[Ctantonnicatedi Jig.. Cumberland County" Jlorticul-, turalAaoiety will hold rite , Fall cxhibi tionli4Frariklin -Mocbaiesburg,' commencing on BeiteMinirlB,‘ and' end: ing• '!*4'4 the night of the sixteenth. The,.ethibittons formerly held by ,this E . 4o`Ciati-has stimulated a great interest it fruit and yeget'itif d .!rvowng, and have. gi;ion groat shcouragement to (he. mom , bore , of the 'fiocieti to pconwere in, a bi3gun,wbrk: ;The cOrninifoxhibi-: Lion promiso • to excel any former one. PM object :of.; the Society is to seaure the heatty ce-ciperation - of all - tile, farm ' ore, fruit-growers and gardeners of this and. ,6001" counties of . the State. The. object Of this communication is to . - -tendiacordiaLgrooting_to..aU,. and:invite, thentLto_assist in the efforts of the Soci• oty. Persons wisliibg to send eontribii '4,tions aro assured tliat they will' receive • prompt attention. All articles will be arranged to the best advantage. -Stmn gors coming to the exhibiticth will find us' ready to welcome them, and make thorn feel at home. • ' - • L. Kinientim, President. COURT.PROCEEDINGS.—Court of quar ter Sessiont began on Monday morning last. The attendanco, owing to the gm* number of cases on the list for trial, was unusually largo, and tho expectation of the trial of Kiehl for thc; supposed poisop. --fug bi tits Wife, doubtless tended to in., visas dothrong. • Onotidny,,rkijniug tlip Grand Jury was empanelled, with Dr.,__Geo._W. d eh as foreman, to thorn will be entrusted a largo number of bills of indictment, from which they may sift the truo ones and iviire the. balance. ' • , The Constables were sworn to their returns, and the morning was consumed in this way, and with other miscellaneous business. Up to, the time of going to press the Grand Jury have, been in session and have returned the following true bills. ConF - virrGetne - Clont=tnrenn . Com. vs. Jeremiah Good—larceny. Cone, Vs, Henry Patton—larceny. Com. vs. Samuel Fry—larceny. Com.• vs. W. S. Megaw—fornication and bastardy. Com. vs. Edward Evorhard—burglary and larceny. , Com. vs. Samuel D. Walker—burglary and larceny. Com. vs. John Ruggles—assault with intentto and.battery. The following : 'vrere returned ignoied: Com. vs. Jacob Evans—larceny. Com. vs. same—unlawfully carrying away cow. (Am. vs. Eliza lloilaton, larceny. Tht following cases wore disposed of : Com - . ,i, vs. Their:lore BroWnawell—deser tion—after, hearing the testimony, the court sentenced defendant to pay to his wife the stint ofiour dollars presently, and monthly, hereafter, the -sum of live dollars,, to' pay the costs of prosecution, andto °liter into recognizance to comply with the sentence. Corn. vs. Audilm Fraker—fornication and bastardy—sentenced to pay prose cntrix $35, and the weekly sum of 75 cents. Com. vs. George Clem—larceny— defendant pleads not guilty jury find him guilty, and court sentenced him to 30 days imprisonment in county jail. COM. vs. Jeremiah Good—larceny— defendant plead guilty, and sentenced to imprisonment in county jail fur two, monthii. Com. vs. Henry Patton—larceny—de fendant plead guilty, and was sentenced to three months in county jail. . Com. vs. Samuel Pry—larceny—de fondant plead guilty, and sentence sus pended. [ANNOUNCEMENTS.] WANTED. A steady, active, young man to fend stock, and do general work around a mill yard. Must como recommended. In (oire at THIS OFFICE. • - 31au712t* - PUBLIC SALE OF LUMBER 52,000 feet of "first-class White Pine barn boards" will be sold at public auc tion in lots to suit purchasers, •on the "Ridge" crimp ground, on the Cumber land Valley jailroad, five .miles cast of Carlisle, on Saturdff, September 2, 1871, at 10'o'clock a. in. By order Of the Camp meeting com mittee. Terms will be made known on. day of sale by J. DUNKBIL. SEND to 'R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. H., proprietors of Hall's yogotablo Sicilian Hair' Renewer, for' a 'copy of their Treatise on the Hair. A valuable little book, froo to all. 1 TWO BOYS WANTED ! Two good, industrious boys can ob tain steady employment, at,good wages, to learn trades. The 'one to work at trimming, the other in wood work. On gully immediately at the United States Cdrriage Bazaar, (Geo. W. Hilton's old stand,) on SOuth Pitt street. • Neome& SMELTZ, Proprietors. 81aug71tf. MRS MARTHA A. RU DY, of L4i2,4ryitoi;:r*, l -itOOOtiii:C'OiAlinf'sho will visit Carlisle during the approaching county fair, and will offer for salq her TettOr §alvry warranted to heal totter, • ,barber'S b itch, wounds or sores of any llfrs. Iludyconickliighly recommended 1. by somo of the; most prominent citizens of this placo, ,Slio • will also have for solo the "celbtiinted Dian-hat mixture for cOUghs, colds and all complaints of the body. • 31an717t2.- Fon a chola() of ham: go to go-. loy's • 'FOR BALE:, Tito ornamental cottago owned by litis.'e 1:4:B111, - m: North street near West. It contains nine rooms, a largo garret and a collar. , TIM lot is Ibl i feet in front, . and 20 foot improved bk,slaubboy, evergreens,: and' a vatic and of largosmall'frititii.' Apply,On tho promises to ... • Itl3. C. R. rtim;., -, i ck . 17nat7lirrt* ' ' ' \_ TIIAT choiCO Holm can stilflio'b'4d at Moloy's.• . • -, :. , 24aa7i2t. • `,HORSE SHOEING: ; 'Tito. Undersigned haying 'tho shop on the corner of North and . Ant streets, would give ziotioe that he is pro,, Vat 64 'to' execute horse shooing, and repairing loan its various bronchi's,. and would reiPectktilti iiliare'of Pub- Ho patronage. •. ' • . , TME best lin:pada of canvassed ga r :Cured ;lams , aud dried beef., ; Biliars, 'and Terig'of, : the'. fineit : 9ht4Ce new 'fatally 'near. :Queeatiavaro at the lowest prices. I cannot be nailer.; ,Everytliing,gnninnlped, • „ 4Z. liesorairai . git, l . i49utliwest, cortlqg romfrot.*(l, Pia fitriiotai Cay/inloMp. • • ' 7Jo7ltf. Go and soo the largo - assortment of kid,glovos at IT. F. gmiDzw. Co',! older millsire :several dollars , cheaper add most other mills,-and -equal to the best for inaking good eider. Evoty farmer who has any apples, at all, ought to have one.. 10au711m. FOR SALE, Q 1 RENT A: large and cominodious three-story Ilioriek house, - on the',cornei of Main and ,iledford streets, now occupied by Mrs., G000n, , . has all the modern improve ments, With brick stable -and ieO house attached. Inquire of H. H. Shapley, corner of North and Pitt streets. • FREI;11 country •cabbage, bects;. and raco;idd daily at-Hutfirroli's. Yon can save money. by buying your notions and small wares from - J.- 7914 - Nii. 18 North Hanover stroot. -arnmo chickens at llumrich's • Fox a ititie, u:SSortment . 'of , Hamburg and -Swiss edges, .cottou fringe, and Marseilles trimmings, go to Wolf's. BOARDERS WANTED The proprietor of the famous summer - ,resort at Carlisle Springs, hereby gives notice that ho is prepared to accommo dateabout twenty more boarders. These Spridgeare ' so well hnown their qualities•that no further de scription is necessary:: • On inquiry at Carlisle, passengers will be_takon_direct_to the Springs by J. L. Sterner & Bro., livery stable keepers, Carlisle, Pa. Wu. STITZEL, Proprietor, • Carlisle Springs, Pa. 522je7ltf. SHOULDERS, sides, dried beef, beef tongues, sugar cured hams, whole or sliced, pltobleg and canned oysters, ;at Humrields. Fon suspenders, handkerchiefs and paper-eollarsrgo-to-JAl—Wollis, BUY THE BEST The Cabinet, Range with hot 'closet is, without doubt, the finest cooking and baking range In the market, and saves one-third the fuel of cooking- stoves. Call and see them at Win. Fridley'.4 storm, No. 21 North Hanover street. Also look at his refrigerators, water coolers, bread safes, umbrella stands and a full line of house furnishing goods. 2lima7l6m Cuoicn brown coffee a sj)ecialty SWErrzrot and American cheese; .jah received at linmrich's. Rees and parasols at reduced prices at J. 11. Wolf's. POTATOES.—Peach Blows—by the wholesale. • Env & SONS, 4ma7ltf Havisburg. to J. 11 Wolf's, No. 18 North llanoyeratreet, for jot and plated .jew elry, bracelets, Cc. COMBINGS made into switches, chig nons, curls„ frizotts, &c , at Madam° Rotes. J. 11. Norte sells the cheapest cor sets, hoop skirts and bustle. SPECIAL NOTICES .NEW MACKEREL, LARGE AND BEIM . Nm. 13Iair & Son are selling largeG of n i EsT NEW MACKEREL at very low prices, a fewlialf barrels of prime shad and dry salt herring, very cheap. We offer best Ohio factory cheese, be low the lowest. Please inquire for prices, ono ton sold in a few lays. Try our fresh canned oysters and you will try them again. 17au71. Wm. BLAIR & SON, South end, [A CARD TO TILE LADIES.) - DII. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS =1 = TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE MONTHLY PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A I'REVENTIVE. =I Ilut what at some period of ller Life will hod the DUPONCO GOLDEN PILLS just the medicine she nema For Nerroos Debility, Ilea:leg down Palna, Patplfation of the Wart, Retained,rregnlar or Painful Menstrnatien, Dual, of Blood to the Ilianl, Dlsgioese, he, Ac. Themo are the only Pille ever known that will cure the Whites, (they will cure in cx try ease.) They never fall, and may I/0 depended upon In every Coile where the toonthly flow has been obstructed through cold or diseuhe. DUPON CO'S GOLDEN PILLS always give hutnediele'rellef being especially prep:trot fur to:mitt:ll:Wien. A holy writes: Duponeo's Gdiden Plllx r e li ese d me I n one day, wi hoot inconvenience, hike magi, • ' Tut: ONNUINE by ins put up in Largo (White) Duxes cootaining double quantity of Pills, and 1111011 noel: box, you will find tito nevelt. Slump, printed (root illy Pri vate Die, 111/11111 which Lengthwise Al thuSlamp you will Sod the wordy DUPONCO'S GOLDEN ri.llloll. ICA L PILLS, in While Letters, without that none are grtruloo. Full mid explicit Illroctiints accompany molt 110 X Prico $l.OO per box; six boxes $5.00. Sold by mu Drum;tat In 'OVOYS town, vllll4ll, city Mot Mottle throughout the world. Sold In Carllalo, Po ,by A. Itatveratirlt, Druggtat, No. 10 NOrth byllrugh ENIMo.r, Whaill. , siattitTlKt. And J. C.-Altlcki B.hlppnitaburg. . LADIES I' By stoollog hint $l to the Carlislo Post Wilco, call lotvo the sent by mail lo any part ftl qm cnuntry, Do° of portage. Noun genulni, unless tho box Is 14,1,1 A. D. HOW ' Propri• tor, &ow York. No7l-1) BE WISE,. WIIIIII.WIMIUIII will I,OIICIII you IRA a mays ...u. trolled hy your inerodulity, hundreds lotvo nought roller' Gatti — UM Mirrors ol Dyepopsfa through tho modlnin Daituin'a ANTI•DERPITIC STUDIACII BITTERS rind found It. Why Bilotti,' you auffor'ithe& tide 011101. rablo stomachic hue cured many similar cases-why do you doubt whlloptllor bollovn and aro coved? ffiday In this molter In both dangerous and unprofitabl e . Your 'hoot th, happinosx and business atilffira, iehllo conotant noglcat la fraquontly 1011, mod by . tierloue and uncoil trollriblo' refining. Deutrtit's Berms 'nro equally moral ly tho lunnoroua difficult!ce at/ending gallon; RA BILIOUSNESS; CONSTIPATION, AC., while for Forza and Arms and other diaordera proceeding from DIIASAIATA, It IS llie only rollable prevoutivo and C . ° P.ol4l ° ' • Peoao WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS, for fitore Vronte, Asylums; de. Iron Jledotoads, Wire Wob 04 . 4 . alidepdud Pottßry,Yartlii, and Iron wire cloth Sterna; Pi:lidera, StirCinie • for coal, ores. sand, do., Hwy Crimped Cloth for'spark bandscape IVirolor Windows do., Paper Mal4ie 'Wiret:tirnefuental yvirl Works: Every inform% tlon by addrosaing the manufacturers, N. WALKER A BONE' No. dl North Sloth street Philadelphia. fludeilly • IRON OPPY COLLtGE—Pittsburg, Pa 'l3ll.orp.romhtoto ! .l.mmit popular and ouceetwful Ipetttnlloq In tho ' thilta Blntee, t6r. the thoroe li, .practical jounk mithlt&ngett moo Vor larg o tic:script Itro'clrmil ars, con M Mktg fall mkrtienhtm, whims J. 0. 811ITU, A. M.,,Prin4lpal. ••. • ' t • ' - CAIRVIBLID i'ltdir4l34ol7 .; liAltIrET: -' . Corrected IYeekly by IVan. Blair 6. 'Son,. Curlisle,! Indoeadad, 4004 30,1871,. • .fitITTE,R $ 14 .EGGS . .. ;EA RD. • . 1t• t ',.1. . ' ..1 9t .' • ' TALLOIV 07 .10.1E.811:4.' BACON .IhllllB. ~.:' 14 do SIIOULDER3 do : BIDES''II • 11711 TR .11EANS 1 50 . PAII.ND PEA 0.111:8 ... 20 UNPA RED 'do 4 , 10 114(41 . ._ DRIED Arrx,Es.'. • • •• .„. • i ' 00 DEBILITY AND 4AIA.CIA.TION • • Both result from tho lack of ability to convert the food into nutriment. Mow um:Magary, then, fdr Llano suffering from they , alarmlng symptoms to immedi ately; resort to a remedy that vigil strengthen the stomach and digestive organs. For, as Hann as this desirable °Lisa-has been accomplished tho health Mien:lves, and tins patient resumes hie canal personal appearance. Moniettee'e Stomach Bitters have . at' tabeetra.woriti:wide popularity in such cases, and have boon protim the best and safest means of rat moving amstlpatlon, toning' the stomach, giving energy to the liver, and relining - every:symptom of nervousnese and,depressiOn_of Ito chancing and beneficial effects are highly spoken of by thou sands, who owe to it their restoration to health. No restorative in the annalh of modicina has attained ,the mono popularity In the abort apace of time It juts been before the public, or hue won the high endorse monta accorded to this excellent tonic. Many other preparistlons, purporting to bo Correctives nail re storatives, have been introduced, and have perished one by ono, while Um popularity of llostotter's Stomifeli Bitters contirmes to increase, aril ie now recognised as a standard household, medicine. The sneCess which attends Mie'ime of the Bitters ev locos at once its virtues in all cases of debility and disease of tho stomach. Certificates, alipost wltltonfnumber have been published, attesting Its truly .miraculous poseur in removing those paint.) and fearful dislases. And at this thee it seems idle to do more than cell attention to the great remedy of tile ago, in order to awaken public attention to its excellence. It Is the only 'preparation of the kind that to reliable in al casei, aria It Is therefore sys.rtily of the consider., lion of the afflicted. 1,j671-Im&1y. MARKETS • CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET."' Corrected . Weekly by R. C. Woodtodrd. CUrlisle, Wednesday,. August :SO, 1871. FAMILY FLOUR $0 25 supieltri NE FLOUR • 4 , 401 SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR 4 00 WHITE 117IEAT - 1 25 • RED 1171EA.T 12 YE CORN -NEW-04 WM=fil TLVO7WIWEED FLA XSEED.- prom the Philadaphia Aorth American.' , PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. FLOUR, GRAIN AND HERDS. Philadelphia, A ague 29, 1871. • EA7FRA PA MIL PFLO UR .6 50 EXTRA. L 011,1? A.. 550 RYE FLOUR 4 25 M=NI=M NEIV WHITE WHEAT RYE CORN OATS CLO VERSEED TIM9TH Fr. A XS =! Philadelphia, Monday, d u gust 29, 1871 The arrivals and sales of Jierf Cattle were large this lueek, reaching about 3,101 head. The cattle market teas very dull this meek, and prices Were a fa aclit.ri iowcr. EXTRA FAT CA TTLE, per lb FAIR AND GOOD CATTLE. rilffiffi CO lI'S and CA L t iotbrr, opt, de mand. quote NOrillfp.l'S at i-% - ta, and (bins rout Ca/1 , 1 at Vol, Receipts of 2,,0 head. 'WI - REP were in good "Tows( at fan figure+. Sales qf fair and t'hoice a/ 59,60 lb, and shod. of $2O 3 1•" head. Recopts 19,000 head. BOOS luere . rathrr ;dm of sale, and the tfferings were Composed entirely of cora-J . o:s*. Ire fit/le a' 76,i1.!,c 1 , lb gross, tho tatter lor . extra. lic . , v,i1 4 12 0832 head. - . DIED ZEIGLIIIL—on the ,t .irhUithlrct pf Augutt, Mrs. Susan It., wife of Montgomety IC. Zeigler, nod &tight., of Col. Jamee and Catbarino , Williarnaon, Of Carlisle, Pa., ngeil J 5 }Tare 1 month And .4.days. JORDAN.—In Middletown,' Dauphin, county, on the tenth mutant, Me. Annie It, widow of 'Edward Jordan, tleeenned, and daughter of the Into John Sanifor.n, of thin berough;:ln the thirty-third year Of her ngo. . NEW TO-DAY. • PUBLIC SALE OF VALU - ABLE REAL ESTATE. On Friqgy, October 20, 1871. 'rho underrlgned, executors of the estate of I.shinan,swlll Fell at public Hal, on the above lay, on the premises, the . Valuable Real Esiate, viz: No. 1. A limestone farm, containing 100 era , and 40 perches, neat measure, situated In South fillddicton tow nalup, Cumberlainl coiridy, on tire road leading from Bolling tiprings to the Stuns Ta‘iern ' 2 miles north of 'Mount Holly, Mill 4 miles south of Carlisle, and ....Ralf wile front,Cralghtiad's Station, on the South Mountain Railroad, and one. hell toile front the Baltimore tornpike 'PhD !movements coodst of II large TWO.STilitl" BRICK LIVELI,IICIi 110BSE, In good repair, Tenant lion., gao.l Frame Bank !biro, Wog, n Shed with Corn Cribs attached, Centiiter. House, Cider frets, and whet nereseary outbuildings. Rood wall of Water near the door. An orchard rif choice fi nit trees, In good bearing condition. The laud rs well fenced and In a high mote of cuh tivatiou, having liewr rem idly 31111 s, Schools, ho., within conveulent dlstitue. No. 2. A tract of mountain lurid, within 2 miles of the farm, on the South milenl'hin, and is well covered with chestnut and oak timber, and containing 3i z acres, more or km No. 3. A tract of mountain land, situ sled os the Baltimore turnpike, about one half mile from Mount Holly Paper 'Mills, ruutnining 20 acre,. and 80 perches. neat measure, and in well 001 t•i•eil with chestnut, oak end hickory timber. This tract will be .Id together or In parts to snit purchasers. Alen, II largo lot of loc u st posts - Person - it - wishing to view the property bef-re day of sale, will call on either of the executors' resl-I- Ing In Dlokieson township Postolllce addrorr, Sale to cot - minim, at I o'clock, when altendAnce will be giVolellll4l 1,111.4 nail, 111101,1 ADAM LEHMAN, RUDOLPH FISIIIIERS, illnii7lts Executors for lilagilaiona Lehman. liarrithurg WieLly Telegraph and Isoicaster . 11xsininer Insert Until Fols, and send bill to Tim orneE. SHERIFF ' S SALE. ' _ . OM Tuesday, September 15,.18 71. By vhfue of aunt of Testa Lunt rendilioni krponas , I sued out of the Court .f Common . Pleas of tho District Court for the City and Cottnty of Philadel phia. out to Ino directed, I will expose to 'solo at the 'Court house, in the borough of Carlisle, on the alo day, at 10 o'olm:k, n. tn.l following riro .scribed real estate, to wit: . ._....,', . . A lot of ground situated In tho ugh , . of Illy- V . chanic.hurg, Cumberland county, ra.;•,as fellows, to wit: Beginning at a point on Locust street, In said borough, thence south 10 degrees oast, 07 feet (none or less) to nu alley, thenco along sold alloy it ,!...L: de , 'm.o. earl 40 fin-I, then. north 10 degrees west 117 foot to Locust street, thence along said ktreot north 80,1,1 degroes west 41 feet to the place of hoglun'ng, hying a sub-divislon of lot No 221 In the plot 'ot town. having thereon erected a Irwe-ntor y Brie]: Dwelling House, Frame titahle, and other otathoild• Inge, suited-and taken into execution 1s the prop erly of El,as Doff. nun. . . 4 . And all to he rout by too JAMES B. 14./111 MAN, florin. On all males of $2OO m over, in): 1 , 111 he rentar it to ha paid when the to operty Is shirk,,:. 011; and $25 on all bales under Viup. eheritra Office, 1 •' Aug. 28, 1871. f ~. IllaZ,7lis ORPITANS' COURT . SALE. The under.diu.!,l rArt• LI for Or 1101 t 1r 111 .11.13t1 ent w, testam of.lideo La Into of Ity, , Pqrt, county, decea-ed, by virtu. of :word, of that I plumb' Court or Cllllllierliltld county, will still on do, prim:lin., on SATURDAY, the tbletletli Is) or BEl'l'lOllllM, 1871. at 1 o'll.vlt, p. ill.. of mill 'lay, tbo following Real ISxlnta, to wit . A lot of ground enfolded In the borough or NI.. oloudebbler,r, untoberl.tild 'e„lenty, Ptt , bounded on limo oust by Bleephombdown Oxon', on flea Knuth by n lot of t.tllllllol liberty, IM Dm weld by an nlluy, MI • Deo north by a lot of Toblaxitupert, baying thoroon a TWO-STORY PRAIIIIi, DITELLINO fIDUSE, with a Two-Story Proton I{itele•u 'Maenad, and other improveluratr. rolllolld tlenlrt g to °mania Ilia property, will call Nall Jcoepli Crams 00 1 , of Macharlcnburg, • • HENRY FOULK, • • • 'Executor, AC: TEnN4 OF SAl,ll.—Ton per cod or the e moony hallbe pal,' when tho property ie idrlceten down; ofie4ntlf of balance of porelnixe money Upon tht, Ilret Apni, 1572, nt 101101 , 11 Mo polo. lodou I, ll So given, nod the other Soil upon llret Atoll, 1673, with Intereet from Sort April, 1571, hold to he no cured by ,linlguieul Bond. ' ' • / 31007141 0 - ..• FARMERS' BANK. . • CARLISLE, PA Has fitellitiou for lito trAnsaeildn of oi•ory variety of Banking linuinumi that may hu r.ijuired by, itx cnutouteru and eurreupondante. ' /linked colio•tionu on all ir.ink to the United 'hue, uoilu, and ationdu to all unit.o for tho,por elluso or gal° of (Joh', aud,h‘to Bonds, and all ether thut•olaus Berndt... ' • Negotiates lona e,'ltial 1116001111ln commercial Talon.. A ttemliSo Um c Ilection of ititerost, coupons and divldonds. .. , .... Furnlslao drafts to permns' wishing to road! 111000) to ittly 11011 of ttio United Stotco, Canada or Ettropo. . ~ Receiver, dopoolts in lore or - small M souls, and pays 'Moroni ,on epecla - l deposits. - , , • .. Is ompotrorod to not Ile Tremorer and, Financi.ll agent for /State; County.. and Cr,ty Uovornnimita, Corporatlone tool individuals. • • lIIIMME J. 0, HOFFEjt, • Chattier. MEM vALuABLE, FARM FOR SALE. Tho undersigned offers nt PrlratotyLolo, Ids %rut in North Middleton township, ono wll4 °oat of Carl GM, and adjoining the Poorflouso ditrm, conjoining 103 acres, with agood Slott(t 1121,1 d.,,, Mt:Opting tax root., mud a Stone and Promo IThrit thereon erected, and stroll and cistern near Gm 'door, An orchard of Idulicolritit trees In good beadlog• condition. Tho Land .01 cotivolibnitly be ,divided, • Into Into; two '1..11 farina hliugooti condition ~anti Is Olllittown to ho ON proditctlvo no 'nay land in ettrulitirland For tort. call tut Lhu utlclerolgitcl, rt.bliog eta Wu. premien, or ntlilress him by loiter at Carlltdo, Also, a tract °flank In PerrYcounty . , grows' over with yliing tbrlvlnk' Cboilttut Tittibl)r, ebittaltilog 11 acme nail 7 porches, bounded on GM north by the rotorsburgr hail, on tin east l.* laud of Dr. Berman, on tbo'woßt 3hail of Samuel.llear, on the south by roadand Me field on top of mountain, and t fourth of a mile from Gni titian, on Sterrett's Gap, 'and Omit 13% tullestunt the farm, ;gaunt,- • i• •.• lONATILAN,IIObLEO. • `_.ter DA S R FOREIGN ti "g CLOTHS, CASSEVERES AND ATIONSS N. E. Corner Public Square, Mnir,F3llW'CT m lcErM. ; ,m..^ 31 tu7l MEE NEW TO-DAY. 1 b 9 THE AMERICAN WASHER ! The American Washer Saves Money Tone, and Drudgery. 10,ailOy 2 c p, 3 q. 4ty, The Fatigue of Washing Day no'' , Longer Dreaded, but EconomY;s.Eflicieney, and Clean Clothing, Sure. ;~~~.:~ ur:r;_ In calling tall/lin attention to thin la tle rtnnalitt a few of the Invaluable qualitten. (not p(nee,. (I h y latter NYllllllilig machine Sot invented.) lire her °numerated. 43j(thfi It In the ”nallvitt, 010.1 compact, 110.11.. portaloe, must simple in construction, moat easily opinalinl. A child ten years old, milli a fen-hours' practice, ran thomaghly comprcl I and o•llcetaally nee it. There is no adjuatto so ...rows to annoy, no dolay in 1111111ahlg I It 18 ready for nlt is a perfect nine wonder I' It In a miniature giant, doing more wort and of a better quality. than Not most elaloorate and costly. Ooe half of oho holoor in folly saved by Its are, and the clothes will last roe-half longer than loy the old jplot of the . rah board. It wilt notsllsz.tha argot Hanka Vire , • shirts at a 'tine, washing lhmvngldyl Inn word, the nhffition of ally, fabric, from a (trill zto it lie. Cortalo or Cambric Handl:orate!, arts eipadly ndl in dm on pacify of this LI'L'T 1,11 ! It can Ie lantoneil any tolo and when elf at mill Na' matter how deep rooted a prrjuilioe may exist attainst_Waching Slachines, the moment this title ofls seen to perform wontleas, oil (bantam of Its ch.:lasing efficacy and obi Ity are hanishil, and the doubter and detract r at the hint to lends of 1110111.111110. IVU Intro teliiilllolllloBlollt 011 i, xclling fm th Ito amoebatx advanlnFes over all other., nod from %k Ito hole thrown In•itle the into 1.7 .Iy, nye notelllnen, whirl, have atgautlly failed to to 01,1.- 11 . 114 h the object proolln..l In prontiovot awl hold nonnaion advertisement, It Is tin perfect for wanking 04 11 y for wthrging, The [wire, another parat.....tot Indere 1n...A to porcine..., s, ban been placed so I.no that it IA trillllll the FVOIII , of every, honnek...ll. I, and thole It no art a•lo of domentle econelny that 0,11 repay tho 5,.,11 inventment no soon All that in tukiiil for Ihiv IIR RAT LA WU SA iv n fir trial. NV° gnat...tiro , 1101 machine to it ito walk purfert ly. Af:ENTS III): FTAT", RA A. 11. FNI:I,MM A, tlp., 513 Marl,l Strr , t 1 1 1111adelphin. The largret eheepLet 451)01./111 , 11{ ARS /lOUS In the l'eit• 31au713m IMPROVE YuHlt SIGHT ! PYKE & SON'S Parabola Spectacles! NFANITACI'OIII' AT CTICA, NE\V YORK J. B. lIA \ ERSTICK MAILER IN 1)IZU0S, MEDICINES, TOILE] AND FANCY ARTIi!LES, A. CARLISLE, PENN'A.'„ In app.lutell ag ,, nt 1,4 the theid.,o.• lark, PH17,8021'8 WEARING I;LAS,'SEAV ,or itCticed id lhlkin will do w.•Il to roll, for in .very I;UA ICA NJ EE To SUIT-TIIE, SIUUT PERFECTLY ! 1.:1111,1“:,t1 MO P UBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE Limestone Earth, . • On Saturday, Septemba. 22, IS7I Thu undmahmod, coot alumni t6o tad,aton I !Ivory Himflor, doccawd, will MPH ilt pubhe toi abora day, on f 110 th tt. rain WI,. liamdom , form, nitnated lot 8 , 111L1,11111 , 1 tuwu.hip, Culahor- Land enmity, on tin. Pittaliurg, uurnptk.•, nnler root of nipiamstang, anti containimvA ONE ItUNDill'ilf ICAO TIVENTV•SIX . ACHES, ',tore sr fide. nu, iininovenionti COllOl,l of n two 'ory Stone 1100;0 cilia Oriel( too Ston • Miro, l orringe Mode, !Tod lienuiul sailor unr .nury ou tlotilklillgA. A good Ti•nt ON the iireinitoie. 'l'll4 hone Is o 011 n no and ins high ,tote of colligation, Ito villg Ton acres nee Ili chide° notollitild. 11 hell Orel. d iu twitting i•onilition, ehohe vollety of fruit of all hind.. C0...411(41i to dilliCllo4, :d.ttt•Uo, So. Poli,. wishing to Vb., ttio preiniool boron , ility of Jr,l/1 will Cali Inn tiro. i• io,dlhr, rumbling thole.. Flak t•i01. 1 oligortt, p.m., when attend oe, will bo givoo nod 101001 mods know. by JOIIN 5101111.180 N. ~/01IN SIIHAFFER, 31.0110, lisertitorr lloury 41w..11 List of unclaimed lettersymaining in the post - Wilco at Carlisle; i'a., for the WEEK ENDING AUG. 30, 1871 DI Lkr. It own' Esti., 1(.•114.y ILnuinh liva•luy Jaw. thatott Anuir 111t•1t611A . 1.t...1 It 1/1.11.21 ugh Nltt , IN Catlit'iint• HMO t . • Rapp lint.. I , lli. A °mu M.rguri.l I'O Ilk 1. Sluulu II Hsu 11011101 . Mr. b u 11 y eng• r 111.13. 1111014,4 (lI.;N'SI.E' EN'S LIST. 31..0 sit Tlsitm. MITE MIME= Flhher .11,11s1 rapier .1 r,.s Fil.licr Daniel " Clitomialon l'o ion lircon Jempli . Tiolllllllloylos I.lurimin Sa.Alul__ ...l'ultcaa 'rummy Rustler Dr.' Ulrich Carl lipller David V.ek .fitoolo ' tinier deiewinh . • IVNY.oi A Kelllloliy B {Varner .\l Murully Thom. . E: 1): 11.11EEM; Postfnistresn .NTEW • ADVERTISEMENT.— -A- 1 liAletri. 4,0 4 ut, Crtingi, OIL II -wen,. tool other decorations tip. orr.dn4,l to tin boot style f ort, N I.rdcr. By , • 31noll:17n . 0. E. VON GGRAIN BAGl4.—d4t, received alnrgo ...net of Ow heel .inality,,nt C could 11000, at Om C 10.9 St, of August 28, A. W. MINTZ .31im7111 - CttavYtttre Factory. C CARRIAGE FACTORY ORNI It SOUTH - AND PIT! STIt If you , wont t+ma Lig t Work, go 10 A. II SIII:11.1{..9 If yoli situt h. 111'13 . 11.1VY t%'ork, gii to It y'rti !!!1,1! to Hell Illy 110.1 Nl,Ltvral, go to ". A, IL SJIEIM'S Ilion eau And to Netherland county, it bolter Whoml rind Wheel Steel; lumber; Trimmings, Ver. nislieu, don't go to If you mita to 1.14 Ottop, go Lo EIMSM .7111.4cellaneott . s Ads • - ILATASigNOTDN. AND JEFFERSON • • r: m 0 ' - TWO NtiLL COUIMS. CLASSIOAL AND Sett:N . - -TIFIO. • Nook four•year.4... Yearly oxplioNots to, tha 1/014.110.1 . 10010,411). Fur Information, nildrom NAYS, ." ,22.1u71.301 )5 . 1011011;ton, rotnolylvitulii,"- --'l. • ,I\INTICE.--All portions indobtod to _LA the uutlerolgnotl, No hereby notified to colt anti nettle Om - mune bolero , October 1,101, or the ennui will be glycol into the betide of rho collucctor. .84u71tf. I$A4O LIV/NaSTON. =I DMA.M.I . EI2, IN it DOMESTIC 6 .....„, ~ .. . w ,. , :. „,.• ~,i . 1g,,,,.,,).,,•,,q.,. 