Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 22, 1871, Image 2

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    g digTftaltd.
VOL. 71. NO. 25
. .
' Republican State Tioket.
60L. DAVID STANTON, of BomFor.
COL. BOEHM' B. :BEATH, of Schuylkill'
"GravisEmmr," said a very` eloquent
Democratic orator, In "if the Re
publican-party succeede, nothing in the
world can pinvent colored men from
marrying .your daughteri." Ev t ery.
Domocratio would liaim- - --affirnied that
that speech was trim as Gospel. Well
gentleman r ßepublicanism was mild then,
compared With- your now departure.
How do you liko it?,
JEFF' DAVIS and Andrew Johnson;
have recently been making speeches,
and A. IT. Stephens has been writing
letters. Tlteie distinguishecl apostles of
Democracy, — are not very strongly in
'favor of the new departure, but that
don't pravept thiml from being in full
communion with the party.' There was .
a time when the Democratic party kicked
out of the organization overibOdy who
questioned the platform, but that day is
over. They aro much more liberal now.
Ix running over the aspirants for
office in the Democratic party some
weeks ago, we accidentally left out the
aspirants for the office of District At
torney. We beg the talented and crier
getie,young gentlemen, who are working
up ? nomination for this very, important
office, to believe that this omission was
unintentional. There are quite a lot",of
them, and they fire all very industrious
and Rtery hopeful. As the nominations,
however, will be made ere long,,we will
o er any men ion of I'beh nat
-then. In the meantime we hope they
will all be nominated,' it would ho so
much more interesting.
TnE Volunteer last week discourses
" In the 'first place we have not, to any
extent, run counter to the resolutions of
the State Convention. And even if' we
have, that is our own business, and we
alone are responsible. An editorial
perienco of nearly thirty years has in
duced us to, believe that it is better to
form your own opinions and then express
them, than to follow and epddrso the
opinions of others. We care. not a
baubee for the resolutions of a Conven
tion. if a Convention opposes our
views, we will oppose the views of a.
Convention. But, as we have said, we
cannot see that our sentiments, as ex
pressed in our article of two weeks since,
are antagonistic to the resolutions of
the Convention. That Convention re
cognized the validity of the recent
amendments to 'the Constitution, but it
did !iut,' recognize the manner in which
those-amendments were forced upon the
people, nor did it recognize negro
equality or the 'right of negroes to hold
high and important positions under the
We always admired the outspoken
candor of our neighbor, and we think
we like it better now than"ever before.
We will, however, ask a few questions,
which need not be answered if they are
impertinent or embarrassing.
Do the Democracy, if they succeed,
expett to be governed by the prinCiples
of their new departure?
Do they propose to attempt to repeal
the amendments to the Constitution?
Do they propose to pay the debt in
greenbacks? •
If the new departure is what the
Democracy propose to stand to if they
succeed, what good, according to their
own notions, can come from changing
the parties in control of the government?
What aro the new and living issues
they propose to tako up?
And finally, who represent tho Democ
racy of the State—the Convention that
met at Llarrigburg, or the county Con
ventions and editors that repudiate its
We are informed by very reliable gen
tlemen, who speak frcim their own per
sonal knowledge, that tho• Commissioners
of Cumberland county, in their precept
to the Assessors, requiring them to make
the enrolment of voters, give the in
structions as follows : " You Avim., xntcs
QUALIFIED VOTERS, &c, &C., and, fur
fifer; "011 application you will acid to the
list all WHITE MALE PERSONS, &(3. - " We
have not had an opportunity,to examine
this matter ourselves, but the infornia_
tion wo have received is of such a char
acter as to leave us withoht doubt, that
the histructials in this important matter
are just as above stated.
Now WO respectfully suggest to the
- dignitaries of the Commissioners' office,
that this little game isnot to he played'
in that way. Last winter's investigations
showed that' there -Arils no hesitation
on the part of our county fathers to
violate the law . when' there were con
tracts to be given out, and there seems
to ho quite as easy a state of conscience
existing, when there is a chance to de
prWe citizens of their vote. 'We have
no ; doubt, that this, outrage, as soon
as it is exposed, will be excused, on
the irounds that the old blanks were
used thoughtlessly, or that they didn't
know of tho new law ;' and, if it were not
for that unfortunate ninth .rOsolittien,
that Hie Fifteenth Amendment don't
bind conscientious citizens. However,
for the information of allconcerned, we
publish hero the last section'of the Act
of April 0, 1870, relative to elections in
this Commonwealth, and call'tile atten-,
Hon of both COIWpiSSiOIIOII3 and asses
sors to it. It is as follows
"That so. much of every Act of As
sembly as. provides that .only white free
men shall be entitled to vote ler he reg.- -
istercd as voters; or aS clailifingto vote
or registered,as''voters, or as claiming
to vote at any general or special election
of this Common Wealth be )ND Tim 'Limn
1311E1 - caw REI'EALED and that beret&
ter - all - freemen - ,7wiTirorrr - Dzsmi CTI
REGISTERED,. according to the provisions
of the first Section of the act approved
April seventeenth, one--thousand eight
hundred and seventeen," entitled "An
Abt-further supplemental to the act rela
tive to the elections of this Common
wealth, and shall,..whon otherwise qualL.
fled, under existing laws, be entitled to
vote at all general and special elections
in-this Commonwpalth. Lows of 1870,
-page 85. w : •
Now wo netify ail iilisossors' of this
county', that tho.above quoted act of As
sembly is the law of this COnimonwealth,,
the instructions of the Coonty Commis
sioners, ar•any body else to the centrari
notwithstanding. „We give them notice
also, that •if they stand upon the,instruc•:
tion-of the ohnimissioners; and rofase to
registor'any citizens who. are otherwise
qualified on account of their color, that
whatever penalties are State
law or by act of Congress for attempting
to deprive citizens-of their rights will be
vigdrously.onforced against thorn. ' Let
our friends see that' no mischief TIMM
of any instrnetions that may be issiiod
now or•hereaftor , . • f ..' v ".
• A groat deal has boon said with refer
ence to' - the Candidates of UM Southern
States,. and the Demeeratio :papers are:
verYprone to represent the raid element
of that section as entirely.peaotiable And
orderly, while the 'earpot-beggprS'alone ,
hie regfiensiblo for any troubles that May
exist in that regiOn. Hence. thOy con..
stantly denounce the Ku Klux bill and
the other Measures which have boon found
necessary to keep the people of that coun
try even in tolerable order. • Tyat 'Onk
readers May understand exactly what e
neat place of residence_ the South hi,_ we
give the following from the borreepeudent
of the New York Tribune in Georgia.
"The reason assigned for the excep
tionally bail condition of the north-West
ern counties is, that they were the scene
of a predatory guerilla warfare during .
the Rebellion, which left in the country
a class of desperadoes aCcustomed to
murder - laid robbery. There aro but
few negrocs in these counties so there is
not the cause of bad feeling against
them that exists in South Carolina,
where they have taken control of the
county offices, "without regard' to: their
capacity to fillthem. Political animdtity,
however, still occasions many 'of the out
rages. Two white men were whipped
in Chattooga County, last month, for
the sole crime of being Republicans. At
the election in December, tholiu Klux
were efficient in keeping negro& from
the polls in the section referred to. In
Floyd county, of 800 negrci voters, only
. 260, voted, and in Cho ttoo,ga connty, duly
13 negroes voted out of about 850. It is
solely on account of the political results
it accomplishes that the Klan is allowed
to exist by the influential and, respect
able citizens, who could suppress it in a
week if they would. The phinters are
opposed to it, because it interferes with
their laborers. Many of the best farms
Itivated — on account — a — Ms — . is.
organization of labor caused by the Ku
Klux ; but the planters, isolated as they
aro, and exposed to night attacks, have
not dared to set on foot any movement
against the order. ; In the towns. where
slch a movement should originate with
the officers of the law, the sympathy of
the people is emphatically with the Ku
Klux. The little 'court house towns in
' Georgia arc hot beds of Rebel sentiments,
which are fostered and stimulated by the
lawyers and politicians who Intro nothing
to lose by the disorders they encourage.
The planters are conservative, and want
peace and good feeling with the negroes,
without whose labor they are ruined.
The real leaders of the Ku Klux are
UM Court House and tavern politidians,
and the rank and file is composed of the
idle, ignorant. and worthless poor white
element, which is unquestionably the
worst class of people to be found any
where in the United States. They are
deplorably ignorant; but have no desire
for education for themselves, or, their
children. They are wretchedly poor,
but the desire for wealth never stimulates
them to steady labor. They are without
ambition to better their condition. They .
are coarse, cruel, and vindictive, and in
every way deserve their appellation of
the ' low down' people. To understand
the liu Klux problem, the existence and
character of; this class in Southern so=
ciety-musthuborn in mind ; for, without
it, Ku Kluxiam-would be impossible. To
parade at night in a mysterious masquer
ade, terrifying,penceable people, has a '
strong fascination for men of this class.
The Governor has-in his office a number
of Ku Klux uniforms captured recently
in Chattooga county. The costume con
sists of red flannel MVOS; black blouse,
trimmed with red and- gathered at the
waist, and a black `aj ml covering the
(ace and falling clown to the breast, with
a cape behind. The holes cut for the
eyes mu bordered With white, and from
the mouth
, protrudes a piece of red
flannel representing a long tongue. For
a head piece, 'real horns are sometimes
worn, and often a common felt hat or
some unebuth device of paper. A man
of considerable nerve would be frightened
by titintpearance at night al,' hand of
men tricked out in this dismal and fan
tastic garb-; and it is easy to imagine
with what terror they inspire the poor,
ignorant negroes on the plantations,
who know that their errand is • elWays
violence, and often murder. The mys
tery of the organization and the fantastic
disguise has naturally a -great charm for
thin Ku Klux ;- and to this is added a
spic() of danger, a sense of power, and a
decided pleasure in breaking the laws
and defying the authority of the Radical
State Government, which they have been
taught by suck men as Stephens and
Toombs to' look upon as a tyrannical
usurpation which had - no claim to their
obedience or respect." •
D144:11C0 nixvi owX GRAVE.—The
New York Eveping Posl pertinently !
asks, " What is the use of the Derno.'i
cratic politicians thinking of the next
Presidential campaign ? Do they imag
ine that the American people will put
into, power a party which has been an
unmitigated nuisance, a breeder of dis
order, a corruptoi of public virtue, the
debaucher of politics, the frierid of every
wrong and oppression, the foinentor of
violence and rebellion, for mqh than a
dozen years—do they believe that, the
people! will put. such a party in power,
Unless it first shows, by unmistakable
*donee, that it has a firmer purpose
than - Walstaff had,• to " purge and live
The Democratic party supported
slavery—and was beaten. •- I
It countenanced rebellion—and was
It set up / IT'peace-at-anyinico plat
forth—and was beaten.
It advocated repudiation—and was
It 6pposed'ognal laws and general suf
frageand was beaten:. ' .
And aro bo,w inarching on to the next
Presidential 'election atihe head of nu
moroM3-bands of --ItuKlux' c Northern and
Southern gangs, who set both laws and
decency, at defiance ; Who rob 'Where
they do 'IMAM ; who.cheat Whore they
do not rob ; men, whet° 'acts threaten
the whole land with anarchy ; and they
have amongst them scarcely' a .singie
leader with brains or conscience enough
to •rebuke violence and lawlessness, or
condemn public plunder,
g 4 W a make the subjoined extract from
the last nunitior of the aStoa , Argus,
au catlioilek.Demaratie papoi•
. .
:uon. p. R. litickaleni is Said to, have
an elaborate work on ventilation itf press.
It is dedicated to , Hon... , William• A. ,
Wallace. :
• 111. r. John P..-Ahern, of Philadelphia,
one 'of the secretaries-of the, recent
Democratic State Coni , ention, is about
to enter the ministry.
• Hon. 'Asa Packer is out agairikfor the
Presidency. There can, be little doubt
of his ufianfinons nomination and tri
umphant eldction.. • ,
Saimaa Carson, esq:, • Sergeant-at.
Arms of the late":Nmooratio State Con-
VentiOn, has peon -chosen Vies President
of the Presif eorian ':Evangellcal• Dm:cis
Society of Philadelphia."' • •
Hort. C. L. tiirellannttittem died lass,
'Saturday Mild, from ,the result' of a?' ;
wound caused "by ..the :; siceidorital - die?,
-charge of a pistol; HO wag preparing te ,
defend a Crimin4 charged wilkinurder;
and had two pistols on hiStatile for the
purpose Otillustrating how thii:,prisener:
had . abcidentally'shot :Ids L vieHru One
those was empty, and the otherloada,..
and Mr.. Vallandigh in" seizing the
loaded one midi,. , accidentally ter- -
initiated his own life
..,During, the last, iii„yeara.,,there,Was
probably no man in the flagon holding
no official position,„ who was, so univer;
sally known and spoken ,ci . .-..tuff inditi
crept, stubborn and almost treasonable
opposition to the war, measures of the
Government during the rebellion, thought
him into wide-spread notoriety, •titil the
action. Of Ileueral Burnside, in tryitg-.
him by court martini, and, sending im
out of the comit:J . „ gavehim that p Mid
nonce which always, attends• a man who
,suffers for the expression ()yids opinion.'
His politicalhistory may be summed tia
hi the statement, 'that ho :served . OF
terms in the Ohio, Legislature, thr i ce
terms in the National Congress, . and
once' received the: Democratic nomina
tion for Governor of Ohio, for which he
was beaten by a majority of one hundred
thousand votes. On the affairs of the
country, ho exerted no influence what
ever. Every measure he resisted was
successful, and the very last effort of his,
life. was the attempt"to lead his party to
acquiesce in and endorse measures in op
position ,to which. he had sustained
odium, defeat and persecution..
Mr. Vallandigham was personally a
man of integrity and respectability. Ho
had fair abilities and energy and am
bition sufficient to bring himself into no
tice under any circumstances, During
the mighty events of the war his stub
bornness and lack of ordinary foresight
'nvelved4iim—in—complications —which
brought him into a prominence that many
men of Vastly greater abilities failed to
acquire. But he holds his claim to great
ness by no stronger title than this. Ho
was no statesman in any fairsebse of the
word, nor was he even a very astute politi
cian. The man who failed tosee, or see
ing, failed to accept the necessity of
sustaining the Government, against all
forcible , resistance to its authority, or
who endeavored to place himself in op
position to a policy which expediency, as
well as justice and humanity, demanded
has surely no right to bdrecognized as'a
statesman. While we freely forgive the
errors of his public life, and lament his
untimely and sudden death, we insist
that his public record had nothing in it
which entitled hiin to be ranked with
those whose. names should be handed
down to posterity.
MAT distinguished Democrat, Hon.
Jefferson Davis, Presit of the South
ern Confederacy, in his rEtb - nt speech,
made some very• startling- announce
ments. Mr Davis, it will be seen, gives
'up none of the treasonable Ideas, which
cost this country so great an expenditure
of blood and treasure ; he claims that the
result of the war decided nothing - ; ho
denies that ho 'did anything' wrong or
that he or his people have. any crimes to
acknowledge-or be ashamed of. In short,
ho has as little regard for the authority
of the Government 'as ho had when
elected President of the Confederacy.
Read the following extract from -his
speech, and he convinced'aneW of the
clangers which must follow the success
of the party to which Mr: Davis belongs :
- "Statd sovereignty must again be-re
stored, or else the Republic of America
is a failure. Despotism cannot be exor
cised under a republican form of Gov
ernmeht, and, my friends, if you can
but wait all will be well. If any of us
die before the day of peace and liberty
+dawns, lett j tis die in the faith that it will
conic at last. The people of the North
will never. surrender their right ; .and
when they see the danger at home then
they will need your aid and will conic to
you, and then you will be crowned with
victory and triumphant succosaLAp
plause.] Idm not of those who "ac
cept the situation." I accept nothing.
Those cant phrases that we hear so much
of about "accepting the situation" and
about °Ur rights having been submitted
to the "arbitrament of the sword" are
but the excuses of cowards (Applause.]
I admit that power prevails over truth ;
,I. admit that power,,is so great that it
would be folly t 6 resist it, and therefore
I am iu favor, mySelf, of being acquies
cent and I advise you to the same
course, but I do not admit that our
rights have over been submitted . to the
arbitrament of the sword, Who has
the power to submit your liberties to
the arbitrament of battle?
You never delegated that power to
your representatives. I, as your Execu
ti've, never claimed it, and never,dying
or living, will I admit it. E Applauso.]
And then, my friends, about this much
talked-of subject of "accepting the situ
tion." You are not called upon to ac
knowledge that you have done wrong,
unless you feel it. I doll% believe I did
any wrong, and therefore I don't ac
knowledge it. All that a Government
has a right to claim fromany of its sub
jects is that they will quietly submit to
the law.
ARE colored men regarded by the
Democracy as an inforier race, since the
announcement of the new departure, or
how is-it?
Im used to be a common- practice, to
denounce all who favored equal rights,
itiscegenatinnists. How about those
fellows who drafted the ninth resolution?
IN cpler that Our
may show CQUI
they aro in thoW ph
Mons, wo ~.print fur
following icsolutions
Domperatio friends
oistent. and 'einem.°
tform and doclara
their benefit the
RetorePil, That tim ti..roo•
cratio of Patina, Ira
lo opinntal to coo
forring 'upon the negro
thu right to vote, and wa
do emphatically deny that
time In any right or 140911
in Coo gin., or elmwheri,
to inmate negro miffing.
po . the people Qf the
SAM° in clpponit ion to thole
Rewired, That we' re
eognlzo. tho obllgntlon of
all, thu proi;tdatte of the
CoartltUtlon of the United
Statue u they now' , oxlel,
‘ll.l wo &procuro the
mission of loonies which
have how tattled In Ihe
manner and by the, an
thority cone tltulloually
ap loan tod.
Co• • —TnE MIS county
. p6mocratio on- .
vontion, passed resolution endorsing
the ninth resolution of tho Democratic
State platform. Whit next
. WOODW4D has,
been re-nOminated hy,theDemooracy, of
Old Berko, for President Judge.. There
is a reasonable fair fallow of hipelection.
1 - I.pmilt P. Boas Las -open nomi
nated for President Judge of the. SOVenth
Judiciary district, by the Democratic
conferees of ; Bucks " and Montgomery,
comities:. Judge Ross •at present pre,
sides over!the courts of„the xlistriet:
• .
'MB prdilford . Reporter Says; ;one of
th'e,,delogates to that county frOmithe
later • Denlocratio - • State • ConVention ,
adopted , Cho IlopnbUoae Platfoim,..and
ho believes ho would have nominated , the
Itopnblioan candidates if any one' had
suggested tkeir'naine's. •• ; . • • • • • • •
Turd RepubliCans Of Einiifer County
held their priniary 'election en 'Brit*ay,.r,
under tho'CraWford county systeinr - For'.
President Judg6;' Hon; George' P.•
ler; Bon. 'Weeds Enid Baninel
,Drivig, -- eS(Akrivere the-candidates, and
,for AssonilAy, Abraham Eye'. and Col.
:William -
Tim- Derabcratio ticket in'...FaYettO
, : cotiiitsr, is iSamuel H. Smith, for Aesem
; . Isaati,Jlesinore,
*Dumbauld'jand SatOuel. Shipley;.,Judgea
!Nam S. Beborts, Troasurerl i Steplien'.
Itictikirni, — Aalt;or; A. G. Gilmore, Sur
veyor ; 1 and A. D. Boyd; District At
birney, .
r "
—COL. pi.isr,A. DAvIS has tech
- nOminatTd - gr the - Sonate,-in the Second
District, Philadelphia. Col. Davis has
served several terms- its member of the
House, and was tWico' Chosen Speaker.
He is thbrotigilly candliar with legisla
tion, and will make an excellent Sena
tor. His election is, of (sense, certain„ •
THE Republicans of Indiana county
put in nomination the following ticket
on Satnyday, June 3: Senato—Gen.
Rarry White ; Assembly—Dr. Thomas
McMullen ; Associate JUdgcs—J.
Nesbit, P. DiltB; District. Attorney—W.
R. Allison ; Commissioner— Jas. M.
Mask ;. Register and Recorder—W. R.
Black ; Treasurer—James M. Satoh.
—Tun Republicans of Philadelphia,
have nominated he following excellent
Municipal ticket : Mayor,. W. , S. Stok
ley ; District Judge, James M. Mitchell ;.
Distriet Attorney, W. B. Mann ; City
Treasurer, Peter A. Widener ; Prothono
tary, Jchn A. Loughridge ; City Solici
tor Hen: C. H. T. - Collis, and Commis
sioner, Alexander Mcduen.
—Hotv. W. MCCLAY HALL, of Bedford,
has received the nomination of the Re
publicans of Bedford, Franklin and
Fultoir L countios, Of the President Judge
ship, and is, therefore, certain of the
nomination of the whole district. Judge
Hall received the appointment of Judge
from Gov. Geary, at the death of Judge
King, and has Showtrhinaself a very able
.and popular judge.. " - -
re-nominated by acclamation for the
Senate, from the Fourth District, Phila
delphia. Mr. Connell has represented
that District in the Senate con)tinuously,
since 1858, and is tlio oldest, 'as well as
One of the ablest members of the Senate.
He represents a vary large, wealthy and
intelligent constituency, and they show
their good judgment in giving him a
life estate, in the office of Senator. '
—Tim Republicans of Franklin county
have nominated the following very ex
cellefit ticket :
Associate Judge, James D.,,MDowell,
of Peters ; Assembly, Thaddeus M.
Mahod, of Chambersburg ; Sheriff,
Samuel F. Greenawalt, of Chambers-
burg-;Treasurer, Samuel Knisley, of
Southampton ; District -Attorney, Theo
dore M'Gowan, of Chambersburg ;
Commissioner, Robert J. Boyd, of Mont
gomery ; Director of the Poor, Gen.
David Detrich, of Antrim ; Auditor,
John Cresslor, of Southampton ; Sur
veyor, John D. Kauffman, of Letter.
kenny. -
Destructive Fire in Buffalo.
BUFFALO, June 15.—At 10 a. in. to
day a fire broke out in the engine room
of the Buffalo Express newspaper estab
lishment, and before it could be got under
control, the building (a four story brick
one) WaS almost totally destroyed. The
fire spread with such rapidity that the
workmen in the qiird story had some
difficulty in making their way to the
street. The Express Company's loss has
not yet been ascertained, but will pro
bably amount to $30,000. They are in
sured for $lB,OOO. The greatest lose
was sustained by water, as it was neces
sary to actually flood' the building, in
order to gain 'the mastery of the flames.
The books and businegs documents were
saved. . ,
The second story of the building was
occupied by Messrs. Horsman & Rock
well, job publishers, as a press room.
The loss sustained by that firm -will
amount to• about $5,000; insured for
The carriage manufactory of Mr. D.
Taylor, and the establishnient of Hart,
Bell Hart, in the vicinity, were dam
aged by the water to a considerable ex
tent. They are, however, fully insured.
The Miners' Strike
lIAzt.tiTON, Pa June 15. Result) ption
in this region is the all-absorbing topic
of, conversation.
This mornMg at Jeansvillc Trescoka,
and. Beaver - Meadow almost every one is
of the opinion that the men will remain
idle for at least two months longer.
Orde'rs have' been given at al l three
places, stopping work of the d'ilrerent
kinds in and abouVie mines, •
There seems to ho a gonoral desire
among the mass of miners to accept the
terms offered by the operators in Febru
ary la&.: From some cause, they ^havo
failed to decide the matter in faVor of
resumption. -
It is reported to-night that the' Bntk
Mountain men will go to work to
morrow on the operatore ternis.
Meetings have been held this after
noon at Upper Lehigh and Raley, and
iG is thought that the men of these dis
.triets will resume work by-Monday next:
A large number of Miners, who have
bosh at work in other regions, have re
turned 'and many mow Wive been Cent
CINCINNATI, Juno 16.HOlement :L.
Vallandigham, of counsel for the &-
fence of Thomas MeGholian, now on
trial at Lebanon, Ohio, for murder, acci
dentally shot himself, to night.
Ho was in fl. room-with ,GoVeror Mc--
Annoy, and while aLaydng how Myers
fool shot himself, the pistol,, was dis
charged mai ,the ball entered below tho
e Vallaqdjghani
LEDATiON, Ohio,. Juno ..17.—Cloniont
L.prailandi'gliain died at, fifteen minutes
oftil.Q.e'elobk thin morning, from tho
fects of the wound accidentally indicted
1167 its
TikiJRI3DAY,, JUNE 22, 1871
STERNEE & Bno., iu the rear. of
the Bonfz, House, have ayfirsi,elassliv
orx, aalo and. ipcdliange stables. 'BOrsens
In neeil:of a single or double team ilbould
,patronize thorn. „ .
FnuiT MEM ) &o.—Messes: M. 11. &
Dusinhor're, of the 'celebrated Ito
cheater' (N. Y.) N.ursdriea, itt`o still' in
town, taking dais for fiMiti and.'orit
marital:trees,' vides, floweis and, in fact,
shrubbery of :every kind to be ob , talhed
at' first:clash •nurSoried, :stitch 'ail these.
popular 'and wetknown gentlemen 'rep.'
reSent: Their facilities for 'lllling' - cirL
ilcia are' vastly superior lo . those of
'hat ionion. 'Ordera ; taken now will be
To 'those of our bitb
zehel Who ' have' not _Yet giion them 'an
ordbt, Weyeuld say,: pity theni [(call at
NOtiker's...HOtel,"on the
.‘dornbr 'of 11047
foide.nd ElMt Main 'streets, No trouble
for Wein - to: exhibit' . tholi . ...liandseme
eipecinien'hoph.'- •
FEW{ raspberries at Humriohs. -
CAnat..oe and potatoes at Hnnrichs.
A. B. Zir.cirroc bad tan or twelve old
chickens stolen'one.night last week.
' 'I . ILBRE are a grekt, many prisoners in
jall4t the preseat time.
Supecniaufor Tar HERALD, $2.00 par
year in adVanco.
WE wore viOteii with a 'gh?rious rain
91 , 1 Setyrday . la4ti
completion-%-Tito 861
(Bars' Monunont. • -
linsrnEnniu hi market on gaturopti
inorninglast,,at ten cents per box:
Or - norm FABER seized four lumps of
butter, on last ,Saturday morning.
Cause—light weight.
Tar; Pasttimo B. B. C., (colored,) of
this place, 'gave a grand dress ball in
Rh'eemls Hall, on last Thursday evening,
SOME of the farmers in the lower end
of the county, Vegan to cut wheat on
Thursday last.
ONE, hundred and ninety-one persons
visited the jail, during the week ending
June 17, 1871.
"FORT FOREMAN' ' has been re
painted and renovated during the past
ten days.
BUT your ice from Mr. Conrad Earnest,
agont.,,of J. W. Henderson, esq. .11e
sells three pounds for ono cont. Does
not weigh Close.
Promo.—Conodoguinet Tribe, No;
108, of the Improved Order of tried Men,
of this borough, will hold a picnic at
Hunte'r's Run, on Saturday, July 17.
Jl4,Npplos, on West Main street, is
po place to buy your paper collars, cuffs,
neckties and scarfs.' The best brands of
smoking and shelving tobacco constantly
on hand.
TnE members of Cumberland Circle,
No. 88, B. U. (H. F.) C. of A.. are re
quested to meet in their Hall-to-morrow
(ThurSday) evening, at half-past seven,
Business of importance to be transacted.
NEW PAPEli.—The' Weekly Mercury
is the title of a, new sheet recently
started by Messrs. Morgan &,Ettla, at
Harrisburg, Pa. It is circulated gra
Mn. D. SIIENE, of Penn township, has
plaped upon our table, a few stalks- of
wheat, which, for well-filled and large
heads, surpass anything we have yet
seen in the wheat line.
TALL OATH.—Who has•the tallest oats
this seas,:m t We have had stalks of tall
wheat, barley and rye, but have had, as
yet, no tall oats. Who will be the first
to respond t
REV. Dn. DAVIDSON.—The many
friends of the Rev. Dr. Davidson, will ho
pleased to learn that he will preach to
the congregation of the Second Presby
terian church, in the Court House, on
Sabbath next, morning and evening.
'WE would invite-attention to the Gard
of 'the Culver Brothers, law, loan and
collection office, Pontiac, Illinois. These
gentlemen aro natives of this place, and,
as will be seen by their cakd, offer the
very best of references.
THE Junior AmeriCliii: Mechanic's, of
this place, partook of a' sumptuous re
past at theyranklin House, oil Tues
day evening last. It was tendered them
by the landlady of this popujar hotel,
and is said to have been a; recherche af
ENoAGED•—The Carliide Quintetlo
Quadrille Baud has been engaged to fur
nish music for a sociable picnic, to •lie
given by the citizens of Lewistown, -Pa.,
on the approaching fourth of July. Prof.
W. H. IL Whiner is the leader of the
organization. ,
TITIL "'Wien al" billiard salooni on
East Main street, opposite the Bentz
House, is-still open for the lovers of this
popular game. Jake Cart, the clever
and gentlemanly proprietor, is always
on hand, ready to welcome his numer
ous friends.
ANOTHER,CIUME.—Tidings of a name.
less crime, said to have been committed
in the "Upper End" of the county,
have been given to us. But as the whole
affair is wrapped in mystery, and the
aro respectably connected, wo
refrain from publishing the same.
day night last, the -;" calithumnianists"
were out in force. After executing
several choice pieces of music, they
adjourned' to the Pennsylvania House,
to " wet up," when they Ideally "broke
up" in a liv - ely minter,
8.8u0vme.F.;.0.- 7 ,0n Saturday night last,
a colored'girl obtained a line, white hat
from the millinery establishment of Miss
Zinn, on North 'Hanover street, by false
pretenCes. Officer Salm° recovered the
hat on Monday—took it off the head of a
girl that had received it from the "false
AltlttiSTED.—Ailliio Cooper (colored)
was arrested on Monday, morning last,
by Officer Sanno, on a charge of theft,
Before her' nest, the prisoner indulged
in a lively little chase, but the Officer
h ii
captured rin a house on Chapel alloy.
She was committed 'to prison until the
August court.. •
examinations of the public schools of
this borough began on Monday'inorning
last. The examinations thus far 'kayo
been largely attended, and the scholars,
generally, have acquitted' - themselves
creditably. -The Public examinations
will close on Friday next. ,
last we*, some person stole between 40
and 150 young spring chickens, from the
farm of Mr . . George Wetzel,• in ,- North
Middleton township. Suspicion strongly
rests upon some partiO that had -been
making demonstrations in that noi,gli.
borhood, and the pollee are no* upon`
their tracks... 1- ' . ' .. , -
. _
BOOT T.I/EVt:ll.-04 Wednesday nighty
last, the shoe stordof Adam Dysort, No..
34 East Louther street, was entered and
nine pairs of boots, a shawl and a pocket
book stolen therefrom. Tho stolen
property is valued 'et between-4GO and
$7O: • No clue to the porpotraters of the- 7
liteft has, as yet, boon dineovorcd. This
is the second time Mr. D. has been
irobbcd since residing in our boroughs.
PERLICE ITEMS.-01 ,Sanno, ar
rested John Boney, _(collored,) ono day
last week, for drunkenness and disbrdorly
,c,3ornmittcit to Fort Foreman
for 24 hours,
Ox Friday last, a man took possession
Of -Mr; Dunyan's stable, on itedfor(i
street. Fort Foreman was graced witli
his company for a few, hours.
same °Meer also, .arrested three
women amc', on Saturday night
last; etthe South Mountain depot.. They
wore escorted to kort oreman.
THE B=o officer arrested Sack SeotU,
;(colored) on ThuisdayMght, in Laity's
, "Ircirt, on South street; for attempting to
tale the life of Reed. no wile
placed in Fort Foreman, until the August
quartor Sessions: - -
Tn, earn!) officer arrested two fornalos
on. Sunday hist; for AttemOng to take
the life el a citizen ;voiding down : town.
They( gave bail-for their appearance at
the August court.' • • r'
•WE would call attention to Messrs.
Bosh &. Bretz's card which appearsin
to•day's issue. They have recently pur
chased - a number of ,new vehicles, and
have had their outtre kook of buggies
&0., "touched up" and otherwise
proved their 'appearance. Moderato.
charges. • Give them a'cail.
TOTE OF TnAnrts*.—Thc members of:
the! Junior Order of American Mechan
ics, at a late ' meeting, unanimously
tenddred a yete . of thanks to the ladies
Of the Reformed'clunch fOr presenting
themsvith ahandsome cake ; and also, to
Mrs.l.Wetzel„Torthe Franklinllouse, for
the substantial collation tendered them.
' 'Committee.
Boys, TARE bilyrion.-ho lief
Burgess hereby notifies the jui,‘enile
community that 'they are prordbited
from discharging shooting crackers and
other fireworks, excepting on the third
and fourth days. of July, under a pen . -
alty ofi $1 for each offence. Boys you
would do well tcf.heed this announce- .
mont, as all "departures" from this or
der will ho punished to the full extent
of the law.
public examinations of this school will
-be held-in Marion Hall, during the fore=
noons , 'of' Wednesday, .Thursday, and
Friday; June 21, 22 and 23. The musi
cal soiree will be on Monday evening,
June 2G, at Good Will Hall. - The Com
mencement services will he:lleld in
John's church, on Tuesdayevening, June
27, at 8 o'clock. The address will be de,'
livered by Rey. George Leeds, D D., of
Baltimore. The patrons and friends of
the school arc cordially invited to all
the. exercises.
NARROW ESCAPFL—A picnic was held'
at Meeting House Springs, on last
Saturday, composed chiefly of the em
ployees of Nagle cC Smoltz's Carriage
Bazaar. A number of lady friends also
participated. During the day nine of
the number took a boat ride, and while
enjoying themselves in this manner, the,
vessel careened, throwing the occupants
into the water. Had it not ben for the
tinlely, arrival of those on shors, sad re
sults might have terminated the pleas
ures of the day.
THIEF FltaillTENED.—,bout 11
o'clock on Sabbath night, one of the
you'iig, ladies connected with the Mary
Institute of this place,. Observed
a man, climbing over the fence which
surrounds the boarding house, on East
Main street. Tho alarm being quickly
given, Mr. L. T. Greenfield,' residing,
next door, was aroused, but by the
timo ho arrived 'on the spot the Mid
night marauder had made good his
escape, leaving his 'hoots and hat.
The individual can obtain these articles
without proving property, or paying, for
this notice. We would again caution all
our Citizens- to watch their premises
-- ---
INSURANCE.—A fact, in connection with
bife Insurance; has come to our knowl
edge, within a few days, which very
happily illustrates its importance. - A.
K. Moon; late Post Master of this place,
had an Insurance of 115,000 in the,
"ChaVter Oak" of llartford, which
anninut was paid in full to the widow of
the deceased, by J. C. Stock, the efficient
and gentlemanly agent of the Company,
at this place. This promptness Speaks
well both of the' energetic agent, and of
the Company, and illustrates more forj
bly than any argument, the importance
of Instil mica. Reader arcyou insured?
Will your widow and dfildren have
enough of this wo'rld's goods, should
you be called away suddenly? Delay is
dangerous—Then take a politiy in , the
"Oak" and let misfortunes come—Your
family is provided for.
lature which has just adjourned, passed
the following act. It has been npproved
by the Governor:
SErrioN I. That hereafter the board
of direetm , s of any district, the contlo]-
lees nettles and boroughs, or any school
supetintendent, shall not onler or direct
or make any change in the sch-ol books
.or series of text-books nsed in a Py
undo Lia or their ssiperinlslishmess, ,h.
reetion or eAnttrol, tome than onee in
every period of three years, end any I,tws
or parts of laws ineonsi,tea ifet e‘‘ MI be
and the same are hereby repenb\d.
SECIION w. ASty selniol lirottor, con
'oiler or superititemllnit who shall vio
ale the provisions this act ,It.tll be
vented guilty or a inisd,int.nnor, and
Upon CO' jet lOU I 110r1 . 1/1 . :Ilia II be Seca
teneed by the , court, to pay a not
cepaing`Mtchlititltiullays and be th:
pried of his Wilco. •
HAND INJURED.—On last Friday after
noon, Ad. Allison, a lad about 12 years
of age, son of Robert Allison, esq., of
tliis place, -had' the thud and fourth
fingers of the left hand badly mashed.
He, in company with a number of other
boys, was_ playing in the vicinity of the
Company's Warehouse, r 4 the upper end
of town, Their spurt consisted in push
ing empty freight cars up and down the
'siding, and while so engaged young Alli
son managed to get his left hand between
the bumpers and had two, of the fingers
'pinched" severely. The Services of
Dr, Worthington. was called into requisi
tion, and the wound properly dressed.
illfould . be another warning to
boys to keep away Train the..oars.
.tice a large 'mbel., not only boys,
but men, that make a practice, daily, of
jumping on the noon freight west, when
It' is running at a: lively rate of 'speed.
'This practice shottld-be stopped, else we
may soon bcconmelled to'record another
of those accidents from " deapiupoe the.
rail:" Take warning,jumpists,_-_,
Peter Hodge, of this place, has opened
a shaving saloon in Irvine's building,.
ono door 'east of D. A. Sawyer's dry
ged4litere, and a few doors west of the
Benti House., Having entirely .remod-_
Bled and renovated this room, Mr. IL
is prepared to attend, punctually, to
everything pertaining to the tonsorial
profession._ Hair cutting. executed: in
the latest city, . styles: - , ShaniPooing;
shaving, moustache-dying promptly and
skillfully. performed, Ladies' hair cut
ting carefully executed. All the varie
ties of hair tunic', for sale at this estab-
lishment, together with a large variety
of wigs and moustaches. Ho: hopes, by
a strict attention to business, and • haw
none but `seiperiOnced workmen in
his employ, tomerit a share 'of the'pub
lie patronage. His prices aro as reason.:
able at - any other shaving saloon in this
place, viz: Shaving, 10 cents ; hair put.
tang, 15 cents ; ShamPooing, 25, and dye
ingi 25 cents. Give him a call.
member the place No.. 0, ono door West,
of Cornman & Worthington's drtigstOro,
'Gift street, Carlislo, Pa. ,• • •
Friday last, between 12'and 1 o'clock P.
in, William titeVens, of Newburg, made
v,ery-uncerernoniouS attack on an ad:
gentleman named Fahnestock; also froM
Upper End." We did not learn
. thO real cause of thi3 difficulty, as there
aro 'several Conflicting rumors regarding
it. 'William, it appears) . `f pieked'? the
old gent up and threw him into the
inflicting severe. bruises •in his lead.
Officer Low rushed to the spot and gave
William a few yaps over the head, when
fie\ was finally overpowered.' Ile - Was
thou taken before Squire Shryock, and
committed to Fort .F.prethiiii until
August. We understand that he has
since given bail; 'for his appedrance at
the next Quarter Session. Dr. WY D.
Hall, of this place dressed the old gentle
man's wounds, which were very painful,
though not serious. .
TLITE.—The Fourth Annual session of
the Carlisle District Sunday School In
stitute was held in York, Juno
13, 14 and 15, 'part of the exercises tak
ing place in the Beaver Street, .and part
in the Duke street M. E. church. There
was a.large number of ministerial and
lay .delegates present. ReV. T. Mitchell,
D..- D., presided., and Revs. W. M. Fry.:
singer and J. IL Young acted as Secreta
ries. The proceedings' continued for
three days, and consisted of- essays, -
dresses, black board exercises, discus'
&c., all designed to illustrate the
best mitthodii for accomplishing Sunday
School work, and showing that progres
sive ideas had found their way into the
various localities represented. The re
ports made by the delegates exhibited a
growing improvement andpfying
condition. of affairs in every ection.
A leading feature of the Institute was
the children's ntceting, held on Wednes:
day afternoon,_ The.spacions audience
room of the Beaver street church was
crowded with adults and little ones ; the
sweet voices of the latter,led by Prof.
Shelly, entertained the audience with a
number of their:Sunday School flynans,..
after which they were themselves enter
tained by addresses from Rev. J. D.
Brown, of Carlisle, and Rev. W. C. Iles.?
see, of Shippensburg.
The entire proceedings of the Insti
tute were full of interest, and largely at
tended by the citizens, as well as mem
bers of the body. The next annual ses
sion will be held at New Cumberland.
6'o/4.m0/cement Week, 1871.
Sabbath, Juno 25, 23. o'clock, p.
the Baccalaureate sermon by President
71 o'clock, p. in., the annual sermon
before the (HuiStian tolion, by Rev. W.
11. Savage, of Jacksonville,
Monday, June 2G, '4 o'clock, it. m.,
the annual prayer meeting.
Tuesday, June 27, 10 o'clock, n. m.,
the annual meeting of the Senate.
Class Day exercises.
7A o'clock, p. in., the Anniversary Ad
dress, by lion. Newton 13:Item-an, of
Wednesday, Juno 28, 21 p.
in., Alumni exercrses, to be followed by
the Quincy - n:IIMM Oration, by Bev. Geo.
Norcross, of Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
9i o'clock, p. m., Quinquennial colla
tion halm College.
Thursday, June, 29, Commencement
This commencement week closes the
fifteenth year of the history of the Col
lege. The Faculty have arranged for
suitable exercises on Wednesday after
noon'and evening, as indicated above.
After the oration, a collation will be
spread in the College, at which a full at
tendance of Alumni, Tin:lees 'and Di
rectors is invited.
Alumni, and other friends of the 'Col
lege intending to be present during the
commencement, are requested to for
ward their ,names to the undersigned.
Arranguitlents %%111 be made for their ac
coinim,d.tii•in in private families.
By-order of the Faculty. • •
J. C. HUTCHINSON, Secretary.
number of iprihrotes itagetzitie forms
the imening is'suo of a new volume of
t hi:4 able, entel l.a ining and im.ti naive
The initial article, To deye,ole 0a- Mal,
hy Nester .A.. Ilene,but, Is a patriotic
,iiggii,ted by a \ isil ti , the hallowed
Blau iwLetiled in the title, a p il designed
as' tribute to the great anniversary
fest iv al cif • the scamm. Ti. isoriginnl and
striking in conception, roma] kalily me
i 'hods in bingtiTigiic trod: nimbi-mod by a
spirited engraving. Baltimore flea oty,
by Dr. J. W. Palmer, is a descriptive
analysis of tysl - iectilier style of feliniie
beauty for which the city Of Baltimore
has ariptit.ed a world-Willa
art i 011! Is written in a very ' , Milani
' mid captivating style. Sober( ChaetiMes,.
by James Grant Wilson, is a sketch of
the famous Edinburgh publisher, based
upon'the corrpspondenee of that gentle
man with his life-long friend and con
fidant, the author's father. It contains
numb original matter rinw for the first
time given to the public. The Settlement
of Maryland, by Edward C. Bruce, is a
masterly, historical contributimi, dealing
with one of tba . mosenotable and pleas
ing episodes hi our colonial annals. Mr.
Stephen Power's Student Rambles in
Prussia, concluded in this fiumbe, are
both curious and entertaining. The
same reinark will apply to Mr. Dotiba
vand's Wild Ireland. Jim headman of
Wagman's Lode, by David O. Mee, is a
characteristic and racy sketch of West
ern life, and is sure to be read with
pleasure Pub/ie • Libraries, by, Edward
C. Howland, contains quite a lard() fund
of ham 'nation concerning a subject that
is now attracting the attention of all
educated persons:
• The poetry of, this number is very
good. Besides the contribiltion pen
tioned_in the beginning of this notice
thqe - ayo_two ethers of much , merit, ono
deorge 11. BOICCE, entitled AT Thitio,
the .dther by Paul 11. - Rayne; styled
Vor nal Platens. Fiction is . represented.
hy "Ouida's" Provence Rose; a charming
('tale of the Siege of Paris, and Mrs.
Bosnier's Frightened lo 'Death., a humor.:
ens and attractive story ; also; by Kath
erine Macivold s delightful serial tale,.
Rookstime, which has now' naked its
fifth part. Our _Monthly gossip is ?MO,
as 'usual, with attractive and brilliant
contributions, - among which ' Nfe may
Mention in particular A .. ."'Trisft to • thp'
Battle -field of Sedan; and lin account; by
Sohn Quincy . Adanib,.' of his interviews
with Madame 00'1300. , The latter piece
is derived froM tile unpubibibed ookres:'
pondonce of thO'great Ameriban states= .
man, and indicates the great interest and
Value of the store of manuscripts Which ,
he left. We do • not remember to. have,
seen, upon the Whole, It 4 moieinteresibig:
nuniber•of Lippincoles than the - present.
Terms:'—Yearly' Subscription,. $4.
Single Number, 115 cent's. .SReChneir
Number mailed, • Postage paid, to any,.
addrenS on rc i teipt„ of •25"emts. J. 13:
Taiiipincoit. 7i5
, 717 Market Str9Ot,
On the afternoon of Juno 111 wo took
the oars of the Cumberland yelley
road, at . Carlialk company with our
bettor.l4 anti; Mr: William Kennedy, of
the F',:optoteer, and lady, to attend the
flrst',Orand - Exonrsion of_ the Penusylvw- .
via Editorial Association.
Passing through the beautiful and rich
folds of tho Cumberland Valley, over
ono of the best constructed railroads in
the, country, we reached Harrisburg
where ;we met a largo number of the
pctitoi l iar fraternity, many of them ac
companied by their wives, ready for.. the
proposed excursion.
Through the courtesy of ]III•. Fiske,
the gentlemanly Superintendent of the
Northern Central Railway, we were
furnished free passes over that. road.
For this evidence of liberal spirit, and
el:Mites.) , toward the editors of the State,
Mr. Fiske is warmly and thankfully re
membered, and if his management
could ever need any defense there are
very many pens quite eager to under
take the task.
'Words would fail to describe the scen
ery along the route of the Northern
Central. Running for a long distanee by
the beautiful Susquehanna; crossing
many of its bright and sparkling tribe
twice, skirting now along fertile Ilel6c
and-now -- cutting deep nite hills, rich
with ores and eqal, , and the while
through scenery exquisitely beautiful,,
the trip was one of the most delightful
conceivable,, and • will long be remem
„Arriving at, Williamspoi I - , we Acre in
vited to one of the finest hotels in the
State, situated on a large laWn,
shaded'with oPyritisental trees, and ably
presided over by Messrs. Scofield A:
Barry, formerly connected with t,h Con
tinental Hotel, of Philadelphia.
Hero we became acquainted with it
large number of editorial brethren and
their wives, froM all parts of the State,
and of all shades of politics, notwith
standing which, MI mingled as harmoni
ously as though no difference in views
existed. On Wednesday morning, at
10 a. In., through the liberality of Mr.
Peter Herdic, the excursionists were
taken on three line little steamers up
the river to see the great 'Williamsport
boom, of dhieh so much has been said
and written.: The hooin consists of a
succession Of-gters extending for sonic
tun miles above and below the city, and
between each piei- are piled vast Illtlll
- of higs, each with its particular
trade mark. The cost of the booms is
variously estimated from $1,000,000 to
K 5510,000, while the number of logs
detained in the boom is annually about
220,000,000 feet, or enough to supply the
whole Pennsylvania Market. The boom
is owned by a chartered company, and
privileges have been given them by the
State Legislature. One dollar and thirty
cents per thousand feet is charged for
the storage of logs, mid none are al- -
lowed to pass without paying tribute.
In this, as•.,igalmost everything else of
any great mag,nittule, about Williams
port, Peter Herdic is the leading spirit,
and the present growth and -prosperity
of the city is mainly due to,his individ
ual exertions mill perseVeranes. To him
the city is indebted for its miles of Ni
cholson pavement - ; .. and it was Only by
long, determined effort that he succeeded
in getting it laid. Now, along the whole
distance of the street, magnificent villas
have been erected on huge lots, well
shaded and ornamented, and it is prob
able, that to-day, no city is -Pennsylva
nia, of the size of 'Williamsport (about
20,0nn inhabilants,l has so many line
residences, or so many pleasant drives.
The Herdic Park Association, of which
he is the head, have one of the finest
tracks in the State, while the buildings in keeping with the princely pro
jector. A splendid trovit farm, which
contains thousands of fish, was visited
and admired by our party. This, also,
is Peter Herdic's.
On the afternoon of Wednesday', the
meeting waslield in Elliott's Academy of
Music, the building being kindly ten
dered for the purpose, by the owner, and
after an address of welcutnu, 'by the
mayor of the city, which was responded to
by the President, 11. G. Smith, an essay
on the art of Printing, was delivered by
Mr. J. L: 11ingwalt, of the Philadelphia
Ere), Te:egra ph, an.i. a poem Written
1). 6. Williamson, of the Philadelphia,
./ht2 i , was effectively rendered by Eugene,
Munday, of the Pr”ef SA eci, Philadel
The editorial dinner on Wednesday
was a grainl success, :old :Messrs. Scho.
kid Barry, demonstrated fully that
they knew "how to keep a hotel" on
ILis occasion. The editors attacked the
viands with a relish that no other suh
jeets- could have evoked, and not:a mor
mei., save the clattering of knives
and, forks, and -the rapid changing of
dishes, Could be heard tor some time ;
hut the appetite satisfied, the cloth was
removed, and preparakjous un , ide for the
intellectual and -bibulous part of the
a '
The following, toasts were- drank and
1. The State of Pennsylvania—Re
sponded to by
.Fury, Mauch
Chunk 7'itnes.
2. The City of Williamsport—M.
,sponded to by 1i1,,,,W. Capron.
• 3. The Press or• Pennsylvania—M.
sponded to by nom IL S. Evans, "
'Word," West Chester.
-4. Our Mining and Petroleum Inter
ests—Responded to by Jacob Zeigler,
5. (hi?' Quests—Responded to by
Judge David Near, " True American,".
Trenton N. J.
G. Tito Woad and Commircial
to`i•cst¢ of our State—Responded to by
Wu). Kennedy, Volicritear, Carlisle.
7. Wonka.ll—Responded to by Z.' K.
Pangborn, 4orsoryty_"Jouyizeil, , ! N,- J.
8. Newspaper Reporters — hy,Thenuts M. Celeman,.Philadelphin
~,Lecher." •
. The Art of.rriutihg—Responded to
by J..L.alingwalt, "Evemilip „Telegraph,"
10. Our Astie . eintlou—Respoudesi to by
Henry T. .11url1ngto'n, Bucks coutity
",/01.3//illeiteo..". • •
The ,speephos wore .311 eXcellent;
f r oquuxitiy apyhuute , 7
On Thinsday morning the excursionists
took'the train for - Watkins, New 'York;
'ithout itio miles from Williamspo . K
thiongh the thriving towns along
,the' route of the ' railway, l arriving' at
their destination aliOut ' 12' o'cloCk.
Watkins Glen, as it is Called, is 'probably
'about one-half mild Ircini the - Station,
and thither dur party -wended their Way
to - behold:the wonders of r the phice:
The town 'of 'Watkins; 'A situated at
Vie hOad of SoneoaLalca, and. ta a bennti-.
ful' little toWit of about A,600 inhabi
tants. It be'a tlirivtng
.judding by its:business houses; and the
alVmarlinCe Of tho people;
1 . Rotel:Mg Wnticior§ Glonovo stood lost
iu . nstciniii3lllnOnt ) nt its ixisgilittconcd,
Its walls rising hundreds of feet, - a'defile
through which dasliod.-audtpattered a.
small brook, now :limning noiselessly
along, again dafiltlng down Coins deep
declivlty, or lost in the' undergrowth
beneath where • you stood. Up steps
that shook as you passed oiler them,
'along narrow ledges .. of rock, wet- and
slippery, from which one' false step
would eau se i you to fall a hundred feet,
on through Glen, Alpha, through Cavern
Cascade; up the long staircase, so steep
as to cause yoti to tremble from fear of
falling, and so long as to tire tho strong
est, to Clio Mountain House. Here the
party rested and dined. The good people
of Watkins had contributed money forour
entertainment, provided us With. car
riages, and'.were unremitting in their
attention during our stay. • While did
Lessee of • the, hotel, • Mr. - Jones, had
pfepared a splendid dinner for our en
joyment, and the Pleasant Valley
Wino Company contributed 'a quantity
of their sparkling Champagne, which
was pronounced equal; if not superior
to • any brand of foreign import.
After dinner, wo prepared to do the rest
of the Glen , (the whole distaned.o( the
Glen is about 3 miles) and accordingly
proceeded- to Glen Obscures, so called
from the faiit, that it is so far beneath
you as to render the stream visible only
at times. •
Glen Cathedral, ono of the grandest.
scenes, was next visited. It is thus de
scribed by a visitor.: Cathedral Glen,
of' . /iPlCci.tf3'., / matry to be the most magnifi
cent portion of the Canyon, is an im
mense oblong ampitheatre, formed by
the sudden widening of the gorge, Be
tween its high walls the. stream is placid
.quiet. Its sides rise some• three
hundred feet, and at no other point aro
the rocks so beautifully ornamented.
with mosses. Green lichens, heaped
Idol, are thri'ro of ochre color, orange,
black, drab, crimson and yellow, in
their own chosen nooks, and each pos
sessing its own form of beauty. Frosted
points of shining white, overlaying green
and bi•own--lik'e some fairy garden of
flowers upon which the early white
frost has fallen in crystals,; banks of
creamy white, resembling miniature
snow drifts, with glass-like tufts be
tween, and ferns of the brightest and
most shiny green, kept dins by the con
stant drip of moister e from the rocks—
are a few of the attractions at this point.
• Ilaipbow Falls is a sight, once seen,
never to be forgotten, a sheet of water
cornes.dashing over the mountain side,
and you stand within it ; the sun's rays
from 3 to 3 o'clock, strike it, and yea
see one of the most beautiful rainbows
imaginable, so close, too, that you
feel tempted to gather some, and bottle,
it for future use.
Triple C'aseadci:t, Whirlwind Gorge,
The Winding Way, c cch present new
and .cried beau tie sto the visitor. Vast.
sunis of money are spat every year iu
traveling great distances, to see 'sights
that do not begin to compare with Wat
kins Glen, while the distance is tacos
siderable, and the expense trilling.
Mr.' Parsons, of Troy, is the owner of
the property, and he is constantly add
ing improvements to the diem rendering
it 11101 T safe and pleasant for the visitor.
To Mr. Parsons, our patty are indebted
for many kindnesses, and we entertain
the hope that his efforts to please may be
appreciated. In the evibfing we were
treated - to a steamboat excursion on the
Seneca Lake, winch , was enjoyed, and
the scenery admired - by all.
The majority of the party remained
all night at Watkins, and were the
guests of the citizens; Sonic twenty of
the party, ourselves among the number,
went to Elmira, N. V., a' distance of
twenty miles, and we's very handsomely ,
entertained at - the Rathbun House, the
proprietor of which, Mr. S. 11. Wads
worth. drove us through the town and
Eldridge Park. This park, which is
very handsome, and upon which wrist
stuns of money have • beca expended in
improvements, has been donated to the
city by Mr. Eldridge, who is to 'Elmira.
what Peter Herdic is to Williamsport - -
the leading, go-ahead man of the town.
The park contains about 200 acres,
about 25 of which is covered by a lake.
The Park contains several fish ponds,
which are filled with magnificent trout,
many of them ' being over a foot in
length. Again joining .. the excursion
Ici ty, on Friday, , at eleven o'clock, we
proceeded to :Nlinn 6 6.o.ta Springs, plixis
iintly located iti biradfold county, and
presided over by Messrs. Scofield &
liarry, of the Ilerdic House, Williams
port. A most excellent dinner was
ie:lrtily enjoyed by the pally, and the
afternoon split in pleasant social - con
versa Here, too, we met about fifty
Physicians, the guests of Peter 'Herdic,
who had chartered a train from Williams
port, uml brought the Doctors on an
The physicians held their Medical
Convention in Williamsport this year,
and the two parties were there together.
ln the viaaiing.a grand ball was given
at the Minneiina, and the editors and
their wives "tripped the light fantastic
toe" to the sum wee hours of the night.
On Saturday, morning, the parties separ
ated for their several homer.
- - .
Thus ended the' First. Annual Excur
sion of the Pennsylvania Editorial As
sociation. A more cOngenial, friendly
party never met, and during the timo
they were together not ono unpleasant
word„no misunderstandings, nothing in
fact to mar the harmony of the trip oc- , -
curred. .
We parted as though we ivere.
leaving friends of long standing, and
many were the,exprossions of regard be
tween those, who but a few daysWvi
ens were personally unknown. Much of
thesnocess of the excursion is duo to
AV. k G. Smith,' President, of the Lan
caster bitc//oencer, and to bfr. R. S.
,blonainin, of the printdr's Circular, for
their, untiring energy in the manage
nient of all The details of the affair.
Oonce up—The thermomoter.
11;aur.—Ofticer Stout arrestdd,
colored bOy on Monthly afternoon for
bohaving IT a rude and improper manner
hi the vicinity of ono of the school houses,
while the examination was in `in•ngress.
no was placed' in Fort Foreman. This
is 'perfectly riglit, all disturbers of thew
examination exorcises should bo treated
in the same manner.
• Suit' TO3L-13y reference to our
columns of "New To-Day," it. will bo
noticed that Blind TOlll, the incom
k9hensiblo Musical wonder of the Nine
teenth' century„will giVe one of his choice * :
entertainments .in Rheem's oft
Saturday evening next, June 24,',
to those of our citizens wisiiing tOon
joy a rich musical treat, we would urge
firma to visit this milertainment. It is
his ilrat appearance in Carlisle, add,.
perhaps, maybe tho‘
only. time .he shall
over appear in this place. Tor further
particular's,. see descriptive
served seat! tickobf, can be Obtained, at
Piper'stwsPaper depot on West ida' in