Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 09, 1871, Image 2

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    Vle *ltolt
VOL. 71. NO. 45
. The people of the entire State were
shooked with tht,announcoment in the
daily' 'papers of, Monday, of the death
-of Col. David ' Stanton, the recently
'elected Auditor General. Ho died at his
hoine in New Brighton, on Sunday
morning last, after a_ very brief illness,.
aged about fortytwo years.
Stanton was, by profession, a
physician, and had' practiced medicine
nt New Brighton for twenty years,
except during the war, when he'
^ devoted all his time, ,
energy and
!Akin to the service of his country.
He vas a gentleman of unblemished
character, great ability, and enjoyed thp
respect and esteem of all who knew him.
He was never a professional politician,
and his nomination for the important
office to which he was elected, was a
deserved tribute to his ability and
worth. Had he lived to enjoy
the honors, which, had been cast
upon him by his State, he ovould have
demonstrated how, well he deserved the
positioirho.was called to fill, uid would
have won for himself a high. reputation
as an honest and capable public servant.
Mr. Stanton's death has caused con
siderable discussion as to the manner of
filling the vacahey, which will exist at
the close of General Hartranft's term.
The law provides that in case of a va
cancy from death, resignation or other
wise, the Governor shall appoint a per
son, who shall serve for the unexpired
'term of his "predecessor." The law
also, duly provide r s for an election every
third year. The inference, therefore, is
inevitable that the Governor has the ap
pointrnent of a person for the entire
term, unless the present law be changed
hy lie Legislature before the first ofMay
next, the time when the vacancy will
occur. But just -here comes a quibble.
Col. Stanton is not now Auditor General
and never can be. Technically, there
fore, it is urged he can hive no " pred
ecessor" \within . the meaning of the act,
as it would be impossible to apply the
term its used to General Hartrauft, he
having no unexpired term. 411 sorts'of
constrpctions aro made by all sorts of
lawyers, most of which are very patent
absurdities. The gist of the trouble
seems to be about this : That the Legis
dana should interfere, and change the
law to - suit the emergency, or rather to
take from tho'Governor the poworof ap
pointing a person to serve fur three full
years. The propriety of such a course
is a matter 'entirely for the Legislature,
and when it comes to take action in the
mafter, discussion will be in order. The.
question is, has the Governor' power to
appoint as the law now stands?- Sup
pose that Mr. Stanton had survived un
til after the adjournment of the Legis
lature, and then died before his term of
office began, would or would not the
Governor" have the power to appoint, and
for what term? When this question is
answered some difficulties may vanish
which are distressing sonic,, persons at
present. Now the construction of the
act in no wise depends upon the acci
dent of the meeting of the Legislature
before the vacancy occurs. Whatever
would be the p'roper construction in the
case supposed is the proper one now.
. THE Democratic County Committee
Met here last Saturday, and abolished
the Crawford county system, for the
nomination of their candidates. This,
In itself, ;'Was a wise - measure. The
system Ma nuisance, in all respects, and
will injure any party which adopts it.
We fear, however, that this change of
base on the part of the Democracy will
not prove much of a • success. • - The
Democratic party is too near the end of
Its days,• to be put in good working °I--
der by any improvements which may be
made in 1 • machinery. It staggered in
the last
. 1 mpaigu, more from the fact,
that it ught without any acknowl
edged principles than for any other
cause. It was a little hard for '
an old lino Democrat to work vigor
ously for a party whose leaders had bor
rowed their platform from the Radicals.
It was somewhat harder for the pro:
gressirs of the party to attempt to lead
where not one in ten of the rank and file
would follow. And so the whole vuot est
went by default.
. In the future it will be worse. The
New Departure will be more troublesome
, hereafter than it was in time last fight. Th,,
men who had the intelligence to lealize•
that the Limo had come when old ishnes
were to be discarded, will not he allowed
to lead in the future. Those who ale .
still stupid
_enough to cling to the old
war cries, hardly, know enough to con
struct a platform. Thtfs the troubles
connected with their creed hare Duly
fairly begun.. - ' ~
Then in the selection of candidates,
the perplexitieS are manifold. The id,ra
of running any straight out Democrs tic
Presidential ticket is now given up.
Whoever the Democrats may be called
upon to support for President hex t Pall, it
will surely not boa Democrat. For State
officers the same trouble will most likely
arise. Their last nomination was given
to Gen. l iffcCandleSs, with the full knowl
edge on the part of time loaders of the
party that he would be beaten. Ile
will not likely aspire to a nomination for
' Gubernatorial honors, nor will any other
Derriocratio4mlitioian, who has an aver
t age fespectable record. The head of the
ticket next year, will, therefore, not be
such asNiill awaken rcueli entirsiasm in
the party, or draw out a very large'
vote: Then the I°6l differenceshors
r . ...
auto verynumerous and very trouble
some. On their fair party strength this
- year in this county, the Democracy had
less than four hundred majority: A, very
little ehangq will wipe this out entirely,
and th`o complications are too many to
avoid ehahges; -- While, therefore, the
Democracy did a gOod.thing abstractly,
by throwing away the" cumbrofie ma
chinery of the Crawford county system,.
it will be of little practical consequence.
They have a worse trouble to meet than it
eauld•overbiecome: ° l'he Democratic party
is crurahling to pieces all over the ldrid,
and smven Cumberland-county is slipping
rapidly from their control., Well, it is a
consummation devoutly to be wished
Tin Shipponglourg Sentinel has "the
following somewllnt astoninhing inform ft.
tlon :
"The administration journals - *Web
have Made such loud boasts of the
'"economy" practiced at'' Washington,
.the alleged " largo reduction" of
the public debt, are - dumbfounded by the
announcement made by the Republican
secretary of the Treasury that out of
receipts amounting to nearly firs thou.
'sand ,Anions of dollars, in rive years
and four months, the' debt has only beau
reduced sixty-six millions. Four thou
sand nine hundred and thirty4our
millions spent."
. •We:„.susiiot ' , pretty strongly, that
Eiocrotary Boutwoll„ never made ;any
nnol statement, at lehst in public.
$ 8, 95 0, 49 1,8 4
This is Secretary Boutwell's report of
the reduction of thee National debt dur
ing month - Of OCtober. kis ceitainly a
gratifying exhibit. 'Since Grant'ainaugu
ration, tho than 278 millions otinrCest;
bearing debt has been eancellel. , It is
dot- inarvellous,„that thiire sitiuld be ri
hearty endorsement by the people of r an'
administration which brings about such'
results:., There was cause fertile magnift:
'cent Republican victories in October,
and the management (if the finanees was,
by far, the greater, part of it. At the
same ratio of reduction, almost half - the
interest bearing debt of the Nation will
be paid by tho close of Grant's second
While, howeVer, we commend hearlily
Mr. Boutwell's policy as a whole, there
is one feature of it.which we fail to un
derstaud.:l What is the necessity for re
taining in the Treasury $110,000,000?
This has been the average balance al
most constantly since the 'Close of the
war. Will some one show why this is
necessary? Surely one-half would be a
sufficient reserve, especially as that re
serve has never yet been drawn upon. By
- all means let every idle dollar in the
Treasury that may be safely withdrawn,
be applied to the immediate purchase of
bonds. The fewer of those that aro in
the market the bettor for all business
enterprises ; the hotter for the success of
the funding scheme, and the - smaller the
drain at the Treasury for, interest. Mr.
Boutwell is doing admirably, but that
still does not justify the retention of an
unnecessary dollar in the Treasury.
Dox. A. K. McCiAtam is spoken of as
a candidate for the Senate, from the
Fourth District, to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Senator Connell.
.Mr. McClurcX ability and experience,
would give him a commanding. position
in the Senate, and if he should be
Connell's place Would be
ably filled. Messrs Kneass, Sellers and
Gray, are also named foi: the position.
As Mr. Connell's majority was about
7,800, a nomination may be regarded as
equivalent to an election.
FROM the tom) of the Democratic press
throughout the State, it appears to be
pretty well settled that Speaker Brod-
head will not order an election for Mr.
Connell's successor, until after the meet
ing of the Senate: This will, moat
likely, cause a delay of five or six weeks
in the business of the Commonwealth.
But then delays and dead-locks are not
very unusual occurrences at Harrisburg
during the sessions of the Legislature.
cratic candidate for Surveyor General in
18G8, died at his home in Bloomsburg,
on Sunday last. Gen.. Ent was a gallant
soldier and a man of ability and worth.
His untimely death will be lamented by
many who knew him IN a brave soldier
and a good citizen.
THERE appears to ho some truth now
- the' oft-repeated story of Secretary
sh. It believed that he will- i•e
tire from,Presiticult Gtant's.cabinct at a:
early (lay, citiorgo William Curtis o
New,YOrk, is spoken of as his successor
GEORGE G. BoKtm, of Philadelphia,
has been appointed by the .President,
Minister to Constantinople. .No better
appointment could have been made,.
Recapitnlat ion of the debt bearing in
tciest in coin : , •
Six per rvut Lotplx.
Fir,. pet vent I (111,
Mtn! principal..)
Cort tin, on of holelaellu. xn ut 4 I.P.r
N. 3 r I.llbloll fond ca 3 per r00t... 14,0 t 0,000 00
Cert •tic ites of 10303 .eoutit nt . 3
Tutu! imincipit I
PI il if al
in I r • t .
01.1 4 , 010101 0,1 logal lend, nott4. i357,5:12 0: - .4
t:fa !kn.! cotren .y 142 70
toin 10,679,1,00 00
oti. 1.1 In er , xl
}2.30 RI
',t 711110i , j11 in I reaciry
i),11 . . Ira .11•41 in treltsiiry S.
rikb, I
innolint in 01,1 trou%nry
c, 1, 1871
.1 debt nit.. SII,OI I, 18;1 $0,91r1 TIA
r (tw fi I,m 31arl:11
T E.orr.Nroiv opirox. B. If. HILL
A 'correspondent of a Cincinnati news
paper who has been interviewing " Ben
WU, - of Georgia: reporta that, ablo
Southern statesman as follows :
Mr. Hill is of the opinion that the fate
of Georgia- hangs upon the events of the
next few months. " uur Legislature
meets in about two weeks," he said,
'and much upon their :1 e t ion hangs our
fate. No half-way measures will do
-They most lake a .hold stand'in favor of
the constitutional amendtheins, and as
sure the North that Georgia aco.,pts all
issues of the war. We must not half, or
hesitate. There is do time for delay.
Out;,' Legislature, being a Democratic
one, must alarm in no unmistakable
terms their acceptance of Om amend-
Mats, and their disapprobation of KM
Kluxism.", . •
"From the steps Gen. Grant is taking
in South Carolina," continued Mr. Hill,
"I should nitrite surprised to see a pur
tionof our State under martial law in
less than ninety days.- 'lf we 'don't en
force the law ourtiolves it will be done
for us. The Ku Klux business is the
greatest ovil that ever afflicted the South.
Every day that We lot it continuo , we
cut our own throats. \V hat possible
good can it do? Will it reverse the ver
dict of the war? Will it injure the
North? Will it restore . to us anytlilil
we have lost? Nat at all it is' a ars()
upon our laud, a blight following slavery
and war, and HO greatest blunder . onr
people ever committed; excepting the
one foreed'upon us by the secession hul
ers in Mid.' The history of the ."world
presents nothing so suicidal and self-de
structive as QM, and,l always make -an
exception in its favor.".
For. General Gratit, personally,' I have
great respect, and I can never forget his
,magnanimous'course at the surrender of
Leo, and, .the impartial report upon
Georgia affairs when sent hero by Presi,
dent J'ohilson. But ho is a military, man,
and hie theory of government Is _lmplicit
obedience of the laws upon the part: of
the citizen,. Ile will enfoice , the. laws
you can
,depend upon that, and if it is
necehsary to place, hal a dozen States
touter Martial law he will. do. it, And
the North will. support- him in such
measures. They are . determined. 'that
none of the Fruits of the war shall be lost,
und as to whiwarb:higitimatts'ivar
hie not for worlo'quibble. d •
Mr. Stvphoba is doing tbb South great
injury by his . course In•thisMatter. He,
like Mr. Toombs, is a inan,of ability, but
impracticable::: No man can tell better
than he hovv7things` ought: to be,: but
when thOY are Onco all out of joint hb-is
not the man to put them, back. Until
our people accept in good faith all the
resulti of the war, suppress the Ku Klux(
and give every than his rights before the
law, just BO' long will the Republican
party: sweep the North at every eleotion.
If the Southern Democrats were heartily
in favor of giving Grant a second term,
they could not take a more sure course
to bring it about, than the : course they'
ale pursuing.
he beutnei n people labor under a
great mistake as to the composition of
the Northern Republican party. They
judge of the party by the carpet-baggers.
nib will not do. The great-mass otthe
intelligence, ' culture, - education and
wealth of the —oih is in the Republican
party. This is plain to every observer
who will spend _much time there. Here
it is just the other way. The wealth and
intelligence are all. with the Democratic
party: It is strange that it is so, but it
Glorious News
laection _Returns !
.[ Up to the time of going to press we
are tu receipt of the following ,despatches,
of course, nothing definite, as yet, is
known .3
New York Republican, by about 10,
The Democratic candidate for Gover
nor, of New Jersey, is probably elected
by about 8,000 majority, but the tekic
lature is Republican.
Illinois 15,000 Republican majority.
Arkansas Republican.
Maryland Democratic, but large Re
publican gains on last year's vote. "
Virginia—The Conservative ticket
probably elected.
;Massachusetts, Republican by over 30,-
Wisconsin Republican, by about 10,000.
Senator Con . ltling, of NCNV York, iu a
recent speech at Albany, made the fol
lowing just reply to the oft-repeated
charge that Gen Grant has been en
riched by accepting presents:
"Mr. Tilden alludep to President
Grant as one ' who has been enriched by
costly presents while exercising the im
mense power of. the Presidency.' This
is an unqualified assertion, made 1114 - if
upon absolute knowledge, and yet, speak
ing upoi all the information I have, I
believe_ it utterly unfounded. The al
legation is, that since his election to the
Presidency, Gen. Grant has been the
recipient of costly gifis. Returning from
the war a victorious General, and hOld
rug no civil office whatever, lie did re
ceive gifts showered upon' him by a
grateful people, but he received them as
the hero of many battles, and before be
was even nominated'for the Presidency.
His case was not solitary. Gm Sher-
man also received munificent testimoni
als; so did other Generals. Gem Md
Cllcllan ran for the Presidency four years
before Gen. Grant. ran ; lie too was ' eh-
Oohed by costly presents,' given, doubt
less, in consider: thM of his military ser
vices, and his poliiiCai opponents never
cast foul aspersions on him for it. Wel
lington, after Waterloo,' received pres
ents amounting to mere than two mil-
non dollars: Whether heroes, in former
or in recent. times, have done well or ill
iu accepting tributes from their country
men, is not, however, the point here ; be
that one way or the other, the right 'or
wrong is the same in all eases alike, ant
since Gen Grant's accession to the Presi
dency, as far as I can learn, he never ac
cepted a ' costly present' from any 0n0.,•
Items .Ibord IIOYM
TO-DAY ( ThOrsdityl three weeks is
PERSIMMONS sell at live cents per
print in market.
. 00,100 00
J11.1;2 42
!run Court House square 'has beet
fixed up—in a horn.
iiElt A T.l), $2.00 !WI
- car in advanct
THE list or unclaimed letters is
vortised in our columns weekly.
tSONLEI of the " ktinwing ones" in:sett
that Indian Semitic' is among die things
1 3 . 76 ' s° 95 I '.that wore."
1,4.44 213 1.0
BET WREN .'iCO and 600 w h oo i c hilo cii
avo been vaccinated daring the past
en days. •
STILL . PEEMITTED.—Loa fen; in and
'round the Market House. 'Mier° is
he high Conseable?
JACK SITES is in daily receipt of fresh
ystera,„which he will sell at ieasonable
'ices, by the tluirt or hundred.
din a call.
to 2j,
SHERIFF - FOILI:Nf AN 55 ill sell at public
Kale, at the Court Hour,e, in this borough,
to-morrow, (Friday, l *furetioon, at ten
o'clock,' nine valuable properties. See
SWEET CIDER. —Mr. Will A. Heinrich,
our young friend, that keeps. the green
grocery on the corner of Hanover and
',either streets, has the thanks or all
%me employees fur a pitcher of splendid
sweet cider. Will has put us under ob..'
ligations several times ; during the past
season, for good and substantial presents
received. Thu eider was delicious, and
heartily enjoyed by all hands. Jo' the
language of the po-icic we would say. , "A
little more cider, too."
JOlll Myers, esq., long a resident of Mc
.Wyanilotte Mmoty, and
favorabV "knotvn as one of the most
respectable Citizens of this county
died at his„ residence in Mc-
Cutcheuvillo, 'on Monday morning, the
sixteenth ultimo, after a protracted ill,
111268.,,, 311.. Myers warilhe father of our
estimable shoor, :Henry Myers, of this
.place, and was a'imtirs of Oninbareand
county, Pd., of which ho was Sherif
number of years ago. His funeral was
largely attended on Tuesday last-4ho
entire connuiiity, thus testifying their
regard and esteem for him as a "friend
and neighbor.— Union, (Upper Sat:
d uslcy, ) Ohio.
Naw WAGON.—Mr.: David Miller,
proprietor of the Green . Spring dairy,
has recently had a now milk wagon bent,
take, the place iffothe one that has been
in use over since lie established the dairy.
The wagon is a splendid piece of work.
maiship, being built, of the very best
innterial'and finished in a style equal to
city work.. This voldolo certainly re;
fleets great credit on the builders, Messrs.
~..meitz, the enterprising firm.
on South Pitt street, (Hilton's old
stand.) It is very largo and roomY,.ca
pabla of holding six, large cane, a Mall
'Stove, and Hitting room for the clever
and 'good natured milkman." Mr.
William Dasttngk who ' appeais very
proud of the bran new wagon,-in which
boinakes.))lB daily reunite. '
POCKET Books.—*o overheard one
gentleinan 'snit() another, a few day's'
" Yon :still kayo; the: old, round,
pocketboolc." The remark puff us to .
thinkiug,whother-fWe would ever' the
fortunate Possessor, of any kind: of .
purse. How absurd the idea—Apo3 7
terous---a printer the owner of a pocket
book ?
linr:En JicksoN, (Colored,) aged 10
years, has been missing I . l'olll his home
in 'Carlisle, since Octe'ber 28. His one
car it partly/off, 'making a disfigurement
by which he could easily . be recognized.
Any information of his whereabouts, will
be thankfully received by his mother. •
Carlisle, Pa.:
Wa hear from all quarters that at
Ogilby's 47 West Main street, great bar-
grins in all kinds of goods are behndsold,
in fact prices are named for certain
articles that seem hardly possible. The
stock is largo and full in every depart
ment. They are, wo understand, dote' ,
mined to reduce their entire stock by
January 1, next, and to do so are offer
ing groat inducements to all cash buyers.
By all moans give them a call. See ad
terlisement next week.
RETURNED. - 011I' townsmen, Mr. Jo
seph Neely and Dr. O. W. Stoner, re
turned from their Western trip on last
Saturday evening. During their jour
ney, they visited Chicago, St. Luis;
Bloomington, 111., and many .ther
towns and cities. They were absen
three weeks, and met many former
residents of Cumberland county. They
.with Messrs. Backman and Ir
vine at Lathrop, Missouri. Tho gentle
men express themselves as highly de
lighted with the - WeSbird Country, - and
speak in glowing terms_of the manner in
which they enjoyed, themselves.
FAIR AND FEsTrAr..--The members
of the Union Fire Company, of this place,
intend holding a fair, in Rheent's Hall,
commencing Saturday evening [ . Decem
ber 2. The Cumberland 'Fire company,
also intend holding a fair and festival
during rho approaching holidays. Both
these fire companies arc making an
effort to liquidat& the indebtedness in
curred by them in the purchase of their
steam fire edeines. Our citizens, when
called upon should contribute liberally,
and assist the firemen in these laudable
enterprises. We will refer to the different
articles to be drawn in a subsequent is-
WE regret to announce that at a remit
meeting of the Executive Committee of
Dickinson College, Rev. S. L. Bowman, D
D., who has been-Professor of Biblical
Language and Literature, in that,insti
tution for a number of years, tendered
his resignation, which, under the cir
cumstances, the committee felt obliged
to accept. The health of the Professor
has not been good during the past year,
and his physicians insist that perfec
and somewhat prolonged (Filet caax,alone
restoro him to health. As a gentleman
and a scholar, the Prtifessor has the pro
found respect - Lf our citizens, and will,
leave many warni friends to regret his
departure, espechThy utWer the painful
circumstances. The Executive Commit
tee of the College,mpon acceptance of
his resignation, passed resolntietts ex
pressive of their• deep regret, highly
complimentary to the Professor, and
manifesting how sensibly his loss will
be felt by the College.
ATroN.—Tlic first Tegular meeting of
this iu , seelation was held on Tuesday
evening, in Good Will HMI. The open
ing address was delivered by Rev. Win.
Frysinger, ehahman of t L Execntive Coto_
mitten, who explained the nit and ob
jects of the Association.
An address was delivered by Rev. J
Fonlks, on the great influence of Sunday
Schools and what we owe to them. The
speaker deplored the apathy Which. ex
ists in many - congregationei in regard to
. the Sunday School, mul showed, that
could parents and others see what great
good is accomplished by Sn (lay SelMols,
a greater interest would be manifested.
The question for discussion " Should
memorizing of Sec litter'. form part of
Sabbath School Instrmlion," was ably
discussed by Messni. Kieffer, Smiley,
Hamilton, Shoop, Hartzler and Foulke,
and while all coincided in the view that
,it should form part of the exercises,
mud' divei , dty of opinion existed as to
the ?nay which it should be introdueed,
and as to. whether it was the best man-'
nor of imparting instruction in the sehoo%
The exercises were interspersed with
singing several favorite pires by , Hui
client' of the Second Presbyterian School.
The place Of the next meeting will be
an pounced hereafter. ,
n District rimtitate conv.oned at Union
Hall, Saturday, November 4 1871, at the
appoititedstime, and called to order' . by
Elio Preside 4. Opened by singing. Roll
was called, Messrs. Brennetnan, Gutshall,
C4riest.-and Conner, present. Minuted of
laSt Institute 'read and declared adopted.
Mr. admit hien gave a drill in Geog
raphy, and Mr. Gutshall gave a drill in
Grammar, wln6h was followed 'by a dis
cussion, Mr / Epply condifeted an exer
cise in Orthography, which consisted in
dictating 100 words, 1:olloied'1.),;4 live
and interesting drill ill Ili. y, I Mr.
D. S. Brenneman conductV Cit`E - xer
else in Reading, and Phonetic Sp
On Motion, the Institute adjoin' 41 to
meet at 6 o'clock.
Evening Elession—lnstitute met ac
cording to adjournment, Called to order
by the President. Opened by singing. o
Mr. Conner drilled a class in Mental
Arithmetic, followed by an exercise in
Written Arithmetic, by D. S. Brenne
man. Mr. driest resigned his office as
Becintary. His resignation was accepted
and Mr. Gutshall nominated and elected
R. Secretary.
A live and interesting Lecture on .
Physical Geography was given by Mr.
GintshalL' D. S. Brenneman gave in
structions in map draWing, presenting
now ideas. The question Resolved, that
man will do more for love of money, than
for the love `of honor, and principle was
discussed by Messrs. Brenneman, Gut-
Griest, Connor and Zeigler. .
The Prosidtint then announced the
programMe for next Institute : Ortho
graphy, W. •W. Gutshall ; Reading, J.
T. Connor ;. Geography,' (map 'Europe,) •
B. Epply ; Grammar, P. Griest ;
Mental' Arithmetic, Jno.•Zeiglor ; Writ•
:ton Arithmetic and Ilisitory, D. S. Bron:
nernan ; Address by W. H. , Epply.
Question for discussion.
. . Reiotbeq,, 'Plat Intemporanco ruins
more On motion, thalristittzto
adjeurned to'meetat .Fairvlow Hall, , Ne.
yombor 18, 1871, at. ,1 p. m., precisely,
momlnars will please -bet punctual. Ad.
jourpod. . ' D. d. ttrintuinnzan,
401 , Ew • mon leap find employment at
21 Vest Main stieet, . •
MADAME Rumors says that the " hamtV
.soMest man" in Pennsylvania will shortly
take:•up his tornPorary abode in -our!
borough. Ladies, ho is a single gentlO4
may—and just;_ please yomembei that
next year is' Leap. Year.
--PLF,lii . T—Baers' Almanacs for 1872.
TEE man with the "busts"—not on a
lingtirs in town. Trade - must
be !brisk.
New PAPER.-The . first -Mtraber , :of
the' • Vanek Standard, published at 'l„teb
anOn;..p4.„ by C. :Bovrrrian Co., is
anon ouritable. It is aB2 cOlifmn
per and presents a neat appearance. It
is--Republican in politics, and, its local
columns are full and interesting:
Commostanzany.—The following no . -
tico of THE HERALD, WO clip from the
New YorlC.Star, 'of the fourth instant.
Joseph Howard, jr.eclintor and publisher,
and our genial friend oOlonel Horatio 0:
King, a graduate of Dickinson College,
Associate Editor. Tt reads thus :
- HERAT.D.—T4 Carlisle
.(Pa.) Herald
is one of the most interesting and most
ably conducted of our country exchanges.
Although diltering with us politically, it
commands respect by its fairfnindedness
and independence."
- -
JOB VY'ORIC.—no job department of
THE 1 - 141.rtetti bfficp is turning out some'
of the finest styles of joli printing ever
executed in this county. We are fully
prepared "at all_ times...and under all,
circumstances," to execute every descrip
tion of printing,_ from the most diminu
tive card, to a mammoth triple-sheet
ttiple-colored poster. Our prices are
fixed to suit the times. Give us a call,
before going elsewhere, as, we can print
just what you desire, and at prices
astonishingly low., Call and examine
COURT WELL—The regular term of
the Court of 4uarterSe'sSions, will con
vene in this place on Monday next, the
thirteenth instant. There will, no doubt,.
boa large attendance of persons present,
either as Clients, witnesses, jurors or
ti_peetators. There has been a special
jury orderCd for the app - fCaching
. term.
We would be pleased to have any of our
friends from the rural districts, who
may be—in--town,--drop'
A---very - 0 . 6 d opportunity is thus
afforded persons, indebted to us, to come
in and 'settle the claims we bold against
thorn, without being required to come to
town to settle off the . printer's bills,
which are generally deferred to the very
last ones. Although we must say that
we lave some very punctual subscribers
—would that all were like them. But
come in and sec us, anyhow, whether you
owe us or not.
handed the following programme for the
course of lectures to be given in Micelles
Hall, during the coming Winter. It is
as follows :
It will lie opened on Friday (ironing,
the twenty-fourth instant, by Petroleum
Nnsby• Subject—The Mission of
2. Mendeleshen Quintetto Club of
3oston, Friday evening, December 15,
871—Grand Concert
3. •Wijliam Parsons, Tuesday evening,
January 9,1872 L-Subject—Richard Brine
ley Sheridan.
4. Mark Twain, Monday evening,
annary 22, I>;72—Snb,ject- , -Huniorous
5: Prof. James E.'ldUrdoch; Tuesday
evening, February 20,. 1872—Subject—
Miscellaneous Readings and Recitations.
276. Miss Anna E. Dickinson, date and
subject to be announced hereafter.
.1. 11. Bonmi,
COMMit We.
THE TarcivitErlegthe course of Ice-
tures gill be inaugurated on Ft iday
evening, the twenty-fourth instant, by a
lecture from that well-known and dis
tinguished personage. Rev, Petroluu
V. Nasby, the subject of whose dhicuurso
appears in another column. A diagram
of the hall can be seen liy calling upon
'one of the members of the committee.
Mr. J. 0. Orr, at the First National
Bank, where season tickets can be plo
cFed Without paying extra for them.
Those of our citizens who desire an in
tellectual treat, should not fail to procure
season tickets, as the services of the
most popular lecturers of the day have
been secured. In addition, too, the
Committee have incurred considerable
expense in getting up these lectures and
they should be encouraged and liberally
patronized. The price of season tickets
ban been placed at t 43.0 ) each, so that it
is within the medim of all to attend these
lectures. There am still a few •season
tickets left yet, which can be obtained
at the regular price, $d for the butire
OPERA.-=llabolinatin & Formes' Grand
Opera is " billed" for Wednesday and
Thursday evenings, of this week. We
cannot recall to memory when Carlisle was
visited by an Opera, or whelher it ever
was.' From our Reading and Lancaster
exchanges, we learn that they have boon
Playing during the past 10 days, to large
apd fashionable audiences, while the
press is lavish in their terms of praise of
the entertainments given. Among the
characters preSented arc the following
notables : Mlle. Romei, Mlle. 'Dziuba,
Necker, - Milo.--Predigain, and the
cdebrated Carl Formes, widely known
as the greatest basso' profundo of the
world. The orchestra is under the di
rection of A. Prcdigam. On Wednesday
evening will be presented Verdi's most
popular opera, n Trovalore ; and: on
Thursday evening, Flowtolv's,, pharming
opera of Martha will be produced. We
would advise those of our citizens who
aro partial to opofatie entertainments,
not to fail-to- witness the above named
fejirefiCntatioUk Price of admlssion—is
as follows : IleServedseatursl.oo ; gen
eral admission, ?Frei:nits, and gallery, 50
But cite. w ng to the
of cold weather, tlie season for Manufac
turing brick will close during the next
ten 'days. There arc three brick yards
In this place, which furnish employment
to about 30 mon and boys, whose occu
pation is "played out"' for the year 1871.
Several of thorn, however, have taken,
precautionary measures to "take time
by the fo'relook," and have learned an
other trade in addition to brick-making,
so that they halie constant employment
"the entire year. ;
Mr. Peter Spahr, a veteran in the
business, and a practical brick-maker;
informs us that the three yoar imme
diately preceding the-war, ho made . and
sold 1,000,000 of brick yearly, while two
other parties were making about the
sated numluir between, them. Mut dur
ing the Summer of 1801, about the coni- •
meneement of: the war, the business be
gan to fall on; as' 'very feW buildings
wore erected, and, consequently, there
was butaliniited'domand for bricks.
,Itut during' . the past.', fey!, years . the
brick trade has been 3 fowly. reviving,
until the present year more bricks hare
been made and sold thanany - previous'
year since the, war.: There -has. beep
about 1, 800,000 . made, and sold 'during
the past season, at prices ranging from
$8 to $lO thousand,, according to
PLENTY—Bummers. Wo.noticed Offi
cers Sanno and- Faber convoying one t.
jail, init vpring Ivagon; on T.fondailast.
Cause-,lldving imbibed an overdose of
bad liquor.--
. .
firiiT.—No notice officers Sanuo and
Corbett engaged,in cleaning up the gas
lamps on the different streets. This is a
good idea, as wo wore of the opinion,
from the feeble lights_ they emitted each
evening, thatioap and water would have
a very good effect upon them.
complete report of the proceedings of
the _Teacher's Convention, hold in this'
place last week, appears on the Ilrst page
of.tho present issue. .We are indebted
to our worthy friend, W. M. Berketres
ser, esq., of New Cumberland for the
same. It will repay a perusal. .
D7IDEND • DECLARED.—By reference
to our now advertisements, it will be
noticed that the Carlisle - Deposit Bank
has recently declared its 48th dividend,
of five per cent, for the kik six months,
Clear of taxes, payable on demand. This
.old .and time-honored banking house
declifres its dividends as regular as clock
work, ono of the very best evidences of
its healthy financial condition, and re
flecting great credit upon all the officers'
of the institution.
Wuv is it that certain evil-disposed
young men and boys will persist in tear
ing, defacing and otherwise mutilating
hand-bills, posters,. programmes, &c.,
posted up in conspicuous places by our
Liminess men, theatrical troupes, and
other parties? Even the bills recently
pouted for the Opera Troupe, by goucher,
wore terribly mutilates and defaced
within twenty-four hours ilrom the Mine
they wore put up. An example should
be- made of some of the persons engaged
in this business, and, perhaps, it might
do away with this despicable practice.
PUBLIC Scnoomb—There are fully
1,000 pupils,in attendance at the Public
Schools of this .borough, at the.:present
time. A large number
~.c .!f applicants
_were_admitted'at the regular meeting of
the Board of School Directors, on Mon
day morning last. Our scholars, gener
ally, speaking, attend school very regu
larly, seldom absenting themselves,
unless compelled by circumstances to do
so. But few boys, we believe, indulge
in the pernicious habit of playing truant,
otherwise termed ‘• !pitching," which is
ctotainly, saying a great deal or a town
that boasts or as many school children
as our borough.
Wit.pangh, of New Kindston, this
- county, recently purchased Glover's
photograph gallery, in ;that village, and
is , now, fully prepared to take photo
graphs, daguerreotypes, and all the lat
est styles of pictures. The citizen:: of
Si I vol. 'Spring township, desirous ,of hav-
ng their pictures laken, should patrod
ze Mr. IVaubaugh• In connection with
the gallery he also intends keeping con
fections of all kinds, together with floor
and feed. We wish him success.
TO DELINgu EN TS. °vesicle! able
time has elapsed since we have dunned
our delinquent subscribers, and we
would-now quietly remind a number of
persons that they are reading a paper
that belongs to us. We ha4liftal charge
of Trin ItEnAl,O sine() lOsepOg, said thele
are a large number of persOns ghat are
inilebted to its for the paper since that
period. There are, also, a large /In ID her
that owe us for : f ob work and adverth-
Mg, and as We . 1111 1 ,4 parcAsil for every
thing we use in or a oreu•w, el, woold
be pira>eil to Ira (Wel ybOdy indebted
to us, to call and discharge the
Snit , IT.—The habit indulged in•daily,
by boys and young men, of
,lumping on
passing freight and passenger trains.
There was a law passed at the last ses;
sioll or Ibe Legislature, unposing a
penalty on all persons jumping on trains.
But we have, as yet, heard of no one
beingoarrested for violating this Act of
Assembly. If the ifitth r iiiities were to'
arrest some of those idle boys that in
dulge in this practice and tiliforee its
provisions, it. might, perhaps bade ;t
salutary elfeet.
Ntun•r Scnow..--,The 13oaid of Sie.ool
Directors at their regular monthly meet
ing on Monday toot ning last, di I ern. o.rd
to Open a night school on Monday even
ing next, the thirteenth instant. Ditr
leaden: will remember that the night
school in sessum last winter was largely
attended. It is for the berelit of all
miners who ale prevented from attend
lug day school, by teason of othor,otnies
incumbent upon them. 1t m Llic • held
in the Directors' 11 win, in
ON Friday evening laSt, a urge lum
ber of the friends of Mr. las.
met at his father's 111 pie. to celebrate
the anniver:.ary of his birth. Ile guests,
to the lion:ber of ' about forty—all gal=
tlemen—no ladies having been invited,
enjoyed themselves to the unuist .
capacity,— and -having- partipicen — iif
substantial hospitality of their friend,
retired with kindly feelings for theft.
In the abience of Mr. Nell, the guests
met ip the smoking room, and called
'Mr. It 11. Saxton to the chair. A 'com
mittee of six was, on motion, appointed
to draft resoluilons suitable to the occa,
sion, who subsequently reported the fol
lowing, which were unanimously
tcd :
The occasion which has
called us together, to wit : The anni
vortia6, of the birth of Our esteemed
friend, Mr. J. P. Neff, is one which culls
for an expression of our feelings: There
fore ~
Resolved, That we congratulate .pur
host upon the ouccees attending his
efforts in our behalf this evening, and
assube him that the memories of to-night
shall over be cherished )vith pleasure.
Resolved, That ove . fully 'appreciate
the hospitality and genial sociability of
father, mother and son, and that we re
turn them our sincere thanks for the in
terest they have - manifested'in — on?•be-:
half to-night ; and that we wish them
all many a happy return of "the day we
celebrate." • •
Resolved, That wo recommend all
those desiring the best _ brands of to
bacco tend segnrs, or the latest styles of
gent'S furnishing goods, to call upon
Mr. Jas. •l 1 Nell; and obtain full' antis_
faction, and 'enjoy the society of Ida
amiable clerk nod his host of sociable
friends, in his comfortable smoking room.
b. J. lthrnne Jn •
After the adoption of the resolutions,
Mr: Neff electrified his guests in a brief,
but eloquent address, after which. the
party Taira!, nono the worse for. haiiing
met together to have a merry time,
WlEssns. 'EMTOns :—Everything of an
excitable nature having passed awaygtho.
taxpayeth"of the 'County should nova turu .
their attention to matt - ors that wig have
a tendency 'to
~lighten their burdens.
You . are well , aware that our county
Atinshouse and our county prison • cost
the taxpayers a great deal more money
than they should do. This is all owing
to the loose Manner in which they have
been conducted, for in my opinion, there
AS no law that justifies the stuffing of our
prison every winter with hundreds of
drunken, worthless bummers. .It has
.been practiced for many years, and I
think now that it is time that it should.
be broken• up. The matter should be
brought tt.:r i be notice of our now District
Attorney, and through him to the Court,
and if there-ii no remedy there, then ap
plication should be made to the Legisla
ture to pass a law that will afford us re
lief. There must bo-some indUcements
given to those people to loiter around
our prison and, Pour House, for this is
the only the State that they
are permitted to. do so. Our expenses
could be lessened thousands-of dollars if
this its attended to, and besides it would
drive them to try and provide for them
selves. I hope that some effort will be
made by-our taxpayers to get the desired
reform brought about. ~Our next grand
jury might: possibly take K 1 .11,10 aCtioll in
the matter. As OLD TAXPAYER.
ANTWERP, Sept. 13, 1871. f
DEAR FATHER :--I wrote to you last
from Christianna, Norway. We arrived
in Antwerp five weeks ago ; we have
been busy ever since repairing and refit
ting our vessel for the balance of the
cruise. We expect to leave next week
for Southampton, and from there to our
. old cruising ground in the Mediterra
nean. I have been on shore twice since
we have been here this time. Antwerp
is a very old city, and like Most other
cities of Europe; is traversed by narrow
and crooked streets, here and there re
lieved by'an open square, containing a
monumentlo some departed great man.
This place is noted for its great. Cath
edral, the spire of which towers to the
height of 460 feet from the ground, and
is the Irigliesi in Europe, with but two
exceptitins. The building is construdted
of brown stone, and was commenced in
the twelfth and finished in the fonrteenth
century. At the foot, of the spire you
pay a ft anti to an old lady, for the
loge of ascending to the -top, and as you
pay her she points to the paving, whet e
you see a number of pieces of brass - set in
the stones, this you are told is in repre
sent the braids of it master
who fell front the top of the spire when
it, was nearly vmpleted. Von start on
up, and after going up a circular stair
way of .10Q,..steps, you arrive at the bel
fry, containing the clock and a chime of
•l 8 bells, the lar g est of which weighs two
tons, the bell being connected with the
clock machinery, rings a chime every.half
hour. After going up 216 Slops mo're,
making 616 in all, you arrive iit the-top
pretty tired, but feel consoled at the
thought that it will be a much easier job
going down again.
From this point you have a view of
atcnost the whole Kingdom of 'Belgium,
and part ,:f• llolland ; 'hut the interior of
the church is, by far, the most interest
lug, it contains seven aisles and ehapids,
each into dedicated to a saint ; the walls
arc covered with paintings, by the old
masters Itul,ens, Vandyke, Quintan,
Ma soy, the most conspicuous of
which e called Ilithens' masterpieces,
the neitixion ur 11111 ascent oust
Neollt of ILe Clus•, Se/ VIII:
Coulltel.:111.` Intl SaViolll*, ( . 111111Pahte
With the distiiitcd featnres i
Id s d ) i, ig agony or the Male
his left, and the group of mourneis
the foot of tive . Closs, with their mita: um
faces to Ileaven streaming with tears, i
so Ilatlll,ii that. 01151:1W
gliding I and ate uuly arouset
by the guide pointing cat to you the
richly deeolated olt,ns , the statuary, the
images di ,L 4.1 d and silver. Calling my at
tention to the l'welve Apostles, made of
silver I,,tigc as life, ho stated to me that
they were gold once, but in till) old .Na
driln.Nl i 1111! t.llll cllurch wasplanderjed,
and the statues converted into money.
What claimed my attention mole,
then all, i , a portrait of Mir Rivkin'',
1 ,6, 16 ,1 upon white marble, it is brokom
aist vemented together again; this, I was
told. tutu di:woe - viva some hit:liked years
the ruins of Home, tyal was re
stored by Leonattl Si. Vincent, one of
the .11.1 est painters on record. It cer
tainly is the handsomest pletitre I have
ever seen. I will ton, attempt a, descrip
tion, but send )nit a photog,taph 'of it.
It is unisersatly believed that it was
paitittal from all actual' sitting when
Chi ist was upon the earth. I remarked
to the guide that. I did not suppose thu
church would sell this pietin e o he )oolced
surprised, buff , ' replied that all Clte . nioney
in Antwerp would -not, buy it., 'So pay
him one frau° for his trouble, I left,
qy the way, a trans, ill this place is a
wages for a laboring roam
I next _KW t Ito 31useuni,_3110 . 011 is
nothing inure than a largo picture gal
lery. Here aro hundreds of tine mint:-
logs ; here, also, is to be seen the chair
of Buboes, with the straight 'carved'
Lack and leather scat. The people hero
venerate the groat painter. Ills remains
are in a vault in one of the clinches here,
and there is, also, a tine statue , erected
to his memory in one of the public
sqUities. There are very fewstatues in
the tiknseum; the wincipal one being On
ancied mutilated statue of the heathen
God Isis, it is 'hollow, and made to re
ceive some juggling impo'ster„ The stat
nes in Pompeii to Isis, are constructed
in the same way with concealed apper
tures. Upon my second visit to the city,
I took a stroll through the Zoological
Gardens, these are considered, next to
London,. to be the 'finest in- Europe.
Here' are to be seen animals and ,birds
from every clinic, from the , stately,
giraffe to the chattering monkey, and
from the condor to the sparrow ;
lekion of eagles is very large; tho par
ronxrepresented by at least a hundred
species ; there is,. also, a groat many
varieties of the pheasant. The garden's
are beautifully laid oat, antl,dontain
number of ponds, upon which are all
:kinds of aquatic fowls, swans, peliciins,.
storks, cranes, the scarlet flamingo, &c.
My visit would have been much more
satisfactory, could I. have procured a
,catalogue in English, as I was con
stantly passing animals I never seen be
fore. Bit after - s Pending my afternoon
in the place, and discovering that I only
had a franc and a-half loft in my pocket,.
I hired a', cab and started for.tho Ship;
and aft'er getting into a row with the
cabman, who wanted to charge mo
franc and arrived-at . the boat
landing. I arrived safe on aboard the.
shin; well satisfied with - . my trij). It
is rumored on board the `ship that we
will, in all probability, visit the Holy
Land before our return to the States. I
hope wo will, as I should , like, above , all
things, to see Jerusalem and Palestine.
Yours, - Affectionately, .
• ALFRED Lotrkirr.
UNTIL further notice Caklisle Council,
N0..205, O. .U. A. M., will meet in their
ball, in I§ipe'S new, building, ~on••• N Orth
Hanover street, at 7 p. m.. • • • .
echobl teachers, have been choseil by
the Board.of School. Directors, to "teach
the young ideas how to shoot" that maS ,
chanco-to attend the night schpol;
SERENADE.—On Saturday evening
last,. the Carlisle Brass Band sortinaded
several of 'our prominent citizens, and
among - aim theeditors of THE HERALD,
for which they will accept than' We
are Pleased to learn that this -musical
organization has been re-organized, and
that it is making rapid progress. Dur
ing the evening they discoursed some
choice pieces of music, which were highly
appreciated by- an- admiring crowd of
- citizens. Call again, gentlemen.-
lady in Clarksville, Tennessee, writing
to the editor of a Pittsburgh paper says :
"I saw ima late paper that
. the small
pox_was,raging to an alarming in
and around your city. For the sake of,
suffering humanity, I send iou a recipe.
It if; as unfailing as fate and conquers in
every instance. It will also cure the
scarlet fewer. The' ingreditmts are as
Sulphate of zinc, 1 grain.
• Fox glove (digitalis,) 1 grain.
Mix with Itvo tablespoonfuls' of water.
When thoroughly mixed, tidd four
ounces of water.
Take a teaspoonful every hour. The
disease will disappear in twelve hours.
For children smaller dose.-
"If you value advice and experience,
use this for that terrible disease. • Yon
need not mention 'My name, but I give
it to you that you may know:who sends
you this recipe."
The above recipe may prove of value
at some future time, and wo would
advise our readers to clip and preserye
A ItSENT TEACIMICS: 2 -- - Below We append
a list of the teaches absent from — the
late session of the Convention, which
should have appeared in the proceedings
of ❑ne Institute, but was handed fn
after the outside had been worked off.
The appended list comprises the names
or all teachers in Cumbeilanct - C6unty;
the present session, who, were not in
attendance at the County Convention,
held in this jilace last week. Miss
Stewart was unable to attend on account
of sick ne:s. Messis Nicholls and Lav
-ed y have sent in excuses for non atteMl
--- STeer ,s'pring —ll R. Williams, I). E
lAnrilschn'f, .1. A_ Eshelman, Lizzie .1.
Irvine and \V. A.. Tripner. • •
.Itch n /es?, urg —Mrs. Eannikaii,
Mrs. A. 1.1. Hostetter, Miss Kale
Miss Clara Waggoner, Miss M. Ilostetter
and Mr. .Ino.
live well I) Hartzell, Ella 11eb6k,
Anthony Slittlenberger :Ind W. I'.
llotiletinge .
Ef Ist Pe n ate gahaney and
Jesse Laverty.
A'rtr/on—Carrie Stewart, A. Goetz,
es. II Webb and A. Weld,
,slu . rg —ll vie y 1.. Shade.
I.(wer - Alloo \\ . Nicholls and
loontlforel- 7 1Vin. 11. Hamilton.
'Et.nEttsnle A erttiNTAlENTs.—Below
we...give the appointments. for the differ
ent stations, made fir the ensuing year
by the East. Pennsyli ii a Eider Ship, in
se,sion at. hut isbui g, la, t week :
Laileahi.:r-- -J. Ilinitt
lou ht. Joy - .1: t'. en, and .T. I:t.t
Bainbridge' and ll tyto v --711 I). A
lVashington—J. \V. Deshong. '
Elizqbetlitown —.J. C. Stiabimiks.
Iluuisburg—L).'.l. 1,. Laverty.
SliVenianstown and Camp 11111---. T
Mechanicsburg—A. Sw•aftz.
(a; Wiley. ••
Newville ;i'nd Greeu Si ring--. 1. liar
NewltrWt, and drrst own—D. Town
Shippensburg—C: Price.
Chantber,:burg-%-t J. B. Soule.
Pairplay and : - harpsl.urg—C. Ainy.
Altoona—F. Nicodernus. .
Beading—J. W. Aldier.
ltev. A. 11. Long, the pre-cut pastor of
the \Vest street Bethel church, of this
place, has been.itst;igned West Susque
hanna Circuit., and Brill take his leave
next Spring.
Ili,. U. A. L. Laverty and George
Sigler are to preach niteitiately at Har
risburg and Middletown.,
The following resolutions of thanks
tti ere passed :
lee.volved, That nu tender the thanks
of this' body to tho proprietors of the
hotels of Ilarrisburg, who so kindly en- ,
teitnined a largi3 number of Gat
ters and delegates of the-Elders!dip.
Reso/red, That tho tl auks
_of thi mbody
be tendered to the brethren and citizens
of Harrisburg, tor their fiinduess and
hospitality to the members of this body.
Tho Elqrship then adjourned to meet
at Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county,
on the last Wednesday of October, 1572.
TWENTY bbly'u n iuhs just ICCeiVed at
TnE cheapest liars it Carlisle, at :Ma
dame Roteii.
A eastt of chi onic rheumatism of un
usual severity, Cured by ,Johnson's Ano
dyne ,Linitnent, is noticed by one of our
exchanges. A largo bunJh came out
upon.the breast of the stificier, and ap
peared like part of the; breast bone.,"
Tine sweetest vords in our language
aro health.' At ,ho fi rst' indication of
disease, use well.: mown and approved
remedioa. ,For dyspepsia or indigestion,
use , Parson's Purgative' Pills. For
,coughs, colds, sore or lame stomach, me
Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. '
Now is the Lime for bargains, for B.
M. Smiley is still busy mantifacturidg .
clothing for men and boys' wear, which•
he is selling cheaper than over. • Ho has
also •on hand a largo assortment of
cloths, cassimeres, sattinets, &c., whicli
ho is prepared to make into garintn4S
the latest styles, at the shortest notice.
Also, a full line of underwear, notions,
&c.,,t00 numerous to mention. Call and
examine his stock, and be convinced
that ho,is . selling Cheaper than the cheap
est. Also, agent for the sale ~of the
latest inipreved Ggover .s Baker serving'
machines, ono of the hest standard ma
chines, now In use ; needles and oil al
ways oh hand - and for salt;•• Remmnbertho_
place; Fo'!. 11 South Hanover,street, be
tween Inhoff's grOce s ry store and Strohm
& Co's. shoe store. • '
B. M. Blowzy
911071.1 M
. ,
1, •
' TiiE Sanseman Shop is. still in, full
blast. "if ;you want good aarriageg, bug
gies, spring wagons or sleighs, -go to Ad.
Sensoman, at his old place on North Pitt
street. . ' -- 9no7ltf
everybody should go to J. IL Wolf's No.
18 North Hanover street; fOrnotions and
fancy goods.
His styles aro the latest, ' - •
His assortment the greatest,
His goods aro quite cheap, h l
And his stock most complete.
To a few lines of goods would I call at
ten t ion. ' Ladies and Gents' undercloth
ing, woolen and cotton hpsiery, German
town and Saxony yarns.
Gents buck gloves and mitts, Ladies',-
Gents' and misses' kid gloves; hoop skirts,
corsets and bustles, chignons, switches,
and braids.
A large assortment of plated and jot
jewelry, satchels, valiOS l inq umbrellas,
a'good assortment. Call, and examine
prices and goods for yourselves, and be
convinced that what weset forth is true,
285e71 tf 4
The stock, good will and fixtures of
this old and popular!:tand will be sold on
Saturday, Novell'he' 1,8, at the Court
House in Carlisle. ;
The Store will be sold at private sale,
if a fair price is obtained.
Thih stand is well knoWn as the oldest
and hfrgest in Carlisle. It does more
business than all the other' liquor stores
combined ; and 'to any one desiring a
profitable investment, the present is a
favorable opportunity. Any information
desired will be cheerfully given, by ad
dressing\ C. INIIOS'F,
of E. Shower, dec'd.
Hoc7llt Carlisle, Pa.
F you want a nice pound of honey, go
to II um rich's. - - • -
I'EI.VILT hats, cheaper than ever, at
Madamelftnals. ; -
SP RI NR CiI . iCICCILS, at Iltuarich's
S Go to )(Acme note for your fall and
Winter hats and bonnets.
Jersey sweet potatoes for sale at
Sa ErrzEß and American cheese al
ways on hurl„ at
Fon nll your millinery geniis, go to Ma
davit Rotes.
Ty you Wish a set - dee:dile platform
wagon, go to Nagle & SmeHz, on South
Pitt street, a few doors :south of the
C. V. 11. Ti. depot. "
Fon your 'Winter hair, go to Madame
51 . 11. T. another Jot ()I' that choice chew
ing tolla(To'at, )letoy's.
PE.:.NuTs, in large ur small qu intiti es,
at I lami ich's
Tor, best brands of canvassed Sugar
Cured Hams and dried tied. Coffees,
Sugars, and Teas of the finest quality.
Choice new family flour Queenswarc
at the lowt , st ',Aces 1 cannot be under
sold. Everythhig gum awned.
.`: , ,inthwest corner -- Pii;fret and Pitt
streets, Carlisle, Pa.
that dry goods hilVe deelitiOd so
It is because Leidich & Miller are selling
their entire stork ;ill kinds of good,;
to close up their business, all persons
can save fully twenty-five per cent in all
kinds of dress' goods, shawls, blankets,
flannels, velvets, velveteens, gloves;
hosiery, furs, skirts, quilts - , table - linens,
clefts, cassitmires, overcoating e s, and
every thing else in the dry goods line.
We would advise any person thathas the,
smallest soul of money to spend for dry
goods, to take it to the central and get
a great many more goods for it than can
be had any where in Carlisle, as they are
selling off to close business. -
Lr.mien & 3111.1.Eic
' fni , assortment of feathers and
flowers. at Madame I:ote's.
At Dinkle's Machine Shpt — iiithis
place, can he seen one of the, bust practi
cal Farm Gates ever invented. It does
not require any hinges. It opens two
ways. It never rides in the mud, and
can be raised to swing clear over snow
drills and other •Obtitructions that •are
not over .twenty-four inches high. It is
offered for sale to all who need gates tr
the following low prices. '
For'each farm right, $2.00 ;for each
township right, $12,0100 ; for each county
right, $llO.OO.
Gates made to order of, ali - y'''tdze or -
style desired, and satisfaction guaran
teed in all cases. Wilt exchange terri
tory for a good horse. Call on or ad
dress (fiLks;Y..
SmouE house apples, by the bushel or
barrel, a,t, Ilunu•ielt's.
PlumE fresh cider at Ilunirich's
Fon Irish 'potatoes, go to lluinrich's.
lie has seven different varieties; which he
is selling in largo or small quantities to
A FRESH lot of cocoanuts null orals
berries at Ilnnn•icll's,
JOT received a choice lot of mackere 1
at litirevich's.
Pon the latest style jewelry, go to
LACE Cora,,tns From 10 cents upwards,
at Iliadame.Reto's.
THE eh capest,_,Toli•clry ;it Madam
. .
rtivy. quality new corn Meal for Bale
Sine,LL vett jewelry 1 - kt Rote's.
All persons knowing themselves in.
debted• to the 'undersigned, either by'
note book 'account, will pleaso call
and settle the same' without delay, and
oblige .
COMBINGS made intii switoes;. ohlg•
ions, curls, frizotte, • Bco ,- at- Madame
All persons indebted to 11.10
prior to the first of Jannary, 1370, are
hereby notified to call immediatelli, all
Sado thole iilliObteliaoSB with him been
the ii.r4 .of January, • 11i72. "If 'w:.e
tended to by that time, the weekeds, - of
everrone, irrespootiVe of person, will be
placed in the fiends of a proper officer of
filo law folcolloOttoil. Brainy
2600711 f. • ' •