, Stoves, M atta/re' atad P;imps.“. IF YOU *tom CHEAP renLort, AND COOK STOVES AHD .11VERitVARTETY OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WARS, GO TO & RUPP, NO9. 02 AND . 04 NOILTII lIANOYEU 2T-OnET, bAiIIASLE, PA We Would respectfully inform our numerous Mende and the public generally ; that we liaN'e con stantly On baud a LARCH AND WNLIt; BELBOTI3D STOCK OF -PARLOR AIW _COOK STOVES., Me department' of our Stock le unexcelled for artistic design, superior finish, and simplicity of arrangement. • Our stock of Stoves le immense, and embracea all the most popular Parlor and Cook Stoves of the times. Wator Coolers n specialty at tha present time. Knivoe, CM Spoons, Ladles, • "Lamps, Dippers, Toge(hOr with Plain and japanned Ware. Wo;tare also prepared to turnloh 71!.amps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, and have for oalo the Colebmted °opium, enctuntior Wood Pomp. ROOFING, SPOUTING, AND JOB WORK attended to promptly and on reasonable terms.' Remember the place, tho groan front on North Hanover street: A few doors abovo Louthor. Oive•ns a call as we am dotormlnod not to bo under sold by any other putt. in this place,. Thankful for past patronago we extend e cordial hivitation to all to pay us a visit. RHINESMITH & RUPP, Nos. 62 and 64, NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. 16Jal Dr. Ayers' Medicines AY"'S CHERRY "PECTORAL. For diseases of the throat and lunge, snob no coughs, colds, Whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and consumption. Probably noVer before in the whole history of med icine, has anything won so widely and no deeply the inutldencerofmankindraa - this - exeellehb - reinedy - fo pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the races of men it lens action higher and higher in - their estimation, as it has became better known.. Ito uniform character and power to care the various affections of the limo, and throat, hays made it known as a tellable pro tector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease, and to young children, it le at the Fame time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections, of the throat and binge. An a provision against sodden- attacks of- croup, it should be kept km hand in every family, and indeed so all are nom., timecaubject to colds and conghn, all !Mould be pro vided with tide antidote for them. Although settled CONSUMPTION IS ThOllght Incurn blo, still great number of eases where the disease seemed settled, have been Completely cured, and the patient reetorod to health by the Cherry Pictoral. Bo completely in its mastery over tho disorders allot Lunge nod Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing also could roach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Singers and Public Speakers find groat protection from it. Asthma le always relieved and often wholly cured by It. Bronchitis is gsnornily cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent dome. Bo generally are its virtuce known that we need, not publish the certificates of them bore, or do more than aware the public that Rte qunlities are fully maintained. • •- • AYKR'S A,,QUR CURE, For Fovor mud Aguo, Intermittent Fever, Chill Lover Remittent Favor, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., and Indeed a I the affectionn which arise from znaluviouo, moth, or miasmatic poisons. As Its name applies, it does Cure, and does not all.. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, or any other mineral or poisonous mbstaneo whatever, it In nowise injures any patient. 11,0 number and importance of its cares in the ague dis tricts, ate literally beyond account, nod wo Whom without a-parallel In the history of Ague medicine. Ote prideis gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate oases, and whore other remedies had wholly failed. Unacilimated persons, either resident in, or (rev elling through miasmatic localities, will ho' protected by taking the MICE CURE daily. For Liver Coniplaints, 'arising from torpidity of the Liver it lean excellent remedy, s, imulating the Liver Into healthy akivity. For Billione Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly remarka ble cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Do. J.C. Aran & Co., Practical nod Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and .1,1 all round the world. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. BOLD BY ALL DREOGIBTS EVERYWHERE DR. .T.,C; APER - ct, CO., Practical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. J. B. lIA.VERSTICK, Agent, CARLISLE, PA., 23mh711y Dry Goods and Notions Fresh Arrival of 1871 SPRiNG AND SUMSI - 811 GOODS .11T OGILB P'S CHEAP CASH STORE I am how waning a largo stock of tho handsom t, and thsapost Dry Goods la Coraberlaakoounty FOR THE LADIES! All the flowed styles Dress Goode, Lace, Capes end Baquoa, Shawls, Cuts and Collars, White Mugs, BwWog, de., at very low prices The clinapeet and best Black Alvachas In town. Bleached aid Uubleaohe‘l Moulins, of all makes and Fringe, from 0 coats to 20. Another lot of those beautiful and clomp Niko gooks, at 25 cont.. Gingham. from 6 coats to 18 " Table Linens, Colored and White Towels, and Napkins I niFegat variety., Cloths and Cassimeres, A new supply, and will bs sold at greatly retinae. Kentucky Jeans, from 10 aunts to 25, Cattouadss, Lliren Drillings, Maim., Bond Swine for men and boys wear, all kinds of low prima.. . Notions.-IVo aro, sailing all kinds of Notions a atoulablogly low, prism Stockings, Gloves, Sun penders,•Threads, Braids, he., Trimmings In ondles , Parasiolq and Bus Unibrollan, , know and mould° aarOrirnout, Thaw] now on Land an Ologunt and °hoop lkseort moat of (load., to which I would call tlto attuntlot of all potions wlslthur to purohatiOota I will not b audormold by'uny bourn is Csrpolu. Itodollifet lb place, 47 Woot Main street, sourly ouboolto tito rail road Joao!. No trouble to show tpoils. Ladies' Misties' . , and Children's , • ; ; , . --BOOTS AND SHOES, I have Jut moire,/ and oponod a full acsortmont of all the now atylos Ladino' and Boma and Slippers, wall made, and at low Talon. Cull and MAI OBIS. I= • tarlislo, 'Ap.rll 19, 1871 10801 • . HATS AND CAPS j i Q OAL)dO, •• No. 29 WEST MAIN d'AitrAßLE;'r E , Tho'IIATTER of CotHolol " Tho RAWER of Oor3olo Tho latest styloduot..rocolve4l The.l44*, ytylae 41 . ways on hand I I SILK llATS,frota tyo boot Mounfocturus 111 FASIFIGNADIM lIATI3Junt out II I I aiLt..lo trlobokitora o4outfo'n to Ills largo 1F21313 HATE 4ND OATS 11 0 manufactures Irate to order, and hoe tha boo ircriiiiptoontat (or ooloring 'fats, WOOlou goods and Ovaceoats, at abort notice , The hishoet OAI2II4,ITIOES paid for ' „COUNTRY FUR'S .11.411V11.111 . 11( ♦ OALL.V.S MAIN • Etf!tcf4cignatt A IRY .w_Ew.AO. A .DEbtY, Pannitvinte,' 311 NT ATA./60:. PA row wrA.Lp AND EPHALE A gret.tite aeboot noinblned' comforts of 'hnorn. AttrdclirelY eltiuttUd one.fellr II; of kt MHO 'lrma the' Pa. mit.,ton boantlfnt and hoal .re. ;104 ;•Your. teguiar, graduate., whited bythor compotont. Inetrootoir, constitute fun ' carps of -111 strut:Wit. 211.PrIncipal (foe. many'yom's 1u charge of .TnocarontAbodmoy, and ohm° 1852 'tho hood' of tryie thatitatton,rrofers to hls mtmotono implle, In all the loarnint professions, and In' army-department' of Utlneam ' ; • ; —Music and Fainting Bpacialtios. Tonne $2OO - tior .