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''''' '' : = :i , ;`t4 ;, , 7.... , :.. , , ,„_., .. ,,q , , ,'• .•,..„'• ' r., :- • ~, .: , . :-• ",,, ..':".. .',--.,••=. -,'„ ~ ;., _• ~ ~,. ',- ,-~..• S t r,. . , ::',' 1 r . ; .' '.`"- :: '-'. ': '' - • '` . ' , 1 , . ..+, '.' -. ' t^:. N; -' ' ''..',"' ' ' . , ~ i.'i" •" • ; ~' . .1. : ~ -' .i.i.. ,-'-',.' ,' ... o '4i ~ .,i7,J, '. ..' ... .t.;.v . ' . ', • '`.,':- '; ... ‘ i. tir'' ' : ' ,' ' ',. L' L. T ' ' '' ' ; ' ;'' `' '''' -. '.', ''%'.;'' '... ' ''. . ' '•.: :'' ''. 's.,ll ' ' ''.' ' '' .' ' ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' . " ' . ' '' . REM onto' li nOr4.d.' theusankd'ollairtiee464 . to was pilyindOT,:tio:kijoiticige. in T . - stieet; ;WaShiiig t on ; : now. owned by de4,Sheintat; and; iu • 11 - L t Tyro asing ut ung muse . Long Branch , , which he - •iii charged with ''re'o4.ing';:ti a: present' frnin; that being, anoth'er';of:ttto. Mnberlesi, fabripationsoet "ailoat,i4y,tjte' ;§aWritOnif . the. President , and...repeafi'id'.'eagOrlybyf journals opposed to liim. Nod a, doilatg • aportl..of property,haslege, tq , acn. grant sine lie becapae - Prasiqent. ' 'burink Out .saved . ' something-out ofhis : pay llnjor-Gen.; oral;=wo arelfalf "ashamed - 4o; reter v jo:. buchtnattetw - butainee — tho - 7 - En - gfa • 11b161 for the,' faCtS, it pains. well 'have.' - ..ti'n . all.--Land with the Money saved.: - :t hOught'a part interest dots; which' have appreciated' in' - value,' tat b lithortb', have voided 'no income. He also boug,lit a small' amount of horse railioad s . tOek,.which he Still owns, and .which '•] ays ; ,a moderato . div identhi He' Was.gi , ien; while General in the army, a housfrin Which he rents fur, about two thousand' dollare, a year: IBA 22 00 213 00 30 00 32`50 22 00 37 ho 42 :0 60.00 75_00 100 00 _ , • Atither statament of tlip:Ertgde i 9 that "thoSunhyjnintcclkopeateilly,•nneoii:. 'tradieted .from' tiny quarter, a list. et. tWenty-Ilve, morn relatives 'Whom Grant has appoints& to office under, him self." ' We; hops that the ASY . will come when - ,honorable journalists will be !ash:tined to assert that anything is true , Of.. Gen:• Grant - besanso fl; Sun saye ik_ is • true. The -list- :in question ha) bonii contratiiefefi ;:it: is , false in every - per- . ticular4mhd xviLwilVPrintLit_at.theLeloso of this,,artield,- with • - comments which prove' it' . to' 'ha falsc..- The President's relatives - wh o de hold . Office . were chiefly ' - 'appointed by' . his, - predecos: sors ; *as ho bound to 'turn theM out wheh became into office himself? Is it. to be the Tole of -Pablic life.thM, •when-a than accepts a responsible Position he is to begin - bY thrustingpiS kinsfolk Out of any offices they Ailify happen_ to holdi and giving up all the property he may possess ?..12 . st,lLe people expect this? • -'- --trUili-statetrient is that Gen. Grunt receited ;$25,000 stock in the ,Seneca . Stbno Company, as a gift, and thou ap e ! pointed Mr: Cooke, the President of that CoMPany, Territorial Governor in Wash ington,. " thereby enbaucingthe value of tlee . stock . of Messrs. Conk°, Grant 4.4 Co." This is • tt total misrepresentation . of a very -siMple° transaction." Shortly after - the - .organization' of the Seneca- Stoneforupany in 1807, nearly a year before Gen; Grant. seas nominated Presi dent, he eras invited by Mr. 11. D. Cooke and otaers.to take'tweuty thousand dol lars' worth of stock as an' divestment. . - He thought well of it, and surely no one will deny thi4 he was tree to invest his; money in any enterprise- he choose: lie had as much right to'ne his money at his own discretion •as any. other ! citizen. 'Ho invested ten thousand dollars in the purchase of thn stock, and it hias r vier ve pail him n ,vent. .ITo has been anxious for a, lungi:ime• to sell this - stock ; per bans Kd of tt o ::,,eniar . , wmod like to, buy it? ‘,ov. Cooke was Appointed last February—stock bought in 18G7; Cooke appointed 1871—and that appointment had about, as ' much to do with Seneca stone as it had with the deposits of-the Post4erliary period. A The charge that President Grant quar rels with Sumner and is friendly V. ith Nye, &c., and • that he absents himself from 'Washington during Summer, we leaye people to form their own opinion about. The accusation that Somebody very near to • the Presidential .. person waS engaged in the "gold gambling" affair of Fisk and Gould, is utterly re futed by Jay Gould's own evidence, as published in the ofiieial report of the in vestigation, by the Forty-first Congress. The President himself gave the order to sell gifid on the infamous -"l3liclr. Fri day"—that order which .Ifiought the conspiracy to ant end. The only man who everattempt&l to drag-Gen. Grant's name into' the tmneactiou •vras Jarnes Fisk, jr.,—a notorious thief-and swind ler; Is there any respectable 'man or.. woman in this country who would suffer his or her estimation Of a friend's char acter to be lowered by anything James Fisk, jr., might say? And yet the Presi dent of the United States • is to *con domed by party papers, on the evideude of a man Who has committed the worst hind of. offenses against the law, and who, to the eternal 'disgrace of the 'judges - tle• administer that law, is - still revelling in bis stolen nealth, insteadof breaking stone in' Sing Sing. • . As to the - objections to Gini. course on public affairs, we do not pro fes's to answer them now ; we merely repeat our 0,15 , 11 4pinioll,,that iii the main his policy is a sound, wine, and benefi cial ono. A,,mlin of purer private life th'an Gen. Grant never' ofeupied the Presidential 'chair. Is it justis it worthy'of,the President's position, or of this great nation—that ho should bo called to .account at any eminent; by every disappointed office-seeker who chooses to invent a now slander against him? We have replied to theseclarges because by conktnnt 'repetition, they' might have imposed upon credulous minds. The more thoroughly they are sifted, the-inure shamefully falser and malicious they Will appear. We believe ; that the Majority of the people upon these ealumnies with indigna:' tion. They have mado thousands' of friends 'for the President, among ,that quiet and thoughtful Class ;of the community , which rarely basics itself actively in politics,'but. which ' ad_ mires pluck and silence in public men which hates to flooinj - ustico done, and which despises the cowards who: try to utidermino a . public reputation. by. dp finnhig 'indiate CluiraPtcr... 'Whatever rejected' officeseekei4, like; the calum niators of the Sen; May - de iii; say, The. .great' majority of,the American' people, are lovers,ef , fitir - play; they detest elan- derers and, :liars 'aud Giey Gen. Giant diemore:lieenueo'he gees' on.'Stcadfastly doing d&- regard'of,thoiesults and t.iirits-ef , mon wlio hate him because lie I,i ill not; yield , Wo now 'subjoin the so-sailed list, 'of "tho Prosidont's rol4ivos." • published almost daily. by the Bun.' 'it epill be published, • doubtlesS, • "notwithstanding tlie%proofs given. below:• of its falsity. But at any - tatoOlio man' who does go publikth, it will , stand tiolf-.gonidoted..bol %fore, tho public as a igr'.fasilional Mid wan ton libeller : , .1 =ME Tostrinnkter ntADMiingtea, A.T4ibinted , to, Jhy''J:ohneer.(l..rel,-. , xiePulOnt.'n ' , .breticer?,M,law, Minister to RenMark, -Appointed<.ConsnL. to" Loipsic ',by Johnson ;,;.tgtipsforivid ''to pot4ric:,byr Grant:'' ,6d6l3„lipgiiist; a. most competent:men, and, es'highlireeornthended.::". ** Brent'` T.• Dent; 'presi.quet s s • -hrotaier-in-lesr,•tine the military. ,speretnries at' the ,'Exeentive ap - poinfnient ;603iiiplumept : at Ikand . s'of Prpsidont, e oorgo .eon ~ rem. en a brother-in - -law,-Aribraider of Canton:is, Sin,Praupisao. . , Wai strongly it, ed- offunnde . h3r. 1 7 :fornia•Delegation - . , '-' • , , • • • John• Dent;: ?resident's brother-in. , law, exelusiva Indian .tradet„fo Now 11.1exteo under the Indian Bureau`, place Worth $100;000 a.Year. ' ' • ,' Was lot appointed by Prdsident no office under 'lndian .Thirefur; of piaco gios`slyted Alexander 'Sharpe, Prosident'i protherliplaw,Marshal of the' district or Columbia. - Mrs. .Grant's: 'brother-in-law .; , a 'first,: class man, and capital appointment ; in a member .of :the 'Pregichnit'e — official hoeSehold,:and the duties aro of . 0601 a character that froM time immemorial the, place has been filled by a relative_or near friend of the President. VII. James F. • Gassy, Piesiclant's brother-in-law,-Oolleotor-of T the-Port-br Now Orleans, and' electionnaring agent SorAlia..ronomination-ofiGrant by-means nf, 'United .States, Boldiors and Oatling . Is mot PrCsiiient's -but Hrs. Grant's ; has proven au excellent collector ; carried but - • many reforms; principally in . taking control:of ,Custom likuse put of hands of politicians. ' VIII. Jai* Longstreet, President's wife's .cousin, Surveyor of the Port of Now Orleans. • It no .relation' thltatAoever to' either the' Presiddat or his wife. -IX, Silas llinison; President's- Oonsin, Pitkifitet, to Guatemala. Was strongly recommended' by ,his friends iu lowa ; President has but slight acquaintance with him. x. • X. N. A..PattoO, .prositrolit's CollOctor of tho Port of ,Galves- No relation. The president doom not oven know him. _ • ~ _XL Orlando H. Ross ' President's cousin, clork - in the Third Auditor's . of flee, Washington. - , Was a gallant, soldier ; President nevg know of 1117 ';'ibpointment' until ho knot lioss on'th:Ostreet, who told him of it,' and not ou,bis recommetidation:, • XII. Mr. Addison - Dent, .President's yile!athird conein, clerk in the Registers office,--Treasury Department,. Washing-. .ton. - relation - tchciton& • XIII. George B. Johnson, President's third. cousin. 'Assessor of Intornal Rove. nue, Third_Distriet of Ohio. No relation ichatavon:.• . • • XIV: B. L. Wina,ns, Pro , i . ;" 14 1 -A" port, Ky. • No relation foliadever. Kir. A. W., Caday, Prosident'ti brag*, or-in-law's . brother, „Appraiser of Cus— toms; NOw Orleans. • Is no relation either of the Presidontor Collector Casey, at New Orleans. Prosi dept does not knots , him. XVI. Peter Casey, President's broth er-in-law's brother, Postmasterof Vicks burg, Ari's. Grant's brother-in-law's brother; was a loyal Souther:l47'. Not' appointed as the President's choice. XVII. S. T. Lanibert, M. D.,•Presi dent's second cousin, Recoivor 'or the Public Moneys in Oregon ; said to be a defaulter, but retained in oftlee. • , No such person in office in Oregon, now or at 'any other time. 'XVIII. Bonder W.•• Clarke, Presi dent's cousin, Supervisor •of Internal Revenue for Seuthern Ohio. No relation; was formerly Member 'of Ccingresx from Ohio. XIX. C. A. Ford, President's cousin. Assessor of Internal Reverare, Bt. Louie. .2's no relation whatelier ; is 'Collector, not Assessor, of Internal Revenue, Mr. Delano says IM'is a first-clans officer ; "'if there ever was an honest man, h• is one.,, XX. Dr. E. -H. Grant, President's third cousin, Qlerlan the Internal Reve nue Bureau, Washington. IV - o relation XXL - T. C. David, President's wite's cousin's husband, Special Agent-of the Post&lice Department in Illinois and No relation 11 3 ro'hiden't does not know XXII. Charles F. Baldwin, Preside4o coiniin2s huslinid, Mail Agent in Ken ucky. No relation.; Py6idont'doen not know him. John' Grant; 'President's second cousin, Aggossor of Internal Revenue 'Twelfth District of Now York. No - relation ; :President quois not know XXIV. Alexander Sharpe,,jE; Presi• dent's nephew, Cadet at Annapolis. Mrs. Grant's, • not • the President'a ' ,X7CV. Fredaiek . Dent Grant,dent's son; SeOond Lieutenant Fourth Cavalry •, gone to Europe ...Oh an illegal leave of 'absence granted him by hie father. • Aiipointocl to Neat Point by Jolinson;. is not•on leave' of absence, but is on duty on staff' of tho 'General of the aringy Our . readeri rnay now see' for them salves the wilful dishoneety. with which thii Halms been plopared by the 'Sun. What are, they' ,to thinkof any fresh' charges ag'aiiist* the President which may proceed from , the 'Sarno' cliutrtor Pr-WOW York Tims. . : :* : Oxen upon a time thoio wain Yankee topsail schooner on its tvay, to Lei,horn, whiah encountered ', English, noble man's yitobt oii a i)leasuro' ornisn'in tho 'blediterranean. John .Built bantered the Yankee fo trial of sped, 'and • 'gm Yankee "sailed" Johniltill aimost "but of sight,' , ' Milford was greatly nitcinlshed at this result, and invited thoViotorions' skipper to comp on boaiikand join him' in a bottle of wino. The inyltatiOn vras accopted,• and, as', they, sat 'opposite .to eaeb!othin.,,tho Edgl),Slunan . geporOnsiy , 'propoiod Tirother pifathan's health,. "Z say, Captain the first thno 1115 . • yacht was over beaten, you know." ..' Sall, tho , ,Yankop Captain, kindor sitt,gliir, for I vow-"this'' is tho firet'thno ray oFatt ovot, , ,boat any., thing. , ? • • - • ' , .. ~.n~ :~ , :~"x'4 . -, q'?.i"2] i ~ '~'. 'n:.j'St , t~ ~ n %"nf.~;':lY `..rPi. s '~-:`,~ ~. ~:.JP`J3': -' S'.*'.',~it~ .' < .:;Y r i:;.. :g',i^_r{v'C ' ~'~'i,; ~'~",T`iiF:~wr:~ . 'ray" o . iii • thi - ti .. iiiiiii‘i .,,,,.:. : :,,,,,,..„ .:..„.:.„..„.,...,, 4 .,.„ 4 ,,,...„... ...., ~. .. . , ~ ~..„ ... . .., ~=.,-. '' ' , -,• -.:,, • = •A: ,- ; , --"ratTIISDAT? :OR M 11,''',2:ANITARY:=44 187 .••.11.110T. W.° VAN ..I.,(IMA.110 441411i'1 4 i; ` O 1 TILE IND7VIDIIA'2.',InLItE APP):ltaniiAt, 412EAV jlGiTth`oll! lIAB ae 'in. Boston, on Weillieslay. letiir ,was thgs,regular ooeniOn of.,theßoston Lyceum. gonna,' ,the' naanaderii. Innrdeeided not.to pOstponeifit'liraitlo night before Thankrgiving,.ancl.the'Sab-i jeot Wan ," Courts and ; Jails ; :or,: Oriniinal and tho , lnsano.", Mr: Plfillipe spoke substantially as foltows ZelOtts ANf GENTLpfEDT, : 4 41. .tho: classic ropuldies: the State . `tras,Cvery-: thiner individual :Was.. nothing::. All individual . :Was they sought wait to cover with a' whole-- ;Sale protection-elasaccif non— he;corn monwealth, Fonda:limn, Open ; Which we pour out much 'Content . Pt:'a'n(l . such l'keen rebuke had `One-Orierit-,:it wits thi'3:. was empire.. siing.thetihipeittince of ; the,singlb unit., !,-Tet a Certain .4.tentit lgnored'tho state,'. but it noVer forgot the man., To be sure it confined its protection only to the - Sapper' class,"the,. landed' class, the, wealthy':class ; but' within the. girth of what it recognized; that Telass-LeVerk man and the 'minutest right of every man was 'as sacred as the throne Rita The feudal liable bowed to none-lint the king, and hardly .to trim:' .His slighteist atom of right, tekether he Should' flaunt on - his - brunt&l„tretusiVolyT Whether his chair should haelies ,tharthis iieighbor, or '.he should,walk in the groat procession-ahead-Of his rival, Were rig,hts.to.be'maintained as -sacredly at asmuch cost aslita:`eastle zettfflande. - It was no Matter how_slight; washis—thewholePower-of"theState WAS bound to vindieate,hini to his Cxelysive right. Men went to war for, the tight to walk in the third - or the fourth or the so.venthplaCe Of a procession. We dome bask in tho republics to the old error of Classic lilDCs.' We' Sive a' wholesale re gard, and provided the general public is protected, there is_ a singular-disregard 4 Of the individual. In order- - le - ineure public attention, you must get a wrong, that covers a million of men:. And to day the same wholesale test of institu tions' prevail. For the protection of an indis"iduarright, give me 'a government 'modelled on the feudalism of the middle ages. 'Noir, what lam going to tipealc to you of to-night are What nten 'call slight wrongs,- affecting duly small cloak's, but they conatituto just as truly a griovanco,.thoy defeat just as sertainly the first purpose of government, which is tho protection of. the. 'individual. "That is the true government," said the Greek, "whore the humblest and . most friendless man is as safe in his' meanest right aS thowtost loved and tte strongest." Now I am going to speak of the courts. What I Mean to Alisort in criticism oven oftheedurts of Massachu setts is, that justice its a-wholaisale, im perfect, exceptional.. accident ;. and the whole of till's 'ytuntirous machinery of the State is 'honey .combed all through with mistakes which naafi° it in a certain percentage of instances the organ of 'nothing but injustice and, crnelty, and I shall' begin with the Client when he enters the dourt, and I' shall remind you that the old maxim was that the' Icing could do no wrong ; and although- we borrowed nothing from England butrtain fundamental forma and her language; we keep at the met of ourjurisprudenee that same great out rage that the State can do no wrong; and the consequence of it is (which ; I_ might enlarge upon in approaching the bureaus .of Congress in . a wholesale manner, but in picking-up the trifle of the individual, I am going to cerium) myself to the courts. • . I served-once as clerk in a court of this eonnty, and remember a Single case'ofa Woman who earned tier dttily dollar, and the pride of her life was that hergrandchildren; left to her Orphans, Were kept from the alms. house by their grandmother's perldstent thrift and toil. It was the last refuge of. n justifiable pride: She was an object Of some criticism in the.neighborhood, and finally dragged into the , court On a charge of theft. Iriendless,•ohe could not be bailed, and she, remained nearly a Metal' in the Suffolk County Jail: In', that thin.' her grandchildren necessarily: were 'sent to the poor ~house, her Masi stock of furnitare.was sold at auetion td pity hee'rent, she h ad..,th,ljorrowor.,hnr_ nolghians the Means of, getting her wit-, names, 'and . at last, after nigh thirty, days, sho saw the face of a judge for. thirty minutes, and the first examine.' tion of the case showed it was baseless ; that it had not a loop to hang a doubt on ; that it liadn't a shadow of, justifica tion by the;eonfessioa of ilM.magistrate himself. Our. of pocket more than she could earn in . any two rtiont i bs, scarred in character, sore'vtith the breaking of the only do that 'bawd her to self-re-, 'meet,: her children paripoys, the judge graciously allowed her OS - go. ;,::Whosis mistake was it that she over canto there Not -She never 'stepped tier foot. over the line of -the law. The State owed -her atoneritent; the State' owed her conipennation. • The State. which had invaded the' round of her de-, mestia and faultless life, owed her, in the person of the magistrate, it public apology, 'and then, behind that the amplest 'pecuniary compensation . foe; the loss. '(Applause.) Why don't It do it Because the King can do no wrong, and the State can never be Charged with its effueces. The' lecturer here nduced - further instances Of the' nature 'Of the + above'. 1 clishke,"'ho -" goy-, ornnient - that forgets units and remem bers only States: VhOu I. desert the: : client I come to. A jury' bound, men eay,,,to be seleoted: of men: of good worthy . eliariietsr„by. the, ]slayor Mid 'Aidermon. :They are to : lierSolected , impartially.. a :Singuinr, plot; gentlemen; that although the.ll4yor. and Aldermen are bo u nd to ingiartially in. „.. . rotation the namOs Of good - worthy, citizens of moral: oh traotoi,-.'during.`.tiib thirty long . : Years :,of. the anti-slavery' Struggle, If the nate', of . an,'Oliolijirinist went h,' by a 'singular miracio Of them over canto, out.. The idea' Of.;'n jury is Unanimity; that twelviinierr seVpationtly to work and ociMe to" the; conclusion; Unbiassed; that you areiniity 'or not egilty: ,That is the : ": of., iii*, Saxon • sieve through ,which .perrilmlnd unjust Sur leleti ',;rielght 7 t, I,magistracy; ME EIS2 . ME EMI :before it reielieCtho,lndls,l44;:4o6:We . iiaii`lieeitt:ihe, : ".iiesS:4if.:ll4l4q;..ery; Out, . 04* fug tlie'wlicels:;og:'j~tstice;. ; whtfreas;:_ %e_ ti}o time lies be'On,agOnlid a second trial of 'tl o sable ca u`"brottght'_ eloybi,i;'ineU l .):onnd",',t,O , that; go. a 06: . 4i:oeiq•at.:tfieeetirtkboOOt4e*oce pi t d 1 findlnfsirheas ealled'the-Wit'of.ther 7 ..bar,)S - Uotliing !but. .gross,, abuse.p ; 1116',, bar:: is.: wit :thde,ainnO6'-',.-Antlerueri' 3 - I*ll a' , be . * • planSe4, ' Th;oro isn't a .144*J4'::.4. 5 1ii0- 0 ',who .wonlitiaot„'he lit:ll.',toace the .‘ , Fornan, of his. ;.aSsechitlrid,Wiih,,;lldriern, hers. of the . Sulfalk tar'ufler thOreOf ; 'of, doniesiipfatborS2 , '..There, in . the benso Oat : ateaki:Ot.iihilnk 'from bayind. hiS, wife subjected tethe'Oruol and' ebtisiv&.CroSe-6xainibittlon .Of 'these' gentlemen 'in' ri.''Court reznenibera case in , n.l3esten e6urt,%Wbere to e1ergyninti, , ,,,,0,916,., city I .being „pleided . .nUon' the stand. "iWeilL heown member': e6ffilici . bar, j to .” Where your Wife, sir?" fint her-ti:O.;P01-'- denim." ‘! What did you : senA . ,,stther beyond yonr , 'reach:" (A.Pplause.)' "Yon behas . 64 . : , ..•'yerY• wrong, said , the . laWyer !' rktioyir• my!' business better .than you Alle.geatlemart.::Linat,isAtithekehengeel the gentleman , of....the ;Parlor: into- the -inere-crell,l.-danfOinew-Whiarne-to asSign to him--:-of the courts; 'lt is' an easy 'thing to amuse us, s'Ore, thing for the indiViduat - Wil'ek6 stands 'under . this • utterly, resekleSs i . unehecked, and unlimited; right•of abuse;' and when - be sees the' judge, Interfering ztgain' ! and again to . prevent Ne defending himself and, never chocking oil, discourtesy and the abuse. of counsel: .Then I want to go onostepfurther,: and that is to the judge himself. 'We have t e..crod idea . of a judge.. We, hav(Y - aii idea that he is ttg,ally . emptied out of • all passiOnA that ho sees nothing before himThitt the _un-. named 'form of clainiants-fyr justiee. Well I think that idea is duo to . some. of the points of the COntinent and to the courts of Europe, especially 0.-England, and I think it is lainentabli not due to the courts et the Northern States. . I won't place Massachusetts as.' loir li:ttlto late James T. Brady placed the judges of Now YOrk when that great lil,7yer pub licly 'complained in the COominstituto that it in; the course of a oink he'found hinnielf obliged , tto Ming it before certain judges; - 14 - ' always . left the . (Mob. and in vited his client to employ 'aurae other persons, farerites. of these judges, him, self _stating frankly to hia client that there would ho.:nriThepe(OWAStice if he *as employed- I•donti,:lielietio that our courts have.reitchedAliatAtMlitte.extent or personal favoritism ; lit:/There is in the courts of, Massachusetts,:tnd ospec! ) 6 , ially of Boston,,•- an t•iibtoorat 1 leaning and.fa!Oritisio whioli l' veld di . i raccany bar in Christendom; and I havoknown a perfectly faultless cud worthy member of the Suffolk buf- - filit standing high in social life, vrhXwaa. obliged,,after years of submission. to injustice, ty rebuke a late chief-justise of .the Commonwealth to his face, by IM never could get a hearing_ith6n brought in competition with the-mord fashionable - and popular ...-- members of 'the bar;` and I have known - that chief-justice, the most honorable instance of an. ,otherwise honor able career, meet • 'that • gentle man-afterwards on 'the pavement and acknowledged that he deserved the re.: buko. Now, what shall . you say of justice whore the impartial 'head .of. it sees ono man and igtMles another ? 'John .Phispot 'Curran' said that the-mere cold manners. of Lord Clair,,his obvious; in. tontion to mini) and diseace him N i vlide I ,practicing in the- court,' had lost!bini I $150,000 in practiee - and done incalculable and indescribable.- evil - to - `clients.--'The intention and purpose of a Judge'to chill the popularity Of an advodate'pf a differ ent Party 1 We bail, in - dais&pintY ;of Suffolk a lair elnb, it is made up . of ,the• fashion and wealth of the bar. No milt enters it merely on the ground that ho is a 'lawyer, or that belt learned in the law, or that ho is successful in the/law, or that lie has t e large,blisiness. 'He must belonk',to a Potted circle ;The must be stamped With A sort of social seal I he Most come oat from a certain lieklionse, - ,. Otherwise' lid is not, a momber,and every critic of the conrts'cannot fail to sea that nfter an evening spent in that banquet and social reunion to the "wee sma' hones" of the - .morning, the, judgo when he takes • tin, . bench listens .7 to tlio motion, allows a close appreach and parochial entreaty to the ,conipanion of the last evening, while ho leaves the other laWyer at a proper, dittanco to apeliktloud, to urge his claim li ° ;.e a corn- mon claimant. Well, there is a greater evil than that. The jury takes its' cue fronythe treatment. Tho "pliant retnern hers it when he employs his counsel the next Limo. die knows whereto go for the favorite, and ho knows' What. will push his mom: The English are infi nitely more fastidiotis of personal Self-, 'respect than thin. Leased from an porienco that giVeS me a right to do.no,' and without : fear of possible i;ontrtftlie . tion, - , flat in this 7 . 11016i:do regard .for, the state and this great losefor ousrespeot for tin) individual ih 'every' 'single' stage of, our Courts, OA atreos : .' phone is poisoned,. from the 'client that caters, to the jedge that 'deetees, the • final sentence.. - . .lAntli won't alarni you the least. It -will , hardly interest You. I .11111:nyTEir,o that.you Will.vie* it ati 'the. utmost trifle : .Eirory man does, until ho' 'feels : ft.; 'Trines make perfection. 80 . leis with' liborty.,: • Itle.true to-day that' so far as individual itafety.:"and comfort, minute: .',personal •• rights daily life,. are ..coneerstod,- , Taris and London' are half ;",a;.- century, -ahead. 'of Boston nd WeApver' iihoald' hive 'had • the-.)fhtuttelesivand in 'fanibiaq•lkiatory.tlint` nowjuiit~ then half ft , doaini trriies' - :for:thirty .Odd , .yeare,.P9S7. toil latte,.,Oxbfbited;' - fit:, we' had dealt nare,tcir'a:lovormiaprOliat tipots:l3Mltit.i.pgYandarbilt: - , can yen:ter:4t.(APPlanse.), That 45407 . r. :ernurent;, that ' 'would friondies4a bated and unpopular black, poor, and • spiait4 .4(0.141M 'MK hiqt - qtwird • of, tlva . same law thatit,whuld , oProad over the :,(Applause,); . But even this peigini:of the coints'is nothing ' to another bldividnal,dingrace of Our,ita,tatea ;' and non , 2l'ilya coming to•insanitY: 'l4itloth to, express my .indignation at tbetairte `oode of Massabhusetta are'a den . tory, behind' 1: uroiM ip 'this respect. haven't the faintest idea or. jimilaeltO an ,;whose, idea s,. .arisoas, and.the •00°4. of it_ is that if a rotrtioes not 'agree with hundred and ninety-rano 'of his Co-patriots he is considered insane.' (Laughter and applatoie) It is a'fearful 'code,-this of insanityaor. we extend ieto stichfan enoi.nainis breadth of.more differ . hospital_ in Massiebusette.' (Applause.) very, .one of.our insane.asylums is a jail,. and if 'you want to yon may commit a man ;there withoUt one single reference to one single safeguard, of Swart liberty that .two hundred years have consecrated: can confine a. Person Unjustly, 'and the agentoof that asylum ! claims the right, the , Moment' ho turns the keyron his prisoner,' of .neTer allowing. access' 'outsideat that jail.. I.know;the ease of a husbanikin this' Cenamonwealth, who had no moral character or standingl-who had his wife_ incarcerated for nine months' beyond.the reach of Friends and , relatives,. s only to escape at lv - st by tearing .Some ;loaves from a book, ,writing messages on them, and dropping them 'out of a window, in the hopethat they sciptiliuvr .might :reach ;her courd. • WkitinY4 brought that ease once before__a mittee.of the Massachusetts Legislatere l _oninsanity,-And asked -the introductine of the'.l3eigian law, which is ;Ant the moment is person is incarcerated, uo matter what letter they- write, no Matter rvirat 7- ravirrgs ---- they - place - , on paper, it, -shall • bo . the dutyd under 'a heavy :fine, of the .sttner intendent of the asylum to see ~that— t lfe missive reaches its, direction, _moan , manied with aucexplanation whence it. conies. That_ old monarchy.keeps open the lines by which the individual. takes Bold of the State and permits no man to break them. When I Urged this,, and the committee were listening to me,. the . mast 'distinguished representative of the insane practice of Massachusetts, p,ptting his head on his hand thought a mo ment, said, "Well, that's the way she got out. Well,":-..he straightened. hiMr: self up—"patients ought not ta- bo al lowed books." Yonder -asylum,is the very prison of man after man, and wo man after woman, as sane as we are, whom their friends elOeie to hide ; and. I - have the testimony of more than ono employee there that persons brought into those Walls, sane as you 'and I, fretting in weary months against the incarcera tion; die mad. And :this is Massachu setts; rind Jou may go up to that Loglidature.insici.talk by the week and you wilr - have arrayed against you a dozen doctois and, half a dozen students of-insanity, and 'they haven't the remot est suspicion of-what_belongs tatho lib., orty of the individual any more than the praztitionei• ht Yeddo, - anti:lbu can't begin to-get a hearing. - The laziest in stitution in the United States is a'court. (Applausio.) The men that do the least business, while they pretend to be busy, - aro lawyers. (Laughter and applause.), , ihe departments at Washington are lazy onough to maths a Sybarite, Who never moved except viten a',rose-last get don, bled, ashaped 'of 'himself ; and yet the departmed,ts of Washington are furiously active cem - pnred with the courts. When you once enter that interminable mill , there is no knowing whether you will Survive evert° see a judge. We haven't - acceParl ono humane principle of the students of insanity on the other side of the ocean ; and'the.onlY thing that'shuts ion, out from the right in, this matter is a small band of scientific men, 'local . Boston doctors! The plahe whore you eau :safely hide your enemies for nix months; if you can only cover,it with a plausible device,. is an insane asylum in Massachusetts. You have only to sot in _motion the maehinciy Of, the idiot Legislature. of Massechussetts. (Ap-, plause.) I don't - believe there it an , in sane asylum M. the' State mad enough to enact the laws on this subject" which hate been enacted in the Legislature— not °mei ' I hardly think pin can find a clozen as insane mon in any of the insane asylums of this State as mad as the in sane doctors on this subject. I never saws doctor or a trustee of an Insane asylum that had the twinkling of the eh' doiv Of an rota' ef-an idea — cif individual liberty means. ', (Laughter.) I urge you, every one, to remember that this busy civilization of ours.Witkiti4 angry collision of opinion, eith'kei ab= . sorbing pursuit of industrial success, Ivo 'arc ninny percentages above any other community in the development of insan ity:' I warn you that - in tho protection of the very slightest or of tho most grave diffcrencO of opinion of the humblest rnamaniongus is in Nit tho'best . of the" State's" sincerity and yet in regard to :this , 'great question you will sea every Journal of the . State , - prob-. ably laugh 'me. out 'Rif court for 'oven • asking '• hour's attention to it . frOm a Boston ,audienco., Theau ,Klux.'site in' the' Logielature. Out of priionera ',of the Oommune in Prance, after n three months' investiga tiOn,' the .government, only found live that they'could prove . over set fire ton building,; ,out of the score, of men that preside.evor the Menne :subtitle of llias earlusettel will find you nineteen that have Made' a great many more men mad by,tidatalto and eruelty than they even clued.; I will . show .you nineteen men that,liam;aliowed theinsolvee to ba the tools of men,-the agents of - disturbed' Parents, the - morel:machines. of anxious .roltitivoi,. and 'hale , turned, the key ; on , tottering- intolloot' till, it, , ,wpf out in flight, when,!with,decent common 'Benefi t fairjlitlicial inquiry, and'geheroue tOlna; .tion, 7 lt•would have hurried, again knight and untlickOring. ..• • ' ' AE tLo oiod kr: Pliilipe,was agnth np pliwind, and . tin) • Quiya ioCently a Ooronor's jury in Con=, nactiput %;rero oior 'the body of, a man - Ivliciao predoliotion for atronk drifilr"- find brought , to'n, quioloont: thOy ,h - act just obnpludod' Dying' 'yardici,crf trornone r ii, when, Abe defunct rifao. 'to a stnnlaroountbons. ' ioafure 1 - ..laYfUlly% claimed, ""Ilero'a 4iuo .of Your. jury ',ilk votes '"No,". 7 - ooriospondance 'Oi Tat gssoi • TO . OUR lINAPBRO. rfleloW'Will be found aletter f'A. genuine Carlisler," which, sit:the risk of being thought irreVerentt2c some - Of Our MoSt worti!j'.a . nd, pug - a:able' ,eitiien*," living and deadi We havo: publfshed r wftbolif ! , alteation:' The ltter , is; so „•_ • e • graphln detail, and presents such a viVid , pietdre'pg"Carliele ai it - Was some thirty', odd years, ago, that we felt Sts if' any attoppt to amend it,rould .only' de= 10'4 its spirit ; and we have too mifeli, eolith:knee in yid good sense 'efe read rea: sepposo that any. would` fake .of fence, when nailing was intended but the.utteranco of tho. iiarmles• thMl.l). never' forgotten,. reminieeenees ( . if. boy'. heed. 'We lien only toeadd„ if this should meat the eye. of :the',vrtiteT,,that, wa hope lie . 7lll:continne hie sketches.— ' GnAyEsEED COTTAGE, Nov. i2,.1860. - EDITOR . OF TUB CABLIBLE Bra.—Your last number, i, copy ,of -which 'I have juist beenfreadiziA•,,re vives, r some slumbering: repelleetiena Which deinand expression ; ciaditieg have no dbjection,'l will make iMircol ums the medium of their utterance!, It seems that the HERALD is now in its - "§ixtieth Volume ;" -a fact which `indicates .that the' paper was started iii the year 1708.. My acquaintance with, it dates _back to a period con siderably late'r than that.. When I be genie road the ,HE ALT D; it was published and :ow no °sq., - a= znan 'who was better known to tne at that time rl inhis-military r than-in his--edito rial Capacity.. For Mr. Phillips, it must be ',known,: was a member,. and a prominent _one,_ too, of' the redoubt able Carlisle_Guards." Not that. he was a'high officer ; or even a very formi dable lociking private, but nevertheless, on . "Fourth of Julys'" • and "Review Days," he was always among the most conspicuous, of his company. Ilia tem per was choleric and his spirit plucky, and when a little- excited, ho was what might be called , a . very ugly customer to handle. On those festive occasions re ferred to, lici - xas - empliatieilliirlihigh private.". Of Mr. Philips, as an editor, my mom• ory is very indistinct ; but Tun HERALD, 'I believe, vas in' his hands, as it always had beeM'a highlyirespectable and in- etructive paper. TO be sure far the last thirty years, 1 have seen very littliof and in-therefore hardly qualified to judge of Relate character; but froth' the occasional : numbers that fall into MY hands, it is but just to express my belief that it more_ than sustains its origina reputation. But dear me 1 the old torn ef -Car lisle, judging from your colunins, must have greatly changed since I know it. I see you have gas, and hydrant water; and - four or five dentists, arid aimany honiceopathie physicians ;. and that you are actually taking steps to, got up a directory., What a contrast does this present to the old ',lmes when_ wo_learned our lessens by the favor of .a "tallow dip," and slaked our thirst at the 'Mar ket 'house pump ; when the doctors were the only dentists, and the solo remedy for an offending tooth - wasirso pluck it out and cast it from us. When homcoo-• pathy was a name unknown, and horse. doses more the general practice ; when calomel and jalap—sonna and manna-- opsom salts and emetic tartar, wets the chief remedies of the pharmacoproia, n and Dr. ArmstrOng, Dr..M'Coskry, Dr. Onetime, and Dr. Foulke, the only per sons deemed competent to an opinion in the occult science of medicine. As for a Directory, we had' , half-a diBen living ones acevery corner, who by word or mouth could toll you anybody's residence and everybody's business. .They were to bo found supporting the posts of the public square, or propping np the walls. of the old Court House; sitting under the Locust trees at Tommy Carothers's deer, or lolling on the benches in front of Matthew Armor's. Ab dear..sir, the old towk must have undergone groat changes. fancy, if I were to go.baok, I shoal& hardly re cognize it. I need to know every flag stone lathe borough. (I Shouldn't Won der irthe town . now, were .paved with brkek.) I could walk, ,on 'the darkest night, from the Coilege to Zug'S tavern, and from' Metzgar'e to the 'graveyard, without once tripping or, " my toes, I know all the People of the town " like a book i" and some of them , a good deal better; -for - while --tlt: meal lessons of " Webster's . speller and "Pikei's" directions . for the Rule of Three, are clean gone from my memory. George' Baggs and Jinny Rope,. lligsey George and Old yildebrancl, stand flier° with all the vividness of objects-, seen but yesterday.. • ~. Poor old Bangs 1' ho stands in all, the glory M! Lin dirt "and drunken neSs •' swaying. to arid, fro—unwashed,', tinkempt,-unshaveri; with his ,wlabbsr-, ing mouth and idiotic laugh lug clothes, lit4tging unbutt6itied front his half covered person; surrounded bi n, circle of boys just disgorged from Breolconridge's alley, who insist that ho shall "strike-up,"7and who will 'not be satisfied till he commenced his we). known but meaningless " Glitty glow— Glitty glow." • And then comes "Old . Jinny,".With her man's hat and flaxen hair streaming, front under: it Lher dingy - white frock; and her inseparable bundle irl 4 'one hand and club in the other. , flee bow furious She 3ooks, with' her big teeth and rage: distorted features,, as 'she makes for a' pile of stones, ;red with impotent !curses hurls thorn 'after a parcel of urchins, wile sedinpoi before he!, with' loud' cries 'of , , "More rope 'l eicueform to hang .7:innyl" `Then there wee old hildebrend, who need to visit the borough every two, or three , months ;''no 'one' (of us lioys) knoW, Mg , whet:fee . he mune or whither he:want.. How dietfnptly,T. Ma his' buck-tall cock ade-Atts jiri zly beard;. and. bandit loOk, its with foaming•rage and fearful 'oaths, he' lots fly'• the, 'stones ,at,. the wanton -YoflaiNte , ,r 4lolo,46 '4 l - 1 0 0 P4! , Qating—imd hallooing afteihim • • .""As, for poOr: . old Motpoy none of tlie . boys;Mokleas ;and running, over. mischief' they'viere,, , had the hardihood to plagtmher. Her melancholy face and ,vacant "IVO,: her lew , te muttorL itig.4Mo 'as BA', recited, passages ..fro hetlWelPoliinited' Hitdo,- - -and the. quiet' appeal , of 'her, 'whole idatmoi , to the sympathies 'bpistanders;rep . , resaed all rudenss and kept In Oheoliihe *Muni; tendency' to juvenile iniaohief. I < 0 . . - 13eMiles thesenotabilities, Were Were' !opera:of irdifferent 'category, whose !ages are Still vivid on my memory's retina: .There'Waa oid Mqtthew Miller, who'used. ti:i'entrio` riding over the Main bridge,. ,eansing,ns ,; toz wonder how' a , eomMon' , sir;ed ; ,hwe'eOuld carry,-.'with apparent , l oneOnltAlOinees; Such , 1 n - uncommon `sizejimart.:',.."Not that he was ;person of tnch extraordinary. bulk either, but. ~ corpulence'on horse back hot any time a rare sight , ; and when Mr..-Miller used to comoto town our attention wasmatur )illY.arrested. ' • Mit there was another whose pr e Por.- kloils wore much'more Daniel Lambert like-than-three-of—Matthew-Miller,- allude' to a very respectable , gentlenni; Who was knowfiiai," Shia„ time '” Old WClan—the man," I see the old 'gentleman, (boys have a way, you know, of calling men "old," with out reference to their- years,) just as ,he used to look, sitting at his door panting for ,breath on i summer's evening, or basking' , at mid-day in .the suniliine of ppring. • 'And l'remember 'how our ad-, Oration used to bo equally 'diVided be t Ween him; in his shirt sleeves, fanning himself with his hat, arfrO4yplumaged parrotlhat swung, over - his head, gab bling- its own, vain praises as " Pretty Poll, Pretty Poll l" Then there was awonder of wonders —the Carlisle Band. - How I "wish I could listen now with one-tenth- the delight to Dodstv.b.rtles__or....llassloes, that I then experienced in' bearing the strains of that extraordinary group° I .We drank it in with eyes and ears. It . inbm. about as much pleasure to watch the Inflated cheeks of Dan Fisher, George Stnith,:(Gehtleman George,) Joe Givin, and Jim drover,-as they played on their elarionetn, or the still greater distension of those of Levi Wheaton, as he poured himself outinto his huge bass Sii•pent, or the white face, turned red, of Sam Alexander, as 'he labored on his Kent Bugle, as.it was to listen to the diversi fled sounds that proceeded from their various instruments. Then how grand old Black looked, us-he-leaned-back beyond the.perpendictilar, 'and with his head in the air and his Las sdruM on his belly, poutided awry with - an accuracy Of . time and a grace of flourish impossible to'he excelled ! Then 'there was MoGonigal with his bassoon, and Swartz with his cymbals, and a boy '" Gtfards"' Uni form, who .played the trianA: The pleasure d9rivo4' from the two latter game -altogether Ilirotiihthe . medium of the eje ; auricularly, they were like religion -without- - faith, nothing' but ~ ‘souirding.brass and tinkling cymbals." Then, not to be forgotten, as alternat ing with the band when on the march,.! were 'SSAvney Mitchell and Sam Eaoe,- With their rattling chum and oar-piercing fife. Who, that ever heard the inevita hlawney or the inimitable Sam, cap forget the shrill and soul-stirring sounds with which they wore wont to wake up the old echoes I As for the band, I hear it now in the cells of my rdeniory just as it used to Sound % at a little distance, in my 'boyish years. And I see_Captain Halbert, with his tall and manly form, turning to give . the, word 'of, command, and Orderly Sergeant Jones, the inde fatigabhs Drill Master, seeing to its execution. Then there were the Infantry, a com pany I never fancied mach—chiefly, perhaps, because they had no band. But they were generally held in high repute, and Bill Morrisoq their drum mer, was fully equal to Sawnoy. Then there were the Ilussars, whose chief attraction was the red-coated bu gler. Andy Scott usually served in that capacity, - 11.4gh 0 the place was some times tilled " by John Sponslor—that many-talented genius, who could Walk the wire, stew oysters, blow rocks, keep sweat-ciloth, ,and do at least a hundred other things in a style that adrnitted of no superiority. Doctor Foulke was the Captain of that Cavalry company, and Dickey Miles 'was one of its members. hardly Itnow..how those two man; so little resoinbling each other, should stand couiled)in my memory, unleas it is, .that I saw the . Doctor' once handle Richard - rather roughly, because he re fused to obey an order. . . Then Omni, was a new company, formed by, Bill Breckenridge— (excuse my irreverence—that dias the name he -Was known by among his cotemporaries) -called tho Artillery. This company i3 — bra SS - Ca tiiioh; - ,had•lt s members woro " shovel plough" hats, and, being something of a novelty,.was very popular with the boys: A.lt 1 those were haldyon days ! (Though hetween ourselves, Mr:lldita, if I had them to live over again, I think 1 tsUuld turn them to better'advantage.) Then there was the Carlisle 'Dar of Which our fathers worn so proud, whose members were objects ofourjuvenile ad ,ntiration. - John D. Mahon was its bright .partioularstar, young, graceful, elcsluent and with a jhry irresistible. Equal to hiru'in general ability, and superior. per. hape, in legal acumen, was his cotemp& rary and rival Samuel Alexander, esq. Then there was the venerable Andrew Carothers; and young Ifidthirick Walk, just admitted intinieto reap the advan tages of Ids - fattieis :, ; roputatiop and create, an ondurinee of bia own. And George Metzgar, witli his trobleTMee and Lis hand on his side; 'amusinethe court and sOotators .with his not overly deli. 'eatO, fazZliot.' And there was Rariilley; with his "g uena;": a man of Many clients and , the 81 . 116 qu t:non of the Detpo••, oratia i party, and then towering.. above 'Omit all wattiOrier 'Thompson: *dr used to.letch•naboys - up his suildenauestentoriati:demand for MO 0 ' ,l l . lren„, there was on thp pavement at the doer,. , firanny Aforrisoh, with . , her long: 31 ! Itow, flexible melting "Woks" Of melaeace candy, called not inaptly laay 10—belly put. Mr. .Editor, I Must' otop; its no use.---Time-Would.fail•-•rne-to--atternpt-a. desoriptiott,of half/ that oocurif to me. 'whoo, my memory, once gets a-fillip on these subjects, there .„is no end to the Images it is sure to call up. PorimpS on. some.,future 'occasion, if 'I should have leisure, and • you should bo•wllling, I will trouble you further with my youth ful• reminiscences. the meantime ploase:-regard, me, though- anonymous and' :unrecognized; aS an , old friend and . aosmaintanoe and , • A. Gummi; CAUTALIIII IN 1,,., ` kirmß.Eß, •FESSE*37.N.-Seinp, • ,thirty-tiVe years agoperlia.ps Daniel. Webster .coinemplated - a joiithey to our Western States and territories, which he had never visited. The 'great: statesmiui 'folt 'incli'ne'd to have: some, talented young man'to. accompany him, andin looking • over_lfew F f nglapsl for. sucli a companion, his attention Was At • :tracteci to Young Fessonden; ,and toridedlo him an invitatien, to travel with him,. which 'was eagerly accepted;.• l}lanya time, saystim editor of tho lancl%drllus,. Dir., Fessenden has spoiren' to us crf the advantages and impressions of, that trip. - "Mr. Webster treated bin with great . kindness, and gave hint much good advice, which hp treasured up, in .his memory. ,Webster told 'him hOW , hard ho 'had studied, and how careful. . .hewas in .making. out papers ,when ho com'Olonced. - .the r practice of law. ho ; never let' a' writ or legal dciem mcnt pass., from his hands ,until ho had read it over. three times at least., And / 1 he' further remarked that while .many yoUng.men wore idling away their time he was trimming the Undnightilamp.. _ "Now," mill Webster, "I . have ac quired some fame both as . , 'a lawyer and • an orator, and' have- madcr - speechOC in -which have occurred some-dguyes and '- illustrations. -often i quoted, and_ ivhieli have already passed into mottoes. 'And "now do you suppose those torso ''? wore made from'the -spur of the- -mo ment ? 13i" - no usetl-nnl_96y_„sreret result of previous selidy.-L- - and, eloo study too. Some of my host illustratiOns Of Ilrelightliave been studied and trimmed down when the fishieg rod was..in my hands. The words whicho fitly repro, sent England's powerso often -quoted and- so much _praised, ,were,,strueg to gether when I stood the American side of the St. Lawrence river near Ni agara Falls, andheard the British drums beaten on the Canada &Mo.". Many other, statements ho made to young Fessendon which proved pretty conclusivoly that - there is no royal road to learning. Hard: work, steady, faith ful, perseveringtapplicatipm. is tho -only. sure - road - to either fain° or • fortuno. The best' ",natural ability" or qualitica:. thou that a yoting man can possibly lossoss is_to know how to work well Tan os,B.A.um• years ago; when the _writer was ,reporter apen an Eastern, paper, it devolved upon hird teivilte for the same edition an ac count of the piesentation •of a gold headed cane to Rev.. , , l Dr. Mudge, the clergyman of the Place, and the description of a patent hog-killing and sansago machine, which had beau put to .operation at . the factory. what Made Rev. •Dr. Mudge mad was this The inconsiderate b4caneor who made up the forms 'got - the two locals mixed 'up hi a frightful manner, and when lid went to press something like this was the appalling result : "Several of the Rev. Dr.- Mudge's friends called upon him yesterday,. and after a brief con- • versation the Amsnspicions hog was seized by the hind logs and, slid along e boat until ho reached the hdt water tank. His friends explained the object of their visit and preseti ted him with a very It andsomogold-headed botcher, who grabbed him •by „the 'tail, swung him arou d, slit hie throat from ear, add in, loss ban a minute the carcass was in the eater. Thereupon he came forward and said that there woo times when the' feeling overpowered one, and for that reason he would nt attempt to do more than thank thos around him, for the Manner in whiol such a hugd animal 1 1 waym 1.1" t into f , ne nts was simply s . tonishing. Tho — doctor concluded his remarks when the machine seized him, and in less time than it Vetk to write it the hog - wits cut into fragments and, worked up into delicious 'sausage. The occasion will long'be remembered by the doctor's friends- as ono of the most de lightful of their lives. - The best piece can beprocured for fifteen cents a poMid, and weave sure that neat) who have sat, so long under his miniqry will rejoice that ho has been treated so handsomely.'_'', SENATOR NYE'S LAST.—Scene iii far Western State. A. village composed mostly of rude mining hats 'called " houses," "eottitgeg." "taverns," etc., . thongh really they were but'"sliant.ies:" : An old man sick on his bed. A - friend, Governor J. W. Nyc, booing that.,his_ and ;showed him many kind attentions and endeavored to ease his suffering in, every possible way. Ono day; ',then it was quite evident that thci poor patient could last only a fiiNy'boors, - the Governor said " it is undoubtedly best that }Mu should knoW the truth ; you are very. sick loan, and-.- will in all probabilitylive . 3,tut..wrf'sliort" ' time, Aro your affairs k the - conditiTi that you would like to liavu thorn l? I should be glad to do anything for you, you . Yes ; ,thoy'ro all right." Nell, would you liko me to write to of your folks in the Eat ?" Not. now-Lafter it is over.," Would you like ino to call in a miii- MEI The sick math by a great effort of will over a weak and shattered body, drew himself up in bed, so as to bo in a sit ting postqc; and sternly,. most soberly, and normally, said: Govornor, what abould. I want a/Minister. for? Mover Noted tho Democratic ticket 4r-ray life 1" -• . Tita. Portland Press toll good story, ai follows ; "On thAEastern Railroad: the other day, — a' newsboy :enteiad the oar with n liundlo of dailies, and'ae ensted a crusty old chap who sat crouched in a seat near the stove : Paper,' only .llva cents.'.. 'No I' growled 'the paSsenger. 'give:tlis dollars if. 1 1 there was a fire in that'stover you say you'd give five dollarsif you had fire in 'that stove?' said the newsboy • I tool' The.boy, in the .twinkling of au eye, 'opened, tho . stove doer, thrust in his bundle of fresh nowspapork—tenehed a lighted motel' to - them, ,and. 'demanded • liepay, The passengers . , 'who ilad.been, `Watching • the ,'Manceuvre, shouted 'With , ' laughter, and the old toile* :after heel toting a moment, sloj~ieUlq - cdrow Ave dollars fronrhis imoketaritr,o49 the 'bill. • , Sold out ttgaip,' tinoth the. sharp xiews. , .bpy, went oat . :;(actei".•ll"l : ',baidmtOf„.', •, • s Mr 1111 , I