'lines of Era?jet SOUTII.MOUNTAIN IRON CO'S. RA-ILROAD. 0 H V,' OP II IYU R 9. Mee of General Superintendent, Cafiiajp,Ta.ipotobdr 8, 1870. j TRAINS RUN AB FOLLOWS . . Lewin Carlisle (CCP. R. R. Popot) 0.33 2.50 ll lunctlon 1140 . 3.00 SW Holly - 720 '------- 3.40 ..." . Huntuen Run 805 Artlvo 400 Arrlvo at Plno Ororo 8 45 RETURNING Leaver. Grovo... " miter'n /tun It.llolly Arrivelkt Junction.. 2f1e070 CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R vv CIIANGE OF HOURS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Thuisdny, Noven,bor 21, 1870, l'assvuger Trains will run daily, no follows, (Sundays osa•ptrd): WESTWARD 1 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Ilarrlidatrg 8:00 A.'711., Mechanicaburg 8:30, Carlisle 0:11, Newfille 0,10, Shippennburg 10:22, Clunnbersburg 10:11, Oreen- Tantld 11:10, arriving at Hagerstown 11:15, A. N. MAIL TRAIN leaven Ilarriaburg 1:55, r. Mo elomicabarg 2:27, Carlisle 2:58, Newville 3:32, Ship, nennburg 4:02, Oltambersharg 1:35, Greencastle 5:11, arriving atllngersteum 6:10, EXPRESS TRAIN leaven Harrisburg A:3O, r Mrellaniesburg s:o2,l7arlisle 5:32, Now,inesma, pemburg 0:32, arriving at Chambereburg 7:00, r M. A MIXED TRAIN leaven Oltamberabarg 7:15, a IV 0 reeneastle 0:00, arriving nt Hagerstown 10:05, A N. EASTWARD ! ACCOMJIODATION TRAIN leaven Chambernburg 5:00 A M, Shipponsburg 6:20, Norville 0:00, Carlisle 0:33, Moebitnicsburg 7:02, arriving ,at Harrisburg 7:30, A M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerntown 8:30 A m, Green entitle 0:00, Chamberilburg o:lo,Shippensburg 10:22; Nowville 10:53, Carlini° 11:20, Mechanicnbarg 2:05 arriving ablfarrlaburg 12:37,1'. st: - EXPRESS TRAIN leaven Ilageratown l o pfs TI, fi renneastlo 12:28, Chamhersburg 1:05,0m mburg oit I:37;Nowville 2:10, Cal° 2:50, Mocha I.burg 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50, r N. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8:20 P Oreencaatle 4:27, arriving nt Chnutheraburg 5:20, r M. Arir• Making close connections nt Harrisburg with tram to andfrom - Philadelphia, Now York, Washing. ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all minim West'. 0. N. LULL, Supt. ' ',Superintendent's Office, Chamb'st. Nov. 11, pENNVYLVANIA RAILROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. .Eight Trains (Daily) to and from Pldla dolnbia and Pittsburg,' and Two Trains Daily to and from Erio' (sundays excolited). AFTER MONDAY, JUNE, stli 1871, PaaHongor Trains of th e Pennsylvddin Rail road company n depart from Ilarrixhurg nod amis . ° at Philadelphia and Pittsburg, its Mloo EC= 345—Philadelphia Express leaves Ha rrislmrg daily (except Monday) at 3 40 a. in, 1100 Itrrivr, nt West Philadelphia nt 7 do a. al. 7 35-6'ast bino bayou Harrisbarg daily (except Monday) at 7 35 a. ru„ and arrives at West l'hiladeh phi, at 11 15 a. tu. - 01all Train loaves Altoona daily (except Sunday) ai.3 p. tn., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9 00'1).10. 10 4:.—Chainnati Express loaves Ilarribharg daily at 10 40 p. tn„ and arrives at West Philadelphia at 310 a. m. 11 25—PacIfle Express leaves Harrisburg daily nt 11 25 a. tn., and arrives. at West Ploiladidphia:at :1 16 p. m. 2.s—Er.mink EXPRESS leaves Harri,lairg daily (except Sinn tat) at 1 25 p. in., and arrives at Wi et I . lllladelphia at 0 00 p. m. Harrisburg ACeuannualnliiin leaves Altoona daily (9 a undny excepted) at 7 25 aim., sad arrives at I far risburg at 1 05 r.. 111. 3 (15-11urrisburg Accommodation 1,111,1 llaitls .burgnlJ 55p. al., anal nuns at Ehilialclpinia of 9 45 p. In. 7 00-I.sneluder Train, via Mount .10v, lenv, liarrisborg daily (except Sunda?) id 7 5u and arrives at West Plilladdidtln at 12 40 p DMZ@ 35—F.rle Fast Linn_ Nr6s t,- fn r Erie, lenvr, liar rkbarg lllly (t..xcopt Sunday) at 4 35 p. nn., rrivin• nt Edo at 7 40 a. In. . . 11 55—E111E MAIL west, for Erin. leaves Harris burg daily ta 11 55 a.m., arriving at trio nta 50,p tit. 11 45—Cincinnati Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 11'45 p. my nfrives at Altoona at. 40 a, m., and arrives at Pittsburit nt 10 00 n. m. 55—FI1tST PACIFIC EXPAESS leaves Harrig burg at 1 115 a. m., arrives at Altoona - 0 00 0. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 10 20 a. •m. 2 10—Second Pacific, Express teases Harrisburg daily at 3 10 a. nt., arrives at Altoona - at It tlO u. m., takes brettlzfast and arrives nt Pittsburg at lit 40 a. In. 4 16—Fast Line leaves Ilatelsitifig daily (except Sunday) at 4 45 p. m., arrives nt Altoona nt 8 55 p. m., tithes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 10 a. 10! 1 15—Mall Train Icares Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 115 p. 111., arrives at Altoona at 715 p. takes supper and arrives atrittsbmg at 1 00 n m. 7 00—Way Passenger Train loaves Harrishurgdaily except Monday, nt 7 00 n. m., arrives at Altoona at 1 20p. m., and nt Pittsburg at 8 20 p. SAMUEL A. BLACK, £ 3 3u . F i l ii Mit!dlo -Div : - Pou ." It Dry GoOds and Notion's ECM Fresh Arrival of SPRING AND SUMMER (U)ODS• AT 00ILBP s CHEAP (1.4811 STOIUe I 3111 ROW °laming a largo litl/0,. 01 Ow hatittsont t, mid dleltpeNt Ply Uoodn lu Cttittltorlatitl county FOR TEE LADIES! 'All the newest styles Dross floods, Larh, Capes slid Flagons, Shawls, Cuffs and Collars, White Swiss... kn., it very low prices. The cheapest and best 11 1nel: Alpachas In town. Illuachod nod Unbloaolled ol all malice Had prluno, from 0 cents to 20. Another lot of those ,laiatlfill and cheap ,Nllll .01., at 2 cools. (Hugh.. Iron) It pr•uts Itt 10 Table Moon+, Colorist nail White Towele, and NGliklon in great .variety. Cloths and Cassinaeres, A now oupply, and will be imbi at groally r,,,thr e d priecg. Kentucky 70511 N, from 101onnts to 2.1. Cattonadua, I.loon Drilltnga, 1I nioo, Bond 9t ripon for men nod looya wear, all kinds at low pricey. Notfons.—Wo ore aelllug all Linda of WolinHo at natontaltlogly low twirl, di Wel; ing4, Marra, Soa p/0010ra, TII,11(114, ltral,la, .fm., Trlmmlap 10 °odic. varluty. Parasols and San Umbrellm, A now and °Quinlan nalortninnt I )1.0.1100 , Oil )104.1 'ologant and cheap illigOrt- IttoOt .f 140,10, to ehich I WORN 1.11 thu littelitiOn atoll pursauß to purollaso, as I will lit ho unelorooltllly any hourrir In CArlinlo. It. collect Oro irlueu,47 Wolt sfitlir orruht, nearly opiroolto tiro rail road depot. No trotildo to dllonr g•gnln. Ladies',•lllit and. Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, I lawn . ) Ind rbrolrod and opened a fall awiremput °rail tug now aLylc‘a Ladies' and Misses' 800. and Nllpporti, wall made, and at low pilaus. Call 3111 d .0 CHARLES 01111:11Y OirllBln, Aprll 19, 1871. 294p71 . Cloths and :Furnishing Goods O,OTIIINd FOR AfEN AND BOYS Tho undornigned ‘onvhl n•imatfolly Nth tho ut tnntinn or 11In cnitomom one/ tlepnhlir i;.”nnrnlly to hlo opttro noa• and lnrgi. ilfts,rtm, tal nC Cloths, Cassimeres, . . VESTINGS, .pecialry adaptaa rt,r Spriti(C Simmier • Wear ! ll Al)tolatext stlen to bo hod , In More, nil 4 reAdy early , " • All lonfinililq 14,1114 . 1fi will 1p th' mitt Glen pal It Hued Otl rifivilitfromillnynd tho co`, brated nud xc4nd Mt, cutter 4ASS, Into ofn Pktlittlbniti)lB 'flunnO, BroodWity, Now . York, , I horn thopleTure:of nununnnng to you 'Um:, , Parlect Fit h Gentlemexes I%lllllBllin Goods ! Also Walloon, On'ipet:ll‘igflYkrniatpin; Triin &c o?,r . 0 ivo . on. a .c[lll,o3' Yourn, Itro , pectrufly • ' ' ) l ,‘a No . 22 North 4fititoror Stroet, enlist°, ISAAC LI VINGSTON, Establiehe4 -1847 BEM Domeatic aoOds, HEADQUARTERS FOR DRY. GOODS. Suet opened an entire now and &Nimble Block. of spring and Hummer dry goods, fur ladles and gentle'. luau's Wear, mutilating of Japanbse Poi')lins, A. DI. P. .b.l .0.00 .9.45 4.20 10.05 4.45 10.40 5.25 10. C. ARMS, Silk and Wool &Z, Sliopltords , Plaid Wool erges Fiwiss and 11f nll T,ipsliDs and ( all lands of White Goode used. CASSI M CLOT( t nnl P EVCI NOS rt... Nllrlll. wnll.l. All - the I,llloltit, of 111" ni nn SITANVLS! SHAWLS ! I ifOSIOry ItIli) iOlll-10 rlll . llloling (100114 end, Tielcings, Hl{ectinha, fill itv Casing 11.'4 f Mle° ',roping 1511111,r, I)omrstics inlargo gnitntities DON Esrics! DomEsiirs! DOJh'•WTI(S/ We urn prepared to offer gist Ind',commit/4, on ..to markets are lower than they havii,been for ton pints+, and as our stock Is entirely now and fresh, bought for' the cosh, wo fool sofa In proutlitlng' to give onr tem/its groat borgithrs;and all no* viol, We int Ito all kindly, to call and in/online our stook leiforo porch/wing and decide for that/I:wives.— Thonkfill for the liberal lintcolloge in Ns part, ivy prom'sr to till alive to,the interchts of Our friends In tho f11(11e, by keeping; such goolk, IN 11111 -rout!, anti/if/lotion to all. All si 110 111,111 0 101:IVO mousy are Invitetl to collltpineut unit thul ti source of profit, by dealing with its. DUKE & BURKIIOLDEII, - North llanoser/Street, Itel/PW Corliale Pep ,ii: 1871, I 30,11171 DECLINE IN GOLD ! • CORRESPONDING DECLINR IN OOODSI Quite an exeltoinent In the Pry Goods mortal, In very worked decline in prieee of DRESS GOODS, Silks; DelitllloF, Morinors, Alpneenn, Popllnn,,Sorges Itsus, and a Ihrgo variety, comprining,nearly °very thing in thin lino of goods.l STAPLE GOODS Flannel 4, Tirkl (llnharng, blankol4,Cottmiallet. Rounick) . .leami, CLOTHS. and CASSIMERES, ldnm and CoLtqn 'Fal 1, Llspar , Shirthlgq, WHITE GOODS. ',,, SWIM , Nllllll.ok, C 1111111, 1 .11,1, JIICOIIOiN, Freucl, NI. Tarlutous. Cambric /.111 tAiti:l Eiiglinpi :Mit In RerthlgN, HOSIERY, GLOVES, legrunt. ‘l‘lll.ly,lrboon, of tho Lin flath and Sunilitw.. FANCY GOODS a groat many Hiylo , , M 11.141 all voryrh.mp Ladies' Under Clothing, 1" 0,1 .0. 4 . 1 Y Mndoitutl Alva CARPETS, OIL CITHS, Reggejs, Rep, IThalew Slilfoloqrgall to, Counter ,panex, and manygmgha not men,ttuued want u pace. , We clahn'to have the largext 111111 04.11 t PtOCk Dry Gonda In the loturlur the mind will x ell at mull] prlcOm as Will le the !gab to get good bargalux. Slmll7o ' lIENTZ & CO. Plumbinff. Gas Piping, (Pc. JAMES CAMPBELL. W. F. BENWOOD PLUMBING,. I , G , AS , AN IL STEAM At No. 18 North Hanover A9treet, - CA11.1,181.1 . PENN A STILL AT BUSINESS! ,The nudersigned are note fully rimed to attend o thin loodino.n iu all Pn ditlermit lammhnn., .They don keep ; opnthutly on hand And fOr n,lo, - VAT ER CLOSETS, it ATII TUBS, Il' /amt. BATII TUBS, WATER CLOIIE'I'S, lI.nTII TUBS, WAlElt cimsKrs. BATH 'ICUS. WASH BASINS, iIYDRANTS, lift and 1 , 04.0(140.a; LIR nail Force Cisterns. ' find Deep WWI l'untpo, Bond,lVrro r'ei'n • nini Deep Well Pninpri, Lead, Terra Gotta - and tr o p Pipo,.Chimitey Tops and Finer. - • - . L • (3As,PII'I;''AIQI), FIXTURES - (L-0 Globrs, and nil Ulnae of Ilrass.lrork for steam null water constantly on hand, or fitruishod to' order. Dwullings, Churches, Factor'oo and other 1,141(111ov, In town or country, lilted up with noattleas oud dis• patch. .All wort; warranted. Then Mill forpublic, patronage, sre hops , by strict attention to blueness to meat contlintane of the, seine. Torino reasonablo, it requiring hot ono trod to secure your . entdont. Olva no n roll, Don't forget the puttee, No 18, North Honorer otreot, in the low, • moot of 81po'it - now. building. All ordure left at the reoldonea of either Ithteors. MMIESIES=II ' 0A1111';11.ELL on IIDN•1YOOD . . at nny Poleimlther day or algid', trlll bo . promPtly (WOO( Olt to. JRnIOA COMO/011, Alexander's Itnw, n reekor NlOTara Ilenvrevddlratit ntront, oboin w en xrdeg • lonia! advaat -. ages! len aro prepared tgi • ' COPPER 'WORK 01' ALL DESCRIPTIONS for Still llonnennial othor pivlioeco , at horn° or, of • • COPPRII YIPR• foroiehol to 'order, oltliOrdrawo or brazed. 25ougly Granite Lustrpsi dlrtolangb Pique Welting,a, ls,la i nsnok s, Victoria Lawns Itl,ktiketv, Ilnrsrillrn.(Zpifs and all goods Homer, Coltoday cE comPanV SPRING OPENING ! 18,7-1. 1 - HONER, COLLADAY S• C C_•, -1412 and-1414. Clioßtntit- Street PHI LADELPELI A BIM lieepectfolly the public to nn Inivection BM CROWE STOOK OF EUROPEAN NOVELTIES, =SE Present Season % Welt they feel conlidont In Muting - IS NOT SUI?PAB,9EI) In this ronntry, Pithier for Ito groat variety or lest billty n( textures Among, tho varlonx utnekn In which wr , urn exhib iiin yovoltlent.ve. wpuld call ul.celnl allPtstlon to SILK DEPARTMEN which 121 reptc.to with all tho neweot tilmilen of NPIIHOTI, not before 0vh11.14,1, anti n very nll line linniblome styles I=l nl very taimlernte prleon. in BLACK SILKS Lu-Lrxt and !omit experioocvd,okkex of LYONS of very fmmle and price, from $1.50 per yard to $lO.OO per yard lor Inugnllllllitutto ar.plaintiiticu smog:K.lunit. uLLI,Ire its to 1111111 mi! mh..kung, DRESS' GOODS DEPAiITMENT, I= .11.7i)11 rat n y • Department 11= Grei.adines, Grenadine Borges, Hei nano, Square Mesh, do., new omit In: All ,tln , nwgnods f or offur,nt tin. In Wei vivo 'all tnc:camine r Stock, an fiik themselves 201t171arilS:Mln tkiliste Machive Works FGARDNER & CX.). • ,r CARLISLE MACHINE WORKS =1 Zeiiping ! Seeding! Thresidne. THE CUMBERLAND vitu a 714IRESHER AND • SEPAITATOR Wo toltiti thin linw anil Separator, (Caitlin A ('o'n Patolit,) to tito farttitrs 01 Chanburlitiiil mid adjoining ( . 1.1111111.11, nit hilly 11111111, t 11111 V 111:11111fill'illrull. IL haslli° groin drnutu a ; 4 I=l 1:131 PERFECT SEPARATOR AND'CLIIANER In using it the farmer will be tiory or tnnkl:4 ho motit be poksibly tie iTop, iii`rill.l. it =I I 1,111 all that goom through tho machine, aria pkra•lat rntil , •ly thu chair from iho ntrAw. It It •olgy !owning and mill In, Pa woa, toroughly. Thlo too guarantoo. It it at Ilia sumo mu thy• rheaprHt auu•hl uo In tho 110REN-POWER, wu fiirnisli to ran the Culnh e rland Valley Tilrolilior in also note mot' entirely dillerent lu ['On. stroetion from what wig have lioridoloro built, moan.. much greater power and speed with Jezhrpr draft, sc .thot foor lams only will be- rennicdd, where many other machined rood." NIX angLeight horses. The Cumberiatni Valley Thresher and Clearer wax tried on the groin& of the Comlieriand County Ag ricititoral Society at tie Fair of 1870, a large crowd of farmers being oral/ant to witnnis Ito operation. The trial woo COMplOtOly, oureexafuh and the machine proved its ability to thresh, clean, octet separate grain In the most satisfactory manner. All who wituovioal the trial expressel their approval in [lto warmest terms. rho Committee on Agricultural 111101,1011 ill clan gave tiro machine a special notice In their report, strongly rocomotentling It. The Cumberland Valley Threshof and Separator has WHO 'wen recently used by Col. Al. Henderson. at his. farm near Carib:lo;in threshing and cleaning IL large crop So fully is Ito satisfied of its great mer its t bat he :Wawa da sin liar Ink name men ref...owe. Farmers mien 14101 thriller and fuller particulars as Ce—Lllo,VOrkillg.-111111.1111119-11f—thIS itimilllo o nru lheretun roipecifol y referred to Col. Henderson, OW, Or tilt, MOM) widely 'known lie max of Cumber land comity. The Cumberland Valley' Thresher will alwaysAie well and substantially built, of the bunt sundry framed In every part, nail presenting a hand. 001110 external appearance. Price 'of machine, with :10 inch cylinder, '5 . 200, without wagon. A unlit 'advantage of this 111361116 Is that it can be readily repaired at any good shop without tumble. THE 0 UMBEILLAND VALLEY PATENT SELF EA KINN , MOWER ANTI.) REAPER. ,rlll ishin build this ,t s' nmcbipr 0916 clinpgon and Improvements, fully remedying tile 1101l'ettl nil weal; points of thcso built lust season. Our shit Is to supply farmers with a pod home-made maelthio, which, if not miportor,in nil reopects to those brought `from n JlnGuwo, will nevertheless prove lu nil mop. thil points it good mid reliable 41arveeter. All wo ask for It to it fair trial. The Willoughby Patent GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL. We build Ma well knowit Grain Drill now, with or without Guano Attachment, and thu florets in straight or zigzag rows, Juut an the farmni prefers. Wo now have, also, a now and linproyod -plan of attaching tho gum tubes, fore Welt wo havo olitainod Loiters Patent,. which, with other Improvemonts, makes the {Vllloughby' thin moot comploto mid per foot Drill manufacturodin the country. ' AlonLyo on hand o full lino of IMPLEMENTS loth of our own manufacture and from other °stab isliments,• including every useful machine needed y tho,fsritter. Wo may enumeratollay Italcos; old sshinned Throthero end Horse Powers, Corn Sheller's, f. which we have throe kinds, and five different Ines, Cannon Corn' notions, Fodder Cutters,' Cider title, and other articles too numerous to specify., Orders taken for all kinds of : IRON WORIC , ' Q our extensive Foundry and Madam:lBlmm, end for lI'III~.DI NO BI.ATERI—tri.t3 of Avery deuerlption 141• our Door and Son . 'Facto& A foil clock of • • • srE L E A . O ONED LUMBER Iviaya on . hand, enabling,' .iuv. 'All all 'ntdora romptly j thu lowext I.rleom. Fannon, bulldord, nd inanolocturoro art) invited to glvo ma a call and ,our fftellltlee.for turning out good win*. P. GARDNER & CO. 2Qlnn7l•Gin 'POP SALB.--A firat-clafin. no ~ t op buggy. Entirely new. Anio a lirnt-blium ono. 'iorflO throe epring Nngup, limn Ire at Comotionion ma' office. - . • . 42,1071. • Ifenry Saxtop, .1) .zia 1 840 'I9II . OLEBALE AND•RETAIL; 187: HARDW HENRY SAXTON. I J. P. BIXLI t R. H.-SAXTON, BAXTON\ CO _yy c Nix.6ic . /\* lAS.k A kk.kAilli Ig , t.\ i - d . 4 - I '9' -- - - 0 . 11 r il ,, Gielll )1 . 1;; c . 0 .1 V 2) /1 ' I.lkAhl AI ;AA . AA AR. )11 ,k.' /11kS, 11111. t Alk c.?. / 4 Afoll ~ i . i',,Cl i 2 k rvi it - , S .kks 11l CI '1.10,1,1j)"'"4\ - .1!,\1 0, A k= . , An cm 1111 A \l/1 V\l (.I\.(lk 0A 11 . k(, o w , (i Nxit.‘lnA, 5:A.0. , .Ac , P(((m:t1111 ) - I LAtA r 9., 5 II c olth, 4 \Ad:A OA CC • AAA 11,111...1111,e1.1... ) 11,11111 o g11.12.---P11i1011—)111,4h—t—P111AIVIAA -, • - 7 ,(2.., , Ck/..1/1,02), 111, 1 2/111 ArIPII..A Ake. s l , , eh v.)01‘ , . q_9 k„ , We inure " Jololow e . rot. yOl " Inoreol . l.l . lllg elel 111.111,1ii.N. woll id Ili, Ht. lio nitoollon the paffic to our loonomo clerk el' Bulking Hardware, 1,000 liega. nail, 20 tons Wetherlll k hack IVIt Leads, colors, I , rvnalk and A 111C111,111 Ullllll,l irl; and mirror tolatev. 11,axsend oil, vartikin,, etanent,Taklne Pla4ter,,Pntra Sand, Os,. ,40,- Farming Ettrdware, AND AGRICULTURAL Implements Forin, ltaltott, Syythi Smiths, tib•tigi.ii, 1), illn, ltrowliitri Digging 1r.., I potst'ii 1.11.eil l'oNviltir, 11..1 drain Lomilior 114.11ing, tlunt 6. 'ling, lloxo n rucking, 31111, CI - o , tl Col and Clreulur SIMS. I'lrtlf, Com]tor mill Ten Seals, Burlng Cll4l.lllgli, ellitiVatOr,, Le. L'OACIILITAKER.Y UOOIIM, AXII.I, Spllkl.ll, Fell°. mid Trimmings ' BLACKSMITHS! GOODS, iron and SIUeI, 1S and 71111' Fh N 111111,1441 1 ,, &e. 11111.1 wart• fhr nll niv,ll. lod Jr,,,acl, r. Englitill and Ann•itt. c•nndanlly on hand and wart:nded. HOUSE FURNISIIINO VARDAVARE, Cndarware, Pearl, Ivory and Itnl/ber frondlod Tab Pollory, tlllvor Hated Forka and Spoons, Cull Oornle..s, Ilnu,ll, tllalr %,b., Clothea WHagool. Irons, l'or,olaln nolhas, Solid Iron l'an !Intent ll,' (Team Freezera,&e., Sr.c. todgo r' Fine Poeket entler3 •eis.are, Wire, 3lcss and Flo, er Finting 3lni lanes, Curling &a. liKtelat Slating Inv routing Itlnelciroards. Preparg lain,. Oil and Blacking. Snevialai gingen.. I. or itirnisliin 51arIle Tiling and Slat, !quail., Pule ngrtds for PllOll,'S I . IIIW, Solo tigonts for 11, 'Meld Post Iltde Inggpr, dig2;ing n linsti...l.• in nili ininut v. Solo agents .I..l4P:diner's!' Pat, ill A. Uri Iron Planes. (hinds tholivritoil free, ,roil with great prooloopino, \VIII goo/Iran!, goods tr , 1114,11:1111S n, 10,1 a. orieeoo, CC' leg freight, on tar and ogo.iio Moog solir lona to .t o. go in tptone, 14 oo remain, ro,Into•111oi13! H. SAXTON & CO., No. 1:, EAST MAIN STIUMT, Carlisle, Pa., EIM Boots, Shoes and Trawl::: STIIOIIAI SPONSIEIt, No. 13, 30711. 7 L Hanover street, Carlisle Thankfol for tho potron . ,go oxtoode.l thenillori fort., do NUM itn ' neane.:ll . leir tteirgimletge ,Ne} SPRING *SI'I . I.ES nF lltio•r:: mhos 1,11(1 hisses, Gents and lloyß, Youths and Childs =I ItUNICS AND VALISES Et= All Itt which 111 be Id At mall profit. CAP II of all, Iti/tl.;;Pt a fo3 laialvalent fat yoat.,,a,aley MEM CHEAT will are 1.4 gt . ,..npl th.: L. st. 11'14.0 von go to I,ny Ha time, nut v.perlully lu Ilte. urti trr or ' BOOTS A:NI) go ton ileolor uu Nillool. wonn you n o t rly, no vary fow itro good J tolgoo of kkthot.. Al' this time of Iho 3 or 1111141 y will ho NI noting light henlN tool x',atn for xlllll nor, ',Tor. All such no 110 nocolionothitiol lit ADAM DYSE 1" , who,. ‘.lll bn tonml IL .Iply al the I w.,11 Itootxmill slums made In miler suit!. ll,.nluw•l di. patch. Nucl. 111 Lnniuexe No. 34 East Loather street, Carlisle; Pa 41Lp70 Willie:ln Brady's Adr HOLIDAY GOODS! WILLIAM MANKIiT STRENT,, lIARRISIMItti, Jost returned from New York' with the largest plo of Bolidity (locals Poor I.ronglit fo,this city ovisting In put of' OLIDA,Y__AITD WITDAL SILVER, elogant design mid llniOt, (tow Ihn 0. lobinlol ditt i‘llllllltcluril.g 'COMO/my. DE.LUTIFUL PLATED WARE, TA-RSA:Id, Coffee limit Citko mill Fruit „ Caxton+, rickly stud Cl,ll.rfSlitudn,- Soup TI11:001114 Will(' . (`10.• Cutlery of eleglnt deolgo nut 11081 t, !row tine cetobo.ttetl nuuttlfoetory of Harrison Prom: h How eon, Itli'lloort, Ivory und.plated littudlex. 0111 t FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT tbr. , 1 7 )4 the folloving articles; 1.4.11,' Elugant nilk,rvldor Clasax and Wove ❑ucrx..rumbined—n Till Sets, Writing 11..1k5, dowel St/mix, I /dor Caged, Work...flaxen, Card. itneeivero. Fans or Violet and Sandal Wood, Loather, Silk, Rain Iliolmos, Biotin:lts, PlOerN, Vlll.Ol, etc., OK • Itinsleal lioxeo,playing from 2-10 10 rand with Belt and 'Mandolin attachment. French, Cloaks, in .Gilt, Brows., and Morldo Coot-a; Cnekvo Cloeka, Cigar &Ruda, Cigar, CIINPS, TOIIIICCO (Silver and Pim od), Parlor Thermoineterx,' French Money Pnrmes alit POCIOC llooka and a great variety aroma . ) thing in my line. Call and emanino thou grand am•orliaold. • WILLIASI BRADY, 30:; Mitr:set atreet, IlarrlBl.ltrg, EME Baitlmoro Advertl.4ement.'.-' IMPORTANT NOTICE ' TO CONfiultlEßl4 011. All Ratan Orders amounting to t:to and over Iluliv eyttl in any part of tho.cuuntry. • of EXprettB Char fICB. II A LL N LAST II It k, SONS, In only tho bettor to moot tho Wotan of their Retail (Justoinere • t o Malmo°, barn oatublished SAMPLE BUREAU, 1111011 111/1/11011110., prolnytty soul by mail fitli liner of Samples of tho.hiewest nod most 1 , 14411- Notable Booth., of French, English, Mill Dmnestio Manufacture,' guaran truing at all (laws to Neil as lino, If not at less prices, than any Ilona., In thu country. Buying par goods !coin' mid moot man broted antinuritcturem Di flw dlfforent porta of l h v o una imporang the mono by Steamer.. dlroot to Ito tl moro, our flock IN at all timer. promptly auppl ad with tho novoltleo of flu. London null Porto nutritots. • An we boy and oral only'forensh, and mak° ifoloid. debts, NVO nro obis. anti willing to 801 l our goods at from ton to Bacon ur- cent less trout than if wo gitvo credit, •r• • Ira Bond fig for William. opeclfy tho land of &mils dextral!. 7V,, hoop the boot grad..s of every Lamm of goods, front BM lowest to the most twiny. • Onlero unitocompanitid by tho cosh will lioituint 0. O,IU. prompt-pitying wholesale buyliii aro Invited to inupectlinu stock in our Jobbing , mid •Poolcitgo , Department.? Addreou ' • . • • lIAMILTON EASTISItic SONS, 197,-100, 201, and 203 Wool Baltimore Street, 200ct70.1y . . " • •r Baltimore. of Bellmore, Ma., 1, s TTENRY T. HELIVIBOLD'S 0 O-MPQ - U N-D--:1"..L 0:ID NXTRACTIOATASYBA GRAPES IMI HOUSE Component Parts—Fluid Extra& _Rim --,barb' and Fluid Eviract Catawba amp° Juice. For Liver' Clomplabile, Jaundice, Bil -ions Affections, Sick or Nerv . ous headache, ,Costiveness,•&e.. Purely Veyetable, Con taming 110 Medirry, Minerals or Delete rious Prugs. . ' .1 Thee Pillx aro the most delightfully pleasant pur• gtatve, autteuteding castor oil, halt, nutgocala, ate. 'Thela la nothing tours aceeptablo to the stomach. They give tom-, and cause neither 11:111Ae0 nor grip ing point,.. 'rites' urn (sonata:ad of tiotfinast inyYnli rals, After a few daytd utto of theta, such an invigo ration Atilt° torlire syston tithes place as to appear all a•a 101 al to Alit, lyeak • 0,111 enervated, whother arisiag Iron, ittiprodeneultnlimettau—lL.T.lieltabold's COlllll6lOO Fhoil,Y.s.ravreatahlat ttratot NIIO. am not Hagar-coated, front dm 4.ltut that sugar coated do not dissolve, 1.1,1 tutas through the aft/ maul, Viliiolll.dlosolviill, con v , ilitqltly do not product , the dt•sired. 01Iect. 'tilt CAT AlsllA.lllrAt'li 1.11,1,11, being plo abut in taste and odor, do tint nenessitato Husk 111.1.0 sagot•coated. 1 . 1t1C1.1 F I I."I'Y CENTS 1 . 1 , 11 t ill tA E. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S lIIOIILY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Wlllmdirally exterminate from the system Serail] , Sy Foyer Sures, Ulcer:4, Sore eyes, Sore hog ; Sore Mouth, Sure Hood, ltrenithllis, Skin Dlsemi, Salt Shama, Cancers, llminlngs from tint Har,,Whi Swellings, Tllolol,l,llrefilke Ityclionl4, • Node ItiekaN, (1111,1.11t1111..SW1•11111W4, Night Surat°, Host Totter, lluntoni of all Ithottalittisti 11,4srmsin, ;mil all ilkotsi.s that h.toy ta.tit • stablish, in thy ,:yideni liir yciars. Bring prcparoll expressly.for ihnabovcContplain ifs il l ll-Pilrlrylug proprielios nrr greater than a nth, Pnlatration at Sarsaparilla. It gives thee.", plooloit a clear and healthy color, and restores t patient Into a state of bcalth and purity. For purlf dng the Id.eal, removing all Chronic Constitution disease.; ItriAng o u an Lupure state of the hitt and the only relialde and ellertual known 1 , 11..4 f the rum of Pains and Snelling of Ilia Boner, Mee Bonn •W this Throat and Legs, illotrlnet, Pitnplea the Face, Eryti pilau rind .01 Scale)/ Eruption/4 ol Skin, and II until) lag the Complesdno. 11 le NI? T. - 111“, MB 01, D' F 1,1.11 D E.17.1L1 CT .13 UCH U I= 11 . 114 1111011 f 1 , 101109 In 1,1101 I‘,lpte Leon gloss, I erllallon of the Nottli o,f tln , III:lira, nOll 1 11111nuoulion of the lillllll'YS, U11 . 1,1i1011 or the Kitt 0..19 and Illndller, It4pllle of Urine, o r the pr.,.r.e,,tteworeh Stone in the Ithlddrr, ( I :denim+, Ural ..1, Ilri, I/1 . 1....15, and 1111150110 0r Ililkt Dlt•elnirgomOlifil lorn 11,1.1011 11041 11.1Icaht Coinql• lotions holh Sex,. Al tenth:ll with the folhneing niptonni Intlifqw-Itimi tO 11xertl es of Pulver, 1.41bi0l 11. 5111.1 y, Inilividh . t Ned )5.1, Tlen/hlint; Ito reel 11:,1 11110 0-, 1/ihtlole of Visit, Pahl 111 the 110 t Flththing the 11.1111 , I'sllo 00 1 , 1 1hu. 0 1,111, Einpth.ll on the 1 , , 0, Iht:11.1 Con 1•1,1 i Ims+illnl , of ti,' 1110. enlar li3Melll, I• 10 thw,ll I.y pProotts 11.11 tiitl 111..4. , 1 Or eighteen irointhlll)-iho 1,.111)•11,. u ill it 1,1314. or t.11:1.4.• 1 . 4.11i111q1111 . 11/ r:,111,; bed 11111.111'1, Inil,lll'h 11,9311 alk4l 111.0. hoot Ital it?: of Dissipi• Itst....•. , :mti Iniiorlidt,vol i . of the VIC., Sl/1/1.1 . 1.1111 ( . 011 . 1 iha in Ally-limo. for mbich it la S. phi itlr Alle`tions—ln themo Ito. I in cono,tio 1t0... , \Vasil. 111 1111111 y 1‘11....t10ns pecollar to 1,..11...g, T 111) Exlrar 11....11. Is Unosioalled 1 , 1 Igo) Iteogody—As I Chlorosls or Itrtrotlon, In lo.gly, Soppreg+.ll..n of llorluotogy Erre.. F.01(1)1114 Statl . of Clio Utesros., 1 . 141, or IVOR.. Strollit),nud 1 ,all Cootplolot• 11.4.141... l I. 11, :e. , arlslog fr/o. lodlsr,tion or 11.11.118 of 111 sipotibo, It iPpl.cribo..l rs ho, ivc•ly l,y 010 mnr Fonlilll . lll 111,1 M gool for liulrol,lod nu ISOIII Sl,l, AliPlllll . ll ith ;toy "r oms). e ^~ ' r~ #, = =1 I=l 11l all 'hair matt , ,., at Halo ,proisa, 11t or a rhango 11//1111 : 1, 11n/ 11110111001111:1110, 111111 U 0 1,110,011• 11 1:11111001 tt hooluvol clesiro, and givial ,tr,hgth Utioata, thal ,•h3 i'eamt . ht Ohstrort•oon, -Tat, ho owl Corioz Stri, tor en 10 Ow UN:111111, All:1;011g 1 / 11111 11011 111110111111:10111, frqqa , al `fit th 4; thy on. nod wita•lling Poiomoos Matter. Thoonatala who have 111 , 11 11111 VIIIIIIII4 or hiaookia• tont ilionoox, and who hat, paid heavy pi rm t4l !a a shoat than, hay- 11311,1 limy 10100 1.1:::• /111: 1 0:11:11, :11111 14111 "1 . .100:11 " ha,, by 111, pow,ool aahhwt,ot," dried 1111 //I 1111:113/4 , 10 to hrvali alit Ih It ohne oggravah , 1 1 / 1 :111 111111 11: 111011 after Niarila no. llso II ND7AIDOII,II'rI EXTIt.ICT DUCIIU for ot Affect itom Dfo•mo,l 01 110, Ulinouo y to uloolow ox Intim; ii, MIT,. or Fenialo, from wlonitl.l . 'Vollghmtiog 1.1 , 1 or how loog 'fool u Plt 1111 , , 101.1,A IC AND I , llN`l' CENT, DO'rf E N 1"1`,. L 3113 OLD'S imrloArEn ROSH. wAsH lw attEpaiwaiil as Para IVaidi, and will a Go u ld a only apevilio ralnialy la every spay]. of Claim, zamrs=amenzum Fro I)•ym•ae, lollt . tutlitato of flit, Cutatio p. 4111.11111t11110. •tda.. 4111t1POIA 11111..111V1p101 11111111111113ti011. 111%141, Rash, Patetow. Dryitt,. or Scalp or tikla,,Frottf llltott, and all parptorti fo within Salves or Ointment pre used; restoreo tho skin ton state'of purity and noftorns, nail Insures continued itenitthy action to tits tissue of Its ves , els, nn solnloli tlopoints inn in:rev:o,le elentrness and Alone of comltlextett vo 111111 • 1111011,1111111111 114111111 1 11. 11111 howort.r volitribbl IN It remedy for extorting defects of time okln. - 11. Iletinbolni's home Windt lino long 111141111111111111 prlndple elnint to unbounded pstroontge, by poosesolog qualities NvlOclt reinter It it Toilet Apponlitgo of tho 1111/111, 1 1 11111 1 1111 We 11.1111 Cllllglllll.ll 01111. 1 1er, combining to ntt elegtint forint:l:i them, promltiont renniloiles, Safely and I.lllleller—tun lova- Outdo nevonnitontents of 1111 11 1 . 111•1 1 11 1 1111. 111111 1141 . 1 1 13111 1 1 . 111 1 010 C01111.111,1101l It Is 1111,X(11111t1111 bOl,lOll fin'lnlll . lll.ol. , ° ln Syphilitic Nature, inuil•ag au Injection for ilkeiiNca the Urinary Orgami, arklars, front hat its 14111.1)111i1011. 11N1.11 ill I'OIIIIOOMM with the INtraulA Dacha, S.irvap4illii, and Catawba 1111 w,. lu such ilinemieu c,aktii6ll hn EinrinaFtaql. Full and explicit directions .necompanylng the medicines. ...11vidonco of the most reFpopelblititll4 reliably char acter furnished on application, with hundreds or thousands of living witnossos, and upward of 30,000 tmeolicited cettiflcatcoennd reeomitunithitory loiters, many of which ova lona tho Jtighost sources, inclu ding oraliterit Physicians, Clergymen, Statesnion, eta, The'Proprititorlas never rosortod to their publica 101 l In the llowiiPaPors; he duos not do thilfrytn.the act,th,tt his artielos rank au Standard Preilttrtitfous o 160 do not nomt to ha propped up by cortifteates, HENRY T. lIELJNIBOLDS' OEN-HINE, PREPARATIONS. Dui letred to nny,teldreec: Rococo fronr °totem npward of Twanty Yo.wor fold . ny ritganAti ovorywhero. Addroan loiters nw 'Drama ow In conninnwo to HENRY T. lIELMDPIX, ?mig ht and Ohanddt. • • , ........ 'Only. Dopoto : IP. T. MENSIDOLD'S Drit4 . ' and Clionnlcal IVittol - tonso, No. 504 Broadway, Now .Yoric r to 11. T. lINLMBOLD'it Modica' . Dopot, 101 South 1;5 011 . 1 t Strout, niltupt.lilit, Pa.. DWARF, OF 00UNTERVIITS, kilt for .1111NILY T. IIEfAIDOWN I, TAIL 11 1 , 10 OTII RR. • • 30.c0701y - • L =I 1111ENZA , e . l l2l7 =Mßa l s7lftwmwa ESH - GROCERIES I ' FRESH GROCERIES I Alwayn twbo Lnd ritthe CREAP •STORE, No. 88 .Ea'st . Pomfrof Street. ATO why two they always fresh 7 ' Dreamt, WO Roll. It I,,ent amount of them, nod toll theta low. There- EOM, turn our utoek often, and consequently our goods froHlt. g yonwinli In Ilko way or_ • • lltivi•movatro, 1.11ar41 itt 0, • 11711 low Itnd • Coda MAYO, II Storm an 9 Crockerywnre, Choice 'Num, • 711 1011 Bologna, • lh 'l'ongnea, 111.1111. q nun Craclor:qof vvory , 14.xcript lon l'lvliled, Spiced mml Fl.l,ii Optdrl, 8111,1111,4,- 1,1•Inoo C y 1.11p54, &I , caul no and to N 0 'l' 1 0 N S . • It in 11,it'SS b, 1111'110011 1 . 01110 and HOU ror your nil cr,, 111/11 1131'11in if It lilllll Son to moo] yollo - eltlltlrtot, tin thoy u 11l Ito ,bull it lilt the 11111111` Cllll2 nv if you IvoriN hi your:toll ' . ALL KINDH ()P C:0 UN TR Y PROD UOR nnllang.• for g.. 1 1 ,14.1: Or Cad, GEO. 11. 1101WIAN' S. SONS, No. SS East Pomfret_,Streot, OAILLI4I,E . PA 'Watches and Jewelry CLOCKS, WATCIIRS, AND .IEIVE.I.ItY W.. I). A. NA IrGLE, PRACTICAL. AY ATCHM AN ER, • • No. 3 Inlioft's MARK ET SQUARE, CARL - M 1. 1 ,, PA., ono door weAt of the ritlitnleer Ofiler Would resporlfully old t"i frt.& d the imbue ht gonorul, that Ito lt , 1,1111111 . 11,ii the Watch and'Jewelry Business, in the ahoy.. Ininnal I.l.illl.iiir. whoa , ' ii la 0 , 14 , 01 110 any kind ..1 it in lin. , nilonlia, &v. llliving liventy p.a.' espial...a in the lasaln....a, I 1...11 51.1111.1,a 1 Situ give ..1111iinixatisTut.ii.o. 1.. all \Vitt, .aver mt• s,llll tholti work -Bpocial attention toad to the ropaiting of Nino Wateltem.• All work.wttrototecl. EIIIME = Z'UILNITUBE, _I , 1' IC A' I T IRE A 11. EIVING, CA BIN ET M All ER AND IN DERT A K ER, )11.st ~ n 't red," • 01'IN1S1TE LEE'S IV ABEIIOUSE,' Prvadant for Ilost I.'ll . llllmm. nuatal4al at :ill Catino. Purni tore of all cur Mt bil i s.] eign alul Domestic issim i tiict from the inalitimiTly tic• I st mil plc 01,1 FEMME PININH 1;00M, - KITCHEN (,1,1,101, 1," NlTl' E E F.411114:1 , mg 11 it it itsod I,y lion:. ni,ll ki•eprrs ;:Ins , 1% Wit,. I- ;It liilllll. in sl•It• ; It.Teptiott anti Camp Cliptit-4, %;;it; 4141! 1'1,111.,, I'icture:l, Sr ~4r. 7•w tiruhir attehtten given ILS ❑•nnl to Mueral, ta-.l.ri from limit null country ntlt • uilr•l inl promptly awl NIII 111101011111.1,1118. Special oil , Winn raid to MI Medi. qf Mill Pt. A 11. E. 21trinrch1841 DrY Goods, ,Cc NEW 'OOODS FOR THIS WEEK .THOS. A. HARPER, south Ilahorer Street, Carli:sle, spiliNG AND SVMMEJ Dress . Goods, n Al (Ircatly Reduced Prices \\'llite thmils and Linens topresenting_the Cheapest and Choicest Spring Inlportations Some Specialt in II iii•k . 7'1.'4 , awl .71.7.; Ham Itlita•L nt 21".• le,l A "'i..., HI 2 •• 1, , r ..t.ll. •• '1'1,1,1, , Id n , .n 1,1 Liam N•1s1.111., nl $l.OO • " 1 , 14 111.101,nd • In , r Oat A, 11 , In 12 1:11r. • 110, 11, 1 ~ 2 11'nr •2111•, pxt n, 11,1 Ci.1 . ..11. 111 74 NVil.llu , :II sl.l. , Ppor HI 2 xIH •11 12 , , • al nod np (1,01 11,4 va, qua I . ) t (beat lii 811„ UttliotAht Ilreat pl., U 31 1 4 .0.11 es I , 5.1.1111 mill.° x 55.1111 1/.4.1111g Dro's tm,rl,.t vaii..ls oh 1155055x,''1111 ems! 111.111401110 irkltores , or 555115 t IS, In 1 . 3.1111.21, 110, n compl,•te. toNorm,.., 110.55hnzi55t, (Ism:m[111:v (lowly Op.: lug, or Itrul 1,1.m1a1 E.. I rit r••I5 11150515. The Celebrated Joseph, Kid Waves at $l.OO Ladies' Tucked Skirts and Aprons. Cloths and Cassimeres Exc9cding)y, Chehp• A splendid guild.• inn Dark Blue CliiLh. liana Min Wig and Guipure tares pill] lin,+ or dnito,llcel . .ary clienp in any Dila bid, or ridi.oloio.h., • 1,01% PlucEs TO 11Fii In Dirnre plink sal- x. THOMAS 27ap71 • NEW SUMMER GOODS UST OPENED AT SAWYER'S 11=21=MIII=1 111xod I'nplinu " • Perralen Lno•uw Al, the eltenpoot lot 'I Sumner Hiatt Is s atill Lace' rellitx In the town dOORS! JVIIITE 0001. ! _ Cheap SWIPS. Cheap Tarlotail Cheap Nl,Honkx, Flrlped. , a eh..P ''lat, rh and Ilhihop I nwna. t Cheap Orga nil lex Cheap Plquo9 Chun. 19gnp Trininthiga, nn4l.Lacallinbrold 'erten, Lace awl Lltion Coiln and 60. Woven, llogery, kn A choice lot of Plirkvolo, 'lolling very clump Intlngjuxt, roturnod from tho Oily mud mndo n thorough' earualuntiow of,tho Dry Goode Market, 'T hare been able to 'name come rare lirgaina, which Loiter !wall irhe will m110'11,1,1 ace for theinoolvec. • A. , .SAWYprt • SPONSLER'S COLUMN A. L. SPOIsT§LER, Real Estate Agont,Serivener, Conveyancer, Insur ance anti Olahn Agent. Oliten Main Street near Centro Square. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PEI. VATE SALE.—Tho owner 601-Gus or re-, moving west, offers nt private sale a LOT .OF AROUND, situated on Bedford stroot, in the btfrOugh of Car lisle, containing 45 foot front by NO fort in tenth, and having thereon eieoted a • • ' • TWO STORY FRAME M OUSE • , with brick back - bulitling,_Wssh house, (with cistern therellOsmoke house, bako oven, and all riecenvary outbuildings. Tho property fronting on Bedford street lx 1J foot front by 21 feet carp. Tho Imo; building fronting on Looust tinny is 21 foot In front.. The property ix nearly clew, contains a storeroom, new occupied as It gnu...ref - ore - , in in good condition, and-ix admirably bitmacil for a business stand. Por tions Wishing to view the property, eau do so by call ing on the owner, residing on the promises. Por looms and forth, particularn enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, Real Evtate Agent 1121513 A Two-Story prick 157"elliirg For SA, No. 33 Smith Iledfuril Weal, containing two parlors, hall, annbinntchen on The flrat floor, and three 0111111. berm on Ilin xecnnd story, Irbil a finished ;Win: Lail: and front, stairway lonhanny to back building, anal grape arbor and IQ, drat, t fu the yard. Apply to A. L. FI'ONSLER, Heal .1.1,1nt0 Ago]lt MEM rp.l.lß'subscriber has several other vat prop‘rties for male ill digilolo parts of the lowil L which will he ete.itahl); t dirpcxr:l of Ite.al };;tat.• MMill A LANDS in the Sho nl'n 'l' Inith Valky fir s:llO.—A 11 ottilmr of lA/liable, nod highly immot ed farnto 111 the Volley" are fool 101' xnp , . The I run from 00 to 360 avrot. The Mini, nt of the beHt finality of liniestoom Folly toptAl, If not imporlor, to the Valley, :nor will-he dilln,w4_2f_nt nA,lll,,hrn g ly 41W 11)4111 . 1, 1110 extmmion of the euroberlitiol Valley Itoilrzol kilo Virginia, ox now surveyml, 11 ill ran Immodintoly ihrollglt _the Foetion or "roontry In which tll.ll 11111110 are lomttml, 10111011, tvl mn om com pleted, t•thor n lilt Om folvanntgo of dm §heimn- Muth river lrommortutlon trill gill. 1111(11 all the all vimttiges of Northern 10111 Emarrn Markol, A xplentlieltm.ort obity for locrativo Int et Lotent - g hero .1100,1. A AIII and taltiqte dirveription of the luention nail rharivder (.1 tie Id acid May le. hrtd,),) , up- A. 1.. F PONSI4:It, 11..10 11,1atu Agtmt, 1131 l g to 17t0h70 FOR SALE 011 RENT.—A coninio- Clops lon-Aciry !Frick, imitate rosidenre;uu IV,t Pllllll'o. ntret 1, ('.r11.+1, , , situated on a lot, foot 6,111. will 2.19 Iluot In depth, milli a stable and tairrlago hued, and 111.111111a111.0 of frill! Ibilrant In thri yard and good vititiaai. Alen, a two,tory I.rieli 11(11.1 a nd back on finrth Pitt street. Pininti,sion of ilio limner will Le glvon lintnoibiloly, nn l of the hat, 'on or . lifier Elio fir.! of July Tll,l. Apply to - A. L. SPONSLER, Heal E•La le Agiqa ME and l'imrare EXcELSIOII • S T.() V I , ', AND TIN kV AU le I , ', NI l' 0 R I NI The meh.r.hrllrcl w. hhl rerpe. 01.1 i . /...11.1 of Car ty, that oh the Z+ToVE AND TINWARE 1:1 all Its l..its 114 Ag..licy rot th,f011.1,011, poptil it Parlor 'and ()filet , ' t OYPS - Morning Glory, Morning Light 'Pavlov Ileiiter, I'.ul(. LigIII, = Combitiatirni (;as Burr., 1 , , t 1 1 elc a I1v1,111.11.)1, Ni 1,11.1 Heaters, Iron es, and Fireboard Stoves, 4 I, Ilk 11 Ito lkoparpot L.. forgin/Lot tho omtliot r..ttes. Slovo Iteproiog promptly oltorolo.l to. Ito. rroi Spooling. am! Johl.iog oxe cti .r.l !Ito toohl fctor) Immo. I TINWARE. ,? of ex, y rotimantly ott 1111.1 , circler, Ilayitig mow but c xporletiveol ‘viorkutont Ittqwn In tt cloy att:lllion lc , 1,116 i, Fs Ow public rill 4.13:tr. , . llctiteml.t, the 14,,r0, \ , t: is {VEST :11/cis t: ‘241,11‘ It The Weekly Slur TI4E SUN Ml= 1)01,1,11? WEICA:I,Y ANI SPA 11:1I 1.11.1AE \ ' IN: E Ni)•l' 1)8 %LT,' =I=UMII •141..1T .1. ‘V . P..1.. Tililli,“•, 1111 i lli. ..f 11•••1 I.kl•• owl ouq, I .11.1,1.1, II 101,1.1 U .1 (1•Ii 111' , N1 , 1t1.:1, F It I:ni 11. •iL . 1i On. ( . 0 , 11 ( . ory, I.f C 10 , II • 1 . 0 t =ID ..1111• 1.7 1 .1. • .1 ohniacla as TII I.V. I.nt n ot zam r. “11 , 1 Int tho ; , ms to if,. ss ...val.. , It van s, n s‘c• It i inn.n.l a MO,. 01111 121EMIIMM=IM wttlt 1;t1{.,1 Ir. ill it i..., ill -e. 11141.1•• tkilm :It.i f ark,. lo poi AU 111.• 11.,s • fr. In ..vor .eh 10. TV.. I,llt • 1,113 ; h> 111 . /111, 111,1(h, "1 Pin )011, TERMS TO CLUBS =1 Five 44•11,4, ye:tr, .oi antti•ly m1.11...41 FOUR 1)111,LAIC Ton 1 , 1111.4, ono ytir, Hop:tinkly' whit egrwl (and It oxtra (NT,' to Ch.' ter 1111 0/ 01110 . .1•:IIIIIT 1)01,1,AP.8 Twooty vopfoo, tow ytqtr, toletratelyiteillrew,ll Cote] si an erti copy to the getter op or, ) I It rt.ltN IWO eoplos, one.), or, to one wl.lrt.tt (nu] the ti• tot - IVeto ly Y., to weAtee op 14.01110 '1'1111:1 Y-TIIltt:111 . 11,1..1n1+ Fin ) xrphialrly 0111.: 1110 . yoal gi.llll. of • TIJII.R.TY-FIV DOLLA 144. Olio I coni. star, to 01/I . lllldre,S (:11Id I ft.. Daily r p.a. to Om gill, Op of c'tili.) FIFTY DOI,1•.1n8 • One liontli,•11 ropipt., on 1• yrnr, 14 . 141/11tay n/1111 . I'M1NI•II (MO the Ihdly.fnr lint' )(NIT In 01111 np of,•luL lAILLAIir•. • • ' .tier col Ir Imo yr.a. ,t•parat•ly udohrvoll EitIIIT I 01.1.11C.5. Ton tato your, I....paratoly tultitt, , setl (mot at e..py .L...0,11‘.1 . - up ot club.). • =l9 In orders, elnuelou, or draft. out Now York witerturvr coovonlont. II tot, then register the It.t terx eentahlivg money. Alluirruss, , • I. W. ENGLAND, I uuh lixlmr, . 2711141:bn • Fun Olney, Now York City. HATS' AND J G OALLIO, = 'CARLISLE, PEIsTNA::, I =1 Tho lIATrEIt ofEorllolo I I Tho hark stilenjuot recolved I Thu Intent styhui always on liand I I ' l4lltlf ITATE3IIront tho best Mmtufacturim VASIIIoN ABLE Ifth'S }tut nut I I If J. O. OALLIO grlshe 6 a to call ntloallou to tdr largo stool: Of t. HATE tIND CAPE . 1 0 Innniiihelorve Tinto to ctilvr,:ithil 119 tin) host riangonionto for coloring Itots,. - Woolon (Amnia, and Overeonti4 at ohort nottio. Th 9 highOittlAfill PRIORS paid for • • " C 0 ttN.TEY R S 4 - 0-azyn mu A OALL. - 60 . 110 ', 25. MAIN RTR7:ET.. /Osel Go 4M11•1111 , Eifel! Co VI zm. . , .111• MO ,Izal4 -\ I M g l ^ D 'CM 4a zi E22----23 A__ U U ' _ .‘ - j U SIES4I ;Zia . \, Ca l /3134:3.Uate • 411 = ) M) • \\ 11/26na = Saxton's 1-lard.waxe Store p 2 3 0 1. D, 4S i A 7,C . 7c, f 0 % 9, 1 r '- , Ai . :, f4A-5 r .c i li r 1,.... ..?.4, y - - .V :' .• .:,. , . .• „. • J .'il • . 1 ,5 _...4 . I§ . , 4 4 :_ : ,!t,, a, - 4 ~ 4 0 1, ;,,, , •:,4,,,(1 - _ ',,,,, .;,,,,,,,'_ At Extremely Low Prices. ()Iv; ANDIES, PRO [T-FIZO U. Thipititese, .. Poplins, . Silks, &e. Victoria Lawns ; Iv - anis/mks, Plaia mw,liss, French Moslins, Yosemite Stripes, ,Dignes, Cambries, Dress Lin 9 For Ladies' Siiils, All of the above New Goods will be sold ° , WAY DCM'N - BELOW REGULAR Pitiii:ES •'1 have thin day !narked DOWN the prices on my entire stock or sprin g Goods, in anti, to close out, to make room fin the I I LL /(:J' Bargains in all kinds of 11 , 11 TE GOons, Tinslins at, prices that defy coropetiliuu New lot. of Prints just feeeived, in lwattfi fill designs. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, lirnnlilltl t 1121: i w French apd English Suit ings. Now ready for inspvet Snits math) to ordor at short 111/t jet", by W011:111011 1 11111 now oirrrii':g n Sperial ryfrile iu 1 e HIP ,r 42 Sao s Q , Light 1 loiiso ()la. C•clel , ratull Brawl, at 3:i,•. -40 c, 50e ;Intl Inc. il i a cxeel any cver nlii rc,l at Ow above prices, • zr.,,7,-.A cortliNl invitation is \-0 to all to call ;It \IV Store, anti examine ,tool: !Hid I Iliet•S. • ir:ll L. T. 'GREENFIELD 9 :2:tie7l. No. 18, East Main St., CARLISLE. Supci im , Dry ir7,00,t,, G REAT nAimAINs DRY GOODS STORE CI I IN .11.1. K1N1.: 4 Dlt6°F nnnna \l".. tt.. f t :Ito, 1,1;f EMCEE 1=!! IMEMEMMEM MIEMEEMII=IMMS nli tit yrt•i! , ly rt•titp . t . ti liner Ettl Itittg:titts In Snni ('ENTRAL 1 , 0.1 l'arlvair, Ok• CIiNTII AI Vgn. %York d 11,1,11114 I ~ cO, Vloltp I int.l., rol 'l.itti , rif i ..: lllll;it: II 41 ;1111 FOR cLovis AND CASIMERES / • CHEAP, CAbl. Al TUB CHNTRA DRY'IIOODS &WILE. For all kinds or I>iory mill Cloves, • CALL 'AT 'THE CENTRAL DRY GOODS. STORE, CARPETS CARPETS, of every Grade' and desariptien, he sure o call at tho as WO aro now offering Spbeial Bargains in all kinds of cloons„ to 91000 nut tho Season. Alt persons that want td savo money' n buying Dry Goods and Carpets, can o so by.balling at the CENTRAL' DRY GOODS STORE. i • • LEIDIC)11 & MILLER. N. 8.--20,000'polinds of wool Wantecl fit the Ventral. • . t'!.Jc7l MI Great. Attractions AT , . „ - 1 7 1 . I, - . i, \ . .il.• u • . . ii... • MEW STOOK OF JUST OPENH II' 132), (lIIENADINEs I= 1 , 1:I:N II 1:1iNIIES. INDIA IrONIIEES, 133112 iIiNinIANI: 2 = I= I= OA VI, AT THE Cl NTRAI I=l I= I= Jr ' CEN7RAL; 111 MCI 1411(11(11. .. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVER Y I it WALKER'S VALIFoItSI.I VINE CI A It B I 'l' 'l' E n :; I lundrqds of Thousands bear Testimony to their' Wonderful' Curative liifeets. Eil=l T 1, ..) to e 'tkot n vile Polley Prink, old, or Itoto, NVIII,Ity, Proof Spirit:., tool Itefoso 1/A1,4, and itt,virortl to 1110110 the tobto, rolled TtINICS. =I 1)1:11 1.1111 OW !lila, nn th lrlmkonnew: awl raln, but aro a Imo 81. dinar, mmule frau, Oa. Native ItaataVis;ll Stltal:tla Thry aro Ilia t lauod Patifi , and .1 I.il 4.i% lag friar 1111. 0 p.a 11.'001011W 011.1 In. r dar of the ayalaan, rata) lug all p.1...n11a n,..t tor :1.141 the blood 0.11 110:11i113' 1.,1111/1- 1..... No p...,aa eau tak tloaallittc.rn ia an.l 11.1.1...1a 1.114 tin adl, Lonu•d are and de.lniyed by mineral nekon ..r ollua mid the ‘ital er,:n, ivd t , HI , 6 . . nil the point of 111.3ir. l'er Irian:amatory and Cill,llll. itheuinalihni and Gant, or Indigo:oton, Remittent, lead interinilleat Feverß, Di,rn.•s of the m o od, Liver, Itiduryx, and Itiadder, these Bittern have Lam most Harr, a to 1. Surli rinsed lip Vitiated Blood, mettle rangeniebt olthe Digualvo llyPpepsla or Indigestion, Ileadaehe, Pah, In the Shoulders, Coughs;Tighthesspl the Chetd,Div.viness, Sour Iruenknolui of the - Slommth, Ihtd heite In the 31oulh, 1111 i um Ansel 's, l'alpilstiou of the !leen. illillllllllllllioll of the Luogr, ruin to the region of the Kidutue mid n hundred (laur puinful symptoms, are the offspringsof tip:l,. 'rho) , la, Igorate tin; Stellte], and stimulate the torpid 11.er and laim hich t ender them of un• 4 , qualed efficacy In cleansing tho . blood of all Im purities, and imparting new life and vigor, to Om whole system. Billow, Remittent, and in tenni Lt«nt Fever, allielt aro on prevalent In the valleys-of our , great rivers thronelmat the United States,mecially those of the Illinois, Teutesseo,CnmLur l:uul, Arlititatas, lied, Colorado, Brazes, Pearl, Ale ] ems, '.111.11e, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many et Itt.r.rarb their vast It !Lt turf., during the Sum. mor and A qiunn, and remarkably ha daring NonlionS of annSaal beat and drytte , s, ore i itenriably •areoln. panted by extensive detangenamts of the stentach and Moe, sad other N issl.ra. Thole pre always more or less obstr,et lone of ace liver, a weak ness anti Irritable slate of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being elegAcil up a Mt vi , lated acconturations. In their treatment. n purgative eierting n lr worffil , Influelice upon these various oi.gans, a eueeullully Ilvev.ilry. There la no cathar tic for the pup,rm eqa:ll to Dr. J. Wit lker's 'Vinegar Bitters, as they trill speedily roam,' the dark-col ored viscid matter will, which the II mobs are loaded, at the same thou stlintilating the seeretiints of the liver, mid geort.ally resterlng Ihp healthy fitnethats.f the digestive organs. The unlyeml Popularity of, this valuable remedy in regimes'snb• •Jeci to miasmatic. Inatome., Is sufficient evidence - et, its powor as it remedy In arch cases. For Skin Dioases, Eruptions, Totter, Salt Rhoum, Blotches, Spats, Pimples, Pnatalea, Bulls, Carbuncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Ileac,, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Peoria, Discolorations Uf the Skltt, 'Wilms and MINISea of the S. lin,.of whatever Talmo or nature, are literally dog up and carried out of the system In a short thee by tho use of these Illtters. Ono bottle In such Cases will ConVilleo the most Incredulous of Choir curet Ivo, effect. Cimino thfi'Paluted Blood whennver you find Its impuritles bursting through the, shin In Pimples, Eruptions, or Sorry; elonnse It when yon find It oh• etructed and sluggish In the, veins; ,VIZ;1111.it when It is foul, and your (endings will to'l you when; Heop tho blood puro and- the, health of the syntorn ill follow.' Pin, Tape, nod Worma, lurkleg tho nys• ton of no many thousnuda, are .o'Ni uudy destroyed and romcived. For full dlrcelioun, read varofully the clrculnr nround each both°, ,printol 111 roar Inn gunges—English: oOrtnno, HrrneL, ❑nd Sitst)lsit. 4. WALKER, Proprietor. It. 11. I)O LD &CO Y Drogglots and GNI. Agento, San r...10c0. Oil., owl 82 and 34 Commerce itreet. Noe York. Sold by all'llroggistilital 81e0Y0-13, City Advertist7n en t. SOLID BILVIOR. and SHAER 14. ‘ln , r) WARE:— , Orrery deocripilon and Intexi 110R4,tio, sultablo for Bridal Gifts, Testlinonials, Holiday , . Presents. Prioto lowor elm the rigultor toorkk roma. Extraordinary Inducomelas to 101relittooro. GEO,II.IIEOLLTEL, No; 710 /troll of root, roltitivowd Old;i:atablildied Stand.) MEE=