Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 11, 1872, Image 3
Mihtland Cob nty1.1t0,4,!1 1711MeriAlGr, - ,.T.a:Ft r Any ,Ny.vEn again will so fine,. wares be 8014 eo low as at Blair's. ~. • • BEE the• list Of advertised' litters whibir4Poiteri in aiaotheraolutrin.• " Ruvuma° .IT" is the subject on. which Mark Twaiii will lecture on the evening of the . tworitpeecond, - U ties wore:;sold by the Bhicriftlasti.Friday. , We have been un able to obtain a,list•ofthoin. , Bwoi..i—We Wore visited with another enow'`on Mondiy last. It fell I to the depth of about six inches, and the mu sic of the "merry sleigh.bells 6 :-is'heard I on every hand. - Lnnax Hou.—Mr.' Ell Bushman, of Penn township, this county, Slaughtered porker on Thursday last, that weighed dWI pounds.' Good for Penn. Who call heat it'? trIE pl:CSellt is n .splendid tinie tb subscribe for VIE HERALD. g 2.00 nor minim in ailvatica, - --. pond along your name, with the necessary funds, 'and try the paper for'one . year. — 7717. - calithuitipitrn - serenailers - were - out in full force a few nights since, treating a newly married couple to au extempo raucous serenade. From such music as they were, producing, deliver us, Tim Board of School Directors have had all the old desks removed from the school rooms, and 'now ones supplied in' their place. The 'desks were built by Messrs. Gardner & Co. EYtELLENT BAND.—GOrtOn's Silver Coruot itaud, composed of ladies and. gentlemen; apd attached to the New, Or.: leans Minstreisi regaled our citizens with delielous — tirtiale - du - rin - g - their-sojourn-in ciur town. 'SECURE youn TICKETB.—CaII on the lecture committee at once, and secure your`. pekes for Mark Twain's lecture ou the twenty-second. J. H. Hosier, ri A. Blair and John G. Orr, lecture com mittee. Pinta Llquojm—To those of 01'r citi zeiis who are in need of a superior_arti cle of liquors, wines ur brandies, we would recommend the old and popular wholesale and retail establishment of John * Hannon, No. .-11. South llanovm street, Carlisle. See card. ..COMING.—Those poWar followers of the burnt cork art, Illevrs. Dnprez & Benediet's minstrel troupe, will give one of their gran * d entertainments in Rheum's Hall, this . (Wednesday) evening. If you wish to enjoy a hearty laugh, pay them a visit. Far particulars see small bills. OYSTER SUM:R.-An oyster supper will be given in the Guod Will Hall, on Thursday evening; ,Tanuary 18. It will be similar to an entertainment given in the same place, Elude' the superintind end° of His same persons, olio year affu. Tickets fifty centseach. 11notlimmoon.—At an election re- cently held by Cumberland Circle, No 38, B. U. (11. F.) C. of A.., the following, officers *ore elected to servo for the ensuing term : C. W.—C. F. Shower ; C. J:—C. 19. Hall ; C. F.—A. F. Mock ; H. H.—L. Rathgueb ; W. of U.—Jos. A. Green, and W. of N.—Jno. M. Green. THANif.B.—IIon. J. P. Wickersham), State Superintendent of Common Schools,. will please accept thanks, for copies of his report of theicommou schools, of the Commonwealth of Penn aylVania; for the year ending June 5, 1871. Also thu annual report of Soldiers' Orphans, for the year 1871. •Mena TwAm—The fourth entertain ment Of the " Cotirse" will be a lecture by ,_"Mark Twaiii," in Rheem's Hall, Monday evening, January 22, at 8 o'clock. We need not urge our citizens to go and hear this popular humorist, for we know they will not miss this the last and only :opportunity of hearing the author of "Moment's Abroad." Mawr—The authorities had the "bum mer brigade," out in force on Tuesday • morning, ,shoveling off the pavements around the Public Scoareß. We would just ." here remark and the truth it is plain," that those mono individuals might, also, be compelled to clean all the crossings throughout the borough. Give them plenty of employment, and they will soon steer clear of Carlisle. CROTCH VNTERTATTIMENT.—Tho Phil harinenie at the urgent requmit of a large number of eitimms, will give a grand concert in Good win. na, 'on' Mcinday evening next, Jahhvi4 15. This Agsociation ix ,already,so.well known iu this commu nity, that it would he useless to adver tise theth fiiyther. Pay , them a visit on this occasion, and you will never have oocasion to regret it. Admission, 25 cents, entertainment to commence at half past. seven,: o'clock: Ice.L-Our.towngnan,.A. H. Blair, in forxds 118 that ho finished packi ng,ice in .7.7ldii. inZillah. ice _lmmo. _nn Fp'etiudity last The building along the line of the C. v.. 4. it., in ,the vicinity of the gas works, has a capacity of 800 tonii, and is packed with large blocks of ice, meas uring about 5 feet in length, and 24 in, width, Mid - from 10 to 15 inches in thick- Mesa. I.digt Fall, Mt. Blair purchased the 'iC6,..libuse of David Rhoads, esq., situ ' ttted on North College street ext. Udell, " holding between 600 and 700 tons. The gentleman also intends lllitgg this ba ild log rith ice forfog neictimininee's °unsure p- Mon. On Battiril4 last, 'bre. Blair had a largc block of ice as flue as we ever saw, exhibition . in front of oun `snecatie to the new entuprise, 'idea liOe:tid" fitre the E7.i`il)l4 of ice miming "short" during the ‘iirented'tem" 'of 1E172. WE' wpttirl call the attention, of the trade to. Bic announcement, in anotho‘r f ''Teelliainn' of Messrs. Hood, Bnnbright • koS; of.Phileaelphia: . This f rin are now. located in their handsome, now building onMM4Mt street above 'Eighth, and ox 'igfitra'col'dinl'invitation to their friends and the trade generally to call .and • hi ,. spectAlthir. - establishment. Owing ',to. their, stendlly , increasing !trade . !the did • establishment •on Market , Street bel4w Sixth, although one of the most comniol dious of its hind in ialli!ritlelp,b in, V* moot Clio requlrements of :their Nast bteineas," and yarlylist Spring -ground was. broken for • ha new and palatial 'structure; nbw oe , cupled y Messrs. . Hood, Bonbright Co. In the construction' of 'thole, new building, wldoh•is now the largest store; oritEi i ffind in.Philtidelphia, - the firm have .+4 t sek thorookhlY:re-Oirganized and sp,terr i a•- • tized varions , departments as to 41n1roid '94l°. for insipooting • ,the -immense find D.pniestiO:Dry • •Poodilj hoWheinS„,nrr,anged for *'the fip 'rink present of largely, inonlased (I c ittu A DA4:c ! .g9cidsqf tple, it is gnitifying'for us.todie able to inalbi • this anliounn9niCAA)lin4liig the iintoi-" • • pale • fititi...enq g t , - of this, • ) . iilieSesc ' attertitll „ i'Ytll4ll 7 l`iiitlON OF OFFICERS.-ThO folf •• niWily-elected officers of. blarloil Council Junior 0. U. A. M., wore ra.RH toijhe — tin§sllllg pour, by W. 11. Burlcliolder P. c. C.—J. S. Piggott ;V. C.-4-N. 111., all ;R. S.—U. S.—J. E.,Alfiensi,..F. B.:llofroitur; Sipe, hard ; J. S.—J. P. Yeingst ; 0. &—J. , t, N. Hardy, and J. P. C— W. R. Burk- Itolder. • BALE,BILLe.—As the soasol,for sales'is 'alnrost hero, ri'wbuld announce ‘ 4 to tpctheinOTosqd" thr . Lt wo are •ftilly prepared to ci4eOOto every size bill, from a triple-sheet to the diminu tive short notice and on as ,reasonable terms as any other establish ment iii the Valley. Persons having bills printed at this ; ollicoq yiU receive a gratuitcus notice of the same until the day of sale. If you have any bills to print, :end wish 'them gotten up in a " knobby" style, give us a call. • - • NEW ORLEA ' NS lllcss • uvLB. This celebrated troupe held, forth iu Rheern's Hall, on Saturday and Monday evenings, to large and delighted ii,udiences. This troupe during their stay sustained their already well-earned• reputation, and kept the audiences in a lively mood and in a roar of laughter during the entire even. ing. There was ne staleness about the jokes perpetrated, but everything was now and original,.and in perfect keeping with the present times. We - doubt if over the Mill was tilled with a larger audience, taking the weather into con ' sideration, than on Monday evening, owing to the unsurpassed excellence of Saturday evening's entertainment. There is not, a single , objectionable fea ture in their wit'and humor We be -speak for them - a - large - tut - thence - on their return to this place. LIST or PATENTS.—The folkiwcilg patents welt issued from the U. S. Patent Office, to citizens of Pennsylvania, out sido of Philadelphia, for the week ending . January 3, 1872. Reported for TOE HERALD by'Alex ander F. Mason, solicitors of patents, 005 seventh street, Washington, D. C. Pipe tongs, Wm...IL Downing, Sham burg.; last, John CI. Foot, Clearfield ; Metallurgic furnace, Jas. L. Hamilton, Pittsburg ; hose coupling, Edward ti: Kennedy, et al, Eh mingham ; boridg machine, Z. C. Phillips, Allegheny city ; fire plave, .Tolin Smith, Pittsburg ; fifth wheel, It. I). Wilson, Pittston ; tnyre, Thos. !SIMI, Erie ; grain cleaner and separator,:i Gei, Carter, Lewisburg sand pump and reel for artesian wells, .T. Fleming, Shaniluirg ; sieve rmr and separating inacliinei,' ° T. Nieliol,on, Tit ; cider mill, D. 'l' Willson; Hat risburg ; car coupling, Geo Wordon, Pitt:daft]. " 'lu•rmca Sllllroti n S LIFE, DEATH, AND PROGRESB.—in a late 'lumber of The Bookworm, an English periodical de voted to the exlmniatiim of old and curious publications, we met with' this curious prophecy, WI Men in the year 14(5, and republished in 1641. 'Flue lit eral fulfillment of many of its predie. Owls- invest it, with so much interest that we give some extricts. Time "rhyme" and rythin is inure defective than the "reason :" Carria'ges without horses shall go, I. And accident, fill the world with woe Around the world thoughts shall Ily, In the twinkling of an eye. 2. Water slitarytet more woaders do ; Now, stranke, yet shall be true• , The world upside down shall be, And' gold found at the root of tree Through hills men shall ride, And uo horse or ass be at his nido. 3 Under water men shall walk ; Shall ride, shall sloop, shall talk. 4 In the air men shall be seen In Lite, in black, in green. 5 Iron in the water shall float ensy as a wooden boat. 6 Gold shall be round, and found In a land that's not now known. 7. Fire and water shall more wonders do. 8. England shall at last admit a Jew. 9 'Fhe world to an end shall come,' In eighteen hundred and eighty-one. 1. Railroad cars. 2. The telegraph. 3. Railroad tunnels. 1.: Sub-marine ap paratus. 5. Balloons. 6. Iron steam ships. '7. California. 8. Steam 9. A Join admitted to tho English Parlii ment. iThrrnicc CoN VENTION.-011 Thursday afterMsin last, the District Convention of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, convened in the !first Piesbyterian church. The following is the Order of exercises that was fully carried out : Afternooll --Devotional exercises, from 1 to 2.30,'p. tn. ; bosiness of organiza tion, from ft to 4 p. m. Ecening—The object of District Con vent ioisr-7tecirretcr flrUlTdift - fillT — ortre Association of the_ p.. our religious work—" How shall it be made more effective 880 p. in. rriday morning—Devotional exercises, 0 to 0.80 ; Qualifications of an Effective Association, 0.30 to 10 80 a. m ; what steps shorill the Y. M. C. A., take in' regard to temperance, 10.80 to 12. _lfleruonn—llevutiona] exercises, 2 to 2.30 p. In. ; the must successful mode of conducting out door. exercises, 2.30 to 3 . .30 p. tn..; tract distrilmtionmut mission meetings, 3.30. Eve?...tny-I)ovotinnal . exorcises, 7 to 7.30: ; porsointl work ;tint conntiorntion to Christi 7.80 to 9 li. ni. . . , Tho : rollowIng named dolugatos wero iu attendatice:, Roy. B. A. Taggart and Prof'. doldis6n, Stat6' Foci:naive Com, ndttee, Pittsburg ; Rev. Niltis, D..' E. Small :thcl , if. Ifatigliniall`, York .Tas. s- Alclthight and IT. .E. Clunbersburg ; E., J. Forney and 11ov: ,Geo.diglor, Sliiilionsburg., All,, titO mittisterm of this 13°11)(1040re in attOud mance. • • The cicereisca Were unusually in(otest., ing, and well attended by our citizenti;: 'particularly at the evening. Sesfilons:• The ..Vhilharinonhi Muskal A`sfiociation, entertained the audience with choke male in the • cveniiigtyfor, Whieli:lind: miss the Association would -tako. tills. inethiid ; et. retailing the6i:'tlieir : sincere thanks. i 1 The. - audience was highly .figl44 with the vbealinstroynontal music rendered by Profespor Joirroo, of carried ' 4w . , Eiy9 tho, speetatera • with - "musk sweatest, notes." , , The Convention atljo rn ea ! on „Fficlnk to, meet at' 'Shipi;onginirg, oq Uturday, the sixth 'lustful ng .te, t previous adjownmont, slip-Cotriven, tion tpet ih tpilPre . sbytorian , chq , 9ll, .Blitip'ensburg,, on. Solurday. afternoon,,‘ , 1.3 f - coh-' 4inued 1.1..;E:44,4, AiiiteV J. C. • Stook ? A. A. Line Stpd A., Veaidon,„.aiConchiii keoin Visliboitititin Pr this place . The .Cppvep. , . `tiori exercises_ on Sabbath Bvonini, l and .Gottysburg•p4on theoiglith'instapt. . • • REetemEn.-t-MriellniPsborn, • the gentlemanly and oftleient conductor. 911 , the South Mountain tuie r iek; signed his position. Mr. Samuel Hai: erstiek„ - brakeman, of thin borough, has boon appointod,id his ,01613. • , ConnT.=The regular term of the January court began on Monday morn ing last. His Honor B.'n Junitin, being in attendance. We are unable to publish any of.ihe proceedings this week„ but will 'present theni, in full in our next ll= -K. ova Pi Tine Friends' Lodge, No. 56, elected the following officers on Friday evening, December-2.,-:to serve for the ensuing six months': W. P. Sipe ; V. C.—Jesse Humor ; A. Hippie; 'L S —W. Hastings ; 0. B. P. Monyer ; R. B.—D. M. C. firing ; F. S.S. R. Claudy ; B. —G. G. Dosh ; Rep. to G. L.—L. B. Brenneman. A. Y. M.—AL an election for officers, held on Tuesday evening, December 27, by Cumberland Wm' Lodge, No. 197, the following persona were elected to serve for. the ensuing year, : W. M.—D. M. C. Griug ; B. W.—J. Mason heimer ; J. W.—Lew. A. Smith ; Scare tary, Theo. Cornman and Treasurer, J. Livingston. A norm' school for the benefit of the colored population bas been opened in the room occupied by one of the eoliired day schools, and Mr. W. 0. Myers, teacher of the male school on East Lop ther street, has been placed in charge, Tho roma is thronged nightly with colored folks of both sexes anxious to learn. Right. PERSONS having sale bills printed at THIS OFFICE, will rebeive a notice of the same in these columns until the day of sale. Bills for-the following sales have been the past week : By Aaron Smith, in Fraukford town ship, 7 miles west of Carlisle, on Thurs day, February 99, horses, cows, farming utensils, &C. By Daniel Keller, sr., in Centreville, on the Walnut Bottom road, 10 miles from Carlisle, extensive sale of personal property, 'consisting of horses, cows, young cattle, &c. By W. • P. Sadler and Isaac E. Wire luau, assignees of John Bolen, on the premises in Mifflin township, 21 miles north of Oakville, on Wednesday, Jan uary 31, horses, cows, sheep, &c. Tan Weekly Patriot, by Messrs. Myers and Brown; Harrisburg, Pa., came to hand last week, enlarged to a 9.column and bearing other evidences of improve ment. The Weekly Patriot is furnished at $2.00 per annum, or at reduced prices to clubs, as follows : Four copies for $7, 10 copies for $l5 ; 110 copies fo - r $5O. For information regarding the, paper, Pee specimen copies which will he forwarded On application. 'ran TerallNin Re/30(MT, Chambers berg, Franklin county, greeted its patrons on New Year's morning in a bran now dies, and very materially in creased in dimensions— The Repo.litory is now ,me of the largest. weekly papers published in the State, and is conducted with commendable vigor and ability. We can congratulate our neighbor on the appearance with which it starts out in the New Year. LECTURE.—The third lectlre of the "Course" was an elocutionary entertainment by Hon. William Par sons, subject Richard Brinaey Sheridan. Rheem's Hall was filled with a rilliant and appreciative audience on the occasion. The-lecturer, a gentleman of commanding presence, was liStened to with the utmost attention throughout; and at times the nudienao-was convulsed with laughter while the speaker was relating some of the numerous anecdotes connected with the life of the renowned Irish orator, playwright and wit, Sheri dan. The eloquent passages were re ceived with rounds of lipplautiliy the delighted audience. Everybody was pleased, and we think the.Lectute Com mittee were exceedingly fortunate in securing his services. TUE January number of the Pennsyl vania School Journal appears iu a now dress of beautiful, clear-cut type. It contains the thirty-eighth annual re port from the Department, showing the present, condition and remarkable de velopment of our 'common school sys tem ; an article on " Condueting Recita tions," by Prof. Wm. F. Phelps, of Minnesota ; "The Swedish School Sys tem," by Mrs. 'Anna. Randall Diehl ; "Programme and Time:rabic' Ungraded School," by Hon. MI-A.-New ell, State Superintendent of Maryland ; "The School Question in Europe," by Hon. 11. G. Northrop ; with full Editorial departrilent, interesting miscellany, book notices, and publishers' depart meta. Do you read an educational journal? It' a Teacher or Director, here is what you need. Begin with the New Year. Subscription price,sl,;lo .. ;, to criibs' ol'live or mare, sl.° .i Add ruse J. I'—Wickersham & Co., Lancaster Pa. LION. A. A, SAIWENT, 1j Ldllican Member of Congress at present, is to 811COOCCi Mr. Cole, aw California's U.'.3. Senator. . Dn. Jauss lir,Costt, president of Prince't on CoIleg?, in his ittinufbl state ment says that there are now three hundred and eighty students on the roll. Thu college has licit fellows, each with a salary of $OOO a year, pursuing higher studies in philosophy, science or litera ture in Princeton, New York, Edin hitrglf, anti Berlin.' `Thu sum of $120,- 0011 has boon subscribed to build a new libritry; 'the building fur -Which is being erected as rapidly as possible. An effort 'is being made to increase the salnAes of professors' to ,$B,OOO each per annum, for which, purpose Nr..'llobort Bonner has subseribed'sll,ooo, [ANNOUNCE - MO:TS.) WORTHY or NoTu.—An exchange says there is saitelpa (14 passes that we do not henr, eitherlinm persons coming tut our (Alice 'or in some Other way;, of the success of Johnison's .4'innlyne Liniment id triiiMfre of niiiighS'ai4 colds, s 4 "pro valen t, 'about town just, new: can benefit tins:readers 'of Tun IlriUtir;n; Par Son's Purgative Pills to botho best anti-bilious medicine in the country, we are willing to , do 90. Wediavelhad about he good a - oauce . tolpovrati,any ono. To, CII.IOKEN RAISERp, . , cl9viged oopoidorlliOn4hintlon tL 019 foisqs, I am Invpitre.4l , ip pp* o,:dpii for "the follow jog ; varieties, of eggs. • quArao,tpod Sp 1 c li; ;q / °r9 5 g1 )•' 1 ) F 04 " 1113 every. in" Vor . Aoz . . 'sl • pmiclit alpnaProMa: . • , ,2 Ifoodlin ~ 63daidila nod ktifile.:(l,)' C90 1111 1,Vk01ui...: " 4". • 1 IrounpoTurkoy,. • ". I ' ` . t ' 1 . 21, sheet, • 6411100;;Pa. FIAT sabls .to, be oaUed. by, CominO slow Porter, auctioneer Febrilary' 21, 'by Jacob Miler, at Mount Rock , . • • February 23;14 Wm: Ritnor, Penn, township,. • . February 27, by geOrge Washmood, 'Weitiennsborougb.' , February, 29, by B. W, Diller, West pennsborough• March by J. J. Efford, Westponne borough. . 'March 8, 'panic! Green,Arestrnns bOrougb. Mareli 12, Jacob' Donor, Westpenne- borOugh. March 18, David Mayberry, .iArbst-- 'ennsborough. March 11, Mrs. D. Hikes, Westpenns.;' borough. A FRESH lot of cocoanuts and oran berries at' Hurnricle s; • \ JUST received 100 boxes of raisins very iovi, at Hcanian's, No. 88 East Pomfret. street. Cirs'rEas at Emrich's. Families supplied at the shortest notice. PRIME fresh cider at Ilumrich's. — IV you wish a servizable -- platform wagon, go to Nagle & Smeltz, on South Pitt street, a few doors south of the C. V. R. R. depot. . 21sentf. READ THIS If you wish to purchase a nice present for your sister, or some other man's sister, go to J. H. Wolf's, No. 18 North Hanover street. Plinfit buckwheat flour, oven dried corn meal at Ilumrieh's. CitrOli j lqinon peel, prunes, figs, pared and unpared peaches, at Hoffman's, No. 88 East Pomfret street. THE flour sold by J. L. Meloy always reliable Try it. WANTED- IMMEDIATELY •d boy to learn the blacksmithing. _Call at the Carlisle Carriage Factory, on ho corner of Pitt and South streets. A. B. SIIL'ItK, 4j a 1 2t Proprietor. LOST ! On or about the seventh of Dor4gtuber last, in this borough, the barrel oT.--1 Sharp's four-shooter. The Under will I.i. rewahled upon returning the so me to TIIIH OFFICE. CASH BUSINESS , flitand after the first of March - next, I intend to do a CASII MithteNS, with all, NFttliont respect to persons. By this ar rangement, strictly carried out, T will be able to gtll groceries at reduced prices. All persbns knowing themselved indebted to the undersigned by book account of: otherwise, are mgently requested to make payment before the first of March, 1872. G. B. lIovi:NtAN, No. 88 East. Pomfret street. 4ja79tf CLOSING 012'1 At the Central dry goods store, an other4reat reduction in prices of all kinds of dry goods, shawls, blankets, coverlets, counterpLes, table linens, towels, napkins, all kinds of flannels, me rino shirts and drawers, all kinds of me rino under wear for ladies, misses and boys, cloths and cassimeres, overcoat ings, sattiuetts, jeans, &c. Now is the time to secure. ,groat bar gains iu all kinds of Winter goods, as we are determined to close out our entire stock of woolens by the first of January, 1872. You can save at least $0 per ebut by calling at the Central for bargains in dry goods and furs of all kinds. _ LEIDICII & MI LUSH SOMETHING IVORTH KNOWING. Where to find the best, assortment of goods suitable for Holiday Presents. The most fastidious fan be suited at J. 11. Wolf's, No. 18 North Hanover street. Both hi'point of price and style, go see his assortment. Ram 11. WOLF. SPECIAL NOTICE All persons' knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, will please call and settle the same without delay, and oblige - LEI,DICH 4; MILLER. FOR prime Havana oranges aml lemons, go to Humrielt's. BEST 124 cent stittm• in town n t Meloy's V!esISON just rua•ivud ut Iltnrieli'g ; 4 ' Itititints, curl:ants and citrons Nheap at Meloy's. Comnuris made into snitches, chig nons, euys, frizens, arc, nt Madame Rotes. IIME:1 Hum lout is receiving, daily, fresh lots of (hied fruits such as peaches, hired and unpared, blackberries, eurrnids, seeded and unseeded chortles, applim - VEKY _LATEST 2. _ J. .I.r. Won', No. 18 Ijorth street, has just retained coin thd East with a very large Rad carefully selected stock of fancy good., suitable fur Christ mas pit:scats. FOR SALE large Hart% II i, in good condition and will be Hold On-ap. 1111111110 at De vinney's grocery utoue, On \Vest Malin +Arent. STILL 111101. bur lul or choice tel Wheat at Moloy'H. JUST received a large assortment of fancy toys, suitable for the holidays, at Noirinan s, Nu. 88 East Pomfret street. DuEssz!lD poulta•y al way:4 ou haund, it 1:W11111011's. 11UP4C13 , 41EIVI . flour at llolllitan'n gr , rf , ry, No. 88 Etoit l'oninvt area. JUST received a °twice lot of mackerel at Hunitieli's. • , 13wErrzEd'and AoKrican olieoso al ways on blind,' at I I tnrloles. APPLE and peach taitt4n. at.llu!n•iielea , Go to Humrieh's for Irish and Sweet potatoes;, 01110115 j , apples, pumpkins, chestnuts, peanuts, grapes, DON"i'. BE UMBLIC4C , BII but buy the best ntuvas• that ,have over been in the Market, and pronounced su Wall who, have thcin in use, the Ameri can BaSe Burnet• mid" Base Heater, the Radiant Fire Place Heater, and the Cabi net Range with hot closet. Call at W. Fridley's Stove store on Hanover . street, 4nd see the endless , variety of stoves and house-furnishing goods. PRIME mince ment.nt , A. valtiOlO juijuiro of Sour? MILLER (Merchant.) • . ' 7de071.41 „ Lyra , rind droned poultry,alwaye on 'hatuLat t . 7de071 , • ~" vnnit ' cheap grocorloe or any thingirept in , n; first-class. grocery, cull , nt'Hoffman'e, East.Romfrot !Arent!, ' ..,7doo7ltr NOTICE.- 1 4, -. All ;portions knowing themselves in debted to C. Inhoff by book account or othorw iso, aro requested' to make pay: mont before the first; of : January, 1872, ,after which time all accounts will be plaod in'the hands 'Of a proper :Olken . for collection. , • A cash business only done atteduced paces. • 13dec71 TWENTY bbls onions just—received nt Ilunirich's. FOR RENT. The largo second story front rooth ou the cooler, over Leidich &Ihn's dry goods store. • . For'terms inquire of Loidici' &Miller. MIO7Itf Iv you want a hice pound of honey, go to ' SITOULDEI6, sides, dried beef; beef tongues, sugar cured tnuns; whole or sliced, pickled and, canned oysters, at Humrieh's. You that kill pigs and make sausages want good pepper to season with. J. L. Meloy has it, strictly pure. Odec7l Fon Irish potatoes, go to Iluinrielf s. lie has Seven, differ Ont varieties, which he suit purchasers. Tux Senseman Shop is still in full blast. If you want good carriages, bng gies, spring wagons or sleighs, go to We'd. SOIISCIIIaII, at his old place on North Pitt street. , !Moil tf NFriv — Londtin Layers," Valentia and Seeciles'c 'Raisins jirpt received at Hain -7d0c71 Fon cranberries, Atmore's mi ode meat, call. at. Hoffman's grocery, No. Sti East Pomfret street. PATENT GATE At Dinkle's MaThiner - Sliop, place, can be seen one of the best practi ca} Farm Gates ever invented. It does not require any hinges. It opens two ways. IC - never rides in the mud and can be raised to swing deiar over snow drifts and other obstructions that are not over twenty-four inches high. It is offered for sale to all who need gates at the following low prices. • For - each farm right, $2.00 ; fur each township right, $20.00 ; for each county right, $150.00. Gates made to order of any Kim , or style desired, and satislaiition goaran . teed in all case::. Will exchange twirl tory for a good horse. Call on or ad dress F. I)iNlci n. Also, 1 Wilson and 4 Wile.ix & Sewing .Machines for sale cheap. 2noil tt Nom I All persons indebted to I leery- Sax toil, prior to the first of January, 1t470,,Ar0 hereby notified to call immediately, and settle:their indebtedness with him be fine the first of January, 1872. If nut at tended to by that time, the accounts of eviry one, irrespective of person, will be placed in the hands of a proper officer of the law for col luctiou. Meaux SAXTON. 2tioe7ltf. Legal Soh:ces E X ECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice hi novelty given i but hitter/ y, on tin lout will and trial...out of Cnthurine Mooglior, lot n or route Minn elon tons nob il,.Jr etintoitl, have Inien grout's to the relining In the towi ship All pyritous Intruig eking , ligninst. 001.5 rialto NVI:i pluton, prinisin 11. , SAM, ion not d0n...LA.1 tiloB.llsuch hued Ar. reipluSlod to nisi, pityintint witlu , ttl EL HOF 1 , 31.1 N, 14W. hannutor. ESTATE NOTlCE.—Lettors of ad nainktrullon ulth the will 1111/lAOII on dm uotate of John Into Cr the borough of Car• huh, thwomuul. having been honed by tlw or Conthurland count,, to rile muloottidnuil rusbl.•t in nail borough: All poituons k ~,,,,,,,, thotmelvrw intklotril i bald nil 111 V', paymeot, 1•1111 thosu having 01011 no t thom ilr tlintreattil far 14.ttlentunt to C, Wrst Maln strrut, 14,10 tat - Administrator C. i . A VV . XECUTORS' NOT 1 CE.