Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 13, 1871, Image 3
• SinisontDE TOrTHE llElt - AtD. - Fotejob work of every closoription, go to thp IigIIALD OFFICE. , ' SABBATH. last is said to halo boon the, 'marmot daythissunimei. Tuns aro.aboUt 40 visitors at no Mount HollyS.prings Hotel. • Tinr; other:hotels at - . Holly have vory fqw visltoks as yot. . _ —•Tun:—'{Bontz House," iu this has a nunibor:of visitors form the °Won. The present "heated t6irn" will, un clonbtocily, cause the city folltioSeek the popular summer resorts. nth, dog clays commoun'o on Monday next, the .seventeenth instant, and end on the twenty-eighth :of .I.ugust. , • , TnE.A.T.'S.ttoops aro,still,stationed at the CarliSjoparrackS;orders " fel tak ing up the lino of parch". not having yet arrived. . • OFFIORit- BANN°, arrested Benjamin - Warren, onFridity - last, while sleeping 1:m the First Presbyterian square. Tio was placed-in• "Fort Foreman" until ho, was thoroughly aroused from his iizow &noes. Tun - same officer arrested a-German on North Hanover street, on Saturday evening, for insulting ladies, while in a beastly state of intoxication. MONDAY and Tuesday of thii week were the two hottest days We have yet felt in oun otermr, this summer. So say All — enr7employees, — andr - they — ought_t e knew. TitAmcs.—LMr. Conrad Earnest stilt remembers Oun OFFICE, and appears to be determined not to allow the poor priiiteiu to sultan Wo should say ho' was in earnest in this Matter. " BOSSY" WETZEL has a largo stock of ico still on hand. Those of . our cdti‘ - zone in need of ice during the day can obtain t snpply by giving him a call at the Franklin Bonn; A. B. Ewnio, undertalcer, has been busily yngaged,.during the past Week, M-reanaving the bodes of deceased sol- Biers interred at the Barracks burial groutnrtir'isirland eemeteis. Twenty— .seven bodies were disinterred on Mon day last. :NARROW ESCAM—Whilst three citi zens of this place wore out kiting in the Yellow Breeches on Monday last, one of their number fell in the water and nar rowly oscaplid drowning, being rescued by hiscoiupanions. - LARGE. Ilaa.- z -The' smallest hen Mr. AndrOw O. Oiler, of Silver Spring town ship, has on his place, laid an 41.Tg, ono day last weok, that measures six filqltils in circiunforoneo.- As a layist of eggs she is a success. =won WE have boon informed that Mr. SaM uol Neff, of Washington county, Md., formerly of this place, had one of his hands sovorely injured with a reaper, Zt was at first reported that ono of his (lands had been cut oir, but this has Mime been contradicted. . ' Tir.CNKs.—Mr. John Cameron, resid ing on the Chambersburg turnpike, a short distanbe above town, presented us with some Early Rose potatoes of this year's growth. They were the finest specimens of potatoes that we have yet seen. Mr. C. will please accept our thanks for the same. IIC:1 'ACCIDENT.—On Sabbath last, FL child. of 31r. Solomon Stouffer, residing on the corner 'of East Louther and Bedford titrects t . fejl off of the balcony, a distance of 'about twenty foot, sustaining severe injuries. The services' of Dr. Kieffer wore immediately called into requisi tion and the little sufferer is doing as well as can be expected. lEZI COAT STOLEN.—On Monday last, Mr. Pilkay, residing on South Hanover street, had a coat stOleri. The garment was found in. the possession of two colored boys, by:officer Sanno, the same after noon,-and returned to the owner:- Some notes and receipts belonging to Mr. P., in the coat pocket at the time it was stolen, aro missing. ENTERTAINMENT.—The Pastime B. B. C., (colored) ot tide ;12.(!n: will give an entertainment in Rbesm's (Thursday) evening, for the benefit of die Bethel church, on East , Pomfret street.., Mr Georse B. Jones, has been selected as pia st for this occasion. _A.dmittanco ten cents. it AT - a late meeting of Mount holly Lodge,• No., 199, Sons of Temperance, the - folloWing named persons were in stalled for the ensuing term : W. P.— S. Goodyear ; .W. A.—Annie Guy ; It. !Rees ; A. It. S —Amelia Nick to ; P. ,s.—Ed. Wyre ; F. Hartzell ; Chap.—Elder D. &cos ; C.—D. Steps jr. ; A. C.—Aleetta Sheaffer ; I. S.—Geo. Hoop ; 0. S.—G. Hartzell ; L. S.—Mary Nicklo ; First ti t A.—Mary Glass ; Second L. Fisher ; Third L. Mille Zell ; P. W. P.—C. 11. Hartzell.' STATETRACIf ERB' ASSOCIATION.—This Association meets in Wifiiamsport, on the eighth; ninth and tenth of August. The exercises aro to be ciPened by Prof. Will A. Lindsey, our County Superinten dent, and they promise to be more than usually interesting. , The groat attractive, feature of this convention, will be the excursion, to Niagara Tails, the Execu- Ave Committee having' determined to make this a park of the programme. • The Northern • Central Railway Com runt a special train from Will iamsport to the Falls, - at oxeursion rates, providing 400 tickets can be sold. The distance to Niagaityfrorn is 253 miles, and the fare.,.willbo abOut $B. This ie,,a splendid opportunity visit the • tpaChers of •tbis county, to- Niagara at a very_ moderate, expense. tine thousand teachers are : expected to be present., . . Mrwratuoustr DIpAPPEAITED.—On Saturday, morning' 'William 13.. Spangler, ..residing on lictrth street, abovO Pitt; discovered that his two hogs wore tnissing from the pen. Upon Making an examination of the 'premises, it 'was . aneertainad.that the door of the pen had • ben opened, alid also the 'gate leading. and as ttiorO yore ,wagi);l tracks is tho alloy, it hyayikposdd that the' animals had Veen loadeOuto the aid then drivel,. off.' But' the thief , or thieves fearing detection, no denbt, uploaded them on Bedford street, they wok: , subsequently Sound by ?Sir.-gpaugler. • • , It seems'to bo the gottoial opinion, that the IlOgs were . stolen.' •For thelloor•iif the pen was not , only securely fastened,, but the ,gato also, and it•is.cortain that they could net open those "deers. To strengthen this supposition further, i;iriumber'of the' neighbors heard hdge squealing atirog the . night ? apd,,por4nph, this' was the cause _thorn ' aban doning their • plunder. , ' o,',EVery day bripip,,,Sontothing now,"‘ and ,thie was glllollt the coolest .ploce of thieving, that LIR yot ban Drouglit to our notice, _ . —Tar—followers of_ St. _Cris*, iu tho employ of tho Carlislo SIMo Company,. hnvo resumed wait: — ' WORF:. the-Socowl-Pyeilmtprian; is boing vigorously""pusboil for= .ward." • —Tut . .Chairman of the Republican Standing Committee has called a meet: ing for the .fifteenth instant,: (Satnrdai next) _ :"4very mondier Of fthe_connittae should be;in. attendoo,e,'as'buhineSs of importance mill:be traithaoteti; I. 1 Preme.-Conedogninet No 108, Independent Order of Red:Alen, Me lit Bunter's Run, on Monday next,. the seyenteentli instant. WeVuderstand that a largci ininditiribf ,per so Have signalled their intention of being, nrcg9nt , .on this occasion. ! . attachedp an enipty ' cart, while standing in fronVof the demolished building, on•_the 'corner of Bast Main and Bedford streets, suddenly started off, and attempted to enter, the residence 'of a citizen - 4m the opposite sicio'Of the . street. No person injured, but the horse was bruised considerably. Smoot. TAX.—J. W. Eby, treasurer of the School Board, of this borough, will attend in the Commissioners' office, &ugdst 30 and 31, for the purpose of re ceiving school taxes,'and until that date at No. 28Xarion Hall.