IltOrnitoh, and' the Priiisenco df arsenic in Ole organs, I should judge that a 11.111.d050 Of arsenio in some form had boon Mid lor.ed at somo'°considerablo period brier . death It' you will let me know in Um" What authorities you have, I will .briar. the other if necessary ,from the' library. leave town for a week on Sittufility. you be in town Olin' my return I shait glad to soo you.: 1 am it .my office tilt ; Ph. College at about noon. 'Yours truly, B. Hownun Also letter of 'Mr., Maginughlin to Dr. K. H. RIM, in which ho informed the ohomitit. thnt hp was informed certain physician in Carlisle would Avoid' he had given Mrs. Kiehl o senicmedicinally. ' ampu, steorp.—l made the, in cantation against, Mr. Kiehl in ILIA Mr. MeGlaughlin sent for mo to Come up to him, ho explained what the doctor's brought down, and some oilier things about tho case, then asked me if I believed that Kiehl had anything to dd with the' CUP. .Told -him Yeas Than swore to infor mation. Heard, some talk around about tlio case, didn'i," amount to anything. In formation submillea. I know nothing about - this um but what Mr. Maglatig! ma to me. lam not an American en: non. I have boon in jail for a year, eem there as a vagrant first. I ant front Ger many. . • . lln. AUL STkw..4.llT, .76Talled.— ( - Nottkoes testimony read to witness ) Don't think - Xr. Kiehl spolm in that man ner at all, nor do I know - of him speakin . while I woe there.. If, he did, it.escurn‘l my memory.. I have no recollection of a conversation taking.plece between Mr. tint Mrs. Kiehl, at from Mrs. Noakor's note,. 4, The doctors asked her when.sho_took..Ata last powder.. Mr. Kliehl.told thorn soin. , thing, but can't remember when ho said t was. Mrs. Kiehl said, viby no, John, y. ,made me take one on Sunday evening" —(from Mrs. Noalter's notes). Swint; liocu 4 rscaited by defonte..—As near as lf can remember last October year Mr. Kiehl came to my house for 8011.0 medicine to cure his wife's hands front 11,. totter. I told him. I would insure a cure if ho would follow my directions. Mao.- MARY Nomt mt, 81007'73 live mile from Kiehl's. Saw Mrs. Kiehl (tw in her last , siokness, on Thursday about 3 o'clock in morning. Stayed till about 4. t evening. _john liichl wits in the often paying great attention to his nib , . I asked her how she. was, and she ;aid vile wet very ilf. I took toy seat oti a lit . box beside her bed. Mr. K , ehl upiamr, to give her every atom tion Ulla he cold snake hey conifo , table. lie f.intbA h. . gave her ite, and care hor,. •• thorn until sir inoru then I went dow.i stairs. Then there w. two other holies that were_ down. 'Lion I went back to her room lifter (link. r I wll9 downln the kitchen and they down for Mrs. Donor t o come op, di ,t daughter was dying. Then' wo all up. John put his arms shout h e r raised hor up in lied, and she said, u. John, I would-like to stay a littio -lon;r.e you, then Mrs. Dour pinked away, and .said; you need not howl in ti race 111,,V, he then steped back. nod pi I hi s bunt to his head and said, Oh! Sarah, and ; wept aloud,-and --as, soon r.s- Mrs. Kiehl came too again-she called I. John. Then hocams up stairs again a went to her bedside, and he gave her I iame attention as Wore. Then at dian vino wb were all told tq t;k) down. on the lower atop, an.ll could hear d was said,z: Mrs. and Mrs. .Wal,rick won , left no I think Mrs. Noakvr said that 11'1,qtrick ts,.re requmted to stn\ and ask.her if then , y,m-, anything. on to mind, sly , repoat, d it the tit•(.01111 limo, :111.1 he raid 111 ~r e WIN nothing_ more, and • next word I herd hor ,fIV WIN Jo -11-, K 3 cc moray I Then I stayed there tint .1 o'clock, and !Ir. g:IVE! Iwo ationtlon: Then I wont haute. 011 I churned about sundown, and da:il d ad/au 9or lt) o'clock. lle gara . ll FIIIIII` attrnflun, and 118 far 218 \L K r, , nrerned ahr clung to lulu Then when I reintine,l ehc tv Air hel• death John tovh it t,‘ la t lend, hard :151 any nmrk,•j had ever seen. As le, its I can tell - 11frs. iiiul l was ',about John told 'me the. moLnin. vPar. old had lost Ilia brat friend, and 116 once 11nd a good: home and n mother but he del nor know how it n..• 1121111 JOCIN Goo nu T UT, inaorn.--,1 have hi iii Ul ataaite.l or 5 ye:WA. Lice at P: own. F o r ye ti yenr Kiehl lived next anti for (0.1 year- a mile or t wo west et It I have never heard anything against character until t tt., occurred. lie bet rood character. JOIIN MEAN:+, Inenrn.—J ,, hn Kiehl 4itteg d toile above Viilensiown. Ile it \ in our house. Have known him for v 011rl. bore la goo.lchnrie in the coincounitl . )106E6 IVArtn.:l:, reside r.- AlOunt Rock. Hay, Isn..wn Jolln for 3 yrars. 110 1nt..1 n good charact• : tho community Jnrnn CHESNELL, szrorn.—i. known Kiehl for• several year,. Ile giiodTvputatien f o • lione,ty and good zenship in the community. 110 line brad near me for sone linlo. A. H. AD INI q. BLCAT7/:-1. line John Kiehl tiir 4 years. i die lived on father); farm r:n• !Wit y' ear,. I n heard iltly1111112!,,Lr.1.111 , t ilk charat. er. Cross examined —1 W:I, •n:v It N•CCIICI: Ihrre tvr 011 , 11411 C We 1.. t Said to flithi.r, liss , lll don't say about it now, it is not nor usms+. JOIIS LLI ilrwm.—K now Jo; n Kiehl ten pre +. I n.:y. r heard n I,y, hi. ag , llllo. I%l' .% V. Live how w:; Mee ti.t . !tilt) M nts. Al A I I A 1: a, re •cal'ed Allay 11mier mkt that when Mrs. Kalil were planting sided, she (!‘i Kiehl i Paid thnt pule never' eZpeetr ont the :Anhui ..he. was planting. siAr?t.—l had a .nt ver,ation ttith John Dozier nt tavern. 'Witness dismissed. WILLIAM J ACOB Y WM . /b.—HAW kn.. , I him for 4 or 5-years. - Llne character I, Leon very good, as far as know. I r 44 , in Weiii Pen-n,liorn% Crow examined —For • the la,t one',, two crnr; 113 Wit i I Vod ACRIL It inilea tro:o K SAVE!, DON El: re-called by defenßc. had heart deleatie at tine time., My ..1-„ t,r Mary had. It was palpitation of ft , heart-o—Kietrl — brought - 111 A— Wifir - 11 ,, 1 lace. ,She came in, we asked him in, n rether — eold him noti to crime in. John ap I then went t,.enle. John came ha,* Per Court tuljottritytt nt TrEFIDAY NIORNIN4I Court met at 9 o'clock J. P. ZEIGLER, smorit.—l have know u .lobo Kiehl almost our years ; I never havo hoard anything said about. character ; calling it in question, frioss examined.-1 have beetfliving 20 nr 21 rn,tios from where ho lived for last 1 t4:O yours. . .1011 N MONEEHAN, aworn.—l. hay. , known :olio Kiehl since the summer or 19 tN ; his character and reputation as a good, orderly and well (Unposed citizen, -has been good. J • Cross examined.— i f live in West Penns born' township. ELIAS HOCK, re•ralcd.—T have known • Kiehl little better than a yoar•;' I now herd Anything against 'his charaCter .1 good, orderly and well disposed R wpm —On Monda alter Kiehl was.arrenttd David Wahl icT eauie to my lion . ge arid 'said, in the morn ring,. and •told me that he thought he lituld tell Ars - before - the Mheriff Wield come to arrest iny.dinglitor. . Cross examined:—lle told in° ho had been in ClarliSle on Thursday,; he was not threMening no. 11. k..GOODYIUR, meolled.-1 arrested John Kiehl ; ho made no effort to esoap - e and ho behaved well. Crass examined —Was pretty well pre pared Tor any'acapo. ' Mjiti. Mena NOAKEit, recalled.—lt: was Just after dinner, on Thursday, Mrb, ,Kiehl threw her arms' around John and said she wished she could ,-tay longer ; on the same evening she had 'sunk down in bad, and L wanted to assist, to lay her in bed straight, ; I was going to lay her on her right side, and Kiehl told mu she never could lie on that side, and . b , came and laid heron other aide, am: then she said, John, I lie reaCh better now ; then idurapparently got sick whot, ho laid her down, but ho held liar head: 'and I held the chamber ; but sho didn't throw anything up I left as nearly as man tell on Thursday night, 'between and 10 o'clock; she was• praying al, night, that you pould hear her down in kitchen ; she ditiWt,soniii to Lament about her pain ; the greatest - lament was about her immortal sonl centititted in thiti. , Wry' up Until 'I . batt ; soinefis We' would get so exhausted, that she nie wOnlii sink away, and • then she :Would ,stopa while ' • I didn't amber doing anything with her arms, except throw them around John; she seumed„beat satisfied Olsen ho was there. Cross examined —She' never, Said Is. John down stairs vlth that otberwoman, iu My presence. Carrtsutisn Mims recalled'. ,—I heard Mr. Miller's testimony about iny with John Kiehl, atijiis house ; it• is not altogether eortect Übt (Vito meet him every time after. mealS. only' ' went.twice John never Staid untikffer .10 o'clock; lie pumped thewitier for me mice, because the pump was so hard to work, and I have the palpitation of the heart. Cross Examinetijolin K. never staid in the Shanty with me until late in the' evening. Mrs.. Miller never ho was a married man and that. I should' not be so familiar with him. Johdbrot, peaches in wine. 1 never told John to come up beside mo. I never ~ ,took my plate around beside him. •ir- In Chief.-1 did not go past Mi., Mull inger's with my aim around Kiehl. He had his arm around back of bliggy. Ho hadn't his arm-around me passing Mrs, Brown'S. 1. flavor:tad my arms aretind his neck. I'M:Milted his hair once. parted his hair. I never sat in his lap, nor did he over sit in mine. Dn. J. J. ZITZER, re-calla—What I heard the lady say that Mrs. siohl talked. to her, sod that she said oh I John I I would stay a while with you, sensible to all question ii, fretted about her soul, put her arms around John Kiehl's neck and conversed wtill him almost to the lest hour, or five hours before her death, are hiconsistent with arsenical poisoning. The first symptom of poisoning by ar senic in powder would he acute inflam mation of mucous coat, having symptoms 'of very violent gastritis ; the second stage . when the poison has penetrated through the coating and hattaftacked the second coating which is inofe . sensttive than the muctitni coat ; it would eat wally pri dues symptoms far inure violent in every re spect ofpre suffering, but soutd be differ ent from that which would be present when it, had penetrated the outside coat mg ; it would be impossible then for a person to be in' a natural state of mind while in the becond stage, though tuo attach on uovves of second coat show hid' symptoms as etrect sonshility—and produces pasmodloconculsions. Where liwn I c.ould malco a chin:relict, ps to tho st.a go. Even in the second stagit I don't Hunk she could' have thrown her arms aitiund hei husband's neck. Every or gan should have been ex.imined. •The heart should have heen examina by ,pening it; and examining each valve y itself; it shou!d hive been tested to See if it would hold is atur ; that would show whether the valves worn good. If ,be in sevond stage of arseuiral pussonioq, these would a considerable quantity yf blood in the tight auuclo of the heart; and by the quantity ofblhod remaining around ,the lieatt, - - the person could pretty much judge w,th.what_rielence the couTelei,m_ exi+ted. From the lungs and heart, it would go to the liver. I nays the stomach must tie examined, Tor with out that. a man couldn't say anything, conlil,t'r thaw a ormolu:don, because there the ii•jul,), the lesien, and it coulOn't be omitted. f heild have sathil-d myself as to the ossiliea tion bf.heat t. by opening it iced looking at it. As the fallopian tube showed a difference from the natural size, it " °old have been better if special attention had been paid to that, as to the cause of the 04ml:het). If the,,muctious moat was ef fected or not. That ovary is a process, belonging to the womb, lined with the same membrene ;ii; the uterus, paaiing to the ovivies, it often happens that a dis ease might pass through the uterus, anti fOl - 111 sums pseudo membranes, they would naturally obstruct the tubes. By a full examination those pseudo mem branes could be detected. And as the fallopian tat he showed an enlargement, it would have been well to try 33 to how far it was extended. These marks or spots could have been eaus'ed by the ovarian disease for , 03ich I treated the woman, by absorption of that c.dlected thud. by passing into those absorption vessels and glands all over the stomach. 1 ant speaking of those spots un the oat side of thelntestines. Dn. ZrrzEtt, rroqo (!zufeined.—l con sider Dr. Worinky as liiO3 authority. (Maglanglzlin reads horn Wormley, P. 241.) 1 keep in my office a bottle of, Medicine I call Pulvis Temporal is. In regal d to the spots on the intestines—l refer to the blank and purple Ones. In (Mts . ?' —I have treated other per sons for this same disease. with this same medicine. I treated Mrs. Reuben Fishburn, who lives flee miles up the pike, for the same disease. Ovary can ner i s th e teeunical name of the discane. I tfl , rited her for a ring limo. Cross oxaminad.—l treated Mrs. Kiehl, all the time fur this disturbance, men strual disease. Joni , : Sires, :qttOr ' 7l,—l have known John - Kiehl two tiara, the time he lived I.t..l.dd.lins'. 115 repatAtion Wis good. 11'M ADDANN, reraqed.—Mrs. Kiehl was cowl/Luning very ni :telt abont not Loin_ Lla to do her own work. My . «ifP 011.1 her she might be glad that. Alto had a girl that please& her. She (Mrs. Kiehl . ) mud yes, no one but. Kate Myers and her sister. Ann con'. do her work to please her. Let ter of 1)1.. Rand, of Nth of May, t o Mr. Shearer, containing analysitt offered evidence by deraie.c. ^l'tlu.Mll'AL ANALYSIS. BY OR. Oa the twenty-sixth of May, fB7l, eceiverl Inuit Mr. Maglaughlin, District Attorney, and' Mr, Smith, coroner fo • Cumberland county, Aj Vox said to contain portions of the body of a Mrs. Kiehl, supposed to have been poisoned. The box contained.faur jars unlabelled; thry contamed (1) the urinary bladder. ,2) the stomach and a piece of intestine about 3 inches 10ng.i.3) the liver, with t ho,unopened gall-bladder attached. (4 the heart. The orgNns were digested with pure dilute muruttio acid for three days. The tomaob was first examined ; It gave oni trial testv a deposit on copper -foil-which yields a sublimate of octoliedral crystals. The organic matter was then destroyed byt the addition of hydrochloric he l d and chlorate of ;miasma. To ono portion .611plirons arid was added to. saturation alithripelled by heat. To a &Wild per tin 110 sulphurous acid was added as I believed it to risk a loss of the arsenic. The whole divided into three parts, to avoid risk of dogs by breakage, we sub mitted to a slow current of sulphuretted hydrogen, until the concentrated super natant liquid gave ro further precipitate with the re-agent. The precipitates were treated With solutiOn awmonia, the ammoniacal solutions relied and evaporated to d ryness in a counterpoised breaker. The result calculated as ar senious acid was one and seven-tenths, grains. , The sulphide was reckoned 'an pentasulphide of arsenic. The liver was divided in twit• parts; all of which were dusted by Reinseh's test and copious deposits of arsenic'yfulding octoltedral crystall were obtained. An approximate estimate of the; quantity present in the livor, was made by com paring the amount of. copper surface 'coated_ by 'introducing successive -slips mail I to deposal:east:cite, be satisfactory and cinn paring this with the siii•fac,. coated by a known tinantity of Arsunion. Acid. One-fourth of the liver y i ipided full deposit, - in conic cases so thick as t, , peel off, on eighty-two square Inches of copper surface equal to three hundted and twenty-eight .square inches for :Ow Whole liver: Ono grain of Arsentoc. Acid will fairly coat sixty square inch, of copper foil the liquid being boiled down Lot the copper. This would give 11,4 grains, as thp total amount in the liver by estimation. Marsh's, the Mu mOnia- nitrattir Mid sulphuretted hydro gen tests were used as corrobewatives. The intestines and bladder gave :wren ' teal deposits. The heart did not:': — Dormice closed oh Tuesday Morning 'fifteen minutes of 11; IMBUTTING TINTIMONY ON TUE PART ON ID= Dn. W. W. DALs, recalled by: (.%.e ananioatcealth.-:—To'iv . bom lidrlition. citue Already otrered presented ni l'ollowA, (0 wit : , ti Supposing the woinab namod tito.he hypothetical case, on aeverid occtlitions during the winter precodimt her laSesick nese, to have had hard spells of vomiting, and to have been .under arsenical treat - ISNOLUDIEP O$T SECOND rmir, EmplAyx At-UT 1741:( ~NEXAMPLIDD 1 nc infrllll3 MUTUAL LIFE iNEWRANCE COMPANY, OF NEW °TOR; In tin arnt Fifteen itlontia of 10 . .xfoitenea tins blued OVItIt FOlll7-I'lVr HUNDRED potsciLs ilisrstrNo ovl $13,000,000.00 and taking in Premiuriis $500,000.09, being the lergrat cuteniencententleintelievo• done •. ny vompany In CllO ,20,4•14 T 11 e/tS. ron 11 Ordinary whole-TM ppileits are absolutely nun forielt.ble Prima payment. f first annual premium. Special Montane* non-ferltitable after hro annual • poneents All'poltefee intontestablo. f,r usual causes, and &book toly Incontee ts I le after two Ali fl 10,11111111 , 4. All restriction, up 111 t rive; and realAen,a and no penult.. requind • No of Int• ro•t nu 10.11. ur Tbeferrel Premium., suit 110 Inc,riqn of au owl.' lafmo , .te on any e•sn f Ma-third i,l ;ha prom/ so, I ...lied edth., puny 10 lured, if deetrel, rood nu Nose D'efdeulta ore tba progreselve ealriuku nen° the gunreot ea mtore..t• Ituel , owl of the company coml., to lou the Mutual Polley simple and lnlr Irk lb+ P" '!moue. Inoontostability of Polio. It to the purl.. of The Kmpl•e to Iblllfi all.lts contract...the evidence of which le that ire Ptillc:y has no convenient rsfitgea by tm•ane c t which It run escape ajost demand. Proven fraud o•. the port of the insured will . always tura:blots a pulley. Also suicide, If eon:milted pre vi u 9 to pat'lnetit nt the Noeund annual premium; or death mat=ed by roam clog In any specially ham den• butilnor; within the first two ) ears. But lOW t ill: clop 'ration of two yearn, tt, policy will bn hold trfnutostAlo for all ".1.1. OZOOpt Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies No policy of In•nronco with eel - Mellow+ pnymeote for INo will he forfeited or herome void by the pen .psywleut of premium; thereon,-uotil.the power of the premium; hove twou exhousted. The leuntottge of the polity to "That if ,nnY Prenthim eflor the bort andold pre inlden she!' hare eon told, shell not he paid on the day whoa due, and the weld e•aure& khan, within th .rtr daps thoreaft•r, fire mitre in ntltia,y e f ir a- Witt v to pay the sem, n. d f a desire that RIM policy She I tre mut:No.l In hart. ender The Frahm ; red conditions: Thee, and "le anel' muse *Ma — pedal shall Cot be forfetted or become roll by the rtod'• r.y client of the slob. premium vino tberens,nnEtl eller The IlepireTleh of a perind, to be tietermtnel as fel l• 'vs, to nit: The eat • In., of thl• Policy lotion the pranalnm laseovnee dne, shall he dot errestned by et-in ert/LI oslenlntlon, and after deli - 147014 from seeh net •nlue ths loans open -nod Wiry nnertoes.lsil by divi dends, and any Indsbtedneas to the dompet,r. they. fifths of what remeina shall be ontalelered n net Fin e, pre. lnen of tem.orery lusnranco and tide policy •nall be , O.ilreied In f•rce florists the term for which It will Insure, according to the age of the party at the lice of the tepee of they realism Example, of the Non.Forfeltable Plan of the "Empire.' Age •f . p.rty larureel, 33. Or 21• I,ry Alai* Itta vliry One Annetal promiara will cos Inn• th Talley In forcA 2 pesr• And 3 dam Two ani:aar nromlnm. will . en. tbo 'policy ,n fore• 4 yenta and 12 days. Three auntie! premiums will tontine. the pelley force 0 year. and 27 dap. Four annul/ premium. will continua the prliey In to oe 8 year. and 46 dim antiunl premiums will entities.. the folloy In Tornio 10 years mad lIG days. OFFICERS 0. Hilton Scribner, Prertlent George W. Smith, Vice Presi dent. Sidney W. Crofat, Secretary Lemuel H. Waterer Actruiry Thema K. Marcy, At D., Medi cal Examiner. Everett. Clapp, fiaperintendent of Agencies:- TU] TESTIMONY OF TIIN PRESS The !urt* in I ppiitiar inatitrities, mannied bJ reliable men, on eased bnalare rtrintipiex, end la destined •t • very early day to stale float ier In ahonld.r with the'oidest renipenien 4 Itn chnrseter in the. ennntry. Its Oilcan • and direct. n•" raven busks.," and have organised with the view of establishing • sandal inialtutinet.—/r T. freetiperl4 enl, .ranartrg Ilan. ...Thl• Company la a /gala lowers.; tbo r..alt or able, reonomleal. sod raILLI• cnaatganaeol. Yh• R-egke hot no superior In thacountry. , —/loptnn /kW. rinrlga P.tfny In thlo Ounnt.o.T., w.• .1 a Jan pride iu th• p«nt 1111C11.11 ft tx nekiav j AT nionll••nl enhpahyP--ifion'ilifrehi A very weeoveyfel !kel. n v,"—(V•reript,ifie ij with peculiar pleasure that an speak ot this new emildate for public 151sor. tic h. ew gouty yrar. since the heeldent of the company, .We knew aim to be a loan of energy, of ohm r, of moitorlor humped ability, arid above all else. • PICO , mini teen In whatever he ande,takee. The truith Is, the Cont. pent hao edopttd the beet itaprotiontout± of the dal In lie orgattlroti(in.”—,Notto. Blogionsf fosononre af ro/ie. . any. t 3 ,. iimio, . • • minr i lVon • „ Cumberland, Perri,. and Jpnlnta Conn OFFICE WITH El. HEPBURN, Jn. Igaly7o•lf CHEAP, JOHN ) O.FF.EII . BIFOR fiALB TIIE BEST - Awp (.111E,'Ap'gST STOCK OF 1 . - 1 _' , ~::: , • • . . t F: i ..,'.. 1 . 1 -•ii, , J. )k r ; ., ... - : . i: ''.: ': 4 9 For Att.:,', :I ti(l Wetr ! Boots, 'Shoes, Gans tot',qirißTs! ChfgapSAirl --' m • Poor . ?fa Are Put, FRANKLIN p+)l;sE 1101,,T Your Must 011edient.Serva11t. •• Cheap John, Benefactor of Ragged Humanity 2£‘ep7ltf :HT Goods„..jakir, 61, ARRIVAL OF . FAWAND WINTER GOODS. _Jn•t oporn , ), .tt the rhonp .to of A. vf.nardTz & CO., lorgit an , ertvd st , ek fa Frill Anil Gooda r rlo ong.,t o PI • Ildid Mil , Popl n•, all rhurip 1:1 ,, 0tr,t 1 . 1 . .i.•1/ SI k -I. IT. PadlrT. I, r ksiln In rklh Ilu l!hick Al rir, C It nirr.. d i•rin x.i'ret..un., etc I'rlFl•tF'h.l~l I' I/M.& V 4 dV I r0r , 41,1 V•rat.nn NEW BI A.Cic slliTiti Bast 14rn's Otoa ‘l , sin from M .1!1 en 1.1.011 1.4.11. ter P.oot f:.••th In • this h • pisn , l•l wryta• of roll Shnssis Mark ILM• r fhnw s, 1•41;- se•l sfl rods, rlotiresor,l Skirts, eursd Alma, IiOLTIVNINO GOODS. Pan.' lee going het. , oworn oe ehonld eiemine •rer rk. A 1,111 One ~ 1311 Ike bee.t br..odeot Deranetle Honda. white end red Flnn,:elk N love * VIA n•le. hl an bed rtn , l nth reel', I M 1151.1, C. , l,beed.enir. 11 .1 e , i nnbleerhed CA ten 1 'l,le r 1. In , ( Inr stork In fell tr. er • k ed gr.). 1. Cr I) and Blankets We, frmeo hien—me, Corer el!, Conilterpenee. MEN'S AND BOYS' EAR Tn.,' 0 vettro, ',Mr, bp,. 111 . 01. Joao !tom 15 to :111 corn; gleo lootunud• Ju•n, v•ry x ) ; d. AI kJ tin of litalons, cory, WIII• (Co thillrfo Fltqu, Itot3An't rttl.houß n lull Iln of 111111nrer oode, !1g.., all itithg o• Flnwur WOOLEN BTOCEIN'; (I , ,pant,,rrn Wool. Zophyr., Ilorliu CARPET! CARPETS!! Floor (ill Clotho. ell width, and Itenot Ifni pAtteren, wet !Ingo Ito. r Mo n.• e. tioiy'rrthlo taths. or 'lock lo fn romplete. that Ir I. Imp,- sl,ltlo to en.orner to all- Two 'lie of d c• rolttlf , Ine.te All IA Come nod exotrom, 1,1 we take orent p1.n,0,r0 In Altottlog -or g•o,d- Has g ',mellowed totr good, tar •ftslt, we eon sell Rt m much In ape LIM then on he bought el- n ether- nod wo feel ea thlent front -h. I itg n pelri l•nr, tie lowli.ett , .•tot nor n etior snot/ matte nn jot' o, • t to Moettog halt 'scion ,0011 a, 'hat W. rit,:ukt. Nil to • .1.11 to Com- Ill 4 11 el4;en , el goo., t 151.4111 , 1 nn S Inn Iltanover ‘tart A Si pENTz k CO. .5 El -rVidrtol . .rtort In blnek rtnd coloert cut Wei. ..!rtrtert,7l. 11,11 tar gt. 1.1 4T -Ma 4111+ nrim AI ONTOONTERY HOUSE: The nndernlgn•d r.spertfltlly lofnens tlsa public the' hey hdr Ironed thin non ks.n•rn 'n eI in t e b swifts of Chsrnts ',burg 1 ,- .a their Int•n-to■ to Iseets It In n ntylss tvlslols rho,. hope stirs. sol.- fartsson to rdl osho o.ny rays,. (tom w th their cu,- I in • The OsatntsePetsurg and Ilettpbarg Onactses tau from .ed • 'his Intel. 1:2:1!1:IM &oot' CENTRAL HOTEL, Nos. 621 and 623 Arch Street, PUILA DP:L.IIIA. Terms, i;2.50 per day, or rooms with out board, ,$l. per day. J. B. 05 , AVEN, ProprfrOr SOmliTtly FARMERS' AND DROVERS . II U T E . cAr,Liscm Pk. tthAereltn d haring t . ka n 111141•ntl.ely re fitted stud ftvpietted t I. hotel I p irtved to ft - myth r,nd liaDllit•u.laltinin In all .110 Op le vi make it their homy. Aeh .re of the of t e thr rorindomg co.thtry trtrolldt,t pithlk Nu lOW. kooine large, an i Colnrot Es , 6. Tatpo thp- Idled watt the to.ot. ECM THE "BENTZ HOUSE," (Formerly Corman 116uAe NOR. 17 AND 111 EAST D 1 AIN ATM - CDT, CARLISLE, PA. Thn nod. reigned tinning purchti•a I end einthely ri -fiti rd, oil r11.11ifi)1,110 env 01 , mM - bout. with llrrt- Cl of nitnre, thin Wet •1i noon. a•• 11. Id uaiallitahod hotel, nII - thecotton, of the community and trufellog public lie is. wail prepared to (whin!, Mai-Close nrcoininnanilooa to all ..ho d •ire to mok• hot 1 tin, HOSt n , nr hir.iiiint temp rury nhodo. Tho rii.h•nt (Coin tit pl. rr ../11 dog conotey t reapact full, moll nod. Conf.. • ititntive merran tarn a gaged at this fi pular h •Iw' • OK 111110 7. BENTZ, I'rrprlotor NI: Tl. Ai that-rho. !Ivory le coornoctad vitn the hotel titular Lb^ 1111(11471111 , 11i of ...waph 1.. Stria:lir A brothe . live Calla ' 81111 ILIA SIMILIBUS CVSA.NTUR. lIUMPI'IRRYE3&.. HOME° PA TIT' f NPECIF HAVEproved, from the Most ample experi n a, nn entiro , Hitop.e— Prom pt ii , nt and ft liable. They ern the 0- iy lledielnes pe.f,..-tly adapted in I opal r • rim pie thit nd taken can not be 131/11111 In ming them ; o harmleoa an to he fen, from thing r, and no eoldant an to • e alsrnye 'reliable. They b•ro 1,1. d the hlahnot /ion metnletio., fe. in ell, and will alivayn ron• der sat lefsetto os. Nos Cm, to. Corn. Fans, C•lirtvtiOn. 1n lintrl.ll.lllol . l , 2, do Worms It ono Fever, 1P,,1-111 Cont. 11, do Cryin. Colic or 141,4111 gof Infaht. 2:1 4, do Dinr, boa, of Ch. iron n, Adult, ,25 5, do Dysente.,, Oripla , 11-lionn C 011... • • 25 A de Oho era Mortal, Y ILS 7, de Coughs, Cold', Lunchltla, 26 ,to ,Nenra , gla, Towns., e, Yarenche. 26 0, do Ilmet-rhea, Aek Hen ochi., Terlign• 26 11,, do Dy ',theta, Ilia unn -lom,rh. 21, 11, do Snppro 8.1 Painfol Perk; In. ' 11 12, do 011, ten, too Prolltne-Perintln. 25 1 3 , do cr , .•p Cough. Dithoult fl.enthieg. 24 14, do 'alt. Rheum. Br nine an, Bruptlonn 26 15, do Ithettinatieni, hooninlie 25 10, do Y. rm. and Anne Chß rarer, . gone. AD 17, do, II I a, blind or blee4ing. 11, do Oplithlsm ; , and n,ra r work ey.a. 60 I!. do rotsrrh, dente • r rhronlo Iplluerelt, d Whooping °ugh, vinL nt q.ngha, 10 j . 2 I, Mipreened Ilr.nthuq. 110 21, Ao !Ist-harm% Imp.dred In nring. 50 410 Peratils, enlitrged wands, Bwelllngs. 60 do Ileneraj Detillit • , pliyel al unakneno. 60 :fl. du Propny nod mrint, Beer Donn. 60 20, d insu 8 cit. en., sic nest! iront riding. 50 do lii !VIVA n, ( 11/o'ol. 60 Orrron. Debit ty I.yd. nl Enile,lo-n invol .nts y Dleoluirgo. El tii) ive Bozos ivrt, one $2 vl.l or -ry sec nnnry, lu ,erlous on en . 0 cdt 20, t I o dire .lellth, Canker. - litl- no We n, wetting bed ati 111. do' Pal lot withn. • 5 , 81. du molter oast at elm f lite oon Ino 12, 'ln rollep•y, -num 81 Vitior I 11141 -- -. 11.0 31 , do 4 Bili 9,l , •l•,lde.rotvd nor° tb o ,t, /7.4 MIL r a I St. S. Of DI to Oil tz'or e o or tin.... d ense containing. .fieeeltit• fur every , " nary dams, o 4amlly ie nobitsie to, nod books of rireetienn. from 110 1,12.15 gm .110. rsolliy port-ling canes, with . r 1., 28 vlols. • • nni ES In Ppeelllen 0 r nil Prlvale Dlsen•es , , both f r Curt- gnn I for Prevenlite trentromit, In-vox and pocket asavirt $2 to Ot D. d'ill'd lIIXTBACT, CnillS Itnetts, Brolsee. Lowness, Borenelio,. Von , Throat, Bproltiv, Toothor. Barnalie, Neuralgia, Rhentoothim, Lumbxgo, Mien 11511., till: go, tioin. ay.: Bleeding of the Lu gn, Noon, much, or of Alen; -Corns, I Iran. Old. Horn. Pr,de, 6 oz., 50 0 , 11 ; t 1tite,.4 1 0.60 ; Qom tn. • gni - Thane Itemedlen,. oxen t Pon a's Extract by the nave or nlugln kOlC . rtru aunt to ally f/1411 of Ibe 0,,,,0ney mull or ezpreon, Ir n of illutigo, no re., .41 of the prime. Add, eon . • Humphrey? Specific - Homeopathio Medicine do. 0111100 and Depot No, 001 Broadway, aow York, r Ynr ante In Caliph', by B. A. Ilavarntlek mid Coratnnis a Worthington. :110712.1 Clai+a - 14 J Ait n nil S,•i 1101-4-,LS I=l N. R. {SO U 4. Pr.ineow Medical Saxton & COB" •Ad. ESTA II 1,1 I 13, -- FP-E D 1840 CARLISLE _ - HARDWARE HOUSE I 11. Y A , . 2 C 7!9•N 6• CO Uesui S'Axstoy. J. P. DIVAS' ID. B. Einnori. Building, Farming,. and. Mechanics' 'Hardware Tools,. apdMatorials. ' • Iron and Steel? ' Paints, Oils and Varnishes, O 4 • • Cement, Plastmiand Sand, Guns aryl Ammunition. t‘, ALSO, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE; with every 'description. of naeful. and Autrey goody. • 'Useful inventions constantly introduced Solo Agents for PLANK'S PLOWS Thankful for past patronage, and 00 liciting4t-elletinuanee; Wo Remain Respectfully, H. SAXTON ez CO., Sa. Id EAPT MA rt STRIP.T, Pa., 17 nil Great 11 - 19•pu1ns in Clothing. SELLING OFF AT AND BELOW COST. ALL GOODS MUST BR SOLD .or Trig FIRST OF DECRAIBRR rho ondorrhmod having det,mMod L. rroirr , Prom burl:len% I.frer. hie; ontiro e•ork of =I CA r'Y A DF: ("Leff IN.i, NTS' FURNISITIN,; ' - I:losnui II NMI I.4A)TrI ltf MEM at. and tyel coon. Tliff amino stook moot be Cs poond of by the 'rat of Deo-ember. !Ls 01. a , k of clew gocoin th• Anna In fowl, eonrinto of I= ENGLISH CLOTHS, DONSKINS, CASSIMERNS, EMI= IMEME! TW EMDIL, B.lTlNEttni J VV.'S, LUIIM.NS, THM Ready-Made Clothing 11,11 g nnre but •xp• , teneed ttotltltt•n tunhlyed, he hopes ht • elenie rittentiox to bugle. es no te•ure the pu• patronne• R•otember the pinee, tltt. 11 VtlltTr MIIR Irrting.p. A11 , 14U111, It. CLATIIIT. Our Own Make. I 8 • th•pnrtm.ot is uae or the largest sail beet Aiwa!, mows V. t,o Nowt this Bide I= ILIAC V 2 North Itneotor otrort. Cnrllnle 'nol7ltf iVatchri anti Jelerlry J. E. CALDWELL - & CO., 902 CIII7.6T.NCT STREET, PIIILADICI.TIII.I, JEWEL ?CRS, 811 ERS 31 I 711,5 ilnialpc)3rte•rm, =I FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, ►II6CAC:NO A Sri.sivii STOCK o/ PAI:18 -13TIONZES! =I VIENNA F'.4 PCT GOOD?.' ' PARLAY bTATUAR Solid Silver Ware! T?t , Tir.P.2l.l.T P.ILILINiM C.1b....11 Pan WEDDING PRESENTS =1 FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ' ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. Wjanniy UNIMEII3II WILLIAM BRAD T, MARKET •l'tna:P. HARR 811 U A. Non J ..t rotpc nod fr o m New Y. k with tlic J.mgr .l 61. , ck o(11. hi,ty Goods vv., t rouullt in Ihni city .rony ating In port of ROLIDA.Y AND BRIDAL SILVER, of oto f ont d.alan Riot 1101.11, trop the r• lebratid ..tlnfotrctrlng Compnny. • BEAUTIFUL PLATED WARE, OEM ' Cake and Frnit !Whet.. Nem., Nokl. and C.d.', Stands. go o' , 'rm..," Wlaa Stand., ow., etc T.ia o 001. 1 of •b'p ant drnigs arid finish, trots thel erlebritled ulnufllMO ry of 11arr , .0. , Mow. A 111311 eon, Shall,./d, Rory rtn.l • S;) OUR FANCY (.1001)1, letnbr .nen the following artlelen; Ladle"' Elegant !balk ',biro 0111111 , and 010 v... Door. adnablned --a boon Inn arllela, Toilet Sete Writing Thalo, Stands, Mot Ont., Wdrk Boom, and Itneelvern P o n t of ylolva and H. , ndol ' , odd. Leather, Silk, Satin ate., otd., II non., Statutth Cent,e tic.. etu mn,o a t ,tan, play but fr . ni 2to in alry and with Balt and Ilfandeln alta liran..t. French, eine n, hl Gill, Dion.. and M .rble Comes; Cork. Clock-, Cigar Stande, Misr, Cant., Tobacco D. (Blltdr and, td)), Parlor Thnrtuoinot rn Fran eh Id try Pinata na l Pooket and a grant varlet, of our, thing la tny In.. Call and examlnn thn grand ..ortinnnt. ... • IA'ILLIAAI Bit A Dr, MI Mem' et ttroot, hurltoburg, Pa 1320 Ch ciip ex t Coal. CHEAPEST ,COAt! iSsrT,he ttuderelaned n rem to, fornlYh Coal to all parties, afflict f,,r Family or Liniohnrourn . use, at cheatyraten, proton hoy accept th.. Ine'T.ordcr 01l eon) In Compioy'corn, „Sad To chorlge mice whilst, inoopectlYe of any loan in shipment by baby cora, Sic. dully,i your coal as it comps hand,. without Ir-acrooolog dirt and all, 4th. That lit Ate ahoy., mu/Monad mode of ' bus,- rls. YOU will LOSE TEN PER CENT N, lb 41 whoa 20 toun a w bought ntBl pat,' for =XI To loin fort all regulaellealers v.lll tontify. btli To strive to gut lour coal front noi breaker, you may 41041 - 0,1.111 an Wo have to leindlre What is soot, be It Etomotit. srmuh, nlg.l id nr sbort Moun tain Pont bykeno Valhi a. me of them Iheiyg.uot so 1.41 . 0111 n ; the ammo apply' og to the hard end breakers alto. you tb 01.0 It OS Kiel sent to 54 . 4111. As this kond of be. In done on the kali road Cootpany'r 'Moo', do not at& to eon a earapl. of coal. 'they do not n lOW VW. than .24 bouts' use of aiding; we therotoro cannot show what no eon fu. stab you: sh ou ld you wish to poiris,o coal allOte It ecu lie lone at all WWI, kept I.f the dry, ItN-1101tEhNED AND ITMODED 1111FOlth: DR. nitY, v.ll at elther yerl of the eubecsth•r, whore pair onions sill be promptly IWO, owl pronto, to save you t h e loss and veentlou mama by meng duly and ittlerior coal, thoroby glelng oar supply,for loot baloney 4hau any nee ea• Do by foretelling the' lell of mho,." 24eufltf 1. R. DRAM Stoves, rzathar and Pumps SOMETHING HEW ENDER THE SON I . . . „. TIIE IINDEABIGI4RIN hating jtuit' roturnod from ttd• Mlles with a largo • lock of good', honks-the attrition 01 kb who desire nada• toctran to cal/ and oxamlno Muir largo stock of Stoves and Tinware. Andros the dock Of stoves luny he found the ANTI.CLINKER BASE BURNER, ANTI•CLINKF.R FIRE: t?gethei' with n.ll the latent kyle. of PARLOIt, DINING) BOOM AND COOK ETOVEE which they chnllvnge the trod., to -cctnp cio with Ruh.° , corks, Spoons, ' A Lamps, i .. .. . Dippers, tn et. i Ilecketn, - Conl Sievet, S "'4"l"".'"'t an e ", I r r variety or Tie hornlx end 'l'et! . e ..; le , n Z r l ni e nb e in nt v o n 0n i n..1,,,i,t in n firm. rrnre end flonr. rive ntore. - Wo are also prepaml to forul.ll Pninps for.clisterns and Deep Wells, and b. , . for eml.4 thu C.lHhrnh d Gonnl. en,nrnl., I=l to piutnKly 311 d d•• ri./16011ah'el t. mir• Eel - Ilona., toe 'doe, the preen front on North Rpm, r ottnot. 4 fen - , tloorn n e I.)tto,r. °lvo us' n cal no w • are determined not to under- Id Iro•nny tabor - t oriles In his lance, 'rlottookfool for p st 1tt0... go ore oono.etool n PuPtibtl Intit.otou, to ell .o !my tth a chit • IZTIINESMITTI Nos. 62 and 64, II AN•IV BTRItla, CA111.181*" ^ • bora I E XCELSIOR t) V}. Nii fINVP.A Et E M I' 0 R I•U M 4 "Titie underpigned rnnld reap.ritldly in n , nn tha nitis.nn of Cordate, and vatird ty, that hi' still parrlos on thy ST. Vr AND Tl , lCArtitittlBl , E-6, 161 , 1411 Itet vtirloo- t-tnrhott. - twartitllliii - A,ney to the I too intn o nittr•tovo,: Parlor and ()aloe l', Burning Glory. Moiuiiig Light, EMI= IMMO I= Combination Gan Burner, Irtrek. floaters, Rangoon, and Fireboard Stoves, which he it !.Trepar,l pp furulelt nt the low,et elmrkot r. toe iltoYa Petra'tic, promptly attnrded too. — ll..llng •ponting, anal Jolllonic oa cam .4 in tha m ..t •at factory manner. ED= e•ory Apti , n ene.rxritly os hand. or nod. I or•lor n tr.r:. , 1001. p. numbflig. Garr Pitteng, JAMES CARPMELL. . W. B. 141115W00D. PLUMBING, GAB AND STES.3I FI T 0 4( .Pro. 18 North Heznore-r Street, CARLISLE, PENICA.. STILL AT BUSIN.ESB! The untiorelttnal aro dove rally p. upward fa al tond to thk tutine•s la all i . different Tr" ale° keep earatttly .11.1 and 14.10. e. . WATi (mmiwrs, ' et 1711 71'115 A71:11.12.1n13n CS, RATA TORR. O F.K CL SISTS, RCM TDB., OA ER ('L RAl'll , 0611, W/1511 R 711 . 1,R 'NTS, Ift and tn,nnelstnrnn, Lilt Anti Fund,. Cistern. and D-ei, Lend, rrra r•t •• nn , 1 Deep Nell nmps, Lend. Terra Cottn n, d !run ripe (.11irun ,, y Tops and rine.. GAS PIPE AND FIXTURESI Globes, and nll t lair of 'tract, vorlt for .1 a • 1., ' , rotor eno.tontic •r. Sr fncnichc.l , ~• 11wrlll~. v+ Cllnl4•Aca, PArturics and nth. tuul.: , ,,c In town or country 119.11 np wtr n • ! 411 pttelt. All wort o.rrentell. Thankfni Ne rinhlt• pr i gredierv i go. hop- by meter Attention td 1•11•111P1•41 to raoril a to•tina n.e •f n r gnu, lb.rtur r-rotnitnido. it requiring lull n•.l. b el eeuitre tour ctietturin 0 re n• a c Pun'? ni r • 111, irgor, o 18, North ling -r sir et, in root I ofd ipe'it note building VI ,or I.r. lei 0 ri bold , df•tin a r ---. • 0 CA ITBELI, ,n HEN WO OP , •t any iw r Amy or night, will be pr intlt•y attended to Janie. itinannilorla ftow, lott Pt!. at. rHllium I Inn ood it" I otreelardilorrii V% !NI. 11,1•1• nrrelftl mthnntngr.. w• .r. prorntrtql rurn..l) =I Gtr dtill lion., nod other ptkrpon I. wt ho, • or dintoue COPPAR PTI . I I. ordbr, .446•01w0r Dr. .A.'ner.4o Medici:err, Aver's Cathartic Pills. GE= Vor all the purroaas of a Loretto. tte.lito . no el, medicine Is so re quited by ever) body . rat hart), ritr wits ever ti any twines so Gelatine/1111y adopted 11l IC 1160111 every country end among ••Il el:tares. sr this mild but Olsten' purgative Pill The °Woo, reansii Is, that It IN 14 nolo reliable and far more elitist.' roue. dy then any ether Those who have tiled It, know that It enrol inn in, ni•d those who lilyn not boost that'll cored their oinght . ire sail Irierldr, and ail know that what it does onon,it does always—that it never falls through any 'trait or neglect of Its • ornposition. Wu hate thotivaidls,upon thousand. If certilleater f their remarkable sor s a I 1 the tollowitur lum Vlnintx, but such C 41,11 are known' in terry neighborhood. and we tiood not publish them. t pted to all rites end condhloor in all clininteie j coots Inlng neither 0111.01 or nay ,Ipleteriohotirnit, tiny luny ho taken with salwy ny anybody. Theli sugar 'sorting pro Cress them ever frerh and mown them pleasant to take, while taiing pate'," vo i tetable no harm Can stilso front their use In any quantity. They °Our e hr their powerful Influence on the into, nil vis.iern to purity the blood and, atimulats it Into healthy art) n—remove the nbedructious of the slowich, bowels, liver, and other orator nt the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, ouch derangements ,ati aro • the first origin 01 Minute eilreelinne are glren, In the wrapper On the NIX, for the following conitileinta, which Ilene I.llte rapidly cure For liyspepefa Or Indigettion, Littlesanome, Languor Rod Lose of Appetite, they alumni be token inoderalel to stimulate the ut o.nnrh and rialiore tie healthy tone and action., For Llver.Complalgit and Its various .ymptoms, 011iuus llesesehe, Nirt Ileadsshe, Jaundice ar Green Blnkness. Mamie Colic and bilious Esvers, they ihuu:A . he judiciously take° for eseh corr.:" the dlsedse.l notion, or fee.. the °Warw. tins wh !eh cause It - For Dysentery or Dlarrhaia, but one mild dose Is generally required For bluluitustlsin, Dont. Ort;vel. Palpitation ol Clio Ilrart, Pain In the Hilo Dock enu.l,,,lrin, !hey eboull he rontlnu•ivaly Winn, ellen, the d•.emoil action- of the eyntion. ith rbnogit those eoinplainte dlnnj pro. Fe', Dropsy nod .1/rAj.llvl tour ehould be taken In large niol froaupitt.alitra' . ti produce the' effect ora drastio purge. r . " for Sonora.lou a Inrpv dose nhould be takrnoan It prOlillt,, the 111.11.1 o Root by sympnth,y.• An a Dinnrr taue ono or Iwo Pigs, to pro [note Ellrestlou nod rollevn tho otomnch. An oe'catiouni dose etimulatee the stomach ;and Ginnie Into hodtby nation, reatoree the appetite. and le,vigorates the ayetem. Ilene, it In otter, advantage.o where uo merlons derangement ex ists, One who fee.e tolerably null, eften finds that a d wen of these Pills makes him feel better, Ihme their cleansing and ronevatiug effect who allge4ive appatatu, ' '.• . . PRIOR $1.02 PER IROTTLE. 'R 1' ARED' D r Y Dn. J..O.•AYE it & . 00., LOW FL, 1.1A88,, Practical and Ada/Went Monists. J. B. 11AVER:3TIOK, Agont, ClAttmoi,n, '• • • 9.llrntatty Ladles, =SIM Parlor [cat,. nsrlor Light, Light netts°, Re guilt toi NillgAra, Superior, Elllllll Dy• on r bong. ntion P•lnitt the Sloolld r. . T•ght.ttetn t• DIV 1.1.•69. F.•or .o mot ot 1t.. , n 1a...t0 in toe 5.11 1.• Attn:: , s rApltAt•un 0 the linlat, 1,11, r. tho Lungn, Pnlnt r.•wion of thlt 11l I. • • • nn.l n tu.drnil ..11tnr nyluplontn, nt. tt..• off.torings of oynritNin . . Tto., tnylgo.ol.. (Inn .lita 411111.1111 W the t Grp,l II •e. anti hoe el, tehi. h rrtt 'loon . 4 1 un eon 11,1 pith., in, clettoolng 1.1 , 10 d o' nil Im pu Iti•+. n. 1.1 Intpotting new lib , en I vigor In the e h. q„ .)rytl.ll, - 7 - 7 7. 7 7 @, SP ONS 14E11? S COL 1121S1V A. L. BPONSLER, Weal &tato Agent, &nivennr, Conveyancer; Tom , arum And CLAIM Agent. Mho Male tltr,•M near Centre Square. pg - SIRA.BLE PROPERTY 'AT. PRI- . VATIO -ALE.—The owner ge,lcons of .rcr moving wont; offer at str , ra , g Bale a LOVOF • GhOUND, Attuned on Do..iford ntroc4,lll t h borough or Car halo containing .6 fret front by 100 foot in depth, and havin,therooo wowed a • STORY FRAME HO USE, with brick back building. WWI bons°, 11vitL ri tern therein )stno'.o hones;bitko,...reds, and all noveiti.ry oiltbuil The front' g o. Ledford etrost 1./ 43 fi . ot front y 2-1 • feet do p. The bark building frrinting or Locust alloy in- 21 root In front . The property in n only now contains n itoroinorn, nifiv occuplorlas a grocery at to I In good oonditlom and IR inhannbli dlnnt d for n 41111.1. Per. Cairn Witll.l4l is vein the property. can dp an by coll• lug on the nwder, resiktig - on the promises. Ft r torns and further " pailletilarn ennui a of A. t spoNsLmc. Rent Ditate A. eta MEM Two-Story Brielc Dvsrplling smo. tio. fl Bouth Itedt •treet, contrite', tn o p f ,,loro, hid!, and itell,n or ,lid Arel floor, rind dire. dun, hors on the a enrol atm i, wrth ri numbed owe h on k end trout, striliovii - y balcony to brier. boil lino, cord grtive nitre rind li)rleri. t In the putt. n lady to FrltrVitaLF.4. 7tior7tt --- MHE Subscriber has sevorpl other val. _A nible no- Inr petle HI el nt the town, which etill he nnynn., lily di, A. I. : 4 1'0 R.Ol ki•tnte A gnnt. lint/vitt VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shen:lll- .'oo, voh.j. for —s non.ber of v.lttoble, and highsllop.oved 1.0.r0e in '• the VIIII4, urn of booed 'or ado 'rho trot., sun from 00 to- gyn noes The 1..111 u• lit hest .111 . lit InneAtono frith coo., If out eoperlor, to the land In tunherlon it.y. "lili DPP(' WI untoltingly I.or flgoren 11114.,r thr 11111 or 11110 VIII .03 ft:qr. - ot 1..t0 Virgioitt, II• /ow norveyed, to I rut Intintofinte:y through the . 0 mo t o r "„ o n 3 i o schwh the a tondo ore 1 , cottel, which, 0 0 pie ocl t t roller .1 , 11 ill ad wm oge of the Shotooe dovL raver tr0. , 91 totlon 0,11 gist. thorn rill 'he it t voto..gen ..1. Northe. It PAOP 1-I.t.torn motltot. ' opletoild 0 ~ urtu. It) for lu. r/0 'l. 10. r. 0n"...041. A rnu wi onlnt4f, dea'alptb o o, or cbsrn t r f "re I.)tin t °Ct.!• op. plying •0 noo . • 1'ON:i1.1.11, • 1711017: , 10. lit, Ca' II le. FOR SALE OR RENT.—A comino: i‘oo, tor) brick lo 'vote rtool e. nn Pomfret etre t, oaf ell on tab,' 3•• fm t fr nt and 0411 feet e , • den'', 0 Irk' a btablo nod enrriage hooe„tod olonolance oo Irnit 11.,11r00t In the 31, tl and good datero. Abel, a two.. for brook home nod loa. k knildinc N rib Pitt str et l'o,s f 110, 'o'lm', will 10 give boron 'lately, awl of the 'outer rni ur the flint of lily nen'. A rply n. A L. SPONSIAIIt, 22,je7 /teal te Akent. WA NtED —A general agent for r 1110 ft l „r,i,„ moat - popular - Lit' , I 3, 11Tr :,- f . liffaliiiF ,--- IfFrifil noway. R Ktut., • cir r.f A. V. Cat Ifelr, Pa. FOR SALE. .k 1101 .'•F: ANT/ I, I' !' !Irli • I , •• fol r0m1..irt!..• , . !tot nil to 4.1,1 I it, ~E• 4, EX. The I, 11 : i t' f•.! .!!!, and 1:1.• it et !I F,. in: I oil I. ,•/ Wit. 2 ! r••,.t ,•. Iron!, two rtoro• 1144.1., 1.111! o cl !! lull!. jai lor•.. I I, I p•ilory fool dam! orot n ! floor. 1 , rond floor—.lt dolt!!i'p.ll La!! room, Co it• •,11nr, waif, nil !ntlt rnom, null !In ntlr lin'or. I Loe 14 ,!und garde!. it.hd no., 1. rm. Pm!, . In:luso • A I. •P$ IN I4_l t.,.1.. A prt, E3Ei TValleer . .q Bl.ters A GREAT NEDICALTYL3COi-,ERY lE=I V A it B Hundreds of Thousands bear Testimony to their Wonderful Coral Ivo Effects. The, air not n rile Fancy I rink, tilado of p•oir Rin, - 111ii-ky, Proof I;tkpirlpn +nit ~foe • Min", doctored, pineil. and ..Ircutotnil rho niato, crtliotl TONICII, I=l , 1,1 i th.• b nr.. Mr. II I I=lB 11110, nod Ile,. • 1 , C. 1116,11111., free from all .11 phone Stirtinl•ntl. ^boy tre trig Ores! 810. d Purlfe•, an I a LlT...airing PII. elide, n pert. et 8111111V.tor and In• TN ,r ttor or the system, esyrylng off all re '/10(101114 mitt, at tl r Plod , tl, blood tt a he•lthy oo.oll tit. No person eal ta , thsse Bit ere 1 1. (111rItillg to 1111'1.0 rem 1 n and ren It Ino unwell, prorithol the Konen are not thwt.oyed Ip nanerat poison or ether weans and the sltal orann. waisted ttey,nd the pout! of repair For Innnmm rare and Chrome Ithounintooo nod o,lnt, Vy•reroun IlnlIgen:lu, t. at Intormdtent FoNorm I),..ner. tho 1 0 ,ocol, Ideyr, fil toor., aril Madder. then° TYltore hare hnon .ont &Val. Such Din.aMPti nr,can , d 14 . V 11... o , ,•h•eh In rally p.o.liteed by do range..., or the Digenti ye Or en PI I'm, 11.1,, it!rt,valotPrini'l rt`VVr, 3011,h p•vvr.l.•nt rl rnllry• nr Kra re live, =I 13= I= I=l =I .•I /11.1 litntuti. orpl routnriodoly ko. aoring •Alt...ous of 11 . 111•,1In'lli 4111111 , y°. AS Aro inv. lo , fly 1 1. , ext,n ,!,o ilernogrq tho I= =3 •OF , spa irritil . .ll. rut rt.. , A .5111 dp.or of Ow 1444 4. 44, 1.4 ri.tni. tlnroinnlat , 7 I/ , 11131101 t n ,putvnt 'An , ling n p I,olfit: !Too thnnfl otn , , .n n.. 1 in ly nvc ,,, rey Ti,• re n Hr for ila• purl J. IV im•ors.. 00 11'11101 . 0 ihr 111106.v4)1- oierlit omit., with uh rho thou B hr. booted, nt tilt own-. time ntitotilatioff the no , tenons of .Ifhe liver, and generally nelorin the I°.eithy Mon/lons of the ‘thentlse of pm,. The to.leetenl ilop o i tray of this t - ibintan rl4lllO It In ,t,lons feet to tottoututte Infliqnfidentin t rtillb I, nt eler,onltt . It, {a . m., as • remedy In noon comes, For Skin It ennp., 81111,11..“. Tettor, Null lthentn, hloteltos, Spot'', Pimples Plot( nine:l,lls; Carlotorlee, Ring-Worms, Elcald Ruoff Sore, Flyer, Itrysleolne, 12111 - Set - idle D'neofittillons - nr fitroi3tili-n`il 0111111lner ..f Ihn Skin, fd nhateror 11.01.14 or nature, ore literally dog oh an / tort trd roil of the tts ntrm in n abort Unto by the use of these. FIR. rts, h o w, In ouch rase, wilt conrluon the tau -t inerinlniono of EISEI== lionnne th• Vit,trd 111.0.1 rrht.n.Yrr yntt find itn linpnrtlttlObn - Ong through tin nlcla in PI Ilrnptiono. of 1 / 1 105;Arnn.a It wh,u yin tln•I It I. ntztteted and rlng;xl.l) In the ti 11 n; rlednne It wlu•n It in foul, and your fuellogn mill to I run when. liver the blood pod, %fill the In!Aliti nt th. • nynto, ta 111 Pin', Tino, ant nth-r' iimth.n i n tm. torn or an tunny thon.antli. aro elleetnalty dentroyed and removed For full dined no, or td.c trefully the circular around earh'ltottl., printed 'in four tans guttgeti—F.ngll%ll. Om man. F,ettelti and lip•mish ' .1. WALK lift, FroPrletOr, JI. lt. Mcpol.l LT) . * t 0 progghtt... unit Gen Ago ts, Pao V r meisett Oul., and 34 and :14 Commerce ftircot, l'Smv York. Sold by all Drugglatn until D.-Alert, 9.10070-1 v Fah• a► u t Perolral,' FAIR A IN MID 01 , TII C OUMBgRLAND FIRM COMPANY, MEt==l/1 DURING- 711 E 110,LIDA l'a. . 11/k o'd land efficient COIIII , IIDY Intend holdkc Fair In Ithaern'e 'llel, dm leg *he Itelidnye, thn procned• to ho devo ed to t.l.c liquidetion of the debt contract-d In tho — purcinvw vl THEIR NEW STEAMER; In thin laudati'e andolvor they exliret le receive the cordial itymp.thy, unit the actin. cooper 't Uri A lot am& a co of nil the p .oplA of tlartiolo, mho m oh Mainteln the olnelenvi of the Fire Don irt nein, Contrilintione In nioney end nt tiVit•N miler rd. • Six hundred rte adl Le lo A, at ()N. , . 111)111, Alt steel, , eaeb.tieket entitling the' hot ler min/1..1cm doting the F• 1 1, strut to• till it"... in • LOT OF GROUND In forllsle .30 font f.ont b. 120 tor.t deep nltosi .3 Bn Etist North a root, adjoining the , property .4'3 I, a aber. Telt to tralnal at, Joul could I 111/Id do for S2OO. and.lane excellent sin torn ren done t, In order to home,. outlrn , alforms In till: tint, of the prlen:at the r•anest.ol the Compri. •, II NNRY AXTON, W. F. SMILER and 11141'1V Kr.NNP:TrY, •arir'a., have rmpant...l la act as no • attr mitten and tell, hare on.lrn charge of the dram lu,t• litqt. gantlet:oral' Moo In 110 MIX. Cl/11110d* l „ WITH - THE CO3IPANY, aml 11411 , no Interns!. whatever In this seheroerand Uttar nattier. are a' autiletent guarantee that Jost.en will tin done to nil, . PIITER 81'0111. Preilduut 'of Cutup 13:191B F OR SA:LE :. A to•gh quentite of STONE, eultublo for Dull tliup, curb, oud iirati.burning pur v e t . l 7 .4{. Eof i 8, Until burg Turnpike, user NoMi.lln not street. =2121 . . _ C • 18 t 1871 ••••• • NOTIE - 1 , • „ . . I=DCD4RIIITPXC:orta", 0 , ;. • • • ' i" Fall ' • ' ' ••• • and Winter Dress ,Goods.: • • . • .• • A • A - - • • . b • • — 4.4 • • CIIIIO I A_P S POR P, • North east Corner Publje•Square; Carlisle, .Pa. • We shall offer throughout. November and DeeeMber ' • . UNUSUAL INDUCI!,AIF4NTS. TO • Our Dress Goods Department assertment a q uali tlant x 1 and price. Just opened, Ladies' and Children's Coafingi4. sonic •A strachans, Flushes, Veh - ct• , , Cloths,• 'Velveteens,: Water Proofs, 840:--0-reatTbargains-in and - Chihli-o's :Shawls. • • lip. o F e l. • .s T4elarges't and cheapest st,a-k .in to)vtr. Choice A tra chan; Fitch, Soluirrcl, Alaska, k f:.c. Children's- sets ver , v low. A . lanze tot of Cheap iilatilcets, White and, Colored, Cheap Flannels. Wool and Canton, lkm's - ifraw , i•:,. 17 ndeyAirt.-4 - , Balmorals &e. An 1.1n1:11011,-( Stock 1 , 1 CASSIME.E.i.ES,-AND OVERpOATINGS! rot Men and hay , Suits made up cer . ‘, DON'T tiU V,. un til % -,,A h a v e Ix:11111, e .d _large , rock, as yOu will save libth time atul mone4 28n071 A. SA . • YER M=UM Dry and VICTORY' OVER ALL! A CRIAFSO RUSH GR E. , 1 T .8.111.a.11.1N ! Every . perNt,n invited to call and see ilnit thi4 is no trw4ll thrown upon the um k[2t, 1-,mt I= (i- 0 C) I) DUKE BURK34OI.I).Eit Ila•r twit min of Ihry 1.31.1;e5t Stock of NEW 0-00 DB ever opetirsl it. Carlisle. Call a*s . :e our elegant El Black Gros•lirain jailani:Ne Itt Merinos, Balorno Cloths, Prince Cords, Emprc;iiii and Mohair Pop'Ural, all in the newest ;tnfl I ichest shades WE SELL ALL Pt EW GOODS, SHORT PROFITS. THE STORE to get a Fine Shawl, Cloths and Cassimeres for suits in the latest styles, comprising BEA cite, , S CO Cif I ELTRI'S DOI:AI:INS, BEM ROY'I4 and all good brands of English, French and American manufactures.. FUR,;! From the beat House in New York, and at 1n ices that astonish the consumer. Call and price these goods, and save twenty-five per cent. =I NOTIONS .• Too direct,froni 'the nia t t ‘ i - i e trit i ct?ice °i r l v and importe and can eel! lower than ny holt.° i the valley. 10:14cPaY..picia— etylee or BliiilVed goods in our I 4 toelc. Call at =I KAI'S D PA' o r. - -6- -6X I, = 0A11.1,Uk1.F.„ PENNA., 1 The H 4.l"l`Hlt . o;'ear I. • Tim Ii ITll,:ii of CartflOn '11;” In. vet rtf) Irs , jlltt .0 ei V0(1! Intr,t ntyhm nu hand I tiILK II tTS num the bat Matitifictureo I 11, lIATSJumt out 1111 J. 13. C.l 1,1;10 wlehee In rail attention to hie lora. Mock . 17.4 Te 4:IV . D-C A P 'to torthufatthre I lists to ortivr, awl 'ham -the beet •trnugonlonto for coloring Until, ti , o•nn 1i00414, •nd'Ororcontn, at abort notion 'CI, ht, I , t t7 , Nu rdlC rA vald lur ('01; N 1 Tit' 1•'II C=l ,I) 'l9 `fit .)TREICI' I t 4,1.1,70 `' "'toot. arid Shoes, N EW- BOOT 'AND SHOE STORE. NO. 4 EAST A(A:1 STREE2, .kuItNIKRIA,OO 11l ED DV , • 'I.: T. GREENFIEL'D. , 0 üBTO.ft WORK LONE. TO . ORDER. 1 . 11 . 1{ MATLRIAL FUIINIBUIV) • IN ALL JOBS. ADAM DYSERT., ~HtII CtN, Cashmeres, 111333 FURS ' ' ! FURS!! Sta( LA of CiMEM I= AT OLD PRICES in great variation DUKE 4 BURK Ilol,litat'B, North Ilanoroefitrett, Air Carl,.4' nipooit Ilemh ii Ung(tsmified Aileertisrntr:rits. i . FOR SAL E.—fieretal lota Ritttated IA- Mei. l.rtort Spring and llarrifbn Irtn.... be mlol , lol, 1.01.E110g 1.0.., 0. for truck prdenlng; I, ing brut gull ty 14 round for Uri,. prirpo,. Ap• py to 011 AS. 11. 11,. BUI.S. lit/1011711f OTIGE:—AII persons indebted' to ilermrgu.,l, I thn - oroo , Itelor• i, Ih7l, ur, Out will bo given hilt, ho 4nn ih I , r rho rune or,. 11151,'IMi8T0I1. CASII BUSINESS. -011 and,tho st ot S I 411e11 , 1 111 00 0 CA hi' . 7.l tr o IlUsi • Ulf Alt, o,loitit rev., t o p orton . ( . 011111 , ) I/1 ri .111'0 / 1 ,1111 . ,10 411 ..11/Ih. 41 .1(C/111111114 1 fur go As 1.511, 133 thin nrroionio voo, i.l 4.11 Itrat orlon nt rodured r•iis EMIR B. If AVtitSTIcK, J ..; Nu 5 sorfii lIA • * 11M:I Dealer In 1.)n13, hied 4to nTlCE.—Notice it horeby nrokhei n wt.! •T` t• he urr.t Log. a lot , ho incorporation of a Bank of 'Deptnit to he laty l'annel*ltnola II be Cl . l elt thn Peop.aeNtr• t l u , flan*. wall a r.qo al of woutr•liro thoonAnd 16Pitr. nu E prirla, ••I' I n‘.r.* ing to one logo• droll Iloogrand dollar*. • njo7leve PRIC:ESI , OI3, 'IIIIIT, %VA:MIN°. T. .1. 91'111 11. IN now propttred to do wit; to' wanh• . w den • CM ni I noraplnz. on Um M r vet] pin and tho oh. Tient • Hoe. 'Floe.. it reto, Tint, rig of ea pore or itu - nlltire. Siotefort, o •ii 11 or o tete • tot alt oil. (Lord leder roes urili r• nt the hotter shop le, el or llttix In A In, or ot the ntl7 n W .1 E. ft • rt., S Bre, ilrory exchttnye -tattles Piniono nine coo x eat: Ihrodltd.w. SPECIAL NOTIGE OLARK&BIDDL dexperttut y urturrn their frir.d• that JEBII , IAII (11,. r , f th- fir o Halley .4 Co. 1h e thk day .nt, him.•.tl sill them, under tho Ban halos nt ROBBINS, CLARK G BIDDLE, =I 1:111411M,I!!! 1,111 CHESTNUT STRKET Pllll. ID I LI.III A, - Tlwy sr, now otTeriett, nt i educed pricra, F. twk of A IIItDIC nN AND BWIB9 WAT(311:8. =9 ST. :410 liIIVrAICE TAJO LE CUT Liill V • NIA ' , TEL Ci OCIS D'Atl,l6ll, FRENCH AND VIENNA, LEATIIER AND FANCY GOODS. I.ltrrs of , Travel SoUTII • MOUNTAIN RAILROAD I TIME TABLE. f , I , .CT : , I:PTEMIIISIt 1, 1871 o and after Friday,-Beptomber'l, 1871, this Company will run two trains thrmigh to Pine Grove daily, (Sundays excepted). AB VOLLOWeI Lone.. .1 .n 4,1 cilon, LOU a 51., .I.l.llylirt Pk, tin, oeral_lten.l n, 7 2.4. Nllllllll 111.11 V 7.41), ' , Upper Mal. 7 I. Hunt.. ' Run, 11 05, Laurel, 540, and urilveir at Mae ()rove, 1 .1 .1 0 S. Y. , Leave ' arliete, '4 58 P. 111...711nt . ti0n, 3.00. .1111,q t...oak, 3 0., *Craig...4ol'n 32, Mount 110,y, 345, *Upper 5141 3.51. linnter'e Run. 4.00. Lama), 4,20, It I mai, es at Pine Cir,vo 4 4 P. IC 14RT1711511N0. '' ' Len,. rinn Grove, 9.0 A. x , LAUrfq, 9 4S, [hin ter's Run, 10,6, •liikprr Mill, 10.21, Mount Holly, 10.30, .1 10 60, .13..nuybrook, 11.00, aud army°. at Junction, 11 16 A it. Leave rims Grove 6.05 P. u , Lnorel, 5.16, Ilan. tor n on , 5 at, lUrp.r %All. 5 : , 0,-Mon..t 55. veialg..lll . ll 6 In. ...bonny brook, 5'25, and arrives at Junction, 635 r. Stations may ken thus Micro Hug stations only. IL. W. DAVENPORT, Donors! Sulloduniudont Offs tv or Q. g,, Pine Uiu•o, Aug 25, lA7I. CtIN;BERLAN I) VALLEY L CHANGE OF. fouls. WINTER - SitIUNGtMkNT 'On and sOfrYlotratiny, Nnrembs r 24,1870, Passenger Trains will ran dully as follows (Einntleys excepted): W A ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Ipares Harriebtrg 8:00 A. M Monlntnlebbnric 8:35, Oral Isle A: 11, Notorrillo 0:46, 81.1ppen•burg 10:•22.ChEnnbernbnrg 10:44. Croon. mmtle i I:10, arrlvlnglnt lingoretosru 11:45, rg. MAIL TRAIN 1.5x•'..4 Ibtrrlnlung 1:05, r r , Me rlmnlesburg 2:27 Carnal° '2:58, N.rnrillo 3:32, Ship ponliburg 4 02, Olumbnisburg 4:36, Groioncastle 5:11, nrrt. In at Mnictiro4own 6:40, I. I.REMS :CHAIN le.trea" Harrisburg 4110 p Methauksbarg o:02, Carlisle Newrlllekos,l3l4. petielburg g:t3, -rrivln, at lintulernbu.g 7:00, PN. A 11I7CED TRAIN IN,. Cbaukbersburg 7:45. a K 111,011PAKIP 5.1,0, arrivlng at Hagersto,wn 10:05. • m• EASTWARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN learns Chambersburg 6:00 A It, tillipponsburg 6r2D Nt•wville 6:oo:Carlisle 6:33, 'Mechanicsburg 7A,2 arriving At Harrisburg 7:3n, m. MAIL TRAIN leaves ll.4gmstown 8:30 A Y , Orson tlO 9:00, Chamberal.urg 9:40, 81:lupe:sabers . I0:22, Neprille 10:511, arligle 11: 0, Mechanicsburg 12:09 arriving at Harrisburg 12:4,P. M. F.XPREBB TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12:00 M 1 O reencitatN 12:28 Chambershurg 1:05 Shlppenebarg 1:37, New rills 2:10 eArlinlo 2:511, Mechanicsburg 8:18, arriving :a illar , iallurg 3:50,r M. • • A -MIXER TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8:20 PM, Oreencaatle 4:27, lurtring at Chatuberehurg 5:20. p M. dra— Making close onnections at Hnr•labargyith trains to and from Ph Iladelphin. New York, Washing.' Ln, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all point, Trost 0. N. LULL, Suet Suncriulendent's Office, Chmuli'a Nov 21, 1470 Carrinpc Factory CARLISCE CARRIAGE FACTORY A. a. SHEEM • . haw a largo lot of seetmJ•hand murk on 11.11 ', which ho alit aril cheap In order I wage r, um .11.1 r weer, ,w . ork. , . • . .T.C`it THE 81)R.1 I 1nG THril DJ. ' 1 no hot,. a le, , the 1'4 , 1 t , d li '. NEW 'WORK 0 A N HAND. • In • , „.. . You dan . olwatra Inn dlllorem iC , ,el e' I e mkterial to not in question ally mot a, for ilt a I. best wed.: If .. ou want satlnftiction ill niyi , .111. i , ' nd &leo, go to ,hi. atop befoin porch'. n'.e, , ,e1, 2 ' 0, voire 1.11.4 ilrat thtt.t hal - 1 , „..- • 7. - A BETTEk "fILII)F., • ur odic morn In Ci1i0....1.1ml nr... I xountlia {V01...41,91k L.° r... • 11.4 ore, grt.lng up n • Lot of Ni,:•e, Slt;u:ll,4 • REPAIRING ANTY.PAINVNG promptly' attentlod Id. Co.. or ~ end PItE elrvon. Cartlnly, Pa..' th u7lom,' • • Jtvwc.l.-,C YOU. can .obtain Dye 'St t! , le,:r.Perftk. moil., inn I Faiie ) . Aril le'', .1 n.Myer. adidk's Phydeltuis , Iy', 'Corn. pounded nil time.. J. B. 1i I Vin 1.9 1 .10117, • lialloyer • tree', ewl)aie, we t7O =ESE LI Rtd BLy, 7A