itaftiob pold. VOL. 71. NO. 36. Republican State Ticket. FOR AUDITOR ORIVERA L. COL. DAVID STANTON, of BOILVOT FOR StIEVETOR GENERAL, . COL; .ROBERT B. BEATH, of Eiohuylkill REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET PRESIDENT JUDGE, LEMULTJ TODD. gtiIIJECI TO TUE DECISION ' O 1 TIIE TRICT CONPERENOh: • 'kmiocrierF, tliiG J' Av . s ii:imeTigzastfr i Bmatlti, EBERLtY. STATE BENITOR, ' J. 31.1VEATCLEY. • I EltrßiaT TO . 1110, DEOT§ION Or TTOT, DI TIiICT CONTt'teENCri ABBEMISLY, JA9OB BOMBERGER. DIBTRICT ATTORNEY, . F; . SADLE,II. • W. 44...,5TEWA11T. cbmitiaszoNEft, J. C. BA.MPLE suRVEYOR, JOIIN K. SEIFERT. 'DIRECTOR OP POOR, RENRY RUPP. AI:WIWI4 0 ") W. 0. BANKS. OUR COMMISSIONERS. Tn troubles in the Commissioner& o ; co cu mm a - ar - r - Te - 0113 - sr - tire - 14a1 of two of the' Commissioners in the Quarter Sessions. ' Mr. John Harris, about whOm.there wore some unpleasant developments last winter, was convicted on 'One count in the indictment, charging him vvitit corruptly proposing to allow unjust claims. A-motion wns Triade in arrest of judgment, which is now held under advisement. The point taken, viro .believe, is that an amendment was allowed in the indict Ont, when the case came to trial, which was necessary in order, to make the act charged a crime, and that this Was error, inasmuch as it prtLe *ally gave the traverse jurors cog,ni 4ictrion of a case on which there had been no finding by the grand jury. If this view is sustained by the Court, Mr. Har ris will gd free. Mr. Rhoads who insti tuted the proceeding,s against__ Earns,. was arrested for fraudulently taking pay for more days than he had served. On .this he was acquitted. So out of all this prodigious :fuss about the cltaning out of the Commissioners' office, we Will . be junt whore we started. The only good growing out o all this investigation, is that it has giV'en 'the tas-payers of the county sonic Informa tion concerning the manner iii which their affairs are conducted by the gentle men whom they elect as Coinmissioners. It came out on the trial, that since t 857 there have been no regular minutes kept of the proceedings of the board. The only record of the °thee, Consisted of a time book, in which were marked :the days on - which the Coniniissioners Were present. Theyrnay have had meetings during all this time, but there is no evidence of it. When the-county fathers met for business, or when they met for a political cations, or for gossip, or to watch a game of checkers between two .brag players don't appear. The records are-1411mA. During this tithe they dealt out the money of the people most lavishly for purposes legitimate and illegitimate, but kept no record of their doings, es-, copt marking the dayS which they made" the county pay ter their Atenclauce. It. is almost incredible to persons, who have any conception of business matters, that for fifteen years: the Commissioners. of this county, slionid neglect to - keep a record of the meetings at which they disposed - of - themoney of--the people,-to 'an amount, of at least, ONE: AND A IiALF lIILtION3 of dollars. It seems it never occurred to these gentlemen, that a.rec ord of their proceedings was neeesiary. They came to the COmtheasioners' office every day they hadn't anything else to do, and wore particularly careful to charge their Thby built a jail, an "Asylum for the insane for Cum berland county," (Mite a lot of bridges, and did many other things involving great Outlay of monoy, but no minute exists Of the meetings at which chess matters were determined' upon: Nor !is thiS all. Nti-cernmissioneV has any tight ,to pay 'for his service for any clay, unless. there was a regular 'meeting Of, the lioard o or a, meeting 'regilia'rly Called. , And yet, forliftefin years, these gentlemen have drawn their pay without any refer ence to- meetings, but merely- because they saw fit for any purpose to come to the Commissioners' office.. Now is it not high time, that an entirely different class of men be•entrusted with the man: ugement of bur County affairs. There is no hOpe for a reform Millis matter, except by the defeat• of- the party which is' controlled by . the' Court, lionse ring. Hero we have admitted and un blushing corruption among our county officials, and there is no mire or punish-, ment—lt-is-knoWn from-theirown ad-- . missions, that the cOrniniesioners partners in a' contract for. building bridges, andtheeived their' slihreicif the "swag," and: sit wherionc'ef' fl l 6iri indicted, it results -hr 'Only ii defective' conviction for a conspiracy 'to elicat: The other partners in the transaction gO' unpunished. A large sum of money is wrongfully paid to some contractors, be cause they failed io.Tel.a . Contract, and yet this Payment is allowed . by the Au ditors, and no one ' , appeals , froth it. In' sliort;the 'commissioner's"' office' , IS the most 'glaring illustration of stupidity',' carelessnees, waste, mismanagement and borrtiption, that ban be imagined, and yet the party in', power -Ih this county,' ace unable or'-unwilling-to imprOve •• There- 'it but , thie ,, roniodY.. Clivri lie' 'CIIANGH sir rAIITY.: • Bramon 13LAIrrii is out in ri letter giv, ing a statement of the' condition' of hi s pecuniary al:fait:4 and of the manner. in which be . ii,C4,Uired property he now owns. Wordtii'amounti s t'p but very meaktW 1113 " Irl ' c omp aied tivitli the itaternenta , 7naniicactured bY ihnideratio politici•triatO '" I Tup jtietiiiP)ea ; it'Penio=. , °retie organ ei)paela,tot,he eipleiliufrotaqi of Virginia to.doeart, tlio • piuitufUl party and lioto the pamookatia tiehet. r the Ion& matt liven the morn ho finds'out. . . Vzon, ransinsor Corm , t . x , /pp„4,lmllarod, 'himself strongly in favor of the' ro-aollii nation of l'resklent Drina. As the Evans' case has been the sub ject oy'ineasinOt" discusSiciflifOr thelasla twenty days,i;4t. may not lail i amiss to rsg datea, of the di 'tent eveag connected vAtiv tiro diffictAty, • as will tfurnisln4,he r:nans. otiletorrnkiiing what Credittiar-blethe-.attialhosj , CAhe different prominent actors in the affair. On the tenth dirk of August, the Gov ernor addressed a letter to. the Attorney General, stating that -the accounts of George - 'O. - Tvans 4 iere--euportecl. , in an unsatisfactory comption, and it is yndiapen'sably.-liedessary i tlat ;the Matter sliMild Ein4egtiiktit'ecl."" ;On the fOitite Cn lth 0 , first . . art i 03. 'cOriternirigthc"emb'eur.loreent was fpuh lithed iri the Philadelphia..Butietian the 'fifteenth 'b?.'Afigtiste the Akhlitor Get oral and State Iretteirret runtime forml demand on, Esviing' for' the' ri aiment of monies bands belonging - ..t0..t1ie State, and .on , i tile; daq-f following 'Evans repliMi thatthe held ite.funds, l Mr- Cept , tien per echt'of hi&collections,..whit he retliffell'as boMperisntiOntferi his , tie - 'vices. On the twetitYLthir4 tbelAuditim General and' State Treitirttrdi licireish4d to tho "Attorney General Ir.:ceps; , bfl the ftecount'''Stated Against. EvanVshOwil him' 'indebted ' 'to . the. 1, State , ',to Alm t ' $291,000. On the twenty-sixth; Ithe t terney General dorimiehced , '-yrrocanin s to' TeeoVer; 'thia 'scud' frbnl'•lilvtins;"tat~d issued ''a• , for ' l'itrrUfq fixing the ittneuntor hisibairbond - ati$400;000. On the thirtieth day of Augtist,' Diaelrey, the State Treaseriar; znadd information against Evaik him with 'ernbeiziement,• and ' was i'ssued'for his arregt, to'answer this criminal , charge: -On the first'ef"Sop terriber;'4lifoim`dtion .1i ' bbeii ' Wane to the Governoi' that 'Evans was a ihfi tive froin itiAticii; ''recittiiiitiod was is sued up"on the' Governor df New York for his rendition. ' • ' ' • MI This simple statement of the facts ccin `meted with -the tietitin of tho'Eithte'au thorities-in—thismnitteri-should-LaVonee- put to rest the sharrielesi' charges - iof dereliction a 'duty and cotinivanceiAnYn bezzlement have been Made. tir4ry officer connected' with - the deVernaiebt, has performed his full duty in "thOnnt ter, with an 'honeSt, ddterminiitioh to protect the interests cif thi3 'CdintnOn laenlth, and to securd `the" payment; of the money withheld by Evans.Perh4s, by thiatinm,' lid Is in the 'Mugs' of the officeM cif the laid, and slibuld" - the'cinrts not find him teChnicallyg oferhbez clement, the action •of the Attorney General in ordering his arrest in the civil suit,' will engin.° his detention and confinement, prtid into the Treasury the last farthing. • MORE FIGURES The Deniecratie journals are still bilsy with their• figures.. IZecently wq called attention 1,3-their statements, concerning what they termed the mcnEasu. of the State debt. Wo have now another sue.. prising statement Odle expenditures of Grant's ad ministration, wh Ive take from the Lancaster intdifyoager,!, We give the article;,-figures and comments. "If there be a single voter in the Na tion so,simple-minded as to believe the professions-of economy with which, Radi cal newspapers are filled, w'e Would ad vise.him to make the folloWfrig table a daily study. -•It tarnishes a thbfilar state ment of the receipts and expenditures of Grant's administration for the ypar. end ing. on the thirtieth of "Tune list; and shows - 11e sources from Whieh'tlid iifoney was derived and the specific objects to which it was. applied::, • Not roceipto from coo toms.'.. -1 06,210,408 10 Not rocolptO of Int Ofnal rovelluo , " • 144;008,163 63 100 of 11111 c 100 do .2,368,816 03 31iOcel mucous 31,50,1,73, 63 Total nel revenue 453,31:3,011 59 Ilnlnnet. In the Totnl,.• . . ... ....,.... ..... ~,...., . , • NET 11111'IZI:WATU3iq!„ ~,.. . For civil and misvelioneom --.- 36t1,498,710 97 Witt te•pitrtment . ' ' •• , IS Tf0i,,41 82 ... ....... Navy Department ~ .,;Itirldl.o27 1 ndlabs and pensions 8708t52 Interest on. public debt taffi,F7tk Cp.'', us Net hrlllrittry 01114011 • ' 1 1 41 292,177013 to Purc.i,of buntl6 fur sinking full4l,.te 109,73,5,1!17 18 ~ rotainut eximadi Ulm 42:2,912,3p3 43 !Unica 1u the Trraxuri,. Jpno 36, 1071' 100,917,477 24' 3 1 3,8J9,812 67 'From the above. figures, the -cbrreet ness of which rim, ono ,will undertake to deny, it appears that ti4o„ b o n g Branch administration 405f.:1,41)1taw,-pilyers of the United States nattily ' 'ffitir h dnd re d and twenty-five million dollars last year.' Deducting the interest paid on the Na tfional debt wo Ilud that the ordinary ex-. penditures of the present adiainistraltion amounted to '7learly • thr'ei'liu.hdebd mil lions of dollars." • •1; We hope with the Intqligender, that the tax-payers will study' the table, and also the article, and appreCiate °fully the assurance - "that — can - Pablish 'the two together. Thelitfelligeitecr, assorts that "deducting the interest" paid on, the National' debt" tile ordinarY• expenses of the Oolterinnent amount - to'-nearly $300,000 annually. Now please 166 k at the table: "Net ordinary' • eiPenses" $202,177,188.215 one of the itdmt'of'which is "interest on t I to' oiblic $l2 - 605.0. •NOW'" dMuctlnetheinterest paid on,t,lMNational debt"' NVO'llil:t0 the fellowing•stim in subtraction": • $292; 1 / 7 ,'f88.25 Lament 125;578,66503 Expoiles . . Hero we have toe statement ,of the , littellilloccdr and the figure§ om)yhich it founded..., It is Oarged that-the eTpeziges without; the „inteyest amount to. nea r e $366,000,000,, ri'ho 11gures',-„show i tlieSi i Amount to lens, than $107,000,000,, a plain !t la falsehood of just about. $1.80;0qq,0Q0, tea iou s 9WB . . , . In ital., however,, t,9 very transparent cheat, the • animiiit bendo.purchased dpring ,tho par hi aditet to the ordinary, mcpenocp,..,jr;,, t order'fO f • make ,00rne „appearianep,Of,,,Anth. This is porlmps the. Nyorst, featoro)of. ;tho N,v4,slV' cheat.. We „never , .before, pay 4 Mitt ;payment on a . funded ebb rives) l : 6 *° 6 ll: ordinary expensfrh tieiaos have, inafie',.immy 11h3pfiveries of late, ausl.porha~ix iii,!!cQs'l°3ll3Pf.t.llo4lk!'' It ?YP![C ° 4`9'Tl l r °f, l ll3 . 4raYfd . comv,ime, gm, pe?ple i tllat i . ,:i . gyc F nmdtiV: thaf'reql l l44.P of its debt, at the l sarno 1. • diet' t radagniiE;'notd will pO'ciple Ito ex. atiethin s,,aro'vei no era 0160 iu time,, • •... 1 ~•1 ,100,) 4 15 ~y9rY2P,PF 911() , ' tf 4 e have, the, q n l9 , clioey.%9olvp t4K colt' 4,ti`o;;Ok n 3 RTP`ll°4 l '4, cpn0,94 9 4 iv t , tun, „voinopi' , ntic,), , ,r, 3 anagotn , thfit they have of tai:ttro. c 4 r.ry t1T.,'7;9 791 7 #Opp.O,, 414 t t li.iid•olikdr 1.411 ikr,ancl . itle. o . ul:v i on f ig the Sittio'd(i; vote, Yfei , yviti Glatt Btaititiit'itiid, " '".' nuoh tnpjoi•lpy t an 3 4 o, , itaVy"l l oi' the, thmlibeiliVitiftalkeAill`Wn.. 1 outer new qopartmtn, MII TnE the. court to . .,loudichto Ihs,Olai Or. robe l i , lamagekpre btr te t ra i : oir dii $ nk ies, anaWll „ i all rt *me ve corn I , t oted thc `' l lii,l4B. - It •v•ve - impor . a4t that ,)i perh4s ht eta s shout. Oe t ,1 , thpig l Aten I , and ilt vo the Alf .passed upon by the Commission° ~ s. - that7 . thoy'ma.y.:lio in: shape,. torocolve .proper attention from the State and General GoVernmont. They aro a just walainunitonAllaState..a.9444.Y.H.liluilia. tainly, bo allowed, and that at nodistal - day. It 1411M:duty', vof4intBtate .Govori rukp,t r O s pay.iill i fay claW.T.Jac i:l thApo wh lost by yehol ,imslon,, z fr i ul , then , 9 . 19 . payments. should h,o ;d r9uni)upiod:4 u , General Government, igirhoro , little woe Mit the 'Be4islatilre. will, t its next,.4S . AtA ' 3 l.l ll4F: ~ 111' 6, 15 1 t,:11 j ' been ri3-adjustod,Aalc,e,..V aPPlPllriiMi° for their paTment.ii. ge.olx.. ,oppositio ro. that has .1,m134,49r0, 9x410. 1 4,-. All I.4I.IACVA° - tions , of the •Statevto their paymentpw . 1 disapp . ear;'Whinil'flie` peer - ellen:Mgt) 31; understi l ua l OA thiiy' POPeePiit' t'o if A li,i'e lossos, ,and,ate ;not trntnpod is up for the purpdses'effipeculation. , r , We;khOW:f the ' 'imixt session Of 'thb"DegiSlature 'OO4l, make compensation) t.,ce ,, tlu), eitizeusr f the bordo 'eatintieh: fe*ltheqessos , Tth y. sustaina "4 4 ,4/9:lii'o' NY:O Itisgilrediry 11. do so/ !,,1n . ..,.the ouganiiulo. 1 4 .4 i„l4 , o have claims 'present:Ahem ‘to thodCo - missiOnerg'fOr L rblielen: •', -',„ ....h. '..: •e, iomoved',L.l4o4o l !Ars,CP:g.,ti#.- 15 .40f, at Ow:request , of GOVOIMOD Geary, and art)lbilitea it- his. 'stern; Col. Starr of • 131i1114'i141a1.45.',...10i1:0Y0 as ' tho''obenll t of the aclininistrationimmi,chardlideinn plietty:in,Nn Evans frauds, tls c~+u have ,the,,full benefit; of,tlm,roany ,danMg lug revelations qdr, Manure was alip•g posed to bo able' make: Mr. Evains has also Placed . ' Ji!. which .most persens wopld not hes#:: to to tell all-they- knew in , the matter t 7 Let -both-these,gentlerneadm used-nowfoval they a,ro ,worth, , and : the-result will not be quite so astounding as many gentle.. men hopecl_it'ivon)rt We sliCald.say here,„perhaps, that Mr. McClure has addressed adetter since his removal, to Judge Brewster; which eVen those who usedhiro, do not _regard with much pride' or' Pleasure,' and - which thqt , has . 1 - eOnyineed•:,,e'very intelligent man who, read it, that the romovalWas very •necessary, irrespective of any cod. I "neettthrWithdho'Evtios case, whatevei.. Stsoan`rArt i Y ; BouTwttr. is- still fight ing Oa tin Ole: same liuq. , The Mate meet from ~the Treasury •for Aug i risb shows. the payment , 'OPs9,2oB,2o7l . of , the. Nittllitiar Tlitfe With -6,1. y 'heavy reduetiOn; tiotit offtiferal ,tocaloy - end tarilt duties, we_ are ; reducing our ~.*Ta Lionel butt:lisp '4ll/d latP 'Of aiwrp tliau one hundred millions.per:annum. TI I? R El' tIBEICAN PART rs ACTIONS sr EAlt - ;abittm•Titirr NOiu s- sECREWaW.BOTJTAVELI2SILICAUOTIO.I 01!' DEBT-":.A. DECREASE OP ()vim Tim PAST M TII-TIA A* - qtp.i . r tl 1101 , ;1)9 •PURCTIASLD • BY ,1f1E; ~ D EPA!IiT n, MEM WAsutNtrrox, Sept:l.- 4 111C cfdti'stinto nteut just issued shoivs a•rgduotiouj Qur iug August of $9,•266,297. •-•-• ; • - The fellciWing ; is' a , retuipitulittiOn 'of invifg.(lo,lt-E,t;ast-eril'm, DEIST DEARIBM INTEREST .1# poIN, •?! Six p,r.ouut bcpvli.. Five per rent kontle.. s • • ^ 1=6,706,860 , 9Q 1,881,5h3,900 34,100,468 50 Principal Inlaru;t. . . 11.1:111`, LAWkIA Certificate of frilatotedriens , at 4 per • 4a,v3l.polliioti (bud 401 f,er cent Certificate. nt a por ; ~~~~~~i U „a V., 111231 DEBT ON W RICH, ,4IITERtEIM ..13A8 .cuAsED • • • SINCE' MATURITY. • • =EU I= , IlEATtrlib 11'0 TICTE7IISST. ; 1 •I.r, Demme ulkil Fructigpi4,cyrioncY 4 • , akatrao:so Co) coy ia,7o,(iocf l oo Prit4,p f l U1102(1111.1 P. IL 44,4_00_1, - .4 4A - 1n tsr4,- ii 2,372,1104,197 CA9II : ,; • tt Arnun In tho'ire . t'stdyt=t 1. ''; 'ityt,,§l;Leot, Cur 6O Int° '" t itnt•krn,•••••• , •,•,••,,,,,, BM Total innount'ln TtenArj , Debt loin cant,' In'Tl . onlior,i; MA. i, 1871 i ' ' ' 274,122,60 2 l Dobt • 'loon iiiintunt 'ln . "Tieditliy, - A a gun t ••A • • •nri•• $:4253.42.8,857,931 1 , 0111 .9A06,;97 06 Docronsu of 4et t alpca , 64 , DeErrano of dol4,frop,Dla,co to March 1,1071... • .. 20 4170,i 1: 69' 119/10:1,VIOCI to P#F4 4,9 44 1 1r.0. 0 0171*., • tys, itllprqskjiN•#l,lp In law,'al monoY: l 4PqlnA '''AtAimPq6 tereat accruod and not yot pald • Inft•tetit glides • Interest roindffl4 franiiportotlon of malls f go,tou' ilionnco of 'lnterest paid 113. 1 Matto(' • ' ' " Btnlod' 11'.191T141CN..P. . Principal of - V210,375i20Q ,OQ ry pm 4µt pail iu ,cutke,ncy. ~ 20,178,7131 00 C'url•diiP); ' * 246,41704V thi ;t4.4 of tlk9s9, rotor ,dp§tsoypf,li Awp,pent , ll9o9(l (1914-,pas niep boonlreo Apia kytilo i $166; 602; 522.3 - , -0-0.. - - t , : I , I ; A.:fr ]•, 1, ,- ..11 , : j ;2t.,,,‘! 11., •,:!I 01 i . . ' " llil 'I PT: ,I . I'. . D .IP R A . °11. .tf:1 13 ? : kY?T rA." 'l' ~ cie)YAlikqti PaVing i.e4fi tiitl 43e1e0l 1 :ti°'i. CF9l l iti!ti'qCT l PiTill , ..WPAi l . 3 l4 d4 P l ' ( i, t11 , 3 8 / YM 1 1 , 30 ;f1.', 13 .f:A?gliPP Y, pop, elii'v, yg,l t,113 pfli.y . !1 , 3, t9nincir no° , li m .lf . 49C4,lg , " o !'liin • PMitiftex l :thb ' Nlvlcto,r,of t,h,h , t TRyri opsikt f3 i p 2 tdi db IQ stootl: 'lltithinif inOAUTen it, goniB>Uf .?4,,1 1 59 Al.P,ing.t , if roati w,l:o9x,t?itho, niittitv paly F! .. i,erripepinee ni,9l: , I , Y i ong.,pOtilt \tif 0 i• 11 tt . i_tt,efigli f'gr ivilicV til'c; temisWittee , cansd is' e l 4sinsitih3;: j n l .nd" 'a'e' 7 ,ll . ' it had ,j 11: 'fife 1: — •,, 1111 ` , }o,,i . 1, ~ f idl • 'TII I I ~ 5 f1 . ,9 , T1 i 94 . 191c t M,At . t / Y" g ir m9.1995 , , , .511.1 very ir i !ltissatit 'zood) who 'have sopturtloci iiio'kuiOtv'od co' i nl, OA, 01.1.kody,.aeci,ffithollti011ii2,OTI th,eir, dldtri§. 0: Anga42l 6 .;; I'f°7lo a r*l'' ,t l ..S',h I ,, v,ii°Rnifrift , °T' , ilEiti9, :cox' ,k1 i t1 e 4 3 ,,., t.. 1 ill i t t '4, L 'I it, j . ..; ./ 7 41 ,.- 1 119 c tN9 i Ni t. ,1 1 ` 1/ 11 °r !g I PI i t tl i` thR , nytont ilg#,or 5041 pA4o,9rgaiL :0.C.14, .o%.o,riiiill, IY l °lT i tP494, l6i ol) 4 CP5v 119 PR Goo •, P / ' Ef fa 9 B l'OP:larllg ! %49. MT/ I)oliveg :ti.utt a ' tpi;Vgitiuto i;ii4 hppn , l'::4 (i P.t,: i t' I??;0.1,-Ki°0_7,0:29,rtt ;any r prim i tipri, tkV olita i ipupitu I, rite to uffitcOth, blip 41,it'rail . i t er'ille', m iLugust l ef t eA3:ig. l „',iii P I E; liiftioili at;':iii l iib,, the ta'io.ootilfti.2 , lnniiiitiflo'Fii . WfiiitVil, In4Si/fii,:ipo?,ri„.4,,,liiiii ,sk.i.p,gt Alive 1 , 8 ,,,, 1 t Acteptdli . pvtiiies iii:tinif 'diiiihifl' A4Ol . fili# li? .3‘ , 01 . i . filiitilt::' tik4lifg' oii,Fol)l:64'4li's: p?„3,1 - tiiii,t, i4oFiiie',"atitiloy-' ,i,tlY:gf s t, , fiel4ityCloilieenficiii; ' the '.4.usist' Coliviinfit;ti elioithlliaid li&iii iiiiiiiitithiehi l 1 ag tho.tea4Ofi l s iiiiitillic.ii'lliil' it 5 WC; jitindiii, 'itialite'ti.,lluP t .tlnish"iiiiiii i 'iziOl'i' l .',alifi iu pipit° of itl! °troths to uroyont It t uliONl ' 1. nAnar a State - ticket: - )Tojuslify 1. heir aetio; 'they then said "w,c .. ayeact 7; ng as ind ' ~ mils, without any official .otityT , ~' Now they.. clad t 1;1 ' '4, th s" haracter, l ,d s, y ey „bay° for -., ' . arty, Lto :.,,,,,E 1 ):: ' . • - .- ; 'it 4 Frormt in: facts it will bO ir ycl thy, 'a. on ~' 4 .,i ' g' loss than '`. Ilia& against-the authority 61 1 ‘the- Ilay...con vertion, of whiChiliese Men — still - claim to be a .. 144.1 1 :1 4 / 1 49t1 WIN 4". 1 , hod , therefore, are in no way responsi-' I:Crer.`aliMilre : crS4l.lllll -: -' i trist i „,fty l enßBtia 4 . n e ,ltr i ious ints of ,t 4, Ift 3 ) f lig I . ? l. ° P i l i ki flgPv i ., t/ A ' d i n t t;:l9 lb. 1 ' ...,1, e Oentra, are iii.'cliAilii,; , , it. Vii . lici .q ,iiiid lidi i i,i .j " ` Oiitilli7 j it u tioAnli l' 017; 1 ,7, 4 LTtliii 7 , loA 3 f)'iiellp4A l •E • - Bohr,. -E1U.1.7• 71 , )%. r/Pii•'1 01141 . /.1. after so itt,no , ,o,nrlyo r ri,,orm , a44 . ?„ilip is trim t:3111' 'iiriiiiiipiein,li 4 a l 'i l iiiiiViii;th . his pledges. . ' ~. , ~, , ..T . i .. ... _ _ j i . Shio3l44 . E. i Ttocaste'r — Pii. ............. '2ii` 1871: ' ' -91 ' •,, , tif ~ .L. , - • • 1, , , • r i ' iI ''PERSONAL:r.I ) r, ii it t . ).: Livi 4 , ‘,.., ) )li , i))., 1 40N pi lett rping home, 1 . i epli , Ilgeme m , expee e VD . TnE L'iWi l f c 'Y t "''' ' '''' ' - I t ,arrive'it owird in a, feW'dhks.• ,': „,,, .R.a. ILAI f 3. 011 ASE )13 a Tit 110: liillesign. • ' . : ''''' • '”' •'' " Annu - tctiiP l4 ''''OM'' . ' t• ''t' 7 '' I I : 51 kr IC 414 P tal/ I TP, ei "Ln 0 I Ely i tQlL IS P CI4. ", '. % ' I t; 1 . . .0, , IC.: .111., Yvt.l,l : kilsox rte stuAle, Lome g' Newport / .. 61 ''''' - ''"" 1, 1) 11 )) -- . 1 41 ',. ili 1. folgAlaa, V '' '' illi) ". i414 1 14 1 0 . 11(1011 prin ti l clOiiiii; is ii: f Pn:pitocputhi,A6! • i NABT,lildtigi Of `oBiiiik4i eliriigeroil;' -iii,, -,-,,,..., “: -,;., 4 .,: ~ dqqadi t ot even'smoue. ...; i -,, ' SEx.foron 1 7 `.Evi?24:IiiiS ' returned from his WestiMittip., :" '' ';'" ' J ' : '' ItorEti'itaiNEVihalitii•'s . alcen Chicago' di 6hutabcrillii i .” "n ' ' """ i ' PITTSLIURCI'S knightly. crusm i l7r . g', vi4O' in Naple a l t iad accmintS, . ~NveEkt wity 4 Sositilely" . be marriq next sprite , '''` l '' t' '' : 'i '' MLLE B . enrrni4ai . ' has ' 'married an pviiph.'-ii'd.tileinA..' -:- ,'"" iiiiii.•Atily sk6:I6VAAA N .p 41q-i- ARDSON is to publish- another bciol 'of [rsi poems. •:D., is n 4; i'olMity-Mm yeaa'S• of agii"and full ?of honor. • Mn..Toms'll: WiLLIANis has hecotnb, co 'With'nuectedNorristoivn, ••• • • " ;WALt 'WiIiT'AIA:N• Is holed fO'r Iris fiery red cocCiiloiioli . , aiicl lf ooiiss for child: 1 . 6 n :; .A.rwitp.,‘V'SbimsoN docsirat, ati pro•i6 the,„"he'w departuic.' He tliorQuhrh perncicrat ifory. A. Sriiiblxii, TJaIVsitsXTY will' bo 11.' tCo's monument. A half doicii scliciol houses totild be better: . reccutly* bought 414. d'regscg for and yet peilygamy. . t 1 LATE * Visitor to CiiiiPo's study says, an' •cartliqualo - ii6Cfci thafiqicsettle it. • ' ' '• '• ' PwrziN .1 - 34rpeoplol, I niVO boon 'wast.fng, tl3 it iiiveetnoN's ) . on 'a liogu 'nth,. lath in . opimo'.iO'guo'illO teat Ono 'frir MisS'TrittdOiiin,orddig :Maltried' Baron 'They wanted lien to thal:4 some Ono else, 'but AO. .• yllllllO • , • .41 s • suicided lieepso lie anilan't, get, a 'clork- Sliib, thO CliicagOToii Opines le did; an "Weliy 'caul& •• •' ' • ' ''CitAnr,ns Lk 's' apribietedee'retiary the Japinidge'T.l6gatidO; is "the anther tii.l6llg ressiinial Bic-, ''' • • 'to. lbsiVrtlY. Hewv.v, Of Media, 'ta's"jfist reithned from a wagon trip over tlie': battle-Gelds' of 'PethiniylViinia and AnrYlithd„ ' routhiov'S' e • rigagement. in 03110111 in been paWy cancelled: T{is'speeblids'and tlth l 'platfOrm did I not agree. I. the liarthYname 'A.iikiian',cenrit Von AtierAllorg, wlio 'neon th"poblic fin'a leader of pth•fy in Anki,riii, 'Once Of I'Sin : 2'l6li is pdutriifg . ! the 'Biidilliihttth in.,' the sacred `view r to Vaosiv - ifon Burine'se 'th4England. 81 1 .tintikorb: tile pOleimitbefbaker "ofil?9'lt4,tist 14tro fan '''l2alici"-ithele • in 'London', ll 'far recovered froth ill ?,s prbacli on?o weeki th Ills smons tote ! ono ilionsandtt has jtik iiOen printeil. Ho, nthOologie'al r scb6Bi of eighty tudentii ; also, ap crpininage, and a, loldon'Lthie pothest and' kileSt tledFideclpeopic London. Rine, IQpii 3 O oubt.3%, C„ . OR Ole; foUit4 Wea4agert about lAYears.„'' T71o)4111S-... VOrono .lecoi:der '1. 4 1fi r. g9od old lady attended tbO orgAniz9tioli . of the ClMrch : S Rtcntber,'l7 O, and L 7ns, yeryrinTions atte'tid tbi; CoUtontu , d gaybutte girf' of 1770 fotittd htricif bk;ed'dbvi , if hgd in' 1870, and was unable to attend•the meeting." ' I a al ~1 Oil= 8018,000 00 , 14:006,000.00 28;440,010 00 X 3.51 8 1000 00 .. 310,4117 10 4 . 2.612 26 so MEM 30Ri'.' ^34~:iZ ~U.1,618,83Y 60 110,188 00 478 00 NEWS.' ITEM `' l ?c , l4l , ii , the tho ;loskliyoky,hoolliogs. , oi,I I `•WITURE,,I7Ip.n.7-7rigl4 or "wrongl—still' the white , the liulilux motto of Nth°. T.uachloash ,A 4 nits r, , . Tzity..Voathori haw. opqiled , the Yoxh,l4neht.clltib,l funju, the, oast this ,seastni. Out, of, feusssoes to have taitow ~ .plape,dast ,week i ,ohly, ono ,pame ntti. ; „„Irrin lio,rristemu r p - sraid , -convoystiio .sidea!qt extremelyiew.nrater ; in the writ =I rilett capplres 49 15 ,t440. 1 c u q." 0 , ,K9 A jeweller at ~ , q4P9c.4Pay, aßgWed ,:114 alaiuo 11 1 119,PralA 4:9 1 1t.• wile; rOlVP?a , A , lhifk,:ta. a'.49wl days ahAefiltri tht , tt,w,fity,le;,(9.94ur i t, for lea; a i tiort ; of seAf f li;s4l,„ v,qvot or .gtra l Y4 , 4Tnitn.4o,nt.qSA .M:4 31 • II I ' 1 141 . .915 !Man, fostcpqd,hy,,a,, i rlriagea lly comppspet Illaa'aggic..o f.gat11911 4 ..1 I . t i l ''' ) "' s r rTmm New Bedford .Afarcuu , s azt Abet early Fridayiraer rang thole:waft a Wage.: /ar44.9vlAva9atlP.l4 l 9,lvatala hiltbaT , the ,tide Opyipk ) ll l ll,g 7; llo,vvi,i?A• ,at,ritervals ,offliftquilllilat'Palvitil,llPlPMY.Ptabit'Y. • Qf efillaagil drlilil9ol,t9 j a P.l9fl9rs!:9°l°N,9flaoaPa° Vg a aa9Y.. / & i ,i(1. in gloucesfor, ostiehttett 19130)°c,tV , 5 /P l3° ' l l " Pllv,9rtil i alxitenA,.lte;s. „sent ., to the rpccuged. th`t:k words )DreliAltil4e: Oros's, ' itor .. rep. road,' : " T . ljo "011114tlarr's' Dream: 'Ate'tililiibte r i t ,BAert. of lyisserrein, has '',4l , bb. 000 ta found a college for Won' Cir.'ttb , 'itlifierl;f'and'inithelkeellilo(l;ood. icor° br? C'olillitithiVolie kit Cehnll'ipb , rw , kiyiti.iotilltigi; of Sildhe'iotit; 'ticontly be the li 4 il)iii.nrieri'ef the' St.. Oiloli, , 'ropert that 'dirtelli'dcBitefok' fir Mai r ink, they ItitilthlftYlflVottratti Wet obb'St whle'lr, weighed loan Abaft rt, WM . Frvn French refugees reached San Francisco a few days ago, and intend be doming eittn.mis cic t .th o . llnito4: , States. Mining c1411 4 ,a5. hp) ' b§itt ICO‘ted • for them in E.* coun ; ty7.tlirifiughitlie Labor E . bongo. r ( 4 '.; - ' ''' , A ! 1 i , : t • Mcnint Cdtis tuft Wfis" to, be t EE 'co 'fittted - iiV6ordhlg-to coAtrritillbywirett December ; September 15, _the day. fixed for. the opening, is • therefore, three rifiOnthfilligmtjofitilmb.r IDlMlworir, , ip 'three yatds iierdieln,' inks o'co l upibli'four; ...... .. . . AN international exhibition is to b 0 Vl'l eru :1/eo(l4hbtilL'''riexE . ""lt MicaltiAld tir l d(iniiietitiOn . tti' riatliniS j tiVoe' t glilifinedals'+altio'd at .C 209 All tlOOl4- ACCORDING to the Pelcin ' . o4"zeo,"'the . of the 'lfiddraY'llt - 'ida's, 'sTitaileifti; r eenfeki'by • heing t 'iricWt kne(4-' _ . „ 'hot thaln.4 foftWentYdayk.;: Thts 'SatiitarY 'lo t' he SliOtilif "11'111111i:fig .to 'Cue t'd . iiieees" '' • , sunk in thb 'bay "Of' 7iEd,,' with' ' 'Valud"Of $430,660; 'llltlf of . ':whiqh 'is 'still . under water: cohdp'aq . fdrided'in Prante fdr":the reckiveiy'dfthd . geirernmen if 'claindS4gi" - Inir''cont"' Thii!'dompaiii dnginder, in n'flud any of'ie:" !' ' tlxitniiile' Of Oftrlr. t h i een brought'tO light in, 'LadY' Cliiiliol of 'the` Exeter: The' stibject and , givoit oviadoe. treatmeitt 'add 'great"'ficlitilis 'of Color.; kportion' Of',the plettire was doWtroyed by I , ,l6alTild'c'ld'hgailia the wall upward of . 'tWeeent l tiriei Trik 'first willow treb 00d:tilted in "X'ttiorich; 'wits sdt out oil Ow) rim of 91p: preWMit' Third avenue; New York city,. one hundred aucl eightyizeursttge, _lt was a willow twig which crime,, in a papleago flger:frcinvlkib,l4cM ; was stuck into the groithd,' and in tWo'years became (julte 'a largo, tree. This is, ih all t'e 'Sp'ects,''aOhentic. - ''llitt4Nipot.'n," the horse that beat "Longfellow," while be WaS it colt gave littlepromtse'as a racer. So disconraged Was Mr. Alekalicler, his owner, with his early trials, that lie sold-hits for a small Sum to Jo. Alien, colored man 'cm.' Ployecl on the faith, By him he was put in training, and at three yers old ran at LeKingtdn, and won with such success that he was purchased by his present owner, Mr. Babcock', for • the sum of $1,360.; Attica then lie has beep very 'successful as a racer,',esi:eCially ationg distlinceS, his 'only notablki defeat' b'eing ' at' 'Ling Branch, this seasoia .dbout Rome. TRERSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 11'371. Qua llostE InzumhsTs.—Some weeks' since, wo alluded to a, project for the :ostablishment of largo iron . manufactAy at, this plane. We gave then- -the .assurance that the enterprise wastu 4.16 hands of some of the most active trustworthy of our citizens, and that there was every reason to believe thnt'it mould-succeed: 'We aro very glad, tiow to announce, that several-gentlemen are actively engaged in soliciting subscrip tions of stock, and that up to this date, about-4:35,000 dollars have been subscrib ed. It•is the intention to eanyass'the bor ough and neighborhood actively, until the whole amount of 4'100,000 imecured. Ndw in connection with this matter, wo,wi . Sh to,oper.a feat suggestions., , It is of very great consequence to every citizen of this borough,, that this enter prise sneceed. The property owners will find their.,propertios enhanced in price by the erection of a large manufactory. Every plcre4ut.anddealoi; in town, will find his trade increased, by the increase. of , population, which will attend the erection and : ,carrying on of a :largo manufacturing. business. Professional men will have a wider. field for their services, and whab is okfpN mom import-, :thee, mechanics and. - laboring mem will find better paying and more'con staut employment.. ' All this, however, is so evident, that it need hardly, be stated, and tbe i only question that remains is how to scenic the benefits of this enterprise. Thesvay very easy and simple. Let every Property , oweer t business man, mechanic anff laborer do what ,he can to assist it by subscribing to the stock. It is idle to say that $lOO,OOO for a legitimate enter prise , cannot be raised in this community. 'lt sboUld be silbsCribed'in a single week, and Wahl he; if Or 'citizens consulted 'their elm ( interests. No one • Should, ,refuse 'to y " subscribe, beCause he can afierd only to Make a small subscription, nor should any, one subscribe to such an extent as embarrass lamtelf,' hut. every ono 'should feel it his interest to . make -soma subscription to the enter prise. ';:Prepeely, , conducted, it. cannot fail to pay a reasbnable dividend 'from the first; and' the benefit it milt be to business of , every kind, : would of itself by a full return all, prudent isubscrip-, 'N'oiir'*O" beg our citizens, not to allow this enterpriSe to, fail, when they }lave it in their power to benefit them selves by its success. Hint—Penches.' ' ElifCtion pear niist wcok.'" • - . I /bu r . Tr y An.T.114 Mu...lltr o skrat , . sboiv bilfs of TfUndOnburOCo's,,,Cirous ni:llgenngcric, *Lich cover tlio' "bulle tin" bOW.rds around town:' i PU , *lllNA,vfore oflorcd inur-• hot, on Batnrchiy.rnorninglu4 , - T i- . :thO first. of,th? suaspU: , Nyil1,1?o the' ,t)!iUkiu,pribu.. , , , • . . . Tug% Qapileth ,schopr, cpupeetetl wiLb , 440 .‘ttlery Tl. E.,Ghurch,.,wyill,pieiie et, etts',Q.rcivA, ptot *:ttyt:efey, ehettld the weittlier be, favetelble•,: . • ' TALLConx.-Our,oxoltankos aro fillodi o w n i t, t . lA fni, P • ° ln ti o c r7c 9 a f it j'"-" sh il oAv Dori:, • Who among' a tipeciin4n of 'the , ,talkost T , • ,Who wjil ho, the ,Airst !reply 'ti•t•ttiii inquiry •Donit sneak n 4 once.. !97•'-'uc)usid°l4l, ojiy citomont was created alnong I ,KtyP,trP9'MMlN't liynttlo tho • `Thoionging to, YatidTPuFgh #ol' i• 11 ??P490 0 and , u, por, , wmt sonteneml the 4tstern Piinitonti i nft the ht,to'Ci • mr of , Quarter S aswi) 6 notictd by ,tii' - 'oi which r tinpears in un cidnipm l ' Who „ l4lio'rtir will lleave du •; tl'l9 o,l9lT r. i,',t;• ~2 • 7 'Maw Etnithnini.4-thir youngtowlisniatil: .bfr. Samos Woistiiviate • of tho•.flim of ' 'FrySinger Wolioty intends loaving'OtitY town to , ongagn in' the lordlier trade. 'Mr. rilV: has fdrmod many aonnairitaneoti, in • this htireugl l / 4 :. ,, Vvhci , ; ntqot: his Wa With ;Mtn, nnocoss "now bußinosn. • ,9onnor,—Locals. • , MANY of our citizens are, changin their plepee of reSidence:th i ti s Fall. fact, there; aro *ore "flit , titigs" now - Gjat wo eiret .notiead bolo ~, at his so son i of the Oar. $... SEMireus. We ha, been infiiiineethacitirtliir frit - Uri - At the Committee having the matter In charge, to Imo services in the., English Lutheran j Ankelli r r egol'irly,i 440 Alio . ' pulpit is SAMUi OLKODY, on Church alley, in tha 'rearaof ilheem's•fillallo has We, ivory elteapastfrnit.cansiß town. ••,,Ile hds just received tho..latestistyles. of stovel, wlliah 'ho offere,iat' reasonable. price 4. Give him a call.l I ' CANNING , FnUrr.--Mady,hottsolteniois 'ire this , Placiy iornplain dint , the banned by them thd , Preselit season - Will neE , keep: - `• ..'`rifle " is ~v ery, proVoking,' )tis well as expensive: , 000 •latly 'that out ''of: ,, ll'.l canav Of tomatoes, '‘tli have all spoiled exiniptidtv of , A 'number of Otherwlinie nisei loft several =1 , istep.cp.r-)executors, Administrators and Guardians are notified that all„ ac counts for confirmation and allowapce, at the, nest, Orphans' Court, must Bled in the goujetpes office, on, or beoo the twenty - fourth dayseptenther,lB7 • Speurn Pl'pr,r,„ Tiegisful., l l e =lll=l piep9rarrioN.-- 7 By tororendd: now advertisement's it that Mosst.s..Fryisieger & Weiher, meichaints, have dissolved the ep-paFttiel% eisistieg betivede thorn. Mr. F. S. Fryfilteg4 'Vexing ireilrohased Mr. Weiser's tntereat, the business • be condn'eted bereafteitinialer the i natee of PrySingar & Co. ' • • TnE executors of • John Noble, 4e ceased, will ad' at polio sate, at tho Courniouse r on Friday, October 6, two - valuable - tractrrof lea, one ,or .winch is knownns the ,"Snowdon" tract. Aldo, on Saturday, October 7, en the premises, inMiddlesox township, a tract of land containing 2.66 acres of valuable laud. ! HORTICULTURAL EXHIRITION.—The Cumberland COuuty Horticultural So ciety, will hold its *.'Alk, exhibition, in Franklin Hall, bleclu4iieshurg, , com mencing on Wednesday next, the thir teenth instant, and closing on /Saturday evening, the sixteenth. A cordiatinyita tion is extended to the farmers, fruit growers and gardeners of this and adjoin ing counties. CIE NEW RAILROAD.-F. C. Arms, Chief Engineer of thODillsburg and Mechanics burg Railroad, annothices 'l,"fiat settled Proposals, addressed to 'Eon. Frederick watts; Cal;liSle, Pa:; will 'be received un til the fifteenth of Poptomber, for tho graduation and masonry of the Dillsburg and Mechanicsburg, RailrOltd, 71 Information ‘telatiVci 10 the - propesals can be obtaitied by applying to the ciginedr's office, at Carlisle, Pa. Lunar. PEAn.—Dr. .7: C. IsTell; of this plade, has liande'd us A manunOth : near, which for size and weight eclipses :any thing we have scoh the present semen., It weighs oiic :retold and: one ounce, and' measures 13 inches lu eircumferthce and 6 inehee le diameter The Doctor ici= forms us that the tree is= ladened with tIIIS fruit. Ile 'has also saierid other varieties of choice peara gl;owing on la' lot, and among them the Seelcel,' Which for flavfor cannot on= LEFT HOME.—George Long, a lad pf 18 years, left his home,. in Upper Prbri"- Ilona): township, Montgomery county, Pa., on Tuesday, the fifteenth of •Auguit; last. The tiOy was of slender form, bright eyes and dark hair; cut short. When. ho loft, he had on light t pants,. black coat and chip . hat. It is not known .what course lie took. Anypersongiving the subseriner any information unicorn, rug the , whorabontwof 'his son, will be. liberally , rewarded ; but he will pay no debts the.boy may contract. Lotto, Trapp, Montgomery Co q Pa P. .-11xelkanges please copy. " OPEA soiylcei en Sabbath eveidng last, on the corner of East and Louther street, Wore of an ua: - . usually impressive character. Interest_ log addresses wore delivered by , Prof, Hillman, Reverends Smiley, Hutzler and Brown.' The meeting was well at-, tended and enthusiastic in its character.. The services on next Sabbath 'evening will be held on South Hanover street, he-:, tween Pomfret and South at half-past five. It is the intention of the young ; Men's Christian Atisociation to eeptinne these open air exercises as long as itip, weather will permit.. Those meetings,, ; wo are intoriued, have already` been ductive of much good:, 'BITTEN' BY A ' CorrnriEnti.'Lasi i week a little son' of W.F,'Brandoil, of 'Petersburg, in, the wagon shod, was bitted in the ankle hy' a copP r erhead snake.: The child 'idunily to his 'inether, - •eopplained tgit a bee , had itung'him ; hat' s no attinition vin's given his complaint,'Veyond a glance at the suPoosed sting, ho went out and be gan wading in nind ntiddlo. In a few minutes, hoWsier, 'ho returned' to house and said. lls' , knee . Wati paint?* Limvery mueli. Tiie" sting, now show lag' sonic , abrasion Of the aurfaeo; on it'd count of thelpihtniniation w had spread tp ocitEd alarm andaearch was nida:kol 4 .;tlio sup. , pcis&l'lii4,es' 'nest, Whiah' thiP ?c id ho hacl'Soen; but'Which priiipa'lo la a 'hip op'ptirlAtul" snalta: bii.ifed an 'a heap, M'easuring,•whoii ) kVil i ed; (Erol.' thr4i feet. The Idaysle4, Wad surninonecyaid that Wading' in :the Mud Wah the' best thing the', could . The boy•iadelgoodreebYr. • --"•" ! 001:fliT4 FA111. , --The people', 'not, .only 'of' this; 'but of neighborihg counties,' should boar in mind -that timr.iCumbor land • County 'Agricultural 'Bocieti will liold its Fourteenth Annuat.fahl,' on the oleventh; 'twelfth and thirteenth; days".of October next. ' Themanagors havdmado cliite' 6'1.110n/her • Of 'hilproveinents, "'end' olheted • new' buildibmil during the peat' Year. '' Llbeial'Oemiuma °froth& fti! 'exhibitors.' ' As' the of icois of 00 1 430 'MeV intbnd that this shhil lie tiro: ,e. 41 'fair ever held in' third valleyi our !loopier both town and Countryi shouldassist them in Whateimi , niannin'thoy ham and thus, otown their offorth in :this 'Oothiltins'orsso Are' offered fo,thp' : fe:stetit tsetting. The arrabghments,:fe fprrod ,to in.:mitlast.tsauo, with ?.'c art ff; to gotting the,idornberian4 : County Hop , tidultural Sooloty , to tiake'patt,#kithfit .111tlition o. :port*ta; 4 1 0, grand horticultural display will, tuuteubt. : odly, make a. prominent feature pf the 'coming county fair, The ladies are par-, tionlarty Ahquested to take part in , ge . fair, by a display : , of. needieworic,: f4a, work, ito; . Lot olltft9t4tiftlite 01A make it it grand puocotor. • , STILLA BOUT—Tho - organ and scissors grinders. :e.j, Tln Fall*.ssion of Dickinee , nCOlilie . , . i l l . commence .: day, (Thurtdai.) -STILL F s.:--The stars anqatri s from the o:rla of the Empike oak, .. Ladder L se. . Rh . - .....,..... ex train on the Cumbeilan 'Valley passed over the Western part of the road one evening last week. RECCNEHING.—Mr. John Ringwalt's - trotting , horse. rebeived'a - few week's since. , carry on tliet arpotlinpintas in Sa.wyer'r old stand, ntixt„doeY to the BeritztHousl. THE Tosm denne'R . l; ',ii‘cirn'ed notion on the C. V. R. R.tOoplargo, the eulvinkt, .at the corner oflligh AndTittestreets, N.lndian,ehow.visited-Mount-Holl ;= On Tuesday.. A. 4m:OAI. of years hivie "elapsed since our , boiough luts.been ited hy slioW•orthis•descriptilon. - all NEw Afeeeis Faint . ; stone masoni3,, are hulOinir • aew pulverts at the intorseetipn , of Pitt and North . streets. This is a, muolx needed provement.. • . MAD i ß i oc e l.,4i: nun.ldog AialiSed along"' 1 West.streeton.Monday./ast.• ,Mr. B. Spangler purimed , the , rabid. animal, a d succeeded injyoundllig , bin lin tho si Q by a shot from a musket.,, ~,We did n y, hear of anything having been bitten. 1 ,„. , , . . NEW Annurimies4-I.73Sloksrsi Bosh ,&; Bretz, proprictoN'of the stable. on South Pitt "street, i•Cßeiitly• piirchased an ambulance in Philadelphia, and. added it to poll' alreadSr large stock of carriages, buggies,- .Co' . • t a,suita le vehicle for hauling , picnics And other Bum laguaniG.-.-The colored folks .of this piaeo‘and vicinitypwill hold a butilr tneellog on land. of 4.ndrew.Nickey, _near,Springyille,commencing-on-Satnr day, •tho sixteenth instant. No hook.: storing will be allowed within two miles of thomecting. RUNAWAY. , —Chief Burgess Jam 'S. Low, received a telegram from Harris burg on Monday, informing him that U boy, answering to the. name of Illry Lighti'had run off, supposed to be ,in company with two other boys. Five dollars reward is offered for his arrest. CHEAP FAISHB.—Under tho head of "New To-Day," will be noticed' the ad 'vertisemeait of the Utiloii Pacific Rail road Company, offering for sale 3,000,- 000 acres of farming laud, right on the lino of the 'road, either , for cash or long credit,, Prices rangingkrom $2 to $lO per sore. For. further particulars see advertisement. MSENE, WOIiIC.-ThrQugh the kind ness of Brevet Xajcii% General piow F irt Van Wet, Deputy Quartermaster Go cral, Philadelphia, Pit., Mr. A. B.EtV lug, undertaker l 'of l this place, has been authorized, to 4 diitin . ter 'Me bodies of soldiers , interred •in the' soldiers' ceme tery at Carlisle BatrackS i • add remove thein'fo: Ashland . tiOnietiirSr: Mr. Ewing contemplates resuming Ivork'on Monday upott,Alienleveniitin.stant. • - • if, • FINE GRAPY:B.—Mr. IVill A. llunirich, lho'etnerprisiug-green‘grocery ruerelMllt all , Moral Hauovorstreet, is ever mind ful of the printer. We are forced to thik :conclusion from, the rt,greealde.pres ent he favored-us•with on Tuesday, of a large quaaity of choice and delicious geapep,• 1Y H. is, in daily receipt of qoneerfl grapes ; also Adams county neticlibs, libich he otfcl•a :ilk reasonable market rates. Tif.kt!ol.a.. l ,Vc.are indebted 'to C. F. Dayis,tand CoMmisaioner U. R. R. 'Co., tsletirako.„ for a new'edition of des~rilil'ive PamPlilet Or guide to the enfOn' Pacific Railroad Lands. Twelve millions otacrch Or the host tayming and ,'grazing. thBTOited Stoi:, aro *biteind fir sale, at,'Priobo suit fiarChas err, hy this company. 'iNfuell'• *pitiable Mroimiation t'aii 14' olititicit 't4ini this dcAmplifet. •It aisO'Contairnra vain able §enei tor 4. , Are fri;ii,evern'fincb.: ItiverS"Of' th Cs° . tl el ic ion's 'bivalve's will ' , be' 'pleased to , learn that' they oan 'now bcf , prciciirdd tho Franklin House riesliturabt, of 111 r ., (leo. •Welef,:'Who is receiving' largo supplies 'doily , Philadelphia. ',, " , Goorge Colvin;' a eaterer 'of linneW 'expOrlence, iontitinOslo piesidc4 , :and the'disfies lie Prepitrini ate always kotton in the highest style of art,' The choicest "brands of liquors, wines and ales, as well as su • periOF beer, ate kepteonstlintly`on hand, 'an& se'rVeit to' oustoiners by attentive at tendants: ball and iParnPlo PICNIO.—Tho plonie at the • ." , .Bernt House," on Saterday last, was. largely attended; there being at least 250 persons present...; The festivities , of ;the. day did inotiactually..begiret ? untii:.-the, middle of, , the'afternoon: batwing was, , the;cider of t,h.o day. :Nearly. ,every one'VreSent, if' tripping the , , to m.,, , eet .oet , :strains of music,! furnished,;, ma i this .occasion. by Messrs. BpanglOr.-and singer. The piCElilY was kept up entil'a • late hguir, :Y.thee ..t4S participants die yorsed, delighted ,with tho pleasures ef ~ the day. Tho ooranaittee„bave reaspn,to, Oengrathlatoi thornsolyes .ou the stuccoes whielm,attended:. tbeke.,,94 l 4ig . Soul thin' pi/eaglet". I I i . j '- REA.L . ESTATE Sliars.E . --N6ri - v - 7inlid - Fla r attentiork to thq following Sales - of real estate, for NiiiiplillAllig have been printed at mnil3.'{ivir4; .:4 advertised in Tins , linn.srt4; '- ~. ' ' ' '* Davil. Blcoriir will 13 oll'At public' sale, at the beuri "Don t, in this borough,. op Saturday, Septonilibr - 23, his valuable ice 116 - userlitbat&T iliVie Ikertll.4eSior4 part athe'borinigli.'''S4) l iml{'" : 7 : I. . I D'Bio John Beeeenii assignee of Varner: TOwnselid,''cui'the.prothisesi 'in . lia,tinier tosarruthip,..A.drims countyi:ono.end I, half milem ~ north Of .;YorlsSprine • c:l4 Springs,: day, October 11, -. twtr.tracts,* able pal. eitate, ~ Alio,4t: the.same -and, place{ , vilinable' porson al p,roppi . By Daniel Keller, sr., eircopt DitiidDemuth r depeasrid{ on tit° rod iti , NOwton township{ , 012 Mon4oll 'Der 2,44 acres..of valtrolle.: real!. 0 Thisproporty was fririnerly.,prn Matthew linyle, .esq.y :ankle J .1070r the "Three Springs Property.". - ,: 3 •BY yV"..P. Sadler, pria.".e,ttorney Oit. IC,Nooto, t4p1.70,1,449,c{-story brilig_ i rily,eliAllg,, situMectoi . l Beath W i est street, 4)alv i ip i the i .ocpup!incy; - o.:iiirs, Jtil{?f, A 9 P , T °P • c 9 t, t'e t Tltqc -, T° i4 °' ll ? ' ' r l i° ~.s. E .,,,, , ,t,,,,W.b/. 9 .diY,, ill Belli at Tuii,lic,,pn,le,tit ,'!,ll4:'dolitt'll , 6 so, in 1 Rp, fliopmgcb. or 6•l4lr.,s''iiir''S rdaY { ficteeniiior lib; * ; . ii,• , :viiYuitbfo" . 6iip, farm : O,itnati4 in NOiiii iiiid'ilioiO i nlOwnitbip. ~ , By, '3oi,ii. ' - ninl ,liiiii`o,n'ACoiliiior, 'On ITlio,koiny, • PotObot 0, on, the . pOimitioo, e Vnit,•sioefirOlo iiirweiono farii, situated, ippout,li:gid4lctl i te#risliipl,fpu i t'n'illOr' 'frorn. fifnylikle;,'On:i el. { R. 7. ittin'i:b r aß, cm; , teinhigl,OrtietcV ',. ';' 2 . "'Orl ,ll -... , GOING to seed—rrlio Y farnioio. , - , : . j BY—Tho farm's plougl43g. '' . .,V. to _.. 1. SrY4 on:QV:Mole—The Qnlinme." EkiLL in t4n—The chi 41 cholera.., VELi4pereasing on , :iO. V. R. R mEnonr Real Edo, 61 Sales—see ~, 1 , 4. adr? Using olumns of tnea:osent iSsue. to - cx.ein'itewat, kindS of job work at the shortest libelee. • , IN DEMAND—Overcoats on 'Saturday morning at market. • l'EnsoNAL.—Capt. C. D. Rockarellow, psZar nitsi - ofor6 - 40riiat, burg,.po4,ue a Aisit a fpw days Edna.. - Sog()a, cuttin tyqr clOysy.seed,duyipgAoc,o;up?g 'Report pays - it will tro but ` - an averado. crop as the recent ramp caused p. second 1 - ri. , HEAvy.—Fro ighti the Cut:ol34- ,land valley. , ..Tho...coal, trade. ratist frani:tlio long ttyti4s of coal cars that daily arrive, Now is tLp,tiipg ril'dylibroA{; .prictp " • ^ Trxm'Orry.---IVlr.daniosP. gObnlai . u 4ncrehatle.bli West .Axa~n ! 3 t , r9PP;' left for? an:llfo , riday morning, last, :to lay in a.supplylotgoods, 4;i;tlio If you iii4l:4(Olifain ino:af„the.latoStq,yl9 . nockticsiyisit 1' 13 1 oin:43aturiiai oyoning,. itriEno toliaato and scgars constanily,,:. ; EnnOn.-4M-3110 Court - pteud'editi . gs :published in his Week's , HERALD, the reporter, in referring to tlie deliberation's bf the'Graiul, Jury, ianneimeed, " Dr. G. Vi..l4idieh , " foreman of that body, when it 'should Bade been' DV:' G. W._ Seariglit, of tide berotrgh. • We make thie .corrue tion in justice to the gentlemen _in dues- SONlNArainOlve.,: r -A;few nights sines, a gentlemen e freni—thd , " upper endnief the county, walked out,. of, the second story of the Unton hotel, on .}Vest Main Street. It appears that all the somnain bulists stop 0.444{44111er hotel, as this is the 'third individual that has walked out of the window Wide. asleep.• 'the geritletripry t several selrere Vilifies: but is 'steely improving. . CoptisE OF LEcrunp.—An hull 'trent Is'iri store for:onr citizens dur ing the coining Winter, and they will, doubtless, hail with pleasure, the an nouncement of this fact. the in tention of the - Cdtnmitfee Miming this matter in hand, to secure the most popu lar and distinguished lecturers of the day. It will' , be ,remembered the rich treat our citizens had two years' since, through the efforDil of the Young Men's Christian Association, in securing 'emi nent lecturers, both 'male arid: •feliialci. There will be 84 lectures ; and the price of tickets for the course, has been fixed lit $3": Tickets may ho obtained frbm eitlier'ef the Lecture ComMittee, porn- Pokdd oithololiowing Messrs, J. 11. 13osler, Andrew- Blair -and Orr : . ; ';• • ; STILL IN lAliME,AltB.—Notwithstanding our repeated dunning, (and it is an ini•L Pleasant task,) there me' ;AM .& illimbei' of subscribers in arrears to Tim HERALD. for subscription from September 10, 1800. Two, years have almost expired,, and yet these persons have failed; .to . settle their indebtedness with Priuteis, Alto all other business men, are, obliged to pay cask I'm material, latiori. &c., and in order to meet the demands of our creditors, we Me obliged to ask the indulgence of our patrons. The individuals indebted, eau readily aseer . 2 Wu to Whom We' refer, by taking a cursory glance at the label on their paper. To the kind friends who have visited:, vs scltiring,,ilin, 7 past week, and settled their accounts for subscription, job work and adveAlMilg,' extend:out , hearty thanks. • lIMIM FARE! watt. Gwen nsas.—According to announcement previwily made in these columns, the Rev. W.: SWartz, pastor of the First English Lutheran church, of this place, delivered his fare Well sermon on Sabbath morning last. Lefig . be fore the hour' for morning services had or. rived, - this largei,and — coininodicitis tease of worship vias filhid with members of his own Congregation, as well as many Members of other denoininations to liato n le his farewell 'diseoursd.' The text se_ iected for this pedasion was taken from 2d Corinthians, 13th chapter and , 11th innse,' as follows : brethren,. farenocll.; Be perfect, be of good com fort, he of 'Ono mind; live in pea'ce ; and' the God of love and petaeo slla l be svith you." The discourse, was replete' iviih interest, and was with alniost . breathipei attontienhy the nongregation • The pastor topehingly alluded to the pleasant, relatiiiiiaTii.athnd oval existed between him and, the members of his charge, during iniadintirri in th r is;iplace , Ito ,lop o ,rtfoi : rod, to, the numerous frier* and al had fdrnied iu this borough and; vr9loy, independent of his Chureli . riunnliera, •whom he should `al= waYs' regird with the tendereat affec- At the cunolusien of the sermon he road a statistical'etafonient, shoWlitg the" number of poraons lie had united in:watt' lock, 'also the number of funerals he 44, attended, its as tWilitcrease'Of mem berab.ip,ol his- congregation,. during the• fest three years.... . . In the , ovorting.ho , tlOlivored a fin sermon. to the ,young men of the at the earnest soliciiati . on'of the ;Young Cliristian Them I no , I ?effig'„an7 .31?'r11CO: several 4:019 ehurehesqhe ,ohuroh was flued r to its ut most capaeity.: ;Tipli,sopior( vlnS,ialcioUP aid powerful .produptipu, and . rwa's toned to with the Utraost attoution: .1 , liEer:E. ,TAKlNo...... r oxl,AtQpcla,Sr evening. ' latiktliirineinbers of :Rev. -Dr.ilSw'artz's eengregationi;7lsited, the Parsonage to bid tho. w tstonauilbis taidilli,',liirpivel},!' '4114 3' 'Aft. #'por":inifra 'a npwarda of tlitTee-ieatz., - , llkirin# the aYealap .' Wlattot i o Atilait .- 1 / a ild' 'v r isitbd . De.l)'s..4ll.qdP4ea... jand;' ii 'l l iTi laded hitt, 'playing several- of thew: choicest , piaces , of, musk,. , .Beakeely hAt ' they ,coased, viiitid' Pli Ilianglo died "Okiti, up.,'Pe'krinisiii4;lls,4''s'etalistahal'tlial'ltaoQr).' .discouralog D4ii,i'"o 9. l a w ,i, instrnrhento mus i d ; .. ',o n ,;., ;, • ;11, .., •, : I '' ,l, t!. , , When..ihey kad , corieladed„,tho pastqN, ri - iiiTe g i fdf totlaking' rewtatltliAlf nklUg 1 •thilmidndly_for :the , rich'. musical treats Wilf(X,tl4„in'uttlinifOiOilliiiii". - *Th Glee CIO, serenaded Dr. Swartz's-family the i illik'ul i glii'.Ak' il t oiti istikit'Alii.:iuY anidsh. I ~ .throo years'i ninco, ;,.. ,:: 1 ';i.; . 1 • The Reverend_ gentleman. /insii left a 'liirg l l3 dliele.,of , warm friends, Who sicioDly' reirpt,' bite dopaiturd front'' • ainong: , , titi:: ,The family -,ntarpul„ for„ Willitut,lT:orei Pa., their new home, oil Tuesday; mein ing, on the;11.80 train. We wish' him a pleaerint journoy, and niayle over he'as ivainily esteemed no 4, itipliirod, 01,11* i new ikild ,of lithdr, 'its • ho' lmh Ijeon ;in , this borough. 1811 l P.I;AYING TRIYANT.—Wo wonder if that crowd of boys in the vicinity of the Franklin House stable, on Monday after noon. last, who continually, annoyed us by their loud talk and hbrrid oaths, were not 'playing truant ? • RAN OFF.—On Monday evening, last, -as Mr. Jacob nipple and lady woro: re turning from a drivo to Mt: Holly, . and when in the. vicinity of the small bridge on' tlouth Ilanqorastreaty Alla buggy coming in contact tiliti'le•Pilerot t stones, Lavoliesuddenturelrpthrowing-Mvpkipube- TWeen the - Witold: . 3frs. - Hipide in 4 at• tempting- to et£6oll , lines was also ..thoyvn out„,,,T,l)oy„,finally.tretnicated the mselmfatllttcOlt.ase4lloUsVPSlVOP, when th P .4 9444A4-9.-Ottl., ftiPith 4 tet but was captured,ia tbo) NiaWtyof, the , Farmerslandrprovors' hotel. Mr. liipplo was ixijtiiini r iiie*iliivdi•tdy'oii the-elbow Itl4lied'iglltArni and sustained other in i • • - juries, and Mrs. Eppp was - out about the head and .; -ige'el'iDi;ti3.N it: l4 *4or was summoned and they, are botltgefling along very *RILL '11':.) Comm PnoohmnriOsContinuedir pm Alen:nark = was , :indioted'lpy ;'phtaining inPi:OcutOit:4;vilo is unable to ^Ada , ' White; jYtdkidetit, , `,'Ox„etoption -note for Orr, in - paynmnt-forn- sowing machine, representfni/ 1u5ii.. ,1 41 an ,ordinary negiottabld• min. The dofenso denied tilitytontrnbntendodlitlidi oven the obtaining,of aiiotemndoiiiuoff , eircum sedne'a,'?ciiill'lit'aisOtit'itio'Nfa,4ll44nse, where it v 74 3 ,1 dOncoto !name an honest debt, and-flint tberoilldhb itifo:Atfyic- Lion, becatisa the prosecutor had, as yet, sustained no" , , and t hat 1, iv il courts wouldl•proteettint , if fraud_wero shown—conviction and sentbuco fend ed. yalp for commonwealth, ,Tpida ftit 4 dfoildantr.l • Coin.. vs. John: Iltirridi—misdemeanor in office—defendant in this -case is a coidraisAiklinir "Cuntiberland''-'o4nty, and was at •Ilie,!titne ~of the Alleged offense:. ~.1 it J ; ; There were live counts in the indict ment. The first , charged defendant, being at the time a Commisigoner,,with being interested in a contract with the Continental Iron Company, and that he subsequently received, as his ,share of the protitS of:that cono:act,ithe fur of $1115.' The second 'Charged 'Miele; fidgety, franduleritly : a4d, corruptly, did (WA!, and propose; to 'John 'Orticey, , a contractor with the county commissioners; in con sideration of the sum of $5O to be paid .40, to have unjust and other claims of John Gracby settled in violation of his oath of office. ' '•.• , The third count . 111 the indiotieut charged the said llhrris with 'receiving from Samuel .Flickiuger„, a barrel of &Air, raider a secret and corrupt Agree ment that ['arils should, use his influ ence to have certain claims hold by Flickinger, Passed and Allcimaq, Tho fourth charge& defendanti tvith taking ;from the. d.ounty„Treasurer,.the sum of $100; in chnsidaaVon of his VOring 'AA a coiamissiotiet; to fix ,at a high rate the percentage allowed to said TrbAsiirer. T tfteVfillti ;catint ivtis l , re . ffeiltft r iti of the chaigns..•. Counsel foi clefoxidant dethurred to the bill ofindietnient is 'defective and in- sufficient in all.its counts.' After ., licar_ iug .the argument of counsel, the, court "dismissed the clemurreivand the defend •aut plead not guilty. _ , The jury the defendant guilty of the misdemeanor as charted in the second count of the indielmpnt,',und not guilty as to the other counts. ' ' ' ' A_ motion in arrest of judgment was then made by Mr. ,Ilarrile counsel, which was„trglied on 'Saturday; • Mid; the de cision of the court resorverl until the fourteenth instant. Maglaughlin, Miller and Hepburn for'dorpiribtir'ealth, Penrose and Graham jr., for befendant. • .4 • .Com. vs. Samuel Fry 2 -larcony—pload .guilty:Lsentenced to 10 (Inge irtimison moot in county jail. Cora, yk. 13dvra41.E!yoilutrit--fi t tat, con n t -4nriclary—second fondant beinirMianged pleads not guilty no jury found defenifuniintlty* sec ond count Of indiamout,and not', guilty* On first count,-aentoneed tp 10,daya' im prisonment, in county jail. Mad a lringldin. for Cony. Common for defendant. --v Cbru. vs. SaumalWalker--,,b . Frglary -.. 7 -Jarucuy—doroodailt plead not 'guilty. Juiy found pritioner ;guilty in manner and form, aKhe stands indicted. 0vi, 11 4( tco . thi S•ohtlifulife;SS - of the 410- feiidant, the court '!`vas disposed not r , , .fove a • sesierei ,rientence butimposed a pormity..Of u tWo-A0 im priSonriiont in p, tern 'Penitentiary. d'ilaglaughlia for Corp. Graham, jr., for de ifondatit, „ , • COM. vs.' Jelin Ruggles—assault with intent to killr-nssault and batte6r. This was the Walker, .stabbing c an ac: count of which waS published' Aout the time of its °coo rronce,Ldefeiidrint plead not guilty.' fury, under'inStftictions of the Court found Rugglos guilty:of unlaw ful cutting, stabbing and Wounding, but pllttnred - rtfbill of iudictment-sontenced to three months=' in county:3lUL' ;Maglatighlid• foli, Corn. r i; . ! tyyl Cob. vs. Adana...lfaincarccny Ic `fdriAtilipUid3gOilt-31,kii'xictlattAintonced f 6 two h,bnllttonieht - county ' • • I Corn. ,vs. Milton Spahr and 'Ann Spahr —carrying away fruit-lHclofendants pltad It not guilty, and that - -7 pay their own, coats. fag. laughlirt for Commontroalth, Ponroso for dordnaltiit. k , ;I , • Qom': vr,tlinninelJ Fry and Than Miller by 41,41ty, and sentenced to onomonth in county Rut—assailt and battery-7acquitted and county for costs... Corn vs.T:iJantV ',ROSS-Hassauit and battery—plea!l guilty andsouttal' cod to ;jail of 'dountY'foi'go Co4l. l 4:',lnb! r g. .litit'litattlfed i tillil'til`;lßllty:tt f iul usual sentence inivposed: i • /1"' Erirah Snav,e;y7adultery— fornidatioU and bastardy—defendant pleads noi:s i gniltir—LVoidial * iiiiity.,... , hi county jait Mag- ~1aug)11,4114,,84t4ip9yr1• f6l:,,Eommon-, •*load6lll:Blibiirer Tor 4. defendant: •:;1! Corn.,%nCdolni and :14ite4 - 49. 1 #i4 : VP t elPtiO , ,j4 lll o s and ,fffpiN r lvaring.statoent,!Conetdnposed. Artoof 0 cents and costs of prosecution. Com, !: ; v . ", 4.ollriitzliuppoii-riWcoPy— plixidg not guilty—loin:l/ot not Odin. ViihfhitlitLi.misdonaOnnor do P 1 44K 'jiiß Woo l i[i i profile brought by Sohn ElfrW affrdilpt Rhombi, who hi nbion bOandiUdOnOl."Und who woe .prooo - !flofOndrint d. n0iq,4034. Jury n'ot liciglo.ngldin and forechn4; , ;*illorftndpopburn for def.:nu:luta. Coin. vs:lolui Staitti l . §Mth and gnei: Smith-tibilaNdully taking fruit•—• voratot kullty. .i.engiritialilln for Coin, 13lionror for 49fendept. I'. MEI !MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers