Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 21, 1871, Image 3
".^ IturaozbuB.-4The services in the on Sabbath afternoon last wore largely: attended. The iiyaises InStitt tip, for some cause or other, baverbeen ~.sdiscontinued. Rkv. H. BROWN offers a ;valuable grist and saWMIII, situated on Sherman's creek, Perry county, on the line of the South P.' R. Road, at privet° sale. Therkiee, good two-story frame dwell ing, wash house, spring hMise, barn and all other nedeseary linprovelnents. "If not sold at private sae before the first of March, 1872, it will then bioffered at • public sale. Or furtherparticulars call on Oliver Bro f Wn, residing on the prein ices, or address , Rev. H. Brown; Allen postoffice, Cumberland county, Pa. OBITUARY,-111 . thiB borouiti,_on _Fri rday morning last, after a lingering ill ness, Mr: David Rut; in the seventy ninth year of his age... The deceased was well-known, not only lb this com munity, but throughout the county% having lived for several years a few . miles east of this place. He was a man of irreproachable character, and was beloved and respected by all who knew him. rt On Sabbath morning last, the remains were convoyed to St. Paul's Evangelical where an eloquent funeral dis course was delivered by the Rev. H. B. llartzler, the pastor in charge, assisted. .by, the Rev. J. G. M. Swengle. The 2arge and spacious auditorium was • eros ded.with sympathizing friends'and relations to pay' the last sad tribute of lesPect. Upon the conclus4, of the ervices the remains were' conveyed to and interred in tetort Spring grave yard, follotved to their last silent resting place by a large number of friends and relatives of the deceased: Mr. Mita was closely , identified with St. Paul's ehitrch, being one of the most liberal its erection. At the time of.hie death he resided with his son-in law, Mr. Jacob Boas, whose lady is an only child. Peace to his ashes. Tnk.members of the First Presbyte r rian congregation contemplate making inucli-needed "changek in the external appearances of their church, during the :owing year. Large quaetitifis of stone Ito being hauled for the purpose. Tom Winter vacation at Dickinson (allege began yesterday. A great many' Itudents •havo left for thei'r homes to bass the holidays. The young gentle- Men must have been "firing off the Old liear," judging from the cannonading ept up during Tuesday night. The Vinter term will begin on Thursday, j _ , :Anuary 4 =CM VICH!B FLORAL GIIIDE.—We are in freipt of one of Junies Vick's illustrated catillog,ues and Floral Guides for 1872. le proprietor •of these.-popular and weid:renowned nurseries presents this, the tenth annual catalogue to all his cusomera of last year as a New Year's gift For the purpose, of enriching its page, and rendering this pamphlet delay attractive and intereatirig, .the prometor bas traveled extensively both Euope and America, - visited the most 3elebried gardens iu the Old World, fnd awn, planted and tcstod s in the 'few ' Mile to increase the beauty of its 'ttractve pages he has taken advantage f the kill of the best artists, paper sakerii and printers in the country. Last Yen, 190,000 catalogues were printed andheri is not awliigle copy left, while the first elition this year is 200,000, and- A r.;ageinetfts have-user' cumpltmett mr a reBeuti edition of any desired number. Thee i books will be mailed to any per son or the receipt of ten cents, less than ene-tlird of the cost. Address, James ck, 'Rochester, N. Y. See ad in au thor column. ens • Grand 'Jurors, January Term, Oyer kud Terminer alai General Jail Delivery end Court of Quarter Sessions, 1872. Coruman,E. ' Armor. Middlesex ommory, Mathias do Franlcfnrd Pormnam Robert manufacturer Silver Spring nralvbaugh, Wm. farmer Frauk ford .. . . . Dior, %Vol. carpauter, , Monroo _ EploraNn. farm.). E Dannaboro' Go.Besple, Th. J. laboAr Frank ford_ Ilubli.y, Wm. B. butchor Shipb'g Dor 518.Ingor,Baing IL farmer Dicklotmii ' Cuirtz, David Inn koop-r do Marrow. Jim D. 111.0111 Newton Itoiimz Wm. • farmer Frankfort.'' . . . . . ,time, Martin do Sliver Boring or, Levi do L MIMI. • b Adam gentleman, Silver Spring 4e, Robert laborer , ilopowoll ' ~auck, , rn. FL merchant . Shiplig Bor speolmen, 'l' O. blackninith, N Middleton aouller, John B. farmer Mifflin Suilth, Adam do , 8 niddieton .4.0111., Adam. do Silver Spring rfflsior, John Re" hlackemlth L Allen 'flY‘tiy.. AlexareSer gentleman Mechanlckburg iVooltainu.lharpeA.tarmer Newton rnaverso Jurors, January Term, Oyor and Terminer and General Jail DelUsory and Court of Quarter Sessions of Peace, and Court of Common Pleas, 11i72. Dalaley, Wm. blackemlih Itampilen Brougher. John miller U Allen Viougtiman Joelah farmer Southampton PiLick, Hobart M. carpenter Carlisle Bryson, LB. merchant" " Hampden .r.. Cornman, Jonathan ehoemaker Carlido _ . _ . . ... . . .. . Cook, John W. labot or Monroe Coney, Goo W. farmer Hopewell , ~ ~,. tack ley, Henry do Monroe 1 ,, Dow bough, Cleo B. doW l'enhebt,ro' llyarmon, David „ . carpenter „., I,,Ft miton _..... _____ Epley, Georg° farmer 8 Middleton Fieber, Mallows dealer , 811 s or Bprin4 Floyd, 411 rn ' gentleman L Allen Fenthertnakor Wm. matchmaker eltlpb'g'Flor - For, Wm W. - farmer Ilatepden Pam her John do do Ouuidt Samuel 11. clerk Coe-1151e Goo•iyear, Samuel laborer do 4lyires,• Isaac ' do Shipb'a 11 r, lit:annul, John grocer Carbide Ilr:,..lbrOb (armor - 8 Middleton ti atonts,Srlifelta, , do Nowtou • ' 1 ,,, , u ,g t-V r o i cab org, co.t to .. , 1 , : : teni il te a t b m e r r o o : Lynn, Mob. 8, - %Inner • Cerlielo Lackey, Matthew.. farmer Frunkford Laughlin, Join ,A do ti" Penneboro' McCartney, Itob't Jr. minter 'Oerliela - - morrieoe, John former - Idoklneon \fell, David, do Newton itilo , lUchnrd tanner Sliver Spring 51ei.or ' II onry'll, termer .11 Penn obor.. Ostot t, floury , , blitelemith , Iliunpdpn I'olllllo3r, John hn - ruhk U Ailed Kuth Win , ' 4,1 Mifflin .—_.. -.- - Reek, Imo dd P Middleton lilib, .lon•ph Jr. do • I ponneboro' Rankin, Joeepti P. druggist ' 13hiideg Ber Russel, Ja•oe farmer Newton ... ; do lionipden tililvely, John lun keeper Middlesex Smiley, IL M. merchant Corinne Waethetinr, Win. farmer owtoo' Weakley, Willis ns teacher Dickion M 'W.; Mtu, Q. ' laborer B Middleton, Yfrodborn, Wilsou•D farmer do ,'.mrrwrinon, darn . do L Allen Traverse Jurors, January Term, Court of Commonleas 1872.. (second week.) / AtUdielclitOrga , , farmer • ' Mifflin . strinly, J •mrs - 14014 E renumber°. .lirludlo, David P.. farmer . ^ltlddleaex - • Hortnett,hienb. do Fraukfoid I.l,oglima, , Wm. F. - do ' • Newton Bentz, Martin 0. earpoilter Carlisle titbit,. iiminuel.' ' 'MILT ... Sliver pring • Crimitibend;Jno WJr farmer ', , Eis Ni1,141,t,,_ _. • _ - Prawbeihill,'Peter dialer .iteeisanica burg VOIIPr. Samuel A. „lamer . . motor Dixon ,Jeinem IL ', Mitchel. . , Cardillo Etuerieb,Hecrile -' laborer - 'is Cumberland Elabcrt,l. It. . grocer Carilide • • Fink, lartel farmer Silver Equine Frvmi-r Henry ' laborer . Sleelluniosbnrim Fake, Joh. farmer E renumber°. . Orson, James ,. merchant S 4111ddlotoo.. Oreceon, Hobert' ' , Groner , •• W Penn/bore • \ Iluberling, Frank II: do Hopewell Hennernan, Wm. • laborer ' .11kuipden '. ' Hoye. Edward,' banker' , ' plperville .. . Hosier Ilmol ge farmer • Id ifllln . Irrio. H obert' ••• peotleman Carlisle , Keiser. David • farmer_., Middle-ex : • • • • • Kest, John P.' firmer 81Ism Spring Lyne. lrm. - It: - . • do -- -. • 8 "Middleton Lynn, A. A. but elasr Carlisle Martin, Joel ~."- defiler 4 ••• ': Slritiblr nor" v n mime, Minuet . farmer Hampden . ;Isere, Alen/ . • do • ' ,Nowton • ' ' , lellslaXlMltell gentleman • Cornelis • , lobo termer MlCrlin . .. . . ~ mil, . , • donor, , it PeansLoro'. . caw, George' , 'farmer ' • ' ! ' "U Allen . . . blaohart.-Jmom S.. carpenter • 'Caviled° .., . huff, J a me s ' ' '' farmer • W.Peonebdror .1 • oydordilemon. do .. . N Middleton , -mart Walter do Dleklueon• - Oriole, Samuel • do .___, ,Sileor Spring ;rook, Geo D: do It Penneborp . ••• ophene, Bleary do . ' L Allen ' ' orht, D. W. '' cle .: - . U Alien ' . erren•lealo , W: laborer ' , Southampton - ,' I otte, litam • ' fanner . . • , IU Allen' . '-,- Dion, Robert ''•; gentleman. Ateehanteaburg Igier,-Jacobll.! • farmer , • •• $ Middleton' • inter, D. - 0. ~ moulder , Meolfauteaburs - inton, fileistla---tomint • ' RI ranwit•orig------ Ililll 7 4 c4nem (fibitieday - ia the - aborted dar in tho year. • ;TILE Maininoth Funipkiii, eickibi tion-ntW. A • Hurririok'e, will be out on Friday, the twenty-89mnd., All loyere of pumpkin ples'dnip in and get a' slice. Tait -regnlitr IJnion Prayer Meeting bytthe Young Men's Christina Associ ation will be held. in St. Paul's vitn gonna' Church, Sabbath afternoon next, nt half-past _three. ,A cordial in vitation is Wended tooth ,citizens to attend these exercises; Tina third entertainment of the "Lec ture and Consort Season" will be given by . Hon. William Parsons, of Ireland, on Tuesday. evening, January 9, 1871. His subject will be a popular and humor ous lecture on Richard . Brinsloy Sheri dan, orator, wit and dramatist being a romantic biography, interspersed with characteristic anecdotes and - incidental netices'of the wits and humorists, 'Oliver Goldsmith, Dr. Johnson, Burke, Curran, "A brilliant audienca_filled _Liberty Hall last evening, so that every seat, down stairs was taken, and little room was left in the balcony. Coming among us an entire stranger, scarcely known to our people •by reputation even, Mr. Parsons can have the satisfaction that be has won the favor of a Pittsburg au- , Vienne, wile will be glad to hear him on other occasions. . . . Mr. Parson's man na': of speaking is pleasant and attrao. tive ; his Voice is clear, and. his enunci ation' distinct ; and, were .it not for the announcement that he is of Dublin, Ireland, an audience would n suppose from his pronunciation that he is a Now Englander. . As we have said, the audience were well pleased with Parsons, and will be glad to hear him often. "—Pittsburg 'Commercial. "_The lecturer was a :.styangm but his effort was of sueb. a - character as will ?Anita him a welcome occupant of our platform henceforth. - Engliiih in, ap pearance, but Irish inblood and, oratorio fire, he treated his theme with , a happy mingling of biography, sketch and anec dote that remindi ono of his plan of Thackoray's lecturers. Mr. Parson's delivery - IS nicely trained ; and the rich• ness and Variety of his inflections kept the audience upon a strain of attention that our less Studious (in elocution) and more phlegmatic New England speakers are rarely able to enforce."—Springfield Republican. [ ANN OIINCEMENTe. ] CLOSING OUT. At the Contral dry goods store, aw °their great reduction in prices of all kinds of dry goods, shawls, - blanket:, coverlbts, counterpanes, table linens, _towels, napkins, all kiwls of flannels, me rino shirts and dMwers, all kinds of me, rino under wear- for missea — arid boys, cloths and cassimeres, overcoat.? lugs, saitinetts, jeans,.&c. , N'oci is-the time to secure great bar gains in all kinds of Winter goods, as We are determined to closo out our entire stock of woolens by the first of January, 1872. . You can save at least 30 per cent by calling at4o Central for bargains in dry goods And furs of all kinds. LEIDICII & MILLER. SOMETHING ARTH KNOWING Where to find the beat assortment of goods .suitable for Holiday Presents. The most fastidious can be suited at J. H. Wolf's, No. 18 North Hanover street. Both in point of price and style, go ,see his assortment. Joun - H. WOLF. i SPECIAL NOTICE All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, either by note or Wok account, will please call and settle the same without delay, and oblige LEIDICII &MILLER. OUR modern course of living begets a condition of the .body that requires occasional relief. The system becomes enfeebled, deranged, clogged, and labors in its task. The mind sympathizes with it and both sink, or are deprissed to 'ether. To restore the vital energies, purge the system—cleanse the blood— take Ayer's Pills.—Glasgow, Ky., Free Frees. Fon ' prime Havana oranges and emone. go to liumrich'ii. THEM goods have been selected with great care, especially for the holidays, and w ill be sold at great bargains. Do not fail to call befell) purchasing else where. D. A. Sewyin. BicsT 12} cent sugar in town at Meloy's SANTA CLAUS bIVES'I7P 'The new advertisement'of the "'Live Store" has drawn the attention of so many people, that old Kriss Kindle finds only a corporal's guard to look for his approach, all' preparing to go to Duke & Burkholdees• Dry Goods Store and ielect their own gifts. We Would say to, those' who have not yet .examined . our Holiday Goods, to hurry up whilst - the assertment is yet perfect. 'We are always ready to show the beautiful gifts, and as 'fcir cheapness, all agree that they are astonished, and wonder bow good goods can be furnished so very low. , We ,will give you 'the reason: Everything we hey has been - marked at holiday prices. If Jot 'want to save money, call at Duke Sißurkholder's "Live StOre." WE have now on exhibition the olioio. est stock of linen collars and cuffs, lace Collars, ladies', 'gents' mid • children's' hemmed stitched handkprohiefs, ever offered in the town, and at the lowoet prices.. If you want a nice pair of kid gloves, If you wailf:a nice dross, go to D. A. Sawyer's. If you want a nice set of furs, - D. A. Sawyer's. CHRIBTMARI EMI •Great bariains in all kinds of goods for Christmas Presents. - Handsome dress goods—another reduction in primp,. Splcndid . setts-of Furs, far- under prices in any other store. Haddsome embroi dered. handkorehiefe; Nary cheap. Splen did Wee handkerehlefs, very cheap: Lade dollars, linen collars, lineri setts, kid gloves, neck ties, and everythipg very nice and very desirable,. and very cheap for Christnias Presents, for every, one that calls at the Central Dry Goods Store: Mali= & ••• Vaaisoa just reei3ived at Huinrich's. • QIIMB-11FAB PRgBENTS. • If pu ranka.,nico tieti of collars and buffs, go to D. A. Bawyor'ii. if you want a nice, lace collar, go to p.` . A. Sawydee. - . , • If you Want a nicoiace andiercliiof, go to D. A. Stiwyer's. '; I, • . If you want • a nice hemnied etitoinni habdkerchlef, go , to•D: A . ..Ban:nee. • la*auts and 'citrono ()teal) tit, 410103!s•-2, • Fot, .IiiINCE 4 PIBI3,—"- Pure New England ..Jinni. 1:1611111116 Fratic;h' Brandy. Fine Cooking,-Wincs. 'Beat of old 'Bye Whisky. All' to' be had at the veiyilowest prices for dash Only;' at ' JACOB LIPIBOSTOR, 27 North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. nol67l(it „ BwirarzEn and 'American cheese al ways on hand; at Hurnrich's. LOST ! , • ' Several weeks - since & a podia . book eoLtaining a BUM of mcifty and -several notes not due. !;,A. liberal roll and will be paid for their return to mum rtnoE. o JOH WWI. - APPLE and peach butter at umrieh's: REDUCTION IN PRICE OF COAL 11.6 undersigned is furnishing, at Carlisle, the best quality of Limebiirneis' Coal at $3.10 -per ton, Nut ; $2.50 per ton, Pea ; Farniers and Limeburn, ors supplied at, corre4ondinglY low ratos at all points .along the line'of the - Cumberland . Valley railroad; 14dee71-3t thr.o. Go'to•l3umrich's for Irish and. Sweet p0tat0667% - nions, upp es, pump ins, chestnuts, peanuts, grapes, &e. NOTICE. All parsons knowing themselves in debted to t. • Inhoff by book account or - • otherwise, are requested to make pay ment before the first of January, 1.872, after Which .time .all accounts will be placed in the hands of a proper officer for collection. A cash _ business 0;4 dfino at reduced prices. ' " ' 13dec71 TWENTY hbls onions just received at Huinrich's. FOR RENT The large second story front;room on the corner, over Leidich& Miller's dry goods 'Store. For terms inquire of Leidich & Miller, 2no7ltf Iro you want a nice pound of honey, go to Hum rich's. COMBINGEi made into switches, chig nons, curls, frizette, &c., at Madame Rotes. , , SHOULDERS, sides, dried beef, beef longues, sugar cured hams, whole or sliced, pickled 'and canned oysters, at Humrich's. You that kill pigs-and make sausages want good popper to,season with.• J. L. Meloyipas ie; strictly" litre. 6dec7l FOR Irish potatoes, go to Humrich's. Ho has seven different varieties, which he is selling in large or small quantities to suit purchasers. TnE Sensemau Shop is still .in full'' blast. If you want good carriages, tiug glee, Spring wagons or sleighs,,zo l to Ad. Sonseman; at his old place ou'North 'Pitt street. " 9n97ltf DON'T BE HUMBUGDED 'but buy the best stoves that have ever been in the market, and pronounced so by all who have them in use, the Ameri can Base Buiner and Base Heater, the Radient Fire Plac:o Heater, and the Cabi net Range with hot closet. Call at W. Fridley's Stove store on Hanover street, and see the endless variety of stoves and house-furnishing goods. PRIME mince meat at flumiich's FOR SALE, ... A iiiu . able Family Horne. Inquire of `Joan MILLER (Merchant.) 7dec7l-tf_. LIVE and dresbecl poultry always on hand at Humrich's. 7dec7l Tr - you want cheap groceries or any thing kept in a first-class grocery, call ,at Hoffman's, East Pomfret street. 7doc7ltf Dnusann poultry always .on hand, at Humrioh's. Bucx;cynreA'r flour at Hoffman's grocery, No. 88 East Pomfret street. -- -- JUST received a choice lot of mackerel at Humrich's. • VELVET bats, cheaper than ever, at Madame Rote's. .IF you wish a serviceablu platform wa , kc a go to liagio & Smoltz, on South Pitt tr t, a few doors south of the O. v. .R. depot. • 21Se7ltf. _,_ .. READ THIS. 1 t . v If you wish to purchase a nice prestint for your sister, or some other man's sister, go to J. 11. Wolf's, No. 18- North . Hanover street. • - PRI= buckwheat flour, oven dried corn meal at Bnmrich'e. • . s • CURRANTS, citron, lemon peel, prunes, flgif, pared and unpared peaches,' at Hoffman's, No. 88 East Pomfret street. THE flour sold by J. L. Moloy always reliable. Try it. ' NEW London Layers, Valentia and Seedless just received at Hum rich's. " • 7dec7i Fon cranberries, Atmore's mince meat, call at Hoffman's grocery,• No. 88 East Pomfret street. • Brim, another lot of choice buckwheat .at 7d0p71 =ECM Tun , received a_large assortment of fandy teye, suitable for the holidays, at% Hoffman s, No. 88 Eaet Pomfret street. .. s o._ receiving, daily, fresh,lota of dried fruits such at; poaches, pared and unpared, blackberries, currants, seeded and unneeded cherries, apples and hutzells: . , 7dee7l ' ..- . THE VERY LATEST. J. H. Wolf, No. 18 North Hanover stria, has• just returned from tho East with,a very large and' carefully selected stook of fancy goods suitable for Christ-, rasa presents. 1871 FOR , SALE. A large safe. le iN in good condition and will be 'sold cheap. infinite . at De vinuey'e grocery store, ou West - Main street. - . _ - 7deo7lti4 -4 Elton lot - Of 'ciicoanuts and cran berries at Emrich's. - Juw received' 100 boxee of raisins very low, at Hoffman's, No. 88 East Pomfret street. At-r---H.IIIIIOCW-8. 4 Families supplied at the shortcst notice. FOR BALE OR TO RENT.' In Lisburn', Climhopand , county, store room and dwelling house, or storo room alone, is, for salo.or to rent.. A . business of frOrd,sl2,ooo to $20,00Q, can be don'. with . a.stnall J 01124 Bflunitialr, 80no711m* Lisburn, Pntatiz fresh 'older at Ifuttooit'fi: MOLL a# - Jewolry. at-Roto'si PATENT GATE. • '"At' Einklebs ifaChine . iihOp this place, can bo assen,One the'bist cal Farm Gates evel: invented. It 'does notatquire any hinges. It Opens two ways'. 'lt never. rides .in the, mud, 'and 'an betaised to swing clear.over snow 'date and , other obstructions' that are bot t om twenty-four inches high. is offered for sale to all wlio need gatOs at the following low prices. • For each farm, right, $2.00 for each townehlp right, $20.00 ; for each county l' right, $160.00. Gates Made to order .of _any size ,or style desired, and satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. Will exchange terri tory for a good horse, - Call on or' ad- . dress • CHAS. F. DINELF. Wilson and 1 Wilcox & Gibbs Bowing Machines for silo choap. nno7ltf. NOTICE. . All persons indebted to Henry Saxton, prior to the first of January, 1870, are' 'hereby notified tb call immediately, and settle'their indebtedimse-withfiim before the first of January, 1872. If ,not'at-' tended to by URA time, the accounts- of _flYery_ano,_irreartectime of perSon,_._willJl. placed in the hands of a proper officer of the law for collection. HENRY SAXTON. Meld. SPECIAL NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENT! Now is the time for- Cheap Ware. After the first day of• April next, Wm. Blair & SOn will ceastr and will wholesale exclusively in Groceries, Tobaccos, Oils, Fish, and general store supplies. As wo wish to -extend our business in the wholesale line, and must have more room, we have concluded to sell out entirely our large stock of Fine Ironstone and Common Ware, also Fine Glass Ware, and a good assortment of. vases and other fine wares„ suitable for . Christmas Presents at 124 per cent be low prese,a7rdtair - tifibicir - abrfair: pending abatement to the trade. Call while our stock is full, arid m - ake your selections. Now is the time. WM. BLAIR & SON, .South End, Carlisle A CARD TO THE LADIES. J DR. DUPONCO'6 GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS I= INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTING IRREGULARI TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE ' MONTHLY PERIODB, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PREVENTIVE. =I Dot what at come period of tier Life will find the DIPPONOO GOLDEN PILLS Just the medicine oho need, For Nervous Publlity Bearing down Pains, ualpitrtlon of the Heart, IV,tehied; rroguler or Painful Menstruation, gush of Blood to the Geed, Dizzineas,_ka, gre'_ Three ere_the_ onls Tina ever known that will curve the Whites, (they will ' , ore in every c.e.) They never led, and may he dope , dud upon in every case whey, the monthly flow has been obstructed through raid or. disease. DLIPON CO'S GOLDEN PILLS itlwayi, give inimediPlo reilef hying especially prepared fur married ladles A lady writes: Dimoneo's Golden 'Pills relieved one In one day, without Ineonvenienre.alko =I 16 now put up In Largo (White) Ituxpa o:•ntalning doable quantity •d Pill., and upon, each box, you wAI find Um I?euenue Stamp, printed front thyPri. rnto Dio, upon woich L.natlmise of the Stamp you will find the words DOPONCO'S.GOLDE.N I'EItIOD ICAL PILLS, In White Letteri, without that SUM aro gondino. Full tnd explicit directions .accompany each box. Price $l.OO per Lox, nix boxes $5.00. Sold by one Druggist lit evnry town. city and hernia throughout thn world. Sold in Carlisle, Pa ,by 9, A. laverstirlt, Druggist, No. 10 North Hanover St. • Sold also by Brugh k ‘losto.r, 3lechanienburg, Pa. and J. C. Mitch, Shippensburg. LADIES! By sondidi hint $1 to the Carlisle pdit can have the Pill< sent by Mail to any par! it! ',he country. free of None_genuin. oohs!. the bon in Mutual v D. HOWE, Sob Pinprlstor, Now York. Ne7lsly NERVOUS DEBILITY With its gl , only titten.ittnitt, low 'pi tits, tiPitrant.lon, nvoluntary ortitse , oiht . , I,.ss of me in en, Fpprntatorrliortt .118 of power, dizzy howl luau of mom 005, and threatened impotence and Imbecility, fin I . a NI/V . °reign, -ure In HUMPH :E FS' 110)IEOPATC113 SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIC LIT. Comp.l4ed of th o most valuable mild and potent...Stun:lves, they strike at mine at the root ef . the matter tone the system, arrest the diselmrg-g, and intp.trt vigil, _arid energy, life and vitality to the mourn man. They have cui .. e7Fthounands of rases. Price per package of fivo bozos and a large $2 vial, which la very im portant in °lndicate or old eases, or $1 per single box. gold by Drmeglats, and cont' by. mall on receipt of price . AddrA., HUMPHREYS' SPE CIFIC HOMEOPATHIC NI EDICINE CO , 562 Broad way, Now York. 2n0711y For Fain In Carlisln by S. A. novenalnk and Cornman A Wortbingtnn. TIIE GREAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL. Ito matter's United States Almanac fur f distribution, grut, throughout the Hulled States, and all civilized countries of the Western Hemis phere, will be Pithllshed alien the fleet of January, ,la Wu English., Gorman, Fruncli,.Noi.wgian, Wel , Swedish, Holland, Bohemian ard Spa al , ll la guages, and all who wish to understand thelrue philolophy of health shoo d read and pnrtdsr duo valuable auggestiou• I t contains. to addition'tkun atludrabbt • me,lical treatise on the cannon. lion and cure of 0 great variety of diseases, It . liftie.elia - large a count of Information Interest lug to the merchtMt. the mechanic, tho lamer, tl!e'filyuter, the plant' , .4,aoll% pi efeadonal man: and the cairn.. lations 11 ' p:elCurl' made fur ouch meridians and latitudes are most, nultable for 'a correct and ,mproeffon-110 National Calendar. The fis l . tino, noon, and ettraordinary sanitary, ~flects of Ilestettor'd tomach.Bitters, th 7 t;tzplo tattle undrriuttlvo of mar., titan half the Claim thin VitCrl ;ii"re" fully set' Tol.lll - also Interspersed with pictorial illustrations,4 : valualt u re6lpe, f,,r tho hoe •elfuld and farm, humor one anocdotuit, and other Instructive am) :111Maing reading matter, original and so lotted. Atm, ng the Annuals to' appear with the 411.1ing of the year, this will ha ono of the must useful, fitufbnitty be kW fur the asking, The prom letors, Messrs. Hostetter Er Smith, Pitt;burg. Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp., will forward a copy by mail to any pe / rson who cannot procure one neghb, rhonA. The Bitters are sold In may ally, t gun and village and are extenovely, used tiireitrholft the entire el, li• io it world, lju7lltuftly WINE Iti111.1b(1, WlO rr:. (MANUS, for Bt aro Fronts, Anylworr, to, Ire r bednteada. Wlro Web bingo for sheep nod poultt r yards, Bran,. and Iron coI cloth Sloven. Fonder+, ( crumb for viral, or. , nand, 21c., Unary Crimped 1:101.1, l'or, opaik arrentorn Landneapo Wlro tor. Windows '.h0.., Poorly 111okera Orontnen Col Wire Works. liver y Joint inn Mon biaddronnlun rho mono facturoro, 7rl WA I,N CC Si,slEV. No 11 North Six , 0 ntreot. ebllsderlolda. • tnulally 0 ' MA II 'K r :1": T $,: —:0: ! CARLISLE PRODUCE .- MARKET. - Corrected Weekly by R. 0: Woodward. ' .. CUr/isk. Wequesibly, December 20, 1871.. . FAMILY FLOUR ll OD SUPERFINE FLOUR 6 00 SUPERFINE RYE noun ' 4 30 WIT I 7'E WI rEA r . 1,40 RED IVREA T' 1 37 . . RYE 76 rong "- ..,••••.• •• ..... ',• . 62 NEW OA TS . OLD MIMED 0 1 26 min NI }TEED • ~ . • 3 00' FLAXSEED - 1 66 CARLISLE PROVISION TfAItiCET. Corrected Weekly by J. L. llteloy, corner of Pite and .Smith streets. alf•ltsle, Wednesday, Daymtbee 24, IH7I. ,BLTTER ' • 0 4423 . . EGGS - ' 2 LARDWO • . TALLOW' 07 BEESWAX ' ' - • 28 BACON MANS 14 - ' , ol . l=Bltailidn..s76Y/4..!—.1—..",---,—,...___Ve : - .do: SWF7S OA WHITE BEANS." I 50 e . PARED PEACHES - 10 ' UNPA RED' do - DRIED APPLES ' • ' • '• 07 RAGS' ' ' 09 prom the Philadelphia April, American.) .PEIZAPELPILTA :MARKETS: 1 0 1,01111, GRAIN AND,. SEEDS. Eecintber 19, 1571. EXTRA FA MIL Y .FLOUR S 7 25 EXTRA FLOUR • , 6 26 R IrE FLOUR' • • 5 00 NEW WESTERN RED • ' 1 bl @ 1.67 NEW WHITE wiIEAT • • " .0855 1 ,71 RYE.. CORN 77 OATS'CO ,OZOVERSEED • ' pot lb 7'1110711 TREED ... ....... 101340;4o ' 3 25 BE WISE. Writtn whitlow will Denelit yen: i. , llinot ainiie ~. O 0 troll ed . ,,hy:y our:lneredtill ty. hitnilraile • Imre .ought relleefrom,. the 'horrors 'it tlyep/pela thiough the modinniet DableTil'itAlttirDritetetip Eltiatioll thrum° and. found 11:191irshould you ender when tWe adml- , table steel:motile hike ented'intinieldiar,ciwevithy do gm:idol:Mt irtilloother bollevetindto mired I Delay in thlemattimieboth dangerous end, riprofitable: Your , health, hapillneee and bnetneesaulrere,yehlle coculant , neglect lo remittently toil, wed hy ! eorlous • and ninon trollnblo result/I: Demurred Bnue, aro ligtielly useful in the nnmeretie .ditllcti ea atienditlsi DWI F 'gestlon; ne . llitdoveimesi Cormn tTION, ito.,, while ,or 'FEVER and Aura and other ',orders preemidlog .irom Miasmari, It lii the only re fable preventive and • retnedy - knimo, ' ' , r, . - . . ' 24im139. LITE ST9CIC3.t. EETt3. !. °Philadelphia, Afondeiii; rvicmber The arrivals and tales of -.11,1 Cattle were large this week, reaching about 2,2 t head. 'The cattle market was very.firm this Week and prices advanced. EXTRA FAT CATTR , :i/0 0 15 FAIR AND -GOOD CA TTLI.. 7D734 COMMON SeMPA • CO TS and CALVES ecrey.•ery Ural. 1i ,2 quote Springerq at SIG, and C 4,10 .9 CalneN' at $7O. Recotpla of 200 head: SHEEP were actiSe. Satei'of fair and choice @.l7e gl lb, gross, Receipts 12,01 A head. HOGS mere firm. Sales_yf_corn-fed at 7(aBy.' lb 0e ,for extra qualitY — Receipts, 3,715 head at If Glass' yards. r • . MARRIED; - • REP , ,I.I'CIM—IVIDDRit.—On fonrteon .11_1n stunt Dy I ,dam ,teelmali, V D. 31, lit tilt,- r, , ,,blenco tthio, 31r. WIWI= R - 11e.Igistor, o Dlekinaon town. elan. to 31iss , BallIn u n 15A,Ider rIAIIC—SWOYEII.—On the tiinot, en th at the bride's • reelamice, I, thu i t ter..D.P. Ito miller, Rey John Kistler, • pastof of the hUtheon chinch, at Voter S beet. Huntingdon county, to Mieviiaralt hero.) er, of Nowvillo. I OItR,—.HAYS —On thu to °Mil Instant, to Ship pon.burg, in the Presbyter inn ybuteli, by Res. D. R. Iticharthion, Husband by Roy. T N. Ilaye, John O. Orr use', of Carlisle, to Misq '3Artha 11., !laughter of Dent I lay B, of Shlpponsburg township. A ~ ...HETT.,-11111t the • twelfth Intl ant, at the 'rEoldenee of the bride's pat , . tO, by Boy. 11. W. Rekart, Mr George W. Ilacketi 'of Lowlsburg. Pa., to Meg Mollie 31., youngest daughter of .I.ll.,lliirst; esti., of 3lechaniew urg, Pa,. WALTHIIS—ItII,I:Y.