„ Bowdon will cornreoncor?optcmlior 1, 1813 :Address all coinmunlcallons td • DAVID wnspN, A. ' t on •-'• A. J, PATTEIRBON,'A. M 20Ju7Irtm, Awl Ilea? P. 'O., JunfaW (b: ,/ii Doliteqtic docids, tiJEdDQDABTERS,FOE DRY GOODS. Jttet opened nn entire now and &Arable 'took of iprlng and summer dry good', for Indian and gentle• mon'e wear, coneletlngni Jaliancso Poplins, Silk and Wool Solve, Shepherds Plaid Wool Sergovs Granito Lustros, Molangq Swiss and Mull Muslim and all Mode of White Goode need CASSIMERES, CLOTHS and VEBTINGS fur erring mato. All tho novoltleo of the 8068011 SHAWLS! SHAWLS 11 .I.lo.dory and Gloves, Hama Filmbating Goode duel) is Tickings, Speettnn Pillow„pasings Blankets, Marseilles Quilts une.l fur Ilturro keeping puOrgTl Domestics' inlargo quantities DOMESTICS! DOMESTICW! I DomEsnrsi r We are prepared to - offor groat Manual...lM, as Om markets aro lower than they Infra:boon for ton yelfr . :l, and Ali our stock Is clothe', now and fresh, bought for tho cash, we fool sofa In promising to give our customers great bargalneland all now goods. We invite all kindly, to call and ovniiine our stock before purchasing and dotido for themselves.— Thankful for tho liberal patronage In the poet, we promise to bo alive to the interests of our friends in tho halm°, by keeping such goods, nn will render satisfaction to all. All who wish to save money are Invited to call upon us and find a source of pront,lby dealing with no. DUKE & BUTthIIOLDER, North Ilemoyer 'Brost, Bolow Crirlielo Dopodt Bunk OEM THE FIRM OF BRRTZ & CO, RAS this daY boon changod to A. W. BLINTZ k CO., all that aro Indebted to tho firm of Bents & Co., will plosso call and make settlement, an Ahoy desire to kayo accounts closed. 1871, The DOW firm will endeavor, as horutprete, to ex tend the same ettehtion to their old and new customers. it la a well-known proverb throughout tho Val ley, that "Bentz's" Is tho store where all kluds.of staple and 'fancy goods'can be obtained, and not any one can tom, without purchasing tho desired arts cle ' for we are noted for soiling our goods elsospor thait any other store. Wo have outplayed a • First-Class Tailor, will oiiJuneu r to glvii URRAT BARGAINS IN • • • BUMMER DRESS GOODS, which wa will illvinefo or at very, very low figures. liatUfe call at the old stood, No. 27 South llouovvr street. A. W. BENTZ Jr, CO. Curl , olo, July 29, 1871. 2.71 Plumbing, Gas Pitting, ~Cc. JAMES CAMPBELL. W." F. HENWOOD. PLUIIII3ING , ? , .p. 1 5 1, ; O AND STEAM At No. 18 North Humour Street, CAIMISLIC. STILL AT BUSINESS! Thu unaurslgned awl now lily p,opurad to &Monti to this Intaltnwa lu all lw ditTorunt Thoy also hoop .ouotantly on hand awl for 1141.1, WATIIIt CLOSIITS, DATA Tl.lllB WATER CLOSETS, . DATA TUBS ; wATEit cukers, BATH TUBS ; WATER.- CLOSETS, lIATII TUBS, - WASH BASINS, 1111DItANTEI, - - Lift and Fordo Oolong, Lift and Norco astorns, and Deep Well Pninpa, Load, 'I urns nut la and Deep Wall Pumps; Loud, Terra Cotta ' and Iron Pim Chlmnoy Tops sod Plum.. 1 ' . , _ GAS-I!IPE-AND FIXTURES .._,....___:....._._ Globes, add all klthls of Brass Work for steam and valor con tantly on hand, or furnished to onlor. Dwolllngs, u irches, Factories and othOr buildings, 'ln town or country, fitted op with neatness and dis patch. All work warranted. Thankful for nubile patronage, wo 'Nona by etriet attention to limb:as to merit a eouttnneneo of the Name. Terme reasonable, it requiring but one trial to °scare your dadem.' Hive us 11 call. Don't 'forgot the place, No 78, North honorer street; hi the base. Moat of Sipo's now building. All order!, Wit ai' the residoece of either Mtwara. ( ( (7AMPBELL on lIENTKO9D U. ut en) limo, either day dr night,.lvlll ha promptly uttondod to.. Jainee Campbell, 'Alexander'a ROW, Pitt 'Arcot, or William Ito',Toad, South streot, aboco Wok. . Hiving epeclut aaventagee we no preptu'ed to funtleh COPPER WORK OF ALL DEBORIPTIONS, foi• Still Motel rind othoriairpoatii, at home or 'at a illotrinco. • ' •• • . • COPPER' PIPE furolthotl to ardor, olthordratra or brat,* - •' ' ~ 2.saugly - . . . For Sale OIISE FOR 84LE NO. 36 %%EST , LiiNT J. B. ILA.V.EILBT . IT. • .‘ ; ; I ; ; FOR SALE:—A flist=clats' ho 4. ;top, byloct,•'Entiroly.noW. Algo a ilraklata 'ono- Lanai thrau iprlng vtaaun.. , Illaqulrwat C0111111%1.1011 era' offloa; - FOR BALE: . ~.. , .. _ . . . . . . . ~ A tar& quantity of STONE, aultxtdo for hOlididll, curb, and Moo-bunting impours. linquiro of • " e I . MAO. 11. D. POWS, ./Ittrrintdarir Turnplka t 'noar North Hanover strqtt.... GJan7l., . . . . .. FOR SALE:--- 4 94evorallotB situdtod'bel ~ tuqum , LutortEgrlng and Clarrloon • Lane.„ Bulfiddo for bullilin lota. or • for truck ,gurdotlng ; .boing belt quality of ground for ON purgeno. 'Ap ia* to ' , AMIAS. II: lIIIPEURN. ' liOunh7ltc - ' , ~ .. • SOUTH MOUNTAIN IRO . 0013 ." . . .. . 'R AI.L ROLA Jo 1-; ' ' CIPA'N:Ck B o. , . udunk, - • Office of General Suporinterident, 1 Carlisle, Pa., October 3,1870. ..,1- Loavo CR0009(7. V. R. It. Dopok). 0 33. ~ ....,2.50 Junction ' 0 40 ' 3.00 4 ' Mt. Holly ' 7.20 3.40 'I. Hunter'. Run ' 8.05 A rrivo 400 Arrloo at Moo Groro " ' 8:45 - .., ramie Pins gi'dve... - Minter's linn' Mt. Holly AITITO'IIt Junction.. 208070 CUMBENagItIIEY . R. R )Ficuit WINTER A.ARA.NGEMENT On and altos Tnui ... , November 24,1870, Passenger Trains will ran ae:follows, (Sundays excepted): ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Harriaburg 8:00 4. m., Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carl solo 0:11, Nowrille 9:46, Shlppounburg 10:22, Chambersburglo:44, Green. castle 11:10, arriving nt Hagerstown 11:45, A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:55, P. Y., Me chanicsburg 2:27. Carlisle 2:58, Newvillo 3:32, Ship , ' ponaburg 4:02, Ohnraboraburg 4:35, Orconcaatie 5:11, arriving at Hagerstown 6:40, p M. EXPRESS TRAIN' loavoa Harriaburg A:10, P Mochanicaburg 5:02, Carlisio 5:32, NowilliaB:os, Ship• ponsbnrg 6:13, arriving at Chambord:um 7:00, p m. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chamberaborg 7:45, A M Oroonsaatio 9:00, arriving ntllngeratOwn 10:05; A N. Piqua WeHinge; Nainsooke, Victoria La'Was, ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loavas Chambersburg 5:00 A a , Shlpponaburg 5:20, Nowvilla 0;00, Carlivio 0:M, lilechanlcaburg 7:02, arriving at Ilarrialnirg 7:20, ♦ta. MAIL TRAIN leaves HagerstewmB:3o a'st, firem en:4lo 0:00, Cimmborsburg 0:40, Sit ipponsburg 10:22, Nourvilie 10:63, Carlisle 11:20, Mochanicaburg 12:05 arriving II t. Harrisburg 12:37,1'. gr: . • EXPRESS TRAIN loosen llngoretown 12:00 or, Grooacantio 12:28, Chamborsloirg 1:05, Shippongloirg 2:37,-Nowvillo 2:lo.Parlisie 2:60, Mechanicsburg 8:18, arriving nt Ilarrisburg-3:50,P M. A MIXED TRAIN hoses Ilogeratown 3:20 P or, Grooicastie 4:27, arriving at Chamboreburg 5:20, r M. JAB- Making clued connootions at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, IVnehing• ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West. 0. N. LULL, Snot. Suporintondont's °Moo, °bomb's. Nov. 21, 18711. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SII 31.E1t TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and front Erio _Enna ays_oaconted) AFTER MONDAY, AUGUST, '7th, 1871, Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad company will doparefrom Harrisburg Lind stria° at Philadniphia and Pittsburg as follows 5 46—Philadelphia Express !ears,' Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 5 46 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7 40 a. m. 7 35—Past Line leave.; Harrisburg ilally (except Monday) at 7 55 a. m., and arrives at Wont Philadel phia at 11 15 a. m. Mall Train leaves Altoona daily (except Snoday) Fq S 00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg •t 0 00 p. m. 10.45—Cinclaputi Exprese leaven Ilarriabnrg daily at 10 46 p. m., &ad arrives at peat Philadelphia at 3 10 a. m. 11 26—Pacific - Express leaves Harrisburg daily a 11 28 a. In., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 3 15 p. m. 2 00—ELNIRA larniss leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 2 00 p. m., and arrives at Went Philadelphia at 0 00 p. m. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Altoona-daily (Sunday excepted) at 7 25 a. m., and arrives at liar. riebnrg at 1 116 p. m. 55—Harrinburg Accommodation leaves Ilarria. burg at 3 55p. m., and arriv‘e at Philadelphia at 0 45 p. m. 7 50—Lancaster Train, via Mount ..loy a , leaves Harrisburg daily (except tlundny) at 7-60 a. tn., aud arrives a[Wont Philadelphia at 12 40 p m. and al goods, 4 35—Fria Punt Lino wovt, for lido, loarra trar rlabutg doily (exeoptlinaday) at 4 85 p. m., - arrlvlnt at Erfa at 7. 40 a. m. 11 55—EI1IE MAIL ',rest, for Erie. leaven Harris burg daily at 11 55 a.m., arriving at Erie at 3 50 p. 11 45—Cincinnati Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 11 45. p. m., arrives at Altoona at t 40 a. ni.,.and arrives at Pittsburg at 10 00 a. m. I 35 FIRST PACIFIC EXPREFS !enroll Harris burg at 1 35 a. 111., arrives at Altoona.° 00 a. In., and arrives ut Pittsburg at 10 20 a. no. 2 10—brood PaCiire Expreila loaves Harrisburg dully at 2 10 a. in., arrives at Altoona at 6 :10 n. m , takew breakfast and arrives at Pittaburg at 10 40 n. ni. 4 45—Fugt.,1,ine loaves Harrisburg daily (exespt Sunday) ut 4'4,4 p. pt., arrives -at Altoona at 8 55 p. m., talon suppoPand arriven at Pittsburg at 1 20 a. in! 1 15—Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) ut 115 p. m., arrives at Altoona at 715 p; m., takes supper and arriveU atPittsburg at 1 00 ft rit. 7 00—Way Passenger Train leaven Harrisburg dully at 7 00 a. in., arrives ht AltoOna at 1 20 p. and ttt Pt lyeburg at '8 2.0 p. m. SAslllith A. 111,ACK, • - Supt. Middlu Div. Penna. It. It. Harriaburg August 3, PHI. READING: itAIL ROAD GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North. nod North-,l);est for Philadelphia, Now York, Bonding, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Pliamokiu, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, .Litin, Lancaster, Co lumbia, Ac., la. Trains learn Harrisburg for Now York , as follows : At 2:40 and 8:10, a ni, and 2:40,p yn, tonne:ibis with similar trains on Pomisylvitnia Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 10:05 a. m., 3:50 and 9:30 p. in, respectively. Sleeping .Cars 11421.7010. lacy the 2:40 a In tritin without change. Returning: bravo Now Volk at 9:00 a in, 12.30 noon, nod 5:00 p in, Philadolphia, at 7:30 .8 30 a In, and 3:30 p nn. Sisal:lug Cars accompany the 5:00 p train from New York, without change. Lesvo llarrioliurg for Reading. Pottsville, Tanta qua, Mineravlllo, A.liland, Shamokin, Allentown:tit I Philadelphia, at 0:10 a ni, 5:00 and 4:05 o li, a:op Ping at Lebillion and lirincip..l way stations; the 4:05 p in train connecting for Philadolphla, Pottsville and Columbia, only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill haven and Auburn. tin Schitylli lli and Stisqueinimiu Railroad, leave Ilarrhinirg at 3:10p ru. Earl Pennsylvania. Itaillinni trains lease Reading for Allentown, Eastoli, and New Yo.k, nt 4:32, 10r3.1 n m, and 4:05 p in. Returolul, learn Now York at 0:00 a t0,12:30 noon and 5:00p ul, IL •.] AllOll - at 5:50a in, 12:25 noon, 2:15 nod 5:35 p in. IVity Prisbung, Train loaves Philmislphis at 7:30 a m, conliectlng with similar train on Emit Panns3l- sania Railroad, returning for Reading at 0:20 pm, topping at all stations. Laity° Pot Weill° at 0:00 n in, Anti 2 30 p in, Humid on at 10:00 a m, Shamokin. at 5:40 and 11:16 n m, Ash land, at 7:05 n m, and 12,43 noon, Malimmy City, at 7:51 a in, and 1:20 p m, Tamaqua, at 0:35 a or, and 2:10 p ni, for Philadelphia, New Took, Heading, Har risburg, ike. . . . Loavo Ntttivillo ria Schuylkill and Siminelsaliuu Railroad, at it Ma In. for Ilarrlsburg, and 11:15 a In, fur Plan Groan anal Typniont. Reading Accommodation Vain lislysa Poltovlllc at 5,10 a in, payees Reading at 7:31/ a in, arriving at Philluisipida at 10r40 a in. Returning, leaves Pail. ilulpidu at 5:15 Reading at 0:05 p al , living at Potkiville "at nein p no. Pe. tetown Accommodation Train leaves Pottdow n at 0.30 a ; returning leaven Philadelphia 480 ' Y ' a . ,lunit,ln Railroad trains lenya Romll.g at 7:20 • • in, and 13:1f, p m, for Ephrata, bible,, Labeu,ter, Co: 1111,214 a, &a. Nrklonlon /61170aL1 tratio WAY. rolliono: 11 Jo 1.1.. n at 7:17, U:O5 a in,V44:oll:And WOO p 1111 l'anralog, lonvoScliwenkarllio at 6" 8:10 a m02:50 norm, and 4:45 p Da, o•nattet;og.wlllt similar I.rulna on Reading Colohltadulalu Railroad trait. 1011 , (0 . Pottpitown at 0;40 a m, 1,15 and 13,45 n w , rotorul pc, leave Mt. Plena ant at 7.00 and 11;25a tu•altd 5.00 p m roalistuling with eitallar train'. on 'loading Itallraall. Chanter 'fanny Railroad tralna !aura Ilphlgoport nt ;1:30 a in, and 2:05 and 6:32 p returning, leave Downingtown at 0:40 a at, 12:46 noon, and 5:115 p m, lonnoctingowith altnitar Indus on Reading Railroad. On t undays: Leave, Now York on, 5:00 p m, Phila dolphin, at, 8:00 a Ilk, end 3:15 p m, (thu 8:00 a In. train running only to Reading.) leave Pottsville at' 8:00 a at; Room Harrisburg kt 2:411 ■ en, cud 2:00 p to; leave,Allenton u at 4.25 and 8:35 p nit; leave Reading at 7:16 a. In, find 0:60 p la for ilarrlshorg, 81.4.32 m for Now Vora,' at. 7.20 a In, fur Allentown and at 0:40 hit In, nail 4:15 p in. f, t Philadelphia Commutatlon v ßilongo, 13011S011, So:lmut and Rstatr don tiokots, to and from all points arrodueod rat.. Itaggago chocked through; ono hundred pounds allowed cacti pltiPiellior, J. - PSc_VOOTTN:f, Ant Supt. an Hag. Mueh'ry. -Houdin:4, Mu 15,1E171. ' • VI,TAL.A S.I‘LE, AND EXCNA-NGE OTETINER BROT . TIE4,' , 110E8E8 AND CARRIAGES TO iIIRR ON 7.,zeaki . uLe xenon, AND AT BLIONTEST NOTION. CATIMJAGEB pUItNIBITED " FOP P,;IBRALB : 40:70.X. B. fitol?lo rdotO for isti• hood of hol.‘ooon Vigo LIVERY AND EXCHANGE BTA .. [rasing roicentlY put-obeyed the liserY stel.do,of, Coo, W. Hilton, they would respoatfully ,asuounco to tho eltisenc p f this,pleqi4 that they' harp recently purchased a number of new ',oblates. Addition, abel, they intro had their Indite ga* of budgies, verdancy arid cabs... , ' I 'RE-PAINTED, :RE-310DELED1 0..1111110ml up in the West city kyle. • (torsos end .Carriages to biro et the slturtbst • NOTIOII,,4ND, ON 'MASON/00X Tlittittg. :Vehicles forotehed for all, cottualess. Bentontbor the place, a few doorirstaith of the O. do pet.in 0, IV. Milton's old tithed. I . , ~ „ . ]lOlOl, & Dr2tgs,:Ottit Fancy .Gookis AND UNADULTERATED .S_ M1A1t119 . 04,1 MAYA SRN INITAINND , • • ' LIAVIIINSTION'S •' • N 0.5 19 nth Ifuti,ovar Strout. N. 11.—PrOoorlialotie rotolly owl ocenratoly . rinolitsolud,orAS throw./ , , . 9/So7ltr‘ J. , N0..5 SOISTIIIIAI4Y.SR STREET, ' , . i, Dealer in. Lines 'of Travel TBAIRB.RIIN Al2l- IoOLLOWEI I= ..D.45 , 4.20 10.03 ' 4.45 .10.40 5.23 V. 0. Allsl+. 9upodniend9nt WESTWARD 1 EASTWAitiii I= IV ESTIV A RD. I= Monday, May 15', 1871 'Livery and Sale Stables, 1==!! Drugsi . Med Ishii:lS, &c Sent% Saxton, & Co's.,-Ad. ESTA.BLIB'.ECED 1846. - se" CARLISLE EEA.RDWARE HOUSE! SAXTOIT 5. 00 HENRI B/XTON. .1 3. P.I . IIIXLREI I D. 8. - 13Atting ••• Building, Farming, and Mechanics' that'aveare Tools; and Materials. • •Iron and Steel, ' ' Paints, Oils rind Varnishes, , Cement, Plaster and Sand, Guns and Anunnnition. ALSO, notrsE FIJRNISIIING HARDWARE, with every description of intend and fancy goods. Useful inveinisps constantly introduced. Solo Agents for. PLANK'S PLOWS Thankful for past patronage, and so liciting a continuance, • • We Remain Rcspeafully, H. SAXTON & CO., No. lh EAST MAIN STREET, Carnal°, Pa., I= Great Paryains in. Clothing. SELLING, OFF AT AND BELOW COST. ALL GOODS 7(11 - 81: ' THE FIRST OF DECEMBER Tim undorBlgned having Ilvtormlnecl to retire from Imairie., often Liu mrttro stork of coons,-, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, VENTS' FURNISIIINO MOODS, TRUNKS, VALNER tI3IIIIIELLAS UNDER CLOTIIINO, HATS, at, and below cost. The °nth.° stock most be ilia polled of by the Ilrar f ol December. Ms clock of plan. abode, tho finest In town, cowilsta of FIN'? FIVENCII AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CABSII!PMES; lEMEMEI CASSJSETTS TWEEDS, SATINETTS, JIV,..NS, LINENS., ,t.c. TUI• Ready-Made Clothing departnient Ix one of the Itirmmt and beg ashort menu In be found this sid9.of Philadelphia. All Our Own Make Cnll coon and sun for vonrAelves, at ISAAC LIVING 222. Nog thituuuver HtLelg.r2L Boots, Shoes and I{•ttttks STROHM & SPONSLER, No. 13, South Hanover street, Carlisle Thhulauf for tho patronage o;telided tholu hero Moro, do now attr, ouneu their unnal large 'neck Sk , RINO 'II : LE,S OF ROOTS AND SHOES, YOR Ladiee and MI RSOB, Gents And lloya. Youths nod Childs, which aro tuiri,all.l 1 cunirort .11 Leanly. Altio TRUNKS ANt) VALISES, )14IN'S AND BOYS' HATS 'AU of wltt.ttt aIII t, lit fit .1111 . 1 profit CAI' ont. and ull, und gut n (WI cuiolvident fur Tour 1110Ik0y 14nu70 CIIEAP Goo& aro not Itiottjs tloolont. when you go to lot) nn artlelo, and osnedally lu tho matt, of BOOT.S AND SIiDES go to a dealer on whom words you run rely. fo. Very few are good Judges of loather. ' AT this limo of the year many will be wanting light boots and s'.ora for Roemer wear. All each con ho accommodated at ADAM DY%ERT'S, • whom.rill fouud a aupilly - at thn lowyst 1;r1.2.14 Boons and oltoox'tnado to order a lib lII+ utmost di, patch. Mee of hipline. NO, 7 4 East Louther Btrect, Carlisle, Pa. '4111170 William, Brady's Adv TEOLIDA7Y GOOD S 1 -1; 1, 4 41t B R JJ Y. 302 . 3fARKIST sTpow, iptpipprinto line Joet roturood from Now York with tho btritogt stock of Nollday flood. oror brought to tbla city coughiting ht port of . HOLIDAY AND BRIDAL SILVER, of elegant design and finial', tram the c,lel.antel Gorham Manufacturing Company. BEAUTIFUL PLATED WARE, Tbck 849, 4CiP Fri* Baskets,hill Cog, 'Jahr null Ochry Stands, Soup, lfurools, oto., Cutlery of elegant &oho and boleti, Irobt tho celebrated moue of of liarriton Brox. & now eon, Sheffield, with pearl, ivory and platod handles. Milt FANCY 000DB,DEPAWMENT Ehlbraeeil 111. fallowing • Ill'OOlca; Ludlow'- Elegant Ilundkerohlof Came and Clove Bova; bolbhilled—a beautiful officio, Toilet, Bole, thAti, , ,/uwol Stands, Odor C,,mo, Work illo*oe, Card Receiver.), Yana of Viblet and Sandal Wood, Leatlicr,Silic, Salta etc., etc., Brorizoe, Statuette; 'Centro Moore; Votes, etc., etc. Boom, playing from 2 to 10 Mrs, am). with Bolt a n d Mandolin lithiehmont. French, Cloche, ib•Olii, Bronze and Marble Ciweii; Cuckoo BE4lo3_,C(glir, Caw, 'Tobacco Cozen (Sliver nud Plated), Vitilor,Thoonctiliotiv, Monoy Puma and Pocket Booko and a groat variety of eyorithing lb my lino. Call and examlno the granikbabortinont. WILLIAM lIRADY,, 302 Marhot Btroot, Harrlßborg, l'a EOM BaltimO2•l3 Advertisement PPM - INA:NT IsTOTIOt To 00k86iE11.0 . 011 PItY 001)1:10. All Mall Ord.= amounting tp grO lud ,oyor {lolly trod In any port of too country. ' '• • Free of Exp'riss Charges.. • :HAMILTON tlf )I(d., . . , In order Om bettor to moot t h e wonte of their Retell Oustotoors dial:mon, have atabllshed a •' BAAL" Lid II /1.4 end in.., mimeappllc promptly rod by mall • full lines of Samples off Alto Nowent and most Fatli/- lormble floods, of French; 'English', and , Dome/aid. Manufacture, guaranteeing at all time to soli as lokb , lf not ablessplors, than any honahlithe nOIIotSY, • Ili4log our goods from the 'lolling . and most.ualo-• brats(' manuracturers In the diffuront porta of Malmo,' 'pt, Imparting the same by Bloomers direct to Burn morn, Sur,olock is nt• all 11010 'promptly supplied with tho novelties of the London , and Paris Markets. , As wo buy and soil only,fereasib and make no bad ' debts ' we nro able and willing' to• sell our goodo nt ,from ten to lifteon per coot loos prollt thou., if wo gave credit. In sending for oitmplas speclfy tine •Ithl of goods ',desired. Ile keep (.ho boot gnidos of °very clatsPof goodo,.from the lowest to limo most costly. • Orders unaccompanied by the Cash will be ant O. r gb A,. Pron4t-paying wholosalo buyers aro bolted to impost the stock in our Jobbing and pachoge pupartmont; Address • • lIAMILTON•'IIAEMBICAVSONP, • 107‘ 100, 201; and`2.o3 West Baltimore Moot, ' ___?.host7o.lf • •Uoitimoro, Heel7anci's German 411edieines ONE MILLION OF LIVES SAVED 1. It in one not the remarkable facts of this remark able ago, merely that so many porions are the victims of dyspeptia orModigestion, but its willing victims. Now, we would not ho understood to say .that any one regards dyspopsin with favor, or fools disposed to rank it among the luxuries of life. /Far hom It. Those who kayo oxperiencod Its torments would scout such an Idea. All dread it, and would gladly dlsponse with its thiploasant Mark Tapley, who was jolly titular all tho trying eircenintmleas In which ho wets placed, never had an attack of dyspepsia, or his jollity would have speed ily forsaken him. Men and women semetimon suffer Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoover heard of a person who enjoyed them Of all ther,multlfarloun - diseases • to which the km man 'latent% liable, then, is perhaps no. ono so generally prevalent /114 tlysporuda: Thera aro. disenies morn acute and painful, and which snore frequontly prove fatal; but none, th e effects of which are no depressing to the mind and no punitively distressing to the body. It there In a wretched being in the world It is ' A - COFIRMED DYSPEPTIC I- But it is not our Intention lb descant on tho hor rors of Dyspepsia. To describo them truthfully iv elm. ply an impossibility, but it is possible to point out a remedy. Wehavo said that dyspepsia is perhaps' tho roost Universal of human discos.. This is em phatically * e J.. in the United States. Whether .this general - prevalence is doe to tho character of the food, the method of its preparation, or the hasty 111411 nor in which it is usually nwaumaca, is not our province to explain. Tho great fact with which Non aro Called to deal Is this :" DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost universally., Nearly every other person ,you meht Is n victim, an apparently willing ono ; for were this not the NM., why so many sufferers, whop a.certain, speedy and safe remedy is within the eaVy renolt of all who desire to avail themselves of it ? But the majority will not, Blinded by the prejudice, or deterred by sumo ether nne:Tplahted influence, they refuse to accept the relief proffered them. iltuytnrn a deaf ear to the testimony of the thousands whorl, suffer ings have been alleviated, and with strange infatua tion, appear to cling with desperate determination to - their 'ruthless tormentor: But says a dyspeptic : What Is this remedy? to which we reply: This great alleviator of human suffering Ix almoat as widely known as the English language. It has al laymlthe agenlea of thousands, and is to-day carry ing comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea Is Bono other than DR. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN • BITTERS.- Would you know more of the merits of tido won derful medicine that co ho learned from the experi ence of othen I Try it yourself, and nhen it- bee failed to fullil the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon fdth in It. 1 - 7 - TT - 11 - 111 - REMEM - BERE - Mat of all, that 1100FLAND'S GERMAN DITTIMS is not a rum beverage. They are not alcoholic in any sense of the term. They are composed wholly of the pure Juice or vital principle of roots. This is not Is men; assertion. The extracts from which they ars compounded arc prepared by one of the ablest of German chemists. Unlike any other Bitters hn the market, they are wholly free from spirituous ingredients. The ob. Jealous which hold with so much force against preparations of this class, no [may—that a desire for Intoxicating drinks is stimulated by their ace, tore noVvalid in the case of the German Bitters. So far from encouraging or Inculcating alaste or desire for inebriating beverages, it may lie confidently as serted that their tendency is in a diametrically opposite direction. Their tiffertf eon be BENEFICIAL ONLY In all taws of the bilhify system. Ihrotlnu t o tier man Bitters blend without au equal, acting promptly and: rlgorouoly upon. tho Liver; they remove Ito torpidity and reuse healthful tecretion ot"Lile— thereby supplying the stomach with the moot indite ;reusable elements of sound digestion In proper pro portions. They give tone to the stomneh—stlmulaf fog Its functions, and enabling it to perform its duties no nature dosignedAt should rio. They Impart rigor and otyength to the entire system, consinglke 'patient to feel like anoth6r being—in fort, giving 111111 a new lease of Ilfo. TIINIT PURIFY THE IILOOD MESE cleanchar tl.o vital fluid of all hurtful iTnparlliers and.supplantlng nom with the elornentv of genuine healthfulness., In a word, fliers Is scarcely a dis °two In which they Cannot ba 1-afely and lienclleklly craplayed ; but In I hat most generally prevAlent distreesing; awl dreaded dhease, fly-pepsin, THEY STAND UNRIVALED • "gow, theru ore curtain clasu•s c . ,1 persona to wh extreme Miele 'ere not only unpalatable, but e: lied It Inaposaalltle to take thorn withoat potalthe at etantort. For nark DR 1100FLAND'S GERMAN tutu been sprienilly pr.:pare:l. It iv intended for me whore a slight alcoholic etimulont le requited in connetition wliVtieweibknown Tonic properties of the purr Ciro n'' ' .illitters. This Took contains all the ingt\c4ler‘iLV.l the Bitters, but so flavored as to Wilmer, the extreme bitterness. mix preparation is not only palatable lint combine., in modified fop , , all the virtues of the Gorman Bitters. The solid extract. of tonic, bf Naturo'it rholerat restoratives are held ht tadotion by a epirituous agent of the parent romlity. In cases of Innguar or excessive 110- bility, %I here the stem appears to hove berimte exhiomted of its energies. lIOOFLAND'S TONIC nets on ith almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates the Bagging null wasting energies, bill invigorate: mind permanently strengths. Its action upon the LIT CZ' and Stomach thorough, IlerhllllB Iron prompt Ilion the Bitters, tehml tllO same gunntity is talten is none tine lets certain, Indigestion, llil lionsuu n, or Nervous Prostration; yield rindily In Its potent iniliMneo. It gives theimmliii n 111.11. and stronger hold upon liiia totuovestlepres ohm of viritA, nisd inspires elmm-fultiels. It sup plants the pain of disease with be tame will comfort of perfect health.. It gives strength to weakne., limit, despondency to the'llinds, anti starts the re ott-red Invalid upon a .new and gladsome career. lint Dr. Illitilland's liminfaetional to t_d• Minim, rite. itrii net (-unlined to his volulTritted ; ER M AN BITTERS, or raloable TONIC. Ito boo preporiol [moll noolleloo, rl•lilob 13 rapidly wioolog Ito way to po Tor rotor b-ronao of lIY ioldosioporlto. Thbi In 1100 LAND'S • PODOPHY LIN 'PILLS, 3 pvni , et soloAlluto for lilorcory, without nily of nwreory'B onil .In:dittos. 1 . 111.111 011.11.1 11 1 1 1110, wh kb . are lattll/Irll to at 0000 t NV aro mainly 1 . 011111.1001 of I'looo4 lin, or the VITAL PRINCIPLE OF 'nu, - A , l AM/RAKE ROOT Now %we dokilro tho reader to distioaly underarm/ tha t thin extract of the Mandrake is III:111Y tllllO, 11000 powerful than the Mandrake itnelf. It it tin me/liana althea of thin lioitith-gtving plant to paft.ctly pure nod highly Cfol,ulltratml ham Heneo it it that two of the.Podophyllin canal tote a hill dm, solute anywhere six ill eight or / handl/II ornther prop: rationa of tho Mandrake no require/1 Tho Podophylitn, ACTS DIRECTLY ON THE stint elating Ito functions anti causing -it to stoke Ito bihury •t ecretions Itt regular and proper quantities. The Injurious results which. InvariaLly follow the use of mereory Is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are ex tfact, ',The extract of Mandrake contained. In them Is skillfully combined with four Other extritcts, ono of which 00tH upon the atornach, one upon the upper bowels; ono upon the lower bowels, end' 000 ',reroute any griping effect, thus producing a., pill that Influences the entire digestive and olittiontory sytaton, in au efinsl nod l'ormonfous manner, and its action ontlr6ly free from tontycy, 17,1111410 v or griping 1.311114 common I 9 all other purgetlvpd.. I , o.•mang these. much dealritillo quolltlex, flip Todephylliti hocoetee Invaluable no a " E!311321 yAMILY . MEDICINE No 'mooch°l,l should ho without them. 'limy aro parfectly sofa, require hot tiro form& ordinary,dose, ere mompt and efficient' in netion,nini rvhon mod iu connection with Or. Noonan diti Norman Bitters, or Tonic, may ho rogardod on certain opacities In ali motes of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, or any of the io which the syotem tt ordinary t*Ject. ' • POIMPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach anti howals, carrying off' Int- Prgper obstructions ; while. the lilt-tent or Tonle purify tho blood, strengthen and Invigorate the frame, givo totto and oppotito to tho stomach, anti thus build up tho invalid anew. • Dr. Hoof:an:I, having proilded Internal ramodies ilisepoob bps aim tho world ono mainly for ox , ernal„tplisatlan, tha vinntlerfyl itpapsrallop itpown . na DR. lIOOFLAND'S GREEK . . This Ott lo sortiroign rontody for pains and aches Mull kinds. , • Rheumatism, Nouraigin, 'Toothache, ChilbWoo, Sitraino, Dorn., Pain In dui" Duck and Lulno, Ring worm, dm:, La, all yluld to Ito oxtornal application. Tito number of cum' uirechiti by It Is notoniolting, and Ugly aro inerellaing °tory day. I. Talton Intornolly, iritt o• onto for IleartbOrne, Nltlnny Dionases, Malt Ilmulticho, Collo, Dymentory,, 'Cliolufa ' Dlorblta, Drampu; Palna In Alto Etonmolt, Aothiratriiat' — • ' . Tito Croak Ott lu compneod entirely of healing guniu and outantial ollu. Thu prinalpal ingrediont is on oily Hublitalape, prooured In tho • southorn part' of Crocco. Ito otlonto no. a dootroyer of pain aro truly utopian!. Thouttanda have Loon- bonollted by ltutum, Anil it trial by thoso who are Skeptical wit' thoroughly oenvinco them of Ito Inentimblo valun. Thou° romedlos wilt Lo mat. Ly osprom to an 'locality, upon application to Olio PRINOIPA OFFICE, atilt) fIEitItIAN MEDICINE O'lOllE, Nt 631 AllOll STRAW, PIIILADELIMIA , OHAS. E V,A N f 3, • Proprietor, F.ortnorli 0. hj. Thom IConiedlos aro for,Balo."by qloro . Reorient, and Modlane Donlern, nyetywho•rn. lea7ol3' FRESH GROCERIES • No. 88 East Ponsfroy•ttest.. • And why aro they always fresh? BecareA wo soil a great amount of them, and sell them low." There. fore, turn our clock often, and. euncequontly our goods most bo fresh.. You will Rod overything ybu w•idhl ,n the way of Cirocerim - , I ~ • • ' • Sueensware, ' Glassware, • Willow and - - Cedarwaro, r Stone and Crockerywarlo, Choice Hams, - Dried Met, . . Bologna, Biscuits and Crackora of every description. ~ Piellll, - ' " Spiced and , , Fresh Oysters, . Sardines, English Pickles, Lemon Syrups, Sc., and no end to NOTIONS.. It useless to mention them, come and see for your selves; and parents if it don't stilt you to conic, send your children, as they will ho dealt with the Gam • care as if you wero hero youreelf. ALL KINDS OF TONIC Groceries, Family Flour, &c. FREBII GROCERIEk!.I Alwart to be bad at the CILEAP STOBE, CO UNTR Y PRODUCE token in exchange for goods, or mob GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S SONS, No. 88 - Dist Pomfret- Street, Imep7o. , CARLISLE, PA • Watches and Jewelry CLOCKS, ',/1 WATCLIES, AND JEAVELRA' W. D. A. NAUGLE, FOR SALE OR RENT.—A commo- Wong two-story -brick, private residence, on West Pomfret stroet, Carlisle, situated on a lot 30 feet front and 2JO Moot In depth, with a stable and carriage house, and abundanco of fruit. Hydrant in the yard and good cistern. Also, a two-story brick house and back building on North Pitt at root. Possessions of the former will be given homed lately, and of the hater on or after -tlso4lrst.of.July 11, , Apply-to A. L. SPONBLER, ono door wont of the Volunteer Printing Wee, 1_22)071 Real Hata to A:out. PIIACTICAt, No. 3 lultoff's Would respectfully inform his old friends and the inflate in general, that lie lien emempnced the Watch 'and Jewelry Business; In the above named huilibnir, where he In prepared to do any kind of work in the lino of Clocks, Watches, Jewnlry, Ac. tinning bail over twenty yearn' experience in the boldness; I feel confident I can give entire satisfaction to all who favor fan with their work. Special attention paid to the rrpairlog of Flno Wittehee. All work warranted. Engraving done at short notice. 24novi0 W. D. A. N.AIDILE. FURNITUIiE, .I.l.itff 'TUBE A B. EWING, • •••cx-• CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, 11 r eat Main Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUBEA Preminm fof Best Furniture awarded at all Count Fairs since 1857. Furniture of all varieties and styles of ForeigO any Domestic,mannfacture, from the finest roxesrood an mahogany to the lowest priced maple ItOd pine. PARLOR, ME= G oO!!, KITCHEN A ND FURI V IT URE ."Eintoaring every article used by Clouse and note keepers of the most approved end fashionable timilgi nod finioh. Inclitdlug else Cottage Furnitare I setts Reception 11114 Camp Chairs, Motressus, Oil Frames, Pictures, &a, /.c.. Particular attontion given as usual to funerals orders from town and country attendod to promptly and on moderato terms. Special attention paid P. lhe seleelion of IRWI Po per. A. D. E. I=l Dry' Goods, tCc NEW GOODS FOR THIS WEEK THOS. A. HARPER, South Hanover Street, 'Carlisle, Peun'a, SPRING AND SUMMER. Dress Goods, At Greatly Reduced Prices White Goods and Linens Representing, the Cheapest and Choice': Spring Importations Some • Specialties Grim( bar:zitlnn In Black Sllko, nt $1.50 nii.l " Chou Black and 5 tripod Crone dines, at 25e Plain and Cole rod Alp,[kri at Du 1.1111.1111(11r 1111116, IL 25.. '• Itle.cllod Titlilo Linen. at 75e 41 Linen Nelikan, nt $l.OO. .• 10 4 Illnwchnd biol., tiny, nt 40. l'iovols lit 15e, idiot tenor ttraden. 1,1111414 White Cotton' Come, 10, it! itiol 15e. • lull regular n '4se, ent.lit ellen', gritire. " CorYol.. nt 75, Whitlow child., at. 1.1!A prr pair. Hoar, at 25c. C it%r, or tirll*• r • .• • Cotton ilc, % 12N, n, I•••f,, • Orilla Cloaca Shirni.ot ha • slid up t'rvtn °mlt ,orgithie in Hoyt etyconial en, Piot to rialt'l'y RC aria Great Ilargd Ifni in SIM timbrulla,, et .00 and tq Great Bargulne In Alpaca Son lhuhrellnu Elognnt Sash Itlbbone, oxtraNvldth, ntsl•UO and ni Niachloo 811 k, beet In Iho market. Great variety of HllOlll4, M 1311'H and wear. Handsome Gingham. in toixtoree or null et 18,,. In Pigeon, Whito nod Ilia, n ronfolutoonnortooni En: ❑ominzinn, (lonnonnfrflreAs lliond/1 Upon log, of ljetil I , : nunn Len Pointe, Floe, en yivy Cl!enp. The Celebrated Joseph Kid Gloves at $l.OO Ladies' Tucked Sprts and Aprons. ^ Cldtlui and Cassimeres Choap.__ A oplonditi ortleis 1p r, Dori, Blip Cloth. Loco Collard, nod lioUdkerelklels. . , • Homburg Embroideries nod Onipuro Liteno Full [loon of domestics no clump Ai any , this ell of Philtulcipblo, 110 W NUDES TO DE MAINTAINED, - - to !mono quick mike. THOMAS A. HARPER. 27np71 J.' E. Caldwell tO Ca., Jewelers PARDi , J. E. CALbWELL & 00., 002 CI. T ESTNIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA T)ESIRE to invite the especial 'atten . tion of purrinunora and othors viniting tin o e ty, to their intoonalls largo and varied assortunon f As' iv 4s' 4.1? .FINE WA2'O.IIIM • ON MOST RELIABLE MAKERS Artistic Silver Wale FQR nitTPAII ANP QT11144 rnusgNTATIONg TAIILE CUTLERY, ELECTRO PLATBD 000DS OF FINEST QUALITY FRENCH CLOCKS, BRONZES dQi-p MANTLE ORNAMENTS, Received DIREOT FROM PARIa during tho prom I=lll Coortooue rind pollto atteitilon is extended to nit Who miry litilielhood to nocopt n curdled invitation to visit their bootititel star°, 002 Chestnut § tieet ? Philadetphle 103ntal-ly • .• _ OWN WITH, HIGN-PRIOE WASIUNO T. J. SMITII,.ta now preparod to do white wash.. ng and•wall Manning, and avail aeroplng, on the met improved plan, nod at tho nhorteat notice. Thom need be no removing of carpets or furniture. Malefaction given, or no paireoulrod. Good refer. ones glean. Bloano leave ()cadre at the barber shop . ;of Davld Mich, or .oalnin Able, or at the omen of J. L. Sterner & Bro., Beery owl oichango stables,. Plecoo glee me n Coll. 29B1p.tde. A. l L. srawsz,Eirs COLUIFfIi • - . . A L. SPONSLER, .. . Beal Fotato Agent, &rimer, Conveynotoi, Irmo. once and Claim Agent. 'OSlee Main Street near Centro Square. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT -PRI VATE SALE..'—Tho ownor ilialroue of re moving went, offoro at private solo n o' s LOT "OF GROUND, • situated on Bedford street, in the borough of Car lisle; containing 46 fent front LOW foot in. depth, and having thereon erected it TWO STORY FRAICE 'HOUSE,. with Brick back building, wash hence, (with cistern therein,) smoke house, balm ovon, and all necessary outbuildings. The property frontik on' Bedford etroet is 93 feet front by. 29 feet dory. Tha brick building frontinu on Locust alloy, is 21 foot In front. Thiri -i ptdportyls 'nearly new, contains a stororoomi now occupied as a groceryrstore, loin good condition, and Is admirably situated for a business stand. Per sons wishing to view the property, can do so by coil ing on the owner, residing on the promises. Per terms ail further particulars enquire of A. L. SPONSLEII, Beal Estate Agent.' . BEM A 'Two-Stbry Bridc Dwelling For_side No, 38 Booth Bedford street, containing two parlors, ball, end kitchen on tho flint floor,and three cham bers on tho second story, with a nished attic back and front, stairway balcony to -.Wick .building, and, grape arbor and hydrant In tho Yard. , t Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Real Eitabii Agent. 17n0v70 rriFIE subscriber has •seveial other val unblo properties for solo In eligible ports erne :own, which will be reasonably disposed of A. L. BPONELER, Acta Estato Agent. 17n0v70 VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley for ealo.—A nuMbor of valuable, and highly Ithprovod farina in " tho Valley" era of fered for Halo.: The tracts run from 00 to 310 acres. The lend is of the beet quality of limestone, fully equal, if not superior, to the land in Cumberland Valley, and will ho disposed A' at astonishingly low fig,ures. The extension of the Cumberland Valley Railroad into Virginia, as now surveyed, will run ❑nmediately through the section of country In which these lands are located, which, when cora plated, together with the advantage of the Shenan doah river transportation will give them all the ad vantages of Northern and Eastern markets.. A splendid opportunity for lucrative investments is hero offered. A full and minute description of the location and character of tho various tracts may be bud, by ap- plying to A. L. SPONSLER, Mail° Real Estate Agent, Carlisle. EM3123 WANTED.—A general agent for Cumberhynd county, by ono of tho oldent and moot popular Lilo Insuranro Companion in tho country. Address lip Kant, care of A. L. Sporudor, Pn. Stoves and Tinware. ExcELpion STOVE AND TINWARE EMPORIUM The undersigned Would respeetinily Worm the eltimmo of Cortisle and stlelnity, that he calrlem on the • • , STOVE AND TINWARE BUSINEI , S, In nit Ito Nations brindles, Ito has secured the Agency for tbolollowlng popular sloven Parlor and Office Stoves, Morning glory, Morning Light, 021011 together Wlth n vAliety of COOK STOVES Combination Gas Burner, Eureka, licaters, Mutes, and Flreboard Stoves, which he Is prepartel to faisslslt at the lowest market rates.: Slav° .ronti,tly late:Act] to. Rooting Spouting, and Jobbing executed In the twist salt, factory manner of ever• description constantly on bend, or mada.to order, at reasonable prices. Having none but experienced workmen employed, ho hopes by a close attentions to business to secure tinupn bite patronage. Itenumsher the place, ' NO. 18 WEST MAIN STREET. SAMUEL R. CLAUDY. 2.1n0v701 Walker '.B- Vinegar (ers A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY I=l V I NEG AR B T 1".1` E It S. Thualreds of Thewouals bear Testirneoy to their-Wonderful Curative Effects. I= Tboy nro zkot n Vito Fooey Drink, 3111010 of 1100 y Ram, ISLl.ky, Proof Spirit., and Refoso Liquor's, lloctoiod, nplcod, and VWeetelluil to Ora. Oro nuts, called TONICS, &c., flint load tbn tlpplor on ,to drunkannees and ruin, but aro n true, idedirino, Ina& from the Nation RNA. and Harlot or California, trio from all Alcoholic Stint.!anti. They aro thu Croat Blood Poriflor, and I.llh.Civing nine ipin, n perfect Renovator and In. ♦lg , ralor of tho ayatont. carrying tiff all pcladnoun matter and restoring thu blood to a boalthy condi tion. Nn puma can tuba thaw, lilt tern according to directl,l and remain long osvell, provided thu lanica aro not deatroyed by^ minifral pninoii or other mounx, owl the vital organ,: waited boyend thu point of repair. For lifilationatory ni o l Manna Intounuakm and Gout, Dycile'oda or Indigention, DIM., Remittent, and Intermittent Fur..., Diseases of the Blood, Liver., Rldneyil, and •Bladder, these •Biltore have boon most traceoinfol. Bach Dlooasta are canoed by Vitiated Blood, which ix getippilly produced by do rangement of Om Dlgestivo Organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, ileadocho, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Client, DivnineA, _Sour Eructations of till:. Stomach, Dad tasty in the 2tiouth, Bilious Attalla, palpitation of. timliNtlt. Indatuntation of thttLungs, Pain in tho region of tbo Kidneye, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are thd'offspringe of dyepopeirt. They inrigoroto the Stomach and stimulato the - torpid liver and bowels, Which render thou, of un equaled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all im purities, and importing new tiro and vigor to the whole. system. ' ~l litioue, Remittent, and Intermittent Favor, whiFh urn so provident In the valleys of our greet rigors throughout the United Staten, especially threw of lite Mississippi. Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumber land, Arkaness, Rod, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Ala. hams, Mobilo, Savanntahßoantffie, Jamas, and many others With their vast tributorlea, during the Sum mer and Autumn, and remarkably so during season.. of unusual heat and dryness, aro invariably accom panied by oxtonelvo,;derangemonts of the stomach and liyor, and other Vididominel TIBCOrfl: TheiO aro , always more or loss obstructions of tholivor, n'omato , noes and Irritable state of the stomach, and groat orpm of tila bowels, being clogged up With VlllOOll qcoutnulatious. In their treatment, a purgativo exerting a poworful influence upon 'Mesa iarious organs, Is essentially necessary. tier is no cathar tic for the purpose equal to Dr. .I.Valker's Vlnogar Bitters, as thoy will speedily roomy() tho' dark-col ored viscid matter with which tho B,,wala are loaded, at thO same :finui — atimulating the accretions of the liver, end geierally restoring the healthy h mcgona of tho digestive. organs. tho univorsai popularity of this valuable remedy in regions sub ject to miaamatio Influences, is auffiolout ovidenco of its power as a roinedy in such sank ' ' For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tettor, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Phoplos,Fusiolos,.Bolls;earbuncles, Rhos-Norma, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, flat, Sonde, Discoloratiousg tho Skin, I4lmore and Diseases of the Skin; of whatever limo .or naturo, or 9 literally dug upond r carried out of the system In a short throb by thane° of thosejlitiers. CIAO bottle hl such cases will FOUIRICO the most incredulous of tboir hurativo Want Cleanse the Blood whenevey you find its ,finpuritles bursting through the skin In Pimples, Eruptions, or Soros; olearlso It when you tim It oh structetialui sluggish in the irolne I datum It when It is foul, and yoUr foolingswill toll yoti4lion. Hoop the blood Intro and tho health of the systom will follow. '' . 0014 Chains Pln, Tape, and other Woime, lurking In kho eye let' of eo many thotteando, nro effectually dentroyed and romoyeff. For full alrectloror, road carofully'Alto otrculnr. .around each born°, printed fit four Inn. giutgoe--Englleb, German, Pronch, nod Opattlelt. rri,priotbic 10i. Mob ott AVD h CO, Drugvle s aan!l n go.2, AgontelOion Fenclezo,put, S FOR Swd by nU y!nuallonitud Worth , Eldec7o4Y Parlor 'Heater, Parlo . r Light, Light Iloilso, Regulator, Niagara, Superior, =I APPPIZERS, •. Q•keat R r ., - I 9 llam a c:4 Fi 544 fiR I Dow .104 4c•r)r)icinsite, ri4 cz Saxton's Hardware Store NEW STOCK OF SIMMER :GOODS JUST OPMF_MD, At Extremely Low Prices. ORGANDIES, • • FROU-FROU • Jitpanese, Poplins, Silks, • &O. ' Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, . Plaid Muslins, French Muslins; osoniito Stripes, Piques, Cambrian, Dregs Linen For Ladies' Suits. All of the abov.__3_,Nc3.) LaoOdeiwill he so,. WAYIEnDWN — BEIM REGULAR PRICES I have this day marked DOWN the prices on my entire stock'of Spring Goods, in order to close mit, to make morn for the FALL CAMPAIGN. Bargains in all kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslins at prices that defy competition Now lot of Prints just received, in beautiful designs. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, Beautiful stock new French and English Suitings.. NoW" ready for inspection. Suits made to order at short notice, by first-class workmon I ant now offering a Special Bargain-in Black Alpacas._ Of a Celebrated Brand, .at 35c, 40e, 50e and 75e, that excel any ever offered at the above prices. ge—A cordial invitation is given to all to call at MY Store, and examiuottoc* and prices.j, L. T. GREENFIELD, 22je71. No. 18, East Main St., CARLISLE. Dry/ GREAT BARGAINS =I DRY ,GOODS STORE IN ALL RINDS OF 8113131 ER DRESS GOODS Wu orQ now closing not fur the Soxion, our Stook o MAIMMEM IItiIINANNIES, FRENCII LENOES, FRENCH' PI4IICAILES, BUM %I ER EIIYWLS LACR , POINTS, LACE EACQUES, AC all at groatly retincEll . prlc.. ?..or Ilargalna In Sum nom amels, be wore to calW iho K. • • CENTRAL. For non) Whit° Piques, ME GAT.Ti AT TIM CIINTRAT, Evelio and Nalmaxik CALL AT THE CENTR IL For all ILltole of Purnenlo?y,liortp, CALL. AT TIIR CENTRAL For Worked Edglog, Insertlng4, de., CALL AT TIN CIiNTSIAL for "Cheap 'reltlo I.lliewS mild Towels, CALL 'AT TIII4 CANTRAL For Linen Coalinga and Bldrings, CALI, AT THE CHNTRAL =I . 4 CALL AT TUE CENTRAL FOR' CLOTHS AND CASMIERES, CHEAP, CALL AT TIIE CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE For . nll kinds of Hosiery and cildves, CALL AT Tilt CENTRAL' ' DRY GOODS STORE. CARPETS, CARPETS, of every Grade and dosorii)tiap, I.l9:sitio to call at tho p~N,TItd,L, as tve'are now offering Elpoi3ial Bargains in all, kinds ef, Bonds, to eldko' out Ito SonEion All porsoias ivitut in buying :Dry GO*, awl pinpois, can nn by culling nttbe • CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE. LEIDIOtI & MILLIOR : . N..13..-26,909 pounds of . vo;to1 y,ru,i4d Central. Njo'n MIMI Attractions AT GRENADINES, CITY ADVERTISEjIEN2'S. SPECIAL NOTICE CLARK & BIDDLE Epopectfully Intorm thil;frlomh, that MR. JEREMIAH ROBBINS, late of the firm of Palley & Co.) tow Oda day nano toted himself with, Ahem, under the firm lisle• of ROBBING, CLARK & BIDDLE, WATCH AND JEWELRY DILSRIEBB at the otd etand. 1.124 CIIZSTNUT PTRNET •PHILADELPHIA. • • They ore 1104 V Offolll4, at reduced prices, a choice lock of AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCIIKS, DIAIIONDS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVERWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, MANTEL CLOCKS I= ENGLISH, FRENCH AND, vna!N4. LEATHER' AND FANCY GOODS 25070 ELM! OINOIIAMS, THE, BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING. TOMA0.(10 SD DIST•RICT OF M ARYLAND air- Soo that ovary laickago you buy hoots tha Inurriptlon. ' 1 20 t11}1) Boiler' Man:offieto7l/. HARRISBURG, OAR ,„ ' Mtintifacturing Company'A MOILER DepartmOnt. corner TWirteetttli,And.VOrnon Streets, prototrod to matoracturo, MAl°ll3, • Tanke r ; Strioks Stempi'4.os, of wt.rk lit . Tank; 6r. Sheet Iron Promptly and estlefacitolly oxemit•d. Particular. 'attentlou paid to REPAIRING, at the amps or abroad. .0E0...0. 139XER, IPiperlelondeiit PETER' RILEY, Pdron '20Je'11;111 CENTEAL HOTEL, ' No. 'Ol and 623 :drOA Titlng; $2 60 Poi: itri.y,.o.l . TOQ 148 with out board, sl.por da y. J. B. Dl.lll..9l:l4,yrviorlotor.. 30ruhTlly NATKMAL HOTEL. MI The undoryilgooll . htistng taken end otalioly, ray fitted and'fasillotilr tilhohotid, is Proposed to furnish good accommodations to all who dealro,‘o , woke 'lt theft hanto.'' A sliaro 'or •the patrkinagn of the am , ronsidlng, .count,ry aolleltod, 'Rooms lorg o and comfortable . . Table always sup• pllod dlth the hoot , : 1 r . (Fbrnierly C0rtnem,.1161484,) , ' I • „ 't'! - AWE) lIAIN • ''Tito iludoreirdos-ltd4in¢ I 4 :ro•flttadjindrfdrulohodjmnnr,thyoughoul,^l.4l.li firs l . close furniture , this woll.kuunn, and obi o.t .4.110h0d kola!, gollolta 'thd anotom ,the tiolitultitilly and ,trpvoHo In • ,Nyoll puma. •t , • furnish (Irk' class accointntnlatlond to all who du make a hotel their 17Q51.11, or •ffilmtaant. to'kunlinno,abodo. Tha custom from the ourroundlng cultist. to nomad.' fully nolloitinl, oourtoontmallnkoutivM.!..ivooto are • , ap g aic . c ... 2l, at 11111,potlallyr hotel. 1136011011 Z. MINTZ, ipuntotor. D.'„ Prot )hazy to cq0ac.91 , 4 with .th° hotel, undor the Um:11%500101d of Jooayh'L. Staniar Brottar. £oopool3r '. 11 MI 1211 !tt FACTQRY . 1,10 . : 1,. HO EL S. ME E=! CARLISLE;I 4 k.'"'' *t fl