1,1t,v)0 , ....4,, ~..1„ „, ) ~ I . (. 10, $5.50. I= MEM In= A, I. BIIERIVS I= ;.L4 /" y- NE IV 1.V.-DAl'. PUBLIC SALE OF -V-aluable-Real-Est-ate On Thursday, September 28, 1871 By virtue of an order of Orphans' Court, the undersigned will sell at Public Silo, on the invininvi the. fol lowing properllen belonging to the estate of Cliristriplui,r_Multhiger, deceased, No; 1. The Hotel property and farm on ailleledimeased residual, situated In Stonglistown, Newton lowni.hip, Cumber lurid totality, Pa., on turnpike, 7 .nlifen east of Shipponsborg, 14 :Whir toast Of (Oflltill, a wiles IMO] Oakville or Newville etallon, oil thif 'Criniberlaud Vailey Railroad, con tdnlugabout7uuoran twat quoit v !awl, hit Sateen Mistrial and In rt, high state of rultivatinn, enclosed meotly with stone arid pant fetensi; the residue covered u h it h a w ling Hulot. The linniame meat,: aro a largalt , Wo story Stone Hotel, with new twrestory flume Bark Building, Stone Store Room - ar,rl IVrodi limisn attached, Ice linn.v, Slaughter Brw, Brick Smoke House, Sc Slane null Frantan Nall: nn,n, Wagon Shod, Cant Cribs, Carriage Holm., !log Pons. &c. Large Fauna nolo] fftlllllo (stabling toe au horses.) eccessary outhulitlisgs. flay Smiles attached to Stahl... A well of water-Sued 2 aiderna on the pr 0111141.. Also 2 Orchanin and an abundance. oi fruit, ennsisting of pearlier, peers, k.. Thin property a 11l be sold an a allele or in parts to suit purchrisers. been a yore! Stand fur ninny years, foal Is one of thin boa lit the county. No. 2. Joins No. 1 on the south, the Pike living the dividing Ihre—mintainlng about 75 acres I inn:stir. land, or wbirb Oil armor aro cleared mad rimier cultivation; the residue Is covered with ten is ini; thither. The holoroVelnlealA aril a Ono and. mhalf story ('brit read Hausa, Inatonn Itnnek Building, Slone awl Fon& Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Pens, rind other outbuilding, (herd cistorn tat the moor A. prong 11,11/ thriving Orchard Jost corning Into l'ull hearing, and nil alruntlaimirof peach, pear and other fruits No. 3. Adjoining No. 1 on the east, :wren of limestone lahri, highly miltivated. The iniproverneu lc aro a 3 story Yenta,. I oose. I story Frame Home, Illntel3oullln "Shop, 2 Stallion., kr. Well sot with fruit trees. Will by hard whole on in throe parts to suit !finch:mem "No. 4. Is a lot of ground in the 'village of tthrughstow in, having erected thereon n gaol T,0,1013 . 11'enntherl.o.nOtn1 lloinse'und Mark Build lug A, cote,. tat the door. The lot Is imeloted ith,nen pule fence. A number of fruit termo via tLc pennon. s also, a New Fratire.StA.lo. . • •• No. B. Is a lot of livo acres of.lime .4toue 1:11111, /111.10/11111g StOOI4III , II.VD, Wit!11111t prfl,lllllo . llp about I olooholf i.h.111. 11 find molt, ollhationt dantr coh.rol with Iloilo?, on, hood will) good folic, •el.ALms ; _ll l por ront 1111 il,p of sole, iho of nor-fourth nu Von firmation of iquie, on,lourth on 111.4 t day nt tpril, 1:72, %Ilion flood. 0111 Io nnolo 'rho hall iu 000 I , thornl.., t,itt, 110 ' 1 . 1 le+Cllonn lirnt of April, ou 11,1 01 Apt 11. 107:1. aro! fir.t of April, 1574, to Ir lord I , y Judgment on properly. 1,111114 n.v Nt 10 o'ctoti , on ..aid day, ‘‘l.ol t. lolaure s, ill be gis on by 1 11 , 101. of C. ?ItAlloger, 3b0t71 it A DmiNisTnATons , SALE OF REAL ESTATE la 1 ,, uaar. ICI crdoa .0.1.1 at II I.llr an, dehtit...), On Friday, &pie, the following denerilied ion, , Into tho pr. p etty of Itev. Robert lirnevy, d il, in wit : lot. A trail Of land In New , gin.hip, linfin Jed by liin.hi or li. C. and .1 li lig A. Wolf, ellflelell Shan,. thigh ill. Clllll., 11_ 3, .Illyll, 11411 0.11,1,. ,outnilliii.: In; in lei and 25 pinches, hating ilienean wand A Tit O.STOII AN:li DWI:I-LIN(' I 10Ctql, a Bank liars, Corn Cribs, Wagon 6.10.1 and oils outbuildings. The, is a well of water 1.1 thr door. An I•Srl'iillif 111100 or,lairal, utber kind of loath trios tho illtualter Al Ow snow time and plaro, mill bo sold a trot ..f 11..unial lit. in Militia 114,1,414 p, boundol by lands of 'elll/1111. Itellbdingor, C. Ao, It, Elanyar, nod of b. ri and coutaininq acres and allawalth, •Alao, ut 010 t1!110 1111 , 1 'a tr.tt t Blount:tin Land, In !fop., ell towoOdp, hone ,I by 10,01,1 of T. 11e11111Ingnr, Daniel IVlind.lor, I.lo,toph Mor.rts aynt., A Black, and ott.ent, rn undoing and 110 put enn.t, t tan.ntor... ,ale to nototnen, 111 10 o't tt. w , uhcu t,ont will bride I. non n 1111.1,1 111 JANILS Adnit&trat.,, II.i•~. alanil.ll. .11 it rather Yard of the ettleterlbitr, where ytrmr Arrs wllltft. promptly tilled, nod prontlee to ours it t h e loss and itucatlin) valued by lining dirty and infrrior null, thereby gibing your supply tor lean 1111.111 , y than any onelniu do by futhltthlnt: the rim of mine On Thitrqday, .September 21, 1871. .1 21""71" A. li. BLAIR. JOHN ZINN, pu131:10 SALE! 'l'l:n utl 11111.01 . Mil', the pr 1.11161, Ibut rl,lllill ,1111:i111111/11.18 ' 1 ' 311, L, situ itto.4l In th, Magi , ul 111:111town, 1 1 1. tit: it.tvl:4lllo, etntiberl:tl:llndy, our It:1d :t 6xll ',llContri,lllo and on lltt. 111:o• of 111 t. 3111:atur Ittti read. 'Lie' 31111 In it t:mr 1011It.STORY FRAME BUTI.LINO, built Inn sohriantlal thlinner, and f ttut up xlilt Pie nowt 1111111,11.0.1 nt.tchirtory mul 'the ientry 11111,1'1' la l'N , ' , lll`llt. Mltll l llall )11111111t VOllll,ll l ll %tall In tho potty rh I-tilt:lHM 'ICK 11 1 / 1 1.1/INli, hodo,:i., rot. dr. ho pr.iohogi tot:11,11h ,1I 111 th, 11,141..4 rt l -11.1. trritrripallr - nrmintr - rrtn - t -- 11u ••••ooi)toonglog the 31111 hem• of the hog, wh,gl groo tog t diouirtn In the 01.111.1..1 Vglitv, • 101 It tIIIII.III • r/1111,1111 i'll ' l . llltl,lll rub Alm ,of tho g,„l Ines, tt r oo t of NIIIUNT.IIN Nilo .tl nhou t toy n' d it half 'oil'. month of C. noo sing., n II cootaiohtz 19 :lilt, 'rho 110,-r 1, 1):.1t .111 pot. g Chosttor, 1 po, dog •••(' th • latter looog hulhil,,o fir talk Pot: tom a iNhlot to tkg,e.„,.1.h0. prong•vo before 'lay • f ••ole, t.lll coil on t• lthote,ll,•• ploNtot o coapo. t Sdo 1., ..111,011t, • 111 ten o it, 11. 111.. oil .N. 11,1 Jay, wlom tato d:nu•u will Ito g von akd ten, 0, payment., wLfo6 ullll Lb IMO • by , , N. 3110171C:1 Modgaoo of lloorgu Illmc•, SOUTH MOUNTAIN RAILHOAI) ! T E TABLE. TAI:116 ENVY= aftrrininrac I, itat On and after Friday, Septia,ber 1, 1871, this'Cinnpany will run two trains through to .Pino Grove daily, _ (Sundays excepted). : 1119EM833 • Lea,. .18180108, 7.110 A M, 110111iyhr+ok, *Cralvlictrn, 7 28, 11,00/7 !lolly. 7,10, `..1.1010.0: 31 ill, 740, Itun, 8113, Laurul, 8.44, awl 111 . 1.1VVIi al. 1 1 1 no Urnvc, 8.80 A. 74. 'wave Ctil N., Junrtloti, B.uli, .11Caiily loroojc, 8 111, ^Cralgliewhi. Mount 110 l y, 845. *lllipor .MIII 3.til, Ittm, 4.00. I atutel, .1 an4'artiVe4 nt Pine (irol . ll 4 4 , 11.: N. E=Ml Pluo (hurt., 0.3 , A. N HMV', ti 4:1; 110 tor, Run, 10.05, +Tip, MM. /,.2.; llu n ul /10117, 10.30, ter.11.410001'6, IU 00, .11 , 01uybraok, 11.00, nud 111'1,0: at Thattaital, It 10 A 31, • 1 . 100 throve, 5.110 0. It, latural, 5.15, thin- UV. Him, `Wm] , r A 06,111060t.11011., 5 55, * Crulooool'ti 0 10, , 1101.131 , r0u1c, 025, cccl nrrlve4 ,1660,1001, 0 35 0. nun liol urn flag slutloi. 0 9170, 1.. W. DA VENl'Olll' Oeneral Supo.lri•onilott. 0111,6.1,1-11. n. Sevirltitvl9lt9a, Ping li, °ye, Aug 25, 1871. 1. AGRCULTURAL FAIR. Tho Fourteontli Annual Fair nr tin) CmulloylAutl County Agrinullinal Sulky, to Lo hold on thulr rottn,lß, nt Corl 010, Po.. on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY,. OCTOBER 11, 12 ant/ 13; 1811. it Is the purposo of the officers of rho Society, to mak° Our .nuxt . PsII mooting mom Extonsivo; Inoro Pucci...lnt mai more Enjoyable, than any which has precasted It. Having (naafi! Now Building - It, which are morn extenslro nod Letter adapted for tho display of Fruits... Vegetables 11111 i Fancy articles, Jim do itio largo - Additions t 2. Mtn. prmulmnn , they confillautly ask the support and co.nporation of our 'Partners, Mechattles, awl la tins, of thin and tol. jnining oonntios, to inlaid() theta to ita9:utho toost Interesting display • Our (manillas for thin exhibiting of Poultry Is - surpassoiLanyw hero, having orectod now coops... • 'lllO tract, for Tiottlitt is in tho hest condition'. • • Proration HMS ran ho hatrot Paxton's !Amon. of LitWMO I'. LYNN, -- . WATTS', - Poorolary. • • President. • • Sales of-Seal Estate. pußL:ro ALE-OF REAL ESTATE. . Ori Balyrday,' 'Septplaer' 28, 1871'. will ho sold at publte• sale, - by the executors of 11ezeklah - Yoter, , deceased, on the promisee, that slate and gravel farm, situated in North .141ddieton township, Cumberland county, Pa., on the Carlisle and Dlosersville tool about 234 miles from the former place, lying n' the Conodogtainet creek, bounded by lands of AE-Polrer, 11. F. Wagoner, W. Myers, Dares helm and others, containing about 130 acres. The improvements era a Frame Dwelling flow, Wash Holm, Spring,lloueo, Frame Darn, 'Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs. 'An applo end' peach orchard, and other cholco (ruff; n well of water nt tlao-- Almet_loflncros °IAN farm Is clear andleal been recently liiimd - , - thifremnining.39. acres are covered with excellent timber. Persona wishing to dew the property -can do so by calling on J. L. YOter, residing on the farm. Palo to commence nt 1 o'clock, p. m., on Enid any,. when terms will be mudo known by H. O. YOTER, J. L YOTER, '- Executors of Ifezek talk tutor, docensed 421,11171b-1- • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT 'PUBLIC SALE. On Tuesday, 0. Ober 8, 1871, oatll, ho offered at public sale, by the imbscribor, on Om proniken, eitu-, ntud three-fourths of a mils south of Oakville Station, (0. V. ~ I t. 1t1) Cumberland county, ,Pa., A LIME STONE FAILNI, containing 248 Aeron, haring thereon erdctod - n Log Weatherboard Homo"; 0110 of the bent Stolle Barns In the county, now Wagon Shod and Clam Cribo Thero la a never failing well of excellent water, convenient. Apple Orellaril, and about 40 nerve or lino timber. The unit in hot quality, and more than ball tho farm has been lienyidy limed within a few yearn. Will bo sold In one trnot or In trnctn of 180 and 63, or 120 and 117 nerve: Tho larger tractx contnining the improveinan tn. All nocengory Informntkin will bu giv'on by the anbacriber; living ou tho adjoining fare), or by mail, whirr,. hint on above (oakvillo, PIO Salo to commence at 11 at. tn., nn said day, when attendance will be given and t cram 1115,10 known by S. lir. SHARP, 24an714t , A th,rneylti fact for Hein,. pußLic SALE: On Tlatreday, September 28, 1871. By virtu° of nn order of the Orphans' Court, to me directml I will soli at public rniti r on the prem ixed 401outl, Middleton township, lain thciproperty `fAilliintol Spangler, deeessed.• A lot of ground situated' four mllex nouth rant of Carhslo, ono mile oast of Craighead'n Station, on tho South Mountain railroad, on tho main road lending front York to Shipponsburg. - containing 80 perches, bonntled by tali& of R. Irvin, John Oleim anti henry Snyder, having thereon erected a good one and a half riory FRAMS HOUSE, Carponter Shop, Stable, Carriage House, Hog Von, Bake Oven, and a never-foiling wall of Water and cintern'at the door. The lot In voyered with a choice selection of font, conflinting of Apples. Nitre, Cherrien, Gntpee, &c. Thin prop• erty would be an excellent location for a mechanic, no it ix situated in ono of the finest sections of the Gum-Leyland —Vraloy , ,-and—lo..-cornweniant—to.F.choola, Churchoo, Stores, Ate. SIIIO-01 commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., on said do)', when attondanre will be given and teenslllllllo I II WO by 24:11171 t ADMINiSTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE In purnuonce of nn order of the Orilliirne l Court, 111 Le mold nt public Hale, on - - liaturday, Beptember 30, 1871, nt 1 o'clock, 11. uc. nil the tomtit. the following Real Sella°, late the °petty of liarriet NVitteun; deceased, Imil : A lot of ground in Plainfield, Went PenniiliniV tovironh ip, 1 °umbel on trio wont by a lot of Jelin Watson, Go the toed by lot of David Myern, on Ow north by the State road, and on the Heath by an alley, containing one-Marti., of WI acre, more (Jr Idol: having thereon erected TWO sroitY WEATHER BOARDED FRAME HOUSE, and outhuildlogn There In a eintern adjoining the Inure, and exc., lent fruit trees in the lot. Torino of solo mill Inn mode known on no toy of tilde, by . , • waTsox, Attmit,i4rator of Harriet 21111171 N VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. • The mill, raigned will oiler at prirate sale, n lot of ground in fith borough of Carlisle, .in West street, opposite Emory Chapel, adjoining property of Joe. Rhoads on tint south, and Airs. Hotter on the north, containing :In feet on West si reel, and 120 font deep, raining to an alley, and basing thereon erected a TWO STORY ItRICIC HOUSE 1.1..1 back building, von Mining seven rooms, and a Wash Nouse, ar Outside Kitchen. The house in supplied with water and gas, and is hiexi.e'lent order. There era roach., Pearo, (frapes and Apples, on tho lot.. Terms racy. For farther informattotbupply to .S. A. SAUCE, 210n711f Carlisle. CHEAP COAL ! LAY IN YOUR WI.NTER COAL. Tito outlet eiqueJ propoben to fulnirill famllltx And I.llvltlmilx intin eaitl nit extremely low prices. Ile Ic 1114. p m -ell to furnidi all the r.,rtrli3O of 'lard uul Sott colds, guaranteeing the out received to leo he coal ordered, and accurate In weight. Farnnra and LburburnerB nlnnv the lino of-the . Cumberland Valley railroad, NN 111 be annulled at moderate ratre. I t will he to Ow ntlvuotage of purchas. ra to call befuro purl:looting ele.•whcrc. Ile'reltectfolly xollcltu n nlinro of public patron- Ordern pr. toptlg tilled. Cheapest Coal. CJIEAPEST COAL! Orphu.' Corot pi eye: iy hyr. onderhi;ord ogler,' to forniell Coal to all trtie., either fur Fancily or Lltaelownere wee, at trap nano, two•lded they accept the following: let Td order 1111 COld In Company ram " Tn charge mine 'weight, inospeati TO of any et in aldfontent by leaky emit, be. led. n deliver your coal fly It collit,l to band, Itiotot tootorventntt, dirt and all. .Ith. That lo the oboe° Inebtlonoll tootle of lourt iti r on eP 111 LOSE TEN PER CENT. Sc. 11110 hen 20 tool nit' bon glt7 w nail pall! for, dj It EA I.Ll' (JET BUT, CHI lITEEN TONS. 2g, 1871 thIS faet all regular dealers will testify 7,411. TO Sidi,' to get your Coal ft ton run breaker JO may 'desire, hot /11 000 hove to rovelett o hat IA 00, Ite It Sontmit Branch, Itig Lich, or Elliot 510110- hi from lrykons 1%1141, 1,010 ofthn,u Idd/O4 110 t. •sleable; theoato applying :to the load sand eskers also. you to take It as It 10.00,4,1 to OM Ilth. As tltii kind of 1,11:11111,14 hi (TOM' on the hall oil Company's shlloot, do not at.lt to Our it sample COOL 'llloy do Old allow mot. than 21 luaus' tuts siding; 000 therefore Istormt shoot alit toe can tritish you. Should you wish to putt 1,1.110 d , 'tiff it COO Ito Isn at all tholes, kept In the dry, =I Auctioneer ! ; Gift Enterprise. Q 765,000, .._ IN CAS I 1 GIFTS, 7 1'0 111,1 MISM3IMI EVERY TICKET DIM WR A PRIZE. 5 c r ,o, (11118 eaell,i4il,o(.o 60 Cnel, (1 iftn, ,000 10 .• •200 , f,90 2,1 " 6000 2 " 60 'lOO no 110Folvoell Mallon, • ouch, Sart( to $7OO 75 31 , 00(100ns 76 to 100 - " - 1,01017 r 4. , field AVetellep, • • " to 300 Cosh ICII•un, Silver Won., etc., rotund nt $1,000.1•0 A rluue n to dons oily of the above Prizes Ibr Tlrketn de.oi thing Prizen aro seated In envelopevit.ll %fell Inked.. ,011 re , elitt of 260,11 &Weil Ticket In drno It o Moot( clooleo, and rolllt by null to toy Ail 'l ho pilze 110100,1 upon It with too delivered tot. tin llclot holder .011 paylllollt 111 Ow Dollar. i'lizes ore Iminedintely nont to ally nddrern by ex pone Or return moll. ' You aI 1 k whet your tuizo is before An pop for It. 'Any prize exchontira for another of the sow value. - Nn lAarke. Our iouronn eon &pond on fair ilrallag ltr.vmmtteus:—Thl,follesvlngly draw Valuable Prlv.,4 And kindly permitted _he to gmhll-h them Mir.> llurnA, Ohl Ago, $lO,OOO p.. Mies Clara naltlmore, Plano, &.800; James M. Mat t I of roll , $5,000; John T A Inlerson. Sav,nnah, $J,00.); ,I,ooes Simmons, Heston. $lO,O. 0. OPiNimse : "Tito firm ho rnlloblr " 1 1 - A•klY Tatum% Dt.c. 20; "D. 011,1 their MAUIxe r. ifernici, Jolt. I ".plat and llonorstio."—Nowt, Pee. U. Soul b r n Clrenlar. Llbornl loduc•nten Is to A gnu (8. SallAfactlon guaranteed. Every paelcage of 200 100,1401 EliVOlopeE imiltolDE ONE 0•80 GIFT. SOVOO' tIo Ms 'for $.l: 1.1 for •$0: 50' for $5; 200 for $l5. Addr,•en ' JAMES N. MARTINI ti CO., 1:Jo71:1211 ' 70 Broadway, N. Y. Election Notices.. • NTOTICE.—Notieg, is hereby- given . ./.1 flint the Peoplo'n Fire Insurance 04tepinly of Penneylvantin, will hold an election it the office of tint Company, In tite,,borough of Carlisle, on blon• day, Septentbor 4, 1871, between the hours of 10 n. m. .11d 1 p.m., for tim purpose of electing thirteen Llhrectoro, to serve for the oninflng yew. By order of tho Rand .'' VOIIN T tiREIBN, Secretary. ELECTION NOTICE. ._ - • , • CADLISLII DUILDINGI%IND LOAN AB3OOIATION. Notice is hereby given t h at tho Annual Nfection of °Ulcers of Om Carlisio Building and Loan Mood , anon, to borfo for the ensuing yentywill be hold' on SaturcZav, September 2, 1871, nt tho Arbitration Chembdr, in the Court Ilenfie,,ln tho borough of Carlisle, botwoon tho hours of 0 and 10 o'clock p. cu. By order of tho Dusts!. lOnier Mt Miscellaneous Ails. . . OE ICE, ICE. • • • • . • , Jr yon want what. In punt and .11 • At n romonable ' r v llawsto now DEV Ili t i n t .7l l, it a v t o o tl n lO 4 o i o n liT,S T p it lh ri ng tt - tl% . ...yornoup can bo nuttidled Mint 101: during tho 119. at JACK hlTlta' Shiro on ronatot Strout. 20971 ti • DAVICIIIIOADS. • QIII.I.I`.IYAND WAGONMAKER Sliqp BOIL Hitt,ll.—Tho• subsorlbor offers rit private saltilthrblitekwitlth , shop; and lemonmolter Shop on South t street,' •garllslo, Toms nebomlllollllOng. Also, south half' f lot oil Hoot!, stroot, holm grave yard; 3au'llUt .1: D. 911EAFFER, Adininietrator Cheap Co«I CiEOIVIE ZINN, LTV ,RI, lEl=l 112111111 o. P. uumniorr, Becrdlary WM. MAIM Beal Nstate Sales VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT ..PUBLIO 'SALE, On Tuesday. awl Wedneadfti, Septemboi• .12 and ' :Tho 'following Property will bo - sold on Tnee Soptemberl2;lB7l:' Will.be sold atpublic sale, by tho subscriber, ou the promises, the following described <properties, be. longing to the estate of John Diller, sr., doom:sod, to wit: ..No. 1. Tho mansion farm on which the deceased resitlod, situated in Westponnaborough towiiiihip, three miles cast Of Nowt . 