Stoves, Tinwareq,uit .rimtpS TF YOU ,WANT OLIBAP PARLOR .ANill C AOli'frdVig AND 1 liny NAniiiy' TIN AND 131IERT IRON IVAII%-,„ 00 TO RHINESMITH & RUPP, iioB. 62 AND 64 MIRTH lIANOTET. BTIMET, CARLISLE, PA Viro 'Would ' roopockrully InfOrm' our riumoiaaa frionda and tbo public ganorully, filar. ire. lowa eon . otaatly on baud a . LAAGN AND WELL SIILECTIID STOCK OP ix 0001 STOVES, This deliartment,of our.stOok is unoxcelled for artistic design, auporier finish, and aimplirity of, orraagement, , - Our stock of Storrs - li - fmnienao,. — ritid 'ombrace•; all the moat popular Parlor and pooh Stoves of th e • times. Wator Coolers a specialty atilt° prooont Knives, . Forks, Spoons, Ladles . , Lamps, Togothor with Min and Japanuml Waro. Woltro aibo prepared to furnish Pumps for Cisterns and Doop Wells, and bate for role tho Colobrotod Omni Cdcumbor {good Pumv, noompia, SPOUTING, AND JOB wonic. .nttotided to promptly and do reaconable forme. -Remember-the- place, tho graon front 'on Norti Ilanovei atroot. A fow doors nhovo Louth. Glee nu a callne we aro dotormlned not to ho under cold by any other parttoe in tide pindo. Thankful for pant patronage we extend a cordial Invitation to all to pay tie ' " ' RHINESMITH it RUPP, Non. 02 and 64, NORTH RANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA 16J071 Dr. Ayers' MediOnes A"R'B CHERRY PECTORAL.- For diseases of tho throat and lunge, such as coughs, colde,.Whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and consumption. Probably flavor before In the Whole history of mod. uei-haaanythingivon-scrwidely - and - sn - deeply — tho eoniidonco of mankind, es this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, anA among most of the races of 1110111( line arisen higher and higher in their estimation, as It has become batter known. Its uniform charartter and power to cure the various affections of tho lungs, and throat, havo...madu it known as a reliable pro. Motor against them. While adapted to nilidur forms of disease, and to young children, it is at the samo time the moat offoctual remedy that can bo given for incipient consumption, and tho dangerous affections, of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden attacks of croup, it should bo kept on band in ovary family, and Indeed "as an ,are some times suldoot to colds and cough., all should ho pro vided with this for thorn. Although kOtlod coNSUMPTION le thought Mourn bin, still great number of cases *hero the disease seemed settled, have boon Complotoly enrod, and the patient restored to health by the Cherry Plotoral. 80 completely Is Its mastery over the disorders of the Lunge and Throat, that the moot obstleateol them yield_ to it. When nothing else could roach them, odder the Cherry Pectoral they subside and dloappear. Singers and Public Speakers find great protection Prom It. Aothuitl la alwaya rolloted and °non Wholly cora, b'y It. 0 Bronchitis Is 'morally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral In small and frequent douse. So generally are its virtues known that wo tired, not publish the certificates of them hero, or do more than aSsure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. AYER'S AGUE CURE:, For Fever. and Aguo, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Billow Paver, fie., and Indeed a I tho affections whicharlefifroin nutlarlope,. =traitor miasmatic poisons. • As Ito name appliee it does Cure, nod does not nil. Containing neither Arsenic, quinine, Bismuth, Zino, or any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it In nowise injures any patient. the number and iruportauce of its cures in the ague die tricte, aro literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures .offected in obstinate cases, and whore other romodies bad wholly failed. Unacrlimated persons,.eithor resident in, or tree. oiling through miasmatic" localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURL: daily.- Fer Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver it Is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Billions Disorders and Liver Complaints, it Ic an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarka ble cures, where other medicines had failed. Praparod by Do. J. C. ATIIIL dt Co., Pnwilcol and Analytical Chomists, Lowoll , Maas., and Hold all round tho world. PRICE $l.OO PER DOTTLE. SOLD BY ALL DRUOCHSTS EVERYWHERE DR. J. p. AI ER Q• CO., Practical Ciacmial, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. J:' B. HAVERSTICK, Agent, CADLIBLE, PA. Dry Goods and .Notions Fresh Arrival of 1871 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT 0 GILBY!S CHEAP CASH STORE Ino now opsnlng n largo stook of tho hatalsorn t, and thaapoet Dry,Goods In Cumberlona cbunts FOR TUE LADIES! All the newest styles Dross Goods,-Lacei-Capes sod &ones, Shawls, Cuffs and Collars, White Naos, Styluses, Ac., at eery low prices The clumped and boat Blar.k..Xlimobas Is town. Bleached and Uubloaohoil Mailing; of oil makes and prim, &OM 0 coats to 20. Another lot of those beautiful and clump Nan. nooks, at 25 coats. Ologhains from:o cents to 18 Uhl. Linens, Colored and Whit, Towols, mud Hankins In (pat varlollp. Cloths and Cassimeres, A new supply, and will be sold nt groutly roducod CZ: Kentucky Jostle, from . lo cords to 2.5. Cottoned. Linen Drillings, Denim!, _Bond Stripa for men and boys wear, all kindirat low prices, Notions,--We are selling all kinds of Notions ut aatontalklngly, low prices. Stockings ' Gloves, Sus penders; Threads, Braids, Trimmings in endless varlet 7. Pafasola and Sua lhabrollaa, ' A now owl 00111000 na aortment . 'Maio now on band an elegant and *hoop fteeort ntaiat Goode, to which I would call tho attention of all Orions wlehlag to pnrekago, aa I will not bu undureold by any hour. in Corbels. Recollect the place, 47 Wart Main'etraot, nearly oppuelto the rail road depot, No 'humble to show good., I;ridieS' 44 - iiieize and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, -1 have fleet recolval and apeled a full elm rtnumt. of all now skolos — Ledlen. •anll Musa? Boole and Bllppore, oral funds, and at lour pricey. Call nod eau =ARLES OCITEDY llarlialai Awn n, 20rip41 HATS AND CAPS. J .. Q, OALLIO, No. 2O WEST DIEM EITHEET.. .(3AIILISLE, P_ENNA., the iIATTIIR of Carlisle! ThoI,EATTIIR of OnNlalo I I Tim late iifyles j wit rocolv.d I The latest styles always on hind 1 BILK HATS from tho bmlttlantlitoturem I I I , DASIIIONABLK outl 111 J. a. aida,o . al■hoa 0,6411 att9i4l , on, to 61e Jorge EMS 1.;C: re NIS"' CA P lio manutliketuree p:Var to oryter, and hag ;the beet . ayrankopacinta,,for:polo;les llate , Firooloi? goode. aad ()moats, at abort notleo The highest QABU PRIOT# held For .~• O[lL DIY lA ' OdLL.