Bpi . ) . Tinwaie mill Pimps WANT CHEAP PARLOR IF YOTA AND COON STOVES AND EVERY VARIETY OP TIN AND SWEET ILtO➢t WARE, EMI RIIINESMITII &r RUPP, NOS. 62 AND 61 NOlatt HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, l'A We would respectfully fauna our numoroue friends and the public generally, that Ivo Intro con- Mandy on hand a LARUE AND IY4DE , SELD;ITED STOOK' OF PAIIEOR AND COOK STOVES. This department of our stock is unexcelled for artistic design, importer finish, and simplkity of arrangement. Our Mock of Stoves is immense, and embraces all the meat popular -Parlor and Cook Stoves of tlrc, times. Water Coolers a specialty at the present time. k Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Together with Plain and Japanned Ware IVe:are oho prepared to furnitth, Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, owl bat o fur sale lho C eln'ated Genuine Cucumber W d Pump. TrYING, 9POUTI GI, AND JOB WOllll attended to promptly a on ronoonable terms. Ik:twilit., the place, lin green front on North Ilanover street. A few doors above Loather. Give no a call ns we are determined not to be under sold by any, other portico in Unto place. Thankful fur poet patronage we extend a cordial in‘ltAtion to all In pay non RIIINESMITH & RUPP, Nos : 62 and 64, NORTH lIANOVIt'STREET, CARLISLE, pA IBM Dr. Ayers' Medicines AtER'S SARSAPARILLA FOR PI/DIFYIND THE BLOO D The reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, Is derlvod from its cures, many of which Are truly marvelous. Invotoratu cases of Scrofulous dig. ease, where tho system seemed saturated with corruption, have been purified and cured by It. Scrofulous' affections and disorders, which wore op _ravated h the scrofulous contamination until t my were pa niol y afflicting, have boon radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of Its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the roost destructive 00111ies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitu tion, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion ot 'its pres ence. Again, it seems to. breed In friction through. out the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop 331t0 one or other of its hideous V forms, either on the sot fire or among the vitals. Jo the Iry ter, t cherries may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or It shows Its Prominent by eruptions on the skin or foul ulcerations en f 101111• part of the body, likm,T, the ,Qrcitsional use of n bottle of this Norsaparitht is advisable, Oven when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints gutturally find imineditite relief, dud, at.' length, cure, by the use of this SA ESA PA It LLA : St. Anthony's Dire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tett. r, Sal( Rheum,. Scald tread, Ring worm., Sore Eyes, .Lore Ear,, nod other eruptions or - visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as flusprpria, Dr buy, liras! Disease, Ills, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and Jilt V,i61.114 Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis Cr Venereal and Nlerrurial. Diseases aro mural by it, though a long tints is required for sub duing three iitorinate maladies by any medicine. Dirt longroritinued list of thlsuirelicine a 11l chirp this eompluiut• Leurorrlituallr Whites, worm. ulcera tions, and Female Diseases, - me commonly 80011 le. tiered and ultimately cured by its purifying and tuvigeratlng Minute Directions for pooh ease are found In au A !manse, supplied gratis. Rheumatism ,find Cots when rouged by accumulations of extraneous ma) tern In tho, blond, plaid quickly to it, no als Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Cung,stion, or Inflow' lion of the Liver and Jaundice, When arising, a they often do, from the rankling poison in th blond. SA RSA PA RH. LA is a groat restoror to the'strougth and vilior of the system. Those wh aro Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless att troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Pear or any of the affections syMptinuntic of Ifetibte, will find immediate [allot and convincing ov deuce of its resiorntleo power upon trial. 1"R EPA,IIED BY DR. J. C., AYER k CO., LOWE', MA 5.3,, Pradiral and A nalriti,al J. B. HAVErttaICK, Agent, CARLISLE, PA. 23m111 11 y Dry Goods and Notions 1871 Fresh Arrival of SPRING AND SUMINIER GOODS A 7' 0 G &HEAP CASH STORD handmw 1111 T oppniog II largo stool; Or u. ,, t, and vliultpt,l. DI) Uooh iu CuutLrrLnul cllll ty FOIL THE LADIES! All the newest slylos lieu, Capes and IS, Cuffs and Co:lara, Winto rhinos, Stria., &a., at very lee• prices 'rho et eapeat and beat Illaek Alpachne Is town. Bleached and Unbleached Muslin., of all makes and Nacos, from 6 coats to 20. Another lot of tho,te Imautiful and cheap No soolc x, at 25 ~nnts Cingloonu loom d colas to IS T.oldo Linens, Colored and Vhito 'found. on Nuld.in• I n 000ut Cloths and Cassiincros, A DeW fillDply, .11.1 .111 1111 sold at,,gtUtttly rmlot:o • Kontuchy Jul., from 10 cook to 2 - . Gallon:ohs, Linen 'billings, Denlri, Bond Strip for men and boys ener, nil kinds at low Prices. ' tionn.—Wo-aro .1 all k-lile-nrf—tinfinnn-n a.stonlallingly low prices. Stockings, Mores, Sos pondors, Threads, firsids, Trindn Hegel in mulles variety. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, A now :tud 00111P11110 0040rtme of • • I have now on hand 1,11 ulexaot and cheap aeoort moot of Uoods, to which I woad' call tho attontiol of all portion. wialtiag to purchaon, ao I will not b 1111,Jan/old by any kionoe in C tend, It•volluct th placa, .17 Weat Main elreet, nearly ocp ,onto the roll road depot. io Itrughlo to 3110 W S .oda. Ladies' Misses' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, I NM, Jakit r . acervkal and op.mael n full a.ortinout of all thu bow tityles Ladleve and Mlsaas' Boole and Nlippn.. well made, and at low pilcao. Call nod doe OfIARLES 00IL111', Ourlink, April 19, 1871 21np71 Cloths and Famishing 61 oods CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS ! .rho undeceived woehl 1%-..peettelly mill the et tooth,. or lil .010111DM V/Wiitt go n Una!, to bin ontlro now and No.go htninmni , at 01 Cloths, Cassimeres, vr,sTmas, &c., t,vocirtlli adapt od for Spiifl and 'Summer Wear! . , All tho !Meld idyl. IO 1,0 hod 111 stort , , mid ready fur your mai ly 111,100Cti011 All po4slblo ofrort3 wlll Ln much to plitax9 7011 anti giro you a good tit. Having empioytql the co,c. brato4 pkger, JOHN'iTASS, Into of n Yatiblanapo- Iloage, Broadway, Now York, yh 1111,V . 0 , tll . O JllollBll[o ofllllllollllCi , llg to yon now, A Perfect Fit A comploto nuortment Gentlemen's Ftinnisliing GoOds !" Also .Yollsos, Carpet Bags, Sotslisle, Trunks, 'lip PLY" Give us a call. al Yourl o Roapoctfully, ISAAC LIYiNOSTON, No.. 22 Math Ifonovor Mtroot,Corllalo Established ISoot7o. Dry DRY --- GOODS. Just openod i n entire now and desirable stoak of epilog and summer dry goods, tot ladiee•and men'a wear, mutilating of . Japauoso Poplina,\ Silk and Wool Sorge% Shophords Plaid Wool'Elorges, Lamps, Dippers, Swiss and Mull Muslin's and ell kinds of White Goode mod gAssinErtEs, - CLOTHE! and VEEla'ltfoB or spring gulls. All the' novoltlee of RIO 500.11011 BIIAWLS 1 SHAWLS I l Hosiery and Glovos. Homo Furnishing Goods nob as Tickings, Slicotingg, Pillow Casings. 