Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 29, 1871, Image 1
111 E lIM 111 J. M.IV.EARLEV. 1 J. M.. WALLACE: CA ribs, J. A. ATIVOCr,, ISAAC AV. ATWOOD, :RANOIC & CO., COMNI I F.SION NTS, Whotn,al . o iivniejli In air tintiel of 9 • PICKL:IM AND SALT FISH, .1). 210 North -Wllarvos, • Alwyn 'taco - 6t reet, 10070 4 PHILADELPHIA • WHOLESALE KT CITY PRICES. Convfnntly on. haul, mill no !moiety, glover., epploillers, moils Ilex owl .Lute t, shift, frnts, camliric 10111 lintel leseilliverWs, linen owl paper cellare, mei marts, • triiiiiniego, lir:1111o, iilo,ol cotton, wallet'. combo, trot liiisery, 'stroppier potter and paper liars . lifers, siosii,t mill perfumery, ''hee block end 4LOVO c. Pc. No. 24 South Hanover .I root, Cool trio, Po smnirrut "DENTISTRY ! DR. J. B. ZINN, Having recently removed to No.. 01 North Hanover street, 'ln the hmise lately occupied liy Dr. Dale.) •Gallielc, Popn'a _ •win ivit hi i.. 14" to per got, nA ftc may regoiro. All work NI - Jar:lnto!. Wfoloio It. J nom BENOEII, • ,EopATinc Onic, iu 16 1110111 rOVIIIOriy 11,e1111 it'd by E. • BEL I , ZIIpOVER, . • - ..A2 ••• • A 'I"MILN I , N, AT LAW. in,,5.m.1 1 .111..vvi . ett loot, Itt•nt.i.'ll I try =I K IRK I'AT ICK R \S II ITKMA N Wholegalo[dors Ir MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, -x. E Nir.l Markeralterls, Philadoiphia F. I:IItURATFIR ME 4'. P. lICINIItiCH. AVM.' R, PARKER. TiUMIZICH AI'IOILNEVS Al' I. Oilko on Null. Hall. 111m.70 A"" °TT ' . )OIEPIT I% , No. 14 South Ilanovor stFeeti CA 111.1SI.1.:, PA. MEM ()lIN AV l 11111, , - No. 7: Illi.. ' t:11 1 1 .1 n ° 1 1 11 ' llll ' :iii l= josli;rit HITNER, ATTORNEV I,ANV ,NI) S171tVIVI)11., ",:orlotoirt ,, I'o. ulm, o ntrtyl, t‘to ttyrtli "r the limo:. • llttenalvd to. TbSEFII VALV, tJi ATTORNEY-AT-L A W. Practices in Cumberland and Dauphin Counties, Offlop-1 I.lg vp Pn. rot oll1c.• nd Irt.sA—rump 11111, (.1‘,114,1,1114 c•outy, I_jno7l ly C IPH. ArroAN EY AT LAW Oar Pa. Nu. 11,1thol•nei II:01. • A. N. M'CLUILE,. J. IT. M'KV.EIVAN NrCIXIZE iIUKEEITAN, • • ATTOItNIV' AT •LAW 14-1 Eunitr kixth ljr7711): 4, . . . 3) H. SII.A.3IBAIZGER, A. • JUSTO.7I.I OF Tim I'EACI, • l'l.Llikqeltl, Wesipoloail,,,,ro' towngliip. ,Eloilloot lima Colinty, l'i•tiji'it, All 1,11411..., t•DO•1141.•d t' hi,,, w ill reo .i‘,, p rn ,,,t. n at tt.tlon. . ui..to7u J M. WEABILICY. NV. Y.. PADIATIL. )VEA.K LE Y . S , A I).L Ell, , 22 l edV 3 ot. ' t Vi ti , x A t N t S I L ;e 0001 \VIII I tom+ 1101180. a )8660 WILLIAM KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. In Volunteer LtidWing, Carlisk. 108eG9 W. 14 . SHEARER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Moo In ztorthonst corner of the Cond. 11011141. 1na069 WES. B. 111.1tONS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSDLOIt AT LAW Fifth street below Chestnut, Con Li brary, - PHILADELPHIA. - - Cucumber' 111)od .I'stinps. THERE WERE sold in the year 1.870, 8;84.1. of Blatchley's CUUU.4II II IC 11 0 rit km: WOOD PUMPS, \I0:1 airing 21:1,fhl fent 110ungth, Intho uggrognte flm . • A.. Well Over Forty Miles Deep. Shullla In cstrnction—Rosy In oporatioutliving 10 . natty to tho Vator—l/urable—lloliablo sad Chou. The. Purnpi thole own bo.t For xula I,y Donlora In Ilardwara HIP! Agrioultural Imp'tumults, Plumb ors, Pump Maliors &0., through mutt tllo emilitry.' Cifea:ll,, AC, 1111011 111,- Idittltioll by truth or olharwno. Single Pump., forwardtal to purl!. In towns whore havo ligmata it of the - rogular robdi • prko: . . • u bnying, Ln cAr4ul that your Pump hears toy t iliark no above, as I gunranteo po other. CIIAS. U. BLATOIILY, Manurr., • OFFICEI AND WARRI2'OOSI, 62d C STREET, PHILADELPHIA To the • Young Men MANI 1001) ; 110 W LOST, 110 W RESTOIZED. ./mit rliblixliod, a new edition of Or. Culver well'n Colobrnt,,l E.Blly to, tho rtollral curl. (without Toed. 'chivy or Spormatorrhom, or FOllll/1111 W. .101.,1, 111. voillitt3ry Sundial 1,11.0.14, Impotency, MPIII.III and I'llyxical I neap:wily, Impinihnentg to Mitirlogo.l:te.; - ttlgo Cotonunutlou, Epilopsy, and Fits, induend by SolelotlialgtNico or Sosual Egtravagauco. • EV' . Price, in a sealed envelope, CC= Tho celebrated 'author, In title "admirable essay r I early demonatratea froth a thirty years' successful p rootlet., that tho alarming congequencea of self-anon° may 110 radically cured, without thoilangerons ate of Internal medicine , or Ili& application of tho knifo ; painting out a modo of ciao at onaO'ainiple, certain and effectual, by 111talln of which every oufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may corn himeolf chruply, privately, an radically. Ard - This lecture should be intol 1111111121 of every 'youth and every man in the land. . Pent under seal, In a plain eirvelope,.to - olly address, postpaid on receipt of nix cents, or two post stamps., Mao, Dr. enlvorwelPs "Marrlago Guido," privy 25 cents. Addeots tho publlsliera, • CHAP. J. C.' If 1 - ,INE it CO:, 127 Bowery, NOW York, Post MA° lion; 4,550. 2Jnnc7o • Livery on . a. Salc.Stables SALE, Alill EXCE.ANGE J. L. STERNER & In rear HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO HIRE ON I‘EABONADLE TERM, AND AT SIIORTEST NOTICE CARMACIRS FURNIFRED FOR P. NRRALB Arz , N. ❑ Stithlo .room for 50 head:of hot. noon hoop, Ilfob7o • • T . I.IiTNY AND EXCIIANDN, .. • .130'0911 .llnving recently. purchased the' livery stablo of fine. W. Itlltml, they would renpectfelly announco • to the citizens of this place, that thoyd'avo recently - purchased a number of new vehicles. In edditlon,, also, they have had their outiro clock of buggies, • citrriagen and robe, • ' • RE-PAINTED, , RE-MODtLED - ' had naihinai..ap lii the Intent city style. • • Horses -and Carriage,' toiliro at time "honest V NoTIOE, ANON pIIABLE TERMS. ' Vehicles furnished for al econsionn. ltomeniber placo,k fow doors clitithuf tho — O. V. IL It. do-. pot, lo Q. W, Hilton's old amid, ,I:2Jo7ltf ' . 310.911 & ungrz.- , ~ ,h , r • , . • , • - . , , •-' • • • , , • . , . A , , . ~ , .. , ... . .. .. ... , •,., _ „., ~, ,•:.• . t..„ . . ~,, • ~, , lIF • AL .. . ME BETSY :DESTROYS THE TAPIR? • SECiIIEL BETEIT AN D I ARE . OUT." By Rev. Peti.oleym . F.,lVitsbii.. rvo f.reught hack the paper, lawyer, and tetchy • • • Om parson here, To nen thnt Odor aro 'regular, settled .up fair mid clear; For rvo 'been talking with Cal 1,, avid hm hilked with no, • AMI the 'mount of 'lt In .we'ro minded to try oneo morojongreo. Et. I Clone ho,lll,l3—nn , y n inn, d to wly (Caleb I, Nnl;iuc p comp to day), JUMI4O ton pill uml par,on 111.10 111.11 WV' \ - 0 ellanget our tnind; • S, ril'aar -tile popq, lovyer,•you nr II 16154 Figm,4l. - 110 W. I vOllOlll4 rrwly, I'll walk with Wok to ward:llon,, I waLt to 111:tik him fat xginio Vwftl. 1011, of 111111 to ca.°, lIJo shownd Ito 1; hr Abkii nplrlt, 314.1 by to nrn raid Imo; miglitn't. Lncu C 111111,04 till! : Mind, mrillit 0, II • 110 . , 11,11 It hiwyt.r too. Thom:—flow good the non !veto, and flu groan nm blowhe treen ; Soinethipg ;thong them lawyerrt ritrthex Me fool It to freeze,' I Wll,l not home! to atom partigh Tars to that limn, Itut• ;!`, li g ht hint !toe ..hottld hg , w, par,on, item out change of pine. I 1 a'.l beta] a•wavorl,' a litt:r, Cal..b an• And Wiilllo , l tlll,llatl'fill phib t tho bottom of th El= I ge,4 'twas the preyl , l. you 4,thl I let vveeing,lllll 1)' lOW ii rile you That llutwi , l!ho het• uq, oted brought. ehing El= =En Ynu are, whoa runup to Ilvioton, thoro Wit too couldn't divide; - There W. our twelve-plar t,lkt baby, oho couldn't • ha ouElollud To go m.llll onl , br till. ollior, but jo:41 'whitop i•rio' low, • • .I'll slay With 1,111,1 nutl nimanor, and who, they J Xlll\ A. SWARTZ W. W MEM Th.•o Otero IVII4 Ornticl•lro' , 311.1..—1 n• .11.1 .ir wtAtling ;lay ; Ilt• ruin laa l Ma,' , Ijiilll.l Ita,p oJa 0/d01,'4 h.d on „lip troll. • • •W Ith tho .o•eid old °mom w,rkod tuo•Tryphooo nod look,. alit' It logan to In, It titl 11/11110“3-11t It grew. Inntle still, 'falkin . of Caleb ontrtl.lkln.4l ,two nt 311.111,00 n Threl.dollathdt ttt•t•h 't..Ttid et nt ; 110 1111.11di 11 . 0 11,Jrl'of _ I. lipar,l nl Ilio =I Anti. alaio a .I,•inn +irlpi• I shirts, 15111 n pair a • wimps tiro ittr, ,Aucl ho was U rut n fief Tway , . foul tho I,lb hen t the Fltud ; 4 Save your c!lnshinig• Btops mach In frosty ,soatlfor' lh hrnught. nu Iho pi•n at latit ; I h•lt nnil hr Lonlit•ti nL hr ii l u.;th near , In thn Spring nfAisty tbrcn• • • tg.` thrn poi 41n1..• I In. itreon; wasn't much that WII4 Latil,llillll . oll, 1110 O" lln thing was k Mod tqoin• 41.111 GEM I ,Ituultl In makecooros:inu n o t il m r 1.1 Thr GmIP Wm all on lily Adr, ulwl 1111 , e1,11S my • way. it it inn). In fruit that WO1110(1—tin , 11.0 , 'tin Aru n ttiflo amp , Vggrll,lHlC than 111,1 kIIOW huot to Then, parson, thy wasn' pi lulu' .il; And the church adolonlo' with . 11., 'tuna. woye that crusted toil; Anti I'vo thought, and so hue though nutyli WO ore wrong, If they'd kept to their own huAittoiip, we OHIO linvo got along. .40 There was I)Paron . Amon Purdy, a good muu II! Iv, know, Pat hAdn't a gift of lahorlo', excapt with it scyth and.hoe; Then .t Irad c tote over In peAch than from dm Nt'll bur neighborhood. " Sondon of prayer," they called It; didn't do a, atom of good. • I'll 101 l you 'Lout 1110 hol for—o In. - of thr Moth. and 14 , 0 Thmt Moth, Bphm tm" gnvu mr, thr Fall wn moym ' ual Wool.; Ilit . froi to own it tiled ow Hod, raki, and nay died of rOnvol-I,ma—n ,i•ov, that milkoil fnn PO I 11001111'1 Rp•ko needn' , Lure 1)1 , 0010 rrnss, And Raid mid thrnga, :net hinted Ina if 'twin all al! Inss; And is all I.nek, paraip; that fire 011111' Vnr 1,1 . 01111 ; . Thengh tim Coo" wmc eh , lced with n turnip, I Rove, Lad a doubt. MARK. Then thorn are plain or doctrine, null vies,, of a future stair, wltilag t., et,t, can't 1.0111:tflurtl In wait,- . 'Tiron't bring the tailleniant any wnsl u due, Although I fuel artuurant.o that nl9tto'B ills Scrip• turn! view. But the lit, etnleet trutlet of the Ville, I've learned In the text, We hint with a candle to prove uur ,doetri nes I,y, But them that Nunn. le 103 In eurrow, mud Aun 4V - fire ' MI our knees, 'So if ettleb won't , rgno ou free will, I'll leAve Orme the tleeioes. . One notion of Onleti'll, Fe, 0.11 , radon minty and dim; I wish, If it COnleri OnnVeniOnt, you'd ellonge it word with him. .It don't lotto ntand to mono ti, nnJ for guolet it Isn't Gleam, Thtt folks love bettor In brayer, for luollg gimr roind hero. Pee' nu finch no espelationi wny, jiarein, if thitl You needn't have wm•ked n i I:titian] to reconcile, folhe helow. I hold nOothor °Onion, fuel hold It otrulgi. t nod egnare, - If wo can't b• poon,eoble here, we wont he pence " üblo thorn. - o Rat thoriio tho . requOonfo mole, you know It,.toar son, about Hein' had under tho 'mottle., that his own Inind, Bet nut, ' And Ole to Ire L11!111161110 hum, whon my time rumen to go, . Ax If-as If—don't mind ray; blit 'etrnek that owitrtin g And now, that some scales, nu wr •thlnk, have fallen from our eyes, • brooklit n oriels Imo math, no both . moro wise, Why calob Bays, 110 HO' say I, till thin Lord iiiirts, •• Wo'll lovo cool, °Orr Indlor, inid try . our. host to SOMEBODY hae vritton a book entitled "'What shall my son be 2" UTen which somo ono replies, "11 the boy is as bad as the book, the chances are , thatlO will. be hanged." - A RESIDENT Of XIIIRDIRZOO writes to "school boared" in Obio that be will take a sebool, as ho has taught 2 tortns school &.I attended College 4yrs at de- traitmiehigauand dm 27 yrs avago !u Indiana paper notices tluk death of 'a old aubsoribor,_ and touchingly adds ; "Wo arc sorry to'hoar of 'tho . dO s ettlyof any of our subscribers who are prompt in paying up." SOME young yandals in Cincinnati, recently stoip tho inside of a poor organ grindor's machino, and lib, being -doaf giound away tho,noxt morning in:bliss. ful ignorance of Nita - bad happened. BEERY DAY LIEE. ANNUAL ADDRESS DELIVERED BEFORE TILE LITERARY SOCIETIES„ QT LATAY ETTE COLLEGE COADIgNCEMENT, EAti- TON, PA., TUESDAY ~'VENING, JUNE 20, Ism NY ' A. N. M'CLUIIE. Gentlemen of tlte'Literary ,Soeielfes. I have chosen a common, homely them!, •—Every Day Life. Many of you may hastily prohounce it, uninstruetivo. It is not set forth in your list of studies. It is not a. favorite .field for rhetoric. Most students habitually overlook it. It does not mingle with the pleasing -in spirations which are busy weaving future garlands for the graduate. It_may__ un- 4ettle some delightful castles reared by your. moments 'of repose from NV, , eary labor ; but it js the life we each and all must live. Lee us look at it soberly, and cultivate it kindly, and it will re ward us with many cheering smiles and charming attributes. I- While onr every Clay life is the theme that should be most familiar to all, ke is the one important part of education hat is, most neglected. You may hero be come what the world of letters -calls a great scholar, and yet be to the world, and in.the world, a,novice.. If success ful, it will be an accident‘; if usefdl, it' (- will be grudgingly acknowledged onl when you arc dead, if even then. Me -0 scholrship, in its relations to the grc t purposes of human life, is like an intrn eat° machine inunskillfulhandr. While it Will run itself, It is well ; but when eit . wants direction, its beauty and its me chanism go for nnught. ' Our colleges and higher schobls are of inestimahlo value, but they cannot do everything for the student. They.can store the mind and fit the man for the ceaselesS lesson of life ; but when - they have done, the work of learning has but commenced. When you shall have passed safely through your recitations and examina tions. yon dro just fitted to enter the boundless school that is over open around use . The world itself is the master teacher of its countless pupils. It has no sessions or vacation's. Its vast books aro Over closed. Its million-tongued voicos arc never silent. Its precepts and admoni lions; its gentle :missions and vengeful mandiltes, throng upon us wherever we are. In its sources of instruction, aim ing to make man each day better than before, it is as varied as the handiwork of God and yOt bow -many of all the litiinb profitly those multiplied teach ers as they swiftly Pass? You have read, and doubtlesS huoted, the trueisin that "the proper study of man is man." It is the plain, broad channel of advancement, for the study of man inyolves the study of everything. For hiin nil things were created. - All of the world's beauty is but tribute to his excellence. All of its thorns and brambles are but chastening rods to snake him mindful of the purpose of his being: The grandest themes of the painter and poet relate to his destiny. The pulpit is inspired by the story of his redemption.: Senators and commoners win distinction only as they promote his happiness, and that heroism is enshrined over all that has achieved his ameliora- It is an imperative lesson to enable us to know something of ourselves. Whether wo would pay court to the fickle goddess of fame, or aspire to wealth, or to usefulness, or to the near est possible perfection ,of human char actor, the ono unending study is man. The supremO problem that confronts the faithful student from day to day, and from year to year, ever revolves closely about himself, mid yet it takes in its scope all of natures infinite variety of ever present and ever changing text books. Look out upon the world's tnmultuons school. Each ono so like his fellow,. and all so unlike ; yet each varied uKle`rstanding is bountifully furnished with endless sources df culture. Did all pursue the same beaten path, tho world would be monotonous, and most of,its beauty and teachings weld be lost. But no two have just thowSie as . drations, or garner the Kuno harvest, from the same field of thought, while the larger number go out and come in, from the cradle to the grave, and aro insensible of the riches they have cast aside. The absorbed astronomer may explore the heavens when opportunity is presented, and then pass on through the world un- - conseious-q-its-offerings. The geologist may delio,into the recesses and,rocks, and forget the living in his search for tho-records of the past. 'P he scholar of bookS Performs only what softie other mind bids him—all else arc sealed treas urers around him. lie could solve Jim most abstruse problem for the student, but would be confounded if asked to solve th'e problem the student himself presented. Many righteous mum teach from ,the holy I3ook, and teach in vain. They, know only what they teach, and not to whom they teach. The thought less, plodding son of toil rejects all things save as necessity becomes his master.• Thus do the learned and unlearnedjostle on, like truant children, discarding the best moans of usefulness to their fellows, and dooming to pitiful tbraldoni,the im mortal element of our existence. • If I were to call upon the learned young men before mo to tell of the groat epochs of hu history; you monld . answer promptly and correctly. I could tell you nothing of tho world's mutations that would be novel to you.. Bo much you have learned, or aro learning, Do not understand -mo as assuming that you should have learned more, for I have already told you tlurtilife is ono linen& -ing-lessOn,; and-here r , when all has been done that can 'be 'dope, you me only fitted to begin the groat study. Lot mo kindly, and, I trust, . pleasantly and profitably, lead you' froth the stilted Place that useful ambition :builds, to loOk into the fOuntaing wbioli luao given the world its varied eras. You intro studied its hordes, its sages, its patriots, its poets, its scholars, and 'its masters. I would now have you study, the sources_ ..Whonco they Came.. The marked events of the. world's his tory may always ho traced to the every day life of the peoplea who worgthe chief 'actors 'therein. You .woukr point to" Crosar Alexander asthogreat,hero of the ancients ; but without Rome, just as sho thou was, what. could Comm have boon? and without Groom training ;mono' vast military, cainp; `Aloxander might , have boon a slavAnstoad of - the conquoror of the world, 'Howes are made, amr. tin made, not' by circumstances - .alone, but CARLISLE, _PENNA., 1 4 HURSDAX, JITNE 2,9 1871• heroism must over be the joint creation, of the man and of the occasion-4e peo pleibust find their true type with the particular elements of excellence which meet 'their,",supreunp want. ~ We speak thoughtlessly of great leaders, forgetful that they are created, and that their foli loweys have bad much to - do With their creation. 'Rienzi deserved greater honors from ttomplhan ever did CiCsar, Yet,' the one was master of Rome:When she was mistress of the we'll, and the other failed and full Ignominiously, and is remeMbored cinly at the last of the.. Tri bunes. He was not overthrown by rivals,: as was Cesar, when 14 foil at the foot of the statue of Pompey. Tv3 - fountains of ambition which made Brutus a murderer,-gradually.coursed like subtle poison through the ranks of the :people, and patrician and plobian. id& were , tainted and paralyzed.' Cesar had a Party, and Antony a Party. but Rome had none, and the sad sequel is• told in the single sentence- 7 -" Rienzi. fell from the vices of the people." At last'a mere handful of banditti possessed Um capital of the once proud'empii•c, and her liber ties were overthrown because her people had lost, all their noblest attributes. Washington was ; perhaps,JhtLetibuman who could have won* the Independence of the colonies,: and yet 'there worn these in the revolutionary away, no less ,brave, andlnuehmore brilliant. It was rare wisdom that called him to the chief com mand. Iliad Arnold commanded, ho would have lived a patriot, fought des perately, and ;lost his cause: Between Washington and the people: there was a common inspiration. They mutually lived, mutually- followed,' milnally saf fMnd,:and mutually triumphed., The de sire for liberty became part of the .every , day life, part of the evey day devetion, of the colonists ; and the patriot hero be came the Father of his Country. ' Let us for a moment transpose the two chief military leaders of the early part of the present century: Transfer Napoleon to Britain and Wellington to Prance. ' Could the're have been a Iliarengo, or Austerlitz, or Waterloo? had Napoleon been,iu the English army with all his fiery zeal;—he would have been ashierecr before he reached a colonel's commission ; and had-Welling ton been under the eagles of France, he Would have lived and died a subaltern. But ea r th in. his ow 11 army was a. great captain, and each typified the peol)le, ho sosuccessfully commanded. The people of France-created Napoleon ; the people of 'England made Arthur Wellesley Lord " Soldiers ! from_ these. Pyramids, forty centuries contemplate yeur. actions," were Lime inspiring words of Napbleon to his victorious- army in Egypt.' "England expects every. man to do hiS duty," was the strongest appeal that could be-made to the British soldier. NaPoleon would apostrophise the "sun of .Ansterlitz,"„;and hurl his columns into battle like the whirlwind; while Wellington would silently, calmly and stubbornly maintain his position in presence of defeat, and wait for Blucher. The people of these two powerful nations moulded their leaders, and through them moulded their. own destiny. Had they been differently educated and- inspired; they would have created other leaders, and the -annals of . their heroism . would have been no less glorious ; but the names to which- ambition so proudly points would be unwritten therein. Na-. poleon quickened and' developed, but did not create, the every-day life of the people of France. The ripening fruit fell before the fitting harvester, and since then France has obeyed,- but never loved another name. Never was site so groat as under Napoleon I. -The glory of Franco was in the keeping of every household. I lonesty, vigor and advance ment inspired all classes, and their every day life was written in blood on the battlefields of almost every nation of Europe, and commemorator n the grand column in the Pitied , Vendome. But people, like individuals, never stand still. All 'exceptions to this rule are but insignificant. Franco gradually and imperceptibly 'declined under tbe restored Bourbon rnle, and% was really for the gnawing cancer of the second .empire. .They. worshipped' the mono of Nalfeleon, and gave hearty enthusiasm to the feeble .inifintions of the weak pretender who usurped the throne. They. merited .their ancient.renown in the. Crimea and followed their new emperor ,to Italy ; but decay. was in stamped upon the French natio'n, for her once great people were enfeebled by studied profligacy and debauchery, ,and their decline grew mere maiked with each returning year. , At last the tm:rible avenger came. It was not so much Prussia as the every day life of the French people. Under 'the ..first Napoleon Prussia in ight havellef O ated them-in brittle, but their honor andtheir nationality would linvo been, preserved. But their destruction Was.hastoned by a feeble and corrupt and'corrupting Court, until all France could not create a leader, because her people had lost all their mialifies of greatness. It would seem that en overruling ProVidence meant for all mankind to have a most impressive lesson in the.late France-Prussian war. WO read and speak of, Bisninrck and Napoleon as if they Weio its authors. Th 4 were ,but borne by the flood-tide to - the grand consummation: llad Bismarck been a yrenChmati, lie would have rotated from local turbulence to exile ; and hail Na- Poimin heen a Prussian, ho would have ! boon a third rate- author or a Soldier unknown to fame. But while •CNrance • -wasAcelining - in - the - morali mental and physical qualities of , her citizens, the German people, under a weak but honest , rtfier, - weto advancing in all that; de velops and ennobles a nation. : It was. said that tho Porn= universities uMphed over the .ustrikns at SadoWn, and' that in the late war. the soldier of You Mbltko marched with a4rofetiernis Own in his humps:wk. These are ex- Pgdorated bnt significant delineations of the every day life of the Oorman Teo* •who won at Gravehittob, at Sedan, at Mota, at- Strasburg, and at Paris. ,The. ovory:day : purity, patriotism, indeStry, 'foligions,Mial, and! univarhatoducation of ,the GerinaiVpoople,, ripened !thorn for 'German unity. , Tlio Fatherland in their love, and * Bismarck: was'the master arphithet to rebuild the lest ()Mph.). filear sighted C4oFman statesmanship, called as the best-typo of, the iiatiort!pwant,itudho saw the founda,:, tions well! , and everything nt bquA for tho imposing 'structure. 130 could not miscaleplatd thoTonturo. The every day life oT forty millions of Germans was steadily And surely preparing them for the groat work, and he, gathored tho fullness, of their just reward.' now wears tho imperial, crown, and the Princes are marshalS of the oppiro, and Bismarck' is prince, of the realm—all wearing. wolf ,earned honour; but .the thoughtfulhistotian Will record the story of the households of the •fatherland, 4nouldiv the solidarity of the Germa❑ People. ' ' . ..Thereniopyhe 'lves made memorahlo by I the every day life of the Spartan pc . olle: - They were not mdro courageous than the other soldiers of Greece, but they -Were a law unto themsokcs in warfare. Had it been an arbitrary decree of a bloody despot, that they should. never retreatliubattle, they Would have defied it, Had it been an unexceptional coin ntud of Leonidas, IC7lllght have been disobeyed without peril to reputation. But it - was - the law of tile Sliartfm - people; made by and for themsclVcsf,conceived by. their idofatry of unfaltering bravery . , and it wfis obeyed by the soldiery because 'each man was but obeying himself. They could haVo retired With credit, according to the generally accepted laws of war, as did their comrado ; but they had erected their ow-n strange standard of heroism. None could hope to survive the unequal conflict, but death itself was as,nothing when weighed against the honor of the Spartan citizen in arms. They fought., and 'fell, and 'the cpliunn that commemorated their' willing sacri fice Pore the faithful inscription—" Oh stranger, go tell to' the Vaceilemonians that we lie here in obedience to their You would better appreCiato this im portant lesson whch wo glance at the startling events which have Just trans pired in our own . midst ➢Lost of you were susceptible of intelligent convic tions, touching_tho great war of the. rebellion from its beginning to the con-' summation of its logical results. It I's Said, however, that children believe that all. 'the mighty revolutions of war or .peace happened long before they and it is quite true of men as well. Few, indeed, who Witnessed the colossal struggle between the North' and So ith, can inciistirii its Marvelous achieve is or its momentous consequences. Its heroes liprang from our every day circles, and we cannot, invest them. with the romance that history will weave so beautifully about th'e'n. The grave questions to be deMded in the cabinet and in the field; we decided ourselves in our every day actions. Our everyday edUcatiom and advancement V advanCed the statesman and standards of the nation, and .s_ll people xv wore almost imperceptibly and unconsciously work ing out its crowning triumph—Man's nobleSt struggle for Man. Tho thought less and superficial blamed the politic ians, and charged them with' the country's misfortunes. It was not so. They were bad. enough, and may havir quickened the-conflict ; but when the passions of civil strife shall subside, and theim partial historian comes to record this most thrilling annals of civilized war fare, it will be truthfully told, that two bravo . and powerful people had ex hausted compromise 'on irreconcilable 'differences of national policy, and ac cepted the inevitable arbitrament of the sword. A quaint, uncouch and untried man, was called to the chief magistracy of the nation to grapplo with issues of incalou labia moment. Experienced and culti vated statesmanship Was appalled at the consuming disoj:der that beset the gov-. ernment,poi- little faith in the 'wisdom flint was to guide the old ship through the tempestuous sea of bitter sectional estrangemMd. lint the guided star of national safety • was the single hearted and faithful ruler who was from the people and. for the people. I have hoard him in lament profound sorrow,. in the dark days of tli6 struggle, that scarcely a score of. Senators and .Con gressmen were in sincere accord with his convictions of public duty. It was their prerogative to counsel and. eom plaim=it was his to deckle and to act for thirty millions of countrytium. They bowed to the expedients which arose' with each day—he was the guardian of ; the noblest patrimony' that future gen erations could inherit. He resisted-the imperious demands of one-idea leaders, until, id his calm, - patioet reflection, ho felt that the fullness of time for the great epoch of the war had been reached. He looked solely to - the necessities and to the sentiments of the people. "What I do about slavery and the colored race, Ido because I believe it helps to'save the Union," war> _one of his trite mid Pumpnt sdnteneeS addressed in replyLio - a :sincere criticism ;, and it frankly de fined his whole policy on tho'great ques tion that was. convulsing friends and foes alike. Wad he been a supremo trickster, or what the world calls a trained and subtle statesman, ho might have made the wounds of the country' seorn IeSS ghastly than they wore, and deluded the people' to be content with healing the surface, leaving the terrible gangrene deeply imbedded in the body politic, to sap its vitality and ' finally break out afresh with 'resistless vire.: :lance. But fie believed in self-govern ment, and believing, lie maintained it. At pettysburg, hr dedicating the rating place of the martirs who fell in the de cisive battle of: the war, he declared the high.:resolve that ever animatedlihri== that' governMent of the people, by the People; and fOr the people,t7diall not per ish from the earth." He advanced only as the people advanced. When they fal-• tared ender the grinding exactions and ebrif sacrifices of the conflipt, ho parleyed until thay;were : His whom adininistration touching. the threatened disinainberrnent of the republic, was lint rho varying'record of the every day cur ;rent and inspiration of the great fowl : . ,tain of popular Power. :Its violence .wits :severely criticized, but it was over ,rocicod upon the tioistorous waves •of revolution,: ,The whole - contest, from its inception until -its issues wore finally .do-, cided, was .but ono continuous revolts: , tidnary progression. It, was honestly , :and earnestly assailed' I.iy' tho highest waves of partisan boatility, but he was fathful in one supreme:purposecif ) na, tional unity; and a people equally faith 7 ,ful, , 'generously .forgaro'hintin7ell minor issues whaV they: could not approve. Haflho bemoaned to tho Prosidemay before.the war, With nothi› , but the or dinary strife to quicken - the pulsations of the national heart, ho would , haVo been but an ordinary, and perhaps an unsuccessful executive. Un schooled and unapt in political manage ment, ho would havebeee paralyzed by the abler :61 more adroit Machinations' of jealous rivalry, - and the higical so 'gnome must have been a failure. But a great occasion, impoSed great duties upon the peOplo and upon their chief ruler. .It was for them to count the cost and pay the appalling „tribute. -;They felt, as their President so forcibly ex :pressed it in his first. message—" essentially a . people's • contest. On the side of the Union it is a struggle for maintaining in the world that form and substance of government, whoSe leading object is to elevate the condition Of' man ;" and the Man of the people only could 'successfully load them, through fearful tribulation ; to their natural de liverance. Bad Mr. Lincoln been a citizen 'of the . South, and ardently in sympathy with its cause, he could not have adminis tered the government of the Confederacy for a twelvemnsith. Nor could Mr. Da vis, with his,cenfosSed . administrative ability, have Conducted the war as the Executive of the Union. Mon of the typo of those two rolersWero most rare. in both North and South during the war, and sincerely devoted to their respect- We sections ; but they,were felt or unfelt just as their leading characteristics Were in accord or in antagonism with the great purpose of their people. Had the causes of these two civil leaders 'not been egsentially and irreconcilably a varianco,lthere would have been. no dis severed' States and - no war ; and being virtually discordant; their rulers and he roes were created for widely; different purposes,- and of necessity from the most opposite elements. Each Was tho true creation of his own people, and I believe that both filled the ' possible measure of the duties - assigned them. One was successful,"aud success is the most successful of . all human rewards. The other failed, and must answer for all the errors that failure - so greedily groups and magnifies. • Tho Confeder acy was roared upon despotism. Its . , boasted corner-stone was' caste - . Its theory of government , avowed the ineMiality of human .rights before the law. A geld, polished, able_ and sincere despot only could crystalize such a move ment, and accept a conflict that braved the progress of enlightened civilizati t on. ile was theoffspring and the parent of a monstrous wrong. yowever diversified their 'Views may have been at, the begin- . ning r for four ,years the Southern peo ple waged war for the dissolutiOn of the Union; and proved. their devotion h_l7 many 'bravely contested battle-fields. Their President -was but their chosen leader, their faithful exponent, and his failure was but the consummated failure of the every day life—of the hribit., con victions, and, teachings, for more th n a generation, of eight millions of . our el ,(. low citizens. ' , Equally marked, were tho opposi e re quirements of the Northern and uth ern people, in selecting their gm. cap tains from widely opposite char ctoris ties of Military genius. Grant ed Leo wore confessedly the heroes of the san guinary struggle. 'ln their espectivo positions, none could be gre ter—none more successful. But had Gr et been a confederate and Leo a fede I„ both would have been good soldiers 'either a successful General. Both cached supreme command over stars wh h had glittered and paled, because t ey re- spectively filled the measure of ' their • People's necessities. The contest was unequal with respect to numbers and resources. The South 'required pp. ge nius to husband, to protect, to give bat tle only when superior forces were neu tralized by position circumstances. The. North demanded swift and crushing blows. Its hunger- cry was, battle— Victory 1 One sought its most trusted :and skillful defender i, the other called for its most. persistent and obstinate as'sailant. Tho South found its type•of a warrior earlyin the strife. The North would have revolted at the Wilderness campaign had it - boon attempted ono year earlier. In 'the late Fall of 18(11 I heard the inquiry mado of a gellant officer, who subsequently commanded I. the- Army of tho Potomac—" Why do you not advance I"' The answer was— "'Wo could move directly upon Manes - ses and Richmond, and capture both, but it would Cost ton thousand mon. to * it," and cavil Wasiedlenced. Ten times ten thonsand_ men were' killed, wounded and missing •in move ments woll'moant to economize the ter rible sacrifice. Then half as many., more fell in the campaign of 1864, which was wisely planned in acorn Nvith the nation's inevitable need, nett executed with marvelous heroiSm and skill. Grant fought just ono defensive battle during the war. .Ho lost it, and lost his command. Loo conducted two offen sive campaigns, and both wore disastrous. -"I propose to fight it out on this lino if it takes all Summer,", was Grant's echo from the Wilderness, of the throbbing popular heart in the . North.: "A re newal of the engagement could not be hazarded," were the sober words with which Leo assured the South that though Gettysburg was lost, the army teas not sacrificed.. Those , _chieftains' were the faithful creations of the every day liVes the purposes, the hopes, and the wants of their people ; and their achieve ments were but tho patfent)y and pain fully wrought consummation - of years of mingled thought and notion in the home of tho nation. Tho' same causes which have created. the heroes and sages of the world's his tory, have been tho chisf agencies in the 'raprd'urogrOss of , Chrialan Its origin was diidue, but the means e* . • ployed for Rs, diffusion are within tllo. economy of hurnan efforts and iniluoneq, and the nvery , day livoeof sinoore Christ lan people are tho most imprsssive and. successful, of all its teachers., Tho every day Ka of Christ spOucea thovandal of the sehlfor,.and it, resolves the doubts * of thousands whoso frailtips question the offices of faith. His was the ono pOifect life among. men,,_. Ho was sorelyterapted,, - and Ho know not sin, He was reviled no& iie'rsoeutOd, - and,: Ho prayed. CO, Its onornies. His , tenchings ,woro pure .as - thmfountain of Inspiration ' , whence , they Came, paid HIS daily- walk and actions confounded-a. that sought in vain for the bleipish.thr His garment. Even those who_ reject HiM as the 746- slab, pron Ounce Him, the best of men, and confess.the happy influence of IRS' sound Precepts .and.blatneless, example. the seat of learning and luxury and Mural 'profligacy, His hum ble followers wore clashed as Christians. They were distinguished from the ways of mankind about them, and the Christ ian era was thus named: Trace it thence through the revolutions of rioarly trio thousand years—through tho gradual corruption of the peoplothrough do terrible penalties which slowly but surely came as withering vengenanco from heaven ; and through seasons of moral darkness Whiph appeared as if hope had fled from man. In all those wonderful mutations, not more Olen or leaders are answerable for results. They wore but,the,creatures of the ebbing and flow ing tides of" , popular degeneracy, - Or of the struggles of tho people for their tem poral or spiritual amelioration. The 'State mirrupted the Church ; the Church subordinated the State, and the battle nice smote the, altars Where the faithful worshipped. Tho nanTh and ceremonies of the Church were prostituted to the flagrant abuse of external goVernment, until national and roligous decay made civilization a reproach: We point to the Reformation as the late of the now Christian era that has so Ampidly ad vanced and' ennobled the bunion race. Butwhen and what was the Reforina- Lion, ? Luther and Calvin were but the builders, of Protestanism. Its founda tions had long been laid ; its corner stones had been fashioned by centuries of consistent devotion, and all its mate rials had been framed and seasoned for the imposing, temple. The martyr of Bohemia had gone to the stake a century before, and Wickliffe had taught still a half century earlier. The lino-of re formers is ,unbroken from the date of the Son of Man until now. There ..were periods when their voices were hushed, and when they Would have taught as to the winds-had they dared, to teach ; btit there wore every day liveS, iu every State, whose purity of character and ac tion were like the silver dow-drops of the morning when the earth is perched to desolation. And when-the struggle began, the world was in travail for two centuries -before the Reformation was born, The " reformers - before the Re formation" aro not unnoticed in history ; but before them still wore the over liv ing currents of Christian life. Like the Waters of the western desert, which hide from the weird and burning waste, but rise again where there aro life • and beauty, Christian excellence and Christ ian influence coursed onward throttgh ages of degeneracy, until they swelled -up as the floOd-tide that bore Luther and Calvin to the groat work. Luther ignited.tho latent spark that illumined the - world. AP unscruptilous Domini can friar made him revolt against the power from which ho had accepted Holy. Orders. The first step once taken; ho earnestly sought the truth, and as he ,advanced he was followed by many who had long aided to influence, and had long felt the influence of the Roforina tion. Ho little dreamed of the slumber ing unrest that was beneath the serene surface of the power of ,the Church. When he bodily erected the standard of the regeneration( the quickened life of the people.mado his journey to 'Worms a triumphal ovation, and lit entered the city chanting the song of the dison thralled, :for the Reformation had its Marseillaisa. Nor has the lapse of time, nor the rapid strides of lightened pro gress, changed the chief agency of Christian advancement. The Church has great teachers—man. whose fame is world-wide, and many stars May be worn in their crowns. And we have books, and journals; and periodicals and tracts, lwlfleh tell at every door of the way of 'Pe domption ; but above all and success ful over all, is the every:day Christian life that is silently but surely retaining evil, and that tolls all around in gentle, coaseless p . whispers that the good only are happy, hopeful and grcat. Ull , c 1 o , u 3. / S cl n i tl c' tc r I would not seek to "dim the lustre that, brightens the memory of tho names Which are interwoven with tho world's great events. Not one loaf should' he plucked from their laurels. They aro as bright beacons along the ,dark ways of our journey, and they are- standards which invite emulation. The higher you place your standard .the higher will be the measure of your attainment.,You map fall far short of the .realiation of your dreams, but no earnest efforts •in the right direction can,bo .wholly lost. Still'behind you, and far off jet behind others, will be struggling mortals to takei'resh inspiration by what you, , in your failure, have wear."-But I would remind 'you of the i ,source, the currants, the tidos, and tho 'havens of the troubled Waters on which yqn aro about to om 7 bark. 'rho br'ead ocean of life is mado up of individual lives, and each has its labor to perform in roaring the angry waves or the tempest, or in setting the calms'surface of the world's repose. I watched a clear, coo), bubbling spring as it rose on the summit of, the rooky range, and its little streamlot hurrying off in fretful murmurs to the eastorn - sea,• An ox would drain its - overflow,' yet is the source of the Father of Waters; It dashes • down be rude declivities and, foains throfigh the . narrow canons, joined in every ravine by its tributaries, until it washes tho precious metals from, their long: biding . places, and mienchos the thirst of the, luxuriant, nountain Val toys. Around ; it olLsvory through the chaos of .beld oliffki and green, ranges, ; wino , many ,streams of ovory charactorand tomperaMent. • Hot 'geysers aro flung into the air, and from the piorcod rocks the cold, crystal Wit- I ten) ACM, ,t,r,17,;g0 , minerals give the hnos, of: the ohamoloon- to ,sommi , and others, oncrust their, fountains . with monuments ctoated by tho wealth they hold in solutign. Hero aro boiling cur rents, and there are tepid and yonder: 7 are , silver -lakes; butall,--:all courso onward and am lost-in the, great ' river, whickina turn is lost inAhe ; . Ivast. - .Hid I: say lorit?-71et me recall at; 'Not' :One' drop Of 'all'those Varkruti' springs is lost. Not ono of all their va. OM qualities 'goes for' nought.: Though all are mingled in onutereporanaontond nil hooome'r alike ' in their ' olOmonts,.yet. each' has Its office in Moulding the iquall7 - ties , of, the , -river; and:the' ocean , Nor lino:t,liosolittlo: Otheil:l3 Ihrlito4.ll3 ,. tho task of - shaping , the::oharnotor . rpf. the . great strema into which they flow. Each by itself hris;Some good Work to do.' They have cooled the lips of pehple mid of creatures which wo. know . not of. They balk) gathered the mountain riches; in single sands, during forgotten ages, to bp ripe for the .necessities of civiliza tion. They have opened -new fields for science, or made paths plain where the learned have stumbled„ They have swept the scant ,fertility of the rigged hills, and Made brbad mach:444er 'man to' develop° into beauty and plenty. Bach babbling rivulet, and each particle of itself, have never been idle nor have they toiled in vain. They_niay_ have :been 'Sent to flood the plains, or to fill the mountain gorges. Thence they may have begh diffused as the mists of the, morning,' or drunk in by the insatiate earth. But they have ever returfiod and over will. They may rise and fall in some far distant clime, to reirive the •drooping plant or glitter on the fragrant flower ; or they may come in the scald ingtoari :or in the tinted, rainbow, or in the gentle dews, or in the destruction of the tempest. What . ' would most poll' tedly illustrate is the vain() and influendb and duty of each individual every (lay life. But few even of the most learned 'can have their names inscribed on what we call the !!scroll of fame," but that. rare attain ment is not the true measure of a 'great life. I speak of what all classes aro most prone; to forget, and what , the am bitious and cultivated youth, more than others, is likely to overlook.. Yoir turn to the monnments of greatness as pre served in the history of - human efforts ; but you are unmindful that the sources of all memorable ()Vents, and of all the distinguished benefactors, are the infinite individual beings who make hp the family of mankind. I would not have you close your eyes to the fact, that the world has its orosars and Napoleons, its Shakespeares and Miltous, - its Washing tons and Jacksons, its Clays and Cal horns, its liincolns and Douglasses. (rI directed ambition animates to noble s and adorn() a noble life ; but the faithful aim should be to make ono pure, unselfish, earnest every- day' existence. The value of such a life is incalculable. It may not-be heralded to the world, or be notable in hintory, but it is a perpetual well spring of blessings to its author, and to all within the range , of its in fluence, and the end of its goad offices cannot be measured. All see the pure fountaiM,drink efits refreshing Waters, and all of bounty and beauty around it mutely but eloquently testify to • the grandeur of its attributes: The brilliant meteor flashes, expires, and is forgotten. The comet comes to note rule revolutions of the heavenly bodies, and Passes away. But the goddess of night, and her count. less family '°£ merry stars,, return with the decline of day and 'perform their ceaseless mission. Many are unnoticed ; millions aro unknown ; but they all join iu lifting the curtain . of darkness, and aro as priceless diani - cinde - of_beauty and endless sources of beneficence. Look well •to the single, individual life, and guard with jealous care against tho ambition that would make you the prey of a selfish struggle for mere dis tinction among men. It is a sloW, deadly poison to the integrity of youth. dwarfs and paralyzes mature manhood. It chills all the nobler aspirations of our nature. It hastens a vexed life to withered and untimely senility. To such' the world is a vast, dreary solitude, save as it ministoPs to ono.unholy, unsatisfy ing purpose. Their efforts aro like foot- Prints in the shifting sands of the desert —tho simoon sweeps over them and they 'are effaced forever. All tho hopes and aims of aji immortal being aro staked upon an attainment which, if won,. is. ,but a hollow, fleeing bauble, and its .garland's turn to burning ashes when 'they - are-.'grasped. A, crowded throng has run this thorny' cheerless course, and . innuMer?ble throngd will persist iii clouding an perverting bright live 4 only to tell in the end how their .days were ~worso than basely lest." Soon you hence, fitted for the better efforts of Mankind, and strong in flid vigor of youth and hope. Go back to the groat school whose portals. aro never' closed, whose admonitions aro, noverwokoless, and whose honors aro rich in lustre, amrTado not when the sober evening, dine bid you set your hOuso'hi order. Learn that he is ever a stranger in the laud 'who does not live for others, and that— • " lie most lives, Who thinks the:mmit, fool's the rAllest,acts the best." The whole family of man is mingled in a mass of mutual teachers •and pnpils7 and each.individual life should take its part in advancing and elevatilik Elio hu man race.. Wherever you may be, or however 'conditioned, tho field will ' be boundless. Every passing, day, should save some:bruised reed, or solace some -bitter sorrow, or-halt some wayward step, or inspire Some wisp iesolvo. Thig is the lesson of the pure, the hopeful, the oattest every day life, It is always be ing taught, :and always teaching ; al ways polishing- some lustrous gem, to note that it leaves - the world bettor than it .was found. Its Comae of study is never finished ; its work is never done. It makes the peaceful home, whose door is not passed With Out a welcOmo.l 4 It , brightens the.places,of the lowly, and is felt in - the temples of pride' and Selfish ness. ...It is over sowing, ever reaping, over garnering, and only in the fullness 'of tithe dan its jewels ho counted. - It Is the sublimity, of', well spent years, in which "Life is Peace." I 'Minx the judgments forined at night aro .nover 'so solid and fresh as judgments &med in the morning. If in the morning a man is without charity, if ho is dosiOndent, Vile is dull, if ho is unnerved, you 'may - be sure that he is living wrong. For the order 9f nature is that a man shouldilso fromthis bed in the morning astebird's rise, singing, and in perfect health..• I.would say to every ysiiing person whom it concerns—form, if is a possible thing, the habit of do- , ing your dutrin,tho day time, and. re. - Sony your niglita for lighter . tasks, and.. ItenAparly hOurawith your W.—l-Beecher. An Ohio man. Ntho imseed 'around pinto at' a yoligions' meetingi for contri butions for the heathen, iind'ihim peek -eted the money, has,...beow acquitted of stealing . tq is Jury of the vicinage, on tho. ground that• he was the 'greateep heatken they knew, and 'therefore jnetly entitled to' the nionot __.,/. f TRIMS: $2.00 11 yrar,irr 'AI/JANOS t 52.00 if 110 t, pad witlOtt tbs. year. . , THE HONEST TPORPINO . GIRL: 1 BY EItANCIB P. T; TLe dr le chill—the eity'e pavo, elirphirand The child oflvenlik antllntury In wmpiied In olumberYet— . The eket and enow nra rushing by. In ninny an angry whirl, While hurries to her dully toll • Tha honest working girl. Na'werdlutvell'ttaltut. gold to any, If It bo fairly. earned; And fairly used byrieb tinitiorlto Sweet charity - hare learned. Thu getfbrous tuareltunt may with pride Ills banner broad Unfurl,. Tint prouder le the Acord of • Tint honed working Her chew: though nut the floral Are the boot qash° can woor— nor, Willows boast nollianinds, ' • flit her feel is very fair—,-,... .. llor eyoo att, bright, atl a heti she enure She shrywn her tootlyof pearl; And lovUdwells in the bo.out of . The honeet wcrlcin .. irl, _. . . With wageskant the Ile of life • She's feted to °tido And yet sholirailArris to 0410 '• • - _ A triflo. for tho pcior— _ At any mean or sordid net , With scoruhor lip will curl; Fi..r.noblo to tho Oature of The Inflect working girl. . ' Thou treat hur kindly, ye, proud two,' Who uoithur totl unr the lin4 to etrnmrle very hard liar daily broad to win. • And ho—though dressed in karat cloth— Would ho a very churl,. • Who would not,`lf appealed to, help Tho honveit working gild. tfud Llo t tho modttot, gitutio one% Who Ittboi.Ani by day, And Itod blunt thoto With !gnaw - Who holp tho inof thotr - WAy. Yr who would, in the bettor lnd, Poe,. the prieehae, Treat not will. toaorn, nor cold voolointd, The honeet working eirl. • BETTER TIIAN GOLD, Bailor than grandfur, bolter thsn gold, Than ractkillnd titlo a totilland fold, Is a healthy body, a mind at ease, And simple 'dungaree that always ploaso; A heart that can fool fur a neighbor's woo • And sharo-his joy with a gsniel glow, With sympathies largo enough to enfold All men al brothers, Is bettor titan gold. Better then gold Ann ronschmeo chine, Though tulllttg fur bread In an humble aphore Doubly bleat with ronjont dud health, Unlitini by lush, dud carne of wealth ;' Loiely Ming and lofty thought Adorn and ennoble tho poor :man cot, For mind and morale, or NAturo's plan, Arc n genitl : lo test of it gentlomno. Bettor thaa' gold le th• moot rope. Of the was of tell when their labors (luso; getter than gold Is the poor man's sleep, And the balm that dropsou Ids elumbera deep ; .Bring sleeping daughters to the downy hed. Where luxury pillows his aching heed; .11.18 simpler opiate labor deems . °A shorter road to. the land of dreams. . ‘Thater than gold le a thinking mind, rarliai inn rear books can find A troasuro su ming Australian nro, - And lire with tho great and good of yorn, Tho-sage's lord and tho poet's lay, Tito glorlett of empires jmottiway, The weitld'ii great drama will thus enAilil And yield a pluasure better than gold. _Dotter than gold Is a Mineola] hotrui, Whore all tho flrosldo charities come," Tho ahrluo of love and thabenven of life, Hallowed by mother, oralster, or wile; . • lauWever humble the hiime may Le, • -Or tried with sorrow by Heaven's decree. Thu blessing that never woro bought or Mild And contro there aro bettor than gold. • MORE' CENSUS STUDIES. The sources whonco the Territories and now States of the 'Union draw thoir population, form ono of the' interesting studios of the Consus returns. Taking Nebraska as an illustration, it appears that the West has contributed most, largely to the building up of that State —natives of Ohio numbering 10,709; of Illinois, 9,038 ; of Indiana, 0,000 ; of lowa, 7;000; ten Western States having sent more than 40,000 of thoir people to settle an _Nebraska. All the Southern States contributed less than 10,000. Tho Now England States have sent loss.than 5,000. But Now York and Pennsylvania count largely among the "feeders" of tho now State—natives of 15 . ow York being reported at 1 241, and of Pennsyl vania at 9,904 ; making a total from these two States of 10,205. Tho total ..-• population of Nevada is 123,001 Of this number, ono-third aro immigrants from the Western States.' Of all the present residents, only 18,425 are natives of Nebraska, or about one-sixth. Every. State in the Union has contributed to Make up the population, and out of this composite aggregate, a now and ing commonwealth has been born. The now Stato of West Virginia counts a total 'population of 406,951, but of this number no loss than 304,803 were born in Virginia or. West Virginia. 'Ohio has contributed 12,000; Pennsylvania, 15,- 000 NeW York, 13,559 ; .and there has boon a large immigration from Mary land, amounting to 7,101.1 t. is an in teresting point in the sstics of the fOreign element that thenuinbers of the. Germans and, Irish in West Virginia aro nearly equal—Germans, 6,232, Irish; 6,932—and 2,557 aro natives of England and Scotland. The advantages of West Virginia seem to have been appreoiated by immigrants, but very few of this class have yet found theiAay to the newer centre of civiliza tion in far away Nebraska. • A TALL COUPLE MAIdUELL —Captain Martin Van Buren Bates, the Kentucky giant was united In the bonds of matri mony to Miss Anna Swann, the Novia Scotia giantess, at London; England, on Thursday last. AI prlva6" cable slis patch records that . there "high old time at the wedding," Theo people paid. Pennsylvania a v,isit last March, and.oxeited a great delal of, ouriosity In connection.with the double-headed girl. .Ikwas - understotid"at the time' that °apt.- Bates and Miss &Ann wore ongaged."-• A WORD TO Bovs.—Truth ie ' ono- of the rarest virtues. Many a youth has boon lost to society by allowingfalsehood to tarnish his character, and by foolishly throwing truth away. Honesty, fa*. noes, gonbrosity, virtue- 1 .-blossed traits] Bo these' yours, my boys; we; shall not fear. You aro watobed by your olddrs. Men who are looking for clerks and op prentioes, have their eyes on you. If you aro profane, vulgar, saloon , going, they will-not choose you;'"lf you are upright, steady and industriousi before long you will land good places, kind masters, and, the prospect of a useful lifo before you. 4llra milkmaid, 'four foot ton Inchok height, while ' setting . on a three legged stool tooh,four plats of milk from every llftoea cows what Tras the size of tho field in which the' aulmal'irgrazed,' and , 'what was the OA'S nge. '•• INE