STILL another lot-of chOice hauls :it Me'oy's, and down in price, cio to. J., H. Wolf's, No. 1p North Hanover street, for jot and plated jew elry, bracelets, &c. Comnrxas rondo into- switches, chig nons, curls; frizotts, Lt-a,, at 'Madame Rotes. Work sells tho cheapest cor sets, hoop skirts and bristles. Go and see the large assortment of kid gloves at J. A. Wolf's. :1 4 01 - if BA.LE OR RENT. , A:larke and c ommodious - three-story . brick house; ou the corner Of Main and .Bedford streets, now Occupied by Mrs. (iOrdon, 'the modern improve with hrick stable and' ico house _lnquire of R.. E. Shapley, Loorner.O.E.-North and Pitt streets. FRESH country cabbage, beets, and boaals, received daily at numrtelfs. , Inn can save 'Molloy by buying your notions and small wares from J. 11. 'Wolf, No. 16 North Hanover street. . - SPRING PitiGICOPII at Minnich'B FOR p.1.11:10 aiSortmeut of Hamburg and Biiigt edges, - cotton fringe, and .Maraeilles trimmings, go to BOAEDEES WANTED. The proprietor of the famous summer resort at Carlisle Springs, hereby gives notice that he is. prepared to accommo date about twenty more boarders. These Springs are so well known for their medicinal qualities that no further de scription is necessary. On inquiry at Carlisle, passengers will be taken direct to the, Springs by 3. L. Sterner &, Bro., livery stilble keepers, Carlisle, Pa. Wm. STITZEL, Proprietor, Carlisle Springs, Pa. . d64oui , Dints, sides, dried beef, beef tontfues, sugar - cured hams, or ilicod, pickled ; caltrted oysters, - FOR suspenders , handkerchiefs anc paper collars, go to J. 11. Wolf's• BUT THE BEST The Cabinet Range with bob closet is; without doubt, the finest cooking and -baking range in the market, and saves One-third the fuel of cooking stoves. CalL and see them at Wm. Fridley's -attire, No. 21 North Hanover street. Also look at his refrigerators, water coolers, bread safes, umbrella stands an - a full lino of house furnishing goods. arima7l6m WHEN bako day arrives slip down to 141eloy's and try some. of his choice Hour. 14sentr. SPECIAL NOTICES The Bost Goods at the Lowest • AT 'WM. BLAIR &. BON. Just received a large invoice of FRESH FAT mackerel, directly from Boston. Also a car load of best coal oil, from - Pittshnrg. Also choice Sugar Cured ; ;Aiso a good variety of fresh c*l4l.'s.-,, Also a full line of Toriaccos and Cigars. Papers ana envelopes, and every thing cite in our line, cheap and good.• P. S.—Please oall and see our e'er large stock of best waro. 7671. AVM. BI t.% Sox, South end, Carlisle EXUIIERINT HEALTH Is ix blessing vouchsafed to few. Even those who have been favored by nature _with strong constitutions and vigorous frames are apt to neglect the precautions necessary to preserve these precious en dowments. Indeed, as a rule, the more healthy and , robust a man is, the more liberties he is inclined to take with his own physique. It is some consolation to the naturally weak and feeble to know that they can be so invigorated and built up, by a proper use of the means whiclrscionce has placed at their dis posal, as to have a much better chance , of lung life, and exemptions from disease and pain, than the most athletic of their fellows who aro foolish enough to sup pose themselves invulnerable, .and act accordingly. • • It is not too much to say that more than half, the people of the civilized . woyldnedan occasional tonic, to onabkb them to support the ,strain upon their bodies and minds, which tho fast life of this restless ago occasions. In fact, a pure, wholesome, unexciting tonic is the grand desideration of the busy millions, and they have the article in llostetter's stomitch-linttoys , --It is a staminalmedi eine , ..,iii. it imparts permanent strength to wpakeystemSand invigorates,delicate constitutions. Its reputation and its Sales taro - steadily increaser \ Cornpeti. i. A tivo preparations have ' been inti uced ad libitum, and, as far as the p blic is concerned, ad nauscion, in the d lope of rivaling it; but they have all either perished in the attempt, or been left far in the rear. It has been the groat medi cal success of the present matig,yir-‘al kis, quite' certain that no proprieta Medicine in this country is as widely known, or as generally used. ' - Teif ' lightning ' presses, running in .7.-cossantly (Sundays ox%opted,) the whole ' yonii• through, barely supply the .demand 'fortho'llluarated Almanac, in which the nature and uses of the preparation are sot forth, the circulation now being over Right millions a Year: ljoillin&lyi ' [Ai' CARD TO 'MR LADIES.] ' DR. DI/TONDO% GOLDEN' PE'RIODICAL PILLS, FOR FEMALES . INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTING IRREGULAR "TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF TILE MONTHLY PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PREVENTIVE. • THERE IS NOT A LADY LIMO • .11at what at Homo period of Ilor Litt, will fled Oho , DIWONCO GOLDEN PILLS Pod. tho medlrlno nLo Nor N6rvone Debillty,Mearing down Naln B l Prilpitatlon of the Ileart, dtotaleral, ?rroguler or ' '"Painful Monetruntlon, Malt of Illood to the Goad, • •''''bizttnexe, These aro the only Nina ever . '"hOOWn that Wlllcure.the 'Whit., (they will cure In '•' Thty never 'trill, and may be depended npondrt oTory rano whore the monthly flow flea Leen 'obst.ineted , through cold or Manse. DIIPON ' GOLDEN PILLS e.lWays give inn nedhite relief • , being especially prepared for married lattice. A lady . Writhes Duponco'n Golden Nile relieved Oro In ono without InconVeldkalco, like magic. CIENUINI) now. put tip In Largo (Whito) Boxcar containing . dont& quantity of FlOs, anti Upon uach box, on find tlio lierenun 'Stamp, printed from my Prl- Tate Dlo., upon• which Lenyllituise of the Stamp you Nv111:11nd thu walla DTIPONCOIOOLDEN PERIOD ' FOAL PILLS, in White Letters; without that nono aro gonulno. , , Full and oxPllclt dlractlono accompany each box. ' " Price $l.OO per box, nix boxeo 56.00. Sold by ono Brugglot in orory down, villogo, city nod luunlot ; throughout tho world. , Sold in Carllnle,,P.l., by 5, Ar Ifitvorstlnk, Pruggltit, No. 10 North Ilnnover St. •• Sold also by Brugh Mossur, Mochnnltoburgi and J.O. Mitch'. Shlppounburg. . LADIES I .11y sondlog him $l to tho Corns].) pont dam onn born the PIM soot by nut it to any part of the county'!, froo of postogo: " ' 'Non() gailutiq fluronis I.lw box Id algnod -1141 HOWL', 11010 raltittiOt Now . Xprlc 1.53071.1 y. • BE WISE, Winn?. wisdom will benefit You; bo not always con. trolled by your incredulity, hundreds have eiiiight relief from . tho'horrors ot Dyspepsia through the medium of DEUUTIPI3 AZI . 7I4)YBPEPTIc BrotrAtuk and fifilkidlVlVltraltould you suffer When,tbls admi rablefoPtachle has cured many similar cases-why do you dontt while otherbelioro and are cured ? Delay In this mat ter is;both dangerous and unprofitable, Your 'health, bailplneso and business suffers, while constant neglect Is frequently foil:wed by Fungous and uncon trollablo results. BITTERS art, equally useful in the numerotni difficulties attending Indl gestion; an BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, &C., ~Lilo /or FENTII and AGUE and other disorders proceeding from Mantras, It Is the only reliable preventive end remedy known. , WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS; for Moro Fronts, Asylums, As. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web bingo for shee".p and poultry . yards, Brass and Iron wire `sloth Sieves, Fenders, Screens for coal, ores sand, Heavy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters Landscape Wire for Windows Ac., Papor ,Ilakere Wires, Ornartmiltal Who Works. EveryPinforma . tlon by addressing tho manufacturors, - Dt. WALKER A SONS' No 11 North Sixth drool' Philadelphia. IRON CITY COLLEGE—Pittsburg, Pa Lest ronanctefl, !ura pnpalan and successful lustithtinn lu limo United Slates, far the thorough, practical education; of young and Iniddlortged ineu I'ur large mic,a riptirc circulars, centainlng fall .artionlars, .1. P. SMITH, A. M., Principal itiM 31 A 11 K . 1..1 .. T S CARLISLE PitODUCF , 31A111114T. Corrected irea ly by B. C. Woodward. aa, a:, :r a,,,,may. &- pi ~,,bcr 13, 1871.'2: FA ?MIT A" rLo an $6 23 SUITE FINE PLOY le 4 00 SUPERFINE J? l le MUER 4 00 11 . 11111? !MCA T 1 :ti ' • ICED WHEAT 1 25 le YE 65 Co RN 06 • . NEW 11.1 TS TI 11( , T {WEE!) CAULIFLE FROYISION :%fAIIKET Corrected Weekly by Win. Blair 6. Son. rarli , 7e , iiidt,sday r ,N.ptembry - V, 1071. ii! TrEn 17 714 T 4 1,1,) , EES IVA r do Rff!>Cl.lll:lfs HA 0 6 ' SIPES WI I l'E nnt , 1.7:A r HES r 77 .1., 7111 . 17 I 'll. 11.1).S Sewn 11, Philddelplaa Ameriran.l I'lll L ADE LPH M ARK ET°. FLOUR, (MAIN . AND SEEDS. Philadelphia, Sep:alba' 12, 1571. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR .1 50 EXTRA if:OCH 5 25 R 17 FLOUR NEIT IVESTKRN RED,. \7. 11" WRITE 11 - HEAT P"P 0 1 7's 7.0 r7:71 sEED . USEFO FL .1 ssEED LIVE STOCK MAIIKETS. 1/idathlpP4ia, S ptcniber 11, 1871 "h: arrirur: and sobs nf .B,of Cant. Inert Ivryp r.arl• on, olnnit ‘ 2,00 'land. The cafflr and pre...5 u, +r =9 E.1 . 11i .1 ," I7TI E, p. r FA I R.l r;o,,i, cut 11.1:. rtJ.ILIPLV Co Ws' attil LI" ES 7 , &fib!, (Mei 110 (IC -1.1. Xprin ger, at ;50, and Coos and Prn ne $5. Itrcripts if( head. SHEEP IroIII ;IP at 1141 aill;re... Salts fair owl chutet E le 5,r - 6, - 0 tr., dnd ,frek w $2O 3 head. R“ , 71 4, IN ,“00 11,1 fl r ilalr sal, and Me ...!rerirtir lucre cumpos. - .1 culirrly r..rn.fed Wu quote r3,4(3 7 3Co f ,ross, 11,. 1.111. r for extra. Re- EMIE 11 W DA Y. VALUABLE_FABM AT PUBLIC SALE, On Thu rAdag, October ii, ISM I will sell on the premises, in West Penosboro' townsltipi teemberland cotm ty, Pa., about one-fourth mile northeast, of Mount Rock, on, thq roar';; leading from Mount Rock to Aaintield, and about I mile southeast of lierrsville, on Cumberland -Valley 'Railroad, the farm of Jacob Disler, adjoining lands of Peter Ritncr, George Hull, and others, con taining - 127 ACRES AND 3 PERCHES, of strong limestone land, in good culti vation. c improvements are a TWO-STORY STONE and weatherboarded house, brick tenant house, now bank barn, corn crib, wash house, well of water in the yard, cistern, &e. A fine spring of water runs through the farm, affording an abundant supply for all stock pufposes. There is also a young and thriving orchard on the place. This is a strong wheat growing farm and a desirable investment for farmers. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock a. In., when attendance will be given and terms made known by W. A. LINMEY, Assignee in bankrupay of Jacob Slider. I.lse7lts List or unclaimed letters remaining in ho postoffide at Carlisle, Pa., for the 1:E ENDING SEPT. El, 1871 = Albert, MaEnda Morrison, Tressa Craig, Henrietta Rico, Elvina Mattie Short, Mary Ewing, Sarah Jane Stringfellow, Sarah Graham, :Nancy Snider, Hannah Howard, Esther Speer, Mary J. Hedrick, Rebecca :ironer, Cornelia Jordan, Elizabeth Spahr, Francis Koch,_Mrs. Strawbridge, E. A I oiler, Susan- - Y Thornp,oo, S. J. Taman, Sarah Zeigler, Annie E. Myers, -Milken'. • OENTLEMEN'S usr. Anderson, Jonah Jacobs, Geo.'W. Anderson, John Lememan, Adam Baughman, David Low, Peter Brown; James -- liitiler; A.' IL Brown, Moses Minich, John I'. Beistline, Michael Mentzer, John _ Chroria, David Murray, J Clay, Samuel Powell, S. Clinton, John Rhoads, Wm. 11. Ch.user, P. M. 'Sheafier, D 'r, Peter Smith, John ankle, W. II: Seneonman, P. J. Elliott, John Thompson, Benj. Fealer„ W. II Thompson, John B Hopple, Benj. Walton, Jos. - Deism., W. A. - Vast, Danl. P. ' IL D. RIIEEM, Postmistress. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AT PRIVATE . - SALE. ' The subscriber residing in Plainfield, Cumberland county, Pa., five miles west of Carlisle, offers for sale his residence. The lot contains 1 -acre, Moro or less.. The, improvements consist of a two-story brick dwelling house, frame stabld, and other outbuildings. .Tho lot'contains number of trees of choice fruit, such as apples, peaches, cherries, &0., all-in good bearing condition. Any person wishing to view the prom ises, will call on thw undersigned rosid ing2thereen. Terms, which will bo easy, will be made known on application. WILLIAM SPEROW, • 145ep714.1.* ' Plainflold, Pa. pile of remnants of flao A TT' iuituenso Caralimeren, Ac., very cheap at . A. W. BENTZ k CO. Bilave just received GOO yards of i , piesdid Crash; at 12% pent“ par yard, at 116cp More of A. W. BENTZ k CO. lisep7l TN Mill COURT OF Common Plans OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. No. WO of Au , suit Tom, 1811. , . •'Agsignecl Haab, of li nr oy Leo. .. TllO Auditor appointed to malco distribution of Om Lninneo In tho hande . of John 8: Munro, assignee of Henry Len, tinder deotrof Toltintaiy noslgninont for tho benefit of croditore, an exhibited by Illtfaccount,, confirmed tho thirtieth of August, A. D. 1871, vlll met the perticu lamented for tlys purponee of Itie appointment, on Townley, the third of October, A. 0. 1871, tit 10 o'clock A. M., at his office In the borough of Oultelo, Pm • I= TN THE:COURT Or Common Pleas jp., OF 'CUMBERLAND' COUNTY, No.- 32.8 . of Au• goxt'rettn,lB7l. designed Beata of Thonias zei; Jr., The Auditor appointed to tualto distribution of the Idation - in the hands of John B. Munro, amitmoo of Thomas TAO. Jr., candor &dud of Voluntary oast n• moot for tiro bonen of crolitorn an exhibited by hid account confirmed the thirtieth of /Motet, A. D. 1871, will moot the parties Inlet - bated for the purposes of h is appointment, on Tuesday. the ad of October, A.D. MI, nt.:lo o'clock a. to., of Iris Wilco In tho borottgli of Cnrllelo, Pa. if. C. lIIIRMAN, 14 u0713t • -- Auditor. NEW TOJDAY. ANNUAL EXHIBIT OF THE OPE RATIONS OF THE CARLISLE BUILDING AND LOAN' ASSOCIATION FOR .TILE aDiYEAR ENDING 22 AUGUST, 1871: - - . .11BOEIPT13. To duos racolibdtth quartor.... 81,671 , 05 To dues received 10th quarter.. 6,131 55 To duos received llth quarter,. 5,602 37 To dues received 12th quarter.. 4,710 2.4 _ • Total receipts clues • To fines received 9th quarter $l4 00 To lines received tenth . c 2 10 quarter To fines rec'd eleventh quarter 71 10 To fined received twelfth - 5 70 quarter Total receipts fines To Interest received oth MO 25 quarter To Interest received lOtit quarter Ta Interest receivedllth 1,110 quarter To interest reed 12th 1,015 45 quarter Total reoelpts Interest,, Total receipts 3113 car 1870, August 23. To bat In Treasury Total requiptu and balance CONTRA CR . BY ntuonnt paid on dB loans oth onv.rter 4 10 911 00 By amount paid ou 20 loans 10th quartur By amount Nail on 62 loons Ilth quarter By amount paid On luaus 3.2 th quarter payntonts on 1011112,. .;:21,(153 vxrentire DOI civukr. menu 1010 qua,' et 00 nth guar- rm ter By expenreo 120 i tour. By eXpeline, of year, Total .11 mcoda len. August 22, ➢nl Treasury $22 21 Nn. of loans paid 3tl year, 100. Average premium 101111 H 3,1 year, forty-nine dollara sixty-six emits, and Ility.ono eightieths of n cent. All .1 which is respectfully Hulimilletl,,Auguct • The undersigned Auditing cpmtulttee respectfully report that they hove examined the foregoing ex hihit of the Carlisle Building and Loan Ashoelatlon, for the yens ending, August' 22,1871, and find the none, erred.. Rowel:trolly submted, B. 11. G it OULD, JOIIN J. FALLER, J. P. lII.XLE.R. 1 • huguet 24, 1671 . ' OEN:F:IIAL SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS FOR TIIE 1;111ST, SECOND AND THIRD YEARS.. RECEIPTS Dees reed 'let year...;19.624 05 Deee rerM 211 year... r)o 1)" reed 20,116 71 Total recei;do from due+, .11l0,C , 1 Flnei recd, lot Sear'. ,- : •140 ;Fin, ree 9d Teal.. Flnen recd Od 9.t. 90 •. Total re,vipt , from tlnn•t, Int. rec'd lot year.... SN2.O Int. rued Zd 100 r.... 2,400 15 toed 3,1 3..0r.... :VW° 93 1 40 1 0 1 2(11 b.) i tal rooorl , from intoroot, r 7,300 95 lloceivorl nava:room:l shares, 12 2/ pt; ;lob 301;t1 rut'opts Ist, 2d and 3d yearx, *67,676 CONTRA P Amount 1,81,1 146 - loans year $19,606 00 Amt. pBl , l 161 lot at yoBs ,725 Amt. p.,11 16 , 1 luntn, 84,063 38 dl year Total n8)1111'08 060 lonnvs,i6 , l,T , ' B Amt. paid expvnces Ist year Amt. Paid expeme, r4c ' , 40 1 . 2LI year /ut. paid ezprumm 3tl 63 Sd year ON putICS, 01101 refunded Herd Year Amount county and 65 00 Ntate tns paid Amonnt ma:l9,lod awl sea i 73 79 An 6-1131 13171, Dal in Trealillry, $2.2 erage prtonlnoln on loans Ist year, nixty•four nari, eighty-two cents nnul twunty, two twent3. ninlha of a rent A velage premium:, on loans Vel year, $58.8-1;;;. Aeerage 11111111101 S 011 1010 i Si year, forty-ni I 01111,1, ret. I .I,e7l:{L PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! Om Saturday, October 7, 1871. Will bo sold -at public sale, on the above' day, on the premises, situated: in Monroe township, about ono 'mile east of Boiling Springs, - on the road leading from Boiling Springs to Dillsburg, and one mils west of Leidigh's mill. This farm contains SEVENTY-SIX ACRES of valuable farming land; in a high state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a two story weatherboarded house, with back building, frame bank barn, with wagon shed attached, together with all accessa ry outbuildidgs. There is a splendid or chard of fruit of all the different varieties and in good bearing condition. Also an excellent well of water near the door. A greater portion of this 4 farm has been thoroughly limed twice. This tract of land lies contiguous to the Miramar rail road, being about one-fourth of a mile from the same. It also lies convenient to churches, schools, stores and a home market. Oro of a good quality is sup posed to exist on a portion. of this farm. Also, at the same time and place, will be Qold a valuable ore bank, containing a rielf deposit of the best quality Hermatic Ore, yielding -50 per. cent; comprising about 18 acres, located in Monroe town ship, about two miles from the -Iron Works of C. W. & D. V. Ahl, on the south side of the Yellow Breeches creek. There is a stream of water running thro' the tract, sufficient for washing the ore, and furnishing water-power besides. This ore bank lies quite close to the 11fir amar Railroad. Persons desirous of viewing either these properties, on or before the day of sale', - can do so by calling upon the sub scriber residing at Leidigh's mill. Sale to commence at one o'clock p:=ln., of said day, when attendance will be gison and - terms made known by O. W. LEIDIGII, lAsents Harrisburg Weekly Teleg,ranli and Lancaster Inquirer insert until WO, and gelid bill to this office. F OR S.,.ILE. -. . . I offer for• sale my Farm on the Cono doguinet Creoli-opposito to where I IT side, in North Middleton township, am about two miles from Carlisle. Tho Farm contains ONE lIENDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN • :11.01ES of land, part of which is Limestone an( the residue Slate and Gravel, about fif teen or twenty acres of which is covered with timber, and all the rest well fenced and improved, therm having been about three hundred panels of first-class post and rail.fence put upon awithin the last year; a now pig pen built and a cistern at the Barn. The Dwelling . House is tolerably good, and the Barry, A LARGE NEW BANK BARN., well spouted,. and' Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs. Those ate never failing Springs of Water within a few yards of the dwel ling house. There is also a first-rate Limestone quarry on the farm. And the farm has boon limed. The price is seventy-five dollars an acre, and the purchaser can have any terms, of payment as to time .that he pleases by making the same secnre. FRED'K WATTS. Carlisle, 10 Sept. 1871. 1450714 t CIA.RLIBLE BUILDING AND LOAN `L." ASSOOT ATION • • NOTICE.-A Special meeting of the members of the Carlisle- Building and Loan Association will' be hold in the Court Boom, on Saturday, the thirtieth day of September, 1871, at 1. o'elOck p. in., for the purpose of taking action upon the following resolution, adopted at the annual mooting hold 'on socond of Sep tember, 1871 : - "Reserved, That .a special mooting of "tho Assooiation be called, to meet in "the Court llOnso, on tho last Saturday "of September, for the purpose of tale "inginto consideration the Question of "percentage, as defined by the Charter "and By-Laws of the Association, all "the members are invited to tic present. "By order only :Association. C. P. llMsrarou, 14sep718t ° Secrp tar y Carlisle, Septembor 12, 1871. M. 0. HERMAN, • , Auditor. VXBOUTOBB' NOTICE. .tottois tostamontary on the eatatq of. Thomas Leo ,`Sr., late of Dlokinoon township, deoenaed,.haro boon to- Imod by tho keglater of Camberland — county to tho undeceived oxecuto_ro. All mono Indebted to cold oasts will make. immediate vfolAnont p nud those, having claims will pfeeent then, properly nuthouth rated, to (Ito Intloralgnotl; MEDIC. WATTS; JOAN MUNRO,. ,Nokneulora,.. 1114 eltit pROOLAMATION.--NOTIOE OF GENERAL ELECTION • TUESDAY, OCTOBER . 10, 1871. Pursuant to an-act of the Cleneral Assomblyof the Commonwealth of Panitsylittalti . :entitiod "An Act relating to Lilo alcotions of this Commonwealth," up prevod the eocond day of, Anno Domini 1830, I, .0. K. Foreman, High Sherif of the county of Cum berland, Pennsylvania, do hereby make known raid, givd notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an election will be held in too sold county of Cumberland, on the first Tuesday after tho second Monday of October, (bodng; he TIFVFII. (Sty of OCTO -11E11,) at which Cum the following officers svlll be $20116 71 $O2 00 elected: -- ONE PERSON for the °lila, of .Anditor Clonoral of the Commonwealth of Rennsylmnin. , ONE PERSON for the office of Snrroyor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ONE PERSON for the office of President Judge for the Judicial District mimposed of the corm Eon of Com- , Lifland, Perry and Juniata. ONE PERSON for the office of State Senator for the Senatorial Dihtrict ...wend of the comities of Frank lin and Contherland. TWO PERSONS for tho office of Aneonlate Jndgo Of O. county of Cumberland. ONE PERSON for the office of member of the Leg ialathre of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ONE PERSON for tOo office of District Attorney of the county of - Cumberland ONE PERSON for the office of Comity Treasurer for the county Of,Comberland. ONE PERSON for the office of Com missioner for be county of Cumberland. CNE PERSON fior the office of Director of Ito Poor for the county of Cumberland. ONE PERSON for the oilier of Auditor for do coon ty•r Cumberland. ONE PERSON for the 'oillco of 'Surveyor of the comity of Cumberland. - unmeant:o of maid act, t eblolteroky mike known and giro notice, that the places of bold tog the aforo said general election in the roveral election dinerleta within the Bnid county of Com berland, are no fOiIOWEi 010 00 0,990 , 65 $24,200 66 •116 63 a-4,417 10 2,U50 —5 7,666 25 0,030 BR CMIM T 10 election to tho elegildn dletriet comiloiled of ton borough of Carlisle, awl the townaltlini of North +Middleton, South Middleton, Lower PrAnkford and Lower Dieltlneon, will be held at the Court House, MEM MEI . - • In the borough of Cnrlisle. The election in the election district composed of Lower Westpenneboroneth township, will be held at the North school hone. In Plainfield. The election In the election district composed of Silver Spring township, will be held nt the paddle how., of (I eorgo IC, Dney, in llogestown, in sold town. MME=I ship. of The election in the election district Composed Hampden tosinaltip,.relli he hold nt the pnhlio house occupied by Julio itrei tn.:, in said township. Tho election he the election district composed of the township of Upper Allen, will he held at the public house of,loshun Culp, In Shepherdstowa. The election in tits election district Compo=rd of Middlesex township, hs held at the Middlesex school house. The election in the election district composed of the township of Lower Allen, will be hold at the wa• goomaker shop ofJonret Hunchbargre, no Slate hill The election in the election district comprised of Toot Bennshore!, tt ill be held at the lam,' of L. 9. Hatfield, In West Fairview. The election in the elect inn district compto.ed of New Cumberland, will be hold at the honso 110 W oc cnitied by Wino Bell, in the borough of New Cutli= C. P. 111M11:101 1 , Eccrotary borough. The election in the election district composed of the :South Word of the borough of MedlioniesimiT, at the ,utherost corner of the Market Monne, in said borion_lb The election In the eTei Mori district composed of Monroe township,will he held at the piddle house kept by A L. Mush, iu Churchtown. in said town- MUM liw election In Hat clot tlon district ,oinpratl Porn townOlip, will he held at Iho house lately 0, cupied be Jacob 11E011.4i:or, now occupied by M Shenk, in mid towrishlp. The election in the election t hitrlct colopoied Uppet Itlelthrion towtwhip, a ill be bald at the Il n ll now (templed by hat id Marti, known to the St. Tavern. The election in tl election district colonised of the borough of New rifle, Allll 111,1,111i1i 1111111111, Up per Frankford, Upper West pen nsboro' and Ninth Newton, will ben held at tio public r.r hoot house, in the borough of New sill, The election in the electiory di.lrict composed of the borough ofJpiyi Hommel! town:ollp,, will lie held at the public r.choul house, in the bor ough of Newburg. The election In the election district composed of the lahougli of Shippensburg. Shippousborutown shipr and—that- part of-e•otriliainpten -tmvuship pot included in thin lermsburg elCction district, will ha hold at the Council house, iu tho borough of Ship ponsliorg, The election In the ale etion district composed of Lower Southampton township, Nil!' no 11(.111 at the 1101113 e now occupied by Mr. Wise, in Leesburg. The election in the election district composed of South Newton township, will Inn .11011 at the school hoarse, in Jacksonville. al , is matte known and give notice, no in and by -thin thirteenth section of the aforesaid act 1 no ili i-o,ted,,that "every pet colt, excepting justices ofthe peace, Alto shall held any oftice or appointment of profit or trust under tilb gostirnment 1;1 the United states, or of this State, orof any city or corporated dlvtllcl, whether a commbrsioneil officer or agent, who is or-shall be employed uniliir the legislative, executive of jorlichiry department of this S.ate, or of the United States, or of any city or Incorporated district, and al.°, that every member of C 01,1 0 ,0, and cif the State Legklat tire, and of the select or common council of any city, commissioner of any incorporated district, Is by bore apnblo of holding 01 exert-I,lllg at rho some tone, the Mil, or rip pointinent of Judge, inspector or c'erk of any elec tion if this Commonwealth, and that tin inspector or fudge, or Other Hiker of any such election shall be eligible to any 01111-0 to be then voted for." Alen, that in 1110 fourth seetlon of the Art of As• soinbly, An Art relating to executions end for other purposes," appro. eil April nisteenth,ls3), it is enacted that tho aforesaid thirteenth section shall not be so constrocted 11 , 1 10 provn.t ;my mili tia or borough oilier, from serving its Judge, or In spector or elork of any gencrol or special election in this . Commonwealth." lly the. Act of Assembly of 18119, !MONTH as the Reg istry Law, it Is provided as follows: 1. "Eiecliim Oillecrs are ("open the polls between the hours of six and 41,011. 11, m , ell the lilty of ohm tion. Itetore 41. x 0 . 1.14. k bin the morning of 1101:01111 Tumidity of October, tinny are to receive from I he County Conimitriiiniers the Itogiatered List of Voters mill all necessary election blanks, rind they ore to permit no man to sole whose natioi is not on 8:11i1 164,11114'FM lie shall inalm proof iit his right to vote EWE MEI $llOl J- CO $0 ,60 1 NEW TO-DAY. .(7QD SATE THE CONNONIVEALTIII" TO I3E LTELD ON frlnua. Thoek,tio" in the elortio n diet t eon! potaffl of to North NYarfLof the borough of 3leclutuirsborg, the northt, et corner of tho Margot House, In Haiti 2. Tie person where name is lint on the lint claiming the right to %et° must produce a qualified voter of the dint Het to swear a written or printed oflidim it to iii„ of OW claimant Inthe dim• trict fir at f itot ten days neat pr e ceding s a id e k e . lion, defining clearly where the roollienco of the per 3. The party claiming the right to rote, shall also make an nllidnolt, stating to till` host of his knowl. edge nod bellisf, whore slot when he wan Imre, that ho in inn ritixon of Pennsylvania, and of the United State - it:that he him rohltiod in the Slate elle year, nc, if formerly a ritixon therein and 1,111..0,1 therefrom, Liao he has a enl.t.d thereto mix months nose pmnool ing said election, that ine hex not mooed Into the nix trict for the pimprse of voting thorrin, that he lion told a Stilt(' or Oeinnty Inn ttithle two year.s, whleh lea,t Ijon.layslirforothe.;.lortfon, the alb.loslt shall stale 0 hen nail ,Where the tax Is asalsastal and pall, sod tho tax roselitt 010,1 Ito pl awed, nolesq the pill:int shall stats that It hap le ar deztroyed, or that ho received none. If the applicant be a naturalized Hit ho v idition to Ih, h,ro gnlo slob• tt‘ hiN . . _ , when..whern, and by_ what court he was produce his rerlillente of naturalizat Every ner.en, claiming bi he n naturalized , wwhetherihe reLiidly lit!, or producing n ,vits sit idcrenald, shall lei required to Kiel.m tturitlnn certificate tit the election before incept whole he has been for ten yearn 00110 vriy IL VOL, in the district whnrii ho offericto el en the vet, °ranch a rend.. l,ohng Tec 6 velli netiqn ,illlcern are to write or nl tnip tho word " id" 104 certificate, with the month and yoar . • . °del Unto ran be carnt that day In Virtue to( meld .1111eate, exeept ;where solo are entitled to vote on the naturalization of their father. 1. If the J" °'o claiming to Vol" who h+ not ',Tin- . rd 'hall !Coke althiai it that he le inallre bi ilizelt of the United Stott..., or, if borit olue h, dof - ryn.lueo of his ilaturallzatlon, or 1.l ho le entitled to etlie i lii{i by rfileon of his fntl .tar,Lii,,,hium, and further. that be In betw. on 21, 22 yeare of age, and hax roxidtal lo the Platoon' y. null Jo the eleetiou .11atriut fun days next preced the elven" l•e bp entitled to note, though 41101 not I,nvtt paid t ,not " net' rilittlCO VIE Min moilsion of the Bth section of no net d tt A farther iitipplement to the elec tion laws of this Comtnonweidth," I publish the fol lowing: Mit:Finns, It vii he art of the Congress of the United States, entitled An Act to n.end the soverel'acts heretofore passed, to provide for the enrolling and railing out of the national forces. and for other imr noses'," and appirived nll persona wbehave deserted the- military or naval-services-of the United h tales, and who hove not been discharged, or relieved from the penally therein provided, are deemed and taken to Have rolnitterily relltiquinhed and forfeited their rights of eittzennhii . . td their rights to become rit intim and are deprivi. exercising ony rl ghto of cllizenn thereof: Ann Wrizazi.a, Parson, ant citizens of the Milled glotea ars not, Under the Constitution and laws of renruylvants qualified electorn of this Commonwealth Fro. 1. Be it cliental, d-c, That In nil election,' hereafter In ha hold. In thin Commonwealth, it shall bo unlawful for the judge nr inspectors of any ouch olectloon to recolvo any ballot or ballots from any person or persons embraced In the prorisleas and sub ject to the dinabllity hispened liy nab' actor Congro approved March 3, 1805, and It ohnll ho union:fill for nay such pardon to otter to 1010 nay ballot or bnllotn. Bra. 2. That if any noel' judo end Innpec lora of election, or any one of th out, roeolve or connmtt to receive any such unlawfol ballot cr ballets from nay such dlioporlified person, ho or they no °Wending, Audi lie gailty.of a ndrdomeanor, and 011 conviction thereof, in' any curt of quortor sessions in lids com monwealth, 110 shall, for each olionco, be s'ennonn , d to May a non not less limn uno,,,,Vondred dollar', and' tOundor go an Ito prixonmon t In 11(031111 of the proper county, for not era thou sixty day", fine; 3. That If any pers-n deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as nforcnald, 1111111, at any elect ton hereafter to be held in 11111 oosnmonwonlih, onto, or teaser to tiro officers thoreof, and Wier to vote, a Lai lot or lnalotsvolly portent no off op diqg, altell bo deemed gnllty of a iniadetnranor, and on conviction thereof In may court of quarter 50/.101011 of thin commonwealth shrill for each offence he puni.lied In Ilk. manner na 'lt provided In thoprectding section of this net , in rasa of officers of election !centring fury torch unlawful ballot or Indio's. /IEO. 4. That If any person elmli hereafter persundo or nay Ixo nuy person or 1101'8011N 1101111V011 of CifiBoll - or diaqualified an itforenald, to 'offer any ballot or hallo I I to tiro offiroro of any election hero/atm . to - be held In this ennimonwealth, or nhall pernuado, or advise, any such officer to rceniva any ballot or har from any portion, deprived citizenship, mud disqualified no aforboald; ouch portion so offending shall be guilty off mjarlemennor, and upon convic , tion thoriof In any court of quarter 11101N101111 of Otto Commonwealth, Hindi ha ponlidual In film mariner na provided In the second section of this act In tip coot of officers of such olcetlou recolving ouch unlawful ballot or ballots. I'articular attention is directed loth° first sonitom of till Act of Assembly, 'awned lire thirtioth day of March, A. 11.111110, entitled" An Act' regulating the .manner of voting at will oleetiona, , in the sovond counties of thin Commonwealth." ". That the gtiallffild voters of tiro rovoral countlen of dillo Omitmonwealth, at all general, township, bor ough and npeolal oloetioux, nrolorelly, hereaftor nu: thorffied and required to rob), by ticket printed Or written, or partly printed and partly 'written, mor ally clannified as follows Ono ticket shell crablaco .tho names of all judges of courts voted fttr, and be , labolfed outnlde 'juritolaryt",orto ticket 01101 our Waco' all tiro ntunea of the State oilleers voted for and bo litotot" solo liphot mall embraco.tho names of all comity oflicors voted for, Including ofilco of donate, membor , nod mentlam of Assembly, If voted for, and mombers of Con great', If Said for, and labollod " county." - - - i.'j'urenant to' tiro pitwialonn cohtained In tiro six ty.seventh titration of the hot nforesaid, the judger' of tine aforeashl district shall roupootfully take ohargo of tho cortifloaton or return of Our olection of their ro.relitq drltticls, mint prOrincq thorn at a lOnting NEW TO-DAK. of one of the jiidgos free each district at the Court . Holum, in the borough of Carlisle, on tho third day .aftor the day Of tho election, being for the hrosont year op FRIDAY, the thirtoonth of OCTOBER, then and thereto do andherform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that went a judge by sick. noes or unavoidable accident, le unnbio to attend said mooting of judgen, thou the certificate or return aforesaid shall taken in charge by one of the In. enactors or clerks of the election of said district, and shall do and perform tho duties required or said judge nonblo to attend. . - Also, that in the sixty-first section of raid act it le °unclad that" ovary gonoral and'apecial election shall bo opened between the hours of eight nod ten in jthe forenoon, and shall continuo without interruption or adjournment until novon o'clock in , the evening, whon the polls shall bo el000d." • • EXECUTIVE CISAMBEE, llAntusuuna, , Pa., August 27,4870.'1 To the County Commissioners and Sheriff of the County of Cumberland. IVlmltEss, The Fifteenth Amendment of tho Colt siltation of the United States in as follows: 1. The right of citizens of tho United BtateA to vote shall trot be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race, color, or provimin condition of servitude." " , Scc. 2. Tho Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." .And Whereas, The Congress of the Unted Staten on the thirty-first day ni March, 1870, pa i ool an act, , entitled "An Act. to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to rote in the neveral Staten of thin Union, and for other purposes." the first and second sections of which aro as follows Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Roust; of Representatives ohe United States Amrica in congress assenibled f ,t That all citizens o o f f the e United Aites, who are, or shall be otherwise qualified by law to vote at tiny _election by the people, in. any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish,. township, velum( district, municipality or other territorial sub division, shall be entitled and alio wed to veto at nll nun elections, without dintinction of nice, color, or previous condition of Servitude': any Constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation of any Territory, erbf, or u n der Its authority, to the contrary not withstanding." " BEO. '2. And be it further enacted, Thet if by or under the authority of the Cotintittition or laws of any State, or the laws of any Territory, nny act is or shall ho required to ke dorm an a prerequisite or qualification for voting, amPlitsuch Constitution or law, parsons or officers are or shall be charged with the performance of dUtlesdn-furnlshitig - to - citizons an opportunity to perform such prerequisite, on. to become qualified to vote, it shall ho the duty of every such person and officer to give to all citizens of the United Staten the name and equal opportunity to per form such prerequisite, and become qualified to vote withont distinction of race, color, or previous condi tien of servitude; anti if any such person or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give ,full e ff ect to this sotto., he shall, for every such offence, forfeit find pay the stun of five hundred dollars to the per son aggrieved thereby, to he recovered by nu action nn tiro Care, with full costs and such allowance for counsel fees an the court shall deem just, and shall also, fire every such offence, ho deemed guilty of a misLincriner, and shall on conviction thereof, be fined not loss than five hundred dollars, or be tin prisoned not here than ono month arid not more than ono year, or both, at the discretion of the court." And whereas. It ho declared by tho second section ot the Vlth article of tire Constitution of the United States that "Thin Constitution,and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme Inc of the land, • * anything in the n'onstilution or buns qr. ! , State to the contrary notnoh.,tondiw.o And whereas, The Legislature of this Common wealth, on the sixth day of April, A. 11.1070, passed act;Outitled, "A further supplement to the act relating to elections in this Ceihmonwealth," the tenth section of which proViden an follows: Sne. SO. That so much of (ivory Act of Assembly as provider that only white freemen Atoll be entitled to vote, or be registered an voters, or as Chalifling 10 vole at any general or special election of this Common wealth, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinction of color, shall be enrolled and registered according to the pro ,boon of the first section of the act approved seven teenth April, lantl, entitled" An Act furthor supple mental to the act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualified an. w existing laws, Ire entitled to vote at all general nil special elections In thin Coniroonwealth." And Il'hrrcas, It Is my constitutional and official sly to .• take cars that 1.110 la'ws be ittilhalliiy uted ;" and it has conte to my knowledge that suri• - y a:lessors nod registers of voters have• refoned, and fusing to I.Seor ml,l register divers colored malt as of lawful ages, and otherwise qualified as elec. Ntk, T111..1 , 11F., In consideration of the promises, the county commissioners of said vomity are hereby notified and directed to Instruct the several assessors awl registers of voters therein, to obey and conform to the requirements of sobd constitutional amend taenbmut ; and the sheriff of vidd county in hereby anthorized and required to publish in his election prpciamation for the next ensuing elections, amotOinent,act of Coagrisa, and act of the Legislature, to the and that the Slone may he known, executed awl ehoyed by all assessors, registers of rotors, election officers and oth ers; and that the rights hml privileges growantood thereby may ho secured to all the citreous of this Commonwealth entitled to the mom - (liven under my hand and the great seal of 11103[4110 at Harrisburg., the day and year first above writ- (SEAL I A,Es, F. JORDAN, Socretary of the Corrm.,nwuttlitt Attention is directed to the following Art of Almelo. My, °tallied... An Act to :traitor'r.e o popular rot upon the quostlem of ceiling ll convention to amend the Conrail talon of Pennsylvania. Shc. I. That it question of calling n convention to amend the Constitrition of title Cominonwanith, hu submitted too votp of the people at the next General Election to be lieltl F tM the becond Tuivalay of October next. The said qui-talon to 1,0 voted nprin in the manner following, to wit In 001111110.9 and cities In which slip ticket toting in notkorizell veins for and ;manna a ronvontion nay Ito explxlstal, and gin en upon the ticket headed or entioraml with , the word 0 Btote," and not otherwise; 111111 the words octal eholl Constitutional Convention,' and nu derneath " For n C.v.-140m", Against a Con vention ;" rind in counties jr dist:iota in which stilt "ticket voting shall not he nuthotixed lip let, salt •lector voting on said 0C:10011 shah! cart n 1.1 , 311t1t , 1.:1110t. EllllONell on the ontaitle "Centititutlonal Convention,' and containing on the inside the words "For n Convention," or " Against a Coll modem," and all votes civet Ile ltrolalitlid,lllllA I I be ree,.i stet ell, counted and returned by the proper 14,111011 oflleers and ro. turn Judges as votes for gores nor ore received,countrd and returned under exlsting 'nem Se:', 0. 'htmlo the election tied I be held and 11a;tubject 10 all . Oho provisions of low which op ply to general elections; the Itherithe of the several muntita shallitlve notice of tilts act In their election proclamation the present year, andtheGovernor shall rot y e, all the returns of the said election, as revolved b the th-clatary of he Commonwealth, to i.e laid lit biro the Legislotura at its ;text annual election. AMES Spook, o f the Houma of Room,: n full ve. 'WILLIAM A. WALLACE, • 9 peikor of th4 - f3enxt A ripro,4l the second day of Juno, Anno Duo, one thotmtnil eight hundred and JOAN w. GEAItY (110111Inder my lanai, at Oarßile, Oda fifth lay Septunther,P37l. JAMES K. FOREMAN,' Shpritr 14 1,11 It E.XECUTOR'S NOTICE.— Letters tustoteloutstry ton the eetatu of David Martin, lute of tiro loorottglo 111 . (! le, &cowed, been Loren Jusueol by the Iteulootor county, to the , solonuriloer reodoling hl the boronttlf of Carlisle. All pore°. Itoolooloted to meld eatate will plemout mato On motlia tu payment, nod the-to lotting clothes to lite soot thoin duly antlontleateol, to the undersigned, for euttlunuent. IMMIX SA XTON 1:N.124n0. . cp7l L ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Loth.. of aohninktretion on the (.3tato OrrotO 11.ehoro, denm , od, late of Itemptlon towneldp, hits boon - homed by the Register or 'thnettediand mutt to the sebsortherA residing im avid township Al persons Indebted to sold estate viii peels utak Immediate telyternt, and ttpeet letting claluts to pft hunt them, duly pn thootleatvd, to the undettlif nett . tthenent, JOHN HASEHORE, JOHN LININOEIL Adiolitistnaors I-1 el-lit Sheriff's Sate SHERIFF'S SALE. Oa Friday, September 15, 1871 By virtue of a'rrlt of Trsfatnm rendilioni ExportaB, Wiled; out of the Court f Common Flom of the Dintrlct Court for the Oily and County of Philadel phia, and to MO directed, I will expose to nolo at the Court Monne, In the borough of Carlisle, on the "above day, at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following de. i scribed real estate, to wit: A lotrof-greund situated In the borough of Mu ,citontetburg, Cumberland as. follows,- to wit: 1100111411 m at a point on Locust at reel, In said borough; thence south 10 degrees cant, 07 test (more or lens) to an alley, thence along acid alloy ta:l4 &- croon ini tlO Poet, thence north 10 degrees uncut 07 feet to Locust street; thence alongnald Went north Wt.:, degree. west lo feet to the phim of beginning, holing a sub-division of lot No. 221 in the plot of town, having thereon crested a Two-Story Brick Dwelling Henna,Fratim iitablo; end othrr outbuild ings, seized ant taken into execution nn the Fret. erty of Elias Hoffman, Aud all to be told by me. JAMES E. FOREMAN, , Sheriff. On all sales of $9O of cektfio will be required to be paid when the property In stricken off, and $25 on all sales under $3OO. 81188117'8 Wilco, 1 - Aug. 28, 1871.1 llftscelluneous: Ads A.. W. BENTZ & CO. has just re iAved a handnomo olock . of Black Volvotoons; alco, largil lino or. Tobin Linens In now onettSd; prices ranging from 33 toff). coute per ycrd. Tto bold brand of Black Altatooff can lie pm chafted Itlwer and hotter front A. W. BENTZ A CO. Alno, Tito largest clock 01 litobrollae from tho noupeFt to the finest "Scotch Gingham." Thop7l WASHINGTON A,lsTll JEFFERSON o E E TWO FULL COURSES. CLASSICAL AND SCIEN TICIO. Each four yearx. Yearly OXponlicti to Ulu tittolont, $2OO to ;250. For Information, address PRESIDER'S SLAYS, lirothluEtoO f Eounsylranitt. .2,10 13m JEW ADVERTISEMENT. tJou. (111,4tx, ',oaths, CroBBol3, cut nOWOra, 1110 other •decorotlonn for parties, weddings, &b., arranged In the best ntylo of art, to order. By glau7l3tu ' 0. E. VON 11E11,11N. AT A. W. BENTZ & CO. can be obtained the lamed nesertment of aeieltyre, all 'Alcatel, and colorer, prices redeced to 20 'email pa. ounce, a ormantown Wool, Wobleu Jewelry, and Omit nations of all kinds. • OR SALE.—Sevoral lots situated be- F twoottt Loo th rt spring. and ,rrienn . Lano. Buitablo for linlitling lots, or for trunk gardening"; being beat quality of ground for this iih ll aen. An. 'ply to . .110;u1A111 BAGS.--Just roacived a largo mount of the beat quality, at 117% canto pur pine, at the Cheap titers or ltaguat 28,1871 r Illatattf porsouts iudobted to 171 tlw untlorelguod, aro hereby colliluit , to cull and mottle Lo moo boforo October 1, 1871, or tlio mono will bo given into tlio bonito of tho collorctor. 3.10 t tf fititAo LIYINUBtONr Saks of Real Estate ÜBLIO SALE Valuable Real Estate,' Will be sold at' Public Sale, on tho promises, On TUESDAY, 00 CODER 5,1871, at.-1 o'clock, p. - m., that very desirable Limestone Parin, sltuntod In South Middloton township, Cumberlanil county, 4 miles from Carlisle, on the Lisburn Road, and about 1% miles from Cburehtown, adjoining lands of Dil ler Leidicb, Ulrich Strickler, doconsed, Joseph. loilliorger; , . John Sollonbergar, Samuol litter, and others, cOntedning 137 acres, more or less, about 12dcres of it being good thriving timber. Caving eroded thereon two, two-Story Promo Houses with backbulldings Ranched, a hugs New Bank Barn, with Wagon Shill mud Corn Crib, all well painted, also, Hog Pon, Carriage House, anti all other neces sary outbuildings attached. Titres never.failing wells of water mar the doors; one being a 1100)05 well, also a good cistern seeds - tho door. One good young- thriving orchard, with choice fruit, such RH apples, poaches, roars, plants and cherries; also, any amount of choice grapes. The land is in very good condition, all recently Hmed, and thO property is well worthy the attoutionVlS purchasers. Salo to commence tit mid o'clock, p. in., of Haiti day, whets terms will be made knows, lor ~101 IN KEMPER, KEMPER. Pennons wishing to ylow the farm prevfons to the lay of salo, will call on tho sobscribera reolding hereon. Lancaator Exam inor ltalert until talo, and send 11l to this ounce. 7001,71 in pUBLIC SAVE OF Valuable Real Estate. - Wilt be told at public rule, on the promisee, On Monday, October 2, 1871, it ralliablo and productive farm, belonging to the estate of Hoary Ewalt, dectwed, taunted In Silver Spring township, Cumborland county, Tn., about four and a half mllOO oorth___of. litecluudoebnrg,- whore thorn is tiffplididid mar for all products of a farm, and about ono awl a half miles northeast of llogestown, and one mile north of turnpllto by Barn ple'a brldgeNtoundrd on the month by the form of 1, a5k..4 Joho C. Sautple, - Os [lto north by the farm of Hammy Outolmll, on the en and Most by the Conodo gulnet -creek—containing ab ut." 13r, - acres of prime black slate laud. 'no Imp romente aro a large wall-fin ished Weatherboardul. House, with Wash, Ilou no attached, Smoke It o so and all the lailldlnga co. attired,