—On Thursday, Docenthe'r 7, to Onrilote, by tho Rov.John Foullt, Or. 15i Horn It. ,‘ alloys to 31Igs Mary E. Riley, both of Harrisburg. • It RA lElt--1101.LER —ln Shippenshurg,lnt .' tine inoteenth Inf.t4nt. by Rey. A. assistedvy itov. .George Sigler, Mr. .lantoi V. Knauer, of olumbia county, Pb, and Miss Kato It. Holier, Into of tine pittae. ; M a,.. boron In, on SAnnitty / Inmt, Mr Patrick Madden, aged about 00 yew, ItILEF: 'On Wodneminy, Novottlool• 23, at liar r 1 ~b urg, .john Riley, ng , ,tl 18 yearn NOAKEIto-14, this borough on the morning, sit the eleventh instant, of c., sumptlon. Mrs: Keziall Noaker, wifo of Mr William Noah er, pi oprietor of the Cumberland Talley Hotel, in the sixty-curet year of her uge. STROIIM,—,In this borough, on Thurmlay last, of consumption, urn . 31 try 1., wife of f¢ David Stroh,.., In the thirty - , ourt lryear of her age. NEW TO-DAY. H OLIDAY GOODS! WILLIAM IjRADY, 302 MARKET STREET, HARRISBERti,. jAS in stock f -and is-constantly re lin‘eitiNS iii his nine. ilisiOSOlurtent edm.l4 , 1.. port of Fall the celebrated Foielgo nod Anterlc ❑ makcre ivatclies fdr ur gee lutoon's J EWE LIIY India Paarl Pais, :pane Canton, Pink Core and 0111M1 Op d , rni and 'Ear-Ringii, Neck Incas and endafits„Onyx and Jot Jewelry. =I 861E1 xilrer wvra at aterlitlg purity, Bum !he calc bratud Gorham M umlaut nriupg C Inparty. 11rt a d Pr nuts iatOn plecu.. Kvivre, Porky and Sp.u. a latiAlsarno canes ELECT It 0-PLAT • Tea Bois Tee Water Slits, fftands. 'Cabs RasL ts, Coffee Urns, Forks and Spoons, double a d treble plate, beat hi the market ' • TABLE CUTLI RV. Ivory, Panel and Metal Harass, In canes, atk — rjan importatlon„aud warranted goon. Musical Boxes, Cuckoo and Bronze CIoIS. Vienna and Paris Fraley OM Goods, Flower Vises, card Receivera, Table Ornaments, Thermon4ra. Jewel Caskets, lIond••ir el.-eke, Writing, ti k,, Glove ISoxen, Al debnir ea en Card , ases, Toilet VIole• Wood, Loather, Ivor nivi Pearl Fann,"A All of kr.b ch soul be a. id at the n.,y "'went ash, price . Every 11011% is cordially Invited I oeti.andr .xrualno for thernSo:ves. 30 . 2 Mar Vet streai, larrirdinrpll List of unclaimed letters rentainlig in the postoffice at Carlisle, Pa.,-f4' the [WEEK ENDING DEC. 20,- 1171 : EEO LA DiES' ' I Sr. Brannon, Mary Miller, Lizzil Baran, Jane Minnich, 61a / Bell; Marg't Morris; Lousn Bentz, Amt,l3. Millet-, M. E. i Seidler, Susanna Parker, S. J. Diller, July Ann Rued, Mary Jordan, Itlassha Short; Mary Kuhn, Adolia Shoemaker, Ma: Keller, Susan Y. Smith, Emily Lute, Sophia Tate, Susau Mayhew, Maud E. Young, Clara ai- Ti.n Eli t:°: LISP. Baxter, Benjamin Puffer, Chas - Bear, henry A. °Parvin,.T. Ewbata, Andrew_ Robinson, Porter Foke, John Roes, Sam'l R. Gottshall, Geo Riffert, John Gundaker, 11. Sheaffer, Hitsingor, Adam Sheallbr, Gee Dorman, Jim L. Shearer, Santl B. Johnston, Rob't Suavely, John King, Christian 4Tti'rpin, J. IL Kissinger, Geo Townsend, Wm: Lefever, David Tenscher, John Mark, C. K. 'Updegraff, Andrew Menton, R. S. Woodburn, W. IL Myers, Nicholas Wentzel,, J. Morse, J. B. Weaver. David. P. Nichols, Beadli - Wort, Wm. Neisloy, Jos • Wolf, Antos. E. D. RITEEM, Postmistress. CHRISTMAS 01-V S .t erSV 10 , ~ALLISQN C SON . wpuld 4nnotinco, flo — hair umuy dlc Cllippmer ' s Ow-14.1.111m. nwpeiiml tholr OYSTER SALOON for the IIPII.II, and It;1•-prop,rtql to Fervil PRIME In ni,y otyll. ' such Itoled. • ,tt,tr. P 1111 4 ,11. Olt 1111.11111 i Il,&o Nu Caro eel,nn with ot.:ed;:tblieliniiint LADIES' IIIfSTAtRANT, ulna Is fitted up to the Moot Comfortable manner: Faint leo eupplhol With the heat of 'taro in the .thot, by the bushel or emalhir qulntnyen, 11111110 d ,C• In the• shall, nt ohort. notive, ,1111 et the very towe.t rates. It '1.1.140\,.0 NON, Nu. 14 11. st Malu iltroet BEM P . . R° C I. AM ATI 0 N.—Whereas the Elm.. .1,.. II Oraham, Preirlent Jo .cut tht several i 'on. to of epalnorn Vieux of the counties of Courberlouo, Perry, ..m13111411111t, 1111,1../11Oti P of the NOVI,III Courts 01 Over Itl/11 Tlllllllll l l acid thierma .1 ill !ollivery In sold Nor, lieu 111111 I lig blot,, Tlorouur P. Blair cool the Atari. thigh Smart, Jullver ofthy Cane roy for 'lac trial of ail eanitat an . orb r f10,,,t0. l ir the sold , minty 01 Cumberlanill I), dr.irins'orpt Ili me rill it rote, , dated 1:Ith of Novowbor, ion Intro ordered the Cot •I of - 0, or aro! IFeriultior - ancl"(Tolliltar Jail Doll' or to ho holj• n at CI .rtlrtie, ,II tic 114 1111 Mondry of January, 11.12 • , (brlort ' tho el k ehtls day,) at ten o'c yolk In the tori , ooon,ito random, two weak'. .. —, , Nonce Is hereby given 10 1,10, COM, er, 'last Ices of the ?ono°, and Constables of ilio odd County of Caul- IV. Oslo!, that the, aro thy said- precepts corn in, tided 10 ho then mind, there In holy proper ptu/10110, nal! thim records, owl i111111,111,1011if,,0X1111111111 time, other retneattbrances, to do t mina 0114;5 which In their oPt 0 upper tda to 00 .done, and nii thong that urn bound hi re,ognizattees "to ilrOSelillte COIL thn prisoners that are r limo nit 111 ho in [lto of said enmity, nru - to be them to prom:oats them as slodi bn Just. ' . • J. IS. VOIUMAN, El. 111 0111jo,'Corlltdv. 131 IW, --• 1) . vembeer hi!, . 2ltleu7llc VICES F L O . R A L u - D'E OR 1F72. The flret editton , 1 Two Hundred Thourand Copies glegantly..printeddn•Ona.tinted paper, in two colon., ned Illyntrard ivith over Threo' Hundred Engrovinge of Floriare nod Vegoteldee, and TWO COLONED PLATES. Tho moot beautiful and lastrucilvo Catalogue and Yleral Outdo in tho werld-112 ptwes, giving tour ough dbeetlone for the eultiPoiif Ploiveta awl VegeN tables(bruani Ull Ong grounds,.maklng wnl k e. kr. A' (nab:tame preseat - lay bat for warded to filly who apply by p 1..% fog Ton Ounts,, only onimpiagter the m.t..Addroes, JAEI EfI , NTOIC Noolitetor, N. Y. SEM . BBiGNEVB- NOT.ioE.•:—!lsTotico is horoby Wyatt that William nulling and o of thwilnlo, havltig• .000utod u dyad of am/ligament to tho unlhoiluniid„ for hooollt, of crodituro, all venom, bath* rlalmel against mild eqtaio will pre soar them. properly antlionticuted, fur payment, and, thoeihittdobtall will make puyinaut, without delay, J. 0. STOOK, -, 2ldoenit ' Aladjoniii; pain JVEW TO-DAY. THE 1-111 E -.STO R • . DEY .GOODS, DRY GOODS, • BARGAINS, BARGAINS; • - BARGAINS. . . Como it once und dot your eyes:mo and you will he le livlug %%Rum of the tact Mut urn wiling goods lit the ,E - W .DII,EISS GOODS,' jnet opined, at the latest docllno to prices VELVETEEI' rS Bi,ACK'VELVEry,ENS, tko linndoomostof the messon, inarkod down in priori ShaWls! Shawls 1 Shawls ! 4get.opeued, beautiful and cheap FURS FURS ! I FURS II! In tbege goods wo have the finest the market can produce. We defy competition for quality and low pile... We are willing to have our goods compared with any'in the.ruarket CLOTHS AND OASSIMEIiES.I A good wortmoulat low prices 13LACK ALPACAS Woinalio a specialty of theso goods. Wo.havo the &rated BUFFALO BRAND ; also throe other big grades, a. Troll iso ninny of the prirst broods. pers. n 6110111 d rook° an exatilnaili n of these goals hoforo purchasing; It will pay you wall. R-LS-T-MAS-GOoDs lie greatest variety wo have over exhibited, con mg Or . LADIES' HAN vicHiceg 'EFS, in Lye, Embrouloreil, Plain end Mourning, SAL.' AND DOY.S' 4ANDRD,RCHIEFS. OWSTLEM P 7 N'S'IIANDAERCIIIIIFS ANDKEBCBTEES IN ELEGANT FANCY BOXES, 't:00 styles lu every vurioty of edldrin and pdres, • , LINEN AND 101131t0IDEMID Sll 47' 1..! , 5. We riNneat all to cell and give us f.< pleaeute of. , ur owls, and if the quell y and nr:co are net in ol..fra to you to purehome, we will not Very respectfully, l i l !Id c7l -QIIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of kJ sootily arts of Rialitioni E,Jponas, • Lecari Facias an Firm' /I‘cius Word out it the Court of V. 1111110 n Pleas of Cutuborlinat county, and to tie direeted, I will expose to public Lode, at the C..u•t liontte, in the boroogh of Carlisle, on Friday, the fifth day g i January, 1.72,at ten Crio.k a. m, rho fa lu- fag .1 ,crilaal I.1.111'111":1t, to wit: All that certain 1.. t . f ground situate in the bor ough of ;Mee, nicebur :. runt eria• d county, ha. bounded,tin th- narth by Shops n atm. t, 0., the east t. Frederick strew, on the south by a lot of Mr. Alexandor, and on the treat by nu alloy, containing 2... , feet in front by 200 f-et in depth more or tees, having thereon erected a Two-Story Dri4 glochine Shop, Frante Blacksmith Slap, and From- Paint- Shop. Also, tho Boilers, Engine., , Planer., Sons and other fixture. apporminlog to said glop timed and tattoo in execu lon no the property of the 3leclianica . Manulacturlog ComparlY. _ Also, defendett's Interest In a lot of ground situ. ate In rho borough of atechttnicaburg;•Cont lierlaod county, Pa. ~bounded on fhb north Id th,q C. Y.a, It. on the eapt by the Union church, on the south lo :drawl, rr: . alloy, All,lOl. the is- a , by other lid Ij of William Y. Jobn.o. , c auditing 20 fend front b 1180 Out In (I,•ptli moro or leas, having then eon erected 'a 'Two Story &Pk Dwelling Donee Selz d and 'taken-In execution ha the property of William V. \ t, hainson., . . - Alen, defoodent's Interest In n lot of ground situ to in, the borongli a' .loclutuicaburg, Outnberlaud ounty, Pa , I oundet on the north by the C. V. It Fi on the east and west by other lot of William Y tohnron, and on, tiro .00111 by StrltiTburry alloy, 'PtlitaitilOg 20 feet by So foot m re or lota, haring 'lli..reod erected a Two Siory Drink I'wolling lloueo 7.01z01l and totkon In iSXO.IOI,II BFI (ha property of VI I tin Y. doh. Gan. ' Argo, a lot of ground ..itunte in the borough of lachun.corrurg, Cumberlridd county, tra., bounded u the nort by the C. V. It. It., on the east be arbor rt ril William Y. Johnsen, ou the south by Striae orry alley, and ou the o ust by Mrs John Johnson; out:lining 21, feet by SO fea,t more or less. heron erected Two-- , tory brick Dw.lllng. ..lzed a. d taken to execution .as the prr.perty of Vintner Y.. 1. hr Soo. Also 0 lot of gron..d aituate,ln the bc , of et:blank. , lag, and .Lou Lay, bounded e' the imrth by the C. T. R, R., on the east by tire. . &AMR., on the 'outh by an alley, a..d , a the q,t by Dr. 1 - ,0147 and other property or 0.r00d..f, hi feet Ly feetAnur,or loss. Seized n. , 11 taken in ixeentt II HP tile•property I William Y 'Johnsen -Also, a lot: at ground situate In the borough of ileoh a nic:otrg cumberland county, Pa., ounded pn 'tile north b the C V It. It ,on the east bO .. other pt.op,ty'ot deter,dartt; on - the - south - by Dr nor - \and on the ',vest by • arket sleet, containing 80 by /0 -, Met more or lens. Seized and taken In exerts h-or as the property or Wit barn YJ h -on. I Also, 8 I t ollround sit nate- In Mifflin townthin, (lamb rl ,10 ntdy, Pa, boo dad on the went, north end east by P: tar Whittler, end on- the mouth by imp Damp vontaining Two Ao•lrCh 1110. I , r lean havilrg than ro. r reeled a Two-Story Frame Dwelling Muse, ,lamb e, and utter nettle! dingo. Seized and eke, In execution on the property of ISillinte Landis, ~,Aleo, the mlivided Interest In a tract of land sitw nat.. I'l , 8011;h:imp' on townhip, Cumberland county Aanitoted on the north by r. 'hush. ON the east by 8 1,. Ad •nle, on the south h. Samuel Baker and Jaco . r . Fmiter:and on the west by' ()verge Boaer, ~ •ntntioltut '235 A,11.11 01070 or It., having thereon e , acted a Two-Stony Stone Dwelling House, Blink Barn. and otlt4 outbuildings ;,B,.ized and taken In execution, an the prom, rte of 1n4,1 , I Croseler Al-o, that certain lot, of ground ell In Upper Allen townehlo,thimb teand county, Pa, tounded oa tlio moth' by -Henry iilckman, on the oat by fki urge t 1 blue 0, on the email by n public road, and n the waq by a public taut Mrs Oar da polar, Multi. anth Kline, Mrs. Susan Fackler, Jenatl, Fortnoy and henry Itfrknuut. em tinning Two ore. mom h.t•li.g thereon - orycnin a Three. • tory' Hotel Prune Smoke Damon, outbid dings Seized and talon In execution as the ray of Abriihniii WZn 1. • Abut, nl trot co ,tiiin Twoilitory Frame Dwelling. Di by 24 foot, situate on thlal , north . a de i•f Tatou t • atroot, near ewviilo borough, bounded. Mt he e tot and mirth by allovo. and on, i weiit I. Samuel Kfreotiate and the can Dingo iipiartmot tho said building.' Bold on a writ of Levert V ulna as the proporty of Smutted Lewin ' Aloe. all that lot of grounil'oltuatelit rant Prime. borough rowataiiiii. Cumberland coin?, n, do,. qi, he north It) the houthernburg and Ilarrliduirg turnpike on thu east by Dr. Moor Con Qin south It , Dr. Crain, and oil ,the west ,- Zda Bowman. con- Mining Two Acres micro ^r lei., having thereon 'reacted n Two-Story OwelAing Hamm, From Sta. 10, and abhor outbuilding' :olged and talon in tee, natal as the droporry o ?I. Canino, Ibio, a kt of ground sip towriehl , tututr•Fla: d count north, tout and weptdy a south by ilia 0 V It. It . or haying thereon Dwelling Home, Fru. • Into: Seized and tan , of nary A. Cal mow 111,1 alt to bo sok CONDITION he reintlr , stricken off, eherlirs Out Decals!) NOT Noll(' boon ET Minn to tlie^ of lb ' conic gin 'lmam au I r blot In the richest shades LACE COLLARS; DUKIC & BURKBOLDER'S, N.rth Tatiovor etreett bolow Carl•l9 Book . . . Shlimonaburg - lioundad on the end and on Inn, Tire Acre- amrn + , l3t.ny Frame nuthulld- the prop rty 'hi Ar, Shona ever, 130 Der* le 714 M= = !, ME Legal Notiveg A ' MEETING of , the Cumberland C unty Agdcnitural Sudety plate holttin he • arbitratten Chamber in "the Court Hauge, en. ueeday, January 2, 1812, at 10 j, Election or efficerefur the enacting year. • ' P. UNE, Secretary. EMI OTIOB. n electfui for offceis of But Oni Mollu Id and Loan Association ' will 1, at u e held - sit y li B onnt, ,I 7 Springy, on Monday pvolllll2. Juritiarr 1, 1872 JOHN T. CR , ZIER, ' ealbt : .- Bteretary— i : EOUTOWB. NOTICE.. , ----7-- y ice is hereby given that letters testamentary it,' !met will and testament -of. Catharine her, lute of :meth Middleton township de have ben groats to, the - itudereigti.d r. gln the etme towt.shlp All persons haring, against mitt teteto witl please, present tiih settlement, end those halt bled ere requested t• payment without delay I * DITC4,LAEL HOFFMAN, Fatteutor.". ATE NOTlCE.—Ditters -of ad nlstration with the will annexed on ti, J.•hn Halbert. into cf the borough (INT . - . sped, buying loon issued by- th.• newsier demi county, to the undersigned residing rough. ' All pm sons knowing themselves i said will rra ko• payment. and , g Cillittlfl will present them prop rly an t,. fbr go tlement to C. P.- IIUMItICII, No 2tl West Main street, Carlisle, Adtninistrator C, T. A. tot linle or t).J In ei Ind thoso th nt Ntttieo is -- hereby,' gifori' following nanwd •ne have filed , hotel, liquor, resteurant and retailers r the eoveral u; le of Ae:oinbsy relating 0' E t arp Iraq r licenses. r hereto, Quarter applh. ti day, the o e office:of-4 ha-Clerlt—of—tha fours-or 4 Cumberland county, which MI iii ill be prreented to said Court on Mon day of January, 1871 HOTEL. . • Flat Ward, Carlisle Wont Ward, New Cumberland. . • • South SIW. twp. , t, Newton township North Ward, Mechanicsburg. • Sbippensburg. Lower Allen twp. W. E. Ear Levels ERZ William Be George W ' William Go. • .8. N Emmiri P Elder Rodget iVord Ernot Ktnu John Yaißer, Adorn Hoffman John D. &URN, Philip Prltooh, D.•Do.htel, Walkori John Ords, - W Klink, W. - G. K Duko, Hem y operow, "oat Ward, rth V an], Meci anicsburg. NORVIIIO bor bgh MED 8: - AvIlavaretIck, - Jcha Jacob ' 11lor, J.,brk M.116r, tAll licenses mug I; granted, or they will b‘ Noarvill, Mod within lb dupe iftbi felted alt4E C. 1311EAFPER, rk of Quarter Sessions. MIME Littell's ing Age "THE LIVING ;GE . has no equal country:"— P7BBB. , "It stands at the 10 of nineteenth century literature."-Vhicago Etening Journal. "The best periodic* America."— Rev. Theo. L. Cuyler. I t LITTELL'S LIVIp AGE, • . Issued every Saturday, gives Ilt.two numVera of sixty-four pages each, ohmic, than Titres Thousand Double-Clcdu Octavo Pages of reading matter yearly; and I. o Only t'omplla th.n that p.,toriti, with a Bail story G•mplet,- nese u well as freshouti, the be o..ayti,:Reviews, Crlticla. a, Sinai and Short Sto ,P. etry balsa -tific-,-IllographicaOlistorleal;-an o iliarliiliiir= Illation, mom the entire body of 1 , apt Perloolcal Literature, and from the pans of th ABLEST LIVING W TERS, It is therefore -indispensable-to ~ r ; one who wishes to k.vp pace with the events . intellectual pr , ,,gree ' of to- tame. or to ettltlvAt a hltn,till or I hit. family general Intelligence and I. lir: yore., EXTRA 0178 FROM NO ICES. . Were lOU view of all the temper a. dint tar now in the field, to , Itomie,l. ohop id cer %lab , oh one • too Livs‘o Ass "—Rev. Hear!, Ward Reechsr. 'ln no o , ilAr (41 ale n. nitration ran there be found o 11.11011 of literatil oareleoco"— Ncth York Evening Post. ' beet of all oar eclectic pubicatlonc",—The Nation, N. Y. Tho ablest o - testys, the moot entt#,llnlng stone tho- floom p.otry of the Eng Hob lanku.g. aro her guthered.tdgetbo,."—lllinois Stale Jtytrnal. r thloklm pe ple the beet, f e l the eclectic pubilattlotm, oud the cheapest. It is a monthly bat _,;omes terry week The' Advance,chicago. It giros to Ite readern more than thee:. the Inland doubt column octavo rages a year of the most valurb e, Instructive, and. .nterlat log ro alu_ of the,day. History, fiction, poetry, wit, eciffnce, rolitlcs, ,rt,—What le not r re t' the on y compilato rti that pre,ente wl , h a each, fro tory complotim, , e, as wolf as IF eahnesa, -tho beet liter mire 'Atli ut , ost . nnumerable, and g norall3 inacc,oeiblo, European qua, turtle., monthlies, and w. okli literature embracing the prioiuclionl• of tlry abhat and eto-t ,cultured write , t is. lierefort, nmop thorough empendium of all that is admirahlo and noteworthy In tli literary world "—Boston Post. I'o,llof - e8 weekly at fig. , 0 a our free of podage. • thl, oes LITTELL A GAY, Boston. The beat home and Foreign Literature a 0 Club Prier 8. • F . ' ro•sonsed of Litt Living Ate' ointl . tfonet Or ,thor of our VINICIi , IIII American moralities. a aub ,milter will find lin‘olt in command of the whoo sltuation.". Philadelphia Eveniao - Bullelin.] For Ten Pollan!, ho Living Age, Nipoltly, con tattling Mx; cream or Fo•eign Po.l Meal tLitortiorti, d either that of tint leading tilagazines; i nf Monte Litorat tiro named below, will Ito sent to ono address for one year, viz: Harper's Monthly (or Weekly, or Bazar), Tho,At lairic Moothly, Lippincott'a M mthly, tho (Waxy, Old and New, Serihner's 'Monthly, The Oyetland Monthly, or Appleton's Journal (week y); or, for B Tito Living Ago and our Young Folks. Ad ; dress as above American Clothes li'a,her TETE AMERICAN WASHER I PRICE $5.50 No American Wailter Savee Money Time, acid Drudgery. The Fatigue.of Washing Day no Longer Dreaded, but Economy, Efficiency, and Clean Clothing, Sure. - To calling public attention to Ole tonchine, a few oldie luvn qualitlex, (riot ro•needed by, nuy 'other washing inachluer yet Invonted,)- nre brce enumentod. It is the eniallest, most compact, most portable, must sample in vomit, notion, 11)0SL operated. A child ten years old, with a tow home' prartice, ran thoroughly eomproliend and effectually nen It. There is no a.l,llo.ting. no screws to annoy, ,no delay In adapting I It In always ready for 000 1 It le litua wonder' It In a minim ore alant, doing more root k and of a better quality, thou the -n of elub.lute and costly. Ono hallo( the Inb,.r Is tul , y ..aved by its one. and the clothe.. 0111 lout longer than by-the old plan of the nth board It will tomb the Inigert blank. t Three shirts at a time, witehl..g oughly I 11l a wort, (h.• blutnn of.loy fabric, from a Quilt to a. Lace 'Curtain or .Cambric Handkerchief, are etjually withil. .ca. paolty ..f thisIITT. t 0 EMI It can be fastened - to any tub and token off at will No matter I.olY.dnep tooted a 1 re.indi -e may exi.d. against 'O, aching 'Ml....blues, the moment tiller little ma .iii. ale Bean to perform its condors, nil doubts t ire eleinslog efilcavy aid Malty ere I uulsbed and the doubter and detractor et once hoc utor the fast Monde of the 111M:111110. We have to. i Imol lots without en 1.• setting forth Is numerous Av.-alleges over nil other* and from howl, eds who have ili.own aside the unale ;try,. use• leas toschloes, wl. 101 l biter signally label.] no serum -01.11 the (Meet promisetbits pramimmt and loud sounding advertisements. I • It Is as ~erloot for weskit .g as • wringer is fm. • (ogling, "The pn tiler pvrani..unt induct merit to purchasers, hung hem, placed no low that it is within the roach of every lr usekeerer, and there Is rip anti. le of don:mills economy. Witt will rep t, the small luvestment so I.OIM. $5.50. All that 14 sts4ol for Ode Olt T LABOR SAVER !it a fair It We otanuree each machine to d. Ito work p•rfirtly. !MC= ~ , A. 11. FRAY .130 8 & CO, . . - 613 Market Str. , ot l'hHa olphls, P. . The largeet.and cheapest WOODICX W A h it tiousE ho th. , United htntee. t' . i4th,7l3tn ' Fancy Furs. .A.DIES' FANCY FURS 1 • JOHN FARERIA , 718 Arch street, Middle of the Block,' . ,Sotwooti 7th and flthatreels, south PIIILA.DULFHIA. poporter, Manufacturer a n d haul,, in all kinds and quality at' • . . • • Fancy Furs Fort tidier._ and Oltibtrou'n Weer Having imported a very litreaand ,plendid ateorb meat or alttlio• different kinds of Purs Ilona fist hands in Earle, nod have Ind them made up by the ntost altilllnl warkmen,would respectfiilly invite the readers of this paper to call 'and examine Ills very largo and brautifuravottment of Fancy Furs, for Ladien.and Children lam deterniined to t 1 9 11.;. a, low prices as any other teepo•tablo house in (bit city alt Furs warranted No miereinceentatlon to effect 'sales • • . JOHN FARElltak, 19oeflaus 718 Atoh Street; Philadelphia Vir-G60138 ' FOR 'TRH :Lt 0 1.11.4Y11 . Volvets4 •, • • Wool ropllna, Rutprota Moths, 4iparea, • Relators, Ru •• A. W. DENTS it'CO.. 7deoll • VOR PURR , DRUGS; puntiakrA, and Patent Medlinee,4 4 .. tog. Iso ' ; HaretaticL in. 6 South Ilanoyer street. Aleoi sa ylendidhert' • ant or,Tollet• Soap!, Pothltoetdea, at! •Vana) Tolle Ji ' !to .6 South Ilannyor atreat,tlarlleta, 10170 SASH :RIBBONS . . • • • AND NHOHTIES 'Amite. Noir Ilid dim:4 ■nd New Line* . eli styles, for Chrlitimte.' • , t 1?) IN. hli lt . - , - • - .1 , • ge... ~ . , * - ~., 1? . ' , , , , ' . , . • ' • ' . . . . . . . ~ - . ~ ‘ i ~ 1 4 1 . ••-•„. , t l , jt , „...... • T ' . ~,,, .. PJ •,1, t ' . - ;:, . • • O Novw on Ex Al Hi NO.IB EAST IVI.SIN STREET, • • (Oppoite.the Bein'te,Houso and Saxton's Hardware Store.) LADIES' NEW STOCK OF BLANKETS i3hlprensburg bor W. Poonsboru twp bbitugti — ~.. _~-~ Mechnnlenburg. Magnificent Stock of Handkerchiefs, Thread 'Lace Collars and Cluny Lam,C,ollars A full assortment of reliable patterns for all kinds of La,lies' and Cliildren'S Garthents;from Mme. Demorest's Emporium of Fashion's..N , 'w York, in various sizewand'styles. Each pattern put,np- in- an. envelwpo. with illustrations and full description how to cut, put together, make and trim the garment. A -USEFUL AND ATTRACTIVE PRESENT for, their children 4ud l fFyTds, will not regret the examination of this stock before purchasing eise*hore F ,A.X.I. LIRA-QOM : HOMER, OOLLAEA Co., Gll att,”tion to their MAGNIFICENT STOOK OF • t Goods for the Fall Season ! DRESS GOODS, In Materials and Shades la I L. "E. fra . IM!IM=1 TIII3 undosianed ',;lrers at plant° solo. that Very des.. 1 140 0,0100 too-,tOly Brack situ tenths East. High att., et, In the lan . ough of estilsle,boundo na f Mows nigh. 16.1 nnrtl by utitilley; on south by Etu.t. 11.11111 an est, ow th's east b, tint county Jail. and on thu weal by :anus! Ilopbtarn sr Thu lut•la GI feet Ir••et by 240 feat 1.1 depth Tits bow°. cos. cot, tly,ocinaett by satnuel • Ilopburn, Jr. is Dilli Of 1/.• fillOta" J,,. I lit, borough, gas and wntur lo lag In troduo el, and the I Witting ts tlllabcd lu the very beer at. lo ‘ll5, ebitelote, The prop 1•01- tliTl - I , FiVanno advantageous tarals, to any person ultquog to puranossj For further ibtrttettlurdcull on 'or ad ire en . I Trimilung ,Velvets !.. 2.07111. BL.A.ok. sitks To cnotth tplko ,nd Dram Ooodle, Oloak,andSuit Do"partmOnt.: L • • ' 1 . This department contains all the Now StOrs of Walking Jackete, Suit!i•and 0100E6, In the Newest Materials, nod pf 'every plea, from the most moderato to tho moot Mcpendio SHAWLS! Elegant Paisley, tkreelie,'Paris, do INDIA STYLE 9, Elegant Woolou Slim* xtogg_A . por4:,ADELY'&- CO:, 1412 and 1414 Opmetnut Strad.. ' PHILA.DPLPELIA. ' rp '2no7lßst ELEGANT NEW STOCK FOR 8 r 6 EIEN" FEEL D's IA NEW STORE, V ,1 1.1.3r0s ISla.zllnris.. Every description of AND CHILDREN'S FURS At very low prices Groat Baigaina in JUST THE --N EW To all who wish to purohilso REMEMBER THE PLACE. L. T, GR,EENFIELD, East Main St., CARLISLE Dey Goods, 1871 All the Moveltle, In All the New Colors In pfint makeit nr Mitntilla 'Velvets I= or Simb,Eltiles Point Lace - Collars; RTNIEIN I I% l'idetable Bijfa Estate for Nide Vi SALE.—K tra tof laud situated JL on is. Canal in d Elver. in iiiverpreil township, errs couhtz, itEE HUNDRED AND FlFiti ACP ES, more or less, basin, thereon 'tier eD two-,itory brick don' le DWELLING 110 USE, vie gont;y finished; n huge imo-story FRAME DWELL— ING GUUSE, and a Levy lino Berne BANK BARN, 110x60 feet The al ove !lett eon be readily din idol Into Nevem] farms, which mill be mud tog , tier or seNrate, 10)11)1 11111 . 01101/Th. A en, a pie.o of land In rho Fame township, con tainin.L lIIRTY ACRES, morn ur' less, partly AL o, it tract. of land on the canal anti river, In Buffalo township, In the violin county, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES, more or less, abut t h e, boll being shared, having thereou erected two log houses and a log stable. A so. a lot of gr nod In' ho borough of Liverpool, being EnsltO fret, yitta beta son the via or and Copal, And hating ected a WA itEIIOIIS E. All to ho hl on very favorablo torsos and time glt en to ault the perch nisi. The above, properties until ho offered nt private solo unt.l OCTOBER tig, 1071 and If not sold before thot time, will he sold at public solo on that day In Liverpool, urban and where the terms will ho motto known. Apply to 11. G. M . KiElt, Nlyclmnlcsburg, or to .1 I r Ilurrisburg. 29J 071 t f VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, LIB farm in North Niiiidletott townxhip, ono nib east of Carlisle, and adjoining the Poor Hon, farm. containing 103 acres, with a to d Steno House, ciartalning tin rooms, and a Stone and Frame liar it thereon erected, and well and delllll.ll near tan di o r . An ot.leird of chide litut trees in g ed bearing 'ettnillt mu, The land son d conveniently be divr&d Into two email MMI, in Veined condition, anti is well.knowu to be an productive es any land In t timberland Valley. Per teem, call on the undersigned, re.bling on the premises, Or M 11111,4 Mill by latter at Cnrholo, l's. Also, a tract of bind Piirry ou grown is er with young thriving Chestnut Timber, I:maid:ring 11 acros and 7 perches, bounded on the north by the Petdrslint g or ail, o 'the east by litiat of Ire Mermen, on 11113 west by land or -tunnel Bear, on the smith IV rand unJ eleor 11 , 111 011 (Op of ~wo o till n, and three• four it if x mini train the tavern, ou Sterrett's Hap, and about - 436 front the. term 31.inilic JONATHAN CIOL3INS. pESIRABLE TOWN RESIDENCE = D ESIRABtE TOWN RE§IDENCE Thu undoisigued ,JlTern at Private•Sitle, the' tibia reddatier, No. 130 \tuoL Lon In r stro..t. The Inane in a Two4Tol6v MUCK with I eckbullaingo, turuish. a with can nail water 'and other' modern linprovonnenta, and a lot of ground 00 feet trout and 2.111 foot deep, 0 I. b. Illitherin, fruit and .shale t recs. Terms 0300. Posnonion given hainadiatrly, bhariltl" 0. D HOUSE- FOR SALE NO. 35 WEST LOUT II ER STREET J U. LLj VERSTLCK. MEE Trtf,r and Festival. FhtEMEN6' FAIR IN AID OF Tlt' OUMBERLAND''FIRE COMPANY, IN !WEENIE'S, HALL, URINCi lIOLIDA 1",!. ht, o'd and f:flicient Company 'Woad ha'.ll , qt a Fair hi lthoent's nal', dot leg thy, ltolidays, tint procredv to be . (11,011.11 the linuldatlon of the dolt contracted In tho• purchaso of • • TIIE3R NEW 'STEAMER. = In. this laudable elide trey they expect t• rat:elven° cordial symp Raid 1110 attire iv-opera:no 1,11,1 flildiCtit , pu of all the 'wont° nr Carlbile, who whit: lilt maintain the ettleleney Of tiro Fire Department, Contributions in money and nrtieles toilette& .—Six-hundrod'Hionon- tiekota will- bo-mildott- ONE DOLLAR eauh, earl: ticket entitling the holder' to ad:o.6ton during the Fair, an/ to one thauce In n 'LOT OF .GROUND' . , In Cs:010e, :10 foot fiend iiv• 120 foot deep, ettneted Oralaat...-North et reet,..adjelniug. the pteperty of-John Faber. The lot Is valued at, sod could ho sold to.. 'day for 1200, and In no excellent alto tern rteltlence. ' In order to dneure'entlre litlrneme in the dletrlbu• Non df the prize, at' the ',Apnea of the Company; lIIINIIY AXTON, W. F.'S nprxtc . nnd WILLI AM K VIIIIKDY, • egr'e., base cendented to act an a Com• milt., and will hare' entire Charge of the drawing. Thee° gentlemen lire: ifi na Ivey, connected WITB THE :COMPANY; , .nn.l horn' win Interest whiLtovor In. thin o - oltonn., nml thelr.namot nro n.llslont , guntordon that justice will hn doun to oll.• PETER SPAHR, of Company Fan- PALE. • for , - tbiti:ZiB g 7,;9l:;;:r i :Nlo p q r u r ir o o l of a .. • . 5" '11" blllB ' tro noVO bu pH! nfar Ifforth.ll3:7l..b 11 Ell S. ;HEPBURN'