—No cc is . hereby git en that letters tentamentary on the senate of John Brindle, Irate or ?leen. tett-11011p d, droned, 11050 been grouted ti the unde,nagneal r e . sidling' near Churrhtown, in the name.townehle, All per,o of, tinting daunt against sald notate ors re quested to orenent the snub for settlemettt,, and tliZole indebted to intik, payment without delay. PETER BRINDLE, JESSE II UNDIAL • 4J0n72-6t. Executor, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CkELIRLY., Pt., 1 Jantotry 2. 1872. ' At a Special Mooting of the Town Cutwicil 01 the lit/tough ureal lisle, held Tuesday evening, nt,ry' 2, 1972, thu following resolution/1 were Resolved, l'hat tug rolleetor, Joshua }Paget, be hereby lout...fed to proceed at mice, according to law, to co 1.6 E Ills (edam elf lily 1.1. 11 , 7 end that /in be regnllicil itu settle hit to count u qt.]l thirty days. from titim dote: leered red, That tax collevlot , tl. 11. him loirt, lie hereby in , triu led to proceed at o a Ittw, ,to e• bl4lll/1,1 or 111.. dup nce licate ter I, 11111 i (lout he nitittired IO mull° lit. account within roxly date loon thi. date. le etoleed, 9 hat thine teselotioi s the .leitricon l'iohmteet and Om ( Attest,/ 1,11W19 MASON it 11111 Ile. 4Ja72it Secretary of Cozpormien untlerhigned, agent Sur I)avid hula.,dec• 1.1,1 ,1,111/Lirto I, Li, Lehi .lil null lit gristly reduced calk tales, Ids largo idecK of nA't 0118, L A DIES' AI,N it L NT LEM I.:N'S IL 115 ‘,l ANIMA' F . 111UNKS, I .A LIS 5, TR.% ELLINU SAT.II SI S, ROBES, 1111=111!111 and a lau'au varluty of Slottut u _ itt• alock 111 to ri Id out. +o any olio dviiiihig to r.mtiliml till, 1.0111...4. A lease up hill. 01.1c...1011A C.l Ito for n I•untl.v. or • ./ Anil! 110A8. No 4 }Loth Ihtt..vot. /11‘...rt, .41.111.,Ft• the Cott qs. litlionit Batik, Curtis.. Pot. l'eniontt km. log I lionvels,t , to bo liololgotl eel oloaso call mid sent„ ilo.eo ore,,, „ 017'2.3111. Vick's Fleprrst Guide VICI 'S F (Lit I, GUIDE ,'OIt 11172. The first edition or 11,1, Irea Junl putai.h. It b• ologrotly printed on too fluted paper; In two colors, and blustralttl truh °vol. 'l'llroct • noticed Engrrolugs of Floworn and T. g..t10 I ro, tool TWOO 0ItI; O. I'l, ATIt g 1,” beautiful null lontrool Clualogoo Ind I' !twat thilllo In ill.. o. og tour olirh 411.celioon f , r the oil.. I. klols• ego- Laden. ortialliehllog gitniLtilS, Waking m tth.n. A Chrktnota pit 0.111 f r' oustolloorit. but for arded to otlY o lot notCy I.y Molt, tor • I • v°; (.110.1111tilgter Iht. t . . nL. Atitlrutt, JAAIKS TICK e thallentor. N. 'I MET D'rug.4rdtirli Goods, PURL' AND UNADULTERATED 101.V0:1 0 kN AI,WAYd 11 0 oivrAnvEr, • .1 11. 11 A VIIIISTICK'S No. 5 eon', fitreet. • Our llnl•„ Pit. N. 11...-LPrencrlptloux carefully- And Accuntely compounded At all limo.. IfJelltl , • CA.SII BUSINESS.—On and after the Il~nt of 8. ptaiitiorr,nost,l lutond to do CA9II BUST • 28:1 Ith all , without respect to porton. Country produce rerelveti ins mob, lu i xchunco for 'goods . nnunl fly this itrintwonott, strictly On- Ancod, 1 will be nodded to roll gr0..0000 0I eeduced, fetes... 0 .INIIOIII. , B: lIAiTERSTICK, NO 6 SOUTH lIANOVEIL STREET, - CARLISLE, PA. DonJur in Drugs, Medicines, ;to CaRPETSICARPETBICARPETSI Doffing off. Dot bergolno In Corn°lo r Win dow Ehadoo,,VolTot /Lugs und Door Mate. 'Mown - A. W. 111.10117. A COMPLETE LINE ' • . ... ~ - OF MILLINERY. Volved hate,• for, lading and mi.., Fenthorn, ail ghados.'llibligna, flat Franlog, Bilk V°lvete, and Vel ♦otnong, all color., out bias., 'deg/ . :A. W. BENTA A CO: DU oan obtain Dye Stuffs,, Porfu. morlea;and 'Nutley Arlinlefv nt .1. p. 'favor. otlok'o, ,PAyaloians' proacriptiono onroftilly corn• pouudoti la all Ulnas J. D. ItAviutsTicu - Sio,s South Witmer vtrort, Carllal4, , Moil 0 lqthitcations. AMERICAN. FOR 1812, T, WENT Y-13V.V,ENT11 , 71EAR. • THIS splendid weekly, greatly, en laigod awl improved; in octal' the robot, tiourul end Interesting Journals. ever, publlelied Every number" to beautifully printed on tine paper, and elegantly illuerrAted wub ovlglnul ertgrevlno, rep• v4,0110:15 _I New' Inventions ;'Novelties in Mechan ics, Manufactures, Chemistry; Pim- • - 'tography, Architecture, Agri 'Culture, Engineering, Science and-Art. Farmers. 3leshanles, Inventoro, Engineer., Chum. Isto, Manufacturer., unit peoplo or all pro Neaten° or trades-101111.1_ the _Brientliio_Alooricau of great, colon otial intereot. Ito prqctitati Fuggy - Snot. will save lzundretro of dollar n to el ory.lionnohold, Work oho', and Factory in dm litud. eAden ,alTordinz a c9utinual Emmen of voluabie leati nett( n. 'I he Emil two aro assisted by many of tho ithlest American on I Europunn writers, and having .tees to all LllO landing eelentifio mood mechonical Journals of tlzo odd, the columns of the Eciontino American are constantly matched with the choleeSt information. An (Tidal list of all the patents Issued ea published weekly The yearly numbers tho Se!entitle American nutpo two splendid volumes of nearly ono tln.naanol pages erinlvalent,in elv.o I fullr thousand oldlner,,y book pages, SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE: Terins—s3 a year; $1.50 half year; Clubs of ten copies for one year, , • $2.50 each—s2s.oo, Willi a splendid 1100111111111 to 1110 p.n.!) wire forum -Tlin-chnht-connintintrof-e-ropT of-thweolobratral-atnehr` plate ougruvlop, Men of Progross " In connection with the publication of the Scienti fic American, the undarAtined mincluct the must oXtoitivo itgeney 111 the PATENTS. world for pr coring The hint w ly to obtain an 01010 er:to the quel-tlon —Can I obtain a Putout?, in to co rite to Munn & Co., 37 Park Row, New York, a ho have bed over twen tA.five yca:e' exporietwit In the 1010100.. ho charge is iamb, for opinion nod advice. A pommel Ink si,4•l,k,....EFJO:_,.3ouzi_ao.oroon of the 111001111011. - 0110 ad 10. 50111. For hint:notions concerning AlllOllOOll and peon puler, tai—cavoatn—re issues—l n t erferoecrm,- re jectl-d coons—hints nu selling 'outwits—rillrs nun proccedlngs of the Patent •011ice..the now patent lan- 000111 load lone— eXtensions-- infringements, etc , oft... nand for Instreiglon Bonk, which will he nailed Prim on application. All lausilicen Mostly confident:el ' . Addi NIS MUNN a CO., Poillishera'of the Frlontific American, Jan 472 35' Palk Raw, Now York. '----"-T-H-Fr-LLVlNG_A.CLE_lras.no_cqua4 in any country."—Philadelphia Press. - —"At-stands-at 00-head-of—nineteenth century literature."-,Chicago Even iou Journal. The Gent periodical in America."