• A ,deduction of five per cent Win be allowedOn allta*es MERE is- scarcely a day passes that the "hammers" do not Visit (nun oiriicE in queSt of old exchanges. They appear to ho of a literary turn of mind,. and will Lice any kind cite, papery -even if it is filled with advertisements. "But for ways tliat arc dark, &o," these chaps " ara peculiar." ASSAULT ON A CITIZEN.—On Saturday night last, Will Irvine, son of I)4:lrvine,. was assaulted by 'three "recroots" from the Barraalcs. At the ' time they at ached him ho was alone, but shortly afterwards Officer Sumo camc+tO hisas -slstance, and the soldiers—wore—placed-- in jail until Tuesday morning, when no person appearing against thern-they were released from custody. TAx-PAYEats TAKt NOTICE.—'f ho COMTII issionen4P having fi'xed' up a room in the Court I louse, for George Wetzel, County Treasurer, he will receive Nl:x(3s, tit Ids Office, - thc-first of-Sep tember. On al) count y taxes paid before Oft) first of August, an abatement of five per cent will be alloweil, and on unpaid on the first of August, five per cent will be added. EXAMINATIONS. - Will A. Lindsey,. County Superintendent, has announced the following places and times for hold ing examination of teachers : - • Examinations will commence at pre cisely S a. m. The friends of education aro cordially invited to attend all the oxnminations. At the Stone House, in Dickinson township, Monday, July 17. At Centreville, in Penn township, - Tuesday, July 18.' At -Leesburg, in Southampton town- Wednesday, July 10. At Newburg, in Ilopewell township and Newburg, Thursday,' July 20. At Centre School House, in Mifflin township, Friday, July 21. At Blosorville, in Frankforrl town ship, Monday, July 24. Franklin House, in North Middleton township, Tuesday, July 2J. • At Middlesex, Middlesex township, Wednesday, July 20. At Iloguestown, in Silver Spring town ship, Thursday, July 27. At Claim's school house, in 'Hampden township, Friday, July 28. ' In School Room, in Nowville, Monday, July 31. In School Room, in Shippensburg, Tuesday, August 1. At Oakville, Newton township, Wed nesday, August 2. At Greasdn, in West Pennsboro' town ship, Thursday August 3. In School Room, in Mechanicsburg, Priday, August 4. At Papertown, in - South Middleton township, Tuesday, August 15. - '••num. in Monroe township, Chun,,,.., Wednesday, August 16. At Shephordstown, in Upper Allen township, Friday, August 18. At Shiremanstown, in Lower Allen. township, Monday, August 21. At West Fairview, in East Pennsboro' township, Tnesilay, August 22. In School Room, in New Cumberland, Wednesda, August 2 At (Mice, in. Carlisle, Friday ti.epteln bar I. At 0111 cc, in Carlisle, Friday, Septein bet: 22. Nirxrinsicii, the youngest among the States of !the American Union, has a to tal area cif 'alient 70,000 square miles, or nearly 50,000,000 acres of the best farm ing and grazing lands in America. Therb are no Mountains, nor high hills. Its geographical position makes its climate ono of the most congenial of the temper ate zone. The surfaCo consisting of MI , dulating mairie, vest table and well drained bottom lands, intersected by nu merous • clear-watered, fast-running streams, the banks of which, to a largo extent, are lined with• groves and scams of timber. It has a dry, clear, bracing atmosphere, very beneficial to invalid'-, making the State ode of the most tem perate and healthful east. of the Pacific. The State of Nebraska was admitted into the Union, as the' .thfrtY-acWentli'Siate; on the ifrst day of March, 18G7. When admitted its population was about 23,- 000, and with the_ steady immigration since that date, it ,MaY be• safely esti,' mated at 200;000.' . With h finaithial hibit equal to auy State ill the Union, its grand patiimony'of phblio land'gianted ,by the Unitod States, devoted to Callen; ;tigq! interests 194 ..luternil improve t.ilents, is destimul to becoine a great add populous State - Nobraska,, with itsTacilitieSfor,mann, fdeloriiii; its faierabldiiituaißM froM conamercial . view, being situated midway botivoon,the Atlantic and 'Pacific,9'Coans, now united bytho great continental Tail :way, which runs the whole length of the State, ovor which railroad route' the travel and tranCpertatiOn) of the world must eventually pass. Its eastern boun dary bcing l washed tp,00,04i1010 river, with its 4;000 miles of navigable; waters, uniting the . ports of the. sea,. by the h vast extant of territory, drained by' the Missouri dint itti:triliiitailes,' With' , th rapid development of, its railroad.systnin! in or through nearly every county of the' State. Its iixcellent4flan tii;free cduea 7 : tufty million' adreS of agrioultnial acid unsurpassed in .fortilityniad inexhaustii ibility of soil, - produclug,.in Jibiindance;i all cereals, robt cinisySorghuse,Artbacoo, sweet potatoes and fruits of the border; Southern States. With all theist ItdVo-! taps Combined, Nebraska is dostpumltey bocDmo the banner State. . . WE are indolitod some unknown friend; 'fol. late`, aoPO3; 'or puponi. • John. Miller,. the ,popular' conductor of Vie 4.ceommoda.-' tibn',tiain on the,C, V. R.' pnid us'a: y l ,O43rdaY ilfterne{m: " • z.; ACFIDENTE3 IN AND A'A3PIJr: GRIMM folhiwing list of , cASnalties odetuied during the past Week ; , • . 11 sou, Of StamMol; aged threoj years, while getting down from the table fell, and in trying to save him self; Caught held of the eoffee'Pcit;-pour= ing contents over his . .bedy, - and scalding himself to such an extent, that.lie . died' fi.ons the effects the , 1:)?;7.t, day.", -- Au older son of the same, fell:from .a cherry tree, and received a very - g . overe flesh wound in the thigh.. Capt. John Messinger, while engaged iii '.erecting barii fell, striking the lower timbers, but being, unable to ar lest hid fall, be struck the ground in Such h maul= as to inflict sume juju).— Upon his head; 'bee and shoulders. Ile is recovering slowly. Mrs. Stock, while visiting at the - house of a friend, wished to pass into the hall; and iii doing so, mistook the door; (the" hall and cellar doors being side by sidey) and was thrown violently into the collar, receiving injuries from which, though very severe, she will entirely reaciver. 11=101:101 LANNOUNCEMENTS.Y-_ M 0.11 1 •1 1 ACCIDENTS • DURING LAST WEEK.—John Gerhart was kicked by a horse and died—not insured. Mrs. John Garret, returning from mar ltet-,-horso fell—threw her out of wagon —seriously injured—riot Henry Pifer watt run over by a wagon insured. fotCman . of " Cob "Web hlills," met with a painful and almOst fatal accident—not insured.' Rev. Ego, of Mechanicsburg, had his thumb accidentally ;alved in Miller & l'ilinp;'s factory—not insured. kri - W — t-i. iiirylor, Lino Mt. Hnily7 - fell=- - _ii 2..itir elLi 1 - U4:My lac 1 er a il r aws:4l,s—__. Ithader, the Trav i elers has paid 13,536 ilideln 'lily clainas and 210 death losses,- Will you have a policy before you are hurt? Then apply to the undersigned, who will issue daily, welay, monthly, or an. Anal policies, from $l,OOO to $lO,- 000, at a mere nominal cost. Office next door to Carlisle Postofliem, APPLE and peach butter at Hurnrich's Fort n choice slice of ham, and beef chipped down ready for rise ( go to J. L. Meloy's, South Pitt street. Cif yrmAN's is the place for chilaren's Picture~ OFTEN the rich insure for the benefit of their heirs; fortune sometimes takes wings, and at the death of the head of m family thu helpless survivors are nu provided for, unless insured in a reliable' company, such as the North American Mutual, of Philadelphia. $lOO,OOO de posited with; the Auditor• Cteneral of Pennsylvania, as security-for all policy holders.. Harrisburg Branch, No :31 S. Third arcut, Harrisburg: • A. C. lIELLow. , , General Agent TAKE NOTICE As 1 wish to treat all "My customers alike, I Will hereafter give a credit of six walls on all - my work, or five per cent I"' for cash. All accounts payable on ( l ust of January and rust .of July. As my success depends upon making good work, I endeavOr to got well "seasoned stock and good"workfnen. Thankful for past favors, I beg a continuance of the smile. Corner of Pitt and South streets. A. B. Su.tmc, • Carlisle, Pa. MEE Fort a plug of good Navy Tobacco, go to Malay's, South Pitt street. • FnEsu country cabbage, beets, and beans, received daily at Eltunrich's: HARVEST HOME—FREE TO ALL. A general invitation is extended to every man and woman,' to call at Duke & Burkholder's cheap Dry Goods Store, and receive some of the great bargains. offered by these yoring'men. New suits for ladies and gentlemen almost given • • - r away. 'Wu expect CO L.._ g of the people, and would advise all to call early, before the bargajns are all given away. We understand they are well prepared with a full stock of. all kinds of Dress Goods. Lace Points they offer verplim:, to close out. Call and see them. Domestics and Woolens at the old prices. No advance on account of the change in prices below. Call and sco aleir prices. Fon suspenders, ? handkerchiefs and paper collars, go to :T. 11. IVolf . - For:. a - elmico - Ti)tradit coWec, go to lijtt'l2L - STIOULDERS, sides, dried beef, beef, tongues, sttitr cured hams, whole or sliced, pickled and canned oysters, at Fonlorgo assortment of walnut and gilt frames, go to Chapman's. MI6. 0. li.urvENJunnaim, liming just returned from Europe, is now prepared to resume the business of hair dressing, &n.,. in all the latest styles, azheretofore, at the old stand in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Work done at the very lowest rates. SWEITZEIC and American cheese, just received at •liumricles. CnArunly,llas,an arrangement of .m" ntrumentaliy,which ho can , take a pic tnre.of a child in half the ordinary time SriuNo chichoug at Humrich's PINN Maples, pancllc 4, tontioca, Fort fine photographs go to ,Chapmaii'B Wost -- Main Arcot. ' " Tun choaposL lace .coilnrs in .Carlisle 11 , Iqarno,R . ,;. • • WOLF 'sells t.4.eheupest sot,s,hoy , pskiFts and hustles. Go to Madame Roto-for ygur chignons switolic6; curls, &c. • -7- --- <li f.:n.oxthi,:fels and eks for hale, care ftoniintei:ted 'stock. Batis laation guaranteed in all cases, , ;., ' am now prepared to.booli orders for the follOW,ing ,xarieties : ' 11or doZ: $3.00. ; Light do. " Black:et:011k " • 1.00. .1 Groy Dorking,— , , 's%Op. Blaok Spapish, (white face), " 1.00. All orders filled in` therehler receiNied. Call on'orinif-49 8,4 , Aiis - N 0.121, S. Pitt street. , 2tima7l6f • :Go to 'JL'• II • Wolf No. 18 Nortli Hanover street y ,for jot and plated jaw -61V31, bfacolets, . WANTEIfh j T A- good Atoksinitit wa — ntod ; Apply to_ Philip.flarrunottOi,cot• nor ofiNotth flanovor and North stroofs, Carlisle; 'Pa.• ' - • ' G 9 and.,soo tho largo aigortniont of kid gloves at - • - BOARDERS WANTED The proprietOr of iho'farzioas . sinniner . resort: at Carlisle "Springsi hereby"gives notice that 'he is prepared to "acoommO:. ,dato abort twenty more boarders. These Swings aro so well known for their moc*.inal (politic,. that no further do 7 seriP4On is necessary. . , 'On 'inquiry at.Carlislo, passengers will be taken direct to the Springs by .1. L. Sterner . & Bre., livery stable .keepers, Carlisle, Pa. 224c71tf. You. can save mono/ . by, buying your notions and small wares from J. 'II. Wolf, No, 18 North ILinovor street. _ . A general agent_for Cumberland corny ty, by one of the oldeSt and mostpopular Life InsuranCe Companies in thonountry, Address R. Kent, care of A. L. Spousler, Carlisle, Pa. FOR a floc nsfortiiiont of hamburg and Swiss edges, cotton fringo, and 1111,6611 e s trimmings, go to Wolf's. SETTS of jet jewelry for 10 cents,- at Madame Rotes. FANS . and baragots'iir reduced [prices, at J. IL Wo Just received a large lot of looking glasses, writing desks, work boxes, largo and small castor, tea pots, sugar bowls, buttei dishes) tea and table spoons, arrows for the hail', underivear, and other articles too numerous to men tion. Call and examine. Constantly -iving-new-goodsrall-for-tho--suin-of one dollar each. 00 to Madame 'Rote for yourlutts and bonnet I"()TATOES.-PeNCII BIOWS-by the wholesale. Ern - & SON S, 4mailtS Harrisburg. If you wish,to 1)11y ribbons clionp, and see a good assortroont, go to J. IT. Wolf'..s. J. C. STocl A LAUGH addition lately made to-the stock of lumber, in the yards of ' A: 11. BLAIR. LAMES desiring a beautiful and fash ionable hat or bonnet, go to Madame Rote, three doors below llentz's dry • - goods store. FOR SALE Oki RF,WI A large and commodious three-story brick house, on the corner of Math and licilford streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with brick stable and ice house attached. Impure of E. E. Shapley, corner of North and. Pitt streets. Go to Madame Rotes for all your sasl ribbons, lace collars, setts jewelry ant all millinery gobtls, No. 88 South Ran over street. DOWN WITH 1 . 11011 PRICES FOR WHITE WASHING. 'P. J. Smith, is now prepared to do phito washing, and wall cleaning, and wall scraping, on the most improved . plan, and at the shortest notice. There need be no removing of carpets or furniture. Satisfaction given, or no' pay required. Good references given. Please leave orders at.ithe barber shop of David Welch; or Calvin Able, or at the office of J. L. Sterner & Bro., livery and exchm s. rt stables. Please give me a call. • ATTEND to securing your coal for win ter while prices are low and quality good Call at tho yards of Ntmzus made into'switelles, chig nons, curls, frizetts, &c., at Madame Rotes. Lmtkniumstl%ns 7 coal constantly rn~ Also a full assortment of lumber at the lowest, urices. at the vards of t•E,'sati7o - TIM Cabinet . .angc with hot. closet is, without doubt, the finest cooking and baking range' in the market, and saves one-third the fuel of . cooking stoves. Call and see them at Wm. Fridley's store, No. 31 North Hanover street. . Also looic refrigerators, water coolers, bread safes, umbrella stands and a full lino of house fUrnishing . goods. 2:iinia7 Von EVER YBODY 'buys that 7 inch sash Mon for $1.24, at Madame ilotes. A large merchant mill, situated in Ilarfoo.l county, Maryland, about one nd a half milelt from "Edgewood" sta tion, on 'Philadelphia, Wilmington, and' Baltimore railroad, has four run of burrs,with capacity of 20,000 barrels, which 'with a Eivall outlay, can be in , creased to 30,000 barrels. 'Also, a jtho farm adjoining the mill, containing 310 acres, 200 acres of which is cleared, mid in a high - state of , cultivation,; there aro 3.houses on the form, alsrvistrn, stable, corn house, Sc., Sc„ For further infor mation'fipply to _ - •, • E. SNOW & CO., No. 10, Spear's Wharf, 4nia,7l3m -• -Baltimore, Maryland. SASII ribbons, 7 incites widetfor 1.25, at Madame Rotes. 'ACP. collars for 10 cents, fa Madame 67t1c.±4A1, NOTICES. Tho bps! Frail .11r in lin, non Itet. Pnre /411;;1116 411: prr rorviug 1161 . 11...3 IlinoB of the Srry rot wholv or silecti. Chinn. old wLrld and flour lbo pot" by' , J. KASONIJEDIER, Boutliweka corner PTinfret and Pitt st E outs,. - njniltf CuFn. We haTo just received, of our owe im portation by ships Hope and Midas, tWo largo , ipveices: of pkii/i and CdreB Iron stone queensware vory-floe which we -offer 'at retinae& prices. ..Also flf4 boxes very best factory . Cheese, small sizes, direct from the numfactur ors,• which we. offer at greatly reduced prices. Also yo quarter barrels extra fat No 2 mackerel, which we, offer, at extra ordinary low prices. We warrant and the goods we self. BLATII & SON, July 5, 1871. • .• Carlisle. s. S. S. • "BAD:, SPEEDY, AND 81IRE." .Dr . ..Morrhe,f3yrnp,of Tar, Wild Onwry. nod Ilesr4 hound, Is nianufoeturod by an vottroly 110. v 1(000009, and contains the boot known remedlss for Coughs, Colds, Soro. Throat, ,0111.1 nll Mug. Complaints. Pleasant to the. taste; but powerful In Ito 116tiOil. Pond for delrculaPcontolnlng Mit of at - Colas used, and the mattoopor propirlug. thorn, to • , ~Dlt. J. It. MORRIS; , . „ „ Ibudon, thinoral Agouti,: ' • Johnion,llollowny Cowdon, 002 Aroh Phila. Poldlrt Owlish, by John P. Iloory; CollrflO Pince, N.Y.'. Common A - 11/u/tlllogton, T. N. 'Frank, And , , • W3r. STITzEJ., Proprietor, Carlisle Springs, Pa. WANTED DOLLA:II - STORE 18 West Miiin street. A. 11. 131. Ant A. IT. fIT.ATre BUY THE BEST - TOR' ALE- SOUTII 'END [A CARD TO THE LADLES.] • s, p,R,„ I),uroNco'S . GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, • • ' 1 roit IiEktALES.' nirnpnix.lNcominarnuflTMEGULAlll. XIEMOVING 011STIUNTIONS Or THE, 110 TTILY PEIIICYJA MOM WHATEVER cetTsb • min ALWAYS subcEsenit , - • CI • A PREVENTIVE. • i , • ,THERE'IBIcOT LADY LIVING •'• • But w 1146 . t. soino porloa of .ifOr Lifo will find the , DIJI'ONCO GOLDEN tho medicine : oho nelds; , •For.Nervenry Debility, bendng down Pnino, at ' Heart, Ilot.Onod, irregular or Pninfdl Menstruation, Rush of Blood to Ili need, bfizlneSs, tip., Sce. Them are the only Pillo over - known that will Onyelliu Whites, (they will cumin every 'ease) '4'114 noN:er, ?ail, and may bo depended upon In ovary t',41,10 where the monthly iIOW 1111,1 been obstructed through cold or disease. DUPON-• CO'S JIQI.DEN PILLS alwikye Os% immediate rend; being eSpeehilly prepared for married ladles. A lady writes:: I/Upones's liable Pine relieved. no In one day, witbbnt enlehro; like magle._. =1 is now pia op inliarso (White) Itoxin3 containing i10n41.1 quantity of Dills, anti upon eneli box. Yuji wiil Cud Reoenun &funky, pril to l from my PeP 'rats lily, ininn . which Lengthwise of Om Stamp you . will rind tLo words IWIIONCO'S QOLDIIN SCAT, PILLS, In 117,ite.Letters, without OW noinil aro gimuli4e. 11.t.nd explicit direetiona accJwpnny each box. Price 31.00 per box, nix boxen $5.00. .C.ioid - by - ono tirliggint in every town, village, city and hamlet thronghont - tho - wm - 1d.. -- Sold in Carlinle,•Pa.,-I,y-0. A. Hai - myth:l:, Drogglnt, No. 10,North Ilite.over St. Fold alnolly Brogli E Nosier, Mechanieninirg, and .1 . 0. AltiA,Sliippeilabnrg. • • LADIES I By petellog . hint'Sl to the Carlisle post coot have the Pills sent by mica to any part qf the comdtry, free of pobtage.. Nono.genulno u . 011.43 tlit !lox is Owned 8. D. HOWE, Sole Pro Outer, Now, York I~ A FEW WORD'S - TO - THE LADIES,- - ' Many Indies, pin ticularly mothers nuro.og„corn plain of a tired, listless feeling, or compkte exhans tiOdron arising in themorhing. Outhe wife nod mother devolves the responsibility of regulating the duties of the household. Tier campy are numerous, and the mental an well as the phy!thad powers are * frequently 611t11 into requisition. she often Ands ! her slighte.d. occupation 0 weary tusk and existence a burden, ,hllO at Om ma 0 time she hos no C egular d Lit'll4o. HOSt lOrN stomach Bitters, Is. restored to at this period', will prove an unfnillog remedy fur this annoying . lassitude. Tlr 'theta of this potent agtot are soon seen In' the rosy cheek mud elastic step of the bead of the fondly, tei With restored health and renewed spirits On:takes her accustomed 111.3 m the 111(111) t.n ele; ff - this- - frteitti L irrecod-ho ,- regulmly ur d, tit:, depressing symptoms Noir twee he oelnyilliinel 01, nnil not only wunld toile het be wrperinneril, but mono dlNonnnv fellow lug advent Lu nvoldu I. AN n Ille , llolll.llgellt. it bnx 11, equal, While itS pleawing flavor owl hin'tlirtil piTecta have Made It a general invorile. It et free from nil ptupnrtlyd eilleulittoil to l input r the /valeta, nod Ile liperationd et once mild, tieothing and 0111 i. nt. All who bare .mind the Miters otteot itd to eau. Ijr,VitlC-111171. WIRE BAILING, WIRE OTIARDS, fer Store Fronts, Asyllims, T. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web binge- for shosp and Loullry yards, Drams and Iron wire cloth Sieves, Fenders, Screens for real, ores Nand. fie., !Mary Crimped Cloth for spark arresters Landscape Wire for Windows Sr., Vapor Bakers Wirrm, Oro atrigntal Wire Works, Every WM-Ma rlon hp addressing tho manufacturers, B. WALKER k SONS' No 11 North Sixth street Philadelphia. BE WISE, Woos. wisdom will lioneflt you: Lo not alwaya trolled by Ivor Incredulity. honoloodo have notight relict from the horrorii ill 113 i l1iiipsta 'through the in cahoot Of Di:moves ANIS-DYSPEPTIC STOMACH BITTERS 111.1 (introit It. Why /Amok] lon Huffer when thin adini, raid° atoll - whir Inns corcil noittioinillarCitatiii-Why do 3 - 0 n ? Delay to this manor iolioth &mato Yon,r health, Ditsitiomi Billfold, while L 1 .o.llllt frrjilA in fitiquently f 1t wed by Norio. and uncoil troDEDIE TeSIIDS. DEMUTH'S 331rrcns aro equally iin tho tittrooron. lies attending Indi gr,tinu; at; DILIOUSSIicir,DONSTIPATION. he., while. or DINCE toil Aoul: an& other dlionidors coodlog from It i. the only iNjiahln 111.1.N.111,1 and ',molly known. MARK ET S CARLISLE .. .PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected. Weekly l R. C. Woodward. IlMnesaay, July 19, I S7l. I:IJcIL7 1.7.0r1t ih 01) siirEle PINE FLO I7' SUPER PINE RYE PLO UR All/77: WI lEA 7' RED 117 lEA7' RYE. CORN WIII TE -OA TS BLACK OATS CL 0 VERSEED 1.11071!1 SEED FLAXSEED.... CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected Weekly by IVm. Blair 6. Son. (Ant, Kaorsdoy, Joty 12, IS7I. $ 11 15 10 07 fibril:7Z EGGS. LLO4; BEI:Wu - 4,r BACON' MS, do 51101ILDERS do SIDES WHITE BRA NS PA ICED PEA (_JIEX .. • UN1 . ..1 &ED do DR, APPLES I 1 , rom the PhibutalN/ fa North A nicrfrand I'IIILADELPIIIA MARKETS. FLOylt, GRAIN AND BEERS. • ftactarllia, Jurij It, MI EXTRA /4.1 3l 11,1>FL 0 trri ' 4 2 50 . V.1 . 1 . 1e A 'ALOUR ......... • "41 5 LO r. I:II I: :IR 1 , 1,01:14! .01.1:0 4: iti.41 , :10.' le ED ' 1 450, 1r) .:17:1 /1' SOH TIIBILV WI PEA 7' 1 •I:,' NI 145 R )v,. ' 105 co RS' 74 0.1 'PS , .... no • P'1,411 En SEND fiNj 91 1..1. 11, 'll.llO 7'll I'SEED • 1". 0 LIVE STOCIC IIAWKETS Philadelphia: M.,lay, .Irtly lu , 1671 The arrivals and- sales of Pelf Oath: soma faqir his week, rotating Warn" 3.001 . head. Tht, tharld aw.l ry dart this toak, awl p * Sri wrisr. lin fb !I It two-r, woi ay to Ow larue r• EXTRA PA T e.l prr 111,, _PAM AXD GOf )1) at .771.. E. • "COMMON "7. Co 1117 and CA LVES !ludh r, and no de -unit Cnny, of 200 head: :WEEP were in fair demand at an advance, lt, t head snl,l rot lip nt , 11 lIY, gr,,,,,fis to condition. nor's were firta:t. : ;201 hcad.srdd at 00 SOGIG 70 luo 11,, DEATIIq S ENS —At AdILMR. nn tht fourth hl dnnl, Mout Ihtisle, dattglit, *hall/ 'O. 111111 /AM, d. • toplions, aged 3 sears and .NEW TO-DA Y. List of imelahnetl letters remaining in the postoflico at Carlisle, l'a., for thin WEEK ENDING JULY 12, 1871 : LADIES' LIST. . Brow ikl f•y, A McCullott4ll, Mai y Coul C . 31111114 q C EilwardP, `r . Offrod, Maggio K. - or, 511.11,o• - Robison, Vary K Ann!, A Steward. Mut tin I=T Mon tol,,lnho Murfoy, SuII io • I; F.NTI.IOI CWB lASI'. ~ ' Amuno,/John 2 . Ntooro, Wm Itt.ll A )(non • . Mowry, F , Iterrharll, M l'..lier; (IttOrgd , I Crams, ilito - 1 , ..11..r, 0.,, , Cllllllor, ittIVIIII :"... 1 / 1 ith, .fillilt . .) . - • . Olounlit.rl)ill, S:11/1111 . 1 . S, Igor), III.) F Comma!), Win Soileolongor, rol Omni., Wm A • Spahr, A texamlor Corson, John I) Soyill, ' Jorouthsh Darr, John Wahl, Pr. - . Ego, --Mr '' Wagnr...( 8 C :2. II Actor; John • Zlglur, C'' 11..iInuttl, John Z..lAlor, (loorgo ' .. Jam)). on, Mua.,.. F ; -9,74, , AM1 K)4.41% aViluttry ICnettl.., .1 8 .. ~ ' E. D.' RITEEM, . " . Postmistress.. CASH I.IUSINESS.,-011,and after the /I. HI or ti. !Another nos t,I Intend tollota CAEIII BUSINE, , ti with alt, without rwilutdt to. porton% Country. plod or°, rocolvad 4‘n ruidt, In otchango for goods 'on , t tom! • It) , thle nyntugenunt,utrictly on fottod, Iu I 11 , onahlod, to holt grocorled nt reduced te.T. , • ' ' ' C. INHOFF. TTARVE ST ROM 4 .—TIIO - . 01110.101^- ...111-11-. inlia County Agricultural Society will bold !lath. 'annual II ...opt Homo on Saturday, August. 19, at Alas fair gtmill. . A 1111.106,14 of the Soolaty are Invlltal lo'bo prOdont. . Eljiell3t . . . . . ~ VOR ,Carom Billiard' MIAS, hnx 1/ssa u4l.nit n short time, Balls, ,ansa and all compluto. iniintro at TIIII3 Orrice. , , llf , ' Wail for Ice J OE; iqE,••ic ~ . ... 1 .: _ • ,-.::, if you UstUt vJot Is iniro: tuna lit ,„ J .' ,‘ At a rentionabloFß t'• • ; ,',- • I r 'Follow no iniw,D.RV :',''' .: -. . , `J • 1 .13 .ut , sonU•to nisi In nTR . i k I For I lukruthoMd SlWlntriVator , ' , ' ' ss• • .4.0.1., . . rilrion'g can bo stiviilleil 'with TOE during tho ellq' nt JACK' BMW Moro oil Pomfret Btroot. .; Ilihtp7ltf. i. "DAVID RHOADS. . CITY d brEit ITIMWENTS. MAPLEWOOD! , ,INBTITII.TN for', Young ladles, Piga Mass., lone and Iraioirsi for great beauty rid; loaptlon and-eupo. !gorily ef !detraction. RAY. 0. V. hABAR r Piliwb pal. - • FOR SALE.-200 acres oiporior WRITE BAK TIMBER land, noai, Lock Maven, , Pa. 5,000 ric res loclF Timbal, land, POtioroo., Pa. P. , W. • 811EAFEB, -Clapkglat (intl .- Engineer. P0081011(0 Pa. 113100QT'BEErt.:This' somo and rofroohing Summer baverago,nan ho 'eery oaslly•made-ho ovary family at a coil of. about •FIVE Olt SIX • CENTS PER GALLON, by using ABOUENBAOII - & -DULLER'S Root 'Been Extract.. If your store darn not sell 'Nile, send- tnronty-five coats to Mellen:bat:li .4 Millar, No. 400 North Third Street, .Phlladelphia, for ono bottle, which will maim a whole ilarreldof Barr. .Piro bottles for oleo,' ' Foil Inutructrons sent with each IqL • •IFFOLLIDAYSBIto_ BED INARY, . . . . r • HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA. . • TUSCARORA ACADEMY,ACADE , MIA; PA.. The School year bdgion September eixth. Location healthful, attractive.. and .. won • adapted to phymical &veldt - meat.- Free froth lusling place nod ealeone, the lull &mere are moral. Moro than 3,000 young men have hero boon prepared. for Collegu or bnyloom_ • - Terms moderate. - Apply fur circular to' • D. D. STONE. A. M. ... ... J. J. PATTERSON, A. M. rpWENTY YEARS IN SUCCESS FUt OPERATION . . - ' .1 Every policy beted-by the old Slassaeljusels Mutual -Ulu Insurance Cemnany is matted- from lbrfeituro by law of the ?Ade. For Insurance or agencies, ad-, _dressorapuly at Agej)ey,gixtil and Walnut strtftlii,' . , . ~ .. H. lIENPERSON'S. PAMILY 4A QUORCASES. uit, Each C, containing Oro Bottle of OLD - PALE BRANDY.. . - . lIOLLA.ND DIN. OLD RYE IVIIISKEY. ' OLD , PALE SHERRY. FINE OLD PORT: , _ OLD BOURBON Guaranteed Puro anti of the very Bost Quality. PUNE, SEVEN DOLLARS. Sant by Express O. 0. D., or Poet office ertlor,, - --LL-11ENDERSONT16-Broatiatreet,Now-Yori:— A GENTS WANTED FOR. THE TRANSIIISEION OF LIFE. - - COUNNELS ON TOR NATUILE • AND lITOIENE . oP TILE MAHCULINF t FUNCTION. By On. NAPIIRIIB, author. of " /'lle, Physical Life of Woman." It relates to 'the voile sea; ix, fall of now hicto; delicate lint Out- OPOkon ; -practical nod popular; highly eidoboti ; soils raplo,ly. Sold by subscriptlou only. Exclusive territory. , Terms liberal: - Frit $2: Address - for crinteutx, 'Sic., J. Cl. FERMIS CO., Publishers, Phibulelphia, Pa. OTAItY MEASURING FAUCET:- AA, The hcst. A durui,li and reliable arlicic, .41rerer gums, and not 11a9e to breakage. Netallbr airgalar, .Aildromv Ibix 46, Sbirouianstown, Pa.` Ai aVIILLIONjIiOLLATIB., - • ahowd latt rpeet mrn crin maltift4htutie by fro- ye:din.; tho mocroi of tho buslness twolo ' mtr~v:l - 6CB BrottOvay, 1.144' • AGENTS HEAD Tata! 14. WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF .4311 PElt WEEK alai expaimas, Or allow n large cononla• 0011 tO AI our OlOr wondarfal Ail drum, M.IVAO NCR A CO., Marshall, Mich. t.;2 . 0 L A 3101iTil, Llorso arlittrft e.ityLA_P ringn foritinlntl....Expesoio.9 pad, ill. 611,11 1 7, Alfrefl, Sc. , • Gjti7llt Financial THE A.OOOUNT OF t. W. EBY, Tl . ol.lter of the School Dlntrlct of the borough of Corliolo, for tho year coiling On the flref ,Motelay of Jell,:. A. D. 1871 : '• ' • 1)11. RECEIPTS BY /YILEASIIII.EI2,, 1870. June To balance in hands of treaaurer t last set I lem en t $735 30 To amount of school tam duplicate for 1870 Nov. 2. To Hato apprnpriation to Common S 'howls To ircelpta for tuition of non.remir dent mitolara To amount receiv..d! from IL L. Shryock, flryis nod penal. tine collected Try lam 3h71. 1,9 . 11 balance eon!, on hand - -$1,524 45 imt0bt,,11,,,, or oflktri“t, s6,6on—lntorest pllylll4o Fl.llll -an tin,nll), froin,luni) 1, 1571. • CR. PAYMENTS BY TREASURER. By salaries of teachers for rho post year.. $977 46 By 4,lsentnt expenses, in of print- - • rtatiointry, messongtr, donning rooms, @r 574 94 iq ropair•, 6trilture, Mid fir tnreA 509 61 By inn eruM, on Indebted Drslpne year, to EMEI I IK7I - By rnw and 5n00d..... Ily n•ut and I li,urTict, ( 0.1 T:~p udihirry Mn,li fly zbutement off per coot to prompt tax pit, o r. Ily LISM/1 . 1,110nx allowed on Collector's dm plicate, inclusive of - discrepancies, over chargeo, Se By amonut allowed troaatirer for 'over' charges at last settlement, as approved by Boned • By fees of collection . Ily taxes outstanding fur 1870—includitg it Portion in dispute and subject to Cu tore settlement, Ate By balance in hands of treasurer' 4 "0 . 1 0 1 10 1 :1 !II Minn 20, 1871, 0 nnnehtl reliant read, tOpprOired and ordo,od toentered on the mm of the hoard, and goldlbliod 1,, the papers of tho .11Rtr1ot. By order of tho Board, C. P 111.1.MnICII:Socretory., Thu account of J. W. Eby, treasurer of tho school district of the borough of Carlini°, for the year end ing on the Iltiat Mutiday of June, 1871, having peen exionined by old, null , compared with the original vouchers and paper, tonchint• the name, I do there torn, certify that the above Ix 4 Junt and Iran oshibit of the name, and that a iminnen of Oftenti hundred twenty-night titilinro and forty-five coax remain in the hands of mid [melon:yr ns of said date, and, also, that tones for thn fo.r 1870 remain ouwa tiding, to tho 111110fillt. of $1,71027, Mt Wort to such further exonerations or correctionn on cony ho hnnut lo a ner Mid 111%, full. I It. 0. WOODYARD, Financial i-ecretnry. (111171 t,t,,v .1., Olt RALE.—A tra , t, of Laid Sifnitind on the et nr d h;erpool township, Icon y,+mnly.r ntaining TIIHEE lILI‘DitED AND 1 , 11 , 1"," ACRES, MOT, Or 1... n. having thereon erected :Am id: don le DWELLING HOUSE, gently ; n large wtr.tory ERA ME IVELL-. INh 110OSE, end a ‘rry flat, Ironic BANE IIMtN, I lOanti fret. Thu ahoy° tract esti be readily divided into ~everal farms, which .xlll la; gird logtther ter heparin., to holt purchaser, Also, IL plo t' of lancLin the cone township, coal tainlie, 1 11l ETV 1110,0 O r t 0,,, par fly clean d. /- Apo, n 11.:1 , 1 ut. I:11111 nol OW I, told not river, lu r.iirraiii to, (ham ty, 0 ntalidng ONE IitiNDUED •• ND FlierY ACi11:8; more .er nient the Itmli• being eirareJ, having thereon reveled two log hoe me:t :Gel a toy ' ,NM,. Alan, IL leit of ground In it.,, horongh of; Liverpool, 50x110 fret, lying- between Alto river ;mot, eneal, havidg thereon ercetedn WA'ItEIIOIIBE. All to ho sold on very .favorable heroic and time given to cult Vie purchaser ' • The above proportirn will ho rfferod at ptiVnto sale unill OCTOBER-26, 11,71, Mill if not mold. beret°_ that lime, will be cold at public , Sale en, that day in Liverpool, when and whine Wool 7 , t o 5,1 ( I ,lr 7 , 11'0 11 Apply to 11. fl. MOSER, lilofloni!Won', oi, io .T , M'COlt 51 ICH , jr., I forrioburg. 29j,,71tf D I'+: i rZ~;+irZR 47th Dividend. • , • CAI2LISLI. I)EVOSIT 13ANk.1 ; 'Carlisle, l'a., May 2, 18 , 71: 'llth Iloord oC DirAlors loom till, ally' ildollinnl . Di ot(tend of El per' cent. her tho paid li< monlloi, on Om Copital Stuck, Cron of . St Rio Inoilliidloonl Ounljn • -tnnlilik: S(*(iot '2`a.x ==M .01`1 - Tho Poplleato or SeI,OOI for tho iittlent year box burn biy0. , ,,1 by trim School DirectOrli thy llorowth 01 Carll,lo, and dallvere,tl to' tho Treariuret for yolli•e.1 11. Nr tics Ix Montfort, Introhy give td tho.taxoblo citizens of loth! eehool District that the Treasurer srlll uttooll at the bounty bourt'llouso (CommltO ',Moors' officil on WILDN HSDA AND TIIURBDA.y, AUG, 36 , AND 31; hotwoett tiro hours of 111110 awl 11, 1 0 011 said, days, iOr thu purpooo. of recoil:log tho'snltt taxes, 01141 up to 'sold dares tax. may Ito.poltlat 1110 other of .the,,Tronsurrr, No. 2ti "Marlon lloll" Wont • On nll lox. -HtLithan or lo (.1.0 thp above dare, a thitluetion of e"-- . , ..... • FIVE PER CENT' , tory)l3 for protupt. payment, alto': whleg tuna 11 \Variant will laxtni isnd,t onfordlng oral!, such tones no•nonatin uppald. • • a JJ 19...,EDY,lroastiror t Carlisht,'Jtunil4, Ina .-.- V2,107111t Dru fp and Paiteif Cithods, bURE AND UNADULTERATED .L muds; CAN. ALWAYSII . II OBTAINED AT J. 11. IIAYERDTICICH - . . . .N...11-Ilt.utlz 111oloVpr.litraet, rr I • , , . r ',..Earlialt., l'a. . . .. N. D.—l'rworlptlons r clvOillirrati.l. netur;itoty cuttloolimlud at all tlllieu. r • • , 141071 tr • 110. 5 SOUTII.IIANOVEIt STIMET, , • • A • • , ACARIABLiti!PA Dealor In'• • • ..;. , ti . - Dytigs; lYtodl.Ciitos i ' o; HEREBY -announao mysolf as an I Tudopandint pandidato for tho Ware' of flouoty .Tromioror., • • tsjuna ••, DAVID Al bALII3._ '3tlT.E:llE3clg • y . • TWO Atilt COliti2VAL „OIL/M . IOAL' '4ll;l3oi,E‘l i - •TIVIO. • Each four yogra:• 'Yearly, impetigo tp, Hie to $240. Bar-ltillirihatioil," address PlYttfilligNT HAIM 0,1071,110' ,i9nxLlugtnib'i'nnnx)l9a fin. - 17:T1114 - 43MPTRYI W-IffrUAlww-- ITNT.,qcp,,gp s N i FirAL J , t , TIIE ENRIRE,MIITUAL • ' r ( - 1 .Ze -- LIFE INBURA.:DUCE PANIti - , L I , OF NEW 401111) =EI In the Orel 1/ITon idoeths of Its existence has hewed Wit: 1 ii, ( 1,1 ail:, a iNsußiNa . OVER $8,000,000.00 and inking in Premiums $500,000.00, Wag tho largest conitneuaement business ever done I 1 by any Ornbrany In the ,world I • , TUB REASON FOR IT. . , Ordinary whole-lifo policlea nyboOldtely non forfoltoblo from paymentfire e o t premium. • .-Spoclal luminance nonlinfoltable after two annual paynnutil . All,pollclro ineenteitable for . thmat (11111i0s, and alsaelutely.ipeentelitable after two annual premium% • aAllitissirlctiona upon-tub/et:Una rosidenciSiumovetl, nd no permits requlrial. ' No accumulation of Intorost on Loans or Doforrod riyalltlMP, ha 'Wreak, of,annnal 0131110E4ton • clasti of policies. • Onolthird of llio•picnluni loanod to the party in- Top, If doslroL'ainitus Note . , Disldonds on' the progresslvo plan, and also upon tho gnarantee Interest plan.' Ddelness of the company conducted on.the Mutual PoliCy simple ion, fair In Ito provisions. , Incontestability .of Policies / - It le thotpurposo,orTho' llmpito, to fultill all Ite contracts, the ellidoncu of which le that its policy had oo cOnionlini'relfdges by mutate of which Heart .etdari a Just dom.:mi. Proven fraud oh the part of the ineurod will always invalidate a policy. Also tenicido, If committed pro stone to the payment of the 'lntrit'q annual kroutitinti or o dtlatliviusod by engaging tn any speciallyrldtraldbas` two 'bare. But altar the oip 'ration of two yenre, tho policy will be hold Inconlentable for all cane. except (Mud. ' ' ' ' Non-Foifeitmo,of LifOyolicies No;polley of 111.1'1111C, With continuous pont, tiff . for 110 e edit-be-forfeited-or become void by_tholum,_ payMent of' premiums thereon, until. the frill imying powei of the premiums trove been exhaubted. The 'lnimouge of the policy is :'''" ' fitly premium aft'er the first annual pro. Haunt 0101 have been paid, shall Ma bo pnhl on the day when duo, and the said insured shall , within thirtY days thereafter, giro notice lo writing o f 1(11, bility to pay the 'snow, and of n dealt . ° that said policy snail by confiner - MI In; forco•lmder , the follow log condition's. ' 'llion, 'Mil in such' calm titto pulley shall not be forfeited Or becorno void by the no - payment of Ali'o,snid premium due thereon, until after the ospiration of a period, to be dotOrmin'ed au-fol lows, to wit Tho net value of, thin policy, when the premium becomes duo, shall be determined by 'actm aritti calcixiationouninfter. deducting from such not value ilia loans upon raid policy tineanceled by divl donde, and any indebtedness to the company, four fifths of what remalint shall be considered a not sin glo 'premitun 'of temporary insurance, and thispolley shall be continued in force during that tone for, which it will insure,mccording to the ago of tho phrty nt UM time of tho lapse of the premium I If ; • 13.41 , 'U BIM CM EXamplo Of tho Non-Forfeitable the "Empire." 14,940 &J Ago of part icy Otto protolion will continuo Clip 1/1,111,y In (ono 2 yams nod U days. Two mionnl ,promhuna will COll I..ue the policy fore° 4 years and 12 Jaye. TlU•uti annual premiums will continua the policy Al.U . ca 6 year. and 27 dayi. ,• !. Folic annual prOIIIiUMN will continuo tlio policy • (oleo 8 years and days, F 360 00 242 25 202 60 annual Woklnuni will .contlimo tho policy force 10 yt•nrx Ittill 56 (lay. 6tit $10,060 76 Et E 3 (Iry IdpAts 01y 00 G. Hilton Scribner, President, 123 56 425 31 1,70 27 1,528 4 George W I . Smith, ' Vice - Pi:en t dent. 14,910 59 Sidtioy W. brofu, Spp n retriry t - Lemqell-f:''W . atergi.Actuary. l'hdmag• K. Marcy, , M. D., Med cal Examiner. Everott Clapp, BiipPpinfra(loAt 0 GEE Agencies: 'I'IIE TESTIIM YOP THE PRESS The lAitrn is'arplaitnr In.tiunlo6, manned by 'reliable turn, on. Band Inalinatix aid Is detained at a. very early 'Any to stand shots! icr to slioul.l..r with the ohletit reruinullua ..11ifieharacter in the country. Its uttip . ota nod 1,u,,„„„," nut Inv) 01(11414,134 pith thg view sic oatabliabing n madol luatitutiou.— , N 'E lndryMafd nit, Jailitp . r . A_2o;lliTu; • • "rn:, , "Tlik C4uipAny ,ls, , r.wtal!or lillllolllleld.'llllll r01f.1,14, 'Eby 11.1,1111 it Itlm. 110 Nlll/I , rlw Lt illll ent•Ory,—/Joidoii "Tim xnecom 01 tin, 11:1411 . 0 timtLrrll unnuirilamied2; • = 2Vtgreger, ' ' • ; •. . . . .. , . ".Tlin... , Euttllre• will' attract, tho Intrro,,, of 11,,,,0 contomplating Llfillmourappu.P—Watchnitm lind Ife. Rector. . . • • ' I ,\ I :.1 .; tyx copony. WO ! . 1•1.1 )not prldo In 111. gtosion'op.oto..4 '• t• oxeon, . • I WI( I 1 4 ' vory ,i 4 ISSMilto '4oosl ix uilehrowsud: AluVagon cciitWEitni'%4ltfrlCril A. for who khoWth.ini h Natinn. ", .% ',l ..( • I to witkkocull" 4,!? (Let fro apoak or 4LIe Olow a3uithlato fun , public. isvoy, Wk , ,kPClf i&tro alitQ6 tholl'etteldukt M tlttoniponr, Wo know him h00,4'0 405k4 1 _4!,';oti . 4rgLctir,' tkohytlor, boilatok'wbUtly r atl hhwoo alkoloq, ii,ouccl:o#lllllNm la Whatovertio' utidiWtokoO: - Vim truck hi .thobont vanillas adtptod tho boaitkifilhiothOntirOf thti 'day In Ito orgauliath;n.k—kw Angtanie Insurance 04. 'T.: t a 1,.(4 ,s r ,• GEO. 13. EMIG, AGENT • . „„,, , ~ I •• 4' CumiN druid; t Perry; and un ar,p,,you4-! Al, .111 111 ti, 400 1:.., OFFICiE WITII3. lIEPBURNvJn. k..:11/1 - , i4J01y7047 .•' • ! ;1 1 %1 AO') IN MEM =MEI CIILY:AD VEI/EIS/34,7/INX',4;_ SpE(PIAI 5 4,NOTICZ • . H. .0: 1.16. RIC. it, P.D L E cßtspectfplly Intorni thrift. MR. JEREMIAH. itOBBINIL • (sato of io fcrm of Balloy & Co,) has this day awl clatod himself with them, undor tho firm name of , Rot3ll4ls' ClikftlC'&„ 0 • ' and wilt tOntltkito the ..• vrATCII , AI9:I JEWELRY BUSINESS. of t6d, TAtl a d. CiIESTNUM PIMEET PHILADELPHIA. They era now offering, at minced pricer, n choke plock AMERICAN AND SWISS WATO:IES, DWIONDS, JEWELRY,. . STglti,ING TAIII.,E,CUTIA;ItY, ' • ,'• • '. , _MANTEL CLOCKS 1.1M1 , 7011 411 , 1 VIENNA. LEATHER ANH,FANOY GOODS 28ap70 • T HE apsr AND CHOICEST S M . :() K N' TO 11 A(I or) =1 TACTORy ,110. 31), 1 OF MARYLAND Gii•99te that every packagn you buy bonr,.• ll,n I ruicrlptlon. 200et70.1y Stoves., Tinware mid Poinps IF - YOU WANT CHEAP PARLOR AND COOK STOVES AND Ev-Elty VARIETY lIP TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, II RUPP, NOR. 62 AND 64 NORTH DANOYEIft STREET, I= we would reriptalfully o hm In our ninnurnum frianda and thopublit• goner ,Ily, that Wl. atantly 011 hand it = PARLOR.AND COOK STOVES. This department Of nor stock Lr unexcidleil for rirtiiitie design, superior Iliosll, and nine iiliril y of arrangement. Our stock of Elm.ex ix ittittiototo, and otoltrattes all tlie.aloat pupalir t odor and COOl, 81.a,f1 Or Oir times. Water Cirotory it sfffi ullq ut the lei 1',1.111 inn Knives, . . Fork , ., Spoons, Lamps, Dipp Together with Mill 1111 , 1 Javtatted 1 1 7o!are also, preparoci to curia:ill Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, and limo for tado thi.Culubratad domino Cneundan . Wocd Pump. ROOVING, 'SPOUTING, AZID JOB ,WORK attended to promptly and on romonrible ftrinn. Remember the place, tbe green front on North Hanover tartlet. A few, doors ahoy° Li: hither. Otto ne a call mi we are diaeriniited not to he mole, Bold by any other moll. In tidy place. Thitokful for peat patronage we extend a eorditif Invitation to all to pay MI A visit. RHINESMITH & RUPP,' Nos. 62 and 64, ' NORTH HANOVER STREET, cAnuthx, PA. ll= ,Gift Enterprises. 1,003 GIFTS. of4LND. GIFT CONCERT ./IND bISTRIEUTION, For the Benefit often FOUNDLING ASYLUM OF THE SISTERS OP CHARITY, Ite the City, cf New York. antl THE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS' ORPHANS' 'JO M E, Washington, D. C., To bo 1.11 In WASHINGTON, D. C., uzdor amt by virtue of a permit from the Hon. Commissioner of Internal Revenue; on THURSDAY, JULY 27, Its7l, positively. After too (kocert'the Commissioners Ai 111 award to tbe suobeihilitl ticket holders 1,053 Gifts, amount ing to $200,000, consisting of desirable Real Estate in Baltimore city and county, and Washington county, MS , Bonds, Stotiq,,and - ctvdt. 52,000 Tickets only mill be sold, at $5 each. Hon. 11. McCULLOUGH, of Elkton, Md.,l , Major GEO. T. CASTLE, Baltimore. Md., f "• Lion JAB. B.'NEOLEY, id. C. Pittsburg, Trude°, ==! Major General D.'Hunter, U, S. A., Washington, D. C., Von. J.. 9.-Negley, Pittsburg, Pa, First National bank, Hagerstown, Md., Appleman 'Sr Co., Donkey:li, Hagerstown, Updegrafr k Sons, Hagerstown, lion. It. J. Brent, late Alton ey (loners], l'al Encore, C. P.'Abbott, Esq.: l'ost Onion Avenue, tat thin - Ile, John If. Pointer. Esq., W. 11. Myers, of W. Myer:. k !troy., Exchange ' place, Baltimore, 47, - y-Depda of the Ilea] Estate certified to by mon ad In Hid luint4 of tlfe ;Prustee Tlekent find' CI ren ihrs' chn fai hod of P. C. DEVLIN', ESEII,II. Ai; t:NT tpt;vtwr Ai./ Print. r, Nassau St., Nbw York Tn 'ham alt , 'coulumuicatlons should be eiddry,sstal. Tickets sant "U. 0. D.," if desired. Sl.llll f.r Cireultn; containing Lit,t of 1 . 11Z1,V, hr 01104/ respomible Agouti nalittal 15.1015 t 765,000 I\l CAS!! (H FS, TO 11E I) NEW YOEIC [`A•l BY TILE II PIMP. CO. LICVEZ?Ir TIGVOCT DRAWS A I'RIZE. 5 Coat 1,/iftli'eat Coa, Glitpl, 7;1,000 10 , " 20,000 200 " 500 . (051 •.` .• •00 LO 111v,tiitli Rosewood Pianos, - $1.41 S',"On •75 " ' oilvoild 75 to 100 350 Sewing MitellinvH, • • .• - ilo to 175 500 (101 l Wittellec In ,Illn Caxh Ilrleex, Silver War-, etc„ l alma at 01,0141.00 A clans-u to draw any of Ills, obov,, TldtaasireVeilliing Ps Paetiaia• d wall 14. f o,o l d. -of 260. a &Iola!! 77,1,1 Iv drmrn WithiA ' t 1 . 11.11C0 3 . 31 o 1 o..nt by II ail b, any ad dress. Tliti 11,17 m Inional mein It will big delivered to tha ticket holder on ',optima of Ow. Dollar. Priem; ore inimmilatilly rata to any lolilrelis by mF 'press or return mall. • You Will know what your bon., 3011 pay , l fir I - A rty favhetiqp . ./ibt• unah, oj o I miltei. 'N.! Li,,. h. 0111 . 1.1rOlifi'611 11110.10 l qy 11111. i - ItEvEite.Ncen,—Tito r01i..W1,4 Inters dro., 1%116,1100 I!FIZVN 31111, on f r o Ailtlit,W liiirrt•, Ohl , c r , „ „ • fall ITO -re,' -Pi 3111.. 25,•.1 ; T ;mall:. $.1,1,1011; Joule. Fillionotitl: o'4o. £l. ,0 O. PRY,. OPINIONM: I I, 111. 11.11,111. " TitiLome, Ih.e. 28. v.. their Ntl. cane' 1: /lira (4, Jan. , }.IIIHI nll2 Ilunprat Dec.ll; . 1 • , , . Bend for n irrnl v. Liberal iu dne.mon to to *Benno.. .S.Mlri,reetlen gum : lllo.4%ld. Every NO:uo, Uf 2UI) :Pilled Eli VW°, WI coontaine WO: CAOII OIFT. Swell fl . r , $ l ll l l . Por $2; GU fir'2lµ r' AddrPan ' '•U A :11 ItS' 51 if.:ris t cO;% IN1,71:1111 . ' l' 70 Broad,v .y, N. Y. - Y • • DU' can - obtain Dye Stuffs ' Poifu- Fapel Adc.a L H ril, at J. It, atleledloireteo 'l)t , ederipth,aB Carefully too ,. paalaled at all llama. J.JI. II .1' EitSTI U,, 'No:S Boutll - 111111av•'t xtrect, Ca/ Pa ' 130ct70 ' Pop sal6" or Rent HOUSE FOR SALE N 0: :cb W NOT LOUT II II It T 4." MEI FOR SALE' A hog. quantity . of B'fONJf, i toblo for jJAIII.IIIIg, cum, owl ilmo-louroing purpay. r.]Kogoir ! , of: .• MI:H. E. D. POTTS, Bur Album Turt,llllo., ilAkr Noilti Ilartdver street,-- *inn Fon ALE,'—BOveral lots . situated twoon Letort Sprltig and .oorrluon Lone. Nuitablo for building, !arc, or for Crook gArtleolug , ; -Loin; beta o . f growl fur tlll4 purf.. 1 , 1 7 1 to ' • • 011AS:11. , _ Pure. Drii s, ls; &O. OR PURE , Dlllll3lB, rCHEMICA.LS, F nod Patont Afrothinoo, go to J. 11. ilavorotick, No: 6 Swill. Iloooior ntroot. 6oplondldnesort moot of Tollot 80111,8, Portumortos, end, Fancy Tollgt Artlcles,oC • J. D. 11AVERSTICIT, Ho. 5 South Ipinorer !dryer, Carlisle, Su MID •• I\TOTICE.--ilotice hereby gin lr Ilukt..grolleatkokrl will bq wade to, D, moat Lag• iniaturo for the incbrilotation of - lellinik of thiposit and Discount, to ho locatoil at. +Carlisle, Cinnborlond county, Pennsylvania, to be called the Peoples' 13ay... pm., 1411 k, ',With a capital •of twouty•fivo • ,thousand doliari.'wlth of,:inerdinlibetO Are tho O n s l la r s., . • . , ' STOPPhD.'2,Wantec.l"!tn; TEIIEN.ES Nvl4E l ll t 4it i lM l DlAMlVPlMi l l'C' ti lii r tAllillt. ' . t h e ,! e ncatt l aaatteal! t tns •durablu! drawer , 1Ito! World. enundu Neat for $5. Athlreea Tor tame. ,ei ' , slol2t, -211 North liecoatt Phil! !al ! Haft's 'Vegetable! Hair Renewer ALL'•S I:VE(1 EI'ABLE . • - H A I It It E'!DI , r E:lt i nOstbi es To the may t)erf , tgtol nail otle-ntift• rally' or i Giay IWO ov r and ME has no 0111 . ...j/!*1 1 1111111 1 1 1 1111 l It. fly ng, Clraillliff It t RioroAl to IN to itq 01101.1:1 'dud "'nil Original Color, I != ProinotcH or lolling out r m by • Ito 1180 0 sitsltsisiti;tr, sse its it ~.d Growth 1 and is a Sple)(lid Dressing Try, ono and IrritatiGn Bottle AF Il thnsitvg It IR tbe beet MO that Thicken erono In Ical p rppitrn I ipn in the world MEM av ita effecla Jai& i. melt borigdr Mil B(,tld for our Trent .on 'thulrs fro to 1 . ‘11,11 n nit Locks ! )rnivistf and .fiNilirsid ),,, 11 by gill Prico Ono Dollar I,'o}• Bottle. . II A L L Prorhicio'ra LAIIOIIATOIOY, NASHUA, 11 A. HAVERSTICK, Ageia, CARLISLE, P. 21" ly Tooth .ClCanße) S T IIL MOSI' DELIGHTFUL- TOOTH CLEANSER AND BREATH PURIFIER IN TILE ,WORLD. It in a np loot it Cn ' C.•:; the TEETH from army It proosoix tho formation of TARTAR no VIA It Itar,lonx tho 6IYMS Ti raisiliwes a FRAGRANT lIRRATII It ilellOititO MOUTH WASH. LJVIDONT to COOtOill WittAlit; of All Cajorions or office/lona! ci,,,m c ter in its commeaten, either to the entnnel'or Lodi of the TEETH. Tim Rev. Dr. It. L. Damldell, Prraident of Mckinnon Col I vge, nys : " 'mod c LAVODONT: . It IN u pleauunt Deulifricu and Flagrant llluuth Wash. I laltvefinuill nothing hotter For .10 by' .14. IlnrfrAtlrk, Agent, Carllxin, priel ni;:glnts generally Pare LO eentH p r Bottle CARR BRO TITERS 6. CO, Proprletont. Ilaltlinore;'11.141 ljr 71'ml Railroad Schedule. R EADING RAIL ROAD SPRING IuIIItAiICIBIENT Monday, May 15, 1871 OREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North-Woof for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, lottaville, Tamaqua, Ashland; Fharnokin; Lebanon, Allentown, Emiton, ,Fvh.rodu, LIME, Lancaster, Co lumbia, Or., Or. Trains leave Ilarriuburg for Now Tonic, an follower At 2:40 and 8:10, a m, nod 2:00 .p in, toonocting trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, a/u1 arriving at Now York at 10905 a. m., .7.00 and n:3O p. tn, respertivoly. Stooping Cars accost. pony the 2:40 a m train without change. Returning: bravo Now York at 9:00 a m, 12.30 noon, and 5:00 p In, Philadelphia, at 7:30.830 a in, Qom n :Bloeping Cars accompany We 6:00 pm train frotn Now Stork, „.. Leavn Harrisburg for Bonding. Pottaville,Tama• qua, Itt Mersa Ilk, A.lllantl, Shamokin, Allentown/to I Philadelphia, nt 8:10 a m, 2:00 and 4:05 a in, won ping at I.ehation and principal way atationti; In: 4:05 p m train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville Rug Columbia, only. • For Pottsville, Schuylkill haven and Auburn. via Schuylkill and Susquehanna 11,11 road, leave Harrirburg dt 3:40 p m. Enna Petimiylvaitia.• Itidlloarl trains for Allentown, Eashiti,*and NI•W Yiolt, at 4:1:2,11. it tn. and 4010 pin. Rot aye Nett York at 9:00 a to, 12:Irt main and 1:1011, nt, u d Allot town at 720 am, 12:2) inani, 2:15,4:25 a,dPo 5 p r Way' Passeng, Trani leiivei Philailtilplita '7:11 h 111, connecting a ith bhulinr tialn ou East Penney! Varila Railroad, returning front Reading at 6:20 1:m, stepping at all stations. jr.::.,: Pottsville at 9:00 n 01, and 2:10p or, Iferitilim at 10:04 n m, Shamokin, nt 0:10 audit:ls a In; Ash land, at 7:05 n in, and 12,13 noon, Mahoney City, at 7:51 in. and 1:20, p in, Tamaqua, nt 8:35 am, and 2:10 p in, for Philadelphia, Now•Atirk, Reading, Har risburg, &c. Lefty° Pottsville Mu Schuylkill And Siniquolianoa Railroad, at 8:15 a In; for Harrisburg, and 11:15.a• ny for l'l4o 0 6,v0 and Tremont. - Reading Accommodation Ti Mt; 1141, Potlaville at • 0:10 a in, paasi•ii Reading :it 7:30 II pi, arriving 1,1 Philadelphia at 10:20 it in. Iti•tiirning, II aviai Volta. dolphin at .'•:151 01, missing Reading at ut, ar riving nt P thiollli, at o:•iii p ni. Poi boom, Accommodation Tra . ..hit a.,4, Pot t • town at 6.30 it ; returning learn Philadelphia at 4:ao puv !Mikhail trahis leay. nt 7:20 al hod 0:12 pm, for Ephrata, a, 180:811.44/r, Co lumbia, &c. - . Railroad trolnB 1114,0 PorkiotoBB .I.lA tion dt 7:17, 0:05 n in, 3:181 and 13 0811111; returning, leave Schwenkevil in 0: 8:01. 8:10 It' to, 12trt11111, ,, u, ryul P nie cam;; With ;Millar trulits 00 'Reading; rolontoolulaat Railroad huhu] loavt , Poll:Amy° at 0:40 n m, 1,10 nrd 6,45 p in, return Posut ant at 7.00 audit:2sa in. and 21:0 p m 001,000 log with similar train.; mi,lleading Railroad. , Cheater Valley Railroad r dux I.liVe Bridgeport at 0:I11 it mood 2:05 and 5:34 p 0; returning, leave Downhigt owli an O:ln n 111. 12:15 ratan,'ltutl 5:205 p nt, connecting with ,Ittillar Iraltat uu Ituttllng Ott tqualayo:. I nave Now nal , ' at )4 1 0 11 liti 14 4 13- dulphia, N1'0:000' nr.ontl II:15 it at, (111108:01Ot in; truth ott,ll 114 t. 111 3, 111 Mond rig) 10.100 PattoVille nt H:00 a m; leaVit II .88181811 g at 2,111 0 111. And 2801 p III; lance Allvuh,a nut 2.i etas 8:35 p ;Val, Itriktliitg tit 7:11. n. nt and 0:511 it tu fah -IlatTtalturtt, at , 432 nt for Now 7.20 it to, for Alluntenvn 01111 at 9:4 . t)t.tte; and 4:15 11 .18 fat 11111silidahla Cominutittliiii. Saluago, Suainin. Sulaiid and Ex rm. alum (181.111., In 11181 fruin twit 'whoa at reduced ratan. Olggagn titecltall thrangli 1 0110 lnuulroi pima u 111810.11,01...; - • .: .1 E. , Atitit Si'pt. no.l Bob; Nlztvlo.y P.t.. , 1119 , 15.'1871." •' ' Bone). ,Manufactoril. HARRISBURGI OAR .MatilifitetUring Convtily's BOLL'FiR Department. Corner Titirteopth and Ironton Streets, •fx VI, rn ito !ham fa •tu u I ' Boilei s, Tanks, Boiler, : Promptly and nttantlon paid abroad. ' Iltiperintitudelit rET.Ell.+BUir t ' a lt E e C kTo 9. rr ‘n?Pr' 20.141713 in t . Peter Bodge, Barber. 'NEW 33 4. 31 '4 1 §O,P! Path Hodge hue recently opened the Nation:o Shaving Bal. ou, Nin/ G „Nen'. Di street, Irvine's. env, Hair cutting, nhorepoeleg, ehaVing,reenetrache dylug prougitly, attended to. Pence heir cutting. exeoutml in the Intent Oily ntylen My prices ore on roaeonabie an any other m,Wan it, thin p non. I have noun. Lot, compotent , Jennonyteeti hi my employ. Menry Kennedy linlowl at toy unbolt,. Please give me n mil 214011 in dfts II ; =MO IoUdilllllllll o 4 rote, 01,11 y It, tonicnt• d xpordint lug prop,Ct.9 Intlr a . ttli the AT ' OW iiiirk 16181 Atcortif, ag4,111. u.eN of RAM 'n.ts; Whit, tWili 1111111 N tile foirCio . 4 Ilto. dentrnyi•d It"Li anZilingl 111111 ntlitya 'll Itc,llll,:ii. tint. alai at flko„ . ut oly. p, 1.11., nudci•n the hciilp n•hilh and *lnn 01)0 GM 4/V:•We gtyzrantoe • Stacks - , Stbittia. P.ipes, All kinde or at rk in Tank' or , Sheet Iro'n tatilaketnilly l'artlenier tut u the elitipe or „..,!,, ,Ptil'Elt 11011(1E.