Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 18, 1872, Image 1

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Published every Tharsdny morning by
EDITORS AND 1110D1111^,TORS. '.lv
0 /Ts a, in lihrenrs Hall, in rear nj At Court Hailer.
Terms--$2 00 per annum, in advance.
.6 ., I 1 sq'.22lri I 3..
al I 4,,,ij ~,,;, 1, 2
1 11 4 F r "8.! 1 "0 2 00 3 00 4 001 7 0 ,, ,12 110 , 211 06
2 " t i 4 161 300 400' 5001 9 attl4 00 20 00
3 " ~, 200 400 sts' 8 4 , 0 II 60,10 olt 18, 0I
4 " I 2 10 ' 47/ 07 1 6 7r,t. , . ao,ta oy, 112 55
5 " 1 a 0.1 5 501 956 • 7 51) 14 141,2 , 1 II 1 , - 35 .ID
q - - 350 6 5,1 7 ,',/, 3 10110 50,22 50! 37 58
. A882'4 418 _7_o , _8_5218 8,1LLi1, , i25 00 42 RI
3 " 5"086, 6 50 1,/ 50.2. , 1 ,FOTTI - 50 - NI
6 ' 750 IO 06,12 50116 1,6t23 00, , 41, 1111, 75 it
1 year. 10 00 11. 51 20 111 .15 Oii 40 Oil ,5 00,100 00
12 linen conntltut • n es coorce
For Jelx.orett ern'. and Ado ie kir, clreree Notice., SI 00
For A eolitrn' Notice., 00
For Anceboleon' nod nitnilor Notionn,, tl 00
For pelted,. Cards, not onconclingly ',in non c e, 7iN
For outitce per lino. nob.. con
t....Ord for by oho pear.
For llonlneeten nod Siturial Noticon, 10 roots For lino.
t u6lnnoliento 10, ortisonerectn entree.
-jet ... lode. tit Iforriagun and Menthe+ iceldkino I fencie,
Ther(l'M bo , .: 011Ing in the neelo of Mite
Whirl, limo). 0111 con pins; ;
But linten Mir AVillib 1 Nntlt
Thu I.l.uttg of ionic of thorn.
Thure:n adv,lindo.R rimming nil.;
ould yon her bond Obtain„
She Wad yon In tha path brirq 2
Nor Plead your C “Ple in 00111 ,
Thorp', dell-K , ItP; s modno. 113mv,,
She', nice and inanticni in (\mkt,
A, gent In no in dote.
What do, you mean?" demanded
Philifi; sternly. _.
"I mean that the ship has been on
fire for three days."
The appalling announecriacnt struck
Philip dumb. The captain went on :
"My passengers had a right, perhaps,
to have known this before, but I kept
hoping we should conquer the fire. You
see WO have aoptantity of coal in ballast,
and the mischief is there. Wo have_
battened and smothered it down, and'if
we should he +kure of keeping the air
from it, I would not be afraid for another
fortnighy. I have known a ship iogo
safely ipto port with a fire in the hold
that burned 'three weeks. nut we have
an inflammable cargo, and if it teaches 1
that we are gone."
" But surely, we must meet some ves-
KIM. 4:10 on. will
. A N[l., map 81111POSO ;
Net leutlful nlltel in ever bent
vq ;L ,c h oA k”,
For Ph.: in 011011 VVly sure
T,k l , ilL )wil Its to r•Ill
exY contraly ja le
N In Yrl y,),ltay
hore'n oltur-IC:lte, a j.orleo 11,1
tri diNputo
I ler pre) ieg toper, eili4lever test
You il•futu.
Thpre'n IiAIP, wilt, in A Iret
11 li~~!niln iu 1/ point,
linr s nann in .41111...1111bniiiiiitin
JA r.d .orely otit
The I hill, ,ivora i, alettl
vAtt.t - takt , 11,L
Mere. owl anti 1,1
Aud strives ,lth all her might
11,r Tautly 1E1.1.,
And lba , tlt, for the Ilgiat
Th.•to'• ruot,i•liate, a ,ountiy
loud of
sh., Ilk.e to rml.:o through the-gi n
dud through the vcorgrion...
Of alf thr Inablons yam ran
Al).t anus f,r somPllnittv, 'grant
It was the afternoon of a dull, cloudy
day near the end of October; the car
rinoe which Eleanor Grant was seated
alone drove down the pier at Sonthainp
tun, at which she was to take a vessel
for the United States. Upon reach tit
Alto deck - she was somewhat
startled to meet the last person she ex
pected or desired to see, Philip Arm
strong. „Six years ago Eleanor Grant
was'22 the beautiful and only daughter
dr ono of the richest merchants in New
'York ; Philip 'Armstrong was a poor,
:young lawyer, just beginning to make
his woo in the profession which had
since proved a fortune to him. They
were engaged with the full conoent of
everybody, Omit marriage day was fixed,
and they would have been rapturously
happy but for one cloud in thole:, sky.
Philip was proud and sensitive. The
idea that he might even be suspected by
the world of having sought the wealthy
heiress from mercenary motives galled
him to the quick,. and when be chanced
to overhear a Sneering comment on the
shrewd thing w .A . rnistrong was doing' for
himself ill making sure of the heiress he
was foolish enough to trust himself in
Eleano6i-presence while still smarting
from this thrust. As ill luck would have
it, her mind was full of matters relating
to their perspective housekeeping. and
she hastened to consult him' bn some
Point involving considerable' outlay of
moue He forgot both his prudence
add liitiVod breeding. " For Heaven's
sake Eleanor," he said, "don't ask me
to begin spending your money until we
[we married I It is the misery life
already, and I cordially wish you bad
not a pemi
• If Eleanor had known the annoyance
under which his, pride was still chafing
she might have forgirei) even this ; but
she did not know it, and her anger
flamed up: - She answered haughtly :
"I really tusk your pardon,. sir' for
troubling you. I had not supposed that
• my money was mconsideration so much
,more important to you myself."
.. The words wordscaraly uttered Wpm
she burned to recall therm for she saw
how he might interpret them. •But she
was proud as well
.as ho, aiad she Sat
silent. His taco turned white to the
very lips. lle rose and took his hat
from the table. Ills voice was lmidtY,
and thick. r
"If such be your belief, Madam," ho
said, "the sooner I take my leave the
better. Allew nib to wish yon good
Slip bowed coldly, Litt )villoout
jug, and he walked out of the i 101,103.
After this they never mot m ‘ itil, this
evening, when they bowed to each ether
itCrONI3 Captain Barroti's dinner table,
in the cabin of the Grey Eagle. No ono
woihd. have Aroariced, from the demeanor,of ()Rho'', 'that they were MIMI' than
strangers. Eleanor looked pale, and
said little tolihy ono—to Philip nothing.
