Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 11, 1872, Image 2

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    %Ite Celiadie
VOL. 72. NO.
Contrary to the fears of those who
constantly predict evil, and also to the
hopes - of. those who • desire that
honesty and party strife may prevail, the
Senate of Pennsylvania,• is practi
cally organiZed. On the third day of
the session, Mr. BuckaloW voted for the
Republican candidate, and thus secured
an election which might have been de
layed a full month. This was done by
the direction of the Dynocratie caucus,
and it was just the same in effect, ,as
though each Democrat la the Senate had
voted with the Republicans for Speaker.
The distinguished Senator who cast tlie
vote that effected the organization,
doubtless, contributed very greatly to
influence the caucus to take such action,
and is on that score, entitled to much
greater credit than some of his col
leagues, who would, doubtless, have
preferred a different course, but so far
as the act of voting is concerned, lie is
just in the same position as those who
authorized him to take that action.
`We-accord-to-the-Democratic Senators
full credit for their course. It was fair,
honorable and manly. Doubtless it was
only their plain duty, and any other
course would have rendered their liable
to censure. It must be remembered,
however, thAt in the present condition
of politicians, it seems to be regarded as
'4,;" a necessary incident to party fealty, that
the enemy is to be fought to the bitter
end, under all circumstances, with all
means possible, and without regard to
consequences. This is a "most deplor
able 'heresy, and it should be traidi
cated at once. The action of the Der
cratic :' -- Senators in the election 'Of
Speaker, and the action of Mr. Brod
head, in issuing his writ, when in his
• judgment the time had come for such
action, will do much toward suppressing
trickery and dishonesty in future in our
State Politics.
The speedy organization of both
branches gives promise of a short, active,
and harmonious session. There are
many subjects of
• general importance,
for the consideration of the Legislature,
and they will, doubtless, receive the
attention which they d•-serve. It is most
fortunate that both parties begin the
session- with very little of the bitterness
which usually attends their intercourse.
Should it continue to the close, both the
Legislature and the State will have
much added to their reputation.
The country received a rather extra
ordinary sensation by the announcement
of the murder of Col. James Fisk, of
New York. Ile was shot down deliber
ately bj a broker..of that city, named
Edward' S. Stokes, as he was entering
the Grand Central Hotel, on Saturday
evening. Fisk survived until about noon
on Sunday, during which time he iden
tified the assassin, made information
against him, and executed his own will.
Stokes is in prison to answer the charge
'of murder. He has made no statement
as to the motives which induced the
crime, but lets attributed to some. dilli
culties,which grow out of the relations
both sustained to the somewhat notori
ous Helen Jo'sophino Mansfield, who has
figured lately in two or three suits
against - MA. Both Fisk and his assas
sin wore married men, and both were on
terms of suspicious intimacy with the
above named lady, who, had for some
reaSon, repudiated her own marriage
some years since.
Fisk as, perhaps, in his' own line,
the most \ remarkable man of his time.
No private citizen in this country has
ever figured so conspicuously in the pub
, lie eye, as the late Vice President of the
Erie railroad. Ho began active life in
Vermont as a peddler, where his wagons
and horses attracted as much attention,
relatively, as his railroads and steam
boats have done recently: He after
wards became a salesman, then a con
tractor, and then a cotton smuggler.
After lie had made., some money lie set
up a dry goods store, which used him
up, financially, in a very short time.
In 1804 he went to New York, and
, opened a broker's Office. Hero he soon
attached himself ,to Daniel Drew, and
was soon ,conspicuous iu the fight with
Vanderbilt for the Erie Railway. 'The
complications resulted•in Making Fisk
and Jay Gould.directors of - IfluwmpatlY,
and uniting these two mola for general
offensive operations. Since his election,
,Fink's name has been daily before the
country in connectiolkwith the most as
tounding schemes' of scientific robbery
conceivable. He it was who put
on the market 50,000 shares of Erie
stock, fraudulent', issued, - -just at a
time when Vanderbilt had forced up
the -price,- and - thus- compelled his
agents - to .buy worthless stock
at high figures. When the--courts-is
sued an order to arrest him for this act
done in contempt of their injunction,,lie
• bundled up -the whole Erie directory,
books, papers and $7,000,000, and car z
vied them all over to Now. Jersey, whore
ho remained until he coUld, niako terms
with his adversaries. As soon as tlih
Legislature met, his partner, Gould,
went to Albany, ainl at a cost of about
half a million of dollars scoured an act
legalizing the - fraudulent issue of stock.
The proceeds of this enormous -swindle
were divided 'among several parties so
as to got rid of the numerous suits that
out of thii'proceeding, and the Erie
\'!; , Railw ay • was handed over to,,,Pisk and
Gould—Gould becoming President and
Treasurer, and Fisk Vico President and
Controller. •
This Was his first and most magnifi
cent-operation. It would be useless to
attempt 'an outline of his subsequent
achievements. They Consisted in the
main of the capture of a Coupleof Courts,
an alliance with the Tammany. Ring, tile
buying of theatres, steamboat linos,' and
whatever else was intended to rifikohim
conspicuous or powerful.• His- conspire
, cMs with the adventtirers in Wall street,
for Purposes of plunder, and' especially
the operations of "Black 'Friday"
which were attributed to him as their
prime mover,
,have filled— the ondre
world 'with amazement. - Hie unexpected
Murder was, perhaps, loss of a sensation
to the businesS world, - than wore the .
chomelq, which lie - seemed to'havid, the
power tofdovclop daily. His_ death will
'leave a void Italie luisiness eirolcsof,tlio
country, _which fortunately Will never be
—1 entirely tilled:-
- There is ono ciremnstanco conhected
with this murder, on -which it would be
• well to reflect seriously. It may ho said
' to be at least nearly folated to that class
' of homicides, which have tioeivcd on
' normal occasions , the , approval Of' the
juice' which tried them, and also to
very largo. &tent, :the sanction of tho,
public press. It is tho old story 4 ' there
was a woman in it." It M true that she.
was neither I,esrally or morbfly, the wife
of either, but that makes little'
once in principle: In the numerous
oases, beginning with the Sickles trial,
and endirkwitlthat,of McFarland, the
aCqUittals • simply establibind the fact,
that there verb - cases - in which-a man
might bo the mienger of his own wrongs
to the extent of taking him' fellow's-life.
It is true that this violation-of the
letter of the law was justified, on the plea
of insuring the sanctity of the marriage'
relation, but among'inen of the, class of
_Fisk and Stokes, this would very natur
ally receive quite a liberal construction.
There must be an and of this justifica
tion of deliberate murder for any cause,
and we hope that 'even 'the Courts of
Now York have not yet become so com
pletely modernized, as to make it oven
possible that Fiskrii assassin will escape
the extreme penalty of the law.
WE print iu this issue the message
of Governor Geary, to the present ses
sion of the Legislature. It is in all
respects a most excellent and satisfactory
State paiidr. The condition of tifell-nan
ces of the State is shoWn to be most
-satisfactory. - Since 1866, eight millions
seven hundred and twenty-four thousand
-three—hundred—and -thirty-eight-dollars
of the debt of the State have been paid ;
leaving the present debt $28,080.07-1.
There are assets in the Treasury amount
ing $10,876.808, which leaves a net indebt
edness of $18,103.263. Wo doubt if any
other State in the Union can show as
satisfactory a financial exhibit during
the same period.
• The transactions .George 0.. Evans,
about which Glare has beet:its° much
chimor, are very clearly and-satisfactorily
set forth, and we invite a general scrutiny
of them. They show the necessity foe
`the settlement of the claims ,with -which
he.was-Cutrusted_and_the _benefit -w h ich
has accrued to the State from his services.
His compensation is now a matter for
the courts and, will be - determined ex
actly in the same manner in which all
disputed claims are settled.
The wisdom of the suggestions made
in the message is apparent and is univer
sally recognized. The Governor declares
in favor of constitutional reform, com
pulsory education, a liberal policy to
ward all educational institutions, the
codification of our laws, compulsory
measureslo prevent the spread of con
tagious diseases, the removal of the
quarantine to a greater distance from
Philadelphia, and the establishment of
a State Board of Health.
Governirr Geary coneiences the last
year of his second term under peculiarly
favorable circumstances, The honesty
and ability which have marked his ad
ministratio'd are conceded by all parties,
and he stands higher now as a man and
magistrate than at any
. previous period
of his public service. The present year
will, doubtless, witness the consumma- .
Gen of many of the measures recom
mended in his present message, and thus
add greatly to the benefits his adminis
tration has conferred upon the State.
W. MAcice.N. will be elected
to-day State Treasurer, for one year from
the first day of-May oast. This is Mr.
Mackey's third election, and it shows hew
fully the representatives of the icioplo ap
preciate Lis ability.
His uounnation and election last year
was propbrly'instanced to show 'how little
truth there is in the constant cry 'concern
ing the corruption practiced to secure We
control of this .inipornint office.. lie was
then nominated without opposition, and
his second nomination in the 8111)111 manner,
has twice disappointed these who delight
to . ,hring into disrepute everything con ;
owned with the workings of out' govern
MAJOR A C. It El NO L, of La ticdster,
has lieen appointed Deputy Sacreiur•y of
the Commonwealth, itifiltßld of James 3f.
Weakley, rabigned. 31.ajor iteino , hi has
seen three years' bervice in the Legiblature
and is well qualified fur the discharge of
111 E 111I1Cial dotieb.
ll,t¢+uaDUßU, JANUARY 187'2
The session of 1872 begun on Monday
last, and although the organization of the
Senate is not yet complete, both branches
may be said - to be substantially in working
order. The House net at lone on Wed
nesday, and immediately organized by
the election of Mr. Elliott, of .Philadelphia,
as Speaker ; (ten. Selfridge, AS Chief Clerk ;
Mr. Morrison, of Butler, asA. ii
istß,, and
John A. Smull, as Resident Clerk. A little'
difficulty arose uvlr the admission of the
member from Warren. 11 appears the
vote ivas very close and the return judgon
at first gave a certificate to Green, the
Demberatie candidate, showing.a majority
of live votes. Subsequently the judges
made another certificate which showed the
election of Sit art, floe Republican candi
date, - by 'a — majority. of- ten votes. The
trouble in the affair grove, out of the fact,
tharin computing the votes. tot the first,
the return jpdgelt 6 discarticd the return
certificate in one township, and took the
figures on the tally purr: After reflec
tion they concluded that they were bound
by the return certithiate and therefore
gave a new certificate in accordance with
the , figures sit?lyn, by it. The cane was
reforred'to a committee which reported in
favor of thejkpublican candidate ;
Josephs, a gt‘inocrat of Philadelphia,
voting with the Republicans on the com
Of conrse•the organization of the Senate
was the ffil-absorbing question." EVen
Since Mr. Connell's death this action of the
Democritcy with refereace to the peculiar
situation, has been constantly discussed in
tillpoliticial circles, and every conceivable
theory has been advanced in regard to it.
At 3 p. m., there were present in the Itlll
thirty-two Senators, while the lobbies were
densely packed :with spedttators.' There
was a very evident embarrass:o7W shown
on both sides of the Chamber,- and there
appeared to be a very unusuat hesitancy,
about opening the proceedings'. When
full ten initiates bad elapsei(after the 'hour
of meeting Speaker Brodbitad seeended to
the chair and announced Sint the hour had
arrived for minvoning the Sexy e. ''After a
prayer by the Chaplain the Secriqary of
'the Commonwealth upPenred tit the bar of
tho Senate and.presented the returns of dhe
Senators elect. 'These were taken in charge
by the Clerk and read. The roll was thus
called and all the 'Senatern.vesponded to
their names, lave the one who had oftebor
thin any 'other beard t h e call . , o'f!tim
Senate. Mr. 'Broilhcail' tffini"Stated that
having official knoWledge of •thii death ot
Senator Connell, be had directed the' writ
to'isSuti for au"crentien for his 'sti'eceisor,
The cam. crowd in / the galleries !at cave
lost allinterest the nititter',
them had come to witnesa sin ezmiting!ae. , -,
Elan, .but it Was. (Widen(' now. that avrry
thing would Vedette fairly anti hewn /tbly.
and thatucetkitlieuliy : Oiaa imminent;
median:ly. Senator .Nagle 'moved fun 'nd
jokirinnerit,,*hiela curried.
Wodnesdkylmornibgeaumand the order
was prayar, soli pelt add ililjoutmtnent
until four o'clock. when the Senate colf-
vened, air. Brodhead.' announced that
.the time had -Conicf,,, , WheCit, - ,beddltfe his
duty to vacittO the Chair iii order the
Senate 'mighi.,,orgiulize. 4.,baliell was
then orderaillickvesulted
ReptiblicantrVoting . : for lit*, of
Beaver, the
Brodhead, of Carbon. After several simi
lar ballots tile Senate adjourned Until
Thursday morning.•
After a single ballot on Thursday, the
'senate took a recess :of half 'AU hour, it')
allow the Democrats Mckanco for, further
deliberation. On re-convening Mr. Bitekit- .
ey stated that he, had been instructed'4,.
their caucus to vote in such a manner as
Would el ct a Speaker on the next ballet.
Accordin w l'en his name was celled he
voted for the tepuplican candidate, Laid at
the close of the balloti-the Clerk announced
the election of Hon. Janke S. Reit 'of
Beaver county, as Speaker of the Senate
for the session of 1872.
Mr. Rutan being condtieled to the Chair
by senaters Brodhead and Allen, deliv
ered the following 'adinirable address :
SENATons-o;thanic you for , your Mud
ness and partiality in electing me fu pre
side over your deliberations.. The oath
em sheet to take requires me. to dieleharge
my • duty with fidelity—that is, honert/y„
fairly, and impartially ; and it shall be My
morramit - effo, t to-observrrthis-ribligation-i-rr
its brondest sense. I must rely very much
upon your kindness 'and assistance, and,
those-I invoke. Experience teaches that 'n,
strict enforcement:of the rules adopted fo'r
the government of the Senate is the wisest
policy for Speaker and Senators, and best
promotes the public interest. I shall en
: denvor, therefore, to enforce all our rules,
strictly but impartially,and any that seem
hiirsh or despotic, must be modified by the
Senate. I have been elected under Teem:
liar ciroumstances, end realize that above
all my predecessors in this office, I owe my
selection at this time to the gOod will of
We are reminded by this fact that one
Senatorthe oldest in continuous service
and one or the ablest, nest useful and best
' - loied members iTfihis body - has
away since 0111' last adjournment. To men.'
lion. the name of George Connell in this
Senate is to excite respect for the many
virtues he possessed as a man and as a
public servant. We are reminded of his
ability; his energy, his generous, forgiving
spirit, and Lib constant kindness, and with
unfeigned sadness and sorrow, all who
knew him, all who served with him here
must (urn to his vacant seat. It is a coin
cidence in the hibtory of this body that
(hi. is the second consecutive session in
which we have had to mourn, when we
met, the lobs of one of eel associates, and
that in each arose the loss changed fur u
time the political complexion of the Semite.
We learn from this the great uncertainty
of political tenure as well as of life, ice d'
are reminded that we :JlOlllll ntrire inure
to serve the people, the whole people, and
les , ' to runlets partisan ii,ieendeney.
- Important duties are to bo performed
during the session now opening, the first
of which is to provide for tpti election of
delegate: Init convention to amend the
State Constitution in obedience to the
overwite)mittg voice of the people expressed
111 the ballot box. Many reforms ore tie
tnanded, duck an prohibiting local legislm
lion, improvement of ourjodiciary spoon,
and regulating 41 -,F•entatiour that eon
only be secured by an amended Constitu
tion. There shoti s id be no delay in passing
a bill calling this convention.
The division of the State into Congroi
sional districts is soother important ques
tion to ho disposed of. Otir duty to ap
portion the Ninth is paperatiVe, and to
discharging it I trust all .will be actuated
by a spirit of fairness and a determination
to do what is just and Tight, rather than
by a desire to advance partyintereat. The
policYpontrolling such legiilation should
be to secure a (Air ropros,litation of the
people-in Congress,
Unnatural combinatioe, -at eply for
politlenl plirprities net be tolerated,
and no party makig them will he per
ninnenily benefited. \ The masses of the
peoplo,of all parties are honest , and will
not mdorseomfairmiss and wrong, evljnAor
pendent purpases
We should all Le •acriutted with a de-
Aire to secure it preientliletteh of the
neeestiory d n
ogislatio, en of that tad):
which is and an early adjourn
1 n view of the approaching (ainstitu
tional convention and our quadrennial
political struggle, let ns c'mnnu•iige the
work of reform and !mike thin session a
model one for brevity, economy and wise
legislation We aru admonished that the
people wean the reform of,
let us earnestly begin' the work. •
At the close of the speech the oath of
office wan administered to the speaker
elect by. Senator Brodhead, after which
the ten li6IY Senators were sworn to
support the constitution of the Milted
States, ti; constitution of the Common
wealth, and to perform their duties
with fidelity
Immediately after the Senators had
been sworn, the drier Clerk tendered
Iris resignation, and balloting began for
his successor The vote stood slit/ion
for flamersley, arid sixteen for Zeigler ;
this continued tin'ongh several ballots,
nntil the adjournment. On Friday tire
'Serrate again met, adopted tire rules,
anthorize,d, the Eipeaker to?iippoint . the
various hrindini commlitees, an 4 'Olen
adjourned to meet this evening. at eight
o'clock. The House adjourned on
Thursday evening to meet- at the same
On Thursday evening point caucus
of both Muses met and nonlinaferl JJpu
R. IV: Mackey for State Treasurer, The
,was practically unanimous,
only ono vote being cast against it.
Mir-Mackey-wtH - be - tilected - to•inorrow
to his third term, a very deserved com
pliment to his pimpled worth and ctrl
cioncy as an officer- Aftorphis week tho
Legislature will settle down to business:
The apportionment bill, which
passed the House December /4, provides
for'an increase in the number of .flop,
resentatives from two himdred and forty-.
three to tiVe' hundred and eighty-three;
from the third of March, 1878, the com
mencement of tbo Forty-third. Congress,
The new apportionment 19 to,,eoutinuo
during the next decade, or until ittlinilar
legislative action is had, based upon the
results of the census.of 1880.
The role of apportionment, as. every
body knows, is, that the aggregate rep
resentative population of the iStates is to
be divided by the whelp windier of Rep-,
resent:gives proidded for
,by :mil
the quotient thus obtained, i becomes the
division of the representative population
of each litato, such second .quotieut„ be
ing the numberof Roprpsentatives which
said State is entitled LO havo
always that if the requisite number of
ituprasentatives for the whole apportion-
meet be, pot obtaiqed by such
the States hpyigg Ow largest remaincliirs
as suiaiitilitlai !top reseutative, according to their fra,etionni,
.il,l3lf, , ,phtil. the; (nil, niiinber .cf, Rciiror,
, entatiyes, antheried iaiy„is obtainid,
•, For e;arnple t trio representativoliopM -, ,
lation,of,the thirty r seven.States, accord
to, the census of 3,870; - )ii,.30 ; 11a,25);
this by M,-7-the uumher
.cpresentstive goota.or hasia ,pf, repro,
nod ,cliyicling tlip„reprcsontan
tive population of eneli Stain by 44070,
representative quota, wo,phtniq th e
:list draught tip 9 now appor4onnient , .i
2t12. representatives. , ;, , W4 3
new cOntply with, She ieQuk4itakionall. Pr*:
vision,. tbat, ' , 'Oaab , iBtatc , :shto l 40%4 representative „in ,Congresii
that is,, we ruus4redit any State haiinif,
aloes population than the quota with oho.
ROresentatiik i tliat being its constitu—
tittilial right Ifkitirtun of being. a State. are follueli States at Rio prcaent
ito Whip/are' Nebraska, Nevada
and Oregon. F,pivingioae . Representative
it4tch of tin *: font .States, in come- -
it with ,
Constitutional rOquire-
Jr 6 Lanctagil;tgto them the 262,,ob
tairicdrify,theilrst divisions, we got 260,
which sum fails by 17 to equal the whole
•numbcr•Cfcpreoelitativoo: allpwCd nn
der tlio new apPertiOnniOnt . bill. - 19o'
- Mina 17 ' States'
bayln : the largest fraCtion of a qwota.
with , an additional Representative,' so
that , the:!lhMse imiy completed.: The
adchtion ! alll4resentativeS are allotted
to the .S.trites.a6ciording to their fraCtiotial
rank, frilM . l 1617, ConneetiOnt
first and Atkiiiiints seventeenth.'
iiiejelie 'of the States in
population has hediisi'leli'tinVi the pend
ing apportionment, which contemplates
pu increase of 10 over the wesent num
ber' of Representatives, will give the
Wiii.itern States 'a gain of '22, the
ern States a gain of 13, the Middle and
Pacific States a gain of 6, and.. Massach
usetts a ghin of 1, while New Hainpsliire
and - Verintint Will each lose one, thus
malting' an acttibl loss of 1 for time six
New England - States. In other words,
tie new apportionment give's 26 to the
NeW'England States, instead of the 27
,now representing 'them. Prom all 0 .
which It folloWs that the remaining 81
States will have 237, instead of 216, 'be
ing a gain of 41.
To the wonderful increase of the popu
lation of the Western States, owing
principally to their enormous accessions
iiiiramigranta from the Eastern States
and from Europe, is due this transfer of
the balance of power from' the' East to
the West, while to the new amendments
to the . Constitution, under which all the
freedmen aro entitled to representation,
instektof only ilifee=fiftlis of them, as
formerly, are duo the very considerable
increase In the number of Representa
tivek apportioned to the Southern States.
The Constitutional provision that the
'electoral college of each State shall be .
"equal to the whole number of Senators
and Representatives to Which the State
may he entitled in the Congress," will
secure to the thirty-seven States, _when
represented:indite electoral colleges, un
der the new apportionment, 357 Presi
dential electors, of Whirl, the majority is
179. .1):om fair , Mimitimetion of the
bill in questioriWA Infer that 'the exist
ing apportionment Will' be applied to the
Presidential eleetior of 18'79, i , it Which
ease the aggregate elect ora I vote will be
317, ofwhich the majority required to
elect a President 'is 159. ,We draw our
inferenee front the Net that the Constitn
tion provides that "eneli State shall ap
point, in snail manner as the Legislature
thereof may dlretit, a number of electors
NUM to the whole '^ini bel- tit" Senators
mid Representatives to whieh - TllO . State
may be entitled in' the Congress ;" and
from the further fact that it is proposed
in the pending bill that its provisions
shall go into effect only from mid after
'Alarell 3, 1873, and, therefore, in tile
event of its passage no Statp will he ens
titled to an increased Illthlher of Repre
sentatives before that date, -which ex-
Italy coincides with the Constitutional
time of inaugurating tlie next President.
The gelled objective point of each politi
cal party contending for the Presidential
prize of 185;2 will he to seounc for its own
candidate the IleCH:Sary 1511 votes ill the
electoral colleges of the thirty-seven
States.—Ng (fowl Rept4bliran.
Comrrnom.r.u. GREEN says that, the
debt of New york citS,Hiold county
amounts to Wi,-1!18,1811.
Teti: latest returns of the cotton crop
received at Washington, indicate a
yield of 3,4007000 bales,—
Tux, oorn crop of Isit'is estimated by
the Agricultural Iturenn•nt 1)1 n 1,000,000
bushels, a decrease of 9,ooo,oNbushels
compared with the crop of last ye tr.
Tim art collection recently destroyed
at Warwick Castle cost abinit *400,000,
and could not be replaced for twice that
sum. One 'painting; " Guido's Circe,"
was worth $40,000.
Tim area of Alabama is 50,722 square
miles, or 32,402,080 acres. Of the pub
lic lamb, in. the State thaw remains un
dispostd of at present about 4,1 , 00,000
aeres,•snyveyed and subject to entry on:
del . cite Proviiiil o os Of he homestead law
of June, 1800;
A roust, of $4,000 has been raised iu
Duluth, to lie given as premiums for
cleared, fenced and plowed tracts 'of
land, within twelve miles of the city,
$1,:500 to be given to the largest and
and sums, 'to smaller-.
traiits i the.aWaids tit bp-made in 1873.
A nu T lier of persons have 811{11,10d
their intention of coMpeting, for the
131 Yr few persons have any idea of the
'a,aVaittjae of the Texas eattiii yule. It
year 1M
les4 than 600,000 beeves Istve boon dyivel.
?rem Texas into Eausas i , Nebraska, and
the l'tit:sterti States. It requires about
20,000 he - ad of mittle to feed the Indians
which are not included in the above es
thaato ; but which are pnreliased by the
gdvernmplit nf TexaS traders.
STAT,ISTICq, of the wo9i, plip of thp
United States, for the, year ending Juno
1, 1871, show the munimr, r of pounds New England to be
,6,643,863 ;
in ,the Middle States, 17,901,085; intim
No/Threst, 47,520,647; in the Border
States, 0,144,25 d; in, the •Cotton.Etates,
4,004,253;, on the lr,lichle, 12,0,01 ;
Mad. An .;tlll. - ; - Territories,; .1,204,500 ; a
grand total of 101,284,678 pounds.
—3l ll , is said that. the President. of the
ittosiing railroad brought With him from
Europe $5,600,09, whicli he proposes to
lotto v to,parties,for' the °radian of ipn
worlts,along the line of his road. The
plan is to loan„ an equal sum with that ,
hielt.a.,party has to invest in the husi ,
peas, and thusstrengtben him, the ob-;
jog, p o i o g to mako business , for, the
TlTE,,,following is tile aggrPgaN4 of np,
tarns, for.the year endiagJapy 1 1, 1870 ?
repeiyed at the'Cepsus.,olllco, applied to
NIA `Pntir e . 9 ° 9;447 A 0,05 :irnK9Ved,
1.88 . ,440,70-4P:pAt'pg
' l2l MiIiMPKOVASO,P4( I O64 1 0411
valup , „ $ .. 9,20,775,121 ; cao4
yaluo, az,riet4tui:4l implomoi44, $311'0,-
400,071 i r waged old, $810,066,473 ; farm
. $11144M0f.',370 ;, value of Jive
Pt)Pli" $ 1 ,.0g4,g71;714 ; .lirboat,
M47,700'01 rye; bushelii, ;17,15130 ; 000
)al eorni ~ r (10, 20. f ;; date,
.1u41;e15 r ,29,101,2,p , ; buplrwheat, l buabola,
9,E)21,6132 ; 73,0q5 ; 021 ; to.
bacco, pounds, 262,729,1 M ; • cotton,
001, p0und5,.1,02,053, Tlio,circulor starts out w r itil.t4o gratuiL'
004, 11)iltatoes, po.4thols, f 43, P 30,000 ;.- tops. information' OFtt,tlin, Doroporatio
potatops, , ;; buShois,;,, 4004.p00 ; paity of Ponosylyanin,
wiggoitqns,,(3,ooo,ooo oilsoso,p9g10!„ condition, , donirdsUnsolliall prippif
,Pdp,opp, i ; 4 4, 99 2, 4(10;1,- OEI iiltL i l'oft'ort
•-•:lAttY,,:ton§ ,
461 Qtly
,R,101.1.11;17,190.(1400,„.-potonlp, SoOm V() 'iidroly 44,
fiugaN conco; 48 4 8 ,,,,„ noim 00 ; ; ;E:9lgar,,9rektil,Nxith', l l. o4uril' .. to. dui 'Amt Prosi.:
i( 1 1 - 1044 6 ),, s A 4 , 0,990 ;:•,,IP??l7s;6B•,,Aiipr, dna it IS'aionsiUis fo 'Sec thc{rultin,
,(oaue), g9:119!P.3i,15,0q0,0p0,;,p1941.55cp to
gallons, 10,041,000.. • Lfikont' Goilornt . ,
. n
4ADE OCibIIER. 1 1871 "
Ve 'aro ind ; etited - to-beneial
fora Copy of dui 'Tlditit-seventh - Senual
Yepooof the 6ilerairmis of the Ctrinbtir- .
land V;alley-,liailrgad, for the year end
ing September_ 30, I'B7l. We .submit
below the report of the President of the
iidgi),; Watts, :
flb the SioekhohJere of the,Cunsberland f alley Rail
'Road Cbmptzny.—There• Is,. perhaps, no. system..
unlch,-1n the world's progress, marches ea steadily
Mi r a, that of railways, and !he public donated far
their tenni in' must be respondud to; stilt whilst
Vane may be rime cowl - iterations which might in
duet, us to 11.441 f t -in any ex elision of Our road, ve
.iie.not at liberty to mood stilt, regaidlessi oCtho
pumic Lec routine nod 'demands upon Us to supply
their 5001.110. At varmusipoints along our valley se
(Mind the greate.4 auutittanto, of iron ores ..f the
pew , It was demanded of us that oto
should alfolii thellitiev lor trauspurtiog them to tho
!urea, u,, ktod it has hem) the podgy ui your Mani
Al three' urn toUnswer theta, deinandS. About nevqu
en ies south ,tram 3.lo..lungenburß, largo unions of
aolgtietic and homy lie ores . have been °rowed, and
sulopanf tins Leon organlSMl to.coestruct a road
from Dillolforg to Mechanicsburg, and it Is now in
(utwt, of cons,ructlon, and will be campleled early
lu the Summer. Your company hits agreed to loan
hi It 'a' lune suflieletit to put the superstructure
upon the load no.sooniis It ehdll nave hues graded
Sod brelged by the Uiilvhu,a and Meehanicsburg
CoMpany. to hu scoured by a mortgago of
the road tor the pliyinuot of bonds with seven per.
cent imerest su gold. pi) able senti.amiuelly, arid a
lease of the load ita
,thu CUtoburlaud Ve.). Iltillroad
Company for mun hundred y mos. 'the valuable ores
of Chu South 31vontain owl. Vino ()rove region aro
how brought to your road by the South Aponteln
Railroad. t. ,
' - ---iged, and is ifiiw se-
in comity, a distance
a deposit of ore, tho
Dunn opened and used for ronnyi
yearn, producing a quality of ore which In said to i.e
cony nuprrinr, and in quantity, according to report
of Prof. Lealoy, entirely inolliatultllile. We liars
also tweed to until 10 than ronipany, which has boon
chartered by the Demo of the Scotland and Mont
Alto nollroad romp toy, a snot sufficient to put the
auptirotrituturn upon the rued. It to oxpecied that
this rood will he finished early in the cooling
The Southern Pent/vie:lola Railroad, leading
front Marion, a point utt thin real, to Mount. Pleas
ant in Franklin county, a dinitince of to ent3-live
moos bar hoon,compluted and accepted by thu
Cumborittod Valley Railroad Company under thu
tarns of tine lenne, Ono conditions of which ore
stated la our last year i x report. Titan road after
paling througa the richest innil In.t beautiful
poet of Franklin tnounty, reunite° the ore 'Mune of
the Mount Pleasaut Iron Company. which, upon
the authority of a perkihni examination of them by
Prof. Lesley, ore pronounced to be excellent in
'quaiityvturtarationtialtt in imantgy and mined with
'unequalled factlity. We have than by these road./,'
all ot which xlll bu in operntiou rainy Inn the Sum
' maw, neached every cluniruble polut fun trade and
trivel un either tilda or our valley. It is cantata
plated to -'tend Ihe Scotland nod quilt Alto Road
to Waynesboro', w lilch, If et/midi/Mil, will netibre a
moat debintLle accommodation to lino outorprining
mount/onto/ orv, xu will nun i s /waters latho vicinity of
that place.
Thu oat/on/don of ear road front II igertown to the
Canal, at Powell/Li Rood, /to Potomac, ban been
completed. extol. I. atilhog 0 Molt reaches down to
tho Canal. 0 hid, will be finished to a very short
time, giving its a vottuoctlon with the Cheenpeaket
ond Ohio Cato al. 'Vim abutments and a larg part
t the Yontolatitro, owl piers of the bridge have been
ku It, and the bridge ititelt as nearly complete/I, by
KeyAoinc Bridge Company. and it rill room.,
time nil pint itilp wineinevitt the pieta hinall tan
IT.ibinuti. Th., rf.,,i of Ind Marti nit erg and Putton
Rail road e ittp.iny i• it. a rally' 1 , 1 . forward 111113 land
will bo cum pleted lay the woe the bn , l u user the
i way p,on',l, wu ill too cow/eared
oitti tine re mol Ohio r.alllond at tiartitoo
I.t. g. g clog Iles peopic id out \ ado direct von,
non w It It, oc, by Pittsburg, Wheeling
nn d t ,„,.k . NI, vltlinle•burg. n.
10nin..1..c In .oniultnu.l
lug• 'din!, 1 ‘, ul .:), oa
“r J. 7••
, sn..7u. A Mitt I 1.,11.11 ut 2,091 foul I.lllllLoru
VIII it. .11 ii! I Igt.p.dt I,uhtir: and
it.i.L nl I'itasti , ,r3l,taz. avt,lllg. of
lit nt Lunt of .1 , 6,1:JS 07. 'nit
t .h. l 11.1 fininhud
lid nt Ilarriullutg. Tao no,
hnne and on.. nt..y
lan untnll,2 tho ex trno,Elinury ex
,i.. 11
'X .1 1 inuoin i 4 i,op:11 j 1112•1 l'ottunn
151 „ut' . `LLLwu 1111.1 E 6,1110 iil/1/80
Sl• Innt.l; lu 31‘ , 1111tniti:I.urg •
121..6 e7l 41
I Ile lidtWe "vt t ett,l4. 411111„ c
1.11) iN 1,00111.1.1 .corILIIIIIIII. /Intl ninth], tii•rli IP/
bt. to he 1111-11.,3 111 the waning
li.. tiert . •=l:y tiro, to • f r th,
trail,. Iron, the Souther. Pennsylvania Itadruad
ul, Ixll hos joie la•en netted tor !hat vompally
hos olput2.l it „pearly to° 1111111vos of d I 'Ars in "the
piirelvao CI &lir, lamb and constiuctioti of tent
Died, end to poi upon 1104 (.Wl'loolllo of eitpita
will requite a large annii.nt 01., the urltielpit
a: 11111 -, hkoki op./ •ur lonl. rbeir I.:M
u:ate °I DOT...a 01Nr.111,111. i. 2.ty:11:1 trli.kk t yea;
I . loy lare,h ouhikk,: ko I t : o ur
111 , : ht. pm.-- at h.:1.0 toight, 10.0 eight
ol ut 11 all:luant.i. limo h.: I. lit: !undo to elkah:o
Id, i.;thok I:p.uflou so 1111g1. n11.1.1.111{
Murk; 1111 , V1lto Inguwalatoly AI i.:ming
IJI NO gro4l a 111111.141ty 1 I 0111, li 1 . be c01ni.b.1...
But 110111 1110 lllt mom the 51010
Allis 1, both tot wllch al,l Lu co.uplutoil earl) to
,eor 11111 v. rt4iipl) timght to t+, 011
int.ati Ll ilfeparPcl a , tr.‘it,purt It over oor r of
'1 . 1,10 wit, or the out - elm, 01 at
tirw 1111111 110 Ili v
0,111 b.. 0611011,1 All the. braltellug
11p10 110111 011 11 carv, 410 c utrut them
at, pnlulx 111 lloOlsOß 11,1 01/10 1 1111 . 1. g• ifll' l 1111 11,
Wll 1 11 Oil 1,111110411OO• 11.0101 to ',or the
of in in n II voinlnz
\lllll gt 1 , 11 . 111illt) fur 4 Tory hug'
111, I.oso :40111,0, 4r11.a (1111 evouve
thins ith Chrsupenl, Ohio wl I
ml gdlo n 4,1 1., 1111 coaltmid
thi• 4 , vat I.ti nit) 'of air
1111 110 I 311101... 111 ‘1 , 4 11 "1111 I.
gt. at]) hio suolivo p, twit tl. ailtl Whir
1111 111.1 to, to oury at
11'111111 + 0'111 ,Lti,lit, tot, to aI M. .‘u W 1.10 0 ,. 0.
Odell nppolinlecl ex hilnlt —The Cann
I • ul .7nunion, a.,l nI.o nn n•zintinntnonn or tn.
ynnnr. .1 h.• nom, nnl no din nn nun
Snatt . tinonit. nnl n by nnn . gkinn
Iro /11R. aunt eninnnuntn...w .- '111.• borntni, (Jr , a a. in
gins 1 . 0 . 1 i elm 011,1 attain. AlliOiltit all engin
L . 1.1.1,/ hint ( Intn:11
rinven n titilly
" 11y ornler the 8011 rd,
.n( E SCAT
lialirtnntd Oct 1,1%71.
Thu number of passengers carried
during the year, was 302,801. The num
ber of 'engines is 18. The " Boston"
rinJilf,ls7 toilet, with pastaintrr trains,
and the " Colonel tiehr" taut 20,50
miles with freight trains. The total
number of miles run by all the trains
during the year was The follow
ing named gentlemen are the officers of
the Vend for the present year : Presi:
dent—Hull..Fredk. Watts ; Directors=
Messrs. Fredlr. Watts, Thomas A. Bid
dle, Thomas . A. Scott, Washington
Butcher, Wistar Morris, H. J. Loin
haert; Daillej Q. (lay, Thomas B.
Kennedy, Edmund Smith, 4. Ildgm,
Thomson and Josiah 'Bacon ; Secretary
and Treasurer—Edw.:x& M. Biddle, and
SuperintOndent-0. N. Litll.
E'ss 11. °RANT, father of the Presi
dent,' was stricken with paralysis last
week. Ile fell to the floor at the goVing
ton, Kentucky, post office,.and remained
insensible an hour. Ho was ableto sit
up`and Converse some in the afternoon.
SEptLY4ity BOUTWF,LL gives -notice
that the prlnoipal and aperned jnfore4
of the live-twenty bonds of 180,2,, will be
paid at the Treasury .liepartment in
Washington, on and after the 20th of
March, 1872, and that interest on said
bonds will then ettasit.
'ol.llllf, LOOAN—which will COlitilLo to
be - her professinnpl papie, Mrs. Bikes
being for private pse—has been fulfilling
her lecture engagements strtfight along
up', to the night she was married. 'rho
bridal tour will consist in the ' fulfilment
or othpr 'came engagements, for which
sho is . booked every night for some
Limo yet: Her, hpshand net hs her
linsiness agent, atf usual.,•. . •
Tint editor- of-Harper's Weekly puts a
groat tlettl'in a. few welds, •as follows,:
-!` A party while defending and
o*Comiing human alavery, • ealled_itgelf
I ) o,,, PPrOlth iiptivuly 11l 00 0
'part of .the potintq, pi sivoly ji thp
other ) trying to overthrow the ,governJ
`inenti. called. itself Conservative,- , MaY
Also, when foiled lo the 4ttcmpt ,to 48,
stroy the (24)11,4,14140p,, solinlinly . onll it-
self , Constitutional, ~T he motley hest .
called the Demooratie,party 4 is , quite 'fia
constitutional as it is Democratic r andas
conservative as,it is ponstitutionol,',
Meg VAUX,, William D. Wiltoi. John'
earl others ,o'
. that ilk,
have, hunted a circular pinhetlYing,a will
fora meeting ,of !',earnest",Deirmerata
Pittsburg , on the eighth yf nextinoutli.!,
Correspondenco of Tue Ileamso
To L Tun Eprrons; or Tun
Gengeinen kind Erielid Ints!ient me
a copq,of yonr_psper„fer whichirtini more
obliged thin' I can express, for, tt, contains
a letter.relating to it placii kpow
well; and'to,a people , wlioni I:cherish - in
my heart of hearts. Doti old Carlisle!
the ,pleasantest memories of my life, and
south to say the saddest, conneqtheinselves
with thee and thy children, among whom
were some of my best friends, bitt all of
whom are now gone ,either, to another
world, Or tiTirieturnless distance:in this.
But never shall` I forget 'thy 6nerous
kindness to a stranger, nor, cease te be
grateful for thy graceful and
! The affectionate. interest in thy
ivelfare, expressed by the writer 'of US
above-mentioned letter, touches a sympa
,chord in my 'bosom and awakens
emotions ,which refuse to be suppressed.
I too must write and give vent to my feel
ings, for I love thee, 0 ! Carlisle, with it
daughter's love ; and thy people—though
unknown to me as I to them—are'dear to
my heart, and have a place in my best
That letter describes Carlisle,-and Car
lisle people and things, just as they used
to be when'l knew them. I am pleased
with it because it gently hints ut faults
without denouncing them, and kindly re
fers to weaknesses without reading a moral
lecture. The writer reminds Inc of
Coethe's • mother who said "1 never be
moralize any one. I - seek out the good
that is in people, and leave the bad to Him
who inside us all and' who will rightly
judge us."
cannot say that I know Carlisle and
lair people thoroughly Well. My residence
there was too short to make the place my
home, though never wits I snore entirely
at home i many_other_placto.---Three-tetlre
hest years of my Ire were spent there.
_Mark You, I don't soy three of the best
spent years, but three of. the best years
ipent. For, are not the fourteenth, fif
teenth and sixteenth years of a girl's life
her best, years ?. Is not her mind then
Most impressive: and her nature most
plastic, and doe's her charnetor , not then
take its shop, which it is to bear ever
afterward? Those throe years I spent in
Carlisle were 'delicious veers. For the
first hull of lite first I studio,' and
stood at the heed my ele:+s ; but during
the Imolai oder of the time. I blush to con
fess it, I learned tint little Unit tins since
hoe n or any Que to noe. Of ankle,
Melted lop hereby enough to conjoin me to
Ilee“11111 , Plily myself when singing ; of
hquiro,t not even a dveellt
smattering; hoot-:,what is worse, I c o uld
not, tit the VWI of my three years ; It, the
sionplost sum, in the single ruin or three;
nor did I know much morn of geography
than when, I left home. I wrote a fair
_hand, too he store, lout thin came from prac
tice as much Dill of SIAM)I as ihf school—
based on habits formed tinder a. teaching
or my mother. And yet I was quite - as
well on in oilLthese rt.:Teo:JO los..wcre most
of.troy schoolmates. I dind II fair standing
in school and in society WllB regnrded as
above the average in intelligence. Rut I
Wll9 thoroughly superficial. I bold tt rentlY
Joligitn'; but was shamefully ignorant. In.
say i this I limits no reflections on cliy
teaellers. \t r,. Shaw wag an accomplished
Ind., nod Ifer excellent sister, Miss Mont
gomery. was folly her equal. 'Mr. - Meyer
performed lois Mains well. and Mr. Huber
both as iigentlentom anti no. IL moocher of
Frelleh, luau above reprove'. I blame no
one but myself. I wits weal:, irreSllllllo 1111,1
ete,ily influenced by those around' Me. It
was not the fitahloon among Carlisle people
too study. The Jlny scholars hood charming
booms and otgreenble visitors, 001,1 the
ploonsatit hours I o'spetit in their parlors
mold,. .fouls impossible. Noor were studi•
outs hold's any tonic' fllsilidillaide 111111,11 g
.the p , 11 , 14 Ze11110111..11. ought to say that
in own. :who'd there wet , e two or three girls
who were excoolliont schoolnrs, but they were
popular. 1 had more friends thou they
and more fan, end I did apt envy them.
The only envy I felt to niy shame, I con
fess it, was of a young Italy from nit anci
ent town on the forks of the Susquehanna.
For lion power she possessed to create II
(hitter, when on Sunday we trooped it tip
ithe brick paved aisle into ootil• great square
paw, I would have given both my ring
lingers, what - would I not have exchoongell
tal.' - those perfectly cid features mid tin
pefrennial I'oBl4l Whillt himlllll,l ill 1110 , .•
C h eek ' \V hen I sew the elFect - produe.-d
on the young gentleuath, add on tloto older
and more sedate Its WOll, I 00/11 . 1,56 dint the
C6llllOll 81Illepl , in Mr. Ilitultr's show case
was a terrible teMptation to me. Still I
was net so silly, nor did I know tiny among
my giddy young friend:. so utterly foolish,
es to y iold to such it 'temptation. The
modern enamel was then an unknown tat.
—would thin it were aiming the lust
11116"- - 111/t1 I 'calnl , it ;ay how for it might
fit ly" IllY fulaitte.. for admir
ation, but 1 'oust claim that frivolous its 1
was, I Iv nut think- I ever' coultl , lmve
stooped to a device su merltricions and at
Jilit_tt4llo-11tipi- au:01141y
those whose admiration is most worth hav
ing. • lint, that I Dry beautiful
yotdtg friend is only the truth, especially
when We not in that corner pew, which WllB,
41 11108 t COMIIIIIIIding . position: It was a
coigne of vantage, bringingthe whale lower
lI9Or tied galleries distinctly into View and
„ citabliqg tis to deal with the pews; especi
ally tteser:utl Ihr stielents,'ltt short range.
I llnd - inyseTf:sliding into ttr . warmth of
description agnitist which I would fain
guard-myself. lint there ere more things
in the world than the Ethiopian skin and
the Leopard's spots that cannot bechanged.
and minor these itithe feminine maitre of
I remind Tilyself of-the aged
3liss kelty whose lost..hopk,-_-_,lt Tint politetr
of it Solittiir'e":-I have heen rmitling with
much Interest and sqtne profit. The old
lady to order to guard 'the - young aghast
(bagel's Moly to Ilona them, 011 a come of
bor„opn orrors tunLmlsadventures when
young, Including One or two crosses In
love, and its sho.fairly gets into her 'story
'her narrative glows ..with youthful' entlm
ititism. Yet, MIC 18,4 good woman, sin
cerely desirous ilint ., otliers may profit 4,
rho lens.. of tier .expodeoeo ; ha' any otto
may see who will [wild .Jahn 'Wile? ,
and seat' the New YArlc agents of the
Liortdon pail bib ors for a copy of her' work:
.. • .
13 .1 '.15 .1
2 St 1 . 38
.. o'i]
0 15 1 3 17
I 104 -
12 11-
: The three 'years' which 6111ot:tea fligno
'spent ig,Ottrliste; *in in 'hind and degree
yoifyit 'n rill rata on,l6)i . n i orit, A hippo
of friends in a.' lame pity wo rn o w
cgEttlier' . taste' and "the long ftitnre
before ute:wria* :pleasing 'via,.
Of •tt fieldS pastate3- nom °.
viofleietin vislom' tth lOW thtlipdot says
thOro ' llto"
arall V01 , 010(1' lit it tis, fhb' if
%Vete flint 'this; tinio came 'for
diailluSiOn. - I had lot my,, foolish heart
fan iiivay ntith my ' The
et:tunable of 'intents arid 'fiiimids Wore . Or no
'avail, a'n•4'`r•riiPan rinfl'•ira,ll4loll' r YIII4
Q'ppipt ftvl onto&
prp°nlelinlstlt, and donOly tlltl I atone
frly ' Tito joyous 'cnirent 'of Thy
life wits .ohtelied , and , everything ,around
die • undoiwlnt , Tetitinge':' r pisttpiminte'd
areatinn and ,rnoitiltdit: 'ealf-lovo' gnawed,
like a worin.nt irk/ Warw. (l aociotrliinit-
all its charms and invitations to parties
Svpie answereid.with regrets. Crows feet,
))egan to gather ' , about my 'eyes'and my
Cheeks grow .Ivan and pale.
Bever dome, 'MY father failel in:
business and ilioLfamily Were reduced to:
extremitie. 'Omething must be done to
keep the wolf from the door, and my
mother and myself were the only ones who
seemed able to do it. It via resolved that
my, mother should take boarders and that
-I should assist her. But my inexperience,.
aWavated by a weak back,•eoon prOved
me to be of little use. ' It wits then pro
posed that I should teach music, which I
should have been.only too glad to do, but
I was utterly incompetent. Of music as
a science, I know , ipranticallj nothing. I
could read correctly scarcely it-single bar.
It \vas finally determined tittit I should set
up a day-school; and in order to prepare
for this, I visited several schools in the
My to see how (bey were conducted and
ivliat was the usual course of. study. What
was my chagrin to find that girls in the
second and third classes knew more than
I did of the essential rudiments. I came
home mortified to my inmost soul and
sat down in sackcloth and ashes. In that
state of mind I remained for days and
weeks, realizieg; for the first time fully,
what a fool, what a
_perfect. Ond absolute
had been during all those delicioua
Carlisle years. No words can express my
sense of shame or measure the depths of
my humilirition. After many dreary
weeks in this condition the darkness began
to lift and daylight slowly to reveal itself.
I had got down deeper till at last I stood
.on a solid f&unlation. • My foot was on
the Rock, and I felt strong in a strength
Which was not all any own. I now saw
suriiiway out of all my troubles. The good
Father above had heard my sobs and had
speaking—given me •i beauty
for ashes, the oil of joy for,mourning, and
Abe—garment- of praise for the spirit—of
- heaviness." With cheerful face and reso
lute heart I gave up for the present all
purpose of teaching, and set tMyself in
'earnest to work as n learner. I began
with the eleMents of arithmetic and gram
mar, and never stopped till f had acquired
a proper innsicry of both these branches,
as well as a fair knowledge of rhetoric,
and datut'al philosophy, no it is taught, in
schools. Thus qualified 1 was accepted .
no an in,iotant in line or Our best grammar
schools, in which situation I continued
liappily, corning 'something towards the
surpiol of tire liondy, and learning b1,111,-
thinp, toward fitting use tar 11 More advan
ced p o sition. Such n puhition I in due
Lt me a uill•bi•d, 1111 , 1 after that the cut rent ‘if
wy exisii , nee flowed ionouthly. \Viten 1
changed lay condition in life, which I did
at the unroiliontie ago of lorty•seNca
changed my •phere action but without
giving op all opportunities of usefulness.
A wire and a step-mother in a large social
circle, has sources of happidess and inellns
doing good which lire but lightly appre
ciated by the young and volatile. My own
first ideas of love and happiness had been
formed in - Carlisle from Mrs. Phillips*s
circulating library. They were gathered
from the "Scottish Chiefs," the "Child;`en
of the Althey i " "Thaddeus of Warsaw,"
the •' Recluse of Norway," the_' Mysteries
of U,lidhhu'' 0.4 other - books
which furnished . the thjitious' reading of
that day, and - constituted the sum 1,40 of
Widow Phillips', institute n. All the
knowledge acquired.froin these books, like
illy Alivr . knowledge acquired in Carlisle,
h'ad to be unlearned.
I x ill nut stop, 3lessrs. Editors, to point
the mutat of this tale. The lessons it
teaches will be obvious to your youngest
readers, as I have already said, I hate
benteralizang people.
. llcturetlesing ivy letter, 1 oust allude
to the banquet given to your retiring
Judge, an' account of which is published in
-this cone number of TILE HERALD.I
be pardoned as 11 woman if I say that the
most. interesting part or that account. Was
the hill e ;
.1111,1 the part of that which
I [-cad wultthe liveliest emotions was the
lint ul' pickles. There was ‘• peach pickle,
plum pick le. orange pickle', Ewa India
pickle, pear pickle, tomato pickle, ea tut,
loupetich le, cucumber pickle s chow-chow
anion pickle and cherry pickle."
I have been puzzled to frost out the punpitse
of all this catalogue. At first it occurred
tome that it might be a device of the land
lord to set his guests teeth on edge. in order
to make a Fare on his ‘• roast" HMI .2.‘ boil
ed," but-rejecting this hypotheais as un
just to a reputable llonlfuce ; I could only
mace fu the conclusion that Carlisle la wyers
had .fallen off as trencherutten, and that
in order to keep up an appetite for
liwited number arsubstatntial cotirses, they
were obliged to have recourse to all Un
limited supply of acid stimulants. Any•
how, the hill reads beautiful," and I
mean if I ever (Mae to Carlisle again, to
atop at the Bentz house and get Airs.
Bentz to give Me a dtigen ur Iwo of her
nice t °celiac
f wits pleased to kiwi that Mr. James
Ilunlihon still atirkiirea. flow well I re
po:l)er hint as he. need to walk past our
corner with his griien hag in his band,
his-bend cocked-on enb•side-and hie face
upturned as though ho were solving at
problein in astronomy instead of studying
the case of his client. Dear old gentle
man! let ma hero thiilik you, which 1 do
most sincerely, for what I at the time too
little valued—the pains you used to halo
to invite us girls to your pßooro, and for
the Kiwi liwitulity with which you there
entertained and instructed usi Had I the
opportunity overagain,'how should I
lie to examine with cam thou curious
gun and listen with respectful attention to
your explanation Of its usea.,,
It is not stated, for that was unneces
sary, that .Mr. Hamilton, did not linger
till the " wee Slun' Imre or pa ithitto
I he It poid.pfalidhil
Pardon, Edkors, the unseemly
length at' this desultory letter, and forgive,
gentle reader, the devices have resorted
to to Iddo myself from recognition. The
garrulity of ago may servo as an excuse
for the former, and the Supposed inhering
artfulness of woman will be accepted per
haps by some, as n palliation for the latter.
My main object has been to got. close, to,
the car and the heart of the yoimg. OPP
wifus iny oNvli '! 1 04, that
mlghtl\tith the more emphasis • say ; •As
you yaltio your happiness in thia world
mid your inunortal scads. in the unit,
beware hew pp.- spend your fonrtoontli,
iirtmati Rua gixtoontil j•egpi, .
Thou g h' . tnijoolo ttotittoiis, lOoliovO rylo
gootienoto to bo
Yaws voTy einovroly,
Whitt '‘riCdorn will benefit you 611 not towers ow,
'trolled hy!your incredulity, hundreds hove •eellgitt
rellof from the ;horror' of .Irepepein •tbropitb the
and found it. Why should , you ouffer Itileritfiet4
tablo abomacliic.haa ciarod 19(14 . .11111W qpimogby dP
Ycni , 11 . 111 ht QhllPPttlprbeltare end Cre ewad r' Delp tp,
.Ibtamaltarithalp danaraugaatißapriaciraw•. I'o4r ,
boaltht babormautatalPaalaaaa rattataorbila ca,r4iraba
hPalbot I. frequently. Pell. wed by, Parlous . 4int Luooti '
trolloble Off 0qu9117
woeful in the onanerone 41111041{141 attouclAiD 1 1 411
fraction; es lIII.IIIMINUN CaNannAvow, ita., eblldior,
FxVID 119 4uktf* and, other dlcoidere , proceeding
from Aimulivia r it tbb only ialltiblkilyolteutlyo and'
remedy Macho,. , • ^ C Use Q.
. • ,
Such Is dyspepsia. The stomach
.11nd - the brain:
are tootutintatelrallied, fez' the one tci
out the other, so that dyspepsia and :deepoodoney'
rare inseparuble. It May be - added, too, that hulls.
-don of the stomach is almost invar;ably accom
panied by Irritation ?ram temper.. ' '
The invigorating and tranquill ' zing:optire lost of
nostettera's Bitters 'ls most powerfully developed In
cases of indigestion, The first effect ot,this
able tonic In comfronling and encouraging. A mild
glow pervades tire system, the chronic uneasiness in
tho region of the stomach Is hesened, and the were
OILS restlessness which charm:noises the disease is
abated. This improvement to not transient, It Is
not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms
with sum...added force, es Is slways the • cage with
tumustlicated a timulants aro given for tho
pietol; Each dose scones to Impart a permituuot
accession of hesitlifuriovlnoralion. But this Is not
all. The apsriont and nett billions properties of the
preparation are scsroely stiVendary In Importance to
Ile tonic rimes.. - If thorn Is nu overflow of bite, the
secretion Is noon brought wlthinproper limits, mid
If the bilary'orgati Is Intirt and torpid It is toned
and re'gulafeil. The effect upon the 'discharging
organ. is equally salutary, and In cases of cimitipil;
Sion the cation action try Just sufficient to produce
the desired result gradually nod without pain. The
Bitters also promote healthy evtfporation horn the
surface, which is particularly d..sirablu at this sea
s , n when eudibin spell. of raw, unploseant weather
are apt to check the, natoral perspiration and pro
duce congestion of the I err, toilets: and colds .. The
test 4afebrelord against ail digeases is Logily rigor,
and this the great Vegetable restorative especially
promotes. IJoillja72ly
--- DR,DUPONCO'a •
But what at sent° period of Nor Life will find the
DUPQNCO GOLDEN BILLS Just the medicine she
woods. s•ar Nervous Debility llootlng down Pains,
l'ulpititiou of the Bean, Betel. ed, rregulsr dr
Painful Menstruation, Hush of Blood to the Gelid,
Diczineatt, 6c, kc These are the only Vito ever
known' that will cure the Whites, (they will curelo
no-cuse.)--They-noyerfiritruna - lint?bo rlopt;iTifed
upon In every' at., where the'olunthly flow hue,
been olettrucied through cold or diocese. DUIVON
CO'S GOLDEN PILLS iilwsie give Inlinedlalo fella(
being expecially prepared for inarriad ladles. A lady
writeg: Duponetee Golden Pills relieved we In one
day, without Ince:wallow. like cnaglo,,
Is now put op to Large (White) Duxes c otidoing
double quantity, f Pill , and upon seat, box, you
will find the Revenue Stamp, printed from my Pig
rnte Die, upon w. loh Lclmllmise of the Stomp you
will find lb. word, DUlifiNCO'S bOLDEN I', MOD
PILLi."II, White Letters vrlthout th.ot wipe
ern 4+lllll.
Full tud toxp kit dire. l ous ,coitipu,y rush bus.
Price $ll.llll, Ila 1111 S hut, t5.1/1 1 . SuAl 1 y oil.
Druggiet 1, eiery tow. e ling , city mild liaminl
iluoughuut lOe weld. Bud lu e, PA .by 8.
A. Ilavonalck. Dru.iulut, Nu. IU Numb he over 81,
Cold alai by slues r, illeclnuln ir.bu rg PA
and J. C. difick, •I•ippuji urg
I. DIES 11 , y 1/ IN: 81//1 Kt 10 the Car1;111./ !yet
1111i1 . 0 Call have the Pi'l• Hun , by ' T at 1n any purl nt
the rovinery fret. r..•11k e
Non° genuin- ottleas the box it. a ithotl
1. 41.0‘1 h,
24.1- Photo, or No.t - Y,rit
With Is gl ulny;,ittonclatilreh lOU of I Ito, ilopre•onei
luvoluntair; emirs ono. I ol qo motto, hor
n es of powor. dizzy h int lon
threat e , ell Impotence owl iniberplity, tftel a•
oreion, •tiro In EY:3' 11031110PATnIt;
PPECI PIC No. TW EN I Uoiopoood of the
Hoist , mild null pot... Cur, Ivo.. they
strike Tito oo nt 1117Oroot el he molt, t-no up the
syStnin. arrent the discLarg Till import .Igor and
eergy, life and r 'nifty Cu, tiir entire num. Thoy
ha n y , uu 1,1 tlitkoso Os of Prior i 5 per p•okngt,
of urn bozo , . ~,,, I I large : rml, o co , y 1111-
portmit In libot.brth, or old oor, or II ,or single
box. Sold :.:Isla. mot 'iota by mall no
rocoipl of price !JUNI NIP
CIFIC II ,MEOPATII , 1 t 1,111. N1:0 , Bro , ;,1-
w,y. Now York. 2.,,711Y
For ritln lu Carllxlo, by 8. A. Ilkrurootiok nbd
Curtiumu A Worthluirton.
Front., Anyitina, An. Iron liedeteede, Wire Web
bingo for . litibep nod penile., yard, Bro. end IMO
wire cloth Playa, Peudern, areas. for coal, MOP
sand. he., Fleecy Crimped Olotb for apnea aerator.
Lands ape Wire for Windom, he , Paper Maker.
Mire., ornamental Wire Morke. Pear toren:or
thin by addrealet the ran ofe..tureirn, M. WALKER
k No II North Sitth "rent Philadelphia
31ABi E 7.S . •
Oarreired Weekly by`' R. 0. Woodward.
thrlisle, Wed....any, January 10, 1872.
PA Ma Y FLOUR $7 00
RED 117IEA 7' 1 30 10.1 30
1:17 75
roRA" 50
Corrected 'frankly by J. L. ..deloy, corner
bf l'itt anti South streets:
carlssir, Wednesday, January 10. 1072.
Ilbrr rt; 2telas
Euns., 20
KA CON II .1.11. V 14
WHITE 11E4 NV 1 50 to -I 75
l'A R. ED do
[ From the PhflaJelphia .Vorth A merican.]
Philadelphia, Jrinutit•se 9, 1872.
RYE FLOUR - 6 00
. .
'NEW WESTERN RED 1 540 1 1.7
RYE - 90
-CORN - 7 '
CLOVER:4:ED 10(410lAc per lb
rhaftdelphia, 11/431iitiy. January 8,1872.
Receipts 2300. Me inunlet suns ayry d,U this
oiiii . i;rVEes declined.
com vO.l
. COWN'ynd CA bI'ES were very dull. Ire quote
sp r i ng e r s - 0 till, and Lbws and Claret at 670.
Recripts of 260 head:
SHEEP were active. Sales of fair and chaias 'al
..cla;;Ie 31 lb. grass. ReceiplilGA. o A0_0(1. _ •
11008 were
.firn.s. ,Arovout OS 76 - 67;4,
/14 lb, the hitiefAa 1141/. 44niily. Reeeiplx, 111th)
wal at i 7. Oksos' yonlf. ''
YOU' O—CA IN EltT.—On the olueieenth of De
dumber, at the residence of the brldo'a thw, by the
Rey N. butt, Mr Banton! ti,MIW, of Dickinson, to
Bilw Mary N. Calvert, of Went l'ononbore.
I{IEIIL—DRAWBADOII.-L-On the twenty-first
of December. at the Lutheran parsonage, In 111 eon
vine, by the same, Mr. Philip Kuehl, of North
to Catharine Dr}wbaugh, of Frankford.. I
110eLED-11011(illTON.--On the twontr.etgittit of
Decetnhor, et the residence of Elelowou.thneattiner t
by the .$lllllO, Air.. Samuel Itoskee n lu, 5,11,5 e Mary
Dwight., both of,North
• MUMAIJ—,CAMDRON.—Tti CatDslu on the third,'
,Itioant. etwaltov. 4, O.' Voulk, Mr. facitb m”nau..
nN Dicklu.l townottly; to bilis Kate M. Cantor., of
Watt) Ittledleton toe uship, this rowdy.;
KCINTZ-.,.9NEIttiER.”-na ttke fourth IN.te4l, by
the mine, Mr. Johu tE Emote, of 1 / 1 4 t 144' .. n u e . to
/Wee &men 13toree5. of Ileudeteville. Adon county.
• zimia.-*1 twookrallth laltlAw, IA Waal
rolineboro' te% nobtp, Dtl.. Ref:moos Jute AgAew ,
AA94 4, $0 A tuorltlo att4 Ut.
List of unclaimed 'otters remaining In,
the 'postolpeo at Carlisle, Pa., for the
WEEK ENDING , JA.N. 10, 1872: •
"LADIES' i'lBl%,
• • • -
Black, Jos • • • - -
liakor, EllentJeth ,
°abbot I; 8 A. Potrnmn. O 4
Crootoo, J Buoy, 0 i, •
1) , J816Y. Muir ' Tothlgh: ltdri
n Akron'', Ituchol ~.'- . Thoxitrqu,lllltrrlytk
Vorney, 8.
Orem Artoat.d' '''•• •• • ViNcB ,3B 4.r, MAO% " , •
'( 1 8108, Ni ' INIVA9P B, BI bVrs a
4 .1884 8 4;m i r Vivw.l3, Akllll% • •
0810 1, NN8li'VB Wr. •
PKI 4I I O V4•0811t,• '• • • • lbeafingiir.loxBsi .
88. tun, (lourge • J. . cok a .
liv.or. John 4. ' 408., W
lUdodal, Jolka 1.4 w, juhd •• • ';
,18‘cr, Foto. • . • Algtly.ta, 4011,A . L . .
ri•hot 8 !Oily* A it
tiotty, ‘ ,tobtl Minh Jahn
uittnsl, Robut-on - M oro, SYJ
Gardtior, .1.18 ' •
'D. 1 114 W .,
, rl'ootadatrogs.
Nz W
t).4 • •:;; ' ! - 9 - 1 g g
6. 0 o L . -
r E.. . '- . 4 1 .
e-i • •,..., Q -
B 0 -.
C...) - ' to-'CL ,
4 ta MI .1 . 7.. -.
w ..- c of)
• Q., .; •WW ' W
• • 92 ' :7) 1 1 ,
ri - , •P Q , = N olel r,',.1 ,0 0
r_____t ;4014E-4 - lo ot - Tet'FTri
46t4E 4 E , r-..E.C.:(-7',Ci• Ag °,
a - w 14. ; •-, - . - 4- c -,..1
..,.. - ' ll - rt . e s -- -;t4-- •• 0 '
' *541:.° PA e ; ' t - i f g47 . . , • 1- - ,::.
,ft F.) *.' •-.
• it. 4 ,-- E
- • 0 '4 • 0
F• "A'A • ' 711,,w
• (::;' 4._ rA . .2 ,= 2
-01,1 :04 0 , c
. c ,-* "d t v,
4 ,-.
.—.- t...... aO.
El • F-t t,t, =r .
lIONEI2,.OO 3 i.LAIJAY .1r . CO ,
Close Ont.lluring!fhis Month !
Their Entire Stock of the Following
u~lit•a' AValkilig Suits !
Ladies' Cloth Cloaks!
Ladies' Velvet Cloak's !
Cloakiug Clothe!-
Cloaking Velvet PI us)ies
A -r2 $4:
Reduced from $lO.OO Per Yard
The Prices We nave Fixed
Are Fabulously Low!
1412 and 1414 Chentuut Btresf.
OW to 1 00
Farmers, tecure your Grain, Poultry, etc,
• blob drat. Ra te , , lan by mile) from their hole.
and hiding place. They eat ravenously and all OM
to a dead 4erlicinly In the epee •Ir, thee to a..
Cal lad
7 1 440
Vaud with wonderful sucrose i 1 the '"antinentatazil
other I irk° Notelet and Pubilo luelllutlone In Phila.
&Wilt and Now York city •, DeWitt Douse, Menlo ,
berg; Untou Depot Hotel, Pittsburg: nerd!. notate,
lyillternaport, Po.; Is, In fast,*the only 'diets that
Will rid yen of these pest.. cut this adverlikoment
out out tube to your Druggist or Idetchant.' If
he In not supplied, he' can gat it for you 'of any
wholesale Drugglet.' Ito sun and •get only
signed H. BURT, Jr., Pollattlelphla, Pa.: en each Joe.
Take o, other. 15 cents a Jeri Illisjer* for $l, it
umrth loaf unions, do a thorottph tocra.•
TO ISCltelf ADM-110We NoW Improved will
never harden Or chance •by age; Always In ales
condi ion. Lots 'on band of former' teak. will he
riam.god,ll . do•Irod. Principal Depot's, 004 Arch
'stunt, N. E. rot ner Tenth and Chestnut - tte•ts, and
R. W. corner Hlitntli and lU,OO streetilPhllad•lphie
8.11 by 1111 Wholmtle ilturchitn. Dlriet oil letters
to' Itl. DORT, MunwhactOree of Rat Itxtefhilulatos t
Wont Philadelptila p PA. " '" "
42.4 testamentary ou the estate of Thn'snas Lee, sr.,
deceased, late of Dickinson bornship, have bsen I.
sued by thwßesister of CurnitorlatiA county to the
elibsorlbet. residing..l4 the sou. township? All
person' Indebted to sold °stet& will idesse make
Intutedinte pernent, end thew heving clatent to
PtstseriV - thind •duly "uultientinate4,. to) the nadir-
Atilt el, for sett!etnento
• • TlMidAi
" • 40,1 )
'Executors oLThoinas Lee, deed
vtIO§'"4 2 M;I4IP'.Y.P I 4
No. 41
•. ; , P44l* 1,14.
•• t iTio• 86 8.91 0,1 4, B ),tt' 4 l.f
Apply , poi. , v.•lotAkuurapt.
1. ' ' ' '
Turi . ,
dcunty , grloul ural
• t•ociitg, wilt hod their heat r.rok, ideating
in ,thit Atbittratiou C?ember, Vebruars
,0,18 I). LLW I I 4 1/..I,YNN,
• 11Ja72td
• XTOTICE. 4- 4
. N.,4111,. my IMO 011 parm aY id' lidadieve, under r the
Ortd nape of JACOP tilollll2l.h, EON a CO., add,
wtll oduthiliOhe tatillag hdatfis a l,.
, Thdtdflit for PaiO , C4Nnlvl.e bom., llama
cad, to matt a continuant.. co• t ha llama `
bo decr2'7l •','t 3 ,4 1 01 1 131VVP,Li0“, tluN 11 CO.
... - • ..
QPECIAtItOTIO.b.'-‘biviiit tiithango
N.. 11 of Atm, alVpereeell tlevrag te-ult-e Cevuuts with,
, the uuderelved:wlll please cell mut eetve the IMP/
. eitel oblige •-• , '-• ' ' ' OeVell WOUltlinle
„irAldllaWt 14n, # l l. 6 Wrd'l' -,'
~ .
cp I 8 .
..0 " C ' ,13 la
Goods !