~ NO' 2Y 'MAIN BTILfIUT 10motrIP I. ~..Vdt.ccatfP,llKtef i _:" ,'YPNYTA.CADAMY, tmitirievitahl:oUNlAT • • . , , 'VOW ilAtt 'ANA `rl' t. 11 Erat-r ' ata'ec~iool ' v=ii:,;itia"tho e. Attrohtliely'sltuate4 , ano , Partli , loom thd V.q.'lU It., tdi lientl(nt hba le regular gra' atekr, ,r aest te4 :gOrPolo P ut otot 4 ,•oone u tltuto tho ' Lco Thel 4 rllsolpal (for many. yolirs o Tuscarora A dewy, and since i 8 4 th , 'thls Inatltutlon;) rorers to Ills numorcius PH, ' tho loarned profeselotie,and In ovary dopy MUSio Ptiiritirig pOcialt • •Toime, $2OO per annum. ' YOU flossloussllYeommeneo : Septelnbor Address allcommllnleatlons rb • . - DAYID WlLl3ol4,:k.M.,'PrlnClpal OR A. 3; PATILIRSON, A. M., Co•Pr 20,1471i1m • Pori Royal 3%;0, Ada/ Dry and 114A.DQU DRY Jnet °pone& an entire new • mid desiroblo stools spring and sumsnar dry goods, foy : lsdies nod gontlo-, moue %roar, eouelatiiig or. , :' '• ."- •• : Poplins,l,paliO* Silk 'ancWpol , 'ShopNerds' Plaid Bdgeti, Gragito laistres, Dippers >tattlingArid 4.ll:kindi of WWI.° Goode osiNl CASSIMEILES, CLOTHS and VIUTINOS for tuning suite. Air tho ... oovoltien of the nettiton SHAWLS! SHAWLS Ifoxler3: anullnv., (NI. FnrnixLinq Goods Nuch ax Tickinwi, Shoati ngfi, Pillow Casino, --1)) 131ankets, iha..! fur 11,nm-imp:III; ITtimews .bonie - gLica MLitt . O fftumtitick. DOMESTICS! DOMESTICS! I DOMESTICS! !I Wo nra prop Ind to off great Intl rodents, as lho markota are honor [toy thuy haro",hato, for ton years, and as Mir stunk is 01111110 y nii}V and freak. boned fOr the — ktiah, 'do feel safe in pt caniidng to glee our emtniners great bargain:l.d all new goods We' invite all kindly, to rail and osondua our stock boron+ purchaslug and -decide for theinaelyna.-- , Thankful for the liberal patronage in the, pant, we proudse to be alive to tho interests of air Moneta In the future, by - keeping such goods, no will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to ss.on,sooney are invited to cap mien us and find n source of profit, by dealing with no. DUKE Sr, BURKHOLDER, ECEM THE FIRM OF BENTZ & CO, HAS this day been changed t o A. W: BENTZ A: *CO., all that nro Indebted to the firm Of Ocala k Co.,•trlll plena, call and matte settlement, Wi ahoy desire to have accounta closad. 1871, 'The now firm will endeavor, as heretofore, to ex end tho sarue attention to their Old and new ustornete. 'lt In a well•kuown proverb throughout the Val. ley, that "Bentz's" Is tho store whore ull klunlo of staple and limey goods can be obtained, noel not any one Call ICATI] without purchasing tho dashed arts cle, for one are noted for Hulling our goods cheaper than any other store. , We have employed a First-Class Tailor, who will code.° r l 0 giro ,Athrfaction HEAT BARGAIN 3 IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS, which we will of at vary, vary low (Igor.. Plena° call at tho old stand, No. 27 South Hanover streut. • • W. BENTZ & CO . Carlislo, July 2:1, 1871. GRAIN BAGS.—JuBt, received a largo amount alike bent loality, at :173,1 rent. fill place, at tho Cheap Store of August. 23, 1871. 31au7ltf Plumbing, Gas Fitting, ite, JA3IEB CAMPBELL. W. P. IFENVIODD pLUMBING ; I T G I S N dI.ND STEAM dt No. 18 North Hanover. Street, cAntann. STILL AT BUSINESS! Thu untlerslgnwl two now folly prepared to attend to this huulnoro ha all tin diffurunt bronchus. Thoy also hoop constantly on baud and for silo, • = %I ATER CLOSETS, BATII TUBS, IVATER CLOSETS, B Wit TUIIII, CLOSETS, BATH Tufts WAS!! BASINS, lIThItANTSi" Lift and Fore/ Cl4torna, Wand l'uroo Chdorna, and Mop Won lnnna, Load; Terra dotta • and Coup Won Pump, Lead, Terra Cotta and Iron Pipe, Chilli iwy Topa and ,Finox, GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES . . . Olobec, and all kinds of Uril.4's Work for, Acorn and water constantly on laud, or furninhed to order. Dwellings, Churches, Factories and tailor lulldl ngs, In town or country, tlit,Ol on will,,tlcatnanalitud dis patch. All work warranted. i ' Thankfhl for public patrouago, by otrld attaution to bantam to .merit a lA' On satno. Torme'reasionablo, It roqulrlng but lono Mal to Rococo your cuotota. ' Glvo nr noun. I)oh't forget lho 'Once, No' 18, North Ballow larva, to LGb 1010- Indai of 131vo`o 110 v Luilding, All .orduralli at tho reilidonco oteithar Blosilfo.• ' ' - t:; - r • . ' •,-,..................A. Q .----',....--,,,,,,-....-.. a . • R.A.II.IPAIff i LL on riEgTIVOO 'D ; : f c .,........ „: „,.....-.• cc... „...-.. c.. , ....6........-1. 0 ,,, , ~, .• at any tithe; either 'day or eight, will Lo `front ttly, attotattat to. ' Jollies •Catnitholl,; Alosandor'S 4toiS,', Pitt stront, orWilitun Ilennotalißoutla stroet; ano y a,' 'Weat, '‘'', Easing 'speeinl , advantniteep wo 'area propitrOd to ' 'furnish , " ~,, ! - I , „;,,, I. COPPER WORK OF ALL DICSORIPTXOEB, for !Rill Hansen and othsr purposes, at hotao 'ni,i it, ) dip O " F e ikß pliqi : hiill'i,ihba"t'6' Wadi.; nittlosqrap2l in. brazod. I' :' I , 1 .; L. - , •');:111 1( i. i - *"• 2Gangly do , r pA PM& 5.4 3 ''• L,.4' 1 forblidd , pp o ,n ,of in charge band of die In nll twont of /*yin ' OR •• SALE. -‘-.4. tird;telO's,. 0- " buggy.. Entirely new: tir'sillegn,oner bond Vireo eprints wagon. Engtilro et Coriunlerlon• 22J071 _. .'• , - FOR BALM CBI , . A litrivi quantity of sTorm,..l i itwito fdr;bnitdi Nt , , curb, cud Iltuo-buyolug purpodes, 'Maiolra of ' MIS: IL I), POTTS, Hardidairg Turnelka t ncur Nord) llanolor stroot. • fijan7l • ' • nelpnl, ql*,•2!p,opel l %„• PAILRO'A. U , UIL.U . ' ,I IA.KES'EY.6I79T, BraZT,EATTIIIR 1, 1671. On' after Pficlay i 't3opOrqbor Ili 1871 , t„lik4 Pompßny through Ao: Pino ,GrOmo daily, r • (Stintlays excopted), ••• ~7Ari•lf'l " -,) , T•tqw/3 1 ;1 v. • I Ell ism MI I , 1 ISO TAN, 'Johann', 7.00. A:. ..11oanybroOlc, .oranthaad'o,./1.21),.32ma1t. Holly, 7.40, llantor'n Laura, 8.10, and arriven fine 0r0v0,,D.00 : / . • Lawny Carlialo,2 58 p. 21., Jo n brook, 3 lb, olernigboad'el, 3.25, Mount • Holly,. 2.45, ttipoor , llllll,' 3.60, !Motor's Ilan, 4.00, Lamp', 4 1 0, . rind arrlveb Pine' Orovo, 4,40 P. U. „ " ' IITIJE:N;IN G. ' '. Ee:449: Pinpp QrorpP, 0,30 .4. :4., , Laurel,' 9,45, Ilan.' Cor'A 11,lopsr. M 111,10.126,, 10.30, :+Craigliond'a,4o,sls '9.,kAol'ykrqqll, abd jan o lui ‘ l, ll i go A Ar. 1101,0' . MO ; L;11'041..1,, .11.1.111- ter:R4[lll;, 0.34, 5 60. - 41oliatilolly,,5 65,• ''CrOl3l'Vaiiii 6 ,I-V. ,,, o7nSnr4Pg't 1 3 .400 4 :: , r.r l vo.'at, ~junctlon,, 0 35. 1 . , 4 ..'2i:ltit. , llS Ina ke I 1111 f, Eltfzidattiox,oilly. I Ounerill 1:4141NA, ' Pino 4.'8 45, MI3aII,LAND , ,VA,LLITI it. CHANGE pp HOURS. WINTER KIIRANGRIIENT. ' • ' On and ofterlYbaredny, Novotabor '24,lB7o,.Pauontr4or 'Tram will run fol lowx, (Sundays 1120010011)• blalangq rtqtr Woltint!i; . . . ACCOMMODATION _TRAIN lo u avga ,Ifarrlyburg 8:00.A. r.r , Ateclutill4Bl,lrrg 8:35, CHri NoWII. citallijl[Jruburglo:44,Gve qill,. I Ai at llng . ertit,.,l, 11,15, • J D.IXT it A N j i(JIV6 , II I I 1:53,1,..m.,*e -clmalt,lsitrt; 2^27;-Carl He Nlaw'ri 3:39; Siip• - immllurg .1:02, Uhmnbai 01111;4,35, (Iron - m. 010411, 111 T itinz ai Ilagerqtowt, "EXPRESS 'TRAIN leavt. Ilurrbbarg 111ec1ihnt ,. 141)argr 6:02, Carlislos,:r2, N0w , , , 1111,6:05, 81j1 . 11. pensbarg 6t3:4, , arrlvltiz nt 011 am btqwburg 7:00, Pj . A MIX E 1) TRAIN I eavekehlanbi.isbarg 7:45, u laretsamHtiv sou. u,}0:05. A u. Nainsoo,ka, V4ctoria- 'Lawiis~ ACCOMMOTATiON ChambPralmr;T, 6100 A 11, filtirlyollSlMlT 5:20, NOWVIIIO 6:00, Carlklo 6:33, Mochamaabnirg ati•lvilig at Ilitulabarg 7:30, A 1. • " NAIL 'I'RKIN leaves Ilagerblown R:3O A It, Oroent east lo 9:00, Chanibersburg9:4o, Sliippensburg,lV:22, Nesvvi 10:63; Carlisle lleclianicsburg 12:06 arriving at I larrisimrg 12:37, EXPRESS TRAIN leaves IlagorstAwn 12:00.N, Grounettstio. 12:28, Cluunhersburg 1:05, ShlppouThurg 1:37, Newlin° 2:10, Carlfslo 2:50, AI echltnicithßts 3:18, Arriving nt linrrlshurg 3:50, P u..• • A 311X1411 TRAIN deavex llngerelnwn 3:20 Pat rcen..11.14:27, arriving at Chainbernbarg 5:20, P at A7l- Slaking nitm voltam:flung at Ilxrrhhnrg will Intim In Milt orn Plillailelphia, New York, Washing tau, Bal tinnere, and all poinlo \Vast. ii S E TIM} T.l LB. Piglit•Trains (Daily) to and from Phila &tibia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and frcrin;Erio (Sundays execipted).' A"TEIt MONDAY, AUGUST, 7th, Is7l, tin Penroyhania It.tilt . .ll em; any will depart ftrnn IfartMalr7. and 11111. la Vitt4 , ll4,' 415 Cullom: d 45—Philadelphia Ilxpres9 lea6ol NJ, rh-hurg [lade (.;xecpt Monda3) at-3 45 - 1, tn., and arrire9 nt Weed Philiplolph ia nt 7 10 n. In. 7 31—Fast Lino I, ave, Ilattnburg daily (except 'Monday) at 7 sn. w . Mid artir en nt Went Philadel phia at 11 II a. In. 31:41 Ttnin IknLeel Ancona daily (except Sntldny) :Lt 3 00 p. 11.. and uteri ern at 111111 ishurg nt 9 00 p. rn. 10 45—Cincinnati Express 1n.,. llsreisharz daily allO 15 p. :Lt.! al rile:, at ITle.t. Philadelphia at 310 a. tn. 11 .2:t_titittltitt IeAVIN Tiarrlidlorgi daily k 14 26 a to., and ittitiitti al l4itt Philadelphia at la. lit. (t Pliilaltdttlila at II On p. nt., Acoollpll.,.l.llku Ittootin Altitanit daily (tiintlay extttitted, at 7 2.3 a. tn., and anti.; at (Lus t-it:l,mi, at 1 I• 5 MatHaines Quilts and all goods burg A lon lo.tvos 14nrritt burn; at 3 551 , I:I . ttn.l rlt tt at 'l . l4Padolpliia ni I) asp tn. 7 55 . t.r 'l'l.sllt, 41:011•1000 , I• 01 047 50 a . ta ,, uud lit II: 40 p 'WESTWARD. .1 :15—Erio Wet, for Erin, .lotivre lirir riO•iirg. daily (oN.t.erst Sunday) at 4 3.", p. Si., arriving at Et iv at 7 .111 a. 11 aa—EIIIE MAIL wont, for Ella loarax Ifarrts burg tinily nt II :J.'. a. m., arrtrlng at Erie at :1 top, la 11 40-01arittarttl INprra , lattra., lintrbilkur4. at 11 tit 1.. tn.. arrlr, at A Itootat al.. 4 40 a. an., an, tirrivol n 1 1`11_141tor: at In uu it. 111. 1 E.U'ItESS leaven lla 1.11r7 at 1 31 :t. m ,1.1.1%,, at .1110 ,, n, 11 ni) ihr , A Pl:t•imriaitt lii m. , Ilarrisbur daily di 2 Id n 11?.. waive , al Alt., ad at 11 :10.1. 111 talcydl.roaliti , t dad arrlv.. at Pitts horg at 1040 a. I 17---I•' 1,17, tidily (excip al 4 In., at Alt.oina nt 7.7 p 1. 11..taki 4 QUM, tlita 10,110 1 at Pit at I 20 tr,__oldli Tratiytedived Ilarrialiurg daily (excel,. :t94tyl 117 p arrl7 d 1 A I tOunti al 717 p. in. pot n 3.1 arri....a :111 1 :14stdird al 10t1 a la. 7 00—Way Train v., 11 , rristarg daily at 7' On ul, 111iV1 , at Altoona I ,20 it, to., and at .tt S ;40 p. 10„ FAMPEL A. 1.1L.40K, Sow M:.141.. Utv. Penna, It. It. 11...rrI.7',HgApgast 7. IS; , North linnovor-13treelJ Below C 11111.910 Deposit Batik EA DING 'HAIL 'ROAD MIEAT LTNN N)IONI North Nm th 1t fur N1111.10111)111, NOW VOrk, ItOlahlg rOtt,INO, 'r:uun lun, AsLlnml, ie I: in, Ephi.ifit, Lit Iv, lAineintor, Co I umbia, , Train.t liturtt llttn bditir,t; fur N., 1"..1.1:, as fill iOW4 At 2410 null 11.10, IC la aril 'AO p hr, round tint! ssIIIa t,ltttilar I t alt (It I'rnttrylv.n,ln Itullroutl, mud arrtr ilia at Ntsw York - At 10:05 n. rr, a:Lo and 9,10 v. 111. I tsp,...lvety. ttivepintr ear• at.c.tuo party tilt. at I raid rtit Itu tit obta-ktd. 14•tlrning: ',rain Nrw n m, 12.31 nion, and 11th ni, I•hllmlelphi° at 7:00 830 n awl 3:30 p Hinaphvelira nrrionipany titeattg, p in train Trott New York, NVIIIIOII t char Ilsrnid . .bnrglbr - Nonni nw - ,. - PottSyllie,Taana. qua, A•1,11unl, , lottnoldn,Allentowttol INdhhdplon, nt 1,111 n tn, 2,00 and 4:115., 111, X , op pint 14:11anon and ilrlm:ipd way sttillon•: tint Lll trio, • mooed. nig Plonkrlididna. lin Ond Cadtizat:Ot, only. For Poi tqvllle, 15 , 1110:11:111 1111,:n ann ont d 1 nu, lslll and tinsvonatonn. It dlload, lolvo Ilavoi•loor :It 11:11/ p 11,t Ponnsyllzoth Hallman trolva 101100 rtendinz for Allentown, 121•0.1/. and New Yank, of 4.12, ltodo S In, and 4:115p tn. Itolurnlto2, I s snro Now V, ,it !Hsi 111,12.110 wan] and s:flOp 01, 11.t1 Allop turnl at 7:20 a in, 12:25 it,,,,,, 2.11 , 4:22 nail 6:11.1 p nt. \Vat) l'asSongst: Ttnin lenvos Philadelphia at 7:110 in, connntling , inolat train on PennByl- o;nd,, Italltowd, rotrwidng ftont nodding OC 1420 p to, btopplon: ot all ntatlons. 1...1,11,1 Ice I 11,. at 9:00 a ni: rind 2 3.) p m, florndOn at 16.10/ o tai, lllattnoldo, at Gull 0101 13:18 In, Ash land, 21 7.00 a In, itiol 12:11; noon, fitliNnoy City, 01 7:51 hto and 121 p Tannolltn, It 0,35 II In, nod '2,10 p In, for 1 1 1111.1,1cIpIda, 502. 0 York, Itendito4, liar fi.lnirg, kr. ME= !wave P. 11401 1 ,, via-Sghlirlltlll 1:1t1.11/11,111;k51 11:111r,r1t1, at 1 1 :15 it in, for Ilarrirbarg, and 11:15 a In fir Pine aroye 111111 Trelllollt, RV/111111g 114 . conlinfodntion Train leavo, Pallet We al S 4n a uI, poeses Iteniling, at 7:30 II in, urn, ing lit Philadelphia at 10,1i1 l tn, Returning, leaven I'Llla clelphla at 5:15 p m, pas4ing Handing nt.7:55 p nt, air. tivitip: lit Pottsville at lclu p ni Piptidown Aren111111011Rti"11 Train loaves Pott,town :It 0,40 a m; re , avidrig leavev Philadelphia. 3t II). 1 1. , 11.1( al, null 11;15 p n,, for E7l/..4, Lunrnd,•r, Co' illllll/14,&c. NH; 101111.0 it ilroud traina 1 , 1%11P13110Me0) of 1:17, 9:05 n tu, 011 p rut urn] ng, Ir• Ire ;.ic weit):Svllle at 0:10, lOU mi 12:50 uo.n, null 4:45 p m, o ,, Purcting 011111 31mllur trains uulluatllng Cu10.11 , 01,1:t1e 11,111mul trains toast. l'ott,town at 9:10 a in, 1,15 nod 0,15 p m, rotaralng, trays Alt. Pleas- Ilia at 7.M) and 11:26 It nt. and ;1.00 p nrrounottlng with xllallar Inking ou 11,adIng u+mroa t. . . 011v4tdr Ytillhy ltallrond 10:01110,111100 llrhig..port at , trm, glad 5:32 p ; learn I,,Nwaill;;Cown at 0:10 a in, 12;15 noon, and 3.25 p in, eonal.t.tlHlT, with bliallar an ifunding Or) flundays: - Letive New Yprl: at l'.oo p In, I , lolln. tlelphla, at 2:00a ipoind 111 .,( 0, " 0 . 0 9 8 m, trnln !muffing only 601.1.4.1110 al 8:00 0 3; kayo. Ilarrhiburg at 2:10 a rit, and :2:011',11 in; fravo AllitntoWn nI 1.55 Mid 8:37I, 110; hot;'., Itrtollag tit 7:10 a. In,and 11:50 p la for al 435 a In for New York, 111 7.50 a ns, for _Allentown nod at 9:411a In, Mal 4:17 p nr. for Conpaulatloa, .1111eago, School and Emit.- .tau tickoes„to and from all politla itt re.lta . Nl rafen. thi . ous.lll . opo Inindrad pounap 1,413-anr,ar. , .1. 13. wooTTEN, • B.;.i.gaprap.l.ling.. Maelery. 14mJilig, U 4•, 14 y ls r 187}. • EIMMEM T SALA,AN)) EXCIIANQE IJORSES AND CAIII:SADDS TO MEN „ r plutp.,, , ,B,!mlA,ol,4l.,ppyup,Jyr uttplimx ki:M l iltrACl/C 8 7 , IEnAL9 'Waldo 'room DD. 60 Lund' of lio& DO 011 kOop'i —'1710.40 • t • .13XC11A4 , 11114 STA:j . BO if 6.: • B .Tl t rr Iftalng iooently .purclasd the Miry! stablo of (WO. \V, Illitony they would mnoctfully lanoline& to tia , citiv.ens of nth pptco, that thoy Loup retintlY, puroluised 11111450,13 r of 4nOwNoltioloo. Lt additilm; olFo, they bovo hod their outio stook sot' bligglos; , " RH-TAINTED ' 11E , 3tODELED • eud'tlnl6hcd up In tho latest city stjrlo, / • Alamos 'nod iCtitrlitgeo to him itt Hot eitoriest VOTICH, , ANDfON REASONABLII TIMMS: 4 1 17 . 01110 es lorolviuslrfor hit , 0.114101 M. Homonibcr tl,O pinoo,,a fore horn south of the 03 v. mon ; .dd. it In H. W. Hilton's old stand. (. . ,1408111. & „ pigit •,. •ARO' uNAartaßiliTED . e ~• ••bn.thiS (JAN ALWAYS BM O.STAIN war - JB Alvimmowo--- No. d south llnnovup,Sttoot, • ' , 11.-IYesariptlonti ettrufully and ficourAttly ; tompofilkdiJ,l.ut. oil -j -isouTn lIANOVER ISTRELT,: OARTASLR, PA. Dealer in Modicinen,&c. w 1 1 ] TWA D =MEM 0. N. LULL, Supt. Supollutenthult`d Olflco. Clinrulic. Nov. 117(1 HASTw AHD El= Monday, May 15, 1871 Livery aud•Salc'Stables, J:• L. STEIINER &.Bnorri oar of Itjut2 Hon. 1 lieztru. Saxton, if: Co.'s.;", Ad. V.ST.,4LBLTS . LIEb 1840. CARLISLE iHARDWARE HOUSE It,. 8,4 X,T , 0 IV- 00.,, ; 11,iiipiX' H AXTOR.:I I 'p,.))',,,9,AXTN... and "Mechanics' Llardwaro , To9ls, and , Matorials.. Iron and Ste'el, • . . ' Oils and Varnishes, Cement,' Plaster and Saud, _ 'Guns and Anitunultion. , HOUSE 13 R W . . 74 R With every descriptiori of -useful and fancy goods. . UStfial invontions constantly introduced Solo Agents for , PLANK'S -PLOWS Thanlcfni for past patronago, and so , liciting n,9.onttnaanco, We Remain Respectfully, H. SAXTON & 00.,- No. 15 MAST MAIN STIIII6T, . Carlisle., Pa., EOM Great Bargains in Clothing; SELLING OFF AT AND BELOW COST. JILL GOODS MUST BE SOLD BY THE FIRST .OF DECE.3IBER Thu umh.r.lignkl hOl ing drt.•rmimd to setire frouLtomlnetot, nOerx lilt entire stock of • PIECE GOODS, RNAUY•UADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISH !NO GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES 175111DHLLAS, UNDER CLOTHING, RATR, It, nod below cont. The entire stock 1111101 lin din posed of b 7 the lb ROI Docinbor. Ills ntock of plec the fitiont in ton conoistn of =I ENGLISH CLOTHS, DO TetSRINS, CASSLVERES, VESTINGS, CASSINErrei, TWEEDS, SATINETIS, VELVETS JEANS, 'LINENS, Av. Tllll Ready-Made Clothing ilopitrt6ent lo 0110 of the littittgt unit Lent n.tort moniti t. he found this side of Philnilelpiiht. All Our Own Make I=2 ISAAC LITINUSTON, Nutth Ilapover etreot. CarllA:o MEM ISuats, Shoes ana Tra-fiks STROHM & SPONSLER, No. 13, South llitnover street; CurtiBle Thankful fir Inn rattonlgo extendod Mom bore. 0f,,, an uttsr ititoontieto their uvula largo clock SPRING' STYLES OF BOOTS AND suons, FOR Ladies and Misses, Gents and Boya. Youtls and Childs, which ore ourivallol for coin fort and beauty. Able TRU - NKS AND VALISES, It WI 'S AND 11OTS . HATS. All of widch nill'to 3 , 111 at 5=411 pfvllt. Cal: ono ml ull, Rua gilt it full out:lvitlont for your mousy IJnWO fVIILAI' Goode are Mat, [,:wayw the Lent. %Then yen go to buy an article, and o4l , r , riAlly ie, the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES gri it) n tlp;por nn white wnr•in you can ruly, for rory low 010 goal )f Icnther. hls flow of tho ysar many will ho woollm light Fools nut shoes for stimulus Wt., All wish Con ho csiooloislateil nt ADAM DYSERT'B, whoro,will he handl a .1114 at the inwidtt prices Boole and show, made to of dor with the utinimit tin patch. Place of liasiarss , No. 34 Ease Lbulher street, Carlisle, Pa. 4ftp7o • • Willie IfradY'S 4.(11), HOLIDAY(Ioops! WIZ. L I .41.1E-RR A • :in MARKET STREET. HARRISBURG ling Jura raturinl fAnn Now York with the lurgetif stock of liollday floods ovor brought hi this city consisting to part of , , lIOLID/VY AND BRIDAL SILVER, of o,,gopt 1 lgn nip) tlni erlobrato4 liarhaw Manufacturing Company. BEAUTIFUL PL4TED WAIO, Tea Seta, Coffee Erne Celt° and Itieit1 t ieit Baskets, Cinders, Pielda and Celery Stands; Soup tureens, Wino Stand., oic,, etc. , ' Cutlery or.elegent design nod finish, tram ho celebrated manulactery of Mullion Moe. A How Shaillald, With jaw], ivory and plated handles. 01111. NANCY poOns DEPARTMENT li'lnbract , ki no 'following articles; Ledioe Elogant Handliuyeiauf Caere and Cloys Mixer, exontbined—u beam fal aritelli, Toilet Sets, Writing , Desks, Jodel 13tands, Odor liasop, Work pne3, Card Itaccivpra, ,fs Viblet V tryll, LAailpr,Silli Satin q v, Liters, ' Vfippp, etc., de, 31uxlcnl Boxe s , playing' from it to 1Q alre, and. with atteebinaut. kennel), Clocks, lu , Urenze riled gsriele Cavell; CileMQ Clocks, Cigar Stands, Cigar,-Cases, Tolma) Ilexes (Silver noel Plated), Parlor Thermometers, French Money Purses alit Pocket Books and n,great variety of everything In my line. Call and examine the grand aaeoriinent. • 36 Market slltSiolOTC,llt:2l3llg4rDYin EMS liqlcimpre Advortisentent. • 1145T/OB ' , TO, CONSUMItItS. OF DItY optypia. • All Itulnll Ordoro tunountlnitio 120 and pyor dolly orcil In nny pant of tho cohnlry. F,•ea of 'Expreaa Charges. •• 11,A,ACI ToN,• 111 A 8 Tllll &" N -• • ',:rtlPaiAinlorei ntalor lb° bottor t 0 [omit tlao wanto of lliolr Itotait CtuaWounroa - ,S a tllotonao; bay° 0.1111410 ml a -•..BA.M.PLIC•II V 11,1•141 l, end upon application, promptly sold fig Mai/ OP,llues.of p ( the peweet and t lost Noah (enable, qooile, of Wrench, Ssuglloh, and l Donieetio guarnidueing et all times to sell as low, If not at Ir'ss prices, thaKany , linuee in the cap_ntry. qtr gotta the terabit 'and 'most tod manual. t ororsDia difforent parts bf Europe, and lunierthig - tlikeitme'lli Mbomou direct to Balti more, our ii,took le at all limos Promptik auppilud' of thpTtou'don ayti, Paris marketa. Ae we'lnly dult,tfor cull. and maim no bad debts, We are able and willing to soll our aside at, fromi ten to •Ilftion per loot lop plain than if ore gore credit. • .. . In minding for samples spindly the hind of goods IIE hoop tho beet gunk,s of ovary ohm of 'goods, from the lowost to tho most ooetly. . Ordere•Unuccompaplud hydlia cash will be tient 0. O.D. ,Drouipt-paying wholesale buyura aro invited to inimeet the idliok In our Jobbing uu4. rilcIMP9 Department, Address • . HAMILTON EASTER k BONS, 107, 100, 201. and 203 Went Baltimore Farad, 2000170-1 y - . 11allItuota, itooiland'sGerman, Medictnek. • . MILLION OF LIVB BAVED I It lioncrof the remarkable 'facts of this rework able ngd, not merely that so many Pennine tiro the ',alum of dyspepsia or indigestion, but its tilling i victims. Now, we would tot be understood to say th at, any ono rOgards dmpepola with favor, er -Dula .disposed to rank it'amoug tho luxuries ,of life. Tar Item it; Those who have experienced Its torments ;would Brant such An Ida. All dread lt, end would gladly cllspenhe with 'lts unpleasant famllaritles. Mark Tapley, who was jolly under all the trying. clretunetances In which he waeplaced, never had an attack of dyepopsia. orbits Jollity, would hare speed ilk Ibraken him. Mon and women sometimes infra its toitures uncomplainingly, but whoever 'heard of a person who enjoyed them? Of all the multifarlobe diseases to which the ba leen astern in. liable, theta le perhaps no ono' so generally prevalent a dispopela. There are diseases 'moire acute and painful, and which more frequently prove fetal; hut- none, the effects of which are en thipremlng to the Mind and to positively distreasing to the body. If There Is n wretched being In the world . . • A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. . . - IDtt it in not our Intention to descant on the hon. -rove of Dyspepsia. -- To them truthfully le 'lim ply an impossibility, but it io possible to point out a remedy. We have Bald that dyspepsia Is perhaps the crest universal of human diorama. This le em phatically the case In the United State.. Whether 'this general prevalence hi duo to the character of the food, the method of its preparation, tribe hasty manner in width it le usually swallowed, le not our province tb explain. The great fact with which wo are celled to deal le this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost univentally. Nearly every other person you meat is a victim, an 'amiarontly • willing one 1 for were this nut the cave, why 00 teeny sufferers, when a certain, epoody , /unlade remedy in within the eau reach of all who desire to avail themselves of it ? But the majority ,will apt, Blinded -by the prejudice, or deterred by 'mane 'ether Unexplained influence, they refuse to accept the relief prbffered them. They turn a deaf ear to the testimony of the thousands whose suffer. Inge have been alleylated,fond with amigo infutua tMil, (wear to ding with desperate determination to their authless.,,tormontot. -But-say. a .dyspeptic : What IS thin remedyt to which wo reply: Title great alleviator of -human . suffering Is almost as widely known no the Englinit language. It al. toyed tito agonies of thmottuda, and le to-day ,carry ing comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. Thin acknowledged panacea Is °mounter than DR. lIOOELA.ND'S GERMAN • BITTERS. Would you know more of the mashie of this won derful medicine that call be learned from the export. ...rice of Minna P Try it yourself, and when It has failed to fulfil the assurance of lie efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith in.IL LET IT' BE REMEMBERED, • filet of all, that lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS he not a runt beverage. „. They are, not alcoltoW. In any item of the form. Thor are compmed wholly of the pure Juice or vital principle or roots. Title le not a more assertion The extrtiets from which they are compounded are procured by ono of the ablest of German chemists. Unlike any other Bitters in the market, they are wholly" free from spiriluntot ingredients. • The ob. Jectlons which hold with so mach force against preparations ofiltis class, namely—that a deals for Intoxicating drinks Is stimulated by their 000, ore not valid in the case of the German Bitters. So far from encouraging or Meek ating It taste or desire for inebriating beverages, it may be confidently as that their tendency Is in a diametrically opposite direction Their elfectr can be BENEFICIAL ONLY in all cos,s of the binary system: llooflaud'e Gel man itittels stand without no equal, acting promptly and: vigorously upon the Liver; they remove its torpidity and cause healthful secretion of bil e —. thereby supplying they{nnoch with the moat Indis pensable elements of schtslll digestion in.proper pro. portfolio. They give tone to the tdomach—stimulat nig its functions, and enabling it to perform its duties. tonere designed It should do. They Impart igor 110,1 strength to the entire eystom, causing the patient lo tool hip another belug—in fact, giving him 11 new team of life. / - TIIEY PURIFY TIIE BLOOD, cleansing-tho vitd fluid full hurtful Impurities And supplanting them with tho elements of genuine Ismlthrulnese. In a word, there in scarcely a die. ease lo width they Connot_bo safely owl buneflchlly . einproyed ; bent .in that most generally prevalent. digressing and dreaded dßetsact, I/pinata., TILE Y STAND UNRIVALED. Now, there ate certain cles,s of persons to whom est re a not only unpalatable, but who -thud it Impossible t o take theta without positive die. comfort. Fur such lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC It. been stet:Hilly prstisred. It le Intended for use whore a slight alcoholic Ationulatit Is requited is connection with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Omni. Bitters. This Tonic contains all the logredients of the Bitters, but no flavored ato 1.1.1110,e the OX 4,40 t.,ll.lortiemi. Thiquiparation is not only !mislaid° lent combines, in teutlir feral , all the virtues of the Dorman Bitters. he solid extracts of FOOII. of Noluro's choicest restoratives are hied in solution by a “piriltiouo agent of the parent 41 eases of iungoor ur excessive do lol ity, r hero' the at atom appears in have become exhausted of Its energies. AIOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with slimed inorvelonv effect. It not only stimulstee the Hugging and wasting energies, bat Invigorates and portnanoistly ntrengthons Its action atom the Meer and Sionnich thorough, perhaps less prompt than the Bitters, when OM same quantity Is token is none this less certain. ludigestfun, 1111- lionsnoot, Phyolcal or Nervous Prostration ' yield r.adily to Its potent firflueuce._,lt gives the invalid a new end stronger hold upon Ilk removes depres sion of spirits, nod inspires choerfulnova It fiap• plants tho pale of diamane with the sue and comfort of perfect health. It gi rra strength to weakness, lliross despondency to tho winds, and starts the re. ..terefi ?rival oh open u new and gladsome career. 'Dot Or. Doollana's benefactiOns to the human race are Lot mill tied to his celeln Mud GER:NIAN BITTERS, or bin V1111)1112111 TONTO. lip Imp prepared another no•dleino. 0 hint , in I'lll/11111 WIIIIIIIIk Its um to popu lar bier lo.cause orfti Intrinsic merits: This hp lIOOFLAND'S PODOPIIYL LIN PILLS, a perfeel bubstillite for mercury; without any of mercer) 's evil qualities. 'These wonderful Pills, which are intended to act 1111011 lire liven', are mainly composed of y odophyl. lin, ire the VITA 1, PIIfNCIPLE - OF TIIE - MANDRAKE ROOT, • NOW we desire the render to distinctly understand that this extract of the Mandrake Is ninny thaws more powerful than the Mandl...lce .itsolf. It hi the medientni elttuee oP this healtl,giving plant in a dsrfeetly, pure and highly eon rentrated form , ene° leis that two of the Putiophyllin Pills cornett tutu a full dose, while anywhere six to eight or a handful of other preparations of the Mandrake era reqpired The Podophyllin ACTS DIRECTLY ON TT4I • LIVER. • • ell ululating Ile functions atalscauslug it to make its I•illary secretions In regular and proper quantities. The infartues fi.iults which invariably follow the wee of mercury Ix entirely avoided by their use. But it le not upon the Liver only that their powers./ VP in:Grant. The extract of Mandrake contained In them p okpitioly emollined with four other extract., mu of which recto men t ne Montapb, ono mum the upper bowels, ono Minn jho lower 'bowel., :Ind pine Kama nay griping effect, time producing..a pill that Influences the entire digestive and alimentary syetem In An equal and harmoniou s manlier, and Ile action entirely free frohn nousoy, vomiting or griping Indus COIIIIIIOII to all other purgatives. finerfinereating thee° much desirable qualities, a • the Podophyllin becomes Invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. • • No hoimehold !Mould be without them. Th.y are perfeptly fink require but two for au ordinary (1000, Iwo prompt null elliclont in action, nod when used iu chnlnenten . );:o Dr. iffutihnt We Gorman Miters, or Tolillf; mayPiD‘Fil" al RPM:1110i In all MI.. a Liver 'Lompla ht, Dpipopela, or any of thp disorders to which the system 'lie ordidery *subject. The • PODOPHYLLIN PILLS net Upon the domedh and bowels, carrying off Im proper obstruction., while the • Bitters or Tail° purify the blood, arongthen end Invigorate the frame, give tone and appetite to the stonicieh a and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. lloolland, having provided interne' remedies for Ellveoaightlit, elven the world ono mainly far ex- Urea, application, in the wonderful preparation known DR. lIOOFLAND'S GREW • OIL. nth, Oil lea sovereign remedy for pane and altos of all kinde. ' Ithentnatiena, Neuralgia, ,Toothacla, Chilblains, Bpeeins, Bunny Fain in the Back. sad Lolne,..lllltT• wortne; &0., dc. , all yield to Ito external appllcatiom The number of cures effected by It Is astonishing, ;Rid tinny tiro increming every day. . Token iniernaly it Is a cure' for Ifeart.burns, Kidney Diseases, Skit linatincho, Colic, Dmentery, Cholera ?limbos, ralspeo Valet' in thp ; Stomach, Cnide r Astlitua,.Ao. . • alio Omit Cil is composed ootlaily of uumli and' amain) ells. The prinOlpalingredient ileun oily subatancei procured ' 11l the smithern pert of. Greece. It. 'article an a destroyer of pain are' truly magical. Thousands liaeo been benefited by lie use, math 'trial by these who arkekeptlcal will thoroughly ponvince them of its inestimable value. • There remedies will be sont 'by °sprain to nny loaalley, upon unidleation to the PRINCIPAL OIIFIOII, at the GORMAN AIRDIOINII STORD, No.' di ARON. STREET, 19.IILADELPLIZA. ,' _ . 4. - EVAN S; •Proprletor. , • Fosmorly 0, 11. JACII.TON • Those itamaiwilipe for Sale. by, DlOgglote, Stort keopbre, aralledlokie Dealer., everywhere. • • • 1.. • cleo7oly . • Groceries, Patna!) PZoite,-Ze. VREOH GROOHRI2B I , MEM OROOI9RIES 1.! ie ea ho et cia) CfIB.A.P STORE,' - . . • . ~ • ', No. 881:tut Pomfret Street:: :...aittirtrraizthiO always treat' l , Itaconib .vro gall A groat amount of thorn, and 'soil thorn , IoW. More. , fore, turn our stock often, and conooquontly canoodle suet ha fresh. I Yon, will find Over:thing you w lab lti tito way of , , . Groceries, . . Quooraware, Gloneware, . ' . Willow and" Codorworo, ~. Onone and . Crookorywaro, . , Choice, Hama, pried hoot Bologna, . . Beef, BlaCults and (tractors of ovory doictlptlOn: - -Plcklod, Bplcad and Oyatora, Sardines, English Pictloo, Lontou Syrups, ac., and no oraldo NOTIUNS. It Is useless to mutton thorn, coma and coo for your solves ; and parents if It don't suit 'you to coma, sand your children, as thoy will bidoalt tvith tho safno - ' • care as if you were horo yourself. ALL KINDS OF r COUNTRY PRODUCE ! Salm lu oichango for goods, or cash GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S SONS, No. 88 EastPorni'ret . Street, 10.0p71.1* OAALIaLe, PA Watches and Jewett*: CLOCKS, • WATCHES, AND JEWELRY W. D. A. IvAUGLE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, No. 3 Inhoirs Building, ''MARKET SQUARE, CARLISLE, PA., ono door.wost of Om Volunteer Printing Wee, Would roupoelfully Inform Idu old friondo nod tho public In gouorul, that ho has cotutuouced tho . Watch and Jewelry Business, do the above named buildmo, whore ho la prepared to do any klod of work In the line of Cloaks, Watcher, Jewelry, &c. norlog had over twenty year.' exporlauce In the boldness, I feel confidant I can glee entire entlefuctlon to all who Mayor mu with their work. Epochal attuotion paid to tba rapalitig of Elea Watchea. Ali work warrantod. Engraving Juno at short notice. 44noviti W. D. A. NAUtiLE. FURNITURE, .N UIC.NITURE. A A B. EWING, CABINET' MAKER AN'D UNDERTAKEII, West Main Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, Premium for Best Furniture awarded it all Coitnty Yalu since 1857. Furniture of all rarlotion and &Woo of Foreign and Domoatic minufacturo, from the flood romowood and mahogany to tho lowmit priced maple and plao. N'RLOR. CZIAMILKR„ DINING ROOM, KITCREN AND 1 0 ,URITIT URE ktolouslog ovary article mad by Houma and Hotel limy°. of Om most approvod sod faohlonablo ;Imago and eolith: Including also Cottado Vomit*. In .olio; liaouptiun add Comp Chula , blatroovort 0111 Promo., Pictures, &c , &c. Particular attention glvon ao meal to funorels; ordure from town and country attiSudtol to promptly, aid on moduratu forme. Speeiut altos/ion paid to the selection of Wiz,ll A. Di It. 21marah1 864. • -Dry. GootlB, &C NEW GOODS FOR THIS WEEK MOS. A. HARPER, Soup/allover Street, Carlisle, Penit'a SKIING AND SIJMAIETZ Dress Goods, At Greatly Reduced Prices •Whito Goods and Linens' Representing the Cheapest and Che Seat i Spring Importations Some Specialties Crust bargains In Black Silks, at $1.50 and 5135 " Philne,placn and 'tripod Creme. diner, at 26,,, Plain and Colored Alpacas et 2. 0 " Linens for suits. a. 25... , 11 1 1 Bleached Table !Anon, at 150 'PIN lispkin., 51.00. 10.4 Bliitchod r heeling, ut 45. I Towels at 1511, silo,, tower grad.. Ladies White Cotten Hose, at - 111, 12 41.11 a 1 . Slres' nose, in I regular at 2511, est.., obi's ; or gradea. Carrots, at 75, .1 Window 'Lady.. at $1.1 , 0 per pair. ' -•• 1 sr Ciontallatize On.. and up .1 Ladles Cause Ordat Wirgains In lloys Caiulinerosi'Estra yawl .y at 65c Groat Bargains In Sun Umbrella. ; a 0.00 and up. Great Bargains In Alpaca Gun Umbroillio. Piloirant Sash Ribbons, ostra width, aISI•00 and up. floldfliF pro's Machine Plik, bill In the market: Groat variety df Linellinid9oB 'Old 11 11 / .0 W' ilandsomo.Oinithains in nil:turas for suit at Ito. In Piques; Whin, and Buff a col:opiate aseortmout Znglish Umbrian)°, Oonappino Dress *Goods Oponki log, of Real. Llama 11.1.) Points, Gahm Finn, sod very Cheap. The Celebrated Joseph Kid Gloves dt $l.OO Ladies' Tucked Skirts and Aprons. IDlntbs 110 cffsglinores Ft*coadingV Cheap. A splendid artiala; hi a Dark Blue Cloth. Lam Collars, and Ha u akereli iota. Hamburg Embraiduries and Oulpuro Lams. ' Pull lines of domestics as cheap at any this aids (Philadelphia.. LOW PiIIOES TO DD MAIDITAINED, Minium) qui,* THOMAS A. HARPER. RHO . J. E. Calateen Jewelers CARD. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., .002 CIIEBTIIIIT BTREET , PH#ADELPITIA, . . p,ESIRE to invite the especial Wen; Ms of purchaser. mud others risitllnt the exto Moir nonsually in t o and sorted assortment NEW jEW Y, PINE WA2'allEs OP DiOdT UELIADLE M4KEftg Artistic Silver Ware FOR BRIDAL AND OTHER PiiEsimTATloNs,. x+Bmi OPTPARY. killic7oo KATO qQOPP O .FirocaT twAßgy. FRENCH CLOCKS, BIIONZEEi ANT) MANTLE, ORNAMENTS, lleagiviod DIRROT F¢o3l PAWI . B d11;113;tllo prdsent • . ". • who may polio it,Olttnih4 to n il who may vo Putout. to gooopt nOgNiti tatittliott, to ilia thole boantlful stork - • ;. 902 Chestnut Street,' 'Mornay ' ' • ""- WN WITH HIGH PRICES FOR Wllll% WABIIiNG. T, HISITTIT,' la now preperod to do white wash end wall oleanler, end wall rorapleg, on the MOO improved plany and. et Abe 0b.:441 , 4410We., 'rum ueo4 be no reporting or Oft/tlollll' 91' furniture. Hatlitaollon given, or no . pay rocialred. Mood rotor *neer, (Oven. Please leave orders at the barber sloop , of David Weld', or Oalvia Milo, or at the 'ethic of L. atamer & Ono. livery 004 ozohito* stables. pate trt/ tio) 4%11. Muntrio,. A.L. -rs corimfriv, Atoat 'nbito'Aidnt i ancto .rsd,Olatm ,Agent:, 041co—idoin, , 8.4110,t :mak ME 71 - IW3IRABLE PROPERTY.,AT , PRI- V API BALll.—Tho..pwnor ,4o,kiroua, of re, movigg wag!, Wren of pelvfilo,lo A • , LOT OF . "GROTINTY .: ' • , situated on Bedford 'tract, fa,the borough of Car. liele,oontabstng 40 hole front by 100- foot In depth,. and hnobig thereort orected - a; , . TWO . STOP P!.RlttlfE 11dd:14 with brick bock building, womb home, (with adorn_ thoreini)emake,bouse,- bake 0040, efidnoccooary outbuildingproperty -6.- Tho fronting on 'Bedford street Is.SO foot front by 20 foot doep. The back bulkilagfronting on pocust alley is 21 foot in front Tho -.Proberty' hi nearly (toy In, now o _emoted ai graeorifstoril, if lit gobdtraiditiob, and to admirably situated (or a bueineos stand. Per sons wi shing to ',low the proporty, can do Co by,call- Ipg owner; reoldipg •en the, promioes. or term' and further particulars odquieo of ''.lPlnll7l: •t OEI . Two-5t0r,ir14 . 14,, welling For Bale: . . 4 , 113.114 BOWL Bodford atroat,Oon6dning two pakois; hall, and kitchowon tho tirct door, and throe chatn. bore on tlarsecond otory, with a fi nished attic back and front, otairway balcony to, back ballding, an it grape arbor and hydrant hi the yard. • • Apply to ITrio,7o THE sulisoriber has several othorival hablo properties for sale In eligible ports ef tb town. whisk dill bo reasonably disposed of L. L. SPONSLER, 17tior0 Real Estato Agent VIRGINIA LANDS in 'the Shenan doah Vallejia number of valuable, and bled' imPrOved 'Strum In ...thro.Velley".aronf: fared for sale. The trade run from 00 to 350 ne4oe. The lend la of the beat quint" of limestone, ftilly, equal, If let superior, to the land in Cumberland Valley, add will ho dlimberfd it at aidoidshingly low figure: 'The eitensiorrof the Cumberland Valley Eallrend Into. Virenla, ea. now surveyed, will run Immediately throug h 1116 sactiofV of country! In Isiah 'these lends are located,, which, when mini , plated, together with the-advantage of tbo Shenan doah river transportation will give them all the ad. vantages of Northern nod Eastern markets. A 'splendid opportunity for lucrative investmente la here offered. A fall and minute description of the loefitionind character of the various tracts may be bed, by ap• plying to A. Li Cil'ONSLlalt, 17mb70 Real Estate Agent, Carlisle. FOR -SALE OR RENT.—A. commo dious twastory brick, private residence, on West Pomfret street, Carlisle ' situated on a lot 30 feet front and 240 rect in dep th, with Ratable and carriage house, and abundance of fruit. Hydrant In the yard and good cistern. , • . , Also, a two-story brick houso and hack building - cut - NorttrPitt - streePosizenosion - of - the - termer - will bo given immediately, and of tho latter on. or ofior tho first of July next. Apply to • - A. L. SPONgLE.P.,! 22je71 • • Real Estate Agent- ANTED.—A general agnht for Cumberland county, by ono of the oldest and most popular Lifo Inooreaeo Compaulee In the connbry. Addl . °. It. Kant, care of A. L. Ppourler, Carlisle, Pa. Stoves and Tinware. E XCELSIOR . STOVE ANT) TrNWARE t MPORIUM.. - The undersigned veuld reepoetrully influrm tb citizen. of Csr.l4e and vicinity, that ho .till corn' on the STOVE AND TINWARE BUSINE,S, la all Ile variant branches. Ile has oucured the Agency for the following popular aterea : , Parlor and Office-Stoves, Morning Glory, ?iioruing Light, WM tooth with a Tarluty of COME STOVES Combination Gas Burnor, Eureka, Heaters, and Firoboard St4ves, which ha praparotl to fht-nloh at the lavoYi niarket rale, Stove Repairing promptly !Mended to. Ronfing Spouting, and Jobbing oxecoted lu the tonst - sati• factory manner, •• •• • • , • of weary doveription oonatantly on howl, or •mado it;a: ° ."0:01 b u l : ifx` l l :46..d. rk mon on‘Virqt'd ho hope* by a 010.0 A. 1.1111.10.1 to bunine.s to in.our• the publie.patronaito. Remember the NO. 18 WEST MATH STREET. 13A8113111. It. CLAUDY. O 24n0v7.1y Walker's Vinegar Bliterti A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY DR. IVALISIat'B OALIFOILNIA VINEGAR BITT R S. Hundreds of Thousands bear Testimony to their Wondorful Cunttivo Eft-facts WHAT ARE THEY! Thoy aro not a elle Fanny Drink, made of poor Whieky, Proof !Spirits, and Reuss Liquors, timtorial, spiced, and sweetened to idormo thin taste, palled TONICS, go., that lead ttur Ilpplerl , pn toldrunkonnee■ and ruin, but are a true Medlslae,mado from the Native Roots and 'turban' California, free from all Alcoholic Stint°tante. They are tho areaoitlood Purifier, and n Life-Uiving Palm iple, a perfect Renovator and In• rig , rator of the eyetem, ferrying off all . ptleonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condi , Nun. No poreon can lake three 'littera according to direction and remain long unwell, 'provided the bonus are not deetroyed by mineral poison Or other. m°4llo. and the Y4rtl 0 10.11. W 0 4 ,11 be 7.114 tho point of repair, ' NM' Inflammatory and Chronic Rhotimatipm and Gout, by:pepsin or Indigo.lion, 'Billow, Remittent, and Intermittent PeTers;Llnsemes of 'the' Blond, -Liver, Kidney., and Bladder, these Bitten have been most successful. Ruch Diorama ore mined by Vitiated Bleed, which is generally produced by de rangement of the Digestive Organs. _ , . Dyspepsia •sr Indigestion, Inadache;: Pain in the Shoulders, Donghp, Tightness of Ore Cheat,PiminVer, Boil!' prim:lotions of tho Stomach, Bad Ingle lii the Mouth, Blinn. Attacks; palpitation 'cif the Heart, Inflanunatioi of the Lungs, Palau the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred ether pdatal symptoms, are the offsprings of dyspepsia. They Invigorate the, Stumm& and stimulate the ,torpid liver and bowels, which render them of un equaled efficacy In climaxing the blood of all im purities, and imparting tow life sduL vigor to Om whole Nunn. 'Billets, Remittent, and Intennittrint'Pever. 'which tire r gririent ;,. the Talley.' or cur grut rivers throughout the United State', commis* those of the ,IKlimissippl,• Blismurf, , pitepto,', Tootoltto, cumber lay, Arkansas; „Ind, ,Coloude f, Brun., pond, Ala- Kama'; Motile; SiefiLMUNltoariolu;.lrmiee, and man:. ' otbenWitti their TiLlii *Mundell daring the Bum mer and Autumn, and remarkably aro driting masons of unusual heat and drynesd, are' laudably accom panied by iiiterisire derangement. of the ,stomach and Byer, and other abdornirul Timor:L.: l l'6mo are always Mote or less obstructions of the liver, a weak-, „nese and irritable purity of the ktdinachl:and'great torpor of the bowel., being clogged up with' viii4l.l accumulations... Da-their %11-man:lent, allargatiro exerting a powerful influence unon• these various organs, Ii essentially nem/eery. Thera I. hocrktbar tie for the nainose equal to J. Walker'. Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily. remove the dark-col-,' ored Timid matter with which' the Krivoi, are loaded, et thiname ;time stimulating the secretions 'of the liter, and generally ,restilithg the. healthy. !Muttons or the digestive organs... The imirenral pociulailty of' this 'valuable romody In regions sub- Jeet to iniasmatle influences, is euilleient orldenee of 114 KIM nii A fetnedyjn toll oases, ._ , ' .• lane slop Nopoapo, Armitious, yelipr,Bolt Rheum, Mentos; Rpriti, Pithples,pirsildor, 11°1 . 0, Cirnmein; Ring-Worms , fluid Head, Eloro, Eyes, 3 E,iyelp olds,' Itch, Beants,lllllColoMgol3s of oho akin, Kuniore'and Diseases of the Skin, of •whatorreiLnamo mi. intim; are literallidurrip and carded dni:of theiystem In a short time by the, pie of these Bilien,. Ono bottle ' MUM Uses will convince the' most incriidialotis of Abair engetlve deed. . • „ ' • ', • i Cleanse the Vitiated Blood Iyholp'tof i u Mullis . lirljuiritlee 'buritlitfi, through tlinkitin I Plinnicar • gruP,l lo 9l l u'l ,pr liareill, pippin!? It when jou na Kelt: itiiicitoit'a stogilth in the volhe p efeande it when It it fent; gild yOot foottotroWllltelliou ?then., Keep the blood pure aid thahooith:Ot:thi . eyitoto will follew., •• .. ' ' ' ',':i '" 1 ' ' ~ , , Gold Iphains .. • . Pin; Tape, and other Worms, lurking In the aye , tom of.:ao 'many-theuedodo,nrentfectuallydeetroyed and rentoved. For directional iroad carefully the. circular around oacp bottle, printed 10 if our lato. ithitluttniFretioh;and s Bpanleh, • Xt r ',Tl:lsla)/ONALD vruggioeigittoon. Agonts, Bri*Franoleco, Oil., • • itgl 82 pod qcoo4kittcroa Otrbot,llo.o 'Bold by all Druggist/IQ/4 Defilto. . • OdioTo4;, , • - A. L. SPONSLER, ...14411Estato Agept A. 14.SPONSIER, 'Boni Estate Agora, Pitylor, Iloater, Parlor Light, Light Itouso "Regulator, Niagara, Suporioi TINWARE, , RESTORERS • ! •i' , I ' . P , , .r ;: ~ ~ ~ i . i .• 1 , ,': '. , 'tr- - li .:1 .r. . i ' 1 z:C/:: ' : . , ''' , .; ~4 1 ,4 — , .11, ~ I I , • 1 ' ,;",': . i I , • '' , .t , .: . 71,r c 'F: ~ ~ fv,l .: _ ...' , . • ~,,, .. ..,, •-. i i , :., , . ,„1 , . : ,- r- , , c ~ ~ `, . ~,'; - , • • ... ..... .. _ .. .. , ..-:.; 1 ..-.., , ,_...'....,;- ' • . . FOREIGN ' , AND . DOMESTfe - 4 . . " , ~ ,1.;,....i. ,;.; z„. - • 116" ii''. 1 it \ 4 . k . l tt e. - 51:k, 1 ' ae;:, -,-"- IT ~) c.,7,1 , :;,i iF,O G,,1, , ipi ID, se,,, ''''t.'•; i ) 1 1P V,V.." V. • .. ' q••••,(411kEllr-,0:lg,r \ .• ~, „ ~•„ . ,I ,:••, ~ , ; ~,. ~ ,"' .. CLOTHS, CASSIMERESAND:NOTIONS Corner:Publio ,- 8.4,041',Q;', ur• - „' . $ , , :P , .4 1- I.3ELit-NIISILi3EI I ; - I :3 '3WrlKll 4 9”"dki,' (,/ 31.au71 • •• . , . . . • , • . , , r: , •f . .. • ~ '• . . .. - • c am m Oreat Attract/911s AT pa. N E -- 4 olg - fi 1 9 E _ & Ina :16_, N 41411 -1-NM g L-jr%/ 11: n 5.114 --, CDupposalte =I IrZei QZ Saxton's Hardware Store = - ,lil - 40',',...... .::',..,11:i#a,T,c7ii5.,., • •Of a Celebrated Brand; at. 35d, 400, 50c • andlEie, that excel any ever offered at the above pricch. •••' ' - igii4l. - eordial invitation is given to all - to, call ;; atMY Store, and examine ateeiC s anil prippe. L. T. GREENFIELD' No. 18, East Main St., CARLISLE 22,1e71, Pacific (lacono Company ACIFIC GUANO COWAN'S( CAPITAL; .$1,009,000: JOHI I / 4 T,S, RESt.'B4, TE RA L' NT d, OFFICE 122 South Delaw . are Avontici, rurcAp A 4 4 ,il tk IMMO §.O L_,.o B .L. E PyA C I F4'o GUA Rethided Prices; Na fertillger Introduced 'to' rho farmers of tho MI& •ffle nod Southern States hoe Shea ro•io'gotioial.ntol uniform eatisruellon.tbon•thla gitabri. • . The trade to It -bee eterottly • looreared, until the ciumumption MOW throughoqt.tho entire eoinitry tar; /loft& that °fluty other fortIllsot: 4 .Theletue.cepttlet Innalrod Its 15roductIon'a"froide the sure.; flearrelo it/ C 4 14 , 413MeAl exoatioatoo; Tlan , narnpa boa 4I grouter Jotorcer to abo permit. to p c o of Ile fro o, luau 'any uutubor rif commuter' 'eablarte• hobo. it 'la the bluheet, tutor/et of the creupeny tp Pitt tholf boat fertlikors in too Markdf,' that their ueuel foollittoe,,eldod by t,o heeeeelontifio oblllt3t;dan.proapeo, Thta guano la cold at total! byldcal , dgents Of the coutbaUf. tbroatittolit.,Nen• !mach tunnarafai,raos. sylvauta and AteSoupter k ra,' Shites, gad, at arttoleNtla • • JOllN:t3a r. .ii.YEst . a c 0.,. ..f G noral'Aytlhta fnr Elio boutpliiy Llbilral Oita'Omit to tioniors,l" J.. REIDAI4 • • 0A.121,18LV, PENN'd Vint7l9talklau . (l3to , _ constitutional' A meMaiit ent pROPOSpD AAupnainant ,01t.ho Constitution . of OIXT .11ptiO,L11T10,14, !:: [II Proposing an i Amoi dm one: to, 1141,CIOnds tution of P 01 1411, 1 .1910., • • lk 0 Resolved Tv The Senate and Howe of R. ,f` hos' nf the LeOnisenterallii - etlentny/canta in Genera/ ..istintbly met, d'hat foltostei amend-, mOO% to the Cdootitutioa tit'llatinsinotteleoltb be propooed,to.tho. pqoplo,ibit tbije A400.1(94,44' reit*. poroutint to tbe peovlslotte bt tin tooth oriels ttenetbro, • .1 • 1;• •% . • AMENDILtNT... , Btrlko oat tho Sixth !cation of .the.fileth Article of the.Conetltutlan; bud ,lesert In Ilan' thane( las folloWlha • - • tt I A Mato Traaourer shall to chosen ny the titan -fled olootoro of .tho nuke: lit lush times and for bac* tocipo of eorTlco as elicit pe prfoeribod by lA*" " • JAMES . ' • eronkor of ihe'rldujo df . WILLIAM A. , WAIXACD, • : • . Spanker ; tlf,Bonat4 , Approooil the fifteenth day, of Jiiir,,Aloa Potilka ono thousand 510t.,.httulicod sad ler odtro.. „. ; JOIIN W. 08ARY,',...; Ptepaneii lona C'erillt?difor publication purnuaut the.TouthArticlo nt .tho ,Conotliutlour • . : .i I ' . BoorelorX cf flu!: Coiutnouwoallh 011188 Becrotary of,thogpmenOwealltli. „. liarrlsburg' 1 Bth, 1871. j 18,1871 • Peter ,4—D-14- • . EW BARBER . , Poteri ,Hodge has recently °pocked dl. . National Biiaving Boloon, No. /3, lingt iVniti.:t.rc. I. I rvilio's row. Hair cutting, shampooing. nhuvlini,nwiiotacha dying promiitiroltandod to. "Ladies' tunic cutting ;axe cilia the, iwo!t,titty stilts Air pro, e are na roacona lo,anwny ottior blood In, thls plea.. Novo novilP t 'omnipotent , lotinioytaini , itt my clonlag. Reidy liEounptly #I,OOA, 'Plonld gird rue a call. RnJppJm • 2 114, tho IL"! Unit; nusiNrals ,Ttithitit, without rowcou to porroroi. Cothitry prodUcti. tabohroil as cash, ht ...tailing. for godelit ptlual..,lsly thhil.urtationtui4totrioti7 ea. *wood, / will bo onablOd t p s ooli grgamia 9 at ra dami ra t nuntt . • . I =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers