SE4lves;Ttnware (vita PUnils. r ,YOU WANT CHEAP PARLOR AND COOK STOVES AND EVERY VARIETY OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, GO TO RHINSSMITH & HUPP, NOB. 02 AND 04 NORTH lIAIQOVLR BTERET, CARLISWZ PA We Would respectfully, h rorm our numerous , - fflends and the public generally, that Wp hare atantly on hand a , LARGE AND {VBLL•SELECTED STOCK OF PARLOR A § ND com STOVES Thle department of our stock is unexcelled for EirtlotlQ design, superior finish, and simplicity of arrangement. Our stook of Stoves Is immense, and embraces all tho most popular Parlor and Cook Stoves of tho times. Water Coolers a specialty at the present time. Knives, Forks, -Spoons, Ladles, Togatlior with Plain and Japanned Ware {Valor° also prtiparod to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Deep 'Wells, and bavo tot ealo tlu:Celebnded (lenulno Cucumber WoOd Pump ROOPMG, SPOUTING, AND JOB WORK attended to promptly and on roasonable terms. Remombar tho plans, tho green croft on North —7lfamrtar-atriset-A — fow — iloora - above - Loutlpirr Otto no a call as we rtro,determined not to bo under mold by any other parties in this pine, ' Thankful for mist patronagq we oxtond a cordial Invitation to all to pay on a visit. RHLNESMITH & RUPP, Nos. 62 and 64, NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. 15Ja71 , EXCELSIOR STOVE AND TINWARE EMPORICTAI. The cinderalgned 3vould recpectfolly Inform the cittzona of CaVielo and vicinity, that ho still carries on tho STOTE AND TINWARE BUSINESS, le nil its Various branches. Ile has secured the Aigency for the following popular stores Parlor and Office Stoves, Morning glory, Morning Light, Parlor llelitor, Parlor Light, towittor with a ywhity of COOIC STOVES Combination Oas Burner, Eureka, Regulator, Niagara, Snporior, Roatorg, 14ogos, and' Firoboard Stoves, which hole prepared to furnlah at the lowest market rates. s • Stove 'Repairing pronintly attended to. Rnoillak Spouting, and JobbingT3itecuted to tlio waut 011 factory manner. •• TINWARE, of every description constantly on hand, 6r made to order, at reasonable prices. Havihg none but experienced worknion.employed, he hopes by a clomp attention to bueinehe to secure the public patronage. Remember the place, NO. la WEST MAIN SIREN:T.. SAMUEL R.,OLAUDY. 24n0y701y Dr. Auerq' MeiVoines Aye? s Cathartic Pills Tor all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one medicine is no universally re quired by everYbodv fie a cathartic, nor was evef any before no universally adopted Into use In every country and among all classes, as thin mild but eflcient purgative Pin. Tier obvious roe.en in, that It In a more reliable and far more effectual reme dy than any other. Those who bare tried it, know that it cured them, and those who have nut know thatit cured their neighbors and friends, and all knew that what it dare once It does always—that It never fails through any fault or neglect of Its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable curess•pf the following complaints, but such cures are kdb.wn In every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ogee and conditions in nil climate.; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Theh sugar coating pre•orves them ever fresh and mikes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can urine from their use In any quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the Internal 'lnert to purify the blood-and stimulate It Into healthy action—remove the obstructione of the stomach, bowels, liver, and ether organs of the body, motoring their Irregular action to health, and by correcting; wherever they 'exist, such derangements as aro the first origin •of Atomise. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the folloving - colnplaints, which these PH/s rapidly cure For Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should ho taken moderately to stimulate the stomach nud restore Its healthy tone and notion. For Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, 'Bilious Headache, Sick Headache, Jaundice or green Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should be Judiciously taken for each case, to eorreet the diseased action, or remove the obstruc tions which cause it For Dysentery or Dlarrhren, but one mild done le generally roqulred. Nor Rheumatism, Gout, Graiel, .Palpltatcon of the Heart, Pain In the Bide, Back and Loins; they should be - continuouely taken, - as required, to change the dimmed action of the oystem. With such change those complaint!, disappear. Po r Dropsy and Dropsical Bwellitiga they should be takenln large and frequent dawn to produce .the effect of a drastic purge. 'For Buppression a large done should be taken, as It produces the desired a Rent 14 empathy. As a Dinner. .Pill, take one or two Piile to "TO mote ingestion and relieve the atomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach end 'bowele into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. fiance It le often advantageous where no serious derangetnent ex ists, Ono who feels tolerably wall, often finds that a dose fit these PilLs maitre him feel :der Idoo ly better.from their cleansing and renovating 9 effect on the digestive apparatus. , . J. B. HAVERSTICII, Agent, Clnpar,E, PA. 23mIally HATS AND CAPS J . G OALLIO, No. 20 WZIST MAIN BTREBS, OA.REISLE, PENNA., Tha lIATTIIR of Cern/Int Tho HATTER of Carlini° I I The latest Stylaijust Toni vett I The Went etylee alwayn on hand I I BIL4AIT TB from tho bentlitnnufecturen llATBJust:out II II . . 1:11;dALLIO wlellom to cull att cntlou to 'MC largo 'took iff HA:TS AND CAPS 11 0 niiinfitotutea Hats, to' ordo'r, and boo Ilitaost orrafigemento for coloring .Ilato, Woolen, goodi; 'and9rorcoate, at abort not.lco Tho highest OABII PRICES paftl for COUNTRY FVEB, ...°01•11Itt A 0d.1.1.1j* NO 20 MAIN-STREET 108670 Aancationat A IRY . V filt - lig i lYE ), ;.) . l l Z'ATit co. rn FOR 'MALE AND FEMALE PUPILS. • A the ••rato school, combined wills thn comforts Of home. Attractively situated, ono-fourth of a mile from the Pa. It. It, inn beautiful anti healthful re gion.- - Pour rogular graduates, assisted by other. compotont instructor, constitute the caps of In , :strnotion. The Principal (for many years in nharge • of Tuscarora Acednmy,-nud since 1859. the bead of • this inititntion,) rattail to bin nomoroue pining in all the learned professions, and in every department of business. - - • 1063 mid ral#ting Spoqi4ltips. „, per flanel, • 'Do po me, 000 n. • • , . /all passion Still commence Septeintnr 1111. • Addium alicommonlcatione to • DATED WILSON; A. X., Prlnclxntl, , A, • J, PATTERPON, A, 11t, Co , Prlnclpfdi • ;Oprnin 1411 ' Dry and Domestic Goods, &c. TTEAD QUARTERS FOE DRY GOODS. Just open.] an oath% new and dwdrablo stock of spring and summer dry goods, for ladles and guntlo man's wear, consisting of '. Japanese Poplins, Silk and Wool Seizes; Shepherds Plaid Wool Borges, Lamps, Dippers, Swiss . and Mull Mnslins and all kinds of Whito floods used CA S,SIM ERRS, CLOTHS and " VESTISOS rof Fpring mile. All Ow uorrlli,•e Of the svalion SEAVILS! SHAWLS!! los lory and Gloves. house Forninhing Goods ouch as Tick i dik SI ectings, Pillow Casings, Light Ilouso, tweti fur llotintri.oping purp.l,4 Domestics inlargo quantities Domvw, DOMESTICS! I DOMESTIC I ! We are prepared to otter great inducements, a the 111111 , 1,1 ii ape lower than they have hero for l e , _3,1/111, 311t1 us our stock is entirely now and frilith lirdtglit for the rash, sits feel safe iii promising t give our customers great havgainsitinti all new good We id site all kindly, to call wed examine our steel before purehasin-..1110 decide fur themselves. Thankful for the liberal ',animu: in the past, w promise to be alive to the interests of our friends the fume, by keeping such goods, us Will rondo Xfal:111101 0, 1 to nil. Alt echo wick to rave money or invited to coil upon us and find a source of profit, b dealing with us. DUKE & BURKIIQLDER, yen Street, Below Carlisle Deposit Book MEM 1871. Fresh Arrival of 1871, PRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT OGILB1"S CHEAP CASHSTORE I glm diary opening n hinge xturk• of lire handelo t, nod cheapest DrrGeode in Cumberland malut FOR THE LADIES! All the newest styles Dress Goods, lace, Otp,es or Sawa, Shawls, Cuffs and Cellars, White Pique Swlsm,'"&c., at very low prices The cheapest and best Black Al paellas In town. Bleached and Unbleached ;11uslIns, 'of all mak . - and prices, from 6 cants. to 20. Another lot of those beatitiful and cheap Non• Books, at 25 canto. •Ginghams • from 0 cent:, , to tO Table Linens, Colored and White Towels, and Napkins In great variety A nowlmiddy, and will be sold ta gr,atis roduc, prices. KOralutity JCOO9, from lit cents to 23.• Cattonsdes, Linen DriMogi, Beni., Bond Strip,. for men and boys wear, all kinds at low prices. Notlons.—Wo aro soiling all kinds of Notions astonishingly low pole.. St.:I:111g . Su ponders, Threads, Braids, ho., Trimmlngs In ondle. variety. Partpolp ;and Suu Umbrellas, A now and complain nainrtmant . . I hero now on' head an elegant and cheap assort mont ef(loods, to which I would call the attentim doll parsons wisiil•g to purchase as I' will not undersold by any house la Carla°. Recollect th place, 47 Wool Main street, nearly oppoulto the rail road depot. No trouble to show goods. -Ladies' Misses' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, I have J recelied and uTfened a full aq,ortment of all the new styles Ladles' and Misses' Boors MO Slippers, wall wads, gild at low prices. Caliand sue Thorn. COl . llBlO, April 10, 1871 2001,71 • NEW GOODE ! FOR TIES WEEK ! THOS. A. HARPER, South llanover Street, Cdgale, Peuu'a SPRING AND S UMMER Dress Goods, At Greatly Reduced Prices, While Goods and Linens Reprosentinitho Cheapest and Choices ' Some Specialties. . ,Groat bargains ` fin Mach Silica, at $1.60 and .$1.75 a Plain Black and Striped Groan ?, dines, at 25c " "i • Plain sad Colored Alpacas at 25,i • " Wenn for sultn,"at 25c. " ]Reached Table Linen, at 75a. • ' Linen Napkins, at $l.OO. " 10.4 Bleached ttheetin,g, at 45. • " Townie at 150, also lower grades. " Ladloa Whlto Cotton hose, at 10, 12 and 16c. " Moms' rJ Hofio,' full regular at 25e, extra, cheaper grades. . a 1. Corsets, ift 75, -"Window Shades. at $l.OO per pair, • " • " ViCillea, at 26e, also lower grades . a. Cottonado, at 12%, 16e, and bettor Gontspanzo Shirts, at 60c and up. Ladies Gauze Vests. Groat bargains 'in logs Casaimeres, Extra quail y at 65a - . • Groat Bargains In San Umbrellas, at $l.OO and-op. Great Bargains in Alpaca Ban Umbrellas. Elegant Bash Ribbons, extra width, ai$1•00 and op Bolding liro'n Machine Silk, best in tho 'market. Great variety of Linens, hlon's and Boy's wear. Handsome Gingham, in mixtures Mesta t at 18e. In Piques, iyldto and Iluff,a complete asaortment English Bombazine, Genappino Dream Goode Open lag, .of Steal Llama Laca Points, 'Extra Mae, and very Cheap. ' . Plus delelirated Joseph, Kid Gloves at $l.OO Ladies' Tucked alga and Aprons. • Clothe and Case'mem 'Exceedingly Cheap. . , A o'platidld artlclo In a Dnrk Dino Cloth, • • ',Loco Coltaro, and Ilandkorchlolo. „ llamburOtmbrolderlen and Output° Loatl. . • Tull linen of domedice no ohm as any thin - Wu of P 1141001041, LOW FRTOII9 TO MAINTAINCD, to Insure - quick salon, • •• •• TIIO.MAS A. TIARVER, 27.4.71 • Gi.lnito Lustros, htelangs, Pique Woltings, EMI Nainsooks; Victoria Lawns, Blankets, M uncillcs (bill and all goods Cloths and Cassimeres, = Silting Importatiomt ISM Lines, of Travel. SOUTH: - MOUNTAIN RAILROAD!' Tldf E • TAB .7,E. . TAVES EFFEOT SEPTEM.DER 1, 1871. ' • On and after Friday September 1,'1871, tills Company wlll. run two trains - . through to Fine Grove daily, • • (Sundays excepted): AS 1 OLLOWB : . LW° Junction, 7.00 A. N., *Donnybrook, 7.10, *Craighead's, 7 20, Mount Holly, 7.40, *Upper 91111, 7.45, Hunter's Run, 8.03, Laurel, 8.40, aud arrives at Pine Grove, 9.00 A. at. Leave Carlisle, 2.58 P. u., Junction, 3.00, br001c,.3.10, *Craighead's, 3.25, Mount Ilolly; - 3:451 supper Mill, 3.50, Hunter's Run, 4.00, Laurel, 4.20, and arrives at Pin° Grove, 4.40 n. at. U RN 1 NCI. Pine'''Leave . Grove, 9.30 A. - at., Laurel, 0.45, Hun ter's Run, 13:05, *Upper Mill, 10.25, Mount Golly, 10.30, *Craighead's, 10.50, *Donnybrook, 11.00, and arrives at Junction, 11.15 A it.. Lenvo Pine Grove, 5.00 P. 30.', laurel, 0.15, Gun- Vet lion, 5.35, •4•l.lpper 11111,-0 50, Monat lIVIIi, 5.55, *Craighead's 6 19, *bonnybro?y, 6.2syand arrives at Junction, 0.31 P. 'U. - - Stations marked thus (9 are flag stations only. It. W. DA VENPORT, General Superintendent. Wilco of Gen. Sep, [intendant,} Pine Grove, Aug. 25, 1971,....., CIUAIBERLAND VALLEY R. R. CHANGE OF HOURS ---- WINTER ARIiANGEMENT. On and after Thursday, November 24, 1870, Passenger Trains will ran daily, us follows, (Stiudays excepted): WESTWARD! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaVen Harrisburg 8:00 A. 7.1 , Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 0:11, Now.ville 9:40, Shippensburg 10:22. Chionbersburg 10:44, Green castle .11:16, arriving at Hagerstown 11:45, MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:55,.r. M., Me chanicsburg 2:27, Carlisle 2:58, Nowvllle 3:32, Ship ponsburg 4:02, Chambersbarg 4:35; Greencastle 6:11, arrlv Ina at Hagerstown 5:40, r H. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4:30, Mechanicsburg 6:02, Carlisle 5:32, Newvllleo:os, Ship pensbu rg 0:33, arriving at Chambersburg 7:00, 1. m. A MIXED TRAlN`leaves Chambersburg 7:45, a at Greencastle arriving at Ilagerstown,lo:os, A M. EASTWARD ! - ACCOMMODATION - TRAIN Itilivek - ClianlieriThW 5:00 A fol, Shipponaburg 5:29, Newville 0:00, Carlisle 0:33, Mechanicsburg 7:02, arriving at Harrisburg 7:50,A vi. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagorstown 8:304 xi, Green castle 0:00, Chambersburg 9:40, Shippensburg 10:4 Nowville 10:63, Carlisle 11:20, slechaulcsburg 12:05 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1'. m. . EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12:00 at, Greencastle 12:29,.Cliambersburg 1:05, Shipponfiburg 137, Nowville 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:60, r sr. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3:20 P Greencastle 4:27, arriving at Chumbernburg 6:20, r zi. Ara- Making close connections at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Washing ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West. 0. N. LULL, Su)llA 'Superintendent's Officd,Chamb'a. Nov. 21, 1870. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and T*o ' Trains Daily to and from Erie (Sundays excepted). AFTER MONDAY, AUGUST, 7th, 1871, - Pasrenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Ridlroad centrally will depart from llarrislan, cud arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as folloYt,: MEM 3 45—Philadelithia Exp . .. leaves Trarrishurg daily (axecpt Monday) .Lt 3 45 a. tn., and art . ,. at Vest Philadelphia at 7 .10 a. tn. 7 35—Fast Lino leaveJ Harrisburg, daily (except Monday) at. 7 :15 a. m., and arrhes at West Philadel• phla at II 35 a. m. Mall Train loaves Altoona daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 0 00 p. in. 10 43—Cincinnati Express loaves Mu rhilmre daily at 10-15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 3 JO a. to. 1,1 25—Paific 'Express lento r Harrisburg daily at 11 25 a. NI., and arrives at Walt. ShilaiPlphi,‘ at :1 15 n in. 2 110— ELMIRA EXPRESS leaves Tlarri , linrit daily (except Stnd3v) at 00 p. to., and arrives at Went Philadelphia at ei 00 p. la. Ilarriaburg Amminuuslation leaves Altoona daily (Sunday excepted) at 7,20 a. In., and ai riven at Ma risburt; al 1 15 p. m. 950—Harrisburg Areommoilstlun lesiva, Harris burp; at 3 55 p. m., and arrivi r at Philadelphia at 5 A 6 p. 00-I,anitster Train, vim Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sandal) at 7 50 a. m., and rl yes at Weal Plilllo4.lplOrt p. 11=1 4 35—Erie Fag Line went, for Erie, leaven Ilar• HAWN daily (except Sunday) at 4 35 p. m., arriving at Erie at 7 40 a. ni 11 55-141tIll MAU. we=. for Erltt Ilitrria burg dully at 11 55 tt. tn., arrt ing at Erten( .1 ll 45—Cincinnittl 11x plat ID lottienlloolislolrg dully at It .15. p. in., arrives at Altoona at 4 40 a, at., tint arrivon at lit Itiltura lit 1 0 111 0. nt, 1 35 01IiST PACIFIC EXPRors leaves Harris burg at 135 a. m , arriveg at Altoona 00 a. m. and arrivos at. I.llbbourg at 10 20 a. M. 10—Seeinel Pacific Espress lea)ex Hirrislturg dilly at 2 10 a. ut.. at rives at A Haulm at C. 30 -a. takes breakfast and arrives nt Pittsloirg at 1040 a. tn. 4 AS—Fast Line leaves Ilitrrithurg dully (et.e.lit Siintlit3) at 4 45 p. m., arri vas at Altoona at 8 14 n. in., takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg all 20 a:itil; I 15-51.01 Train leaven Harrisburg .laity (..acritt Sunday) at 115 p m., urn v., at Altoona at 7 I; p. tnlma aupprir and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 00 a M. 7 00—Way Passenger Train tars I larrlaburg dull at 7 00 a. ui.,arrived at Altouila at 1 20 p. w., am la Pittsburg at 8 20 p. In. SAMUEL A. llarrisburg Augus S t u E, l 7 l l a . diu ru" • • , . R EADING RAIL ROAD I= Monday, May 15, IS7I (MEAT TOUNTIC LINE FllOO TILE North and North-IVost Jr.. Phildelphia, New York, !loading Tamaym, A ',Matta, bhamolan, LeliaLant Alleutowa, Easton, Ephrata, Litir., Lucaater, Co latolda, RG. Trains leer Ilarristurg for Now York, as follows At 2:41r • 11, .0 to,lfemi 2:00 p connecting with 1111111 trains all Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York a 1 — '10:05 3:50 Lind 0:101 p. Sleeping Cars lIVCIMI pang the 2:40 0 In train without change. Returning: Leave Now toil: at 11:00 a ra„12.30 neon, and 7, 2 01 p . 1 7:30 Sto and 3:30 p in. Sleeping Cars accompany the 5:00 p m train front New York, wlthant change. Leave flan isborg for Roating, pottsvillo, Tama- Aldclancli'Sliiiinolein, Allen tow it An 1 Philadelphia, at 8:10 a in, 2.4.10 and 4235 w. ping at Lebanon and principal way gIitIULIF • the 4105 p ni train corner Ling for Philadelphia, Putt, ills and Columbia, tail). Pa Pottsville, haven and Amara. :1:: Schuylkill and Sail/mons DIM Railroad, leave Ilarnsloirg at 3:10 p m. East Pennsylvania 'Railroad trains leave Reading (MA Ilentown, Easton, stml New York, at 182, luSin a in, and 9105 p or. hetorminx, leave Now York at ihnil a in, 12:30 noon and 1:00p in, a • A Hem town tit 7:20 11 111, 12:25 noon, 2:15,1:23 and SSP p ni. \tay Pineionger Tiani s leavea Philadelphia at 7:30 a in, connecting with sinillar Irani on East Pennsyl vania Railroad, retaining from Reading at 1420 p m, stripping at ail stations. Leave Pottaville at 0:00 a m, and 2:10 p nI , Herndon at 10:00 n ni, Shamokin, at 5:10 and 11:15 a in, Ash• land, at 7:05 a m, and 12:43 noon, Mahanoy City, at 7:51 a in, and 1 . 20 p In , Tamaqua, at 0::15 a in, and 2:10"p 0:, for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Har i ishurg, ho.. . Learn. Pot tar ftlU Info Scharlkil I and Banquelnanna Railroad, at 8:15 a nn, for Ilarrlsburg, and 11:45 a no, for, lino Grove tool Tremont. „ Reading A iciannintlatien Trallatiaven'Tottrvillo at 5:10 n rt, 1/111.11 . 8 RP 1 1 , 11314 at 7:30 a in, arriving nt Philadelphia nt 10:20 a in. Returning, leaver Phila delphia at tnTlip in, paiir lug Reading at 1;35 p m, 'ar riving at Ititholille at 9:10 p ni. Puitstunin Aetinnitiodation 'Train leaver PollstoWn at 6.30 a in; returning leaver Philadelphia at 4.•80 Columbia Railroad trains leave Reading at 7:20 ni. and 0:15 p m, for Ephrata, Lilly, Lancaster, C lumbia, kn. Perk:oolon Itnllro,l trulnx bare Peflilotnen Junc tion at 7:17, 7:05 non, :WO and 6 p ; return' rig, Icmu Sellwettloivlloo itt 6:10, 8:10 u in, 1 . 2:601,0011, 11114 p m , connecting with Hitollur trains on Hu:tiling ltallroad. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9:40 a m, 1,15 and 0,45 p nr, returning, loavu Sit. Plea:f lint at 7.00 and 11:26 a tn. and 3.00 p m connecting With similar trains on Reading Railroad. Muster Valley Railroad trains leave Raidgepert at 8:30 a In, and 9:05 and 5432 p m ; returning, leave Downingtown lit 10.10 n In, 12:45 noon, and 5:25 pin . connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad. "On Sundays: Leave Now York la 5:00 p al, 8:0011 mond :1:15 p m, Oho 8:00 a In, train rinuting only to Reading.) leave Pottsville at 8:00 a m;' lenve Ilarriaburg ak2:4o n m, 'and 2:00 p m; leave Anent°, n at 1.25 and 8:3.1 p 10 ; leave Reading at 7:15 a. rn, and 9:50 p ni for ihtrrlalatrg, at 1:32 ain for New York, at 7.20 a 0:, fon Allentown and nl 9;40 n m, and 4:15 p m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Miilliate, &WWI, Haile mill alell tickets, to and Went itt - Yednotal rates. Itaggagn checked through; ono hundred pounds allowed cook passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Mint. Sant and Eng. Nine Wry Handing', I'n., May lb, 1871. Livery and Sale Stables. SALE ? ANI? EXCHANGE lJ STMILII. J. L. STERNER & BROTHER, =! HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO HIRE ON REAERENABLE TERM, ANO-Ai SHORTEST NOTICE. CARRIAGES PIIRNISTIED FOR FUNERALS .7irh1.13. /Rubio room for-60 head of horralsou hoop. 17f0b70 L:I:VERY AND EXCHANGE • STA .BLEB. 805.11.5. BRETZ. Having recently purchased the livery stable of flee. W. illlton,.theyre‘pectfully announce. to' lse citizens of Ms place, that' they have recently, purchased n number of ' new vehicles. In addition, also, they have had their entire stock of buggies, carriages and cabs, RE-PAINTED, RE-MODELED, and finished uttin the latest city style, Horses and Carriages , to hire nt the shortest NOTION, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. Vehicles furnished for all occasions. Remember the place, a few doers south of the 0. V. It. It. do. pot. in G. W ‘ llllton's old stand. Montt • ' • 110811 BRETZ. Drugs and rancy Good's, - "PURE AND 'UNADULTERATED 11R1R48 CAN ALWAYS DE OBTAINCD AT J, D. SIAVFJUSTYCKII • • NO. 6 South Ilanoyer Street, Pa. N. Tl.—Proserlutlann carefully and Arctlintely 'CollipPfilliled at all BEECH. 16,D371tf Art . • ItY e • - NO. 6 SOUTH •lIANDYER STREET, • CARLISLE, PA. ;Dealer hi • , Drugs; medionoß, ikq •. Heatry‘Saxion cC Cds., Ad. EBTA BL I S.ECED 1846 . CARLISLE HARDWARE HOUSE H. SAXTON 6. .00 HENRI' EAXTOI , i. I J. P. 11liLF.11. I P. R. SAXTON , . Building, Farming, and Idoehanies', Hardware Toels,'and lilaterials. -,-,-- - . , Iron and Steel, ' . Paints, Oils and Varnishes, 'Cement; Pldstor and Sand, ('inns and Ammunition EM3 HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE,; with every description of useful and fancy goqds. Usoful inventions constantly introduced Sole Agents for PLANK'S PLOWS Thankful for past patronage, and so citing 1 continuance, We Remain Respectfully, H. SAXTON-&-CO., No.IA EAST MAIN STREET,. Carlisle, Pa., I'llll7l Great Barigains Clotfang. SELLING OFF AT AND BELOW. COST. Aft GOODS MUST BE SOLDI'BY THE FIRST OF DEG'EIIBER. Phu mulorslgned haring (letermhied to refire from business, offers his maim stork of PIECE GOODS, .._. READYZIADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FUIINISITING GOOD'S, -`, TR UN ICS, USIBREMAS, UNDER CLOTHING, , HATS, 0 ut, and below Cost. The untiro stock .thttml be di!, posttl of by the first:of Decombor. lily black of goothi, the 11114,4 in toll o, consittei or I=l ENGLISH CLOTHS,. DO h7SKTN,q, CASSIMERT_CS, VESTINGS, CASSINETTS, • TWEEDS, SATIN OPTS, VELVETS JEIANS, LINESSOc. TIIN ^. Ready-Made Clothing Inpartonnt Is one of InNoqt. an,l In•st nenttito be found dill aldo of Philadelphia. All Our Own Make Cull soon anti imm for yolLrnigrv, ut ISAAC LIVLNCS'rO,N, 22 North Honorer Area, Corlislo EMS Watches and, Jeweli•U CARD. J. E. CALDWELL kk; CO.) 02"ClIESTIcIIT STItEET, l'1111,20)ELPIIIA DESIRE to invite the especial atter' tion of porrhnhorl and °fliers visitin tin city, to their moonotlly large and varied lomortmon NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES OE MOST JtELIA ISLE MAKERS •Artistic Silver Ware POR BRIDAL AND urn ER 'PRESENTATIONS gnutie CUTLERY, ELM:TP.O PLATED GOODS or rull'.'sr QUALITY IRENCD CLOCKS, BRONZES AND MANTLE ORNAMENTS, Accolved DIRECT FROM PARIS daring She prosen = Courteous and polite attention is extended to al who may ho induced to accept a cordial inritatio, to nick their beautiful tdors, 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 19jau71,1y HOLIDAY GOODS! - .TVIL LIAM BRAD 302 MARKET STREE'L HARRISBURG Inn J uat. Voturned from New York with the large, lock of Holiday Clothlii over brought to [lllB vit .onsisting PI port of HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVER, of element design 11 . 1111 floffill, from tim celebrated (indium Manufacturing CoJuDany. • DEAUTINTLLATED WADE, Tea Sate, CRICO and Fruit, Coster!, Pickh. nd Celery Stautlx, Soup Tureens, WlllO Stilllllll, Ole. TIIIIIII Cutlery of elegant 11.10,11 d flnlBll, frot he relebrattol manufactory of II arriro n Ilnw, &Hon; -on, ShoMuld, with pour!, iwry and pfittutl lotnalti. r • OUR rANOY 0001)8 DEPARTMENT nehmen the following - articles; Ladles' Elegant Handkerchief Canes nod Clove Boxes entithined—a beautiful artiste, Toilet Seta. Writing Th•ohs, Jewel Stands, Odor Cases _fork flexor, Card Receivers, Pans of Violet and Kendal Wood, Leather, Silk, Satin ate., et0.,13(0117.0,1, Statuette, Centre Floors, I;nees, etc., oto. Musical koicco, playing from 2to 10 airs, and With Belt (0111 Mllllllo'4l at laeltatent. French, Clocks, hi Gilt, Bronze and Marble Cases; Cuckoo Clocks, Cigar, Cigar, Caere, Tolle - coo Boxes (Silver and Plated), Parlor Thermornetera,' Fc sort. Mousy Pursed an•l Pocket Books and a groat variety of everything In my line. Call and contains the grand ashortment. WILLIAM BRADY, ' .302 Market street, -22dec70 CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND JEWELRY' W. D. A; NADOLE, PRACTICAL .WArk.CAMAKER No. 8 Inhoff's MAII.I{ET BQUAREi'OARLIBLE, PA., ono door wont of tho rottinker Prjriting °Meat Would rropoctfully Inform Ida old Monde nod tho public In gonatal, that hAhas commoncod tho • , • Watch rynd jewelry Business, in thc atm named building', whoro ho le pro into to do any kind or Work iu tho line or. Clock. Watches, 3owelry, he. Haying lied ovor, twent. .3tears' , eXperienca In tho business, I feel confident Can give math.° Satisfaction to nil who licror Inn wit their work. Special attention paid • to • ilia repairing of Pine Natalie& All work warranted. Engraving done at abort notice. • S4nov7o IV. D. A. NAtrattn. DOWN WITH HIGH PRICES FOR • 4. , 'WHITE WASHING. • T. J. /3311T11, to now proparod to dO white mati ng and Null cleaning, and wall moaning, on the moat itaprorod plan, and at Alta ohorteat notice. There noed bo no ramming of carrion., or Monitore. Batlafactlon even, or no pay required. Good refer. onem given.. Please leave miens at tho harbor ohop of David 'Welch, or Clairlo Ablo, or at tho ram of L•4t.fwA'A , /IVcry uucl taChaniro 'fitabled Aurae attu lug n colt, "Atjuntiler, MOfland'Er Gounan Afedicinag. (Lir MILLION OF LIVES SAVED Ti Is ono of the remarkable facts of this remark, able ago; not merely that s many persons WO' the victims of dyspepsia or Ind gestian;but Its willing victims. Now, we would of ho understood to say 'that any ono stVgara sp6psia with favor, or feels . disposed torn mong tho luxuries of lifo. Far' flumlt, Thorn who Ivo experienced its 'Laments would sand such nu h a. All dread it, and would gladl' dispense, with Its unpleasant familiarities. 'Mark Tapley, who was jolly sander all the, trying dream - Mho - lees in which ho was placed, flavor Ind an attack of dyspepsia. or his Jollity would lowa speed ily forsaken him, Man and women sometlmos'slairer Its tortures uncomplainingly, hot -whoorOr heard of a person who enjoyed them? Of all the multlfiarions diseases to which the ha:a nul system is Noble, there Is perhaps no no no 'generally prevalent as dyspepsia. Thera are diseases mom acute and painful., and which more frequently prove tatel; but none, the effects of which are - do depressing to the mind add so positively distressing to the body: If there Is a wretched being In the worial it is 'A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC Dut it le not our Intention to dedeant on the hoe• rore ofDyepopsia. To doecribe thorn truthfully Is elm ply an Impossibility, hut It is possible to point out a remedy. We hare said that dyspepsia le perhaps the most UlliVargai of human diseases. This is em phatically the cave In the United States. Whether title general prevalence le duo to •the character - of the feed, the method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in which it le usually swallowed, ix not our provinel! to explain. The groat fart with which we are called to deal to this : DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS Nmuvt univermally Nearly every other person you meet is a victim, an apparently willing ono; for were this not the rase, why so ninny sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy Is within, the easy reach of all who dthdro to avail themselves of it ? lint the majority will not. Blinded. by the prejudice, or deterred by somo ether nnelplained influence, they refuse to accept the relief Proffered them. They turn a deaf oar to the testimony of: the thousands whose sutler. ings have been alleviated, and with strange infatm, thin, appear to clitTglilirdtapentto determ not on to their ruthlesa tormentor. But rays a dyspeptic What la this remedy? to which we reply: Thin great alleviator of human suffering to almost an widely known as the English language. 1: has al layed thnlmonles,of thousands. and Is 1.-day carry ing comfort awl encourspsoont to th0u...n.14 o f others. This aehaowtedgod panacea Is usno other than , DR. HOOF,GAND'S GERiVIAN BITTERS. Would you lam, morn of the merits of this won derful medicine that can be learned from Uto export• once of others? Try it yomelf, and is hen It hes failed to fulfil the assurance - of its efficacy given by tho proprietor, then abandon faith in It. LET IT_ BE REMEMBERED, first of all, that HPOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is not a rim bovprago. They are notlilenholle in any sense of tho term. They aro cobipesed wholly of the pure juice or Vital principle of routs. This is .not a mere. assertion The extracts from which they are compounded or,, prepared by one of the ablllpt of Oci man chomistit. U idle any other Illtters in the marhot, they nen wholly free from spirltuti. ingredients— The ob. joetions which hold with so nowt, force against preparation, 0 flies class, tlanicly—that n desire for intoxicating drinks Is stimulated by thefts mine, am not valid in the caso of the Ocrineh Bittern. So far tram rneouraging or inculottitig n hots nr desiro for Inebriating beverages, it may be confidently perilsd that flier [emit...}' is Inn dlunmotrlcnlly nppnsiteillrectlon. ',Their effects Call to IMBEM BENEFICIAL ONLY lo ell oasts of the lilltur'y - system.(Our nom Ilittern standou tan equaroteting promptly vigorously %Pen t tits Liver; Linty runtyro its torpidity tinitAttiso loinWaal sociretion ot thigreby supplyteg the tit, iiimeli with Iho most otitis penman° elonoinbi of sound digestion in proper pro portions. They giro tone to the stounieli—stlinulati hitt Its finialoniti and onslitintr it to Piirnirtit its nature it should do. They import tiger dud strength to the entire syFtion,i wising the patient to fool like another boing—rn fact, gluing Ida a 11015 lento of lite. TIIKY PURIFY THE BLOOD, cleansing the fluid of all ;hurtful impurities and suppianting . l 6 hem thu • lanionh; of genolna Itenlthfululacr..7a word, there Is scarcely 11 (Hs onAe in which they cannot he :safely and beneficially employed; but in that nest generally prevalent diOreasing and ;headed disease, Dyspepsia, THEY STAND UNRIVALED iht, :10: 1 . 1 Milt] 011 4 ,1.4 or in ,1},1)111 1.1(1 wine linter. ;Ire /mid milllV 111111/011,10,11.. lilt Wit tu,rl it till. 010111 Withollt 1,011111/I . t. Fur eneh IIOOFLAND'S GEIPIAN TONIC hos been spew:ally prepared. It is intontled for are nnithro n -- slight alcoholic stimulant Is requited in connection with the well-known Tonic properties of the pore thrust Oro. This Tonic cow 11113 01l ff..] itfgreeienteof the Bitten, but so flavored an to remote the extreme ifitternees. This preparation is not only palatable. but combines, in modified form, all the virtues of the German Bitters. The aolid extracts of sonic of Nature'n elihlcent restWres It 1 ,, held aft tOilltloll Lyn spirituous gee of the purest quality.: In cativo of languor or ftvive de hint), tho system appears to I of became hatt,ted of its energies. lIOOFLAND'S TONIC itets with hlinest 'marvelous effort. It not only stinitilst , the flagging and Wasting energies, hot Intigorates and pnruninontly strengthens Its potion upon the Liver and Stomach thorough, perhaps loss prompt than the Ilittera, when the mine quantity Is taboo Is none the less (Wallin. 111ffigv141011, ihh llonstiess, Phvalell or Nom,. Prostration, yield readily to Its potent Influents, It gl vex the invalid n new rind stronger hold upon lifo, romoves depres sion of spirits, and Inspires cheerfulness. It sup• plants the pain of disease with the ease and romfor of perfect health. It gives strength to o eahness, throws detlirlitdoOrlY to Ow winds, and slat Is the re stored leant of upon tl now and gladmone rot . . r lint Pr. Ilisdlant's I , l , ll , lltellTH to the human ear arc nut you not to 111+ roletoatod Gold Chains OEPNI A r BiTTELts, or Ins vallialle TONI lic 6ua prepared motile in,!Icloo, which is n'i idly m inning Its way to point Mt louclin. 01 it Intrinsic merits. This Is lIOOFLAN 'S POD OPIIYL a perfect eulatitute for mercury, without any o. mercury'di vll quail Lira. ' These wondurful tale, which are Intended to no upon thn Liver, era mainly COMIIDSOd of Pudophyl lin, or the VITAL PRINCIPLE OF TIIE MANDRAKE ROOT NOW ...70 Niro t/b, re tilo.r to iliallnctly tinder:it:lm tloke /Or ..x.f.111/.+41" tho Montlroke is many time rriojg oof,lfulhp.. Al.todr.ll“, itxelf. It to It foraloloro ttioalr.f Ihin henltlt-gll:lnfi plant In pertmstly;:pura‘ orpl, coomntmt.d form Linoco It Is that to - , of .tho PII to count I Ault, n full do/in, trtN In ikliylvlolro nix Gt olglit or of other prep/troth/on 'of the filtindroka nr rolrtlto , l. Pocloplulllo • EIMEMI ACTB MriEOTLY ON THP stimulating ita functions and canning It tp limbo (Inc Llliory vecretions in regular and proper quantities. The Injurious results which invariably follow the use of tnerclay In entirely avoided by their nun. But It in net upon the Liver only that their powers are extract. The extinct of Mandrake contained' in them in shilltnily combined with four other extracts, one of which acia upon the atomaell, one upon the upper bowellyone up/m the lower hoWels, and ono prevents any griping ,effnet, thus producing In pill that Influences tho entire' digestive anti alimentary system, hr on ennui and harmonlona 111,1111101 . , end Its action entirely free flout nanney, vomiting or griping,paina cehninen ttinli other purgatives. Pews. ruing these much denhable qualities; the Podephyllin boron.. s invaluable an a , FAMILY MEDICINE • k No household should be without them. Thoy aro perfectly soft', reontro but two fur an ordinary doso, aro prompt and onicientnotion, and whoa used In roman:lion with Dr, noon. d's (lemon Bitters, Or TOOIC, may bo regardod Ils curtain sposilles in nil 01100.4 of lint Complaint, Dyspepsia, or any of Ito Illsurdem to which the Systeln in ordinary subject. Thu PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and botrols, carrying off Im proper .olttructlone, whtio thu Bitters or Tonle purify the blood, etrongthen and Invigorate the fraino, givk tono and appotito to the titotuach, and 11,110 Mind up (Ito invalid num. lfoulland, having provided Internal IZtuition for tilliellEON, tills ,Ivor 010 world ono mainly for ox ternal application, 'ln the .woralerflif preparation known as DR. I-IOOFLAND'S ,GREEK Tllle 011 le a eovorolga romaly for mine and adieu of all Wade. • Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Touthacho, Sprains, Burns, Pain in the Back and Loins, Ring worms, Au, he., nil yield to Ile external application. The timber of cures offected by, it Is outtonlaltinif, and thoy aro Increnslng ocory day. !falcon Internally It Is n cant for Heart-burns, Attliwy Mamma, sick , Moduli°, Colic, 'Vomitory, Cholera Alorbus, Cram" Pains in •tho Stomach, Cola*, Asthma, Ac, Tho Crook Oil is -composodgntlroly of boating gum and omontial olln. Tho principal ingrodiont Is an oily, sabstauco, procured In the, southern part of Greece. Its offocts MA It destroyar of Bain aro truly magical. Thou/tondo Moon been benefited by Its *mond n trial - by those who aro skeptical hilt thoronghly.cowelnco them of Ito inestimable ratio, These remedies will bo sent by oxprens to any loCality, upon • Implication to tho • PRINCIPAL OFFICTI, at the BERMAN AIEDICINI: 5101111, No. 431 Allan BTRBET, OM A. B. M. BYAN B, Formerlf O. M. JACKSON & •CO. Thom Komedios era foy,Snlo by Croggloth, Store. keopore, and DI °Wein() Denim, Ovum:dam. . deenly . LIN PILLS, LIVER OIL? PlumMyhGas Flttinp, Vic. w. F. ILENWOOD: TAMES CIAIT:VBELL. rl,llThll3rNG § STEAM. dC No. - 18 North Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PENN'A STILL , AT BUSINESS! The undereigned nro tlow folly prepared to attend o tide buslneee lri all lte different - branchee. - They leo beep constantly on band and for elle,' WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, - WATER CLOSETS, BATII TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, •-• BATH ylll3O, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS, WASH BASINS, HYDRANTS, Lift and Force Cisterns, Lift and Norco Cisterns, and Deep Well Puke, Load, Terra Cotta' and Deep Well Pumps, Lead, Torn Cotta and Iron Pipe, Chimney Tope and GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES 6 Olobes, nudatil kinds of Brass Work--114 steam and water confitontly on hand, or furnished to order. Dwellings, ()lunches, Tatetorlce nod other buildings, in town or country, fitted up with neatness and the. patch. All work warranted. Thankful for Wino putronage,wo hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of tho same. Torras ressonablo, it requiring but one trial to secure your custom. bleu uo a call. Don't forget the place, No 'lB, North Ilanover street, In the base moot of Sips's now building. All orders left at the residence of dither Messrs. 0 GAM:PBELL on HENWOOD et any tiine,,eltlier day or- night, will be promptly attended to.• thlllo3 Campbell, Alexander's Row, Pitt street, or William Ironwood, South street, above West. Having special advantages wo nro prepared to furidell COPPER WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, for Still bollfies and other purposes, at hinne or at a distance. COPPER PIPE furnished to order, eitherdrawn or broand. 25augly Groceries, Paolilli Flour, (Vc F RESH GROCERIES,,! FRESH GROC c ERIES ! ! Always to be had at tho CHEAP STORE, No. 83 East Pothfret Street. And why aro they always fresh 1 Bocalote we Hell groat anioant of .them, and mill them low, There fore, turn our stock often, and com:gavot ly our goo In ,nool Le hilt. Von will ilad everything you wishia tho any of roverii,`, ltn••nn•+N are, . 'Ulan+o a t my! Ctllar‘vorr, Stu. and ' Cr 01 - koryware, Iltuns, DrA•llt•cf, Dalt oglm, • Ilk. !ills ismd iwory and Oystiirs, English Pickles, Systips, [mil no end to NOTIONS It is mei,va to mention them, crone nod urn for your selvs.s; and pnrsots If it don't halt you to coins, send 3 oar I sol they P 111 Its dealt with thn ratan care lie If you were - hero yourself. A ALL KINDS OF - CQ UNTR Y 13].?0DUCE takiill in osrhango for goods, Of rash GE'O. B. 11OFF1CIAN'S SONS, No. 83 East Pomfret Sheet, c inLIsLE. PA Boots, shoes awl Z,utfA•s. STROHM & SPONSLER, No. 13, South Hanover street, Carlisle Thankful for the patronsge extended them hero tufuru, du . uow announce their usual large stock SPRING STYLES OF BOUTS AND SHOES, FOR Ladies aild. Misses, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs, which aro unrlvallod for comfort and beauty. Also .TRUNKS AND VALISES, =I All of which will ho mold at omall :profit. Coll ono and all, and get a NU equivalent far your money Ifit 0_ 0110 AI, Otuulxlkre not nl..nya lo \llion you go to buy itn article. and eiquicittily In the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES go to A dealer on whose words you C . llll rely, fur very few ore good fudges of leather. AT thin limo of tlii3 year aunty will lie wnnting light bouts nod shoes for suninier wenr. All such calm Lo aceoliunoilateil nt . ADAM DYSERT'S,-, where will ho found It supply nt the h.wvlit prim, Btiots .d xhotmlivido to of der with Ow inghoht dim patch. Mara of Itinsinviis No. 34 East Pouther street, Carlisle, Pa. 4.41.0 FURNITURE, 1 UR.A'ITURE A B. EWING, - CABINET :BAKER AND UNDERTAKER, 1V& Main Mreet, . OPPOSITE LEE'S , WAIIELIOUSE, Premium for Boot Furnlturo nwordod nt oil County =MM rnlttiro of all varieties and styles of Foreign nail Domestic manufacture, from the lino=t rosewood and mahogany to the lowest priced maple ;toil pine. 1:1,012, FIDEZDEI ao DINING 12003i,' KITCIIRN AND FUR NIT UR. XI Embraring ochry article used by Rouse and MAO Reapers of the infot approved hull fambiezable design and finish. Including - also Cottage Furniture In setts; Reception toed C4lOl, Chairs, Flatresmi, Framoserictures. , Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders front town and country attended to proniptly, and 00 moderato terms. Special attention.itia to tla selection of WWI Pa per. A. B. E. lo.ra! Advertise . meni IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONSUMERS OF DISY GOODS. , All Retell Ordure amountlng-to $2O nod over dolly ered fu unrport of ill° Cooll y '}. Free of ExpresB gliarpea. HAMILTON EASTER k SONS, of ,llultimore, 3y,K, In drder tiro better to meet tho wants of their Retail Cuntomore ^t a dietetic°, hovo estobllshod to BAIII'.LIi DU It L,AII, and an.., upon applicution, promptly send by mail full linos of Samples of tho Noweat nud moot reale. lonablo Goode, of French, Englieh, nod Dementia hianufneturo, guaranteeing at all times to soil as tote, if not at ISss prices, than any beano in the country: Duying our goods from tlio largoot nod most coin brated matinracturern in the different parts of Bare o, nod importing the nom by. Steamers diroot to MOH.' more; oar stock lent all times promptly supplied wide thu noveltien of the London and Paris marketa. . . . An wo buy anti soll only for cuslL:und make I o bad debts, wo aro obi° and willing 'to sell our goods nt from ten to flitxou par curet ten profit titan If wo guvo credit. Iri sending for sampled specify the kind of goods desired. Wu !coop tho beat grades of ovory tines of goods, front the lowest to tho most costly. 'Order. unaccompanied by the cash will bo sent 0. 0. D. Prompb.paylog• wholesale buyern are Invited to inspect ties stock in our Jobblng and Package Departmot. Address TIAMILTON' MASTER & 0010; 107, 100, 201, null 203 Went linltlmoro Street, 200ct70.1v • .: Unithnorn. Md. For Sale. .11ETOUSE. FOR SALE. NO. 36 Wilgy LQu n 1i t3TREIOT J. L. ItAVEISMOIS EIMM 1.71011' SALE.-4 . first•olrina lio top buggy. Entiroly now. Moo 0 first-awe ono boino titre° opritiB vasou. lialulro At ()OAHU it 117101.1. oil.' calico. . . ~ . .. 71,1 071 , . • . , . L. SPONSLER,'S (-,o_r,varry .. . . . A i L. SPONSLER, • • 4 - 31.. . ...:. Roll' Estate Agent, Scrivener, ConVoyancer, Thant. anon' and Glenn Agont. Office &fain Street "near Centro" Square. . ,LiESIRA.BrB , PROPERTY AT PRIG VATII SALlO.—Tim owner desirous of so* moving west, offers at Drlvato sale a , . . . LOP OF GROUND, situated on Iladfcird 'drool, In' the borongh of Car lisle, containing - 4G feat front by 100 foot In depth, and having thereon meted a _ , : TWO 'STORY FRAME HOUSE, , with brick back building, wash hone°, (with'cistern. thorein,)smoke house, hallo oven, and all necessary outbuildings. Thu property fronting on Bedford stFeet Is 43 f eet front by 24 foot loop.. Tho back building fronting on Locust alley is 21 foot In front. Tho property la nearly now, contains n, storeroom, now occupied no a grocery:Vora, is In gocil'conditian, and Is 'admirably situated for a business stand. Par sons wishing to view the property, can do so by call ing on the owner, residing on tho ',minium For terms nod further particulars enquire of - A. L. BPONBI,IIIt, Real Estate Agent. A ,Two-Story Brick Dwolling For Stile No: 88 South Redford street, contalnlng two parlors, ball, and kitchen on the first floor,and three chum. bars on the second story, with iddled attic back and front, stairway balcony to back indicting, and grape arbor and hydrant In the yard. Apply to 17n0570 TIE subscriber has several other val- A_ noble properties for solo in eligible parts of the town, which will be reaeonobly disposed of A. L. SKIN:3MM, Real ghtato Agent. l•ttor7o VIROINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley fur onto,—A number of valuable, um! highly Improved farms in "the aro of fered for sale. The tracts run from 90 to 360 acres. Tho land "is of the bent qmstity of limestone, fully, equal, if not superior, to,tho land In Cumberland Valley, and will bo disposed of at astonishingly low figures. The extension of the Cumberland Valley -EMI I'ollll- nose- summyedovill-ron immediately through the section Of country In which those lands are located, which, when cont. pleted, together with the advantage of the Shenan dostrxiver transportation will give them all tho ad vantagoll of Northern and Eastern markets. A splendid opportunity for lucrative investments is bere.offes ed. A full uud minute deeeription of the locution and chnoteler of the various tracts may . . 120 hnii, by mini . , A. L. SPONSLEII, Reel Estate Agent, Carina pl tog to 1710170 TOR SALE OR RENT.--zA conimb dions two4tory brlrk, private residence, on Wool Pomfret street, Carlisle, situated on a let 20 feet front anti 240 !feet In depth, with a stable and carriage house, anti abundance of fruit hydrant In tho card and gond cistern. Also, a two-story brick house. and back Imildinic . on North Pitt street. Possjution of the former will lat given immediately, anrlOf the latter on or after the first of July neat. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Real Esh to Agent. EfEM WANTED.—A general agent for c‘noterto,d cooncv, Lp one of the Ohlelit nod moot popular Life Itnuranto COIIIIMIrke in tho country. Addresti IL. Kent, corn of A. L. Pponslnr, Curliule, Pa. TYal' Vinegar Bitte,4s A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERI Dn. WALKED:B cAuronmA VINEGA,A BITTERS. ilundreds of Thousands bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. = Mop ore not in vile Fancy Drink, wade of poor Rani, Whioi y, Proof Spirits, and lief.. L.l.Loorn, tortured, apirod, and thvootrued to Inman lino ta.str, callod TONICS, APPETIZERS ho., that lead Iho tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but riro a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic &nonionic. Tlicy-oro the Groat 810 al Poriflor, and Life-Cilring Prim perfocr Renovator and In. vigerator .1f Om spit&n, citrrying off nll pdsonons matter and restoring thin blood to a healthy condi tion. No parson can take those Bittern accordiug to direction and remain Oong provided the bones aro nut duet roped j104:011 or of liar Metins, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. For Inflammatory and ''ehronir Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, 1111101ns, Remittent, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tiro Blood, Liter, Kidnaps, and 'Boner, these Bitters have been most successild. Such DIN,ASeA itra caused by Vitiated Blood, whirls is generally produced by do. rangement of tho Digestive Organ. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlghinesif of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of dm Stomach, Bad taste In the .south, Bilious Attacks, Palpf tattoo or the Heart, 'lnflammation of the Lungs.• Pain in the'region of the Kidneys. and 5. inn sfred other painful symptoms, art Ow offsprings of dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach idol stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, whirls rooster them of un equaled etlirwy in cleansing the blood of all inm• purities, and its, putting now libe and rigor to the whole ssstests. II it lens, Rens it tent, and Intermittent Fever, which Rl . ° so prevalent In the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the, Missoori, Illinaia, TOllllO.OO CIIIIII IO, land, Arkansan, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Site hams, Savannah, Roanoke, .Tames, and many others with their vast tril.ntaries, during the Sum and SWIIII.III, and remarkably so during seasons of sombusl heat and dryness, are invariably accosts panted by f.liensive derangetrambi of tits , stomach and liver, and other atalominal viscera. These are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weak swig alai Irritable Otto of the stomach, aissi great t,.rpr, of the bowels, being clogged up wits eJ hard ars emulations. In their hll,lllll - 11t, A purgative exerting n p .werfol intruelsoo upon the,. various ot gent, Io esgen tinily necessary. There Is no cathar tic for the purr°so squat to Dr. J. Walker's l'ineg'ir Bitters, as they wDI speedily rt move the dot k-col oystl viscid toot ter wills lilt the Ban?s are loaded, at the name time elthAkiltillg the secretions ant tho liver, find goner.dly yeeforing the healthy functions of .the digestive organs. The universal popularity of this valtaitle ronsscly in-regions sob ( cot to miaamatlc inflococoa, is sufficient °Tido.° of its power oh a remedy in 'such eases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tatter, Salt Rheum, Illotelies, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Carbuncles, lling-IVorros, Scald Head, Sore EyeA, Erysipelas, Deli, Scurf's, Dlmmlorations of Ino Skin; Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of olptooor 00111 c or nature, are Wrsily dug up mid curried out of the sys'timiTii 1, , OWrt lime by tim INe of these Bitters. OM bOtiin in such, cases will convince the mot.t. Incredulous of their curative etTect. Chown° thohard Blood ‘vbenover you Tiff its impurities tousling through thu shin in Mullion, Rruntlons, or Soros; cleanse it Winn you find It ob• strurto.l find ptugglsh In flu, Vefip; ; ;Iranso it whoa It is (fin!, and your footings will toll you'whon. Itecp Ow blood porn and thu health of tho system nit follow. Fitt, Tape, and other Worms, lurking In the sys tem of so many thousands, erg elroetunlly destroyed nod removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed In fuer ten• guages . —English. Gornto'', French, and Spanish. . J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. It McDOVLD .4 CO Druggists Agents, San Trune I era, Cal., and '52 and 34 C4llllCrre Street, Now York. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. 3dee7o-ly OEM Parabola Spectacles. pfPROVE YOUR , SIGHT I= PYR,E & SON'S Parabola Spectacles f MANUFACTORY AT UTICA, NEW YORK. h - S. D. IIAVERSTICK, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Re. CARLISLE, PENN'A., IA appointed agent for the ludo of tho above nrcetacica. PERSONS WEARING GLASSES 1 or Om In nood of them, will du well to call, for In a i l every case wo 0 UAILA Nina: TO SUIT THE SIGHT PERFECTLY I No Podlore Employed alatt7lly Farmers' Bank., FAIIIIIEBS' BANK lins facilities for tlio transaction of °very variety of Banking Jiustrieta that may ha required by its customers and corresvaudynle. Makes collwations on all volute in the 'United States. _ Buys, soils, and attends to all ordorsjor' tho ptt chat, or Halo of (told, Oovern wont nod Btoto Boty.t• and all other first-olass oecurities. Nogothttetf loons, and discounts contmorcial paper. Attends to tho collection of interest, coupons nod dividends. . , Furnishes drafts to persons wishing to remit Money to any parka . the United States:Canada or Europe. Receives deposits in large or small mune, and pays interest on special deposits. Is empowered to act of Treasurer and Financial 'agent ter Stide. Comity end City Rovernmontsi Corporations and individuals. 3. 0. MITER, Caehlor OREM F° 4 A fitrgo quantity, of STOXII, otiltoblo for building curb, nod liniu.burning purpow. intqulro of - AIRS. Ji.:l). POTTS. Dinun loburg Tuii,i , Itco;p6ar tiortJA UnuoTor FOREIGN ANA IMMESTIC \.... itlii f,s -.4 - , • i' 4 9' 0 ' , , CLOTHS, CASSIMERES rMIMEO; A. L. SPONSLER, Real Ehtitto Agent. 31an71 g CL,TD °)I CO3 r- 3 4: r=ffizei 4 ,14% D)l_ EzzA , r jxru, 6 - 7‘) L'r r cr n Saxton's Hardware Stoma rd 2 RESTORERS, - NEW STOGg';, , GP Cc i :,- it l v , ly irip ~i p. ri 7,, '- )"..',' , ail 7 - %, 4 , 4 Iltt l A , ~' g , • 4 k.. 4 ' lib l '‘ , - - J . ‘t4o' " ' -> l .4 i - o" kd At Extremely Low Prices. ORGANDIES, _.... . FROLT-E 3.0 LT Japanese, Popli TIN, - Silks, . kk I=EIESEri No. 18, East Main St.,. CARLIStE Con, fitliffonal elt(T1171!)it pEOPOSED Amendment to the Conntltution of Pounsslvantn. JOINT lITCPI()LUTION. , . . Propou'ng an Amend. tmont to the [Tonna tution of fe,nnsigrania. P 11,0 Regntred NI the Senate and Himße Of Irefrn• wives of the romnfolli , ..ilth nr 15mtRyl v. , ' {7l --- Celieral Anonhtg n o t, I hitt thr following nmentl.. .I:writ to the Cowlilittion of 11imn Commontrenith 1:n proposed to thu 111, 00 for their rdoptlon or ' 11.111, purtment to the prorinionr of the tenth r.rticle thoreforu, to wit: ' • AINIILNDTIENT Shit., nut Nuctlon of the ?Sixth Artl lo of (Ito Constitution, null Insert In nett I horoof be foil A Stitt , 'l`reaeurer ellen ho chnern by 11 quell• foci eleetore of tho ;Male, at ruelt tinter norl for ouch terms of ourvlce an•nball he't.reitrrlbiel by law." .IA)IES 1L W.EIIII, • Spoalcer of the ]tours of nor reeeetaltreo. Till.flA)l A'. WALLAM7, • Speaker Of OKI Sonatce. • Approvetl the flftoenth day of June, Anne Dentin' ono thounanl eight hundred 0101 ;TO(IN W. MIMI:, 'Prinered end certified for publleitthm poreeaut to. tho Tooth Article of the Couefitut lull, ' Socrotary of tho Commonwealth • Office Secretary of the Commenweeltll,,. ' ll'artinburg, July bth, 1871. 5 80J u7l .Petel; iiodge Barba NEW BARBER Shop. ,f ; rotor Hodge bon recently opened the Y'atlonal Shaving — Beloon No. it, Enat Slain Trrins'e rou. Nair cutting, shampooing, she. Ing,monatacite dying promptlyattended to.' Ladles' bale euttitig„ executed in the latest City etylea, My areas ore ,no an any other saloon to this p bin none' but compotont joarnayenee la' ny employ. Conry Kennedy will, also, be Sund at my. calocu. Please rite me a call, • DITSINESS.—(Ia And tyftor L 1 lJ Afnt of Ltvitterub, nra,l lutrrd vq".2, /ILISINI:S3 with, Of, wit t tout totty ., et top ~0r.1._ Country vrothicu recnivot tor 008.8 6 ti 11'1' I.fthneairr.a!,at,•mt,;.. n. :breed; / vattbo oncotoa to aM arooonto at rn , .64,4 a MEM V co r- ~i~ZT... 9 Et - Pr-7 - 71 F JORDAN, R{ fit: