!: l ' ; ', l 10 I: :0 priq J , : v '' ' .Frqe frotl enrcteo t i ;labi Alm?, taliing -8 aet rest— • I .•Z to I "5 ell there ono wore iqi Wel •!, ( ?9)!P9r „, •'' l ing ftPP,'IM)/' .9 °.f,t 1 3" , e,t4. 1( 1FRc grc , 1)°,9 1, - ; Puf 'eer. .Sthno . one is rtsting , feetir litt'si 1{ linpplir: where kitrt Ititi . :eut'ilifets'Offer!'ildil ;Joyous :as , When. the sweet' 811711)01111& us their .Ln,;.1,1; Aqv . .it4g pildint!xelf :t 744. o im r,te c t tor. rienvbaccoo 1.1:71! Ridgitili , 411 , 00ftIY, liatrO'b orapron door: ..c.INCJIBINT , Ir,? , . lfi •- • D. , . ;:c• • tIVTOIt S: The, iettoi,rcintinc• fh 'aneie`nt tariitiTo ivllicll lippaiied in yonr'liapet the n foul tb,histant, to " have h'eetiii,ipatlY misunderstood. Open to 'it 01.6 inly, Nhs, but hhidlY : to such i soi:Tre Oint to t'reafiilf 'UY 41e. : mint' Oct very wri torMith the " signatinn" cOneenled)in6cW•alid' disiekayd of ‘‘ Vs sayv,, " the ''lett•Ci'i:s to a friend," and ," its eiPot ;c ad'ths tS to, Now to. disabuse this of such of 'yeiii• roa'ders 13cen. ea rid ed ;:t‘w ay byliS pdsc 'to telt 'just' and to th in a'clean •InsortA or it. it le aiittini'if that let'tdr!,'''' - '4'4 , ;•'otq iunoeeiib f e of my: ti'oat.' Thei•ii. was iiothiu~''"'C'OnCeale'd''''''iib t o,a,. if in - iv 6 my tiaYne;' and in tliatii'Csp4edinut on, 'With my eeilsor.. ftnii;" Como from "the 'Stoi•Y of his Visit. ""thb''tiiii'ntatils Wait' Wdscate'd andTtlie'Waters'l3nb blddiii' and hntibie'd' u`t without ,'trey ' Volt ttou the, 1 . 949: 11, Iny utinon'spi Ali at' what was saying' slitidtdt:4 eyes had a'holic'that 'soiree other oxitC; who like inyself,"finini - WitkfonducCs Eo his enrly home, would be moved by a hiciilininitse. and would give to Tan.rrearlers" "the' bene-, fit of his hr moier inst,rliotive 1- • • • ' ' My " uurpo'SO" primarily Was to please ; myself ; and that,, is my, puypoo. flaky" in resuming my t li . Vlson the iitiiikor (if 'talOng about CarlMle „aelzes. me, it moat ..4ave some, mitlet,throtigh , which to veat. iteeii*,,,Yaiii• paper, though ,dlatant, . preserita, ,the. , one which at thiiimomentlesiimit, available, I opeis ?sluice's upon it. I shall rna4 , , it came. ot ;to IlAtter, : the self iove of, 'your town pßoplo . ; the, more cc pecially as l ".PoiTor 1 1 1 11111111111 1 11 l says it ` . :th.:eady A n ordiu.ate,"„ If.J . ,should• 4,l)94Y.,„in.te i sTus,of strong atleotiou ,f9r,,thO' lunne of,, kay, boy,lmod, ilenjp„ let it, besot 49.7)3:,to,,4 . 1h — PKPFe§titnate,gf,ths,',,,place. , T4O ;titS9l9r4ilitllPlll.oSllpd,;tud eKesl,,Carll.sle'..,!f Pig ,g,lrdpn ,spo ,of WOOdt bit.L 1 . ‘i,alß ,:cured, I bothp.f. the phrase,. and, thii,,C9nyietiou .utore.,,thatt thirty, yuam Ago, add:, that,.,by a!ktitling, ,i4ohlflut•! ..sitting , ono Sunday; morning..lp ,Itotel IR-front,ofa elletel t hr„ 9e.orgetopir,i4, rem tkt, ; glut mo .91W : gre UPI lllMoStilhati4let.`34llA4 East- . urn, shore of•garyland..! A.11:0 %vete,. wsit-• ! lug for, ;the serviess'lto,;.O . PDP , l- 3 0 ,1 IYPOgiPg.; 41 . We , ii:KatiPi Wawa: rgreto of, .yming,MarylantleyeAlineu!ising:the merits sof and / tine, of tbent Aid, tlig .appenr s nogro f ,glo Sax,on,„peenliar, , the,t tegion. t ,! I; ,qpniddivit c GeaVgetlil,Cro4B bd .the goardsn spot, of AUXeci• baler ~,Tile /0841011,3 t ts , U,g,ht ,, mrArs, that ill instructed yOung mem who , ltave naturally regard their birth-place, Our . matter . 'bow menu as ono of the world's'; ‘ - ge'atitell."''''Sjides'." i itdo Alhio Ii to , e altqf . oarlthle rfUEPO editereSt i in a- Still" 11 1 1001 ( de ill,' 17 fi Mid" hilrf is erdil ts Igrf 16 1 i IlltYyBslret iii , iitAtlitab;i. l • fiti4"griftilYciib ?letiegen'ift"thee kd a . ' It, j?: • WeiitWUltd;' Olk4l'itifil4s,7%4' `l't tb litaP h'ikiEdiPtWitif tawitleestrotayalats.kiedy , togrArefiritiag 111,90111 AithltiiVitmniffihsArdivilviai l / 4 4a, lenftli44Bll3 116tifttli yiBvr lustlt ftliriSailliliqi6iVrt slldSq eiti lu xsanisltts boa 1,, Proceediw eiti'llsy Way leisurely, course, as 4011;1 1 1Sr itto . th'i4if old, I onistr othevietritet andristepstithlitrete.P.eitilion%, 'lt alai tit° ia tf Witt* ofilnatexlideAviusepwrithi closed windier shittters • nearthe egroer iploble4i7or,into the y#d Isketuniftiny the boys itrcrabout:, or back into the gar den and wonder if that la the apple tree ..`..'?V1.31 , .11 k.. 11. - -:"V Y.'fo t,i›.`, 3 ,'A''‘ ~ IV? G , LlANtrAltylo • ex B 7-4 .. • I )4:0.1111 ; ti I, r :i! ttift It • i• rromti),cl9ll29,l 43;ioh b 'ltra.'f'aithidn;,h,PA?„way, w;at ode of Carlisle. -T o r,11P05910119119.r evep h9arhi,J,lnpracpp:: of, but she ! , Was.,,nevpFAbehllp, a,1 ; ; ; monly Zr00,k414:: sensible, Womn, ; ;. tow . do I ICELOPT that?, ii9r ; ibuy, ; pncoi!?,, 'ingsaiy abed 014419, ; !t0n.i3, ,and ~Ysli"` way 's ii",bTouglit t11*:,I 41) .• ' osam lea,of,ntimliou,s 7 ili :4 good til,iiey`F,e . uolinti •Mionl..t9,trp,or ; .. tardcT `‘11421314 fto - kund : 17 their tifferwuM, itonest; Tesm pp/km(l 'iloillitUe,t , kn44C6Fr.gnorilysood.,Spd, Seel albie rPtilll I. II OA 5 9 1 . 4 , ° l 4 0 6, 0 0 i 6 ,::! 1 4a;itini#0$1.theif: _'E-sWiii.tiO'*Pgillilto44s4.Par "liiiii) is—or glieulio eile 7T es4le4,,f4u*don t albeit hiiibi•eary; . '9 ; r ; tl.ip*J.t, : ?rpsp,s 91 qiiiit,a,tiop. (4°Fi9v,i;vbP°, et , nn a rental o, On '44:?: p,kii?.tfßglPffic9o. P Bo cl. t9'6out,:t:?;th? p9iistrr ; ; ; a:p4., ; ba Cont-oF iheliVa&pl/2aces, deliver imformult,.n icct:ruS in favor „of, school,doarßing..,„llis chicti ajitlbjp ; ct,.,t,p 000'4' 041, Ile Gallo MW: 1 o11" Ma(? (ilppas:Mt! . , at, 79914,', taif, `rilit3h4'"Zire *l•etS ,than thine irninutc. cA,nto he had prOcce4l;as was his wont `tai'sll•64i!hiik itclowlofo was power', Ind liss:gyeß4olt biadiriVA!' ~ 111- d rigl li nie, out hiy , case , " shgvi: 7.pti„ huw shako 'pdir oC shoos in le4„thap. three tniuiites : Take a p sir of, hoots and cut . the: legs oft." George hecUfno the editor of 'i'periocratic paper ill Indiana, and frorn'liiin'Originated the once, well known usity phrase, "Tell Chapman, to Crow !!" Passing from' Mrs. Pattison's, I daw dle on lip cap sfreot flopping here, sow ing g,.4e•-seed' there, and hob-nobbing, overyi, where the. eh'l niny. 3 get •otiporturiftyl. Brit' ghall Id take, the render withibin in 'an'th6se'rn'eailor ingsl. suflico it tlint• T ed.:ill-UM hs from this, imint of virei*, find. in'd *kiiernl Way !an 'llooolla • er-tlib persons 'and . placer Which used 10 'take Yny attention ztlj u. out on my rambles., ' •' asge • ivinSitiTe (in th 9, * .i;trietttnid' (thick Itonl:, null-looking stone house; frith I,c tau ti ivin ninl ay, 41,bku, of Ole HI . 1110 d t' iii•OCee r ded the ,onnd 01 .Irum-and . f re . . it.'Wa's a re, The'' 'at* the building AVan f ,' cetztiied by a vitrli , (l ton nutrr ire6lllllm:ter in . lt'eipin'g 'that 'eislnng as. , it 'nore t lie torote iced hock, WAS never;v : er3',.gncld.'"' " liti•gi, - 4eJni - e”)e ous ,I j large. ratn- In stintnun'tnoriing di. evening, might In: seen « gentlrtnan walking up and doom, whom uo passer-ht. cannel rail to"ncitfil.:' liis rOW(ter . ed. hair iintl'neattjttette, : 'ltis . Lull yltitenravnt. and iiaid:etnis, fresh from the n•on, resting 13:pet:folly on htssinap, , : white Ftoolchnis anti munpi, tparlios.ll)iinln a rel ic, of the uld e t .hool awl one of its bust 8110111111e113. It was Captain John Smith, a. ,Reyoku4onary.ollloer, and. t.lion.ri member of • gr. a'homptam's family, and a gentle: man wbo,. jp the: etiocesive...capaoitiea .of sehOolmaater and justice of,t,hopeaceaertod file geaqration with honor and fidelity. ;'Nut to Mr t ,Thompson'uwas an old red house, without °special claim upotvone's mentory;. but whicKl recollebt frotn'a•i.bry gbaurdiditc.ident; not worth minting, hut which, having no wtinlludeti to it; toust.:re ,pent.. it. .ataa a:cobbler, and my elticed,brntlier. and Pwent !there early !olle,inur min ll'he shop \mt . . nut yoLopteb nett we wore shown 'Din; the' ,Nitti Lig= 1:00111. :w hi h the dining" room and kitultru., stuall boy.sat opPoir sit, Xl7 bp.,ti.kfa , d.,,withl.nrc.feet.„ttspended;, r:. Tiny n roust p4 . 9,1,tL tlttd;"two,largor,,boyfi' i!DlI111‘00.i 1 . 14 V . )llDqli3l : g . rtc . the,tire ; I „Mid!: l..ltcl9buitig,turnA to. WI. could not Si,. Directly our.atdfn ,tkopqyas,,qallinl to tliNstoall..boy o had ,;,s,ot r 9 pippopl, hot potato in, hia,inouth;otf ..lkolent tubttlations and. ,mtbliptir . ,.,likti . Sgel ogother,to , At this moment our of the urchins at (.),,,„tganotty }.: tognnny I ±.Jerry , it .12:.Y!-; 4 [NAV; 05 tt 1 ' fseircd,i •fo r ,our •10t.,,y4, qoogno,clodjrorn,, the treble pitch. ,uul , ,• „ „,,, ;,, Above the red"Wefitherboard stood a (Intl! gy howte which mbry4 tin rpoie atafraq oft , a,: aemitiley . r ati d s tairl oft brika:shoitl` .•31;agterioDoagitorty,,Ilredithidh..iih ye;l and' ,NLirtre.narl?eugltort.yli:dllaiated war Jlnfae, oko e tcthet:co[tntbr,` auk p{t,saing:uner old it p‘v,e ; ncalld , 1104 f th tobiletimhuhrtv 8 Ail ik44 ll ,ty;UOl:goillgvout itultingrnehoohtdonr. , ,V, ( N0..w 4 •• tynpr'' places.. Less noise in that corner ? (4 1 1 4 ktMs!0 1 1lh4 1 trlf akin g . .t.1)0 initiative in.' ‘ l ,! , •SlOPOl.9o4anYteento4 t' , froiti , rattiAir.Yotlr' VitttAPP , :tbe ItoMato .41 Fh4lCtlt , ftl ll ' louder: I! UOLD UP YOU'D,q, , Alitm ,00 , ..!PANkr A Sigco,./quij: 0rt.1.1/0, 7 .0t , t linen:APl:4 4 4a. APit4PII,4IP tyk4l92 l ,,A44l,ttlotrn!eglit4atigallYo to the word :t;Sttryt k .je,, •';t4cy Oil :151 ICLD:MIi u. ant Motile niniiquaryntidefibetuttldiltditolha - varimitagi mi , rochorelidnbonk n aiailopy;bolrtiwniAld;! 01ktA9P144'141 1 .11l iois Ill%,?in , PlYins 4.419,4) 1 00 Ef73kbnot.t;tv.livit 41 1 6 c, P.CPPt.j OPl:iittfttitikti ‘ ou. above-meat ioned,,hgying,hoesoAqigoa by 3),4ol9rt,Witx4l l WW :liPtYSI 01 copy ' y ofdt v 1E1059;0,9n icb. it t hit . pll,l2,D*ATAt wits Ip,gookto„.atullt tni9P a htill9ki l lt7.9 (i tt Mr 434? 10,94;1 , K1i.01ibt manner. mot! .11 Attdorva4imtilDittitiimin YMud os i to TrtliOnFor:Dbdgliqiiy 'rilinvtaunitt oWothvtlilto• fOntallihrliMaxtliithlteitienoilamdrer tUn Jain at' family. In was' a Jorge family, amixiiip 311minottytottlmMaistaatbliflinixed$CiThOrt; nwifo a - oltnioni?jidwaitbaltaltbri(ttilarylmtieltif if glice,nountroltbLiVillia'itlolitiMongt remoilfoo. digilisdnnoniedazia lyttryilibittifit;3lMt, Vgliaritmeoinl eddeptaillsvatrawf Oramatbta n illait tmrittahignatttliiiitmlilest ,Eoman, of them all.' If over film teas mon born to bp ; n aoldier, Eilwirril Armor 7?, • .'was at; tiara,. !Akough I believe, .ho aeyOr,set a # 6l g, a.; : 9pP.C ,ll Para . ciP. 44, , :''" . „.#1 . 11af.1 as, icon a,reliph the Seqpos a war as he had for its,, r a u n 97triOtap , eo, ktpd. was Wit Mal, ~1 1 ')r,avo man. Ilia hearing !index,. the, torri, bl9wou , nAvoceiXed,fr . cfrn thb butatino• of a canno'n Nyi,llbo welt romembered,.as ama 1?orao, home Oat pax,ffn itAittor ,raisod, , aiVoye,t,ho herlPof an, 'ad,aliOng PPP Gyro' •Paiqißg do ,believe felt in his own'soul samething 'of the stera joy, ~which warrior? feel" and, that this, it,',Nyaa; thtit SaPP:priod and made 0'8811;44 his raeovery, In tacties, Gonoral Armor iWga E llie J . ciirnini of his daY,md,iti etiquette, oyr, 741,1 . 0 nju z lye wap Po Tor . . the j thext !Qaptic.4.7, fiedixt or as as !OAP phrase WAS , p,lli9tl 'thrptigtt ')~egnvo to Carlisle, tNa'i noLle sons,`llolaes nnd, (jeorhe by name, who iu their di r were' 'widely, known; and . reTeeted. .1 l e t neretiq inen of b,isino and genllr;u en, and no ~ 11 r t: I Sci.giyo came the Jacob ,Vogt. , That was, not, the. way, his name was spoiled on the sips it,,Nyasflioro Foggia, , But this was,a inlatakn. Vogkwas a German, ATA, such diphthong as o pi,. in ,the qe ? 4 - 31 language. ~was, and, y,et,no : nneommon thing .for immigrants to . this country, 'to „have' theilr -names spoiled; wrong hy,.ignorant, or careless olOrks,. whose, businesn,k is to make out the Ship's register. Iu this way a,falso orthography ,haa crept into and„spoiled some of the, beat names that have been brought to our shores, and one of theist, that of honest old Jacob, is a - specimen., Vogt (pronyuced 10e74), is one of the country best German names, either in this or in ptrope,•and my adtdce to jacOts grandchildren, if, they will excuse the liberty, is that they get back to the, original spelling as fast as they can. 4.nyltow, V.pgt's.' tavern was a jolly ,on fair, days,-- There too Dutch girla from the, country, sported their new chintz's, and black Jack made grimaces and played the fiddle. The tavern sign was a Jfarrow, rampant; which was well int boys as-the sign .of the Gridiron." ..„Across the street from the tavern was into which Edward Arthur ,nitived„after" recovering from his juju i.,and next. -above him, was .Dr. Actostrong's—afterwards Geo. A. Lyons. A tblehed:tb Dr. Armstrong's house was ,o, remarkably, fine garden, and in that garden -grew, I believe, the first toma toes over raised in Carlisle. They Were not, grown for use, put. as curiosities, and were called by some love apples, by others soup apples.,. :Across &dm' Dr. Armstrong's diag onally, was m blacksmith shop, and the mini. at the 'anvil' was - Johnny Otto, olio of Carlisle's most useful bitizdns, and a Very Ave.rthy . person. • John niliad a way, whichlialong,ed to hirlcraft,'of utilizing the.ouriosity of any boy who might stop 'to watch him, shoeing a horse. "Take tis. and , brush off tho flies' ho would say, handing over, a, horse tail with a, baadle : to' it. ilia. voice was a little thick and his.articutation slightly,pecu. liar, :Schnsideriau membrane. was also weak and the karl, drop used to interfere , somewhat with his practice. The ,back of his hand, however, served a good purpose, and a better shoor than" . Johnny Otto never hammered at horses', c.Aboire the shop was the house of Kre. .Bitughman, a lady who had a son and a daughter, and—what Was of far more im portance to us boys—in whose garden •grow an apricot tree, the fruit of which rivalled in beauty, the " goldeii apples of the:gardens of tile Ilespoibles ;" to look at this tree:was to break the tenth corn, mandinent ; to think of it was to ni.e.di trite plans which only the ancient Spar tans' virtuous. Besideil, the thing was impossible. There 'AVall'a high fence around the garden with spikes on' toil ;- and the tree was guarded day and night With' a vigilance ' equal to that;of the Ldonean dragon. There was no Bounden aiming us to bring away the golden frtiit ; so_lt was left to be eaten and enjoyed by its propet, owner's, a re sult for which this writer for one is in no *iha reap • • ; Opposite "Mrs:' llirs.': Baughman's, at the YlurtlrEastoorna'r'of , ijiin and Bedford liteebbi; it'ah;E'Yello•t'r'ii i ebblo4laslied house bUilrinany ytifiralbefire,' by ''clee.'John 'AtniSttotig,"the'lierb Of Kittanning', and qatbSertftiently 'the 'cothniancleil of 'the t.l:Oops kiiiinti'4!tlie.Piiiinaryl6.tiiii ;tine, at' ".:battle of;" 13raiidYWine. 4 t It wag 'no* " 'occupied by niernber Of the ' 64r1iSIO'bhe;'' abd,;,otte titen Of, the/ tleiritieratic 'par tj'; I Ramsey. Wats itifildetift tiy'fill who we're:not part: .iin'setibts, l •audhlglily'hinlbie'd' by men of LiiisrOw ti 'poi itiCal The' ion ng belOw 'My rting , e'l years.'; the' nett mitts Win 'of my , ciiiirlianidnii; 'Odd the, third,' 'and 'adtalreil at' dis. ranee.': The'duo wlnkwak cenipanion Made"attrichetti'lllrj ilterAnie, *lion ithatiehtleiniinf 1829, ,, 1' think it'Vrits,, ivientuaa , iniint;tiir EnglitYnil.';l:liap ' Defied Violie lititgeleftiee . iid W it :neseed ther.deave.:takinelsetWeen tither and son, when the lhtter set out :'on his jo.ttypey.,/. ,They; , ,Neithdee* .froM 'the icr,pwdy, ane:,ltlie ',former : thlked to the 41attex.kk Isly,,atf earnest • tones,, till AU . sox'sttFil) need ti3at the! Stage Mas .parted ;AIM / father cover ,with...hisAandkerchief to tears, and the,eson :;seeking to onWok,ithe 'hack ~ e omeik'fief t4o...B4l , goi ,, , , ,Theromfasitothing .404 1 49, IPPKteatt ottb 941 thel, usual course pf n paturei hut, iti niade., ani iruproseiee 4tPCtaelllo.l and AeVer.rsAntti- that. 'bare I ,bstextpOli,ustilitea,r,thiuk of,eithor: father kelscitt, ,tvjtu,catitbncletuess arkl'respe9t, i1,,4P104tv t lowof but 1: Shall I:tpiunto JieNteMo Oki .1 aUtl.,l4oo,ThOu uirthe street. Itespectfu4l,y Ardarsi:'l;.; ta: • 0. -13 4 fact.;:aiorthy . of note, that, 'in Itti,ettuiltrY 411to:burSirrtvlaeroilttus 'people oxi/PaYet 9sehing,poWllneattorksi,thet,elti— .lo3oaNtiOffooll,lll.rttttlkibg..shOublnhave titeAttp•tittNlge,oli,B%instistl sante ti room , tinpv,,,whommtis.boral •,,It ! Ti" aq'tiNlColo.ll(dtlyfrOhgbitB , littketitratille': 7 , Itriatt 3 ;t kitittatiatildati thly stores a .4e4 j days ago, by iliktifiireg he had any " yaller developments slob as they did up letters in." , I= r r SONG. FROIf,CiOET 111. •Many thousands stnrs are burning,' • ,Brightly in the vault of night! - 'Araby ani.earth4orn yearn* Upward with a fond delight: •' • bOiuty; Rtru4 of glory, RadfiinCri l andereis of the sky liV4try of ihe world'ad 'story, 'Evo . r Is;ti 'gazo' f :7V101 - GHT O.F 7'llE • I, More than thirty: years ago the writer of a paragraph in, The .Phdadolphict Pub ' 44,Ledger listened to: an agricultnrall ad dress, delivered „by the. late .Nioholah .Iliadle, , at,theAnntud exhibition •of the; Thiladolghia - Bftieti ,fer the , Prornot on of, AgrtAltnro, We „were'. partionhlrly ,Ptr4Olf , Nith.,twe'thinge:lin; then , entinoi- Jiteo,, One was thatofenoeg weto .made to!, rotain,..cattle asithtia the pailieOlar ,premises enclosed,. and not to shut them out from such.onclosed .premises. The ~deo, though, seemingly a very siinpie „one, 'was new, and against the ahnostun iyersally received opinion of farrnmS and , the ,putlic as to the purpose of fencing. It was.believed up, to that time that the highway were public pasture grounds, on a,fi,of which any one and everybbdy were free to graze their 4tock rit pleasure, and,,indeed, on the adjoining premiies, ,unless the owner : thought' fit, to protect _ . ~ . . . . them by legal fencing, for statute LW prescribed their height and character. Ilven then a larger privilege than this was accorded thepasturers of what used .to be called "Ater, long farm," - as - the h i ghways were sometime •designated. Accident, or death resulting from the wandering of this stock at large was not at the risk of the owners, but at the cost of the railways whose trucks might be invaded with damage to the roving herd. The price of the inninal or killed cattle, was.considered so equitable a claim that it was paid invariably :,without a. gulls- I Lion. From the date of this memorable address, delivered by Mr.' Bidtlle from a I rude platform of rough boards, to a corn- I yany of intelligent,_ sunbitrnt_fariners,l the sentiments to which he' then gave utterance have gradually spread, not only over this country, lnit all over the world, and are now the cogaized law of the courts as well o . ' the `'highway. The ccst_of fencing is not. o, be borne to ,_, , keep cattle trespassing upon the public roads; from trespassing also upon private property, nor is the penalty upon the railway company when. cattle roaming at large , are injured or killed. The loss is to the owner, and 'iu sonic, instances the courts have gone further, and put penalties on the owners of the stock for the damage done to the property "of the rails ay companies and their passengers by throwhig the train from the track. It is a wholesome and most equitable change, and we can now but wonder that tlie' old custom was so long endured. And . Y.ot this great and important revo hitiOn in;public sentiment was first pub licly started by . a man made eminent by his learning and his position, it is true, but before a comparatively few and un inflneCtial citizens. The other startling fact, made by Mr. Biddle irks the very large proportion of the farmer's capital that was invested in his fencing. In the State of Pennsylvania, alone, he said . , _a careful esthun'to._showed. that at least, $100,000,000 were invested at that time in fencing. Much .attention has, since been given to this branch of the then new thought, and great economy has been effooted ; but still the amount of capital is greatly beyond the bstimate of any one who has not given the matter special attention. Cheaper material for fence, has been found, and , movable fences for the necessary division of fields aro common. In addition to this, in stead of laws passed by the Legislature prescribing the height . of a fence to turn 'outside cattle, we have no statutes Which protect the farmer's premises in certain localities from invasion in the absence of all feneing, Fences cost enough in cities, but that cost bears a small pro portion to the charges for them in the country at large. When city People go into the country, they see little to ad mire in the, post and rail, the worm fence, the rough stonewalls, the slightly. strung n ire, or oven the white palings of the 'villages, The fence is an American in stitution and habit, and a costly one it is. Illinois is said to have ten times the . fencing of Germany; and Duchess county, New York, more than all France. These marks show that these brown and • dingy dtvi skin manes, overgrown with briars and thistres, are ..'n enormous tax On 'the industry of the country, and all 'to keep Stock from trespansing. Some Of' these Clays, under - the careful tillage 'of the old world, fences' wOl disappear, and kind Il.)out ularies will be marked With fruit and shade trees, or neat hedge rows, .. Mid' the country will present a , Much Wm; 'pioved' a M Ppearafic...— iller o,i ii lay (Pa.) Rep!chlica7i. , , ' ' Whose religiod i ever on his lips, idia . seldona Wily of that valuable treasure:: in liis heart ; it keeps watch, like a liver red piker at his door, but,there is no 'befliiit home, and there is nothing to steal ; if it wore well lodged : *in his Sinii, • 'he Would nOt r bo so 'afraidOf 'itS'eSeape, lio who vouches for his own' truthful-, ' fleas' byLan ' oath, will' tell a lid the next motrientiWiihont-a Tp.s is the heading of a paragraph in. - a Western paper, recording a suicide.: "Ito ble'iv his head , off. ~' B ilious, poor, and disinqrtened-,--thegun intz?;el in his mouth, his too orl the triggor, and up goes his hair.!, , , • A. Immo `ritts' recently ~prepared by a: law firm , in :Illinois,' which was thirty feet long:, ..Iti,ransforred two thousand piece .4 of land in Itorthweitern 'lowa, all . owned by one man, • PEnsiAif 'ithijoiopber beind asked . I.))fl'ivflut 'Method be bind' acquired sq reueh — kneiviedge, answered r '" By "lel. , being.prevonted ' shame from . askidg que.stiens'Wlieci I Iliad. 1,1x),141 Buffaro,.atlorn iiio"c;iii 'Of gioiitlointin on fit!. NV4)10113 . 9 , :944 gig p14c40; i!r i ort4 - throe' t%:)#1 ; (Ivo "g 4 c4pYl9P9. l nArk ll'Augou..for Guam., ,;., 'A' h t iq;;l ih"4 Ayp4 u ysim,a Nyithoput.!l, pinalo!day?tiiaisperiP.; • ; MOUNT 'PLEA educated the first: . woman litwyot over nitinittoil to the brie in the United. States. t, -; ; Eli ' NUMBER' '4. IEI =llllloaNad • ' , ,[yrol . l!h?:Novr,c , ol43,lllus i Crenc9kt.] "44 •;P - 4 7 ;..P.0.X4•1R ' 1 g 1 ", t - piqat• bit told,. ,thisvatoryi, , on our 'French friend; Monsieur, ~e.4110.5i0,. who was a passengevion , the , Stradee A few days since; from -Wert ,Orloars.. lshortly after leaving :the I:Crescent; city, the French . , gentleman -was d i n:traduced -to the jolly Western pastiine:icalled.noker, a game be - did not - nndeirstand. Never theless, he proved:to:ilk:An aptiacholar, and: lwAs BOOn., .0 1 3 . 444," 1 `.bliiritke and betting with a coprage,quite Astonishing tO behold. Monsietter Aewever,, was an easy goose :to pluck,: . 9,34. d, Ai) mill, ;natu rally be ,inforredl,he , waB.l3,ll9Avy, ! loser _ before reaeldn: Bt., onto., • Wo met Awl emhOteed.hint,i4Frettoh man fashion,_ you . elmttly , after the steamer had landed at the :wharf. We saw he was 041 y,) troubled In mind. At his request, we aooompanied him to the Southern On our way ho spoke in,a sad, mournful . tone : ‘‘ Ala, myfriond,.Niat zat, game wat you pall lii4e zis?"hed hisa (nd be pushed cane backward and forward.) . We. at once comprehended.. r, " i ) oker ! -- That',a ,; "Oui, zat is him !" (any} banging the cauo down on the sidew . alic..) "Pn him ! Zat game cost, mo ono . tousand . !" Again we comprehended. Our French friend had, during his - trip rip on. the Shinier, Wt. too heavily " ry pair," and had suffered' we: patted 'him on the back, arid told hiin riot to 'feet' dis deal-aged, that he Would hao3 better hick next time. saire Mi.Uanneil,' "I no ask for morn hick. Ino play nO more— what yon call him—iok4ird?' lito, by (I—n, no more ! 'no morn wish to hear •re name of 'pokaire in my 1146 ears !" , • wo ~ yeatbed Southern, wlien the-- Frenchman, fat;-red by his journey, and distressed at, his loss; sought' his room: Tlio weather wte4' damp and chilly. Hu rang the bell, when n ser vant appeared for orders. I want- you to make ZO 11r0 to blllll ; I want Inin hot." "Aye, sir; I can do that with the poke•." The Prenchnthe gioaneti; atid fright ened the boy with a look of savage de- CM! "Your C-i' rascal;" lie ie moaned;•'" if your say pokairo to me, I will cut' your throat off close to yohr head !" The servant hastily left, and saw nothing of the Freridhtnan Midi. 'the next morning, when lie forma 'him in: (miring, the way trkthe • dining ball. lie was not yet. in the best of.humor ; "'Lis is ze way to as break - fast he asked. "No, sir, that door leads to an ante- •oom " The Frenchman became excited) and confused. Ho Muttered through his half closed tooth ; "By gime, I shall quit zis Louse., I ask for zo make ze fire burn, and, you say ho want pokaire.. I toll you, ze pokairm I ask for ze breakfast, you show me ze ante-room. J. tell you ,47-. n zo anti! I lose one thousand dollaire, and no more anti and zo i)okaire." Saying which he hurried dowti stairs, where we met him thoroughly convinced that everybody in St. Louis paid more 'attention: to poker than to. any 'other branch of business. • Irow Mi,. iik:Eciltit ViiitTED ills FLOCK. -An atnuiing 'story is current about Beecher's vain atteing at, pastoral visitation. 'His average congregation le— immense—nearly 2,000, we'believti--and they live scattered over a large city. Last December, just before the close of the year, Mr. Beecher announced from his pulpit, that us there had been 'noel' complaint about his neglect of his Acicial duties to his congregation, he would attomPt eale.on all of the church membeis in turn, on each Tuesday, taking those in a scertainsection of the city on tine day,' and annonneing from hi; pulpit Poch week,'whiclr:distriel lie would visit :the stweeedingTuctfday. The congregatitM fitvored firOposition', and accordingly Mr. BeeOftr liegtin en New Year's day and 'Made visit=. Everybody' was at home to receive him,. and no time was W-asted, so he iot'titi"otigh very •Wtql. The no.x.t . weitk 'hit made thirty which - u:10 it COll . 1 , 1011 1 / 1 0. fulling otl'. i The third' week he only - only - got Are'itgit-Alvith folirteeil, and then 'I helll,tve he stopped nd abandoned the 'projeZA iii ''xlilaili"d :to Limn k op , by hulk:: U , il4', 'we're . hot . t'eady to him when he called, duil %vim In .. s ist.,l on dres<ing to receive hint ; while they so tletainid hint_wheti:theY 'did corm, down, that it was useless .tp . , think of call ing on nio , r9 than a fraoiionof ;.flock. Besides, They all would ialk,of nothing.but servairrl . t liihlren a ailments and familv genealogies, ,until got, to . monotonous, ard . he thotight unproditeiiro of spiritual or ?therlnmelit to or 'any Mu; has been snld lie • o v tip the,scheine; and his 'since ionc, on just aS before. . 7 A" , r closa 61'1116 Yeae th6 i 'stathities of the , Pealigylliabia.,`dOal trinici . .iliew 'total p . rodue,tien'e . f liiiiife'be'aar for Week a'atoto the i 7,454,70 tons, aiain'ai' '17;40b1869 ttins • ' caiiespindin lagt Stbar, .aliowing a deerato3a cif 11,188 iona.: l "'l'lio . • ' The trade l aeti ' d °inn& ti c tise ? oli'9loAiiiiis of eariying' i caniiiiiiiieW'iiiin is'a 'g'ood 'doniaitd tftiii6 l '•ii' l laiie"Zotiduiiiiiiion of s, The iiiiin4iteitikth r ' aro stimulated to acilviti'br.iti4 profits they the 'be reali3.. ing on theiHron 'tripod the'4stoOk' with the 'laht t'wo" Weeks 14 , iebli f tni 'of al:Nttiietiati . )If;the froia 5 '7'14 deiviii . 'ilreCal an'' ilia; h Mai at about- '1 fo; 060 kite: l l' l 'lll'lP lee 'eritittrge 'lireiti`ts;ell"VeifitiV6Vl;i'th.' &dors fo btkilty Beall litcisuPP rled' ' - biJe. Wdell deal •of • n nitiety ifesteel iihrticet s'o,4eal bold 11611 ) !s‘3ehici"to ho tto,'Procitle, the • ttitintie,'"aial in 'thief, tife , treatitiaased '6inittgei tittai',frMel 'aitiigos. 'TM) Vl3frY iSiabgbY; gffl3ot' 'over itt JaOiri`oCcon -131111701113;VIVAi thit whole inovoment ending in strikes and suspensions. II El A ('r. .:C~ it: .0 lIIMI MIII.