She 'Seemed rather weary and indifferent,
and retired early. Philip talked, tho Ugh
it Nlqs with a great effort; no did not
3.s.Eleanor,' talked science with the
cur , on," theology with the clergyman,
ar draw out ono of the captain's best
sr 4 les, .-'•
: ,, lEleanor was 'Much alone. 'l.hir 'deep
.4inourning . dress protected her from friv
k;.' To' would nit for
bournllB .intrusion, and -510
bourn in her favorite place on deck,
rending, or looking away over the blue
Inters. 'They bad now been more than
a week at sea. The wind: as favorable,
and they wore crowding, hall at night.
and day. It seemed to Eleanor that"
they wore making splendid progress,'yet
tshe could not rid herself of a vague feel
ing.. that. something was Wrong. : The
weather was fine, she noticed. that
Captain 'l3arrow. studied the barometer
with .constant and, she thought, anxious
attention. His manner, too, Usually:no
Cie ... , 1.,
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I Hearty and free,,,bad gkown, , glonly and
'altstracted . ; ho Was nervously watchful
for every little circumstance, and was
oftebin appavutly anxious consultation
,with his officers. 'Something was wrong
with the sailors, too. There were whis
pering and looks of sullen discontent ;
and a perpetual sound of hammering
and carpenter work seemed to be going
on in some part of the vessel.
It was just before lainset of the ninth
day out. Eleanor was sitting in the
usual place. The Captain wasmtanding
before his barometer, when Philip Arm,,
were so near that a4o • could easily hear
what they said, though he'r face was
turned from them and her eyes'fixed on
her book."
"What does the ghiss say, captain?"
• "set fair," replied the other, cheer
"So far, good ; everything" seems
faVOrable fur us. I think we shall have
a quick rnn."
"God grant ' said the captain,
" You speak with favor. Does much
hang:on the speed of our voyage?"
The captain threw a : quick glance
around, and lowered his tone as he an
swered, " everything depends "upon our
speed now. We are running for our
"There is less chance of that, as wo
arc.otT onr course now. I ain running
for.the- Azores, it is,the best we can do.
With a fair wind trOmay make the port
of Fayal 'by the day after ,to -morrow.
BUt October weather is tretteherouS, and
the ship is not worked as she ought to
be. If any trouble should arise, I have
nn confidence in my crew."
" How is that?"
" Why you. see, 'me had a fever on
mard iu Augast, and I was obliged to
cave eight of my best men in hospital
at Southampton, and replace them with
smelt as I could' get. They aro a mean
sot, picked up around the docks, and
not to he trusted a boat's length' out of
The book that Eleanor Grant was
reading, fell from her hand. Philip
turned at the sound it made, and ono
glance at her White face told him she
had heard all. ne tho'nght she was
falling, and sprang toward her ; but she
re-assured him with a gesture. "Wait,"
she said, will ,npNl.l4 presently.''
When she did speak,it was steadily, al
" A burning ship, and a half-mutinous
crew 1t is a cheerful prospect we have
be fore us."
" Lam glad to perceive - that it does not
Mont you. Dangers often vanish as we
ace them."
" Imaginary ones ; but this is evidently
-cal enough. Do not suppose I pretend
o be superior to fear."
No ; but you have plainly that bet
cr courage which,Mir overcome fear."'
Both were milent for a moment. in
the minds of both there ras a sudden
nonse of die incongruity of the situation , ;
that in such an awful crisis of danger
they two should stand there talking con
ventional platitudes to each other,' bar
red by a common memory of the past
(pi`n oven -that frank sympathy which,
had they really, been strangers, would
[lave drawn them instantly toper
As quickly as possible, Eleanor es
capod to the Khmer, of her own room.
now she passed the next few hours she
never 'knew ; whether she prayed, •or
thought, or slept, she could not toll. It
was past midnight; whoa there came a
tap at the door. She rose instantly from
the berth in .which she was lying-, dressed,
and opened it, -Instead of the captain,
Whom mho - ex - pected to See, there
stood Philip Armstrong.
"It has come," he said , brietly. " Are.
you'ready ?"
signilled her assent. Ho took np .
Iloy cloak and wrapped it warmly about
'ter, drew her arin into his; and led her
on deck
There the scene was,one of confusion
and terror. The hatches were closely
fastened clown ; but the thick smoke
bursting through every crevice told'of
the fearful progress the lire was making
below. The erew'sullcy and disorderly,
were getting out the boats, which wore
three in nunrivr,‘,two of then large and
strongly built, the other tdo small to be
really serviceable now. The wind had
changed and was blowing hard, and' the
lire was not long in bursting its bands.
soon . the rigging was in flames, and the
fallingvpars added a now source of dan
ger. One of these Atruckitho captain
upon the head and, laid• him
another falling* endwise over the side,
Atove the .largest 'of the boats, which
tilled immediately and sank.
At this fresh disaster the crew became
munanageable: - They had been drink
ing, and the ruffian clement among them
Was in the ascendant. - The' remaining
hingtioat would not now afford safe' room
for nll, - 'and swearing that their lives
was as good as any one's they took pos
session of- it ; and regardless of the com
mands of the mate and the entreaties of
the passengers, Pushed • off from the
burning ship.
There were now six , passengers„ the:
captain, the Mate and two seamen'—in be intrusted in one
small boat. But the flames lett them no
choice, and' they .qtlickly 'conveyed this fOrlohurefuge, carry
ing with thein the still insensible cap
, tan'. Morton, the mate; 'ads, a faithful
fellow and S:good seaman; ; Lust somehow
Was j'lllip'.ll.vmtstrong who now
came the governing force: of the party.,
It Was ho who,gave,orders, and assigned
to ouch one his place and task,'it *Mile
Who ohocked the angry oaths of the deli:
..', •
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. . .
ors at the desertion of their comrades,.
and calmed the fears of the panting*.
Even. gleautir, rebellious as she iniglik.
have felt at another time, 'accepted his
• authority, ancl.'followed his slightest
glance to obey it.
• Aiono now on the wide, pathless sea.
The sky above was thick witli}clouds,
the Grey Bagle,•blazing,on the horizon,
their oniy boaconx - 111 night they drifted, and thdifilfruing bloke gray and
cold. The wind steadily there:Med, and
More noon it blow a gale.
The sea ran so high that every Mo-
Zmont-it_jhreatened_to:_engulf them..
They" were drenched With the dash of
the waves and with the cold rain that
had begun to fall. Their small stock of
food Was so saturated with sea water as
to be almost' uneatable, and oven this
poor morsel they were obliged to appor
tion rigidly, lest the supply should fail.
Days and weeks went by, yet ad help
came, They grew weak with hunger
and from the toil of rowing. They suf
fared alternately from the. scorching sun
and the bitter cold. • Eleanor felt that
she mutt have perished but for the
watchful care of Philip. Be took off his
'own cloak to add to hers, and' his coat
to wrap her half-frozen feet. She would
have prevented him, but he was strong
or than she, and forced the things upon
her. Next - she - detected himstin tiog-h is
own scanty ration to increase hers. she
pot it back with her hand.
"No, no !" she said in a passonate
whisper. "it is too 111116. You starye.
yourself lo give me food. You kill mo
with your limitless forgiveness I"'
"1)1,, 'Eleanor," ho answered, clasp_
ing the hand sho extended, " it is you
who should forgive 1 - Haw meanly I
wronged you ! bow cruel wore my pan_
lant doubts !"
Soine'thing like her old, bright, play
ful smile, broke over n.s,
franklyd,leaving her hand in his clasp,
she answered in the salmi low tone,
" Wo are egrial in poverty at last, 'aro
we `not^ We can afford to be friends
Philip pressed the thin band convul
sively to his lips ; and so, silently, the
new covenant between thorn was sealed.
Will you believe me if I toll you that
these two were actually happy? Not
all the 4orrorq of their situation could
,overbalance their joy in the recovered,
- possession of each other, They timiiect
now, and even jested gayly at the suf
fefingl and privations that had seemed
so terrible, They excited the wonder
and admiration of their companions,
who mistook for the very sublimity of
etntrage what was merely the triumphant
rapture of love, victorious over time and
ch 7 cumstances. Noveetheloss, their sit
natiorr was growing desperate. They
had now been thirteen days - adrift.
Their food was exhausted, they had no
waterlAcept such as whoa the rain _fell
they wrung from their own garments.
. had no longer strength to row,
and they saw: no sail. , Their faces were
grown gaunt and,tiagped, and blistered
with wind and sun; their eyes glared
red with ghastly;fire—the terrible fever
fire dt-hungCr. Three of their number
had already died—the wounded captain
and the wife and child of the surgeon—
and for the otheiii death could not be
far oft
Eleanor had borne up better than
almost any. Her sound elastic constitm,
tion enabled lier to endure what stronger)
Miss sank under. But now, sight and
hearing began to grow dim: She ,felt
her head reeling, her mind giving way.
What appalled her was that Philip be
gan to yield to the dreadful delirium.
She called to him, talked to him ; she
drer his drooping head upon her breast,.
and , strove with kiskii; and caresses to
arouse him. Her touch recalled for an
instant his failing faculties. His strength
seemed to rally. He clasped his arms
around her, holding \ bikr in a close and
passionate embrace. "Ay darling t" he
whispered, to die thus together , —it is not
hard-,forgive—bless—' • The momen
tary flash Of energy faded ; he swooned
away. And Eleanor, too, sank' down
almost lifeless, careless, what fiirthor
might happen.
A wild and frenzied scream arose hm;.
She lifted her head and saw poor - Morton
flinging Ids arms frantically about, laugh;
ing and crying in a perfect delirium of.
joy. " A gall ?" he shrieked rather than
Y ce, a'saiL at last. There, not more
.than a.mile away, is a-large vessel bear
ing toward thorn. They hasten to raiso,
their forlorn signal, which had fluttered
so long - in'vaiu. It is seen ; a boat puts
off and, in wonderfully short apace of
time, kind arms aro reached - Aro them,
kind faces aro bending over them 'with
.)tvords of wonder and compaSsion.
They Were saved. ABortugueso ves
sel bound for Brazil .had picked - them.
up, and they .went ss'fth nor - to Rio
Janeiro, receivingAill care and 'kindness.
It was In the chapel of the United Stares' I
Legation at Rio that Philip and eleanor
were married ; but they did not return
home nail Spring. Some months of re
pose coup fool equal' to another sea voy—
age. But their homeward - run was safe
and pleasant ; and ko. fair mo'rnifig iu
aune, wnen everything was• bright with'
the glOw'of,Oarly Summer, -they steamed
into the harbor of 'New York. As they
stood together on the deck, "Eleanor
leaning ou her hushaud's arm, 'looked
up into-his face with a shy bluish, and ,
said, laughing, "Do you know,PhillP,,
that yoM have actually married :a rich
woman, after all 2"
" How so?"
"My dea'r Miele; with whom 'Jived
in Italy, left Me all his fortune." • _
" I don't care," retorted Philip, sauoi,
ly, "Lord knows, you wore poor - , enough
when I took „you, hut, my- love, 1 have
discovered is sure remedy for' all cases of
disagroomerit - between lovers. I intend
-to takeout-a patent for it as goon AS WO
ieitiet hereo:' ,
"Have I married - it patent - medicine
- Philanthropist in disguise 1 ? Pray:vihnt
ie it?'" '
"Lot them got shipwrookod, together:
if that does not enro them, nothing on
'earth win." ' , -
-" It h worked a euro iuop=„a very
bad case, certainly.."
"Yes; .a radical cure."
Nt.A.Taryn - :2,gontloman . irn l'itinilon
lassenvf govorimunit's,oxpena:'
pawl sllo ,` , or. annum •by marrying' a
acildlor's widow, Go thou' and, do like
vino. Patriots, to mans 1 • ",
.1 .
."AYr D. D. ,
In ber robe o' driven enior,t
'Meekly wond'ring at: if el' •
Man slid gudeettfe bablo'brhig
To the kirk for christening:
, C:10.11Etle. tole fru, hold to foot,
foi or socluo4 she hillt me sweet ;
We' two eon too ;loop no` lane,
Like ttii pans!oe wet wiqun.
Tn hor mithor ony proud
or hor awry brdr o'grutrd
Proird In rho o' brohlored dro,,
That oho fouldo hal f diatrooo
Win elle greet or will aho craw I
Sin n crowd oho never eaw;
An they totlao altar came,
'fistg tho balrus,,t hecu la a limn
When the putareize ,Tgan Foun't,
This hor little heirt nonl'one`e ;
hi ither intelsos quick her band', •
An' she seems to undera tan':
When on God the peetor ea'r,
When the dr' ppen' water We
Trernblin' is her littfe mou';
Rill Rho s<rool or 71113110 coo?
fibelni droops, her'fpco to hide.
Iltldle'. ebeitflu' neck beelde. •
Like some tiny bethiln rimer
Front benctalt n.mornio'or.ahower
Onicano, D. 28, 1871
Tho changes that have taken place in
the burnt district, within the short space
of time elapsed since the Great Piro, aro
indeed, wonithrthl to behold - .. - 7 - Even now,
whom. the Illermatnuto'r stands at from
tia to IV below zero, so great a visitation
of cold is powerless, it seems, to prevent
the *active labor of rebuilding.