11.6.1 ft a liou.o-keoping purpoi. Domestics inlarge quantities DOMESTICS! DOMESTICS: I DOMESTICS! We tiro proparwl to oiler great induaetn•nte, as the markets aro lower than they have;been for ten yours, and no our stock IR entirely new and fresh, bought for tho cook, w• foot oaf* In protulelng to .give our customers groat bargainnand all LW good.. We Invith all kindly, to call and exam'au our stook Wont purchuaing and docido for themselvee.— Thankful for the liberal patronage in the poet, we proiniee to he alive to tho interest. of our friends la the future, by keeping nosh goals, al will randier satlofnetion to all. All who wish to Bate money are Invited to call upon us and find a sourco of profit, by dealing with no. DUKE & BURKHOLDER, 1871, EME VERY 900 D BARGAINS A. W. BENTZ Lt CO., who hero on the lat.:est stock of Dry Good in the Cumberland 17nHoy. Prices reduced In Do[nines, do do Poplins, do do Panel Drees Goods. ff:=2l Bost Stock of Domestics in the Country Best Stock of Notions and Trimmings .4V Best stock of Flannels and Cassimeres, I_Beßt-atook-of-Cottonrides, Sc- I Largest stock of Staple Goods 81suotim, Shirting x, IMID MEE Hosiery, Zephyrs, &13 Call itud anvo Loom'' , whoa you Call a liouuy xawd Id ono oarned. We buy all the good WOOL offered, at he highest price. We have also for sale the best live geese feathers at reasonable prices. Plumbing,,Gqs tech ,4_ JAMES CAMPBELL PLUMBING, OAS AND STEAM FITTING. Ai No. 18 North Hanovor &root, CARLISLE. PENN'A.,. STILL AT BIISINgSSI The undersigned ;we now fully prepared to altead • this londnala hi all he different brunehe, leo koop .oushtutly-o. bead and Nr sae, WATER CLOSETS, RATIO TUBS WATER CLOSETS. - r BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, - II ern TUBS, CLOSETS. BATH TUBS. • WASH BANNS, HYDRANTS, Lift and Force Clutoron, Lift and Soho adorns. . . and Deep Well Pumps; Load, Terra eat so and Deep Well Puffips, Load, Terra Calla and Iron Pipo. Chimney Tops and Flues. GAB PIPE AND .FIXTURES Globes, and all glints of Draw Work for atrom nod Water constantly on.hand, or tarnished , to ordor, Dwellings, Churchos, Factories Mid othor buildinpo. In town or country, fitted up with mistrials and dM patch. All work warranted. Thankful fpr public patrciange, we t ope , by etriet In attontlon'to buelnose to erlra comb uenie of to. some.. Terms reanonablo L lt requiringbut One Wel to SeCUra custom . UlTO Us seell. Don't forget the place, No 18, North Hanover street, In the ban , most of Blpo'm now building. All order/ left at DI. residence of olthor Moms. '. CAMPBELL on HENWOOD 8 At any time, either day or night, will be preinprj attonded to. James Campbell, Alaxiander.e . Dow, Pitt 'Arcot, or William lleawood, South straot, Inborn Went. Having 'medal advaidagee we aro prepared to furnish • COPPER WORIVOP ALL DESCRIPTIONS,' • for BCC Doylies and other purposes, Whew or at d dlntatica, . • COPPER PIPE forahMed to - ckrelailid tbo td reap or brarod. nd "pinnestio Goods, .26. QUARTERS FOR Granite Lustres, Molangs, Pique WeHinge, Nalnsooke, Victoria Lawns, 1111 Blankets, Marsoillos Quilts and all goods North 11/mover Btrost, licitly, Carnal., Deposit Dunk. Can 100 Bought From • Tlcklngm, • ['lngham• parpotm,..l oil Cloths, =! N. D. lIBNWOOD Llues of Travel, UMBERLAN D VALLEY 'R. R. qp,uouns. WINTER ARRANGEMENT; On and a ftor Thursday, Navombor 24,1870, Paaaen gnr Train will run daily , as foypwa,(lundaya oxceptud): EiSTWA,Rti AOCOMMODATIHiI TRAIN, leaves Harrisburg 8:00 Al. 1111.,'4a•tutuicsbueg 8:38, Carlisle 9:11, NOW/ills 0:40, ehipponsLorg 10:22, Chantheroburglo:44, Green- , _ castle ILK arrirlagnt Hagerstown 11:45, MAIL TRAIN, leaves Ilarrlsbnrg 1:98, r. a , Mo: chanicsburg 2:27. Oarllele.2:sB, Norville 8:32, Ship. ponsburg 4:02, Ohambershurg 4:98, Greencastle 8:14 *Milne at Hagerstown - 5:40, r sr. ' - MIMEOS TRAIN leaves Hairisbuig 4,10. Mechanicsburg 5:02, Carllslell:32, NorvIlles:01, Ship- Densburg &IL arriving at Chem berelturg 7:00, ra. • A MIXED TRAIN loaves Ohiimbereburg T:4B, • a Oreensastle 9:00, arriving at Hagerstown 10:08,-• M. EASTWARD ! AOCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Chambersburg .5:00 A tr, Shipponaburg 15:20, Nowvilla 6:00, Carlisle 6:39, Mechanicsburg 7:02. arriving at Harrisburg 7:30,A x. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 9:10 A fr, Groom. eantlo 0:00, Chantbs.burg 0:40, _Shipponsburg 10:22, Nowvlllo 10:53, ilarlislo Idochanicsburg 12:06 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1'. If. EXPRESS TRAIN loam; llrtgoratown 12:00 at, Grooneastlo 12:29 , hwuboraburg 1:05, Shipponsbarg 1:37, Novrvillo 2:1 t:arlisio 2:5D, Mechanicsburg 9:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50,e , ft. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 9:20 r Groolcastio 4:27, arriving at Charoboraburg 5:20, P .0E- Making clans connoctlons at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Wosblug• ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West. 0. N. LOLL. Supt. Itiberintendent's OOlco, Chatub'sr, Nov. 21. 1800. pENXISYLVANIA RAILROAI? SUMMER TIME TADVE. Eight Trains (Daily) to.and from Phila delphia, and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and from Erio (Sundays oxcopted). AFTER MONDAY, JUNE, Gtb, 1871, Passenger Tufts of the Pennsylranla Rail road company will depart (rein. liarrlsburg and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows :. EEMEME! 3 - 45—Philadelphia Express leave. 'Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 3 45 a. ni., and arrives at Meet Philadelphia at 7 40 a. m. 7 35—Past Lino lams/ Harrisburg daily (ascent Monday) at 7 85 a. m., and arrived at West pblladel• ph% at 11 15 a. m. Mill Train loaves Altoona daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 0 00 p. m. 10 45,-Cincinnati Exprom lima Harrisburg daily at 10 45 m., and arrivea at West Philadelphia at 3 -10-rwm, 11 25—Pacific- Express Mares Harrisburg daily at 11 26 a. m., and arrival at West Philadelphia at 6 15 - p. m. 1 25— ELMIRA EXPRESS - leaves Harrisburg daily (except Bandar) at 1 25 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0 00 p. m. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Altoona dull, (Sunday excepted) at 7 25 a. m., and arrives at Har risburg at 1 05 p. m. 3 55—Harrisburg Accommodation leaven Harris- burg at 3 55p. m., and arrival at Philadelphia at 0 45 p. m. o—hancaster — Trairn — via — MatmYdnyilcares - Harrisburg doily (except Sunday) nt 7 50 a. m., nod arrives at Wont Philadelphia at 12 40 p tu. ME= 4 54-19rie Peat Line vast, for 'trio, leave° Her aburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 .15 p. m., arriving Pale nt 7 40 a. In M= burg daily at 115 n.m., arriving at Erin nt 950 p m. 11 45—Cincinnati Exprenn leaven Ilnrrlnburg ungy at II 45 p. m. t arrives at Altoona nt 4 40 n. m„ and •rrlros nt Plttaburt at 10 00 a. m. = arrivoe et Altoona