if 47 , :ejZ;. 1 7:"" T ' : ISiggifigrlit(r'qWeq U II ~: CATZI)S. Is i asov. , 2ANCx. ii:!),r,oc r TWOOP, .114:$0K - ASIt:CO.} . 4 COMMISSIO1 1 1, 1 51EROCIANTP1• - docaorodo till kitio,c,f • ' ' PIOKLED AND SALT Ifo. 910 North Whtirfas;, ." Above Ikea atm; ' MIL ' 11% SCOTT Ilona, B 10.711 ac. 4- ' • ' ---•- - — itis. '' i - . 1; ' Otiiti '-BilOT-FirEßS',:_•,. - - r 4 .t . " .- ;1,.., .. - • :.'''' "'•: ' ' T r y ji 64 :Z.:Y •A''''E.,... .: • . x o,r ..r . ci . i t 'A' ..... - ,t, Es : ; . . °FIT.t Nvi,iiiin . Haring" received e'lare llne of . w . ers . ; , ~, °,.-', •‘. I, .riyorruderslurtt!l.l,l? "ra ~ ~.:. Go i Hosiety,. K. °l t• l ia s e l :etth - ,SP:irfsp ' '.: -;: • s. ' Bu ini e j kland Shoaiskin' q 0 , Glov i s v a e n B d Gauntlets, -3V°° 'n• Gaitiltlets and' Mits,'Hgno‘Yr ti, l e nd Berlin Gloves '''....‘'• IVciolon Merino,,.Cl9,_ _ , and Gauntlets, IV '' &lid call ex attention et morolitints, COYLE: DrioPlll4l2l3, Ito, 24 pouth Ilanover circa, Corliae, Pa, Lo . ct7ltf, • • DEPTTISTAY I DII. J.21..Z , K1N, • - ' Having reoentli, removed .to Ifo. 81 iVorth 11 - anoveit• street, In the hoe ee lately occupied bi Dr. Dale.) . Carlllllle, Portaia, . . . ill pot in loath how $lO to $2) pot.. Mal, at tlio• i.e may require. Ali work Warranted. ' •. • . ' .10fali70 . . . • • 1 R. J. S. BENDEIi, , • ._ ~., .—' .- -- 1.. iontalupn , tuo - 13 - nlsiilerr. , .01hee ip the room formerly Oechple4 uy Col. 'John L t.., . .1,0t09 , _DR. C. W..ICRISR; Offers bla profeadoual services to tbo eitbiens of Car nal(' and stirrountling reentry., Office lu rear of P. Aretner's jewelry etere, nearpat office; wh , re ho can be c - .nautted at all -times whoa not profiesion. ally engaged. , 7doe7llm. F , IL BELTZHOOVER,, • A T 0111 c ., In South LlAnover Wont, oppalte Dellti'o, dry goods More. - • 1.08e70 H OLL, KIIIKPAyttICK k WUITEMAN, _ . VVl3olcsnle_ deal are Ih MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. 3. Cbr. Third (ind'dfarket strcetr, Philadelphia. A. r. tfoLL, J. KIRKPATRICK ' ', •. L ITIIITISMAN. gl:nn7l 0. P. iraumen. - WM. D. PARKER TT EMRICH .& PARKER, .1 ATIOI NEYS AT LAN; .- Office on Main streol.in Marion Call, Carlisle.' inse7e, J. 11. 01411.4.1 f.. J. n. wawa, 4, H.' GRAHAM tt : SON, ATTOBNEYB AND COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW .Yo. 14 Sduth . .7lan?ver street„ .cAR1.1, , L13, PA lion. J. 11. o..rabrim, We President Judea of .tho Ninth Judiciat District has res••med the practice of law, and, associated "avitb him _his son, J Ft. Gra ham, Jr. Will practide in the counties of Cumber bind, Perry and Juniata• - 'Mee btf . • JOHN CORNMAN, ATTOrtNET'AT Alit Ottico Nn. 7, Itlleonen Hal!, lo rear of the Court House __,. .. 1 . 05. F., PH RITNER,- JR. - , .• , . r...; ~,ATITYRNIrt Al' LAM t NU.SURVRTOR, liechanl. !thing, Pa Office on Ballroarl itrnit, two doors no th of tho Bank '' Lumina,' promptly attindorl to. ' 'Ono, rOSEPII G. YALE: ,, efi -- ATTORNZT.:AT-LAW. Pinnaces in Dauphin and Cumborland Counties: ' • 9_ol o 7—,7lrldgepnrt, Ps. rani:4llcl, addre PS--Camp rm unkberl,nd onunty, Pa. /9,lfußylly • YOPEPII T. CULVER. CRAP. P. CULVER.. I.AW, • LOAN AN D COLLECTION OFFICE OF JOSEPH F..QULVER DRO. PONTIAC. ILLIN •IS. We have the beet of facili ties for placing e,pit a l on fl•si..elane improved forme. Tlllae levettlgo.ed, atO "Abntraels furnallind fr. m bur own 01110.. Ten per re ,t intermit and pr •mpt payment .unn :AMA. WO have correspondente 1.0 ry part of the • Went, which lurnlehee ne. every Ileellitv to epe...dt I.I,7ERENCE9 Iron. Jarnen 31. Oraltal. *m., H. corona, enq,, J. :hearer, mt. C. B. a.- esq , Ilathilten Mack's. esq., flarrleh, c II .n.. 0. P. Culver end II Jr. Iforetio Elnr, o eehliort • , D C George—ll'quart, plat /00dt Members 1 Peonroy, New Yore city. ,• . , , .C. 11.ERN - AN, , . ... .1.T.A.. • ATTOIVRY AT LAW, , Carthlo Pa. No. 9 noem'a Hall.. 10540 d. Z. W66:11111 L IL II'ICIIBITAN M' °LURE &'-111'IcEEITA.N, • - ATTOANETS AT LAW. 1.41 :South Sixth stroot, Phtlttdilphitt' 13 W. BIIA.MBARGER, • Jill:FW,: OF MN PEACIM; . rtittniteld, Westponnutioro' torrnehip, • Ournb., anti Ooli• ty, Pa n'a. tite•tnets, untrrigtol to him will receive prolop. attention. 2goct7o . . . ' . Ir I• SADLER, • ,ATTOIINIIT AT T.AW, F. . 0(0 n, 24 Bnutti Thuovor street, not. 0.113 - 000d . W10 lit Mi. MIN N 10349 . ... WILLIAM K NNEDY-, ATTORNEY AT LAW °MINI in Voltiuleur building, Carl ilia. W J. SHEARER, ATTORNEY AT LA'rr. Oak, In nortlmut cornor or tho twirl If onso. 1110600 WES. 11. lIIRONS, ATTORNEY A - ND . :'OUNSELOIt AT LAW, 723 Walnut Street,' rutLADELPtuA, (ggeai) coal 'CHEAP COAL ! LA.Y IN YOUR WINTER COAL 'rho undyralgned propose tf6furnlalt.famllles and iudlrld nail with ebed at extremely low prices. lie is prepared tdflrrrri•tt all tho varletlea of ford and soft coals, gaunt tad [v.; the coal received to be the ..0.11 ordered, and accnrate In weight. •• Farmers rod LitnoViirnern Mow: We line of the OurtilJed.kni Valley rallroa 1, will be nuppled et motlerete rotee. It will he to Lilo dvanta;a of imrchaaers to cal 00 him LoToro poo2lot4ing Ile reni,nctfully nlkaro of public pfttrol Orders - promptly filled. OEOLIGE ZINN. CArlfsle, OMB WM QTOLEN.—Was - stolen from the shop L. 3 of tho -- utnimittood; on rho 'Matt of the Of tei,nth in•tnnt, one pair of weer et6ok., commonly culled nor , rr plate 1 top No O. 1 t0i,..N0. 10, 1 top 11, with eod broke off Noel 0 mot If. 80010 artlcit n, not I ecet,nary to mention, wero Alm° BMW,. A.prtlr of hoot, ma, also ntolon from the come atop on the night of the troth. Any peferitt giving any Iliformution that AI in !glad io the reoorery of the , stolen artielen, rill he emltably rewarded. .. JOIE , / RIEIII, 1111 , 10n.0n township, _lri 71tr Wari . :Papers. 1871.., PHILADELPHIA. 1871 WAILPAPERS HOWELL '.55 BOURKE, Mann facturers of. PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADIV . , -Wltulennlo nod lietalllonruome, CORNER Iz9 . URTII AND VARKET STREETS, . , ILA DELPITIA. Factory—Om'. 23d and Sanwa. Slreag ' ~,gept-t am= Rent.,, SKATING • PAH IC FOR ~R EYI".. . . , .. - ichii Skating Pork altooted ',ot the North' cud of tho frorouvit, wi I he kimeil Plr tho coining eionion for a moderate iIIIM, owing - to- the conilunoil ,ill heoltli of the owner, tire. Elletiroth P ,tts,v9lo le entirely nimble to glue it her potrernal attoidlim. iilio Pork, tosether, with tho flulliiii ge thoroto too donglim, inclinlimr, otoveu, tempo, dc., ail of whieh aro laexcellent .conditioh. will be, ineluded in tho , . . ~ . A rote opPortunity Is horn offered to any perado, for n moderato qattay,,,tn secure n'goott p ying Ivied . , nevi for this NV - Inter, roe terms An., app to , :-',. A. It.,SPO. ER. ' Real Estate apt: . „ . 10no7Ilf N0v.87, 1871 Peter .119(trie,:: -par•b¢r • NE W f 31.10 1 1; . Soler recrntly lenod alluring Saloon, No .6, tart aln alrOgoi,Trring4 nimil unlit nab dying . limailiarratonthid to. • ; ere anted In thu Wort City , ntrire Ary'liriges aro - ne rengonablo qe pay Ow mullion lir Ihle plant: j•lire none but , conTeleat loornaymon , In my einpthy , Henry Hi:mity vlll,also,,lienfoirudr'nt myriglnon; 'Mingo giro moo •. • - , • = .t • , • 29,111711ru - 4:CTEII, Drugs and ,fancy 606a4; I\l,lltll AND: lINADULTENA.TED, 1110: W 186 ALWAYS SU (14 EIL , TAIN , , • ' J. B. ILAYI:1t0110101 . • No:0 South 11RubVer fitteatr , :11) , —Prefictiptlortei...rarff0117 Ana', licoetratily 7;poutt.l at all limos. ' • '• ' ' • • , . 4;A;.'"ASrf!o,lol,ll` 1'11'4'9743J:0, , 1 .n,,t~. ..ia' gated° Kgont; Sirlimier; OcinVoyAndoi; lnetii :tingr.ol;knd.'olalin Ageht. : Office.,3taln Strept"- - )ffar. ."•0061,!rt,,,STIare•,- ':' - ^fr'• • 4.- EN E3IItAi3LE PROPERTY ATTRE* NALEL.,The ~ ..opetrier • tieeirons , of kV' in trring'll'eStrltitrorn at Dth'Sie dab? t• ' • • ~' :,;LOT - OF - GROtrisTD; , '. "attuned onLiolitorit'streei:ln .tbe..borough.rair, •Poitie&intaininir Skfooto front byi,lloo.,feekkn'Apthr• slut iiirrink,ttirrfiklUtnieil a Arp \ `tberelb,)ensolio lui.nini,bpko . oven; nine/AV:eased/I ry . outbnikliagn:- The' property' fronting on J iodford atroot 15 , 43 feet .frent by 21. feet -deep. • .Tho' back, building fronting on Looust alley 18 4 21 feet lti trout. ' The prop'orty is .nearly now. contains twit 00, 4/" l " .B grooetratoreYte i¢ toed c'otitiltion; and'is ntiniirably..istuated font busluess;stand.A'er.r" none wishing to view the property, can do no by cal. lug nrt thu owner, residing: in' rho premises.- For toms and further particulars enquire of , ~. • . -• A. L' , BPOIBL.EII; ' istobh • r.stAtiqk gent A Two-StoiY Bilak My°lin '• . .For Salo _ . . No. 38 South Bedford abort, containing two parldrs; lain, and kitchen on the that floor and throe. chain-. bardon the second story, with a feniehed_attla and front, stairway ..balronfin:back Funding, and 'grape arbor end hydrant. in tbo yard. - • APPIY.f.O , • Bl'eNBLEIt., .. Beal Estate Agoa. 17ao , 0 Tstiti`scribcir' has several other THE itiLblo properties for nolo la eligible parts of tho town, which nlll bo' ioationabliv (lisp sod ;•. , ••• • •A. b. SPOV.4.,Eit; "_•netil Estain.Agoot. • 111i3 ITHWINIA — LANDJ3 , ift ilia' Shonari doeh Valley for esle.—.6: number of , ralnablo, and highly improved , farms in"'the Valley"-are of fated foroale, The tracts tun from 00,te .360 acres -The Ittnd 'is arlbo - basttittalfty4irjltst‘stone icily agtai, If not, aufierfor, to' the land' in thiliberintre .Valley, and will be disposSff .1 at eatottishiugly low figures.' he 01101181 On of the Curaboilnud . Railroad. into 'Virginia; as now surveyed, will. rue inntllat6ly - through the, se tion or country in which, these laritiN• are located, - which, wlotn corn. pined; Citether With tits advert' age tif, the Shemin dont! river tratutp , rtation 1,15 , 111 give he ad j. vantegeti ,fittrihatti and flasterentarkke.', splendid optictrtfipity for 'lucrative hers offored. . • A full and minute description of the location and ' chnrewter of the 'rations tracts ma, be hid; bt , ap plying to A L. SPONSLEIS, 1.7 pottl mh7o 3.qtrtte.Agtpt,'qavpito- FOR SALE! ' OR , • ,i 1 - RENT. L .K. l 'corriine•- .dons too- tory brick, private roes lama. on Wo4 Pomfret afro' t, Carlisle , sit ed on a lot 3 to - . 4 fr nq and '240 feat is depth, with. a Stable and carridge how., 'and abundance of fruit Ilydraot.in tho yard and goodcistorn. Joll* A. BwAnTE lIBAITAOS, • - Aleb; 0,1-406 brick houno 'and back bulldln , t 'oil - North Pitt HOYet.c Pol3lP3Blo3.3f'tho lortnot will ho given I ,nmo.l ktoly, citiirof tho:lattor otrbr aflor. 'the brat of 3kly noxt. "Apply to ' ' . 4 ,2'2J071 WANTED.—A general agent for Cumberland ceuntv, by ono of the oldest nod most mintar Lifo ,Insuranco-.chmpanfon,lnNtlie. country. Addressll Kent, care of A. L. Sponrlet',' Carnet°, Pn. •FOR SALE. ',' . A HOUSE AND LOT in Carlimier'. A fine location for a residence on Porn, .•ft et street, No. 62, potty. on 'IWO and Pitt sh op ts. The lot Is 10 feet aide and 240 feet °toe. Iho 1,0t0.0 is brick, 22 feet 6 Inches to front, two stories high, ith o d two.stor.v backbuilth , irs 60 islet lone, and contains a hall, parlors. Isrg., dit,lng rtann, pantry and china einent,,kttchen - and 'Nash house ~r) groF floor. , tlenond floor.i.=elt Ohtani:nth and bati,:roonr.. Good collar, water vo , the. kitchen and lath roam. and eosin the parlor. Thorn I 9 a gable:outhouses, good gardep and,finit Terms easy. Bawl re f • . • :.L...SPONBLER, ' " '''ltontEstute"Agont. Railroad Schedules. -- ECM pENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WI N ; TR lt-trkEi. TA ;, iightTrains4Daily.) to and from—'Phil: delphia and''Pittsburg; ,. and - Two' , ; Trains Jaaily. (Sundays excepted). A FTETt MONDAY, November 13th, 1871, Pas-ang, Trains of the I•••rmsylvaida Railroad corn soy will depart from' Tlarrliburg aOO arrlvok at Philadelphia and Pkttsbrtrg as follows : Exprose, 1.37,1 Harrisburg daily (except Eloaday) at 2 80 A. and'airiTes.at West Philadelphia at fl 40 a. m, 4 . os—Fast lam leavea Ilarrleicurg dolly (eicepi Menda)) at 4 05 a. m., and anives atlYeet Plaladep phis aye all 05 4.-m. 7 56—Mall rain leaves Harrisburg daily (ezeept, Slummy) at 7 70 p. ra., and arrives at Phlladolphl, p. m. 11 45—Jlselfle Express leaves . Hay'fiber,' tinily at 11 45 a mi,-and arrives at West Pbllndolphl,, at . . 2 ,1 - ,1 1 ,..EL1'1R 'FXPIMSO !coif's Ilarrlgnirg (1/103 (except Olinda%) at 2 00 p. arrivon at Wert 'Palltmelphia at C On p. m. Ur 45—Cincinnati Expre. Nave, 11.4riemmt- dal at 10'45 p. m., and arriroi at Wo-t Phtladolphla at OA a. m. • 3 56-11artlebnrg Accommodation loaves Harris, burg daily Sundays excepted, at 3 56 p. m., and ar• • riv a at Phindelphia at 0 40 p. - m. • 7 50—buonster Trail., via Mount Joy, leaves ilarrieburg daily (except eunday) at 7 50 a, In., 114131 i snivel, at Weerrinmoommavorear-e0,......--------- 4 40—Frio Paot 'Ono - west, foe Erie, leave s liar. riaburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 40 p. m , nrririnp at Erie nt 7 44 H. n 1 , 1 40— ERIE MAIL west, for lerle leaves Hanle berg daily at 10 40 a. m., arrlvime at Erie at 2 II p , m. 10 30—Clacin anti 141 - prens leave. 118trle , urg at 10 8o p. rearrives at A I taena at 45 A m., riven at Pittebur. at 820 a. at. ' , 4 05—PAcIFIO•EXPRE•13 leaven Ilartinburg dnUy at 4 05 a. anivom at Altoona 0 05 a. m and nt•rjra• at Plttdmrg .4 205 p. m • • ' 12 33—Soutlimq Express loaves rfarrlabtim dall,2a 12 01a m.. arrtroß at Al Mona at 520 tifm',' and arrives nt Pitted= • at 010 a. to.' - 4 - 50—Inuit Line loart - te - 17a - rrisbrirg daily (except . - titdat )at 4 00 p. in., arripte, at Altoona at 9 05 p m., takes sapper and at darn at Pittsburg atl• 30 at nu. 1 Train leaves ilarrlittarg ditty (aunt Surulay)'at 115 p m., -nivel a Altoona at 715 p. taken cmper and nrutlvou...APlttO a' g at 1 05'a m. 730—Nay ParennuerTraln lontoe 11rrietnrg daily (except Suud,ye) nt 7 30 a. in., arrives at Altoona at 1 30 p. m., and at PrttAttum at 8 20 p. m. 3 5 t—flutough Putmeu ger 'Prat loaves tarrlaharg at 3 00 a m., ntrives nt b 1.0 a in., and , or. rives at PI tabus, h at 1 35 pm. • SAMUEL A. - BLACK, Snpt. Muddle Nut'. Puna*. It. It, HarcluMars Ituyoutt tar 13 XBll RHADING RAIL HUAI) lOsefKil WINTER ARRANOENENT.: Monday, November IN 1871. GREAT pi uNgi,LIN L E • Frio NT North'TlllD and NertbiYetir fiT Philndolphia, Now York, Reading, Lolinon. Allentown, Eastori,,:Ephrata,,LlNs .LautrittPr Co. lumbin, Ac., ka, Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as fellounn: At 2:40 nod 8:10, a rn, and -2:00 I. an, :panne Has with similar ttains on Pennsylvania Railroad: and arriving at New._ York ~,at m , and 9:40 p. m, rospeolvelyi-: .441Ceping Cara apci?irO pony tho 2:45 a in' train' +tithe nt cha.-gei Reaming: konve"New..Yo.k 'nt 9:00 a In, 12,30 noon, and :aOO p m ohliatialphla,nt 7:30 83: n .414 • . • • •• and 3:30 p. M. Stooping Coors at .ompany the 6:00 p m train frwm Now York, without char ge. Loom Ilairlsburg for Itendlog Pott , villo,Tamn• qio, Winersville, Ashland; Sloarnokln,Allentownton 1 PhllartelPhia, at - 03:10'11 m, 2:00 and 4: 0 5 ^ mo a op plow at Rularnon and polo:min rt way station.; .11, 1:05 p no train ronneeting for Philadelphia, Po tiovilie . nod. Colantnia,enly. For Potts, ille, Srlonylkoll llnven and ,Anboorro end Snennemorins 11,11 road, torso Illorrhdrarg et 3:40 p on. Fart Pennsylvania Railroad train. leave Rending for Allentown, Erosion, nod New York, at 4:84;1 , 14. A In, and 4:05 p to. RAO:WAWA,. ~ l eave New York at 9:0irtrn0,12:39 noon and 5:00p on, a d town - at - 7:20 :nm, 12:25 noon, 2:15,4:25 a. - ol N:35 p on. Passengt r Train leaver' Ph riadelploln tot ,7:20 a m, connecting with similar 'rain on East Pennnyi varila Railroad, retaining from Reading-at 0:20 p m Stopping at ;4'l gallons. Leave Pottnville 5t.4:00 a m, and 2 30 p at, Iforinhon at 10:00 a m, whamoxin, at 6:40 .and 11:11ra no, Anta. I,nd, nt 3:05 n m, and 12:43 noon, Aloolosnoy City, at am. and 1:20 p m, Tamaqua, At 0:35. a m, Atoll 2: 0 p m, for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, liar. riobnrg, . Leave rottevllla 91 . 11 Schtivlltfli and Boequebannx Itellroad, at 8:15 :vat, forliartivtard, And 1.I:15 a In, for Pine Grove and Tremodt: , . . Roading ArCotninoilation,Train learns Pottavillo hl '6:4oa m, passes Rending at 7:30 it 'm, arriving et Philadelphia at Iti:2o am. Roturning, loaves P vita dalphlis at 4:45 p m, passing Reading at 7:1Ib p m, ar riving at Pethivllle'ot 9;20 p m. 'Pottstown Accommodation Train loaves Pottstow . .. at 7.00 a tir; returning leaves Philadelphia at 4:1. , pm Colombia llailrortil trAble love Rem lag at 7:21. m, mid ra, (on Epluhttsti, YAW, talietater i iCa lumbla, to. f returning leavo Lane:viler at ii.2o a to atilt 3.25 p.m nail Colombia et 8.15 • to and 3.15 p In nP• rktomon Railroad' trains leave Pm - Women ne, 1.1591 At 7:25. 0:05 a m, 7:00 and R 45 p g, Immo licliwooksvil in al 0.15, 8:10 aim, 12:504555, and 9:95 p a, c mi‘cc Cs riff. with oltalJar truing, imltendloy Railroad. " • Pickering Valley Railroad trnina leitio' Phonily villo at 0.10 a ro,'3,oslind b 58 p m ; rotarning,•leafe iiYera at 0.50 a in, 12,46 noon, and 4 20 p m. connect log wi h similar train.; on . %tiding Railroad.. , Colebrookdaie Railroad trains loaYe Potted - of t UMW ni, 1,15 and 0,30 p m, returning,lonve Mt. Plum ant'at 1.15 and 11:25 st in.and 2,61 p ni connecting with xlmllar trains on Reading Railroad. • ' thesear Valley Railroad ;nine lenyo Hildg port at 8310 m, nod 2:05 and 6:20 p returning, IpAy• nowningtown at MOIS a m, 12:50 norm, and 5:15 p m connecting with einillar trainn on Itcading Railroad On topdays: LO5OO Now York at 5:80 m, phi Ia (NOM, at 8:00a m,ancl3:ls p in, (the. 8:00 it rn, tr.,11; running only vo Reading.) leave Potkayillo at 8h..11 n 9 leave 'llidylaburg at 2:96 n m, and 2:00 p,,m; Allentown at - 8:35 p. In; ' lea:* Reading 7:187a; for, fruirlabnig, - litcl 34 . 11 m 'for Niqr -York, and ri. 0:40 a m, and 9:15 p lot' Philadelphia . Qammutation, )111opge, Sown, School and 'En , or. Won ticketa, to and from all poiniei at rodnood rate. Baggage'. chocked, throngh4 „ one - alloyecd,aach pashingbr; • • 0:', - • . • •J, E. 190OTTFIN, • '• • ' • ' Maolery . Reading, 10, 1111.1.', , ,!, ~„' OR. RENT. -- ' 3 / 1 3Of•ob'perlbe're often.' Pe !orb no: bOono ond•otoreNttiotod Mo inirro..n: On, • butriedlato pmettelon Setl Lo Om; It (led t.,l* For 'fort Inv particulars (fall 'on OnddPeno r — • • 110 . 11 MAN &, lIF.tIAIINI7Idit,, Mpnnt Ilolly Ilnpitogrloon tonnty;iPv li=llll COMPLETE LINE , ' - .,',: Dl,ll.3ls{iji ,VelyO, Wk. 141:11ad' Fenthar ' ebado, IlistlFmns; 814. Y 1. 4 C1,11t1. 3 ,ET0 LOARP,ETS t CAW BTSII 1:./'1oIlwg oft. - , Grout nargolho ,In CalbotiviVitt; *low Ando', yol•nit Mai, and Door Mato. ' • 74101, • • •A, AP. 113PP17 , A, ' :, =L.-APONSLEit t --= Boni E.t. to Agent. • MEM IiMNIE:I 174 Empire le a I.nsttlar lartitutlen, innuagod by rel fattier' Men, bit 'Abend: b'n'elfrl/1 . pilnelpll,?keettlit, deottnett nt a `vary earl; t day to slant/ aboutter t • Alenlttei wlth,the oldest Itenharnentn In the oenntry. Ile (Otani Atli bunineee," and have ovitanlepg. ALI; •,tke' view el, estahltelting n ntot;vl indexend eat, janttarit 1670; - •• •"i i• • • s t . „'t ••: • . . . "Tlthi Comiiany:l4 , 4,:grrt3t' Aiicteae; , tllo rbnu)t, o able, ..cbeititilenl.,',.;it ouinag9thettt, Th iniplrn hoe ho euoerler In. the country."-Bopiot ', • - ' 6 tinylug n /volley In riei'verajnio prldo Io tho groat nuoppe! ItAn nchlorlng.j=Erij.; t • lei t An ex cell ~ 1 1)a la;t1j,lieou110. ii!:Ca'ai.O•o ab ai, *a. j ap4aa 'pi, t lila [1,,55 , .anildlaita,.for.',pitlllo" fatal':; liya. , !coat,,'lakif ,,, r, yoara alfiCll Lila Tint,laat b:t t,l!o . cgratta.);. , :,.lT'alFilaa: 'htm to 'ha 4 jittai ' , it'clipt'ity, itc::9tittitiioter . r,'9tAlpert9 , , tmamei,'w at;llify, and above All alii.e, a auciamrat 'fiin to wl+!,•Yar'!l6 , ,tinilartanee;' , The aruah ip, tliaCara. : paw, as ewthipt,l&therpest'imitiOvoiahtitli or ;tlfe`dfl::. In Ito rgnafraooa."^-Wca , Ragtani4' . .lWaai ? aricil Ca . , •' ' • ,• takciE4w,F9.14..,,,. • Cumbeiltind;Tetryv Coniri= , - OF ICI IPI -1 1 tPBUTIN„,-:Ju: • ' , ..I . ' .; • • '44lllinCkt? ƒ/ 24 o t. , tt, ,riLt A°F,l7- • t , 0 3IPA ~ -2. A.,14'0,,P . E• • . 7 erk tIEW 4 ' ti 1~.. Ri In the anis -tt. ovxn sonT y. ) i. v. .11 i f17 6 17 A r , 1 3 9 Nrci Lex.' j , tr'strittNa i'avn' 63;0001)0.00- • anti .. taking in • Pierriitims...ssQo,ooo.o being Vie largeet commencement tnerM-es ever •PS AA. c0mP! , ..7:1 0 the;tverliilz - • , ."11111, REASON FOR" IT. . , Ordinary .icholo-lifo, policies tbra_abio!utSli fbrialtnble from mment r first ("tonal prisal ,Opocial inkuraoce non-forfeitable after tied a. All .pelloks incontoStelde for mod tnne ~ hboolotely•inctintentnt de after two Allman] pre , All restriction° open tmyel nod roshiencortr ~ ;. antiAo'permintregnired. • ,°., - , .. ~' ..• ,- .. ~ ..NorteenmulatiOti of 'intsiett on Loons'or " - 7Prendurnt—aint - no - Inerrosottnent pop, "Pn g sitY.ettnit of policies:.. , : - • 6 • . .. -i ' ; ',- . onceptird'of rho prominm leonod to [A e 'F'' sorstOrdesirod, and no tfoto required; I . t . , _ - Diti4nan on tad, progreestre;don, 'attar. 'the gear:Anton internst ,plin , '. - . ' i . ' Bush:tote of, tito company conducted on t 4 , 1 tu.: • * •' Policy oinsple and Tale, la IN 'lrby Woos!" ; . . . . .. , Incontestability 6f POO n , , _ : : Itin,lhe parpow .of The .Itmpirn t All allits 'eon traihi. the eylderieo, of which Salt ' it. l? 1 _ 1 3 '. a ha no Oonlienient - refmina hP : inowin; Otich It. PuA ii":floti 4 Juet dtomand. Proven '.fraudc7t h.° pirt of itito Itintrcd jill :tilwaya. fnymidhip"Hay. AIM . suicide,iif committed yirel;lol3lt to tha' n ' ° " ti 'Ft)''k aerond annual premium; or death alp / I°i'V"ing m any apeelal ly.liatin don& ' buidneast!iii" lh,e'll"t : tiro years., , But alter the eitiliat i l . Mr: , %%-ci .±. rare, .the policy irill lat . . f 'Bold "Incontmat or all eamap :tik:Oitii fraud. MIiIIMMEM ikton-Fpitiqtiro,of 14/Thlici°6'."l‘ VipiAlay inaaratmeniti N tinuona payments , rot Ma ;will Lo forfoltcat ort bedia pdn- Parnei?t o or Eton - 11nm thereon" lll -thefulri.94,s Power ofAhr,' Prn It'esn'hs .MatMimicai.i The Inagunito ; ..!•,,,,, • „ .~+ . , . .. . "That If any peon:Win :' the 'peg", annual pre.' - naltim shall hue° esa • pal .hall not be paid mr,the 'lar.whon duo, and the il liratte4,, shall, witlairt thirty days thee:el .- at:a-, di .rioilre id - Writing ii (qv's bllita to pay; the eamekd of, a ,destrfi .1,64 sold policy shall he contlnnerfi• fordo under•lthe follow. log condition.. Then, alf In such cello this policy shall not be forfeited 4: become ,gold by t'he non payment of the said prfoni AT, thareen,int II after - ha oxplratlen if.'a imr,d,io be determined ea, fob= hars, to wit: Thoaw,aluo of fhb policy when the premium laCconioi duetrall lwrdotermlned by at-tu t:dal calculation an. liter deducting front ouch her value the loan; npoo ltd polfry s unrancolod diet -dknfts,myrd 'May_ tridet.tedttple_tothe compauy; fifth; of ,whof romaitt shall be coneldorod' a not ale: g to prer•lurn of totc4rrary Insuranco and title policy shaft ha confirmed vfqrkedtitlng.tho.torm for which It will Inspre„ascorling thango of ..the arty at the time of the Int af the premium. ' • • Exapple of lha No -Fnrfoitahlo cf the mpiro.", , days k...,Ordinary wlrle ilia policy will con litho the pidlcy L. Ago of gaity ifleered, Ono enema preellal 'force 2 years and , Two annual protniurna wlll continue tbn policy In fore° •I'yearn and 13 days. . • •, Threenneue%;,tomlume Will continue the policy otilv .trriTcnryer'^------ Four =intit premiums will' centime the polies truce 8 years nud.4B days, • Piro anneal premiums edit continuo the policy ferco 10, years and b 0 days. • • OFF.IC , ERS G,,llilton Scribner, PreAlent George W. Smith, :Viee I'res . degt. Sidney, W. Crofut, Seeretitry Lemuel 11. Waters, Actruiry Thoinds K. Marcy; cal eireit Clapp, S nperinien'detiro Agerietes; , • THE•TESTIMONY OP` TIIE.PR CB OM its • t 7 i ' . '• • ••:. ;;‘.;,.T MEE ,4b 1 i 1, . ~~ j;*_ '''' • Joh, LA* • "e'ii,,1 1 ' . Villift2,4 , ' l4' l *f ;, 4 , 1,;.• 4 $.4. 1;•..,,,,,•;' , ', , ~,, - 0 i.... , ~'',,' „; f :BESircAIIMOTISAPPST 'ri`,;:',',',,,r;,.,•'',i, APPS T / 17 1 7 ' 6 ' 0K; :74 3:0 Ih ' . 74. ~- .., : , ',‘, l ';,.'.- ' ,V, :':: t. '' - ' '• ,'',. - '.,Y . •`-• '' ,' ' i , i '", - 1 ,? . .. •Pi - ...0 ~ .7.1 ii .:Tmi 'i.. ' -,...: Y ,' • ' • ': 4 l.g: 1111 1',,•il v ',I. - • \l' --:. ,VIL q't , 0 i- l ' i ' MI REM , A'V ,Fl,3r: ' ,AliAl ' s alici , .lioy',',7; L AN'i,llif 1:f. " . 'Boot '' , ' S'l,3:6'ls - - Kit ..... ... - O r . t,' F';' , l • -•• t. , ,5- . •rH 'Co „-;,.,,,) 1 1l t afio?Gt~;~;rirl; .I_'.~l'"_i~;~`l~,Sr'l~']~-Tti'! I ai111_67.% c•!:: • _ - The J'oar .4 re / ri,cil r 7, 'cc • P,RANKI,II,' .TIOTT„Fi.,E' 71'iO-V Your.3lo;:t .01teilient- Serralkt, • h p,reea, k, Ronefetefor of Iltigg ed Ilniunuity Lc••P•qpi4r , v : , l i: .. ' • ; • • W=== •• • ••- • 'Amuy.u., or atitAilaviNTEßl3ool/ + J❑At n~ir:ell , : til Q~~ch ¢ llY-huo~ril' ;L.G.- au'o Iwtost and..1•0t.tfolct:t.•••1 : :il.;C:' , •11•311 um] ''"•1•1 :tero N 60, t. b`or•4+it't n !I• r . • •' ei., 1111 011 gyp • : ',F,l••!lntlt • ortled . • , . . . Ruud.loo .5.1.1110.1”::61 , 1,, , T.-:',n.if, fi1',.1,4; ijwa [ln' t+ . 4jm I• !think Al ste.::,.. ,1111.1 , 011,{1. (I 1,At.•,,... tt , 4l ' , e.rln• l'l. 1Z(.111i,, riv,,iteik Ay. i;ri..1q.1.1:61 P. pli. 1, Drll6'.o nn? (lorJt II .N.lmong. ~ • , .. - NEW' BLA:CK SILKS ! liost Lyon's Oros ill alo. fvota ;b'2;.10 Water l't not Olonkin 01/P )111114il•'.querolLl style of Frill Ensulx.' ISIJok Plum r, lon L.! .I,tt nittlari,,,,,llll: Cnlcuorirl Shitt=:, O it rl'•likirtu, Mho, litidp',sr NVo or, extol, Ivo finders in MOURNING GOODS • • FaniPien going' IWO Ji 0111111, sbollitt vX1111111.• OM' ,nt ittlll the ho=t 1...ant.4 of flomo,uni Goods.;, nod , -red : Fl o loAti,- I —qt-tfinVn -- inra Stele° Fla n-1,0,-I,lr - nztiVT7CiTa 'nth ev, Moul n CAIICOCIS: r- 1,1.11v1. ft n'tt iniblpnelted It trite and groy Itinnter , „ Cr), awl Vro,llo.l3la4etni vino H ors ,..Th a , Conlnt.rprtnes,tp , MEN'S. AND Borst, _WEA.R . Heavy , 'tiful, Jean , inen; ,15 •to 51),‘ ta ; also liow . tallail Josn.a, vary f;•'o al. All 1;1 Is; of NOilons, ;1 s (Ty. Whit(' Gods. he Caryat ito ;WI I;awa— ft Iln of NAllliiroy.; ioatl4, Fut:O'er.% 1Ia;x, oft widttig o 5 Ilibbona Flower. STOCKING fie ilnantown lynnt, 1%.,,p1iyr-4, Berth! ',I hr C.I.IIPETSI ! FlAar 611 Clntlui, all width., and I;e:liiiiftdl;attnrriF, Tfrvet 1111 p. Do , n :New Tal.lf, i it ..{,il4 - . in co. fit II ~ , 01 .11)1e to en , ,tut , ,,tc, 4AII, all to, count , 111111.0X11101110 A. WO 111.1 ' 0 1,:t1 pit C.A . ,' 11c tilloctillg . nor gooul% T 1111ricir, purcnasrti gm, I at g t, we con NCII !II 00 tint • ot, An letttgitt 1111 1 / Wiift , t•l•co 'fit/vitt from • 13-• ••• 11111 Itlthint,t, and 0111 . '1 , 111C , it, 11.0t.:1 111910 111,1 In clocling Lan-nottln_Clrtiltt, 111111 V, cannot flip lei 1)161ro . :• • • ' ~c' 'oil to cony. 11.111 i I,rga'nl, at Ito old blond on S%ntn Ilunovor t. ' A IV k N. ll.=firlc~hdciin rrripittit and gill colon cut t•i:l3 &WRY 11.11 TT . i-,- MfINT9OATEBY ITOITSE.. • • The mytersl7,ll r , spe,t rnl ly i,•fiwro th • Fllblir thnr , hey bay Inn.lni this 00 41 4 I t• b• 011 , 411 of,(11.V) rAb.tiv s flwir inf n 101 l to keep It Inn btyin which they hop, Oil • 0 faction 10 nh who., ny fay.; tr.. In to Ih coo t Try W. • dtd„ et rho Chmul , nrsh , rg".7ool C0:1)-0 0r,4 CIVICIIO4 rho from ,m 1 oho rota soe 714 y CENITAL , • .14(m , (Pl. and W2:l Areh Hlreot,• - rn.i LADEth•IIIA. Terms, ,T 2.50 per dry, or rooms with out hoard, $1 per day. J. 8., :;ornhnly FAILMERffi' ,A,)TI) DllOYErri' • : e:T . • • The UMIOI'O4I,IAI talco o,,(j•ply re. fitted and ferot.ilted I •le hot , 1 n, gdoll i(ceiinttreel.itiiiii, IL:ell' ..liii•ar•rretase their borne. Aph ‘r.• u 1 tiatreii,;., •f t o rounillng • coonti'yr public : Itoofn lar,el On I (Torn I; sill, plied ivitltlhe • • • trn i :(l "J3EI:4TYA MIZE , . . NOtl. 'V/ STltEra, • rthoiell linvith; 1 . 01,111' el :mil' f tit:rely re-fltlitl. nu fir hhihrit . rhono4,,Ht, olt h elnis furilitere, 11114 vvvil n.tt 1 , 3 H the .:11,t0111 .11 Iho rewhi and pplitio II it , 1 prep:xi:it tit I'll,lllth (list-elatiti at ei,oltiltel•it in tit . lll,• lie c! • ire to 11114, ,or 1,1 ! .. , -,11 .11,111 1,0,y; at, Ile. 0 eteLtein feinti th i.. rr 1`,14.1 t• (ult. 41111 1'01.101 , 11z HOll a I. O, l ! o.4reHlH. b rc. • lilt, ttt III'NTZ, N.l). AL:iv:it-Ono livery i, HOtillo:ct:11 Ito :total lititlett the iiintio:teiti, r , „ • - . - , • - Mina SIMI TA a; IT:3 0 ILIYAT Pli E.Y • • r , * ° me() C.g AV Ir proi , ed, from the - 1110 , 4 •am plc! kNppv,l ,;9:l•er.nry: . :Ire :lie p, ly Metittilles o. tly (o sink ply tlitanil nu h:111111Cq al to by fr... from Om]; r, nt/ ellicJmll un VO 'e lowayk: 4 1'11..y av , ! 1411.0( 01, i,pll,ol{ t‘hvays rt.!. lintlofoctlop Nuts Curks - 1 7 ,-:oC,;(ll)Tifi.hildit.;[lll.diuddlior :1; • ' ,• 3, 'AO Cryfll.r.oolio t,r 01. ieli. ti. 4, .do. Cl , rbr a cif ddgll 4 5, , do, I) , ..nut)tp% , (I. ; 114 cipyor. ;,, , ,•.,, 7, d'of..l , ll.lira'glo;,Tootil 0 o. 1 . 00,111:110. 0,, di, ..1.1.90 .4,111te5,:.4:1.1; !tet AV 0A Vorlig, do - e lly1110(011.0, nil 000. - • '- : 26. 1, do .9,,,0pr0 so .or Pidtdid,l'e,r!o , :5. 12, ;do Wh to, 106 PrISIIRI l'orloihh, • 2.5 Crum . ' do Cro; 4 - IJingli.'fddhlUll'l l, 4-11: 1 .1./J, , ;25 'do , • olt.(1,11 , 1110i. 'l•ll,igipo7t , , Kr,ovtion,J 15, di, opthau., Iw l iln4 to 5155. •, • 1115 do •I+, yor j7 t ,J1,,A,1,11J37.1.11,11 0 1 fil) 17, ; do • O djr.,',llol, pl 4,•hioduuldilf:•ltoui•,.,, . • , 16,111,d• •111,1',,_ do Whoop l l l l 21, du' 1 1 .2, _do•;•I'lr 1111 u, 21. dn' t Lienilral ?A; - do ; ,-;DrojiAy ju UR, d „Sot; 61411.• - 2 • do . if11;;o3: lli .2N , , Zie:tvg ItiP/1 Piz oi : d0.:43070 7;put 2,llrliOd'YM An.. nulYnrmpx V-Ay tit! ' 1140 hp, 65 iP:okr holONto ihh.a;'coatfillovir . nary ikroasa a. Tot kooks of.altetill , :ll. I?Tdnl W? Patolly • ~,, 4pocrinnE, ':q. Oil 'Pri ouriOA on.l for : JO ,y)d s poy. % •••..4:) % !•!% , . ) , -"PoNfri; • . . • . CCaroniP ' lll l l . 7p, :kWh 011143; ,84 1, 141 , 0, * F ora % Throat, 'l.iproi6, l'nothla% Reara!gla; Itlteumnlfxal :I%Ointligo t , lthOo Balla.' ;Alike :La Koh -14,1 4,0' of • P11 1 0;.Porpoilltforfc,011 .; ..% • . .::Ptloo,. ps., (`lntS, s l ,.fin Qoarti. 81.75, t!, /WM' .:Ths.yo• holohdlo 4 ,. ON.IIO. Prtrort,' Nth roh.dor Anglo' !ox. port,. II I Lo, .calotcy Ott thoolfrico.% . 2 ± 1111i1101r ;! ". e Att;i l 46 " Fv o:en. 3) 11,10 ci (Q.,' I' ow York_ 01%1 trito,` d''!untiliu.;" 1111 ,~ ~,~ M=SMNI MEM Ma; i:1'1: • p @! N. W. WO I* lh Motor. MM 13M1 ,1 T:MAW, ,7,' 7i:.ti7.7;.;:_, ,1 ',..i : . , !„,‘ 5 1 , , , V7:7V1,.1 1 -7',.:: ,7 . :. •: L - !':'' . .. , 1 .-, " 4 V:At t ''A:' , V .s ,:' . 2 • ) " ,,, . , ': , :it; , ''''' - ;.%',F`1'1 4 . -, ; , :; , .'•: - -;' , .- -, ;.k.%: - :''. ~ 1 - '",-,-..-,';'-':-:./..,', ~ ~ _Y~Jli~s: ; dtl;.. . ' - '' 7, 15(041:71.t.tg4.0 6 4 M.,4p1;k11:( EV • 'HA:R;t ;A .. . ;# . 4f . .... .T: , ' , 'zf . : 4P:i:;' tv F' ,, -- -•., ;!..,-, SMi-'' , ha OUSEI i - -• , I .1": • ; 22. ToOlntd $ al • • - Ikon 1?-1112•1:4,-• • ' -,..,.;;';:•1:',.',T::;-,?.,'-...: *A ;.:.):?!;,4!.'Ef 4T,gg' ME r.Ylaatai . it s,nUa An;miiiiitiit'tr: EMI HOUSE D 'wi6lle:N;iiisi.;':(lcijiiil, ftn y 4 Usofql iti.yontiolicof' of useful and tly intrpil u cod Sole Ag 21.,A1VICS rite foi edr past >jitro l lage, 'fiO I:ve.i6inntn it, SAjr,..T.O T g A 'IV Frliw Carlisle Pa FZEM rtirl EMI M=Mn 6u. (;6oilatug. AT , TIELO W cop Ti. ---,,--- I ',6 - 0 6:n13 , 7,11e:4T .BB S OLD BY DUEL tlther/nitleA . t, retire tt•tlirP ritock ME • FIII:NIP1110001)9, ' • .. TRIELNKS, . . - • • FEE tio -1-ofirrttatr,t rd nernint)or. 11l itock of piceo it; fitiost in town, ronsii,to of =1 UGLISH CLOTHS, UM &21$,§ImEn4 . , - .CASSI*:TT/c , . - TWEETS, ; .ff' ---- . ~ - SATINEiTS TaNrN§,,t r .c." TIIE :7 .: llade Clothing ErKi dti artra it.auuro 6"tit: of tho Targeti! : 4n4.,tiont -- 34soii; i1m0,11.1,11-s:tfo Our. Own Make. il: I For yourhulTar, ,to GrI'IN6STON, - 7 . 7 • n etr,ot, ' " r e/V/4N u i tre/f/dry.' T f.,.ILI)W.ELL CO., MI flO2 (Tr 1%..F1'14 V STItEtT, 17 tADELPIIIA, JP; IVIAERS, ',5,11: VER SAIITIIS ..., _, _. , L • - EBEI ccElpr OF 'S.N i). ITOLIDAY GOODS, GEE AC , V6 k'SUPERTI ?iTOCK OF P cior \H IS BRONZES! ofINAMI:s CS!' r lANCY G Op:7 ! Pl 4 WAN, ST A T (TAR Y! f.!ici - S'i!ver Ware! = EDDING PRESENTS. A '`.l.'Ll.:Niiln ASSORTNIENT OP JEWF . III7, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELEOTRO-PLATED-WARES. L DAY 00.0DS! WI.LI TAM' BRAD Y.,• l' : KAA, IIARIt.•$111J,I(G. vf,r,;,rh 0r,,,0 fronv-Nnw York with tin* Intl:rat st , e' 11, i;:ri—OootlN ovoi l•ronizilt to thin city ron atlng in ik Of ` . HOLIDAY: 'AND BRIDAL . SILVER, . of , ioplltt from (ha cPlebrniod Ontia M9,llf!kwlirl r v - L PL:..4 TED :41411rE,' EME Vole mil Prigt. Ci1;,,":11,. (7..letv Stands, ' • i ti ltM Co of tlrotimt tool Ilnlab; from tlo rOlottratt , tl tummy, ry ilrott.tt 11 w mot, Blotitl t ltt, tt It h prall, iyttl f stfo tl vlaiod luutrllrn. - °VI:. FADE', Y ' (10 1)1/8 ‘ ,l li'; I , Al', TM ENT • Es.tlir.•••td , ho (nil elving, art Lielleq' - Elegant tt 11 elicielti,•• Caeee um' Clove 11,0041' hems lits• ' , lll . lle'A,,' Tenet Se't= Writing Th."l J. 4 0/ 'levet, art Receivers 1e St• 111 ,Tlolvt, '010:.4•0,101 . mei. ',ember, £3llk, tt,ttc., etc . .„ trett4o, 'State it,. Collt.l.l' Phew', Va•es, etc., etc Untie it Al •••eii, i•io iuc!ran 2to 10 afro, rd wills Diet. niel Amite 11, at ta Joao , 1. .French, to 00t, 111elize, isms , •rble.cs,:eu Cuckoo (I.lek; S:;•;`,•18, ensea,"lobareo 111tes (all'or Inni ti, l`arkir ,Thernannet, rx ree,,el, )1 :no; l'iss . 6slnal.l'oelct•t,lloor‘s awl a 15r01.1144.v thine; my Ase, Gill and examine the nreq•l .ceorttnent., ' • • : BRADY, • - • - • trout, Has risinseit, 1',.- EMOIM .Claartptil C0a1;;.,, CLIE , . . , ".; , ttid.:l:bd litderettrta!d a :ruelt 0 . , ilfrairdiCiail'io' all :tali t Id:t. ertra-1., Kt tally or, ./411.114.111111411 7 WM. at allaa a la , tA, pm.{ ad llif y , 11•Cppl. t 11,• nitowWg.: lit T 4irlfri oil (dal In C‘liqpi , q c , ,rif. !2.1 . i.t . '1'...' ellarg,,ll, n iv. 1.411 . t., inoupeatitd at,any . ovtio !li . pilli molt 1.,' lealy'caso, .t.a., , -.: :-,, ': : ;lit: .4,,11011V, r. 3 our &MI. (113 it aortic. to hattd; witlada i6id'r , vel.ltt dirt :...td 1 , 11. . ..'.. . 4114, Tlait la 1110, tiilo. ‘A , 1110010FM1 14(00 Or - Ifiltli,.. „ , ~ .. ibex ,YOU Will' . , . • . ',' . . , to9tl; TEN .PER •sn ch i t. wilm 200.0thi nw 1.101101! , 'Oa raid .for, R 1.1 , A : ‘‘ (. i ET : DLIT , 1011:r,1 To Ik ii‘pir alt retviii Alt.ntur. Olt tafttlfy iith Alive got .eggi /1111 4 billaker yell tinyOosito..• but 111, WO 1100 to iveelve 0141 i ,, to it ll tamli 116414,74 bleb,•or Ohort Dloutk• t , Vo.lloy! , st•ttot of them twine itot'so ettublot.' the • Soffit.* orply ibu to `the • loir4', sent' o /Sbt 'ot.Nes to too b It us It: Is sent 'ts,.it's • W•r; nth..'rit"loueiness Woo, Ott the Ito.W ~(ICotoilSe'y'•• obtio •fi.llo, onr esk to soo sample tlirbsl. , ..ehey'do f lor 3 low toot ! , thou .20 hours' nib , non th,trufb3,l engnot 'show whet we eau ," you ......... A' syhthly ptitchpeo m t,' whom It Call bo ,it!ttl , tlplyu, ht.& hi thy (Tiy, • • ',,*•• • • '- ';" • ' Olt li hit Pj) ::42 , 7 ',# . 90,i11iD ,, 11);:kfill) ,i)P" 1 ut•: . lqtliet• Iptil•' . (:•t'llt, ' litalflCL i!). r;;Wilara . ,rali, t ICCii i,iit )ja ;'1104.14,15 , IlLeti. aliq ‘pruyll,.. to . 6.01. , u thu . 'tfisa.,itilit't,iailll.ii vlittue.? 11., ,iinit • dill( tl'iitferaprYinOiAttoiyity kiyit4yuur tatitplyibrltuti L tioy thrty unr,qoc ,yuy..,tto:b , turyintqyz t,1111". full 4h0171kt,,, , •.' • ",. .. , '.' • MEE Tinware and "Pumps: sno EW E 1 . 1 st.,l .T i ,i. ;. ..t mi iiit;d7.41,.. 7 1- 9 a cire t .A - r o i.,":,,firocit. 04 1 04* .4:k 8 or d ! . ; awl- I" • • inware . IMBI ~ ,,, ', - , .. ', : .•;:.,, Y ., : q...:- . *.i.,•;', , , : k .. -;-.0:c1'.';.-, - .-;•,-. • ~„,...,...„ •-• ,, ---Q , /,.• ~ the'ete,ek'ef etcrieibniy be found' the IMII OTP.CONKEB BASE puRNTR,;!...: Ath INKEti FinE pLetkiinfss; iIA: - . geohanias' • tsgther Ruh.nleo Int4t stylefi I,tAitiol2, Immo Room AND ,ii . iid . :.Y . ,iiiliph - ei; :1111i . c.)!Iir'y OA] leigo tho , tra!lt.- to aqtnpeiti.liltb, Knives, - 'Forks,— , " - • Dippers, Opthur unit Tolt a Sets, Coat nnckets,'Coal Shoyols and Tonga, Zinc dick rn ry earietyot . Tin "were and noose Nnrniebing Goods kept In Ittirat- Sand, ~.~ A 1 -a E ,iVe nm nfso prepoira to fOrnleti Pumps f r Cistbrns and Wero Apt] hare for nalli . th. Celejlrat,d gcknoinaL'ilcumi.r ME ti 'ROOFING, SPM.FTINO, AND JOll STORK, .attended tiolaulptly..and oo Soap,. ph'. term.. Remember , hp plalytbe 'green front on North Bailor r .atreet. A few. doors nt.nre le:caber. Give ns n Cal 40; w- are determined not to La tinder aid I, any other p•rties in -hts place - ..7hankint for p at pat. n00n... as • extend a. cordial inyit m pay as a • . RHIN - EMI - ITH *2 RUPP, . 'Nos. 62 and 64, RORTII HANOVER STREET, • CABLISL.Ei 50ct71 • PA Excp..sioß s V. E'• AND TINWARE 7 -- EMPORIUM oronl4 rPrpe-tfully inform 11)-• eltumns of Carisle th.ar he Alin mrriel on tho