A. largo kiln:ll4er of impoping buildings
have been completed, and n much larger
number is in process of erection: The
debris has beim cleared away-frdin whole
blocks, and the brick and building
material arranged in order, awaiting the
advent of Spring, before 'entering upon
the work of filling up waste places \ Nrith
residences a,nd'busiues3 structures.
Those who are anxious' for the early
completion of their store rooms, have
compelled the , builders to resort to
ingenious devices fiir retaining Tortions
of the building material in such condi
tion as to allow Of its use,
,during the
coldness of the season. Largo cauldrons
arc constructed iu which - is heated the
water, used in muting the mortar. This,
after its composition, is placed_ in huge
sheet iron -pans, planed_ over brick fttr‘
nacos, and kept in such consistency, as
to, be available. whorl' the demand of the
mason is heard ringing from the rising
While the character of the buildings,
scil'ar in process of erection, is not of
that ornate descri2tion for whiCh the city
wa i l -rapidly becoming celebrated, it . is
observable that the Walls, are as a gen
eral rule, heavier, and brick the material
Most universally selected for fronts.
Nero and there is found au elaborate
iron, or cmarble Out, and architects
promise that when the season of' '72 ar
rives,, old sites will be re-covered with
structures none the less beautiful than
those which passed away on that memor
able October night:
Some difficulty with regard to the fire
limits has prevented so .gonerai
,an ex
hibition of reconstruction of buildings
on the North, as 13 witnessed on the
SOuth side, but at a general meeting of
the owners of land in that division, it
was announced by all, that their
contracts aro -already made, and that
.their operations will' commence with the
approach of Spring.
On the first of December. there were
212 buildings under way in the South
Division in which 3,650 were destroyed.
Of the number destrOVed, (I_ quote from
the Lakeside Monthly, as marvel of Jour
nalistk, enterprise) "1,600 wore stores,.
28 hotels, and GO manufacturing estab
lishments, and the homes of 21,800 peo
. In the North Division, there wore
"13,300 buildings destroyed, unhOUS
lug a population of 74,500 souls."
The estimated 'value tf 'losses As as
follows, vie :
Improvenients, (buildings,
etc.) . ... $53,000,000
Produce, etc.. 5,202,500
Af4nufacturers a , 10,155,000
Other business property....: 05,445,000
Personal effects 58,710,000
iscollaneons. 378,000
Grand total
"On this there was a salvage of : about
$4,000,000 in foundations and ,bricks,
available for 're-building, making the
actual loss V02;000;000." - '
"The assessed valud of the land ill
the city, just previous to the fire, was
$176,931,900, which was about 60 per
cent of its actual cash value. llenee,
the real value of the laini ♦within the,
city lithits was $294,636,000. ~ •
Estimating for' •' the interruption to
busioesS," and " manufacturing opera
tions," and ou the depreciation in the
value of real estate, the following table,
of the total loss, is presented ;
"On property burned $102,000,000
Ou depreciation of ilea' ,
Estate (30 per omit) ' 88,000,000
On interruption to buSinesS: 10,000,000
Grand total
" This is
.47 per
,cont 'of the value of
property M the city the (MY before the
conlingiatiem which (real'and personal)
it is estimated was valued at 5420,000,000.
From the report of the Relief Becioty
,just published;' I glean the following
The lodii - or statement 'of . The Society
shows..tho following donations.
Total amount of contribu-
,V 3,485,884.55,
Cons received,
Balance •' $1,800,659.26
h is balance is. depopited (drrrWings
per cent interest) as :
- $523,933.63
Iri New York do 969,092.00
In r poston ') • do.,' ' 210,101.14
In Bank ' 68,868.00
In ProTidOnCe, ... ... ,28 000.00
Tho„ estimate of tho society for or,
pondituros for (1 months, from Pototer
/67/PAo4Pril,Or $3,1)7Q,498r5,4'
Total oontrOmtions• (so far;
',no known). . 8,,418,18840
Leaving a (Aoilalt, of ikptifi,Blo.lll.
, (This Oattyaako Was made several we f,
ago, When' trio 'report was \ plaodtl:
tho hnxidei'ot , tlA)i 'Printer):
TO the -Fuutl, among illiffitatds,
Noir' Yor oontObutod tho' coii of $401,-
f:: , . ,fl ~ ~ ~.
' 1
; 'Pennsylvania, standing third
028,063,07; Dfissisippi, $40.59 ; Ala
barna,. $:5 00. . ,
' . The total foreign contributions amount
to $61.0,821.71, and:the total dioma con
tributions to $1,875,02A.80.. The largest
foreign donation comes from Eng
land, amounting to $358,410.72, 'and
-poor Frande, suffering still -from the
prOstrition at liar, foolish war, seals..
442,200 ; Dermany, tl native land &f a
vast mahrity of thoSe whose homes were
12i1113 . 11ated, 'is less' charitable in her
prosperity than F11144E1 her adversity ;
Atnong the townEG of.:. Pennsylvania
Bnri."ounding you, in Cinnbeiland county,
I find the following eAdited : -
West rairrow
31[t. ..... I
In other counties :
- - !, -- -
Harrisburg. ,
$4 4 400.01)
York.' 1,900.00
Chambersburi , . .
• ,000.00
liceptaster . 50.00
' bid I not know 44-your' generosity
was poured out in bebalf of the sufferers
by the Wisconsin and•Mfichigau disasters,
I should grieve at - finding, missing from,
this list of donors, the name of 01 1 d:
Carlisle. -- •.•
• The report slates that a number of
localities lfnvo Conti:iti'sted much more
than the amoua with which tli4 are
-creditedli —the _Credits __showing -the
amounts received by the Committee and
disregarding such as wore retained in
the hands of cities and towns. Thus
Pittsburg is credited with'ssl,ooo, while
repreSentatiire qmOnittee reports
$41,000 more on hand; and of the dona
tion of $lOO,OOO voted by its, City Conn
eil, 'ho portion has been received-.
The stocks of fifteen National Banks
are quoted at old figures ; that of the
Chicago City Railway (the main line on
the South side) has advanced from 115
to 125, arid that of the Pullman Palace
Car Co., from 108 to 110, The North
side Railway .Co's., stock, notwithritand
ing the much less probability of an early
rebuilding of that locality stands at the
ante-fire quotations. Eight home tire
insurance companies are bulletined as—
" Stocks a total loss.''''‘
The " Lakestd Monthly," a publica
tion that had attained considerable local
eminence and bid (air to become the
leading Serial of its character in the
West, re-appears for January with a
succession of articles which toll " TITS
BTOnY Os CIIIOAO.O." Space being
limited, prevents me from noticing them
and their authors, t quote, however,
from one, entitled " The SClence, of the
North Western
,Fires,” written by the
commercial' editor of Ow Tribune.
"'As a chemical result" "or the burn
ing, over the immense area swept by
these fires, "we have 3,300,000 tons of
carbon liberated from its union with
other elements," thus forming an addi
tion of 12,000,000 ! 4 ;.:.-4 , ,0f free carbonic
acid gas to the 41,.A:0 0 :ilreritly existing
in the atinOspqr At the car-,
ben ifeeouß x:ral bunk',
acid gas iu the atmosphere was probably
:300 times greater" titan before the re
cent conflagrations, it having diminished
"at the rate of about one part in five
thousand each century since." *
"In tl is respect the atmosphere
eunditions of three centuries ago have
been restOrcd." As "the elimination
of carbonio acid from the atmosphere
has been accompanied by a gradual
development of animal life, and an
equally gradual retrocession of vegetable
abundance." The author "ran scarcely
resist the thought about the prOgresB of the
race toteards the highest limit of perfec
tion attainable by humanity lets been re
tarded not lest ehan Wee centuries.''
* * " And man may- fall back
into the mental condition of the Refor
mation period, and reproduce the then
exceptional intelleiitual splendors of
tllycolr and Bhakespeare while the
/‘ vegetable world will be stimulated to
increased activity to supply the plaCe of
that destroyed." The writer further
says ".a more startling - idea suggests
itself, what if these fires should be one of
a series of events designed by the Great
puler of the Universe, to prevent man
from progressing too far, or too fast, in
hidforward march towards the perfec
tion of knowledge?" Dep . arting fCom
this frightful suggestion, which you will
Observe he does not affirm a'..3 a truth, he,
-in a subsequent paragraph, when dwel.
Rag upon other -chemical "derange
ments," - regards as not the least useful,
to our futureWOlfare, of the many lea-
Sons tatigh(us by the fires, that convoy
ing a knowledge of the wonderful chemi
cal changes, iohieit when inprogress- per
chance cilcited the wonder of the fur off
inhabitant* ;74' the planets Yonne and
Some of these days don't be astonished
if just such another Divine visitation
should overtake Chicago. There is a
belief here that, to au average Chicago
ian, all things are possible, even to Muz
zling the winds, and commanded by .a.
mere ipso dixit of Vie, Fire Marshal,
the cessation of any, conilagintion. But
when the experience of the past is dis
regarded; tho erection of frame buildings
'still.contintimi, and the firelimits a myth,
just the • same , Combination of
stances is 'possible for the future, :and
Chicago may a second time-be all - object
.of : jtistly less Charitable consideration
than alio is in the severity of her present
affliction. Really it Seems that; so far
as the "mental condition" of our common
-notinsel is conceracd, it, luau already un
dergone a chaugVfor the worse, in co - , !
sequence of the too great liberation of
carbon • -
Next:year,/ expect to see the eohinuis
of the Ilansim given up. to noticca such,
'as these. "Smith has Pat laid- , oh our
table a, semple of oats 22 feet,
Brown. "has.shown us a beet 'nee's-tying
541 feet in circumference." Jones "asks
us' to ear'ho has radielies feet
, long,"' ,and Davidson brings in•
corn, in the ear, ranging fropa the iix,el9f
:the: , foot -of the.- Grand. : Dialro , .44e*lS,.
(tifirtneas)' to the:length of oithariof toe,
If Me i jer is still
grunters, lie will;find 'them. of stunted'
groWthi and ' Bob : ,would fail in
'lnitklng so giontra quantity of , lima=
frorn. a hide, as heclii in the days' when,;
With his redolent, snuff ho.i4 lie officiated
at the:fire ootnpenys'' fehs.
junior.editor f witinntea
'resort tOlt.ho 'Beating , system, he will
vanish to' bugs shadow , of ills -present
'selfi . and his "too' solid fleslOWlll malt;
itablvo itself into a &awl". •
. '
C 85,825.29
•Riding up from ,nangor,
On the 1'1111,13m0 train,
From n alr.l4aok'ealtoofing,
in the woods of Maino;
Quito oltunalve vritiokora,
Board, mmattclut as well,
Sat n " student roller,"
Tall, and-lino, and swell.
Enyty seat behind him,
No ono at. bin /lido;
To 0 pleasant station
Now the' trot o dolt, 'glide ,
Ratty tuied couplo,
Take a hinder era
Ruler gratis tosiden,
Bettitiful, petite.
an - uaiiiwy olio Wrote:
". Je•h le Boat ongagod"
(Soo Ihe 'aged couplo
Proporly ouraged,)
Student quit.. *Ca tAtlo,
130 ex her ticketeP through,"
Thluko of the long tuonol—
.Knowe what ho cc 111 do.
So they att and chatter,
IVlttle the eluderg fly,
Till that "atutlent
Gete oils ill hin
And the gentle maiden
Quickly term about-,
" Mxy L If you pleaue
Try and get It out?"
nappy " student toile," •
Feels n Jollity tout ;
Ileara a gcnilaiyh }spar,
" 1.1005 it. - }surt you much?"
Fizz! ding. donin - a inomont
In the tunnel quiet,
And the glorious darkness
Black ae EgYPOs
Out into the
Darts the Pullman train;
Student's beaver ruffled
Just the slightest grain;
3lniden's hair Is tumbled,
And there soon appeared
Counlng,llttle ear ring
- Caught liittudeut's heard.
—Llitrvard Atironrfe
[The following ireitsting, letter from
William B. Parker, Consul at Zante, to
C. P. Bumrich, esq., of this borough,
has been handed us for publication.—
ZANTE, October 20, 1871. 1
31.1: l3aAlt Cziitts :—Your very welcome
letter of the twenty-first ultimo, reached
me on 'Wednesday last, the eighteenth
instant, I was exceedingly glad to get
it, as it gave us more news than we have
yet received. Our papers here are all
Italian, French and Greek; and do 'riot
give meth news respecting America—
except short telegrams. *„* * *
I know you wish to hear something
more of Zante end tholand. I will,
therefore, endeavor to give you an im
perfOet description `of things as I have
seen them thus far.
We are better pleased with Zanto
every day. The climate agrees with me
very well, and
-as the Winters are al
ways Summers, I will be able to get
through without taking cold, to which I
have been so subject. It seemed strange
while reading your letter, when you
mentioned - frost, that hero in the middle
of October, roses and dowers were in
•,fuil bloom; oranges and lemons just
.tvitig, young onions and other vegeta
bles just coining into market.
The atmosphere is so clear that we
can see distinctly an old Venetian Castle
on the main laud-. 1.5 miles away, and the
mountains of Greece, 30, miles distant,
look as near, and - their outlines are as
distinct as the mountains at home. The
scenery is. beautiful. One cannot hn
agitte a picture of more perfect beauty,
than the view from.the bill in the roar
of the oily, Standing on an eminence
of 900 feet you can see' for 50 . miles—
above your head a sky of such a perfect
blue, clear and delicate, dotted with the
clouds, rosy with the colors of the set
tang sun ; in front, the, (loop blue Medi
terranean with but a breath of wind rut . -
' fling its placid surface, reflecting the
rosy tints of evening ; further still across
' the water the shores of sunny •Cireeco,
clear and distinct; further beyond, the
tall mountains of the Peloponesus, seem
ingly encircling the ruins of the old
Venetian Castle, but in truth,.miles be
yond ; on your right the tall , Mount
I .Seopo, 3,000 feet high, covered with
white cottages and groves of olive trees,
L I whose soft dark green refreshes the eye ;
I on the loft other hills luxuriant
olive groves ; at your feet the harbor and
°city of Zante, sweeping in a mini-circle
round the bay. The shipping, with the
flags of a dozen nations flying amid the
forest of masts, the white sails of the fish
ing boats gliding over the water, strange
n appoayatico to a,_ foreigner,. with tindr
lateen sails and peculiar build ; the many
church towers pointing heavenward, and
to crown all, on the summit of the bill,
the old Venetian Castle of Zaute, with
its time:worn battlements, no longer
tenable, but calmly„resting as it towers
over all. Not a sound but.the tinkling of
the sheep bons as the, flocks come home,
and the music of the church bells calling
to vespers. 'ltis a scone not to be for
gotten, and ono which, I believe; has no
superior. Perhaps My description may
sole too florid, but itrellects only the
reality of the scone. 140 one, who is
acquainted with ancient history, can
stand here by the sea shore without feel
ing that each wave as it . ripples on , the
Pebbles'•at his feet, has a history to tat
of the many, many SCIMICA of the - past'
two thousand years, when Greece was.
in her glory, and her galleys covered the
water before you.
The iiitorior of, the island is a perfect
garden. The fertility of the soil is un
bounded. Tliature - has boon lavish of her
gifts, and everything pleasant to the eye
.and taste, grows here in abundance. With
the fruits and flowers, of our,
, Northern
clip - el you, ind the palm,'the cypress,-the
.pornegraiite, •the fig' and, numerous
astern prOduetions, 'The temperature
is about tho same as Florida. The view
Of the interior of the hdandis lovely, It
IS a level plain 7 miles wide by ).4 long,
ahnost'entirdly Surrounded by mountains
There aro 45 villages on the iSlanA. The.
plain is a.sos Of green, :dotted with vil
lages and white:farm - houses, bordered
bk,,the hills;,CoVered with Olive trees, At
ona.end where the mountains open arid
! the' plain. shelves . down ,to the sea, Ain
den see the' high Black mountains of
Coph . aloina k „Popp high, 'Sad thirty,
miles distant, -loo4ind, as closo' in'the
clear. transparent atmosphere- as- if ,3usb
heforn, 7P 11 ! - . •
.Tho wader are excellent and very' fine
for driving. 'Little donkey:3'llre pied id-'
'dead of, ,ho,rsee, , and, goats inatead of
'cow). Ev.ery ,:nierning the goats are
driven, about stepping Ol.ery
heuvelvilere the milk la obtained, fresh,
and pare--a great advantage over the
.;,„ • . • '
- - • , • '.:44
watered milk of the Carlisle milk vendors.
When , the wino vintage be e n rl was
forcibly struck with the litefal mean
ing of the words of our 'Saviour,
not "'to put now wino into old bottles."
They transport the wine on
donkeys, in bottles made of sheep
skins. Noticing several of them burst
ing, I inquired the cause, and was told
the bottles are too old; and the new
wino fehnenting bursts them." alnis
the customs of twO' thousand years ago,
are still the same, and the word pictures
of Eastern lifo in the Bible -still find
their counterpart in Eastern Countries.
The costume of the people is exceed
ingly picturesque—a short white petti
coat corning to the knees, leggings of
different colors, a. coat or rather short
jacket, with wide open sleeves, and a red
cap without a visor, adorned with a
.tassel. -The women -wear plain blue or
big& clothes, with a blaCk shawl cover-.
ing the head.
The customs of the people aro also
' peculiar—especially as regards the Jews.
They all live in one street, which form
erly was closed with gates every night.
Unlike the Jews in America, here they
Th.. 1,1 are, Airmen, none of the Greeks
- eiWiding in that business. It is very
funny to go on Jew street, and soo the
workmen all sitting- on the sidewalk,
"flaking. tin cans They only
work inside .on wet days. Such a
hammering I never heard before. Rival
firms side by side seemingly working,'
each to get ahead 'Of the other. The
Jews are treated very badly: At their
funerals they are obliged to perform - ,
their ceremonies in the house, for as
soon as the' procession appears on the
street, a mongrel pack of dirty Greek
boys and men, hoot at arid pelt them
with stones and rotten fruit.
The blacksmiths are all to be found
on ono street also. The llificvent, men
pations and trades are all sitrrated with
reference to the character of the bled
noss. Thus groceries are all together on
the same street. Also dry goods stores,
and shoemakers, and the numberless
variety of trades, so that one has not far
to walk, to make a selection of any
article he needs.
I must, however, do, justice to their
Market Rouse, f,vhielt, far exceeds the
old ono in Carlist. A comparison of the
two would not reflect credit on' an
enlightened American community.
I have not had time to make my
self thoroughly aCqnainted with the
Courts, and the practice of the Greek
law, and with the public school system.
I intend visiting the Courts, having been
invited by one of the Judges, and will
also visit all the public schools and give
you a description of the' system. I will
say here that the 'Greek public schools
have ono advantage over the American ;
in a point that has bedn much agitated,
in some of the large cities. It is, as to
the use of the Bible in the schools. Thu
Greeks have no Sunday Schools. 'They
supply their place with the day schools,
in widen the child learns, "that the feoi
of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
Another thing strikes an Am - elle:we
strangely, all the civil officers of the law,
(the police and constables) are armed
with muskets and swords ; and indeed
it is . quite necessary, for the Greeks are
unruly at times, and scruple not to Use
knife and pistols freely in their quarrels.
The principal squares of the city are
San Musco and the Plaza di Amine, on
the sea shore, Sin Mosco is memorable
for a liberty pole that was erected in.
the' centre of the square during the
French Revolution, at which time /,ante
was under the - French dominion. At
the fall of Napoleon the First, the
Greeks burnt the pole, and the effects of
the fire are still visible on the stones
with which the square is paved, which
aro cracked and crumbled somewhat by
the heat. .
Zanto is not without some natural
curiosities, such as grottoes, caves and
pitch wells, all of which I will visit
befell, long. It lias also figured exten
sively in the history of the 'Roman Em,
piaand the Greek Republics. The
tomb of Cicero was here, and the urn
containing his ashes was found in l'i•l4,
while digging the foundation of a con
vent of St. Francis. :It is known that
Cicero was assassimated at Otranto,.
Italy, not far frord here, by Papilius,
and his remains were brought here.
The Grhek chinches are exceedingly
interesting. The exterior of the build
bOt within they are highly
adorned with pictures, representing
Bible scenes, gilding and silver. One in'
Particular, that of Si. Dioeysius is velic
rich in solid sil t»oiddi»gs and
The females sit in a gallery partitioned
from the church by a lattice. There are
no peWs in the church, a few seats ranged
ngainiit the walls, The singing is anti
phonal by men and boys, and no orgahs
.are used. The music is strangely im
pressive, The ceremonies are the seine
as in thicarlYages of the 'church, indeed
sotne of the forms have no practical ap
plication now, butard still used.• Yester
daY'it 'child's funeral passed. flow dif
ferent It was-, from one in America,.
There is no gloom and black crape about
'the Greek chili:eh funerals. '''First came
a boy swinging', the censer, next three
hogs hearing a largo silver cross and wax
C 3131108, next the Priest, then the while
coffin, carried' bk boys,: and then the
family and' friends. Their hymns and
prayers are'all triumphant andibanks
giving for the resurrection, the triumph
over death, and the grave. •
We . have an' earthquake about dvery
two week's, but are becoming used to
them as thoyare never dangerous. They
cOmmenee with a rumbling • like a car
riage rolling over' hard ground, and Won
every thing sways too and fro, Sometimes
for 46 Seconds:, tAt times the shock
comes from (broody Underneath, show
ing-the earthquake to be local; and those
are the woriit. TIM earthquake produces
a peculiarly iudeseribable feeling" of
Utter helplessness and the - * worildessnithe
of human aid,. The animal creation fro
! quently announce the approach of air
earthemiike, if it is a severe one, by their
terror and nervousness.
, •,
Wo are exceedingly' aneniasto hear
the full' particulars
,of tho lato terrible
fire. in. Chioago, of which, wo hoard by
telegraphic dispatches: - It must have
been a frightftil'Cootio. Fortunately. it
was not whiter, for thoit it wOujd Lave
boon far worso, -for tho nanny poor 'keine.,
less Wiles, • t, •
I am maltinrconaidarablo progroaa in
the modern Greek. Tho pronounciation
is entirely different from the Crillege .
Greek. bay wife is acquiring the Italian
rapidly and reads it very well. I have
the advantage of having studied it be
fore, and now speak it quite fluently and
translate front Greek into Italian. Baby
is well Ho has just come into the office
to say good-by. Ito is going on board
an American Ship lying in the harboti to
visit smile 'ladies •-•
We expect to spend some days at
Cephalonia, and will no doubt have a
fine time and obtain a good idea of the
have — rem uved—the — eon - sular—A-I, , en
at Cephalonia, and have appointed
another. We clamed as to the con
struction of the U. S. Statutes. The now
agent was formerly President Judge of
the Courts, then under, the English
A company is now laying , ;. another
cable from Alexandria,, Egypt, to
Zante, Cephalonia, Corfu and
Brindisi, thus making the communica
tion with England and America, still
morn direct. The cable steamer is now
in the harbor.
Your friend,
Wm, B. PaimEtt
11 A Itli1:313 trl{G IND US7'I2IES.
"This company was organized . and the
works completed and in operation in
1.867," the general-manager of the Penn
sylvania steel works said on Saturday in
the course of conversation.
"What was the inducement for estab
lishing the works."
When the Pennsylvania railroad
company used only common rails they
had to substitute . new ones about every
six months in places where the wear and
tear was the greatest. Pence the neces
sity for steel rails that are at least twenty
tithes more durable than the other kind,
The railroad campany hild to change the
common rails which they then were us
ing in theqloPet for new ones about once
a month, but since they have substituted
steel rails those which they first put
down them in 1867 have not since been
" What was the extent of the produc
tion originally ?"
"About 5,000 toes in 180!‘3. 1n 1869 it
was nearly 9,000."
"What had it increased - to In 1871
" About 1.5,000 tons.".
" What were stool rails .worth in
"About $lO each. One dollar and
fifty cents of this amount was the royally
paid to the trustees of the Bessemer-,
Kelly patents. Bessemer, as you are
probably well aware, was an Englishman
who took out several patents in this
count:y in connection - with the manufac
ture of steel rails. Kelly,, an Ame - rican,
was another patentee in the' same diree
timl. After the- two had conflicted
there was a compromise and their inter
ests were united."
" What was the market valve of steel
rails in 18Gti'.'"
"About $32.50 each, which ihcluded
the royalty, which roznai nod the same
until 1870. In 1809 the price fell to $29
and in,1870 to about $2l. In 1871, when
the original Bessemer patent right ex
pired, Kelly's was renewed. The steel
rails commanded in this year only about
$2.2 each, including some royalty on a
part of the Machinery used iu their
manufacture, and that was paid accord
ing to the number of , tons of steel rails
manufactured. The decrease in price
was due entirely to the competition be
tween . the English and American manu
facturers of steel rails ; lu the efforts of
the English manufacturers to undersell
tlie'American, and even tt ith the tariff
as it is the English can sell in this coun
try at the present time almost as much
of their production 4 the American
manufacturers can sell of theirs ; hence
we claim that the tariff is necessary, be
cause .we pay our workmen higher
wagee than the workmen in. thi) same
line abroad. Within a month I have
seen men from Cowley and Crew., in
En g land, and have ascertained by
comparing what they received and what
we pay that the wages here are nearly
double what tireilire
" IVltat cumber of
ha vo '?"
About 125." . .
" What is the number now I"'
" About MO."
" What do you pay them?"
We pay our laborers ouo dollar end
forty cents a day. 'The blacksmiths, car
penters and maChinists, also, are paid a
stated sum. The others are paid by the
ton of metal worked up. I have included
in the :300 employees those *ho are under
contractors directly in the works, The
highest which is curled by
,any piece
paid omploses on In average, is about
it 7.75 a day each.,"
- " Has, the comnauy s ereeted ally build
logs especially Sor the accoMfmatation
of its employees." •
" The company bunt , this hotel in
which wo have our offices after those
which we originally had burnt down. It
lots also eight private houses which are
rented to its, employees 'at the rate of
from to $l2 a month. There is a
church hero which was built partly by.
the subscriptions 'or the workmen .and
partly by contributions which wore
raised in the Harrisburg churcheli."
'''What nationalities are more hugely
represented than. others 2" •
“We kive representatives from almost
every nation mr.copt,Oo'Hussian,
Preach---and Chinamen." . '
Whore do the nioat of yobi• mivicnion
mid() 2"
"About one-third reside in Barrishurg ;
the, roniainder in, this vicinity; some
Shout a mile northeast of hero, at
'Cluirehville, and few across the river.
supPoSo there aro twelve hundred, per
sons close in the viaii!ity of those works
held horo, by our operations and the
prosperity of whom is dependent on us.
There is another Baldwin in Butle
oOnnky. Our opt ofilock 'is
Pennsylvania stool works.'"
'/Tow about-youttorb-syatotram------
. • "co4Orations cannot logapy • have'
atoros. . ,
"There is a store horn?"' . •
"Yes, there ap:tbroo octilbm ; ono
on the other side of the river, one lower
down and one right at the works. The
Proprietors of all of them are prospering.
Qur men can trade where they liks. We
do not coerce them to buy at „our storm
more than the others. We have an ac
coUnt at one of the stores which supplies
our men with whatever they want if
they desire to trade there."
"Do you allow them to purchase
liquor at this,fitore
"No ; the company owns one hundred
acres of ground here, and it does not al
low liquor to be sold on any part of this
property. It has also endeavored to
-- proventi - as'far - as--posSibler-the-s*of
liquor in the immediate vicinity' of its
owdland, both by influence and active
efforts. The store system is entirely
voluntary on the part - ortric men. The
company is interested in the store merely
as it would be' in any other investment.
Wo formerly had the regular order
system. The shaving of these orders,
that wits clone outside among speculators,
was abominable. They cashed the or
ders in some instances not at a less rate
than that of thirty-sir per eentuni oft
We have been able to put a: stop to that
altogether now, fortunately. We give
no more orders, but whore a man wants
credit wo go his Security at the store for
what he wants. The order system was
1 very demoralising,. If a man wants mo
iZtes, leltis actuarnecessffierimperativery
demand it, wo give it to him. I think
the new system,has improved' the char
acter of our men. We have two building
associations ; ono in Bald Win and one
near Middletown. These societies arc
building a considerable number of sub
stantial houses on the high ground op
posite the works—the cost of each will
be about X 1,300 when completed. There
are trams morning and evening and ono
in the middle of the day for going to and
rom the works, both: east and west.
The fare from Harrisburg hero IS nine
ceilF alif! . eIC 011 r. workmen resides at. a
distance of four miles and a half fruit
the works,. which ,he regularly walks
every morning and evening besides work
ing here twelve hours each day, during
the most of which time he is on his feet.-
" What improvemeets have you intro
duced since the works wore established?"
" In 1869-70 the capacity of the works
had to be increased. Six 'new boilers
were put in ; also one of the finest ham
mers in the country,. having a weight,of
thirteen tons and a fall of seven feet on
a steel ignot. It stands thirty-eight feet
high and is the largest in the country by
about a ton and a half. One of the two
others that approach it in size is in the
Charlestown navy yard, Massachusetts,
and the other in Bridgewater, Massachu
setts. The total weight of the cast iron
used in the hammer is 200 tons.• A part
of this mammoth- instrument was manu
factured-here, part in Philadelphia, part
in Pittsburg and part in England. A
foundry was also Introduced, where
there are.made about 130 tons of cast
ings monthly, for use in the works and
all the meuids which are required. The
machine shop yvas enlarged during the
same year. In 1871 the six ton hammer
was substantially _rebuilt. Also during
this year the stock of the company was
increased to 1,1100,000, which enabled
it to project a new converting works
(converting iron into steel), that will be
linished in 1879 and cost not less than
fi9oo,Ouo. The company is now getting
the stone for the building."
," Where is the most of the stook of the
company held'?"
" Principally in Philadelphia ; some in
,other, parts of Pennsylvania and sonic) in
" What have you in operation at pret
" Our steel converting works with
a capacity of. about 2,400 toes of
steel ignots a Year ; forges with ono
thirteen ton and another six ton ham
mers; a rail mill with g capacity, of
about 800 tons per week, which the
Bessemer weirks is not large enough to
utilize, and therefore we are erecting .
new converting works to keep the rail
mill in full operation night and day
fonndry, machine am! blacksmith shops ;
twenty-five steam boilers, sonic of which
are; fired separately and the remainder
from the furnaces ; eight stationary eI
gives, one locon?tive and six ilyaThlllie
1)1111/PS froM 30 to 700 horse power."
" What iron do you one ?"
• " The iron we use is largely Ameri
can:: We_have almost given up the use
of English iron. The Bessemer works
in the country formerly used it great
deal of English iron,but the have now
ilitnont, given up doittg Our charcoal
iron comes from Lake Superior and
some of our coke iron front Mahoning
valley. In addition we are working up
some of the iron in our vicinity, and
Iloilo to use iron from the immediate
vicinity of Harrisburg bpd surrounding
towns more extensively hereafter."
'' How ninny env loads of Steel rails do
yon scud away ovory day I"'
"Prom 10 to 100 car loads, and there
fore we have:a pusher of o'ur own. Bald
win is nue of the largest freight
stations on dip line of the Pennsylvania
railroad, not exempting the. large cities
oven, This is due, of course; exelu
,evoly to the business of these works."
" What about the co-operative plan?"
"1 1 0 9911§idci• it a9ritter of very great
lutereot, so much so that the legislature
ought to, talc° some steps in the direction
of Mr. Morrell's bill, of 1871, in' relation
to industriarpartnerships."
" Who aro tiro offleera of the coin
”Pilsittent, S. 111. Felton ; treasurer,
MIL Tamiwra ; aeci•etary, C, U. Illooh
man. A.ltthetto &Roots reside ill Philp:
Itelphio. that kayo thOir Oleo them The
oftitairs who reside. hero. aro John B.
pearso; general ma'nagor : ; U.S. Nourso,
ouporiatetviOut, Oa Joseph Potts, chief
clerk."—lfarrisbur'u Patriot.
No minder all lawyors are so iuuelt
Once. They jnois,theii.lives to " follow
ing suit." .
LITTLE fish havo a proper idou Of boa
nons--not being able to do hotter,. they
start on a email scale.
leYnall kind of 'molasses is no' nucdos
sSs ? - Why N. 'O. (Now Orleans) molas
ses,Of course.
" Wati.t., judge," said a friend to the
enipivi, • did you condemn many to
de'ilih at youilnession to day?" "Three,
and I don't hesitate - to say that two of
thorn deserved it," • • .