',Mnes of Wrope;. SOUTH MOUNTAIN, IRON C0'8.,, RAIL-ROAD. 01IAN.0I I" It p.p. Office of General Superintendent, Carlisle, Pa., October 8,187 A• TRAINS RUN A.B FOLLOWS . t ' ... .1 A. M. r. Y. _ LOOTS COAVIIIO ( C. V.ll. B. Depot) 0.33. 1 . . 2.60 . " Junction 6.40 - 8.00 " Mt. holly 720 - ' 8.40 0 Ilunter'i Dun ' ' 805 Arrive 400 Arrive at Pine Grove 8.45 RuTunNrxei Latta.) Pine antra... lluntor'm Rue 'A Mt. H011y"... Arrive at JaDolton.. 119•070 :011MBERLAND VALLEY R. R CHANGE OF HOURS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT On and after Thursday, Noromber 21,1870, Passenger Trains will run daily, se follows, (Sand/vs exceptod):, ~WESTWA.,RD AOOOMMODAT/ON TRAIN limeys HarrisbUrg 1:00 A. x., Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 9:11, Newvlllo 0:40, Shipponsburg 10:22, Ohambersburg 10:44, Green castle 11:10, arriving at Hagerstown 11:46, A. M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrleburg 1:55, P. m.,-111e chunlcsbemg 247; Carlisle 2:58, Newvllle 3:32, 8111 p. poruiburg 4:02, Ohamborsbnrg 4:30, Greencastle 5:11, arching at Hagerstown 5:90, P st. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Harrisburg .4:30. e ar, Mechanicsburg 6:02, Carlisle 5132, Nowvllle6:os,Ship. ponaburg 11:311, arriving at Chamberiburg 7:00, p so. A- MIXED TRAIN loaves Ohambereburg 745, A x areemextlo 0:00, arriving At Hagersto.wn 10:05, A If. EASTWARD ! ACCOMMODATION i'ItAIN* loaves Chit:talon:burg 540 A Y, Shipponeburg 5:29, Newlin° 0:00, Carll4s 0;83. Mechanicsburg 1:02, arriving at liarrbiburg 1•30.• Y. MAIL TRAIN leaves Megoiatown 8:30 A a, 010011. Castle 0:00, Chamboraburg 0:40, Shlppensburg 10:22, Navrvilio 11:53, Carlisle 11:20, Mechanicsburg .12:05 arriving at Harrisburg 12:17,P. au EXPRESS TRAIN. leaves llagoretown 12:00 at, Oreeriesatie 12:28, Chamboraburg A:O5, Shlppensburg I:B7,NewTillo 2:10, earn:llo2:so, Mechanicsburg . 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50,r N. • A MIXED TRAIN loaves Magetreinten 3:20 P at, Oreeacastlo 4:27, arriving at Chainboreburg s:2o r e N. Afir. Staking close connections of Ilarrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Washing ion, Daitinioro, Pittsburg, and all points West. 0. N.1.13LL, Supt. Superintendent's Office, Charub'st, Nov. 21, 187 n. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD,. stfmmnn. TIMETABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and from Eric • (Sundays excepted). FTER MONDAY, JUNE, oth, 1871, 4. - .Plumage? S. drut — of — the Peuueviwinirrßall road. ,comuany. will depart from Harrisburg and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsburg as follows OEM 0 45—Philadelphia Express leaves Harrinburg daily (except Monday) at 3 40 n. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7 40 a. m. T 35—Yalt Lino loaloa llandabarg daily (oncopt Monday) at 7 96 a. m., and salvos at Went Phllodol• phla at 11 15 a. m. Mill Traln leaves Altoona dally - (ascapt - Stinday) 'at 3 00 p. m., and arrives nt Ilarrlaburg at 0 00 p. m. 10 45—Cincinnati Etzproa. loavas Ilarrleburff dully at 10 46 p. m, sad arrives at West Pblladulpllla at 3 , 10 a. te. ll 26—Paolflo Express hmee Harrisburg doily at 11 2.6 a. m., and •rrivee at Rot Philadelphia at 3 16 1 EY—ELMIRA EXPRESS kayos Harrisburg daily (except Benda') at'l - 28 p. m., and arrives nt West Philadelphia at 6 00 p. re.' Harrisburg Accommodation hay. Altoona daily .(Sunday excepted) at 7 25 a. in., and arrives atHar risbnrg at 1 u 6 p. m. II 53-11arrisborg Accommodation leaves Harris burg at 3 55p, m., and arc's'. at Philadelphia at 5 45 p. in. 7 50—Lancaster Train, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg daily (except tiunday)ut 7 50 a. m., sad arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 40 p m. ELEMEE! 4 33—lain FYI{ Linoivevt, for leavoe ilar riaburg daily (axeopt 80nday) at 4 35 p. m., arriving at Brlo at T 40 a. rn. .11 66—BRIM MAIL wort, tor Brio lours Horde burg daily at 11 69 a.m., arriving at Brie at 3 10 p m. 11 46—Cincinnati Express leaves Harrisburg dolly at 11 46 p. m., arrives at Altoona at 4 40 a. m., and mitres at Pittsburg atler6o m. 1 81— WIRST PACIPIO 11.1X128P.9 learns Harris burg at 138 a. m., arrives at Altoova 0 60 a. m. and arrives at Pittsburg at 10 20 n. m. 2 10—Beyond Pacific Express loaves Harrisburg daily at 210 a. Es, arrives at Al tonne at Ci n.,m , takes breakfast and arrives at Pittsburg at 4040 a. m. 4 46—Peet Line leaves Harriaburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 45 p. m. , arrives at Altoona at S 55 p. m., takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 20 a.mt 1 16—Mall Train loaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 116 p. tn., arrives at Altoona at 715 p. taken supper and arrives atPittsburg ael 00 a m. T 00—Way Passenger Train leaves Harrisburg daily except llondih at 7 00 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 120 p. and et Pittsburg at 820 p. SAMUEL A. BLACK, Supt. Middle Div. Penna. It. It: Harrisburg Juno 3, 1871. Dry Goods and Notions 1871 -Fresh Arrival of 1871, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT OGILBY'S 011EAP O.ASIISTO.RE I am now aiming a large Moak of On haudsom t, and eheapeat Dry Good§ In Cumberland county FOR THE LADIES! AU U. newest styled Drees Goods, Loco, Capes end &Nude; Shawls, Cage and Collard, White rigors, fiwlsdee, An., at very low prices. ' The Cheapest and best Black Alpnehno I, town. dlligailiod and Unbleached Molding, of all . intskes and priced, from 6 cente to 20, Another lot of tlione beautiful ned. cheap Nan nooks, at 25 cants Gingham% from 0 coots to IS Tebbe Linens, Ootorod and White Towels, and Napkin. Iv great varimiy. Cloths and Cassi in cros, ♦ new supply, nut! 1%111 I. sold At greatly rudlittod " Kentucky Jean., Donn 10 conta to 21. Ikti.Woad., Linen Drilling., Donlon, Bond kltrlioia tir nsn arid I, )111. • Dar, all labial at 101, prlc•u. Nutinsm.—Wn era selling all klioln of Notion. At netoulahlegly luny prl,ea. Stocking', Ohms, d•e pnudeteemle, Bralde, Ic., Trl.volnloo le codices aerie Parasola and Sun Umbrellas, A Sil•lr Ali complete ass.rtnoost . il I bats pow •sa hand an elcout nod dota assort 'met at Goods, to which I Isoinki call th• attention .101 weans wishi•g to porehm, as I voAl nut hu by'soy le-tes In Carlisle. rt•colleet the plans, di Wont Maim eiret(t, mead, ot.ty.elte lb. tell. rood depot. So trombl• t• ahoy rule. Ladies' Misses' and. Children's , BOOTS AND SHOES, . I Nevi ji•it svcolfad aid ap•nall n fall a4artmiiat of all lb. maw 1171.1 LaSlaa . and fllemon' Ilon a aa.l Illippara, tilt made, Rad at it priooll. Call Rad theta. . •uARL.F OGILIIT 'Partials, 16.11 11418'11. 91ap71 Cloths and Furnishing 00od8 oLgrumg rm MEN AND pun ! ,Th• oadaselapa64l•wo7d .reappotlllllty sail We at gentles Of hie immanent end. Nutt puttlle I= Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTINGS, upoclallY adapted Fur Spring.. and Summer 'Wear ! All iltelatest styleato, Le luml In doro,anil really For your etuly Inutootlou 411 poaelblo.011•;rts Nrl4 Lo mqd., !.o ago. you. and Otto you • gaud ft. 'Haying otoployed the cep- britoil MT! Beiohtlfbi onttor, MR.. JOHN' HASS, late of k Youlalonablo Uouo, Drorhroy Noir York, I hove Ow pteoeurd of oignotnitiloik to you now, Perfect Fit: a coniploto 111 For tut out of Genilomen!s Furnishing' Goods! .Alw Tllleas, carg.4 Batalkole, Trunie, 'eta Or Gays us a Yours, Ropportfully, ArAo 22 North Ilanovim strcot,CarlWlo, Estnblbthod 1847 tflo Ka 4 Dry. and Domfatic - PP9thiA ,F 47,) HE/1. I QUARTEI,iB.;r?!r. DRY -GOODS. lIIM Just oponod an oidiro psis , and dosiroblo stook of spring and commir dry goods, for Indies and ratio. motes wear, consisting 06 : Japanoso Poplins, P. .Y .0.00 10.05 ' 4.45 10.40 ' 0.25 IP: O. A 1131.9, Billy and Wool Borges, Shepherds Plaid Woo)'Borges; Swiss and Mull Muslim and all kinds of Whllo floods used. CASSINIHRES, CLOTHS end• VESTISOS for spring gulls. All tha• novelties of the !lemon. lIAWLS SHAWLS!! 11.1ery aid Glove.. Itonso Furri!tdduzfloodi such as Tickings, `Shootings, Pillow Casings 11.4 6r lluuw•koephig purpowa Domestics oinlarge quantities. DOMESTICS! DOMESTICS, 1 DOMESTICS! 11 We are propared to offor groat inducements, so the markets- ore lower thon-they 'moo:boon for ton years, and au our clock is enthaly now and fresh, .bought for the cash, we fool safe in promising to give our cuatomers great bargainejand nil now good.. We I ',lto all kindly, to call and own!uc our stock before purchuslog and clod& for themselves.— Thankful fur the liberal patronage In the pout, we promise to be alive to tho lotoronts of our Merida 1■ tho futoto, by keeping oneli good., an will render satisfaction to all. All who wleb to save money are Invited to call upon no and find a equrcu of profit, by dealing with 00. , • DUKE & BURKHOLDER, North lieoover Etrioit," Below Carlisle Deposit !look I=3l DECLINE IN GOLD I CORIESPONDINE DECLINE IN 000D131 Quito nn ozeltomont to 1.110 Dry Goods markot, Is very marked doclino In prince of Silks, Dolphin., Mokinoes, illpacces. Poplin., B.rgoik, Reps, nod a forgo varloty, comprising nearly •ver7• liking in this lino of goods. ; STAPLE GOODS. Fiannalg, Tick Ing.,Tilugltmu, Elankots.t!ottiontnle., KontockyJea US, CLOTHO. end CASSIMETURB, Linen and Cotton Tahlo Shlrtlogi. Ohoclu. WHITE GOODS Inewok. Cumbrice, Jaconets j Pri.nuli Nut] lino. Cutulalc and VIAlel• Edging. and In sortmgo • HOSIERY, GLOVES, Trim Wag., in groat •nrioy, IL. bust 'q uulltf, Unta and Sundown.. FANCY GOODS of a wrrat lu•slatylo, atal all Tory chimp Ladiea'. Under Clothing, 'wry aud !rluituotl. Nxo L CAHPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ituggotr, hum Window Cou■tor• pones, sod tnanygginds out nisolitutod t.r vast ;MCC We chlua to haws th. turgoot and 1,00 stock or Dry lloodi In the I.torlor the *tat., ud will . Al such prices a. VIII Whitton 'bat is the plaza to get good bargains BIINTZ Al CO. Plumbina. Gas Flttinu, tee •SAMitIS CAII£IIMLL. PLUMBING, GAB AND STEAM RITTINO. At No. 18 North Hanover Street, cAnuera. iENN'L STILL AT BIT-BINBEIS! Tho ntoluirtlignol aro now rally p.aparod to altorin to tills baolne4 In all I.• illtrorout ranolia•: 1101 alio koop enurLally on Itail.ll and for solo, WATI•11. CLOSKTEI, - ' • ATII lUDS MATER CL..13/STS, ' BATH TUBS, TTA I' Eft 01,1.311T8, BATH TUBS, RAIED ciwurs. BATH TUBB, WASH BASINS, lIYDR Lin, • Lift and Farce Cistern., Lift awl Force Outten.. : • ,• nod Drop Well runup, Lead, :um r!of,o and Deep Well Pumps, Lend; Terre Gotta and Iron Pipe. Clamors Tops end Mee, • ' GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES 0 . Olobea, nerd nil Undo Of Droox.Work tor itt4rti owl water constantly on hand; or 'fbrninlied •to order'. Ihrellin go, Churchos; Wactorlos nod othor building., In town or country, titled up with nestling' and A.- WO. , Alt wortt warronhol. - e• . , ; . • , . • MdnnklLl for public' pntronnio, as hiipe by strlrt 'attention to biminese to mitit o contlnuenco or tu• mid. "fertile rensonnbloj It requiring but ode Ides to senora your custom.' Olsen. s Don't to•uet the place, No It North Hanover debt; In the hew :nest of Blpo's new building. • All orders left so IS• residence of either Messrs. ' , --r:-------- - 7-r3 rr-r" CAMPBEZE oli' HEIM° OD 1 -------,-=--.1,—.2,-- ot aO7 stele, either will be prompt'y attended to, Jo u. Campbell, Alexander's Pitt street, or Ifillhiat Itobwoott,Bootlll Wad, oboe • ' • Hoek./ 'apeolat savanto ea an., ato,prapro l et t!! tortilla). Q 1 ALL LoßticltlA.7:ott#,.. for gill! lloueenniut 'other iturposesi et hetet,. or , at a • COPPER ME furnlabod to . ordor, Olberdrawn or bnlzod. • • • - . - 2Gangly • i I Ifit ~1 I , Granito Lustros, 3felrings. Pilau() Woltiivs, Minsooks, Victoria Lawns, Blankets, Marseilles Quilts and all goods 'DRESS GOODS, W. V. UHNWOOD - ..... . . . • i t 4 l lP.erii`. qtinctgalti : 40',.ce11iA0741/. ,!, - ./411 , i1p8itxton. •X , Co!s., -Alit,: t ' SPRING. OPENIAGI!t; i - ,- . ! b :. :!:, I. 1 846 I' .•imniseArAnaND . naTArr, 1871 ! : . . . i - - •4:81-1;:!"•!' -. '.: • : OARLISLE :. ' .. ~.._. , -..'.'.1; , , ; , ----E ,,, :i- , - -.: ! -:': r• HARDWARE HOUSE , . ~. . ,- illsnev BECTON. I J. P. Dmixn - I n: . .. Bsx.Xo:v )I7OMER, V0LL.ADA,17.67 CO., . , . , • . 11. 8 - 4'X T O,N ,-,., ,O, 0 . • 1412 and 1414 Chestnut 8troot;•• • • C • LAI( • WA : ' '‘l ' ••\• PHILADEI4 3 .I3.IA. . • - ' .'. ' '"..—"':`...` .. f-- -- -:- ,- ° \o' l l, k‘t ' - t\ k . k:r.:,, ii 1111 A , ;IIU , Respectfully isvito the public to on Inspection of - (I ' • 'A k \th:l ' l . 6 LI IIiIA . I 1:11, :,. *AI' , .... , • ~ the . ". ... • 0110 ICE STOUR 01.' EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, ' 'NI • (A• • A \ •S, ill 01 t ivAA :). ' L \'‘ (A 'a -.., , f h ::•• . ~.. - . ,' •Of their awn selection for IhO "r --: ' ' All R ill 10. ,\A :I V\l 0 A (Ito ;In 0. 0.1,1)1 , ,q ' . U ) • ' - • -Present Spawn. ' Vlach WO tool iotindont In stating i1.0.A • , . . . . IR .0 Itb. Rigiktence ,• „ ~ 111'1V0.7 7 SURPA:SSED ' • t •--- - - . Allll AASAllak, AlAlkAll 0 : ) i in this country, slam for its groat vorloty or &aka- app AAR. .imola itiliAl%. /111,(111'1AA. bliity of textures. , ;.o..J.Wlkitb. Am nvil , Ck)4.li2. a ) Among tho various stocks in which we nre exhib. 0 itlog, ouveitie...... would can Nodal utteutiOn to /,‘AO,Alk . ikVl). kql G.),% • i , .5\ the , Wo Recur° " Johberee tales," 01121 . 011 y ••Iti•riog HO HIO induremeobt. Wt. uoulti levite the niteption of SILK DEPARTMENT; the public to our Immense stock of • Building Hardware, which le replete with ail the newest shades Of (ho 1,09,0 kegs null, 20 tone Wetherill & Buck Wlti;e ._-- . Londe, colors, French and Amen°an window clue, season, not before oxhibliod, and n very oil line of Rod '& l 2: u r t !' l j a i ri n f o la iV a 7 t ", l ,`: l l; o v g .l . 4 . .n: Le: ,ii...:.. II eodcomo3tylue SPRING BILKS FOR SUITS at vary modansta yrblea.- In BLAOK SILKS the bag sad molt •zperloeced makes of LYONS of every undo and price, from $1.50 por yard to $lO.OO per yard Our lens and inlinukto ecqu%nlence with tho bolt trumufecturom enable° us to offor nominal otlvnu.ngve to purchnscre, DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, au uulkultua varloty Mournpay Department untidn. tiu newest and bout matorial lnoa n to the ➢roach .r 4san Grei.adities,,. Grenadine Bareges, Her nano, &Nero Mesh, do., now natal.. All those goo& we .11*, at Ilia I I. I= We urge all to examine our Stock, and judge for 11u,tnselves EMEIEEM Carlisle Machine Works MI . GARDNER & CO 17 CARLISLE 'MACIIINE WORE'S NEW MACIIFNY.E FOR 1871.., Reaping ! Seeding ! Threshing! TILE CUMBERLAND VALLM THRESHER AND SDPAITATOR We oAss L titia Paw Thre•l,er anti - Sertroloi. Co's Patent,) to th• farms. of Cumberland and adjoining C. notion, no lolly spoil, II not •uprror, to any machine now untiolfacturod. It bog the %treat advantego of being plain on .imply hi coartruuto n. It 1• e' V I R 1' RAPID T R h PERFECT z4Ei'AItAT , .I,AND CLEAN Ell In luting Il the fanner Nelll - "Thl R.., of oothinj the moot lie ittettilel:, rim toil or Itio crop . i11 . 1 . 1111P1 . II I= bate. a I that go .0 end vepern ay entirely the chilli Inoue eti Ii le tat•l alschina, rud nifi Flo 'lnrk thoroughly. Tent we tootr.tiotei It i. itt liu , eau.. thou the cheopeet nowhine ha the inerket Thu 11 0 11 s It •1. 0 ‘T which - as turmislo to rue the Culioberlind Volley rieher Is else um 1.14 entire.). dilTureet Iv eine struction hole N but o. losvo huroolof o re built, .unir ing thucti greater pox sr and aped with figh.er draft, so that (door horses only cull ho 'required where Wally other _machines require six find eight horses. The Comb•riand Talley Thresher end COPiti.or wan tried on the grimed. of the Cumberland County Ag ricultural oociety at tho Fair of IX7O, a largo croud of farmer. being • preemie to wittpee its operation. Also trial woo completely auecoooful, and the nischlue proved Ito ability to thresh,, cluan. and sethitate grant lu the urest.aatiafactory 'manner. All who witneraed,the trial esprvasol their aprrovul In the warmest term.. the Committee on Agrivulturel Implements afre gave the madder, a special miller lu their report, atrongly reruninientliur it. The Cumberland Tallow Thresher and ihipar.ter. hue Wee b-eu ,recently 'coed by C01.191•111Ort Ilendorrion, at bid War hear Cr,liole, In threaning 1,11 cleaving litroe'trou Bo fully Is ho natistlo.l of it. greet Incr. IteAhat be clown us 're use his name it, r•Ibroor0. lfar.ecro orh• wish further and fuller pat - 11...ha1l on I to the wurkleg tilinlltle• of tide niw litarlallio ore therefore respectful y reforrvi to Col. il.inderoot, oll• of the moat widely known Minim. Of cliinlier• 115101 .ountyi, 'The Curuheraird Volley Threeher refit always be well and Andratantielly built, of the twat mantel, solidly framed tu every part, sod wee-riling n Ititod• come external appearance. rice .rif machine, with' BO Inch cylinder, We, without wagon. A great advantage of this machine to that .it can ho readily repaired at say good shop Without trouble.. TER OUEURELAND VALLEY FATENT SELF RAKING MOWER AND REAPER We will also build Ms now machlne,with thong. and Improvements, fully remedying the defects and weak points of thtve. hula lout season. Our alto to to supply throws with a good bonicemade marldne. ,which, If not superior In all reenacts to those brought fruid a distance. will neverthelpse prove In all essen tial piste a good mid tellable hurseeter. All we uk fur It In a fair The. Willoughby Patent GUM SPRIG GRAIN.DR:ILL We build this wyll known Grain Dtifl now, with ur without Guano , Attachment, and tho' shovels in straight or zigzag row., Just ne tho farmer prefers. We now havo, also, n new and improvod plan of attaching tho gum tubes, for which wu balm obteinod Letters Patent,. which, with other improvements, makes.the Willoughby the most complete sod por tant Drill tuannfscturod tho country. Aleolbou hood b full Iltio of AG.RIOULTURAL 'IMPLEMENTS both of °ornery) ninnufucture Mid from othor oateL- Ilnhments, Including every useful main° needed by the farmer.. We may enumerate thy Itukon, old-, fashioned Throebeis and fierce Powero, Corn Phollorn, of which, we Intro three, kinds, and flee •ilifforout ideas, Cnnoou Corn' Phenol's, Fodder Culture, Clilor Millsand othet articles too ninneroua to specify . , Oriond' taken for all kW& of •I• • E. 0 .1i- V7'o dur 441411151va Vouudry and Mach !no Shop, tuid for BUILDING iIATBB.IALB of aver, dencrlytlon to our Door and Baia Factory ♦ full .tock of • - Iff BIL• B B N 111) LUMDBR always on. band, ,emtbllou, to to gill all orders promptly, at, theo. Inured prices., „Fdrolinre, builders, and itunitithelnieni Aro Invited , t 6 gisio'ne n call and see our tactility!, for-turning-sot good. work;- -- , 4 F. OARDSIER & 2i11an71.41m, 7 , FOR SALE.—A ilrot-chill' nd top buggy. • Entlroly how. Aldo a nrat-cloasono• Korea throo spring wagon. Enrinitv. at Ocundoolon ore office. 