'lle, on tint Conodoguinot.ereek, at Dlnor's bridge, bounded on the north by the Conodogninct, on the %vast by land obtin. A. Lehman, on the south by Samuel Abra hams, and tho Mato road, loading from' Carlisle to, •Ilowville, and on tho east by lands of D. Donor, Win. Kerr and Dr:4. - J. Zitzer, containing about HZ acres of good limestono land; about 330 acres of which is cleared, and in h high stato of cultivation, while it'll residua is covered with lino thriving timber. Thom Is, also, n largoamount of locust and walnut growing on the farm. The improvements aro it TWO-STORY_STONE HOUSE, 80 by 38 feet, with n tivo.Btory stone nnd.framu .bnrk building. Stone and Frawo Hank Darn. 120 by rq feet, ulLil Wagon lludl. , Corn - Cdbn Crrunt ell otlicr necessary outtrulblingx. •- • . . , There Is it well or excellent water at the door, on one OW of the house, and It large elaterrr'un the other. Also, on arehard containing a large number of thriving young fruit trees, just coming into fall bearing. Tide property Ints been divided. and will be sold either as a whole, or In two or more tracts, as purchasers may desire. No. 2. Joins No. 1 on the West, and !, bounded on tho north nod east by land of Dr. J. J. Zither, and co:ital. about 9 acres, with a large TWO.STOItY LOU, lIOUSII, Frame Darn and Black smith shop erected thhreon. It has also &well of good water and cisterns at the door. This is in eery desirable property for tr muchanlc, its it hi right in do midst of n rich and p ros p erous community. situated iii No. 8. A lot Situated ' Frankford township, oboist ono-third of a mile ,•inst. of Diller's bridge, and bounded on tin) south by 11)1) Conodo= guinet crook, on the oast by S. Still°. and on the nor th and west by land of J. llnne4t, and contains acres. The inopromotiMM" const4t of a Two Story Log house, with n well of excellent winter at tho door, and a Log Stable. • The following:property will be sold on - Wednesday, September 13, 1871. - No. 4.-_ , A...traet • of. 'land situated- •in- Friinkford towndiip,about four miles tiorth,ofDlilees bridge, and ten Mies west of Illoservlllo, bounded by lands of Win Kock, It. (traloan, Dr. .1. J. Zilzor and others, containing about 116 acres, of which about 35 acres urn cleared and undo? cultiva tion, and tho 'remainder is covered with excellent timber, consisting of chestnut, locust, poplar, whit,' oak, black oak, and gigantic Rock oak, many of which will yield a' ord and upwards of bark to the troo. , "the improvements nro n two story log home sod. log barn, vith threshieg floor. This property has been diVnied into lots ol from foueto eighteen neren each, find will ho sold together or in lots to snit pur chasers. This will ho n rue ortportnnity for persons to secnro good timbor lots; It all being easy of nc. cess. . There will be sold at th e same time and place 11 lot G.hestnnt-rills_and.locitsLpo: • Persons desiring to see either of the properties, rill please eall on the subscriber scalding on No. 1. ,r Mr. Dan lot llandabaugh. residing on N 0.4, vim viii show them the tlundaries, either as it w,hido or Is divided. ~ Bale to cotnmenee at 10 o'clock n. m , no onoh day, when iittendanee will be given and terms made known by SAMUEL DILLER. Attorney In feet for the helra of John Diller, or dteeneed. 17nu7lto. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE! ON THURSDAY, SRPTP3II3ER 14, 11711 Will lib sold at public gala, by the ezecutor4 of William Plow, deceased. on the premises, slttottod in Frankford township, Cumberland county, adjoin ing the village of Illoservllle, the farm of deeding-1, containing 110 ACRES OF LAND. The toll PI elate, and in n high elate of cultivation, having nearly all been twice limed, and under good fence. The Im provements are a large, two story FRAME DWELLING lIOUSE, • ith kitcliejt attached; double frame born, wagon 'Shed Mid - OtiFiLerlb, and a wolf - I cistern over the buildings. This property will be ;bid together, or In two tracts, an may boil suit pnrchasers. At the. Hartle thou and platen will ho sold 10 acres or timbal land lying mar the aboyo property. This will tee offered In small track, to meet tlu, w tsbes of pur chasers. Alga, #everid 110111,8 . and lots In the' vii - Ingo of Illoscrvllio. No. 1. Containing half acre of groond, and having thoreon erected a doubt,' do Olin booty, log and funny, also double stably, log and triune. No. 2 Containing lath, over ono-fourth acre bf ground, with It large, frame -deco ling houso, cabinet makor Atop and double stable thereon. No. 3. Adjoining No. 2,st vacant lot, containing not quite one-fyorth acre. - ' No. 4. A lot of geom.' et the east en 1 t f the til lage, vontaining b. tweet 1.4 and 2 acres. This Wlil be iii.iliftozethur or lit pl.:110,10 snit purchase. Also - , At the sano time and place, trill Inn gold line personal property of the deceasod, consisting of for ohm c, chairs, stands, beddlne, store, socretel about 4.000 Oak shloples, a lot of 2-11101 Oak plat, about 800 feet, a windmill. Persons whiling to sue the above properties, will be shown them by culling rat B. Motor, one at the execute's, In 111oeerville. Salo to - commence at 10 o'clock rt. rit., on said day, _when terms will be !ludo known by -' WILLIAM 11. MOSER, SULOMUN W. ORISSINGER, Executors of Wm. Bloai,r, deceased. =II N. 13. MOORE, PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real tstate! NVIII be sold, at public eale, on the premiers, on Thursday, October 19, 1871, at 10 o'clock a ni , that very desirablo linvodone farm of David Martin. nitanted In Monroe township, Cl(Whorl/nal county, ,abont 1% ntiles north - of Church town, near the rand leading to Leidig's tavern, on the Triadic. Spring road, adjoining lands of George Brindle, ChriAlantlernutn, Beltshoover and othera, containing about one hundred and thirty-threo arms. . There aro two good 'applo orchards oo tho tract, a well of never. WI og water with pump,and a natural pond or water, aultabla for all stock porboses, and about 10 - or Macros or very good Mahar laud. - Thu improvolueots are a TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, A flrst,xte large Mick bank tarn null other ,tut,- A.no at One notme time and place, n linnet of Ihnestono Inmd iotidnling OW 1111,T farm, contain ing about llOrono Itome, ofudd , •h about twelvo nerve are very grad thither laud These pr• portion ore worthy the attu lion of farmers ninth purelumers generally, and will he sold together or empatato, as May he moil Ilestrablo. Pm suns tricking to View the property ran do nil by calling liplo Mr. Reel, residing on. he premises, or tloi .n 1 vet liter. A lh•ndance will he girt:nand terms mode day of .10 by SAXTON, Att . ru, y ifitict for David Mkt Lim. • 17:m711. Ex4o,itier ar,illlgirr6burg NSt•ehly, Tele graph Itoint ~ale•, 1110 .1111 bill to thin Wilco. pcßtac SALE of a Valuab,lo Farm On Thu7 , ;sday, September 14, 1871, will be offered at Fiddle :ale. on Thursday, the foirteenth day of September, It7l, n Valualhle,Parin, containing 05 nerve of kvYd quality of Limestone land, being" Minuted In. Quincy township, on Oho road leading from Fayetteville to Shady Orove, Mont 2 miles south of Jacksonlialb adjoloing lands of dolor McClear‘, Dr.• Mitx(y..ll. Mid id:maim of Martin Sollenbert,r, decon.od. This iinproveta,nts consist of a good Weetherboarded Dwelling lionse, Frame Barn; Wagon Strd, Corn Crib, illachninith Shop, and other outbuildings. herr hi a well of excellent winter near the house; nod gond ilichard of apples, peaches nod other n wt. The land Is in a good condition and the property in well worthy the attootion of piirchhisers. , Any one'wlshlng to view the above.property can do no by cal ing on Daniel eollenhorger residing thereon. '' Sale to commence At ot.e dclo, kp. when the terpo vOl be made known .3. DANIM S 1I I,IiNIIERII • JO-I.ll'll 901,1.1.:N BEIM ER, Exreuto,s of thu Illllto 01 II ruin Solletillorg, 17301:3t PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE ,etturriay, • Soplitnber 80, 1871 11,0 undersigned nsslgnre or. J.efopli Zeigler, will offer at public sale, on .tho ahoy° day, at tho Cella House, in Carlisle, a tout 'of :late 1 and In North Middleton towrsiilp, row the Cr n i,e. (lap 11 0 ,1. (31<, Mil. Irons Carl.sN), bohntled hylands on Wan. Cratir, Geo, - Oats .Jacob Jacob Wetzel Jonathan Zeigler, and „ o-nitrining 0110 hantire I and twenty-live MT., of which ono hundred acres aro clear and ~ t lnr_ balance good timber laud. The buildings nio a Two-Story It eatherhoorded Bank Mara, Wagon Hied, Spring llorale,.(ltrriage !louse and other outbul'dings, There Icit well .of pure water at the dt;r, and running water near the house. There is an Dalian! of chiles young Fruit. True. The Istal has boon recently fluted and Is lii goottordor. ' Also. a Int of grOond In •Carllsle, with n lieo.story MUCK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 'B.l'.South - .West: street, thereon erected, containing 000011 rooms, supplied with gal., recently painted and nyorything In complete order—n now Franco Stable; and excel lent fruit on the hit. Sale at 10 o'clock, a. an., wilco turnin will bo mado kkown by • J.' C. STOCK, , 17iir7ltir 1 • - itJoeeph Zeigler. V ALUABLE REAL ESTATE PUBLIC- SALE. SAI I.ITWAY, .8119111$1111111 0,_1871 Will 'be sold nt public Aldo, on Rio prwniooo, the following deHeribed yolooblo Real Eehtto, viz: A: L_IMES'eONE PARR!' Situntod on the rend touting front Dolling Springs to Papertown; ono mile Weld of tho for mar, and four miles Emit of theadter 1,111,11, polltath I,lg •-•-- ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN, ACICES, six acme' of whieb aro Woodland. The ititeroya Monts catmint 'of n good 'Twoltkory llototo, Bock 'Mllllll-0, Stone Bank Darn, Wagon .Bltod. Carriage, Reuse; and other neopssery . .bultdiage." There Is a gdodlonnnt House on Om fuem. 'Also. nn' :01{01.1A1tD OF ONOICE•FRUIT TREES, In Pod hooting oontilthat.. Bale to commonoo at ono o'clock, li. m., on mold Ray, wlsen 'attondanoo Ito Om, and tante' made known by ' MARY BRUIT; ' - • Boiling `Springs Post Wilco. f' Persons Iflolilng to view the farm procioite' to day of taste, will call on Wm. Bondman, residing thereon.' 10auTitso • DESIRABLE - --PROPERTY. 'AT A &Au.: ' The undersigned.:offers Lie house and lot a‘ pet , valor solo, altuated on Wost..Sonth.ntreol, No:-70. Tho lot, Is 30 foot treat on south ettedVand 240 feet deep, and treating ni an alley,' 60rfoot, unclog there. on orbetod n PINE TIVO.STORY FltaMl4 claret islth briclr,ivlth a good book butiawit, 0011 a largircletern et Lilo back door, end. a nevor-falling' well of water at' nut front• door; ••• a• nobalco Jammu; with A 811101311111 AVOW Urn, bath ' bonito, car rho houtid together with cli necessary outbuildings nue all hi good repair,- Thu lot Is evored with the . choicest fruit of all klnds...koreons wialtlng to' rim tie property, cnn-dOOO by calling on tho, owner, re , siding on the promises, -. • • • • • . • .; •• • D. CORNELIUS..., -- 27)%171tf • • • , / ; • ' Traluaple‘ Beal Estfite for Sale. EXF.,p - UTOEfF SALE OF 'VALUABLE BEAT, ESTAT.t:I ON SEPTEMBEInt AND 71,1871. Will \bo sold at - public sato, Court House, In Carlisle, at 10 a. m. on THURSDAY, the twentyttrnt of -Septembor next, the following described prtimirtles bolOnging to the °stole, of J ohn Noble, deceased, viz: '" „ No. 1. The "Mausion House" hotel, on the south west corner of Main and Pitt.stroets. Tho lot contains in front, on Main street, about 60 feet, and In depth about 164 foot. flaying erected a hinge, double three-story steno Ipul brick Ilona, and stone stable. Tills is one of the moot desirtiblo hotel properties in the county. No. 2. A part of a lot of wound on tho west, and adjoining tho above, old the Cumberland .Valley.ltailroad depot. This lot in about 60 feat in width In lino of it. I% Noble, and in depth to - The Railroad property. Port of thla'property in MINI at present In connection. with the " . Notion Homo, Hotel." 'Th•ro is a'rni on this lit a lorgo Moon pliable, AN% .This lot will obi° bn oft'orod for nolo in connection with tho lariat pr, party, npd mold Hall Pet - to - thiffiglit(Of Om - Railroad company. No. 3. A lot of groned oh the west of, iind,noljoining N 0.2: Containing in front, on Main tr.et, ideitit GO fret, ttill in dolith 1014111 L 164 Net 'I lir Improveineilla ore n two,tory brick dwelling hones nod .oilibuildlngs, nnh a front., oliop. flits bot COO lb° 11, Hod Into fir., pronertiex, and will be sold ns a whole or In !Mils, n 1 :buoy b. nio.t desirable. No. 4. A lot of ground on Main street, between proportion of Col. NOW° nod James M. _Minn,containing in front, oil Main ,treat GO feet and In dog()) 240 feet, to Clinrch alloy. • No. Li. A. two-story frame weather boarded house nor.' 11,t, rltuated on the north Ado of Church alley, immediately In the tear of the prop erty of.lainna M. Alien, cont.dnlng In front on Irtal alley a) loot, and la depth GO feet, No. G. A lot of ground on tho Routh of Church allay .11I.:1111 log 30 font In front op snlal alloy, 11In? - 120 In depth. Thorn to erected on tllw lyt n frnlno static. No. '7. A lot of ground adjoining No. 0 on 1110 west., nod f u °so siooth mid,. of elsortis altos, being inbuilt 30 foot on .011 alloy, and 1,0 rod. la depth, haring thoreon cress! efl n Issrge log wsszon snakssr fflfols. • , • No. 8. A. two-story weatherboard (welling booop and lot, toljolmog No 7 ub filo woot, 010 l south side of Chord: alloy, and etooaln log in trout on sold alloy, about. :W Got, a n d In ONO!, about 120 fuel. • No. 9. A two-story frank() dwelling bourn-and lot, on thr Tooth ride of West Pontfott atl.odf, bring part of lot No. f In the plan of tho plan of 1.10 borough, containing In front on P. 11.1 great about GO feet, about 120 feet In depth, to property of. W. F. Noble. No. 10. A two and ono-half story ,b rickLo dwell og house nod lot, on the north Aldo of Ea,,t North street. adjoining property ~f David Frod•rieka% rind containiag in front on maid street reboot 20 foot, alai In depth, about 120 trot, to an alley. No. 11. A lot of- ground on the south tlldo of East North street, lowly npposito No, 10 and adjoining Itrause'A brewery, containing In front -tru-Ntarth atrnnt nlo.111:211 frot,nntl in glopth_to au_ alley 210 feet. There in on tho need end of this lot a largo corn crib and wagon -shod. 'Flit property will ho sold in lots to suit purchasers. The following properties will be sold at Ina. in., on FRIDAY, the twonty-secon 1 of Sep tember next, viz: No. 12. A lot of ground on 'the York road, In tl.a borough of Carliglo, bounded by lands of Corey W. All, Peter Spahr and HuLori Irv' ao, cox tainlng 3 acres and 181 perches. • - . .. No. 13. A lot of ground on the lane loading from the llorrioiorg tor:mil:0 to Ito Sol ploor Storing rood, and adjoining the boroligh lionitr, and land of Wm. M. llomoloonon. Tit ix (11113 C . Oll MI. ..Lunt 15 11r rem and 30 porch..... No. 14. A lOt of ground in Brown's lane, an Loather extended, In Ilia borough of C/Il little, and adjoining Abner Diedxfilid •there', 1 . 1/11. Wiling about 14 introit. • No. 15. About 18 acres of out lots iii the b".•,,,e, , h of Carll•le, lamintlialilly west or the Cumberland N'ulley Railroad wareboutio, Wait lyitig helm eon the Chnniberolairii turniiiko lisown's lano. This tract will bo lit dad Into lots Of kit,. or dire° acres mill, and sold oopitratit„or as a IV itAlti , as ray be roust adviintageoua. ti No. 10. Tho "Happy Retreat Prop erty,"An South Middleton township, adjoining the borough limits, on the south Fidc of the Chambers burg turnpike. The improvements aro a Isrrowtory brick dwelling house, fry too *tattle, dc. Thistrunt contains ;dotal 10 acres. NO, 17. A twoAtory_bricici dwelling of ground, immediately on the weal of No. In, containing . about one and one-half acrett. No. 18. A tract of land in North ➢lid itle¢m townehip, about two mike west of Carlisle, on .tha road loading to the Meeting Howe Springs, ad joining Abner Itcote and °there, and containing idiont 52 nerea. If 0161 tenet divided. Persons to aAmine thew propertica, or to linen any flintier information, will plow., cad moll the aubcerlbere. Attendance given and terms made linowu 1)1111:1y of aid!! . . . MEWL. WATT/3, IL M HENDERSON, Ext.eutorn of John Nobly, ilereng,ll MEM 1./meant, Eratniner and Harrisburg iireekkv Tdc graph insert until sale, and Scud bill to this c,lllO, M=MMI PUBLIC SALE On Tuesday, Suptotnber 19, 1671, I will mull al piddle, solo, on Iho premisen in Chureidown, Coin. berlapd county, , tho following Root Estate, via I A lino two story 111110 K DWELLING 110110 E, fact by 32 feet, with lot ft onting on Mechanicsburg streot, about 111 feet in front, by 150 feet In depth, ith Stuble, Wash.llouso, Wond llou.ro Bake 01,0, llog-Iten,said other outibuildingn, all in good con. AUCTIONEER .ILA twtostory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. 21 feet by 27 feet—Two-Story Kitchen on n lot fronting on Main street, Oil feet by 100 in depth, whore the lot is about ItB feet In width. On lids lot there le n Fine Two• Story COACH SHOP, 30 feet by 47 Scot, fitted op completely, end making a good stand for business. Also a lbw stable and other outbuildings. 111. A Fine BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, aa feet by 33 feet, on o lot nn Main street, adjoining the Coach ?hop, containing about 80 feat in front by 50 feet in depth, haring n line Cistern sod Sheik attached to the shop. These properties offer sun of the finest eltances for cotichtnakent and blacksmlthn in the State, and a 11l be shown to parties on application to Samoct Plank, esq., residing, in Cit urchtow it. Sale to commence ttt 10 o'cloelt In the forenoon, when atteintance will be given and terms made known by HENRY SA XTON, Assignee of lieury,llonlioltner. A lie, at the or time and place I will Hull at public sale, the lamella: property, of said 'Henry llonholtzer, causihtinz of lloa,hold and Kitvht.ll :Urn:turn, and a fine net of Bill , lollllllll TOWS. • pI:I3LIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Wednesday, Stptenabai no 1871 . . The unileriogiiii./, atiiitztlei. of Soloilion S.olete tierger, or South .'ll.ldilaoll jtJW1131111) will Oiler at palate onto oil the ale), • day, at the reahlonee of the itarliznor, It 4 mitre • Irma Boiling Springs, on the road leitilin.; Irma Itollitig Spray. , to the York 'lllld flout. wife, Jot. the rollo log real mat.. A ft'inir of land d, :lough 31 aldlrton to. hounded bd Innd., otwwd 11/ .1111/10,1 naiad]. blb, Wolf;.Toltn T•ntz. and . othrra;contaln• Ina,SEVENTY-SEV.EN ACRES, six noFea of which are gcod timber Innd, and having thereon erected a largo . . , TWO.SI'OIII' STONE DINELLItsI(I HOUSE.: with back building..., ftllll.l horn. wagon thed, Oar ringo-Itotb.e, bow bog pen, anti ether outbultding4. ,Thero rt o ell of plau water lit the door, toil in kood doter n the porch, vino two oreltnrL r 611 it. Thu in, in tt high state of colt Attiot, nih! muter good fence. The properly NM hr mild ax it IVIIbiO jrl iu two t nrle, to out porrhtne,n. The lirKt tract conlitining lolly ,toot and the lotildingn nod the tieetind r. ntntitlng 0%1,1y-wet-it nerem, in cluding I Ito wood land. Salo to ei).111110111, la I clock, p. on, ultott t.trtn t, which m.lll La tumid poly. will bo tondo known by .101 IN ETTER, lOnta Its A ssi two of St;lonion Eolenborger. FFORSALR—A ha( t of land situated on tho Conul lust River in 11,1111mo] finvonliiii, 'Perry tuunly. e. ittaloing AND sa"rx, ACK EA, 11101 . 1. 01 a-hvo:rtory•lerirl, - rlonrIo11514:11I.INti7.111ntliNTOI, ?mai) , t wou.tory'lllC A 111.1 DIV [MI lIOUltl, nod it 'Fury tine Immo-BANK HAHN, rlnvln fort • ill'o'ithove aunt oto 'lnto ',inventl furl.. which n 111 lut No 41 oir•tlirr ur neparitn, to stilt luirrloulor., • .. • A'no, ph , o Innd Itl tho,n, o iOWII/111111,,11011. Ininlnt 9111 IITV• ;nom or Is.n, portly clear/A. , A Ito, o trod to land 011 the 1,1111i.11 li`el.l.r, hl Ilutralo inWnslilp, In tilt PlllllO county, nottaining ONE lIUNDIWO • 1N D rirry num. or 1,11;,1111 11,1 f, being ltayttlg Iherron erected two log lionseA-and a log stable. A'so, a lot of ground In the borough of_Lloerpool, 5001511 rect.: tylinClieto eon the riven and rood, and haring thereon eructed is 11 AIIEIIOIIBE. All to to sold on very favorable terms find .limn gloon to Suit ilto purchaser. The .ttlinvo properties will bo •fferod at prioafa . sale until 011T011E11..2.4, 1871,1.0 If net sold herrn) - Mat filile;ivill lot xnld st public sale •Il .that day In Liverpool, when anul where the terms will by muds' known. , Apply to 11. 0. 'lllo.4}:lt,' 3lvullaultriburg, or to .1 M'CORSIION,Jr., Ilitrri4bilrg. 2OJpTltf PUBLIC SALE On Tuesday, Sepiednber 19 ! 1871 will be sold'at Public Sole on the pro iniBoll, tho fol lowing described Real Ertimo, sin A blinestonit Farm, in South Middlyiton three adios cost of Carlisle; near th?Trindle Road and llll,horyto,wo, infloinhig lands 01 Hurry Monne man add other : {, containing ONE lILINDRED AND TIIIRTT.ONE ACRES, morn or leas, It! or - lb Koren of it being good Timber Laud ; n iurgo Ipimitity 01 locust trto.n, all in good growing condition; tho farm 'is mostly under locust Nat untli chestnut rolls ,Thu linproYounnea consists of ngothl Fronts Ironer, Largo Ranh Barn, Wagon Stied with corn cribs at. tuchod, good Hover foiling stall of wutor at the . bourn. Ono of tho bent young orchards In the - country of 'choice apples, ebonies and po.trs. The land bus all linen limed since 1801.; front Ono to thrco hundred Inlithols per acre. Solo to eminence at out, o'clooli; tn., nu said day,. when terries witl boit nnol knOwn by ,• • . • inoityn OARBER. PerdObfl whiting to flow• the farm . tirovions to Hid itay.. of PAIR, will call ontho noblicribcr "rpololog ,tiloreon. Ptanalts ' `" CO2.II4ODORIVitiIt.TEIV,' AtIC 6 tiOUCC; pIJBLIC SALE,OF , NAM:TABLE ' REAL ESTATE. no aubscrlbor, ronldlua. at Mount Rook, aumbo r . fi n o copnty, 7. ranee wet , nf : Carnian, will pffernt 1,01410.5a10, ovi, • " L . / „.., ...I - R( 1 = 8 ( 1 416 :B.c:Pteng. , 4r . 18m, ' . 'a titble property nod flret-ciang blachentith ahoy. Thi oporty embraces two lote_olgrotted,mmtalug lag 2,4 acres, more or kfiff, loving theroon erected n good -TIN STORY FIUME titneltrlcle'lllOUS/ti. IN'welt Muse, Abio, n good Earn, with .c(kyrintia Louse, attached, flog POll, 4g, • Aio,. .. ~,,, , ae on InACKsurr r trsuop. , '' . . . Rho Whole le in good ror . dr- . . . . rersons Atwirotte or viewing tho pra'pertY, will Plone call on the subscribor melding tueroon. This en +tory doeirablo property.. - - , rt„' ' • • , :BRlq'to commence nt 2 o'clook..p s 'lll4tor ask' day, {Oxon r attendance will Ito glyou glad ,iermil rondo 10110W11 by • , .., .•, , ~ , O - • flaunter , . , . , .. • , .. ,Wilt , IL ,ICUZ, LAYODONT TIEE MOST DELIGHTFUL TOOTH qLEANS,ER AND BREATH PURIFIER It Is n apl , nll:d DENTIPRICI, lt, Pronervev tho TEEM from Jo ay It preveute theleriestioe bn the LAVODONT to contain nothing-or an injurious rrldeelifinal cheinteter in its co:n[11,03100n, either to the enamel or body of tho TEETH Thti Rev. Dr. R. L. Donlif Iccsitiont of Mckinnon Collogn,rayn: " I ha. nxna r I. A VODONT.' It In litramant Denti.frice and Flagrant /Muth lllnt, I linve 1...1141 o aisgig Lollar.". For sale by .1.1. INverotick, ngrnt, Cal druggists general's Pike 55 route per 119ttle. ME actitc-Ifivanc!-Contiat?. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY JOHNI. REESE & Co:, GENERAL AGENTS, 122 Saadi Delaware Avenue, SOLUBLE PAciFia Reduced Prices. No fertilizer introduced to the hirmero of the Mid die'and Southern States has 'given Intro genenti and uniform satiofeetion than tote guano. The trade in it has Moodily in4easeil, until the consumption now throughout the entire'country far axe/.d.l'oot of any other fertilizet 4 , Tho large capital Involved In its production offer& the surest guarantee to lie Cimtinund excellence. The company boo a for' greater Interest to ttui 'perma nence of Ito trade, than - any number of ansumers can bar., hence it ill tbo highest Interest-of the cempony ' torput their best fertiiixurs ,In the Market, that their_ usual focll him, aided by the bebt scientllle ability, ran produce. Tido guano to sold at retail by local agent§ of the company thrungitunt - Now Jersey, Delaware, Penn syls ludo and the Southern States, and at whelesale by JOHN S. REESE - 35 CO., Liberal Discount to Dealers J. y D. RHOADN-Agemisi— OA RLISLE. PENT.A. 0tt11713m.1.1au7 nun Constitutional ..elmend»aent PROPOSED Amendment, to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Proposin,q. an Amendment to the Cone: attion of Pennsylvania. • Ile it Resolved by fhe Senate mid House of Rcpt . 's- Naves of tie ommionuealth eJ ..14nnsylvania.in General Assembly met, That the following amend ment to 1110 Conhtitul ion of thin Commonwealth ho proposed to the people for their adoption or rejec tion, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article therehne, to wit: Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of The C..netitotaln, end Rama in lien thereof the folio, lug , A State Trenaui-or ahnll be chosen by tho quail fled elector* of the State, at such time* end for 1111,41 tonne of .frrvice ea bail be preacribed bylaw." JAMES II; WEBB, . Speaker of the Ilona° of Representative, WILLIAM A. WALLACE,. Spanker of the Senate. Approved the Ilitesnth day ofJone, Anne Domini one theiteAnd eight Inindrokhnd noventY-one. urine SAXTON, •_ JOII:4 W. GEARY, nod ccrilecil for plibllcatloo poreuitut h. tlio Tooth Article of Ito Couctitution, 01ERA Secretary of the Commliowoo.lth, 1 lithorg, -July fah, 1871. f 2l iju7l Cucumber ►Mood Pumps; THERE WERE sold in tho . jear 1870, 8,841 of-platchley's TRADE WOOD PUMPS, hituulartqg 912,11rAfout.' iii Ifipgib; IhrliLls‘a 1.1 I Igo tkizgrploro for A: Well °Vol. Forty Miles.lleeP Ellmp , . In toonitractlon—lle'otrin oporation--411. ing no [solo to the Wator—Domble—itrllahlo'. anti Choup, • , Th.° Innupa' aro nu Ir 01,1, bog recommonliktlon. For sale 'by - Donlon. is Ilardwayo 4tt,l Agricultural Implomonte ' Plumbrre, Pump Makorq. An., through .out.thcconntry, 4 4llrmtlara,Alci.fornlah . od , upim air iAlcatiou byoltall or otlionylto. • . Single Pumps frimvariled (6 Pardo's - In towns strhoro I hate no agent. upon rectilikt•of the regular retail price. In buying,. ho caronal that your Pump bran my ratio mark on above, an I gilaraohno no othor. , G., 8L4Tp.111,[,Y., ,Mpurr., 021 and 620 FIIIIERO STREET, PHILADELPHIA 2ulll7lfiat . ril TIE WO W. Ell S. •POSITIVIZI , NO HUMBUG. A new' variety of Wheat has lawn originated in MONO county, Pa., by et gorwlenrau of Oro nano of FULTZ, who found a'foor heads' growing billow the Lancaster octopi and propagated it; hence it in called FULTZ WHEAT. Tilts Wheat in •cootiiletoly envelopad In a thick rod stir clop', whiell prole...to It rogroinot tip, nr brae or wroth, Inur a stiff atraw and is a few days earlier' than thrt 'Mediterranean or Lair caoterwhaat. sour boat fartneht. It lori in a norther of instances jpgrayeerl orer drt bushels per acre. - Ilatang eogagird n rpuultito slr-rthiS Leta from reliable fa, nom' besides what I raised toy soil, I no. prepared , to furnish this Wheat, h. Roe t. condition for seed, at $2llll r bushol; that is, for every order oncloolug $4,110 pe , soot tvfo truphota in it gout) now 'MIA to any Railroad Depot.' Larger onantilles at tiro same rate. • •• siinm zooK, .• M'Voylown, DIINin county, Pa. lieranariewl t Hon: • Froderlek Watts, Commis sioner of Agriculture , . Hon. John Scott, U. C. noon 17nui1tfe - • • .reref.libilbi , ) , Barber.- N i '" ‘ ,O kR.P)IOI S . id ,. Toter :,Irodgq, roopatly opoupdithe ! National 811M.drur Saloon, No. ?nat . rms. Itolr euttlog. shiunpoolog. xdoyus Moho 4yl,ng promptly at tended to. Ldilas • haircutting oxe anted in tho latest City styled. 'MY ptlees aro as tuasonaldo ae any otltor saloon Ivilltlsidacd,"lllavo Ilene. lout .conepetent jOurnoymon • lu mr'dmploy. ,Ibmiy,lCenmoly still, alto', total& !it 'my etelogo. llama elyo o rtuo n coll:',. , ; • . : , • pETEit nobon. . . , .. ~ , O li.' 4il gu BUBINESE3.—On. and , arpar the lot Eseptoloor itext,llntsadjo do a CIABII DUBIN IVklil ull,',yrittusst toopsot to potions. Country oducii 'roosivid'.as sash, Is exclniudo ter goods as ,canal. dly tidif atrangomo.A, strictly on• liorood,`l wilt ho onobtod louoll groceries at.roducod rates. ~ , lidn'Tltt ' , '. '' • ' l.:, ' ,.'" . ' 'p. itinopv. Tooth Cteanqer IN THE WORLD rum IL it fin GLINTS it prntlucon n PRAURANT It Is o dllightfol MOUTH WASH I'li!Hlmm.l CARR BROTHERS & UO, • Proprietera,,' Baltimore, hid. CAPITAL, $1,060,000 orpjcn =I GUANO, General Agents for the Company jOINT RI•:AOLTTTION AMENDMENT DEEMED Soc rotary of the Cointoofiwonith U UU LIMBER MARK, OFFICE AND WAREROOIt, Seed Wheat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers