Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 04, 1872, Image 3
. _ t; ii k e ;)), Weilr e r i gf÷, - 7 -- , ": , ,i - t-• ,- 0 - * t -110 1 (sq) CARRIER'S ADDRESS. 't , :7 .' WILLIAM SPANGLER, .~, ~ ~ D t Again ilto Carrier': rhyniq iterninils-liie friend, that Fa r'Tiun• Math turnod another his pages That rntu•it the . ...104rs in all .air . ages. In I..iigliteen llnudn l and Sevent) -One A lively year liadli Inuit and gone; Ile culuie Ids marl< in history, And ovule ii. 1•441, ), how fir me, A tile,m -ill) . 441 - sgylas, 100, You 111141 i 1 1 ,44 nett, I brin g to y ou . • 11.1 W ninny change , . have been' wrnuglit Li ihi~ ~.7.11.•at World 4.4l'llyed tad Thought Silo, hint lour Carrier's .Aununl Greeting Craved lilesi4ingl tin your New Year's meeting! k I% Thi• vin)' Hold. 14' •• Sonny Fralle, lier 11.1\1 , ,11.111 by their win,. And lnnn•el their 10 s, J VI• Tiii•ir country l'ruiti 01' in Vain Thou . blazing, 111/Ml'N iillllll.llrl. t!1 . 1,1111 - - m•elllet1 1./ /11 , 1 It 11111,11111111101111 g Allsl lull the Prelle11111;l11 blot, Till and Fee which tior chihlreu bled and diet. Irani /led I'll the 11101 d St . Withiill hut. (iiilke And dn• victnrinin. n,•rillan Inn./lea liave all rolirmalAs rvE•king To ehiint a song vr vicic.ry And slnall Unity." Our 4,W11 dear "you%in, - Johnny Bull NV ho bird a, hin,l io plaille wool Over our oyesAibuot Sent. hii hir 111011.WILII lordly !MM.'S TO m.ko of TrOilty, IV/LS dolle Six months ;Igo at \Vitsliington." 01'courso honest gi•ntleman 114011dp to 01(411 lie tan. don't bury hr and Nap And Iti,.mark nail the Bing of l'russio Wool(' have itierenitail our Nol mishap Ten yearsago, if brave old btuAsia lid not stood by us to the last Until our troubles al were past, A oil Uncle Sion grew eirong though - Once more to make it a. rather tough " For any two-faced foreigh cuss" To turn his wielied face towards us. ~~ ANUA I;, , 1. ('IA IZ, I? I ER. And if they think that ivo forget UIJ ltu,siir's, e.induct yet, (Jr that lhr sense of favors vexed Oily Tiviiple, like utegritieful Turics 4 " Let them enquire oil Prince Alexis— He'll tell ilium how the old thing works! T,,,,11 Mit phrase woo his And makes one thirds of what hr. is Compared with what he cried to be Before it was 6 , 111111 out that Ire - Wits tine head-eenter ore Clog 4- or rogues who should be in ling Sing ; Who; charged with guarding Gothatn . 4 rights And property.. spent day!, nud_nighlo In plotting how to rob and •• bleed " Ue all, to gratify their greed. But when th.• Itenitle ',turned the shame And wrung% tilt y r:/ . qt ut P1 . ..0110111 . h !arm,. And, in ,our hour, ititohloti liontes from puwttr. And gave the site's trtn-t again litteli to the howls „r h o ne s t w elt . have we blittWit each lordly drone And nnuntrelt nit tottitring throne 'flint II ' Villewlll - R 1•11116116 the utightte,t To it the bold licn Buller bowed, Swocity 11.111i' n tl,, Tatnionny crowd," And scot., of olh at wont to bow To that sow(' %Vend retie Mendel e (it;nr r F . n 'l',' in turd Tenn le eky " ,Wieennlll won't be And • , Miry Eleefer.esiderits year, And t en 1 Greyly slyie cvilh fear II fore the who would prove . Thitr, 1)own with 1 . :941and, " and free Love Are all ‘ve ure , l w Maki` IN strong Arid fl int - illy as the day is long." And we have tzrown so s.trong already, And an so swift, and sure; and steady That all the World's beettme /11)dd To enter in the For even n spur or •, friendly inns ;" (Just think iltIW 111111 poor Anl Protested '• our t.uprtonney Oul Natibn's great. owl grand. nod glorious, O'er all her foes ou earl - Ani Ito HIII!'s 1111 W, SO limy she hi. 1V I en the Currier greltts you in Seventy-Three 1 0 4a9 .. , .., -„, • _ .—... ~.0,.,..,•,.. _ V e s, 2.-- El # II ) ') ) f i \ , 1 - i i s'\t ) I