Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 01, 1871, Image 4
Stinks., ilimvare alia Pumps G RAND OPENING OF TUA FALL CAMPAIGN &RUPP, NO. 69 Alp 64 NORTH 11.115' . 0V0t 6TREET, Ti A . Nii WthtkEßS, and dialers in Oa:, Parlor, and ovory varlet!, of BEATING. STOVES The inalnierlbcra, having recently eructed n tommo• d lists More root., °diet it mg their old stand, affording Me/wed facilities ter Lesions; are 1101 n Prepared to tarn re ish their patrons and the labile . generally with .so t y artiste tine, on AO MO. RGOOIIIIIIO- dating ternm. With a large anti varied assortment, to which additions aro constantly made, they feel confident that in intents and prier they aro ahead of caopotilion. 'A It 1,011 PTOY ES, COOR STOT.V.S, I= • Thin depnrinui sink In unexcelled fur it duxig n, s Pieta thilnls, and sintpllclif or Vangetuunt, among ultich ninny lie nientivuod llm rr Y SIDE FIRE PLACE HEATER, =I BARLEY BB EA F, NOBLE COOK, and NOVELTY PARLOR COON LiTOVE Ni ilh a variety of oilier Cook Stored well known fur tie it excellent.). /CITCI3 EN 9 t Al's; (1 E 8, or all hi nde, in¢l uding the cerebrated NATIONAL RANGE BASE BURNERS, •nn want an Ornamenta Ft I r you witut,an-Ebonoreicar I I' you wool a PowerTul floating btoN e, I r you want a l'erpetual Piro Iceepit g Stove, = ORICNTAL 110 T BLAST, 71 MI reverrible flue aml 1,1,11 Ultl 115T.11.. PARLOR HEATER, I= Ws It EVOI. V uvi LIGHT, I=l BASE BURNERS, I= 12= MEE I= Ware, rat,li and Deed Ruse;, Bread, ('ake, and Sugar lioxe,;, Kniveg and Forks i)oons of all kinds, Ladles, Lanterns, Goal Buckets, Enamelol and Plain Hollow Ware,. W,oyt.lll Iron l'ativ,To'n :Led TunK., onl and F!..m I • l ,lll.r:wing n Int go itoil nanplol.• as• nt to I, birli W ,. 1115110 11'. )0111.110d le I lint Pumps ror (Ist erns and Deep Wells, 1. llt t, r_for •ttiv Ili IN(2ol.llift 1n tit Pirranttql cnttoina. • n tant ttn old .- =}3l =I L . 71 - Old .Mores taken 6, crehanve 'I•irllll, fill for thr p.ttroslngo I.ig•lowud 1,11 114 mr am delvrtntiml, by 10c,..a.”1 vllorlx, to 1,1,11 n Colitlllll. , .c. of It. I‘ll , l rospurlATlly unk Illt gall and ummiue for tltrtn.u:rev. RIIINESMITII G.; RUPP, Nos. 62.,and G 4, - NORM IIAVIVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA 1 j7O Dry Goods ay.d Notions Fresh Arrival of I'ItINU AND SUMMER (;OO1)S A 7' 00 11,11l"('111•1.1P C'ASH STORE, I ”111 .1, 1 pwitil g tar., *t.wk rhe ti.ti i• 131 emoburlnoil P B. LA I) IE S! w. .t .1 toe lulls , 311li et. 1111 1 ., ‘..ry low pl I , o•ot 111...1% i • I .Nk II iill.lll heft and il•lin•, of 01 noht t.ti if , rrot, tt, f II 1•111,op NMI at:, 4.101, 11,1• tr, =I =MED (Tullis and Cassinici ttil aril Ir• • , •1.1 ,101:y .11 .1..1, loom 111 11l • lib I, 1.-. I/Ili/111,i, ic,,,,,r s r ",, 1// k/lillb i ll ;bill Niro,. - lrid,, col S , ni a lit di: , en b 1.11 . TrimiiimAs ly. l'ara,oli awl Sim Umbrellas, =I i :tt..l 1 - 11,1,1,1 tttit,rt. . t tilt st,11'0“11 !kit mt.rotiolo .11p , Nlttit ,1111 11111 I.ylll IL ocolluut 1111. I: 11.00 bltttiq itvsll . l r .o p •itt. 111.1 !Atl i N., tionl,l4. trt thott, 111 m i 1 • l, I,:i,li+'' \lisxi3' m i (lliil(lrvu~ BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 11LO. r. t oivoti and op - tied a full 01 t moat .11 11,. h 1) 1..01u.i . au& S1.404' :011 11.11, s.uaJ , 111/11 r,, 1,11 aka l.:, ietl, Call and ,i•-• Ow°, =ll Ap4 19, 1371 2,1.71 (moths and Furnishing G uo.ds )1„onliNtl POR MEN AND BOYS) Tht• ti oleraigiltd WO•lid rec.lM3 KA If illu ut uti ou itif t)toinurs aori ,11 . 11i8 orally tvii.e / . 1 112 1411;0 nal tilt 111 or Cloths, Cassimeres, YIL ~}T[NG; :, e., uf~reooair.~~a~~i~wa,e.: .S'unnper ear, All the latent to be bud In rimdy fl,r your ouldrinspoutiou , AI) poodhlo ollork avIII I,C Imola, to ploaAu. you uud E;i11.1 YOU a I'oo4 It. 'imam o ph.yed the volu Ir:tied !tilt! xrlrulific elittvr, 11. JOHN lIASS, nlu of k v.hiumthlusllowr, Broadway, Now York, I have the to.teemit, of announcing inyou 110 W, A . Perfect A'sbillioltil.,'l”4l)i•Linkelit of , • , tien'H Furnishing Goods !, I, I'4o nivitet. SaGdicln,'Cruulin, Sc nivu mctful ; Lt,A Ap LT INUSTON, No X NortlrlfaporerSti.evt.6iiibile Nstablislied 1,847. 1 18L170 Dry avd Domestic Goods, itc. HEADQUARTERS 1:011 DRY GOODS. Just opened an entire now nod desirable stock. of spring and summer dry goods, for ladies and gentle. men's Went, consiatiug of 'Japanese Pop!inst Silk and Wool Serpa, Shepherds Plaid Wool Bei,;:e,g, Granite -Lustros, AfelangN, Swiss and )lulll%Euslins and 11. H klo4lx of White Goods used. I : l' n SkilM Elt KS, di.trrii;i tma A . iwriski . ..! . i : :z --- • _ G.l . so iltj nnilr. All the no \dill, of SHAWLS SHAAV 1 Hosiery and tilovel 110.. n 1,116111114 (WAN haul] a+ Ticking , ',heeti ugg, Ning-A 111 mkt t,,, 3larseilles Quills La Dllies( lot;iul,u'guqi c udil ics I",, I! 1,(JK1:AII, .' f II sri, Gre:.atlines, i;reliadt;;;; IlaNges, ;;;-0 plt.n,trd t., offer grjat In !110,14,61 , .:Lq I 11:11W, Sqiiare ;;;;;;;;,41,1, lowor 3iutrii. Arid nn our stook inrulituly' now un.l ....h. bought I.r I 1.11 11'11, we 109 nnfu,ip plonti,ing to o our cu,tottiviU glut.! I.argititiu,onil 311 bow 111,ito sill kindly, to call and out inuol. pori,linning 11114, dovolt. llnu,oleoi Thankful lor the p,,!.', ~• ill li,' pa'!, prolllhll. to ho :ill, to tloo of our friend , In the frunffe, by looping /inch ponds, o 11l reinlei totliiirlitAion to all. All who u isli to s3,u mono. nro in , itmd to cull upon tn. n1.1111.1:I soul ci. IV! deal i g-•;fitjt Inc BURRHOLDEV, North 11,nover Strort, Storo_r fi s ck Ti Callialo auwiat EXCEU:;IOI,t D ECLINE 1N (101.1) ! CORR ESPON DING DEPLIN EIN GOODS' tSTOVE AND Nw .\ 161 - , ttuito an Y,itt.ment 6i lho Dry sikvt. It 3 Nory ill PI - • Dlt ESS GoODS, The kllkki•kl kr old tloilly -1 in I. M1•1111, , e, '111111 , 1114 ntalllll it [go .s v) on 111. th:ng In thie , of goutn. S'I'OVI.: A NI, TIN \1,11:1.: '1 .1: A. in all ;1. I.g .nnlr, 11. i !I (()01)S. , Agrot) tho 1.:1,,11$1. :o. Fltttiel, Itlankrt, , Kriittit CI,,TIIs 1.)11.• nnil Co toil 'Fa 151 r ~ Fh rti tiga, 111 . 01 L. MIITE GO )DS is M 1..... T... 11`L t lIIIIbIII .1 %% lob 111411.11161 110SIE1(Y, GEM'Es T 11111311111,, ill •11/11 I 11,1 m. h, of I “11 FANCYGoxoDS Ilf •Iglfaj NILLSI) Si) IV 11 t111,..ty chvap taffics' Under elothi,,y ‘..ry . 111111111 Pd. {lxt ('A 121 3 1tTS, ()IL Ituggelr, Itogeo, s, l!./itut pantia, uF. , I t.toied I 1 xu t 1)'1, elohn to littyi• the hot;est ud Lst 141111 i id I.43"Cundrln the Intolor tho mat,, 311i1 Will styli It tilt pricos o.t will sittior . yull Iln.t Osbilt tilt. 1110 . 00 to got good burg... , CO Pliimbhig; Oas Fitti ng , tve of °very de,etiption eOfistoolly on hand, or undo to order, at 11,1.:11111he trio Having none hot esperlouced workmou emploYed, be how, byn Cli/80 Attl,llo.l to 11.1111 Hr tn hvetti Ike public petrottta. ' jtofnember Ira pier, NO. to %VEST 31 AIN /N. • il 8 \ MUM. CI.A orth itaOrer - ly JAM Eb CAMPBELL. • w. N. HEN WOOIL PLUMBING, ( L 'S D S'U,A 1 1"1 . N I=lll STILL AT BUSINESS! TIIO 1111111 1 1016111 , i 11111 111/Ve hilly 11 Ivo.. I L. trteial to this lilliilll.l it/ 1.1,11010 • Th. y [duo ;tow ohm ttntly its h. I 11111 i 11,1 I il, AV A'L'L It C 1.03 FATS, , : It ATII I U11:4 IA ATER Cl.'':: Kr+ ..- - BATH T u Its, ' WA r CI Eit SE TS, , , u ,Tit 'l'llll2, ~ IVA, , ER elit.SHI'S LIATII 'I WIS. ' . s WASH BASINS, II VU!! ANTS, ' I ift And Volts, Cliti.rist, 1,111 and rows llitertsi and lhop Won „ n dDp,p Writ Paula,. Lead, Terra Culla amt arms Pipe. Cliiiiinpy Topa pail Flat, GAS PIPE ,AND FIXTURES. rUb OlolieN,llll4loll tlnuto of 'trams Work for minus nod water sin bond, or sod, DwoMows. Chord/oh, Factorlc,' awl other 10211,1711 g • In town or country, HUM nu with inuttucot and patch. All work worrolileil. Thankful for nubllu patronago, Ingot by ott let ottention to buslnesu to inerllit tOIIIIIIII.OICO of I • reomonoblo, it rentdrlng butt one tr ol to 8, tf r ulr your unvtom. (11,144 0 roll. bott.t,fo,g the n'ner - , No 18, North llstor,, or ufreet, thu moot of 8;po'll ne, AU ortlrrii 101 l o ill • rexlder, of Other 310,0r0, , o C...1.31P8ELL on yili:NIVOO 75 ..e, either day 'or olgItt,',;111 4m Koala y ationdo I ID. Jaine 4; Campbell, Aluxander's E I.ltt-,str, et, or ITllltain Ilenwead,Bouth street, al.. re Hart!, ; special ndraitages 'arn are prepared to forn.sli ' ' :.`, - 091 , 1 WORK,OF ALL DE£IOIIIPTIONIY— , fur Still Nooses and otla:l , l;ofpurs, nt. Lorne or nl )l 1111010104. . COPPER PIPI: tioaliaLed to order, alllterdrawo orlatzed. . 26ttogly , Ifofluw, compqnul `PRII.tG 'OPENING • ' I :P* • 187 1 . • lt,.speetfully 1•.,i Ilse nn CllOltE STOol: UP 'EUROPEAN' NOVF:Th'iES Pique Weltings, Nainsooks, 55111c1L erdilltleul In kaatlng Victoria Law as, lu thi6 eonntry, elthnr fur flx anent vnrioly or 41,1ra A the vtrvio. Noe kx In wljitL nn ;try 1tin1;111 , 1 . 1 . j..5. ‘l . l. IlitUnt to %Odell 111 iold ,. tu With dl tlln 111,1111.1111:1.1 , 4 111 till. 8,11 , 011, and be Gin itr.ll II run 11.,,mt 1.111,0ni0 “.13 Ino.lllolc . pli Le, BLACK SILKS y;pl to :"i10.(9 *pc.. yard antl ill ~,,., DltEss (;Olds 1)131).kIZT)IEN1', !I=l I=l Ml= 0,1 fle urve e.raminc nUr Stork„and- I i i 10 MI rdidor and ()like ..-dovt.. 311. t mil:, =I C'uurlriu:rti~ni (.a, nor, IlelitetB, Hanes, mid Ifircboard'St,,vt,:, m Heft he Ix (41 fueuhiL ;11 111.1Ihei rate, Slo‘u'lleptiliog promptly ottamltot L,. 4ortjug Spouting, and Jobbing exueutroll Itt lliu moral ,put T 0 CALT,IO, CAItLISLE, PENNA., I= "r, The HATE Elt ofC r blol • TllO 10.x,t,le•Juxt t ,hod I= J. G. CA LLIO. wlahna to call tat ea lluu tAA his large EMS "o :ano (tuna, a than to order, and has the Lest crrungemontu fur colorlug Hats, Woolen floods find Overcoats, at abort notice The 1114ho8t CABII PRICES paid fur i_isim,a9 T, U\[lSlsli mA.Nu.FAcrohy .The Attention of asnlers and builders in Invieed to tku.stiv udll yCU sprgo 'ffiruus, miles üburn Film 41.11n0 NVIATB,IIIIIII or for building stint', Joint , nua who, vun• Ins scluts...l nl rossonable rates For fur, her Infornailb•u address nig Snood nimidunt, [filmy 31Iltolib6r0r; , Crust P. xl 011 ton Cumberiund rounty, L 27 514 . ' • 1,6 i, 'XIV.' • TCE, ICE, ICE. what• IA pure Anils: At ree;onlible • - '• • 11• J I Follow no 110 W 1 / 1 :1' •.4 . ,• I t • I ,• But aced to 1110 eI`TIS, For I nose the eOlll Witter eee Pll'6ollll cnn 1.11 'with' ICE during tlto dor BlTlt6` Reif on Pomfret Street, - :nnpyltl. DATID .TIOMER, 'OOLLADA vo.; 1412 and 1411 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA. I:ltheirt.wn he 17,11., fur !Ito Present Season IS JVOT SUI7PASSED tiAtorvs SILK DEP.A.I: E PRI SO SILKS -FOR SITI'S .Ilutt li,pyrt went d ge . for Ihnt,reive,i NI I' () It I 1' NI D3E9 :11,,1 uiu p Light, Iksr, N., It WI., 1 ttli• P ti ,, , 1 , . 11,, 1,1 Hu S.ttit It, It N., 1.;:,• :tn., 11.11 111.111111. itt it I, t ..,1 I: t'ln~ 11, t tt ~ 4. i .•l,llittY, ,l .tvt. p •11 1. ti Irto 10. mitt, t.I ,•14: r • t,' I . 1.101. 111, 1.1111111 lal It• 1.11 1 1 OW 1 ti 1 , 1• .11 111 t 11.1t1 ittt..81,11.4 , 11.1 ~ y tit.' ttltr, It. , t.. 't t.. 1,1,11,1 ..I milt •tts 111,t1.111.1111 NI • tllll,ll 11,• 1.011,' II Sin • .11 1 , 11, 0110 Stil/U/11.11', 1,ig1.1 Light II ni Eureka Regula 11' Ni. 14111 MIERIM PA 'IS AND CA PA = 2 , 1..54 ally/qt. cm buni I I A• II IDS A ll linTsjoa out! I HATE 4'N .7.): „a A P COUNTRY FURS, Irirol ' VE UM A CALL...V.3i NO 29 'MAIN STREET L7G2l2bei'. p l go.:f ;44 4t/:- 840 ! IVIIOLESALL•` 1.8711 • __. t CARLISLE HARDWARE. HOUSE 1 licsns 9.‘kUP: , .;. I J. I'..llixt.r.n 77. SA XTON 6... C 0 We- .kpou e • .) vk NA- -hßkvitin.e.3, ~tt,Ail - \Lc :(.. : 1\ 1 i .:).- .11.4 .0 .1.11 A C.VCA.I - SLll"ct ‘) ;vIA . 1 ' AAA Llq , . l \ .S. fl , (Ct . l. ' l.l s A \l u;l,l_ Al i.CII ~ . 5. \ 1:k \\ 01.0 \ c hil c, 6 tkit 9 3 V'll . lll g °C ;11) I: kt tVe (t_).(1,A.k . .k11l LIA .9.,•5 A.(o\,s, e' v\l et . k em cc ' '' ''.'' ' " . . AAA t..1.1.5..111A.C..b..5. ) .1.,Vairi1'l 1 0 . t.e. (mob. - k R. k(A.c. Nao.lll.ll=. y L,Ck.I.IM hb, .AA . ii)..e.lkAl ,(_tN:q.e . d ._ • k • ~b , ..• e -,e' (-,R nv v.) ‘t, (0 k z ' TAMA \ . k. k. ~ cm We repute uthi," lloorhy on, ring xe• inl tucluerments. 11, would Invite the otfention of I he ilutoir to our Ituno•nme stuck of Building Hardware, 1.0001:41. s ta natl. 20 tone IWothorill Itnek 'White Loatte, volote, French tool American window gine, and mirror pi i tot. tiox.tnel oil. verolsho,, Centont, Caltino Plaskr, Putt' Sand, AC,. AC. Farming Hal•dware, AND AGmeuricunAL implements ForhA. 5:1,1;.,..c 1,, if COIN, burs 1101:n, Ilu V.,rm Grikni I.c•Lither Pelting:o4ml Belting. I. 1 P 211.1,1,, ‘I Cto•s Citt Coullier anti Te 3 5.leS, 11.11 . 11ig )In nut' CllitiVAlt.l,, &v. COACH .11 Ili Ens' aao Ds, llnb., MEE MAC:I:SMITHS' GooDS, 11,11 mut St vel. Bur olen't. Moo Nall, 11, (1, Tot2k. ban iottl britl.llll.. frutn 1,1 Ettri".l? :11,1 ntt Atka ,VII "11114 "I HOUSE HARDWARE, r 11:11,!I...1 TO. 1`1,it,..1 liltl 5p.... Curti: ',oh., 111 (row:, It.:lleft,-S did .11.111 1 1 .111 I . :111;1It /Cl' 1 ri..31 osto,lll.l'llt 4 It. , 1;4., Cffif., 3 n: .1 I- r 11:1 , 1:oli lii 11,1 )I.leltitte, I i.1:3••:, 1 11:t111...g thl :tut] .. Spet 1.11 iln .l,{p.l luro l .llll,g Nl,ll-110 Ti les. • $1,1e11,1.111.. , t, • S 1,v5.•,.1•1 1 , • 1-1 11.111 P•.l 11.1 I. tt piwt. 11,4 , 11111. t. 11 , 1 - 1.6 j..1.111,Il• 11111 P. 111.14. Clew;. • 111111•.1' I , • ' 1%1 v 11 goi:o4, 1 , 1 111ii4 ft r.1;4111- Thauliftil r p .t a... 1 A i,..11. i .41 11.4 111 I. I Plllll . lll, ly, H. SAXTON & CO., N.. t-T M.V.N SIRE; T • Carli,le, Pa MEI Pacific G 41(111 0 COW Pa fly - - pxcinc (KAN() compANy. cAPITAI, WW,mO JOHNS. REESE & Co., ; E E 1? .1 h 7' S 1'22 South I),•l3l\:tie = BU T, riILE pAclplc C. A NU, Reduced Prices .1()IIN S. I{4.;ISE Lk: (1)., 9,14cr01l Agent,. tlEt•t' Liberal Discount, tu I)calvr. J.. 6.• 1.). IIIIOADS, Agents, CARLISLE, I'ENN'A 9 . 1111,719,11t,1 I:111711m Boots, Shoes and Tru;iks ST RO SPONSLER, • -iro. 13, Mouth Hanolf,r tared, Carlislo .1 . 11.10‘11111..11 1,1 , ' , 11 , 11! . 11011 g ,tesult•l 0.1111 111,. tot , d'e du up' O'ito v tial• korttdd, E=ll=ll Lidies and 3limgch, Gents ;Ind Boys ..Youllis and Childs, widoll art, unthallud for votniort awl 4 cont'. Alno TRUNKS AND . VALISES, )11.:N ' 'S AND BUYS' lIATS • All of lu auld ht a 001 l ;prod!. Cop ono, and 01,11nd grt n fill equlvalet for your ECM CHEAP . . Gouda nru opt nlonyn the.beet. When yon pie to buy an arlielo, unit the matter of ROOTS AND Sllol.lB' go to it dt.aler on Wilollo won't yitu run. rcly, f6r very kw aro 1400.1 judges of loather. '' • ' thin time of tho icor ueuitiy will hu wanting l!ght hooka and Woe', for; tituniner woo.r. All hauls run be accommodated at • ADAM DY S , ,whero..iit 1.0 161311 d 11 tiuppli at tho Iran et prhalt Booth and H1100411111(111 to ordur with the utoloat Jin patch.. llama of b.hit. . No. 311 East Loather street Cartisle City Advertisem ant. • OLID BILTER and - • S• ..4:II.I.XInt!PLA r TED W . Alth 010NUTY 90.1otent dexION. , 011t0 1, 1 ,, for Bridal gifts, Teithnionials, and holiday . pi'esants., Prlcrtiloivor Mtn tlio idgoto.r toltrlcet -rotes. ' Ibitinpo . lturry Intlitcemonta to pitrelotoeti: . ' 00).11.11E0IITEli, Nn , 710 Arch / 1.1111,110..1 , 1A. 01(1:EN1011,1410 I ,/ • Dr. 17,cpqbgla's colunin HENRY T lIELDIPOLP'S •.V a .p - a• ,U L 1 ID EXTII::ACT CATA:WIcA Of- I?. APB 'PI L - s Con2Ponent Partslaid Extract Rhu: barb and Fluid Barad Catawba Crape. Juice. , lbr Liver Complaints, 'Jaundice„Btt b Affections, SiCk. 0 l'NerVO ftS , Headache, Co - stivenesoc—PArdstary*ble, ,ao 110 Mercury, Minerals or Delete . Tious Drugs. . The•e fills arc the moat delightfully ploutant par gat., 0, mopes ceding castor all, smite ' nsagnesdis, etc. There la nothing nsoro acceptable to the stomach. They-give toms, awl 01111811 nelt ner UNIIMUa nor grip• log puinv Thoy am easnpoosal of thefituare ingredi ents, Atter a foss. dnye Imo of theta, mw6 an invigo ration untie entire Ilystens talcen place eC to appear usl a sultans to the weak and enervated, whether 'art-ing trona Imprudence or disc.°. ALT.llelsnbuld'a Colops,tind 'Fluid Es rust Catawba llrape are Dot suglincoated, front thin fact that sugar coated fills do - not dlasoloo, hut jaws throngh the sturnaels on ithout dlosolv its r. .".11 .0101 ly_do not prod nee tho desired ellact. TIIE CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS, beittg Pie Hasa in 11100 Mitt odor, do not nessessaltate thoir lasing sub,. -coated. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. 11 E T . L B 0 ' 11.1011 LY CONCENTRATD cOmpouNr, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA *III rittlicaLly egt;rminitte from the tty rtem Set ofit lit, tS3 philix, Foyer Sorer, Weer., ;: t tru . S re Mouth, Sorg lied. Itrenthilix, Likitiatirei, Siltht 11111, eitlll - 1,11, ituttoings from t hirEttr, tt bile S.moitiugo, Cane, oun AlTert roux, Itieltuts, Mittel Our welling. ' Night Swetitn, Roth, 'Vet airy, Humors of all liiiide,Chrtinic if itengial hn, Dynitopitht, and all itilietsri that li.ter been t 1 hlhlixhed - titt wysthitii for year, Itring pridotted ryn +4ly for Ilto Mime ifs 111..14'11rd) protittedil. 1100 grell 111 thati tiny taller I'lll4olli/1/II ul ilia. It givioi tito Cott, plexit 11 11 I . lt . .tr.itnil lie:dilly color, 111111 1 odnr,i pativnt thin it it tote or health mid purity For lotrily• ittir flu, 611,011, Tomo, itig 11l iltdoutics arising from lilt 1, - ,llore sidle of tits 11101 the only nod illtiot mil kilo, rioistoly lio curt . of l'All.lll\ 1111 I.llillg yr 11, If Im , I~lrl 11.1111 1110 'Fitriott Legs, 111.111 11.W.-I'lllllll,, 01/ I 111 , Face, E 1 .3 4 ludas 004 oil 001111, Id option," .ir Ibr Skill, :till it itig 11 EX 111' 'l'. 11 E MI; 01, ' s . (71) ExiveA C7'l3 ("LH I,', 111. 11111.11 0 1. /I/ Ullll . ll 11 li, !well p.ic•o, 100 1..11 1111 , 1111. 1/111.11:1 .11111 11111:.141111:11,11 01 HIV 1.111111.,), I.)ll . l i nn Linn hill ug• :04 I:ct , ionle of. the. I'rl,o tit • 01 I ho tilt, 01.0 31,0: 3 11,...11.irg.••. 111111 nil 1..110t•1l led att I.ratk 111 1..41 . 111 . 11 . ” . 1111,11, 1.1 It.. 1.1 . 1,111 .11 AI 11 Op Et. ILI 11,1. ••• 11.$ - /11110, 1/.111110•• 11 , .1 Dr) tit,- .0 1111' 1,111, I . :111)111On in ll,' F., 1161 0., l I,1 , "1e..11 • o.r. .11 1.10. vol,ott, We a o, e4g..11,vn . ;151S1 tei •Is‘.. 1.. II I . Ilse to ;Mt, t iFi 11t1 I. t.!114 4 ti t 1E1141,1. Ile tc1 1 •“',1 It, Illy t. u ti Rllii Pt, 11111 i t I:[tr. 311 .4 , :1•., ,pilkl;ll•.i.4 11 e! • iln.l 1/1,,,,1,a n..l•a , tl Intl" Inleu•1•n•n Lit. Imp.° S '..p In A Illy I s ie p. 11- ill,All thut• 14 , •4411• , 1 in ,r11,1i , . 11,11 ilk 1111 i, IT, In not.% 1111 , rtion, yttitint to Lt.' r'.. TI.. 1.:Lit...1 Ito lot i , Utte.o.tiod by on, Oho I:etntl)---A. rtplo.•t, ItiOt,k-toto. I t toVolortt, I%dt] of Slt pi., of Cup 11,11:4 v M I= = : ft" - n. 1 1 ,1 at ,11•.1 ( . 1,1111.:.11111- Ite .1,1 1..111e eleb,. .1.•1 +i 14 1e 1 . 11 . •11/ al , I . .tztiii ol I.IIN 1 i. 1•• it 11 l•litilue,kl .014 it . - I'l , kr nut( Itt , ltt. It! • C , T .41' tit i.ttpt, „I 'll 11 ?• titttl / t it. Apt, ts 11 tkt • a 1...) t 111-c ttt— t• , ) Illp lola I. .11 I 111- , I , I' Ml= ITTIIrr - 711. i I,S \ I t'tlr . itt, : td. , s I 1 . ..1.1 1,11 . ..0,s ti r.t .1 ,•,• 01 tits r., .•• ”1..1 .•Np •I IL Allsll 11,11. I I'n Ire vie mt. I in, .p.j..• I,t• 1.. Irho haw. p,llll brit\ S 1. .•11.-.1 It .‘ -I. it 4 11t, Biro 1., .1.. I. v.. 1., ta4 0141 1,, 111.• 11..0 itl .•1t i ' • 'lt .p4ent 1,",,,p th.qt , li h. 11101,106 VAIII.II'T ior till :I. et I•Oin Mail Di•e,o , of tli, l't ilia Org /11. g or Teiok.ilt. Normtrllar •I.r entinv .L 111.0114; Will tin tt, "r pt. log. Pit OS 1/01.1.1R ANI/ FIFTI 11 EN 12 )."I`. 11 E 11 DO 1;1)' S IMPROVED ROSE. WASH cannot, to stirtl.l,4el :hi l'art• %( - anti. and will Itr f nu theorly sp.,ettte renaiii eve')' speii:rs or P.M or- II st. la bath: it pas., I telurnt bilis of 11, Oita n tin 31enstilatio. tYr.. (119444 Itrtlllt till' lortitiet t s I Itilni11111:11,011 Kin`', Moth Patelios. Dryness of Scalp or Slthi, aml 01 'imposes lor whirl, hairs, or 0 - lament ars used: rralora. the shin ton mule ut ;;;;•;; 3 , nail hafti irs, nail Inntitro r. tiltlunrll healthy ibis.. to the I Ismae of its sii,el lu 01.1111 ilspraiiii the iltremli.lo teal Ittnrt ,and minor ty it rotriplest I, to ninelt sou:lit an I admit nil. lint hewer, ralosblo as a runlet)). Mr eNlot IN; d fi ets sltin, 11. T.' s.e has bug in/lath teat its pi Hahn In it . 114101.1 rd pa t t image, by , plissesslng qualities silt eh tender it n Toilet A pproilago nr war Moot tlitto Lan rr aril Congei rlattiieter, combining to ttli :01 lintla Iltro prontinont roMiniti n, :WO) . at.d Elllriter — the in re ti bible Iteceitip talents uf !to ures— a Pre and ltufreslierof ilia Complied. It *ls an ItSretlttill 'Mins fur distisses nt a Syphilitic Nature, an Injection for tlionnoro rf the IJrlnary 'Organs, alining Soul hal its al dissipation, seed In ronntetion Mit It the .Bxtritetil hnrl,u, it irsaparjll4. nail (Sibiu Im Uratie Pills, in smut , diets,. Ili eroatmeniled, yititsul La tinrpimmsi. MIS ~_ y •.____.D Full told .. diroitlto , ll . ll.,wroin y anslug Iho • • ISVIII.ICO Or 9,9 In, i!t i:o9,oll{dblio it tid relhtWri Cinlr hotcr furnished ou . applitottion, htmdriall of thousands of Irving nititoong; nod upword of 1:',O,000 unsolicited cot tlllentee RIM rocunitnendotocy lettere, 'twny of toltich aro irtnn thu Wgitust tonrecA:lnclu 'lll-ng emir:eat Phytt`einnA, Clergymen, Statemen, etc Thu proprmlor hue 1)3ou• sorted to their pubtien. lon In tho nuwspoperAl he dolli 110610 this troll, the net nig his artible,STunk as' Standard l'rerttr.stions, ond do riot need to ho propped op by cordite:a°. IIENR1"r„ lIELIIIIOLDS' GENUIN U=M 'Deltic:l;d to lal3 liddruuer goo ro fr,i lion.. • ' : Estolottoltbd 'upwind of ,'rweitty Yo,i . s. Fold 13. 'l4 , l4r,ghltp oierylvticro: Altitro,N letters. for (too, Is conlldonco to "HENRY T. LI), :rug. pint and Chenklat. of ly 110 lots : V. •II IMM1101,1)%9 llt ug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 504 Ih oadway; Now York. to 11.131.31110fAY5 , Modica' Divot, tot Booth Btrkot,llllltitlelphln, Pa. Kr:WAIVE O*COUNTERITIV/13, Amii for iIENKY TIELMBOLIOK.I TAKE NO OTII •piljaoly . ffili E .x• Ivl ll=l I= ,-‘Y EftRIM ll ~i V✓ x al NI tia X .•11.-•. 1.. s Pr Dry Gooils, dtr t pets," tVc. 1871. 1871. •rPRIN,Q ARRIVA.L.B Mail CE&TRAL DRY GOODS STORE;. Nev .nini Ileontithi Spring DRESS GOODS, India Polq,er, =0 Japtirte. Cloths, new hhudysin Alpavas Clllnlv.Ps, in :plendlil xtyles AU,,,t he rig or nail laumheene Dreun tioetts of the 116to0ti, stilling at is low prices 63 befuru the star. Fur burgalus lo ill hialltrof IS Illlf I lq 1, llur. 111, ' t u,ku, plain 11111114111111dt CENTRAL DRY GOODS STORE Nning Shaw hln new 1? 1.1 Pongee Pn nu . 1.111 rll P.l/11SniN, 11F111, And Sun IU 1.1e1 , 13. al the (EN'.II2AI,,DEV (4)01)S ST(HtI. ME sI:I 7' s 3111 7•n (1 le A' le OM= IMMINC=II 113=1 CARPETS. CARPETS I. N,r 119a: , -I'1) CaY1,1,:1 , F.4 fti ih, wt . % td Sp'esliy, Ita:llLuau II•t • ,k.t• Ply. l'.rp• toy Y 11 Y.. • .II W , . It tom .r] 1,, fl =!MEINEMI 3431 33.,l 4-/ 333. 3.1,1 1 ,33tnnt,t .3.441 :334,1 3413,i413 1 13.41- 1331134 43.1434 t 11 1 . 341 331,1 p 3I 1 1 .311444443. in 1 .44331433431444 • 31344 al 41 in 11, 1441114 n Inc 411,111.: . 3 S, 314 lin 1 1.1 A 1134- 3 ,34 ,44313 1 111 , 1131. 131.341.4 1:43.3 4•33 3 341., nil nut 3n 11 433.4134 AT F. 1: :N iil 11..1 tho I I,Lv,• et A 111 ill ,- all .•I ‘,ll not ind nit.l pt.( ve all I=9 1:11 . G1)01”; .1.1"1111.1 CiIEA .8A .1)1Z1' (moDs'sTi)IZE ()P, D. A. SAWYER CI.. Alp . i/tki• t. ttliu..lll..‘ ri Cll,l l {V t6o p Llo•1 16 MA , 'ft ortied t Ita 611rup Chrup Cheap St I =II I=l 11111111=112 I=ElOllllllll lEM EMI MEI I= =I 5t , ,r,.,1'~~11 1..11L Strii,rd %.1 I= kook-, .Ssul. no i A.lo Sligo p 1.. f. t ..,/1 • .1 .11, .t Ow I %,,•-t Fa 0 • $11W1• 010 SM% 1:10,41J0• I .TI ( . 0 Mel r• I • 1.10 tltttyor town nt..l oto Ir op to II Inlll. 4 • . .thtte)(ll' 1tt.1.1.; - onl•14 itt &My, Uw Nt II 11 deleillt Int itt , emu- 10 Ili,. ' nwyor plele 1.1 101 braltrltt, in Iho Stiw)•er hotly rill and re un iu. 1.. hop To n Sew3Pr • totrvltat.lit4 Saw),•l tin c.lll 111 et thiwyer ILI Iv o tt ttL. 'l'i'en 13EMMI IsTEw (mom OR Tills WEEK THOS. A.: HARPER, Sr;utkllailo•ti• Street, C'arlisid, Prnurui AND SIMINIEN 'Dress Goods, fireally Beihteed 'Prices Nl'llite “ooils nod 14ipeti Representing the Cheapest and Choiee“ Spring Imktations. Some Specialties (I real burgains la ll'ark oliks,'olsl.i.ll and $1.75 ~ Plain 'llllilt 111111 t tripol tire,,,,- dines, aiii, ° ' Plain m1,1'0,1 , 104 Miim, at 25., --- ~ 1 o 1.111,,,, for ,ails. at 25.. . s. , f " Bleached:paid° .1,111,0 i, a 1 720 • -' Linen Nopkinv, n( $l.Ol/. 111 .1 Illearbril thertinir, at 45. • " A 14-. '--- TtrWeld At 1110, arao 1,,,y,, , r •grade, • ~ •' Ladles Witilo Cotton' 11,,,, , , it ' • 10, 12 and lik. . ~ • ' ~ 111,,,,,' ;A; Ilimo, Id I recti'ar al . . 25e, rxtra, dies; ur.gralus. • " ' . -, at 75,. •Window Shade,. at $l.OO i,or pair. Picluna, la 2:1, 1 {,01011 lower grad. '• '..._ Cot toii‘de, al 12.5, 15,.., mid batter . .---":-..- ()mils clatizo Sitiria, al &lc and op. .. Ladlos lianin , Vi•aln lit'eat .nirgit'Ala In Bays casnilner , l, I C. , I ' o 'Pali 1 Y at 1120 Great liarktlnt, In SlT'tlfilbrrila., at' $l.OO anal tip, Orrat Bargain', In'Alpaen Slit Umbrellas. ICloliant Stith Ribbons ant,n Width. nal-CO.O'IOP. 11 . ax,NIneltil;O Silk, !Tat 11 . 1:1 . 119 roriCot Orval carlely of IhnOnm, ifrij 'or Wear. fland.iome OLcghawu in alklares Mr Holt at 18e. , In Piques, Whltv and Buff, a rompleta ansorlmvnt ISugllxh Ilmnbazineelleaappluo Prois Gonda Opvn lin2,,,—of near Llama Lac() Vxtra. very Cheap. The Celebrated ,TosephiCid Gloves al *l.OO Ladies' Tucked Skirts and Alpronso,„ Monks ' and CassintoreB Exceedingly Cheap, A eillimillil 'article Inn Dark Dino Cloth. ,: Lace Collars, and liandhorehlefs. . . Hamburg Embroideries and Oulpuro Laces. .. Pull Jinni of domestics. an cheap no any Oils aide orrlitladelphitti . , . LOW DitIOES TO DE MAINTAINED, lo itigni . oilinick 'tales., . , • • ; TIIO3IAB A. BARRER. 27471 . . . . • lloojiand . ' . .9 German .MetWlnes nooPLAND's E It 11 A N _EA) IC I ES, 1100FLAND'S GE I OI - .AN _ ' 1 fqoflund's Clehnuit 1100 PodopliyHill Pill, HOOP LAND'S GREEK OIL ,110 U 1 , 1. AND'S 1: It Al A 111 'I''I'KI S .1 Rah, without Alcohol Npird: IPJ k„ d. In dilly r, ul Ilv { m all oLhr:a It in coat itwotl of tliv !lute Juin, of . vital prtneirtle al' It. oht, tier tr, and Ball, (ulnas ...thrill:ill) 0,01..1, eat torten tho 01110 1,11 itliTt porti ton of the ritgrettootts tit.t 1 oittr; Thot elOre, In one hottlo 01 thin Bittern hp, In, contained t o r much nteili thin' virtue a 4 moil Ito (mind In several galloon of ordinary to . 1 . 110 iiOLAS, km' , 'lined In thin littittrs are grown In Orr. many, their t it.' pt itottplen rx traett d to flint ettontry by a .101,11 Hie Clotntist and forw.trdlot to the torann factory j thin rite, where they are compounded and bottled: 'Containing 110 spirit toton iogrialtentn, thin lilt tot- In rote hoot the objectlono to agalttni ail ntherk ; ho tho, ro for ntitnnlantr ran in I,,,it t e t 4l front their on?, they cannot ',lathe tit natottl.t, tool rttnr 1, under any ill , • tantanto n, tatt y nn) Ito n 1 eolietal 1100 FL .1 ND' Ar NI( MEM rill 111 1.0 11 , dt. •I 111111.111 t 1.,1111. i 111 I • ~ 1 11 1"0$11 • kd 11.• Ili! t • r 1:11. I ' r.• 1 t 1.1 , 111 I• ": 11014, 1./.1 d S‘l.ll :111t,1 ( 11/ .11.11 11.1 S. r 111 •11, ..ti • lt 1 t/•i• ~ illllll, 1•Itt• - lj., • It 11 1 -rr‘r•rr .••• lr•r• • mil: rt pr. rr•rat :rir tm, 11 , 111.c1 1111. 11.1/ %11l 'II, !lilt lel L., !I irrt 1•••I11• . .r rirrtr ror• Ai 111 I11,:•• - • Irr ',dr.. "rt.. • ••' • r. I tro -11 Lnti. 11.11. • I. 1 , 4 I /I% • .1 it] NM. I. .il• 111 II 1... 1. , 11.•1111 r 1,1 n•rit.ti 1..11 .111 t 3 1,1.... • t•• • 1 •I. I utt =NJ rho' the I:rciftest l• 11e/ 1,, o .I r, Nei rhe• 11711 eg.4, z.11•.1, f I,n t 1,, •t 111.• t•• thi.l.lll =BM 0 , lit , 11.4 I, ;,trolitat MEM F 4 1 .11 .• k,.. h. 11. 1”,” lk nt 1.101,4x!4 nt 111..1 II.• .1. Ilitrit.• nt It t• gvts -I 1,,1114 nit, 1 1 Nl.l 11. I,le. • t th. 1,11 I'm. it. d. 11,1 1 , 11.1 • 1 1 , 10 t. 11 • FO.ll. I nni I.:0, o ,1 Sl.lll, Ili ' •Lg• I 1t...-. To t • . t I • "It 01111+. 11, .4%.. • lit 111.1 I il.•lii welt v.l I ,ttitl MEM MEM ME I= i; If I. I: 1, () I I iuht , ,i,,y 'u,rc pr - 01 iml4 . 1 .1 I J P:sit•if. .1,, ..a L, It ~, „ Ili ..i•I P• 11, lt: ii.l. 1, all!! =I i~„,.~ti i ill. - .1.. I L. I 1., it• I I, I . . 1 111. St I MI ',lt' 111 I= () ‘) I' 11 Y I I, 1 N nit Pu Bs r pit 1.11.1 TWO PI 1.1.14 .1 DOM. 7'he uunl 11‘, ire if 111 yet 111110 , 1 , 1,t, I i!phi —bill Uatila'rtie Iciorotcll— It. 111eet...iry to 1.ol..• .1 It .tt , llol th.•.• 10 oliltr. dont' Ont . rt I 01,1; 4.1 ill :1111 pau,erlilll3, r .ouni";! tio. 1. r 1 Stoma h. :t .1 llnutln.,f pr ttl POIIOIIIII Or -A , Ili In b. ite3 Powerful, Acting, upd tinitreliing than llto 11, pt calf. . ttlitt is 1111 p Ile Hs sr, ri.,lllllk, ,1114 , 1.1 , Ntl 111 . 111111•,. II II:1 III,; I et.tottt 311.1rtt I. Sri II r„ (mitt lit.. 10 ut ions IA:I'III 111.1 Iu the 1,10 01 II at niittititti. Flll . Mil J,r s. ill n, a 11111 it Ulna. i ill glYll,llii in ti ky Si:V I: It F. In em.,. Complo lot, Dy.pep • ii, ail e trelimo iinollemet's 11111111101 1 / 1 1111111111' Tellleellllllllll Ile . 11,11 '1,1111.11111111 ./111 the P.lle. The 10111 e 1111.4.111 . the implore nm"romile lodide up the i,yeteni. Time lilt tera or 'Fordo poriti in, the plot. I, stmoniktheng eirrvee, me olvtee mho 1.1,er, nrd gives otroogth, onus gs. mul vigor. I(eep your Itown'n itetish with mho P,IN, .• d lon,„ up.timeeyi.temn with /1111111:11111 . Tent,. 111111 101 li VIII' eery retain itn 1,111111 . 1.40111 you. minotieleee mire 811111 I). all Dringjbee owl Tenter; in nooliele es ovorywhero. Ilueollect then it in • = GE It MAN" REMEDIE ilillt unlvereally tined . allll - highly, 110 . 011, n11)111101; 01111 do not - Allow the Ihugglat to :Nilo,. you to talcs anything else that to ittity'sitylS.Jloo as 11011, 111:1111101 be oink, s a larger prolli on it. 'lli, Ai , Itenteilles will Ls-sent Iv 1 , .‘1111,11,0 any locality, upon Application to tin. Principal Oilie11: . I11. illo • OMAN MEtHerril; STOl:tk: 041 Al!,CII fiTunins 1' II ILADEL 11 I .4,1, GRAS. M. 41- VA N • Pr oi/rittlOr.. Formerly C. M. .IACICSONT ,t CO. ' Tlisso Rontedioli urn for Halo by Iyuggiolo, Stop . t: fellows; rind iftedlcino 'Donlon, ovoryillhors through: 'out tho . United States, Canada; South Am Orlen, and he Wost Trull 000:17 rIIM ....., If - a + ~, 9 9 IR fil ,i,M6 I 4 az) isg,„p es The New Store Room a Grand '3Olll Ell CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. I I -0.1 :1.11.1-11...1 a. II vI I). billy , . 1111( 1 ,1' the. lIIIM I WII 1/i 111,1 Chi,: Nv,,lliii,•ll, , .:I, ill. Thankli.ii I . lll' thv cllvor.l:,,:t'ri n.. 111, I bare. , l'oeviVed since inking 1..04.5,it,11 of my New,funi, le, 11111 i esuieet fully n•lu. a e , mulinunnee. of the same. I nun mak ing new aililil ion! , tii,nly stuck 0 \ pry itly, and %%ill 1,0 inepaii il lo exhibit new . .guioils tliiiniglioni 111.4 .e.i•-4,11 :is it m1y.11.1.,... Nii tdtl go,Hls held on linntl to iin inuyllie prrii,ple_ will, al ILI!? i'iliCh...c, bill uu new liNely Mock, at Hie eel) , lowest. 3lni ki.t . Haies.. fall al Ile Ilanilsinne Stinv °Neu lii the Benin 11.u.0, anti lie convii'ed. \,....,,,,, . . , Err! id it, it (J . the r. 73 1 t. 9 41 fr: k. ',l.Ain ~ 1 9 - L , r ff , pi 1 vs , j' ..1 '• re,,,,'.:„, t r., : . 4 ~0 ,1 2 . 1 ‘, i ~. IRE Carpets The it valley, I..toi.iprising English Tapestry, 'Extra Superfine, Two Plys,. Plain Venitians, 111 a I \\'itlllis owl all .styles;- cIII (-Cimtride puttcnis fur &, ,ka T , bio\ „, • • ,•4 fr z .$k f- • ' ; • i/ "•• , . . . . , ... . .. . . We have re'eeived n a large and ‘'ell-sell,petetl tttek•.6l -. . , -,Wall Papers, whittit we•oirer at the low . est. rates., . . TINTS, Wall Paiiers Of every style, price a! (1 designs 11:r l'a . rlors, Chambers, Halls, Offices, Berders,,MOuldino &e. •'• , • , We are selling our goods at . , city prices; aid are': ; pr. pared to oar indkements to all wl!o'eall. ' ~ 9:ii'lli,'7l,j3rp. 1871. SPRING. 1871. SW • kr OO -p? DE E L. T. ✓Vo. IS East .Ifain Opposite Saxton's Hardware Store'. Ilan now on exitiliition a magnificent stock of Amei iean, French and English D r ESS Gat OS , Suitable for the spring Trade lEEE •. Japanese 'Silk, Japanese Poplins, • - Sergem, Black nfid \\ • laile,fl(liiaids, • Silk • Mixed''Socgi'..c. Ilrigh t Plaids fn' Children and lifiik!s; A great. vat iely of NeW Goods for Ladies' Knits. In ' A_ll)ne•k - u.-4, T lily competition, tor beauty in Justly, weight, qn.tlity and prices, and they surpash; any eve'r offered in this town. A lull stock of • ; mlel3, ne,, MEM osi ery and d; Slimw Is, Ci., ni 'opt] I RI. Pric ards at 6,8, 10 and 12 1-2. (;ingliains at lii :toil Appktmi " 1:?11,111:4. ' Scitipel )111,Iiii, Ilidy AV:nit:mita .1f I vents , L1 , :111iilt•111,1' h) tdror 1111 Ns, , ,srt litclll thil: t•;11111t0 hy tsllllll' Fri cvery liINII. ;-;(•()(i•li Cluti.s :1)1,1 .111•lmhir _ wukes .11:o LL,"llls. Garnioniz 5!..1 CO S 9 3 Vi 0 `g.' FRYSINGER r Oi 111 H.L9 SAWYER'S S I , 'O, NI-, 7 -"sk, - ., , INyNI)LESS IZIETIE6 (_)fiii c - _ - , LorTE-{ S,, IL.C) AND ATS Car et Which wc two setliti; , hover than eau *he bought elsevitere! DOUBLE WIDTHS. GOLD, SATIN, Cash Paid, for wpoL! geo ,o o IP S Success. Green eld, ` 4 liLetink, whit, (:Dods, alico to •►r. CRES\IFiELD, N“. 1 Eit , t Strecl & WEISER'S It 9 ti . 717,f1 f l i , " P 7 3, 41 cq i i. - . L ., .. 4 41 -, ,, - j in 1,.. -- .!! i ''l4 , i ~ i, kl, ' ,l C.', ~ .2 . 2 e . ' %.__ o — . , 4a . 1 "..;: , si IcA t! 0," §' 41 1,,. -- ) rzk . ..5. OLD STAND Carpets! Brussels, Three Superfine, Ingrains, and Twilled, Rag, Ball and Stair 4,. 2L.n .aL.- ..a , MATTINGS, Chains AND' •SaitiE ) A K 111' d FTrysi.nger & Weiser. Order, 1u!i•rl AfAIHtLE