— Rev. Theo. L. Cmyler. - - - LITTELL'S LIVING AGE, 1:suo.1 e‘ory Satutday. giros liltytwo nnm hors of sCsiptroir olkgoi each, or more Limn Three Thousand Double-Column Velure Pages of 'salmi.; metier yearly; and is the Only f'enitrila. it or that pi ei.ents, with n Satirfastory Complete ness os /11, 11,11111 ', 11, ill« hest s, itevietvr, t ran Ise s; Sonol and short Stories. Pia.try, , biographic tl, Historical, and Political infor• 111411..1, 11,111 the entire body of Foreign Periodical Lis i store, anti linia the pause of the -" ABLEST LIVING WRITERS 11 1 :,pertanble to tarry ono Wit; tilk the rienis or ititellectuail ot Lil• time. or to eillti,nl, in/1..1,111 or griierti ton ti EXTRACT.~ .P1?0.31 - NOTICES. .• WIT.] I, inielr,tir oil the conipetatirs that aro mos tor 501(1. 411111,,, I 41101/01 eel tainly th 0(0. • Too. 1.,1‹. A.Or —. 11•0 11,1,..y rd In nn • I,"u uglo jouhltentlon ell° there lonlei 1111Wil c t merling lit.rury etc.' loet ~f lull on; Irctre p. 1.1./ ntenot l'or 11'.11 , t 1•,11 til.• 1110 , 4 elder( 1ii74T1r1.173 ttl the English 1nt,t3:1,4... att. hi, g.Lthort.t.l !ht,.. - -1/!,tots stair Jou, tool. ' For po. id, the bert ,f ail. the yul , licutl , a+,eel ',rap, . It is IL Inuothly i Intl I,lit, ...„ ry l'he Alfraw, "it glsth to RS teaders more than ihrel tl,••hs•snd •loO•le • ••liant, octioo pug., ii)e,r, limo loofa HI,/ e• Irt,tructive, and ••htetiai• Itig .din; of th, ,1., ) ih.tory, toogol;,11) . • pi.-tty, wit, .•, CH11171.10. 55 :•••.-•,‘ hat i o( 1,••“•?' It t . , 11••• ••,) ) 7 • lost lists 1, that prt•••.tlt4 mitts It hash,. compl•tl.ll.s, 55•• I its Ir•••• 0111,55, the be..t hter,,,itte th•• •ttuilthur.ible,..and generally Imo ve,•thle, 1111:11[1 , 111,, e.oithhen, Mid %NI 1.14.1. ,•-1111••tator••••111 1 / 1 . log i prteioetitms of the too, I. tilturt..l IS. •31•11,,i• hell•le I•it•ry ••he who &Aire, is thbron•ii• • •,e,pr•vioitot of all thatis a•lchirablt• and 111.N11111/13 . /// ;1(1.rilly ,(1/1111"—Ilmlon fool 1..1•1,1••••1 %•1•1.1,, al i 43 ., :s , eur of 1 , 0 , 1“17 , . Adilless I.lrr tic!, .t GAY, Boetoo. The be, lime and Foreign Literature a I" I'o , p...seed of • LitteiVe .tgr' t arol of cone , othereir our diarione A 1111.111111 1110/111110,1,etil i.ctiber o hint himself ounnttil ra of the e 114 411111111111 " .I,a, Fria io I:vrti Betliftira.l tkrr Trn Dutlors, Ile I,l,ing Ago, eeekiy, con tattling the croon, of Foreign Pei I.itio Attire either tote 01 1110 leading 'Singe:lles of L, to, ntu unlod lielow, .1.1 tic lent to too addeen for o, t. year, viz: )loothly (or Weekly, or Th. At Immo Nloolltly, Llotoneoten nthly, the tloloxy tirt 111/.1 1•,, 4 1;1111111.1'1. Nlttlitlity, Ttio Mt./loot Moo ot ;I, tooo .1 .stroll ( week 3 r: to, rot to— Apt tilt "or Vttutig Yolk, Ad dr,. nx 111,0% w o()D's HOUSEHOLD MAGI\ZINE. The Tenth V,,turne of W00.V4 llonsohold Nlogn zito begone xl h January, "1.2.. .1 . 18 reguinr eon- Dibutorn include Iloreno tireeley l7nit Dami.ron, 'thornnc I. th ocher, Dr. Dio 1,04 i2l, Dr. W. W. Hall, l'atues l'Arton, etc. Harriet lteeehor ', , totre, thick to inif,ioy. John U. 1t0,,, slat. lien If IlDnlrfek, troletnn V. Niteby, etc, %trite for It. ocorrronttly. Terms—Oae Dollar a Year. In clubbing, throe first•cluss ticrioditsals aro gives for rho price ul one of them The most nom Premium List ever 4mbllithod. No periodicai I more trequently or ‘avorably mentioned by th. pro s, • s• St toni's Household Ntagarlos is ono of the mon innonis or I tooneesonterprise which mark the nests: —.Mt/me/CA line Joirrual, Philadelphia, °lt hss 11.011 tuntrosslog evcr since nu kenos It rood re:terror, rot Ms future."—thuner, Nee nal her. Canada "11 flzbt cumbit,l." :Vey. irk ;nee • Sr. 1,1/ 0 11 V.V% ht..llt. fl 1!n to any itdarve.t. S W CO., tjatt7'2 No.v.l,ltrgh, N. Y American Clothes Washer. • T HE AINIRRICAN WASHER ! PRICE $5.50 The Ablerican _Brasher Saves Money Tine, and Drudge 4 The Fatigue of Washing Day no Longo! I)rearletiT - but - EeotronryT - liftleleney;Thtil Clean Clothing, Sure. MIMED In calling publie attention to OM 11 , 11 u in:whine rtvnlillev, (not po Ne.cti any ipthi , r wishing initelnuu her clittincratint. It Is the smallest, utost 00101.001 meet imitable, in. at I ittple in co Hu 1101,011, meet east y , op/noted A 011.111 ten . 'yeaoo old, wlllt a Ittw It.„a. tire, taw tletrtaighly reingteltritil and etTeettbdly - illo I'. 'lint It Is ow.i ti ptsting, 10 1111 to ni toy, no delay utlaiding lt in elwa)y gently for Itol It 14 .• p• rr et little wonder! ft Is a niintn.itrt Intl, dolog wont 110111 and ef n ptiler gustily, thou the 111 It elaberalu end ovally. One boll of the lob •r le tulty sated by IJn u/o. and the cluthes 11111 hint untell longer than by the old plan of the rub Itottrd It alll gush the lvtgert Meek. I- Three /Idris at a llnte. 11.1111, g thotoughly I word, th- b10t,,,, of toy Inbrio,• front Quilt to n bur,, Curt /In or Ca- le Ilandketehlef, ate equal.). width. tho re• parity 1411,11 11.1,10 feetened to any nth and taken n"h'nt will :,„ m„,1„.. 10w deep touted n 1 nimbi a may out 4 agalnet 110rldug )litehittea, ilia moment this little lilac:111.m to seen to pork/rue. o undo,,, ail double eflts dna toting ellleary nod ut Illy ere 111111.1104 end the thtubtat stud detractor nt onto bee .“111 the fast Mende of the to.telinte. %Yu without on I. nett leg furl 11/, ukulteroun •de iiilito,es user nil usher-, and fro Windu'' , who osn unhls thu us lees sign.slry felted 10 11C1,111 plf-11 Chit 01/jl . O. PrOlollll,ll. iu rrontluont and lui sounding inivorliseinrilin. It .in nn i erttrt tar, 191tnIth.4; no tt wrtogyr In f ,t.logittg, Tito pri• 0. 'lto ILrr p trAnt.•teitt.• Indus went to porchasuin, lots Lova pine. II nu low Ilint It IVIIIIIII the•rottelt ut ovary It untok• over, mid there I uo artl to of dotpentlit oconunty that 1011 rep', IL notoll Invkattoott nu 00011. $5.50. All that 1411,9 n I for thin 0 lig AT LAIIOII. SAVE' le it fair trial. We ettne.thu so each machine to d ite work p•rleltly. MULE AUENTS FOA.T111: U.VITEO STATE% A. 11.1 , 11.A1i1 loth 13 A , 613 elarket Plillultelphln,.l . l. The largnet had eltexpeetVilUDEX W68.1t11 hOCS 111 tho United %tato.. 14.1o71:ltn • CHRISTMAS O :y st erst ALLISON would 'a ti lIQUIIOO JIL 11.10 to thiJir tpanyold o. l lollols ihot have tooponol their OYSrIIERSALOO N forlhu ernion, nt I nio iiteloireulto-.errs PitISSE. OYBTHItti lu 6.4 y stylr, such no , Itouutud, btowt.d, Panned, on the Hull Shull, kc. Wu Lave In volluoct‘OU ratabilithmont LADIES!, ItESTA.URANT, ablal Ia lilted mr In the mat comfortable manner. BPudliva rupplicl. wltb 'Ore bat ..antere.,ln the' market, by the bilabel or smaller quaolitive opened pr the tiboll, at abort Aporlum mid at thu ' very loweot rata- 21d0e71.2u2 $. A.ATWoon. MAO 11. DANCI. ATWOOD, RANODI & 00., Wholegato dealer. In Mt kirlde o3f I= MEI= Having received a large line of Woolen Goods, such as Undershirts and Drawers, Knit Jackets, Scarfs, Woolen Hosiery, Buck and Sheepskin , Gloves, Gauntlets and Mitsi , Hanover_Gloves and Gauntlets, Woolen lifeiino, Cloth and Berlin Gloves and Gauntlets, would call the attention of merchants. DR. J. B. BEIIDER, 110.1.1(7.0t;ATIllt; PIIYSTrIAN. Oman In the room formerly urouviell 19' Ii I. John Lae. DR. C. W. KRISE, 011org Ida profronional au - video to the oktlsen• of Car- Ilife and ourrountlang country. Wilco In roar of F. C. Kratner'e jewelry aura, near pont °Moo, whore he ann be a-malted at all thoua when not profenelon ally eugeged. Tovelltn. E. BELTZHOOVER,' ' TORN - ET .43 (hub Pricvs Oyster ' R.' Ardasor , r A 80tt,' No. - 1t Rut Mrtin litreet Ca.EDS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Milt SALT FL3II No. 210 North Wharves, • Aliovo Rico etioot, - • • PIIILADELPIIIA W. BCOTT COYLIL NOTIONS, W1101,E,5.4 LL AT CITY PRICES. COYLE BROTHERS. Igo. 24 Smith ILA hover .xtroot. Carl inle, to 6oct7ltf °Mewl u South [l4nover .troot, opp• •Ito lioutlie dry goods stew, 10no7U H ULL, KIRK PATh ICK k V, • • WholeAsle dan!eas in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. is. Cur. Third and Meader( tercels, Philadelphia P. P. ROLL, R. KIRKPATRICK I=l *1137 C. P. 1111MUIC11. WTI. 13. PARKER F T UMRICH & PARKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office o Mein street.ln Merlon 705e70 J. 11, 0.11431.- OR J. H. GRAHAM A; BON, T OM - NET ""ANT) — C OITN SIC T;I:OltS-itT=21 - 1cW No. 14 South Hanover street, =I lion. J. IL Graham. Inn President J edge of lb s Ninth Jed Her Dletrlct lure reae med the tweak, o Inn, nod itesochtted with him hie eon, .1. IL Ora hem, Jr. Wlll practice in the tamales of Cumber land, Perry and Juniata. 7deci l-tf JOHN CORNMAN, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. omen Nu. 7, Rlo•unCe 14.11,in reltr"of the Court Hoot lO,oGU . JOSEPII lIITNEII, Jit., ArroltSEY Al' EA W 4N 0 SI, ft V Eyo II . Mech. - 11 , snorg, I. Wilco on Itnilr nd strvot, to doors north of (ho Bank , , .11 . udino pr.)ptly ottentli , l to jOS EPtt G. VALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW PracLiolH in Dauphin and eninberlant COUntieß. • OFFICE-1 o Court 1100, A vonuo, Nu. 3 Kromer' Inkling, In the 1...0r of Ow Jon oily or torll , ll u.out =I ILj nTlly ,TOBEPII F. CUL:4HW CHAS. I'. CULVER.. LAW, 'LOAN ANu uOLLECTION OFF ICE OF JOSI3IOI F. Cl' I.V ER & 13110. I'ONTI AC. 1 LI,INOIS. We hone t h e t t of faCIII• 100 for pinothu anpltal on first ado,. Improved TlOes investigoted, nod Aindroots thrashed leash our 000 onto. , Ten ion void oderotst and pr dopt payme4D- athra nt end. We hone eorrespondentx In on rye sport of the West. 101111,411 es as ovary forint, for speedy tiF.a REFERENCES: non Janie, 11 Orsho.o M. roorone, act tn. .1. shear., C. E. NI:, glouthhn. rFui , Coe laFe. Panda. Altich, 01111.. Huradshorr 11-o. I% P. Coln, and II n. llorntlo 1(n,,11 nahthuno., P C 11eolge II hluarl, PIIIIU deIDhIA OthaFthers A Poole y,'lNeu 1." , 2')071 IMEMIIMII ==l A. H. M'CLURE. .1. IL NI . K.H.F.H A\ M'CLURE & M'KEEHAN, AI:TORNETS AT LAW, 144 S,EIL S.xtll street, Up7lly. • PII:I4ITAMBARGER, . JUSTICE OF 7918 PEACE, rtmafield, Weetpconsbnroy toonvidp.- Colutorland County, Puon'a. All ballneer, on to ban will receive prompt attention. 2110ct70 F. SADLER, - 1 1- I V - • ATTORNEY, AT LAW, Orli c, booth Hanover elrert, next. the Good 11 111 L 1 A. N A I TT I. , ( O I:] ,. .N .I: I , T y KENNEDY W. umdblorol te,r CAI lihre.GP W AT LAW (Ace u. nortlion. voitivi of tli.• Court Ilnilhe 111,4,9 ;TES. B. IRONS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT I AW. 723 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. ILA TS AND I CA P J . G CALLIO, I=l CARLISLE, PENNA., 1111= Tt. o Cns limy! The, Inswl sLs Just •e. rm d! Thu httept wty 11 a athvek 00 110,11 SLI.K II %Ts now am boa. Nhilinl.ctur”li !I I I=l I.G. C 11,1.10 grixtrel t.. , t111 ut old.. to Islx bug MEM 11 A 7'l ND CAP innuilm• for a Nate to or 1• V. awl hat L.• 10.1 Arrilligements for .Itoring I. W •en sod Ov~•ri ut.,.t-short ns,tir. —J Tlt;thlyjouxt C ,811 1.1.111 P.r C . O U N Y la LI S j, • •I v 1111 Y . A lIAI.I ."It NO 211 "AIN •TREEI., MEE Clot« p ( oat ------ CHEA'P COAL! LAY IN YOUR WINTER COAL The Ittotoritlvool s to forttloti in nklll.* uud Itollelduttle with runt at °tar , wily low pi Woo. He le propnrell to turolth oil Iho v ttlethv e.r lord ...I :oil ;Often. tw ien I he coal rthetivetl to be the runt unload, nod on uric lu wlllla. Payment nod Lltneburnerti :door' the Hue of the Cutubte lewd Velloy Ort, oil ho voltp led et mulerate melee. It will hut" to.ilie.intlitn of pnretintiairs i to nJi on 111 111 •lenw tern. Ho rorp,triilly 114• Atinto Of ribile pan./ sign. Ordor, 11111•11. ut.unt 0:61.1111e, 1.1% OEM Wall Papers. iv" PHILADELPHIA. • 1871. AL L P 4 A PER S. HOWELL & 130.URICH, . Manufacturers of PA PIM ‘ :L om.o HANGINGS ind t . 811 A DE•I. - ANILMAREET STREETS, • Fael(ol—Cot': '2Bd mat SLIMOM Streets out7l.3in 'For Rent. • PARK FOR itLN'r. 3 11. Minting Park "'Witted' Al the North owl of ,the )3oromtli, WI I be leant, I' fol, tht. coining "onion for n moderato aunt, owing !to tho continued" - 11l beulth of the owner, 31re. I:llmai.oth I' ate. who le entirely unable to glen It .lirrpereolul attention, Tho Pork, tojether aRh the Minding' thereprhuy ineinding,doree, lumps, Ain., all of/Vide - 1i .ore in excuilent 5901t10n. will bu Included In /ho loose, ' A rare opriorttinlty le here offered to any . person fur n modurnts outlay, to secure a good paying butt N. for the %Tinter, For tome An,, apply to A. L. 81 . 0.NSLEIL. Real Eoesto Agout .3013071tf ti0v.27,..1,8719„ Peter Hodge, Barber NEW BARBER Sfo?. • pater Hodge Ime raemtly Oponed OM' National dhnving Salcon Heat Mnln..elrout; Irvlno'w ,ron chttlit, ebninputilnk,nhavlng,Tuonnlacho dying, promptly nttandwita, Ladloe hair cutting on4cutod tlio.hanst Oily ntyjne...!hly prltma ace on refunnuadu nn Any other mloon In thin plane. I hate sionn but..compmont jommuymon to my entry. Ilefiryenuffily olso,bo found at- my km non. Pitmen` No moo calk 211Juillm— PE W/41 IXODO N. (D) , 4 • 4 . zt!, I. 11.11AVCI4 lf' st... • • ~..,+ ~ t •' ,4 V. ~1 aye l,4l. / •i t w, „ , .t., ,7- • i 4 ,• , ,-..r t , 1E ..,, .: ''' ki 9 -41, ._ 1 , 1 4 11,w ot BEllf,,itioft Ai ,;,. n &...a{ ~ NO• 18 EAST MAIN STREET, (Opposite the Bentz House and Saxton': Hardware Store.) LADIES' Jrllo.l A. rorlltTZ W.ll. IitMIA..., NEW STOCK OF BLANKETS (5). 'CA ( NE. 411 .Ifalniji cent Stock of Ifaiulhepchiels, Thread Lace Collars and Cluny-LacC Collars ME A ful/ assortment of reliable patterns for all kinds 'of Ladies' and Children's. Garments, from Mme. Demorest's Emporium of Fashions, New York, in ;nylons. sizes and styles. Each pattern put up in an envelope, with illustrations and full dekeription how to cut, put together, make and trim the gat meut. A IISEITI," AND ATTRACTIVE - PRESENT for tbeir chil h r en amlfrionch;, will not regret the examination of this stock before e- purchasing Cl9L'N'lic re WM Dry G00a. , 4, ,Silks, CLOSING OU WINTER COORS AT THE 'CENTRAL Dpry- Doo[4. gun, REGA.RDLESS OF COST irent Larg,lllB art, null lobo Ivim,l in all Loath, Of laCk and Colorol . .Silk Poplins, •Empress Frencli . N.lcrinos, French Cashnterc,. • Cohn rgs, Alpacas, S:c cUTII UL kW Full SI'ITINOS, BRIGHT PLAID SEILUES, MIIRRIAN WILAINES, 1 1 1 11/' 1111tIOISIff111q1 DMus at brit ale tele, 111, farm North 11 111)%111111,r, toi.e 1.11,1(1 at lisle, and .oLjoining this Poor 11011511 tato, vontallong lon acl • s, wait 0 opal Stous 11011.0.0 , 1,11111 ng stx 111„111,, dial a St. w, nn,l Frabie lhon tll,l son crobted well tool 'Astern near the door. An or, hitiJ chute. , lull 100 s 10 g 1,1 11.• Irtos "malt... 'I lit boot you dcoot anirutli ho dtval , ll lulu to 11 •ellrll 0111$, it In good N 0.1111011,1111,1 Is Ny011.1:flow n to 111 productlxe nn silly 1111111 111 1 . 11101101 . 1111111 Val ayl I , x.r terms cull on Iha 00 iersignetl, so.rdiug on the pl ZotilAca, or address 111111 by Ito In'r ut Carlisle, 1.11. Also, /1 11111.71 01 Is till 111, l'erry vmuty, grown sTr w ills young thriving Chestnut Timber, corttoluin y g 11 rerun tool 7 perches, bounded cut the hortli rho 'Petoithorg road, ‘otatlie-ettot by land of Dr Ilerutsa, on the west by 1111111111 01treual Heat, on the south hl load toot clear lichlatx top of utoulpat and thrwso fourth of 11111 u iron) the tavern, tt Ste n, rrett's lisp, about 10,, tolloa Irmo the farm 9 1 - a — Vfv I—/ • I 31 "" ; I" JUNATIIA 'llol.Nllill. 11- B IL, A NK STS_ Orugt bargn;m4iu T-T A NU asaortUle n nel .:4 9 • ot nil • Indn, Much luolow. lurirrd.u•,nwd Itovn, tlp -.1111 In WATEIZ-Pltoole • CLOTHS, BLACK AND COLORED V.LVET,EENS! HANDSOME CLOTH SKIRTS, cLoTris, . 551 M rau:s. ovv.Eco kti,i; 5.1.1 TTN 14, 4 , II EN'l ITlll' JEAN S, enl lug 30 per ic ct under regvalo 1 rlc. a 111.01111 d Moo's Morino Shirts null Drawers, • Ladies' Morino Undorwear , Morino IThelerwitsr,i Glovt4-of • Hosiery of, all kinds. LACE COLLARS; • LINEN COLL 4RS, • . LACE AND LINEN U 1 NDli 1 , .1t 'lllll3 UNDEMLEEVES, ~,SAI4I RIBBONS, NECK TIEi 4 , for CIMAtIPAA p o•euto. PUitSi.kEYAS!FURS! We s• ill hove 8 huge stork of ForAolll.of.whlch tIl In .0111 at greatly 'educed - 01cm (maul loargnino in Puro for Chilot Mils prodoutai . 14Ave lnive determined to close out our entire. stock of goods,. all per Solis eau r,rbt great bargainsitr any kind of Dry Goods they may want tb purelmse. • - - Do .not fitil to call • • Central • Dry Goads •Store, whore yet; cell pufahma gradi numy,guods for a. entail num of. BEM IiEW STOCK FOR k ei d WEEIVW3 'V pi 9 ...46111V ala';s a:a-4 Z.z.2 T. NE W B'ro R E Prnizr's, Etria. Evfry deseliption of MAD. CAREW'S Grelt_,l3_4l..ains in LT TT ST 0P THE NEW DEPARTMENT. 'Po all vrhu rvistt to purchase REMEMBER THE PLACE. L. T. GREENFIELD, No. 18 'East Main St., CARLISLE =I =I =1 A nplundidatnoorlountt ur. • AT ~,TIE LEIDICH. & MILLER FURS I'oll/IY:het, CoHaps, J'alimbic Beal Estate for Sate 14 1 012 SALE—A tract of land situated JL oR rho canal or l Rinor, in lir erpool towniOnn. Perry ',runty. containing 'MERE HUNDRED AND 111 rtn7 ACRES, Moro or lotp, havin, thereon ererrol two-dory hl irk 4it/11 , 1t, DWELLING 110 L AB, el, inintly nrslivrl: n large two-story FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, awl n very Inc barn, RANK EARN, I linrhir furl Tiro alio,. front en nho nrin4ll Y 111,d. , •1 into nor-prat which mllDbrr su.d nog-that 14011,111,11 C, to rail Aix°, a pip... of I.ind 11, rho ACE LS, won or lam [nil tly A 00, trot at land no Ilia alma; and I'l,l', ill It1)(1,111. C." 11411111, in the rouoty, rootainhk lIUNDR FL/ \ II I' I rYl' to," ..1 . 111,..111. IL,. halt Lehi g dearadr having Ulm eon ereated too log . lorases and a log !Wahl°. Ail., a lot of godtod the borough of Livei pool, being 500140 feet, lyina between the river and al4lll, 111111 ha, log thereon erected a All to re meld On very favorable Peron ana time gist,. to soil the purrhatur. 'rho above propertlra mill Lo offerod nt privnto vale antll OCT0111:11 21,,1871, and if not mold beta a 11l It time, will be void r public sal. ,n that day In Liverpool, whvo mild where Ihu terms VIII be made kanou. .1 [ply to 11. G. 'NIOSF.I7, Ifeeltlulcol.ttrg, or t t ..l I ICli,jr., llttrrhaturg. I= V_ALC ABLE FARM FOR SALE -DESI RA BL.Er--TOW-N-RESII3EII4 AT PRIVATE' 511. E. 'Too innlyrnlyned oltort nttprlvitty sale. that PI y 111'1111 'WO lit/11111e to n.ttoty Ilr)ok nous«, alto and ou Hutt Iluth !ILIA Ot, In thy hurough ul CAlltolu, 1).11.161 lho north by an alloy, on Ant youth atteot, nn .thy and on the neat by vninttYl llooborn or The lot la Et lent , r. I I IQ; 240 h.t.L In depth Thu tluya r.- tanttly 01,11; Ic i Ino voninvl lloyhnrn, Jr. It buy yl thy tlittun in thy hor.unth. gam nod AV;I ht . b .11 'loan° owl.. the I Inkling la Iltnallytl In the tet twat at, lu t4ll chlloctole. Tho proio•rt., wld Lo .11111 on tulratitettzu••ori ox, lo our plrooll wlllbilrr Nur For iivrticuliion odl 01/ vr whirr, • • =BB DESIRABLE TOWN RESIDENCE Tito offet4 lit Pi l into uLlr rinditoove, No. 1211 11'n,It Lowlier strii.4. The tiou., Trio-sToJtv BRICK with 1011C111,1111 . 11111g11, Iw Ii1.1111(1 wlth en,'nnd water, aiol other iiio.lorin Ito provoinonts, and in lint or ttromul 00 fret ?quit nwi 240 foot drop, II /.11111I.T.P11+ fruit add /111.Itte Terme Indio. l'esainondoin it' v, D 1111.1.31,1 N. HOUSE FOR SALE NO; 33 1c RB'l' LOUTIIER•STIIHET .1 Al. lIIVERBTWIL MEM Jettfelryj t tec r i• I) A Y GOODS! WILLIAM . BRADY, 302 . MARK I BTR . ELT. HARM, Sal lid . .I_TAS in stock,. and is constantly lo x oft Ina tivvrltive is It ill:. Ma Anal/11111r nt uoithf-tx I” port Or WATCHES Oran the 131112E104.d Foreign ain4 Amirlctu thali en n, ailent•winghttg tar Iwykat3 wAtchitt fur When' or gett- Eltinon'd ' .1 j .1 IL NV 11 I, R. Y. 'lndia Neal Fe'n. ?lane Canion; Pink Count nut tnninn On .1 , 6115 and Mr-Bingo ? NecklaceA And l'etolauts, Onyx an d Jut Jewelry. , I; V F. It IV: A It H. . . , Build xilvor wuro of oterllug inn 11,1;,6tnn ilt4lrele• bra led (I.lllnnn '3l untdind In - i ng C •rnpuny. Bridal rind Pr,xennttion piece?. Knlvea, York, And'Fpoknis In IncAlsonn) cdd.: , . , . • }.L 1.1 0 T.,lt A3O - P L A T li . ' Vet!. Sots: Te,7lVatt6 . :M, Fruit , Cakn .11nlicOn, Coffey Url,3, 1 , 011.;t1 Aunt Spoons, doublo oral trehlo bastnorlot. • . = voty, Pearl eau] 15Iolitl' Handles, In C.Vel; our own importation, and wurruntoil .goon. • .Musioal Boxca r . • Cuckoo , and. Bronzn.,Olucics. Thalia and Paris liaasi OM Goods, PIOWUr Carl Receivers, Table Ornsinents, Thermometers, Jewel Caskets, lloudnir' Cleekei' Wrltiag Boxon„aluchotr tlaiiee; Violet Wood, Leather, Ivory, arid Pearl .liaps,,te. - An of which will ho wild at the Inwiwt cosh RvarYbe4 ix .5.111,11 y Invitedto eitli cod thetuutaTeA. , WILLIAM PILA.DY, 302 3larlcat atroat, Ilarrlsoarg, Pa 21dge11 . Q I=l