22,1071 i• , 4 Fa - ntri - irg - H d °AND AGRICULTURAL Implements lIIIMCF, C 1.1.. Shovels, Forks, nukes, Sey Smiths, Sludge +, Crowbars Digging Irons, Du pont's libized illasting Powder, Run, Form helix. Crain Saga, Leather Hulling, Cunt Belling, I kee and Packing, 51ill, Croix Cut mill Circular Saws, Counter and Tea Seales, holing Mashi nes, PlowB and Plow Castings, Cultivators, &e. CO A MITA li7EI?.S" coons, SpuXes, Ilub4,lion mad BLACKSMITHS' GOODS, Iron 8811 Stool, Illation'' Horse and !dale Shoen. Nall., Rodx, - ke. Ilard vrorB 'lOOl,l, for 811 nioehan. foal branches from Lest EnglB.ll awl A nierlcan rnakeB, CUTltlitlllt. ly on hand and an, raidB,l , HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Codarwaro, Pearl, Ivory and Rabb, Handled Table Cutlery, Sliver Plated Forks naftk,Spoons, Curt. Curnlcss, Bands, Stair Reds, Wriogars Sad ons, Plain mid I'orrolnin Bailors, Sill la an Pang tent Ito Cream Freezem,,tv., kr, Wosteuholin Rodgers' nun Per I:et Cutlery and Scissors. Wire, \L es and Plower Bushels Floe Bird Cages, I'lllllllg MIChillOS, Cot ling Irns, ,4:c. Euroßn Sindingenr coating Ilinefiboard, Prepared Harness 011 mid lllacking. Seedal olrdngunonds for furnishing Marlde Tiling and Sidle Mantles. Sulencenin tor.Plunk's Pions. Sole /lgi'llt4 for tlin Potent Post Hole Dig.o.r. 1"' 81, ball minute. Sole agent, fin Pohnes's Potent All- J usable Iron Pianos. anoihi delivered free. MI I with eyealpoiptne-m Will guarantee , goods In rt. rt. lin NIA city prieeq, raving frvlglini In lint tee Thankful tor ptt.it. orttl moliciting ynot him] it droll go lit Nitwit, IN'e remain, rt-tpotgltitly, H. SAXTON CO., N 0.15 n.wr MAIN Carlisle, ME Boots, Shoes and Trunks STROHM & SPONSLEH, No. 18, South Ha norer street, Carlisle Th..kro rm tht. r.,trou.g: oro. do vow ont:0411Ello th{ir 1,11:II large sleek SPRING STYLES t}F Iit..UTS AND ~,D1)1.;8, F •6 Ladies and MIHSCs, Gents and Boys Youths and Childs, = 11 UNKS AND VALISES, I= All a 111.1“11,1,1' , •o• 1 , 1 tr 1:1111 11111111 1 i.. 1 ..111 11. 1, 11 11 11117 ME Clll 113 11.11111• 1111.1 , 1 t th, • 4. 1.11 1111111 r.. v .•.p...1.11 111 , . ttt , t BOOTS A - N1) SITOES gu to dralor Lot st hoop trot z ••ly or oro good J , 111,../. of losttl,e, AT - thin llni , at tin in. many ilt • nnnting Int boot, owl •,.1 lur 1101111110 i Ail +nCL nu J. •ecnntinottntetlnt ADAM DYSEIt'l"t3, where will be o Ilild 14 0111 , 111) ‘l.O I m xl 1 , 1.1 0./1 11.11.1111111 shoor 11111110 1111.101 lib 111. 11111100111 k plllOll. Piave of loNifolof No. 34 Ertel Loather street, Carlisle, Pa. 411p70 William Brady's Aar HOLIDAY GOODS! WILLIAM BRAIYY, 3 ItIA It K STICEIIT, II AIM t_o„_ Iron J mit retornell from New Nod: with tim lorw.st otrok of lloilday (Ittocls mm • t.rottgli to 11114 city co:witting In part. of HOLIDAY AND 1312IDAL of ..Ivg,fint d•xlgn oud 11211,11. from tho c-I.•hmto 51.ntifitcturlog Compiny. BEAUTIFUL PLATED WAVE, Setn, • (oltee 14.1.01 CakemidFnlitAlul4Mo, Omlero,PlWd,mdCdN,Som4 Soup Tlire.M, Moo t Stoutid, etc.; ute. — Tahiti Cultlery elog int dc»igti awl 110 d,, hon. 1111.1celelohted maim tri..ry all:m.11011 Brox, ,1 How rot, Shollithl, with pearl, ivory ithi plated lour the, OUR FANCY GOODS 111.11 1 A11T3IENT Eitibr.era tho rollowlng t0t1e1...4; Ladles' Ele'gant Ilatalk.r..4lol Caner and tailyr 001111ii11011-1l beautiful artful°, •rt,liot Sett, IVritlng It.An, .1. wet Stands, Odor 115.1.1; 10141 11°....ivera Faille of Violet rind Srudul Soot, Leather,Blll:, Silly ate., etc., /1.0117.00, Statto.tte, Cootie 1 1 1..00i, Vionm, etc., ott 7111111031 1100e4, playing front 2to 10 airs, and 101111 Bolt alai ;Mandolinalto. Mama. F001..11, Clochn, la Gilt, Bronze tool 111.rble enoy; C0d..,, Clorko, Cigar 811ttlx, Cigar, Coot, 'fobareo (Silver anti, 1 1 1af.1), Parlor Thortnumetvm Froneli Mutiny 1117000 11111 1 1 orket Rooky and a gloat motto of everything In my lino. Call and .exam In° the grand a.ourtment. • ' IVILlif A3l 1111..\ :IC"2 Market xtreet, IlarrWlllrg, MEM BaltintOre Advertisement IMPORTANT NOTICE TO 0014FIUMBILB OP DRY 00.0DS. ' All Retell (Were amounting to' O and over deny .end in any part of the country. • , 7,Pri'3 . ti of Exivess Charges.' 6 HAMILTON HASTNIt & SONS, of Baltimore, Md.; In'ordor the bettor to most tbo walls of their Mani] Cuetomer. , • t a distance, have selabllshed a 0 A 141 P 0 II II It 14 A U • MA Va... upon applidallon, promptly send by 1)1011 full lines or Samples of tho Newest and most Fash, ',militia °nada, of French; English,' and Domcatlo Manufacture, guaranteeing at all Unice to soil as low, If not at teas prices, than any houso'in the country. Ilnylng our goods from tho largest and moot cols brated manuracturere In thodliTeront parte of Europe, and Importing tho-samo by Steamers direct to Dahl ntore,'Our stOck Is at all times promptly supplied Avlth.tho novoltles of tho London and Purls markula. As we buy. andeoll only for cash, null mike no hod debts, wo ere.ubla,-end willing to-sell our goods at from ton to Aileen rer coot lees profit thentfwo gave credit. • • " • '••'' • In sending for emblem •'eneelfy tho hind of goods desired: .Wo hoop the beet grndos of ovary olosif of goods, from the lowest to the most coAly.• Orders unnecompsitiod by the cash tIJII.he lent 0. O. D. Prompt-pitying wholesale buyers ord Invited to inspect Oho stock In. our, ..701.tbing end Dueling° Deportment. Address • ".• HAMILTON EASTER tt SONS; , 107, 100, 201,. rind 203 West Did tlmoye Street, 200(170-1y ' , • Dilltiviere, Md. Dr. Elan ofd's COritnin ERRS( .Ti,-11ELISIBOLP'S 01711 - POUIN'D 'L-.Jry 43'..1;1tA0T aAT.AIVBA GRAPZ FY-1-1"T goihionan A l Parts-, .F4ui'd Extract Bhu. barb and. Fluid... Retract . Catawba ' . Grape Juice. • For LibCP Coinplqinte,-Jaundiee, Bit iOzi:i.Apelion..q, Sick Or NervonWileadaelee, Cogivenesa, t yc. Purely -Vegetable, Con taining no Mereary, • Minerals or Delete- . ..„ 91 . 6y,9 Drugs. ' Pi, - Thee Villa any tin, most alightfully pleasant. pnr gat..vo, aupelsodink castor oil, colts wugueelu, etc.' There Ic en, tang flora accepted° to the._ stomach. Tilergift..loo - 0, -- 11,1t1C1111.1• notorn minion tier grip ing pains. They aro-composed 'of dia./isms/ ingrelli i.nts After a few days' two of them, such atvigo.. ration of tho entiro system lakes place. no to` ppenr lot It 111011/1 to rho weak and enervated, whuthor nst. lig from Imprudence of disenap.. 11. T. Ilolinbold'fi Comp. nod Fluid Ex.rnet eittavlin Or3po Pills nro tot slr...coated, front - the flier that sugar CORtOd /MIN do ;ea die.olre, lint pass through tho stomach without disstilviv, con sespiently do not produce the tlvslreir TII 'CATAWBA - ORAPtrI'ILLS, - liolpg I tiallt to Piste nod odor; do not twenseltato , 1 1 1 . 1 i h nl vi x og . PRICE-1,11,,TY lIE .NR'Y T. lIELMBOLD'S RICHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOOD FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA . Will muicelly.oxtermliMM from the system BOrofula, Syphilis, Foyer Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sum Logs, S.,re Mouth, Sort, lien& Bronchitis, Shin Diseasen, Salt li 'mum, Cancers, Runnings from the Uar, White SoleMow+, Tumors, Conedrous Alfectlone, Nodes, Rickets, Gland otter bwelliog ,, , Night Sweats, Itarlii Teller, Humors of all. Kinds, Clomic Rheumatism, llytmep6m, n o t all diseases that hay° been talublished Ih flat by:4om foe yearn. Cif t r .Pl f Being prepored expressly for the above Complaints, Its Uloo•d-Purifying proprieties are grunter thou any other es epaint hut of bartaparilla. it gives the Com plexion II clear aid healthy color, not restores the patient Into n stele of !width t e l purity. For purify ing the blood, removing ail Chronic Constitutional disemet :irking from no Irdpure state of Ow blood, el the mils relioldo and ullpaual known remedy fur 11h:ora -1 lims of the Thrien end Lego , Blotches, Pimplen on is Fare, Erys penis and all Seeley Ertiptlonu of the Skin, will li. au tit) n i g the Complexion, Ed lIENR Y.T. ITELAIB•OLD'•9 CONCNNTRATED -FLUID EX TRACT B UCH U, THE 'UREA T DIURETIC, horn tturrieV3; - rlilll ' r;l'lti doge In which It loot been given, Irtitation of the Neon of thellnadd•r and IntUnocal tiel of the liliteys, 'Ulceration of the Kid neya rind Meth!, lietentine of litho., Dire is°. of the Prostrate (11.ttel, Stone to the Blailiter,, Calculus, liraNel, 11nd:dull and 3lncoos or :Nlllky gek, and or 111/t1 Delicate Conati• [W M. of bath Sexes. ,ita ended with the following :poi/tents Intibiteeltien Itaerti •tt, ic soot, Power, Lass el - Mlt eon )t,oil!, pi twthitig. Wvalt-Nerves, 'l'n cabling Ile. ror'of Deo cote. %Vakefoltitss, Inniness of Vision. fain w Ihr deck. lint finals, I'hmLlus of Urn Deily Dryness of the Skin, lnuptiou on li,, Fare, I',, nil 111111tV1)/A111:0, tilliI,S311•11,11(11111 . of the eitLa stele, etc. persotet from the It ' et, of eighteen to onty•tlee, nntl from: ili•ty.tive to Ility-Ilve or in the thet.toe nr dun,. of lilt . ; after confinement or 'labor beta.; liell.wet 1114, en 1101.1ren. rg - -) . 111 1 11111 1 11:11 ' 13 . 171tfuud nacho la Dla/ elle and Blood Pul if) loft, aud ran, n.l Disrauem It. king from nib f 1.113311111111./il, d Eno., n 11111/1111. 1 1113/ In Lift., 11111,110(4o. of the Blood. etc Suporardlne l'opaiha ill 'limo. it , o a kirk It In todal,aud S pLll iti, A •a,•3 u.r I I// t'onoec ikon 1,,1144 /EMI In (nutty info, tiong poonlial It rail , s, The Entrant c lira int is Uttrqualleti by any oilier Itotorti . --Ag In Citiotstos or Unit (Oita., Iriegnini ily , PIIIIII line, , Stipprogeion of Coati:not.) . Er tauglioton . Ul,rtitod or iiettirt Its `lute ttf tile Uttogg, loon, (glom br ly1:11 en, et , ~lit ;,,,,i tot :,it c,,tt,p1,11.t,, ittc,dthtt io , it ~ -,x ii 1,,,hu. ttro-g ft t ni 11nd:ter-lion or /104 s y( I)I{K hit:anon. It i, iro oared 'rgtottiroly li ' y ti(( , ..Aittili I , lntintott Vi•VNiei.lllB a Ild q idllives for linittollf&Food Drilogltt litatititlityits, of Both Sort Mill 4111 Agon (A t t entioti tilt any of tho nb..,, Digonstot or Symp. twat.). RI IL I. 111:1-1I S LI - 1'17.10T 111:c111. I== =I I= 111,••• I/lirl. 1)0 110 0 ,ptl.lllo. e . II ” 110 , 1 o U I I 11i•r1 . 1.3 11,111,4 , 1111 Pi Ti'll Iliti ill i• 111V11 it/ till' ti ta1i.,....., t•,1) Iling P.l•onoui vio in. • rLu •-pt• !vitt .ia.l who hit, pant In aiy tox lo riti n a I flaw. ton,. kin tl Tito% Itovo bet , e %Tit. it [loll " 11,14, by Ow arm " " up in the .t o o n! kit in and pirlitip alter Cna H 3111r11,1,'S ISLICIIU fur nll (31111,k• y .11.1. esl , ll-g M .1. , or Fam,da. n.„,,, Wlwl•;c r 111.1.• 1011011:11111g 1111,11,1, 111,11 t, of how 11,..;;.11141 1,10. 1/01;1,,\ It AND PlltTli UIiNTS 1;11 IlO'f'f 1.11. , El 11EN111"r. II ELM S MROVEHROSE WASH 14. n,u pmaml ni Face Won!, gtol will.bo found elm o.ly sp. chic remedy in overy species of Otltat,r. MN b Ili. 11. Fp°. finS Plgarten, WAR, SCOOIIIIIO L yen s I miorations of the Os 31moinane. ete. dispels 11tft111,4,1 nil • 14ripiellf. non ~matins, hires, Itosh, 31(411 Patch.. I)rytte. of 1.:•••alp or Shin, Prost Bites, And nil [llllllorre for which Sill, ff or 01111010111 If re WWI ; restores., the shin ton Male of rority owl softness, null 'ins. es 011111111 Pd hoop hy nel ion ly the Ilnxna of lift ves•els, ou M't.iffil deprive; tin, in:ree Ilfiff Henna.oo xllll' vivac• ily brcomplexb o so.untch soudit awl admixed. lint loon "Sr vainnblo its a riftwqly for existing 4i. foctA lito shiri, lielmimitrn lboo 11'ash WO long 1111. if 10110.1 its pi 'mini° claim to 10,1,ottitiled ptironage, lip [4lSt.reftillig ytmiStios v rowler a Toilet ilpeiniage of the neat (I'..genl4l barmier, rota biniog in /of elegent tornollo tin •b+ I.rf.lif !Bela. requisites, Safety doll Ellicncy—the invie tinble nn emp olletild of Its 31110--•14 IL Pro (wroth, -11111 i llnlllmhoi,rf the Cif In pitf‘loll II Is nit excellent. Liff.li fff f o r 1114,14..m+nf ft Sy [obi] itic Nature, tool n. Ilfl illjl.ololl for dl 011 SCH of lino Urinary Organs. arising from hill its ,i 1 M. 411011014 wool in connsctlon with the isirnets CotaNvibt Orono Mrs, ill such 110101.1. H an f eff , ,,Off,ffiflifil f rn IMO I. he 1311111f1f,..d. El ill ,Bull and explicit dirt:alone Accompanying the Evident,. of the meld rupouslble nod rellntlo ohm.- 'Doter furnished on apPllention, with butulreda of thousand.. of living witn.ron, nod 'upward of 30,000 unsolicited motlllmiten and reeemmendetory mitny•of 'which ere front tllo I.lgl.lMt purees, Inoln• ding ottileentynynhp.ren t eleriymen,platonnten; ete•• Thu proprintoe him Dover, ruported ,tb their 1.41,A,41/ti!Y fon In tho newspnpure; he does not do thin from/ the net ft ii Itln arliclen runic' nn Stemlnr.l Prepatretlons, and•do not need to he proppul up by eartlflentes.• HENRY T.'HELAIBOLDB' GENUINE RREPAVRATI.ONS. Deli Tared to any ntldroes. BOouro frpo obterial Established, itywaid of Tlventy Yoitrei Fold by Dritgabits ovary where, 'Address lutters , fur, hiforina thin, In setifttlanca to lIENBYT. EBLIIIIOI.D, biog. gist and Otendeti • • • " • : • ' Only Dopote; ll.' T.' itELmuoiar's' Drug' and Olitonhal Worchonso, No, rai, Broadway, Now York r to U. T„ Medical Itorot,lol. Booth Truth Strout, PhllndolphlOira, • • • • ' ..1111IYAIU , ;01+ COIJNTINWNITS, Atik `i'. , NINIIIIIO.I,D'N I. TARP NO OTI/131t. DOJeIOI3, G - rOCerief cCe FIIEETE .GROpEllpf3 ESE Alwaya to bo btu] at the HEAP STO:R.e, No. 88 East Pomfrot.Stroot . • ~••• :in trity aro they altyaysllncalth Decamp . , WU SOIL'. it groat natouneof thom,*alid sollihrin - low. "There: fore...turn our atack . often, and conarguorttly our goods Minat no froth. t , , 1 Ypu Will hod ororytlttug you wish I n the way of 0 I ra , , •co.: ~. . . .."`" 1 " • ' . rie .; t . • , Queonatiarn, ' 0110311WIlrO, ' • ' Willow'aud - „! .•,;; I , ' • , Codorwara, . /Mono and Crockoryware, Choice llama, . • Dried Boor, .. ~. , i ,! • . , ' '. ; ; ' ; 'Bologna, ' , Boor, EOM Biscuits and Craa:ace of every description. Spiced 'snit - 'Fresh Oysters, Sardines, English Pickles, Loewe syrups, &n., and nu and to • N T I O,N S . , . - , ItiiiiM•elosa to men thin them, come arid sto tot your ' Boleyn, parental( it don't milt you to edmo, solid your children, OA thoy Will ho dealt with tho Immo .ehro RH If you wore _ • hero yotimelf. ALL KINDS OP .C'o UIV TB Y PR at) UCE =I takon:ln oxehengo for good; or cosh CEO.. B. HOFFMA.N'BI SONS, No. 88 East Pomfret:Street; 10Hop70 , OARLIRLE, PA Watches and Jewelry. CLOCKS, W. D. A. NAUGLE, I . .tACTICA ; L, WATCHMAKER, No. 3 Inhoff's Building, MARKET SQUARE, CARLISLE, PA., one door levet of the Volunteer Printing Office, {Vonld rettpoctrelly. Inform hle old friends and tho public in general, that ho has commenced the Watch and Jewelry Business, in the above named li,valldins, where he Ir 'avowed to do soy kind of Work in the line or Clocks, \Vetches, Jewelry fib. tracing had over twenty yesn' - explieletieu Ili the tnisinoss, I feel confident eon give entire satisfnethin to till who !over tuu with their work. Special. at toullon paid to the_ rrpalrlng of Eine Watches. All work wartnntod: Engraving dune rit short notice. , W. D. A. NAIRILE. FURNITURE, _V URNITURE A. . IL EWING, CABINET NiAltElt AND UNDERTAKER„ Wed iin Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREIIOUSE, Premium for Bert Fornituro nwardell at nll County Fairs Move 1857. Fortfiturn 61 . 1i . 11 varieties and styles of Foreign apd Domestic mstmfacture, from the (Inapt rosewood end mahogany to the lowest priced monk and pine. Refloating entry mrtlele 1100t1 l y Renee and Hotel Lwptoe of the Ino.t /Lpprovod t,nd Gdthionable (Redo and Hr, ish. Including Furulturo In foqt.,,; Reoeption end Crimp Chnirx, Intreesen, Frames, Pietnrex, Particular attention giren 'as usual to ❑t orders front ton's nod rottittrrattondost to promptly, anti on tocalerate terms. Special altrotion paid to (10, stledion of WWI Pc- A U. X. per. 13=1 NEW GOODS FOR THIS WEEK ! THOS. A. HARPER; South Hanover Street, Carlivle, Penn'a SPRING AND SUMMER Dress Goods, At Greatly Reduced Prices White Goods and Linens Representing the Cheapest and Choicelit Some Spediallien. Orval I.rolloi In ll.nek 1.1111;d, 4111..0 .set 11.74 1 1 111.• 1114, rlnd trirvoi .11nen, 4124 e •• • .1.•• .• !I ••', lot •• I 141iir .11 • • i v -‘111.• • it rent 44840 In . 1:0, • po.in , nl lise Oroit • itr, ins In !1.. It k% np Meat ~ . h. i•n ••,i,.. .11.”1:1 11.pSit•It Ribbons. t:. I n width i.; At. = 11112=7211=111=1 IM=IIMIEffe= In Plower, 1% hits IlnIT, n 1:1111111114.• rt mon llo•nintnino. (lennivni• 1),•a riontin log. f 11.• 01 1113 1,111111 R,iuta, li • trn The Celebrated Joseph hid Gloves at $l.OO Ladies' Thehed A Vkirts and Aprons. Claim and Cassimerea Exceedingly 'Cheap. A 8p10n,1141 itrt lela Io o Park ll'•ur Cloth. I.rwo Gdl.rx, and Ila rakturldslll. linen Ln.p, I , 4o.roillurlss LAC. Full 11.. es of 110111lItil . 11 .11 010111, Al Illly tilt side of I.OW PRICES TO lIN MAINTAINED, to lu•nra toßk nnl n. THOMAS A. HARPER. • 210 NEW SUMMInt GOODS JUST OPENED 0 rr•nt'llargnlua In Si[kn.:a 11=1==2 , " Purcitlei, 6. • LIIIVjIII. Also thuchrispoe lot at ginntnor I trawls and Lac° Pointe In thu town TRITE GOODS! WHITE' GOODS ! .Cheap, 801 e. Cheap Tarlatan Chbap Naminokn, DArrod. Cliecir Victoria cud Wallop Lawno. CheAp Orgninie Choap Piquet " . . Cheap Pique' Itimminge r auill Lace Embroil! - _ oda; Lao. noV Linen Conn and CuMI, •••• ' • :Qtoree;Dlbbone, - Roelery, AG. A chor oi. ' ftt e of Para:Lole, tOtllhts vori ‘ cheaa. MityloOtte‘roturned . from the City, and 'node, a itiorOtigh-Otatnatnifon of the Dry OtiOde Market' I hovel hoop able to eeattro soma rare bargains, which I Offer to all who rail cone and era for thenmorroa, D... A..SAWYER.' FRESH GROCERIES WE WATCHES, AND JEWELRY rEIZZE2 DINING ROOM, KITCHEN AND CB= FURNITURE Dry GoOds, tec Spring Importations. 111111 11,1 A .• •• .11111.1w60r • oilm A . rt•e•••11.• 1 .111, ;ito Ling•n N pkh. , 1. , • Rh... 11. n •i• 110., xl 4 . ol ; ,‘• nlnn I..e‘• nra I 1 •2 Ind 1:n: . 11., in 11•01 ..r .l • It:, sin .1 AT SAWYER'S Mixod Popthin _.:~ti .~ A. L. SPONSLER'S_COLU.7II7IV: z: ~s~oNBLER, A~ . , . • . • Reid .getato Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer, Ineni , ; idea end Claim Agent. , 01110 Main 'Street near entre Square. '' . . , • •., ESIRABLII PIIOPERTY AT PRI-i D YAM, • BALM—Tito ownor dotitous For, ro movinit wen, Wore of orlynto polo o , LOT OP GROUND,.. 'situated on Bedford atroot, In tho boron& of Car lisle, containing 45 feet front by 100 foot - depth, and havlngtheronnoreotod a • TWO 'STORY FRAME .710US' •wlth brick bock building, wash boost, (with cistern tboreln,)omoko imuso, hobo ovon, and all neeessar-y -outbuildings. Tho property 'fronting on Bedford street In 43 foot front by 24 font deep. • The back building fronting on Locust alley is •21. foot in front. Tho proporty la nearly new, contains a storeroom, now occupied/le n groceryatoro, loin griod condition, and is admirably situated for'a husiriessatand.. Por none wishing to v low' the property, can do so by coil, ing on the owner, residing on the proinisos. Per terms and further particulars enquiro of 1.6m1171 A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent. A Two-Story - Brick Dwelling For Oalo N 0.98 South Ledford ,tree(, cdtaaining two parlore,' hall, and kitchen on tho Oral floor, and throe chain. bore on - tha srcond story, with a - finished attic back and front, stairway balcony to back building, and grano arbor and bydruut to tho yard. • , Apply to „, ; A. L. 13PONSLElt, Beal E.tato Agent I= THE subscriber has several other val amble properties for solo In eligible parte of the town, 'which will be reasonsbly disposed of L. - kIPONISLER, Real Estato Agont.• 17n0,70 VIRGINIA LANDS in the Shenan doah Valley for - sale.—A number of valuable, and highly Improved farms In "the Valley" aro of. fared for male. The tracts run feat. 90 to' 350 acres. The land is of the heat quality of litnestorto fully equal, if not superior, to the land In !timberland Valley, and will be disposed if at astonishingly low figures. The extension of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Into Virginia, as now surveyed, will run immediately through the stution of country In which-these lands aro located,• which, when corn pluved, together with the advantage of the Shenan doah river transportation will give theta all the ad vantages of Northern and Eastern markets.. A splendid opPortunity for Ittorative inventinents le hero offered. A full and minute description of the location and character of the various tracts may bo had, by up plying to A. L. SPONSLER, 17[131170 Real Estate Agent, Carlisle. FOR. SALE OR RENT.—A comdio. dious two-story brick, private residence, on West PO`tnfret etreet, Carlisle situated on a lot 30 feet front and 240 ifeet In dolith, with a stable and carriage house, and abundance of fruit Hydrant In the yawl and good cistern. Also, a two-story brick bouso and bark building on North Pitt otreet. Possession of the former will be given Immediately, and of the latter on or aftor the first of July next, Apply to A. L. SPONSI,En., heal tAta f6 — AToWtt — i Stove, and Tinware. EXCELSIOR STOVE AND TINWARE EMPOit I U M The niitlereign'bil w. 411.1 r.ope. (hilly Inform th• ettiztine of Cnr.hile nod vichil t-y, that. ho HMI carries on the STOVE AND TINWARE In all Its ratio. lien. 110 hes !Well rho Agency for tho following popular stoves: Parlor and Office Ptovon, Morning Glory, 3lorning'Light, Parlor Heater, Parlor Light, together with a v.r1”1,7 of COOK STOVES Combination Gas Barney, Eureka, Re.gtilatbr, Niagara, Heaters, flanges, and Fireboard Stoves, which ho Is propAr.l l•/ fornlsh nt th• lowest rork•l rotes. Storo Itcp•Illog promptly ottooded to. Itinfing Spouting, and Jobbing executed In the most ratio fnetory manner. MELEE Of over• de-aripti.•o coo•totaly on bond. or mole I. •rAor, at renuotallolo prices. but expolioneed workmen employed, Lo Lopes by n close nttoutfou io loosilll.l to secure the public pstrimairo. Remember the place, NO. IA WEST MAIN STREET. SAMUEL ft' CLAUDY. tiOnort.le The Weekly ..4ty TUE SUN = THE DOLLAR-IVERKL Y SUN. r r. SPA PER ON TlllkpaususT I=l Ire i'mt oere•, ri•li.il•;n, Proiloa •I" 117,1,,,, Thlhle•F, 1111,1 •li n of It "I. •..nel the RI. , MVOS, oil l 11 1 / 1 .1Khrt...171 or o •,• 1, , 0k 1.01,1.111 1 VI:Alt: 0 .1: n N I , lt F-•it fa, a. 01 :I Ow. Vt.i.y. 1,1 t 1..?* 111. r ..1 Pr. = •• 111 1. tizr •lIIi g• rhorneler nn IH E I( /1111 - .11n gI•IIIII•I llr tell4-.llniuk• unit mr.hing. 1,..11 In It- mli- MINEMEEMEMiI 1 III; 11A ILI' SUN. XO.l YE • It. • A la r.• 10. - • ily 1,04,101p0r nIIII tl, illgt.nl rII 111.111".. in Ii s•• wmd. •111 poi Lb , . ill 1110 Dew. tr.uvrry 011• re. c-sit. It rte) by maul, 50 con n nlOlllll, 10 S^sir. TBRMS TO CLUBS E=l =1 FOUR DOLLA It , Tettplea, but, year, aaparntely (awl at extra aopy to the t roller up of dab.) EIUJIT DOLLARS. twenty reples, m.• year. Yeparately ro.dree•O (and an extra copy t.. the garter up et club ) PIP. I:EN OOLt.AIt•. Fifty eeple*, ou. p.m., tootle ndtlronn (nod the 9-1111- Wro , ly Duo yen. to getter up ordwo Tulin tow,Aus Fifty ropier,. on'n yonr;Reparately n.lthei.t'd (and the .•earl-Weekly .un year to getter np tar rinb•) ' II I ICTY•BI,YIt 001.1,A 118. Ono I °mired rapier,. on. year, to one addrexa (and 11. Daily to, 0-e yeat to the getter up ofc , ub,) FIFTY DOI.L.teB One 1111eihvd eelinn. One year, a•p.trately nddrvained iund_tny Dolly for one year to getter up of •loh , SarY DOLLAIIg. I= rive c,11,1., ono yo•r, relotral , i) ednree4nl EltillT,l 01.1.41:8 TOll C. , 11108, 0110 your, oopartitoly addreaood (eaul dr extr. copy to gall, )yp of club. SIXTBEIN DOLLARS 'BEND YOWL MONEY. In Post t Vett orders, cheeks, or &oils on Now Ydrk wherever convenient. If not, then register tho I.t tors Containing monoy. Address, I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, 27rtp719nt Sun Office, New York City. HATS AND CAPS 0 OALLIO, • . No. 20 WIST MAIN C4RLIBLE, Tho lIATTIM of Carilelt! Tho HATTER of Corlislel I Tholatest etyloa lust rocolied I - The Ipteat ety lee 'always on hand I t BILE ITATS from the beet hinnetaltures II I E7=lll J. a. OALLIO whim to cnll attention to bit largo IMME3 11,AT.4" +e runnurneturee Hate to order, and 'bee" the' beet rrengements tor colorini . Xtate, Woolen Cloodi and Overcoat., at ohortnotico highoet 0M317 PRIM paid (of 00UN'111Y.TMR13. Air 914 DIM A 0 . 41..10,1 Ike• 20 MAIN 4,TREET., 10aPpeo, • C:) gaiitio 7 liftiFlElll', weir 4 4.... a ll 2 ‘ 1 '44FL , 6.3 , 4cmyr)cassito CD . , CZ Saxton's liarclware Store roc' , ' ,1 "‘ I 2 , ~, -, A i . . , At Extremely Low Prioes. ORGANDIES, , 9 ..,, FROUIFftou. __ Japanese, . Poplins, 'Silks, "&c. Victoria Lawns, • Nainsooks, Plaid Muslim, . ' French Muslins, Yosemite . Stripes, Piques, CambAcs, Dress- Linen For Ladies' Suits. - All of the above" Now Goods . will be sold W — A — Y — DEIWN -1 a ial I have this day marked DOWN the prices on my . ontire stock of Spring Goods ; -in order to close out, to make room for the FALL CAMPAIGN: Bargains in all kinds of Di:IC AR VII* ite00:00 9 lins at prices thnt defy competition New lot of Prints just received, In beautiful designs. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, Beautiful stock now French and English Snitings. ~ . Now ready for inspection. ... . Suits made to order at short notice, by fast-class workmen I am now offering a Speeial Bargelk in Blac ..:.-' - ..".,,. 1 pacibs, if, Light .1.10480, - . Of a Celebrated Brand, at 35c, 40c, 50c and 75c, that excel any ever offered at the-above pricea: re—A cordial invitation is given to all to call at MY Store, and examine stock anal prices.- - a* . . • L. T. GREENFIELD 9 - 22.je71. . No. 18,"'East Main St., CARLISLE. Bupoi ior, Dry Good,, GREAT DRY GOODS STORE 1N ALL KINDS OF SUMMER 111tE:48-000D8 We ar• now closing out f-r thu iOll2lOll, our Bto.k of =I I=! =Ell OINTS. 1.. C• rA QL .11 nt gro.lLy reilurial mum, Ica Bargain. In gm I=l VENTRAL.` 'or .Crap Wlkll 11.44111.41, Yor Ihrgelns Its Swkii slid Nainsook Awthin, , CAI.I. AT Tim eti,TRIT For MI k I ...di of P.ra.nix, .I,6np, fur P.clging, Instrtlngv, Av., -""" CALL AT For eill'Op Tra,lo I lnerlrfld'yultrelr, For Lin.. Coatlngo Ind Sldr.lngo, For Dm. thole or all tante, HALL AT THE CEhTHAL FOR CLOTHS', AND OASSIAIF.RES CAM, AT TIME bIiNTRAL DRY 000 OS STORE For all kinda of Hosiery and gloves, CALL AT THE CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE CARPETS, CARPETS, of evory grade and description, bo sure to call at tho V. as wo are now offering Special Bargains in all-kinds of Goods, to pose out the Season. , All &mons that want to save money n buying Dry Goods and .carpota,„Can tho 113 CENTRAL, DRY GOODS STORE. N. 8.-20,000 pounds of wool wonted at tho Control. • • " 24071 4 Great AttrkAions .A.'l l NNW STOOK "'OF JUST OPEN GRENADINES, AT TIIII CAATkAL FRIO , It LAMS =EI MEE! EMI= 1=132 =II I= kl.l, TIIR CEN'IIIII.4I • A CAI 1. AT VIE 01:11T11AL bHEAP, OSAITRAL, LUIDIOLI # IWILLED IEGULAR PRIEES 7Valher's Vinegar bitters. • A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY DR. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS Hundreds of Thousands bear Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Meets, W II A T A 11`E THEY? Thoy vu not a Vito Fancy Drink, nnolo of poor Runt, Whithy, Proof .Spirits, and Refuse Liquorm, ductorod, aplcod, and awootonod to please tiro toato, mind TONICS, IS= Au., that lend ihe tippler on to drunkenness and mi., but are a true Meilieloe, tondo from the Native Routh and Herbs or California, free from nil Alcoholic ifitimoinnis They arc the i rya t Vinod Purifier, and n lAte-Olving Princ ipie, n perfect Renovator anti In. vlga,tor of tin, spitem i earrying otT all poisonous roitter antl , r-storing - the th a healthy condi. 'No poison can 1111,0 'littera nrcoriling to direction nod Almin ion‘ a niveiß' provided the Lon CZI 11411 . 1111 t OtlOyelt 1y minion.] poison or other moon, nod tho vital orwit, w,nhd hey.anl the point of repair Fur I niinuonnawri and Clanton; Ithetmottkin and 01.111,-Dysprimi l l ur it iigastinu, Billell., Remittent, knl, intermittent 'Fevers. Dit•easee of the Blood, Liver, llinim.ye, and Bladder, these Tinton! , have Lava most suenvesfol. Such Diseases are caused by nitrated Rho°, oh.ch IN generally produced by do. rangement of the Digestive Organs. Dyspeptic or Indigendlon, Headache, Pain In the, Shoninl ere, euoglm, TightllCES of tho finest, Di limas, Sour Emu:nations of the etomech, nod taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attaae, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation, of the Lungs, Pain ru tho region of the Kidney s. and n hula tined other painful synnotonte, are tho offsprings of nnyspep,inn. They ineigorato tho Stonmeln and otinnulato - Lino torpal ii.or rod, bow ON, which I . olld, them of un entonded eilleacY Ip chouneing thin blood of all im purities, and imparting DOW Ilfo arid vigor to the whole system. , a •ilit hone, Itontittout. and Intermittent Peter, 'which tarn is prevalent - 10 Dna ealleyn of our great rivers throne Inont the United States, °specially those of the Mlseouri, Itlinoln, Tonnessee, emohor land, Arkonsras, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Ala, Loan, Mobile, Savalleall,ltoranoke, 3annew, and merry °liners with their vast tribe tarknni, during the Sum mer and .kintunon, and romarkablY es during tiVilflolltl of unmoved heat Awl dryness. ore invariably acedm ponied by ostoosivo derningerveote of the etonnach and liver, spd other abdominal viscera. There aro nionye more °el./obstructions of the liver, n weak. are, and Irritable stet° of the stomach, and great torpor of tho Weals, being clogged up with slimed accumnintliarie. In thole trenlinota„ purgative. exerting a tp woeful login:me upon tinesu varlous organ , i, ae tle.onllally necemary. There Is on cathai. tic for the puriose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar • Bitters, tin limy will speonlify tumor° the ..dark-rol, °red viscid matter with wide!, .the It meta era louden!, eat the same time stimulating tho 11.re - tidos,- of the liver, and genendly restoring lino bruin* , functions of the digestive organs. The Intranet' popularity of this valuable remedy in regione rob. Joot to mineunatid intlreoeicoe, is sufficient ollilmaco of its power ns a remonlY In such cases. . . For Skin Memos, Eruptione, Tettinr, Sall Rheum,. Blotches, Spote, Pimples, Bimini., Bolls, eartanngles, Itlng•lyormen, Scald Heim, Sore Bares, Eryinlp eine, Itch, Scurf's, Diecolonations of the S.klnOtutoore and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever" nem or nature, tare literally dug up nod carried out of ill o system in a short tine hy,the ueo of these Bitters. Dna bottle In each Mee will convince the molt Incrodulonti of thole curative' effect. . • ' • Cleanse the Vitiated 'Blood whenever you Sod Its, itngurities` bunting through the. akin in rhoPtade. Ernptlone, or Bores; eosins° it when you find it offi. Bftlleted and siuggielt tn.the vein's; cleauto ii wlwb It Is foul, and your feelingswill toil you when. Hoop , the blood pure anti Um health of the nyetom follow. Pin, Tape, and other, ,WernM, lorklog ire the Bye. tom of Be many thousands. are criminally nffistroyuni and removed. For Dill directiotne, - reed etrefollY the circular' tirialitld - Oach bottle,, Rrinted in four Inn. guagent-;.English.,Gerootol, French. mid Sliento. J. WALKER, Propriety. .11., H. 111cDON /LB CO. Druggleteand Ben. Agents, San ennefero, abd 33 et 434 Centntnerco Street, New Trek. , Sold by'all-Drufsgisto and D.Siere. ,- ..11de070.1y , • City Ailivertlicinent SOLID ..Bitil f rliat , and 611 VT j it rt,AT n WARE Of ortiro deneriplithvand Intent' dielan, onili table for Bridal Gifts, Tostirrioniala,"anti Holiday . . Prices lower then the regdiesi oiarket ter!. Rotre.OrdbutYylfidueenionte to purauteere., G.EO4I.DECIITEL, No, 710 Arch etroek rulubscrlini: OldzEntab Matta.) ,220cT0 0 RESTOREILS,